Vacu Vin Lot De 12 Marque-Verres Ventouse Party People

7.9 EUR
Ne perdez plus votre verre lors de vos fêtes Avec les marque-verres de VacuVin®, vous aurez toujours 12 à 13 hôtes supplémentaires à votre fête. Ces petites figurines originales adhèrent à la surface du verre grâce à une ventouse. Personnalisez chacun de vos invités en collant sur son verre l'un des Glass Markers.

Verre à vin rouge Ghost Zero Belly - Nude Glass

98 EUR
Trouver la force dans la fragilité, les propriétés uniques de la collection NUDE Ghost Zero en font la gamme de verres en cristal sans plomb la plus fine et la plus résistante au monde, grâce à notre signature "Ion Shielding Technology".Mariant le design contemporain et l'artisanat traditionnel avec la créativité et l'innovation, chaque élément de la gamme est méticuleusement fabriqué à la main et fini pour mettre en valeur la beauté simple, l'élégance et la durabilité à la fois.Un classique moderne en devenir, le verre à vin rouge Ghost Zero Belly défie les conventions avec son corps légèrement bulbeux et son bord effilé reposant sur une tige haute et mince. Fabriqué méticuleusement à la main par des artisans qualifiés, le résultat est une pièce d'une simplicité trompeuse mais d'une sophistication absolue.

Verre à vin blanc Stem Zero Delicate - Nude Glass

56 EUR
Certaines ont l'air solides mais sont si fragiles. Certains semblent fragiles mais sont plus résistants que d'autres. Et s'il était possible de créer un verre si fin, si élégant, si exquis, qu'il vous donnerait presque l'impression de ne pas exister ? Que rien ne s'interpose entre vous et le plaisir de déguster votre vin préféré. La légèreté de Stem Zero concentre toute l'attention sur les sens. Stem Zero est si léger qu'il crée une sensation d'apesanteur, vous permettant de savourer l'arôme et le goût d'une manière qui, jusqu'à présent, était considérée comme inimaginable.Si fin et léger qu'il défie les normes de l'industrie, ce verre relativement petit présente une forme ovale élégante. La silhouette conçue par des experts est étroite au niveau du bord pour mettre en valeur les notes aiguës et le caractère élégant scellés dans les raisins, ainsi que pour diriger le vin vers le bout de la langue afin de souligner son fruité et d'apprivoiser son acidité naturelle. Idéalement adapté aux variétés de vins blancs délicats, il permet également de conserver la fraîcheur de votre boisson plus longtemps.

Verre à vin rouge Powerful Stem Zero Vertigo - Nude Glass

56 EUR
Certaines ont l'air solides mais sont si fragiles. Certains semblent fragiles mais sont plus résistants que d'autres. Et s'il était possible de créer un verre si fin, si élégant, si exquis, qu'il vous donnerait presque l'impression de ne pas exister ? Que rien ne s'interpose entre vous et le plaisir de déguster votre vin préféré. La légèreté de Stem Zero concentre toute l'attention sur les sens. Stem Zero est si léger qu'il crée une sensation d'apesanteur, vous permettant de savourer l'arôme et le goût d'une manière qui, jusqu'à présent, était considérée comme inimaginable.Ce verre haut et large permet aux molécules aromatiques les plus lourdes d'être libérées et remarquées, grâce à l'effet "cheminée", ce qui permet d'obtenir une intensité accrue de la saveur. La forme haute dirige le vin vers la partie arrière du palais - naturellement plus sensible au goût - tout en empêchant le vin de se concentrer sur les dents et les gencives, évitant ainsi l'astringence indésirable des tanins. La quantité importante de vin versée sur la partie arrière de la langue crée une perception de moelleux et de profondeur, caractéristique des vins rouges puissants.

Carafe à vin transparente Beak - Nude Glass

92 EUR
Inspirée par la nature, la collection NUDE Beak déborde de caractère. Les silhouettes angulaires, inspirées des oiseaux, sont fabriquées à partir du cristal sans plomb le plus fin. Les becs exagérés des carafes ajoutent une touche fantaisiste à l'esthétique subtile et moderne.La carafe Beak de NUDE porte bien son nom. La silhouette inspirée des oiseaux présente un long cou, utile pour manipuler la carafe tout en versant, et un bec exagéré qui ajoute une touche fantaisiste au profil moderne. Présenté ici en cristal clair sans plomb.

Verre à vin blanc Stem Zero Grace - Nude Glass

59 EUR
Certaines ont l'air solides mais sont si fragiles. Certains semblent fragiles mais sont plus résistants que d'autres. Et s'il était possible de créer un verre si fin, si élégant, si exquis, qu'il vous donnerait presque l'impression de ne pas exister ? Que rien ne s'interpose entre vous et le plaisir de déguster votre vin préféré. La légèreté de Stem Zero concentre toute l'attention sur les sens. Stem Zero est si léger qu'il crée une sensation d'apesanteur, vous permettant de savourer l'arôme et le goût d'une manière qui, jusqu'à présent, était considérée comme inimaginable.Fusion parfaite de la simplicité et du glamour, ce verre à vin blanc Stem Zero Grace présente toutes les caractéristiques de la série emblématique. La silhouette artisanale, façonnée par des experts, permet au bouquet du vin de se développer pleinement, tandis que le bord légèrement effilé optimise les saveurs. Comme son homonyme, ce verre est un hommage approprié à son charme et à son élégance éternels.

Verre à vin blanc Ghost Zero Belly - Nude Glass

98 EUR
Trouver la force dans la fragilité - les propriétés uniques de la collection NUDE Ghost Zero en font la gamme de verres en cristal sans plomb la plus fine et la plus résistante au monde, grâce à notre signature "Ion Shielding Technology".Mariant le design contemporain et l'artisanat traditionnel avec la créativité et l'innovation, chaque élément de la gamme est méticuleusement fabriqué à la main et fini pour mettre en valeur la beauté simple, l'élégance et la durabilité à la fois.Un design apparemment simple qui cache une grande expertise, le verre à vin blanc Ghost Zero Belly associe un savoir-faire méticuleux à une créativité unique. Le pied classique, long et fin, est couronné d'une coupe généreuse en forme de poire et d'un bord effilé conçu pour améliorer votre expérience à chaque gorgée.

Ensemble de 2 verres à vin blanc Party - Nude Glass

121 EUR
Pas seulement un verre, mais une micro-sculpture et un accessoire profondément personnel - l'édition Wine Party de Ron Arad pour NUDE est à la fois pratique et ludique. Taillé dans du cristal sans plomb, ce set est assez petit pour tenir dans votre poche mais assez grand pour étancher votre soif avec une gorgée de vin blanc - n'importe quand, n'importe où.

Carafe à vin Oxygen - Nude Glass

93 EUR
À la fois sculpturale et fonctionnelle, la carafe à vin Oxygen de NUDE présente une silhouette sensuelle et curviligne. Faite de cristal sans plomb, elle est conçue pour s'harmoniser avec les autres collections de la gamme NUDE.

Verre à vin rouge Ghost Zero Tulip - Nude Glass

98 EUR
Trouver la force dans la fragilité - les propriétés uniques de la collection NUDE Ghost Zero en font la gamme de verres en cristal sans plomb la plus fine et la plus résistante au monde, grâce à notre signature "Ion Shielding Technology".Mariant le design contemporain et l'artisanat traditionnel avec la créativité et l'innovation, chaque élément de la gamme est méticuleusement fabriqué à la main et fini pour mettre en valeur la beauté simple, l'élégance et la durabilité à la fois.Le verre à vin rouge Ghost Zero Tulip donne au design classique une touche contemporaine. Fabriqué méticuleusement à la main par nos artisans, la silhouette statuaire présente une coupe curviligne et un bord effilé - une forme experte pour intensifier les arômes et les saveurs.

Verre à vin rouge Stem Zero Grace - Nude Glass

59 EUR
Certaines ont l'air solides mais sont si fragiles. Certains semblent fragiles mais sont plus résistants que d'autres. Et s'il était possible de créer un verre si fin, si élégant, si exquis, qu'il vous donnerait presque l'impression de ne pas exister ? Que rien ne s'interpose entre vous et le plaisir de déguster votre vin préféré. La légèreté de Stem Zero concentre toute l'attention sur les sens. Stem Zero est si léger qu'il crée une sensation d'apesanteur, vous permettant de savourer l'arôme et le goût d'une manière qui, jusqu'à présent, était considérée comme inimaginable.Hommage à l'icône intemporelle du style et à sa sensibilité intrinsèquement chic, ce verre à vin rouge Stem Zero Grace est défini par sa tige élancée et son profil incurvé, façonné à la main par des experts pour une mise en valeur maximale des saveurs. La combinaison inégalée de la finesse, de la résistance et de la clarté du matériau témoigne de l'engagement de longue date de NUDE à créer des verres essentiels de qualité supérieure.

Carafe à vin Red or White - Nude Glass

174 EUR
Tirée de la collection conçue par Ron Arad et nominée pour le prix du design allemand 2017, cette carafe Red Or White de NUDE est à la fois une verrerie et une sculpture. Fabriquée en cristal sans plomb, cette pièce présente les volumes géométriques caractéristiques de la série et la forme parfaitement imparfaite. Sont également disponibles dans la même gamme des verres à vin et à eau, ainsi qu'un pichet.

Verre à vin Sparkling Stem Zero Grace - Nude Glass

59 EUR
Certaines ont l'air solides mais sont si fragiles. Certains semblent fragiles mais sont plus résistants que d'autres. Et s'il était possible de créer un verre si fin, si élégant, si exquis, qu'il vous donnerait presque l'impression de ne pas exister ? Que rien ne s'interpose entre vous et le plaisir de déguster votre vin préféré. La légèreté de Stem Zero concentre toute l'attention sur les sens. Stem Zero est si léger qu'il crée une sensation d'apesanteur, vous permettant de savourer l'arôme et le goût d'une manière qui, jusqu'à présent, était considérée comme inimaginable.Nommé d'après l'icône de style de tous les temps, ce verre à vin mousseux Stem Zero Grace apporte un sens élevé du glamour à la gamme. Il a été magistralement soufflé à la main par nos artisans et façonné en une silhouette élégante qui s'amincit vers le bord pour une expérience de dégustation ultime. Destiné à marquer chaque occasion avec style, des options de vin blanc et rouge sont également disponibles.

Set de 2 verres à vin rouge Wine Party - Nude Glass

121 EUR
La collection NUDE Wine Party de Ron Arad est à la fois pratique et ludique. Chacun des verres cristallins est assez petit pour tenir dans votre poche mais assez grand pour étancher votre soif avec une gorgée de vin. Un accessoire réalisé par des experts et profondément personnel.Il vous sera difficile de trouver un ensemble de verres plus saisissant que ce duo Wine Party de Ron Arad pour NUDE. Assez petit pour tenir dans votre poche mais assez grand pour étancher votre soif avec une gorgée de votre vin rouge préféré, c'est un accessoire pratique et ludique fabriqué à partir du meilleur cristal sans plomb.

Carafe à vin 750 cc Vintage - Nude Glass

55 EUR
Élégante, classique et luxueuse, la collection NUDE Vintage est notre plus complète à ce jour. Du champagne au cognac, des margaritas aux martinis - chacune des vingt et une pièces est fabriquée en cristal clair sans plomb selon les normes les plus strictes, transformant un simple geste en un moment à chérir. Le design polyvalent de cette gamme se marie parfaitement avec les autres pièces de la gamme de verres NUDE.Taillé dans un cristal sans plomb, ce modèle polyvalent convient à toutes sortes de boissons et peut être associé à la vaste gamme de verres de la série.

Verre à vin blanc Ghost Zero Tulip - Nude Glass

98 EUR
Trouver la force dans la fragilité - les propriétés uniques de la collection NUDE Ghost Zero en font la gamme de verres en cristal sans plomb la plus fine et la plus résistante au monde, grâce à notre signature "Ion Shielding Technology".Mariant le design contemporain et l'artisanat traditionnel avec la créativité et l'innovation, chaque élément de la gamme est méticuleusement fabriqué à la main et fini pour mettre en valeur la beauté simple, l'élégance et la durabilité à la fois.Le verre à vin blanc Ghost Zero Tulip se distingue subtilement par sa qualité durable et son flair contemporain. Témoignant d'un savoir-faire méticuleux, sa silhouette unique a été spécialement conçue pour produire un tourbillon satisfaisant et une expérience sensorielle améliorée.

Verre à vin blanc Stem Zero Trio - Nude Glass

56 EUR
Certaines ont l'air solides mais sont si fragiles. Certains semblent fragiles mais sont plus résistants que d'autres. Et s'il était possible de créer un verre si fin, si élégant, si exquis, qu'il vous donnerait presque l'impression de ne pas exister ? Que rien ne s'interpose entre vous et le plaisir de déguster votre vin préféré. La légèreté de Stem Zero concentre toute l'attention sur les sens. Stem Zero est si léger qu'il crée une sensation d'apesanteur, vous permettant de savourer l'arôme et le goût d'une manière qui, jusqu'à présent, était considérée comme inimaginable.Tout juste sorti de la nouvelle édition du Stem Zero Trio, ce verre à vin blanc met en valeur la tige délicieusement fine de la collection, sa silhouette légèrement effilée et son bord en cristal taillé. Malgré son apparence délicate, il est conçu et fabriqué à la main par des experts pour assurer une prise en main stable.

Verre à vin rouge Stem Zero Trio - Nude Glass

56 EUR
Certaines ont l'air solides mais sont si fragiles. Certains semblent fragiles mais sont plus résistants que d'autres. Et s'il était possible de créer un verre si fin, si élégant, si exquis, qu'il vous donnerait presque l'impression de ne pas exister ? Que rien ne s'interpose entre vous et le plaisir de déguster votre vin préféré. La légèreté de Stem Zero concentre toute l'attention sur les sens. Stem Zero est si léger qu'il crée une sensation d'apesanteur, vous permettant de savourer l'arôme et le goût d'une manière qui, jusqu'à présent, était considérée comme inimaginable.Ce verre à vin rouge semble léger et apparemment fragile, mais il est en fait extrêmement résistant. Le design artisanal présente une coupe généreuse, des côtés effilés et un bord en cristal. Des verres à vin blanc et à champagne sont également disponibles.

Grande carafe à vin O2 - Nude Glass

99 EUR
Fabriquées à partir du meilleur cristal sans plomb, les carafes à vin NUDE O2 présentent un corps légèrement bulbeux reposant sur un cou élégamment élancé et une série de lignes perpendiculaires entrecroisées gravées sur la surface. La base à fond large est légèrement bombée, permettant à la lumière d'éclairer la pièce par en dessous.Cette grande carafe à vin O2 de NUDE est simple mais esthétique. Le corps légèrement bulbeux repose sur une base à large fond - légèrement bombée, permettant à la lumière d'éclairer la pièce par en dessous - et couronnée d'un cou élégamment élancé.

Carafe à vin Jour - Nude Glass

125 EUR
Inspirée de la verrerie française traditionnelle, cette carafe à vin Jour de NUDE convient aussi bien aux compositions de table élaborées que simples. Fabriqué en cristal fin sans plomb, son design épuré est à la fois innovant et élégant - couronné d'un bouchon circulaire pour un impact maximal.

Carafe à vin transparent Cantina Magnum Camp - Nude Glass

93 EUR
La collection NUDE Camp offre une combinaison soignée d'attrait intemporel et de détails accrocheurs. La construction en cristal sans plomb est posée sur une base en laiton frappante - une base solide pour une pièce autrement délicate. La forme distinctive en x rappelle la chaleur qui émane des bûches brûlantes, une sensation similaire à celle que l'on ressent en dégustant un grand whisky.Cette carafe à vin de taille magnum Cantina porte le nom des vignobles italiens de renommée mondiale. Fabriquée en cristal clair sans plomb, elle constitue une pièce maîtresse élégante et épurée pour marquer les occasions spéciales.

Carafe à vin noir Magnum Cantina Camp - Nude Glass

109 EUR
La collection NUDE Camp offre une combinaison soignée d'attrait intemporel et de détails accrocheurs. La construction en cristal sans plomb est posée sur une base en laiton frappante - une base solide pour une pièce autrement délicate. La forme distinctive en x rappelle la chaleur qui émane des bûches brûlantes, une sensation similaire à celle que l'on ressent en dégustant un grand whisky.Taillée dans un verre cristallin avec une finition noire brillante, la carafe à vin Cantina s'intègre parfaitement dans un cadre classique ou contemporain. Sa silhouette simple mais imposante peut contenir confortablement un magnum de vin.

NUDE Glass Verre à vin blanc Stem Zero Trio - UNI

110 EUR
Verre à vin fait à la main en cristal. · Sans plomb · 226,8 mm x 84 mm Couleur du fournisseur: Clear

Glacier pour vin transparent - Nude Glass

69 EUR
La collection NUDE Glacier comprend un refroidisseur à vin, un refroidisseur à champagne magnum et une glacière. Chaque article est orné d'une paire de concavités pressées à la main qui renforcent la qualité contemporaine du design et assurent une prise fiable lors de la manipulation de la glace. Utilisant des méthodes traditionnelles, la gamme a été produite à partir du cristal sans plomb caractéristique de NUDE.Simple mais frappant, élégant mais fonctionnel, le refroidisseur de vin Glacier de NUDE est à la fois facile à utiliser et attrayant. Fabriqué à partir de verre cristallin clair et frappant dans ses proportions, le design pur est décoré d'une paire de fossettes pressées à la main pour une prise fiable lors de la manipulation de la glace.

Grand bol transparent Heads Up - Nude Glass

109 EUR
La collection NUDE Heads Up a été créée en collaboration avec un architecte et designer pluridisciplinaire anglais, Nigel Coates. Définie par son austérité formelle et ses proportions équilibrées, la série comprend des verres à vin, à whisky, à eau et à champagne, ainsi que des bols de service et des centres de table. La double courbe distinctive a été moulée de manière experte dans une base en verre cristallin soufflé à la main, ce qui apporte une touche tactile à la forme épurée.Créé en collaboration avec un architecte anglais, Nigel Coates, ce grand bol Heads Up incarne la fascination du designer pour la pureté, les proportions et la fonctionnalité. Le résultat est un récipient sculptural accentué par une douce courbure de la base - habilement moulée dans une surface en verre cristallin soufflé à la main.

Centre de table transparent Heads Up - Nude Glass

144 EUR
La collection NUDE Heads Up a été créée en collaboration avec un architecte et designer pluridisciplinaire anglais, Nigel Coates. Définie par son austérité formelle et ses proportions équilibrées, la série comprend des verres à vin, à whisky, à eau et à champagne, ainsi que des bols de service et des centres de table. La double courbe distinctive a été moulée de manière experte dans une base en verre cristallin soufflé à la main, ce qui apporte une touche tactile à la forme épurée.Avec sa silhouette polyvalente et sa finition transparente, ce centre de table Heads Up de NUDE peut être utilisé pour tout présenter, des fruits et des bonbons aux petits bibelots. Fabriquée en cristal sans plomb, sa forme simple est accentuée par le détail caractéristique de la collection - la double courbe moulée dans une base en verre soufflé à la bouche - conçu pour NUDE par Nigel Coates.

Bol large transparent Heads Up - Nude Glass

132 EUR
La collection NUDE Heads Up a été créée en collaboration avec un architecte et designer pluridisciplinaire anglais, Nigel Coates. Définie par son austérité formelle et ses proportions équilibrées, la série comprend des verres à vin, à whisky, à eau et à champagne, ainsi que des bols de service et des centres de table. La double courbe distinctive a été moulée de manière experte dans une base en verre cristallin soufflé à la main, ce qui apporte une touche tactile à la forme épurée.Conçu par Nigel Coates pour NUDE et fabriqué en cristal fin sans plomb, le bol NUDE Heads Up explore à la fois les limites de la verrerie et l'aspect ludique du design. La large silhouette est plus sculpturale que sévère grâce à la douce courbure de sa base, habilement moulée dans une surface de verre cristallin soufflé à la main.

Set de 2 verres à champagne Wine Party - Nude Glass

121 EUR
Wine Party Chacun des verres cristallins est assez petit pour tenir dans votre poche mais assez grand pour étancher votre soif avec une gorgée de vin. Un accessoire réalisé par des experts et profondément personnel.Accessoire pratique et ludique pour la jet-setteuse moderne, ce set de verres à champagne Wine Party est assez petit pour tenir dans votre poche mais assez grand pour étancher votre soif avec une gorgée de bulles. Créé par Ron Arad pour NUDE et taillé dans un cristal pur sans plomb, il est également disponible en version vin rouge et vin blanc.

Verre à Champagne Grand Cru Stem Zero - Nude Glass

56 EUR
La collection Stem Zero de NUDE est la gamme de cristaux sans plomb la plus résistante et la plus fine au monde, fabriquée à l'aide de la technologie "Ion Shielding" signée NUDE. Rien de moins qu'un régal pour les amateurs de vin - ce verre à champagne grand cru présente une force, une brillance et une clarté remarquables. Complétez la famille avec des verres à vin rouge et blanc de la gamme, pour donner à votre collection de verres une mise à niveau luxueuse.

Carafe Bodega - Nude Glass

71 EUR
La carafe Bodega de NUDE s'inspire des bars à vin et des caves espagnols traditionnels. Fabriquée en cristal sans plomb, cette pièce aux proportions parfaites présente un large bol, un long col et un bord élégamment effilé - une illustration parfaite du design épuré et imaginatif de NUDE, centré sur la fonctionnalité.

[Timex] Watch Legacy Ocean Olive Black Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 41mm TW2V77100 Men's Khaki [Item]

173.99 EUR
*Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

Watches Japan [Timex] Watch Legacy Ocean Olive Black Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 41mm TW2V77100 Men's Khaki [Item]

153.99 EUR
*Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

PengkHome Vagonik Si Vous Oubliez Le Vin Go Home Impression Numérique 50 x 70 Cm. Paillasson décoratif multi-usages intérieur et extérieur

30.49 EUR
Paillasson intérieur et extérieur, tapis de bain, tapis de cuisine, tapis de balcon et de terrasse. Il peut être utilisé dans n'importe quel endroit comme tapis pour animaux de compagnie et tapis pour assiettes alimentaires. Taille 50x70, 5mm d'épaisseur Il est imprimé numériquement de haute qualité. Il convient à une utilisation intérieure et extérieure et fournit une image décorative. La caractéristique décorative et fonctionnelle du produit ajoutera une atmosphère sophistiquée et moderne à votre maison. Le tissu spécial statique qu'il recouvre emprisonne la poussière et la saleté. Grâce à la structure fine du tissu et au taux d'absorption d'eau minimum, il n'emprisonne pas l'eau, l'humidité et les mauvaises odeurs. Facile à nettoyer. Vous pouvez simplement le secouer, le balayer ou le laver avec de l'eau. Il a une base antidérapante. Grâce à sa durabilité et son poids, la semelle résiste aux facteurs négatifs. Il dure longtemps. Listé par ENTEGRA

Pertemba FR - Home Whatmore Flexible Square Tub 15L vert olive foncé

24.89 EUR
- Material: Plastic. - Durable, Flexible. - Design: Contemporary, Square, Textured. - Sustainability: Eco Friendly, Recyclable, Sustainable Materials. - Trim: Polished. - Raised Handle.. - UK size :40L, FR Size :, ES Size : , DE Size: , IT size: , US & CA Size: 70.39pint. - UK size :15L, FR Size :, ES Size : , DE Size: , IT size: , US & CA Size: 26.4pint . - Code: UTST10191

ICE-WATCH [Ice watch] Ice watch digital ladies 021609 ice digit ICE digit nude rose gold small

153.66 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: ICE-WATCH Materials: glass [Product Description] ・[Material] Case: ABS resin, Case back: Stainless steel, Windshield: Acrylic glass, Band: Polyurethane, Movement: Digital (MD 21488) ・[Size] Case size: 35mm, case thickness: 11mm, wrist circumference: approx. 12-17.5cm, weight: 27.5g ・[Function] Stopwatch, alarm, month/date/day of the week display, GMT, backlight, [waterproofing] 10 ATM (10 ATM) daily life enhanced waterproofing ・[Accessories] Ice-watch genuine BOX, warranty, genuine product certificate ・[ICE digit general functions] ・Backlight: When you press the C button (bottom right when facing the camera), the display lights up for about 3 seconds.・Display the date: Press and hold the D button (top right).・Display the alarm time: Press and hold the A (top left) button.・Turn the alarm on/off: Press the A and D buttons at the same time.・Turn on/off the time signal: Press the A button and B button (bottom left when facing the camera) at the same time. [ICE digit basic settings] [Time/month/day/day of the week settings] 1. Press the B button three times to enter time setting mode. (Seconds flashing) 2. Press the D button to reset the seconds. 3. Press the A button to switch between selections. 4. Press D button to adjust. (Long press for fast adjustment) 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. (Item order: Seconds → Minutes → Hours → Days → Months → Days of the week) 6. Press the B button to return to the time screen. *Select 12/24H display when setting time. Return to the time screen. *Please refer to the store for other function details. explanation Product introduction Ice Digit is the first digital watch since Ice Watch was launched in Belgium in 2007. This model combines the brand identity of ``colorful, pop, and catchy'' while maintaining high cost performance. The case is made of ABS resin that is lightweight and resistant to scratches and impacts, the windshield is made of acrylic glass that has excellent transparency and impact resistance, and the strap is made of polyurethane that is soft and supple and feels good on your skin. The small 35mm case size can be worn by people of all ages, and the 10 ATM water resistance makes it useful in all situations. In addition to displaying time, date, and day of the week, it also has stopwatch, alarm, and backlight functions. How to use [ICE digit general functions] - Backlight: When you press the C button (lower right facing towards you), the display lights up for about 3 seconds.・Display the date: Press and hold the D button (top right).・Display the alarm time: Press and hold the A (top left) button.・Turn the alarm on/off: Press the A and D buttons at the same time.・Turn on/off the time signal: Press the A button and B button (bottom left when facing the camera) at the same time. [ICE digit basic settings] [Time/month/day/day of the week settings] 1. Press the B button three times to enter time setting mode. (Seconds flashing) 2. Press the D button to reset the seconds. 3....

ICE-WATCH Authorized distributor [Ice watch] Ice watch digital ladies 021609 ice digit ICE digit nude rose gold small

131.54 EUR
[Material] Case: ABS resin, case back: stainless steel, windshield: acrylic glass, band: polyurethane, movement: digital (MD 21488) [size] Case size: 35 mm, case thickness: 11 mm, wrist circumference: about 12 to 17.5 cm, weight: 27.5 g [Features] Stopwatch, alarm, month/date/day display, GMT, backlight, [Waterproof] 10 ATM (10 ATM) waterproof for everyday use [Accessories] Ice-Watch genuine box, warranty card, certificate of authenticity [ICE digit normal function] · Backlight: Press the C button (towards the bottom right) and the display lights up for about 3 seconds. · Date display: Press and hold the D button (towards the top right) · Alarm time display: Press and hold the A (towards the top left) button. · Alarm on/off: Press the A button and the D button at the same time. ・Switch on/off: Press the A button and the B (down left and right) button at the same time. [ICE digit default settings] [Time/month/day settings] 1. Press B 3 times to switch to time setting mode. (Lightning flashing) 2. Press the D button to reset the number of seconds 3. Press A to switch between selections 4. Press D button to adjust (Press and hold for fast adjustment) 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. (Item order: second → minute → hour → day → month → day) 6. Press B to return to the time screen. ※When setting the time, select the 12/24H display. Return to the time screen. ※For details of other features, see the store Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Authorized distributor [Ice-watch] Ice watch watch ladies 015334 ICE glam color nude medium

165.99 EUR
[Material] Case: silicone, case back: stainless steel, windshield: mineral glass, band: silicone [Size] Case Diameter: 40mm, Case Thickness: 9mm, Arm Circumference: Approx. 12.5-18cm, Weight: 43g, Movement: Japanese Quartz Waterproof:10 ATM waterproof (enhanced waterproof for everyday life) Accessories: Ice-Watch genuine (BOX, warranty card), certificate of genuine goods The famous powdery pink emphasizes cuteness when matched with soft tones or materials. For the coming season, if you wear long sleeves in black and plum, it will create a cool and feminine gap. Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[TIMEX] Timex Crystal Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W10600 Women's

278.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W10600 Model: Crystal Case size: 36mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Ironman Essential Black Dial Silicone Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W17300

145.02 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W17300 Model: IRONMAN ESSENTIAL Case size: 33mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Easy Reader Sustainable White Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 30mm TW2W32500 Women's Black [Item]

141.11 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W32500 Model: Easy Reader Sustainable Case size: 30mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Main Street Pink Pearl Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 25.5mm TW2W35200 Women's Silver [Item]

136.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W35200 Model: Main Street Case size: 25mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Timex Waterbury Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W20500 Men's Silver

180.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W20500 Model: WATERBURY Case size: 40mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Deep Water Anchorage Black Dial Quartz 20 ATM Water Resistant Sapphire Glass 43mm TW2W41900 Men's Silver [Item]

255.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W41900 Model: Deep Water Anchorage Case size: 42mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Waterbury Classic Green Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 40mm TW2W50500 Men's Black [Item]

197.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W50500 Model: Waterbury Classic Case size: 40mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Transent Bracelet Silver Pink Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 34mm TW2V77400 [Item]

195.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V77400 Model: Transcend Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Timex Legacy Ocean Pink Dial Recycled Plastic Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2V77200 Men's

217.22 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V77200 Model: Legacy Ocean REGACY OCEAN Case size: 38mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Timex Chicago CHICAGO Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W13300 Men's Gold

200.41 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W13300 Model: Chicago CHICAGO Case size: 45mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Waterbury Legacy White Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2V45600 Women's Gold

199.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V45600 Model: Waterbury Legacy Waterbury Legacy Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Transcend Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W20000 Men's Yellow Gold

183.78 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W20000 Model: TRANSCEND Case size: 38mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Kaia Multifunction Rose Gold Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 40mm TW2W34200 Women's Gold [Item]

286.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W34200 Model: Kaia Multifunction Case size: 40mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Legacy Ocean Solar Blue Dial Solar 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 37.5mm TW2W56400 Blue [Item]

207.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W56400 Model: Legacy Ocean Solar Case size: 37mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Timex Chicago Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W13800 Men's Gold

180.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W13800 Model: Chicago CHICAGO Case size: 46mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Dress Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2V95500 Men's Gold

200.41 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V95500 Model: Dress Dress Case size: 42mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Legacy White Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 33.5mm TW2W49700 Women's Silver x Gold [Item]

240.25 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W49700 Model: Legacy Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Transcend Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W19600 Men's Pink Gold

167.91 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W19600 Model: TRANSCEND Case size: 38.5mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Expedition North Blue Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W16300 Men's Brown

249.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W16300 Model: Expedition North Case size: 46mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Waterbury Legacy Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2V45700 Women's Gold

199.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V45700 Model: Waterbury Legacy Waterbury Legacy Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Easy Reader White Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 25mm TW2W52300 Women's Silver [Item]

173.59 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W52300 Model: Easy Reader Easy Reader Case size: 25mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Easy Reader Sustainable White Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 30mm TW2W32300 Women's Beige [Item]

141.11 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W32300 Model: Easy Reader Sustainable Case size: 30mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Transent RG Pink Dial 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 34mm TW2V66900 Pink [Item]

166.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V66900 Model: Transcend Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Oversized Easy Reader White Dial Quartz Daily Waterproof Mineral Glass 40mm TW2W52100 Men's Silver x Gold [Item]

163.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created not only products but also many innovative technologies and designs, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over luminous function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W52100 Model: Oversized Easy Reader Case size: 40mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Waterbury Legacy Green Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2V45500 Women's Gold

199.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V45500 Model: Waterbury Legacy Waterbury Legacy Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Easy Reader Sustainable White Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 30mm TW2W32600 Women's Brown [Item]

138.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W32600 Model: Easy Reader Sustainable Case size: 30mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Timex Ironman Essential Black Dial Silicone Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W17000 Blue

146.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W17000 Model: IRONMAN ESSENTIAL Case size: 33mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Easy Reader White Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 25mm TW2W52500 Women's Silver [Item]

133.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W52500 Model: Easy Reader Easy Reader Case size: 25mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Transent YG Gold Dial 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 34mm TW2V67000 Brown [Item]

166.31 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V67000 Model: Transcend Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Midtown White Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 38mm TW2W43500 Men's Silver [Item]

209.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W43500 Model: Midtown Midtown Case size: 38mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Easy Reader White Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 25mm TW2W52400 Women's Gold [Item]

137.3 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W52400 Model: Easy Reader Case size: 25mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Legacy Blue Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 33.5mm TW2W49900 Silver [Item]

223.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W49900 Model: Legacy Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Oversized Easy Reader White Dial Quartz Daily Waterproof Mineral Glass 40mm TW2W52000 Men's Gold [Item]

164.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W52000 Model: Oversized Easy Reader Case size: 40mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Legacy Ocean Purple Dial Recycled Plastic Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2V77300 Men's

122.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V77300 Model: Legacy Ocean REGACY OCEAN Case size: 38mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Chicago Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W13400 Men's

199.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W13400 Model: Chicago CHICAGO Case size: 45mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Timex Chicago CHICAGO Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W13600 Men's Silver

189.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W13600 Model: Chicago CHICAGO Case size: 45mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Essex Ave White Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 46mm TW2W43200 Men's Black [Item]

171.24 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W43200 Model: Essex Ave Case size: 46mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Expedition North Green Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2V96400 Men's Black

359.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V96400 Model: Expedition North Case size: 44.5mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Transcend Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W19900 Men's Pink Gold

142.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W19900 Model: TRANSCEND Case size: 38mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Legacy DayDate Pink Pearl Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 40.5mm TW2W42700 Men's Silver [Item]

264.89 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W42700 Model: Legacy Day Date Case size: 41mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] MAIN STREET Silver Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W18600 Women's

114.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W18600 Model: MAIN STREET Case size: 25.5mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Waterbury Traditional Blue Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 34mm TW2W40300 Gold [Item]

224.09 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W40300 Model: Waterbury Traditional Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Legacy DayDate Green Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 41mm TW2W42800 Men's Silver x Gold [Item]

269.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created not only products but also many innovative technologies and designs, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over luminous function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W42800 Model: Legacy Day Date Case size: 41mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Legacy Pink Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 33.5mm TW2W49800 Silver [Item]

229.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W49800 Model: Legacy Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] Timex Waterbury Legacy Blue Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2V45800 Women's Gold

200.41 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2V45800 Model: Waterbury Legacy Waterbury Legacy Case size: 34mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may vary depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch Legacy Ocean Solar Blue Dial Solar 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 37.5mm TW2W56200 Blue [Item]

223.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W56200 Model: Legacy Ocean Solar Case size: 42mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[Timex] Watch Kaia Multifunction Silver Dial Quartz 5 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 40.5mm TW2W33000 Women's Silver [Item]

264.89 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W33000 Model: Kaia Multifunction Case size: 40mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Timex Main Street Ivory Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W18700 Women's Yellow Gold

156.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W18700 Model: MAIN STREET Case size: 25.5mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[TIMEX] Expedition North Black Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W16000 Men's

251.99 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W16000 Model: Expedition North Case size: 46mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding in advance.​

[TIMEX] MAIN STREET Silver Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz Philippine Watch Brand TW2W18400 Women's

110.11 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W18400 Model: MAIN STREET Case size: 25.5mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

hayatospeed Authorized distributor [Ice-watch] Ice watch watch ladies 015330 ICE glam color nude small

199.99 EUR
[Material] Case: Silicone, Windshield: Mineral Glass, Band: Silicone, Movement: Miyota GL30 (Quartz), *The position of the watch back cover is not necessarily parallel as it is a screw-in type. [Size] Case diameter: 34mm, case thickness: 9mm, band width: 14mm, wrist circumference: approx. 14.5-19cm, weight: 32g [Waterproof] 10 ATM (10ATM): Reinforced waterproof for daily life >[Accessories] Ice-watch original BOX, warranty card, genuine product certificate The transparent powdery pink emphasizes its cuteness when paired with soft tones and materials. In the upcoming season, a glimpse of black or plum-colored long sleeves will create a cool yet feminine gap.

hayatospeed Authorized Distributor [OLIVIA BURTON] Olivia Burton Watch Women's ob24000002 Belgrave 32mm Tea Bar Nude & Gold Bracelet

240.99 EUR
[Material] Case: Stainless steel (gold coating), Crystal, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Stainless steel (Gold coating), Crystal, Movement: Japanese quartz [Size] Case size: 32mm, Case thickness: 7.8 mm, band width: 12mm, wrist circumference: approx. 15-19cm, weight: 70g (Life waterproof) [Waterproof] 3ATM (3 ATM water resistant, daily life waterproof) [Accessories] Olivia Burton genuine ( Box, warranty), certificate of authenticity The nude sunray dial is set with crystal markers, and features the signature bee motif at the 12 o'clock position.

Hearkent Japanese Talking Watch Multi-band Set for Visually Impaired and Elderly People, Large Numbers, Easy to Read for Elderly People (Black)

109.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: Hearkent Materials: glass [Product Description] ・The set itself: Our talking watch can automatically receive signals from Japan. Please retain this instruction manual for future reference. ・Large numbers LCD display: This talking watch has large numbers on the positive display, easy to read, and is the best gift for visually impaired and elderly people. - 4 easy-to-operate buttons: (Time - 2 o'clock button) The time is 10:30 PM , (Date - 4 o'clock button) Today is Thursday, November 18, 2020 , (Alarm - 10) Hour button) Alarm time is 7:50 a.m. ; (TIME - 8 o'clock button) - Settings button. ・Alarm and hourly chime: You can set the alarm time and hourly chime (turn on the hourly chime function, when the chime is turned on, the clock will announce every hour from 6am to 9pm) -Battery Life: Atomic Talking Watch does not need to be charged and can operate for over 18 months. Hearkent Japanese Talking Watch Multi-band Set for Visually Impaired and Elderly People Large Numbers Easy to Read for Elderly People [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

hayatospeed Authorized distributor [Ice-watch] Ice watch watch ladies 015334 ICE glam color nude medium

167.99 EUR
[Material] Case: Silicone, Case back: Stainless steel, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Silicone [Size] Case diameter: 40mm, Case thickness: 9mm, Arm circumference: Approx. 12.5-18cm, Weight: 43g, Movement : Japanese quartz Waterproofing: 10 ATM water resistant (reinforced daily life waterproofing) Accessories: Ice-Watch genuine (BOX, warranty), genuine product certificate The bright powdery pink is soft Pairing it with something of the same tone and material will emphasize its cuteness. In the upcoming season, a glimpse of black or plum-colored long sleeves will create a cool yet feminine gap.

Watches Japan Authorized distributor [Ice-watch] Ice watch watch ladies 015330 ICE glam color nude small

188.03 EUR
[Material] Case: Silicone, Windshield: Mineral Glass, Band: Silicone, Movement: Miyota GL30 (Quartz), *The position of the watch back cover is not necessarily parallel as it is a screw-in type. [Size] Case diameter: 34mm, case thickness: 9mm, band width: 14mm, wrist circumference: approx. 14.5-19cm, weight: 32g [Waterproof] 10 ATM (10ATM): Reinforced waterproof for daily life >[Accessories] Ice-watch original BOX, warranty card, authenticity certificate The transparent powdery pink emphasizes its cuteness when paired with soft tones and materials. In the upcoming season, a glimpse of black or plum-colored long sleeves will create a cool yet feminine gap.

Watches Japan Authorized distributor [Ice-watch] Ice watch watch ladies 015334 ICE glam color nude medium

155.99 EUR
[Material] Case: Silicone, Case back: Stainless steel, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Silicone [Size] Case diameter: 40mm, Case thickness: 9mm, Arm circumference: Approx. 12.5-18cm, Weight: 43g, Movement : Made in Japan Oats Waterproof: 10 ATM water resistant (daily life reinforced waterproof) Accessories: Ice-Watch genuine (BOX, warranty), genuine product certificate The bright powdery pink is a soft tone and material Pairing it with other items will accentuate your cuteness. In the upcoming season, a glimpse of black or plum-colored long sleeves will create a cool yet feminine gap.

Authorized distributor [Ice watch] Ice watch digital ladies 021609 ice digit ICE digit nude rose gold small

138.99 EUR
[Material] Case: ABS resin, Case back: Stainless steel, Windshield: Acrylic glass, Band: Polyurethane, Movement: Digital (MD 21488) [Size] Case size: 35mm, Case thickness: 11mm, Wrist circumference: Approx. 12-17.5cm, weight: 27.5g [Function] Stopwatch, alarm, month/date/day of the week display, GMT, backlight, [Waterproof] 10 ATM (10ATM) daily life enhanced waterproofing [Included] Product] Ice-watch genuine BOX, warranty, genuine product certificate [ICE digit general functions]・Backlight: When you press the C button (bottom right when facing the camera), the display lights up for about 3 seconds.・Display the date: Press and hold the D button (top right).・Display the alarm time: Press and hold the A (top left) button.・Turn the alarm on/off: Press the A and D buttons at the same time.・Turn on/off the time signal: Press the A button and B button (bottom left when facing the camera) at the same time. [ICE digit basic settings] [Time/month/day/day of the week settings] 1. Press the B button three times to enter time setting mode. (Seconds flashing) 2. Press the D button to reset the seconds. 3. Press the A button to switch between selections. 4. Press D button to adjust. (Long press for fast adjustment) 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. (Item order: Seconds → Minutes → Hours → Days → Months → Days of the week) 6. Press the B button to return to the time screen. *Select 12/24H display when setting time. Return to the time screen. *Please refer to the store for other function details.

Authorized Dealer [Ice-watch] Ice Watch Women's Watch 020638 Ice Sunset ICE Sunset Nude Medium

205.99 EUR
[Material] Case: Silicone, Case back: Stainless steel, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Silicone, Movement: Japanese quartz [Size] Case size: 40mm, Case thickness: 9mm, Band width: 18mm, Wrist circumference : Approximately 15.5-21.5cm, Weight: 46g [Waterproof] 10ATM (10 ATM, daily life reinforced waterproof) [Accessories] Ice-watch original BOX, warranty, genuine product certificate Sunrise A dial with a gentle and warm orange gradation. The beige color of the belt blends well with the skin and is easy to use throughout the year. It goes well with earth tones and pastel colors as well as summer burnt skin.

Watches Japan Authorized Distributor [Ice-watch] Ice Watch Women's Watch 019149 Ice Generation ICE Generation Nude Small

111.99 EUR
[Material] Case: Silicone, Case back: Stainless steel, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Silicone, Movement: Miyota 2035 (quartz) [Size] Case diameter: 38 mm, case thickness: 10 mm, band width: 16 mm, arm circumference: approx. 13-17 cm, weight: 42 g Water resistance: 10 ATM (10 ATM, daily life reinforced waterproof) ) [attached Product] Ice-Watch genuine BOX, warranty, genuine product certificate Although it has a silhouette that is faithful to the original design from the brand's establishment, it is a completely new model that integrates a case and belt made of silicone rubber. adopted. The new standard collection has been updated to an ultra-thin case with a thickness of 10mm, weighs only 42g, and is extremely comfortable to wear. [White Forever] is an updated design of the [Ice Forever] collection, which can be said to be the face of the brand. With a timeless and simple design and high visibility, the orange accent color gives it a casual and playful finish.

SunsOut Dean Russo - Stained Glass Butterfly

16.95 EUR
Dean Russo - Stained Glass Butterfly 1000 Pi�ces SunsOut

Watches Japan [Timex] Watch Easy Reader White Dial Quartz 3 ATM Water Resistant Mineral Glass 25mm TW2W52500 Women's Silver [Item]

145.15 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Reference: TW2W52500 Model: Easy Reader Easy Reader Case size: 25mm *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on when they arrive. Thank you for your understanding.​

Watches Japan Time100 Women's Watch Polyhedral Glass Japanese Quartz Skeleton Diamond Band Bracelet Type 30M Water Resistant Women's Watch W80023L.02A (Silver)

81.98 EUR
Design: Multi-sided glass and diamond decoration have a magical feel. The display panel is small and easy to read. Fashionable designs suit young people. Materials: Reinforced windproof glass, alloy case, stainless steel back case, alloy belt Function: 30M waterproof quartz wristwatch, uses Japanese quartz, suitable for Japanese office ladies No age restrictions Size: Case diameter: 22.5MM Case thickness: 9MM Belt length: 190MM Belt width: 13MM Warranty: From the date of purchase 30-day replacement guarantee, one year warranty