Beauty of Joseon Light On Serum Centella + Vita C Sérum Anti Taches 30ml

17 EUR
Sérum éclaircissant dont les principaux ingrédients sont l'extrait de Centella Asiatica et un puissant dérivé de la vitamine C . Les plus de Beauty of Joseon Light On Serum Centella + Vita C Sérum Anti Taches 30m l: - Texture légère et non collante - Eclaircissant et anti taches - Hydratant - Antioxydant Ce sérum a été formulé avec l'objectif de neutraliser les inconvénients habituels des produits à base de vitamine C comme le risque d'irritations, l'effet collant et gras, le manque d'hydratation. Principaux ingrédients Extrait de Centella Asiatica 68% Le madécassoside, l'asiaticoside, l'acide madécassique et l'acide asiatique de la centella asiatica sont efficaces pour apaiser et régénérer la peau et aident également à gérer l'hydratation et à améliorer le teint. Acide 3-O-éthyl-ascorbique 10% Il s'agit d'un dérivé de la vitamine C dont la stabilité est supérieure à celle de la vitamine C pure et qui peut rester stable pendant 90 jours, même à 40°C. Comparé à d'autres dérivés de la vitamine C, il a une forte affinité avec la peau, ce qui lui permet d'offrir une excellente absorption et d'être moins irritant, en agissant confortablement sur la peau. Découvrez les autres produits de la marque Beauty of Joseon pour compléter votre routine: Voir tous les produits Beauty of Joseon

Beauty of Joseon Stick Solaire Mat Armoise + SPF 50+ PA++++ 18gr

15.93 EUR
Notre stick solaire régule le sébum, assure un fini mat et est hygiénique et pratique. Notre stick solaire utilise une poudre de silice régulatrice de sébum pour réguler la production de sébum, assurant une augmentation de l'adhérence et un fini lisse et mat. De plus, il contient des extraits d'artemisia capillaris et de thé vert, contribuant à une texture de peau lisse tout en préservant son hydratation. Stick solaire mat non gras C'est un stick solaire mat sans aucune sensation grasse ou collante. Il est hygiénique car vous n'avez pas besoin de l'appliquer avec vos mains, et il est compact, ce qui permet une utilisation pratique à tout moment, n'importe où. Poudre de silice poreuse anti-sébum La poudre de silice anti-sébum régule le sébum sur la peau, procurant une sensation de douceur et de roulement sans gras.

Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask Masque Visage 140ml

20 EUR
Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask Masque Visage 140ml est parfait pour un nettoyage en profondeur des pores dilatées, il aide à se débarrasser de l'excès de sébum et des cellules mortes qui se cumulent dans les pores. C'est le masque exfoliant idéal pour les peaux grasses. Sa texture agréable n'assèche pas la peau mais l'exfolie en douceur en lui apportant une sensation de fraicheur et propreté. Extrait de haricot rouge de Haenam 30% La riche saponine des haricots rouges aide à l'absorption du sébum et agit comme un exfoliant naturel. Kaolin Absorbe le sébum. Découvrez les autres produits de la marque Beauty of Joseon pour compléter votre routine: Voir tous les produits Beauty of Joseon

Beauty of Joseon Glow Serum : Propolis + Niacinamide Sérum Anti-Imperfections 30ml

17 EUR
Les plus du produit Beauty of Joseon Glow Serum : Propolis + Niacinamide : - Parfait pour les peaux grasses et/ou acnéiques - Réduit l'apparence des pores dilatés - Agit sur l'inflammation de la peau Contenant 60% d'extrait de propolis et 2% de niacinamide , il aide à contrôler la sécrétion de sébum et à maintenir la peau hydratée. Ingrédients clés Extrait de propolis 60% . Les femmes de la dynastie Joseon utilisaient du miel et de la poudre de céréales comme masque de nettoyage pour soigner leur peau. En tant qu'ingrédient de skincare, l'extrait de propolis est efficace pour hydrater la peau et réduire les inflammations cutanées. Niacinamide 2% Parmi les différents bienfaits de la niacinamide, elle est particulièrement utile pour contrôler la sécrétion de sébum et maintenir l'équilibre entre le sébum et l'hydratation de la peau. BHA 0,5% En tant qu'exfoliant liposoluble, il aide à éliminer le sébum et les impuretés accumulés dans les pores'. Découvrez les autres produits de la marque Beauty of Joseon pour compléter votre routine: Voir tous les produits Beauty of Joseon

Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Moist Sun Serum Protection Solaire SPF50+ PA++++ 50ml

21 EUR
Pourquoi choisir entre protégér sa peau et lui apporter tous les bénéfices dont elle a besoin ? Avec Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Moist Sun Serum Protection Solaire SPF50+ PA++++ 50ml on peut finalement avoir les deux avec un simple geste de skincare, toute l'année. Les plus du produit: - Hydrate en toute légèreté - Pas de traces blanches ni de fini collant - Haute protection pour contraster les effets néfastes du soleil - Idéale comme base de maquillage - Action anti taches Formule CLEAR-FENCE Le filtre anti-UV et les ingrédients actifs encapsulé se fondent parfaitement dans cette texture sérum de façon à être absorbés uniformément par la peau. Le sérum ne se contente pas de bloquer les rayons UV pour prévenir le vieillissement cutané, il hydrate et nourrit la peau pour la rendre plus saine. Principaux ingrédients Extrait de ginseng 30% La teneur élevée en saponine du ginseng permet d'apporter à la peau toute l'hydratation dont elle a besoin. Les baies de ginseng et les extraits de ginseng rouge mélangés à l'extrait de ginseng ont une teneur en saponine plus élevée que la racine de ginseng générale, ce qui les rend plus efficaces pour lutter contre le vieillissement de la peau et atténuer les rides. Niacinamide 2% Le niacinamide est un complexe de vitamines B solubles dans l'eau qui est très efficace pour contraster les taches. Il aide à rééquilibrer les lipides et l'hydratation de la peau pour améliorer sa texture et éclaircir le teint. Découvrez les autres produits de la marque Beauty of Joseon pour compléter votre routine: Voir tous les produits Beauty of Joseon

Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Water Gel Hydratation Intense Peaux Grasses 100ml

18 EUR
Les plus de Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Water Gel Hydratation Intense Peaux Grasses 100ml: - Hydrate en profondeur les peaux grasses - Agit sur les pores dilatés - Texture légère - Attenue les rides et les ridules Si vous souhaitez apporter de l'hydratation en profondeur à votre peau et vous n'appréciez pas les textures 'lourdes', ce produit est parfait pour vous. Ingrédients clés Extrait de haricot rouge de Haenam 44% Les haricots rouges favorisent l'absorption du sébum et la saponine contenue dans la écorce de haricot rouge contribue à la santé et à l'élasticité de la peau. Complexe de peptides Il contient 3 types de peptides (SH-Oligopeptide-1 / SH-Oligopeptide-2 / SH-Polypeptide-1) qui contribuent à la santé de la peau en aidant à maintenir la quantité appropriée de facteurs de croissance, qui diminuent naturellement avec l'âge. Découvrez les autres produits de la marque Beauty of Joseon pour compléter votre routine:

Beauty of Joseon Glow Deep Serum : Rice + Alpha Arbutin Sérum Anti-Taches 30ml

17 EUR
Les plus de Beauty of Joseon Glow Deep Serum : Rice + Alpha Arbutin : - Antitaches - Illuminant - Agit sur le teint terne et irrégulier Sérum destiné à atténuer les taches pigmentaires et les irrégularités du teint. Contient 67% d'eau de son de riz et 2% d'alpha arbutine qui aide à améliorer le teint de la peau pour la rendre plus lumineuse et plus saine. Principaux ingrédients Eau de son de riz 68% . Le riz a joué un rôle très important dans l'histoire de la Corée en tant qu'aliment de base et ingrédient pour les soins de la peau. Sous la dynastie Joseon, l'eau de son de riz était utilisée comme le tonique d'aujourd'hui et s'appelait l'eau de beauté, utilisée pour la beauté de la peau. Le son de riz est riche en acides aminés et en minéraux, ce qui aide à hydrater la peau sèche. Alpha-Arbutine 2% L'alpha-arbutine agit en inhibant l'activité de la tyrosinase qui limite la production de mélanine dans la peau. Elle est également connue pour avoir un effet 10 fois supérieur à celui de la bêta-arbutine ordinaire Découvrez les autres produits de la marque pour compléter votre routine: Voir tous les produits Beauty of Joseon

Beauty of Joseon Calming Serum : Green tea + Panthenol Sérum Apaisant 30ml

17 EUR
Beauty of Joseon Calming Serum : Green tea + Panthenol Sérum Apaisant 30ml a été formulé pour soulager l'inconfort cutané causé par l'exposition aux UV, l'acné et les agressions externes. Les ingrédients clés de sa formule sont le thé vert, un puissant antioxydant , et l'armoise, une plante réputée pour ses propriétés apaisantes pour la peau. Le panthénol complète et renforce l'action protectrice de cette formule. Ensemble, le thé vert et l'armoise hydratent et calment la peau, tandis que le panthénol crée un bouclier d'hydratation, empêchant toute irritation supplémentaire. Ingrédients clés Thé vert 50% L'EGCG, principal composant de la feuille de thé vert, aide à apaiser la peau endommagée par les rayons UV, l'acné et les agressions externes. Armoise 30% Hydrate et aide à apaiser la peau. Panthénol (vitamine B5) 5% Ingrédient hydratant bien connu, le panthénol se transforme en vitamine B5 lorsqu'il est absorbé par la peau. Il se lie fortement à l'hydratation et l'empêche de s'échapper, ce qui permet à la peau de rester hydratée durablement. Découvrez les autres produits de la marque Beauty of Joseon pour compléter votre routine: Voir tous les produits Beauty of Joseon

Beauty of Joseon Apricot Blossom Peeling Gel Exfoliant Visage 100ml

9.53 EUR
Les plus de Beauty of Joseon Apricot Blossom Peeling Gel: - Exfolie en douceur - Lisse le grain de la peau - Hydrate intensément - Régule la production de sébum Il s'agit d'un exfoliant de type gommage qui vise à atténuer les problèmes de peau liés à une texture irrégulière et à une production excessive de sébum. Il convient aussi bien au visage qu'au corps et sa formule aide à améliorer le grain de la peau et laisse une sensation d'hydratation intense. Ingrédients clés Eau de fleur de Prunus mume 19% La fleur de prunus mume contient des polyphénols et des flavonoïdes qui aident à rendre la peau nette et hydratée. Cellulose d'origine végétale 8 La cellulose extraite du coton exfolie en douceur les cellules mortes et les impuretés en s'agglomérant en forme circulaire sur la peau. Découvrez les autres produits de la marque Beauty of Joseon pour compléter votre routine: Voir tous les produits Beauty of Joseon

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures70C

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures70C

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Korean Skincare Beauty of Joseon - Protection solaire mate FPS 50 à l'artemisia et au camélia 18 g-Pas de couleur Pas de couleur No Size unisex

21.59 EUR
Soin visage et corps par Korean Skincare N'oubliez pas votre protection solaire Crème solaire en stick SPF 50+ Fini mat non gras Formulé à base de poudre de silice poreuse pour réguler le sébum Contient de l'artemisia capillaris et des extraits de thé vert pour une peau lisse et hydratée Le produit ne peut pas être renvoyé pour des raisons d'hygiène

Bleue Burnham Bague Hands Of Thought argentée exclusive à SSENSE - UK P

410 EUR
Anneau fait à la main en argent sterling. · Ornement graphique texturé à l'avant · Poinçons britanniques Une exclusivité SSENSE. Couleur du fournisseur: Silver

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge à armatures en jacquard et dentelle

69 EUR
Jacquard & Lace underwired bra in a striking combination of exclusive jacquard and stretch lace, making it perfect for everyday wear and special occasions. Full cup in two-section cut, padded side support and firm fabric in the undercup lifts and centres also really heavier busts while giving the bust a natural round shape without increasing the volume. BEAUTIFUL STRETCH LACE: Jacquard & Lace underwired bra in a striking combination of exclusive jacquard and stretch lace, making it perfect for e

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

25 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge à armatures Mary of Sweden Fauna Full Cup

69 EUR
T-shirt bra with unpadded, moulded cups with a perfect round shape. Firm material in the cup provides excellent support and lift for the bust. Lace details on the front and the sides. Adjustable, padded comfort straps relieve the shoulders. Elastic back with adjustable hook & eye fastening. Elegant stretch lace on the upper cups provides flexibility and adapts to the bust. The raised lower edge on the front of the bra provides increased comfort in a sitting position as well as allowing the under

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutiens-gorge à armatures en rose

63 EUR
Despite its neat and delicate appearance, the underwired Rose bra provides proper support for the bust. Well-fitting full cup with two-section cut and firm under cup in charmeuse giving the bust good lift and creating a slightly pointed silhouette. The rose pattern embroidery gives the bra a romantic look. The unpadded side support and underwires offer extra support for the bust. Stretch shoulder straps that are easy to adjust at the front. Elastic U-shaped back with adjustable hook and eye fast

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire