Sega Sonic Advance 3 Game Boy Advance

14.24 EUR
Le hérisson bleu, ça vous dit quelques chose ? Il ne vient pas seul, une nouvelle fois le docteur Robotnik veut s'emparer des Chaos Emerauds. Vous connaissez sa nouvelle folie ? Eh bien il veut créer RobotnikLand !...

Sega Phantasy Star Collection Game Boy Advance

50 EUR
le célèbre RPG gallactique revient dans 1 jeu comprenant PHANTASY S 1, le 2 et le 3 - En VO anglaise

boy Fashionable Love Digital Leather Belt Minimalist Lady's Wrist Watch Women's Quartz Watches Casual New Style Unique rouge

11.39 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Hello dear customer ! Movement type: quartz Movement Brand Pearl Origin of movement China Thickness 8mm Dial diameter 32mm Crown Type Spiral Crown Table bottom type common Mirror material: quartz glass mirror Watch buckle style Pin buckle Table buckle material: stainless steel Strap material Faux leather Dial shape circular Case material alloy Label: Yes

Sega - Nesoberi (Lay-Down) - Love Live! Superstar!! - Chisato Arashi - Start!! True Dreams - Mej Plush [Collectables] Figure, Collectible

39.78 EUR
NEUF - Livraison en moyenne de 7 a 21 jours ouvres - Tous les DVDs/Blu-Rays = Region 1/A (USA/CA) La langue des films, des jeux vidéo, etc. est l'anglais.

Sega - Love Live Superstar Ren Hazuki Beginning Pm Figure [] Figure, Collecti

27.9 EUR
NEUF - Livraison en moyenne de 7 a 21 jours ouvres - Tous les DVDs/Blu-Rays = Region 1/A (USA/CA) La langue des films, des jeux vidéo, etc. est l'anglais.

[Casio] Watch Casio Classic CA-500WEG-1AJF Men's Gold

136.99 EUR
From the series with the motive of Cacio's Iconic Computer Design, this is an example of a series that has used a material case. [Water Rating for Your Life] Comes with a water- and water- free for use in your day to day life. [Math Feature] Includes an 8-bit algorithm. [ALARM] Time alarm/clock Please check the [Other product details] section. Please be sure to check the product details below and the things to keep in mind when making a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Casio] Watch Standard CA-500WE-1AJF Men's Silver

127.16 EUR
This is an introduction to models using a metallic case from a series with Casio's iconic calculator design as a motif. [Waterproof function for everyday life] Equipped with waterproof function for everyday life. [Calculation function] Equipped with an 8-digit calculation function. [Alarm] Time alarm/alarm Please check the [Other Product Specifications] description box. Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

BOY'S LOVE From heaven heaven

7.95 EUR
Hayashi, élève de terminale, est amoureux d'un élève de la classe voisine de la sienne, Fujita, qu'il observe discrètement entre les cours. Persuadé que tout le monde ignore son secret, il tombe des nues lorsque, le jour de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes, Fujita lui demande s'il est amoureux de lui. Incapable de mentir, Hayashi répond que oui. Il s'attend à ce que Fujita le rembarre, mais contre toute attente, celui-ci lui donne rendez-vous la semaine suivante, et les deux garçons finissent par passer la nuit ensemble. Hayashi, qui ne sait pas du tout ce que Fujita pense de lui, est complètement perdu. S'agit-il d'une nuit sans lendemain ? Fujita veut-il juste essayer le sexe avec un autre homme ? Ou il y a-t-il une autre raison derrière ?

BOY'S LOVE Escape from the everyday tome 2

7.95 EUR
Hajime évite sa famille venue le chercher et retourne auprès d'Hirose, ils ne pourront rester tous les deux encore bien longtemps. Hirose, conscient à présent de la sincérité des sentiments d'Hajime, lui donne enfin une réponse claire. Puis, pour cette seule fois... Hirose cède à la demande d'Hajime et ils passent la nuit ensemble. Mais le lendemain, le moment est venu... Qui peut bien être Hirose ? Quelle sera la fin pour cet amour inattendu ...?

BOY'S LOVE Escape from the everyday tome 1

7.95 EUR
Hajime, héritier d'une riche famille d'entrepreneurs, n'arrive pas à se faire d'amis dans sa classe à cause de sa situation et s'ennuie dans une routine quotidienne. Un jour, il rencontre un homme mystérieux nommé Hirose et Hajime découvre à quel point il est agréable de discuter avec quelqu'un qui ne sait rien de lui. Même si Hirose lui révèle à moitié en plaisantant qu'il est poursuivi, ce dernier a déjà volé son coeur. Seulement, Hirose peut disparaître à tout moment. Alors Hajime, anxieux, décide de fuguer pour le suivre...

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 4

7.95 EUR
Depuis qu'il est enfant, Kirara est admiré pour son apparence féminine, au point d'avoir gagné des concours de beauté lorsqu'il était petit. En grandissant, il est bien déterminé à se débarrasser de cette étiquette qui lui colle à la peau, et dans sa quête de virilité, il adopte une attitude de voyou. Il est amoureux de son voisin, Ken Tosayamada, avec qui il a échangé quelques baisers et caresses, mais il reste malgré tout persuadé que son amour est à sens unique... Jusqu'à l'apparition d'un nouvel arrivant nommé Sumeragi, en première dans un autre lycée, qui demande immédiatement à Kirara de sortir avec lui ! En provoquant la jalousie de Ken, Sumeragi parviendra-t-il à faire avancer les choses entre les deux garçons ?Découvrez la réponse dans ce quatrième tome plein d'humour et de quiproquos !

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 5

7.95 EUR
Kirara, qui gagnait des concours de beauté pour filles lorsqu'il était petit, est désormais devenu un voyou au visage d'ange, qui suscite admiration et désir chez les autres. Amoureux de son voisin, Ken Tosayamada, il a toujours cru que ses sentiments étaient à sens unique, mais ils se révèlent finalement réciproques ! Lorsque Ken lui fait sa déclaration d'amour, Kirara pense rêver, mais l'attitude de Ken lorsqu'ils commencent à sortir ensemble lui fait comprendre que tout est bien réel. Alors qu'ils nagent dans le bonheur, après une journée à peine de relation, ils essaient de sauter le pas au niveau physique, mais les choses ne roulent pas aussi facilement que Kirara l'espérait...

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 6

7.95 EUR
Après avoir passé de longues années à tourner autour du pot et à nier leurs sentiments, Kirara et Ken se sont enfin mutuellement avoué ce qu'ils ressentaient et se sont mis en couple. Ils décident de s'organiser une sortie en amoureux, mais le passé de playboy de Ken le rattrape, et les choses prennent une tournure compliquée lorsqu'un groupe de lycéens débarque pour les passer à tabac ! De son côté, Kirara s'inquiète aussi de voir que le sexe avec Ken ne se passe pas aussi bien que prévu... Les deux amoureux parviendront-ils à surmonter tous les obstacles qui se dressent encore sur leur route ?

BOY'S LOVE Sur un malentendu, ca peut marcher !

7.95 EUR
Kurono travaille en tant que délégué médical pour une industrie pharmaceutique. Poussé par un médecin avec qui il fait régulièrement affaire, il décide de se rendre à Teizan, un immense hôpital, où il fait la connaissance du docteur Hôjô. Malheureusement pour lui, celui-ci est glacial au possible et l'envoie balader sans aucune autre forme de procès. Mais Kurono ne se décourage pas et, au prix de nombreux efforts, parvient à se faire inviter à un congrès par le docteur Hôjô lui-même. C'est le moment ou jamais pour tenter un rapprochement ! Mais quand il découvre qu'ils partagent la même chambre et qu'il n'y a qu'un seul futon, l'esprit de Kurono se met à travailler à vive allure. Serait-ce une invitation ? Doit-il prendre ça pour des avances... ou pas ? Quel est le bon comportement à adopter !?

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 2

7.95 EUR
Après avoir été pris pour une fille pendant toute son enfance, Kirara est bien décidé à devenir un homme, un vrai. Malheureusement, en dépit de son attitude bagarreuse, ses traits féminins et sa beauté (dont il n'a pas du tout conscience) lui font perdre toute crédibilité auprès des autres.Kirara éprouve des sentiments pour son voisin et ami d'enfance, Ken Tosayamada, également surnommé "le chien enragé". Mais comme il sait très bien que Ken est homophobe, il préférerait mourir plutôt que de lui avouer son amour... jusqu'au jour où Ken l'embrasse ! Kirara est persuadé que ce n'est qu'une simple blague exprès pour l'agacer, mais c'est difficile de savoir à quoi pense vraiment Ken...

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 8

7.95 EUR
Kirara et Ken sont ensemble, et plus heureux que jamais ! Les deux amoureux vont dans un sanctuaire, où Kirara achète un collier de couple pour lui-même et pour Ken, mais celui-ci refuse de le mettre, sous prétexte que c'est trop ringard... Quant à Kyôichi, le grand frère de Ken, sa relation avec son ami Shû prend un nouveau tournant, mais son indécision lui joue des tours... C'est Kirara qui est obligé de lui remettre les points sur les i !

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 1

7.95 EUR
À cause de sa mère un peu excentrique, Kirara est élevé comme s'il était une fille. À neuf ans, l'année où il gagne un concours de beauté, il fait la rencontre de ses nouveaux voisins, Ken et Kyôichi Tosayamada , les deux frères sont beaux et cools, et pour ne rien gâcher, ils savent se battre ! Kirara éprouve instantanément une profonde admiration pour eux, au point de se mettre à les suivre partout. Quelques années plus tard, alors que les frères Tosayamada ont gagné le surnom de "chiens enragés", Kirara a lui aussi grandi, mais au lieu d'être un garçon viril et fort comme il en rêvait, il est devenu encore plus beau et délicat. Pour ne rien arranger, il se rend compte petit à petit qu'il éprouve des sentiments pour Ken... mais lorsqu'il apprend par hasard que celui-ci est dégoûté par l'homosexualité, il réalise qu'il faudra qu'il garde le secret le plus absolu sur ses sentiments !!

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 7

7.95 EUR
Maintenant que Kirara et Ken sont en couple, les choses évoluent naturellement vers l'étape suivante de leur relation, mais quand on n'a aucune expérience, c'est compliqué de savoir comment s'y prendre ! Heureusement, Kirara peut compter sur l'aide de Tarô, le petit ami du père de Ken, pour l'aider. C'est maintenant son camarade de classe Hanawa qui a des problèmes... En voulant protéger Omaeda, dont il est amoureux, il se retrouve impliqué dans un règlement de comptes. Kirara décide immédiatement de lui venir en aide, mais Ken refuse d'en entendre parler...

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 3

7.95 EUR
Alors qu'il fait de son mieux pour donner l'impression d'être un voyou viril et impressionnant, Kirara Mayuzumi devient chaque jour de plus en plus beau et féminin.Mais il cache aux autres un secret important : il est en réalité amoureux de Ken Tosayamada, son ami d'enfance, qui habite à côté de chez lui.Ken ne l'aime pas , du moins, c'est ce que Kirara se dit. Mais pourtant, alors qu'il prétend haïr les homosexuels, ça n'a pas l'air de lui poser problème d'embrasser Kirara de temps en temps...Et lorsqu'un autre ami d'enfance de Ken débarque dans leur classe, les choses commencent à devenir chaotiques pour Kirara !

BOY'S LOVE Et demain ça sera quoi ! tome 9

7.95 EUR

Une nouvelle année commence, mais elle démarre bien mal pour Kirara et Ken : les deux amoureux se disputent lorsque Ken surprend Kirara en train de parler à Tarô, le compagnon de son père, qu'il tient responsable pour l'échec du mariage de ses parents. Aucun des deux ne voulant faire le premier pas pour se réconcilier, la dispute s'éternise... Une occasion en or pour Hitomi, toujours amoureux de Kirara, qui ne manquera pas d'essayer de s'immiscer entre les deux lycéens !

Quant à Kyôichi, sa relation prend un étrange tournant lorsqu'il découvre l'ex de Shû en train de quitter son

Donald Sturrock Love From Boy: Roald Dahl'S Letters To His Mother

9.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : John Murray, Publisher : John Murray, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 336, publicationDate : 2017-03-02, releaseDate : 2017-03-02, authors : Donald Sturrock, languages : english, ISBN : 1444786288

Mazey Eddings Lizzie Blake'S Mistake: The Next Unique And Swoonworthy Rom-Com From The Author Of The Tiktok-Hit, A Brush With Love!

10.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Headline, Publisher : Headline, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 325, publicationDate : 2022-09-06, releaseDate : 2022-09-06, authors : Mazey Eddings, ISBN : 1472298721

Funny Quote Coffee Mug For Mom Dad, If At First You Don't Succeed. Try, Try Again. Love, Your Second Born Cups Best Birthday Christmas Gifts From Daughter Son, White 11 Oz

16.99 EUR
Qu'est-ce qui rend notre tasse à café réutilisable si incroyable?? La tasse à café réutilisable n'est pas seulement écologique, mais elle est également s?re, car elle ne contient aucune trace de BPA, de BPS, de phtalates ou de tout autre produit chimique et toxique que vous pourriez trouver dans les tasses à café en plastique à emporter Quelques autres caractéristiques étonnantes de notre tasse de voyage écologique : 1 Qualité supérieure, durable et facile d'entretien, vous pouvez même laver la tasse à café au lave-vaisselle. 2 Portable, avec un couvercle en silicone de qualité alimentaire et un manchon de protection confortable résistant à la chaleur pour que vous puissiez le transporter partout où vous allez sans vous soucier des accidents ou des déversements. 3 Design cool, la tasse de voyage présente différentes formes géométriques colorées. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter immédiatement et nous vous répondrons dans les 24 heures.

[Citizen] Watch Atessa CA0836-68E Men's Silver

705.22 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: CITIZEN Materials : [Product Description] ・[Citizen ATTESA continues to advance the next generation with titanium] From the ACT Line, which is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness, a model equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive featuring an aluminum ring is now available. A clean design that can be used for both business and casual occasions. A separate aluminum ring is mounted on the bezel. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. - [Design perfect for new life and job hunting] Chronograph with a strong and light design, separate aluminum ring and super titanium case. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. Accent colors have been added to the chronograph hands and crown to accentuate the sporty look. - [Invention for long-term use] Made of super titanium TM that is scratch resistant, lightweight, and rust resistant. We have sought to improve durability because we want it to last even longer. It protects your precious watch from all kinds of situations, such as anti-magnetic performance and highly durable glass using sapphire glass. - [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive, making it hassle-free. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to operate for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need to regularly replace the batteries. Water resistant to 10 ATM, safe for water work. The fit adjuster allows you to fine-tune the length of the band. ・[Product details] Photovoltaic Eco Drive, calendar, ±15 seconds/month, sapphire glass (non-reflective coating), case/band/super titanium, 10 ATM water resistant, metal resistant, luminous (hands + index), fit adjuster explanation ACT Line is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness. A model perfect for new life and business, featuring a separate aluminum ring. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited....

[Citizen] Atessa Watch CA0837-65L Men's Silver

699.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: CITIZEN Materials : [Product Description] ・[Citizen ATTESA continues to advance the next generation with titanium] From the ACT Line, which is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness, a model equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive featuring an aluminum ring is now available. A clean design that can be used for both business and casual occasions. A separate aluminum ring is mounted on the bezel. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. - [Design perfect for new life and job hunting] Chronograph with a strong and light design, separate aluminum ring and super titanium case. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. Accent colors have been added to the chronograph hands and crown to accentuate the sporty look. - [Invention for long-term use] Made of super titanium TM that is scratch resistant, lightweight, and rust resistant. We have sought to improve durability because we want it to last even longer. It protects your precious watch from all kinds of situations, such as anti-magnetic performance and highly durable glass using sapphire glass. - [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive, making it hassle-free. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to operate for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need to regularly replace the batteries. Water resistant to 10 ATM, safe for water work. The fit adjuster allows you to fine-tune the length of the band. ・[Product details] Photovoltaic Eco Drive, calendar, ±15 seconds/month, sapphire glass (non-reflective coating), case/band/super titanium, 10 ATM water resistant, metal resistant, luminous (hands + index), fit adjuster explanation ACT Line is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness. A model perfect for new life and business, featuring a separate aluminum ring. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited....

Premium SPEED SEIKO Black Boy Watch Men's Automatic DIVER'S 200m Metal Silver SKX007K2 [Item]

910.05 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Movement: automatic winding Waterproof: DIVER'S 200m Body size: Length x width x thickness (excluding lugs and crown): Approx. 41 x 41 x 13 mm Weight: Approx. 143g Japan's world-renowned watch brand SEIKO is a leading company whose brand theme is innovation and sophistication. The overwhelming quality control achieved through in-house integrated production has been highly evaluated around the world. Some of our lineup includes rare models that are still popular, especially in Europe and the United States, and are only manufactured for markets outside of Japan, even though they are no longer manufactured or sold in Japan.

Sega Sonic Generations Ps3

28.41 EUR
Sonic's universe is thrown into chaos when a mysterious new power comes into force, creating 'time holes' which take Sonic and his friends back in time. Whilst there, Sonic runs into some very familiar characters from his past including a younger version of himself! Now they must team up to defeat their enemies, save their friends, and find out who is behind this diabolical deed. Play as both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic in the ultimate Sonic experience. Master the moves of each character as they race through each environment on their own specially designed track. Iconic environments from gaming history come to life in beautiful HD for the ultimate Sonic adventure, each revisited, recreated and re-imagined with stunning results. Play some of your gaming's most iconic environments in a whole new way with famous Sonic stages presented in stunning new stereoscopic 3D. Once you complete each level and 'free' Sonic's captured friends, you'll get to go back and take on more challenges with them at your side. Take on some of the most notorious characters from Sonic's past as you fight for ultimate supremacy. Master Classic Sonics famous spin-dash attack and utilise Modern Sonic 's 'Sonic Boost' as you complete the all new tracks.

Sega Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

64.99 EUR
Pre-Purchase includes Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Game, Hero's Booster Pack, and Special Job Set. EPIC EMOTIONAL DRAMA Two larger-than-life heroes brought together by the hand of fate, or perhaps something more sinister? Ichiban Kasuga, an unstoppable underdog who's no stranger to crawling up from rock bottom, and Kazuma Kiryu, a broken man facing down a battle of his last days of life. BEST-IN-CLASS RPG ACTION Experience one-of-a-kind combat with dynamic, fast-paced RPG battles where the battlefield becomes your weapon, and anything goes. Adapt your party's skills to the situation with outlandish jobs and customizations to strategically subdue enemies with over-the-top moves. INFINITE ADVENTURE Live it up in Japan and explore all that Hawaii has to offer in an adventure so big it spans the Pacific. Unforgettable moments await at every step of the journey with a unique mix of quests and activities to enjoy at your leisure. By using this product, you agree to this EULA: Windows Requirements Minimum: CPU - AMD: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 CPU - Intel: Intel Core i5-3470 GPU - AMD: AMD Radeon RX 460 GPU - Intel: Intel Arc A380, VRAM: 4 RAM: 8 HDD: 82 DirectX: Version 12 Recommended: CPU - AMD: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 CPU - Intel: Intel Core i5-3470 GPU - AMD: AMD Radeon RX 460 GPU - Intel: Intel Arc A380, VRAM: 4 RAM: 8 HDD: 82 DirectX: Version 12 File Size: 70

Sega Etrian Odyssey Hd - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

37.99 EUR
Etrian Odyssey HD, le retour de l'aventure intemporelle à travers le Labyrinthe qui dévore tout. Lové au c¿ur d'une terre immense et fertile, un paisible hameau du nom d'Etria va voir son destin bouleversé suite à une découverte des plus singulières. Dans la forêt aux portes d'Etria, une faille gigantesque s'est ouverte, telle une gueule béante vers le centre de la terre. Ainsi commence notre histoire? Rapidement, la rumeur dépasse les frontières de la région : le récit du Labyrinthe d'Etria s'exporte et nombreux sont ceux qui se mettent à caresser le rêve d'aller un jour explorer l'énigmatique dédale. À chacun sa quête : la richesse, la gloire, le prestige? Mais c'est bien une promesse commune qui unit ces aventuriers venus des confins du monde : faire perdurer l'authentique frisson de l'aventure au péril de sa vie. Assemblez un groupe d'aventuriers en choisissant parmi neuf classes différentes : survivaliste des régions boisées, protecteur à l'immuable bouclier, traqueuse au fouet mordant? Qui prendra place dans votre équipe ? Écumez les nombreux niveaux de cet insondable donjon et bravez l'inconnu pour percer le mystère du Labyrinthe d'Yggdrasil. Retrouvez dans Etrian Odyssey HD : Des graphismes remasterisés, une bande-son elle aussi remasterisée et de nouvelles mécaniques pour améliorer votre expérience de jeu, notamment plusieurs modes de difficulté et de nombreux emplacements de sauvegarde Un accès facilité au codex monstrueux, au journal de quête et à l'arbre de compétences Une liberté totale d'optimisation de votre groupe : choisirez-vous la combinaison de classes la plus à-même de vous faire progresser à travers le Labyrinthe, ou celle qui se prête le plus à votre style de jeu ? Steam account is required for game activation and installation. Windows Requirements Config min : Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system Version OS : Windows 10 Processeur : Intel Core i3-540 or AMD Phenom II X3 720 Mémoire : 4 GB RAM Carte graphique : NVIDIA GeForce GT 530, 1 GB or AMD Radeon HD 5570, 1 GB or Intel HD Graphics 4400 Version de DirectX : Version 11 Espace disque : 3 GB available space Additional Notes: No anti-aliasing, 720p [at] 60 FPS Recommandé Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system Version OS : Windows 10 Processeur : Intel Core i3-2100 or AMD Phenom II X4 965 Mémoire : 4 GB RAM Carte graphique : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti, 1 GB or AMD Radeon HD 5770, 1 GB or Intel Iris Xe Graphics Version de DirectX : Version 11 Espace disque : 3 GB available space Additional Notes: 4x AA, 1080p [at] 60 FPS 4K - Recommandé Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system Version OS : Windows 10 Processeur : Intel Core i7-4770 or AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Mémoire : 8 GB RAM Carte graphique : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780, 3 GB or AMD Radeon R9 380X, 3 GB Version de DirectX : Version 11 Espace disque : 3 GB available space Additional Notes: 8x AA, 2160p [at] 120 FPS

Sega Total War: Rome Ii - Caesar In Gaul Campaign Pack (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

17.29 EUR
Caesar in Gaul is a standalone campaign pack for Total War: ROME II covering Julius Caesar's war of expansion against the Gaulish tribes. Players can choose from four playable factions in this conflict: the Gallic Arverni, the Germanic Suebi, the Belgic Nervii and Rome, in a campaign inspired by Caesar's Commentarii de bello Gallico (Commentaries on the Gallic war). Offering a tighter scope in terms of time and geography than Rome II (58-51BC), the Caesar in Gaul Campaign Map is an expanded, more detailed vision of Gaul and the south coast of Britannia. Compared with ROME II's map of Gaul, Caesar in Gaul contains more regions and provinces, more factions (both playable and non-playable), and a series of famous generals and statesmen from history which the player will employ or fight against depending on their chosen faction. A war of great profit and glory for Caesar, this conflict made him extremely popular with the people of Rome¿ though less so with the senators, who saw him gathering power to himself in a series of events that ultimately lead to his ascension to Dictator. Caesar in Gaul differs from the core ROME II experience in a number of important ways: New Campaign Map: The Caesar in Gaul campaign map is an enhanced, more detailed representation of Gaul, with players able to expand across 18 provinces dotted with resources, new settlements and new provincial capitals. Greater focus on characters: Many factions employ great generals and statesmen from history (for example, Rome fields Gaius Julius Caesar himself, Mark Anthony and others). Each of the four playable factions also has a faction leader who acts as the player's avatar during the campaign. 24 turns per year: As Caesar in Gaul deals with a considerably shorter time-span (58-51BC) than the grand sweep of the ROME II campaign, each turn represents two weeks rather than a year. This means seasons make a return. The gameplay effects of these aren't always predictable however, and may vary from province to province. A late autumn may bring a good harvest for example, but a long, dry summer may damage your food production. Compact, focussed multiplayer campaign: For those generals looking for a more rapid MP campaign game, Caesar in Gaul presents a series of interesting options. Due to the geographic scope and the opposing 48 factions, co-op or competitive 2-player campaigns are tighter, more focussed, and less time-consuming than a full Campaign. New mid-game challenge mechanics: For those players making it through to the mid-game, there will be new challenges to face as a more suitable replacement for the Civil Wars of ROME II. As a Gallic tribe, you'll feel the mailed fist of Rome respond with heavy intervention forces, and as Rome, you'll see the Gallic tribes rebelling and forming alliances against you. New historical battle: Caesar in Gaul adds the Battle of Alesia as a playable historical battle. Alesia marked the turning point of Caesar's Gallic War, and resulted in the...

Premium SPEED CASIO Watch Overseas Model G-SHOCK GA-700CA-5A Men's [Item]

196.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the product image.

AniWorld Watch Citizen Collection Chronograph [Citizen] Eco-Drive CA0450-57A Men's

543.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【When using electrical products】 Please note that the voltage differs from that in Japan, which may cause malfunctions. *The voltage in Japan is 100V. When using the product overseas, be sure to use a voltage converter. Since the plug type is Japanese (Type A or B), please check the voltage and use a voltage converter. Please note that a voltage converter is different from a conversion adapter. We cannot be held responsible for any malfunctions caused by use without a voltage converter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Target: Men Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included Reinforced waterproof for daily life: 10BAR Country of origin: Japan Accuracy: ±15 seconds/month, Photovoltaic generation: 7 months, Function: Chronograph function (1/5 second, 60 minute meter), Water resistance: 10 ATM water resistant, Glass: Cut sapphire glass, Case: Stainless steel, Band: Stainless steel , Additional specifications: Luminous (hands + index)

Premium SPEED Watch Gray [Casio] G-Shock [] GA-2100CA-8AJF Men's

260.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G-SHOCK is a shock-resistant watch that has created a new concept of toughness in watches. G-SHOCK's Dial Camo Utility series. The base model uses the popular GA-2100 with its thin octagonal shape. The dial features a popular camouflage pattern. Introducing a casual and easy-to-style color model that is perfect not only for outdoor and sports scenes, but also for street fashion. [Shockproof structure & 20 ATM water resistant] Adopts a shockproof structure that is resistant to shock and vibration. It is also equipped with 20 ATM water resistance, allowing it to be used in a variety of locations and situations. [Needle retraction function] If the needle overlaps with the LCD display and is difficult to see, the needle can be temporarily retracted from above the LCD display. [Other product specifications] Hand retraction function / World time / Stopwatch / Timer / Alarm / time signal / Fully automatic calendar / 12/24 hour display switching / LED light

NOBU JAPAN Watch Atessa Silver [Citizen] CA0836-68E Men's

616.72 EUR
[Citizen ATTESA continues to advance the next generation with titanium] From the ACT Line, which is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness, a model equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive featuring an aluminum ring is now available. A clean design that can be used for both business and casual occasions. A separate aluminum ring is mounted on the bezel. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. [Design perfect for new life and job hunting] Chronograph with a strong and light design, separate aluminum ring and super titanium case. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. Accent colors have been added to the chronograph hands and crown to accentuate the sporty look. [Invention for long-term use] Made of super titanium TM that is scratch resistant, lightweight, and rust resistant. We have pursued improvements in durability because we want it to be used for an even longer period of time. It protects your precious watch from all kinds of situations, such as anti-magnetic performance and highly durable glass using sapphire glass. [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive, making it hassle-free. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to operate for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need to regularly replace the batteries. Water resistant to 10 ATM, safe for water work. The fit adjuster allows you to fine-tune the length of the band. [Product details] Photovoltaic Eco Drive, calendar, ±15 seconds/month, sapphire glass (non-reflective coating), case/band/super titanium, 10 ATM water resistant, metal resistant, luminous (hands + index), fit adjuster

Premium SPEED CASIO Dial Camo Utility Series Watch Camouflage Camouflage Gray G-SHOCK G-Shock Men's Ana-Digi GA-2100CA-8A [Item]

219.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Movement: Quartz Ana-Digi Waterproof: 20 ATM waterproof Body size: Length x width x thickness (excluding lugs and crown): Approx. 41 x 46 x 12 mm Weight: approx. 49g G-SHOCK has created a new concept of toughness in watches. It all started with the developer's passionate belief in creating a watch that wouldn't break even if dropped, and a reckless challenge that overturned common sense at the time. Strong all the way. Aiming for strength beyond that. G-SHOCK, its challenges never end. Shock-resistant structure (shock resist) Carbon core guard structure 20 ATM waterproof double LED light World time: 31 time zones (48 cities + coordinated universal time), daylight saving time on/off 1/100 second stopwatch countdown timer time 5 alarms/time signal Fully automatic calendar (until 2099) Hand shift function 12/24 hour format Accuracy: Average monthly difference ±15 seconds

Zen Picks - Japan Product select - Watch Atessa Silver [Citizen] CA0836-68E Men's

619.52 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Citizen ATTESA continues to advance the next generation with titanium] From the ACT Line, which is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness, a model equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive featuring an aluminum ring is now available. A clean design that can be used for both business and casual occasions. A separate aluminum ring is mounted on the bezel. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. [Design perfect for new life and job hunting] Chronograph with a strong and light design, separate aluminum ring and super titanium case. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. Accent colors have been added to the chronograph hands and crown to accentuate the sporty look. [Invention for long-term use] Made of super titanium TM that is scratch resistant, lightweight, and rust resistant. We have sought to improve durability because we want it to last even longer. It protects your precious watch from all kinds of situations, such as anti-magnetic performance and highly durable glass using sapphire glass. [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive, making it hassle-free. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to operate for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need to regularly replace the batteries. Water resistant to 10 ATM, safe for water work. The fit adjuster allows you to fine-tune the length of the band. [Product details] Photovoltaic Eco Drive, calendar, ±15 seconds/month, sapphire glass (non-reflective coating), case/band/super titanium, 10 ATM water resistant, metal resistant, luminous (hands + index), fit adjuster

Arkadia Japan Watch Atessa Silver [Citizen] CA0836-68E Men's

569.99 EUR
[Citizen ATTESA continues to advance the next generation with titanium] From the ACT Line, which is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness, a model equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive featuring an aluminum ring is now available. A clean design that can be used for both business and casual occasions. A separate aluminum ring is mounted on the bezel. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. [Design perfect for new life and job hunting] Chronograph with a strong and light design, separate aluminum ring and super titanium case. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. Accent colors have been added to the chronograph hands and crown to accentuate the sporty look. [Invention for long-term use] Made of super titanium TM that is scratch resistant, lightweight, and rust resistant. We have sought to improve durability because we want it to last even longer. It protects your precious watch from all kinds of situations, such as anti-magnetic performance and highly durable glass using sapphire glass. [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive, making it hassle-free. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to operate for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need to regularly replace the batteries. Water resistant to 10 ATM, safe for water work. The fit adjuster allows you to fine-tune the length of the band. [Product details] Photovoltaic Eco Drive, calendar, ±15 seconds/month, sapphire glass (non-reflective coating), case/band/super titanium, 10 ATM water resistant, metal resistant, luminous (hands + index), fit adjuster

Arkadia Japan Atessa Watch Silver [Citizen] CA0837-65L Men's

550.99 EUR
[Citizen ATTESA continues to advance the next generation with titanium] From the ACT Line, which is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness, a model equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive featuring an aluminum ring is now available. A clean design that can be used for both business and casual occasions. A separate aluminum ring is mounted on the bezel. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. [Design perfect for new life and job hunting] Chronograph with a strong and light design, separate aluminum ring and super titanium case. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. Accent colors have been added to the chronograph hands and crown to accentuate the sporty look. [Invention for long-term use] Made of super titanium TM that is scratch resistant, lightweight, and rust resistant. We have sought to improve durability because we want it to last even longer. It protects your precious watch from all kinds of situations, such as anti-magnetic performance and highly durable glass using sapphire glass. [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive, making it hassle-free. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to operate for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need to regularly replace the batteries. Water resistant to 10 ATM, safe for water work. The fit adjuster allows you to fine-tune the length of the band. [Product details] Photovoltaic Eco Drive, calendar, ±15 seconds/month, sapphire glass (non-reflective coating), case/band/super titanium, 10 ATM water resistant, metal resistant, luminous (hands + index), fit adjuster

SOLT Japan Market Atessa Watch Silver [Citizen] CA0837-65L Men's

558.99 EUR
[Citizen ATTESA continues to advance the next generation with titanium] From the ACT Line, which is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness, a model equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive featuring an aluminum ring is now available. A clean design that can be used for both business and casual occasions. A separate aluminum ring is mounted on the bezel. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. [Design perfect for new life and job hunting] Chronograph with a strong and light design, separate aluminum ring and super titanium case. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. Accent colors have been added to the chronograph hands and crown to accentuate the sporty look. [Invention for long-term use] Made of super titanium TM that is scratch resistant, lightweight, and rust resistant. We have sought to improve durability because we want it to last even longer. It protects your precious watch from all kinds of situations, such as anti-magnetic performance and highly durable glass using sapphire glass. [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive, making it hassle-free. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to operate for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need to regularly replace the batteries. Water resistant to 10 ATM, safe for water work. The fit adjuster allows you to fine-tune the length of the band. [Product details] Photovoltaic Eco Drive, calendar, ±15 seconds/month, sapphire glass (non-reflective coating), case/band/super titanium, 10 ATM water resistant, metal resistant, luminous (hands + index), fit adjuster

SOLT Japan Market Watch Atessa Silver [Citizen] CA0836-68E Men's

579.99 EUR
[Citizen ATTESA continues to advance the next generation with titanium] From the ACT Line, which is popular for its design that combines strength and lightness, a model equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive featuring an aluminum ring is now available. A clean design that can be used for both business and casual occasions. A separate aluminum ring is mounted on the bezel. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. [Design perfect for new life and job hunting] Chronograph with a strong and light design, separate aluminum ring and super titanium case. The change in color tone created by different materials gives a firm impression. Accent colors have been added to the chronograph hands and crown to accentuate the sporty look. [Invention for long-term use] Made of super titanium TM that is scratch resistant, lightweight, and rust resistant. We have sought to improve durability because we want it to last even longer. It protects your precious watch from all kinds of situations, such as anti-magnetic performance and highly durable glass using sapphire glass. [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with a photovoltaic eco-drive, making it hassle-free. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to operate for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need to regularly replace the batteries. Water resistant to 10 ATM, safe for water work. The fit adjuster allows you to fine-tune the length of the band. [Product details] Photovoltaic Eco Drive, calendar, ±15 seconds/month, sapphire glass (non-reflective coating), case/band/super titanium, 10 ATM water resistant, metal resistant, luminous (hands + index), fit adjuster

Premium SPEED Watch Gray [Casio] G-Shock [] DW-5600CA-2JF Men's

227.17 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G-SHOCK is a shock-resistant watch that has created a new concept of toughness in watches. G-SHOCK's Dial Camo Utility series. The base model uses the standard square case model DW-5600. The Dial Camo Utility series uses the popular camouflage pattern on the dial. Introducing a casual and easy-to-style color model that is perfect not only for outdoor and sports scenes, but also for street fashion. [Shockproof structure & 20 ATM water resistant] Adopts a shockproof structure that is resistant to shock and vibration. It is also equipped with 20 ATM water resistance, allowing it to be used in a variety of locations and situations. [Other product specifications] Stopwatch / timer / multi-alarm/time signal / fully automatic calendar / 12/24 hour display switching / EL backlight / alarm flash function

ELYZAD Willis from Tunis - 10 ans et toujours vivant !

27 EUR
Né aux premiers jours de la révolution tunisienne, le chat Willis from Tunis est toujours vivant ! Après dix ans de manifestations, de combat contre les obscurantistes, d'injustice sociale, d'attentats, de corruption généralisée, d'espoirs brisés par les politicien. ne. s, de révolte et de rage, il nous raconte une folle aventure : la marche pleine de chausse-trappes d'un pays vers sa liberté.

[Casio] Watch G-Shock Love Sea and The Earth EARTHWATCH Collaboration Model GW-9408KJ-7JR Men's White

1089.99 EUR
[Shockproof structures, 20 bar waterproof] G-SHOCK's core technology, which purposes toughness, has a shock-proof system that is shock-proof and has a distinct uneven pattern that stops the glass or buttons from being directly hit. Can be used in a range of places and conditions, from regular instruction to water activities such as swimming/surfing/jet-skiing [Radio clock] The precise time can be displayed when receiving a signal with time information. ※Supports standard waves from Japan (both countries), the US, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, and China, respectively [Tough Solar] Casio's unique solar charging system that stabilises various functions that are subject to high loading by using a solar panel that can be powered even with slight light and a high-capacity secondary unit [Other product specifications] World time/azimuth measuring function/air pressure/altime/temperature measuring function/manual music function: recorded up to 40 times of altitude/air pressure/temperature, direction, and time (time stamp function) /sunrise/sunset time display/stopwatch/timer/5 time alarms/power saving function/indicator Display/full autocalender/12/24 hour display changeable/operation audio ON/OFF switching function/LED backlight [Set Contents] The main unit, original packaging, Japanese manual for operation, and the Warranty are attached to the Japanese manual Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and the points to keep in mind when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Love DIY Marble Bathroom Trash Can Garbage Basket Reusable Square Waste Bin Container Household S White

24.09 EUR
Description: - 【Double Layer Design】: This marble trash bin features a unique double layer design that effectively hides the garbage bag from view, ensuring your space remains neat and tidy - 【Material】: Made of pp material, this trash bin is designed to withstand daily use while maintaining its stylish appearance - 【Enhances Bathroom Decor】: The stylish design of the marble bathroom trash can adds a touch of personality and styles to your bathroom decor, making it a unique and eye catching addition - 【Functional and Practical】: Marble wastebasket with spacious interior and sturdy construction make it a practical and efficient solution for waste disposal - 【Wide Application】: Marble Square Trash Can is ideal size for any room, home, offices, living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Bring convenience for your daily life Specification: - Material: PP Size Chart: S: Bottom width 20.5cm/8.07inch, height 26.5cm/10.43inch L: Bottom width 21.5cm/8.46inch, height 30cm/11.81inch Package Includes: 1 Trash Can Note: The capacity is calculated using the product shell size, the actual capacity is smaller.

[Casio] Watch G-Shock [] Love Sea and The Earth EARTHWATCH Collaboration Model GW-9408KJ-7JR Men's White

889.99 EUR
[Shock-resistant structure/water resistant to 20 ATM] G-SHOCK's core technology pursues toughness Shock-resistant structure protects the module Unique uneven shape prevents direct impact to glass and buttons. Can be used in a variety of places and situations, from daily water work to water activities such as swimming, surfing, and jet skiing. [Radio clock] Displays accurate time by receiving radio waves carrying time information. can. * Compatible with standard radio waves from Japan (both 2 standard radio stations), the United States, the UK, Germany, and China. [Tough Solar] Strong load by combining a solar panel that generates electricity even with a small amount of light and a large-capacity secondary Casio's unique solar charging system that stably operates various functions that require high pressure [Other product specifications] World time / Direction measurement function / Barometric pressure measurement function / Altitude measurement function / Temperature measurement function / Manual memory function: Altitude, atmospheric pressure, Up to 40 records of temperature, direction, and time (time stamp function) / Sunrise/sunset time display / Stopwatch / Timer / 5 time alarms / Power saving function / Indicator display / Fully automatic calendar / 12/24 hour display Switching/operation sound ON/OFF switching function/LED backlight [Set contents] Main unit, original package, instruction manual, and warranty are included with the instruction manual

Nippon-Mart Watch Love Sea and The Earth EARTHWATCH Collaboration Model White [Casio] G-Shock [] GW-9408KJ-7JR Men's

842.63 EUR
[Shock-resistant structure/water resistant to 20 ATM] G-SHOCK's core technology pursues toughness A shock-resistant structure protects the module The unique uneven shape prevents direct impact to the glass and buttons. Can be used in a variety of places and situations, from daily water work to water activities such as swimming, surfing, and jet skiing. [Radio clock] By receiving radio waves containing time information, you can display accurate time. *Compatible with standard radio waves from Japan (both 2 standard radio stations), the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and China. [Tough Solar] Casio's unique solar charging system that stably operates various functions that are subject to heavy loads by combining a solar panel that generates electricity even with a small amount of light and a large-capacity secondary battery. [Other product specifications] World time / Direction measurement function / Barometric pressure measurement function / Altitude measurement function / Temperature measurement function / Manual memory function: Records up to 40 times of altitude, atmospheric pressure, temperature, direction, and time (time stamp function) / Sunrise Sunset time display / Stopwatch / Timer / 5 time alarms / Power saving function / Indicator display / Full automatic calendar / 12/24 hour display switching / Operation sound ON/OFF switching function / LED backlight [Set contents] The main unit, original package, instruction manual, and warranty are included with the instruction manual.

BABY-G [Casio] Babygie Watch [Domestic Genuine Product] Love Sea and The Earth Aqua Planet Collaboration Model BGA-320AQ-4AJR Women's Pink

195.85 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: BABY-G Materials: glass [Product Description] ・This is a collaboration model from BABY-G with Aqua Planet, a specified non-profit organization that conducts coral reef conservation activities. - [Shock-resistant structure] Adopts a shock-resistant structure that is resistant to shock and vibration. ・[10 ATM water resistant] Equipped with 10 ATM waterproof performance. ・[Set contents] The main unit, original package, instruction manual, and warranty are included with the instruction manual. ・[Other product specifications] Please check the explanation column. explanation G-SHOCK/BABY-G has been creating and supporting various environmental organizations since the late 1990s by creating collaborative models. Actress Ritsuko Tanaka supports Aqua Planet, a specified non-profit organization that carries out activities to preserve coral reefs, as its chairperson. The theme of the 2023 model is Sugemidoriishi , which grows in the Casio coral field in the sea of ​​Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture. The dial is colored in a gradation of pink and yellow, with a pink base inspired by Sugemidoriishi . The 4 o'clock position features a motif of a damselfish that lives around coral reefs. The Aqua Planet logo and the words Love The Sea And The Earth are printed on the band, and the symbol mark Love The Sea And The Earth is engraved on the back cover. In addition, biomass plastic containing renewable organic resources is used for the band and case. We have given form to consideration for the natural environment. The packaging is also environmentally friendly as it does not use resin materials. This is a special model born from the spirit of wanting to protect the beautiful ocean and protect living creatures. ●Shock-resistant structure ●10 ATM waterproof function ●World Time: Time display in 27 cities around the world (29 time zones, with summer time setting function) + GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) ●Stopwatch (1 second, 60 minute meter, with split) ●Timer (set unit: 1 minute, maximum set: 60 minutes, measures in 1 second increments, auto-repeat, time-up notification function included) ●5 time alarms (only one with snooze function)/time signal ●Battery life approximately 3 years ●Full auto calendar ●12/24 hour display switching ●LED light (with super illuminator, afterglow function, afterglow time switching (1.5 seconds/3 seconds)) [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different...

Premium SPEED [Casio] Watch G-Shock [] Love Sea and The Earth Eye Search Japan Collaboration Model Biomass Plastic Mid Size Model GMD-W5600K-9JR Women's Yellow

408.14 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a collaboration model from G-SHOCK with Eye Search Japan, which works on activities to convey the wonders of dolphins, whales, and nature. *Base model is new GMD-W5600 [Shockproof structure & 20 ATM water resistant] Adopts a shockproof structure that is resistant to shock and vibration. It is also equipped with 20 ATM water resistance, allowing it to be used in a variety of locations and situations. [Tough Solar] Casio's unique solar charging system that stably operates various functions that are subject to heavy loads by combining a solar panel that generates electricity even with a small amount of light and a large-capacity secondary battery. [Radio clock] By receiving radio waves containing time information, you can display accurate time. *Suitable for Japan/North America/Europe/China region [Set contents] The main unit, original packaging, instruction manual, and warranty are included in the instruction manual. *For other product specifications, please check the description column.

Premium SPEED Watch Love Sea and The Earth Eye Search Japan Collaboration Model Radio Solar Biomass Plastic White x Gold [Casio] G-Shock [] GW-6904K-7JR Men's

299.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Under the theme of Love The Sea A nd The Earth, G-SHOCK supports ICERC Japan, an environmental organization that protects the beautiful ocean and the creatures that live there. The collaboration with ICERC Japan will finally reach its 30th anniversary in 2024. This time, in commemoration of the anniversary year, the model features 30 dolphins and whales. [Shockproof structure & 20 ATM water resistant] Adopts a shockproof structure that is resistant to shock and vibration. It is also equipped with 20 ATM water resistance, allowing it to be used in a variety of locations and situations. [Tough Solar] Casio's unique solar charging system that stably operates various functions that are subject to heavy loads by combining a solar panel that generates electricity even with a small amount of light and a large-capacity secondary battery. [Radio clock] By receiving radio waves containing time information, you can display accurate time. [Set contents] The main unit, original packaging, instruction manual, and warranty are included with the instruction manual. *For other product specifications, please check the description column.

NOBU JAPAN Watch Love Sea and The Earth EARTHWATCH Collaboration Model White [Casio] G-Shock [] GW-9408KJ-7JR Men's

851.12 EUR
[Shock-resistant structure/water resistant to 20 ATM] G-SHOCK's core technology pursues toughness A shock-resistant structure protects the module The unique uneven shape prevents direct impact to the glass and buttons. Can be used in a variety of places and situations, from daily water work to water activities such as swimming, surfing, and jet skiing. [Radio clock] By receiving radio waves containing time information, you can display accurate time. *Compatible with standard radio waves from Japan (both 2 standard radio stations), the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and China. [Tough Solar] Casio's unique solar charging system that stably operates various functions that are subject to heavy loads by combining a solar panel that generates electricity even with a small amount of light and a large-capacity secondary battery. [Other product specifications] World time / Direction measurement function / Barometric pressure measurement function / Altitude measurement function / Temperature measurement function / Manual memory function: Records up to 40 times of altitude, atmospheric pressure, temperature, direction, and time (time stamp function) / Sunrise Sunset time display / Stopwatch / Timer / 5 time alarms / Power saving function / Indicator display / Full automatic calendar / 12/24 hour display switching / Operation sound ON/OFF switching function / LED backlight [Set contents] The main unit, original package, instruction manual, and warranty are included with the instruction manual.

[Casio] Watch G-Shock FROGMAN Love Sea and The Earth Eye Search Japan Collaboration Model Solar Biomass Plastic GW-8200K-9JR Men's Yellow

899.95 EUR
From G-SHOCK's FROGMAN, it is a model for a partnership with [iSearch Japan], which works to bring dolphins, whales, and the wonderful natural world. [Shock Resistance Construction] Adopts a shock-safe design that is high against shock and shock. [Waterproof performance] ISO standard 200m diving water feature [Tough Solar] Casio's exclusive solar-based charging system that combines a solarized panel that generates even a slight amount of light with a large secondary capacity to run a large amount of power [Set Contents] The main unit, original pack, Japanese manual for handling, and the certificate of assurance are attached to the Japanese handling manual ※For other product specifications, please check the explanation section. Be sure to check the product details below and the points to keep in mind when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Premium SPEED CASIO Radio Solar Radio Watch MUDMAN Watch MASTER OF G Hiroobi Fiji Iguana Love The Sea And The Earth [Casio] G-SHOCK G-Shock Men's GW-9500KJ-3JR

529.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch movement type: Digital solar radio clock Case.diameter: 52.7 millimeters Case.thickness : 14.8 Clasp type: Buckle Dial window.material: Mineral glass Display.type: Digital Band.material: Plastic Special feature : Arabic numerals G-SHOCK/BABY-G has been creating collaborative models with various environmental organizations since the late 1990s and continues to support them. In 2023, under the theme Love The Sea And The Earth, we will continue to support EARTHWATCH, which supports a wide range of environmental conservation and research, including endangered ecosystems, marine and biological diversity, and climate change. I'll go. The collaboration model uses MUDMAN from the Master of G series, and is based on the giant Fiji iguana, which is endangered due to deforestation etc. Designed with a motif of reptiles. The characteristic green and blue body colors of the Hiroobi Fiji iguana are boldly expressed with colored resin and all-over print. The stainless steel parts of the front buttons are coated with brown IP to resemble the eyes of an iguana. EARTHWATCH's message Change the World. Yourself. and the EARTHWATCH logo are printed on the band and ring. The logo appears on the LED backlight, and the back cover is engraved with the Love The Sea And The Earth symbol, making this model a model with detailed designs throughout. The material is biomass plastic, and it is also equipped with tough solar power that can be powered by even a small amount of light from fluorescent lights. The packaging uses a special box made of recycled paper.

Premium SPEED Watch Love Sea and The Earth EARTHWATCH Collaboration Model White [Casio] G-Shock [] GW-9408KJ-7JR Men's

849.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Shock-resistant structure/water resistant to 20 ATM] G-SHOCK's core technology pursues toughness A shock-resistant structure protects the module The unique uneven shape prevents direct impact to the glass and buttons. Can be used in a variety of places and situations, from daily water work to water activities such as swimming, surfing, and jet skiing. [Radio clock] By receiving radio waves containing time information, you can display accurate time. *Compatible with standard radio waves from Japan (both 2 standard radio stations), the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and China. [Tough Solar] Casio's unique solar charging system that stably operates various functions that are subject to heavy loads by combining a solar panel that generates electricity even with a small amount of light and a large-capacity secondary battery. [Other product specifications] World time / Direction measurement function / Barometric pressure measurement function / Altitude measurement function / Temperature measurement function / Manual memory function: Records up to 40 times of altitude, atmospheric pressure, temperature, direction, and time (time stamp function) / Sunrise Sunset time display / Stopwatch / Timer / 5 time alarms / Power saving function / Indicator display / Full automatic calendar / 12/24 hour display switching / Operation sound ON/OFF switching function / LED backlight [Set contents] The main unit, original package, instruction manual, and warranty are included with the instruction manual.

Premium SPEED Watch FROGMAN Love Sea and The Earth ICERC Japan Collaboration Model Tough Solar Biomass Plastic White x Gold [Casio] G-Shock GW-8201K-7JR Men's

812.33 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Under the theme of Love The Sea A nd The Earth, G-SHOCK supports ICERC Japan, an environmental organization that protects the beautiful ocean and the creatures that live there. The collaboration with ICERC Japan will finally reach its 30th anniversary in 2024. This time, in commemoration of the anniversary year, the model features 30 dolphins and whales. [Shockproof structure & 20 ATM water resistant] Adopts a shockproof structure that is resistant to shock and vibration. It is also equipped with 20 ATM water resistance, allowing it to be used in a variety of locations and situations. [Tough Solar] Casio's unique solar charging system that stably operates various functions that are subject to heavy loads by combining a solar panel that generates electricity even with a small amount of light and a large-capacity secondary battery. [Waterproof performance] Waterproof function for ISO standard 200m diving [Set contents] The main unit, original packaging, instruction manual, and warranty are included in the instruction manual. *For other product specifications, please check the description column.

Nippon-Mart Watch Love Sea and The Earth Eye Search Japan Collaboration Model Biomass Plastic Mid Size Model Yellow [Casio] G-Shock [] GMD-W5600K-9JR Women's

324.99 EUR
This is a collaboration model from G-SHOCK with Eye Search Japan, which works on activities to convey the wonders of dolphins, whales, and nature. *Base model is new GMD-W5600 [Shockproof structure & 20 ATM water resistant] Adopts a shockproof structure that is resistant to shock and vibration. It is also equipped with 20 ATM water resistance, allowing it to be used in a variety of locations and situations. [Tough Solar] Casio's unique solar charging system that stably operates various functions that are subject to heavy loads by combining a solar panel that generates electricity even with a small amount of light and a large-capacity secondary battery. [Radio clock] By receiving radio waves containing time information, you can display accurate time. *Suitable for Japan/North America/Europe/China region [Set contents] The main unit, original packaging, instruction manual, and warranty are included in the instruction manual. *For other product specifications, please check the description column.

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