Bodyline Health And Massage - Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood Couleur: Noir

79.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood - Beige

79.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood Couleur: Blanc

92.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

Bodyline Health And Massage - Tabouret à roulettes pour esthéticienne manucure pédicure en simili cuir selle de cheval Professional Couleur: Blanc

67.99 EUR
Professional est le tabouret ergonomique à roulettes équipé d'un siège de selle de cheval exclusif qui aide à maintenir le dos dans une position confortable et correcte pendant les heures de travail. C'est un tabouret qui se prête à diverses utilisations et lieux de travail, un support parfait pour les professionnels du bien-être pour les séances de manucure et de pédicure et idéal pour ceux qui recherchent un support confortable et stable à un prix abordable. Fabriqué avec des matériaux sélectionnés de haute qualité, le tabouret Professional garantit une assise très stable et équilibrée en toute occasion. Le siège innovant en forme de selle de cheval est recouvert de cuir écologique et est facilement lavable des crèmes, des huiles du commerce et de tout autre type d'agent ; la base est équipée de roulettes et la hauteur est réglable grâce à la pompe hydraulique de 44 à 56 centimètres. ProduceShop sélectionne uniquement les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction de

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes pour esthéticienne manucure pédicure en simili cuir selle de cheval Professional - Noir

67.99 EUR
Professional est le tabouret ergonomique à roulettes équipé d'un siège de selle de cheval exclusif qui aide à maintenir le dos dans une position confortable et correcte pendant les heures de travail. C'est un tabouret qui se prête à diverses utilisations et lieux de travail, un support parfait pour les professionnels du bien-être pour les séances de manucure et de pédicure et idéal pour ceux qui recherchent un support confortable et stable à un prix abordable. Fabriqué avec des matériaux sélectionnés de haute qualité, le tabouret Professional garantit une assise très stable et équilibrée en toute occasion. Le siège innovant en forme de selle de cheval est recouvert de cuir écologique et est facilement lavable des crèmes, des huiles du commerce et de tout autre type d'agent ; la base est équipée de roulettes et la hauteur est réglable grâce à la pompe hydraulique de 44 à 56 centimètres. ProduceShop sélectionne uniquement les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction de

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux similicuir Balancesteel Couleur: Blanc

100.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux similicuir Balancesteel - Noir

96.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chariot de coiffure à roulettes avec plateaux Pixie

60.99 EUR
Pixie est notre chariot multifonctionnel pour les professionnels de beauté. Extrêmement pratique et maniable, c'est un chariot très apprécié des esthéticiennes et des coiffeurs pour sa maniabilité : adapté à une utilisation dans la zone centrale de votre salon, il dispose de cinq étagères avec plateaux coulissants et amovibles des deux côtés, utiles pour un rangement ordonné des ciseaux, des peignes et tout le nécessaire afin de mieux organiser le travail et de mener à bien son activité. La surface supérieure du chariot est équipée de divers compartiments et d'étagères personnalisées dans lesquels vous pouvez facilement insérer des colorations, des crèmes et des accessoires professionnels dont vous avez besoin. Le chariot dispose également d'un support sèche-cheveux très pratique. La structure portante du chariot est en métal noir. Elle s'intègre parfaitement dans un mobilier informel, tandis que les étagères sont en plastique dur et non toxique pour faciliter le nettoyage. Malgré sa

Bodyline Health And Massage - Valise à roulettes pour maquillage avec table miroir lumières Smarty

311.99 EUR
Smarty est la valise à maquillage indispensable si vous travaillez dans le secteur de la beauté. Parfait compagnon de voyage pour les esthéticiennes et maquilleurs en déplacement, mais aussi pour les techniciens ongulaires à domicile et les amateurs du nail art, cette valise permet de réaliser un maquillage ou une manucure de qualité où que vous soyez. Une fois ouvert, la valise se transforme en un véritable poste de travail, complet avec table, miroir avec lumières LED, haut-parleurs Bluetooth et pratique tiroir pour garder tout bien organisé. Le compartiment supérieur avec des séparateurs offre de la place pour les pinceaux, les vernis à ongles et les produits cosmétiques variés. Dans les tiroirs coulissants, vous pouvez ranger soigneusement des accessoires et des outils de travail essentiels. La structure au design multifonctionnel est solide, résistante et en même temps légère à transporter grâce aux roues pivotantes et à la poignée télescopique. ProduceShop sélectionne seulement

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chariot de coiffure à roulettes multifonctionnel avec tiroirs Bangs

88.99 EUR
Bangs est notre chariot multifonctionnel pour les professionnels de la beauté. Très apprécié des esthéticiennes et des coiffeurs pour son extrême praticité, ce chariot dispose de quatre plateaux coulissants qui peuvent être utilisés à l'avant comme à l'arrière. Très utiles pour ranger soigneusement ciseaux, peignes et accessoires afin de mieux organiser son travail et de mener à bien l'activité de son choix. La surface supérieure de notre chariot Bangs est équipée de divers compartiments et d'étagères personnalisées dans lesquels vous pouvez facilement ranger des sèche-cheveux, des brosses, des bols et des peignes pour la teinture et bien plus encore ; sur les côtés du plateau, vous pouvez également accrocher entre un à deux plateaux afin de toujours avoir les outils nécessaires à votre disposition. Le cadre est en acier tandis que la structure externe est entièrement en plastique dur et non toxique ; les plateaux sont antidérapants pour permettre une stabilité maximale des

Bodyline Health And Massage - Valise de maquillage à roulettes avec miroir led et haut-parleurs Bluetooth Eva l

249.99 EUR
Eva est la valise de maquillage à roulettes super équipée de Bodyline, idéale pour avoir tout ce dont vous avez besoin à portée de main pour un maquillage professionnel. Conçue pour les professionnels de la beauté toujours en mouvement, grâce à ses 4 roues pivotantes, vous pouvez la transporter en toute sécurité et confortablement comme une valise à roulettes classique. Le compartiment intérieur est très spacieux et permet d'optimiser l'espace et l'organisation. Dans les compartiments pratiques et réglables, vous pouvez ranger de manière ordonnée des cosmétiques, des pinceaux, des rouges à lèvres, des vernis à ongles, des fonds de teint, des fers à lisser/à boucler, des peignes, des accessoires et tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour le maquillage. Le miroir doté de lumières LED avec allumage tactile direct vous permet de peaufiner votre maquillage dans les moindres détails et intègre également une paire de haut-parleurs avec système de connexion Bluetooth. Extrêmement fonctionnelle et

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Beige

106.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

Bodyline Health And Massage - Valise de maquillage professionnel à roulettes pour esthétique à 4 plateaux Betel

106.99 EUR
Betel est la valise de maquillage de Bodyline idéale pour avoir à portée de main tout le nécessaire pour réaliser un maquillage de qualité professionnelle. Conçue pour les professionnels de la beauté toujours en mouvement, grâce à ses 4 roues pivotantes et sa poignée télescopique, vous pouvez transporter la valise en toute commodité comme une valise à roulettes classique. L'intérieur est très spacieux et permet d'optimiser au mieux l'espace et l'organisation de tous les éléments nécessaires pour le maquillage. Dans les différents compartiments réglables, vous pouvez ranger de manière ordonnée des cosmétiques, des produits de maquillage, des pinceaux, des rouges à lèvres, des vernis à ongles, du fond de teint, des fers à lisser/à boucler, des peignes, des bijoux, des accessoires et bien d'autres choses encore. La structure solide en aluminium renforcé garantit une résistance maximale aux chocs, tandis que les fermetures à pression maintiennent tout le nécessaire en toute sécurité.

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Noir

106.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux similicuir Balancesteel Lux

102.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler plusieurs heures par jour devant votre ordinateur, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux reflètent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et sont conçus par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Gris foncé

106.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

Lam Kam Chuen The Feng Shui Cooking: Recipes For Harmony And Health (Gaia Powerfoods)

1.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Gaia Books Ltd, Publisher : Gaia Books Ltd, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2000-08-25, authors : Lam Kam Chuen, Sin, Lam Kai, Yu, Lam Tin, ISBN : 1856751465

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Lave tête portatif professionnel de coiffeurs Shampoo

61.99 EUR
Idéal pour les coiffeurs qui travaillent à domicile, cet accessoire portable est bien sûr également conçu pour un usage domestique. Il vous facilitera la vie lorsque vous faites votre shampoing à la maison, peu importe où vous vous trouvez et surtout sans risquer de mettre de l'eau par terre. La cuvette est en plastique dur et non toxique et sa forme ovale de couleur noir repose sur une structure à monter : le bac est incurvé et dispose d'une grande capacité avec un appui-tête qui s'adapte parfaitement à la nuque et vous permet de vous détendre confortablement pendant que quelqu'un vous lave les cheveux comme si vous étiez chez votre coiffeur de confiance. Ce modèle est l'une des solutions les plus simples et les plus efficaces que vous pouvez trouver sur le marché : il est portable, réglable en hauteur de 1 m à 1,37 cm et il peut être utilisé avec n'importe quelle chaise de taille standard. Ce lave-tête portable est également fourni avec un tuyau d'évacuation de 1,20 cm de longueur

Elegant Living House Pet Short Pants Printing Design Health Care Washable Dog Diaper Pet Physiological Pants for rose

32.73 EUR
Description: With the characteristics of adjustable buckle and good breathability, the dog shorts are convenient to wear and take off, will not make them feel stuffy, at the same time it will not hinder pet activities. Female dogs are often harassed by male dogs in estrus, and dogs urinate and defecate in inappropriate places. These are problems that frequently plague dog owners. With this dog shorts, these issues will be effectively improved. In addition, pet pants are soft and prevent female dogs from infecting skin diseases in the menstrual period. Made of high-quality cotton material, the pet sanitary pants are easy to wash and are reusable. There are five sizes to choose from: S, M, L, XL, 2XL. Suitable for female dogs in their menstrual period and can be used in all seasons. Item Name: Pet Sanitary Pants Material: Cotton Features: Soft, Breathable, Comfortable Size Details: Size: S, Waist: 34cm-44cm/13.4\-17.3\, Back Length: 19cm/7.5\, Suggested Weight: 3-5kg (Approx.) Size: M, Waist: 36cm-48cm/14.2\-18.9\, Back Length: 24cm/9.4\, Suggested Weight: 5-7kg (Approx.) Size: L, Waist: 40cm-52cm/15.7\-20.5\, Back Length: 29cm/11.4\, Suggested Weight: 7-9kg (Approx.) Size: XL, Waist: 44cm-56cm/17.3\-22\, Back Length: 34cm/13.4\, Suggested Weight: 9-12.5kg (Approx.) Size: 2XL, Waist: 48cm-60cm/18.9\-23.6\, Back Length: 39cm/15.4\, Suggested Weight: 12.5-15kg (Approx.) Notes: Please refer to our size chart and choose the right size. Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Package Includes: 1 x Pet Sanitary Pants

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Gris

106.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chariot de coiffure avec roulettes et grands tiroirs Twists

101.99 EUR
Twists est notre chariot multifonctionnel pour les professionnels de santé et de beauté. Très apprécié des esthéticiennes et des coiffeurs pour son extrême praticité, ce chariot dispose de quatre plateaux coulissants qui peuvent être retirés à l'avant et à l'arrière. Très utiles pour ranger soigneusement ciseaux, peignes et accessoires afin de mieux organiser son travail et de mener à bien l'activité de son choix. Le niveau supérieur de notre chariot Twists est équipé de divers compartiments et d'étagères personnalisées dans lesquelles vous pouvez facilement insérer des sèche-cheveux, des brosses et bien plus encore; sur les côtés du plateau, vous pouvez également accrocher entre un à deux plateaux pour avoir toujours les outils nécessaires à votre disposition. Le cadre est en acier tandis que la structure externe est entièrement en plastique dur et non toxique; les plateaux sont antidérapants pour permettre une stabilité maximale des accessoires même en mouvement. Malgré sa taille,

Patricia Mercier The Little Book Of Chakras: Balance Your Subtle Energy For Health, Vitality, And Harmony (Mbs Little Book Of...)

10.41 EUR
Brand : Octopus Publishing Group, Binding : Flexibler Einband, Label : Gaia, Publisher : Gaia, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Sonstige Einbände, numberOfPages : 96, publicationDate : 2017-08-03, releaseDate : 2017-08-03, authors : Patricia Mercier, ISBN : 1856753700

Kalashatra Govinda A Handbook Of Chakra Healing: Spiritual Practice For Health, Harmony And Inner Peace

8.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Konecky & Konecky, Publisher : Konecky & Konecky, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2003-04-01, authors : Kalashatra Govinda, languages : english, ISBN : 1568524722

Joanne Stepaniak Raising Vegetarian Children: A Guide To Good Health And Family Harmony

1.36 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : McGraw-Hill, Publisher : McGraw-Hill, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 2002-09-25, releaseDate : 2002-09-25, authors : Joanne Stepaniak, Vesanto Melina, ISBN : 0658021559

Singing Bowls For Health And Inner Harmony: Tension Reduction · Creativity Enhancement · History · Rituals

8.51 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Verlag Peter Hess, Publisher : Verlag Peter Hess, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 98, publicationDate : 2008-10-15, translators : Telse Hunter, ISBN : 393826327X

Pamela Ferguson Take Five: The Five Elements Guide To Health And Harmony

10.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Newleaf, Publisher : Newleaf, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 192, publicationDate : 2000-07-01, authors : Pamela Ferguson, languages : english, ISBN : 0717128709

Swami Saradananda The Power Of Breath: The Art Of Breathing Well For Harmony, Happiness And Health

16.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Watkins Publishing, Publisher : Watkins Publishing, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 160, publicationDate : 2017-01-17, releaseDate : 2017-01-17, authors : Swami Saradananda, ISBN : 1786780186

Sarah Prout Heart To Heart: The Path To Wellness: 43 Inspiring True Stories Of Creating Vibrant Health And Harmony In Body, Mind & Spirit

3.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Älska Publishing, Publisher : Älska Publishing, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 216, publicationDate : 2015-04-02, authors : Sarah Prout, Sean Patrick Simpson, ISBN : 0994186509

Sally Morningstar Ayurveda: Traditional Indian Healing For Harmony And Health (The Life Library)

1.33 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Lorenz Books, Publisher : Lorenz Books, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 1999-05-01, releaseDate : 1999-05-01, authors : Sally Morningstar, ISBN : 1859678971

This Book Will Make You Feel Seen: A Collection Of 222 Pieces Of Writing On Mental Health, Healing, Self-Love, Relationships And Letting Go

12.92 EUR
Binding : paperback, Label : This Book Will Make You Feel Seen : a collection of 222 pieces of writing on mental health, healing, self-love, relationships and letting go, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 231, publicationDate : 2022-12-08, releaseDate : 2022-12-08, languages : english

Maria Tarnev-Wydro HD The 150 Superfood Smoothies For Health, Weight Loss, Detox And Cleanse: Learn About The 15 Healthiest Superfoods From Around The World That Will Change Your Life

2.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, PackageQuantity : 3, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 140, publicationDate : 2019-04-08, releaseDate : 2019-04-08, authors : Maria Tarnev-Wydro HD

Cole, Dr Will Intuitive Fasting: The Flexible Four-Week Intermittent Fasting Plan To Recharge Your Metabolism And Re Your Health: The York Times seller

8.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Yellow Kite, Publisher : Yellow Kite, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 2021-03-18, releaseDate : 2021-03-18, authors : Cole, Dr Will, ISBN : 1529377021

John Trent Heartshift: The Two Degree Difference That Will Change Your Heart, Your Home, And Your Health: The 2 Degree Difference That Will Change Your Heart, Your Home, And Your Health

1.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Broadman & Holman Publishers, Publisher : Broadman & Holman Publishers, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 246, publicationDate : 2004-09-01, releaseDate : 2004-10-30, authors : John Trent, ISBN : 0805430636

Will Bulsiewicz MD Fiber Fueled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Program For Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, And Optimizing Your Microbiome

11.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Avery, Publisher : Avery, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 2020-05-12, releaseDate : 2020-05-12, authors : Will Bulsiewicz MD, ISBN : 059308456X

Bodyline Health And Massage - Tablette de coiffure avec roulettes et tiroirs Wavy

104.99 EUR
Wavy est le chariot polyvalent et multifonctionnel des professionnels de beauté. Très apprécié des esthéticiennes et des coiffeurs pour son extrême praticité, il dispose de cinq plateaux coulissants amovibles à l'avant comme à l'arrière, très utiles pour ranger correctement ciseaux, peignes et tout le matériel nécessaire afin de mieux organiser son travail et de mener à bien son activité professionnelle. La surface supérieure de notre chariot Wavy est équipée de divers compartiments et d'étagères personnalisées dans lesquels vous pouvez facilement insérer des sèche-cheveux, des bols pour les colorations et d'autres accessoires professionnels. Par ailleurs, sur les côtés du plateau, il vous sera également possible d'accrocher de un à deux plateaux afin de toujours avoir vos outils à disposition en cas de besoin. La structure est entièrement faite de plastique dur et non toxique pour un nettoyage rapide et efficace. Malgré sa taille, le chariot est facilement transportable grâce aux

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chariot de coiffure à roulette 3 plateaux 1 tiroir Blunt

90.99 EUR
Blunt est notre chariot multifonctionnel pour les professionnels de beauté. Extrêmement pratique et maniable, c'est un chariot très apprécié des esthéticiennes et des coiffeurs pour sa simplicité : adapté à une utilisation dans la zone centrale de votre salon, il dispose de trois étagères rigides et pratiques pour ranger soigneusement les sèche-cheveux, les lisseurs et accessoires afin de les avoir toujours à portée de main. La surface supérieure du chariot est équipée d'un compartiment coulissant amovible dans lequel vous pouvez facilement insérer des outils et des accessoires nécessaires à votre activité professionnelle. La structure portante du chariot est en métal de couleur neutre, parfait pour s'harmoniser avec un mobilier de couleur douce. Les étagères quant à elles sont en plastique dur et non toxique pour faciliter le nettoyage. De plus, avec ses dimensions compactes, le chariot est facilement transportable grâce aux roues en silicone placées sous la structure vous permettant

Bodyline Health And Massage - Chariot de salon de beauté et coiffeurs 4 roues tiroir et étagères Gordon

123.99 EUR
Gordon est un chariot de rangement au design simple et polyvalent, adapté aux salons de beauté, coiffeurs et cabinets médicaux. Polyvalent, pratique et maniable, le chariot Gordon est fabriqué avec des matériaux de haute qualité qui garantissent sa longévité. Il est équipé de deux étagères pratiques pour garder toujours tout à portée de main, ainsi qu'un tiroir coulissant avec serrure pour ranger des objets, des appareils et des outils de travail. Grâce à ses roues pivotantes, il se déplace très facilement, offrant toujours un point d'appui pratique lors des traitements de beauté. Choisissez-le pour compléter votre mobilier. ProduceShop ne sélectionne que les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction de leurs caractéristiques de qualité et esthétiques, dans le but de distribuer sur le marché uniquement des articles capables de répondre pleinement aux besoins de ses clients. Caractéristiques Techniques du chariot Gordon : Dimensions : 48 x 30,5 x 86 cm (largeur, profondeur,

CREA Home Refrigerator Fridge Freezer Door Lock, Latch Catch Toddler Kids Child Fridge Locks Baby Safety Child Lock, Easy To Install And Use 3m

17.21 EUR
1.Exclusive Fridge LockWork consistently with the fridge and without attracting any babies attention. Can fit for most of refrigerators in market, no other spare parts and belts are needed for installation no worry the lock will clamped when opening or closing the fridge. 2.Easy to UseEasy to use with one hand and lock by itself, it will get unlocked easily and open the fridge door by pulling the two buttons of the lock in the meantime. The lock will get locked automatically without extra steps. It is hard for babies and children but conveniently to open with one hand for adult. 3.Nice AppearanceEasy to install because of special T shape, lager area for 3M VHB Adhesive tape can make the lock more stable and sturdy. can also be removed easily without any residual and harm to the fridge. 4.Quantity and Color SelectionProvide 2 different color package to let you choose. Satisfy both your aesthetic and quantity needs for product.

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Repose-pieds pédicure esthétique avec coussin tiroir et 4 roues Kaekoon

117.99 EUR
Avec le repose-pieds Kaekoon, vous pouvez rendre la pédicure de vos clients encore plus agréable. Kaekoon est un support mou et fonctionnel conçu pour les esthéticiennes professionnelles en pédicure ainsi que pour ceux qui ont récemment commencé leur carrière. Polyvalent, pratique et maniable, il est équipé d'un coussin moelleux en similicuir pour un appui confortable du pied et de roues pivotantes pour le déplacer facilement d'un point à l'autre de la pièce. La surface centrale est coulissante ainsi que le tiroir de la base pour ranger les objets, les appareils et les outils de travail. Choisissez-le pour compléter le coin beauté de votre maison ou l'aménagement de votre centre d'esthétique. Les clients l'apprécieront sûrement ! ProduceShop ne sélectionne que les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction des caractéristiques qualitatives et esthétiques afin de distribuer sur le marché uniquement des articles capables de répondre pleinement aux besoins de ses clients.

Lois Wyse Funny, You Don'T Look Like A Grandmother: Challenging The Brain For Health And Wisdom

1.49 EUR
Brand : Harmony, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 112, publicationDate : 1988-01-13, releaseDate : 1988-01-13, authors : Lois Wyse, ISBN : 0517571579

Nancy SantoPietro Feng Shui And Health: The Anatomy Of A Home

19.6 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 468, publicationDate : 2002-02-26, releaseDate : 2002-02-26, authors : Nancy SantoPietro, languages : english, ISBN : 0609806610

Deepak Chopra M.D. Perfect Health--Revised And Updated: The Complete Mind Body Guide

6.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Revised., Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 2001-02-20, releaseDate : 2001-02-20, authors : Deepak Chopra M.D., languages : english, ISBN : 0609806947

Willcox, Bradley J. The Okinawa Program: How The World'S Longest-Lived People Achieve Everlasting Health--And How You Can Too

8.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Pbk., Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 496, publicationDate : 2002-03-12, releaseDate : 2002-03-12, authors : Willcox, Bradley J., Willcox, D. Craig, Makoto Suzuki, languages : english, ISBN : 0609807501

Kimberly Snyder C.N. Recipes For Your Perfectly Imperfect Life: Everyday Ways To Live And Eat For Health, Healing, And Happiness

16.36 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2019-02-19, releaseDate : 2019-02-19, authors : Kimberly Snyder C.N., ISBN : 0525573712

Lucy Lucas The Little Book Of Yoga: Harness The Ancient Practice To Boost Your Health And Wellbeing

5.49 EUR
Binding : Flexibler Einband, Edition : 01, Label : Gaia, Publisher : Gaia, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Sonstige Einbände, numberOfPages : 96, publicationDate : 2019-06-13, releaseDate : 2019-06-13, authors : Lucy Lucas, ISBN : 1856753999

Martin Rossman M.D. The Worry Solution: Using Your Healing Mind To Turn Stress And Anxiety Into Better Health And Happiness

13.01 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 256, publicationDate : 2010-12-28, releaseDate : 2010-12-28, authors : Martin Rossman M.D., languages : english, ISBN : 0307718247

Caroline Myss The Creation Of Health: The Emotional, Psychological, And Spiritual Responses That Promote Health And Healing

15.78 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Three Rivers Pr., Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 416, publicationDate : 1998-04-14, releaseDate : 1998-04-14, authors : Caroline Myss, Shealy M.D., C. Norman, languages : english, ISBN : 0609803239

Crea - 4pcs 4x20x6.5x7.4mm White Inner Dia 4mm U-groove Nylon Pulley Wheel For Sliding Door--

14.42 EUR
Features: 1.Every product has a unique Manufacturing Part Number label on the inner package that proves it has been qualified,which include Part Number,Model Number and inspection date information;2.If you have any questions about the item,please provide us the Manufacturing Part Number for checking,your profits will be guaranteed.3.Deep groove ball bearings, slide flexible, compression wear.4.Made of Plastic and steel,good replacement for your damage one.5.It is suitable for slide Bathroom door, closet door glass sliding doors.Specifications:Material: Plastic + SteelColor: WhiteSize:Inner Diameter: 0.4cm/0.16inchOuter Diameter: 0.2cm/0.08inchWidth: 6.5-7.4mmWidth:0.65cm/0.26Weight bearing: 27kgWeight: 23gNote: The in-line bearing cannot be removed.Package include:4 x Nylon Pulley Wheel

Crea - Rechargeable Waterproof Stop Dog Barking Collar Anti Bark Sound&vibration Sml

22.85 EUR
A good owner always spend too much time on training their dogs, they just want their dogs behave in a good manner, but the truth is that they just behave like a new-born baby who often against your will, sometimes dogs barking makes neighours and other people around you feel annoyed, you feel uncomfortable about this, maybe its time to have an anti-barking collar to stop him from barking. Our bark control collars are engineered with the most advanced technology and safety features on the market. With innovative perfect bark dual detection technology, only your dogs barking causes a correction, meaning no mistaken correction and no over-correction. The stop barking dog collar is safe to use long-term and cause no negative side effects to pets. 2 Effective Modes of Use Dog Bark Collar provides 2 extremely effective and safe training modes (Vibration and Sound modes) for you to solve an uncontrollable dogs barking problems. This No Bark collar also gives you an option to set among 7

CREA New Baby Gift For Parent Mom Daddy New Dad Gifts Funny Decision Coin

7.6 EUR
New parent decision-making coin.Flip for who will do what needs to be done Daddys Turn or Mummys TurnWe prepare this fun decision coin to take all the stress out when it comes to hard decisions.A great fun gift for new parents - they dont know they need it, but will love it when theyve got it and will add a bit of fun to all the chaos of a new baby in the house These make an amusing baby shower gift to help new parents decide whose turn it is to change babys nappy or wake up at night Cute present for any new mom or dad, our funny baby socks can be a perfect gift for all holidays or special events - Baby Registry, Birthdays, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Easter, Christmas.Regarding our products, you dont have to worry about quality issues. All our products are made of high-quality stainless steel, which is recyclable, does not fade, and does not fade.

Crea - Cupping Set Professional Chinese Acupoint Cupping Massage Set 12 Cups

17.99 EUR
Cupping Set Professional Chinese Acupoint Cupping massage set 12 cupsFeature:The suction pressure of cupping set provided by vacuum cupping set can loosen muscles encourage blood flow and sedate the nervous system.Cupping therapy sets are used to relieve back neck and leg pains stiff musclesrelieve anxiety fatigue migrane rheumatism and even cellulite.Professional cupping set is for cupping thereapy that is an ancient Chinese and Egyptian method of massage and it is the best deep tissue massage available.Cupping kit includes 12 plastic cups and handle pump INote: Thoroughly clean the skin and remove body hair before cupping. Excessive body hair will weaken the suction power. Package Content: 1 x Cupping

Crea - Digital Car Tyre Inflator Air Tool Portable Air Compressor Car Tyre Pump Automatic 12v Electric Air Pump Tyre Inflation With Tyre Pressure

46.51 EUR
EASY TO USE: Just plug this auto tyre inflator into the 12V power outlet in your car and attach the hose to the tyre you want to inflate. Theres a clear digital display for the current PSI and also a mode switch to toggle between different units of measurement(bar Kpa psi Kg/cm 2). It will automatically turn off when reaching the pressure value you preset. It takes less time and effort than a foot pump. FAST INFLATION: Our digital tyre inflator is made with the original unique turbocharged movement which is more powerful less noisy and more stable. Inflating the 195/65R15 car tyre from 0 to 35psi in 5 min. Its handy in the car in case of low tyre pressure on the road. Its also perfect to take camping to inflate an air mattress float or toys for the kids. MULTIFUNCTIONAL AIR PUMP: This compact car pump utilizes the most creative and considerate design all wires fold away neatly so can store in the boot of the car. Its really convenient for daily use comes with 3 extra valve adaptors

Dog Brush Cat Brush, Professional Dog Detangling Comb - Crea

12.03 EUR
Quality and Safety: Our detangling comb is made of high quality TPE and stainless steel blade for health, hygiene and rust. The round blade design allows you to quickly trim unwanted or matted hair without causing harm to your pet. Ergonomic non-slip handle: Ergonomic, non-slip rubber handle provides a soft grip and comfortable for long-term grooming, ensuring a safe brushing experience for you and your pet. It is an easy-to-use and convenient grooming tool. Easy to use: The one-sided brush can quickly and easily remove tangles, mats, dead hairs and dirt, keeping your dog or cat clean and healthy. Rounded ends to prevent your pets skin from scratching and irritating. Durable and Portable: Benefit from quality material and superb craftsmanship, the pet brush of pet is durable and reusable. Lightweight and compact size for easy storage. The dog combs are packed in a sturdy box that can be placed in any bag.

Crea - Biodegradable Grass Mat, Green Grass Mat For Picnic, Plant Germination Mats For Growing Grass Seeds For Yard, Lawn, Garden, Terrace

11.77 EUR
Product parameters:Product name: Degradable grass seed matMaterial: feltColor greenProduct size: 3Mx 0.2MScope of delivery: 1/2 x biodegradable lawn seed mat.1.After starting and watering, our special grass roller will stick to the ground. After that, each seed is surrounded by fertiliser and fixed between two layers of organic factory, namely our pellet fertiliser and biodegradable fabric. Pellet fertiliser can germinate quickly and grow evenly.2.Economical: Biodegradable fabric prevents seeds from being washed out. This makes it cheaper and lighter than conventional lawns. Designed for daylight and dense shadows, it has a delicate leaf texture and has medium to high dry resistance.3.Simply roll, water and watch as it grows: each roll contains fertiliser and is covered to create an all-in-one grass growth solution. Even under dense shade or scorching sun, our repair roll growth system can remain green.4.MULTI-PURPOSE - Versatile and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Ideal for

CREA Mosquito Killer Indoor Powerful Fly Killer For Bugs, Mosquitoes, Gnats And Insects Blue Light Insect Killer (black)

17.91 EUR
Description Attractant light and physical inhaler: The mosquito killer lamp equipped with a light lamp emits blue light 360 degrees that easily draws insects then it will be inhaled by the strong airflow. After being trapped into the fruit fly trap, insects cannot release and will be dropped to the sticky boards. Wide application area: The insect trap can be placed in house rooms such as the living room, bedroom, kitchen, or office because of the wide coverage. The soft light of this bug light makes you relax and fall asleep easily so it would be considered a night lamp. This fly killer is quiet and does not bother any human activities. Durable and clean: We have launched a new appearance bug killer that looks modern, elegant, and convenient in your indoor furniture. The ABS plastic material helps to optimize the durability of the gnat killer. The sticky board to stick the dead insects can be easily thrown away after a few days of use. Easy to use: The mosquito trap can be active by

Crea - 10 Pieces Cabinet Handles Black With Screw For Kitchen Cupboard Wardrobe Hole Centre 96mm

16.82 EUR
High-Quality MaterialThe cupboard handles is made of aluminum alloy with electroplating paint surface it will last as new look durable and never rust. Thoughtful DesignThe black handles are designed with safety curved edge elegant matte black paint finish easy-to-use pull handle suit for most scenarios. Quantity SizePackage includes 10 pieces pull handle and matched screws. Full handle length is 104.2mm/4.1inch hole centre is 96mm/3.78inch. Installation GuideFirst make sure the board thickness is 18 to 20mm / 0.71 to 0.78inch. Then mark the position of the hole center drill a hole and screw tight. Wide ApplicationThe black t bar handles can match various style furniture and can be used in bathroom kitchen living room for cupboard cabinet wardrobes drawers and so on.

TOMTOP JMS 2pcs Livestock Scratch Brushes Full Massage Relieve Itching Animal Back Scratching Brush for Horse vert

70.26 EUR
Feature: 1. Universal: Scratching brushes are suitable for most animals such as horses, cows, sheep and deer. Bring them remarkable comfort and cleaning effect. Through the rational use of scratching brush for care, you can effectively improve the health of animals. 2. Animal Friendly: Livestock scratching brushes help animals with itchy or scratchy skin, keep them clean and alleviate problems such as shedding, without damaging their manes or tails, improving their comfort, which is important for their health and helps reduce anxiety. 3. Easy to Install: It can be easily installed in livestock pens, barns or outdoors and is so sturdy that it also fits into walls. The installation process is simple and quick, without the need for complicated tools and professional skills, greatly saving time and labour costs. 4. Wear Resistant: The surfaces are polished, bright and wear resistant, effectively resisting scratches and wear and tear from daily use, with a prolonged service life. It brings great convenience and peace of mind to the owner, and does not need to be replaced frequently. 5. Correcting Bad Habits: The brush reduces unintentional rubbing and damage to valuable fences, equipment or buildings by animals, prolonging the life of these facilities, and also greatly reduces the cost of repairs and replacements. Specification: Item Type: Livestock Scratch Brushes Material: Plastic Function: Clean and stop itching Type: Breeding equipment Applicable Scene: Farm Size: Length: Approx. 435mm / 17.13in Inside Diameter: Approx. 49mm / 1.93in. Package List: 2 x Livestock Brush 8 x Accessories

Masseur De Tête Électrique Multifonctionnel Usb, Pour Animal De Compagnie, Chat, Chien, Vibration Du Cuir Chevelu, Massage En Profondeur Du Corps, Prévention De La Perte De Cheveux, Soulagement

49.46 EUR
Electric Head Massager Multifunctional USB Rechargeable Relieve Stress Scalp Body Shoulder Neck Pet Cat Dog Massage Machine Health CareDescription:Increase the blood circulation of scalp, promote hair growth, promote relaxation, release pressure and relieve pain.Feature:1. Deep scalp and stress relieving massage: Scalp massager features 4 massage heads with 24 individual nodes and 3D Deep-Kneading,perfectly fits the scalp and provides a gently kneading 360°massage experience.2. 6 massage modes: The head massager Forward low speed and high-speed mode, reverse low speed and high-speed mode, alternating forward and reverse high-speed mode can be selected for a stimulating three-dimensional finger kneading massage experience intended to provide soothing relief.3. Comfortable Use: The head massager works by mimicking human fingers to help quickly reduce soreness and stiffness. The massage stimulation will increase blood flow to help tone and soften the skin.4. Waterproof & 5 Modes-Dry and wet dual purpose: IPX7 grade of waterproof, this means that you can enjoy a comfortable scalp massage in the shower, and it is also convenient for you to clean the head massager. The four independent massage heads can be removed and cleaned separately.5. Ergonomic design: The head massage device conforms to the ergonomic design, and has a unique anti-slip thread, increase the friction so that you can better hold it when using, prevent it from slipping.Specification:Material: plasticColor: silver, greenSize: 11x9x8cm/4.3x3.54x3.15inBattery: 1500mAhNote:Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you!Please allow 1-2cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. 1 X Electric Head Massager

Sri Chinmoy Garden Of The Soul: Lessons On Living In Peace, Happiness, And Harmony

1.31 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Health Communications, Publisher : Health Communications, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 242, publicationDate : 1994-12-01, authors : Sri Chinmoy, languages : english, ISBN : 1558743146

Crea - Solar Garden Lights 3 Outdoor Solar Garden Lights Multi-color Led Garden Lights Outdoor

25.8 EUR
[Auto light up] The pillar lights of butterflies dragonflies and Byrd Garden will automatically light up in the dark illuminating your garden and paths. Perfect for path lights and ground lighting. Fully charged solar garden light can work for 6-8 hours during the day[Advanced outdoor decoration] Butterfly-shaped solar garden lights are lit in 7 colors in the dark perfectly decorating driveways sidewalks garden paths yards or any other outdoor spaces.[Easy to install] The installation of the color-changing column lamp is very simple. Please remove the protective cover when using it for the first time open the solar panel and install it in a sunny place[Waterproof] The outdoor solar butterfly light is made of metal and plastic very sturdy and durable and will not be affected even in rainy and snowy daysHow does this work The solar panel on the top of the bulb recharges the battery during the day. At dusk they will automatically turn on and remain illuminated overnight. No battery or

CREA Pack Of 50 Patches Sport Sensor Freestyle Libre Patches Waterproof Libre Adhesive Patches Breathable Strong Adhesive Sensor Transparent Cgm Patches

19.22 EUR
Specifications: 50 pieces of waterproof protection patches: You will receive 50 pieces of 7cm diameter bulk protection patches with pre-cut transparent waterproof and sweatproof tape to meet your needs in multiple quantities and different scenarios for use when To meet swimming showering and exercising with sweat. Safe Material: Each patch is made of TPU so it is soft 0.04cm thick even thinner and quick-drying; it allows you to move freely. Waterproof breathable and durable: This transparent patch is waterproof and breathable it allows your skin to breathe freely while protecting it. Non-porous and transparent: the waterproof protective sticker has no holes and is of transparent color which makes the sticker safer more beautiful and more practical. It does not stick to the skin but protects it when you need to change the patch and does not cause any damage to the skin. We recommend not leaving them on the skin for too long and removing them in time so that the skin can breathe

Crea - 2pcs Air Fryer Rack For Ninja Dual Air Fryer,with Barbecue Sticks

17 EUR
STAINLESS STEEL MATERIAL - Our air fryer accessories are made of durable, sturdy 304 stainless steel, which is durable and free of BPA or harmful materialsHIGH TEMPERATURE AND HEAT RESISTANCE - Our stainless steel steam grill can be used at high temperature and can be used for a long time, durable, heat resistant, will not rust, warp or bend.COMPATIBLE WITH FRYERS - Our air fryer accessories fit most 3.7Qt-4.2Qt dual-basket air fryers, offering more cooking options while reducing costs. It is compatible with air fryers from brands like Ninja, Instant Vortex, Chefman, Bella, Philips, NuWave and more.DOUBLE SHELF DESIGN - The double shelf comes with 4 stainless steel grill skewers on which you can put some vegetables and skewers, maximizing the cooking area, allowing you to cook more food at the same time, saving you time and effortcolor:SilverMaterial:Stainless steelPackage Contents:1 x grill1 x steaming rack4 x grill stick1 x oil brush (random color, cannot select specified color)Only

Crea - Upgraded Solar Water Fountain With 3w Led Light - Solar Powered Fountain With 8 Water Styles - Solar Powered Floating Fountain For Birdbath

35.41 EUR
Water Failure Protection: The solar fountain pump has water leakage protection and features anti-clogging technology. When the bionic fountain pump runs out of water a protection will be taken to prevent the pump from drying out and causing damage. The anti-clogging function can block dirt dust leaves and other impurities better which makes the birdbath fountain easier to clean and has high durability. Multiple Applications: The solar fountain is easy to install just put the water pump into the water and the water pump will work automatically within 3 seconds once the panel is exposed to direct sunlight. Sun. He is suitable for birdbaths small ponds swimming pools aquariums garden decoration and water circulation for oxygen. Make your garden interesting. 2 Working Modes: Solar battery powered pump can be powered by solar energy and battery. And it can make the water jet more stable and durable. Even during the day with low sunshine or cloudy day the floating pump can work normally.

CREA 2 Pieces Cupboard Door Spring Hinge 80 Degree, Stainless Steel Lift-up Spring Hinge For Supporting

11.46 EUR
Premium Steel Material: This strong and sturdy spring hinge is made of high quality steel with invisible design, anti-rust and anti-corrosion, hard and sturdy, simple and practical Soft close design: great safety solution for heavy hinged lids, lids will lower slowly and gently to prevent broken fingers, spring loaded hinge is abrasion resistant and toughto deform, its maximum extension angle is 80 degrees Wide Uses: The durable door hinge is widely used for cabinets, cabinets, cupboards, cupboards and doors, also suitable for folding beds, folding sofas, lifting doors, cabinet doors,etc Holds the lid: The lifting spring hinge will hold your lid open until you push it down, so youll never worry about having to hold the lid open again, very convenient to use Easy installation: the hinge is easy to install on the cabinet door, each package includes 2 spring hinges

Crea - 49pcs Tig Welding Kit

40.65 EUR
This kit has the lowest burn-loss rate. Its easy to use and install with long service life. The precise design will ensure its practicability in the work of highly performance. Features - Color: As shown. - Material: Metal. - Size: Approx. 13x8x8cm. - for durable and long-lasting use. - Good performance welding do not have to make changes program welding. - Have the lowest burn-loss rate. - Region free and easy to use can be used for WP-17 WP-18 WP-26 TIG Welding Torch. - Warm Tip: Dear buyer Due to lighting effectmonitors brightnessmanual measurement and etc there could be some slight differences in the color and size between the photo and the actual item. sincerely hope that you can understand Thank you

CREA 3pcs Suction Cup Spinner Toy Spinning Top Baby Toys Gift Toys Sensory Toys-niubi

19 EUR
GREAT QUALITY and FUNThesesuction cup spinner toys are built well and will provide days and days of fun for your little guys.STRONG SUCTION CUPSThey stick on any flat surface and stay well,they spin really fastGIFT FOR TODDLERSIt is well packaged,great gift choice.HAND EYE COORDINATIONHelps little babyies reach out and use hand eye coordination to spin toy,also good for AUTISM children.FREE YOUR HANDSPut on one spinner on the fridge so kids has something to play with while you are cooking

Crea - 18pcs Diamond Chainsaw Sharpener Burr Stone Sharpening Tool-4m, 4.8mm 5.5mm Grinding Wheels And Sharpening Chainsaw--for Ceramics, Jade Glass,

18.79 EUR
What You Will Get] You will receive 3 kinds of chainsaw sharpening wheels, a total of 18 pieces, and the quantity is enough. It is convenient for you to work and use in your daily life to meet to your diverse needs. Premium Quality] Our diamond chainsaw sharpener is made of high quality titanium coated emery particles, which means the texture is hard and not easy to break, which means you will enjoy a lifetime of 20 % longer of these bits than others without titanium. plated. Easy to Use] These grinding wheels are specially designed for electric chainsaw sharpeners. You can polish it without disassembling the chain, which reduces the number of chain replacements, which is convenient to use and improves efficiency of your work. In just a few minutes, get rid of hand sharpening problems once and for all. Size Type] There are 3 sizes, the first is about 5/32 inch (4mm) in diameter for chainsaw sharpeners, the second is about 3/16 inch (4.8mm), the third measures approximately 7/32 inches

Crea - Mirror Disco Ball Hanging Planter Basket Shining Flower Pot Window Plant Holder( Sizecolor : Pink-15cm

29.35 EUR
100% brand new and high quality Features: The disco ball planter will bring life and vitality to your home and complement its style with retro vibes grooves and a touch of personality. This product can be used for your indoor unique plants in your home or office and any outdoor such as your porch balcony or garden. Made of high quality materials durable and sturdy. The 3 point metal chain planter hangers are tough enough to withstand the weight of the planter. Its a great gift idea for a birthday holiday or housewarming gift. Adds modern flair to your home or office. Multiuse: use as a plant holder great storage container for vegetables fruits cosmetic baby toys or other small items. Specification: Material: Plastic Optional Color: Green Pink Red Rose Gold Silver Optional Diameter: Green: 15cm/5.91in or 20cm/7.87in Pink: 15cm/5.91in or 20cm/7.87in Red: 15cm/5.91in or 20cm/7.87in Rose Gold 15cm/5.91in or 20cm/7.87in Silver: 10cm/3.94in or 15cm/5.91in or 20cm/7.87in or 25cm/9.84in

Crea - Pack Of 4 Glass Clamp, No-drill-on-glass Glass Holder Shelf Bracket Clip Support (for 10mm-12mm Glass, Gold)

27.84 EUR
Updated high-end brass glass clamps, better than zinc alloy/stainless steel clamps. Material: 69K high quality brass, durable and will not rust. Perfect to use for bathrooms and showers. Very modern luxury design. Screws are included. Adjustable with rubber pillar, rubber pad. No need to drill holes on glass. Easy DIY installation.

TOMTOP JMS 1PC Natural Wooden Anti Static Comb Healthy Cushion Airbag Hair Care Massage Tool( White)

17.15 EUR
Description: This comb is made of high quality wood, which is durable and good for the health of your hair. With smooth texture and antistatic, this will not hurt the scalp and snag hair. The comb teeth can massage your head and improve blood circulation to reduce hair loss, dandruff, headache and gray hair. Great effective to exfoliate dandruff, debris, dead cells and add shine of your hair. Perfect for personal use or a gift to friends and relatives. Features: Made of high quality wood, which is durable and good for the health of your hair. With smooth texture and antistatic, this will not hurt the scalp and snag hair. The comb teeth can massage your head and improve blood circulation to reduce hair loss, dandruff, headache and gray hair. Great effective to exfoliate dandruff, debris, dead cells and add shine of your hair. Great for the stimulation and general combing of long hair and all lengths of hair. Perfect for personal use or a gift to friends and relatives. Specifications: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Comb Gender: Unisex Material: Wood Quantity: 1PC Size: Approx. 25.2 * 8.2cm 9.9 * 3.2inch Color: Black, White(optional) Package Weight: Approx. 103~106g Package Include: 1 x Hair Comb Notes: 1. Handwash in cold water using a mild soap and allow to airdry. 2. Do not make it long time dip into water! 3. Do not put it into warm water or expose long time to sun. 4. Please allow 13mm error due to manual measurement. Thanks for your understanding. 5. Monitors are not calibrated same, item color displayed in photos may be showing slightly different from the real object. Please take the real one as standard. Made of high quality wood, which is durable and good for the health of your hair With smooth texture and antistatic, this will not hurt the scalp and snag hair The comb teeth can massage your head and improve blood circulation to reduce hair loss, dandruff, headache and gray hair Great effective to exfoliate dandruff, debris, dead cells and add shine of your hair Great for the stimulation and general combing of long hair and all lengths of hair

Crea - Leather Accordion Bellows Straps with 4 Buckle for Accordion Fixation

11.36 EUR
Features: 1.Every product has a unique Manufacturing Part Number label on the inner package that proves it has been qualified,which include Part Number,Model Number and inspection date information;2.If you have any questions about the item,please provide us the Manufacturing Part Number for checking,your profits will be guaranteed.3.Made of high quality leather for durability.4.Accordion bellows straps, can be converted to traditional bellows straps.Tips: Please measure the distance from the center of the rivet to the center of the button and select the corresponding length.Specifications:Material: PU Leather MetalColor: BlackSize: 14.5x2.4cm/5.7x0.94Inch(LxW)Hole spacing: 8.4cm/3.3InchWeight: 50gPackage include:1 x Accordion Bellows Straps4 x Buckle Our products are made with the highest quality materials and are designed to provide you with the best possible user experience. We strive to ship out all orders within three days of purchase, and the estimated delivery time is 8-32744

Crea - Led Work Light, 2 Pcs 48w Flood Led Light Bar For Car Tractor Offroad

21.43 EUR
INCREDIBLE BRIGHT there are four rows lamps on 4 inch led light pods. And together with 16pcs 3W high intensity LEDs it will provide 4,800lm super bright white light, emit 6,000k bright cool white light, allowing you to see the around clearly, turn night into day. BETTER HEAT DISSIPATION The 10pcs ultra thin diversion fin on the back of the light bar makes the heat radiate quicker. This effectively extends its lifespan beyond 50,000 hours. ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING ACCESSORIES With the included adjustable mounting accessories, the LED work light can adjust to about 90 degrees. This makes changing the direction of the light beam easier. The lamp can slide after the installation. IP67 WATERPROOF never need to worry about waterproof problem Die casting shell, rustproof and anti-corrosive 6063 aluminum shell, makes it more durable.As an off road lights,not afraid of the storm,rain,wet,humidity,damp,water,etc. WIDE APPLICATIONDC 12V-30V operating voltage range. This led flood work light is

Crea - 35-600kg Neodymium Fishing Salvage Recovery Magnet With 20m Rope And Gloves For Detecting Metal Treasure Ruikalucky 25mm

18.68 EUR
35-600KG Neodymium Fishing Salvage Recovery Magnet with 20M Rope and Gloves For Detecting Metal Treasure.Specifications:MAX Pull Force:35-600KG;Diameter:25/32/36/42/48/60/75/90/120mm;Material:NeodymiumMagnet;Rope Length:20m(Rope and Gloves Color is Random).Features:- The pulling force will maximize when one pulls vertical direction with surface magnets.- The Traction Force will be influenced by many factors: the materials material, effective contact area, the softness of the surface, to the direction of traction, temperatures, material type, thickness, flatness, friction levels , etc.), its quality (eg rust deli.very), its size (thickness plus total area), etc.- The big magnet is extremely strong, and must be handled with care to avoid injuries and damage to the magnets. Fingers and other body parts can get severely pinched between two attract magnets.- Strong magnetic attraction and easy to carry.Package Included:1 x Magnet;1 x 20 Meters Rope;1 Pair Gloves

Crea - Back Scrubber For Shower Wall Shower Brush Hands-free Exfoliating For Deep Clean

15.83 EUR
1. Material: Using high-quality materials, excellent workmanship, more durable and strong, strong and not easy to break, gentle exfoliation, massage the skin. 2. Curved bristles, accord with ergonomic design, hard to touch, fast cleaning speed, no skin damage 3. Ergonomic hands-free design: Our back washing device adopts hands-free, ergonomic and non-contact design, which perfectly fits your back contour and changes the way you wash your back. Unlike other back scrubbers that can only touch a small part of the back, this back scrubber can clean and remove the keratin of the entire back and shoulders, reaching all difficult-to-clean areas. 4. Multifunctional: suitable for all types of skin. It is very suitable for relaxing muscles, relieving stress, promoting blood circulation, exfoliating, promoting blood circulation, balancing oils, massaging the skin to relieve stress and relaxing muscles, brightening skin tone, and increasing skin elasticity. 5. Easy to use: The hands-free back

Crea - Ground Lights, 12 Pack 8 Led Solar In-ground Lights, Waterproof , Cool White

56.22 EUR
Description Solar Garden Lights: Each solar ground lights has 8 LEDs with a built-in 600 mAh NI-MH rechargeable battery, lights will work up to 8-10 hours afteFully charged, energy saving and eco-friendly. Auto On Off: Comes with integrated light sensor, these solar disk lights will automatically turn on in the darkness, and automatically turn off at day Durable Waterproof: Equipped with stainless steel lamp shells, waterproof and durable design, external waterproof switch, these solar in-ground lights are strong and durable enough to withstand inclemenWeather. No need to worry about rain, snow, frost, etc. Easy to Install: Wireless desgined, no wiring, easy to install, simply turn on the switch under the cap and push the stake into the soil. Note: please loose the soil or digSUITABLE hole for the spike beforehand. Perfect Garden Lights Decor: Cool white glow solar pathway lights, provide perfect lighting for your courtyard, gardens, sidewalks, lawns and corridors, etc., to add a

CREA Door Closer Soft Close Concealed Door Hinge Silent Positioning Slow Close For Home Indoor Garden Hotel Commercial Door - Black

21.97 EUR
Adjustable Closing Speed: Use the hex tool to adjust the closing force of the door to achieve a smooth closing effect minimize closing noise and protect your door and lock. Hidden design: it has both door closer and hinge functions the installation position will not be exposed beautiful and practical. The doors are suitable for specifying: wooden doors metal doors residential and commercial doors fire doors garden doors interior doors. Material: Made of high quality stainless steel durable anti-corrosion and anti-rust. specification Material: stainless steel Size: 8.2X10cm

Crea - For Xbox Series S/x Controller Lb For Rb Bumpers Button Guide Surround On/off Re

9.11 EUR
Features: Exactly the same as the original one, Perfect for replace your damage, broken, Scratched or old housing. for Ideal for resolving common broken button issues. Our controller parts are made of superior compact material, wear-resistant and not easy to break. Perfect Match to the Original, the color will not fade or wear away with long-term use, makes your controller stand out from the crowd with a new, for fresh look and unique styling unlike any other. The surface adapted plating workmanship, good looking. Make of high quality plastic, durable to use. With repair tool, more convenient to install. Good to replace the original damaged one. Package Includes: 1 Set On/Off Buttons Specifications: Material: ABS Screwdriver Length: Approx.13cm/5.11inch for XBOX Series S/X note: 1.Please allow 1-2cm errors due to manual measurement, make sure that you do not mind before you order. 2.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the

Crea - 12v 8a Power Adapter 100v240v Ac To Dc Power Supply Transformer Converter For Led Light Strip

19.18 EUR
1Input Overcurrent Protection: When the input current is greater than 8A, the charger will cut off the fuse to avoid dangers such as fire caused by abnormal internal circuits. 2Output Current Protection: The charging current of the lithiumion battery charger is limited within a range to maintain battery safety and battery life. 3Stable Voltage: Using safe and stable electronic components, the power supply has sufficient output power, stable voltage. 4Heat Resistant Shell: 100V240V AC to DC power supply adapter, the shell is made of heatresistant and wearresistant ABS materials. 5Wide Application: Used for LED light strips, settop boxes, switching power supplies, security cameras, monitor etc.Item Type: 12V8A power adapter Material: ABS Input Voltage: 100-240V 50/60Hz Output Voltage: DC 12V8A Interface: 3 Pin 1x PowerAdapter1. Try to avoid using it outdoors or in harsh environments to prevent the adapter from being exposed to the sun or damp. 2. When you are not using the adapter,

Crea - R134a Refrigerator Freon Recharge Hose Kit R134a Ac Refrigerant Charging Hose Gauge Piercing Valv

31.98 EUR
[PREMIUM MATERIAL]Made of high metal with great rust-resistant and anti-leaking performance. The hose is made of rubbergood pressure resistance safe to use.both of the kit are made of corrosion-resistant metal 't wear out or rust over time and anti-leaking design will be for you. [ PIERCING VALVE KITS]BPV-31 Refrigerator Tap Valve Compatible with 1/4 Inch 5/16 Inch 3/8 Inch Outside Diameter Pipes Replace for AP4502525 BPV31D GPV14 GPV31 GPV38 GPV56 MPV31A practical kit and convenient for you to useEach kit including 1 piercing valve 1 hex key 2 adapters. [RH R134a -Sealing Adapter]Through the r134a -sealing adapter the r134a can tap off the refrigerator charging hose can compatible with r134a -sealing cans. Male to connect the r134a can tap the female to connect -sealing cans. [REFRIGERATOR FREON RECHARGE HOSE WITH GUAGE]One side of the refrigerant charging hose is piercing r134a can tap to directly connect puncture refrigerant cans the other side is 1/4 female port to connect

Wireless Motorcycle/bicycle Alarm, Anti-theft Security Alarm With Remote Control, Ip55 Waterproof, 113db Super Loud (black) - Crea

24.47 EUR
113db Security Alarm: Once triggered, a very loud voice will be a great deterrent. Not only designed for bicycles, motorcycles, also can work with e-bike, scooter, door and window. Waterproof bicycle alarm: PC material shell, IP55 waterproof level, can be used outdoors. Easy to install: Two kinds of installation tools, double-sided sticker and straps, the alarm can be mounted on the bicycle, motorcycle, car or other devices so stable and steady.

Crea - 20 Pieces Mini Chalkboard Signs A-shaped Chalkboard Tables Buffet Tags Pvc Gift

20.54 EUR
What you will get: you will receive a set of 20 chalkboard signs and 2 erasable white chalk markers; These mini chalkboard signs adopt vertical type which is more convenient for daily use by parties or shops to achieve the purpose of conveying information .Convenient and practical: these mini chalkboard signs will not restrict your direction of use because they are more convenient and quicker than the bigger chalkboards; When you want to change the scene s of use just dip a paper towel in water gently wipe off the label traces and wait for the board to dry before writing again .Quality materials: these PVC erasable blackboards are made of quality plastic the bracket of the blackboard labels are not easy to break and the mini blackboard signs do not require an additional base or frame for physical support .Appropriate size: the size of the buffet tags is approximately 7.62 x 10.16 cm/3 x 4 inches which is enough to be written with dish names of normal length; Each chalkboard table can

Crea - Oneew Lamp Wicks, Kerosene Wick Flat Cotton Wick,oil Lamp Wick Burner

19.1 EUR
Package quantity: you will receive 1 rolls of oil lamp wicks , a good replacement for your oil lamps or lanterns Quality material: our oil lantern wicks are made of solid flat cotton material that ensure a bright flame and even tempered burn, safe to use, easy to light, which can last for a long time Easy to trim: which is convenient and sufficient for you to trim the wick to your desired length Practical function: our cotton oil lamp wick can be applied for different types of lanterns and lamps, which will help to provide a beauty and serenity surroundings for you and your family members Notice: please soak the wick in the oil for a good half-hour to saturate the wick before lighting to avoid smoking and flickering

Crea - 6 Tile Grout Pen Wall Grout Restorer Repair Marker Grout Filler Pen For Bathroom Floor Wall Tile Restoration (light Grey)

11.09 EUR
Light GrayKeep the original color: Renovator grout markers help cover stained joints between tiles, restore or change the color your tile grout lines, and keep them from staining further, give your home a cleaner look Restores surface clean: Grout repair lines dry quickly, will cover stained joints between tiles and renew the surface after painting, leaving them clean and protected, giving you a different visual experience of your home Quality material: each grout tile pen is mainly made of water-based materials, safe and non-toxic, harmless to children and children. pets; The size of the wall grout pen measures approx. 15mm in diameter and approx. 140mm in length, easy to hold For home decoration: the grout restorer pen can be safely applied for kitchen, bathroom, shower stall, porch, patio, wall, floors and many other dirty tile areas, just follow the grout lines to paint, it works on epoxy grout, mortar joints, any grout areas that start to get a little dirty and covered in mold

TOMTOP JMS Pig Cattle and Sheep Ear Tag Farm Animal Indentification Card Goat Ear Label 100 PackRed

23.98 EUR
Feature: 1. The plastic material is soft ,non‑fading and non‑toxic, which will not affect animals health. 2. The numbers are clear, will not fade, and are easy to identify on livestock ears. 3. This ear tag is small in shape, not easy to be bitten by livestock, and not easy to fall off. 4. Applicable to all areas of animal and livestock information management, such as epidemic prevention or control, meat isolation, etc. 5. This ear tag is hard antipyretic, durable,safe and harmless, not easy to damage. Specification: Item Type: Goat Ear Tag Material: Plastic. Package List: 100 x Ear Tag Head100 x Ear Tag Buckle

Crea - Mobile Phone Screen Auto Clicker For Ios Android-a

24.59 EUR
62 speeds can be adjusted at will, once every 30 seconds or 31 times a second,The clicker has its own digital display function, and the click speed is clearly displayed in numbersSix click heads click at the same time, like, grab orders, games, and broadcast simultaneouslySupport charging while using, 24 hours uninterrupted workNon-contact mapping click technology, zero noise, longer lifeInnovative Technology,Does not hurt the screen, clicks more sensitively and more stableFully adapt to all types of equipmentUniversal for and ..etcphones and tablets, stable operation without jammingLight mapping click technology, non-contact click, does not damage the phone screenType: 1 headColour:blackMaterial:ABStype: APackage Contents:1 x Phone Screen Auto Clicker SetOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm.

Crea - Usb Programming Cable For Bafang/ Bbs01b Bbs02b Bbshd

16.77 EUR
Allows connection of a PC and for Bafang BBS01, BBS02 and BBS03/BBSHD mid drive motor electric bike.In order to change the basic user level controller parameters.This does not allow for changing of the firmware and is safe for you to perform.You will NOT fry your motor by making changes to these parameters.Compatible for BBS01, BBS02 and BBSHD motors.Compatible for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10. Please note: you must run the programme as administrator.High performance expansion chip. It has fast response speed and stable transmission performance.Size: About 58CMInterface: 5-pinUSB: 2.0Colour:blackMaterial:plasticPackage Contents:1 x USB Programming CableOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm.

ROYAL CANIN Royal Canin - Croquettes pour golden retriever junior - 12 kg (3182550751261)

96.96 EUR
Royal Canin - Croquettes pour golden retriever junior - 12 kg Description du produit For puppies from 2 - 15 months old. . Healthy skin and coat. Golden Retriever Junior helps support the skin’s “barrier” role (exclusive complex) and maintain skin and coat health (EPA & DHA). Enriched with borage oil. Digestive health. This formula contributes to supporting digestive health and promoting a balance in the intestinal flora. Natural defences. This formula helps support the Golden Retriever puppy’s natural defences. Exclusive kibble. The kibble’s shape, size, texture and formula are adapted to the Golden Retriever puppy. Ingrédients Riche en protéines ——— pour Chien Croquette pour Chien nourriture pour Chien

Fontaine pour chat Distributeur d'eau en céramique pour animaux de compagnie - Fontaine à boire verticale Lotus pour chat - Filtre de circulation

36.99 EUR
Product Description Color Black Blue Pink White Ceramic material Item dimensions L x W x H 19 x 14 x 7.5 cm Weight: about 300g Package Content: Ceramic Pet Water Dispenser*1 1. HIGH QUALITY: This fountain is made of high quality ceramic (BPA free) and is ISO certified to ensure your pets health and hygiene. 2. Automatic Fountain: This fountain can regulate the flow of water, stimulating animals to drink more water and reducing kidney problems. 3. Extremely quiet: cats and dogs with a noise pump below 45 decibels do not disturb you at night, even if you are afraid of disturbing your cats and dogs, you sleep very late. 4. Anacterial and high filtration capacity: the filter is made of carbon filter cotton to retain odors and bacteria, the filter catches hair, dirt and food residue in the water, keeping the water fresh and rich in H2O. 5. Comfort and cleanliness: With a capacity of 1.3 liters, the cat fountain is suitable for cats of all ages and small dogs, it can also be used in bird

Yorkshire Terrier Adult 7,5 kg Adulte (3182550716925) - Royal Canin

80.75 EUR
Royal Canin Yorkshire Terrier Adult 7,5 kg Adulte Description du produit Coat health. This exclusive formula contributes to maintaining health of the Yorkshire’s long coat. Enriched with adapted content of Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA), Omega 6 fatty acids, borage oil and biotin. Satisfies fussy appetites. This formula satisfies the fussiest of appetites thanks to a combination of exceptional flavours. Healthy ageing support. This formula supplies a selection of nutrients to help maintain health in mature dogs. Exclusive kibble. This formula helps reduce tartar formation thanks to calcium chelators. Ingrédients Riche en protéines ——— pour Chien Croquette pour Chien nourriture pour Chien

Elegant Living House 50Pcs/Set Pet Wipe Good Cleaning Effect Non-Moistened Ultra Soft Disposable Dog Cat Teeth Gum

36.36 EUR
Description: Absolutely this pet cleaning finger cot can keep your pets' oral health and fresh breath because it can remove dental plaque, earwax, tear stain and whiten teeth efficiently. There is no doubt that this ultra soft, scentless and harmless pet cleaning finger cot will make your pets feel enjoyable and comfortable when being cleaned. It is constructed of non-woven fabric material. The length of the box is 8cm, the width is 6cm. This pet cleaning finger cot is suitable for remove dental plaque, earwax and tear stain, which is multi-purpose. Item Name: Pet Wipe Material: Non Woven Fabric Features: Ultra Soft, Thick, Good Cleaning Effect Shelf Life: 2 Years Size Details: Box: 8cm x 6cm/3.15\ x 2.36\ (Approx.) Notes: The quantity is about 50pcs, due to manual calculation, the quantity might have 1-5pcs more or less, hope you can understand, thank you. Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. Package Includes: 1 Set of Pet Wipe(50Pcs)

Berberine Glucose Support, Now Foods 90gelcaps (72128066)

60.46 EUR
Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods will strengthen the body and give good health to everyone! Every second a person uses a huge amount of useful substances to ensure normal life activity.. It is very important to replenish them in a timely manner and add them to the diet in the form of special products.. These include Berberine Glucose Support from the American manufacturer Now Foods. (Nau Foods). It contains berberine HCL and MCT oil.. This combination normalizes metabolism, ensures normal functioning of the digestive system, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These components speed up metabolism, help to normalize your weight, remove toxic substances and waste from the body.. Thanks to them, the level of low-density lipoproteins decreases, blood circulation improves, and the elasticity of the vessel walls increases.. It is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.. With their help, you can normalize blood sugar levels, and this protects a person from developing diabetes. A product based on them reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, relieves the burden on the body that occurs with obesity, and also provides support for blood vessels.. With its help, the work of the brain improves, memory becomes much better, and incoming information is perceived more efficiently.. A person gains energy, strength for new achievements, and their vitality increases. The substances included in the composition are effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease. They have antioxidant properties and prevent free radicals from destroying cells.. Moreover, they have an oncoprotective effect, preventing the development of cancer.. These components normalize hormonal levels and have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods has choleretic and antispasmodic properties. It normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents plaque formation in the veins.. With its help, the composition of bile becomes biochemically balanced, the tone of the muscle tissue of the gallbladder decreases.. This product is recommended to everyone, because it can be called universal in its action.. With its help, you can lose weight, reduce body size, ensure the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, get energized and protect yourself from diabetes! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Calories 5 Total fat 0.5 g - saturated fat 0.5 g Berberine HCl (from the bark of Berberis aristata) 400 mg MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) 700 mg - capric acid (C10) (from MCT oil) 238 mg Other Ingredients: soft gelatin capsule (bovine gelatin, glycerin, water, caramel coloring), beeswax and sunflower lecithin. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients.. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these...

Santra Life Nemaska printed Stand-up Collar Zippered Oversize Unisex Sweatshirt S de l’alabama crimson

49.87 EUR
Our prints are digital and transfer prints and will not fade or deteriorate as long as you follow the washing instructions. Our fabrics are 100% cotton. They are produced from high quality fabric, keeping your comfort and health in mind. Washing instructions: Wash upside down in 30 degrees warm water. Our products are produced with the TRENDGAR difference.

Start - Crème d'entretien pour pneus de voiture, 100 g par flacon, nettoie et tache la rouille des moyeux de roue

13 EUR
Prevent tire oxidation, fine lines, cracks, bulges, and other issues. Long term maintenance of tire health. Improve tire appearance and restore black color.

Kalisse - fimei 2x Oreillers 80x40x14 cm Mousse à mémoire de forme

45.15 EUR
Are you tired of your old worn out pillow and looking for better night's rest? Enjoy a good night's sleep on our pressure-relief and neck-support pillows. These pillows, approximately 14 cm thick, can not only offer a calm sleep, but also guard your orthopedic health. Filled with visco foam, the pillow offers optimum pressure relief. Visco foam, also called memory foam, was originally developed by NASA. It can adapt to your neck and head based on warmth and weight. When the material is heated by the body temperature, it will soften and adapt to your contour, and therefore ensures proper orthopedic alignment. Additionally, the cover fabric is breathable and cuddly soft, thus allowing a comfortable and restful sleeping climate. Delivery includes 2 pillows. Couleur : Blanc Dimensions: 80 x 40 x 14 cm (L x W x T) Filling material: Memory foam flakes Cover material: 100% polyester Delivery includes 2 pillows

LatestBuy Toy Box The Mandalorian Transport Trooper 1:6 12 Action Figure

537.4 EUR
Are you seriously shooting a blaster near rhydonium? If the pirates don't get you first then the highly volatile and explosive rhydonium will. Being a Transport Trooper might have sounded like a cruisy career idea back at the academy, but in reality it's a job riddled with workplace health and safety issues if the Empire ever cared about such trivial things. Based on the action-packed episode of Star Wars: The Mandalorian, in which Mando and his team undergo a dangerous mission on the planet of Morak to attain the coordinates for Moff Gideon's ship from the Imperial refinery, the Transport Trooper 1/6th Scale Hot Toys Action Figure has been skilfully crafted with screen-accurate details and a newly developed helmeted head sculpt. Standing approximately 12.2 tall, the Transport Trooper features over 30 points of articulation and comes dressed in finely crafted body armour with a tailored undersuit, and complete with interchangeable hands and a blast One (1) Transport Trooper 1/6th Scale Hot Toys Action Figure Six (6) pieces of interchangeable black gloved hands including: One (1) pair of fists One (1) pair of relaxed hands One (1) pair of hands for holding pistol

TOMTOP JMS Puppy Snuffle Book Plush Dog Puzzle Book Dog Sniffling Training Book Toy for Indoor Outdoor

22.38 EUR
Feature: 1. [Plush Material]: The puppy snuffle book toy is made of plush cloth material, which is safe and non toxic, skin friendly and will not cause harm to the health of the puppy. 2. [Lovely Design]: The appearance of the dog puzzle book is very cute, there is a plush small dog head, vivid and harmonious color matching, attracting the attention of the dog, which is loved by the dog. 3. [Hand Sewing]: The dog sniffling book toy is hand sewn, every detail is carefully stitched, exquisite workmanship and durable, suitable for puppy long term playing. 4. [Foraging Training]: The dog puzzle toy is designed to look like a book, in which each page can be placed dog food, training the dog s smell ability and foraging ability. 5. [Enhance Intelligence]: Each page of the sniffling training book has a different type of puzzle game, which can effectively improve your dog s intelligence and exercise your dog s brain. Specification: Item Type: Puppy Snuffle Book Material: Plush Cloth Purpose: Dog Puzzle Foraging Plush Book Toy. Package List: 1 x Dog Plush Book Toy

Bon66 Saleté Poussière Décapant Acier Dent Portable Cheveux Poux Fournitures Pour Animaux De Compagnie Santé Brosse Peigne Animal Puce Oeuf

18.99 EUR
Description: It is made of stainless steel and plastic? durable and portable. This pet comb is helpful for your pet to rid lice. Cleans dirtiness and scrubs exfoliation. Also can be a massager? great for pet health. Item type:Pet Comb Material: stainless steel Color: Send in random. Size: 9cm x 4.8cm/3.54"" x 1.57"" (Approx.) Package includes: 1* Pet Comb Notes: We don't offer color choice? your order will be sent out in random color. Due to the light and screen setting difference? the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.

Bon66 Silicone Souple Épilation Chien Collant Outil D'épilation Fournitures Pour Animaux De Compagnie Portable Chats Brosse De Bain Pour Animaux

22.14 EUR
Features: 100% Brand New and high quality Removes dead hair loose. remove Hair Spill Pets animal. Keeps your pet well-groomed. Hair gentle care of your pet? to accommodate all sizes of dogs and cats. Hair cleaning suitable pet is the key to maintaining vigorous good health of your pet. Can be used to massage your animals pets and pets will start to relax under the movement of the brush. Specifications: Material: Silicone Size: 12.2 * 4.5 * 4.5 cm (L* W*H) Color: Green? Orange Weight: 65g Package Contents: 1 * hair remover of animals Note: Due to the different display and different light? the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Please make sure you do not mind before you bid.

Tamagotchi Original Memphis Style - Virtual Pet

29.57 EUR
The Original Tamagotchi pet is back! Feed it, turn lights on/off, play with it, give it medicine, flush after it's used the bathroom, check it's health and dicipline your tamagotchi if he bothers you when he's happy, fed, and all cleaned up. Includes character game where you have to guess which was the Tamagotchi will move next. Raise your Tamagotchi from egg to child to adult. How you take care of it will decide which of the 7 adults you get. Comes with 1 Tamagotchi on a chain to take with you everywhere. The funniest virtual pet of all time comes back Take care of your Tamagotchi: you can feed it, bathe, clean it, heal it when sick, play with it and of course, watch it grow Keeps its classic egg design and LCD display You can take it anywhere thanks to its built-in chain Includes a CR2032 battery