Susan Piver The Hard Questions For Adult Children And Their Aging Parents: 100 Essential Questions For Facing The Future Together, With Courage And Compassion

21.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Gotham Books, Publisher : Gotham Books, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 96, publicationDate : 2004-10-07, releaseDate : 2004-10-07, authors : Susan Piver, ISBN : 1592400779

Susan Piver Start Here Now: An Open-Hearted Guide To The Path And Practice Of Meditation

10.85 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Shambhala, Publisher : Shambhala, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 192, publicationDate : 2015-09-15, releaseDate : 2015-09-15, authors : Susan Piver, languages : english, ISBN : 1611802679

Susan Ashe Fillet And The Mob (Yellow Bananas)

1.91 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Egmont Books Ltd, Publisher : Egmont Books Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 48, publicationDate : 2004-09-06, authors : Susan Ashe, ISBN : 1405210206

Susan Chira A Mother'S Place: Taking The Debate About Working Mothers Beyond Guilt And Blame

2.45 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Harper, Publisher : Harper, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 336, publicationDate : 1998-04-15, releaseDate : 1998-04-15, authors : Susan Chira, ISBN : 0060173270

Susan Gregory The Daniel Fast: Feed Your Soul, Strengthen Your Spirit, And Re Your Body

13.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Tyndale House Publ, Publisher : Tyndale House Publ, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 267, publicationDate : 2010-01-01, authors : Susan Gregory, languages : english, ISBN : 1414334133

Kinguin The Cat Lady PC CD Key

2.99 EUR
The Cat Lady Clé GOG Plateforme: GOG Date de sortie: 2 dec 2012 À propos du jeu The Cat Lady contains strong adult themes and is recommended only for players over 18. Includes: base game, manual, 2 wallpapers, soundtrack, ultimate original video game soundtrack, 2 avatars Susan Ashworth, known in her neighbourhood as the crazy Cat Lady, is a lonely 40- year old on the verge of suicide. She has no family, no friends and no hope for a better future.One day she discovers that five strangers will...

Susan Hepburn S Smoking In One Hour: Play The Cd...Just Once...And Never Smoke Again! (Listen Just Once To The Cd And Youll Never Smoke Again!)

2.92 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Pap/Com, Label : Harpercollins Publishers, Publisher : Harpercollins Publishers, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 2000-12-04, authors : Susan Hepburn, languages : english, ISBN : 0007104065

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 4

17 EUR
Dans ce quatrième épisode, les Dotcom sont sous le choc : tous sont persuadés que la jeune fille de la maison, Web, est enceinte ! Cette nouvelle déclenche une crise familiale sans précédent. La famille est au bord de l'explosion quand tombe une terrible nouvelle : Spam est atteinte d'un cancer du singe. Les Dotcom vont se serrer les coudes, favorisant ainsi sa guérison.

PANINI Spider-man and the x-men

22 EUR
Spider-Man donne des cours aux jeunes mutants de l’académie Jean Grey. Lorsque Sauron et Stegron font alliance, Peter Parker met en pratique. Sa classe va combattre les deux super-vilains !Contient : Spider-Man and the X-Men 1 à 6.

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 3

17 EUR
Dans ce 3éme tome, on découvre les ancêtres des agences de notation. On tremble face à la concurrence de l’Homme de Pékin. On s’enthousiasme pour « l’évolution du Jasmin » et on manifeste contre les expulsions des espèces défavorisées avec le « Réseau évolution sans frontières ». On invente les réseaux sociaux avec « Flèchebook ». Et quand le volcan explose, le spectre de Fukushima se profile à travers les âges, malgré la communication rassurante d’EDF (énergie du feu). Serions-nous, comme le prédit le fameux « calendrier lémurien », à la vielle de la fin du monde, annoncée pour l’année -400012 avant Jésus-Christ ?

OXALIDE J. R. R. Tolkien and the battle of the Somme : In a hole in the ground

28 EUR
1st July 1916, 7.28 am, in La Boiselle, a small village in Picardy.A column of earth, spurted out by 27 tonnes of explosives, suddenly rose 1200 metres high. That marked the beginning of the Battle of the Somme. That was when a young Oxford graduate, a 24-year old British officer called J. R. R. Tolkien-still completely unknown to the world-was plunged into the very heart of one of the deadliest battles in History.With his feet stuck in the mud of the trenches and enemy fire whizzing by on all sides, claiming the lives of thousands of young men, Tolkien retained a vivid memory of the images, atmosphere and feelings which, mingled with his literary influences and taste for languages, would shape the foundations of Middle-earth.An unsung portrayal of the young officer Tolkien and the birth of his mythology.

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 5

17 EUR
Menace terroriste, prises d'otages, attentats, islamophobie et bonne conscience humanitaire sur fond de tourisme de masse... Autant de sujets brûlants traités avec humour devant lesquels Silex and the City ne recule pas avec ce 5e tome !Dans la vallée, on célèbre l'anniversaire de l'attentat du 11 septembre-40001 contre le World Bipède Center. Devant la menace terroriste, un plan Vigiprimate orange est déclenché. Scandalisé par les expulsions, Url s'engage au côté de Mammifères sans frontières, tandis que les parents Dotcom partent en vacances à Bab-el-Bipède, où les prix ont chuté. Catastrophe ! Url est pris en otage au Maghreb paléolithique. La famille Dotcom va de nouveau faire bloc pour obtenir sa libération.

FUTUROPOLIS The big guy and rusty the boy robot

22.9 EUR
Dessins de Geof Darrow. Couleurs de Dave Stewart

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 8

17 EUR
Occupation du volcan par les militants de « La Branche Insoumise », mouvement #Balance-ta-pierre contre la domination mâle dans la sélection naturelle et crise conjugale dans la famille Dotcom : le Paléolithique est en crise ! Homo-erectus charismatique mais controversé, l'homme de Cro-Macron parviendra-t-il à imposer la bipédie chez toutes les espèces pour sauver le monde de la stagnation ? La famille Dotcom revient en ordre de marche pour le tome 8 de la série la plus avancée de la sélection naturelle !

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 2

17 EUR
Nous sommes cette fois-ci encore en 40 000 avant J.C. Toute la planète semble obéir aux lois de la sélection naturelle. Toute ? Non : une vallée résiste encore et toujours à l'Évolution !Pour cette deuxième saison de Silex and the City, nous retrouvons les Dotcom, famille moyenne de l'Age de pierre.Le père, après ses déboires politiques, décide de quitter l'Education Nationale pour travailler dans le privé ! « Désirs d'Avenir » est une agence de com' chargée de promouvoir des concepts innovants tels que l'inhumation ou le monothéisme. Il va découvrir que la vraie sauvagerie, c'est la vie de bureau.Au stade pour le match PSG-OM (Primate Saint-Germain/Olympic Mammouth), en réunion marketing pour le lancement du concept de « Nouveaulithique », en boîte de nuit pour la « Regression Party » du DJ Darwin Guetta, replongez dans la folie burlesque et préhistorique de la série de Jul.

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 9

17 EUR
Il fallait s'y attendre : c'est chez l'Homme de Pékin que la plus grande épidémie de la préhistoire démarre. "Manger, être manger", d'accord, mais pas du pangolin ! Comme tous les êtres vivants, les Dotcom vont devoir échapper au nouveau virus, le Lascauvid-19, aussi dangereux que la Grippe Arboricole de -40 018 ! Les autorités de la vallée décident un confinement général et, brutalement, c'est tout le paléolithique qui se met à l'arrêt... Déjà qu'on avançait pas beaucoup !Tandis que les parents galèrent à donner des cours de chasse et de préhistoire-géo à distance, les chamans essaient de contenir l'épidémie, les primates se mettent à confectionner des masques à partir de peaux de bananes, et Url et Web décident de trouver un remède à la maladie ! Comme à son habitude, Jul s'empare de l'actualité avec à propos pour faire rire et réfléchir !

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 1

17 EUR
40 000 avant JC : une vallée résiste encore et toujours à l'Evolution. A l'aube de l'humanité, Blog Dotcom est un « homo-erectus qui se lève tôt » : pour changer tout ça, il décide de se présenter aux élections. Avec une femme pro de Préhistoire-Géo en ZEP (Zone d'Evolution Prioritaire), un fils cadet militant alter-darwiniste opposé à l'usage du feu et de la fourrure, et une fille aînée qui flirte avec Rahan de la Pétaudière, fils à papa héritier du plus gros volcan - récemment privatisé - de la région, il n'est pas au bout de ses peines. De la Biennale d'Art Préhistorique Contemporain aux Ancêtres de Don Quichotte, des Dolto-sapiens aux « minorités visibles » néandertaliennes, c'est tout notre théâtre contemporain qui défile en peaux de bêtes, pour une parodie au vitriol de notre société évoluée.

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 6

17 EUR
Web Dotcom va se marier avec Rahan de la Pétaudière. Tout le monde ou presque va essayer de leur mettre des bâtons dans les roues. Mais l'amour triomphe toujours.

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 10

17 EUR
Blog et Web Dotcom se retrouvent projetés par mégarde au XXIe siècle dans un magasin d'ameublement géant. De retour dans leur Préhistoire, ils s'aperçoivent avoir ramené par mégarde une clef coudée façon IKEA ... À partir de cet objet magique, tout va être inventé : l'écriture, l'art contemporain, les religions, le yoga et la dictature... Ce qui apparaissait au début comme un progrès extraordinaire devient vite un absolu cataclysme. Les Dotcom parviendront-ils à arrêter cette fuite en avant ?

L'ICONOCLASTE cancer and the city

22.9 EUR
Que se passe-t-il quand une new-yorkaise, éternelle célibataire enfin amoureuse, se découvre une tumeur au sein ? marisa acocella marchetto est illustratrice. a 43 ans, elle est au top de sa carrière et de sa vie amoureuse. elle mène à manhattan la vie branchée d'une héroïne de sex and the city. soudain tout bascule : elle apprend qu'elle est atteinte d'un cancer du sein. avec un graphisme décapant, entre rires et larmes, elle raconte son combat puis sa victoire contre la maladie. son livre est vivant, surprenant, souvent drôle et poignant à la fois. marisa n'oublie jamais son humour, sa féminité, sa créativité. onze mois dans la vie d'une femme, où il est question d'amour, d'amitié, de shopping, de travail, de dîners, de lofts ... et de cancer. un livre plein d'énergie et d'optimisme, "à lire absolument par tous ceux qui n'auraient jamais ouvert un livre sur le cancer". newsweek.

HACHETTE Astérix Tome 40 : Asterix and the white iris

17.85 EUR
The latest adventure from our indomitable hero and his friends!>

DARGAUD Silex and the city tome 7

17 EUR
Drame des migrants, victoire du Front Néanderthal, angélisme bobo-sapiens, menace terroriste suivie en direct sur les chaînes d'évolution en continu : ce nouvel album de Silex and the City attaque frontalement tous les thèmes les plus brûlants de notre époque.Pour respirer plus librement, et continuer à clamer haut et fort notre liberté d'hominidés supérieur, découvrez ce tome 7 plein de bruit, de rires, et de fureur. #JeSuisSapiens !

PAQUET The lion and the eagle

20.9 EUR
1944 : le Japon impérial domine toujours la majeure partie de l'Asie. Déterminés à reconquérir la Birmanie, les Britanniques envoient une unité de forces spéciales, les Chindits, en plein coeur du territoire ennemi. Leur mission : harceler les troupes japonaises partout où elles se trouvent. Isolés au coeur de la jungle, ces soldats vont se retrouver prisonniers d'un cauchemar sans équivalent dans l'histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.Le colonel Keth Crosby et le médecin Aistair Whitamore ont de vieux comptes à régler avec les Japonais, ayant tout deux survécu à la longue retraite de Birmanie deux ans plus tôt. Mais ni la jungle ni l'ennemi n'ont perdu en sauvagerie depuis lors et quand le fracas des armes se fera entendre et que les Japonais donneront l'assaut contre le petit groupe de Britanniques, chaque homme devra résister jusqu'à son point de rupture.Le scénariste Garth Ennis (Stringbags, Out of the Blue, Preacher, The Boys) nous propose un récit de guerre dans l'enfer vert de la jungle birmane, plongeant des hommes autrefois civilisés au coeur des ténèbres.

ANDREWS MCMEEL Calvin and Hobbes - The authoritative

29.9 EUR
A large-format treasury of cartoons featuring the mischievous six-year-old Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes

Strategy First Escape The Museum

1.11 EUR
It's a warm day in the city and Susan Anderson has brought her daughter Caitlin to work for the day at the National Museum of History. What began as an excit...

THEBOOKEDITION.COM M-Dolls: Erotic calendar 2025

25 EUR
Between daily life, striptease and salacious action, there's plenty to lick your lips! Like Belgium's ?femmes de joie?, M-Dolls have their own showcase... They expose themselves to us without restraint, gracing us with their generous forms, to the delight of our eyes and more...


25 EUR
January 2013, in the city of Fontaines-sur-Saône in Lyon (France), Sandrine McGeary (Rine), a young woman with extravagant shapes, 32 years old and some dust, is having a hard time with her divorce. In order not to sink into depression, her younger half-sister, Andréa, helps her to get back on track. Accompanied by her two friends, the intrepid Anne chatte and the dreamy Cindy, they take Rine to the end of the night. This is how the beautiful girl meets DJ-DRO, the disk jockey and host of the club 'Le plaisir secret' where the dolls like to hang out...

FORDIS BOOKS AND PICTURES La jeunesse de Tex Willer tome 4

22 EUR
Résumé : La vie est dure dans le ranch des Willer... Sam sent peser sur lui l'absence d'appui et d'aide de son frère, Tex. Les problèmes ne manquent pas... Quand soudain, arrivent au ranch des hommes armés qui menacent son amie Susan et lui, cette absence se ressent plus encore ... Mais Sam et un vrai homme de l'Ouest... et lui aussi au fond à l'étoffe des Willer... un scénario aux multiples rebondissements servi par un Stefano Andreucci au top de son art.Pour en savoir plus :Paru dans la collection «tex Special n.2» des éditions Bonelli, le 05/12/2020 sous le titre «Un Uomo tranquillo».

ANDREWS MCMEEL Calvin and Hobbes - weirdos from another planet

22.9 EUR
"Flashes of innovative genius abound. Exploring the world of Calvin and Hobbes is great therapy. The antics of the precocious boy and his suave stuffed tiger pal can pull anyone out of the doldrums." —Amarillo News Globe  In Calvin and Hobbes book Weirdos From Another Planet!, this power-packed extravaganza of creative energy and imagination feature the childhood fun and fantasy that was a Watterson trademark. Weirdos From Another Planet! is out of this world!

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 15 (en anglais)

15.9 EUR
In a past almost, but not entirely, like ours, the world lives in dread of a new power, an empire centred in Tibet and led by a megalomaniac. When the inevitable attack comes, it destroys all opposition, and capital cities across the planet are left burning. But, in Great Britain, Professor Mortimer, inventor of a mysterious weapon named the Swordfish, and his friend and protector Captain Blake, have escaped the destruction, and must make their way to a secret base... Correspond au tome 1 français: Le secret de l'Espadon t.1


23 EUR
Quelle est la valeur d'un full ? Moins qu'un carré... C'est ainsi que " The Golden Egg ", symbole des mines d'or McKee, finit dans les poches de son nouveau propriétaire plus habile au jeu que dans la vie : Jonny Hardluck, le malchanceux. Un surnom bien trouvé maintenant que le jeune homme est la proie d'une bande de pistoléros bien décidée à récupérer la précieuse pépite... Mais le dernier acte n'est pas encore joué, sur sa route, Jonny Hardluck croise RiO.

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 3 (en anglais)

15.9 EUR
Captain Blake having been assassinated at Athens Airport, Olrik seems to have won the first round. A furious Mortimer swears that he'll never stop trying to avenge his friend. He goes on the hunt for Olrik, but information is scarce. Sheik Abdel Razek, an old man with mysterious powers, protects him against Doctor Grossgrabenstein's crew. The doctor is a devoted Egyptologist who has undertaken excavations not far from the Great Pyramid. Strange happenings occur and Mortimer may sometimes feel like he's losing his way in this investigation that will lead him into the darkest depths of the Great Pyramid. Correspond au tome 5 français: Le mystère de la grande pyramide t.2

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 17 (en anglais)

15.9 EUR
The captain and the professor have finally made it to the secret base with the Swordfish blueprints, and construction has begun on the extraordinary machines. Olrik hasn't had his last word, though, and he is ready to take tremendous risks to locate the world's last bastion of resistance and freedom. A race against time is on between Imperial forces on one side and Mortimer's teams of engineers on the other... The fate of civilisation is at stake. Correspond au tome 3 français: Le secret de l'Espadon t.3

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 3 - beyond the shadow - en anglais

15.25 EUR
Taken aback by Aaricia’s disappearance, Thorgal is only a shadow of his former self. Eaten away by remorse, the young Shania accompanies him and protects him, begging his pardon… Approached by two strangers, Worgan and Galathorn, they discover that Aaricia is still alive but held captive in the court of Brek Zarith. Ready to do anything to keep himself in power, the illegitimate master of this kingdom, Sharder, uses and abuses his evil sorcerer powers. Despite all this, Thorgal will try, alone, to penetrate the impregnable fortress of Brek Zarith to save his wife and his son, Jolan.

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 5 - the land of qa - en anglais

15.25 EUR
The Land of Qa: Kriss de Valnor, the deadly warrior-woman and Thorgal's arch enemy, has Thorgal's and Aaricia's son abducted. She demands that Thorgal and Aaricia go on a quest to find the magical mask if they want to save their son. The Eyes of Tanatloc: Thorgal's son Jolan, prisoner in the kingdom of Xinjin, meets the God Tanatloc. Tanatloc, at the end of his life, reacts strangely when Jolan speaks Thorgal's name... This two-volume book includes «The Eyes of Tanatloc». Correspond au tome 10 français: Le pays Qâ et au tome 11 français: Les yeux de Tanatloc


19.8 EUR
A fictionalized account of infamous author, Patricia Highsmith, caught up in the longing and obsession that would inspire her groundbreaking work of queer fiction, The Price of SaltFlung Out of Space is both a love letter to the essential lesbian novel The Price of Salt and an examination of its notorious author, Patricia Highsmith. Veteran comics creators Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer have teamed up to tell this story through Highsmith''s eyes-reimagining the events that inspired her to write the story that would become a foundational piece of queer literature. Flung Out of Space opens with Pat begrudgingly writing low-brow comics. A drinker, a smoker, and a hater of life, Pat knows she can do better. Her brain churns with images of the great novel she could and should be writing, what will eventually be Strangers on a Train, which would later be adapted into a classic film by Alfred Hitchcock in 1951.At the same time, Pat, a lesbian consumed with self-loathing, is in and out of conversion therapy, leaving a trail of sexual conquests and broken hearts in her wake. However, one of those very affairs-and a chance encounter in a department store-give Pat the idea for her soon-to-be beloved tale of homosexual love that was the first of its kind: It gave the lesbian protagonists a happy ending.This is not just the story behind a classic queer book but also of a queer artist who was deeply flawed. It''s a comic about what it was like to write comics in the 1950s, but also about what it means to be a writer at any time in history, struggling to find your voice. Author Grace Ellis contextualizes Patricia Highsmith as both an unintentional queer icon and a figure whose problematic views and noted anti-Semitism have cemented her controversial legacy. Highsmith''s life imitated her art with results as devastating as the plot twists that brought her fame and fortune.

CINEBOOK The scorpion tome 1 - the devil's mark - en anglais

15.25 EUR
Rome the beautiful is dying, the symbol of civilization falling, the empire burning. Hidden from massacres and looting, a strange meeting is held by nine families who share the Roman Empire. To retain their power, they decide to support a new religion—Christianity—as well as its representative, the pope. But who are these 9 mysterious families?Later, much later, it’s the Renaissance. Christianity prospers. A brigand called “the Scorpion” makes a living by unearthing relics in the depths of the Roman catacombs, which he sells at high prices to princes and bishops. Trebaldi, a powerful cardinal, takes an interest in this Scorpion, who is either a creature of the devil... or a witness to a cursed era who must disappear …

MOULINSART The Art of Hergé tome 2 - Inventor of Tintin 1937-1949

32.95 EUR
Hergé, the creator of Tintin and Snowy, was born a century ago. He left and exceptional legacy. From his childhood onwards, we can judge the range of his talent from the vast number of drawings that he produced. The prolific output of the master of the clear line" included comic strips, advertisements, illustrations, fashion designs and caricatures. "

CINEBOOK Alpha tome 1 - the exchange (en anglais)

15.25 EUR
Assia Donkova is a young Muscovite, idealistic and very attractive. As manager of an art gallery, she visits Paris museums and exhibitions in search of new Western talents. In front of a Monet work one day, she meets painter Julian Morgan. Very quickly the young woman falls under his spell, and they meet again. But is Julian only an aspiring painter? Why does he spy on Assia's slightest moves? And what are the mysterious appointments Assia keeps? Russian mafia and powerful financial organizations are at the centre of a diabolical machination... one that could eventually present grave danger to the new global balance... This two-volume book includes «The Bogdanov Clan.»

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 4 - the hour of the tiger - en anglais

15.25 EUR
Largo's best friend, Simon Ovronnaz, is being targeted by the secret services of Myanmar (formerly Burma). Simon and his girlfriend are wrongfully convicted of murder and imprisoned. After a very flawed trial, Simon is condemned to death and transferred to the infamous Fort Makiling. Blissfully ignorant of his friend's fate, Largo is enjoying a romantic adventure at the top of the world, while the plot against him deepens dangerously. Correpond au tome 8 français: L'heure du tigre

CINEBOOK Aldebaran tome 2 - the group

15.25 EUR
We return to Aldebaran, the planet where the first human colony in the solar system was founded. Mark and Kim, teenagers whose village was annihilated, have met a woman named Alexia during their escape. She is a biologist and a friend of Driss, the man who knows a lot about the catastrophe.Alexia shares Driss's secrets. The government is very interested in her and sends soldiers to pursue her. While trying to help her, Mark is arrested and languishes in prison for 3 years. It's the mysterious Mr. Pad, an odd character Mark has already met, who helps him escape from prison. This two-volume book includes «The Photo.»

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 2 - the three elders of aran - en anglais

15.25 EUR
In these new adventures, Aaricia is crowned Queen, and Thorgal will have to face many difficult tests to track down his beauty. Then they spend some happy days together in the countryside... Their first child is announced. But, alas, everything is turned upside down into horror by the jealousy of Shaniah, a teenager turned away by Thorgal. Prisoner on board the Black Galley, Thorgal becomes a plaything in the hands of Veronar, a degenerate tyrant...

CINEBOOK Aldebaran tome 1 - the catastrophe

15.25 EUR
In Aldebaran's Worlds, you'll live one of the most fantastic sagas ever written by man. The author tells the story of humanity's first attempts to colonise distant planets. In their travels, Kim and her companions will encounter strange creatures and face the dangers of unknown worlds. They'll witness the destruction caused by the madness of mankind. In the first album, Kim meets Mark, another teenager who has survived the annihilation of their village. Together they set out to find explanations for this terrible catastrophe... This two-volume book includes «The Blonde.»

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 4 - the archers - en anglais

15.25 EUR
Jolan has become a robust kid who is interested in everything. The strange signs he draws without knowing their meaning thoroughly intrigue his parents. During one escapade, he makes friends with a boy his age. The child seems to be lost and is terrified of adults. Along with being deaf and mute, he cannot answer questions raised by his mysterious presence.Surprised by a storm, Thorgal has been taken in by an old couple. Without boat or money, he can’t return to his village. Perhaps an archery competition will allow him to buy a new boat. Of all the competitors, the beautiful Kriss de Valnor is without any doubt the most formidable...

CINEBOOK Green manor tome 2 - en anglais - the inconvenience of being dead

15.25 EUR
A cup of tea? A drop of milk? A spoonful of poison? At first sight, nothing would make the very select club called Green Manor stand out from any other English club. Yet behind its thick walls, sunk into its deep chairs, hides the biggest bunch of con artists, bandits and murderers that Queen Victoria's England has ever seen.

MOULINSART The Art of Hergé tome 1 - Inventor of Tintin 1907-1937

32.95 EUR
This three volume series presents a selection of Hergé's outstanding -often unpublished- drawings showing the diversity of his work, and offering the reader a view of the range of his talent. Volume 1 1907-1937

EVALOU Change the world, by Natsumi : Manga Vegan

20 EUR
The Vegan Manga by Natsumi Finally Available in englishDelivery to any country possible !The Story of Daichi and Hana.manga change de world, by natsumiDaichi is a 5th-grade student who lives with his mother and spends his time between soccer, video games, and homework. One day, he wins a prize for a health support campaign thanks to a bowl of pork he had purchased. His prize turns out to be a talking pigletnamed 'Hana.'« I've come to tell you an important story to change your future »the mysterious animal then confides in him.As the days go by, Daichi becomes fond of the little piglet and discovers, horrified, how our society exploits and tortures animals. Beyond reinventing his diet, it's an entire philosophy that Daichi will embrace to no longer be complicit in these acts of cruelty, ultimately entirely avoidable.Who is Natsumi ?Natsumi is a manga artist in Japan and actively advocates for the animal rights cause. Being vegan since 2005, she is an organizer of meetings to expose the cruelty of slaughterhouses and intensive farming. Natsumi is the author of the first manga dedicated to Veganism.»

DYNAMITE The rock cocks tome 1

19 EUR
Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll ! Steg et Suria forment un duo inséparable. Lui à la batterie, elle à la guitare et au chant, ils sont les Rock Cocks et font vibrer leur public grâce à un rock brutal et sexuel. En privé, ils vivent un amour heureux et décomplexé malgré les galères du quotidien. Suria vient de se faire virer de son job. Steg ne trouve pas de boulot. Et pour couronner le tout, voilà que leur proprio les expulse ! Dos au mur, nos deux tourtereaux décident de forcer le destin : ils prendront la route pour aller de ville en ville et tenter de percer sur scène, quitte à semer une sacrée pagaille érotique partout où ils mettront les pieds.

CINEBOOK Lady s. tome 1 - en anglais - here's to suzie !

15.25 EUR
Adopted daughter and principal collaborator of James Fitzroy, roving ambassador, special correspondent for the American Secretary of State in Europe, Susan is a clever, multilingual young woman, in full bloom and perfectly happy in the eyes of an attentive father.But this too-perfect happiness hides many faults, sorrows and mysteries. Trapped by her past, Susan will have to play her most dangerous role in a life already rich with adventure: Lady S, high-class spy in a diplomatic environment.This two-volume book includes “NA ZDOROVIE, SHANIOUCHKA!”

CASTERMAN La douce - en anglais

20 EUR
The Beauty, Leon knows her well. He can anticipate her every quirk and nuance better than anyone. And why wouldn't he, after so many years and miles traveled together? The Beauty, or rather the 12.004, is a steam locomotive; an elegant lady of speed, sophisticated mechanics, and grace, the pride of her mechanic. But times have changed. Electrical transports are gaining ground, and The Beauty's days are numbered.

D'UN MONDE A L'AUTRE Please be seated!

16 EUR
This collection of comic strips was created by Paul Samanos, just a few years after he became quadriplegic as a result of a rugby accident at the age of 16. Most gags in this book were thus inspired by his own personal experiences and are meant for readers to have fun whilst they learn about the hectic life of a wheelchair user.

ANDREWS MCMEEL Calvin et Hobbes -10th anniversary

29.9 EUR
"Watterson re-created the thoughts and feelings of a six-year-old with uncanny accuracy ... Calvin and Hobbes was, simply, the best comic strip." --Charles Solomon, Los Angeles TimesMany moons ago, the magic of Calvin and Hobbes first appeared on the funny pages and the world was introduced to a wondrous pair of friends -- a boy and his tiger, who brought new life to the comics page. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of this distinguished partnership, Bill Watterson prepared this special book, sharing his thoughts on cartooning and creating Calvin and Hobbes, illustrated throughout with favorite black-and-white and color cartoons.

KUS ! This year is next year's last year

16 EUR
An angry spirit searches for answers and purpose in Trumpworld. This Year is Next Year's Last Year exorcises the tortured specters cycling through the contemporary psyche, countering corruption and death with defiant sarcasm. Mail-order magical objects and the rules of an ancient board game round out this treatise on inevitability.

CINEBOOK Aldebaran tome 3 (en anglais)

15.25 EUR
The Creature: Mark and Kim, who have lost the rest of the group, are left with the wounded Ling-Li. Luckily, Alexa quickly meets up with them, and they're on their way to the sea again. But when the Governor and Father Loomis catch up with them, they take them straight to the mantris. The Betelgeuse Planet: The second cycle takes the theme of the colonisation of space further than most sci-fi comics by looking at its ecological aspect. Leilah Nakad studies the Lums, cute animals living on the planet Betelgeuse. Seven years earlier, she led a 3000-strong group who were to settle on Betelgeuse. But the spaceship is still flying around, lost in space. Driss and Alexa investigate. This two-volume book includes «The Betelgeuse Planet.»

CINEBOOK Betelgeuse tome 1 (en anglais)

15.25 EUR
The continuing adventures of our Aldebaran heroes Mark and Kim are sent to Betelgeuse to look for survivors of the spacecraft crash that killed 3,000 people seven years earlier. They do find survivors, among them Tazio Menegaz and Colonel Logan, who tell them the colonisers had been divided over whether the Iums (indigenous creatures) are as intelligent as humans. If they are, the humans would have been forced to abandon their colonising enterprise according to UN laws. Kim decides to investigate for herself. This two-volume book includes «The Expedition.»

PANINI All-new Deadpool tome 6

20.99 EUR
Retrouvez l'intégralité du crossover Jusqu'à ce que la mort… où Shiklah, la femme de Wade et reine succube, attaque New York. Spider-Man et les Pros à Payer sont de la partie ainsi que … Dracula !(Contient les épisodes US Deadpool (2016) 27-29, Spider-Man/Deadpool 15-16 et Deadpool and the Mercs for Money 9-10, publiés précédemment dans les revues DEADPOOL (2017) 5-6).

CINEBOOK Ir$ tome 1 irs - taxing trails (en anglais)

15.25 EUR
Larry B. Max is an unusual specialist from a little-known branch of the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), the all-powerful tax-collecting agency of the United States. Reading into tax-evasion and money-laundering rings the way a virtuoso pianist would read a sheet of Mozart, Max has every technological method at his disposal to find links between high finance and high crime. In the first album, he must look into a particularly delicate file belonging to a rich Jewish-American, known for his involvement in recovering items that were confiscated by the Nazis. Dissecting this billionaire's accounts, Max embarks on a dangerous journey to find the mysterious origins of the man's immense fortune.. This two-volume book includes «The Hagen Strategy.»


25.4 EUR
UNAPOLOGETICALLY QUEER: Mimosa doesn''t shy away from its LGBTQIA+ subject matter, exploring sexuality, gender, and adulthood in a refreshingly honest way.GROWING MARKET: The market for LGBTQIA+ stories is expanding, moving from a niche selection to a large and inclusive library of graphic novels.MAJOR TALENT: Bongiovanni is the cartoonist behind A Quick and Easy Guide To They/Them Pronouns, which received a starred review from School Library Journal, was a Publishers Weekly Favorite Reads of 2018, a 2018 Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year for Teen Nonfiction, and one of YALSA''s Great Graphic Novels for Teens.

PANINI X-men - Schism

26 EUR
Ce one-shot signe le début d'une période culte des mutants avec notamment la série Wolverine and the X-Men ou Avengers vs X-Men. Elle est mise en images par Carlos Pacheco, Daniel Acuña, Alan Davis, Frank Cho et Adam Kubert. Les X-Men vivent une période difficile. Alors que l'opinion publique se méfiait des mutants, un incident international propage une vague de haine, l'intolérance à leur égard atteint son paroxysme. C'est alors qu'une scission survient au sein même des leaders du groupe.

PANINI Les chroniques de Conan tome 35

30 EUR
Conan le Barbare affronte Lord Zula et les terribles démons d'Imothep. Après cela, place à l'adaptation de Conan and the Spider God de L. Sprague de Camp. Un récit fleuve dans l'exotique royaume de Zamora, où le Cimmérien va devoir redoubler d'ingéniosité ! Un album intégralement inédit en France (mise à part dans la collection Conan d'Hachette). Il est presque entièrement signé par l'un des duos les plus emblématiques sur le personnage : Roy Thomas et John Buscema.

TANIBIS dirty panties

16 EUR
Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers.This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end?Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold.Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.

BAMBOO L'ambulance 13 - intégrale 1er cycle (en anglais)

24.9 EUR
His name is Louis-Charles Bouteloup. A recent graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, he has been sent to the front lines at Fleury in January 1916 as a military surgeon. He will be assisted there by men of all backgrounds: a priest, a pimp, a young man of means, a union member, a photographer, and others. Their nicknames are Satan, Mack, Kosher, Lemony and Element. None of them have chosen to fight, but they are all risking their lives to make the war a little less inhuman. From Fleury to Chemin des Dames via Bois des Caures and the Somme, Officer Candidate Bouteloup will experience horror on a daily basis.

DARGAUD La planète des sages tome 1

22.5 EUR
Jul, l'auteur de Silex and the City, s'attaque à la philosophie avec la complicité de Charles Pépin, journaliste et universitaire, dans une encyclopédie savante et atypique.Actuelle, décalée , elle propose deux approches : celle, humoristique et irrésistible, de Jul et celle, analytique et pédagogique, de Charles Pépin. Ensemble, les deux auteurs ressuscitent et rendent accessibles les découvertes et les parcours de presque tous les penseurs qui ont fait la philosophie depuis trois mille ans. Jul illustre la pensée de chaque philosophe à travers des situations surréalistes et comiques, Charles Pépin rédige des « fiches » encyclopédiques limpides et malicieuses qui éclairent la réflexion de manière rigoureuse.