AKILEOS Tales from the loop

29 EUR
En 1945, le gouvernement suédois ordonna la construction du plus grand accélérateur de particules au monde. Le complexe fut achevé en 1969 dans les profondeurs de la région pastorale de Mälaroarna. La population locale baptisa cette merveille technologique le Loop. Voici les récits étranges qui y sont associés. Les tableaux de Simon Stalenhag représentant une banlieue suédoise des années 1980 peuplée de machines fantastiques et de monstres étranges se sont répandus sur Internet comme une traînée de poudre.

AKILEOS Tales from the crypt tome 3

26 EUR
Anthologie de récits d'horreur, Tales from the Crypt (anciennement The Crypt of Terror) était un bi-mensuel publié par EC Comics, le label indépendant américain de William Gaines, de 1950 à 1955. Sur cette période, vingt-sept numéros seront publiés, auxquels auront participé des auteurs comme Harvey Kurtzman, Johnny Craig, Wally Wood, Jack Davis...

AKILEOS Tales from the crypt tome 5

28 EUR
Anthologie de récits d'horreur, Tales from the crypt (anciennement The Crypt of Terror) était un bi-mensuel publié par EC Comics, le label indépendant américain de William Gaines, de 1950 à 1955. Trente numéros seront diffusés sur cette période. Ce T.5 regroupe les deniers épisodes de la série.

AKILEOS Things from the flood

29 EUR
The Loop est fermée. La vie revient à la normale lorsque la campagne pastorale est soudainement inondée par les eaux sombres de l'immense installation souterraine abandonnée. Des rumeurs se sont répandues dans les salles de classe et les cours d'école, des histoires sur l'inondation et sur la façon dont elle a apporté quelque chose avec elle. Une chose est claire : le passé n'est pas prêt d'être oublié. Dans ce nouvel ouvrage, Stålenhag continue les histoires de Tales From The Loop, souvenirs d'une enfance nordique imprégnée de machines et de créatures étranges d'autres dimensions. Dans Things From The Flood, il déplace son attention des années 80 aux années 90, la décennie de grands changements lorsque le monde extérieur est vraiment venu en Scandinavie.


21.3 EUR
pas de description

PITAKITE ART WORKS MONSTERS Nazca Dopant from Kamen Rider W

127.8 EUR
Product size: Total height approx. 190mm Made of PVC, painted finished product (1 type in total), with special pedestal Title: Kamen Rider W The second edition of RT WORKS MONSTERS Dopant series is now available! Dopant, the monster from Kamen Rider W , has been a big hit. Following the Clay Doll, the first dopant in ART WORKS MONSTERRS, the Nazca Doll Dopant is now available. Under the supervision of creature designer Katsuya Terada, the creator of Dopant, this suit has a slightly different taste from the suit in the movie!

PITAKITE FUN fun Hina can be hung on the original curved wooden doll suitable for the first festival and seasonal width made in Japan doll, compact, wooden,

218.02 EUR
[Wooden Dolls You Can't Find Anywhere] A warm doll decoration made from bent wood. Divided into three layers, the innermost section is for the male and female princesses. The second one depicts three court ladies, and the one in the foreground is a lively representation of five musicians. [Suitable for free-standing and wall-mounting] Compact size with a width of 24 cm. Recommended for those who cherish the desire for girls to grow up beautiful and healthy, but are having trouble finding space to display them. Also, since the stand is not glued, you can also display it like a wall hanging. (*Hook hole for wall hanging on the back) [Techniques of Echizen Craftsmen] The circular base part is made by hand bending each piece by hand using the traditional Echizen lacquerware production techniques of Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture. [Size] Diameter 24, depth 7, height 25.5cm (including base) [Material] Chinese plywood, natural wood, base (beech) *Made in Japan [Customer Request] As the product is handmade, details may differ from the image. Also, since it is a natural wood, the depth and color of the carving may vary depending on individual differences such as wood grain and hardness of the wood. If you hit it too hard, it may break. A wooden doll decoration that can be used as a standing or wall-hanging type.

AKILEOS The haunt of fear tome 4

28 EUR
The Haunt of Fear, publié par EC Comics au début des années 50, fait partie d'une trilogie célèbre de magazines horrifiques avec Tales from the Crypt et The Vault of Horror.Préparez-vous à frissonner de terreur en lisant ces histoires de cadavres ressuscités, de momies meurtrières et autres monstruosités.Des histoires rendues encore plus terrifiantes par le trait d'artistes de légende tels que Jack Davis, Graham Ingels, Jack Kamen, Johnny Craig ou Wally Wood. Alors n'hésitez plus, rejoignez la vieille sorcière et découvrez les récits qui mijotent dans son chaudron fumant...Le présent album regroupe les numéros 22 à 28.

AKILEOS The haunt of fear tome 3

27 EUR
The Haunt of Fear était une série d'anthologie d'horreur bimensuelle publiée par EC Comics en 1950 et, avec Tales from the Crypt et The Vault of Horror , le titre formait un trio d'anthologies d'horreur très populaires.Cette très belle édition est une occasion unique de redécouvrir un indispensable de la BD.Le présent album regroupe les numéros 15 à 21.

AKILEOS Les faux lieux

29 EUR
Tout oppose Jeff et Axel. Le premier est un virtuose des relations sociales, toujours prêt pour les caméras. Le second est un artiste minutieux, vivant uniquement pour les couleurs et nuances. Sous les yeux impitoyables du public, une élite se soumet au spectacle qu'est devenue l'éducation. N'oubliez pas de laisser un commentaire sur leurs succès, leurs échecs et vivez en direct l'incompatibilité destructrice d'une bête médiatique et d'un enfant prodige.

AKILEOS Kill 6 billion demons tome 2

22 EUR
Dans ce second volet de Kill 6 Billion Demons, Allison Ruth, la soeur de sororité, et 82 White Chains, l'homme de loi angélique, vont devoir lutter contre leurs propres peurs dans un affrontement fatidique avec Mère Om, l'un des sept maîtres maléfiques de la création.

AKILEOS The haunt of fear tome 2

27 EUR
The Haunt of Fear était une série d'anthologie d'horreur bimensuelle publiée par EC Comics en 1950 et, avec Tales from the Crypt et The Vault of Horror , le titre formait un trio d'anthologies d'horreur très populaires.Cet très belle édition est une occasion unique de redécouvrir un indispensable de la BD.Le présent album regroupe les numéros 8 à 14.

FIRST L'histoire de France pour les nuls en BD tome 10

12 EUR
Deux désastres ravagent la France au XXe siècle : la Grande Guerre (1914 - 1918) qui la prive d'un million et demi de jeunes hommes et la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1939 - 1945) qui engloutit soixante millions d'êtres humains sur la planète. Pauvre France, pauvre monde ! À ces cataclysmes humains s'ajoutent ceux des guerres d'Indochine, d'Algérie, inscrites dans une douloureuse décolonisation. Cependant, tout au long du XXe siècle, les prodigieuses avancées dans le domaine technique, dans celui de la santé, les conquêtes sociales, transforment la France en profondeur, en font un pays moderne qui se maintient au rang de grande puissance ouverte au monde et prête à affronter tous les défis d'un XXIe siècle déjà fertile en rebondissements.

CINEBOOK Scared to death tome 1 - the vampire from the marshes

9.9 EUR
This series showcases the strange adventures of two adolescent friends, Robin and Max. All of the classic fantasy themes are touched on: sorcery, fairies, werewolves, ghosts. a must for fans of suspense and terror. In the first album, while secretly consulting the medical files of his father (a forensic scientist), Robin discovers the photo of a man whose body is pierced by hundreds of holes. Persuaded that this death is the work of a vampire, Robin and his friend Max go after the suspected murderer.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 39 - the man from washington (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Ulysses S. Grant's second term is ending, and the USA must elect a new president. After the many corruption scandals of the previous administration, the Republican Party has selected an upstanding candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes. However, a rich Texas oil tycoon with his eye on the White House has other ideas, and money can buy many votes... or bullets. Luke is called upon to protect Hayes as he tours the wild, wild West... Correspond au tome français Les nouvelles aventures de Lucky Luke t.3 ; l'homme de Washington

Good Smile Company Vertex Originals Job Shrine Maiden Akane Kagura Height 250mm Painted Complete Figure Tight Job 2 approx. Non-scale PVC/ABS

234.46 EUR
Thank you for waiting so long! The second edition of ``Tight Work'' is finally here!Continuing from the first edition, Mr. Atsuto Shinozuka has designed a lovely ``Shrine Maiden'' that you can rely on when you are in trouble. ”! Overall height: approx. 250mm (C) VERTEX *Please note that the color and shape of the product may differ slightly from the published image due to individual differences and changes in specifications.

Arkadia Japan KOTOBUKIYA Hexa Gear Abyss Crawler Night Stalkers Specification Total Length 150mm Scale Plastic Model Approx. 1/24

133.16 EUR
(C) KOTOBUKIYA It is possible to convert the system from the first form that emphasizes combat to the second form that emphasizes mobility. The ICS equipped on the left arm biting scissors can be reproduced when in use by deploying the generator and attaching effect parts. The biting scissors on his left arm can be opened and closed to recreate the fighting scene. The skid unit at the tip of the leg can open and close the roll bar.

Arkadia Japan Hexa Gear Abyss Crawler Night Stalkers Specification Overall Width Approximately 150mm Scale Plastic Model HG091 1/24

143.57 EUR
(C) KOTOBUKIYA The molding color of the armor part has been changed to the same black as ``Lord Impulse'' and ``Bulk Arm β Lumberjack'', making it easier to recombine without painting. It is possible to convert the system from the first form that emphasizes combat to the second form that emphasizes mobility. The ICS equipped on the left arm biting scissors can be reproduced when in use by deploying the generator and attaching effect parts. The ICS effect parts are molded in clear orange to create a realistic display.

Zen Picks - Japan Product select - Satoru Gojo Chokonose Figure Jujutsu Kaisen Gojo Satoru Chokonose Premium Figure Official Kaigama/Tamaori

87.94 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- figure From the second season of the TV anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” “Kaitama/Tamaori”, the “Chokonose” figure series is now available! The first installment features Satoru Gojo in an original pose.

AKATA Wombs tome 1

8.5 EUR
Quelque part, dans l'univers... Les firsts se sont installés sur la planète de Jasperia et l'ont terraformée. Ils ont cru pouvoir y vivre en paix. Mais à l'arrivée des seconds, une terrible guerre est enclenchée.Vingt ans plus tard, et tandis que le conflit n'a pas faibli, Mana Oga est choisie pour intégrer une section spéciale de l'armée : les forces spéciales de transfert . Cette unité d'élite est composée exclusivement de femmes, dont l'utérus a été implanté par des foetus parasites. Ces dernières développent alors une capacité unique, la téléportation, conférant à leur armée un avantage stratégique notable.Enrôlée bien malgré elle, Oga va devoir s'entraîner, se former puis prendre part à une guerre dont elle ignore les véritables enjeux et implications...

AKATA Wombs cradle tome 1

8.05 EUR
Quelque part, dans l'univers... Les first se sont installés sur la planète Jasperia et l'ont terraformée. Ils ont cru pouvoir y vivre en paix. Mais à l'arrivée des second, une terrible guerre est enclenchée. Le docteur Binard habite au sein de la République de Domus, territoire occupé par les second. Et en tant qu'obstétricien, il occupe un métier particulièrement complexe. En effet, depuis quelque temps, des actes terroristes menés par les wombs, des femmes enceintes capables de se téléporter, ont lieu dans la région. Pour ne rien arranger, une figure issue du passé du médecin va refaire surface... Entre secrets et résistance, il va être temps pour lui d'assumer ses responsabilités !

CINEBOOK Green manor tome 2 - en anglais - the inconvenience of being dead

15.25 EUR
A cup of tea? A drop of milk? A spoonful of poison? At first sight, nothing would make the very select club called Green Manor stand out from any other English club. Yet behind its thick walls, sunk into its deep chairs, hides the biggest bunch of con artists, bandits and murderers that Queen Victoria's England has ever seen.

TANIBIS dirty panties

16 EUR
Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers.This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end?Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold.Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.

CINEBOOK Green manor tome 1 - en anglais - assassins and gentlemen

11.75 EUR
A cup of tea? A drop of milk? A spoonful of poison? At first sight, nothing would make the very select club called Green Manor stand out from any other English club. Yet behind its thick walls, sunk into its deep chairs, hides the biggest bunch of con artists, bandits and murderers that Queen Victoria's England has ever seen.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 32 - rails on the prairie (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The First Transcontinental Railroad is stopped dead near its starting point, both in the East and in the West. Repeated injunctions from the president of the “Transcontinental Railroad” are having no effect: His workers are constantly prevented from working by agents of a mysterious traitor. But Lucky Luke witnesses one of the acts of sabotage and stops it. Soon, he is in charge of security for the entire westward push—and he will have his work cut out for him!

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 35 - the singing wire (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
1861. Abraham Lincoln orders that the First Transcontinental Telegraph line, currently interrupted between Nevada and Nebraska, be completed. Two teams, one heading east from Carson City and the other west from Omaha, will meet up in Salt Lake City. Lucky Luke joins the eastbound team. But when a $100,000 reward is offered to the first team to arrive, there's suddenly more to fear than the natural obstacles of the journey: A saboteur seems to be at work! Correspond au tome 46 français: Le fil qui chante

CINEBOOK Orbital tome 2 - ruptures - en anglais

11.75 EUR
Caleb (a human) and Mezoke (a Sandjarr) are paired up and trained as special agents to keep the intergalactic peace. This is a controversial and historic alliance given their races’ longstanding enmity, and a lot of people are watching them. Their first mission is to keep war from breaking out between humans and Javlodes on the planet Senestam.Caleb acts as a mediator between the warring factions while dealing with an attack by Stilvulls (highly destructive insects)–and he also has to contend with his feelings for charming doctor Kim Vandersel. Mezoke is on the planet Upssal, trying to appease the Javlodes

CINEBOOK alone tome 11 - the nailers in the night

9.9 EUR
While trying to escape an avalanche triggered by the killers of the First Families, Ivan drowned. Though this is a less permanent problem that it used to be for the children, Ivan 'returned' far from his friends, in a small village in Brittany where he used to holiday with his parents. There he lives alone, preparing for the long trip back to Neo-Salem. Until the day Camille, now revealed as the Midnight Child, pays him a terrifying visit, and the nightmare begins ...

CINEBOOK The chimpanzee complex tome 2 (en anglais)

11.75 EUR
In 2035, a strange space capsule has crashed in the Indian Ocean with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin! Who, then, are the men who came back from the 1969 Apollo XI mission? In the second instalment of the science-fiction trilogy, Helen Friedman sets off for the Moon to look for answers. Due to a Russian message, the mission ends up on Mars. Meanwhile, on planet Earth, Sofia, her daughter is disappointed by her mother's choices. She decides to run away from home. The «Chimpanzee complex»...when you are a test subject in an experiment over which you have no control.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 15 - the daltons in the blizzard (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The Daltons escape from a Texas jail and head over to Canada. Lucky Luke is called in to get them back to jail. He and Rintincan, his second faithful companion after Jolly Jumper, follow them all the way to Canada, where Captain Winston Pendergast offers his help. Correspond au tome 22 français: Les Dalton dans le blizzard

CINEBOOK Gomer Goof tome 6 : gomer : gofer, loafer

9.9 EUR
The Daltons escape from a Texas jail and head up to Canada. Lucky Luke is called in to get them back to jail. He and Rintincan, his second faithful companion after Jolly Jumper, follow them all the way to Canada, where Captain Winston Pendergast offers his help.