Atkinsons His Majesty The Oud Eau de Parfum (Homme) 100 ml variante Nouvel emballage

128.95 EUR
Atkinsons His Majesty The Oud est un parfum boisé épicé pour homme, lancé en 2016. Ce parfum est une composition luxueuse et riche qui associe des ingrédients orientaux traditionnels à une approche moderne de l'élégance masculine. His Majesty The Oud est un choix idéal pour les hommes à la recherche d'un parfum distinctif et sophistiqué qui laisse une impression durable. His Majesty The Oud d'Atkinsons commence par des notes profondes et distinctives de thé noir et de clou de girofle, donnant au parfum un départ mystérieux et épicé. Les notes de cœur sont une combinaison de bois de santal, de cèdre et de cuir qui apportent une profondeur boisée chaleureuse et un caractère terreux subtil au parfum. Les notes de fond sont riches et sensuelles, avec des notes dominantes d'oud laotien, de vanille et de liquidambar, qui confèrent au parfum une intensité durable et un final doux et balsamique. Ce parfum est parfait pour les occasions spéciales où l'on veut exprimer la puissance, l'autorité et l'élégance charismatique.

TNT Paire Amortisseur Arrière Chromé / Noir Scooter Yamaha 125 Majesty Entraxe 330mm

188.95 EUR
Paire amortisseur arrière chromé / noir scooter Yamaha 125 Majesty entraxe 330mm. Paire d'amortisseur arrière hydraulique neuf de marque TNT. Caractéristiques: - Entre axe 330mm - Ressort coloris noir, corps d'amortisseur chromé. Vendus par paire. Livrés conforme à la photo.

Pompe À Essence Tnt Pour Scooter Yamaha 250 Majesty 1998 À 2014 Neuf

45.17 EUR
Pompe à essence à dépression neuve adaptable de marque TNT. Caractéristiques : - Longueur : 112mm - Largeur : 78mm - Épaisseur : 34.5mm - Entre axe des trous de fixation : 73mm - Diamètre des trous de fixation : 7mm - Diamètre d'emboitement des durites : 5mm et 6mm Vendue nue à l'unité. Livrée conforme à la photo.

Roue Libre De Démarreur Tnt Pour Scooter Yamaha 250 Majesty 1996 À 2003 1c0-E5517-00 Neuf

36.99 EUR
Pignon de roue libre de démarreur neuf adaptable de marque TNT. Caractéristiques : - Diamètre intérieur : 25mm - Diamètre extérieur : 118/128.5mm - Épaisseur : 24mm - Nombre de dents : 49 En remplacement de la référence d'origine Yamaha ""1C0-E5517-00-00"". Vendu nu à l'unité. Livré conforme à la photo.

TNT Joint Haut Moteur Maxiscooter Adapt Yamaha Majesty 250cc 1996-2001 ( Pochette 11pcs )

63.21 EUR
JOINT HAUT MOTEUR MAXISCOOTER ADAPT YAMAHA MAJESTY 250CC 1996-2001 ( POCHETTE 11PCS ) APRILIA 250 LEONARDO 1999 2001 APRILIA 250 LEONARDO ST 2001 2001 BENELLI 250 VELVET 1999 2001 BENELLI 250 VELVET TOURING 2002 2003 MALAGUTI 250 MADISON S 1999 2001 MALAGUTI 250 PASSWORD EU3 2007 2008 MBK 250 YP SKYLINER 2000 2001 MBK 250 YP SKYLINER 2002 2003 MBK 250 YP SKYLINER ABS 2003 2003 YAMAHA 250 MAJESTY 1996 1998 YAMAHA 250 MAJESTY 2000 2001 YAMAHA 250 MAJESTY 2002 2003 YAMAHA 250 MAJESTY ABS 2003 2003 YAMAHA 250 MAJESTY DX 1998 1998 YAMAHA 250 MAJESTY DX 1999 1999 YAMAHA 250 R X-MAX 2007 2007 YAMAHA 250 R X-MAX 2008 2008 YAMAHA 250 R X-MAX 2009 2009 YAMAHA 250 VP X-CITY 2007 2007 YAMAHA 250 VP X-CITY 2008 2008

TNT Original Régulateur de Tension Yamaha Majesty / MBK Skyliner 01-

18.5 EUR
Régulateur de tension 12 Volt DC avec 5 cosses (3 cosses côtés résine) adaptable sur les maxiscooter MBK Majesty et Yamaha Skyliner 125 pour Modèle Frein à Disque. ref Origine 4HM819600100 /4HMH19600000 .

His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts Capriccio Stravagante Vol.2

16.99 EUR
Brand : CHANDOS GROUP, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Chandos Records (Note 1 Musikvertrieb), Publisher : Chandos Records (Note 1 Musikvertrieb), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2001-11-20, releaseDate : 2001-11-16, artists : His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts, Athestis Chorus, composers : Stradella, Vitali, Rossi, conductors : Filippo Maria Bressan

TNT Racing Plaquettes de Frein TNT - Organique - Skyliner Majesty X9

7.2 EUR
PLAQUETTES FREINS ADAPT Avant MBK SKYLINER 1998>  MAJESTY 1998> Piaggio X9 Evo 2004> RACING 94x36x7,6

Le grand livre du café Mary Banks, Christine McFadden, Catherine Atkinson Manise

6.42 EUR
Mary Banks, Christine McFadden, Catherine Atkinson

Transcription Kate Atkinson Lattès

5.99 EUR
Kate Atkinson

Inégalités Anthony Barnes Atkinson Seuil

6.86 EUR
Anthony Barnes Atkinson

La Philosophie du Bien-Être: Pour Lui william walker atkinson (yogi ramacharaka), adriano lucca, françoise belcaut, audrey lapenne DISCOVERY PUBLISHER

11.72 EUR
william walker atkinson (yogi ramacharaka), adriano lucca, françoise belcaut, audrey lapenne

Inégalités Anthony Barnes Atkinson Points

6.42 EUR
Anthony Barnes Atkinson

CRUNCHYROLL His Favorite tome 7

7.99 EUR
Satô, le garçon le plus populaire du lycée, aime d'un amour sincère Yoshida, son camarade au physique ingrat mais au coeur pur. Mais voilà qu'un beau et séduisant nouvel élève du nom d'Azuma fait son apparition dans l'établissement et se met étrangement à considérer Yoshida comme son plus grand rival !! Et cette fois, Satô aborde une nouvelle méthode pour le moins détournée pour marquer son territoire !

CRUNCHYROLL his favorite tome 2

7.99 EUR
Yoshida doit se rendre à l’évidence : il est bel et bien tombé amoureux de Satô, le garçon le plus populaire du lycée. Noyé dans ses pensées, il ne voit pas arriver les manigances de sa classe, qui nomme le “club des moches” dont il fait partie, pom pom girls officiels du tournoi de sport du lycée. D’abord vexé par le sadisme de son ami, qui a voté en faveur de ce choix, il décide de faire de son mieux pour l’encourager. Peut-être trouvera-t-il l’occasion de lui avouer ses sentiments ? Inclus : • L’amour d’une tortue dure dix mille ans • L’amour avalé tout cru • À la recherche de l’art

CRUNCHYROLL His favorite tome 13

7.99 EUR
Yoshida accepte que Satô aide les filles de la classe à réviser leur anglais et ferme les yeux lorsque ces dernières s'invitent à leur table au café... Mais se pourrait-il que, derrière cette façade, le garçon brûle de jalousie ?Entre l'escalade d'un arbre pour secourir un chat, une séance de ciné romantique et un festival d'été masqué, Yoshida n'aura pas le temps de s'ennuyer !

CRUNCHYROLL His Favorite Tome 6

7.99 EUR
C'est bientôt la Saint-Valentin !! Si l'évènement sème angoisse et excitation parmi les garçons du lycée, Yoshida, lui, est tiraillé par un dilemme : doit-il offrir des chocolats à Satô et se taper la honte en les achetant ou refuser et décevoir son bien-aimé ? De leur côté, les filles, elles, s'apprêtent à sortir le grand jeu pour leur Satô chéri ! Mais c'est alors qu'une fille superbe d'un autre lycée clamant être la petite amie de ce dernier débarque dans la classe et exige d'être la seule et unique personne à lui offrir des chocolats !!

CRUNCHYROLL His favorite tome 9

7.99 EUR
Tandis que Satô et Yoshida font enfin leur rentrée en première, le lycée tout entier semble désormais au courant de leur relation. Cette soudaine notoriété rend Yoshida très nerveux et l'arrivée de la Saint-Valentin est loin de lui faciliter la vie... C'est alors que Tsuyako, toujours aussi sadique, lui propose de confectionner des chocolats en sa compagnie, dans un laboratoire plutôt... spécial. Malgré ses deux mains gauches et sa timidité, Yoshida parviendra-t-il à offrir une boîte de chocolats à Satô ?

CRUNCHYROLL His favorite tome 8

7.99 EUR
Malgré sa petite taille et un manque de charme évident, Yoshida est un lycéen ordinaire qui ne désespère pas, un jour, de sortir avec une fille. Mais depuis que le beau et populaire Satô le prend pour excuse pour décliner les rendez-vous, loin de voir sa cote augmenter auprès des demoiselles, le voici devenu la cible des rancoeurs féminines. Cherchant des explications à ce comportement bizarre, Yoshida va pas tarder à découvrir le véritable caractère du jeune homme en plus des vraies raisons derrière ses mensonges.

CRUNCHYROLL his favorite tome 3

7.99 EUR
Pas de description

CRUNCHYROLL his favorite tome 4

7.99 EUR
Yoshida continue à mener sa drôle de vie lycéenne entre la jalousie mesquine des filles et le plaisir sadique que prend son petit ami à le tourmenter. Mais un jour, au détour d'une conversation sur la cicatrice qu'il s'est faite en prenant la défense de Satô, ce dernier replonge dans son passé. Obèse et persécuté par ses petits camarades de classe, Satô fut alors envoyé en Angleterre dans un endroit qui forgea son futur caractère : un centre d'amaigrissement aux méthodes des plus troublantes…

CRUNCHYROLL His favorite tome 10

7.99 EUR
Malgré sa petite taille et un manque de charme évident, Yoshida est un lycéen ordinaire qui ne désespère pas, un jour, de sortir avec une fille. Mais depuis que le beau et populaire Satô le prend pour excuse pour décliner les rendez-vous, loin de voir sa cote augmenter auprès des demoiselles, le voici devenu la cible des rancoeurs féminines. Cherchant des explications à ce comportement bizarre, Yoshida va pas tarder à découvrir le véritable caractère du jeune homme en plus des vraies raisons derrière ses mensonges...

CRUNCHYROLL his favorite tome 5

7.99 EUR
Suite au concours de dessins qui a désigné Yoshida vainqueur, lui offrant une journée en tête à tête avec la coqueluche du lycée et (accessoirement son petit-ami), tout est redevenu calme. Trop, d'ailleurs. Car si les filles ont arrêté de harceler Satô. c'est pour mieux revenir à la charge. Cette fois-ci, c'est la sournoise présidente du comité des élèves qui tire les ficelles dans l'ombre pour remettre en jeu le jeune homme et enfin se l'approprier. Le quotidien de nos deux amoureux est loin d'être de tout repos !

CINEBOOK Ducoboo tome 4 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Ducoboo's life isn't easy. Being the king of dunces-while still managing to avoid wearing the «crown» too often-takes work, dedication, and an awful lot of imagination. It also takes a proper target: Leonie, the gifted girl who doesn't like to share her answers with His Majesty. It's a constant war of wits between these two, under the disbelieving eye of the long-suffering teacher, fought with wigs, cameras and magical pencil-sharpeners. And when school's over, the beach is the new battlefield!

CINEBOOK clifton tome 2 - en anglais - the laughing thief

9.9 EUR
Ex-agent of the secret service and colonel to Her most gracious Majesty, Sir Harold Wilberforce Clifton has become an amateur detective. Scotland Yard consider this excellent old hand as insightful as the illustrious Sherlock Holmes ! Without ever losing an ounce of his "British" touch, he resolves complex enigmas for the police and thwarts the plans of unscrupulous crooks. At the wheel of his famous MG convertible, his cases are punctuated with the indispensable "tea-time", cheeky remarks, his devoted governor Mrs. Partridge and the attention demanded by his cats. Rich in twists and turns, the adventures of Clifton are presented by some of the biggest names in humorous comics.

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 8 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
A Soviet rocket falls back to Earth carrying deadly bacteria. KGB Professor Voronov turns the extraterrestrial threat into a terrifying weapon that could be used to devastate the Western world–but he doesn’t take into account the vigilance of Her Majesty’s intelligence services. Soon, Blake and Mortimer are drawn into a lethal, shadowy war, from Moscow to London, where the stakes are no less than international peace and the real enemy may not be so obvious.

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 5 - In the shadow of the derricks (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The adventures of the world's greatest cowboy, the comic strip character who can shoot faster than his own shadow. Correpsond au tome 18 français: A l'ombre des derricks

CINEBOOK Cedric tome 2 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Cedric is an eight-year-old boy who is desperately in love with Chen but too shy to let her know. Between school, rowdy friends, nosy parents and an insufferable cousin, little Cedric has a lot to deal with. Thankfully, his grandpa is always there to help, no matter how much mischief Cedric makes...

CINEBOOK Yakari tome 5 - and the stranger (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
There's panic among the beavers. A pelican, fiendishly sick with a cold, makes an emergency landing among them. Not only does this undesirable guest keep all the neighbourhood awake with his monstrous sneezes, but he's dying of hunger. Yakari and Little Thunder bring him to the otters, who cram him with fish. The pelican puts on weight again quickly, but his thundering cold persists!

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 32 - rails on the prairie (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The First Transcontinental Railroad is stopped dead near its starting point, both in the East and in the West. Repeated injunctions from the president of the “Transcontinental Railroad” are having no effect: His workers are constantly prevented from working by agents of a mysterious traitor. But Lucky Luke witnesses one of the acts of sabotage and stops it. Soon, he is in charge of security for the entire westward push—and he will have his work cut out for him!

MANSION PRESS whatever where and why

26 EUR
For several years , Alex Gamsu Jenkins has been delighting us on Instagram with his unique gags. Sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes trashy, always funny, discover for the first time a massive selection of his best pages in a dedicated book.

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 10 - the law of the dollar - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Accused of murder and hated by an entire nation, Largo is hiding in Canada and feeling very much alone. But his friendships are stronger than his circumstances, and soon he's able to counterattack against the various factions that are trying to bring him down. Greedy lawyers, crooked CEOs, murderous accountants, all pitted against the orphan turned billionaire... In the end, only the smartest and strongest will prevail-for such is the Law of the Dollar. Correspond au tome 14 français: La loi du dollar

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 9 - the price of money - en anglais

9.9 EUR
A man shoots himself in front of Largo, live on TV. He was a guest on a financial talk show who had lost his company because of a Group W decision. Shocked by the knowledge that he is indirectly responsible, Winch becomes an object of hatred for the nation, and his two best friends abandon him. When suspicions arise that shady dealings led to unnecessary restructurings, he launches an investigation to identify the real culprits.

CINEBOOK XIII tome 19 - The day of the mayflower (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Someone is intent on making XIII's life «interesting» again. After all his adventures across the American continent, after defeating his many enemies, XIII is trying to live a simple life in the house he inherited, where it all started. It's not always easy-not everyone is happy to have such an infamous man in the area, and his skills are in high demand with some people of varying integrity. His memories are still locked away, too, and some people want to keep it that way.

CINEBOOK Alpha tome 3 - the list (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
A document has surfaced, listing the names of American citizens who had shady dealings with the secret police of former East Germany. The CIA sends Alpha to escort its owner and his family, but some of the implicated people are influential and have a long reach, while other countries see in the list an opportunity to blackmail potential agents within the higher spheres of US power. It is a mission that will definitely not be a pleasure cruise.

CINEBOOK yakari tome 1 - yakari and the great eagle (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Yakari meets his friend Great Eagle in his dreams. His wish of seeing him «for real» will come true the day that he manages to be like him. So Yakari tries to fly, but in vain. Then he saves his friend Rainbow from an attack by a mother Puma. And finally he saves the life of the mustang Little Thunder, stuck on a mountain ledge. It is with Little Thunder that Yakari discovers his formidable talent: he can talk to the animals. As a reward for his numerous exploits, Great Eagle gives Yakari his most beautiful feather. But nobody in his tribe will believe the little Indian.


14.75 EUR
Pre-order the latest adventure from our indomitable hero and his friends!A strange new philosophy is gaining popularity amongst the Romans. When its enchanting influence reaches the Guals, everything they once held dear is turned upside down.

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 16 - Arachnea

9.9 EUR
Thorgal, his family and their friends Darek and Lehla have left their island to sail south and look for a safer place to live. After a storm scatters them, Thorgal and WolfCub’s boat flounders on reefs at the foot of a strange, mist-covered cliff. One perilous climb later, the little girl is trapped by a mysterious, invisible force, and her father, after going for help, discovers a very curious city cut off from the world...

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 10 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
Blake, Mortimer and Nasir are en route to Antarctica, hoping to locate Olrik and his Indian and KGB allies and to stop his attack on the Brussels Universal Exposition. Little do they know that their old adversary isn't the one in charge this time. In the frozen wasteland of the sixth continent, Mortimer will be reunited with an old acquaintance and solve the enigma of his younger days-at a terrible price.Correspond au tome 17 français: Les sarcophages du 6e contient t.2

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 23 - a cure for the daltons (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Austrian Professor Otto von Himbeergeist arrives in the New World with some very strange ideas: Criminals are victims of their past and can be cured of their lawlessness. To prove his theories, the scientist intends to travel to the Wild West and attempt to reform the worst possible outlaws of the land. What better targets than the baddest, dumbest bandits ever, the Dalton brothers? And who will be tasked with keeping a close watch on the experiment, with some unexpected but always hilarious results? Why, Lucky Luke, of course!

CINEBOOK XIII tome 4 - spads - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Now called Ross Tanner, XIII joins the elite SPADS (Special Assault and Destruction Squads) to try and learn more about Captain Rowland, his last identity. As if the shadowy threats hanging over his head weren't enough, he also has to contend with gruelling training and a hostile instructor. Meanwhile, in Washington, investigations continue, and a series of clues emerge, pointing towards people XIII thought his allies. Can he trust Colonel Amos, General Carrington or. Lieutenant Jones?

CINEBOOK Buck danny tome 1 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
An American pilot is shot down at the border between North and South Korea. While his team-mates cover up the whole incident so as to avoid a diplomatic disaster, Buck Danny is in charge of bringing the pilot back to the US. In the heart of the hostile jungle, a lethal game of hide-and-seek begins. Can Buck Danny find the American pilot before the North Koreans do?

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 52 - the beautiful province

9.9 EUR
While taking part in a rodeo in Wisconsin, Lucky Luke and Jolly Jumper meet Mario Bombardier, a Quebecois cowboy, and his mare the beautiful Province. It's love at first sight for the two horses, and after the inevitable separation, Jolly Jumper can't stop moping. Eventually Luke decides to head to Quebec in order to arrange a reunion - and discovers the merry atmosphere of the Nouvelle France: mounted police, bar fights, poutine, traditional French songs ... and an unscrupulous, wealthy banker... Correspond au tome français Les nouvelles aventures de Lucky Luke t.1 ; la belle province

CINEBOOK XIII tome 11 - three silver watches

11.75 EUR
XIII has freed a country, exposed a traitor, reunited with his wife… and found his father. As he deals—somewhat against his will—with the aftermath of the revolution in Costa Verde, Sean Mullway recounts for him his family’s history: Irish immigrants, remorseless Mafiosi, Mexican gold, and three silver watches. New answers will also bring new questions and a whole new set of potential enemies just as old ones come back to the fore.

CINEBOOK Crusade tome 1 (en anglais)

11.75 EUR
Jerusalem is in the hands of Sultan Ab’dul Razim, and the Christians have raised an army to take it back, led by Grégoire of Arcos and the Duke of Taranto. Only Gauthier of Flanders and his sister-in-law Syria of Arcos are opposed to an attack they deem premature. But the stench of brimstone covers everything, and in a war fought in the name of God, it is the Qua’dj, a demon, who could decide the fate of the Holy Land…

CINEBOOK Scared to death tome 1 - the vampire from the marshes

9.9 EUR
This series showcases the strange adventures of two adolescent friends, Robin and Max. All of the classic fantasy themes are touched on: sorcery, fairies, werewolves, ghosts. a must for fans of suspense and terror. In the first album, while secretly consulting the medical files of his father (a forensic scientist), Robin discovers the photo of a man whose body is pierced by hundreds of holes. Persuaded that this death is the work of a vampire, Robin and his friend Max go after the suspected murderer.

CINEBOOK The wind in the willows tome 3 (en anglais)

9.25 EUR
While Rat and Mole take a well deserved rest,Toad dwells in a dank jail. For having madly loved the motorcar, the unfortunate Toad is condemned to 20 years in prison.And as Mole says, «20 years is a long time, especially for an amphibian!» But our animal friend has a trick up his sleeve. Thanks to his irresistible charm, thanks to his exceptional intelligence, and especially thanks to his immense generosity, Toad escapes and gets caught up in a high-speed chase. But to become truly free,he has to make a sacrifice - and what a sacrifice! What he holds most dearly: his dignity.

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 6 (en anglais)

16.9 EUR
Extreme weather threatens the whole of continental Europe, turning the lives of its citizens inside out. The French government calls Professor Mortimer to help solve this enigma. Mortimer travels near Paris to visit his friend Professor Labrousse, the chief French meteorologist. But when the taxi driver Labrousse sent to meet Mortimer at the station disappears, our friend becomes the prime suspect. Mortimer gets in touch with his old friend Blake, also in France, to help him out of this tricky situation.However, Blake disappears as well, so Mortimer and Labrousse have two missing-person cases to investigate. They soon discover that the two disappearances are not only linked to each other, but also to the climatic catastrophes.Correspond au tome 8 français: S.O.S météores

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 2 - the three elders of aran - en anglais

15.25 EUR
In these new adventures, Aaricia is crowned Queen, and Thorgal will have to face many difficult tests to track down his beauty. Then they spend some happy days together in the countryside... Their first child is announced. But, alas, everything is turned upside down into horror by the jealousy of Shaniah, a teenager turned away by Thorgal. Prisoner on board the Black Galley, Thorgal becomes a plaything in the hands of Veronar, a degenerate tyrant...

CINEBOOK Yakari tome 11 - and Nanabozo (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Nanabozo, the Great Rabbit, is... well, a giant rabbit. He's also a powerful sorcerer, and Rainbow's spirit guide, as Great Eagle is for Yakari. When he appears to the young Sioux to tell him his charge has disappeared, little Yakari is swept up in a quest that will make him turn into a giant, run on smoke, fly, and travel to the ice banks where the polar bears play.

CINEBOOK Cedric tome 1 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Cedric is a little 8-year-old boy, a grumbler with a big heart, who shares his life with his parents, his grandpa, his school, his mates, and Chen, the love of his life, to whom he doesn’t dare declare his feelings. It’s not easy being a little boy! But Cedric works hard to preserve the peace. Luckily, Grandpa is always there for the hard knocks and the blue moods…

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 11 - the invisible fortress - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Still travelling with Kris of Valnor, Thorgal runs afoul of a local tribe. When a mysterious old woman offers him a chance to escape the hostile villagers, he accepts. But there’s more to the bargain: She says that if he can make his way into the Invisible Fortress, he’ll be able to erase his name from the Stone of the Gods, cancelling his destiny—and finally have a chance at a normal life.

CINEBOOK Spirou and fantasio tome 3 - running scared - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Spirou and Fantasio are hired by a doctor to escort some of his patients. Their ailment? An apparently incurable case of the hiccups. His solution: Send them on the most insane adventure ever and scare the hiccups out of them! Since he offers to pay for their expedition, the two fearless reporters agree to take the patients with them as they attempt to locate two explorers lost in 1938 near the Nepalese border… in the middle of a war!

CINEBOOK Akkad tome 2 (anglais)

9.9 EUR
Version anglaise.Professor Kessler’s experiment continues, but the powers of his test subjects are growing at a phenomenal rate. He calls upon Sofi, herself a guinea pig for him once, and who loathes him, to oversee the teenagers … and track them down when they inevitably escape. But are his calculations as good as he thinks? Is it not already too late to hope to control the five geniuses – or even to stop the invasion, as the number of enemy incursions suddenly skyrockets?

CINEBOOK Iznogoud tome 6 - and the magic carpet

9.9 EUR
Haroun al Plassid is ruler of Baghdad, but his Grand Vizier Iznogoud is not happy with this state of affairs. Always on the lookout for ways to become Caliph instead of the Caliph, he commissions a one-way flying carpet as a gift to his liege. But the hired help is as inept as usual, and the most inconvenienced of all will be the inhabitants of... Beijing! Correspond au tome 9 français: Iznogoud et le tapis magique

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 48 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Dick Digger, an old pal of Lucky Luke's, has struck gold in the hills. Spending the night in a hotel on his way home to stake his claim, a careless display of his new-found wealth attracts the attention of two bandits who knock him out and rob him - unwittingly taking the map to his mine with them as well! With Digger injured, it's up to Lucky Luke and Jolly Jumper to chase the thieves and recover the map. Correspond au tome 1 français: La Mine d'or de Dick Digger

CINEBOOK XIII tome 10 - el cascador - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Captured and imprisoned in the Roca Negra fortress, XIII is being tortured by the sinister Colonel Peralta. But, for all his pain and suffering, he’s also in the same building as Maria, the woman who may be his wife. And they have plenty of dedicated, resourceful friends outside… as well as at least one traitor. Still unsure of his past, Jason McLane will have no choice but to become the man known as “El Cascador” to clean up Costa Verde once and for all.

CINEBOOK xiii tome 14 - release the hounds ! - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Having escaped from the clutches of Irina’s organisation, XIII is on the loose in America but still hunted by both Giordino’s NSA and Irina’s top assassin, Jessica. As he tries to return to his friends in San Miguel, he’s forced to dodge bullets and outsmart various traps and ambushes. With the odds stacked against him, he will have to rely on help from an enemy and his own mounting anger at the constant string of attacks.

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 3 (en anglais)

15.9 EUR
Captain Blake having been assassinated at Athens Airport, Olrik seems to have won the first round. A furious Mortimer swears that he'll never stop trying to avenge his friend. He goes on the hunt for Olrik, but information is scarce. Sheik Abdel Razek, an old man with mysterious powers, protects him against Doctor Grossgrabenstein's crew. The doctor is a devoted Egyptologist who has undertaken excavations not far from the Great Pyramid. Strange happenings occur and Mortimer may sometimes feel like he's losing his way in this investigation that will lead him into the darkest depths of the Great Pyramid.Correspond au tome 5 français: Le mystère de la grande pyramide t.2

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 4 (en anglais)

16.9 EUR
Scandal breaks in the London press: There is a mole in the Intelligence Service! And it appears without a doubt, on a photograph taken by agents of MI 5, that the mole wears the face of Francis Blake! Mortimer is determined to believe that his friend has been forced to act against his will. But the initial investigations sweep away this hypothesis: Blake has opened, under an assumed name, an account fed by payments coming from the Bahamas. In a few months, he has withdrawn ?30,000-more than 10 times his annual pay! With MI 5 agents planning to try Blake for high treason, or to kill him if needed, Mortimer decides to find his friend before they do. A long hunt begins .Correspond au tome 13: L'affaire Francis Blake

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 13 - the tenderfoot (en anglais)

11.5 EUR
At the funeral of old Baddy, everybody is moved except Ready, who has waited for the 100-year-old man's death a long time in order to buy his ranch. Unfortunately, the old fellow has an heir, Waldo, a «tenderfoot» who arrives straight from his native England accompanied by his butler Jasper. Two worlds clash: the ancient, so refined, and the new, equally «rustic.» Correspond au tome 33 français: Le pied-tendre