DHC DHC Health Foods Coenzyme Q10 Inclusion Complex 120 granules Other (check locks, tongue cleaners, etc.) Vitamins Other (check locks, tongue cleane

48.94 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Health Food > Supplements > Vitamins > Other (check locks, tongue cleaners, etc.) > DHC DHC Health Foods Coenzyme Q10 Inclusion Complex 120 granules Other (check locks, tongue cleaners, etc.) Vitamins High quality and low price for everyday health Coenzyme Q10 90mg* *per daily dosage* Coenzyme Q10 inclusion complex 75mg (15mg as Coenzyme Q10), Coenzyme Q10 75mg fresh Want to stay young, beautiful and maintain stamina? ---Dosage and Administration --- Take 2 capsules per day. B1----1.0mg (100%) V.B2---1.1mg (100%) V.B6---1.0mg (100%) V.B12---2 g (100%) Niacin---11mg (100%) Pantothenic acid---5.5mg (100%) Folic acid---200 g (100%) B-carotene - V.A.C.

Мультивитамины для мужчин 50+, Wellify! Men's 50+ Multivitamin Multimineral, 21st Century 65таб (36440087)

28.96 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Пищевая добавка для мужчин после 50 лет Wellify! Men's 50+ Multivitamin Multimineral от бренда 21st Century! Не содержит глютена. Гарантированное качество — продукт прошел лабораторные испытания. Жить с заботой о своем здоровье и благополучии — значит жить хорошо! Мультивитамины и мультиминералы для мужчин старше 50 лет от Wellify!™ помогают поддерживать общий уровень энергии, иммунитет, здоровье сердца, глаз и мышц. Состав: Состав на порцию - 1 таблетка: Витамин A (30% в виде бета-каротина) 1500 мкг Витамин С (в виде аскорбиновой кислоты) 120 мг Витамин D3 (в виде холекальциферола) 20 мкг (800 МЕ) Витамин E (в виде dl-альфа токоферил ацетата) 27 мг Витамин K (в виде фитонадиона) 80 мкг Тиамин (в виде мононитрата тиамина) 4,5 мг Рибофлавин (витамин B-2) 3,4 мг Ниацин (в виде никотинамида) 30 мг Витамин В6 (в виде пиридоксина гидрохлорида) 6 мг Фолиевая кислота 667 мкг пищевого фолатного эквивалента (400 мкг фолиевой кислоты) Витамин B-12 (в виде цианилкобаламина) 100 мкг Биотин (в виде d-биотина) 300 мкг Пантотеновая кислота (в виде d-пантотената кальция) 15 мг Кальций (в виде карбоната кальция) 200 мг Йод (в виде йодида калия) 150 мкг Магний (в виде оксида магния) 100 мг Цинк (в виде оксида цинка) 26,3 мг Селен (в виде селената натрия) 122,5 мкг Медь (в виде сульфата меди) 2 мг Марганец (в виде сульфата марганца) 4 мг Молибден (в виде молибдата натрия) 75 мкг Смесь овощей и фруктов - 100 мг: Черника, апельсин, морковь, гранат, слива, клубника, яблоко, свекла, вишня, груша, помидор, цветная капуста, малина, асаи, спаржа, банан, брокколи, брюссельская капуста, капуста, клюква, огурец, виноград, горох, ананас, тыква, шпинат Ликопин 600 мкг Лютеин 300 мкг Бор (в виде аминокислотного хелата) 150 мкг Другие ингредиенты: целлюлоза, диоксид кремния, ди-кальций фосфат, кроскармеллоза натрия, мальтодекстрин, концентрат рисовой шелухи. Содержит <2%: альгинат, бутилоксианизол, бутилгидрокситолуол, кукурузная мука, кукурузное масло, ди-альфа токоферол, желатин, гуаровая камедь, аравийская камедь, гидроксипропилметил целлюлоза, стеарат магния, маннит, пальмовый олеин, гороховый крахмал, рисовая мука, аскорбат натрия, крахмал, стеариновая кислота, сахароза, подсолнечный лецитин, растительное масло, масло из витамина E, вода. Не содержит добавленных дрожжей, искусственных ароматизаторов и красителей. Как принимать: В качестве биологически активной добавки взрослым следует принимать 1 таблетку в день во время еды или в соответствии с назначением врача. ...

Chad Waterbury Men'S Health Huge In A Hurry: Get Bigger, Stronger, And Leaner In Record Time With The Science Of Strength Training (Men'S Health (Rodale))

6.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Rodale Pr, Publisher : Rodale Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 354, publicationDate : 2009-01-05, authors : Chad Waterbury, languages : english, ISBN : 1605299340

Levin, Jeffrey S. Religion In Aging And Health: Theoretical Foundations And Methodological Frontiers (Sage Focus Editions)

3.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : SAGE Publications Inc, Publisher : SAGE Publications Inc, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 280, publicationDate : 1993-11-03, releaseDate : 1993-11-03, publishers : Levin, Jeffrey S., ISBN : 0803954387

Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N. China In The 21st Century: What Everyone Needs To Know

16.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Oxford University Press, USA, Publisher : Oxford University Press, USA, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 186, publicationDate : 2010-04-16, releaseDate : 2010-04-16, authors : Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N., ISBN : 0195394127

Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N. China In The 21st Century: What Everyone Needs To Know® (What Everyone Needs To Know (Paperback))

11.15 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2nd Revised edition., Label : Oxford University Press, Publisher : Oxford University Press, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 208, publicationDate : 2013-06-28, releaseDate : 2013-06-28, authors : Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N., languages : english, ISBN : 0199974969

Raising Kids In The 21st Century: The Science Of Psychological Health For Children

1.31 EUR
Brand : Wiley-Blackwell, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Wiley-Blackwell, Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2008-10-06, releaseDate : 2008-10-06, ISBN : 1405158069

Casper, Monica J. Missing Bodies: The Politics Of Visibility (Biopolitics: Medicine, Technoscience, And Health In The 21st Century)

5.99 EUR
Brand : New York University Press, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : NEW YORK UNIV PR, Publisher : NEW YORK UNIV PR, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 223, publicationDate : 2009-07-01, releaseDate : 2009-07-01, authors : Casper, Monica J., Moore, Lisa Jean, ISBN : 0814716784

Randy Shaw The Activist'S Handbook: Winning Social Change In The 21st Century

8.49 EUR
Brand : University of California Press, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2, Label : University of California Press, Publisher : University of California Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 293, publicationDate : 2013-08-26, releaseDate : 2013-08-26, authors : Randy Shaw, ISBN : 0520274059

Jim Aitchison Cutting Edge Advertising: How To Create The World'S For Brands In The 21st Century: How To Create The World'S Print For Brands In The 21st Century

13.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Prentice-Hall, Publisher : Prentice-Hall, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 352, publicationDate : 1999-04-27, authors : Jim Aitchison, Jim Atchison, languages : english, ISBN : 013012897X

Chris Paterson International s In The 21st Century

1.35 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Paul & Co Pub Consortium, Publisher : Paul & Co Pub Consortium, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2004-06-15, authors : Chris Paterson, Annabelle Sreberny, ISBN : 1860205968

Jack Jedwab The Multiculturalism Question: Debating Identity In 21st Century Canada: Debating Identity In 21st Century Canada Volume 182 (Queen'S Policy Studies)

26.99 EUR
Brand : Queen's School of Policy Studies, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New, Label : SCHOOL OF POLICY STUDIES AT Q, Publisher : SCHOOL OF POLICY STUDIES AT Q, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 266, publicationDate : 2014-03-14, releaseDate : 2014-03-14, authors : Jack Jedwab, ISBN : 1553394224

David Cohen The Father'S Book: Being A Good Dad In The 21st Century (Family Matters)

1.32 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1., Label : Wiley, Publisher : Wiley, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 300, publicationDate : 2001-10-05, authors : David Cohen, ISBN : 0470841338

Harris, Thomas L. The Marketer'S Guide To Public Relations In The 21st Century

9.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : South Western Educ Pub, Publisher : South Western Educ Pub, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 287, publicationDate : 2006-03-03, authors : Harris, Thomas L., Whalen, Patricia T., languages : english, ISBN : 0324312105

Gelong Thubten A Monk'S Guide To Happiness: Meditation In The 21st Century

17.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Yellow Kite, Publisher : Yellow Kite, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 256, publicationDate : 2019-06-13, releaseDate : 2019-06-13, authors : Gelong Thubten, ISBN : 1473696674

Sharon Hendry Radhika'S Story: Human Trafficking In The 21st Century

11.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : NEW HOLLAND UK, Publisher : NEW HOLLAND UK, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2014-09-01, authors : Sharon Hendry, ISBN : 1742570933

Jeff Kingston Japan'S Quiet Transformation: Social Change And Civil Society In 21st Century Japan: Social Change And Civil Society In The Twenty-First Century (Routledge Studies In Asia'S Transformation)

20.99 EUR
Brand : Routledge, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Taylor & Francis Ltd, Publisher : Taylor & Francis Ltd, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 376, publicationDate : 2004-12-01, releaseDate : 2004-12-01, authors : Jeff Kingston, ISBN : 0415274826

Caroline Bouchard Multilateralism In The 21st Century: Europe'S Quest For Effectiveness

1.49 EUR
Brand : Routledge, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Routledge, Publisher : Routledge, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 328, publicationDate : 2013-07-25, releaseDate : 2013-07-25, publishers : Caroline Bouchard, ISBN : 0415520045

Passley, Dr. Josef A. Single Parenting In The 21st Century And Beyond: A Single Mother'S Guide To Rearing Sons Without Fathers

1.21 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Trafford Publishing, Publisher : Trafford Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 156, publicationDate : 2006-11-07, authors : Passley, Dr. Josef A., languages : english, ISBN : 1425103588

R. Woodfield What Women Want From Work: Gender And Occupational Choice In The 21st Century (Women'S Studies At York Series)

2.49 EUR
Brand : Palgrave Macmillan, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 2007, Label : Palgrave Macmillan, Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 259, publicationDate : 2007-10-23, releaseDate : 2007-10-23, authors : R. Woodfield, ISBN : 0230549225

Becky Fischer Redefining Children'S Ministry In The 21st Century: A Call For Radical Change!

1.32 EUR
Brand : Kids in Ministry International, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Kids in Ministry International, Publisher : Kids in Ministry International, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 246, publicationDate : 2011-07-14, releaseDate : 2011-07-14, authors : Becky Fischer, ISBN : 098159400X

Steven Pinker The Sense Of Style: The Thinking Person'S Guide To Writing In The 21st Century

15.88 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : Penguin Books, Publisher : Penguin Books, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 368, publicationDate : 2015-09-22, releaseDate : 2015-09-22, authors : Steven Pinker, languages : english, ISBN : 0143127799

Steven Pinker The Sense Of Style: The Thinking Person'S Guide To Writing In The 21st Century

10.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Allen Lane, Publisher : Allen Lane, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 368, publicationDate : 2014-09-04, authors : Steven Pinker, languages : english, ISBN : 1846145503

Laura Neack The Foreign Policy: U.S. And Comparative Foreign Policy In The 21st Century ( Millennium Books In International Studies)

1.32 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Publisher : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 264, publicationDate : 2002-08-06, authors : Laura Neack, ISBN : 0742501477

Steven Pinker The Sense Of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide To Writing In The 21st Century

15.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Viking, Publisher : Viking, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 368, publicationDate : 2014-09-30, releaseDate : 2014-09-30, authors : Steven Pinker, languages : english, ISBN : 0670025852

Philippe Le Corre China'S Offensive In Europe (Geopolitics In The 21st Century)

3.49 EUR
Brand : Brookings Institution Press, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Brookings Institution Press, Publisher : Brookings Institution Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 208, publicationDate : 2016-05-17, authors : Philippe Le Corre, Alain Sepulchre, ISBN : 0815727984

Mark Summerfield Programming In Go: Creating Applications For The 21st Century (Developer''S Library)

7.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 01, Label : Addison Wesley, Publisher : Addison Wesley, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 475, publicationDate : 2012-05-04, authors : Mark Summerfield, languages : english, ISBN : 0321774639

Landy, Frank J. Work In The 21st Century: An Introduction To Industrial And Organizational Psychology

11.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 3. Auflage, Label : John Wiley & Sons, Publisher : John Wiley & Sons, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 816, publicationDate : 2009-08-21, authors : Landy, Frank J., Conte, Jeffrey M., languages : english, ISBN : 1405190256

F.M. Zimmermann Regional Policies In Europe. Key Opportunities For Regions In The 21st Century.

1.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Leykam Verlag, Publisher : Leykam Verlag, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 254, publicationDate : 2001-01-01, authors : F.M. Zimmermann, S. Janschitz, ISBN : 3701100330

Beach, Charles M. Canadian Immigration Policy For The 21st Century (Queen'S Policy Studies Series)

4.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Queen's University, Publisher : Queen's University, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 450, publicationDate : 2003-12-01, releaseDate : 2003-12-01, authors : Beach, Charles M., Green, Alan G., Reitz, Jeffrey G., ISBN : 0889119546

Berberine Glucose Support, Now Foods 90gelcaps (72128066)

60.46 EUR
Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods will strengthen the body and give good health to everyone! Every second a person uses a huge amount of useful substances to ensure normal life activity.. It is very important to replenish them in a timely manner and add them to the diet in the form of special products.. These include Berberine Glucose Support from the American manufacturer Now Foods. (Nau Foods). It contains berberine HCL and MCT oil.. This combination normalizes metabolism, ensures normal functioning of the digestive system, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These components speed up metabolism, help to normalize your weight, remove toxic substances and waste from the body.. Thanks to them, the level of low-density lipoproteins decreases, blood circulation improves, and the elasticity of the vessel walls increases.. It is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.. With their help, you can normalize blood sugar levels, and this protects a person from developing diabetes. A product based on them reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, relieves the burden on the body that occurs with obesity, and also provides support for blood vessels.. With its help, the work of the brain improves, memory becomes much better, and incoming information is perceived more efficiently.. A person gains energy, strength for new achievements, and their vitality increases. The substances included in the composition are effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease. They have antioxidant properties and prevent free radicals from destroying cells.. Moreover, they have an oncoprotective effect, preventing the development of cancer.. These components normalize hormonal levels and have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods has choleretic and antispasmodic properties. It normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents plaque formation in the veins.. With its help, the composition of bile becomes biochemically balanced, the tone of the muscle tissue of the gallbladder decreases.. This product is recommended to everyone, because it can be called universal in its action.. With its help, you can lose weight, reduce body size, ensure the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, get energized and protect yourself from diabetes! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Calories 5 Total fat 0.5 g - saturated fat 0.5 g Berberine HCl (from the bark of Berberis aristata) 400 mg MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) 700 mg - capric acid (C10) (from MCT oil) 238 mg Other Ingredients: soft gelatin capsule (bovine gelatin, glycerin, water, caramel coloring), beeswax and sunflower lecithin. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients.. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these...

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 38 (UK 5) Noir EU 38 (UK 5)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 39.5 (UK 6.5) Noir EU 39.5 (UK 6.5)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 37 (UK 4) Noir EU 37 (UK 4)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 38.5 (UK 5.5) Noir EU 38.5 (UK 5.5)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 37.5 (UK 4.5) Noir EU 37.5 (UK 4.5)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 41 (UK 8) Noir EU 41 (UK 8)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 40.5 (UK 7.5) Noir EU 40.5 (UK 7.5)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 36.5 (UK 3.5) Noir EU 36.5 (UK 3.5)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Clarks Funny Dream Chaussures en cuirEU 36 (UK 3) Noir EU 36 (UK 3)

117 EUR
From the archives, these women's shoes are an Iconic casual style that oozes Clarks DNA. Reinvented for the 21st century Funny Dream is designed in an earthy, soft black leather while the chunky eyelet lacing and asymmetric stitched seam add handcrafted detailing. An everyday classic with ultimate comfort finished with a curvy wedged sole. E Fit= Narrow, F Fit= Standard, G Fit=Wide. Matière principale - Autres matériaux, supérieur - cuir. Doublure et première de propreté - autres matériaux, seme

Tropico 5 - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

19.99 EUR
Return to the remote island nation of Tropico in the next installment of the critically acclaimed and hugely popular `dictator sim' series. Expand your Dynasty's reign from the early colonial period to beyond the 21st Century, facing an all-new set of challenges, including advanced trading mechanics, technology and scientific research, exploration and for the first time in Tropico history ¿ cooperative and competitive MULTIPLAYER for up to 4 players. Features: The Eras ¿ Start your reign during colonial times, survive the World Wars and the Great Depression, be a dictator during the Cold War, and advance your country to modern times and beyond. From the 19th century to the 21st, each era carries its own challenges and opportunities. The Dynasty ¿ Each member of El Presidente's extended family is present on the island and may be appointed as a ruler, a manager, an ambassador or a general. Invest in the members of your Dynasty to unlock new traits and turn them into your most valuable assets. Research and Renovate ¿ Advance your nation by discovering new buildings, technologies and resources. Renovate your old buildings to more efficient modern buildings. Advanced trade system and trade fleet ¿ Amass a global trade fleet and use your ships to secure trade routes to neighboring islands or world superpowers, both for export and import. Explore your island ¿ Discover what lies beyond the fog of war. Find valuable resource deposits and explore the ruins of ancient civilizations. All new art ¿ All artwork has been re-designed from scratch to provide Tropico 5 with a unique visual identity. Choose from over 100 buildings from each of the individual eras. Cooperative and competitive multiplayer ¿ Up to 4 players can build up their own cities and economies on any given island map. Players can choose to share resources, supplies and population or declare war on each other. Steam account required for game activation and installation Minimum: Operating System: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7, Windows 8 Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core CPU Memory: 4 GB RAM HDD: 4 GB free hard disk space Graphics: GeForce 400 or higher, AMD Radeon HD 4000 or higher, Intel HD 4000 or higher Recommended: Operating System: Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8 (64 bit) Processor: 2.5 GHz Quad Core CPU Memory: 8 GB RAM HDD: 4 GB free hard disk space Graphics: GeForce 500 or higher, AMD Radeon HD 5000 or higher