Atkinsons His Majesty The Oud Eau de Parfum pour homme 100 ml

235 EUR
Atkinsons His Majesty The Oud, 100 ml, Eaux de Parfum pour homme, Laissez l’eau de parfum Atkinsons His Majesty The Oud crier haut et fort que l’homme qui vient d’arriver obtient toujours tout ce qu’il désire. Cette senteur pleine de sensualité masculine, de charme et de passion ne laissera personne indifférent. parfum boisé parfum épicé souligne le sex-appeal et la masculinité naturelle parfum chaleureux, idéal par temps frais

TNT Paire Amortisseur Arrière Chromé / Noir Scooter Yamaha 125 Majesty Entraxe 330mm

188.95 EUR
Paire amortisseur arrière chromé / noir scooter Yamaha 125 Majesty entraxe 330mm. Paire d'amortisseur arrière hydraulique neuf de marque TNT. Caractéristiques: - Entre axe 330mm - Ressort coloris noir, corps d'amortisseur chromé. Vendus par paire. Livrés conforme à la photo.

Pompe À Essence Tnt Pour Scooter Yamaha 250 Majesty 1998 À 2014 Neuf

45.17 EUR
Pompe à essence à dépression neuve adaptable de marque TNT. Caractéristiques : - Longueur : 112mm - Largeur : 78mm - Épaisseur : 34.5mm - Entre axe des trous de fixation : 73mm - Diamètre des trous de fixation : 7mm - Diamètre d'emboitement des durites : 5mm et 6mm Vendue nue à l'unité. Livrée conforme à la photo.

Neiman Contacteur À Clé Tnt Pour Scooter Yamaha 125 Majesty Neuf

46.16 EUR
Neiman contacteur de démarrage type origine neuf. Équipé de 5 fils : une connecteur à 4 cosses plates mâles, plus 1 fil à cosse ronde mâle. ATTENTION : en cas de montage sur Majesty/Skyliner, il est impératif de conserver la tige du bloque direction d'origine sinon ce dernier ne fonctionne pas. Vendu à l'unité avec deux clés. Livré conforme à la photo.

His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts Capriccio Stravagante Vol. 1

25.49 EUR
Brand : CHANDOS GROUP, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Chandos (Note 1 Music), Publisher : Chandos (Note 1 Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2001-01-23, releaseDate : 2000-11-22, theatricalReleaseDate : 2001-01-23, artists : His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts, The Purcell Quartett, composers : Farina, Marini, Rossi, Merula, conductors : unbekannt

TNT Original Régulateur de Tension Yamaha Majesty / MBK Skyliner 01-

18.5 EUR
Régulateur de tension 12 Volt DC avec 5 cosses (3 cosses côtés résine) adaptable sur les maxiscooter MBK Majesty et Yamaha Skyliner 125 pour Modèle Frein à Disque. ref Origine 4HM819600100 /4HMH19600000 .

TNT Racing Plaquettes de Frein TNT - Organique - Skyliner Majesty X9

PLAQUETTES FREINS ADAPT Avant MBK SKYLINER 1998>  MAJESTY 1998> Piaggio X9 Evo 2004> RACING 94x36x7,6

Neiman Contacteur À Clé Tnt Pour Scooter Mbk 100 Nitro 2003 Neuf

46.16 EUR
Neiman contacteur de démarrage type origine neuf. Équipé de 5 fils : une connecteur à 4 cosses plates mâles, plus 1 fil à cosse ronde mâle. ATTENTION : en cas de montage sur Majesty/Skyliner, il est impératif de conserver la tige du bloque direction d'origine sinon ce dernier ne fonctionne pas. Vendu à l'unité avec deux clés. Livré conforme à la photo.

Inégalités Anthony Barnes Atkinson Seuil

6.2 EUR
Anthony Barnes Atkinson

Inégalités Anthony Barnes Atkinson Points

9.12 EUR
Anthony Barnes Atkinson

La Philosophie du Bien-Être: Pour Lui william walker atkinson (yogi ramacharaka), adriano lucca, françoise belcaut, audrey lapenne DISCOVERY PUBLISHER

11.72 EUR
william walker atkinson (yogi ramacharaka), adriano lucca, françoise belcaut, audrey lapenne

Le grand livre du café Mary Banks, Christine McFadden, Catherine Atkinson Manise

7.1 EUR
Mary Banks, Christine McFadden, Catherine Atkinson

Je m'amuse à cuisiner Roz Denny, Julia Kirby Jones, Catherine Atkinson Usborne

5.06 EUR
Roz Denny, Julia Kirby Jones, Catherine Atkinson

CRUNCHYROLL His Favorite tome 7

7.99 EUR
Satô, le garçon le plus populaire du lycée, aime d'un amour sincère Yoshida, son camarade au physique ingrat mais au coeur pur. Mais voilà qu'un beau et séduisant nouvel élève du nom d'Azuma fait son apparition dans l'établissement et se met étrangement à considérer Yoshida comme son plus grand rival !! Et cette fois, Satô aborde une nouvelle méthode pour le moins détournée pour marquer son territoire !

CRUNCHYROLL His favorite tome 9

7.99 EUR
Tandis que Satô et Yoshida font enfin leur rentrée en première, le lycée tout entier semble désormais au courant de leur relation. Cette soudaine notoriété rend Yoshida très nerveux et l'arrivée de la Saint-Valentin est loin de lui faciliter la vie... C'est alors que Tsuyako, toujours aussi sadique, lui propose de confectionner des chocolats en sa compagnie, dans un laboratoire plutôt... spécial. Malgré ses deux mains gauches et sa timidité, Yoshida parviendra-t-il à offrir une boîte de chocolats à Satô ?

CRUNCHYROLL His favorite tome 8

7.99 EUR
Malgré sa petite taille et un manque de charme évident, Yoshida est un lycéen ordinaire qui ne désespère pas, un jour, de sortir avec une fille. Mais depuis que le beau et populaire Satô le prend pour excuse pour décliner les rendez-vous, loin de voir sa cote augmenter auprès des demoiselles, le voici devenu la cible des rancoeurs féminines. Cherchant des explications à ce comportement bizarre, Yoshida va pas tarder à découvrir le véritable caractère du jeune homme en plus des vraies raisons derrière ses mensonges.

CRUNCHYROLL his favorite tome 3

7.99 EUR
Pas de description

CRUNCHYROLL His favorite tome 10

7.99 EUR
Malgré sa petite taille et un manque de charme évident, Yoshida est un lycéen ordinaire qui ne désespère pas, un jour, de sortir avec une fille. Mais depuis que le beau et populaire Satô le prend pour excuse pour décliner les rendez-vous, loin de voir sa cote augmenter auprès des demoiselles, le voici devenu la cible des rancoeurs féminines. Cherchant des explications à ce comportement bizarre, Yoshida va pas tarder à découvrir le véritable caractère du jeune homme en plus des vraies raisons derrière ses mensonges...

CRUNCHYROLL his favorite tome 4

7.99 EUR
Yoshida continue à mener sa drôle de vie lycéenne entre la jalousie mesquine des filles et le plaisir sadique que prend son petit ami à le tourmenter. Mais un jour, au détour d'une conversation sur la cicatrice qu'il s'est faite en prenant la défense de Satô, ce dernier replonge dans son passé. Obèse et persécuté par ses petits camarades de classe, Satô fut alors envoyé en Angleterre dans un endroit qui forgea son futur caractère : un centre d'amaigrissement aux méthodes des plus troublantes…

CRUNCHYROLL his favorite tome 2

7.99 EUR
Yoshida doit se rendre à l’évidence : il est bel et bien tombé amoureux de Satô, le garçon le plus populaire du lycée. Noyé dans ses pensées, il ne voit pas arriver les manigances de sa classe, qui nomme le “club des moches” dont il fait partie, pom pom girls officiels du tournoi de sport du lycée. D’abord vexé par le sadisme de son ami, qui a voté en faveur de ce choix, il décide de faire de son mieux pour l’encourager. Peut-être trouvera-t-il l’occasion de lui avouer ses sentiments ? Inclus : • L’amour d’une tortue dure dix mille ans • L’amour avalé tout cru • À la recherche de l’art

CRUNCHYROLL His Favorite Tome 6

7.99 EUR
C'est bientôt la Saint-Valentin !! Si l'évènement sème angoisse et excitation parmi les garçons du lycée, Yoshida, lui, est tiraillé par un dilemme : doit-il offrir des chocolats à Satô et se taper la honte en les achetant ou refuser et décevoir son bien-aimé ? De leur côté, les filles, elles, s'apprêtent à sortir le grand jeu pour leur Satô chéri ! Mais c'est alors qu'une fille superbe d'un autre lycée clamant être la petite amie de ce dernier débarque dans la classe et exige d'être la seule et unique personne à lui offrir des chocolats !!

CRUNCHYROLL His favorite tome 13

7.99 EUR
Yoshida accepte que Satô aide les filles de la classe à réviser leur anglais et ferme les yeux lorsque ces dernières s'invitent à leur table au café... Mais se pourrait-il que, derrière cette façade, le garçon brûle de jalousie ?Entre l'escalade d'un arbre pour secourir un chat, une séance de ciné romantique et un festival d'été masqué, Yoshida n'aura pas le temps de s'ennuyer !

CRUNCHYROLL his favorite tome 5

7.99 EUR
Suite au concours de dessins qui a désigné Yoshida vainqueur, lui offrant une journée en tête à tête avec la coqueluche du lycée et (accessoirement son petit-ami), tout est redevenu calme. Trop, d'ailleurs. Car si les filles ont arrêté de harceler Satô. c'est pour mieux revenir à la charge. Cette fois-ci, c'est la sournoise présidente du comité des élèves qui tire les ficelles dans l'ombre pour remettre en jeu le jeune homme et enfin se l'approprier. Le quotidien de nos deux amoureux est loin d'être de tout repos !

CINEBOOK clifton tome 2 - en anglais - the laughing thief

9.9 EUR
Ex-agent of the secret service and colonel to Her most gracious Majesty, Sir Harold Wilberforce Clifton has become an amateur detective. Scotland Yard consider this excellent old hand as insightful as the illustrious Sherlock Holmes ! Without ever losing an ounce of his "British" touch, he resolves complex enigmas for the police and thwarts the plans of unscrupulous crooks. At the wheel of his famous MG convertible, his cases are punctuated with the indispensable "tea-time", cheeky remarks, his devoted governor Mrs. Partridge and the attention demanded by his cats. Rich in twists and turns, the adventures of Clifton are presented by some of the biggest names in humorous comics.

CINEBOOK Ducoboo tome 4 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Ducoboo's life isn't easy. Being the king of dunces-while still managing to avoid wearing the «crown» too often-takes work, dedication, and an awful lot of imagination. It also takes a proper target: Leonie, the gifted girl who doesn't like to share her answers with His Majesty. It's a constant war of wits between these two, under the disbelieving eye of the long-suffering teacher, fought with wigs, cameras and magical pencil-sharpeners. And when school's over, the beach is the new battlefield!

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 8 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
A Soviet rocket falls back to Earth carrying deadly bacteria. KGB Professor Voronov turns the extraterrestrial threat into a terrifying weapon that could be used to devastate the Western world–but he doesn’t take into account the vigilance of Her Majesty’s intelligence services. Soon, Blake and Mortimer are drawn into a lethal, shadowy war, from Moscow to London, where the stakes are no less than international peace and the real enemy may not be so obvious.

CINEBOOK XIII tome 17 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Little by little, XIII has reconstructed most of his life and figured out who he is. With one exception: There is still a gap in his college years, when Jason McLane became Kelly Brian. A gap that may mean the amnesiac adventurer is in fact an Irish terrorist, Seamus O'Neil. This flashback brings us back to Boulder, Colorado, and before that to Northern Ireland, to reveal the last piece of the XIII puzzle, and his final identity.

CINEBOOK Xiii tome 2 - where the indian walks - en anglais

9.9 EUR
XIII is looking for a certain Kim Rowlands, a woman with whom he saw himself in a photograph. His search will yield a name-his, perhaps-and take him to a place that may be home. All families have secrets, though, and they can get a man killed. And what exactly do General Carrington and his beautiful aide Lieutenant Jones want with him?

CINEBOOK Xiii tome 3 - all the tears of hell - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Convicted of murder and sent to a high-security prison for the criminally insane, XIII finds himself not only unable to continue searching for his past, but also at the mercy of his enemies. Unbeknownst to him, though, General Carrington and the beautiful (and deadly) Lieutenant Jones are still trying to unravel the mystery of the presidential assassination. All they have to do is find a way to help him before he loses his life–or his mind.

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 43 - the Bluefeet are coming! (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Passing through the quiet little town of Rattlesnake, Luke exposes a Mexican gambler as a cheat and runs him out of town. Unfortunately, the hustler ends up in the hands of the Bluefeet Indians and manages to convince them to attack Rattlesnake. A siege begins, during which Luke will have to use all his guile and courage to keep the Bluefeet at bay until the Cavalry arrives. Correspond au tome 10 français: Alerte aux pieds-bleus

CINEBOOK Clifton tome 5 - en anglais - jade

9.9 EUR
Although he wants to take his Cub Scouts to Wales, Heron Melomane (a.k.a. Colonel Clifton) is forced to take them to Devonshire. The reason for this change of plan: a note in his letterbox stating that the Second World War isn't finished yet and signed AKC 666! Decrypted by his faithful housekeeper, Miss Partridge, the message sets up a mysterious meeting. This information piques the interest of the British Secret Service, and it's of course Clifton who is chosen to sort out this mess. But Clifton is unaware that MI5 sent a new agent to protect him. Just in case.

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 29 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Grand Duke Leonid of Russia is in Washington to sign a commercial treaty on behalf of the Tsar. But this larger-than-life aristocrat has read too much Fennimore Cooper and wants to visit the West. The US government is forced to agree to his whim—but wisely chooses Lucky Luke to escort him to the cattle capital of the West: Abilene. A good thing, too, because the Russian Grand Duke encounters real American desperadoes on his visit!

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 6 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Two of Largo's employees have been killed in his headquarters in New York. His friend Charity has been kidnapped in the middle of the Piazza San Marco. His only lead is a mysterious message: «Beware of the Doge.» As the bodies start piling up, Largo-aided by the beautiful Domenica-turns the Serenissima upside down to find the young woman and unravel the truth before it is too late. Balls, duels, boat chases, revenge. Ah, Venice! Correspond au tome 10 fraçais: ... et mourir

CINEBOOK Alpha tome 1 - the exchange (en anglais)

15.25 EUR
Assia Donkova is a young Muscovite, idealistic and very attractive. As manager of an art gallery, she visits Paris museums and exhibitions in search of new Western talents. In front of a Monet work one day, she meets painter Julian Morgan. Very quickly the young woman falls under his spell, and they meet again. But is Julian only an aspiring painter? Why does he spy on Assia's slightest moves? And what are the mysterious appointments Assia keeps? Russian mafia and powerful financial organizations are at the centre of a diabolical machination... one that could eventually present grave danger to the new global balance... This two-volume book includes «The Bogdanov Clan.»

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 15 - Crossing paths

9.9 EUR
Largo is in London for a board meeting with his group's various CEOs. At the same time, he's negotiating with a French aeronautics firm for a deal based upon a groundbreaking new technology. But the British capital seems to be the centre of a curious convergence: people with no apparent links to each other gravitate towards Largo and his inner circle. Old lovers, new flames, intelligence agencies, terrorists... Will the billionaire recognise his true allies amidst such a tangled web? Correspond au tome 19 français: Chassé croisé

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 13 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Fresh from his old pilot Freddy's wedding, Largo is back in New York for more celebrating - the departure of one of his employees. But during the party, a Turkish national permanently retires Sir Basil with a couple of bullets. Shortly thereafter, the shooter himself is killed by a sniper before he's had a chance to say a word. When the FBI finally gets involved, they come with accusations of gun trafficking and hiring assassins... Accusations levelled at Largo himself! Correspond au tome 17 français: Mer noire

CINEBOOK Ducoboo tome 3 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
What would a class be without a dunce? A bit like a curry without spice. And Ducoboo sure spices up his fellow pupils' days. Not one lesson goes by without flavour--with him, school is an endless string of break-times. Of course, there's always Leonie, the terribly gifted girl who doesn't put up with Ducoboo's messing and doesn't believe in sharing knowledge. Of course, there's also the teacher, whose index finger turns out to be more threatening than ever. No, school life isn't one long, smooth ride: For some, the school year is perhaps the most dangerous time of all!

CINEBOOK The marquis of Anaon tome 1 - The isle of brac

9.9 EUR
Jean-Baptiste Poulain has been hired by the Baron of Brac to tutor his son. When the young teacher arrives on the island off the coast of Brittany, he's immediately struck by how much the population seems to both hate and fear their lord. Which doesn't stop the locals from going after the aristocrat's people. Jean-Baptiste is brutally attacked - just after Nolwenn, the baron's son, is found beaten to death...

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 23 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Jolan and his new companions have arrived safely in Manthor’s home.However, harmony isn’t the word yet, and the instructions from theirnew master don’t help: their next task can only be accomplished ifall five of them work together to open a magical gate, but oncethey’re past that obstacle, only one of them can become the Chosenone – and that by stealing no less than Thor’s own shield! Can any ofthem even do it on their own?

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 18 (en anglais)

13.25 EUR
1919. Colonel Lawrence - Lawrence of Arabia - has an unpleasant meeting with an MI5 agent who confiscates his manuscript of The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. 35 years later, Oxford is shaken by a series of burglaries at the Ashmolean Museum, at the same time as Blake learns of the death of an old friend. The captain begins an investigation, while Mortimer looks into the thefts. But what dark connection does all of this have with Lawrence or Blake's own past?Correspond au tome 21 français: Le serment des Lords

CINEBOOK Crusade tome 4 (en anglais)

11.75 EUR
With the Master of Machines as their new leader, the Crusaders are ready to assault Jerusalem once more. The Sultan must now choose between his love for a Christian princess and his faith. And Gauthier of Flanders, to free his ally Osarias’s Jewish people, will have to confront the last part of his mysterious past, a Jinni. As the final battle is joined, truths will be revealed on the nature of gods and demons and the ambitions of men.

CINEBOOK Iznogoud tome 4 - and the magic computer

9.9 EUR
In Baghdad, the Caliph's Grand Vizier Iznogoud has one aim in life: to become Caliph instead of the Caliph. The benign ruler, Haroun al Plassid is blind to his vizier's scheming to get rid of him and generally had rather take a nap. Iznogoud is faithfully seconded by Wa'at Alahf in trying to put his fiendish designs into action. Never one to give up, Iznogoud buys himself a supercomputer to help him become Caliph instead of the Caliph... Correspond au tome 6 français: Iznogoud et l'ordinateur magique

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 9 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
Philip Mortimer spent his youth in the land of the Maharajas. He loves India, but his last visit there did not end well. Now, many years later, the famous Professor Mortimer is in charge of the British pavilion at the Brussels Universal Exposition. When strange phenomena begin disrupting preparations, Mortimer and his friend Blake set off on a trail that will take them to the sixth continent-to confront an old and unexpected enemy.Correspond au tome 17 français: Les sarcophages du 6e continent.

CINEBOOK Long John Silver tome 4 - Guina-Capac (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
The Neptune is gone, stolen by the Indian guide Moc, or maybe by Guiana-Capac's malevolent gods. The last members of the ill-fated expedition-Silver, Dantzig, Livesey and Bonnet-are stranded in the ancient city. Far from being broken, however, they will face head-on what lies inside the gargantuan ruin, each for his own reasons: revenge, duty, gold... or to rescue the beautiful Lady Hastings. For Moc isn't done with them, and he has plans for Vivian.

CINEBOOK Crusade tome 3 (en anglais)

11.75 EUR
Gauthier of Flanders hunts the Aa, a monster whose existence stains his family’s honour and who is key to an alliance with the Jews of Samaria. Deep underground, the crusader and Osarias fight for their lives, while on the surface the Master of Machines plots to secure his own pacts and get rid of Robert of Taranto. In this terrible struggle for Hierus Halem, more lives, more souls will be lost to the terrible Qa’dj.

MOULINSART The Art of Hergé tome 2 - Inventor of Tintin 1937-1949

32.95 EUR
Hergé, the creator of Tintin and Snowy, was born a century ago. He left and exceptional legacy. From his childhood onwards, we can judge the range of his talent from the vast number of drawings that he produced. The prolific output of the master of the clear line" included comic strips, advertisements, illustrations, fashion designs and caricatures. "

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 12 (en anglais)

13.25 EUR
Deep under Sao Miguel island, rumoured to be the last emerging part of Atlantis, Professor Mortimer has discovered samples of a mysterious radioactive metal. Could it be the Atlanteans’ legendary orichalcum? When he and his friend Blake set out on an expedition into the depths to find out, sabotage occurs in the form of their old opponent Olrik. And soon, all three will be embroiled in a power struggle far bigger in scope than they could have imagined.

CINEBOOK Lament of the lost moors tome 1 - Siobhan

12.75 EUR
The land of Eruin Dulea is ruled by a powerful and merciless sorcerer. A generation ago, he defeated his last challenger to the throne, Wulf, in a titanic battle. Wulf's widow, Lady O'Mara, and his daughter Siobhàn can finally stop hiding, though. By marrying Lord Blackmore, Lady O'Mara places herself under his protection. But Siobhan is a strong-willed young woman, more at ease with a sword than a spinning wheel, and Blackmore himself isn't all he seems to be...

CINEBOOK lucky luke tome 37 - fingers (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
« Fingers » is a magician-a really, really good one. When his unfortunate kleptomania sends him to jail, he meets the Daltons and soon escapes with them. After Lucky Luke puts everyone back behind bars, he takes pity on Fingers' unfortunate tendencies and agrees to try to rehabilitate him. A daunting, frustrating task, for confusing and complicating matters is second nature to a magician. Riding off into the sunset is going to be a difficult trick this time! Correspond au tome 52 français: Fingers

ANDREWS MCMEEL Calvin and Hobbes - weirdos from another planet

22.9 EUR
"Flashes of innovative genius abound. Exploring the world of Calvin and Hobbes is great therapy. The antics of the precocious boy and his suave stuffed tiger pal can pull anyone out of the doldrums." —Amarillo News Globe  In Calvin and Hobbes book Weirdos From Another Planet!, this power-packed extravaganza of creative energy and imagination feature the childhood fun and fantasy that was a Watterson trademark. Weirdos From Another Planet! is out of this world!

CINEBOOK Gomer Goof tome 6 : gomer : gofer, loafer

9.9 EUR
The Daltons escape from a Texas jail and head up to Canada. Lucky Luke is called in to get them back to jail. He and Rintincan, his second faithful companion after Jolly Jumper, follow them all the way to Canada, where Captain Winston Pendergast offers his help.

CINEBOOK IR$ tome 6 - The Black Gold War (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Larry B. Max is an unusual specialist from a little-known branch of the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), the all-powerful tax-collecting agency of the United States, with every technological method at his disposal to link high finance and high crime.Is the world barrelling towards the apocalypse? Russian commandoes are positioned around Georgia and its vital pipelines, fanatical terrorists are bent on eliminating Saudi Arabia’s reigning family... With oil barons indifferent to the potential damage their stock market manipulations could cause, only one man stands against a scheme of utter cynicism: Larry B. Max. This time, the IRS agent intends to stop his sworn enemy Madsen for good – and rescue the woman he’s loved for so long, Kate.

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 8 - shadow - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Largo Winch has been hoodwinked, framed and sent to jail. His enemies are celebrating their victory after taking control of his TV station. His friends are either in prison or in mortal danger… But Largo wasn’t born a billionaire. He knows how to fight dirty, and now he’s going to have to strike back at the circle of crooks, pimps and murderers who came after him—before they kill all potential witnesses, including his own employee, Sarah Washington.

CINEBOOK XIII tome 18 - the last round (anglais)

9.9 EUR
XIII and his friends have failed to recover Maximilian's gold and are tired of hiding, running and struggling. When two books come out in the USA relating all the events of the amnesiac's life and the details of the Conspiracy of the XX, they see it as a possible chance to come out in the open and trust in their country's justice. But they still have enemies, at home and abroad, and everyone is set on a collision course... Correspond au tome 19 français: Le dernier round

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 2 (en anglais)

15.9 EUR
Professor Philip Mortimer has decided to spend his holidays in Cairo with his trusty servant, Nasir. There he plans to meet his old friend, Professor Ahmed Rassim Bey, who offers him the fantastic opportunity of satisfying his passion for Egyptology. Professor Bey has invited him to take part in deciphering his latest discoveries-in this case, some papyrus coming from mummies of the Ptolemaic age. Mortimer and Bey soon realize that one of the fragments deals with the «Chamber of Horus,» a fabled crypt that could contain priceless treasures...Correspond au tome 4 français: Le mystère de la grande pyramide t.1

CINEBOOK Yakari tome 8 - and the white fleece (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
A strange eagle has wounded a brave from Yakari's tribe and stolen his talisman. To recover it and allow the man to wake from his unnatural slumber, young Yakari will have to climb a mountain to find the eagle's nest. Forced to go alone when Little Thunder can't follow anymore, he will have to make new friends-with sure feet and warm coats-and brave the majestic bird's proud anger.

CINEBOOK Ducoboo tome 2 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
It's not by counting the flies on the ceiling that one becomes a star in maths... And one must be really resourceful to avoid the beckoning finger of the teacher and the humiliation of the dunce cap! And Leonie, who still detests copiers... So, Ducoboo invents the answers that he can't steal from his neighbour. He has cause to regret doing so because, although very fertile, his imagination plays tricks on him and he often ends up «In the Corner»!

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 3 - dutch connection - en anglais

15.25 EUR
H : Largo Winch gives a cocktail party to launch his foundation for war orphans when a waiter brings out one of his colleagues’ severed head on a tray. He has been murdered by the drugs traffickers Largo is after. In a matter of hours, the billionaire’s life is turned upside down.Dutch Connection : Two policemen are shot down as they arrest Largo Winch and he is charged with the murders. On top of that, he is accused of being part of the international heroin trade. Largo flees to Paris and ends up in the homeless community, with little hope of escaping the dire fate that awaits him : a lifelong jail sentence…This two-volume book includes “H”.

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 12 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Thorgal has been gone for three years. Now, the last raiding expedition organised by the men of his village is late in returning. When a single survivor stumbles in to announce that their drakkar was boarded by the dreaded Shaigan, he also reveals that Shaigan is actually... Thorgal! Outraged, the grieving, vengeful Viking women banish Aaricia and her children and brand her an exile. All that’s left for them is to try to find Thorgal again.

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 9 - the guardian of the keys - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Thorgal is back in his old village with his family, but once again his destiny catches up with him when Volsung of Nichor, sent by the snake Nidhogg, steals the belt of the Guardian of the Keys, which grants invulnerability. Nidhogg wants to destroy the Guardian and spread chaos throughout the universe, while Volsung just wants to become king of the world–but they both want Thorgal dead. And Volsung has taken on Thorgal’s appearance…

CINEBOOK The scorpion tome 2 - the devil in the vatican - en anglais

15.25 EUR
The Stone Cross: The Scorpion, whose mother Cardinal Trebaldi burnt at the stake for loving a man of the cloth, discovers that his father was the murdered Pope himself. When Trebaldi addresses a huge crowd at the end of the mourning period, the Scorpion is there to tell the truth about how the people's beloved Pope died. The Devil in the Vatican: Trebaldi claims that the sacred cross of St Peter miraculously appeared in his castle. The Scorpion must find the real cross if he is to prove Trebaldi's treachery. This two-volume book includes The Stone Cross

ATRABILE le secret de la momie

16.3 EUR
Le Secret de la Momie ne se présente comme rien de moins qu'un recueil conséquent regroupant de nombreuses his toires courtes de Jason, parues ici ou là, et où l'auteur fait montre d'un humour absurde passablement réjouissant. On trouvera également en fin de volume toute une série de strips complètement inédits chez nous. S'il existait un panthéon dédié aux auteurs de bande dessinée, Jason aurait sans doute droit à une statue en or massif; en attendant cet avènement, vous pouvez toujours lire ses livre s.Le Secret de la Momie est également le premier volume d'une nouvelle collection chez Atrabile, la collection Fiel, consacrée justement à recueillir des histoires courtes parues ici ou là grave;. Cette collection sera la plus «libre» de notre catalogue, formellement parlant, puisqu'elle s'adaptera aux besoins des histoires recueillies. A suivre dans cette collection: un recueil d'histoires courtes de Frederi k Peeters.

CINEBOOK Papyrus tome 2 - imhotep's transformation - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Papyrus and his friend Imhotep head off for Sakkarah, where a statue must be erected to give praise to the Pharaoh. While navigating the Nile, they save an old man threatened by a crocodile. In Sakkarah, the Pharaoh’s life is threatened too: He has been poisoned. If he dies, the future will be very bleak… So our young heroes have the idea of letting the old man they saved play the role of Pharaoh, seeing as the two men look very much alike… But the deception may not last for long, and Papyrus has to find an antidote for the Pharaoh as quickly as he can!