29.99 EUR
Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non

Starwax The fabulous Terre de sommieres 200 g

7.95 EUR
Idéal pour détacher à sec les surfaces même les plus délicates Absorbe les taches de gras sur la pierre, le bois ... Argile d'origine 100% naturelle : labellisée Ecocert S'utilise même sur le linge taché déjà lavé Peut absorber jusqu'à 80% de son poids en eau ! Utilisez-la seule, ou associée à d'autres ingrédients pour créer vos recettes ! Nettoie, détache.. " The Fabulous Terre de Sommières " est une poudre d'argile extraite à l'origine dans la région de Montpellier depuis le XIXe siècle. Elle est reconnue pour ses propriétés ultra-absorbantes (jusqu'à 80% de son poids). Elle élimine les taches de gras sur les textiles les plus délicats et peut s'utiliser même après lavage en machine sur linge sec. Le pot dans lequel elle est conditionnée dispose d'un couvercle poudreur, pratique pour saupoudrer précisément les surfaces ! Cette poudre peut donc s'utiliser pour : Nettoyer les sols poreux (pierre, bois, marbre) Absorber les taches de gras sur les sols et les meubles Fabriquer un savon détachant Détacher à sec les textiles : tache de gras alimentaire Absorbe le gras sur les sols : marbre, tomette ... Ses propriétés ultra-absorbantes sont efficaces sur : Pierre bleue Marbre tomette Moquette ... D'origine 100% naturelle : labellisé Ecocert La garantie ecocert est un label d'origine française qui garantit un impact moindre sur la planète. Un cahier des charges strict impose des obligations en termes de choix d'ingrédients, de formulation et de production. Parmi ces obligations, on retrouve notamment celle des matières premières issues de ressources renouvelables et une interdiction de la plupart des ingrédients pétrochimiques. De plus, son emballage recyclable est composé de plastique 100% recyclé. Comment utiliser la Terre de Sommières ? Pour nettoyer les sols poreux Saupoudrez la Terre de Sommières directement sur la tache. Laissez agir environ 30 min puis brossez délicatement pour éliminer la poudre et aspirer. Renouvelez si nécessaire. Sur les taches anciennes, l'idéal est de laisser agir une nuit. Pour venir à bout des taches de gras sur tissu ou sols poreux A l'aide d'un papier absorbant, éliminez au préalable l'excédent de gras ou de liquide. Saupoudrez généreusement la terre de Sommières sur la tache. Laissez agir30 minutes à une nuit, puis brossez et aspirez pour éliminer la poudre. Renouvelez l'opération si nécessaire. Pour fabriquer un savon détachant Dans un récipient, mélangez 5 cuillères à soupe de Terre de Sommières avec 1 cuillère à soupe de savon de Marseille en copaux, puis ajoutez un peu d'eau chaude. Laissez sécher la pate ainsi obtenue à l'air libre. Puis appliquez-la sur les taches de textiles les plus tenaces (maquillage, beurre, etc.) avant de mettre votre linge en machine.

Casio Baby-G BGA-280AQ-4AJR [BABY-G 10 atm Waterproof Love The Sea And The Earth AQUAPLANET Tie-up 2021]

154.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Baby-G BGA-280AQ-4AJR 10atm Waterproof Love The Sea The Earth AQUAPLANET Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-280AQ-4AJR The band and case are bright coral orange, reminiscent of coral, and the dial is a gradation of colors reminiscent of sun coral. Sizing: Case: 47.4*43.4*14.8mm WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Pink Band Material: Synthetic Leather ※バンド装着可能サイズ 135~200mm Case: Round


46.32 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


18.99 EUR
Type de souris : Filaire - Souris Gamer : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Roulette de défilement : Oui


27.99 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


25.9 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : 12 - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


47.57 EUR
Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non

Starwax The fabulous Blanc de meudon 480 g

9.78 EUR
Idéal pour faire briller l'argenterie et autres métaux Nettoie et polit sans rayer Ingrédient 100% d'origine naturelle : labellisé Ecocert Véritable ingrédient d'antan S'utilise aussi en période de Noël, pour décorer les vitres ! Utilisez-le seul, ou associé à d'autres ingrédients pour créer vos recettes ! Fait briller l'argenterie, nettoie sans rayer ... Le Blanc de Meudon Starwax The Fabulous est une craie extraite du sol depuis la fin du XIXe siècle. Ce produit est un excellent multi-usages, qui excelle pour polir, raviver et faire briller les métaux et argenterie. C'est un abrasif doux, il ne raye donc pas les supports traités. Sa fine granulométrie lui assure une biodégradabilité à plus de 95%. On utilise le Blanc de Meudon notamment pour : Entretenir le marbre Dégraisser sans rayer Polir Nettoyer les métaux et l'argenterie Fabriquer une crème à récurer Faire briller les vitres et miroirs D'origine 100% naturelle : labellisé Ecocert La garantie ecocert est un label d'origine française qui garantit un impact moindre sur la planète. Un cahier des charges strict impose des obligations en termes de choix d'ingrédients, de formulation et de production. Parmi ces obligations, on retrouve notamment celle des matières premières issues de ressources renouvelables et une interdiction de la plupart des ingrédients pétrochimiques. De plus, son emballage recyclable est composé de plastique 100% recyclé. Comment utiliser le Blanc de Meudon ? Pour raviver les métaux et l'argenterie Réaliser un lait de Meudon en mélangeant 1 volume de blanc de Meudon avec 1/4 volume d'eau. A l'aide de Starwax The Fabulous Éponge, étalez le lait de Meudon sur vos objets en étain, inox, menuiseries métalliques ou argenterie. Laissez sécher 30 minutes, puis essuyez avec un chiffon propre. Pour entretenir le marbre Pour préparer votre pâte nettoyante, mélangez 2/5 de blanc de Meudon et 1/5 de cristaux de soude à 2/5 d'eau. Étalez cette pâte en couche épaisse sur la surface en marbre à nettoyer Laissez agir 1 heure avant d'essuyer avec un chiffon propre et sec Pour fabriquer une crème à récurer Mélangez 2 cuillères à soupe de blanc de Meudon avec 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre blanc et 1 cuillère à soupe d'eau afin d'obtenir une crème homogène. Rincez bien vos supports après l'application. Avant toute nouvelle utilisation, il est nécessaire de mélanger la préparation. Recommandations Stocker à l'abri de l'humidité

Starwax The fabulous Bicarbonate de soude 500 g

5.5 EUR
Idéal pour nettoyer, récurer, détartrer ... Élimine les mauvaises odeurs du réfrigérateur, canalisations ou même de la litière du chat ! Origine minérale, pur à 98% Ingrédient 100% d'origine naturelle : labellisé Ecocert Débouche les canalisations et ravive les couleurs du linge Utilisez-le seul, ou associé à d'autres ingrédients pour créer vos recettes ! Un produit connu et reconnu Fabriqué à partir de craie et de sel "The Fabulous Bicarbonate de Soude " est l'incontournable pour entretenir la maison. Il est connu et reconnu pour ses nombreux usages : il détartre, dégraisse, absorbe les mauvaises odeurs, ravive les couleurs ... Il est l'indispensable de nos intérieurs. Grâce à sa fine granulométrie, il se dissout facilement et n'attaque pas les supports* qu'il traite. *Sauf contre-indication du fabricant Nettoie, récure, dégraisse ... Cette peut être utilisée partout : Pour des cabines et rideaux de douche impeccables Pour des poêles et des plats comme neufs Pour rendre leur fraîcheur à des boîtes en plastiques Pour faire briller le carrelage mural, les lavabos, éviers ... Pour supprimer les mauvaises odeurs Pour nettoyer un réfrigérateur ou un congélateur D'origine 100% naturelle : labellisé Ecocert La garantie ecocert est un label d'origine française qui garantit un impact moindre sur la planète. Un cahier des charges strict impose des obligations en termes de choix d'ingrédients, de formulation et de production. Parmi ces obligations, on retrouve notamment celle des matières premières issues de ressources renouvelables et une interdiction de la plupart des ingrédients pétrochimiques. De plus, son emballage recyclable est composé de plastique 100% recyclé. Comment utiliser le Bicarbonate de soude ? Pour des cabines, rideaux de douche impeccables Pour la porte, lavez avec une éponge humide saupoudrée de bicarbonate. Rincez et séchez. Pour le rideau de douche, même traitement. Vous pourrez aussi le mettre en machine en ajoutant 3 cuillères à soupe de bicarbonate au cycle de lavage. Pour des poêles et des casseroles comme neuves Saupoudrez vos poêles et plats de Starwax The Fabulous bicarbonate de soude et ajoutez de l'eau chaude. Laissez agir au moins 15 minutes avant de frotter et rincer. Pour rendre leur fraicheur à des boîtes en plastique Fabriquez un mélange composé pour moitié de bicarbonate de soude et pour moitié de vinaigre blanc. Versez ce mélange dans votre boîte en plastique et frottez doucement avec la partie abrasive de votre éponge. Sans rincer, laissez un peu d'eau et laissez agir toute la nuit. Le lendemain, rincez la boîte. Pour faire briller carrelage mural, lavabo, évier ... Préparez une pâte avec 3 volumes de bicarbonate de soude pour 1 volume d'eau chaude. Frottez énergiquement avec un chiffon ou une brosse de manière à faire disparaitre totalement les traces les plus tenaces. Rincez, puis séchez les surfaces ainsi nettoyées. Recommandations Ne pas appliquer sur de l'aluminium Ne pas utiliser pour la soie et la laine


24 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


29.99 EUR
Couleur : Blanc - Connectivité : Filaire - Sans fil : Non

The G-Lab Clavier Gamer TKL sans pavé numérique 87 Touches Filaire USB

19.95 EUR
Le clavier Gamer TKL est le tout nouveau clavier gaming haute performance The G-Lab !Ce clavier ultra compact format TKL prend un minimum de place pour un maximum d’efficacité. Ce clavier vous garantit un...

The G-Lab Clavier Keyz Carbon-E mécanique rétroéclairé

49.95 EUR
Le clavier The G-LAB Keyz Carbon-E est un modèle mécanique efficace avec ses switches bleus qui permettent une réactivité hors du commun au clic. Il s'agit d'un clavier solide qui tient la promesse de la lo...

The G-Lab Pack gaming filaire Combo Sulfur

39.95 EUR
Le pack gaming Combo Sulfur de la marque The G-Lab est l’allié parfait pour les gamers en herbe ! Il regroupe les quatre outils principaux à la création d’un setup gaming, à savoir un clavier, une souris, un...


38.99 EUR
Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non

Skins Mini Vibromasseur Point G Minis The Sweet G Violet

46.9 EUR
Découvrez leMiniVibromasseur Point G ( Minis The Sweet Gde la marque Skins (!Cet adorable vibromasseur compact vous permettra de cibler précisément votre point G ! Petit mais puissant, The Sweet G a tout d'un grand! Son design compact est facile à  prendre en main, c'est pourquoi son utilisation conviendra autant aux débutants qu'aux initiés. Sa tête courbée est idéale pour propager ses profondes vibrations directement contre votre point G en interne. Il peut également servir pour masser vos zones érogànes externes comme vos tétons, votre vulve et votre clitoris, ou encore votre pénis dans le cadre de jeux coquins en solo ou en duo. Il est capable de délivrer jusqu'à  10 modes de vibration pour s'adapter à  vos envies et votre sensibilité intime. Ses petites dimensions en font un compagnon de voyage tràs facile à  transporter. Glissez-le en toute discrétion dans votre sac afin qu'il vous suive dans toutes vos aventures! Fabriqué en silicone hypoallergénique de haute qualité, il est doux au toucher et sûr pour votre santé intime. 100% waterproof, vous pourrez l'utiliser jusque sous votre douche ou dans votre bain pour explorer de nouveaux jeux érotiques sous l'eau! Il se nettoie également facilement. Il est rechargeable à  l'aide de son cà¢ble USB inclus. Avant toute premiàre utilisation, il est recommandé de charger complàtement votre sextoy. Pour plus de plaisir, utilisez un lubrifiant à  base d'eau tel que le SexyGlide ( Pour un nettoyage de votre sextoy rapide et sans rinçage, SexyAvenue vous conseille leSpray Nettoyant SexyCare ( à  utiliser avant et apràs chaque utilisation.


46.99 EUR
Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non

The G-Lab Souris gaming sans fil rechargeable Kult Helium WL

19.95 EUR
Version sans fil de la populaire Kult Helium filaire, la souris gaming sans fil Kult Helium WL de la marque G-Lab vous offre de nouvelles perspectives.Avec un capteur optique et une sensibilité réglable jusqu’à 3600 dpi,...

BABY-G [Casio] Watch BabygieLove Sea and The Earth Wildlife Promising Collaboration Model BA-120WLP-7AJR Women's Black & White

189.99 EUR
Set includes the main body, a dry bag that can be reused as a pouch, a Japanese instruction manual, and a warranty card are attached to the Japanese handling manual Waterproof Specifications:10 ATM waterproof function Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Kayomart [Casio] Baby-G Watch []Baby-G+Plus The Powerpuff Girls Collaboration Model BGD-10KPP-7JR White

194.06 EUR
As we are a Japanese shop, please take the following precautions when purchasing certain products. [Precautions when using electrical appliances] When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that in Japan and may cause malfunctions. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage before using a transformer. Please note that a transformer is different from a conversion adapter. We are not responsible for malfunctions caused by use without a transformer. THE POWERPUFF GIRLS and all related characters and elements & TM Cartoon Network. (s24) Introducing a special collaboration model between BABY-G, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and the tough and cute Powerpuff Girls, which celebrates its 25th anniversary. [Shock-resistant structure] Shock-resistant structure that is resistant to shock and vibration [10 ATM Water Resistant] Waterproof performance is 10 ATM water resistant. [Set contents] Main unit, original package, original sticker, instruction manual, and warranty card are included with the instruction manual *For other product specifications, please check the description column.

[Casio] Baby-G+Plus Modèle de collaboration The Powerpuff Girls BGD-10KPP-7JR Blanc

202.99 EUR
LES SUPER NANAS et tous les personnages et éléments associés et TM Cartoon Network. (s24) Un modèle de collaboration spécial entre BABY-G, qui fête son 30e anniversaire cette année, et les dures et mignonnes [Powerpuff Girls], qui fêtent leur 25e anniversaire. Ceci est une introduction. [Structure antichoc] Structure antichoc résistante aux chocs et aux vibrations [Résistance à l'eau de 10 ATM] La performance d'étanchéité est de 10 ATM résistante à l'eau. [Contenu de l'ensemble] L'unité principale, l'emballage d'origine, l'autocollant d'origine, le manuel d'instructions et la garantie sont inclus avec le manuel d'instructions. *Pour d'autres spécifications de produit, veuillez consulter la colonne de description.

SAMURAI TRADE Casio Watch Baby-G+Plus The Powerpuff Girls Collaboration Model BGD-10KPP-7JR White blanc

219.99 EUR
THE POWERPUFF GIRLS and all related characters and elements & TM Cartoon Network. (s24) This is a special collaboration model between BABY-G, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, and the tough and cute Powerpuff Girls , which is celebrating its 25th anniversary. [Shock-resistant structure] Shock-resistant structure that is resistant to shocks and vibrations [Waterproof to 10 atmospheres] Waterproof performance is equipped with 10 atmospheres water resistance. [Set contents] Main unit, original package, original sticker, instruction manual, warranty card included in the instruction manual * For other product specifications, please check the description column. This model comes with a compact digital watch and a dedicated holder with a strap, and the bezel and band can be easily removed without tools. You can wear it as a watch or decorate your waist or bag as a charm, and you can use it freely. You can enjoy a one-of-a-kind arrangement. The motto is Be you. Be me. With BABY-G! . A new style proposal from BABY-G, celebrating its 30th anniversary. [Functions] Shock resistant / Water resistant to 10 ATM / World time (30 cities) / 1/100 second stopwatch / Timer / 5 time alarms / Dot animation display / LED backlight (Super Illuminator)

BABY-G [Casio] Baby G Love the Sea and the Earth Radio Solar BGR-3008K-7JR Women's Watch

474.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included with instruction manual Reinforced waterproof for daily life: 20 BAR Radio solar compatible with 6 stations around the world (Japan x 2, North America, UK, Germany, China) Shock-resistant structure resistant to shock and vibration Design that is a reproduction of the first dolphin whale model

BABY-G [Casio] Watch Babygie []Love Sea and The Earth Aqua Planet Collaboration Model Biomass Plastic BA-110AQ-4AJR Women's Pale Pink

203.99 EUR
Since the late 1990s, G-SHOCK/BABY-G has produced collaborative models with various environmental organizations and continues to support them. In 2024, we will continue to support Aqua Planet, a specified non-profit organization that conducts coral reef conservation activities. The motif of this model is the [Ptera coral goby] that lives in the Casio coral field managed by Aqua Planet. [Shockproof structure] Shockproof structure that is resistant to shocks and vibrations [10 ATM water resistant] Waterproof performance is 10 ATM water resistant. [World Time] Time display in 48 cities around the world (29 time zones, daylight saving time setting function) + UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) [Set contents] Main unit, original package, instruction manual, warranty is instruction manual *Please check the description column for other product specifications.

APC Back-UPS BE850G2-FR - onduleur - 520 Watt - 850 VA

146.7 EUR
Onduleur - CA 220/230 V - 520 Watt - 850 VA - USB - connecteurs de sortie : 8 - Belgique, France - noir - Poids Brut: 4,98 Kg

The G-Lab Souris gaming Kult Nitrogen CORE

29.95 EUR
La souris Kult Nitrogen CORE est dotée de 11 boutons programmables et d'un capteur AVAGO 3325 conçu pour une précision jusqu'à 10 000 dpi ! Choisissez le rétroéclairage RGB parmi de nombr...

Brunel - pierre blanche de nettoyage 375g 100% d'origine naturelle en pot starwax vert

9.9 EUR
Avantages Idéal pour de?crasser, protéger et faire briller Apte au contact alimentaire* Effet déperlant Utile autant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur de la maison Munie d'une éponge bi-face pour une application facile Parfum sans allergéne (selon le réglement détergent n°648/2004) Description Starwax Soluvert : une gamme de produits efficaces plus respectueux de l’environnement formulés à base d’ingrédients d’origine naturelle pour les consommateurs exigeants. Formulé à base de 100 % d'ingrédients d'origine naturelle, la pierre de nettoyage multi-surfaces Starwax Soluvert est munie d'une éponge bi-face pour une application facile. Elle décrasse, protège et fait briller tous types de surfaces lavables en intérieur comme en extérieur. Elle apporte également un effet déperlant . Contient un parfum sans allergène (selon le réglement détergent n°648/2004) et apte au contact alimentaire*. ( *avec rinçage, selon l’arrêté du 8/09/99.) Mode d'emploi Humidifier l’e?ponge et bien la frotter sur la

Casioimport [Casio] CASIO Baby-G Reef Leaf BG-169R-1 [Re-imported product]

246.99 EUR
The BG-169 series, popular for its tough and cute design and colors, is equipped with a data bank function and day counter. The data bank function allows you to register 8 alphanumeric characters and a 12-digit phone number. The day counter is a function that displays the number of days remaining and days elapsed since an anniversary, etc. In addition, it has an alarm mode, stopwatch, timer, fully automatic calendar, world time, dual time, shock-resistant structure, and water resistance of 20 ATM, making it a reliable women's watch with many functions. When you press the L button at the bottom of the LCD, the backlight illuminates the letters in blue. moreover. There is also a fun feature that displays cute animations of animals on the upper part of the LCD screen. Main features: Quartz movement (3189) Shock-resistant structure Waterproof to 200 m (20 atm) Data bank function - 8-character alphanumeric name Name Up to 25 12-digit phone numbers can be registered Day counter - 8-character alphanumeric title Up to 5 items can be registered in World Time - Time display in 48 cities around the world (29 time zones) - Summer time setting function Stopwatch - 1/100 second, 60 minute meter, with split Timer Set unit: 1 minute, maximum set: 24 hours, Measures in 1 second increments 5 time alarms ・Only 1 has snooze function Time signal Fully automatic calendar 12/24 hour display switching Operation sound ON/OFF switching function LED light (with animation afterglow function) Material: Case : Urethane Belt: Urethane Wind protection: Mineral crystal Size: Case: Approx. 46 x 43 x 15 mm Arm circumference: Approx. 12-20 cm Weight: Approx. 44 g Accessories Casio original box Instruction manual (Japanese translation not available)

[Casio] CASIO Watch Baby-G BG-5600GL-2 Women's Cosmic Face Series [Reimported Product]

313.73 EUR
Packaging: Can be attached during shipping Please understand Delivery time 8-20 business days with registered shipping If anything is required, support will be provided promptly. Please feel free to email us with any questions. Casio Women - - Waterproof Performance Casio case: From Casio Website: 40 (H) x 40 (W) x 12 mm (thickness) Import - includes international shipping Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.


32.86 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Sans fil : Oui

Casioimport [Casio] CASIO Watch Baby-G BG-5600GL-2 Women's Cosmic Face Series [Reverse Imported Product]

262.99 EUR
Packaging: May be damaged during shipping. Thank you for your understanding Delivery time 8-20 business days by registered mail.If you have any questions, we will respond promptly. Please feel free to email us with any questions. Casio Ladies - -Waterproof performance Casio case: From Casio Website: 40 (H) x 40 (W) x 12 mm (thickness) Import - Shipped from overseas Including Casio Japanese instruction manual not available + Casio Baby-G Box The box is from Asia, so please note that it may differ from the photo.

Montre Homme Casio G-Shock The Origin - DW-5600AI-1ER Bracelet Résine male

149 EUR
3Suisses : Voici la montre pour homme The Origin DW-5600AI-1ER signée Casio G-Shock. Affichage digital et un diamètre de boitier de 43 mm, son étanchéité est impressionnante de 200 mètres. Avec un boitier rond, elle est réputée pour son genre masculin. Tant le boitier que le bracelet sont en résine solide. Un mouvement à quartz anime cette montre. Son type de fermeture est une boucle simple tandis que son verre est minéral. Type: Montre Marque: Casio Genre: Homme Styles: Sport Age: Adulte Mouvement: Quartz Matière Bracelet: Résine Affichage: Digital Etanchéité: 200 m (20 ATM) Matière Boitier: Résine Forme de Boitier: Rond Verre: Minéral Type Fermeture: Boucle simple Diamètre Boitier: 43 mm

Casio G-SHOCK GW-9501KJ-8JR [G-SHOCK MASTER OF G-LAND MUDMAN (Love The Sea And THE Earth) EARTHWATCH Collaboration Model]

649.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO G-SHOCK GW-9501KJ-8JR MASTER OF G-LAND MUDMAN Love The Sea & THE Earth] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : GW-9501KJ-8JR G-SHOCK/BABY-G has been supporting various environmental organizations since the late 90's by creating collaborative models with them. Sizing: Case: 56.7*52.7*14.8mm WaterProof: 20 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Carbon *Resin (Biomas Plastic)/Stainless Steel Movement: Tough Solar *Solar Charge Display: Digital Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic Biomas Plastic Case: Round

Casio G-SHOCK GA-B2100CD-1A4JR [G-SHOCK Love The Sea And THE Earth Charles Darwin Collaboration Model]

259.38 EUR
for discount, please contact by 'make offer' button. We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. other watches listing pages link here: CASIO G-SHOCK GA-B2100CD-1A4JR [Love The Sea And THE Earth Charles Darwin Model Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : GA-B2100CD-1A4JR This Charles Darwin Foundation collaboration model from G-SHOCK is based on the theme of the animals of the Galapagos. Sizing: Case: 48.5*45.4*11.9mm WaterProof: 20 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Carbon *Resin (Biomas Plastic) Movement: Tough Solar *Solar Charge Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Red Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

Casio G-SHOCK GA-B2100CD-1A7JR [G-SHOCK Love The Sea And THE Earth Charles Darwin Collaboration Model]

258.99 EUR
for discount, please contact by 'make offer' button. We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. other watches listing pages link here: CASIO G-SHOCK GA-B2100CD-1A7JR [Love The Sea And THE Earth Charles Darwin Model Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : GA-B2100CD-1A7JR This Charles Darwin Foundation collaboration model from G-SHOCK is based on the theme of the animals of the Galapagos. Sizing: Case: 48.5*45.4*11.9mm WaterProof: 20 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Carbon *Resin (Biomas Plastic) Movement: Tough Solar *Solar Charge Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: White Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

APC BE850G2-FR, Veille, 0,85 kVA, 520 W, Sinus, 220 V, 230 V

170.71 EUR
Alarmes sonores : OuiAltitude de non fonctionnement : 0 - 4500 mcapacité de la puissance de sortie : 0,85 kVACertification : CE, EAC

Skins Vibromasseur Point G Minis The Sweet G

46.9 EUR
Découvrez le Vibromasseur Point G Minis The Sweet G de Skins, un adorable vibromasseur petit format adapté à une stimulation du clitoris mais aussi au Point-G ! Son design adorable et sexy trouvera sa place dans votre sac lors de vos escapades coquines !   Petit format certes, la puissance n'a pas été mise de côté pour autant. Il est doté d'un puissant moteur ne proposant pas moins de 10 modes de vibrations à fréquences différentes.   Les vibrations se propagent aux quatre coins de sa partie bombée à placer sur le clitoris ou en vous pour des sensations vraiment intenses. L'alliance de l'extrémité recourbée du Sweet G et des pulsations vous offrira un plaisir sans limites !   Son design fait de lui un compagnon très mignon qui pourra en plus se glisser facilement dans un sac de voyage en toute discrétion !   Le Vibromasseur Point G Minis The Sweet G est composé de silicone hypoallergénique ultra-doux et sûr pour le corps. Splashproof, il est résistant aux éclaboussures. Sa batterie se recharge à l'aide du câble USB fourni.   Pour une utilisation optimale de votre sextoy, espaceplaisir vous recommande d'utiliser un lubrifiant à base d'eau. Veillez à bien nettoyer votre sextoy avant et après chaque utilisation.

[Casio] CASIO Watch G-SHOCK Overseas Model DW-6900BR-5 [Reimported Product]

628.99 EUR
Resin band Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio Standard Watch DBC-611G-1D Product

127.36 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

G-Shock CASIO G-SHOCK G-9300GB-1DR MUDMAN Solar Watch Overseas Model Black x Gold Reimported Product

401.99 EUR
●Shock resistant structure Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio G-SHOCK Men's Digital Watch Vibration GD-350-1B Black Overseas Model Reimported Product

273.05 EUR
MOVEMENT: QUARTZ Case size (approx.): (width) 51 mm× (thickness) 18 mm Water Resistive: Hardened water for every day use (20 bar) Shock-Free Design, Full Auto Caleder, World Time, Stopwatch, Timers, Alarmers Please be sure to confirm the product's full instructions below and the things to note when making a product before you make your order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio G-SHOCK Watch Overseas Model Digital Analyzer Watch AW-591-2ADR Blue [Watch] Reimported Product

202.99 EUR
[Specification] 20 Mp. Water Resistive [size] length x width x thickness: approx. 52 x 46.4 x 14.9 mm [Material] Case and Band: Plastic [ATTACHMENT] EXCLUSIVE BOX, Japanese user manual [Warranty] Our store's 1-year Warranty Be sure to check the product details below and the points to keep in mind when you buy before you buy! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio watch G-SHOCK DW-9052-2 Men's overseas model [product]

151.24 EUR
Popular for its basic design! This is a model equipped with a 3-stage LCD panel on the [DW-9052].

CASIO G-SHOCK G-Shock Watch Men's Solar Radio GW-7900B-1ER Black Watch Product

199.05 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

CASIO G-Shock G-SHOCK quartz men's watch GA-400HR-1A Black [Reimported product] [Kimp]

235.56 EUR
(approx.) H47 x W47 x D15mm (excluding lugs and crown), weight (approx.) 70g, arm circumference maximum (approx.) 21cm, minimum (approx.) 14cm Stainless steel (case), resin (belt) >Quartz, 20 ATM water resistant, world time, chronograph, timer, 5398, color: black (dial), black x red (belt) Exclusive box, warranty, instruction manual Casio CASIO G-Shock G -SHOCK quartz men's watch black Product specifications: (approx.) H47 x W47 x D15mm (excluding lugs and crown), weight (approx.) 70g, arm circumference maximum (approx.) 21cm, minimum (approx.) 14cm Stainless steel (case) , resin (belt) dedicated BOX, warranty, instruction manual

CASIO G-SHOCK G-Shock Watch Men's Solar Radio GW-7900B-1ER Black [Watch] Reimported Product

262.99 EUR
Shock-tight Tough Sola (Solar-charging System) Radio receiving function: Automatic receiving (up to 6 times/day) /Automatic receiving Moon data Tide Graph approx. 52.4 x 50.0 x 17.7 mm Please be sure to check the product's specifications below and the points to note when making a sale before you make a sale! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio G-SHOCK G-Shock Watch DW-6900NB-1DR Metallic Colors Black (Reimported Product) Black Metal

189.99 EUR
Material Case:Urethane Resin Belt:Urethane Resin Size:Face (HxWxD):Approx. 45x49x16mm (excluding crown) Maximum circumference of the arm:Approx. 215mm movement: quartz, waterproof: 200m water resistant Specifications: Men's, full auto calendar, shock resistant structure (shock resist), 12/24 hour display switching, stopwatch, timer, 5 multi-alarms, see-bo, mineral crystal glass Accessories: Casio cosmetic box, CASIO Japanese manual (Japanese copy), international warranty, our one-year warranty Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio G-SHOCK Mudmaster MUDMASTER Ana-Digi GG-1000-1A3 GG-1000-1A3DR Overseas model (same model as domestic product number GG-1000-1A3JF) Men's

484.73 EUR
[Size] (approx.) H49 x W49 x D15 mm (excluding lugs and crown), weight (approx.) 94 g, maximum arm circumference (approx.) 21 cm, minimum (approx.) 14 cm [Material] Stainless steel (case), resin (belt) [Specifications] Quartz, 20 ATM water resistant, chronograph, world time, alarm, timer, thermometer, gauge, module number: 5476, color: black (dial), green (belt) [Accessories] Exclusive box, warranty card, Japanese instruction manual Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio G-SHOCK Mudmaster MUDMASTER Ana-Digi GG-1000-1A3 GG-1000-1A3DR Overseas model (same model as domestic product number GG-1000-1A3JF) Men's

402.99 EUR
[Size] (approx.) H49 x W49 x D15mm (excluding lugs and crown), weight (approx.) 94g, arm circumference maximum (approx.) 21cm, minimum (approx.) 14cm [Material] Stainless steel (case), Resin (belt) [Specifications] Quartz, 20 ATM water resistant, chronograph, world time, alarm, analog digital, timer, thermometer, compass, module number: 5476, color: black (dial), green (belt) ) [Accessories] Exclusive BOX, warranty, instruction manual

[Casio] CASIO Diver Watch MDV-106 Series Men's Overseas Model (Black x Gold MDV-106G-1AV) [Product]

192.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (H x W x D): 48 x 44 x 12 (approx. mm), Belt: width approx. 21~26 mm (ring width approx. 22 mm), Weight: approx. 92 g [Material] Case : Stainless steel, Band: Polyurethane, Windshield: Inorganic glass [Waterproof performance] Water resistant to 20 ATM Foreign language manual booklet, Casio genuine BOX, Japanese manual is not included with overseas models, but Casio official You can view it on the website. (Operation Instruction No.2784)

[Casio] CASIO Watch G-SHOCK GA-700-4A Men's [Reimported Product]

158.35 EUR
Case/bezel material: Resin-plastic band, shock resistance (shock resist), inorganic glass, 20 bar water resistance) World time: 48 world city (31 time zone, with daylight saving time setting function) +UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time display, UTC Direct Call function, Home time city exchange function stopwatch (1/100 seconds, 24-hour clock, with a divide, one-press measurement from the vision mode Start attached, target time alert function) timer (set unit: 1 minute, maximum set: 60 minutes, measured in 1/10 second increments); 5 video alarm (only 1 with snooze function) ・Sibo full auto calder 12/24 hour display switching operation sound ON/OFF switching function LED light (super illuminator, afterglow function, remaining time switching (1.5 sec/3 seconds) included) Accuracy: average month difference ± 15 seconds Please be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and the points to note when making a purchase before making a purchase! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

The G-Lab Casque surround 7.1 pour gamer Korp Thallium

49.95 EUR
Le casque filaire Korp Thallium par The G-Lab offre une qualité de son et un confort optimal pour tous les pro du gaming ! Ce casque avec rétroéclairage RVB possède un micro amovible. Il délivre un son surround 7...


29.99 EUR
Type de souris : Filaire - Souris Gamer : Oui - Compatibilité : PC / PS4 / XBOX ONE / MAC - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Roulette de défilement : Oui

Montre Femme Casio BABY-G BA-130-7A1ER - Bracelet Résine Blanc Blanc female

119 EUR
3Suisses : De BABY-G, la montre décontractée pour femmes actives, de nouveaux modèles pour mettre en valeur la mode de la rue.Le modèle de base est le BA-130, qui est une version compacte du modèle populaire G-SHOCK. Les couleurs des modèles blanc et rose se combinent avec les teintes métalliques des parties du visage pour un look lumineux et rafraîchissant. La coloration onetone raffinée du modèle noir donne une impression de fraîcheur.Le design masculin du boîtier s'allie aux couleurs métalliques féminines pour un design de garde-temps qui s'harmonise parfaitement avec la mode de la rue. Type: Montre Marque: Casio Genre: Femme Styles: Sport Age: Adulte Couleur du bracelet: Blanc Mouvement: Quartz Fonctionnalités: Affichage led, Alarme, Chronographe, Dateur, Heure universelle, Compte à rebours Matière Bracelet: Résine Conditionnement: Ecrin de la marque Garantie: 2 Ans Type de garantie: Fabricant Affichage: Analogique Etanchéité: 100 m (10 ATM) Matière Boitier: Résine Forme de Boitier: Rond Couleur du cadran: Rose Verre: Minéral Type Fermeture: Boucle simple Diamètre Boitier: 43 mm

Montre Femme Casio Baby-G Urban - BGD-565U-1ER Bracelet Résine Noir female

79.9 EUR
3Suisses : De marque Casio, la montre Femme Casio Baby-G Urban - BGD-565U-1ER Bracelet Résine se distingue par son design carré et son affichage digital. Dotée d'une étanchéité de 200 m (20 ATM), elle constitue un choix idéal pour les activités nautiques. Elle arbore un boitier et un bracelet en résine de couleur noire pour un look sophistiqué. Cette montre est équipée d'un mouvement quartz et offre une fermeture par boucle simple. Le verre minéral la rend résistante aux rayures. Type: Montre Marque: Casio Genre: Femme Styles: Sport Age: Adulte Couleur du bracelet: Noir Mouvement: Quartz Matière Bracelet: Résine Affichage: Digital Etanchéité: 200 m (20 ATM) Matière Boitier: Résine Forme de Boitier: Carré Couleur du cadran: Noir Verre: Minéral Type Fermeture: Boucle simple Diamètre Boitier: 38 mm

Montre Femme Casio Baby-G Urban - BGD-565SJ-9ER Bracelet Résine Jaune female

89.9 EUR
3Suisses : La Montre Femme Casio Baby-G Urban - BGD-565SJ-9ER Bracelet Résine est une pièce élégante de la célèbre marque Casio. Avec un affichage numérique et équipée d'un mouvement quartz, cette montre ronde possède un boitier et un bracelet fabriqués en résine de haute qualité. Le diamètre du boitier mesure 38 mm. Dotée d'une étanchéité de 10 ATM, elle est résistante jusqu?à 100 mètres de profondeur. Ce bijou est muni d'une boucle simple pour une fermeture sécurisée. Le verre minéral du cadran assure une excellente lisibilité. Type: Montre Marque: Casio Genre: Femme Styles: Sport Age: Adulte Couleur du bracelet: Jaune Mouvement: Quartz Matière Bracelet: Résine Affichage: Digital Etanchéité: 100 m (10 ATM) Matière Boitier: Résine Forme de Boitier: Rond Verre: Minéral Type Fermeture: Boucle simple Diamètre Boitier: 38 mm

Casio Montre G-shock Ga-2100-1a2er Black / Black One Size unisex

88.99 EUR
INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES : Collection : CASIO G Shock.CIBLE : Homme.Sport.Adulte.MOUVEMENT ET CARACTÉRISTIQUES : CASIO.5611.Quartz.Numérique.Jour Date Mois & Année.Chronomètre, alarme, minuterie, fuseaux horaires, lumière.BOÎTIER : Fibre de carbone.Le noir.Epaisseur 14mm.Diamètre 49mm.BANDE/BRACELET : Résine.Le noir.Largeur mm.Longueur cm.CADRAN.Le noir.

Casio Montre G-shock Ga-2100-1a1er Black One Size unisex

78.99 EUR
Double illuminateur.Résistant aux chocs.Affichage Neo.Fonction heure mondiale.Fonction chronomètre 1/100 sec.24 heures.Minuterie 1/1 sec.24 heures.5 alarmes quotidiennes.Activation / désactivation des tonalités des boutons.Fonction de déplacement de la main.Calendrier automatique avec date, jour et mois.Indication de l'heure 12/24 heures.Verre minéral.Boîtier en résine renforcée de carbone.Bande en résine.Boucle.3 ans 1 batterie.Classification de résistance à l'eau (20 bar).

Casio Watch Baby-G BGA-255-4A Women's

177.99 EUR
Movement: quartz anadesie Shock Resistant Construction: Shock Resist Stopwatch: 1 second, 60 minutes, split attached Body size: length x width x back: approx. 45.1 x 41 x 13.3 mm Weight: about 33g Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Casio] CASIO G-SHOCK BABY-G Pair Watch Smartphone Link Men's Women's Waterproof Calories Burned Pedometer GBD-800-8gmd-b800-4 Watch [Item]

389.36 EUR
■Brand: CASIO G-SHOCK (Casio G-SHOCK) ■Product model number: GBD-800-8GMD-B800-4 (overseas model) ■Quartz (formula) ■About exchange: Possible at the watch department of a mass retailer or your local watch store It is a model. ■Belt adjustment: Buckle/hole through. This is a customer-adjustable belt. ■Waterproofness: Water resistant to 20 ATM ■Features: - Inorganic glass - Shock resistant structure (shock resist) - Case/bezel material: Resin - Resin band - Mobile link function (function linked with compatible mobile phone via Bluetooth communication) - Step count measurement Functions - Step count display range: 0 to 999,999 steps - Goal achievement rate display (Target step count setting range: 1,000 to 50,000 steps, in 1,000 step increments) - Step count graph (displays the number of steps per hour in 6 levels for 7 hours) ・Step indicator display ・Power saving function (automatically puts the sensor into sleep mode to save power if there is no movement for a certain period of time) ・Dual time (with time swap function with home time) ・Stopwatch (1/100 second (less than 1 hour)) /1 second (more than 1 hour), 24-hour meter, with lap/split, memory for up to 200 measurement data (measurement month, day, hour, minute, lap/split time), target time notification function, target notification ( (Target time) can be set up to 10 times (Set unit: 1 second, maximum set 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds) Timer: Timer for interval measurement that can set up to 5 times (Set unit: 1 second, maximum Set: 60 minutes, measurement in 1 second increments, auto repeat, auto start) ・5 time alarms ・Time signal ・Full auto calendar ・12/24 hour display switching ・Operation sound ON/OFF switching function ・LED backlight (with auto light, super illuminator, afterglow function, and afterglow time switching (1.5 seconds/3 seconds)) ・Lifespan: Approximately 3 years *If not linked to a smartphone, the normal Operates with quartz accuracy (average monthly difference of ±15 seconds). ・LED: White (Image: Left side) ■Case size (H×W×D): 54.1×48.6×15.5mm ■Mass: 59g (Image: Right side) ■Case size (H×W×D): 50.7×45.2× 15.5mm ■Mass: 52g ■Brand exclusive BOX ■Warranty period: 1 year

Casio Baby-G Baby G Watch Ladies Analog Metal Solar G-MS Black Rose Gold MSG-S500CG-1A

478.44 EUR
Movement: sun Shock Resistant Construction: Shock Resist Water resistant: 10 bar Body size: length x width x back: 42.4 x 38.8 x 10.5 mm Weight: about 57g Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[casio] Watch Baby G bGa 290 8a Ladies Overseas Model

258.74 EUR
Brand CASIO (Casio) Model Number BGA-290-8ADR Model Number B220 Case shape round Windproof mineral glass Display type Anadige Case diameter/width 41.5 Case thickness 10.1 Band Material/Type Resin Band width 18 Other features Weight 33 g Movement quartz Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio G-SHOCK Baby-G Baby G Watch Men's Women's Pair Watch Clear Skeleton Digital Blue SLV-21B-2

319.54 EUR
Movement: quartz digital Water resistant: 20 ATM water resistant Body size: length x width x thickness: approx. 34 x 44 x 13 mm (men), approx. 32 x 40 x 12 mm (ladies) Weight:Approx. 56 g (men's) approx. 43 g (ladies) Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio Baby G BABY-G Quartz Ladies Watch BA-110GA-1A Black

274.85 EUR
Overseas MODEL Please be sure to take a look at the product's more than a minute's reading and what to look out for before you make a product! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio Baby-G Baby G Watch Ladies Waterproof Ana-Digi Star Pink BGA-150ST-4A

193.54 EUR
Movement: quartz anadesie Waterproof: 10 ATM water resistant Body size: length x width x back: approx. 47.5 x 42.8 x 12.8 mm Weight: about 43g Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio BG-169U-1CJF Baby-G BG-169 Series with Front Protector Ladies' Watch Japan Import Feb 2023 Model

187.64 EUR
[Shock-resistant structure] Features a shock-resistant structure that withstands shocks and vibrations. [10-bar water resistance] [LED light / Backlight] Uses a high-brightness type light-emitting diode (LED) as the light source. [Other product specifications] Memory for up to 25 phone numbers / World time / Day counter function / Stopwatch / Timer / 5 time alarms / Hourly time signal / Full auto calendar / 12/24-hour format switch / LED backlight. [Set contents] Main unit, a drawstring bag that can also be reused as a pouch, instruction manual, warranty card (attached to the instruction manual).

Casio Baby-G Watch Ladies Digital Square G-LIDE Casual Outdoor Sports Black BLX-560-1 [Item]

215.83 EUR
Movement: Quartz digital Shock-resistant structure: Shock resist World time: Time display in 48 cities (29 time zones) around the world, with summer time setting function Body size: Length x width x thickness: 44.7 x 40 ×12.5mm Weight: Approximately 44g

BGA-180-4B3 Casio Baby-G G-LIDE Pink Women Analog - Digital Casual Quartz Overseas Shipping Casio

174.99 EUR
Import - Overseas shipping included Casio Korean handling No Japanese manual + The Casio Box box is an Asian item, please note that it may differ from the picture. Packaging: Can be attached during shipping Please understand Casio case: From Casio Website: 44 (H) x 44 (W) x 15 mm (thickness) Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-151EF-1BJF [Elegant Face Black] Round Watch Black Resin Digital Analog

138.23 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-151EF-1BJF Elegant Face Black] Round Watch Black Resin Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-151EF-1BJF The base model is the BGA-150, popular for its simple design and wide face, and the black model has a gold IP treatment on the bezel to add a higher level of quality. Sizing: Case: 47.5*42.8*12.8mm WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: Glass (inorganic, mineral) Calendar: yes full auto Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz Display: Digital&Analog Function: GMT Band Color: Black Band Material: Urethane Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-290-5AJF [BABY-G 10 atm Waterproof BGA-290 Series] Round Watch Resin

136.74 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-290-5AJF [10 atm Waterproof BGA-290 Series] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-290-5AJF It features a light and slim design while maintaining the shock resistance of the BABY-G. Sizing: Case: 45.2*41.5*10.1mm WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G MSG-W200EL-5AJF [BABY-G G-MS Eco Leather Band] Round Watch Digital Analog

289.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G MSG-W200EL-5AJF [G-MS Eco Leather Band] Round Watch Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : MSG-W200EL-5AJF The BABY-G G-MS MSG-W200 series for active and sophisticated women has added a new watch with a synthetic leather band that incorporates stylish, durable, and environmentally friendly eco-friendly materials. Sizing: Case: 47.5*38.4*12.3mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin *Stainless Steel Movement: Tough Solar *Solar Charge Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:130~180mm Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-150EF-4BJF [Elegant Face Pastel Pink] Round Watch Pink Resin

129.57 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-150EF-4BJF [Elegant Face Pastel Pink] Round Watch Pink Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-150EF-4BJF The base model is the BGA-150, popular for its simple design and wide face, while the pastel pink model combines pink gold Arabic numerals for an elegant, feminine coloring. Sizing: Case: 47.5*42.8*12.8mm WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: Glass (inorganic, mineral) Calendar: yes full auto Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz Display: Digital&Analog Function: GMT Band Color: Pink Band Material: Urethane Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G BGD-565SJ-9JF [BABY-G See Through Design] Square Watch Resin Digital

122.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGD-565SJ-9JF [See Through Design] Square Watch Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGD-565SJ-9JF From the BABY-G line of casual watches for active women comes this cool, see-through design watch. Sizing: Case: 42.1*37.9*11.3mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:125~180mm Case: Square

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-290DR-1AJF [BABY-G Black] Round Watch Black Resin Digital Analog

142.44 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-290DR-1AJF [Black] Round Watch Black Resin Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-290DR-1AJF The BGA-290, with its easy-to-read wide face and slim design, was selected as the base model. Sizing: Case: 45.2*41.5*10.1mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Black Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

Casio Baby-G MSG-B100G-1AJF [G-MS BLUETOOTH one way Solar 10 atm Waterproof] Round Watch Black

266.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Baby-G MSG-B100G-1AJF [G-MS BLUETOOTH one way Solar 10 atm Waterproof] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : MSG-B100G-1AJF The MSG-B100 series is a smartphone-linked watch designed for active and sophisticated women, and while retaining the practicality and classy metal design of the G-MS watches, it can be combined with a smartphone for even more convenient functions. Sizing: Case: 47.5*37.2*9.7mm WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin *Stainless Steel Movement: Tough Solar *Solar Charge Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Black Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

Casio Baby-G Digital Summer Jelly Transparent Light Blue Resin Strap Quartz BGD-565SJ-2 100M Women's Watch bleu clair

88.01 EUR
Casio Baby-G Digital Summer Jelly Transparent Light Blue Resin Strap Quartz BGD-565SJ-2 BGD565SJ-2 100M Women's Watch Introducing the Casio Baby-G BGD-565SJ-2 Women's Watch, a perfect blend of style and function! This eye-catching timepiece features a transparent light blue resin case and strap, making it a standout accessory for summer. With precise quartz movement and a light blue dial, it offers a digital display that's both stylish and practical. Designed for adventure, this watch is shock resistant and water-resistant up to 100m, ensuring durability in any environment. Enjoy the convenience of a 1/100 second stopwatch, countdown timer, multi-function alarms, and a full auto calendar. The LED backlight with afterglow adds a touch of sophistication, while its compact 37.90 mm diameter and 11.30 mm thickness make it a comfortable fit. Embrace the summer vibe with the Casio Baby-G—where fun meets functionality. Features: Transparent Light Blue Resin Case Transparent Light Blue Resin Strap Quartz Movement Mineral Crystal Light Blue Dial Digital Display Shock Resistant 1/100 Second Stopwatch Countdown Timer Multi Function Alarm Hourly Time Signal Flash Alert LED Backlight Afterglow Regular Timekeeping Full Auto Calendar 12/24 Hours Display Month, Day And Date Display Screwed Case Back Buckle Clasp 100m Water Resistance Approximate Case Diameter: 37.90 mm Approximate Case Thickness: 11.30 mm

Casio Women's Baby-G BGD-565SC-2JF [BABY-G Flower Color Model] Square Watch Blue Resin Digital

112.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGD-565SC-2JF [Flower Color Model] Square Watch Blue Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGD-565SC-2JF From the BABY-G line of shock-resistant casual watches for active women comes a model in floral colors perfect for the spring season. Sizing: Case: 42.1*37.9*11.3mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital Function: 12/24 Display Band Color: Blue Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:125~180mm Case: Square

Casio Baby-G BSA-B100-2AJF [G-SQUAD Steptracker Bluetooth 2018SS 2H Combination Gray] Round Watch

145.18 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Baby-G BSA-B100-2AJF G-SQUAD Steptracker Bluetooth 2018SS 2H Gray] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BSA-B100-2AJF Inspired by the military term “SQUAD,” which stands for “squad,” BABY-G, a casual watch for active women, introduces “G-SQUAD,” a new sports line that comfortably supports daily exercise and training. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life Glass Material: Glass (inorganic, mineral) Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Black Band Material: Synthetic Leather Case: Round

Casio Baby-G Analog Digital Resin Strap White Dial Quartz BGA-280DN-7A 100M Women's Watch blanc

101.01 EUR
Casio Baby-G Analog Digital Resin Strap White Dial Quartz BGA-280DN-7A BGA280DN-7 100M Women's Watch The Casio Baby-G BGA-280DN-7A Women's Watch offers a stylish and durable design with a white dial and both analog and digital displays. Its shock-resistant resin case and strap, along with a quartz movement, ensure reliable performance. Packed with features like world time, a 1-second stopwatch, countdown timer, 5 daily alarms, and 100M water resistance, this watch is ideal for active lifestyles. The luminous hands, LED light, and auto-calendar make it perfect for both day and night use, while its sleek design complements any outfit. Features: Resin Case Resin Strap Quartz Movement Mineral Crystal White Dial Analog Digital Display Shock Resistant Neobrite World Time 1-Second Stopwatch Countdown Timer 5 Daily Alarms Hourly Time Signal LED light Full Auto-Calendar 12/24 Hours Display Luminous Hands Month, Day And Date Display Screwed Case Back Buckle Clasp 100M Water Resistance Approximate Case Diameter: 43.40 mm Approximate Case Thickness: 14.80 mm

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-320-7A1JF [BABY-G Beach Scene Theme Series] Round Watch White Resin

144.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-320-7A1JF [Beach Scene Theme Series] Round Watch Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-320-7A1JF BABY-G, the casual watch series for active women, is now available in a beach scene-themed series that shines in the summer sun. The base model is the BGA-320 with a slim case and three-dimensional metallic indexes, and the BG-169 with a small, colon-like form. Sizing: Case: 46.1*42.4*12.4mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: full-auto Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: White Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:125~180mm Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-290US-4AJF [BABY-G Tropical Color] Round Watch Resin Digital Analog

170.62 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-290US-4AJF [Tropical Color] Round Watch Resin Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-290US-4AJF From the BABY-G line of casual watches for active women, this tropical-colored watch expresses the vivid world of the sea. Sizing: Case: 45.2*41.5*10.1mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:125~180mm Case: Round

Casio Baby-G MSG-B100G-2AJF [G-MS BLUETOOTH one way Solar 10 atm Waterproof] Round Watch Black

310.55 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Baby-G MSG-B100G-2AJF [G-MS BLUETOOTH one way Solar 10 atm Waterproof] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : MSG-B100G-2AJF The MSG-B100 series is a smartphone-linked watch designed for active and sophisticated women, and while retaining the practicality and classy metal design of the G-MS watches, it can be combined with a smartphone for even more convenient functions. Sizing: Case: 47.5*37.2*9.7mm WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin *Stainless Steel Movement: Tough Solar *Solar Charge Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Black Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-290RA-1AJF [BABY-G Ribbon Design] Round Watch Resin Digital Analog

170.74 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-290RA-1AJF [Ribbon Design] Round Watch Resin Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-290RA-1AJF From the BABY-G line of casual watches for active women, this model incorporates a feminine ribbon design. Sizing: Case: 45.2*41.5*10.1mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

Casio Watch Baby-G BA-110RG-1A Ladies Overseas Model

253.1 EUR
Movement: quartz anadesie Shock Resistant Construction: Shock Resist World Time: 48 cities around the world (29 time zones, with summer time setting function) +UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time display Body size: length x width x back: approx. 46.3 x 43.4 x 15.8 mm Weight: about 45 grams Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Casio Women's Baby-G BGD-5650-1CJF [BABY-G Square Model] Square Watch Resin Digital

195.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGD-5650-1CJF [Square Model] Square Watch Resin Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGD-5650-1CJF The BGD-5650, a standard square type BABY-GBABY-G casual watch for active women, is now available in three colors: black, smoky pink, and matte brown. Sizing: Case: 42.1*37.9*11.3mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: full-auto Case Material: Resin Movement: Tough Solar *Solar Charge Display: Digital Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic Case: Square

Casio Baby-G Plus Digital 30th Anniversary Pink Resin Strap Quartz BGD-10K-4 100M Women's Watch With Special Holder rose

75.89 EUR
Casio Baby-G Plus Digital 30th Anniversary Pink Resin Strap Quartz BGD-10K-4 BGD10K-4 100M Women's Watch With Special Holder Celebrate in vibrant style with the Casio BGD-10K-4's eye-catching pink resin design, a special edition marking Baby-G’s 30th anniversary. This digital watch provides easy readability and practical features, making it perfect for everyday adventures. Crafted with a durable resin strap, it’s ready to withstand any activity. With 100m water resistance, it’s built for both land and sea escapades, offering a bold look and dependable performance. Comes with a special anniversary holder. Features: Resin Case Pink Resin Strap Quartz Movement Mineral Crystal Pink Dial Digital Display Shock Resistant World Time 1/100-Second Stopwatch Countdown Timer 5 Daily Alarms Hourly Time Signal LED Backlight Full Auto-Calendar Button Operation Tone On/Off 12/24 Hours Display Month, Day And Date Display Screwed Case Back Buckle Clasp 100m Water Resistance Approximate Case Diameter: 39.00 mm Approximate Case Thickness: 14.70 mm

Casio Women's Baby-G BGD-565RS-8JF [BABY-G PRECIOUS HEART SELECTION] Square Watch Resin Digital

132.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGD-565RS-8JF [PRECIOUS HEART SELECTION] Square Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGD-565RS-8JF From the winter-only Precious Heart Selection, this model adopts the “Rose Blooming in Adversity” theme. Sizing: Case: 42.1*37.9*11.3mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic Biomas Plastic Case: Square

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-150FL-1AJF [Elegant Flowers Floral-Dial- Series Black] Round Watch Black

133.64 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-150FL-1AJF [Elegant Flowers Floral-Dial- Series Black] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-150FL-1AJF The base model is the BGA-150, popular for its wide face and simple design, with an elegantly finished floral design on the dial that adds a gorgeous hue to the hand. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm Glass Material: Glass (inorganic, mineral) Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless Movement: Quartz Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Black Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

Casio Baby-G BGA-290DS-2AJF [BABY-G BGA-290 Series(Moon and Star)Theme Watch] Round Watch Blue

152.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Baby-G BGA-290DS-2AJF [BGA-290 Series(Moon and Star)Theme Watch] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-290DS-2AJF Moon and stars shining in the night sky-themed watch from BABY-G, a casual watch for active women. Sizing: Case: 45.2*41.5*10.1mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Blue Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:125~180mm Case: Round

Casio Baby-G BGA-250-1AJF [BABY-G Beach Explorer series Beach- Traveler Neon Illuminator Black]

129.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Baby-G BGA-250-1AJF Beach Explorer Traveler Neon Illuminator Black] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-250-1AJF BABY-G, a casual watch for active women, introduces the “Beach Traveler Series” with a summer beach theme. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: Glass (inorganic, mineral) Calendar: yes full auto Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz Display: Digital&Analog Function: GMT Band Color: Black Band Material: Synthetic Leather Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G BGD-10L-2JR [BABY-G +PLUS Colorful Loop] Square Watch Resin Digital

124.91 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGD-10L-2JR [+PLUS Colorful Loop] Square Watch Resin Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGD-10L-2JR From the “BABY-G+PLUS” series, which allows you to enjoy usage according to your own preferences, this model features a band loop that can be freely customized. Sizing: Case: 42.8*39.0*14.7mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:125~180mm Case: Square

Casio Women's Baby-G BA-110XRG-1AJF [BABY-G BA-110 SERIES Women's Rubber Band] Round Watch Resin

137.66 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BA-110XRG-1AJF [BA-110 SERIES Women's Rubber Band] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BA-110XRG-1AJF The design is characterized by a complex combination of various parts, including the dial and indexes. The gear-shaped parts and three-dimensional dial and indexes give a sharp and energetic impression. Sizing: Case: 46.3*43.4*15.8mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:2 years Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic Leather ※125~180mm Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-320-2A1JF [BABY-G BGA-320 Additional Color] Round Watch Resin

144.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-320-2A1JF [BGA-320 Additional Color] Round Watch Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-320-2A1JF From BABY-G, the casual watch for active women, this model is perfect for teens who enjoy colorful and active styles. Sizing: Case: 46.1*42.4*12.4mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Quartz *Battery Life:3 years Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:125~180mm Case: Round

Casio Baby-G BGA-2800-7AJF [BABY-G Radio Wave Solar Watch 10 atm Waterproof Women's Rubber Band]

189.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Baby-G BGA-2800-7AJF [Radio Solar Watch 10 atm Waterproof Women's] Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-2800-7AJF Features: White, which gives a clean impression, is the color of the lineup. Sizing: Case: 47.4*43.4*14.8mm WaterProof: Waterproofing for daily life 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Solar Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: White Band Material: Synthetic Case: Round

Casio Women's Baby-G BGA-2900AF-1AJF [BABY-G BGA-2900 SERIES] Round Watch Black Resin

231.77 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Women's Baby-G BGA-2900AF-1AJF [BGA-2900 SERIES] Round Watch Black Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : BGA-2900AF-1AJF The BGA-2900AF, a compact radio-controlled solar model that goes well with basic styles, features a slim design and a dial design with arabic indexes that make it easy to check the time. Sizing: Case: 44.5*38.6*12.4mm WaterProof: 10 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin Movement: Tough Solar *Solar Charge Display: Digital&Analog Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Black Band Material: Synthetic ※バンド装着可能サイズ:125~180mm Case: Round