Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Chat Sac 4 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

79.99 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal FélineRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes diététiques spécialement conçue pour chats présentant des troubles digestifs.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Excellente nourriture qui offre un taux énergétique élevé, riche en matières grasses et bonne sapidité, spécialement recommandée pour le régime alimentaire des chats souffrant de problèmes digestifs afin de leur favoriser une récupération rapide ou bien en état de convalescence. Vise également à réduire les troubles aiguës d'absorption intestinale.Disponible en sacs de 0.4 kg, 2 kg et 4 kg. Également disponible en sachets de 100 g.Caractéristiques principales: Très énergétique : répond parfaitement aux besoins en énergie (entretien, convalescence) et permet de réduire la ration alimentaire, évitant ainsi les digestions trop lourdes. Très bonne sapidité : pour assurer une consommation spontanée et un suivi du traitement. Entretien du tractus digestif : les ac...

Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Low Fat Chien Sac 1.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

35.99 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal Low FatRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes spécialement conçue pour les chiens ayant des troubles digestifs.Cet aliment ayant une teneur en graisse et fibres beaucoup plus basse, possède toutefois un niveau énergétique modéré, spécialement indiqué pour le traitement nutritionnel de la pancréatite aiguë ou chronique ou d'autres problèmes digestifs canins.Disponible en sacs de 1.5 kg, 6 kg et 12 kg. Disponible aussi en boîtes de conserve de 410 g.Caractéristiques principales:Taux faible en fibres solubles et insolubles pour réduire la fermentation au niveau du côlon, éviter la perte d'énergie et favoriser la sapidité.Équilibre entre fibres solubles et insolubles pour aider à limiter les fermentations et favoriser des excréments de bonne qualité.Taux bas en matières grasses afin d'optimiser la fonction digestive des chiens atteints d'hyperlipidémie ou de pancréatite.Complexe synergique antioxydant breveté. Ce complexe synergique réduit le str...

Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Chat Sac 2 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

52.99 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal FélineRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes diététiques spécialement conçue pour chats présentant des troubles digestifs.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Excellente nourriture qui offre un taux énergétique élevé, riche en matières grasses et bonne sapidité, spécialement recommandée pour le régime alimentaire des chats souffrant de problèmes digestifs afin de leur favoriser une récupération rapide ou bien en état de convalescence. Vise également à réduire les troubles aiguës d'absorption intestinale.Disponible en sacs de 0.4 kg, 2 kg et 4 kg. Également disponible en sachets de 100 g.Caractéristiques principales: Très énergétique : répond parfaitement aux besoins en énergie (entretien, convalescence) et permet de réduire la ration alimentaire, évitant ainsi les digestions trop lourdes. Très bonne sapidité : pour assurer une consommation spontanée et un suivi du traitement. Entretien du tractus digestif : les ac...

Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Chat Sac 400 G - Veterinary Health Nutrition

26.99 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal FélineRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes diététiques spécialement conçue pour chats présentant des troubles digestifs.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Excellente nourriture qui offre un taux énergétique élevé, riche en matières grasses et bonne sapidité, spécialement recommandée pour le régime alimentaire des chats souffrant de problèmes digestifs afin de leur favoriser une récupération rapide ou bien en état de convalescence. Vise également à réduire les troubles aiguës d'absorption intestinale.Disponible en sacs de 0.4 kg, 2 kg et 4 kg. Également disponible en sachets de 100 g.Caractéristiques principales: Très énergétique : répond parfaitement aux besoins en énergie (entretien, convalescence) et permet de réduire la ration alimentaire, évitant ainsi les digestions trop lourdes. Très bonne sapidité : pour assurer une consommation spontanée et un suivi du traitement. Entretien du tractus digestif : les ac...

Royal Canin Pâtée Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie Chat 12x85g - Veterinary Health Nutrition

17 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets - Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie - 12 Sachets Fraicheurs 85gr URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE est un aliment diététique complet pour chats formulé pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à des propriétés permettant une sous saturation des urines et un faible taux de magnesium. Il est ainsi recommandé pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire. Grâce à un apport réduit en calories, il est particulièrement recommandé aux chats ayant tendance à l'embonpoint (stérilisé, embonpoint, faible activité). Les avantages Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie URINE DILUTION Diluer l'urine permet de réduire simultanément les concentrations urinaires de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. De plus, accroître le volume urinaire permet un rinçage régulier de la vessie. STRUVITE DISSOLUTION Permet de dissoudre efficacement les calculs de struvite. LOW RSS Une urine sous-saturée est une urine dans laquelle les cristaux ne peuvent pas accroître. Ainsi le milieu urinaire est défavorable au développement des cristaux de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. MODERATE CALORIE Un apport réduit en calories pour contribuer à maintenir un poids idéal. Informations importantes concernant les produits thérapeutiques : En achetant ce produit, vous reconnaissez que votre animal a été examiné par un vétérinaire qui vous l'a recommandé et qu'une ordonnance a été délivré. Dans le cas où vous utilisez ce produit, il est recommandé de consulter votre vétérinaire au moins une fois tous les 6 mois pour une visite de contrôle. En cas de problème lié à l'utilisation de ce produit, demandez conseil à votre vétérinaire. En ajoutant ce produit à votre panier, vous confirmez que vous avez lu et compris les renseignements ci-dessus Composition protéines de volaille déshydratées, riz, gluten de blé*, farine de maïs, fibres végétales, gluten de maïs, sels minéraux, graisses animales, hydrolysat de protéines animales, huile de poisson, huile de soja, fructo-oligo-saccharides, poudre d'¿ufs, hydrolysat de crustacé (source de glucosamine), extrait de rose d'inde (source de lutéine). Additifs nutritionnels: Additifs nutritionnels : Vitamine A : 22300 UI, Vitamine D3 : 500 UI, E1 (Fer) : 41 mg, E2 (Iode) : 3,2 mg, E4 (Cuivre) : 6 mg, E5 (Manganèse) : 54 mg, E6 (Zinc) : 177 mg, E8 (Sélénium) : 0,07 mg - Conservateurs - Antioxygènes CONSTITUANTS ANALYTIQUES : Protéine : 34 % - Matières grasses brutes : 11 % - Cendres brutes : 9,1 % - Cellulose brute : 7 % - Calcium : 1 % - Phosphore : 0,95 % - Sodium : 1,1 % - Chlorures : 1,89 % - Potassium : 1 % - Magnésium : 0,05 % - Soufre : 0,5 % - Taurine totale : 0,21 % - Substances acidifiant l'urine : Su...

Royal Canin Pâtée Renal Special Mousse Chien - Veterinary Health Nutrition

23.99 EUR
L'aliment humide médicalisé Royal Canin Veterinary Diet - Renal Special a été élaboré pour les chiens souffrant d' insuffisance rénale chronique , pour la prévention des calculs d'oxalate de calcium et pour la gestion des récidives d'urolithiase (calculs d'urate et de cystine).Cette formule est plus appétente. Contre indication : gestation, lactation chiots hyperlipidémie Encadrement diététique de la MRCSa formule a été élaborée pour soutenir la fonction rénale lors de MRC. Le taux de phosphore est réduit, et un apport d'antioxydants, d'EPA et de DHA est renforcé.Réduction de la charge de travail du reinAfin d'éviter une crise urémique, l'apport en protéines de haute qualité est adapté afin de soulager les reins.Equilibre métaboliqueCet aliment contient des agents alcalinisants afin de limiter l'acidose métabolique provoquée par la détérioration de la fonction rénale.Appétit stimuléL'appétit de votre chien est stimulé grâce à un profil aromatique qui correspond à ses préférences.AttentionCet aliment est thérapeutique. Suivez l'avis de votre vétérinaire selon l'état de santé de votre chien.IngrédientsViandes et dérivés d'animaux (poulet, porc), céréales, poisson et dérivés de poisson(saumon), huiles et matières grasses, dérivés d'origine végétale, sels minéraux, sucres variés.

Royal Canin Croquettes Urinary S/O Chat Sac 1.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

43.99 EUR
Royal Canin Urinary s/o felineCe produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Ces croquettes très efficaces visent à dissoudre les cristaux ou calculs urinaires de struvite tout en empêchant leur formation.Proposé en sacs de 0,4, 1,5, 3,5 et 6 Kg.

Royal Canin Health Management Chien Mature Consult Petites Races 3,5kg

37.56 EUR
Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chien Senior Consult Mature Small 3,5kg conviennent à l'alimentation des chiens de petites races non-castrés à partir de l'âge de 8 ans. Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chien Senior Consult Mature Small 3,5kg favorisent la digestion aide à contrôler la formation de tartre, renforcent la barrière cutanée et combat le vieillissement des cellules.

Royal Canin Health Management Chien Neutered Junior Croquettes 3,5kg

33.12 EUR
Royal Canin Health Management Chien Neutered Junior Croquettes 3,5kg est un aliment équilibré spécialement formulé pour les chiots stérilisés de races moyennes. Ces croquettes permettent de garder un poids de forme, tout en apportant toute la satiété souhaitée.

Royal Canin Croquettes Hepatic Chien Sac 12 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

148.99 EUR
Royal Canin HepaticRoyal Canin a développé cette gamme de croquettes savoureuses spécialement pour chiens ayant des problèmes hépatiques.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Cette nourriture en boîte est un aliment diététique complet avec un taux faible en protéines d'origine végétal, pour chiens atteints de problèmes hépatiques.Proposé en sacs de 1,5 , 6 et 12 Kg.Indications:Hépatite chronique.Portosystemic shunt.Encéphalopathie hépatique.Insuffisance hépatique.Pyroplasmose.Jaunisse.Troubles du métabolisme du cuivre.Contrindications:Gestation, lactation, croissance.Pancréatite ou antécédents de pancréatite.Hyperlipidémie.Le type de nourriture que nous offrons à nos animaux de compagnie est déterminante pour l'évolution de l'insuffisance hépatique. Avec l'aliment Royal Canin Hepatic, nous pourrons :Réduire la charge métabolique de travailLimiter l'apport calorifique d'origine protéiques.Prévenir les complications les plus grave de l'insuffisance hépatique.L...

Royal Canin Health Management Chat Neutered Maintenance Aliment Humide 12 x 85g

20.66 EUR
Royal Canin Health Management Chat Neutered Maintenance Aliment Humide 12 x 85g est spécialement formulée pour maintenir un poids idéal chez les chats castrés. Cette pâtée apporte les protéines nécessaires pour préserver la masse musculaire et favorise un environnement urinaire sain. Enrichi en fibres alimentaires, cet aliment favorise le transit et l'élimination des boules de poils. Convient aux chats actifs.

Royal Canin Ageing 12+ in Gravy pour chat 12 x 85g

22.59 EUR
Au fur et à mesure que votre chat vieillit, son corps subit des changements et il lui faudra un régime alimentaire différent, tout comme les types d'aliments qu'il préfère d'instinct. Pour vous assurer que votre chat âgé (12 ans ou plus) reçoit la nutrition spécifique dont il a besoin pour conserver une santé optimale, il faut que vous lui donniez l'alimentation qu'il préfère naturellement d'instinct. Fondamentalement, la consommation est tout aussi importante que la nutrition lorsqu'il s'agit de maintenir votre chat en pleine forme. C'est pourquoi ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ en Sauce est conçu pour correspondre au profil macro-nutritionnel optimal que les chats vieillissants comme le vôtre préfèrent instinctivement. Les chats âgés auront souvent besoin de niveaux plus élevés d'apport nutritionnel pour le maintien général d'une bonne santé articulaire. C'est pourquoi ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ en Sauce est spécialement formulé pour entretenir la santé articulaire grâce à une teneur élevée en acides gras oméga-3 (EPA & DHA notamment). Pour entretenir la santé des reins et du système rénal dans son ensemble, ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ en Sauce contient de plus une teneur soigneusement dosée en phosphore. ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ est également disponible sous forme de nourriture sèche en croquettes savoureuses et croquantes. Si vous envisagez une alimentation mixte, il vous suffit de suivre nos instructions pour vous assurer que votre chat reçoit la quantité de nourriture sèche et humide nécessaire pour un bénéfice optimal. Chez ROYAL CANIN® , nous nous engageons à fournir des solutions nutritionnelles adaptées aux besoins de votre animal. Tous nos produits sont soumis à un rigoureux contrôle qualité afin de garantir une qualité optimale de la nourriture et de répondre aux besoins alimentaires et au mode de vie spécifiques de votre chat. Ainsi, lorsque votre chat mange des produits ROYAL CANIN® Ageing 12+ en Sauce, il reçoit une alimentation complète et équilibrée.

Ubisoft My Health Coach: Je Gewicht In Balans Incl. Stappenteller - N

26.37 EUR
Ubisoft My Health Coach: Je Gewicht in Balans incl. Stappenteller - Nintendo DS. Plateforme: Nintendo DS, Valeur ESRB: Tout le monde, Réalisateur: Ubisoft

Colgate Total Pro Gum Health fil dentaire 50 m

Colgate Total Pro Gum Health, 50 m, Soins interdentaires pour homme, Le fil dentaire Colgate Total Pro Gum Health est un indispensable de la routine dentaire. Il aide à lutter contre les bactéries là où la brosse à dents n’a pas accès. Le produit : élimine la plaque au niveau du sillon gingival très respectueux de la gencive supprime les restes d’aliments glisse facilement entre les dents ne s’effile pas Mode d’emploi : Utilisez après vous être brossé les dents pour nettoyer les espaces interdentaires ou pour retirer les morceaux d’aliments restés entre vos dents.

Royal Canin Kitten in Gravy pour chats 12x85g

22.89 EUR
À l'âge de 4 mois, bien que la croissance de votre chaton puisse ralentir, son niveau d'activité, lui, ne cesse d'augmenter ! À ce stade, il a besoin d'une nutrition adaptée pour soutenir le développement de ses os, muscles, organes, ainsi que de son système nerveux et immunitaire. De plus, il s'apprête à développer 30 dents définitives. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy (en sauce) a été soigneusement élaboré pour répondre aux besoins nutritionnels spécifiques des chatons pendant leur croissance, notamment entre 4 et 12 mois, une période caractérisée par d'importants changements physiques et comportementaux. Cette formule sur mesure propose des bouchées moelleuses en sauce dont la taille, le goût et la texture sont parfaitement adaptés aux chatons en pleine croissance. Elle contient également des nutriments tels que la vitamine C et E pour soutenir le développement du système immunitaire de votre chaton. Ces antioxydants favorisent une réponse accrue et plus rapide des anticorps après la vaccination. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy est enrichi en acides gras oméga-3 (DHA) pour soutenir le développement du cerveau et promouvoir une vision saine chez le chaton. Grâce à une combinaison de prébiotiques (MOS) et de protéines hautement digestes, ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy contribue également à maintenir l'équilibre de la flore intestinale pour une digestion optimale. Conçu pour satisfaire le fin palais des chatons les plus exigeants, ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy offre une expérience sensorielle agréable, favorise une bonne hydratation, et se marie parfaitement avec une alimentation mixte comprenant les croquettes ROYAL CANIN® Kitten. Il est essentiel de noter que les besoins nutritionnels des chatons évoluent rapidement au cours de leur croissance. À l'âge de 12 mois, une transition vers une alimentation adaptée aux besoins nutritionnels d'un chat adulte, telle que la gamme d'aliments pour chats adultes de ROYAL CANIN®, est recommandée. Chez Royal Canin, nous nous engageons à créer un monde meilleur pour les chats et les chiens. Forts de plus de 50 ans de collaboration étroite avec des éleveurs, des vétérinaires et des experts en animaux de compagnie, nous offrons une approche dédiée à des solutions nutritionnelles précises et individualisées. Tous nos produits subissent un processus de contrôle qualité strict pour garantir des aliments de qualité optimale. Nous sélectionnons des nutriments durables, sans ajout de conservateurs, de colorants ni d'arômes artificiels. Ainsi, lorsque votre chaton consomme ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy, il bénéficie d'une alimentation complète et équilibrée.

Royal Canin Instinctive in Gravy pour chat 12 x 85g

19.29 EUR
Lorsque vous nourrissez votre chat, il est possible de concilier ce qu'il veut réellement manger et ce dont il a besoin afin de maintenir sa bonne santé nutritionnelle. Choisir le bon régime alimentaire pour votre chat est essentiel au maintien d'un mode de vie sain. De plus, si votre chat apprécie ce qu'il mange, il en sera d'autant plus agréable. ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive en Sauce est conçu pour correspondre au profil macro-nutritionnel optimal que les chats adultes. préfèrent instinctivement. Ses nutriments soigneusement choisis pour la meilleure palatabilité possible en font un plat auquel votre chat ne pourra tout simplement pas résister. Incluant un vaste assortiment de vitamines, de minéraux et d'acides aminés (tous nécessaires au maintien d'une bonne santé générale et à une croissance régulière), ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive en Sauce offre à votre chat une nourriture à la fois très digeste et équilibrée sur le plan nutritionnel. Pour entrer davantage dans les détails de sa composition, cette formule nutritive comprend des protéines pour maintenir l'activité musculaire et la solidité osseuse, des fibres brutes pour renforcer l'appareil digestif et des cendres brutes nécessaires à l'apport de taux appropriés de minéraux tels que le potassium. De plus, ce mélange de nutriments n'a pas seulement été élaboré pour être préféré d'instinct et être sain sur le plan nutritionnel, mais aussi pour aider votre chat à maintenir son poids de forme et à renforcer le bon fonctionnement de son système urinaire. ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive en Sauce contient la teneur recommandée en matières grasses pour une bonne régulation des niveaux d'énergie. Enfin, le mélange de fibres et de protéines contribue à la sensation de satiété. Chez ROYAL CANIN® , nous nous engageons à fournir des solutions nutritionnelles adaptées aux besoins de votre animal. Tous nos produits sont soumis à un rigoureux contrôle qualité afin de garantir une qualité optimale de la nourriture et de répondre aux besoins alimentaires et au mode de vie spécifiques de votre chat. Ainsi, lorsque votre chat mange des produits ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive en Sauce, il reçoit une alimentation complète et équilibrée.

Royal Canin Kitten in Jelly pour chats 12x85g

21.59 EUR
À l'âge de 4 mois, bien que la croissance de votre chaton puisse ralentir, son niveau d'activité, lui, ne cesse d'augmenter ! À ce stade, il a besoin d'une nutrition adaptée pour soutenir le développement de ses os, muscles, organes, ainsi que de son système nerveux et immunitaire. De plus, il s'apprête à développer 30 dents définitives. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly (en gelée) a été soigneusement élaboré pour répondre aux besoins nutritionnels spécifiques des chatons pendant leur croissance, notamment entre 4 et 12 mois, une période caractérisée par d'importants changements physiques et comportementaux. Cette formule sur mesure propose des bouchées moelleuses en gelée dont la taille, le goût et la texture sont parfaitement adaptés aux chatons en pleine croissance. Elle contient également des nutriments tels que la vitamine C et E pour soutenir le développement du système immunitaire de votre chaton. Ces antioxydants favorisent une réponse accrue et plus rapide des anticorps après la vaccination. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly est enrichi en acides gras oméga-3 (DHA) pour soutenir le développement du cerveau et favoriser une bonne vision. Grâce à une combinaison de prébiotiques (MOS) et de protéines hautement digestes, ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly contribue également à maintenir l'équilibre de la flore intestinale pour une digestion optimale. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly a été développé pour satisfaire le fin palais des chatons les plus exigeants. Cette alimentation humide offre à votre chaton une expérience sensorielle agréable, soutient une bonne hydratation, et convient parfaitement pour une alimentation mixte avec les croquettes ROYAL CANIN® Kitten. Il est essentiel de noter que les besoins nutritionnels des chatons évoluent rapidement au cours de leur croissance. À l'âge de 12 mois, une transition vers une alimentation adaptée aux besoins nutritionnels d'un chat adulte, telle que la gamme d'aliments pour chats adultes de ROYAL CANIN®, est recommandée. Chez Royal Canin, nous nous engageons à créer un monde meilleur pour les chats et les chiens. Forts de plus de 50 ans de collaboration étroite avec des éleveurs, des vétérinaires et des experts en animaux de compagnie, nous offrons une approche dédiée à des solutions nutritionnelles précises et individualisées. Tous nos produits subissent un processus de contrôle qualité strict pour garantir des aliments de qualité optimale. Nous sélectionnons des nutriments durables, sans ajout de conservateurs, de colorants ni d'arômes artificiels. Ainsi, lorsque votre chaton consomme ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly, il bénéficie d'une alimentation complète et équilibrée.

BeautyGlam Health Plus, Everyday Fiber, 340g (12oz)

74.99 EUR
Product Description: Natural Psyllium HuskSupports Heart HealthHelps Maintain Regular Bowel ActivitySupplementsGluten-FreeGood Manufacturing Practices (GMP) QualityHeart-BenefitsSoluble dietary fiber derived from foods such as psyllium is low in saturated fat and cholesterol As an ingredient, it is effective in lowering the risk of heart disease. One daily serving of dietary fiber provides 4 of the 7 grams of psyllium extract needed to achieve these benefits.A Sure Commitment It all starts with integrity. We never make products that you wouldn't consume yourself or give to your children. Product usage: Scoop 1 tablespoon up to 3 times a day, mix in 8 oz of water, and drink immediately. First-time users: Initially, take a generous 1 tablespoon per day and gradually increase the amount to 3 tablespoons per day. If you feel a little bloated, halve your dose and gradually increase it. For weight management: Take one serving 1 hour before each meal. It may help you feel full. Precautions: This supplement should be taken with at least one drink. If this product is not taken with enough liquid, choking may occur. Do not take this product if you have difficulty swallowing. There is a safety seal under the lid. Do not use if damaged.Contents sold by weight, not volume.When discarding, place in trash can and do not pour down drain.For California residents only: Consuming this product may expose you to chemicals including lead, which may affect California It is known in the state to cause birth defects and reproductive problems. California Proposition 65. Health Plus, Everyday Fiber, 340g (12oz)

Royal Canin Veterinary Gastro Intestinal Chat Aliment Humide 12 x 85g

21.7 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Gastro Intestinal Chat Aliment Humide 12 x 85g est un aliment diététique complet pour chats contenant une formule hautement digestible grâce à une teneur équilibrée en fibres et prébiotiques. De plus, cet aliment propose une haute appétence pour satisfaire les animaux présentant une perte d'appétit.

BeautyGlam Blackmores Gut Health Probiotics Plus 10 Billion Lactobacillus 30 Capsules + 30 Capsules (2 Months Supply)

186.57 EUR
product name : intestinal health probiotics plus 10 billion lactic acid bacteria name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] cultech limited [export country] united kingdom [manufacturing country] united kingdom [import sales agency] blackmore korea limited expiration date and storage method : 540 days from date of manufacture capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : 30 capsules, total 30-day intake, daily intake: 1 capsule (415 mg) function information : probiotics: can help promote smooth bowel movements by suppressing the growth of lactic acid bacteria and harmful bacteria. specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea

BeautyGlam Health Plus, fibres alimentaires probiotiques, 20 milliards d'UFC, 30 gélules

67.69 EUR
Description du produit: 20 milliards d'UFC**12 types de souches probiotiques + prébiotiqueComplément alimentaire stimulant la santé digestive et immunitaireSans glutenBonne fabrication et contrôle qualité (BPF) qualitéNourrit le côlon avec les ingrédients dont il a besoin pour maintenir la santé du côlon Veuillez fournir. Contient des fibres prébiotiques et un spectre équilibré de 12 souches probiotiques. Les probiotiques contribuent à une santé digestive optimale ainsi qu'à une réponse immunitaire saine. Parce que les probiotiques sont vivants, ils ont besoin de nourriture. Les prébiotiques sont les fibres que les probiotiques peuvent digérer. Ce processus est connu sous le nom de symbiose, où les prébiotiques et les probiotiques travaillent ensemble pour vous rendre plus heureux. Une promesse sûre. Tout commence par l’intégrité. Nous ne fabriquons jamais de produits que vous ne consommeriez pas vous-même ou que vous ne donneriez pas à vos enfants. **Unités formant des colonies au moment de la fabrication Utilisation du produit: Prendre 1 capsule par jour avec de la nourriture ou à jeun. Les fibres probiotiques peuvent être consommées régulièrement pour favoriser la santé globale. Ingrédients: Gélatine, cellulose, maltodextrine. Précautions: Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes ou qui allaitent.. Il y a une bande transparente et un joint de sécurité sous le capuchon. Ne pas utiliser s'il est cassé. Réservé aux résidents de Californie: La consommation de ce produit peut vous exposer à des produits chimiques, notamment au plomb, reconnu par l'État de Californie comme pouvant provoquer des malformations congénitales et des troubles de la reproduction.. Proposition 65 de Californie. Health Plus, fibres alimentaires probiotiques, 20 milliards d'UFC, 30 gélules

BeautyGlam Health Plus, Psyllium Husk, 12 oz (340 g)

78.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: Scoop 1 tablespoon up to 3 times a day, mix in 8 oz of water, and drink immediately. First-time users: Start with a generous 1 tablespoon per day and gradually increase to 3 tablespoons per day. If you experience mild bloating, halve your dose and gradually increase it. For weight management: Take 1 serving 1 hour before a meal. It may help you feel full. Other ingredients included: Active ingredient: approx. 8 grams of pure psyllium bark fiber in each heaping tablespoon. Precautions: This supplement should be taken with at least one drink. If this product is not taken with enough liquid, choking may occur. Do not take this product if you have trouble swallowing. Contents are sold by weight, not volume. For California residents only: Consuming this product may expose you to chemicals including lead, which is a congenital substance in the state of California. It is known to cause deformities and reproductive problems. California Proposition 65. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam Health Plus, Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine, Extra Strength, 90 Capsules

65.29 EUR
Product Description: Powerful AntioxidantsPromotes Heart and Joint HealthBioavailability EnhancedTurmeric 1,750mgSupplementGluten-FreeGMP Quality ProductBioPerine®Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda for its benefits related to joints, heart, digestion and overall health. In addition to turmeric root, our formula also contains 150 mg of turmeric extract, the most powerful compound in turmeric standardized to 95% curcuminoids, which can help boost the body's natural inflammatory response. Our formula also contains clinically studied, highly absorbable BioPerine® to maximize the effectiveness of your turmeric supplement. A Sure Commitment It all starts with integrity. We only make products that you can use and give to children. Directions for use: Take 3 capsules daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Gelatin, cellulose. Precautions: As with any supplement, consult a healthcare professional before taking. Consult your healthcare professional before taking turmeric supplements if you are pregnant or nursing, have a history of gallstones, kidney stones, bile duct blockage, or are taking prescription medications before taking turmeric supplements. Keep out of reach of children. Store at temperatures below 30°C (86°F). There is a clear band and safety seal under the lid. Do not use if broken.For California residents only: Consumption of this product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects and reproductive harm. California Proposition 65. Health Plus, Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine, Extra Strength, 90 Capsules

BeautyGlam Blackmores Gut Health Probiotics Plus 10 Billion Lactobacillus 30 Capsules (1 month supply)

100.34 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- product name : intestinal health probiotics plus 10 billion lactic acid bacteria name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] cultech limited [export country] united kingdom [manufacturing country] united kingdom [import sales agency] blackmore korea limited expiration date and storage method : 540 days from date of manufacture capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : 30 capsules, total 30-day intake, daily intake: 1 capsule (415 mg) function information : probiotics: can help promote smooth bowel movements by suppressing the growth of lactic acid bacteria and harmful bacteria. specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea *it may be shipped as a renewed new product, such as a brand label design container. *the gift product may sell out early due to brand circumstances, so only the original product may be shipped. *if a special, limited, or special product is sold out, the original product may be sent as the same regular product. *when sending general products, components other than the main product may be excluded. *example) main product + keyring → only main product sent *example) 2 main products + 1 free 10ml product → only 2 main products are sent

BeautyGlam Anguk Health I-One Lutein Plus Gift for Eyes 180 Capsules (6 months supply)

144.08 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- product name : ione lutein plus, good for your eyes name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] cosmax bio co., ltd. / 30 biovalley 3-ro, jecheon-si, chungcheongbuk-do [seller] anguk health co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : 24 months from the date of manufacture, / the manufacture date of this product varies depending on the date of receipt, so it is difficult to provide accurate information. for further inquiries, please call the customer center (1899-5707) capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : 500mg x 180 capsules function information : [lutein] helps eye health by maintaining macular pigment density, which can decrease due to aging. [beta-carotene] necessary for visual adaptation in dark places, necessary to form and maintain the function of skin and mucous membranes, necessary for the growth and development of epithelial cells. [zinc] necessary for normal immune function, necessary for normal cell division. [selenium] necessary to protect cells from harmful oxygen, [vitamin e] necessary to protect cells from harmful oxygen. [copper] necessary for transport and use of iron, necessary for protecting cells from harmful oxygen [manganese] necessary for bone formation, necessary for energy use, necessary for protecting cells from harmful oxygen specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea *it may be shipped as a renewed new product, such as a brand label design container. *the gift product may sell out early due to brand circumstances, so only the original product may be shipped. *if a special, limited, or special product is sold out, the original product may be sent as the same regular product. *when sending general products, components other than the main product may be excluded. *example) main product + keyring → only main product sent *example) 2 main products + 1 free 10ml product → only 2 main products are sent

BeautyGlam Lee Young-ae's Health Food Sprout Enzyme Plus (30 Sticks)

41.13 EUR
Item and Product Name : Lee Young-ae's Health Food Sprout Enzyme Plus (30 Sticks) Food Type : Enzyme Food Date of manufacture and expiration date (quality maintenance period) : Be advised that it is difficult to provide the extract delivery date as it may vary from one to another. Please check the expiration date on the back of the product. (24 months from the date of manufacture) / How To Store: Keep it at room temperature. Nutrition Info : N Food Import Declaration : N Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam Anguk Health Good for Eyes Lutein Plus Gift 120 Capsules (4 months supply)

125.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- product name : ione lutein plus, good for your eyes name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] cosmax bio co., ltd. / 30 biovalley 3-ro, jecheon-si, chungcheongbuk-do [seller] anguk health co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : the manufacturing date of this product varies depending on the date of receipt, so it is difficult to provide accurate information. (2 years from date of manufacture) capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : see detailed page function information : see detailed page specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea *it may be shipped as a renewed new product, such as a brand label design container. *the gift product may sell out early due to brand circumstances, so only the original product may be shipped. *if a special, limited, or special product is sold out, the original product may be sent as the same regular product. *when sending general products, components other than the main product may be excluded. *example) main product + keyring → only main product sent *example) 2 main products + 1 free 10ml product → only 2 main products are sent

BeautyGlam Health Plus, 100% Pure Psyllium Husk, 680g (24oz)

119.99 EUR
Product Description: Daily intake of natural fiber for regular bowel movementsPromotes digestive healthGentle body cleansingSupplementMade with 100% natural ingredientsGluten-freeGMP QualityUnwavering CommitmentIt all starts with integrity. We never make products that you wouldn't consume yourself or give to your children. How to use the product: Scoop 1 tablespoon up to 3 times a day, mix with 8oz of water, and drink immediately. For first-time users: Start with 1 tablespoon a day and gradually increase the amount up to 3 tablespoons a day. If you notice mild bloating, halve the dose and gradually increase it. For weight management: Take 1 serving 1 hour before a meal. This may help you feel less hungry. ingredients: Made with 100% natural ingredients. Please note: Contents are sold by weight, not volume. When disposing of waste, dispose of it in a trash can and do not dispose of it in the plumbing system. This supplement should be taken with at least one drink. Taking this product without enough fluids may cause choking. If you have trouble swallowing, do not consume this product.For California residents only: Consuming this product may expose you to chemicals, including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects and reproductive harm. California Proposition 65. Health Plus, 100% Pure Psyllium Husk, 680g (24oz)

BeautyGlam Health Plus, Original Colon Cleansing, 12 oz (340 g)

70.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: Scoop 1 tablespoon up to 3 times a day, mix in 8 oz of water, and drink immediately. First-time users: Initially, take a generous 1 tablespoon per day and gradually increase the amount to 3 tablespoons per day. If you feel slightly bloated, halve the dose and gradually increase it.For weight management: Take 1 serving 1 hour before a meal. This may help you feel less hungry. Note: There is a safety seal under the lid. Do not take if damaged.Contents sold by weight, not volume.When discarding, place in trash can and do not pour into drain.Caution: This supplement should be taken with at least one drink. If this product is not taken with enough liquid, choking may occur. Do not take this product if you have trouble swallowing.For California residents only: Taking this product can expose you to chemicals, including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects and reproductive harm. California Proposition 65. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam Health Plus, Adrenal Support, 90 Capsules

79.43 EUR
Product Description: Supports the body to cope with everyday stressStrengthens adrenal functionRelieves fatigueSupplementGluten-freeHigh quality product compliant with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)You don't have to deal with everyday stress and fatigue alone. We're here to help! Adrenal Support utilizes the powerful antioxidants amla berry, ginseng, black pepper, and astaxanthin, and the adaptogens ashwagandha root and astragalus root to support emotional health.A Firm Commitment It all starts with integrity. We never make products that you wouldn't consume yourself or give to your children. Product usage: Take 2 capsules twice daily. Ingredients: Gelatin, cellulose, magnesium stearate. Note: For California residents only. WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects or reproductive harm. Formula 65. Not recommended for use if pregnant or lactating.​There is a transparent band and safety seal under the cap. Do not use if damaged. Health Plus, Adrenal Support, 90 Capsules

BeautyGlam Lee Young-ae's Health Food Active Enzyme Plus (30 Sticks)

43.39 EUR
Item and Product Name : Lee Young-ae's Health Food Active Enzyme Plus (30 Sticks) Food Type : Enzyme Food Date of manufacture and expiration date (quality maintenance period) : Be advised that it is difficult to provide the extract delivery date as it may vary from one to another. Please check the expiration date on the back of the product. (24 months from the date of manufacture) / How To Store: Keep it at room temperature. Nutrition Info : N Food Import Declaration : N Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam Anguk Health DIVE IN FIT (28 days worth)

51.08 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- product name : dive in fit name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] bl healthcare co., ltd. factory 2 / 38 yangcheong songdae-gil, ochang-eup, cheongwon-gu, cheongju-si, chungcheongbuk-do [seller] anguk health co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : 24 months from the date of manufacture / store in a cool, low-humidity place, avoiding direct sunlight. keep out of reach of children. to avoid incorrect ingestion and to protect and maintain quality, do not put it in other containers. capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : 21 g (750 mg function information : [green tea extract] can help with antioxidants, reducing body fat, and improving blood cholesterol [vitamin c] necessary for forming connective tissue and maintaining its function. necessary for iron absorption. it is necessary to protect cells from harmful oxygen by acting as an antioxidant. specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea *it may be shipped as a renewed new product, such as a brand label design container. *the gift product may sell out early due to brand circumstances, so only the original product may be shipped. *if a special, limited, or special product is sold out, the original product may be sent as the same regular product. *when sending general products, components other than the main product may be excluded. *example) main product + keyring → only main product sent *example) 2 main products + 1 free 10ml product → only 2 main products are sent

BeautyGlam Emerald Laboratories, Promotes Bladder Health in Men and Women with Urox Blend, 60 Veggie Capsules

102.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Adults: Take 2 capsules daily with a meal or as directed by a physician. Other ingredients included: Veggie capsule.Free from: corn protein, milk, salt, yeast, soy, added sugars, wheat, artificial flavors and preservatives. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal on cap or printed inner seal is damaged or missing. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, currently taking prescription medications, or have a diagnosed medical condition. Store in a cool, dry place. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

Ubisoft Just Dance 2025 Code In A Box Nintendo Switch

49.99 EUR
Il y en a pour tous les goûts dans Just Dance 2025 Edition. Dansez sur des tubes emblématiques, des incontournables de soirées, des grands classiques, des phénomènes d'Internet et bien plus encore, comme : - « yes, and? » par Ariana Grande - « Unstoppable » par Sia -« Poker Face » par Lady Gaga -« Basket Case » par Green Day - « Calabria 2007 » par Enur Ft. Natasja De facile à intense, choisissez votre difficulté Que vous jouiez avec vos amis ou en famille, il y a des chorégraphies pour tous les goûts, des plus simples aux plus complexes. Certaines chansons vous proposent différents niveaux de difficulté en fonction du coach que vous choisissez. Il y a toujours une raison de danser, peu importe la saison* Participez aux événements saisonniers toute l'année pour danser sur des hits endiablés, avancer dans le suivi de progression et obtenir de nouvelles récompenses. Mode entraînement pour les amateurs de fitness Commencez votre propre routine sportive et dépensez-vous tout en vous amusant avec le mode entraînement. Restez motivé(e) en suivant vos calories brûlées et le temps passé à danser. Une plateforme avec tout le contenu Quelle que soit l'édition en votre possession (Just Dance 2023 Edition, Just Dance 2024 Edition ou Just Dance 2025 Edition), vous et vos ami(e)s êtes connecté(e)s sur la même plateforme. Si vous possédez plusieurs éditions, leur contenu sera réuni au même endroit ! Vous voulez continuer à faire la fête ? Abonnez-vous à Just Dance+ et profitez de centaines de chansons et d'événements spéciaux en jeu.** *Contenu additionnel ajouté régulièrement pour une durée limitée pendant les 12 mois suivant le lancement du jeu ; téléchargement requis. **Just Dance+ est un service à la demande accessible depuis Just Dance 2023 Edition, Just Dance 2024 Edition et Just Dance 2025 Edition, et donne accès à des chansons supplémentaires. Des conditions d'utilisation s'appliquent. Nécessite une connexion à un compte Ubisoft, un compte console, un accès permanent à Internet et le paiement d'un abonnement. Des restrictions d'âge et de territoire peuvent s'appliquer.

Ubisoft Just Dance 2025 Code In A Box Ps5

49.99 EUR
Il y en a pour tous les goûts dans Just Dance 2025 Edition. Dansez sur des tubes emblématiques, des incontournables de soirées, des grands classiques, des phénomènes d'Internet et bien plus encore, comme : - « yes, and? » par Ariana Grande - « Unstoppable » par Sia -« Poker Face » par Lady Gaga -« Basket Case » par Green Day - « Calabria 2007 » par Enur Ft. Natasja De facile à intense, choisissez votre difficulté Que vous jouiez avec vos amis ou en famille, il y a des chorégraphies pour tous les goûts, des plus simples aux plus complexes. Certaines chansons vous proposent différents niveaux de difficulté en fonction du coach que vous choisissez. Il y a toujours une raison de danser, peu importe la saison* Participez aux événements saisonniers toute l'année pour danser sur des hits endiablés, avancer dans le suivi de progression et obtenir de nouvelles récompenses. Mode entraînement pour les amateurs de fitness Commencez votre propre routine sportive et dépensez-vous tout en vous amusant avec le mode entraînement. Restez motivé(e) en suivant vos calories brûlées et le temps passé à danser. Une plateforme avec tout le contenu Quelle que soit l'édition en votre possession (Just Dance 2023 Edition, Just Dance 2024 Edition ou Just Dance 2025 Edition), vous et vos ami(e)s êtes connecté(e)s sur la même plateforme. Si vous possédez plusieurs éditions, leur contenu sera réuni au même endroit ! Vous voulez continuer à faire la fête ? Abonnez-vous à Just Dance+ et profitez de centaines de chansons et d'événements spéciaux en jeu.** *Contenu additionnel ajouté régulièrement pour une durée limitée pendant les 12 mois suivant le lancement du jeu ; téléchargement requis. **Just Dance+ est un service à la demande accessible depuis Just Dance 2023 Edition, Just Dance 2024 Edition et Just Dance 2025 Edition, et donne accès à des chansons supplémentaires. Des conditions d'utilisation s'appliquent. Nécessite une connexion à un compte Ubisoft, un compte console, un accès permanent à Internet et le paiement d'un abonnement. Des restrictions d'âge et de territoire peuvent s'appliquer.

Royal Canin Veterinary Chat Gastrointestinal 4kg

69.84 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Chat Gastrointestinal 4kg est un aliment diététique complet pour les chiens souffrant de problèmes de transit. Sa formule est composée d'une teneur élevée en énergie ce qui permet de réduire la quantité alimentaire de la portion et ainsi de réduire la charge intestinale. De plus cet aliment diététique est hautement digestible et permet de réduire les risques de création de calculs de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. Cet aliment est très appétent et plait aux chats ayant une perte d'appétit.

NOW Foods, UC-II Joint Health, Contains Undenatured Type II Collagen, 60 Capsules

71.7 EUR
Product Description: Enhances comfortable joint movement and healthy joint functionAquaminUC-II®SupplementNon-GMOPromotes overall healthFamily business founded in 1968GMP certifiedCartilage is one of the body's major connective tissues, providing flexible movement and support for joints. It plays a role. Undenatured type II collagen is the main structural protein of cartilage, responsible for tensile strength and stiffness. Derived from chicken breast cartilage, UC-II® ingredient is a unique form of collagen containing undenatured (natural) type II collagen that works with the immune system to promote joint health. Human clinical trials have proven that taking just one capsule containing 40 mg of UC-II® per day helps maintain comfortable joint movement, healthy joint function, and flexibility. Product usage: Take 1 capsule daily on an empty stomach before bedtime. Ingredients: Hypromellose (cellulose capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch (non-GMO), potassium chloride (stabilizer), stearic acid (vegetable raw material), silicon dioxide. This product contains yeast, wheat, Not manufactured with gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts or sesame ingredients. Produced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility that processes other raw materials containing these allergens. Made in the USA from imported raw materials and quality tested. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. This product may undergo natural color changes. Store in a cool, dry place after opening. NOW Foods, UC-II Joint Health, Contains Undenatured Type II Collagen, 60 Capsules

NOW Foods, UC-II Joint Health, Undenatured Type II Collagen, 120 Veggie Capsules

119.99 EUR
Product Description: Enhances comfortable joint movement and healthy joint functionUC-II®Aquamin SupplementNon-GMOPromotes Overall HealthFamily Business Founded in 1968GMP Quality AssuranceCartilage is one of the main connective tissues in the body, supporting and flexible joints. Make it move properly. Undenatured type II collagen is the main structural protein of cartilage, responsible for tensile strength and stiffness. Derived from chicken breast cartilage, UC-II® ingredient is a unique form of collagen containing undenatured (natural) type II collagen that works with the immune system to promote joint health. Human clinical trials have proven that taking just one capsule containing 40 mg of UC-II® per day contributes to comfortable joint movement and healthy joint function and flexibility. Product usage: Take 1 tablet daily on an empty stomach before going to bed. Ingredients: Hypromellose (cellulose capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid (vegetable source), silicon dioxide and potassium chloride (stabilizer). This product does not contain yeast, wheat, gluten, soybean, milk, egg, Not manufactured with ingredients from fish, shellfish, shellfish or tree nuts. Produced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility that also processes other raw materials containing these allergenic ingredients. Caution: Caution: This product is for adults only. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.Do not use desiccant. Store in its original bottle. This product may naturally change color. NOW Foods, UC-II Joint Health, Undenatured Type II Collagen, 120 Veggie Capsules

NOW Foods, Clinical Heart Health Probiotic, 60 Veggie Capsules

56.99 EUR
Product Description: Promotes blood circulationMaintains cholesterol levels in the natural rangeClinical Strain NCIMB 0242SupplementsSuitable for Vegetarians/VegansVerified StrainPromotes DigestionFamily Business Founded in 1968GMP CertifiedNon-GMOLRC™NOW® Heart Health Probio Tick ​​contains Lactobacillus reuteri LRC™, the first clinically proven heart-healthy probiotic. LRC™ helps maintain cholesterol levels already in a healthy range by maintaining healthy cholesterol production in the liver and supporting the body's normal cholesterol elimination pathways. LRC™ may also promote a balanced immune system response and normal C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which may benefit cardiovascular health. This strain has been shown to improve vitamin D levels. The probiotic strains in this product have been identified and confirmed using DNA fingerprinting technology. Directions for use: Take 1 capsule twice daily with the largest meal of the day. Store in the refrigerator to maintain effectiveness. Ingredients: Organic inulin, hypromellose (cellulose capsule), stearic acid (vegetable) and silicon dioxide. This product is not manufactured with wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts or sesame ingredients. . Produced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility that also processes other raw materials containing these allergens. Precautions: Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medications (especially immunosuppressive medications), or have a medical condition (particularly a compromised immune system). Keep out of reach of children. This product may naturally change color. NOW Foods, Clinical Heart Health Probiotic, 60 Veggie Capsules

YAKULT Health Foods Huile de poisson Omega DHA+EPA, 210 comprimés

72.99 EUR
YAKULT DHA+EPA - complexe d'acides gras polyinsaturés DHA+ EPA avec vitamine E. Les acides gras polyinsaturés sont nécessaires au bon fonctionnement humain. Ils ne sont pas produits par notre corps, mais y pénètrent avec la nourriture.. De plus, les acides gras polyinsaturés jouent un rôle important dans le bon fonctionnement du cerveau. Le complexe YAKULT DHA+EPA a un effet bénéfique sur l'ensemble du corps. Favorise la santé des yeux et la beauté naturelle de la peau, réduit les niveaux de triglycérides. Aide à maintenir l’énergie et le bien-être. Les composants du complexe ont des propriétés générales fortifiantes et immunostimulantes. Il contient également de la vitamine E. Le DHA+EPA en combinaison avec la vitamine E a des effets antioxydants, antioxydants et anti-inflammatoires, favorise la restauration rapide des tissus endommagés. Mode d'application:Prendre 7 gélules par jour avec de l'eau. Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants du produit. Ce n'est pas un médicament, consultez votre médecin avant utilisation. Fabriqué au Japon.

Revlon Professional Soin des cheveux Uniqone All In One Hair Treatment Mental Health Limited Edition

12.43 EUR
Aujourd'hui, notre mode de vie trépidant ne nous laisse souvent plus de temps pour nous-mêmes. Le manque de temps est une cause majeure de stress. Nous nous sentons surmenés et perdons le contact avec nous-mêmes et avec les autres. Uniqone s'est donné pour mission d'accroître la prise de conscience du bien-être mental. You and your mind are one. Avec la nouvelle édition limitée du traitement capillaire UniqOne, qui symbolise notre soutien inlassable au bien-être mental, nous utilisons le pouvoir de la couleur bleue. Le soin sans rinçage pour tous les types de cheveux offre non seulement les avantages particuliers 10 en 1 dans un seul produit de soin capillaire, mais aussi un nouveau parfum relaxant au jasmin et à la vanille qui vous invite à prendre soin de vous et à vous harmoniser mentalement. Ce soin capillaire sans rinçage polyvalent répare immédiatement les cheveux secs et abîmés, les renforce et réduit la casse. Il contrôle les frisottis, soigne et démêle et offre une solution complète aux besoins de vos cheveux. De plus, le soin en spray est végétalien et composé à 93 % d'ingrédients d'origine naturelle.

Shionogi Healthcare Popon S Plus 200 Tablets Comprehensive vitamins Vitamins & Health Products Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: O 1 set

76.07 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Pharmaceuticals & Quasi-drugs > Vitamin, tonic, and health supplements > Vitamins & Health Products > Comprehensive vitamins > Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: Old age Shionogi Healthcare Popon S Plus 200 Tablets Comprehensive vitamins Vitamins & Health Products Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: Old age This vitamin-containing health food contains 11 vitamins and 3 minerals that support the maintenance and promotion of good health. (When other preparations containing vitamins, etc. are used at the same time, be careful not to overdose.) Adults (15 years and older) - 2 tablets per dose, 1 time per dayChildren (6 years and older but under 15 years) - 1 tablet per dose, 1 time per dayUnder 6 years - Do not allow the child to take. --- Dosage form/shape: ------ sugar-coated tablets--- (2) Keep out of the reach of children.

BeautyGlam Emerald Laboratories, Prostate Health, 90 Veggie Capsules

98.99 EUR
Product Description: The Additive-Free Company®Doctor-Designed FormulaVegan Formula Saw Palmetto Extract (45% Free Fatty Acids) Seleno Excell® Supplement Containing Selenium G63® Pollen Extract Clinical Effectiveness Manufactured with Non-GMO Ingredients Free of Magnesium Stearate Made with Gluten-Free, Whole Foods Albion Minerals Contains a clinical blend of synergistic nutrients proven to support prostate health. Emerald Labs has been a family business since 2001. We are committed to providing your home with superior nutrient forms in therapeutic doses, without additives. Directions for use: Adults, take 3 capsules daily with food or on an empty stomach, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Veggie Capsule. This product contains corn, milk, salt, wheat, and artificial flavoring. Products are manufactured in a facility that processes: milk, eggs, soybeans, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and crustaceans. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal on lid or printed inner seal is damaged or missing. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, currently taking prescription medications, or have a diagnosed medical condition. Store in a cool, dry place. Emerald Laboratories, Prostate Health, 90 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Berberine HCl+, 120 Capsules

88.99 EUR
Directions for use: Take two capsules, preferably with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide. This product is manufactured and packaged in facilities that also process milk, soybeans, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustaceans. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Discontinue use if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Pregnant or lactating mothers, or children under 18 years of age, should not take this product. Discontinue use if diarrhea or cramps occur. If you have a known medical condition or are taking prescription medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Berberine HCl+, 120 Capsules

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Adrenaline Health, Dietary Supplements, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto Capsules

87.03 EUR
Product Description: Holy BasilStress ManagementStress Relief and Fatigue ReliefBest-selling formula with Rhodiola, Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, and OatsHerbal SupplementFlawless - Purity - Effectiveness Established in 1987VeganGluten-freeSoy-freeSocial enterprise certificationSince 1987 The connection between plants and people started Zero Defects - Maintaining Cleanliness All products are tested for pesticides, microorganisms and heavy metals. Purity - Maintaining Quality The world's first herb traceability system Platform. Efficacy - Maintain effectiveness Concentrated plant extracts are contained in patented Phyto-Caps®. Directions for use: Adults, take 2 capsules in the morning. For better results, take 2 capsules in the afternoon. Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, purified water, vegetable capsule (hypromellose), and olive oil. Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before use. Rhodiola should not be taken if you have bipolar disorder. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed on the label. This product is sealed for safety. Always keep the container capped and store in a cool, dry place. Natural separation may occur, but this does not affect product quality. Gaia Herbs, Adrenaline Health, Dietary Supplements, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto Capsules

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Multivitamin Essentials for Pregnant Women, Natural Mint, 60 Capsules

111.99 EUR
Product Description: Contains DHA and choline to support growth and development. Natural mint flavor supplement. Vegan. Non-GMO. Uses bioavailable and bioactive forms of vitamins to provide 15 essential nutrients to fill in the gaps in the mother's diet and support a healthy pregnancy. It helps. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily with meals. For detailed dosage instructions, consult your doctor before taking. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (cellulose), cellulose, silica, rice bran lipid. Free from: gluten, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish and shellfish, soy, sesame, egg, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners and unnecessary additives. Note: One of the biggest causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age is accidental overdose of iron-containing products. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Fairhaven Health, Multivitamin Essentials for Pregnant Women, Natural Mint, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Jigsaw Health, Curcumin C3 Complex, 60 Capsules

89.99 EUR
Product Description: Provides pleasant pleasure. Supports brain, joint health, and immune system health. Non-GMO, Gluten-free, Soy-free, Vegan. Verified as stated on label. Nutritional supplement Curcumin C3 Complex® has been published in 45 peer-reviewed journals. More than one study completed clinical testing. This unique formula uses the three most effective research-based curcuminoids. Curcumin C3 Complex® neutralizes the damage free radicals do to the body, promoting healthy aging and supporting brain, heart, immune and joint health. Product Usage: Take one capsule daily as a nutritional supplement. Or take as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Veggie capsule, brown rice powder (powder), organic Nu-mag and silicon dioxide (synergy anti-coagulant). Precautions: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Jigsaw Health, Curcumin C3 Complex, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Force Factor, with Total Bees® CoQ10, Ultimate Heart Health Booster, Black Cherry, 60 Superfood Soft Chews

121.38 EUR
Product Description: Best Heart HealthAmerica's #1 Best Selling Beet Brand*Blood Pressure Health Support4-IN-Heart FormulaBeet Root Nitrates, Grape Seed, B VitaminsClinically Effective Blood Pressure SupportImprove Circulation and Blood FlowEnhance Heart Health EnergyMegaNatural®BPGrape Seed Extracts, Supports Blood Pressure Health^SupplementsFlavored with Natural FlavorsNo Artificial ColorsNo Artificial SweetenersNo GelatinKosher DairyUnleash Your PotentialNO3 Nitrate TechnologyTake Care of Your Heart Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health soft chews help boost blood pressure and boost cardiovascular health in the most delicious way imaginable. This powerful formula contains key ingredients that have been clinically studied by the latest heart research to stimulate nitric oxide production, stimulate circulation, improve blood flow, and boost cellular energy. All soft chews contain a powerful four-in-one blend of beetroot nitrates, CoQ10, B vitamins, and MegaNatural®-BP. MegaNatural®-BP is a patented grape seed extract that has been shown in clinical studies to be 5.5 times better for systolic blood pressure and 1.5 times better for diastolic blood pressure. backup. Total Bees Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews contain no artificial dyes or sweeteners and are a convenient and delicious way to support cardiovascular health.^Key Ingredients of Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews in a 4-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study MegaNatural®-BP is clinically proven to be 5 times more effective in maintaining normal blood pressure. Higher absorption rate than a healthy lifestyle.*IRI MULO L52 as of November 5, 2023 Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take only as directed in the product description. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult your healthcare professional before taking this product. This product contains nitrates. It should not be taken with other products containing nitrates, including medications for chest pain or erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors. If surgery is scheduled, stop taking this medication 2 weeks before surgery. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Product usage: Take 2 soft chews once a day. Ingredients: Tapioca syrup, unprocessed sugar cane, palm oil, gum arabic, sunflower lecithin (emulsifier), natural flavor, fruit/vegetable juice (color), citric acid, sea salt. Allergy risk warning: milk, egg, soybean, wheat, shellfish. and crustaceans, fish, nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Proudly manufactured in the United States with imported and American-made ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take it only according to the product instructions. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult...

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Berberine HCl+, 120 Capsules

88.99 EUR
Directions for use: Take two capsules, preferably with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide. This product is manufactured and packaged in facilities that also process milk, soybeans, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustaceans. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Discontinue use if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Pregnant or lactating mothers, or children under 18 years of age, should not take this product. Discontinue use if diarrhea or cramps occur. If you have a known medical condition or are taking prescription medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Berberine HCl+, 120 Capsules

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Organic Beet Root, Organic Black Pepper, 60 Tablets

43.67 EUR
Product Description: 1,350mg Root Powder Vegan Tablets Per ServingUSDA Certified Organic Supplement Manufactured in a GMP Registered Facility Organic Certification Agency: Food Source Start your day with organic beetroot. It maintains wide blood vessels and promotes optimal blood circulation, helping with stamina and athletic ability. Directions for use: Take 2 tablets, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Organic tapioca maltodextrin, organic acacia gum, organic silica concentrate, organic membrane coating (purified water, organic maltodextrin, organic sunflower lecithin, organic palm oil, organic guar gum) and silicon dioxide. This product can also process milk. Manufactured and packaged in a facility with It is manufactured and packaged in facilities that can also process soybeans, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and crustaceans. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Stop taking if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, have a known medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Organic Beet Root, Organic Black Pepper, 60 Tablets

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Peapod, Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement, 60 Tablets

70.55 EUR
Product Description: Natural product for a healthy pregnancy Recommended by the American Pregnancy Association Small, one tablet per day Contains no artificial dyes, flavors or preservatives Peapod multivitamins for pregnant women provide a variety of vitamins and minerals in one tablet per day to help you stay healthy before and during pregnancy. Supports. It is a trusted multivitamin with a natural formula that does not contain artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, and is helpful during pregnancy preparation, during pregnancy, and after childbirth. Product usage: This product is for adults only. Take 1 tablet daily or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, aqueous coating, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, natural vanilla flavor, croscarmellose sodium. Free from: Gluten, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and artificial preservatives. Made in the USA from imported and American-sourced ingredients. Precautions: Do not take if safety seal inside cap is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is one of the leading causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Fairhaven Health, Peapod, Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement, 60 Tablets

BeautyGlam Jigsaw Health, MagSRT B-Free, Extended-Release Magnesium, 240 Tablets

126.99 EUR
Product Description: #1 selling sustained-release magnesium supplement in the U.S.**It's Fun to Feel Good8-Hour Sustained-Release TechnologyRelieves Occasional Leg Cramps and Muscle Tension100% Non-GMOGluten-FreeSoy-FreeVegan ProductDoctor CertifiedSpecific Functionality Labeling Emphasis Certified Magnesium SupplementJigsaw Health's MagSRT® B-Free** provides Albion®'s patented, best-in-class dimagnesium malate that is gentle on the body over time. emits. This extended-release, highly absorbable magnesium provides all the health benefits of magnesium without the common digestive problems found with most other magnesium supplements.**This formula is based on the best-selling, highest-rated, clinically tested MagSRT® formula. However, it does not contain active B vitamins. MagSRT® has been tested in placebo-controlled, human clinical trials. Product usage: As a supplement, take 4 tablets per day after meals. Take this medication in divided doses, if desired, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose and hydroxypropylcellulose (insoluble plant fiber to achieve SRT), L-leucine (an essential amino acid used as a lubricant), croscarmellose sodium (insoluble plant fiber to achieve SRT). Silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent), neat coating (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and sunflower oil) and microwax (easier to swallow). Precautions: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Jigsaw Health, MagSRT B-Free, Extended-Release Magnesium, 240 Tablets

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Peapod, Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement, 60 Tablets

65.54 EUR
Product Description: Natural product for a healthy pregnancy Recommended by the American Pregnancy Association Small, one tablet per day Contains no artificial dyes, flavors or preservatives Peapod multivitamins for pregnant women provide a variety of vitamins and minerals in one tablet per day to help you stay healthy before and during pregnancy. Supports. It is a trusted multivitamin with a natural formula that does not contain artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, and is helpful during pregnancy preparation, during pregnancy, and after childbirth. Product usage: This product is for adults only. Take 1 tablet daily or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, aqueous coating, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, natural vanilla flavor, croscarmellose sodium. Free from: Gluten, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and artificial preservatives. Made in the USA from imported and American-sourced ingredients. Precautions: Do not take if safety seal inside cap is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is one of the leading causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Fairhaven Health, Peapod, Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement, 60 Tablets

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, Stellar C™, 90 Veggie Capsules

127.99 EUR
Product Description: Vitamin C and Bioflavonoid Supplement Basic Health Stellar C™ is a blend of vitamin C (from a blend of ascorbic acid and acerola fruit) and plant-based bioflavonoids (hesperidin, rutin, quercetin, Rich in citrus bioflavonoids. In addition to supporting healthy immune function, these nutrients have been used to support normal collagen production and repair, maintaining vein, capillary, skin, hair and nail health. Product usage: Take one capsule per day, or as directed by your health-care practitioner. Ingredients: Cellulose (capsules), vegetable stearate. Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy or GMOs. Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients. Note: Store at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children. For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, Stellar C™, 90 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, Thyroid Synergy™, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

160.99 EUR
Product Description: Supports Healthy Thyroid FunctionDietary SupplementEndocrine/MetabolismThyroid Synergy™ is a top-quality, all-in-one formula for the nutritional support of thyroid function. The non-stimulating adaptogenic botanical American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) helps maintain healthy cortisol, blood glucose, and insulin metabolism, along with a balanced conversion of peripheral thyroid hormone. Essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients work synergistically to provide a premium thyroid product in just two capsules per day. Product usage: Take two capsules per day with meals or as directed by your health-care practitioner. ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose (capsule), vegetable stearate.Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy or GMOs.Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients. Note: Store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, Thyroid Synergy™, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

BeautyGlam Elysium, Basis, Cell Health & Optimization, 60 Capsules

156.99 EUR
Product Description: SupplementNSF® Sport certifiedAccelerates aging in cells, which is the cause of aging. Boost your cellular energy and maintain healthy DNA by increasing your NAD+ levels as a foundation for healthy aging. Basis is clinically proven to safely and sustainably increase the body's NAD+ by over 40% on average. Additionally, Elysium's toxicology studies confirmed the superiority of NR-E inBasis over other published NAD+ supplements, demonstrating the company's rigorous commitment to research and quality. Elysium's unique high-purity niacinamide riboside (NR-E) and powerful antioxidant pterostilbene (PT) work synergistically to make Basis even more effective. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily in the morning with food or on an empty stomach. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, vegetable magnesium stearate, silica. Note: This product is for healthy adults only. Do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before use. Store bottle tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if sealed packaging is broken or missing. Elysium, Basis, Cell Health & Optimization, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Multivitamin Essentials for Pregnant Women, Natural Mint, 60 Capsules

104.31 EUR
Product Description: Contains DHA and choline to support growth and development. Natural mint flavor supplement. Vegan. Non-GMO. Uses bioavailable and bioactive forms of vitamins to provide 15 essential nutrients to fill in the gaps in the mother's diet and support a healthy pregnancy. It helps. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily with meals. For detailed dosage instructions, consult your doctor before taking. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (cellulose), cellulose, silica, rice bran lipid. Free from: gluten, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish and shellfish, soy, sesame seeds, egg, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners and unnecessary additives. Note: One of the biggest causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age is accidental overdose of iron-containing products. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Fairhaven Health, Multivitamin Essentials for Pregnant Women, Natural Mint, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Brain Health, 60 Veggie Capsules

80.19 EUR
Product Description: California Gold Nutrition Brain HealthWith AlphaSize® Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline and SerinAid® PhosphatidylserineEnhances Memory and Cognitive Function*Suitable for Vegetarians and VegansGluten- and GMO-FreeProduced in a cGMP Certified Facility100% Gold Gold GuaranteeThe brain not only controls numerous functions of our body, but also plays a role in thinking, making judgments, and recalling information. California Gold Nutrition Brain Health is a daily supplement containing beneficial ingredients that help boost cognitive function and memory in the brain.*Premium Ingredients for Promoting Brain Health The main ingredient in this supplement is AlphaSize® Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl. This is Colin. This is a bioavailable form of choline that increases the release of acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter involved in many cognitive functions, including learning, memory, attention, resilience, and concentration.* Our brain health supplements offer a variety of benefits. It also contains SerinAid® phosphatidylserine, a nutrient that can Phosphatidylserine assists proteins that manage cell membrane function, helping nutrients get into cells and harmful stress-related waste products moving out of cells.* This helps improve mental alertness and mood and relieve stress. *California Gold Nutrition Brain Health contains AlphaSize® alpha-glyceryl phosphoryl choline, SerinAid® phosphatidylserine, phosphorus and calcium in vegetarian capsules. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, gluten-free and non-GMO. Certified by iTested Directions for use: Take 2 capsules daily with food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients: Main ingredients Calcium (extracted from dicalcium phosphate), phosphorus (extracted from dicalcium phosphate), alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine (alpha-GPC), phosphatidylserine (PS) Other ingredients: modified cellulose (veggie capsule), Arabian Gum, l-leucine, silicon dioxide (silica), magnesium stearate. Contains: Made with soy AP-Bio® and SerinAid®. AlphaSize® is a registered trademark of Chemi Nutra. SerinAid® is a registered trademark of Chemi Nutra. Not manufactured with milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic diseases, the elderly, minors under 18 years of age, people taking prescription drugs (e.g. blood thinners), or people who have been diagnosed with a specific medical condition by a doctor, consult a doctor, pharmacist, or natural therapist before taking supplements. Consult your physician or other qualified health professional. This is a safety sealed product. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and...

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Turmeric & Ginger, 90 Capsules

57.92 EUR
Product Description: Enhanced Complex 1,965mg†With Bioperine®Curcuminoids 95% Veggie CapsulesNon-GMOSupplementsManufactured in a GMP Registered FacilityDynamic Duo for Joint HealthOur powerful capsules promote joint health and flexibility and provide antioxidant properties. It combines the well-known benefits of turmeric curcumin and ginger root. Fortified with BioPerine for optimized absorption, this supplement ensures maximum efficacy.Premium Formula with 95% CurcuminoidsOur turmeric capsules provide a powerful dose, boasting 150mg of curcumin standardized to 95% curcuminoids. and delivers all of its powerful properties to promote optimal joint health.Highest Quality Manufacturing StandardsUsing non-GMO ingredients in a Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) certified facility in the United States. Our vegan-friendly formulas ensure consistent quality and purity in every product, making it a trusted choice for your daily wellness regimen.†Contains 1,965 mg of turmeric powder, turmeric extract, ginger extract, and black pepper extract per three capsules. Product Usage: As a dietary supplement, take three (3) capsules once daily. For best results, take 20-30 minutes before meals or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Cellulose (veggie capsule), magnesium stearate. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Stop taking if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant or nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a known medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Taking this product can expose you to chemicals, including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm. California Proposition 65. Healths Harmony, Turmeric & Ginger, 90 Capsules

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Menopause Multivitamin Essentials, 30 Capsules

95.99 EUR
Product Description: Daily support supplement for bone, heart and brain health Vegan and non-GMO Product Main Benefits Multivitamin taken once daily and provides minerals and minerals for bone, heart and brain health in pre- and post-menopausal women It contains more than 100% of the 21 most important essential vitamins and minerals in a single-dose multivitamin for pre- and post-menopausal women. Vitamin D3 and K2-7 exert a synergistic effect. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis and promotes bone health.Berberine and green tea extract promote cardiovascular health, supporting healthy blood sugar levels, metabolism, and lipid profiles.Methylated B vitamins support energy production, neurotransmitter production, and emotional health. Antioxidant-rich green tea extract helps prevent cognitive decline. Betaine HCl helps support heart and brain health by maintaining homocysteine ​​levels at healthy levels. Precautions: Be sure to take according to the product description: Consult your doctor before use. Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is unbroken. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is one of the leading causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Product Usage: Take 1 capsule per day or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (cellulose), ascorbyl palmitate, rice bran lipid, silica. Free from: gluten, dairy products, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, soybeans, sesame seeds, eggs, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, unnecessary ingredients. Contains no additives. Precautions: Be sure to take according to the product instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is unbroken. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is one of the leading causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Fairhaven Health, Menopause Multivitamin Essentials, 30 Capsules

BeautyGlam Elysium, Matter, Long-Term Brain Health, 60 Tablets

166.72 EUR
Product Description: SupplementNSF® Sport Certified What Causes Brain Loss? Studies have shown that high levels of the amino acid homocysteine ​​in the blood are correlated with brain atrophy in healthy older adults. Is this good news? Homocysteine ​​levels are determined by the availability of B vitamins. Matter is needed here. To maximize the benefits of B vitamins for brain health, Matter contains a triple vitamin complex developed by Oxford and clinically proven and patented to slow brain volume loss that occurs with age. Doctors and world-renowned researchers recommend Matter for long-term brain health. Matter is a groundbreaking consumer health product that includes: Developed in Oxford, the triple vitamin complex is clinically proven to slow brain atrophy, next-generation EPA and DHA omega-3 in a powder form that is four times more easily absorbed than standard fish oil, and bilberry anthocyanins, a special antioxidant. It is contained. Product usage: Take 2 tablets every morning with food or on an empty stomach. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, coating (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxypropyl, cellulose, sunflower oil, fruit/vegetable juice, spirulina extract, caramel), di-calcium phosphate, maltodextrin, silica, vegetable magnesium Stearate, calcium silicate. Contains: Fish (anchovies). Note: This product is for healthy adults only. Do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before use. Store bottle tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if sealed packaging is broken or missing. Elysium, Matter, Long-Term Brain Health, 60 Tablets

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Maca, 60 Capsules

56.99 EUR
Product Description: 2-month supply of supplement for both men and womenSupports Reproductive Health, Fertility and Vitality In Men and Women For women, Maca is believed to encourage optimal hormonal balance for fertility and sexual function. Product usage: Take 1 capsule per day. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (hypromellose), rice flour, cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. Note: This product is for adults only. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or nursing, have a pre-existing condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product. Fairhaven Health, Maca, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Jigsaw Health, Curcumin C3 Complex, 60 Capsules

95.17 EUR
Product Description: Provides pleasant pleasure. Supports brain, joint health, and immune system health. Non-GMO, Gluten-free, Soy-free, Vegan. Verified as stated on label. Nutritional supplement Curcumin C3 Complex® has been published in 45 peer-reviewed journals. More than one study completed clinical testing. This unique formula uses the three most effective research-based curcuminoids. Curcumin C3 Complex® neutralizes the damage free radicals do to the body, promoting healthy aging and supporting brain, heart, immune and joint health. Product Usage: Take one capsule daily as a nutritional supplement. Or take as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Veggie capsule, brown rice powder (powder), organic Nu-mag and silicon dioxide (synergy anti-coagulant). Precautions: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Jigsaw Health, Curcumin C3 Complex, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Alta Health, Magnesium Chloride, 100 Tablets

59.36 EUR
Product Description: Dietary supplementA simple form of magnesium that is easily absorbed. Magnesium is an essential nutrient in Americans' inadequate diets. Research has shown that magnesium is important for energy production, function and integrity of muscles, nerves, kidneys, bones, heart and arteries. Product usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1-3 tablets daily. Ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, calcium silicate, stearic acid, starch, magnesium stearate. Free from: sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, soy, colors, flavors and preservatives. Precautions: Consult your healthcare professional before taking this product if you are pregnant or nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications. Hygroscopic product. Store with the lid tightly closed. Store only in original container. As this is a natural product, color and taste may vary. Alta Health, Magnesium Chloride, 100 Tablets

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, Berberine Synergy™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

159.99 EUR
Product Description: ​400 mg Berberine And 100 mg ALADietary SupplementEndocrine/Metabolism Berberine Synergy™ supplies berberine combined with alpha lipoic acid to help support optimal blood sugar and insulin metabolism, cardiovascular health, and liver health. Berberine is an alkaloid compound found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark of several plants commonly used in botanical and Chinese medicine, such as goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry, and Berberis aristata. Lipoic acid is best known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to support healthy insulin metabolism and sensitivity. It is also a key cofactor for mitochondrial enzymes involved in cellular metabolism and energy (ATP) production. Product usage: Take 1 capsule per day with a meal or as directed by your health-care practitioner. Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (capsule), calcium sulfate, microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable stearate, hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC). Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy, or GMOs. Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients. Precautions: Store at room temperature.Keep out of reach of children. For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, Berberine Synergy™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

BeautyGlam GQ Lab Gut Health 10 Billion Live Lactobacillus 60 Capsules (60 Days Supply)

78.99 EUR
product name : intestinal health: 10 billion live lactic acid bacteria name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] palmcross co., ltd. / 50 geodanji 2-gil, dongnae-myeon, chuncheon-si, gangwon-do [seller] ildong pharmaceutical co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : for 18 months, store in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity. keep out of reach of infants and children. capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : see detailed page function information : see detailed page specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea

BeautyGlam Force Factor, with Total Bees® CoQ10, Ultimate Heart Health Booster, Pomegranate Berry Flavor, 60 Superfood Soft Chews

125.99 EUR
Product Description: Best Heart HealthAmerica's #1 Best Selling Beet Brand*Blood Pressure Health Support4-IN-Heart FormulaBeet Root Nitrates, Grape Seed, B VitaminsClinically Effective Blood Pressure SupportImprove Circulation and Blood FlowEnhance Heart Health EnergyMegaNatural®BPGrape Seed Extracts, Supports Blood Pressure Health^SupplementsFlavored with Natural FlavorsNo Artificial ColorsNo Artificial SweetenersNo GelatinKosher DairyUnleash Your PotentialNO3 Nitrate Technology Take care of your heart Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health soft chews help boost blood pressure and boost cardiovascular health in the most delicious way imaginable. This powerful formula contains key ingredients that have been clinically studied by the latest heart research to stimulate nitric oxide production, stimulate circulation, improve blood flow, and boost cellular energy. All soft chews contain a powerful four-in-one blend of beetroot nitrates, CoQ10, B vitamins, and MegaNatural®-BP. MegaNatural®-BP is a patented grape seed extract that has been shown in clinical studies to be 5.5 times better for systolic blood pressure and 1.5 times better for diastolic blood pressure. backup. Total Bees Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews contain no artificial dyes or sweeteners and are a convenient and delicious way to support cardiovascular health.^Key Ingredients of Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews in a 4-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study MegaNatural®-BP is clinically proven to be 5 times more effective in maintaining normal blood pressure. Higher absorption rate than a healthy lifestyle.*IRI MULO L52 as of November 5, 2023 Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take only as directed in the product description. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult your healthcare professional before taking this product. This product contains nitrates. It should not be taken with other products containing nitrates, including medications for chest pain or erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors. If surgery is scheduled, stop taking this medication 2 weeks before surgery. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Product usage: Take 2 soft chews once a day. Ingredients: Tapioca syrup, unprocessed sugar cane, palm oil, gum Arabic, natural flavor, sunflower lecithin (emulsifier), fruit/vegetable juice (color), citric acid, sea salt. Allergy risk warning: milk, egg, soybean, wheat, shellfish. and crustaceans, fish, nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Proudly manufactured in the United States with imported and American-made ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take it only according to the product instructions. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications,...

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Adrenaline Health, Dietary Supplements, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto Capsules

86.23 EUR
Product Description: Holy BasilStress ManagementStress Relief and Fatigue ReliefBest-selling formula with Rhodiola, Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, and OatsHerbal SupplementFlawless - Purity - Effectiveness Established in 1987VeganGluten-freeSoy-freeSocial enterprise certificationSince 1987 The connection between plants and people started Zero Defects - Maintaining Cleanliness All products are tested for pesticides, microorganisms and heavy metals. Purity - Maintaining Quality The world's first herb traceability system Platform. Efficacy - Maintain effectiveness Concentrated plant extracts are contained in patented Phyto-Caps®. Directions for use: Adults, take 2 capsules in the morning. For better results, take 2 capsules in the afternoon. Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, purified water, vegetable capsule (hypromellose), and olive oil. Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before use. Rhodiola should not be taken if you have bipolar disorder. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed on the label. This product is sealed for safety. Always keep the container capped and store in a cool, dry place. Natural separation may occur, but this does not affect product quality. Gaia Herbs, Adrenaline Health, Dietary Supplements, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto Capsules

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, FertileFocus, Personal Ovulation Microscope, 1 Microscope

85.99 EUR
Product Description: If you see fern-shaped crystals, you have a high chance of getting pregnant. This accurate, reusable, saliva-based fertility test can predict ovulation 3 to 5 days in advance. How to use the product: Place a drop of saliva on the surface of the Fertile-Focus lens. Wait at least 5 minutes for the saliva specimen to dry before inserting the lens into the microscope body. Look through the lens and press the light button to see the test results. Hold the lens close to your eye and rotate it to focus. If you see a “fern-like” or crystalline pattern in your saliva, you will know that it is a fertile day for conception. Clean the lens with a soft cloth dampened in water. Contains detailed instructions. Precautions: For in vitro diagnostic use only and not for internal use. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place below 30°C (86°F). No product is 100% suitable for pregnancy. There is no guarantee. This device should not be used for contraception. Fairhaven Health, FertileFocus, Personal Ovulation Microscope, 1 Microscope

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Adrenal Health & Balance, 120 Capsules

87.99 EUR
Product Description: Powerful Adaptogen FormulaGMO-Free SupplementManufactured in a GMP Registered FacilityExpert BlendBenefits: Adrenal HealthAdrenal VitalityOur adrenal health products balance cortisol levels throughout the day and help you stay calm and productive after high stress. Specially formulated to maintain Directions for use: Take one capsule, preferably with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Hypromellose (veggie capsule) rice powder, vegetable magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide. Manufactured in the United States from American and imported raw materials. Precautions: Stop taking if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, have a known medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Adrenal Health & Balance, 120 Capsules

BeautyGlam Beekeeper's Naturals, Propolis Complete Gut Health, 60 Veggie Capsules

115.22 EUR
Product Description: 3-in-1 Pre, Pro+ Postbiotic Manufactured with MegaDuo™ + CoreBiome® The No. 1 supplement in Postbiotic - Intelligent Microbiome B corp. CertifiedDigestive Abdominal Bloating Relief Propolis™ Third Party Quality Tested The Scientific Standard for Gut Health Our unique 3-in-1 formula supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, promotes microbiome diversity, and strengthens the intestinal lining. Provides fortifying prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. Per serving includes propolis, tributyrin, and two probiotic strains (Bacillus coagulans SC208 and Contains Bacillus subtilis HU58) to aid regular digestion and strengthen immune response. Directions for use: Adults, take 2 capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (vegetable cellulose), rice flour, vegetable stearate, silica. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Beekeeper's Naturals, Propolis Complete Gut Health, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Jigsaw Health, MagSoothe, Raspberry Lemonade, 330g

119.51 EUR
Product Description: Delightful pleasure.Non-GMOGluten-FreeSoy-FreeVegan Label Claims CertifiedMagnesium SupplementAlbion Minerals®A soothing magnesium powder supplement in a delicious tart raspberry lemonade flavor. A fast-acting, soothing magnesium powder. MagSoothe™ uses Albion®'s highly bioavailable magnesium lysinate glycinate chelate and cofactors. Jigsaw MagSoothe™ is designed to complement the best-selling and clinically tested MagSRT®. If you want the energizing benefits of Magnesium Malate in the morning, we recommend MagSRT®, and in the evening if you want the soothing benefits of Magnesium Glycinate, we recommend MagSoothe™. Product Directions: As a magnesium supplement, add 1 scoop to 4 fl oz of cold water, stir for 5 seconds, once daily. Or take as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Malic acid (bicarbonate reactor), organic raspberry lemonade flavor (for sourness), silicon dioxide (prevents clumping), Monk fruit extract (sweetener), natural flavor (MSG, causes sourness). Precautions: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Jigsaw Health, MagSoothe, Raspberry Lemonade, 330g

Royal Canin Health Management Cat Mature Consult Balance Croquettes 1,5kg

24.75 EUR
Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chat Senior Stage 1 Balance 1,5kg conviennent à l'alimentation des chats à partir de 7 ans. Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chat Senior Stage 1 Balance 1,5kg limitent la formation de la plaque dentaire, renforcent l'immunité, retardent le vieillissement et préservent la masse musculaire.

BeautyGlam Dr. Tobias, Lung Health, 60 Capsules

57.09 EUR
Product Description: Advanced Respiratory Support SupplementContains 60-day supply of 10 active ingredients to support the respiratory system Supports bronchial tubes Supports breathing comfortably all year round Made with non-GMO ingredients Manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility Directions for use: Take one capsule daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose, vegetable magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, rice flour. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility that can also process milk, soybeans, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustaceans. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Dr. Tobias, Lung Health, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Myo + d-Cairo Inositol, 120 Capsules

80.09 EUR
Product Description: Helps with hormonal balance and healthy ovulation. Contains Myo inositol and d-Chiro inositol in a 40:1 ratio. A 1-month supply supplement containing Myo + d-Chiro inositol, which helps with hormonal balance and healthy ovulation. These two nutrients help with hormonal balance and healthy ovulation. Contains in a 40:1 ratio. Precautions: Store sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Be sure to take according to the product description: instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Product Usage: As a supplement, take 4 capsules daily. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (cellulose), silica, rice bran lipid. Free. Ingredients: Gluten, dairy products, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, soybeans, sesame seeds, eggs, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, and unnecessary additives. I don't. Precautions: Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Be sure to take it according to the product instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Fairhaven Health, Myo+d-Cairo Inositol, 120 Capsules

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, Magnesium Malate, 240 Vegetarian Capsules

157.84 EUR
Product Description: Dietary SupplementAlbion MineralsFoundational HealthMagnesium Malate is a highly bioavailable form of magnesium. It contains di-magnesium malate, which is magnesium bound to malic acid. Magnesium is one of the most critical minerals in the human body that is involved in hundreds of enzyme reactions. Malic acid is a compound found naturally in apples and other fruits and vegetables, and it is included in this product because of its role in the Krebs cycle, which is the energy-producing system in the body. Product usage: Take 2 capsules per day with meals or as directed by your health-care practitioner. ingredients: Cellulose (capsule), vegetable stearate.Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy, or GMOs.Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients. Caution: Store at room temperature.Keep out of reach of children.For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, Magnesium Malate, 240 Vegetarian Capsules

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, B-Supreme, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

157.99 EUR
Product Description: Coenzymated B Vitamin ComplexDietary SupplementMecobalActive® The Active Form of B12Quatrefolic®Foundational HealthB-Supreme is a powerful combination of B vitamins supplied mostly in their coenzymated forms, so that the body does not have to phosphorylate them to be used in biochemical reactions. This formula also includes the patented folate derivative Quatrefolic®, which is an innovative form of folate that has demonstrated high bioavailability, solubility, and long-lasting stability. Trimethylglycine (TMG) and choline are also included to support methylation. Product usage: Take one capsule per day with a meal, or as directed by your health care practitioner. ingredients: Cellulose (capsule), stearates (vegetable source), silicon dioxide.Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients.Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy, or GMOs. Caution: Store at room temperature.Keep out of reach of children.For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, B-Supreme, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Complete Lactation Support, 30 Capsules

97.99 EUR
Product description: Postpartum fenugreek-free, healthy breastfeeding and lactation enhancement supplement, 1 month supply, vegan and non-GMO product Precautions: Store sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Be sure to take according to the product description: instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Product Usage: Take 1 capsule per day or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (cellulose), ascorbyl palmitate, silica. Free from: gluten, dairy products, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, soybeans, sesame seeds, eggs, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, unnecessary additives. Does not contain. Precautions: Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Be sure to take it according to the product instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Fairhaven Health, Complete Lactation Support, 30 Capsules

BeautyGlam Force Factor, with Total Bees® CoQ10, Ultimate Heart Health Booster, Black Cherry, 60 Superfood Soft Chews

119.99 EUR
Product Description: Best Heart HealthAmerica's #1 Best Selling Beet Brand*Blood Pressure Health Support4-IN-Heart FormulaBeet Root Nitrates, Grape Seed, B VitaminsClinically Effective Blood Pressure SupportImprove Circulation and Blood FlowEnhance Heart Health EnergyMegaNatural®BPGrape Seed Extracts, Supports Blood Pressure Health^SupplementsFlavored with Natural FlavorsNo Artificial ColorsNo Artificial SweetenersNo GelatinKosher DairyUnleash Your PotentialNO3 Nitrate TechnologyTake Care of Your Heart Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health soft chews help boost blood pressure and boost cardiovascular health in the most delicious way imaginable. This powerful formula contains key ingredients that have been clinically studied by the latest heart research to stimulate nitric oxide production, stimulate circulation, improve blood flow, and boost cellular energy. All soft chews contain a powerful four-in-one blend of beetroot nitrates, CoQ10, B vitamins, and MegaNatural®-BP. MegaNatural®-BP is a patented grape seed extract that has been shown in clinical studies to be 5.5 times better for systolic blood pressure and 1.5 times better for diastolic blood pressure. backup. Total Bees Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews contain no artificial dyes or sweeteners and are a convenient and delicious way to support cardiovascular health.^Key Ingredients of Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews in a 4-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study MegaNatural®-BP is clinically proven to be 5 times more effective in maintaining normal blood pressure. Higher absorption rate than a healthy lifestyle.*IRI MULO L52 as of November 5, 2023 Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take only as directed in the product description. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult your healthcare professional before taking this product. This product contains nitrates. It should not be taken with other products containing nitrates, including medications for chest pain or erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors. If surgery is scheduled, stop taking this medication 2 weeks before surgery. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Product usage: Take 2 soft chews once a day. Ingredients: Tapioca syrup, unprocessed sugar cane, palm oil, gum arabic, sunflower lecithin (emulsifier), natural flavor, fruit/vegetable juice (color), citric acid, sea salt. Allergy risk warning: milk, egg, soybean, wheat, shellfish. and crustaceans, fish, nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Proudly manufactured in the United States with imported and American-made ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take it only according to the product instructions. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult...

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Thyroid Support, 120 Capsules

64.99 EUR
Product Description: Contains IodineNon-GMOSupplementExpert BlendMade in a GMP Certified FacilityBenefits: Optimize your thyroid health with a superior blend of minerals and herbs designed to support thyroid function, energy levels, and metabolic hormone production and enhance nutrient absorption. Product Usage: 2 capsules daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Rice flour, hypromellose (veggie capsule), vegetable magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and chlorophyll. Made in the USA with ingredients from around the world. Precautions: Stop taking if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, have a known medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Thyroid Support, 120 Capsules

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Hair, Nail and Skin Health Supplement, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

86.14 EUR
Product Description: Enhances beauty and radianceContains ingredients long used to promote healthy growth and radianceWith horsetail, gotu kola and Gaia-Grown™ nettleHerbal supplementEstablished in the USA in 1987Flawless - Purity - EffectiveVegan productGluten-freeSoy-free B. corp. CertificationsConnection Plants & People™Since 1987Purity - CleanWe test all of our products for pesticides, microorganisms and heavy metals.Integrity - All NaturalWe operate the world's first herb traceability platformEffectiveness - Potent Highly concentrated plant extracts delivered in patented Phyto-Caps® capsules. Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules twice daily between meals. Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, vegetable capsule (hypromellose), and purified water. Precautions: Do not take during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before taking. Keep out of reach of children. Be sure to take it according to the directions on the label. This is a safety sealed product. Always keep the lid tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place. Separation may occur, but product quality will not be affected. Gaia Herbs, Hair, Nail and Skin Health Supplement, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

BeautyGlam Elysium, Basis, Cell Health & Optimization, 60 Capsules

164.99 EUR
Product Description: SupplementNSF® Sport certifiedAccelerates aging in cells, which is the cause of aging. Boost your cellular energy and maintain healthy DNA by increasing your NAD+ levels as a foundation for healthy aging. Basis is clinically proven to safely and sustainably increase the body's NAD+ by over 40% on average. Additionally, Elysium's toxicology studies confirmed the superiority of NR-E inBasis over other published NAD+ supplements, demonstrating the company's rigorous commitment to research and quality. Elysium's unique high-purity niacinamide riboside (NR-E) and powerful antioxidant pterostilbene (PT) work synergistically to make Basis even more effective. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily in the morning with food or on an empty stomach. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, vegetable magnesium stearate, silica. Note: This product is for healthy adults only. Do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before use. Store bottle tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if sealed packaging is broken or missing. Elysium, Basis, Cell Health & Optimization, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, Berberine Synergy™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

171.99 EUR
Product Description: ​400 mg Berberine And 100 mg ALADietary SupplementEndocrine/Metabolism Berberine Synergy™ supplies berberine combined with alpha lipoic acid to help support optimal blood sugar and insulin metabolism, cardiovascular health, and liver health. Berberine is an alkaloid compound found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark of several plants commonly used in botanical and Chinese medicine, such as goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry, and Berberis aristata. Lipoic acid is best known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to support healthy insulin metabolism and sensitivity. It is also a key cofactor for mitochondrial enzymes involved in cellular metabolism and energy (ATP) production. Product usage: Take 1 capsule per day with a meal or as directed by your health-care practitioner. Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (capsule), calcium sulfate, microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable stearate, hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC). Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy, or GMOs. Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients. Precautions: Store at room temperature.Keep out of reach of children. For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, Berberine Synergy™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health®, Quick Start, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

96.99 EUR
Product Description: Established in 1987Stress ReliefShort-term therapy for stress reliefConcentrated formula Full spectrumherbal supplementVegan productGluten-freeB. corp. CertificationThe Gaia DifferenceSustainably sourced ingredientsExtracted without harmful solventsUnique quality checks6 Formulas based on traditional herbalismAn approach to restore balance Our stress relief formula contains an expertly formulated blend of adaptogens and tranquilizers It is contained. These herbal ingredients work in harmony to relieve various symptoms of the stress response and restore balance to the body. Stress and Nervous System ResponseHypothalamusVagos NervePituitary Adrenal Gland Product usage: Adults take 2 capsules every morning. It should only be used for a short period of time (8-12 weeks), after which time switch to Adrenal Health Daily Support. Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, purified water and vegetable capsule (hypromellose). Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before use. This product should not be taken if you have bipolar disorder or high blood pressure. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed on the label. This is a safety sealed product. Seal the lid tightly and store in a cool, dry place. Natural separation may occur, but this does not affect product quality. Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health®, Quick Start, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Royal Canin Medium Adult pour Chien 10x140g

27.39 EUR
ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult Chunks In Gravy est un aliment humide soigneusement formulé, complet et équilibré, conçu pour répondre aux besoins variés des chiens de taille moyenne de 11 à 25 kg âgés de plus de 10 mois. Cet aliment spécifique soutient la masse musculaire et la santé générale de votre chien tout au long de sa vie d'adulte. Cet aliment humide répond au maintien de la masse musculaire cruciale de votre chien, essentielle à son mode de vie actif et sain. Le produit est composé d'une teneur élevée en protéines de haute qualité, nécessaires au maintien de muscles forts. En plus de soutenir la musculature, cette formule contribue également aux défenses naturelles de votre chien grâce à un mélange spécifique de vitamines telles que les vitamines C et E, ainsi que des prébiotiques efficaces qui agissent ensemble pour soutenir le système immunitaire. Ceci est particulièrement important compte tenu de l'exposition de votre chien à divers facteurs environnementaux susceptibles de nuire à sa santé. Cette nourriture humide assure également une absorption maximale des nutriments grâce à l'inclusion d'ingrédients hautement digestibles et d'un complexe de vitamines. Cela contribue à la santé et au bien-être général de votre chien, en veillant à ce qu'il ne se contente pas de bien manger, mais qu'il utilise également la nourriture à bon escient. En outre, la formule aide à maintenir la peau en bonne santé et garantit un pelage brillant et éclatant, améliorant ainsi l'état extérieur de votre chien et faisant de son pelage un véritable objet d'exposition. Pour ceux qui préfèrent varier l'alimentation de leur chien, ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult Chunks In Gravy est également disponible en aliment sec sous le nom de ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult. La combinaison d'aliments secs et humides peut non seulement rendre les repas de votre chien plus appétissants, mais aussi contribuer à une bonne santé bucco-dentaire et assurer une hydratation adéquate. Cela offre une variété délicieuse et saine qui répond aux préférences et aux besoins de votre chien.  

Royal Canin Maxi Ageing 8+ pour chien 10x140g

18.39 EUR
ROYAL CANIN® Maxi Ageing Chunks In Gravy est une nourriture humide sophistiquée spécialement développée pour les grands chiens âgés de 8 ans et plus. Ce repas complet et équilibré est conçu pour répondre aux besoins uniques de votre grand chien vieillissant, en lui apportant un soutien non seulement sain, mais aussi savoureux. Avec l'âge, la digestion des grands chiens devient souvent plus lente et plus sensible. ROYAL CANIN® Maxi Ageing Chunks In Gravy contient des protéines hautement digestibles et une quantité équilibrée de fibres qui favorisent une bonne santé digestive. Ceci est essentiel pour le bien-être général de votre animal et son confort pendant la vieillesse. La formule unique ne se contente pas de favoriser la digestion, elle apporte également un soutien essentiel aux os et aux articulations. Grâce à une combinaison appropriée de minéraux et de nutriments, tels que le calcium et le phosphore, elle garantit le maintien de la santé structurelle de votre grand chien. Ceci est d'autant plus important que leurs articulations sont plus lourdes. En outre, cet aliment contient des acides gras essentiels tels que l'EPA et le DHA, ainsi qu'une série de vitamines qui, ensemble, contribuent à maintenir la vitalité. Ces nutriments sont essentiels pour soutenir la santé du cœur et d'autres organes critiques, et pour promouvoir un mode de vie actif même à un âge avancé. ROYAL CANIN® Maxi Ageing Chunks In Gravy est également disponible sous forme d'aliments secs tels que Maxi Adult 5+ et Maxi Ageing 8+, idéal pour les propriétaires qui souhaitent combiner les avantages des aliments secs et humides. Cette combinaison permet de rendre les repas plus attrayants pour les chiens âgés, dont les capacités sensorielles diminuent souvent avec l'âge, et d'apporter une hydratation supplémentaire. L'association de ces deux formes d'alimentation améliore non seulement l'expérience alimentaire globale, mais contribue également à la santé des dents et des gencives. En résumé, ROYAL CANIN® Maxi Ageing Chunks In Gravy offre un régime complet soigneusement formulé pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des grands chiens âgés, afin qu'ils restent en bonne santé, actifs et heureux tout au long de leur vieillesse.    

KOKO Beauty&Health [Natural Plus] Vitamin C 1000 Gummy Grape Flavor 44g / Vitamin Jelly 1 bag

10.79 EUR
[Description] - Vitamin C is a representative antioxidant nutrient and is not produced by itself in the body, so it must be consumed through food. Natural Plus Vitamin C Gumi contains 1,000 mg of 100% British vitamin C. - Everyone from children to adults can enjoy the taste of grapes. - It's not sticky, so it doesn't stick to your teeth, so you can eat it clean, sweet and chewy. - The meticulous zipper pouch is packed for easy enjoyment anytime, anywhere during outdoor activities or travel. - It is processed by systematic hygiene management at HACCP-certified manufacturing facilities. [How to Use] Please chew well after opening it [Ingredients] Starch syrup, sugar, isomaltooligosaccharide, gelatin, D-consitol solution 4.21%, vitamin C, citric acid, sodium citrate, grape concentrate, flavoring (flavored, mixed fruit flavor), pectin 1, pectin 2, other edible oils and fats processing products (propylene glycol, berry pigment, garden blue pigment, red cabbage pigment, citric acid), glycerin fatty acid ester, pork

Royal Canin Croquettes Diabetic Chien Sac 1.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

36.99 EUR
Aliment pour chiens diabétiques.Aliment complet et équilibré pour l'alimentation quotidienne des chiens diabétiques de toute taille. Cet aliment est conçu pour le contrôle clinique du diabète et peut être utilisé en tant que régime alimentaire permanent pour votre animal. Formulé sous contrôle vétérinaire.Attention : l'utilisation de cet aliment augmente généralement la sensibilité de votre chien face à l'insuline. Il est très important de contrôler les niveaux de glucose et la réaction à l'insuline lorsque vous commencez le régime, afin d'ajuster la dose d'insuline à administrer. Consultez votre vétérinaire avant d'utiliser cet aliment.Contre-indications :Gestation, allaitement et animaux en croissance.Bienfaits observés :Aide à contrôler les niveaux de glucose dans le sang : les régimes pauvres en hydrates de carbone et riches en protéines aident à réduire l'hyperglycémie postprandiale. Les niveaux élevés de protéines aident également à maintenir la masse musculaire.Stabilisation du ...

ROYAL CANIN Royal Canin - Croquettes pour golden retriever junior - 12 kg (3182550751261)

105.71 EUR
Royal Canin - Croquettes pour golden retriever junior - 12 kg Description du produit For puppies from 2 - 15 months old. . Healthy skin and coat. Golden Retriever Junior helps support the skin’s “barrier” role (exclusive complex) and maintain skin and coat health (EPA & DHA). Enriched with borage oil. Digestive health. This formula contributes to supporting digestive health and promoting a balance in the intestinal flora. Natural defences. This formula helps support the Golden Retriever puppy’s natural defences. Exclusive kibble. The kibble’s shape, size, texture and formula are adapted to the Golden Retriever puppy. Ingrédients Riche en protéines ——— pour Chien Croquette pour Chien nourriture pour Chien

ROYAL CANIN Royal Canin - Croquettes pour golden retriever junior - 12 kg (3182550751261)

105.71 EUR
Royal Canin - Croquettes pour golden retriever junior - 12 kg Description du produit For puppies from 2 - 15 months old. . Healthy skin and coat. Golden Retriever Junior helps support the skin’s “barrier” role (exclusive complex) and maintain skin and coat health (EPA & DHA). Enriched with borage oil. Digestive health. This formula contributes to supporting digestive health and promoting a balance in the intestinal flora. Natural defences. This formula helps support the Golden Retriever puppy’s natural defences. Exclusive kibble. The kibble’s shape, size, texture and formula are adapted to the Golden Retriever puppy. Ingrédients Riche en protéines ——— pour Chien Croquette pour Chien nourriture pour Chien

Seeking Health, Optimal Glutathione Plus, with CoFactors, 60 Veggie Capsules

159.99 EUR
Product Description: Targeted Support® SupplementManufactured in a GMP facility Third party tested Strengthens lung, skin, eye and immune system health Triple glutathione protection with unique formula No taste or odor in small, easy-to-swallow capsules. Directions for use: Take one capsule daily with food or on an empty stomach as needed, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (hypromellose, purified water), ascorbyl palmitate, silica. Free from: dairy products, eggs, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds, gluten, genetically modified ingredients, Artificial colors, artificial flavors. Precautions: Close lid tightly and store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Consult a healthcare professional before taking. Do not consume if internal safety seal is damaged. Seeking Health, Optimal Glutathione Plus, with CoFactors, 60 Veggie Capsules