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strongspan stylefont-size 14pt font-family Calibri,sans-serifDestiny The Taken King ¿ Legendary Edition spanstrongspan stylecolor blackbr span p classMsoNormalbr p classMsoNormalspan stylefont-size 11pt font-family Calibri,sans-serifDestiny The Taken King Legendary Edition includes Destiny, Expansions I and II, and The Taken King at one great price. It also includes a character boost to get you immediately battle ready.span p classMsoNormalstrong stylemso-bidi-font-weight normalIncludesstrong Destiny The Taken King Destiny Expansion I Expansion II Level 25 Character Boost April Activities Update New Challenges and Rewards p classMsoNormal stylemso-pagination none mso-layout-grid-align none text-autospace nonespan stylemso-bidi-font-family CalibriEvil has destroyed almost all of our solar system leaving us on the brink of extinction. You are a Guardian, revived from the past to save our future and protect the last safe city on Earth. Wield incredible powers as a Hunter, Warlock, or Titan and push back the darkness to reclaim our solar system.span span stylemso-bidi-font-weight boldspan p classMsoNormal stylemso-pagination none mso-layout-grid-align none text-autospace nonespan stylemso-bidi-font-family CalibriIn Destiny The Taken King, the Darkness has a name Oryx, The Taken King. He is hell-bent on vengeance and is raising an army of corrupted Taken forces to destroy everything you stand for. You must find a way into his impenetrable Dreadnaught ship and stop him before he and his dark army bring our solar system to ruin.span span stylefont-size 11pt font-family Calibri,sans-serifDestiny The Taken King is the next great adventure in the first person shooter Destiny universe. It introduces a new story campaign and quests, new enemies to fight, new locations to explore, new Strikes and Crucible maps, a new Raid that will put players to the ultimate test, and more. To stand up to the challenge, players will have access to three new devastating Guardian subclasses, and a massive arsenal of weapons, armor, and gear.br spanbr br br *Based on the suggested retail prices for Destiny, Expansion I, Expansion II, The Taken King and The Taken King Legendary Edition at launch actual prices may vary.br p classMsoNormalspan stylefont-size 13.0pt mso-bidi-font-family Calibrispan p classMsoNormalspan stylemso-bidi-font-weight boldA minimum of 60 GB available hard drive storage space required for PS4 and Xbox One, and a minimum of 30 GB storage space required for PS3 and Xbox 360 as of September 2015.span stylemso-spacerun yes spanStorage space requirements are subject to change and may increase.span stylemso-spacerun yes spanIf you are purchasing after September 2015, please visit destinythegame.comsize-requirements for current storage requirements prior to purchase. Additional storage may be required for setup, some updates and features. There may be mandatory in-game updates which users must download to continue playing and which may require additional...