Purif. DYSON HP10 purifier hot + cool

599 EUR
Réputé comme étant le purificateur le plus puissant et le plus silencieux de la marque DYSON, le Purifier Hot+Cool Gen1 vous offrira un assainissement de l'air avancé et une polyvalence exceptionnelle en tant que chauffage ou ventilateur, sans oublier de vous délivrer des informations précieuses sur la qualité de l'air de votre intérieur. Un environnement sain, un confort optimal et une expérience utilisateur complète Conçu pour détecter, capturer et piéger les polluants dans l'air, le purificateur DYSON Purifier Hot+Cool Gen1 assurera une purification complète de votre espace de vie. Pour que vous puissiez profiter d'un environnement intérieur sain, il les capturera et les piégera afin d'éliminer plus de 99,95 % des particules ultrafines : la certitude de renforcer votre bien-être autant que celui de votre famille. En complément de l'assainissement de l'air de votre maison, votre nouveau purificateur DYSON Purifier Hot+Cool Gen1 pourra également servir de chauffage ou de ventilateur, constituant ainsi une solution polyvalente pour votre confort, en été comme en hiver. Son angle d'oscillation de 350° favorisera une diffusion homogène de l'air dans toute la pièce, assurant ainsi une distribution efficace de la température. Une solution complète pour une qualité d'air impeccable Respirez un air purifié, où que vous soyez dans votre maison. En plus de ses 10 réglages de vitesse, sa hauteur de 83 cm et sa largeur de 41,5 cm, votre purificateur DYSON Purifier Hot+Cool Gen1 disposera d'une technologie avancée vous permettant de le contrôler à distance grâce à l'application mobile MyDyson : la certitude de renforcer votre souplesse d'utilisation. Livré avec des accessoires pour renforcer sa puissance d'action, votre purificateur DYSON Purifier Hot+Cool Gen1 comprendra un filtre HEPA 13 à charbon actif pensé pour éliminer les particules fines et les allergènes, et un filtre à charbon actif imaginé pour neutraliser les odeurs indésirables. De plus, sa télécommande incurvée et aimantée vous permettra bénéficier d'un rangement pratique pour ne plus jamais l'égarer.

Purificateur Dyson HP10 Hot+Cool Gen1

599 EUR
Purificateur Dyson HP10 Hot+Cool Gen1 Découvrez le Dyson HP10 Hot+Cool Gen1, une merveille d'innovation de la gamme Pure Hot Cool, conçu pour purifier, chauffer et ventiler votre intérieur avec une efficacité exceptionnelle. Technologie de pointe Ce purificateur d'air polyvalent est équipé d'une technologie capable d'éliminer 99,95% des particules aussi petites que 0,1 micron, grâce à ses deux filtres HEPA H13. Cette technologie avancée garantit une purification de l'air en profondeur, bien conforme à la norme HEPA H13. Vous pourrez ainsi respirer un air purifié et sain, sans compromis sur la qualité. Performances et fonctionnalités Avec une puissance de 2300 W et un débit d'air impressionnant de 1044 m³/h, le Dyson HP10 est parfait pour des pièces jusqu'à 32 m². Les 10 niveaux de vitesse ajustables et l'oscillation à 350° permettent de distribuer l'air de manière homogène dans toute la pièce. Doté d'un écran LCD, il offre une interface utilisateur intuitive, tandis que la télécommande et le programmateur facilitent son utilisation à distance. Conception et ergonomie Avec un design sobre et moderne en coloris blanc, ce modèle se place aisément au sol, ajoutant non seulement une touche d'élégance mais aussi de fonctionnalité à tout espace intérieur. Sa hauteur de 76,5 cm et ses dimensions compactes (20.5 x 76.5 x 13.1 cm) permettent une intégration facile dans votre domicile. Entretien simplifié Pour garantir une efficacité continue, les filtres HEPA H13 sont remplaçables tous les 12 mois. Avec seulement 5,29 kg, ce purificateur est facile à déplacer et à entretenir. Simplifiez-vous la vie avec le Purificateur Dyson HP10 Hot+Cool Gen1, le choix parfait pour un air purifié et un environnement parfaitement modulable, fabriqué avec soin en Malaisie.

Watches Japan [Kerbholz] KERBHOLZ Watch HILDE Natural Wood WHIL1347 Women's [Regular Imported Product]

182.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included with the instruction manual.

HP {Rakuten

195.2 EUR
EliteDesk 800 G1 SFF Intel Core i5-4570 - 8 Go - 120 + 500 Go - Hybride (SSD + HDD) - Carte graphique : Intel HD Graphics 4600 - Couleur : Noir

HP {Rakuten

92.69 EUR
ProDesk 600 G1 SFF Intel Core i5-4570 - 4 Go - 500 Go - HDD - Carte graphique : Intel HD Graphics 4600 - Couleur : Noir

Purif. DYSON HP09 purifier hot+cool form

649 EUR
Le Purificateur DYSON HP09 Purifier Hot+Cool Form est un appareil multifonctions unique, puisqu'il purifiera l'air aussi bien qu'il le rafraîchira et qu'il le réchauffera. Un purificateur intelligent Pour que l'air de votre maison soit toujours pur et sain, le Purificateur DYSON  détecte automatiquement les molécules de formaldéhyde 500 fois plus petites que 0,1 micron. Solide, il conservera sa précision tout au long de sa vie et détectera tous les types de polluants en temps réel. Vous pourrez ainsi surveiller la qualité de l'air depuis l' écran LCD et depuis votre smartphone. Ces particules polluantes sont ensuite détruites par le Purificateur DYSON. Grâce à son filtre catalytique, il s'avèrera toujours efficace. L'autre avantage, c'est que ce filtre est fixe et qu'il n'aura pas besoin d'être remplacé. Ce purificateur est entièrement scellé, et est normé HEPA H13, ce qui prouve qu'il ne laissera aucune particule ressortir. Un appareil tout-en-un Au-delà de ses fonctions de purification, le Purificateur DYSON HP09 Purifier Hot+Cool Form fonctionne aussi comme ventilateur. Grâce à la technologie Air Multiplier, il projettera un flux d'air plus puissant que les purificateurs classiques. Avec ses 290 litres d'air par seconde, il couvrira de grandes surfaces en toutes saisons. Car, oui, le Purificateur DYSON HP09 Purifier Hot+Cool Form fait également chauffage et climatiseur. Vous pourrez ainsi rentabiliser votre investissement en été comme en hiver. Ce purificateur high-tech est aussi pourvu d'un mode nuit silencieux et autonome, et d'un mode ambiant de projection d'air vers l'arrière. En résumé, votre confort sera total en toutes circonstances.

Dyson Purifier Hot + Cool autoreact HP7A - Purificateur d'air, ventilateur, chauffage - Blanc/nickel

942.99 EUR
Surface couverte : 80 m² Niveau sonore : Standard : 64 dB Oscillation : 350° Programmable Le + : Sa fonction 3 en 1 purifie, ventile en été et chauffe en hiver. Son écran LCD vous permettant de surveiller la qualité de l'air de votre pièce. Les particules piégéesLe purificateur d'air DYSON HP7A est un appareil destiné à débarrasser une pièce de la grande majorité des polluants qu'elle peut contenir. Ces substances peuvent être des poussières ou des composés chimiques. Vous disposez d'un écran de contrôle qui vous permet d'évaluer l'état de la pièce et la qualité de l'air. Ce purificateur d'aira la capacité de capter des particules à la taille allant jusqu'à 0,1 micron. Des filtres HEPA et à charbon les piègent à l'intérieur du socle. En parallèle, cet appareil d'un débit de 290 L/s diffuse de l'air débarrassé de polluants, qui peut aussi être chaud selon le réglage choisi. Un design futuristeCe purificateur d'air blanc et nickel possède un design ultra-moderne. Il se compose d'un socle cylindrique où se trouve un filtre surmonté d'un diffuseur. Ce purificateur H.76,4 x L.20,5 x l.13,0 mm prend peu de place dans votre intérieur. Il s'utilise dans toutes les pièces à vivre de la maison. Purificateur entièrement scellé selon la norme HEPA H13L’ensemble de l’appareil est scellé hermétiquement conformément à lanorme HEPA H13. Pour que ce qui est capturé n’en ressort pas. Détecte les polluants en temps réelDétecte automatiquement les particules et les polluants gazeux dans l’air,puis analyse et crée des rapports sur la qualité de l’air en temps réel.Cela vous permet de surveiller la qualité de l’air sur l’écran LCD. Capture les polluants grâce à ses filtres HEPA et à charbon actif,positionnés à 360° dans le socle de l’appareilLe système de filtration hermétique associe un filtre à charbon actif pourabsorber les gaz et un filtre HEPA en fibre de verre qui capture99,95 % des particules microscopiques aussi petites que 0,1 micron.1 Projette un flux d’air purifié dans toute la pièceLa technologie Air Multiplier™ génère un flux régulier et puissant de290 litres d’air par seconde, qui fait circuler l’air purifié dans toute lapièce. Chauffe en hiver, ventile en été, purifie toute l’annéeGrâce à la projection longue portée, il est facile de chauffer toute unepièce de façon homogène4 Lorsqu’il fait chaud, son flux puissant d’airpurifié permet de vous rafraîchir. Mode ambiantProjette le flux d’air à l’arrière de l’appareil. Pour purifier, sans vousrafraîchir. Mode nuitSurveille et purifie l’air en utilisant ses réglages les plus silencieux et enréduisant la luminosité de l’affichage.

Dyson Purifier Hot + Cool autoreact HP7A - Purificateur d'air, ventilateur, chauffage - Blanc/nickel

942.99 EUR
Surface couverte : 80 m² Niveau sonore : Standard : 64 dB Oscillation : 350° Programmable Le + : Sa fonction 3 en 1 purifie, ventile en été et chauffe en hiver. Son écran LCD vous permettant de surveiller la qualité de l'air de votre pièce. Les particules piégéesLe purificateur d'air DYSON HP7A est un appareil destiné à débarrasser une pièce de la grande majorité des polluants qu'elle peut contenir. Ces substances peuvent être des poussières ou des composés chimiques. Vous disposez d'un écran de contrôle qui vous permet d'évaluer l'état de la pièce et la qualité de l'air. Ce purificateur d'aira la capacité de capter des particules à la taille allant jusqu'à 0,1 micron. Des filtres HEPA et à charbon les piègent à l'intérieur du socle. En parallèle, cet appareil d'un débit de 290 L/s diffuse de l'air débarrassé de polluants, qui peut aussi être chaud selon le réglage choisi. Un design futuristeCe purificateur d'air blanc et nickel possède un design ultra-moderne. Il se compose d'un socle cylindrique où se trouve un filtre surmonté d'un diffuseur. Ce purificateur H.76,4 x L.20,5 x l.13,0 mm prend peu de place dans votre intérieur. Il s'utilise dans toutes les pièces à vivre de la maison. Purificateur entièrement scellé selon la norme HEPA H13L’ensemble de l’appareil est scellé hermétiquement conformément à lanorme HEPA H13. Pour que ce qui est capturé n’en ressort pas. Détecte les polluants en temps réelDétecte automatiquement les particules et les polluants gazeux dans l’air,puis analyse et crée des rapports sur la qualité de l’air en temps réel.Cela vous permet de surveiller la qualité de l’air sur l’écran LCD. Capture les polluants grâce à ses filtres HEPA et à charbon actif,positionnés à 360° dans le socle de l’appareilLe système de filtration hermétique associe un filtre à charbon actif pourabsorber les gaz et un filtre HEPA en fibre de verre qui capture99,95 % des particules microscopiques aussi petites que 0,1 micron.1 Projette un flux d’air purifié dans toute la pièceLa technologie Air Multiplier™ génère un flux régulier et puissant de290 litres d’air par seconde, qui fait circuler l’air purifié dans toute lapièce. Chauffe en hiver, ventile en été, purifie toute l’annéeGrâce à la projection longue portée, il est facile de chauffer toute unepièce de façon homogène4 Lorsqu’il fait chaud, son flux puissant d’airpurifié permet de vous rafraîchir. Mode ambiantProjette le flux d’air à l’arrière de l’appareil. Pour purifier, sans vousrafraîchir. Mode nuitSurveille et purifie l’air en utilisant ses réglages les plus silencieux et enréduisant la luminosité de l’affichage.

hayatospeed [Kerbholz] KERBHOLZ Watch HILDE Natural Wood WHIL1347 Women's [Regular Imported Product]

196.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included with the instruction manual.

Dyson V8 Advanced

399 EUR
Plus puissant que jamais. Désormais doté d'une puissance de 130 AW. Puissant, polyvalent et silencieux. Avec technologie auto-démêlante, conçue pour les animaux.

Dyson V15 Detect Fluffy - Aspirateur balai 2-en-1 sans sac sans fil chargeur inclus

599 EUR
L'aspirateur Dyson V15 Detect Fluffy est un aspirateur sans fil conçu pour nettoyer les sols durs et les maisons avec des animaux domestiques. Il est équipé d'un laser de détection qui révèle la poussière et la saleté cachées, et d'une tête de nettoyage Fluffy™ avec des poils souples qui sont doux pour les sols durs et les tapis. Il dispose également d'un moteur Hyperdymium™ qui génère jusqu'à 240 AW de puissance d'aspiration et d'une technologie Radial Root Cyclone™ qui capture jusqu'à 99,99 % des particules de poussière aussi petites que 0,3 microns. Voici quelques-unes des principales caractéristiques de l'aspirateur Dyson V15 Detect Fluffy : Laser Detect™ : Révèle la poussière et la saleté cachées Tête de nettoyage Fluffy™ : Poils souples et doux pour les sols durs et les tapis Moteur Hyperdymium™ : Génère jusqu'à 240 AW de puissance d'aspiration Technologie Radial Root Cyclone™ : Capture jusqu'à 99,99 % des particules de poussière aussi petites que 0,3 microns Filtration intégrale de l'appareil : Piège 99,99 % de la poussière et des allergènes Vidange hygiénique du bac : Éjecte la poussière et la saleté en un seul geste hygiénique Écran LCD : Affiche en temps réel les performances de nettoyage et l'autonomie de la batterie Trois modes de nettoyage : Auto, Éco et Boost Jusqu'à 60 minutes d'autonomie sur une seule charge L'aspirateur Dyson V15 Detect Fluffy est un excellent choix pour les personnes qui recherchent un aspirateur sans fil puissant et idéal pour les sols durs et les maisons avec des animaux domestiques. Il est également un bon choix pour les personnes allergiques, car il piège 99,99 % de la poussière et des allergènes.

Dyson V8 Origin - Aspirateur - balai/à main (2-en-1) - sans sac - sans fil chargeur inclus

379 EUR
Informations générales sur le produit - Marque : DYSON - Type de produit : Aspirateur sans fil DYSON V8 Origin - Capacité du collecteur : 0,54L - Puissance d'aspiration maximale 115 Airwatts - Aspiration Puisance d'aspiration en mode normal : 22 Airwatts - Couleur : Gris et violet - Capacité du réservoir : 0,54 L - Indice de réparabilité 7,3 - Couleur(s) Gris et violet Livré avec : - Brosse Motorbar - Accessoire combiné - Adaptateur pour meubles bas - Long suceur - Station murale de chargement - Chargeur - Puissance d'aspiration maximum (air watts) 115 - Type d'aspirateur Aspirateur balai sans fil - Vitesse maximale: 110.000 tours / minute - Sans fil: Oui Consommation- Alimentation: Batterie - Autonomie de fonctionnnement: En mode Max : 5 minutes - En mode Normal : 25 minutes brosse motorisée / 40 minutes brosses passives - Batterie: Dyson V8 21,6 V - Temps de chargement complet 5H - Autonomie En mode max : 5 minutes - Chargeur inclus Oui Dimensions et poids- Largeur 25 cm - Profondeur 22,4 cm - Hauteur 124,4 cm - Poids 2,5 kg Dimensions et poids (emballé)- Hauteur (Expédition): 73,9 cm - Largeur (emballée) 27,1 cm - Profondeur (emballée) 15,4 cm - Poids (Expédition) 3,8 kg

NOBU JAPAN Casio Silver Stainless Steel Watch -A168WEM-2EF

103.99 EUR
This sporty and trendy watch is the perfect gift for New Year, birthday, Valentine's Day, etc. With calendar function: date, stopwatch, alarm. High quality 21cm long and 15mm wide silver stainless steel belt with fold-over clasp. Case diameter: 36mm, case thickness: 9mm, case color: silver and dial color: blue. Water resistance: 3 bars - Weight: 50g. The watch will arrive in its original gift box.

Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Multi Floor 2 - Aspirateur - traineau - sans sac

299 EUR
Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Multi Floor 2 - Aspirateur-traineau Découvrez l'aspirateur Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Multi Floor 2, conçu pour offrir une aspiration puissante et sans compromis pour tous types de sols. Cet aspirateur-traineau est équipé de la technologie cyclonique avancée de Dyson, garantissant une performance exceptionnelle sans perte d'aspiration. Principales caractéristiques : Type de produit : Aspirateur-traineau Mode de nettoyage : Sec Type de sol compatible : Usage général Puissance d'aspiration maximum : 150 air watts Collecte des poussières : Sans sac Rayon d'action : 10.61 m Niveau de pression acoustique : 80 dB Dimensions : 34.9 cm x 39.7 cm x 29.3 cm Poids : 8.03 kg Type d'alimentation : Secteur Consommation d'énergie annuelle : 28 kWh Longueur du cordon : 6.6 m Garantie du fabricant : 5 ans L'aspirateur est équipé d'un ensemble d'outils pratiques, notamment un accessoire pour marches d'escalier, un suceur multifonctions et un outil de plancher pneumatique. Ces accessoires permettent une polyvalence remarquable pour nettoyer efficacement chaque recoin de votre maison. Normes de conformité : Directive 665/2013/UE Avec sa faible consommation d'énergie et ses dimensions compactes, le Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Multi Floor 2 est conçu pour simplifier votre routine de nettoyage tout en étant respectueux de l'environnement. De plus, grâce à sa garantie fabricant de 5 ans, vous pouvez compter sur sa durabilité et sa fiabilité à long terme. Optez pour l'efficacité et la performance avec le Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Multi Floor 2.

[SEIKO] PROSPEX U.S. Special Edition Mechanical Automatic Watch Made in Japan Turtle Diver's 200m SRPH55 Men's Brown Overseas Model

1119.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: [Product Description] ・SEIKO U.S. limited model ・[Size/Weight] Case size (length x width x thickness): 47.7 x 45 x 13.2 (approx. mm), stainless steel belt: width approx. 20 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), silicone belt width approx. 20 mm ( Buckle side)~25mm (case side), lug width: approx. 22mm, arm circumference length (longest) 205mm, weight when stainless steel belt is attached: approx. 203g ・[Materials] Case: Stainless steel, Band: Stainless steel (replacement silicone band included), Windshield: Sapphire crystal (inner surface non-reflective coating) ・[Caliber No.] 4R36 automatic winding (with manual winding, second hand stop function), [waterproofing performance] Waterproof for 200m diving ・[Accessories] Special presentation box, Japanese instruction manual (copy) explanation [Main specifications] ●Caliber No.: 4R36 ●Drive system: Mechanical automatic winding (with hand winding) ●Accuracy: +45 seconds to -35 seconds per day ●Driving period: Lasts approximately 41 hours at maximum winding ●Waterproof: Waterproof for 200m diving ●Case material: stainless steel ●Glass material: sapphire crystal ●Glass coating: Inner non-reflective coating ●Band material: Stainless steel (replacement silicone band included) ●Back cover “SPECIAL EDITION” notation ●Reverse rotation prevention bezel [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

5 SPORTS SKX Sports Style GMT Model Automatic Mechanical Watch Seiko Five Sports Made in Japan SSK001 Black Overseas Model [Seiko] Men's [Item]

589.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (H x W x D): 46 x 42.5 x 13.6 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 18 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), ring width approx. 22 mm, arm circumference length (Longest length) 205mm, weight: Approx. 161g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Belt: Stainless steel, Windshield: Hardlex crystal with lens, Bezel: Stainless steel (Display part: Hardlex crystal) [Waterproof performance] Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM) *The crown is not screw-in. [Caliber No.] 4R34 Automatic winding (with manual winding, 24 o'clock (GMT) hand, second hand stop function) [Accessories] Japanese instruction manual (copy), cosmetic case (SEIKO cosmetic case is included, but the design will differ each time it arrives) Originating from the Seiko Sportsmatic 5 (commonly known as Seiko Five) released by SEIKO in 1963, Seiko Five Sports was born as a derivative series in 1968 with sports-oriented functions and designs. This New Seiko Five Sports has updated functions and logo design. Equipped with a 4R movement, equipped with a manual winding function and a hack function that were not found in the 7S movement, it is a new style concept with a sporty design that matches various scenes. This GMT model, newly added in 2022, is an even more beautiful evolution of the new Seiko 5 Sports, which was developed based on the SKX model, a sports watch loved all over the world. The newly developed mechanical caliber 4R34 is equipped with a GMT function, and the hour hand and 24-hour hand (GMT hand) each indicate different times, allowing it to display the time in two time zones with a time difference. is possible. Glossy Hardlex glass was selected for the two-color rotating bezel display that allows you to instantly tell when it's day or night. The metallic color shines beautifully due to the vapor deposition process, and varies depending on the angle of light irradiation.

[Seiko Watch] Watch Seiko Selection SEIKO SELECTION Summer Limited 2020 Limited to 600 pieces in Japan Solar Charging Analog Quartz Reinforced Waterpr

369.99 EUR
Set contents: main unit, box, Japanese instruction manual, warranty card included Reinforced Waterproofing for Everyday Life: 10BAR Country of origin: Japan Rear Pig [LIMITED EDITION] notation Overcharge prevention function Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Reimported overseas model made in Japan] SEIKO SEIKO 5 Day Date Calendar Automatic Silver Dial Men's Watch SNK385K1 [Reimported]

309.99 EUR
[Specifications] Automatic cold movement (no voucher function), calendar within 45 to -35 seconds of accuracy (day and day display), selectable day of the week in English and Spanish, needle and index, luminous, screw-included lid (see-through), waterproof mineral glass windshield for everyday life [Size] Case: 36 in diameter x 42 in length x 11 mm in thickness, weight about 107 g [Color] Dial: Silver [Case] Material: stainless steel [Breath] Material: stainless steel, push type, 3-fold buckle size: 18mm wide, arm circumference: can be up to 21cm [non-go-go] Japanese manual and BOX attached/Country of origin: CHINA Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Presage GMT Presage Automatic SSK009 Made in Japan Watch Overseas Model [Seiko] Style60’s Men’s [Item]

799.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (length x width x thickness): 47.0 x 40.8 x 13.0 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 18 mm (buckle side) ~ 20 mm (case side), lug width approx. 20 mm, arm circumference length Length (longest) 200mm, weight: approx. 136g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Band: Stainless steel, Windshield: Box-shaped Hardlex crystal [Waterproof performance] Reinforced waterproof for daily life (5 atm) [Caliber No.] 4R34 Automatic winding (with manual winding, 24 o'clock (GMT) hand, second hand stop function) [Accessories] Japanese instruction manual (copy), presentation box (SEIKO presentation box is included, but the design will differ each time it arrives. *If the model for Japan has a special box setting, the special box will not be available. ) Presage's new series Style 60's expresses Seiko's vintage style with modern sensibilities and the latest technology. The base design was inspired by the design of the Crown Chronograph released by Seiko in 1964, and adopted the Crown Chronograph's box-shaped glass, three-dimensional indexes, and sharply shaped hands. By doing so, it creates a soft impression and a vintage feel from the 1960s.

Seiko 5 Automatic 21 Jewels Japan Made SNKK38 SNKK38J1 SNKK38J Mens Watch

171.38 EUR
Seiko 5 Automatic 21 Jewels Japan Made SNKK38 SNKK38J1 SNKK38J Men's Watch The Seiko 5 is arguably the most everlasting timepiece that can be afforded without shelling out a lot of money; neither do you need to sacrifice the catchiness for simplicity. A retro design in gold tone, the raised bezel adds depth to the face. A design that you certainly can’t overrule; its look, feel and construction never lets you down. Features: Made In Japan Gold Tone Stainless Steel Case Gold Tone Stainless Steel Bracelet Automatic Movement Caliber: 7S26 21 Jewels Hardlex Crystal Gold Tone Dial Luminous Hands And Markers Date And Day Displays See Through Case Back Deployment Clasp 30M Water Resistance Approximate Case Diameter: 38mm Approximate Case Thickness: 11mm

Seiko 5 SPORTS SKX Sports Style GMT Model Automatic Winding Mechanical Limited Distribution Model Watch Five Sports Made in Japan Made in Japan SSK005

549.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (H x W x D): 46 x 42.5 x 13.6 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 18 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), ring width approx. 22 mm, arm circumference length (Longest length) 205mm, weight: Approx. 161g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Belt: Stainless steel, Windshield: Hardlex crystal with lens, Bezel: Stainless steel (Display part: Hardlex crystal) [Waterproof performance] Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM) *The crown is not screw-in. [Caliber No.] 4R34 Automatic winding (with manual winding, 24 o'clock (GMT) hand, second hand stop function) [Accessories] Japanese instruction manual (copy), cosmetic case (SEIKO cosmetic case is included, but the design will differ each time it arrives) Originating from the Seiko Sportsmatic 5 (commonly known as Seiko Five) released by SEIKO in 1963, Seiko Five Sports was born as a derivative series in 1968 with sports-oriented functions and designs. This New Seiko Five Sports has updated functions and logo design. Equipped with a 4R movement, equipped with a manual winding function and a hack function that were not found in the 7S movement, it is a new style concept with a sporty design that matches various scenes. This GMT model, newly added in 2022, is an even more beautiful evolution of the new Seiko 5 Sports, which was developed based on the SKX model, a sports watch loved all over the world. The newly developed mechanical caliber 4R34 is equipped with a GMT function, and the hour hand and 24-hour hand (GMT hand) each indicate different times, allowing it to display the time in two time zones with a time difference. is possible. Glossy Hardlex glass was selected for the two-color rotating bezel display that allows you to instantly tell when it's day or night. The metallic color shines beautifully due to the vapor deposition process, and varies depending on the angle of light irradiation.

Seiko Men's SSC139 Excelsior Solar Chronograph Made in Japan Quartz Men's Watch (Parallel Import)

1269.99 EUR
The sun charges with all kinds of light Two-tone stainless steel band in silver and gunmetal (gunmetal color is close to black) Quartz analog display made in Japan 100m waterproof Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Women's Watch SEIKO SELECTION Mechanical Made in Japan Open Heart SSDE010

366.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・Shape of main case: Round ・Band color: Stainless steel (partially pink gold plated) ・Body case material: Stainless steel ・Movement type: automatic winding ・Band material: stainless steel explanation ・Although the design is simple, the women's line has an elegant impression with sparkling indexes. ・A gorgeous model with just the right amount of pink gold. ・This watch is made in Japan, mechanical, and reasonably priced. From February 5, 2024, we will revise the manufacturer's suggested retail price. We appreciate your understanding as there may be some products with the old price printed on them after the price revision. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website.

5 SPORTS SKX Sports Style GMT Model Automatic Mechanical Watch Seiko Five Sports Made in Japan SSK019 Pepsi Circle Overseas Model [Seiko] Men's

639.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (H x W x D): 46 x 42.5 x 13.6 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 18 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), ring width approx. 22 mm, arm circumference length (Longest length) 205mm, weight: Approx. 161g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Belt: Stainless steel, Windshield: Hardlex crystal with lens, Bezel: Stainless steel (Display part: Hardlex crystal) [Waterproof performance] Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM) *The crown is not screw-in. [Caliber No.] 4R34 Automatic winding (with manual winding, 24 o'clock (GMT) hand, second hand stop function) [Accessories] Japanese and English manuals (copies), cosmetic case (SEIKO cosmetic case is included, but the design differs each time it arrives) Originating from the Seiko Sportsmatic 5 (commonly known as Seiko Five) released by SEIKO in 1963, Seiko Five Sports was born as a derivative series in 1968 with sports-oriented functions and designs. This New Seiko Five Sports has updated functions and logo design. Equipped with a 4R movement, equipped with a manual winding function and a hack function that were not found in the 7S movement, it is a new style concept with a sporty design that matches various scenes. This GMT model, newly added in 2022, is an even more beautiful evolution of the new Seiko 5 Sports, which was developed based on the SKX model, a sports watch loved all over the world. The newly developed mechanical caliber 4R34 is equipped with a GMT function, and the hour hand and 24-hour hand (GMT hand) each indicate different times, allowing it to display the time in two time zones with a time difference. is possible. Glossy Hardlex glass was selected for the two-color rotating bezel display that allows you to instantly tell when it's day or night. The metallic color shines beautifully due to the vapor deposition process, and varies depending on the angle of light irradiation.

[SEIKO] PROSPEX U.S. Special Edition Mechanical Automatic Watch Made in Japan Turtle Diver's 200m SRPH57 Men's Green Overseas Model

1481.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: [Product Description] ・SEIKO U.S. limited model ・[Size/Weight] Case size (length x width x thickness): 47.7 x 45 x 13.2 (approx. mm), stainless steel belt: width approx. 20 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), silicone belt width approx. 20 mm ( Buckle side)~25mm (case side), lug width: approx. 22mm, arm circumference length (longest) 205mm, weight when stainless steel belt is attached: approx. 203g ・[Materials] Case: Stainless steel, Band: Stainless steel (replacement silicone band included), Windshield: Sapphire crystal (inner surface non-reflective coating) ・[Caliber No.] 4R36 automatic winding (with manual winding, second hand stop function), [waterproofing performance] Waterproof for 200m diving ・[Accessories] Special presentation box, Japanese instruction manual (copy) explanation [Main specifications] ●Caliber No.: 4R36 ●Drive system: Mechanical automatic winding (with hand winding) ●Accuracy: +45 seconds to -35 seconds per day ●Driving period: Lasts approximately 41 hours at maximum winding ●Waterproof: Waterproof for 200m diving ●Case material: stainless steel ●Glass material: sapphire crystal ●Glass coating: Inner non-reflective coating ●Band material: Stainless steel (replacement silicone band included) ●Back cover “SPECIAL EDITION” notation ●Reverse rotation prevention bezel [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Quartz Watch Made in Japan SWR069 Sapphire Glass Silver Overseas Model [Seiko] Women's [Item]

310.85 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (length x width x thickness): 35.1 x 29.0 x 6.9 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 12 mm (buckle side) ~ 14 mm (case side), lug width approx. 14 mm, arm circumference length Length (longest) 173mm, weight: approx. 51.0g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Band: Stainless steel, Windshield: Sapphire crystal [Caliber No.] 4N30 (2-hand quartz) [Waterproof performance] 5 ATM water resistant [Accessories] Japanese manual (copy), SEIKO's international warranty, cosmetic case (SEIKO's cosmetic case is included, but the design differs each time it arrives)

Nettoyeur de sols Dyson WashG1

649 EUR
- Poids. 4,8kg - Durée. Jusqu'à 35 minutes. - Nettoyant pour sols humides jusqu'à 290 m2 -2 réservoirs d'eau 1 propre / 1 eau sale. Smarthome - Dyson - Dyson 5025155096772 - Nettoyant pour sols humides Dyson WashG1. Le Nettoyant pour sols humides Dyson WashG1 est un produit New avec une garantie d'usine de deux ans. Il appartient à la catégorie Maison > Robots de nettoyage et aspirateurs et le numéro EAN attribué par le fabricant Dyson est 5025155096772.

[Citizen Q&Q] Watch Analog Hello Kitty Waterproof Leather Strap Made in Japan 0009N003 Women's White Gold

56.92 EUR
For: women Set Contents: Main unit - blisters pack included, Japanese user's handbook, and a Japanese handbook comes with the Japanese user's handbook WATERPROOF FOR DAILY LIFE: 3 BAR Country of origin: Japan Please be sure to check the product's full list below, as well as the points to note when making the order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Citizen Q&Q Watch Analog Hello Kitty Waterproof Leather Strap Made in Japan 0009N003 Women's White Gold

54.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

[Citizen Q&Q] Watch Analog Hello Kitty Waterproof Leather Strap Made in Japan 0009N002 Women's Pink

52.19 EUR
Brand description:. Q&Q offers a wide range of environmentally friendly solar-powered watches and radio-controlled watches that do not require setting the time, based on the principles of Quality & Quantity. This Japanese-made watch is designed with Sanrio's Hello Kitty character, which is popular with a wide range of people, from children to adults. The belt is made of synthetic leather that becomes more comfortable on the wrist the more it is used. A cute box suitable as a gift is included in the package. Style Face style Character Case shape Circular Style name Wristwatch Band Colour Pink Dial Colour Pink Functions and Specifications Clasp Buckle Clasp type Buckle Movement Japanese quartz Display type Ana-digi Power source Battery-powered Materials and care Case material Alloy steel Windscreen material Mineral glass Band material Faux leather Size Case thickness 0.83 cm Band width 1.4 cm Case diameter 2.9 cm

Citizen Q&Q Watch Analog Hello Kitty Waterproof Leather Strap Made in Japan 0009N001 Women's White

45.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

Citizen Q&Q Watch Analog Hello Kitty Waterproof Leather Strap Made in Japan 0001N002 Women's White

74.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

[Citizen] Watch Citizen Collection Eco-Drive Rugby Japan National Team Model BRAVE BLOSSOMS Limited Models Limited to 2,500 pieces CA7034-61E Men's Si

619.99 EUR
Target: Men Set Contents: Main unit, box, Japanese instruction manual, warranty card included Reinforced waterproof for everyday life:10BAR Country of origin: Japan Accuracy: ± 15 sec/month (when not receiving), Light generation: 7 months, Function: Chronograph function (1/5 seconds, 60 minutes), Waterproof performance: 10 ATM waterproof, Glass: Sapphire glass, Case: Stainless steel, Band: Stainless steel, Additional features: Luminous (needle + index), limited model 2,500 pieces, replacement bands included (calf) Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

JO Market - Japan Product select - [LIP] Lip watch men's lip671006 Churchill T18 gold crocodile brown leather

499.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LIP Materials: glass [Product Description] ・[Material] Case: Stainless steel, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Leather, Movement: Ronda 1064 (quartz) ・[Size] Case size: 38.5mm x 21.2mm, band width: 18mm ・[Waterproof] 3 ATM (daily life waterproof) ・[Accessories] LIP genuine (warranty, box) -Churchill has a true Art Deco design. Both classic and retro, Churchill has a timeless elegance that is typical of France. The T18 watch was presented to President Winston Churchill by the French government in 1948. explanation LIP is a French watch brand that was founded in 1867 in Besançon, a city in eastern France. LIP watches became famous when they were presented to Napoleon I. In addition, as a representative watch of France, it has been presented to Prime Minister de Gaulle of his country, Prime Minister Churchill of the United Kingdom as a state guest, and Presidents Eisenhower and President Clinton of the United States, and has been used by many famous people to this day. _For more than 150 years, each collection has been carefully assembled one by one at a factory in Besançon, France, and has a unique charm that goes beyond just trends. The T18 model, produced from 1935 until the end of the 1950s, was a pioneer and distinguished by French watchmaking expertise. One of the first models to feature an eccentric seconds hand. The T18 watch was presented to President Winston Churchill by the French government in 1948 as a thank you for services rendered to France during World War II. Featuring an off-center seconds and minute track, the T18 is the brand's most famous watch. This model features a wide, flat crown with the LIP logo. Both classic and retro, the T18 series exudes timeless elegance. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Dyson V11 Fluffy - Aspirateur - balai/à main (2-en-1) - sans sac - sans fil chargeur inclus

518 EUR
Moteur numérique Hyperdymium - Puissance : 185 Airwatts - Autonomie : 60 min - Charge : 4h30 - Bac 0,76 L - Poids : 3 kg Nettoyage puissant et intelligent de toute la maison. Fonctionne avec le moteur numérique Hyperdymium™. Le moteur Dyson Hyperdymium™ tourne jusqu'à 125 000 tours par minute pour une aspiration puissante. La batterie Dyson la plus puissante. La batterie lithium-ion dotée de 7 cellules fournit jusqu'à 60 minutes de puissance constante – même avec une brosse motorisée (en mode Eco sur sols durs). Batterie détachable en un clic. Ecran LCD. Affiche l'autonomie restante et la performance de l'appareil en temps réel. Vous permet de passer facilement en mode Eco, Auto et Boost. Filtration la plus avancée. Capture 99,97% des particules aussi petites que 0,2 microns*. * Testée conformément à la norme EN60312-1, clause 5.11 en mode Boost Conception acoustique Conçu pour absorber les vibrations et atténuer le niveau sonore, et ainsi le maintenir à un faible niveau. BROSSES ET ACCESSOIRES INCLUS Brosse rouleau doux Rouleau doté de bandes en nylon doux pour capturer les gros débris tout en maintenant une bonne étanchéité avec le sol. Filaments en fibre de carbone anti-statique pour éliminer la poussière fine. Accessoire combiné Large conduit pour les miettes et les grosses particules et brosse pour la poussière. Brosse pour tissus et matelas Enlève la poussière et les allergènes des matelas et des tissus d'ameublement. Long suceur Pour nettoyer dans les endroits confinés Mini brosse motorisée auto-démêlante Le rouleau conique de la brosse motorisée évacue les cheveux longs et les poils d'animaux directement dans le collecteur et évite que les cheveux ne s'enroulent autour du rouleau de brosse. Mini brosse douce Dotée de poils souples pour éliminer la poussière des surfaces fragiles Station murale de chargement Pour recharger et ranger l'appareil et ses accessoires lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé. Chargeur Recharge votre aspirateur, avec ou sans la station d'accueil.

[Orient] ORIENT NEO70's Neo Seventies Watch Quartz Made in Japan Comes with a Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0061SE Men's Black

461.99 EUR
For: men Set includes: Main part, box, Japanese user's handbook, and a certification TEMPERED WEATPROOF FOR EVERYDAY LIFE: 10BAR Country of origin: Japan Please be sure to check the product information below and the points to note when making a product before you make a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Years Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WZ0401NR Women's White Silver

484.99 EUR
Set includes: main unit, box, guarantee drive method: mechanical (manual reeling+Auto retracting) PRECISE: PRIMARITY +40 seconds to -30 seconds Runtime: 40 hours or more Country of origin: Japan (MadeInJapan) Please be sure to check the product information below, as well as the things to keep in check before you buy! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Orient] ORIENT NEO70's Neo Seventies Watch Quartz Made in Japan Comes with a Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0081SE Men's Red

416.49 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: ORIENT Materials: [Product Description] ・Target: Men ・Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included ・Reinforced waterproofing for daily life: 10BAR ・Country of origin: Japan explanation Brand description: ORIENT Neo70's is a quartz watch targeted at young people who prefer a playful and casual fashion style.The design taste of mechanical watches from the 1970s, which is the DNA of Orient watches, is arranged into a modern style. I'm doing it. Since its launch in 2010, we have offered a wide variety of men's casual watches that match the fashion trends of young people, and have received favorable reviews from many customers. Orient Neo70's Solar Radio is a model that uses solar radio waves with excellent practicality and functionality. By combining the round case with three-sided cut glass, it gives off a retro yet modern stylish look. In addition, since it is equipped with solar radio waves, there is no need to set the time or replace batteries, making it an ideal model for business situations. By layering the case ring on the characteristically shaped indexes, we have created a dial with a three-dimensional feel. The dial color also uses a glossy gradation color from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock to create a deep atmosphere. The band is a matte 3-row metal band that enhances the mirror surface of the dial and indexes. *The manufacturer's suggested retail price will be revised from February 29, 2024. We appreciate your understanding as there may be some products with the old price printed on them after the price revision. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

[Orient] ORIENT NEO70's Neo Seventies Watch Quartz Made in Japan Comes with a Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0051SE Men's Green

440.76 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: ORIENT Materials: [Product Description] ・Target: Men ・Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included ・Reinforced waterproofing for daily life: 10BAR ・Country of origin: Japan explanation Brand description: ORIENT Neo70's is a quartz watch targeted at young people who prefer a playful and casual fashion style.The design taste of mechanical watches from the 1970s, which is the DNA of Orient watches, is arranged into a modern style. I'm doing it. Since its launch in 2010, we have offered a wide variety of men's casual watches that match the fashion trends of young people, and have received favorable reviews from many customers. Orient Neo70's Solar Radio is a model that uses solar radio waves with excellent practicality and functionality. By combining the round case with three-sided cut glass, it gives off a retro yet modern stylish look. In addition, since it is equipped with solar radio waves, there is no need to set the time or replace batteries, making it an ideal model for business situations. By layering the case ring on the characteristically shaped indexes, we have created a dial with a three-dimensional feel. The dial color also uses a glossy gradation color from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock to create a deep atmosphere. The band is a matte 3-row metal band that enhances the mirror surface of the dial and indexes. *The manufacturer's suggested retail price will be revised from February 29, 2024. We appreciate your understanding as there may be some products with the old price printed on them after the price revision. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Years Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WZ0411NR Women's White Silver

323.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included, adjustment tool Reinforced waterproof for daily life: 10 BAR Country of origin: Japan Movement: Mechanical (self-winding, hand-winding included) , Accuracy: +40 seconds to -30 seconds per day, Operating time: 40 hours or more Glass material (front): Sapphire glass (non-reflective coating) Glass material (back): Crystal glass See-through back, luminous Light, 21 stones, white pearl dial Weight: 80g Thickness: 11.3mm Vertical diameter: 34.5mm Horizontal diameter: 28.5mm

[Orient] ORIENT Watch SOLAR Solar Chronograph Made in Japan with Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty RN-TY0001E Men's Green

384.55 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: ORIENT Materials: [Product Description] ・Target: Men ・Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included ・10BAR ・Movement: Light charge, Accuracy: Within ±15 seconds per month, Operating time: Approximately 6 months on a full charge Glass material (front): Inorganic glass 1/5 second stopwatch (measures 60 minutes), alarm function included Thickness: 11.5 mm Vertical diameter: 42.9mm Horizontal diameter: 35.6mm ・Country of origin: Japan explanation Product introduction This solar powered chronograph model has a stylish impression with clean bar indexes and hands. (Solar powered is a function that converts light from the sun or fluorescent lamps into electrical energy.)Made in Japan *The manufacturer's suggested retail price will be revised from February 29, 2024. We appreciate your understanding as there may be some products with the old price printed on them after the price revision. Brand introduction Orient_Contemporary [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

[Orient] ORIENT Watch SOLAR Solar Chronograph Made in Japan with Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty RN-TY0001E Men's Green

409.97 EUR
For: men Set includes: main body, box, Japanese manual for use, and a certificate of certification 10BAR movement: light charge, accuracy: within ± 15 seconds, operating time: about 6 months on a full charge; glass material (table): mineral glass, 1/5 second, stop watch (60 minutes measurement); thickness: 11.5 mm; vertical diameter: 42.9 mm; side diameter: 35.6 mm Country of origin: Japan Be sure to check the detailed product description below and the points to keep in mind when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Orient] ORIENT Bambino Automatic Watch Mechanical Made in Japan Automatic Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty RN-AC0001S Men's White Silver

339.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Mechanical (hand-wound + automatic winding) Accuracy: +25 seconds to -15 seconds per day Driving time: 40 hours Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case diameter: 40.5mm

[ORIENT STAR] Automatic Watch Semi-skeleton Mechanical Made in Japan Open Heart RK-AT0009N Men's Brown

829.99 EUR
Set includes: main unit, box, guarantee Drive Method: Mechanical (Hand Winding + Auto Winding) accuracy: +25 seconds to -15 seconds of light Drive time: 50 hours or more (with a power saving instrument) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case Diameter: 39.3 mm Materials : stainless steel Please be sure to review the product details below and the points to keep in order before you make your order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Years Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WZ0411NR Women's White Silver

462.07 EUR
Set includes: main unit, box, guarantee drive method: mechanical (manual reeling+Auto retracting) PRECISE: PRIMARITY +40 seconds to -30 seconds Runtime: 40 hours or more Country of origin: Japan (MadeInJapan) Please be sure to check the product information below, as well as the things to keep in check before you buy! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

ORIENT NEO70's Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0011TX Men's Dark Gray

446.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

[Orient]ORIENT NEO70's Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR Solar Chronograph Made in Japan Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0021TY Men's Gold

355.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: ORIENT Materials: [Product Description] ・Target: Men ・Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included ・Reinforced waterproofing for daily life: 10BAR ・Country of origin: Japan ・1/5 second stopwatch (60 minute measurement) explanation The central line of the dial, which is reminiscent of the horizon, is a unique 70's design created by dividing the metal dial, giving it a retro impression along with the hexagonal three-dimensional indexes. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

ORIENT Made in Japan 200m Diver Style Turquoise RA-AA08 Men's Automatic/Hand-wound Watch,

449.99 EUR
Equipped with F6922 automatic/manual winding/hack function by Orient. Scratch-resistant sapphire glass. Case diameter 41.8mm, case thickness 13.2mm. Band width: 22mm 200m water resistant (suitable for skin diving only).

[Orient Star] Automatic Watch M45 F7 Mechanical Moon Phase Mechanical Made in Japan Open Heart RK-AY0103L Men's Navy

2169.99 EUR
Set includes: main body, box, Warranty, Age Correction System Drive method: Mechanical (hand winning+ Automatic winding) accuracy: first time +15 seconds to -5 seconds Drive time: 50 hours or more (with a power savings meter) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case Diameter: 41mm Materials: glass, Stainless steel Please be sure to review the product details below and the points to keep in order before you make your order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Layered Skeleton Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Year Domestic Manufacturer Warranty Open Heart RK-AV0B03B Men's

906.97 EUR
Set includes: main unit, box, guarantee Drive method: Mechanical (hand winning+Automatic winder) accuracy: first order +25 seconds to -15 seconds Drive time: 50 hours or more (with a power savings meter) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case Diameter: 41mm Please be sure to review the product details below and the points to keep in order before you make your order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

ORIENT iO Watch SOLAR Made in Japan Domestic Warranty White [ORIENT] Manufacturer's RN-WG0009S Women's

193.34 EUR
Target: Ladies Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included 5 BAR Movement: Light charge, Accuracy: Within ±15 seconds per month, Operating time: Approximately 6 months on a full charge Glass material (front): Sapphire crystal Thickness: 7.1mm Vertical diameter: 33.5mm Horizontal diameter: 27.6mm Country of origin: Japan

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Heritage Gothic Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Year Domestic Manufacturer Warranty RK-AW0004S Men's White Silver

1019.99 EUR
Set includes: main unit, box, guarantee Drive method: Mechanical (hand winning+Automatic winder) accuracy: sunlight +25 seconds to -15 seconds Working time: 50 hours or more (with a power savings meter) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case Diameter: 38.7mm Materials: glass, Stainless steel Please be sure to review the product details below and the points to note when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Elegant Classic Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Years Domestic Manufacturer Warranty RK-AU0001S Men's White Silve

815.66 EUR
Set includes: main unit, box, guarantee Drive method: Mechanical (hand winning+Automatic winder) accuracy: sunlight +25 seconds to -15 seconds Working time: 50 hours or more (with a power savings meter) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case Diameter: 38.7mm Please be sure to review the product details below and the points to note when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[ORIENT] ORIENT Mako Automatic Watch Mechanical Made in Japan Automatic Diver's Watch with Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty RN-AA0002L Men's Navy

336.99 EUR
Target: Men Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included 20BAR Country of origin: Japan

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch, Classic Semi-skeleton, Mechanical, Made in Japan, Comes with 2 Years of , Open Heart RK-ND0012L, Women's, L

600.67 EUR
Set includes: main body, box, warranty card Drive method: mechanical (hand winding+automatic winding) Accuracy: Primary +40 seconds to -30 seconds Running time: 40 hours or more Country of origin: Japan (MadeInJapan) Case Diameter: 30.5mm Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Avant Garde Skeleton Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Year Domestic Manufacturer Warranty Open Heart RK-AV0A01B Me

1226.31 EUR
Set includes: main body, box, warranty card Drive method: mechanical (hand winding+automatic winding) Accuracy: Sunlight +25 seconds to -15 seconds Running time: 50 hours or more (with power reserve indicator) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case Diameter: 42.6 mm Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Filtre pour purificateur dp01 dp03 hp02 pure cool link Dyson 968101-04

54.54 EUR
Achetez votre filtre pour purificateur dp01 dp03 hp02 pure cool link Dyson 968101-04 au meilleur prix sur Le Site de la Pièce.Une question sur cet article ? Contactez-nous !

Base ventil. chauffant hp02 pure hot + Dyson 967454-02

7.9 EUR
Achetez votre base ventil. chauffant hp02 pure hot + Dyson 967454-02 au meilleur prix sur Le Site de la Pièce.Une question sur cet article ? Contactez-nous !

[TIMEX] Timex Camper 34mm Japan Limited Blue Dial Resin Quartz 34MM Watch Brand TW2P59900

145.88 EUR
[TIMEX] is the most well-known brand in the world and has a history of over 160 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, TIMEX has grown to be used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Its long history includes the world's first Mickey Mouse watch manufactured in 1931, the masterpiece IRONMAN watch released in 1986, and the world's first dial that overturned conventional wisdom in 1992. We have created many innovative technologies and designs in addition to products, such as the Indiglo night light function, which has an all-over light emitting function. When we look back at TIMEX's 160-year history as an American brand, it is no exaggeration to say that TIMEX's many achievements up until now support TIMEX today, and it is an American brand that is universal, versatile, and will never fade. is. Model: Camper 34mm Japan Limited Reference: TW2P59900 Case Size: 34MM *Specifications and contents of accessories may differ depending on arrival time. Thank you for your understanding.​

[Timex] Watch WATERBURY LEGACY Japan Limited 36MM Waterbury Legacy TW2V66600 Silver

304.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: TIMEX Materials : [Product Description] ・Model: Waterbury Legacy Japan Limited 36mm Waterbury Legacy ・Waterbury Legacy now has the most popular sky blue color, which was only available in 41mm size, and the cherry color, which has received a lot of support from women, as a 36mm model limited to Japan and in limited quantities. ・The 36mm diameter is often requested by Japanese people as it is a size that fits their wrists well, and Timex's standard ``Original Camper'' of the same 36mm size is popular among men and women of all ages, so it can be used as a pair, shared, or as a gift. It is an almighty size and color. explanation It is the most well-known American brand in the world and has a history of over 165 years. Founded in 1854 as the Waterbury Clock Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, Timex is loved by people all over the world. Looking back at its long history, we can find the pocket watch ``Yankee,'' which was released in the 1890s and became a bestseller, selling 40 million units in 20 years, and the world's first ``Mickey Mouse'' pocket watch, which was sold in 1933. Including the ``Ironman® Watch,'' released in 1986, which is said to be a monumental sports watch, and the world's first fully luminous dial function, ``Indiglo® Night Light,'' released in 1992, which overturned conventional wisdom. We have created many innovative technologies and designs as well as products. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

[TIMEX] Watch Timex Waterbury Legacy Japan Limited Pink Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz 36MM America America Watch TW2V66600 Silver

355.99 EUR
Model: Waterbury Legacy Japan Limited 36mm Waterbury Legacy In the Waterbury Legacy, the most popular Sky Blue, which has only been available in the 41mm size, and the sakura-color, which has been popular among women, are now available as 36mm models in Japan only and in limited quantities. The 36mm diameter is an arm-friendly size for Japanese people, and since Timex's classic “original Camper” (36mm) size is popular among men and women of all ages, it is an almighty size and color based on pair, shared use, or as a present. Be sure to check the product details and precautions below before you make a sale! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

TIMEX Watch Japan Limited TW2T33900 Camper Original Camper 29mm (Cream)

163.99 EUR
Case diameter/width: 29mm Case thickness: 9mm Lug width: 14mm Band material: Leather Case material: Resin 3 ATM water resistant quartz TIMEX is a casual watch brand born in America in 1854. It is said that ``one in three people in the world owns a TIMEX watch.'' Among them, the Camper , which was developed at the request of the US military, is an extremely popular standard model. This time, the 29mm model of the classic camper is now available for the first time only in Japan! It's casual so you don't have to strain your shoulders and elbows, it's surprisingly light at just 10g, so much so that you forget you're wearing it, and its reasonable price is also attractive. Magazine LaLaBegin published in December/January 2018-2019 issue Magazine anna magazine published in December 2018 issue

[Orient] ORIENT NEO70's Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR Solar Chronograph Made in Japan WV0021TY Men's Gold

359.99 EUR
For: men Set includes: main unit, box, Japanese manual for use, and a certification TEMPERATED WEATPROOF FOR DAILY LIFE: 10BAR Country of origin: Japan 1/5 second stop watch (60 minute measuring) Materials : stainless steel Please be sure to check the product information below and the points to note when making a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Orient Star] ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Semi-skeleton Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Year Domestic Manufacturer Warranty Open Heart RK-AT0004S Men's

689.99 EUR
Target: Men Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included Reinforced waterproof for daily life: 10 BAR Country of origin: Japan Country of origin: Japan

[Orient] ORIENT Watch iO Quartz Made in Japan with Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty RN-WG0420S Women's White Silver

205.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Quartz (solar powered) Accuracy: Monthly difference within ±20 seconds Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

[ORIENT] ORIENT Automatic Watch Neo Classic Sports Mechanical Made in Japan Automatic Domestic Manufacturer Warranty RN-AA0E06B Men's Brown

447.52 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Mechanical (manual winding + automatic winding) Accuracy: +25 seconds to -15 seconds per day Driving time: 40 hours Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case diameter: 43.5mm

[ORIENT] ORIENT iO Watch SOLAR Made in Japan Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty RN-WG0412P Women's Pink

203.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Quartz (solar powered) Accuracy: Monthly difference within ±20 seconds Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

[Orient] ORIENT Bambino Automatic Watch Mechanical Made in Japan Automatic Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty SAC00007W0 Men's White Silver

339.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Mechanical (manual winding + automatic winding) Accuracy: +25 seconds to -15 seconds per day Driving time: 40 hours Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

[Orient] ORIENT Bambino Automatic Watch Mechanical Made in Japan Automatic Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty SAC00005W0 Men's White Silver

254.64 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Mechanical (manual winding + automatic winding) Accuracy: +25 seconds to -15 seconds per day Driving time: 40 hours Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)