TNT Racing Plaquettes de Frein TNT - Organique - Skyliner Majesty X9

PLAQUETTES FREINS ADAPT Avant MBK SKYLINER 1998>  MAJESTY 1998> Piaggio X9 Evo 2004> RACING 94x36x7,6

Pompe À Essence Tnt Pour Scooter Yamaha 250 Majesty 1998 À 2014 Neuf

45.17 EUR
Pompe à essence à dépression neuve adaptable de marque TNT. Caractéristiques : - Longueur : 112mm - Largeur : 78mm - Épaisseur : 34.5mm - Entre axe des trous de fixation : 73mm - Diamètre des trous de fixation : 7mm - Diamètre d'emboitement des durites : 5mm et 6mm Vendue nue à l'unité. Livrée conforme à la photo.

Roue Libre De Démarreur Tnt Pour Scooter Yamaha 250 Majesty 1996 À 2003 1c0-E5517-00 Neuf

36.99 EUR
Pignon de roue libre de démarreur neuf adaptable de marque TNT. Caractéristiques : - Diamètre intérieur : 25mm - Diamètre extérieur : 118/128.5mm - Épaisseur : 24mm - Nombre de dents : 49 En remplacement de la référence d'origine Yamaha ""1C0-E5517-00-00"". Vendu nu à l'unité. Livré conforme à la photo.

TNT Original Régulateur de Tension Yamaha Majesty / MBK Skyliner 01-

18.5 EUR
Régulateur de tension 12 Volt DC avec 5 cosses (3 cosses côtés résine) adaptable sur les maxiscooter MBK Majesty et Yamaha Skyliner 125 pour Modèle Frein à Disque. ref Origine 4HM819600100 /4HMH19600000 .

His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts Capriccio Stravagante Vol.2

16.99 EUR
Brand : CHANDOS GROUP, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Chandos Records (Note 1 Musikvertrieb), Publisher : Chandos Records (Note 1 Musikvertrieb), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2001-11-20, releaseDate : 2001-11-16, artists : His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts, Athestis Chorus, composers : Stradella, Vitali, Rossi, conductors : Filippo Maria Bressan

His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts Grand Tour (Musik Des 16.-17. Jahrhunderts Aus Italien, Spanien Und Deutschland)

5.63 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Hyperion (CODAEX Deutschland), Publisher : Hyperion (CODAEX Deutschland), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 1996-04-23, releaseDate : 1996-04-15, artists : His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts, composers : Marini, Merula, Anon, Weckmann

Plaquette De Frein Ap Racing Pour Scooter Yamaha 400 Yp Majesty 2004-2004 Av Neuf

35.48 EUR
Plaquettes de frein avant métal fritté neuves de marque AP Racing référence LMP263 SF type Supersport. Ces plaquettes sont tout particulièrement préconisées pour un montage à l'avant. Dimensions : - Longueur : 102mm - Largeur : 40.4mm - Épaisseur : 10mm. Type Supersport : très bonnes performances à chaud comme à froid, bonne durée de vie. Utilisation sportive sur route. Prévues pour disques acier ou inox. Vendues par paire. Livrées conformes à la photo.

Plaquette De Frein Ap Racing Pour Moto Benelli 1130 Tnt Sport Evo 2004-2010 Avg / Avd Neuf

65.88 EUR
Plaquettes de frein métal fritté neuves de marque AP Racing référence LMP362 SF type Supersport. Ces plaquettes sont tout particulièrement préconisées pour un montage à l'avant. Dimensions : - Longueur : 34.9mm - Largeur : 40.5mm - Épaisseur : 7.5mm. Type Supersport : très bonnes performances à chaud comme à froid, bonne durée de vie. Utilisation sportive sur route. Prévues pour disques acier ou inox. Vendues par 4 unités. Livrées conformes à la photo.

TNT Racing Boîtier régulateur de régime moteur universel

16.5 EUR
Boîtier régulateur de régime moteur universel

TNT Racing Etrier de frein Avant adaptable pour Booster Nitro

28.95 EUR
Etrier de frein hydraulique avant type Brembo / Grimeca livré avec  deux plaquettes. Attention la vis banjo vous permettant de relier votre durite de frein doit être aux dimensions M10x125. l'entraxe de fixation est de 43 mm.

TNT Racing Carburateur TNT Type PHBG 19

37.9 EUR
Caburateur PHBG diamètre 19 de la marque TNT pour scooter et moto 50cc avec starter à levier, montage souple, raccord d'huile et dépression.

TNT Racing Vilebrequin renforcé adaptable pour Nitro Ovetto axe 10

49.9 EUR
Embiellage TNT Racing Luxe avec un axe de diamètre 10 pour scooter  50 Minarelli horizontal MBK NITRO OVETTO

TNT Racing Plaquettes de Frein TNT - avant Honda sh 300/silver wing 125/150

13 EUR
Plaquettes de Frein TNT - avant Honda sh 300/silver wing 125/150

TNT Racing Vilebrequin renforcé adaptable pour Booster BW's

50 EUR
Embiellage renforcé adaptable scooter Minarelli vertical 50. Idéal pour le remplacement du vilo d'origine

TNT Racing Carburateur 1Tek Origine PHVA 17,5 avec 6 gicleurs

38.5 EUR
Caburateur PHVA Ø17.5 de la marque TNT pour scooter et moto 50cc avec starter à levier, montage souple, raccord d'huile et dépression

TNT Racing Vilebrequin renforcé Typhoon Sfera

57.1 EUR
Embiellage adaptable scooter Piaggio 50. Idéal en remplacement du vilo d'origine

Vilebrequin renforcé TNT Racing AM6

53.4 EUR

Disque de frein TNT Racing D.180 4 Trous Booster - D.180

39 EUR
Disque de frein TNT Racing adaptable Booster 4 Trous.

TNT Racing Plaquettes de Frein TNT - arrière Honda SH 300/Silver Wing 125/150

11.6 EUR
Plaquettes de Frein TNT - arrière Honda SH 300/Silver Wing 125/150

TNT Racing Carburateur type PZ19 Ø19

24.8 EUR
Carburateur Quad de diamètre 19 parfaitement adapté pour les marques Spider,kerox et LEM

TNT Racing Vilebrequin renforcé Derbi Senda Euro 3

55.9 EUR
Embiellage renforcé adaptable 50 à boîte Derbi Senda moteur Piaggio Euro 3 (après 2006) avec masses pleines et bouchons en alu

TNT Racing Béquille arrière moto noir

49.95 EUR
Béquille arrière atelier moto vous permettra de faire votre kit chaine pneu arrière et entretiens partie cycle avec aisance et rapidité et surtout stabilitée 

TNT Racing Plaquettes de Frein TNT - métal fritté - etrier AJP


TNT Racing Vilebrequin renforcé Derbi Senda Euro 2

50.6 EUR
Embiellage renforcé TNT Racing adaptable 50 à boîte Derbi Senda moteur Euro 2 (avant 2006)

TNT Racing Boite a air Ø35/50 noire

29.4 EUR
Boite à air universelle noir Ø35/50 livrée avec manchon

TNT Racing Plaque fibre céramique pour silencieux échappement (300mm X 250)

8.5 EUR
laine de roche pour cartouche pot tous modéle    Isolant thermique et phonique, la fibre de céramique ne brûle pas au contact des gaz d’échappement, sa résistance à une chaleur de plus de 1000°c lui assurant une durée de vie très supérieure aux autres isolants.

Fil de bougie TNT Racing

14.5 EUR
Pour un rendement maximum.

Neiman Contacteur À Clé Tnt Pour Scooter Mbk 100 Nitro 2003 Neuf

36.99 EUR
Neiman contacteur de démarrage type origine neuf. Équipé de 5 fils : une connecteur à 4 cosses plates mâles, plus 1 fil à cosse ronde mâle. ATTENTION : en cas de montage sur Majesty/Skyliner, il est impératif de conserver la tige du bloque direction d'origine sinon ce dernier ne fonctionne pas. Vendu à l'unité avec deux clés. Livré conforme à la photo.

Plateau D Embrayage Tnt Pour Scooter Piaggio 50 Zip 2t Lc 2006 À 2013 Neuf

68.37 EUR
Plateau d'embrayage trois mâchoires Racing réglable neuf adaptable de marque TNT diamètre 107mm. Vendu avec trois ressorts bleu et trois ressorts rouge. Livré conforme à la photo.

Plateau D Embrayage Tnt Pour Scooter Peugeot 50 Streetzone Après 2013 Neuf

68.37 EUR
Plateau d'embrayage trois mâchoires Racing réglable neuf adaptable de marque TNT diamètre 107mm. Vendu avec trois ressorts bleu et trois ressorts rouge. Livré conforme à la photo.

Plateau D Embrayage Tnt Pour Scooter Yamaha 50 Bw's 2004 À 2019 Neuf

68.37 EUR
Plateau d'embrayage trois mâchoires Racing réglable neuf adaptable de marque TNT diamètre 107mm. Vendu avec trois ressorts bleu et trois ressorts rouge. Livré conforme à la photo.

Plateau D Embrayage Tnt Pour Scooter Peugeot 50 Vivacity 2 2004 À 2007 Neuf

68.37 EUR
Plateau d'embrayage trois mâchoires Racing réglable neuf adaptable de marque TNT diamètre 107mm. Vendu avec trois ressorts bleu et trois ressorts rouge. Livré conforme à la photo.

Plateau D Embrayage Tnt Pour Scooter Peugeot 50 Tkr 2000 À 2003 Neuf

68.37 EUR
Plateau d'embrayage trois mâchoires Racing réglable neuf adaptable de marque TNT diamètre 107mm. Vendu avec trois ressorts bleu et trois ressorts rouge. Livré conforme à la photo.

Plateau D Embrayage Tnt Pour Scooter Peugeot 50 Vivacity 3 2t 2008 À 2020 Neuf

68.37 EUR
Plateau d'embrayage trois mâchoires Racing réglable neuf adaptable de marque TNT diamètre 107mm. Vendu avec trois ressorts bleu et trois ressorts rouge. Livré conforme à la photo.

Plaquette De Frein Gold Fren Pour Scooter Yamaha 250 Yp Majesty 1998 À 2003 Avg / Dx/A Neuf

27.82 EUR
Plaquette de frein métal fritté GOLD Fren type 099 qualité S3 Racing neuve. Vendues par paire. Livrées conforme à la photo.

Courroie Malossi X-K MBK Skyliner / Majesty 125 - 180cc

66 EUR
Procurez vous le fert de lance des courroies de transmission racing, conçue et développée par Malossi, la courroie X K Belt Kevlar est le fruit de décennies d'expériences et de recherche de la performance absolue en compétition. Adaptable sur MBK Skyliner / Majesty 125 - 180cc, cette courroie est indispensable à l' entretien et au bon fonctionnement de votre véhicule ainsi qu'au maintien de ses performances. Disposant des dimensions suivantes : 22x9,3x832mm 28°, elle s'adapte en toute simplicité de votre maxiscooter.

Plaquette De Frein Ferodo Pour Moto Benelli 1130 Tnt Cafe Racer 2005 À 2013 Av / 762hs Fr Neuf

103.81 EUR
Plaquette de frein organiques neuve de marque FERODO qualité Sinter Racing Compétition (XRAC). Dimensions plaquette : - Longueur : 34.9mm - Largeur : 40.5mm - Épaisseur : 7.5mm Ces plaquettes sont utilisées dans les courses de haut niveau depuis plusieurs années. Les matériaux ont été formulés pour un freinage agressif et instantané avec des niveaux de frottement élevés et constants dans une gamme de températures, de vitesses et de conditions de fonctionnement. Le concept unique de refroidissement de réseau (AC) signifie également que les plaquettes fonctionnent à des températures plus basses que les plaquettes conventionnelles. Cela permet de maintenir le liquide de frein à une température inférieure, évite les coulures et prolonge encore la durée de vie des plaquettes. caractéristiques principales : - Freinage agressif et instantané - Résistance exceptionnelle à la décoloration à haute température - Coefficient de

Plaquette De Frein Gold Fren Pour Moto Benelli 1100 Tnt 2004 À 2020 Neuf

27.82 EUR
Plaquettes de frein métal fritté GOLD Fren type 038 qualité S3 Racing neuves. Dimensions : - Longueur : 56.4mm. - Largeur : 39.8mm. - Épaisseur : 7mm. Vendues par paire. Livrées conformes à la photo.

Plaquette De Frein Gold Fren Pour Moto Benelli 1130 Tnt Après 2004 Neuf

27.82 EUR
Plaquettes de frein métal fritté GOLD Fren type 038 qualité S3 Racing neuves. Dimensions : - Longueur : 56.4mm. - Largeur : 39.8mm. - Épaisseur : 7mm. Vendues par paire. Livrées conformes à la photo.

Trw Plaquettes De Frein Avant Hyper-carbon Racing Aprilia Rsv 1000 Mille 01

51.49 EUR
Modèles compatibles :BENELLI TNT 1130 R 160 2012.BENELLI TORNADO 1130 TRE S 2006.BIMOTA DB5 992 R 2007.BIMOTA DB6 992 Delirio 2007.DUCATI 996R 2001.DUCATI 998R 2002.DUCATI 999R Xerox 2006.DUCATI MONSTER 1000 S4RS Tricolore 2008.HUSQVARNA SM 610 S 2007.KTM SUPERMOTO 990R 2009.KTM SUPERMOTO 990 T Edition Limitée 2011.MOTO MORINI REBELLO 1200 GIUBILEO 2012.MV AGUSTA F4 1000 R 1+1 312 2008.MV AGUSTA F4 1000 R 312 2008.TRIUMPH SPEED TRIPLE 1050 ABS 94 2016.TRIUMPH STREET SCRAMBLER 900 ABS 2019.TRIUMPH STREET TWIN 900 ABS 2019.Plaquettes de frein de course en carbone de la série CRQ.Pour l'étrier de frein avant UNIQUEMENT.Plaquette de frein de course à base de carbone.Plus grande durabilité que le tampon SRQ.Faible niveau de pression requis, bon taux de friction.Convient pour une utilisation de moto sportive de haute performance.

Naraku Joint d'échappement graphite 35x41x30mm Yamaha TT350 / Majesty 400

8.6 EUR
Joint de pot d.35x41x30mm Naraku produit des pièces tuning et racing pour scooters et maxiscooters. Bien que sa spécialité initiale ait été les moteurs GY6 très répandus, la marque propose désormais des pièces pour tous les types de deux-roues. Pour le bon fonctionnement de votre moteur, pensez à bien utiliser la rotule d'échappement adaptée. Détails sur le joint de pot d.35x41x30mm : Gamme de produit : Type Origine Homologation : ECE Homologation

Sbs Plaquettes De Frein Frittées Dual Road Racing Dynamic Racing Concept Hi-tech 762ds-1

145.99 EUR
Modèles compatibles :APRILIA TUONO 1000R 2003.BENELLI LEONCINO 500 SPORT ABS 2018.BENELLI TNT 899 Century Racer 2011.BIMOTA DB10 1078 Bimotard 2012.BIMOTA DB12 1198 T Tourisme 2013.BIMOTA DB5 1078 RE 2012.BIMOTA DB6 992 Délire 2007.BIMOTA DB7 1099 2008.BIMOTA SB8 1000K Santamonica 2005.DUCATI 996R 2001.DUCATI 998R 2002.DUCATI 999R Xerox 2006.DUCATI MONSTER 1000 S4RS Tricolore 2008.HUSQVARNA SM 630 IE2010.KTM SM 690 PRESTIGE Supermotard 2007.KTM SM 690 Supermotard Edition Limitée 2009.KTM SUPERMOTO 990 T Edition Limitée 2011.MV AGUSTA F4 1000R 2007.MV AGUSTA F4 1000 R 1+1 2007.NORTON COMMANDO 961 SE 2012.SWM GRAN MILANO 440 2018.SWM Grand Milan 440 Boggi Édition SpécialeSWM OUTLAW 500 ABS 2020.SWM SUPERDUAL 650 T 2018.SWM SUPERDUAL 650 X 2018.TM RACING SMX 450 FI 4T 2021.KIT TM RACING SMX 450 FI 4T 2021.KIT TM RACING SMX 450 FI 2020.TRIUMPH SPEED TRIPLE 1050 ABS 94 2016.Plaquettes de frein double fritté DS Racing.Le coefficient de frottement élevé fournit une puissance de freinage maximale.La formulation offre également la longévité des plaquettes de frein.Le choix de nombreux Champions du Monde en Superbike, Supersport, Moto2 et Endurance.Composé fritté de haute technologie disponible pour la course et.Systèmes de freinage standard utilisés en course.DS-1 Avec des caractéristiques de morsure initiales agressives et des performances d`arrêt prévisibles linéaires, DS-2 Avec une morsure initiale douce et des performances d`arrêt progressives.Une combinaison (gauche et droite) des deux composés permet un réglage précis des performances de freinage.La technologie NUCAP NRS sécurise le collage mécanique.Plaquettes de frein Dual Sinter Road Racing Dynamic Racing Concept Hi-Tech.

Sbs Plaquettes De Frein Frittées Dual Road Racing Dynamic Racing Concept Hi-tech 706ds-2

109 EUR
Modèles compatibles :APRILIA RSV 1000 SP Mille 1999.APRILIA SMV 750 Dorsoduro 2008.BENELLI BN 302 2014.BENELLI BN 600 R (I) 2013.BENELLI LEONCINO 500 ABS 2017.BENELLI TNT 899 Café Racer 2011.BENELLI TNT 899 Century Racer 2011.BENELLI TORNADO 900 DEUX PLACES 2003.BENELLI TORNADO 900 LE2003.BENELLI TRK 502 ABS 2017.BENELLI TRK 502 X ABS 2017.BIMOTA SB8 1000 RS Spécial 2000.BMW F 800 R ABS Édition Chris Pfeiffer 2010.BMW F 800 R Chris Pfeiffer Édition 2010.BMW G 650 XMOTO 2007.BMW G 650 XMOTO ABS 2007.BRAMMO EMPULSE 2014.CAGIVA V-RAPTOR 650 IE2004.DUCATI 748 R Production Racer 2000.DUCATI 848 Nicky Hayden Édition 2010.DUCATI 996S 2001.DUCATI 998 Matrice 2004.DUCATI 998R 2002.DUCATI 998S 2002.DUCATI 998 S édition finale 2004.DUCATI MH 900 E 2001.DUCATI MONSTER 1100 ABS 2010.DUCATI MONSTER 1100 EVO ABS 20e anniversaire 2013.DUCATI MONSTER 1100 S ABS 2010.Plaquettes de frein double fritté DS Racing.Le coefficient de frottement élevé fournit une puissance de freinage maximale.La formulation offre également la longévité des plaquettes de frein.Le choix de nombreux Champions du Monde en Superbike, Supersport, Moto2 et Endurance.Composé fritté de haute technologie disponible pour la course et.Systèmes de freinage standard utilisés en course.DS-1 Avec des caractéristiques de morsure initiales agressives et des performances d`arrêt prévisibles linéaires, DS-2 Avec une morsure initiale douce et des performances d`arrêt progressives.Une combinaison (gauche et droite) des deux composés permet un réglage précis des performances de freinage.La technologie NUCAP NRS sécurise le collage mécanique.Plaquettes de frein Dual Sinter Road Racing Dynamic Racing Concept Hi-Tech.

Sbs Plaquettes De Frein Frittées Dual Road Racing Dynamic Racing Concept Hi-tech 706ds-1

109 EUR
Modèles compatibles :APRILIA RSV 1000 SP Mille 1999.APRILIA SMV 750 Dorsoduro 2008.BENELLI BN 302 2014.BENELLI BN 600 R (I) 2013.BENELLI LEONCINO 500 ABS 2017.BENELLI TNT 899 Café Racer 2011.BENELLI TNT 899 Century Racer 2011.BENELLI TORNADO 900 DEUX PLACES 2003.BENELLI TORNADO 900 LE2003.BENELLI TRK 502 ABS 2017.BENELLI TRK 502 X ABS 2017.BIMOTA SB8 1000 RS Spécial 2000.BMW F 800 R ABS Édition Chris Pfeiffer 2010.BMW F 800 R Chris Pfeiffer Édition 2010.BMW G 650 XMOTO 2007.BMW G 650 XMOTO ABS 2007.BRAMMO EMPULSE 2014.CAGIVA V-RAPTOR 650 IE2004.DUCATI 748 R Production Racer 2000.DUCATI 848 Nicky Hayden Édition 2010.DUCATI 996S 2001.DUCATI 998 Matrice 2004.DUCATI 998R 2002.DUCATI 998S 2002.DUCATI 998 S édition finale 2004.DUCATI MH 900 E 2001.DUCATI MONSTER 1100 ABS 2010.DUCATI MONSTER 1100 EVO ABS 20e anniversaire 2013.DUCATI MONSTER 1100 S ABS 2010.Plaquettes de frein double fritté DS Racing.Le coefficient de frottement élevé fournit une puissance de freinage maximale.La formulation offre également la longévité des plaquettes de frein.Le choix de nombreux Champions du Monde en Superbike, Supersport, Moto2 et Endurance.Composé fritté de haute technologie disponible pour la course et.Systèmes de freinage standard utilisés en course.DS-1 Avec des caractéristiques de morsure initiales agressives et des performances d`arrêt prévisibles linéaires, DS-2 Avec une morsure initiale douce et des performances d`arrêt progressives.Une combinaison (gauche et droite) des deux composés permet un réglage précis des performances de freinage.La technologie NUCAP NRS sécurise le collage mécanique.Plaquettes de frein Dual Sinter Road Racing Dynamic Racing Concept Hi-Tech.

Redcat Racing Ni-Mh Receiver Battery 6v 1100mah

23.73 EUR
Description A girl teases a honking goose and a boy draws back on a slingshot A woman in an apron uses a hoe and a man collects things in his basket A man carries a bucket and another man hauls a feed sack on his back

Sbs Plaquettes De Frein Organiques Dual Racing 762dc Carbon

55.49 EUR
Modèles compatibles :Aprilia tonnerre 1000 r 2003.Benelli leoncino 500 sport abs 2018.Benelli tnt 899 course du siècle 2011.Bimota db10 1078 bimotard 2012.Bimota db12 1198 t touristique 2013.Bimota db5 1078 re 2012.Bimota db6 992 délire 2007.Bimota db7 1099 2008.Bimota sb8 1000k santamonica 2005.Conduit 996 r 2001.Ducati 998 r 2002.Ducati 999r xerox 2006.Ducati monster 1000 s4rs tricolore 2008.Husqvarna sm 630 ie2010.Ktm sm 690 prestige supermotard 2007.Ktm sm 690 supermotard édition limitée 2009.Ktm supermotard 990 t édition limitée 2011.Mv agusta f4 1000 r 2007.Mv agusta f4 1000 r 1+1 2007.Norton commando 961 se 2012.Nage grand milano 440 2018.SWM Gran Milano 440 Boggi Édition SpécialeNatation hors-la-loi 500 abs 2020.Swm superdual 650 t 2018.Nage superdual 650 x 2018.Tm racing smx 450 fi 4t 2021.Kit tm racing smx 450 fi 4t 2021.Kit tm racing smx 450 fi 2020.Triumph speed triple 1050 abs 94 2016.Plaquettes de frein double carbone dc racing.Le choix de mise à niveau pour les coureurs de superbike, supersport et superstock en championnat national ainsi que pour les coureurs de jour sur piste.Les mêmes plaquettes que celles utilisées en ama, supersport mondial et superbike mondial.Composé de carbone de haute technologie développé pour les systèmes de freinage de course et standard utilisés pour les motos de course et de sport.Le faible taux de transfert de chaleur protège le système de freinage et le liquide de frein contre les températures extrêmes.La technologie dest élimine la décoloration et garantit des performances constantes.Fonctionne avec des rotors de course et provoque une usure minimale du rotor.Morsure initiale douce, performances d`arrêt progressives avec une excellente sensation et modulation du levier de frein.Technologie dest utilisée pour le pré-revêtement du composé afin d`éliminer la décoloration et d`assurer une performance constante.La technologie nucap nrs assure une liaison mécanique et indestructible du compound.Les coussinets en carbone double sont réservés à la course.Pas pour une utilisation dans la rue.Ressorts inclus.Plaquettes de frein double racing carbone.

Sbs Plaquettes De Frein Frittées Racing Hi-tech 762rst

46.49 EUR
Modèles compatibles :Aprilia tonnerre 1000 r 2003.Benelli leoncino 500 sport abs 2018.Benelli tnt 899 course du siècle 2011.Bimota db10 1078 bimotard 2012.Bimota db12 1198 t touristique 2013.Bimota db5 1078 re 2012.Bimota db6 992 délire 2007.Bimota db7 1099 2008.Bimota sb8 1000k santamonica 2005.Conduit 996 r 2001.Ducati 998 r 2002.Ducati 999r xerox 2006.Ducati monster 1000 s4rs tricolore 2008.Husqvarna sm 630 ie2010.Ktm sm 690 prestige supermotard 2007.Ktm sm 690 supermotard édition limitée 2009.Ktm supermotard 990 t édition limitée 2011.Mv agusta f4 1000 r 2007.Mv agusta f4 1000 r 1+1 2007.Norton commando 961 se 2012.Nage grand milano 440 2018.SWM Gran Milano 440 Boggi Édition SpécialeNatation hors-la-loi 500 abs 2020.Swm superdual 650 t 2018.Nage superdual 650 x 2018.Tm racing smx 450 fi 4t 2021.Kit tm racing smx 450 fi 4t 2021.Kit tm racing smx 450 fi 2020.Triumph speed triple 1050 abs 94 2016.Premières plaquettes de frein.Le choix idéal et abordable pour les journées sur piste et pour les motos de route et de piste combinées.Composé fritté pour les systèmes de freinage standard des motos sportives et nues haut de gamme, des motos sportives lourdes, d`aventure et de tourisme et des motos plus légères à disque unique.Excellent pour les disques de frein en acier inoxydable ou en fonte.Fort mordant initial, excellente sensation de freinage et modulation.Performances élevées et stables dans toutes les conditions.Plaquettes de freins fritté racing hi-tech.

Grille déco bleu anodisé RACING STR8 maillon moyen (30x30cm)

12.5 EUR
D'une qualité supérieur à d'autre !!! Nous pouvons proposer à ceux qui trouvaient les grilles TNT trop fines ou trop fragiles, deux nouvelles gammes de grilles. Des grilles en alu anodisé très simples à utiliser dans deux dimensions différentes en maillons moyens ou bien grands. Idéales à placer derrière les ouvertures de revêtement, comme par exemple les prises d'air de radiateur. Livrables en différents coloris. Bleu anodisé (30x30cm)

Grille déco rouge anodisé RACING STR8 maillon moyen (50x50cm)

22.5 EUR
D'une qualité supérieur à d'autre !!! Nous pouvons proposer à ceux qui trouvaient les grilles TNT trop fines ou trop fragiles, deux nouvelles gammes de grilles. Des grilles en alu anodisé très simples à utiliser dans deux dimensions différentes en maillons moyens ou bien grands. Idéales à placer derrière les ouvertures de revêtement, comme par exemple les prises d'air de radiateur. Livrables en différents coloris. Rouge anodisé (50x50) maillon moyen

Grille déco alu RACING STR8 maillon moyen (30x30cm)

12.5 EUR
D'une qualité supérieur à d'autre !!! Nous pouvons proposer à ceux qui trouvaient les grilles TNT trop fines ou trop fragiles, deux nouvelles gammes de grilles. Des grilles en alu anodisé très simples à utiliser dans deux dimensions différentes en maillons moyens ou bien grands. Idéales à placer derrière les ouvertures de revêtement, comme par exemple les prises d'air de radiateur. Livrables en différents coloris. Alu (30x30cm)

Tuning Tnt Pour Deux Roues Tnt 093321 / Violet Neuf

8.69 EUR
Lot de 4 prises d'air autocollantes neuves coloris violet tuning livrées avec grille à coller sur les carénages pour un look racing. Livré conforme à la photo.

Grille déco STR8 RACING maillon moyen (30x30cm) Vert anodisé

10 EUR
D'une qualité supérieur à d'autre !!! Nous pouvons proposer à ceux qui trouvaient les grilles TNT trop fines ou trop fragiles, deux nouvelles gammes de grilles. Des grilles en alu anodisé très simples à utiliser dans deux dimensions différentes en maillons moyens ou bien grands. Idéales à placer derrière les ouvertures de revêtement, comme par exemple les prises d'air de radiateur. Livrables en différents coloris. Vert anodisé (30x30cm)

CINEBOOK clifton tome 2 - en anglais - the laughing thief

9.9 EUR
Ex-agent of the secret service and colonel to Her most gracious Majesty, Sir Harold Wilberforce Clifton has become an amateur detective. Scotland Yard consider this excellent old hand as insightful as the illustrious Sherlock Holmes ! Without ever losing an ounce of his "British" touch, he resolves complex enigmas for the police and thwarts the plans of unscrupulous crooks. At the wheel of his famous MG convertible, his cases are punctuated with the indispensable "tea-time", cheeky remarks, his devoted governor Mrs. Partridge and the attention demanded by his cats. Rich in twists and turns, the adventures of Clifton are presented by some of the biggest names in humorous comics.

Grille déco orange anodisé RACING STR8 maillon moyen (30x30cm)

12 EUR
D'une qualité supérieur à d'autre !!! Nous pouvons proposer à ceux qui trouvaient les grilles TNT trop fines ou trop fragiles, deux nouvelles gammes de grilles. Des grilles en alu anodisé très simples à utiliser dans deux dimensions différentes en maillons moyens ou bien grands. Idéales à placer derrière les ouvertures de revêtement, comme par exemple les prises d'air de radiateur. Livrables en différents coloris. Orange anodisé (30x30cm)

CINEBOOK Ducoboo tome 4 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Ducoboo's life isn't easy. Being the king of dunces-while still managing to avoid wearing the «crown» too often-takes work, dedication, and an awful lot of imagination. It also takes a proper target: Leonie, the gifted girl who doesn't like to share her answers with His Majesty. It's a constant war of wits between these two, under the disbelieving eye of the long-suffering teacher, fought with wigs, cameras and magical pencil-sharpeners. And when school's over, the beach is the new battlefield!

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 15 - the cage

9.9 EUR
It is time at last for Thorgal to return to his family. However, Aaricia is not staying idle after her rescue by Jolan, and tries to put together a fleet to attack Shaigan's stronghold - unaware that her husband is no longer the dreaded pirate lord. By the time the two find themselves on their own island again, Aaricia is disinclined to simply forgive everything, and locks Thorgal up in a cage while she makes up her mind about him. Correspond au tome 23 français: La cage

CINEBOOK A Christmas Carol

16.9 EUR
In 19th century London, on Christmas Eve, the greedy, selfish misanthrope Scrooge encounters the ghost of his dead partner, who warns him that three spirits will visit him to make him change his ways before he is damned forever. Charles Dicken's story is universally known, but in this adaptation by Munuera, Ebenezer becomes Elizabeth, and that simple yet fundamental difference, with all the social baggage it entails, may make her rather more unrepentant than her original model...

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 11 - western circus (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Mulligan's Western circus - his troop, lion and elephant - arrive in town under the escort of Lucky Luke. Zilch, a rich businessman and organizer of the annual grand rodeo, thinks the circus is going to compete with his business and does everything to prevent it from putting on a show. He even engages killer-for-hire Rattlesnake Joe. Correspond au tome 36 français: Western circus

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 49 - The Dalton's Amnesia

9.9 EUR
After a fellow inmate, having received a blow to the head, forgets his own name and is freed as a brand new man, the Daltons start pretending to be amnesiac in order to escape the prison. So as to test their supposed amnesia - and hopefully allow them to retrieve their memories should it be real - they are put in familiar situations: bank hold-ups, train robberies ... under Lucky Luke's supervision, of course. Correspond au tome 60 français: l'amnésie des Dalton

CINEBOOK Valerian and Laureline - ambassador of the shadows

9.9 EUR
Point Central is a multicultural space station that serves as a sort of United Nations to the galaxy. Tasked with protecting the new ambassador from Earth, Valerian is kidnapped alongside his charge in a lightning commando attack. It's up to Laureline to do all the heavy lifting and slog through the seedy bowels of the station as she tries to locate and rescue them-and figure out who kidnapped them and why.

CINEBOOK Barracuda tome 2 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
Three years have passed in Puerto Blanco, and there has been no news of the Barracuda. Emilio, still passing himself off as a woman, has been learning the art of fencing from Mr Flynn. Maria, now married to the slave merchant Ferrango, makes her husband’s existence a living hell. As for Raffy, being left behind by his pirate father has hit him hard. But when an old enemy of Flynn’s sails into the harbour, their lives are turned upside down again.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 39 - the man from washington (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Ulysses S. Grant's second term is ending, and the USA must elect a new president. After the many corruption scandals of the previous administration, the Republican Party has selected an upstanding candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes. However, a rich Texas oil tycoon with his eye on the White House has other ideas, and money can buy many votes... or bullets. Luke is called upon to protect Hayes as he tours the wild, wild West... Correspond au tome français Les nouvelles aventures de Lucky Luke t.3 ; l'homme de Washington

CINEBOOK The scorpion tome 7 - the mask of truth

9.9 EUR
One by one, the Pope's warrior monks fall to the Scorpion's blade or desert their master. Feeling his enemy circling ever closer, Trebaldi grows desperate and hires Rome's best paid assassins to go after him-and whomever else stands in his way. As the women in his life choose their destinies, an old enemy reappears to plague the Scorpion... or perhaps to bring him the truth at last, hidden behind his mask.

CINEBOOK Lady S. tome 5 - Portuguese Medley (anglais)

9.9 EUR
Work, family, international politics, global terrorism. Another day in the life of Lady S! Shania, back in Europe after being expelled from the United States, has resumed her work with Orion and his shadowy organisation. Undercover as an interpreter at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, she is tasked with getting close to an extremist suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. The whole mission spirals out of control when she rushes to Portugal, after the CIA contacts her to tell her they've found a man who calls himself Abel Rivkas. her father!

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 3 - beyond the shadow - en anglais

15.25 EUR
Taken aback by Aaricia’s disappearance, Thorgal is only a shadow of his former self. Eaten away by remorse, the young Shania accompanies him and protects him, begging his pardon… Approached by two strangers, Worgan and Galathorn, they discover that Aaricia is still alive but held captive in the court of Brek Zarith. Ready to do anything to keep himself in power, the illegitimate master of this kingdom, Sharder, uses and abuses his evil sorcerer powers. Despite all this, Thorgal will try, alone, to penetrate the impregnable fortress of Brek Zarith to save his wife and his son, Jolan.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 10 - tortillas for the daltons (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Just as the infamous Daltons are being transferred to a Mexican prison, robbers attack the van and «kidnap» the Daltons without realising it. Disappointed with their booty, they decide to hang the four brothers. In order to save their lives, brother Joe offers to share all his knowledge of organised crime with the leader of the bandits, Don Emilio. Meanwhile, the governor sends Lucky Luke to their rescue . Correspond au tome 31 français: Tortillas pour les Dalton

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 40 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
In Bottleneck Gulch, there’s a saloon where the owner is a crook of the worst order. When a second saloon opens, our crook isn’t happy that someone’s selling proper whisky cheaper than his own rotgut. To get rid of the competition, he calls upon an oversized gunman for hire, Phil Wire. But the killer runs afoul of Lucky Luke, who decides to take his place in order to clean up the town—only, not the way his employer expected!

CINEBOOK Pandora's box tome 3 - gluttony (anglais)

9.9 EUR
Teze has been appointed head of a food agency by his father, who trusts him to stand up to big business interests. He notices a sudden recent resurgence in the number of tests done to determine the presence of mad cow disease. So far, all the results have been negative, but the fact that this testing is happening on such a huge scale sends alarm bells ringing. Teze now has to deal with the interests of the intensive farming lobby. He becomes increasingly frustrated by the fact that several of the big companies are trying to influence his thinking and to convince him to let them off the hook. Teze stands firm and introduces an even more stringent form of testing. This time, the results seem to point to a new, more virulent strain of mad cow disease. Could man's gluttony be at the heart of the problem?

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 7 - Golden Gate - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Simon—Largo’s friend—has been cast as the lead in a new TV series, “Golden Gate.” It’s produced in part by one of Group W’s subsidiaries. When the investigator sent by Dwight Cochrane to examine irregularities in the funding of the series disappears, Largo takes matters into his own hands and heads to the city by the Bay. But what will he find? An innocuous example of bad television? A case of tax evasion? Or… worse?

CINEBOOK Papyrus tome 1 - the rameses'revenge - en anglais

9.9 EUR
A young peasant in ancient Egypt, Papyrus is a mischievous boy, crafty and courageous. Protected by a magic sword, he saves the princess Theti-Cheri, whose protector and confidant he becomes. He will be extremely busy protecting his friend from the plots woven by the priests of Amon or by cheating princes trying to make her disappear... On the way to Abou-Simbel, Theti-Cheri and Papyrus will have to face two bands of plunderers who want to seize a treasure that is guarded by the four colossi of the temple of Ramses.

CINEBOOK Barracuda tome 3 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
On Puerto Blanco, life goes on. Captain Flynn is dead, murdered by his old nemesis. Emilio mourns his mentor and lover, yet finds unexpected companionship in Maria and Raffy. The three children left behind by the Barracuda have grown and found each other, but the dangers are many: De La Loya and his Spanish expedition; Ferrango, Maria’s cuckolded husband; Flynn’s killer; a scorned woman with a talent for poisons… And above all, a cursed diamond that carries madness and death.

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 11 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
A proposed deal between one of Winch's companies and a Chinese group would require that the young billionaire come sign the contract himself in Hong Kong. But there is a problem: In his youth, Largo tangled with Chinese justice in occupied Tibet. He escaped from prison with the help of a Chinese arms smuggler, whose triad later helped rescue Simon from a Burma prison. But that help came with a price, and the triad will one day call in their favour... Correspond au tome 15 français: Les trois yeux des gardiens du Tao

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 2 - ghost town (en anglais)

11.5 EUR
Presents the adventures of the world's greatest cowboy, the comic strip character who can shoot faster than his own shadow. As he roams with his horse Jolly Jumper, always seeking new adventures, Lucky Luke meets two suspicious characters, Denver Miles and Colorado Bill. Together they arrive on the outskirts of a deserted city, Gold Hill. Correspond au tome 25 français: La ville fantôme

CINEBOOK The scorpion t6 - the angel's shadow

9.9 EUR
The iron fist of Trebaldi's monks is still strangling Rome, but such an army is expensive. To pay his men before their loyalty begins to slip, the Pope must rely on the financial assistance of European monarchs?and a large sum in gold is coming to Rome. But such a convoy is tempting to many! Trebaldi, the Nine Families, thieves and conspirators... And all figure they can use the Scorpion against each other to obtain what they want.

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 12 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Largo has disappeared. His friends and employees are trying to find him while they keep the W Group ticking, but no one seems to know what has happened to him not even the Chinese authorities. It will be up to the billionaire, locked in a cell with a corpse as his only companion, to escape on his own before he can begin reassessing who are his allies and who are his enemies. Correspond au tome 16 français: La voie et la vertu

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 13 - Ogotai's crown (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Three years ago, Thorgal lost his memory. Kriss of Valnor convinced him that he was her husband Shaigan, a merciless pirate, and they have been terrorising everyone-even the Vikings-ever since. Aaricia and Wolf Cub, exiled when Thorgal was recognised by one of the men from the northern village, have been captured and brought to Shaigan's lair. In the end, it's up to young Jolan to rescue his family with the help of a very special traveller... from the future! Correspond au tome 21 français: La couronne d'Ogotaï

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 30 - (en anglais)

11.5 EUR
“The Daltons have escaped!” Words that all fans of Lucky Luke know well. But this is the story of the first time that the idiotic brothers break out of jail. Driven by Joe’s unshakable need to get revenge on Lucky Luke, the outlaws terrorise several towns before hatching a genius plan: Get the Lonesome Cowboy his very own wanted poster. As the local populace begins turning on him, Luke will display infinite patience in order to catch his quarry.

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 11 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
Several months after their adventures in Antarctica, Blake and Mortimer are back in England. Still somewhat shaken after his ordeal, the professor is ordered by his doctor to get some rest. In typical Mortimer fashion, he decides to spend his holidays in Africa. looking for a lost civilisation! Accompanied by Nastasia Wardynska and an old flame of his, he begins tracking down a culture that is older than any ever recorded-but someone is dogging their every step.Correspond au tome 18 français: Le sanctuaire du Gondwana

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 27 - Lucky Luke versus Joss Jamon (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
At the end of the Civil War, many former soldiers turn to a life of crime to survive. Joss Jamon and his gang are among the worst of such men. After sacking the town of Los Palitos, they arrange for Lucky Luke to be arrested for their crimes. The lonesome cowboy, a rope already around his neck, is forced to make a deal with the angry citizens: Bring the real bandits back within six months or hang. Correspond au tome 11 français: Lucky Luke contre Joss Jamon

CINEBOOK Clifton tome 6 - en anglais - kidnapping

9.9 EUR
Will Clifton be able to keep his very British cool when art-loving gangsters kidnap one of his boy scouts? Scoutmaster Musical Heron and his troop must investigate when one of them is abducted while collecting kindling in the woods. The abductors are demanding a ransom, with which their leader plans to complete his collection of Ming vases. After a huge commotion, the boy scouts go on an unconventional treasure hunt.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 15 - the daltons in the blizzard (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The Daltons escape from a Texas jail and head over to Canada. Lucky Luke is called in to get them back to jail. He and Rintincan, his second faithful companion after Jolly Jumper, follow them all the way to Canada, where Captain Winston Pendergast offers his help. Correspond au tome 22 français: Les Dalton dans le blizzard

CINEBOOK Spirou and fantasio tome 2 - in new york - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Spirou and Fantasio have won a million dollars and a trip to New York City. How lucky! Well, maybe not that lucky, since it’s all a plot by Don Cortizone to change his own fortune in his struggle against “The Mandarin”—by enlisting the help of truly lucky people. Before long, the two reporters find themselves in the middle of a shooting war between Italian Mafia and Chinese Triad–and they’ll have to make their own luck.

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 9 - the guardian of the keys - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Thorgal is back in his old village with his family, but once again his destiny catches up with him when Volsung of Nichor, sent by the snake Nidhogg, steals the belt of the Guardian of the Keys, which grants invulnerability. Nidhogg wants to destroy the Guardian and spread chaos throughout the universe, while Volsung just wants to become king of the world–but they both want Thorgal dead. And Volsung has taken on Thorgal’s appearance…

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 13 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Fresh from his old pilot Freddy's wedding, Largo is back in New York for more celebrating - the departure of one of his employees. But during the party, a Turkish national permanently retires Sir Basil with a couple of bullets. Shortly thereafter, the shooter himself is killed by a sniper before he's had a chance to say a word. When the FBI finally gets involved, they come with accusations of gun trafficking and hiring assassins... Accusations levelled at Largo himself! Correspond au tome 17 français: Mer noire

CINEBOOK Xiii tome 2 - where the indian walks - en anglais

9.9 EUR
XIII is looking for a certain Kim Rowlands, a woman with whom he saw himself in a photograph. His search will yield a name-his, perhaps-and take him to a place that may be home. All families have secrets, though, and they can get a man killed. And what exactly do General Carrington and his beautiful aide Lieutenant Jones want with him?

CINEBOOK XIII tome 18 - the last round (anglais)

9.9 EUR
XIII and his friends have failed to recover Maximilian's gold and are tired of hiding, running and struggling. When two books come out in the USA relating all the events of the amnesiac's life and the details of the Conspiracy of the XX, they see it as a possible chance to come out in the open and trust in their country's justice. But they still have enemies, at home and abroad, and everyone is set on a collision course... Correspond au tome 19 français: Le dernier round

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 8 - shadow - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Largo Winch has been hoodwinked, framed and sent to jail. His enemies are celebrating their victory after taking control of his TV station. His friends are either in prison or in mortal danger… But Largo wasn’t born a billionaire. He knows how to fight dirty, and now he’s going to have to strike back at the circle of crooks, pimps and murderers who came after him—before they kill all potential witnesses, including his own employee, Sarah Washington.

CINEBOOK IR$ tome 6 - The Black Gold War (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Larry B. Max is an unusual specialist from a little-known branch of the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), the all-powerful tax-collecting agency of the United States, with every technological method at his disposal to link high finance and high crime.Is the world barrelling towards the apocalypse? Russian commandoes are positioned around Georgia and its vital pipelines, fanatical terrorists are bent on eliminating Saudi Arabia’s reigning family... With oil barons indifferent to the potential damage their stock market manipulations could cause, only one man stands against a scheme of utter cynicism: Larry B. Max. This time, the IRS agent intends to stop his sworn enemy Madsen for good – and rescue the woman he’s loved for so long, Kate.

CINEBOOK Xiii tome 3 - all the tears of hell - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Convicted of murder and sent to a high-security prison for the criminally insane, XIII finds himself not only unable to continue searching for his past, but also at the mercy of his enemies. Unbeknownst to him, though, General Carrington and the beautiful (and deadly) Lieutenant Jones are still trying to unravel the mystery of the presidential assassination. All they have to do is find a way to help him before he loses his life–or his mind.

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 12 (en anglais)

13.25 EUR
Deep under Sao Miguel island, rumoured to be the last emerging part of Atlantis, Professor Mortimer has discovered samples of a mysterious radioactive metal. Could it be the Atlanteans’ legendary orichalcum? When he and his friend Blake set out on an expedition into the depths to find out, sabotage occurs in the form of their old opponent Olrik. And soon, all three will be embroiled in a power struggle far bigger in scope than they could have imagined.

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 14 - giants (anglais)

9.9 EUR
In their island fortress, Kriss and Shaigan still reign over their band of pirates and raiders. But Shaigan is beginning to have doubts, and when a prisoner who knew him calls him Thorgal, the child of the stars begs the gods of Asgard to give him back his name and his destiny. In return, the gods require that Thorgal travel to the kingdom of giants and steal from their ruler... and then Thorgal will be Thorgal again. Correspond au tome 22 français: Géants

CINEBOOK Ducoboo tome 3 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
What would a class be without a dunce? A bit like a curry without spice. And Ducoboo sure spices up his fellow pupils' days. Not one lesson goes by without flavour--with him, school is an endless string of break-times. Of course, there's always Leonie, the terribly gifted girl who doesn't put up with Ducoboo's messing and doesn't believe in sharing knowledge. Of course, there's also the teacher, whose index finger turns out to be more threatening than ever. No, school life isn't one long, smooth ride: For some, the school year is perhaps the most dangerous time of all!

CINEBOOK Crusade tome 3 (en anglais)

11.75 EUR
Gauthier of Flanders hunts the Aa, a monster whose existence stains his family’s honour and who is key to an alliance with the Jews of Samaria. Deep underground, the crusader and Osarias fight for their lives, while on the surface the Master of Machines plots to secure his own pacts and get rid of Robert of Taranto. In this terrible struggle for Hierus Halem, more lives, more souls will be lost to the terrible Qa’dj.

CINEBOOK Long John Silver tome 4 - Guina-Capac (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
The Neptune is gone, stolen by the Indian guide Moc, or maybe by Guiana-Capac's malevolent gods. The last members of the ill-fated expedition-Silver, Dantzig, Livesey and Bonnet-are stranded in the ancient city. Far from being broken, however, they will face head-on what lies inside the gargantuan ruin, each for his own reasons: revenge, duty, gold... or to rescue the beautiful Lady Hastings. For Moc isn't done with them, and he has plans for Vivian.

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 3 - dutch connection - en anglais

15.25 EUR
H : Largo Winch gives a cocktail party to launch his foundation for war orphans when a waiter brings out one of his colleagues’ severed head on a tray. He has been murdered by the drugs traffickers Largo is after. In a matter of hours, the billionaire’s life is turned upside down.Dutch Connection : Two policemen are shot down as they arrest Largo Winch and he is charged with the murders. On top of that, he is accused of being part of the international heroin trade. Largo flees to Paris and ends up in the homeless community, with little hope of escaping the dire fate that awaits him : a lifelong jail sentence…This two-volume book includes “H”.

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 29 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Grand Duke Leonid of Russia is in Washington to sign a commercial treaty on behalf of the Tsar. But this larger-than-life aristocrat has read too much Fennimore Cooper and wants to visit the West. The US government is forced to agree to his whim—but wisely chooses Lucky Luke to escort him to the cattle capital of the West: Abilene. A good thing, too, because the Russian Grand Duke encounters real American desperadoes on his visit!