25.4 EUR
UNAPOLOGETICALLY QUEER: Mimosa doesn''t shy away from its LGBTQIA+ subject matter, exploring sexuality, gender, and adulthood in a refreshingly honest way.GROWING MARKET: The market for LGBTQIA+ stories is expanding, moving from a niche selection to a large and inclusive library of graphic novels.MAJOR TALENT: Bongiovanni is the cartoonist behind A Quick and Easy Guide To They/Them Pronouns, which received a starred review from School Library Journal, was a Publishers Weekly Favorite Reads of 2018, a 2018 Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year for Teen Nonfiction, and one of YALSA''s Great Graphic Novels for Teens.


47.3 EUR
The second of three volumes of the graphic novel adaptation of Dune, the groundbreaking science fiction classic by Frank Herbert, offering a prescient look into our galactic future-now in a deluxe collector''s editionDUNE: The Graphic Novel, Book 2: Muad''Dib is now available in a deluxe collector''s edition with an increased trim size of 7 1/2" x 11 1/4", printed on high-quality matte art paper, and packaged in a faux-cloth slipcase with foil stamping and tip-on cover.In DUNE: The Graphic Novel, Book 2: Muad''Dib, the second of three volumes adapting Frank Herbert''s Dune, young Paul Atreides and his mother, the lady Jessica, find themselves stranded in the deep desert of Arrakis. Betrayed by one of their own and destroyed by their greatest enemy, Paul and Jessica must find the mysterious Fremen, or perish. This faithful adaptation of the 1965 epic, Dune, by Brian Herbert, son of Frank Herbert, and New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson, continues to explore Paul''s journey as he evolves from boy to mysterious messiah. Illustrated by Raul Allen and Patricia Martin, this spectacular blend of adventure and spirituality, environmentalism, and politics is a groundbreaking look into our universe and is transformed by the graphic novel format into a powerful, fantastical tale for a new generation of readers.


19.8 EUR
A fictionalized account of infamous author, Patricia Highsmith, caught up in the longing and obsession that would inspire her groundbreaking work of queer fiction, The Price of SaltFlung Out of Space is both a love letter to the essential lesbian novel The Price of Salt and an examination of its notorious author, Patricia Highsmith. Veteran comics creators Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer have teamed up to tell this story through Highsmith''s eyes-reimagining the events that inspired her to write the story that would become a foundational piece of queer literature. Flung Out of Space opens with Pat begrudgingly writing low-brow comics. A drinker, a smoker, and a hater of life, Pat knows she can do better. Her brain churns with images of the great novel she could and should be writing, what will eventually be Strangers on a Train, which would later be adapted into a classic film by Alfred Hitchcock in 1951.At the same time, Pat, a lesbian consumed with self-loathing, is in and out of conversion therapy, leaving a trail of sexual conquests and broken hearts in her wake. However, one of those very affairs-and a chance encounter in a department store-give Pat the idea for her soon-to-be beloved tale of homosexual love that was the first of its kind: It gave the lesbian protagonists a happy ending.This is not just the story behind a classic queer book but also of a queer artist who was deeply flawed. It''s a comic about what it was like to write comics in the 1950s, but also about what it means to be a writer at any time in history, struggling to find your voice. Author Grace Ellis contextualizes Patricia Highsmith as both an unintentional queer icon and a figure whose problematic views and noted anti-Semitism have cemented her controversial legacy. Highsmith''s life imitated her art with results as devastating as the plot twists that brought her fame and fortune.

LOMBARD the girl from ipanema - tome 0 - the girl from ipanema (nouvelle maquette signe)

15.45 EUR
Au pied du célèbre Hollywood Sign qui surplombe Los Angeles, on vient de trouver le corps atrocement mutilé de la jeune Dorothy Knowles.La veille, avec son amie, la starlette Jennifer Shapiro, elle devait passer la soirée chez George Scarpa, le parrain de la mafia locale... Ron Chavez, un flic chicano à la volonté tenace, se lance sur la piste de Jennifer qui a été vraisemblablement témoin du meurtre de Dorothy. Ses recherches sont compliquées par l'intervention pernicieuse d'Ed Jennings, un autre policier mandaté par Scarpa. Qui de Chavez l'obstiné ou de Jennings le pourri a le plus à perdre dans ce très sombre thriller à la James Ellroy ?

BOY'S LOVE Escape from the everyday tome 2

7.95 EUR
Hajime évite sa famille venue le chercher et retourne auprès d'Hirose, ils ne pourront rester tous les deux encore bien longtemps. Hirose, conscient à présent de la sincérité des sentiments d'Hajime, lui donne enfin une réponse claire. Puis, pour cette seule fois... Hirose cède à la demande d'Hajime et ils passent la nuit ensemble. Mais le lendemain, le moment est venu... Qui peut bien être Hirose ? Quelle sera la fin pour cet amour inattendu ...?

DELCOURT Even if these tears disappear from the world tonight (roman)

14.95 EUR
Avant de rencontrer Wataya, je menais une vie d'étudiant paisible.- Toi, tu n'as encore jamais vécu le grand amour. Ça se voit.- Qu'est-ce que t'en sais, toi ?C'est avec cette conversation que je finis par avouer mes sentiments à Wataya. Elle accepta de sortir avec moi à une seule condition : « Tu ne dois pas tomber amoureux de moi. »

BOY'S LOVE From heaven heaven

7.95 EUR
Hayashi, élève de terminale, est amoureux d'un élève de la classe voisine de la sienne, Fujita, qu'il observe discrètement entre les cours. Persuadé que tout le monde ignore son secret, il tombe des nues lorsque, le jour de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes, Fujita lui demande s'il est amoureux de lui. Incapable de mentir, Hayashi répond que oui. Il s'attend à ce que Fujita le rembarre, mais contre toute attente, celui-ci lui donne rendez-vous la semaine suivante, et les deux garçons finissent par passer la nuit ensemble. Hayashi, qui ne sait pas du tout ce que Fujita pense de lui, est complètement perdu. S'agit-il d'une nuit sans lendemain ? Fujita veut-il juste essayer le sexe avec un autre homme ? Ou il y a-t-il une autre raison derrière ?

CA ET LA serpents et échelles

20 EUR
Serpents et Échelles est la troisième collaboration de Campbell et Moore après From Hell et La Coiffe de Naissance. Voilà une oeuvre qui reste inédite à ce jour en langue française. Publié en 2001 au format comic book par Eddie Campbell, Serpents et Echelles est également l'un des textes les plus poétiques d'Alan Moore.À travers les portraits de personnalités marquantes de l'histoire de l'Angleterre, il revisite la création de l'univers, de l'homme, et s'interroge sur les sources de l'art et de l'imaginaire des hommes et des artistes. Il poursuit également sa réflexion sur l'influence des lieux sur la psyché des personnes qui les habitent, et sur la nature des liens entre le monde réel et le monde magique.« Nous écrivons de belles paroles et pensons que nous jouons le jeu suprême, mais durant tout ce temps, ce n'est qu'une partie de Serpents et Échelles. » Alan Moore

CINEBOOK The chimpanzee complex tome 1 (en anglais)

11.75 EUR
In 2035, the US Navy discovers a strange space capsule that has crashed in the Indian Ocean. Helen Friedman is in charge of interrogating the two survivors, who are none other than Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin! Who, then, are the men who came back from the 1969 Apollo XI mission? A lunar expedition is set up to elucidate this mystery. Friedman is involved in a case that will lead her much further than she ever expected as history is rewritten.

CINEBOOK Spooks tome 3 - el santero

11.75 EUR
Cuba, 1902. Freed from its Spanish masters by US forces four years ago, the island is still occupied by its erstwhile liberators, some of whom aren't all that eager to leave. American businessmen and politicians would like to see Cuba become a full state, while the Cuban people dream only of freedom. When people begin dying... and then come back to life, the SPOOKS are sent to investigate the possible involvement of a Cuban priest and rebel leader-a santero.

CASTERMAN Airborne 44 tome 5 (en anglais)

9.95 EUR
" The stock market crash in '29 and the Dust Bowl left us with nothing, out on the streets, our youth our only asset. We were to reduced to wandering from place to place- no work, no future. What we were yet to realize, was that our only hope of saving our skins would be to risk our lives."

PANINI Star wars tome 3

22 EUR
La princesse Leia et la contrebandière Sana escortent leur détenu vers la Prison du Zénith, la mieux gardée de l'Alliance Rebelle. Mais un mystérieux groupe décide d'attaquer le lieu et de ne laisser aucun survivant...(Contient les épisodes US Star Wars 15-20 et Annual 1, publiés précédemment dans les revues STAR WARS 8-10 et STAR WARS HORS SERIE 1)

CINEBOOK Buck Danny tome 5 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Managua is on the verge of civil war. Arrested by order of President Sanchez, Buck and his friends have managed to convince the pilots of the Managuean Air Force that their nation’s leader is in the pockets of drug cartels. With the assistance of the unit they’d come to train, Buck escaped to request assistance from US authorities. Meanwhile, Sonny and Tumb will have to help their rebel allies fight back loyalist forces – and Lady X’s mercenaries…

CINEBOOK xiii tome 15 : operation montecristo

9.9 EUR
Arrested by the Costaverdean authorities because of pressure from the US, XIII and his friends are awaiting their extradition. Instead, they're freed by Costaverdean troops in disguise. But they can't afford to stick around, as they're still on the run from the most powerful nation on Earth. Desperate for money, McLane decides to go after Maximilian's gold, as Mullway believes he's found the location of the third silver watch. The problem is that the location is under 150 feet of water... Correspond au tome 16 français: Opération Montecristo

CINEBOOK Buck danny tome 3 - ghost squadron

11.75 EUR
Bosnia, 1995. Serb forces are encircling Sarajevo and defying UN peacekeeping troops, even shooting at patrolling US Navy fighters. International politics keep American hands tied. After Tuckson disobeys orders and attacks a Serb position, he is disciplined by being sent to a secret base, where other pilots from the US military-including Buck-are training for a mysterious mission in unmarked planes. But this Ghost Squadron is not the only unofficial fighting force in the area...

YNNIS Au Japon avec les anime !

18.5 EUR
Comment ça marche un onsen? Ah c'est ça l'ikebana! On va dans un love hotel? C'est une amulette?On joue au pachinko? J'ai vu ça dans un animé! Mais dites-m'en plus!Connaissez-vous les us et coutumes du Japon? Ceux que vous avez pourtant vus plusieurs fois dans vos séries et films animés préférés? Shopping, étiquette à table, plats traditionnels, voyages et transports, cérémonie du thé, origami, calligraphie, salles de jeux, karaoké, maid cafés, ikebana... vous saurez tout! Un précieux manuel qui dispense des conseils à travers les animés célèbres d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.Massimiliano De Giovanni est auteur, scénariste et professeur d'écriture. Passionné de culture japonaise et de cuisine, il est l'auteur de Recettes des séries d'animation japonaises également parues chez Ynnis Éditions. En Italie, il est aussi le scénariste de plusieurs fictions dans l'univers de Lupin III et l'auteur de livres d'activités sur Dragon Ball Z et Dragon Ball GT.