Ubisoft Peter Jackson'S King Kong - The Official Game Of The Movie

3.99 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren, Brand : Ubisoft, Binding : Videospiel, Label : Ubisoft, Publisher : Ubisoft, PackageQuantity : 1, Feature : Peter Jackson's King Kong (gebraucht) DS, medium : Videospiel, 0 : Nintendo DS, 0 : Nintendo DS, releaseDate : 2005-12-01

Ubisoft Peter Jackson'S King Kong - The Official Game Of The Movie

16.49 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren, Brand : Ubisoft, Binding : Videospiel, Label : Ubisoft, Publisher : Ubisoft, NumberOfDiscs : 1, medium : Videospiel, 0 : GameCube, 0 : Gamecube, releaseDate : 2005-11-17

Nakazawa, Donna Jackson The Last Cure: My Quest To Awaken The Healing Parts Of My Brain And Get Back My Body, My Joy, A Nd My Life

9.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Avery, Publisher : Avery, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2013-02-21, releaseDate : 2013-02-21, authors : Nakazawa, Donna Jackson, ISBN : 159463128X

Peter Jackson S - King Kong - The Official Game Of The Movie - Ps2 Occ

1.99 EUR
Peter jackson s - king kong - the official game of the movie - ps2 occ

Sally Humble-Jackson S, Look, Listen: Animated World Faiths - The Life Of Guru Nanak (Quest: Animated World Faiths)

2.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : 4Learning, Publisher : 4Learning, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 24, publicationDate : 2000-08-01, releaseDate : 2000-08-01, authors : Sally Humble-Jackson, ISBN : 1862152519

Ubisoft Michael Jackson: The Experience (Move Erforderlich)

9.49 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Brand : Ubisoft, Binding : Videospiel, Edition : Standard, Label : Ubisoft, Publisher : Ubisoft, medium : Videospiel, 0 : Playstation 3, 0 : PlayStation 3, releaseDate : 2011-04-14, languages : german

Ubisoft Michael Jackson: The Experience (Kinect Erforderlich)

6.99 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Brand : Ubisoft, Binding : Videospiel, Edition : Standard, Label : Ubisoft, Publisher : Ubisoft, Feature : Kategorie : Spiele, medium : Videospiel, 0 : Xbox 360, 0 : Xbox 360, releaseDate : 2011-04-14

Ubisoft Michael Jackson: The Experience

7.49 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Brand : Ubisoft, Binding : Videospiel, Edition : Standard, Label : Ubisoft, Publisher : Ubisoft, NumberOfDiscs : 1, medium : Videospiel, 0 : Nintendo WII, 0 : Nintendo Wii, publicationDate : 2010-12-01, releaseDate : 2010-11-25

Ubisoft Michael Jackson - The Experience [Software Pyramide]

11.49 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Brand : Ubisoft, Binding : Videospiel, Label : ak tronic, Publisher : ak tronic, NumberOfDiscs : 1, medium : Videospiel, 0 : Nintendo WII, 0 : Nintendo Wii, releaseDate : 2012-01-06

Ubisoft Michael Jackson: The Experience

6.99 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Brand : Ubisoft, Binding : Videospiel, Edition : Standard, Label : Ubisoft, Publisher : Ubisoft, medium : Videospiel, 0 : Nintendo DS, 0 : Nintendo DS, releaseDate : 2010-11-25

Nintendo Michael Jackson : The Experience Ds Occasion

Occasion michael jackson : the experience sur ds est un jeu de rythme mêlant danse et chant, et retraçant la carrière du roi de la pop. Le titre permet d'incarner l'artiste à travers ses plus grands succès.

Joanna Jackson Year In The Life Of Richmond

4.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Frances Lincoln Ltd, Publisher : Frances Lincoln Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 112, publicationDate : 2005-09-01, authors : Joanna Jackson, ISBN : 0711225265

Joanna Jackson Year In The Life Of Richmond Park

5.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1st Frances Lincoln Ed, Label : Frances Lincoln, Publisher : Frances Lincoln, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 112, publicationDate : 2003-09-04, authors : Joanna Jackson, languages : english, ISBN : 0711222185

The Jacksons - Sac Sun Kissed Jute Pink- Femme

89 EUR
De ce matériau permet aux sacs de résister à une utilisation intense et à l'épreuve du temps. Et après une vie longue et heureuse, ils peuvent se biodégrader sur le compost.utiliser le jute est également une option judicieuse lorsque l’on réfléchit à notre empreinte carbone et à l’impact climatique de nos produits. En effet, le jute pousse beaucoup plus vite que le coton (il peut être récolté tous les 4 à 6 mois) et nécessite beaucoup moins d'eau. Des études suggèrent que le jute est bénéfique pour le sol et l'air de la région, agissant comme un puits de carbone.*la durabilité est un long voyage et nous savons que nous sommes loin de la perfection, mais choisir le jute comme matériau principal de nos produits est une étape prometteuse vers une méthode de production plus juste et plus durable.en un mot, ces sacs sont l'option parfaite pour une alternative de shopping amusante mais consciente, car vous pouvez les emporter avec vous pour transporter vos essentiels de vacances, vos essentiels de tous les jours, ou pour faire du shopping et voyager. Ils constituent un élément joyeux et élégant pour votre garde-robe ou même comme décoration intérieure. Environ 43 cm x 33 cm x 10 cmhauteur de poignée de 14 cm.

The Jacksons - Sac Bevan Stripe Small Jute Fern- Femme

72 EUR
Nos sacs cabas/sacs fourre-tout sont tous fabriqués à partir de jute. Parce que chaque sac est fait à la main, cela rend chacun d’entre eux unique et aucun sac n’est exactement le même. C'est le sac parfait pour ranger les essentiels de vos vacances, de votre routine quotidienne, du shopping et des voyages.ils constituent un élément joyeux et élégant pour votre garde-robe ou même comme décoration intérieure. Soutenir les femmes dans les zones rurales du bangladeshnous travaillons avec des femmes artisanales talentueuses dans les zones rurales du bangladesh. Les femmes ont la possibilité de travailler au centre communautaire ou à la maison pour s'intégrer dans leur vie de famille. Les femmes sont payées directement. Nous sommes fiers de soutenir l'éducation, les soins de santé et les moyens de subsistance des artisans du bangladesh qui sont devenus la « famille élargie » de louise. Un autre avantage du jute est qu'il est très résistant : nos sacs peuvent transporter entre 10 et 14 kg. Chaque sac contient 450 m de jute. Nos sacs en jute sont fabriqués à la main et aucune machine n'est utilisée tout au long du processus, à l'exception de la teinture. Seuls des colorants sans azoïque sont utilisés. L:36xh:30.13cm

The Jacksons - Sac Flower Love Jute Pebble- Femme

85 EUR
Nos sacs sont 100 % jute, une plante solide cultivée localement au bangladesh. La nature de ce matériau permet aux sacs de résister à un usage intense et à l’épreuve du temps. Et après une vie longue et heureuse, ils peuvent se biodégrader sur le compost.utiliser le jute est également une option judicieuse lorsque l’on réfléchit à notre empreinte carbone et à l’impact climatique de nos produits. En effet, le jute pousse beaucoup plus vite que le coton (il peut être récolté tous les 4 à 6 mois) et nécessite beaucoup moins d'eau. Des études suggèrent que le jute est bénéfique pour le sol et l'air de la région, agissant comme un puits de carbone.*la durabilité est un long voyage et nous savons que nous sommes loin de la perfection, mais choisir le jute comme matériau principal de nos produits est une étape prometteuse vers une méthode de production plus juste et plus durable.en un mot, ces sacs sont l'option parfaite pour une alternative de shopping amusante mais consciente, car vous pouvez les emporter avec vous pour transporter vos essentiels de vacances, vos essentiels de tous les jours, ou pour faire du shopping et voyager. Ils constituent un élément joyeux et élégant pour votre garde-robe ou même comme décoration intérieure. Environ 43 cm x 33 cm x 10 cmhauteur de poignée de 14 cm.

The Jacksons - Sac Summer Loving Jute Peach- Femme

89 EUR
Ces sacs fourre-tout sont tous fabriqués à partir de jute. Parce que chaque sac est fait à la main, cela rend chacun d’entre eux unique et aucun sac n’est exactement le même. C'est le sac parfait pour ranger les essentiels de vos vacances, de votre routine quotidienne, du shopping et des voyages.ils constituent un élément joyeux et élégant pour votre garde-robe ou même comme décoration intérieure. Soutenir les femmes dans les zones rurales du bangladeshles jackson travaillent avec des artisanes talentueuses dans les zones rurales du bangladesh. Les femmes ont la possibilité de travailler au centre communautaire ou à la maison pour s'intégrer dans leur vie de famille. Les femmes sont payées directement. Nous sommes fiers de soutenir l'éducation, les soins de santé et les moyens de subsistance des artisans du bangladesh. Un autre avantage du jute est qu'il est très résistant : ces sacs peuvent transporter entre 10 et 14 kg. Chaque sac contient 450 m de jute. Les sacs de jute sont fabriqués à la main et aucune machine n'est utilisée tout au long du processus, à l'exception de la teinture. Seuls des colorants sans azoïque sont utilisés. Environ 45 cm x 39 cm x 10 cmhauteur de poignée de 14 cm

Sally Humble-Jackson The Miracle Maker

1.84 EUR
Binding : Hörkassette, Edition : Unabridged, Label : Hodder Children's Books, Publisher : Hodder Children's Books, Format : Ungekürzte Ausgabe, medium : Hörkassette, publicationDate : 2000-03-16, releaseDate : 2000-03-16, authors : Sally Humble-Jackson, narrators : Ken Stott, ISBN : 1840322608

Nakazawa, Donna Jackson Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, And How You Can Heal

9.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Atria Books, Publisher : Atria Books, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2015-07-07, authors : Nakazawa, Donna Jackson, languages : english, ISBN : 1476748357

Maybelline Superstay Matte Ink birthday edition #life of the party

9.72 EUR
Superstay Matte Ink birthday edition #birthday bestle

Nakazawa, Donna Jackson Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, And How You Can Heal

12.31 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : Atria Books, Publisher : Atria Books, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2016-07-26, authors : Nakazawa, Donna Jackson, languages : english, ISBN : 1476748365

Nakazawa, Donna Jackson Freund Oder Feind: Das Doppelleben Der Mikroglia In Unserem Gehirn: Wie Das Neue Wissen Über Diese Winzige Gehirnzelle Den Lauf Der Medizin Verändert

20.23 EUR
Binding : Broschiert, Edition : Erstauflage, Label : VAK Verlag, Publisher : VAK Verlag, medium : Broschiert, numberOfPages : 384, publicationDate : 2020-05-11, releaseDate : 2020-05-11, authors : Nakazawa, Donna Jackson, Imke Brodersen, ISBN : 3867312338

Ravensburger Trust the timing of your life

16.95 EUR
Trust the timing of your life

Nakazawa, Donna Jackson Wenn Die Kindheit Krank Macht: Frühe Seelische Verletzungen – Die Wahre Ursache Für Übergewicht, Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen Und Co. - Mit Wirksamen Strategien Für Betroffene Und Eltern

10.65 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Deutsche Erstausgabe, Label : Goldmann Verlag, Publisher : Goldmann Verlag, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 416, publicationDate : 2019-03-18, releaseDate : 2019-03-18, authors : Nakazawa, Donna Jackson, translators : Andrea Panster, ISBN : 3442222486

Jackson Pro Series Signature Jeff Loomis Soloist SL7 HT Satin Black

1519 EUR
Treated to a matte-black, sandblasted ash top, a set of Seymour Duncan Jeff Loomis Signature Noumenons, and an extended 27 inch scale length and seven-string range, this is definitely the Jackson Pro Series Signature Jeff Loomis Soloist SL7 - and it's a stonker. Due to that sandblasted finish, every example of this model is genuinely unique, and when teamed up with that dark ebony fretboard and iconic pointed headstock, you're presented with an instrument that's more than capable of keeping up with Jeff Loomis' ninja-style skills. The Jackson Jeff Loomis Soloist SL7 HT: A Stable Metal Machine Loomis has hand selected a neck-through-body construction, and since the three-piece, graphite reinforced maple neck has been shot through the middle of the body, you're assured of outstanding resonance and near-infinite, stretched-out sustain. The horned cutaways of the Soloist body combine with Luminlay side dots to ensure that the set of twenty-four jumbo frets are navigated with smooth ease, even when thrown into a pit of darkness, while that extra-long scale length retains a tight and controlled feel along the entire length of the neck, and sublime tuning stability is laid down by a fixed Hipshot 7 bridge and a pack of Jackson Sealed Die-Cast Locking machine heads. Surgical Attack The pair of Seymour Duncan Jeff Loomis Signature Noumenon alnico V humbuckers wield enough power, precision and versatility to deliver a sharp attack and tight basses, combining forces to support brutal riff work as well as the most delicate and flowing licks and solos. Instantly tweak the dynamic response via the single volume pot. And, while it's no surprise that the Soloist SL7 plays like a dream, that dream is made ever more ecstatic by the tight and controlled feel of a compound fretboard radius that gradually flattens the closer you get to the headstock. A surgically precise instrument built for the serious shredder.

Jackson X Series Dinky DK3XR M HSS MN Frostbyte Blue guitare électrique

555 EUR
Built for fast, agile performance, the Jackson X-Series Dinky DK3XR M will make many a metalhead's heart beat faster. The HSS pickup configuration combined with the poplar body shapes more than enough tonal versatility while this shredder's dream of a guitar treats you to luxurious details like a sculpted cut-heel and the maximum stability of a carbon reinforced neck, limiting warping over time. The twenty-four jumbo frets have been designed to boost playing speed, and couple with the compound radius of the maple fretboard (graduating from 12 inches at the headstock to 16 inches at the body) to support supreme comfort all the way up and down the neck. The DK3XR M HSS: The Most Versatile Pickup Load-Out Possible The most versatile configuration you can get in the guitar universe has to be the humbucker/single-coil/single-coil combo and that's exactly what the DK3XR M HSS sets you up with. Each pickup is Jackson-designed, so you get a full-output humbucker at the bridge for that all important, tight low-frequency definition and full, mix-puncturing mids, and sitting in the middle and neck positions, you get that familiar single-coil sound to perfectly compliment and balance out the double-coil aggression. Full tonal access and control is provided by a five-way pickup switch and a sweet and simple set of tone and volume pots. A licensed Floyd Rose bridge ensures superior tuning no matter how extreme the work gets, and to complete the look, the Jackson-signature reverse headstock has been given a matched paint-job.

Jackson X Series Soloist SLX DX Red Crystal guitare électrique

639 EUR
Built for speed, comfort, and agility, the Jackson X-Series Soloist SLX DX comes loaded with all the tasty hi-tech trimmings that the true modern shredder could ever want. The poplar body is lightweight, beautifully balanced and boasts the enhanced resonance and elevated sustain of a seamless neck-through-body construction where the neck has been reinforced with graphite to reduce temperature and humidity sensitivity for maximum stability. The headstock has been bound to the body via a super-strong and invisible scarf joint while the laurel fretboard has been finished with 24 jumbo frets and a set of Jackson-hallmark pearloid sharkfin inlay position markers. And the compound fretboard radius graduates from a snug 12 inches at the headstock, to a flattened 16 inches at the body to ensure a tight grip when grabbing chords and a fluid feel when weaving licks higher up the neck. The SLX DX: Super-Flexible Passive Humbuckers Versatile tone is provided by a pair of passive Duncan Designed humbuckers at the bridge and neck so you're set up with a range that spans full warmth, brutal leads, and tight rhythms and can be tweaked and customised as needed using the fitted three-way selector switch and single volume and tone pot. The superior stability provided by the Floyd Rose Special double-locking tremolo bridge supports the most extreme dive bombs while keeping the tuning intact, and to finish this battle-ready axe, the body comes coated in a unique camo paint-job which has been carried through to the front of the pointed headstock.

Jackson American Series Soloist SL2MG Matte Army Drab guitare électrique avec étui Foam Core Case

2299 EUR
Fully equipped to support high-precision playability, the Jackson American Series Soloist SL2MG electric guitar features a stunning build supported by a hyper-reliable loadout. Crafted in California, the tight and detailed finish of this instrument starts with a solid alder body with a neck-through construction, guaranteeing sweet, day-long sustain. Jackson Foam Core case included. The Jackson American Series Soloist SL2MG: EMG Pups This edition of the Soloist SL2MG comes preloaded with a set of pups that need little introduction. The EMG 81 at the bridge and the EMG 85 at the neck form a shredder's dream-team, so with this guitar, you're wielding the full spectrum of iconic metal sounds alongside heavenly cleans and, simply because this model has been built for speed, it also features a Floyd Rose double-locking tremolo bridge that supports smooth and wild vibrato tricks without dropping tune. As a nice bonus, the Gotoh locking machine heads don't just firm up the tuning stability but help speed up string changes. Fast Playability The graphite-reinforced maple neck of the Jackson American Series Soloist SL2MG comes finished with a Speed Neck profile and a satin-gloss coated backside that combine to speed up the playability no end. Add on the compound fretboard radius and twenty-four stainless steel jumbo frets, and you're also getting a light and flowing feel beneath your fingers. As a classic final touch, the ebony fretboard has been adorned with a set of mother-of-pearl sharkfin position markers, while the Luminlay side dots aid note navigation in the dark. All of this thought and detail completes a professional, versatile and ultimately sleek gig-monster.

Jackson American Series Soloist SL2MG HT Satin Black guitare électrique avec étui Foam Core Case

2239 EUR
The Jackson American Series SL2MG HT is a real American-made axe that comes at a friendlier price than USA Select Series and Custom Shop models. This alder-bodied Soloist has been armed with a set of EMG 81/85 humbuckers and a fixed Hipshop 6 bridge, which means it's brilliantly stable and ready for brutal chugs and mega-fast leads. Conveniently, this example comes complete with a Jackson Foam Core Case. The American Series Soloist SL2MG HT: Speed Neck The heelless neck-through-body construction is a recipe for boosted resonance and extra-lengthy sustain, while the 24 stainless steel jumbo frets, the compound radius of the ebony fretboard, and the satin-gloss finish of the Speed Neck assert a fast and fluid playing feel. Refined with Luminlay side dots and classic mother of pearl sharkfin position markers, the Soloist SL2MG HT even helps you deliver the goods on a dark stage.

Jackson JS Series RR Minion JS1X Silverburst

179 EUR
The Jackson JS Series RR Minion JS1X is a 2:3 scale Rhoads model with a 22.5-inch scale length, in other words, a more manageable electric guitar for young beginners. The small, lightweight and resonant poplar body and bolt-on, graphite-reinforced neck also make this axe ideal for more experienced musicians in need of a travel guitar, especially since the amaranth fretboard, 12-inch radius, twenty-four jumbo frets and black sharkfin inlays fully firm up the already smooth playability. Tonal Flexibility The RR Minion JS1X has been decked out with a pair of Jackson high-output humbuckers that can deliver everything from deep-and-fat basses to clear trebles, while the 3-way pickup switch and volume and tone pots make tweaking the sound to taste as simple as can be. From airy melodies to heavy riffs, this JS Series model has got you covered. Solid Hardware Jackson has finished the RR Minion JS1X with the hardware needed to ensure more than solid sustain, intonation and tuning stability. In fact, you're getting a string-through-body hardtail bridge with block saddles, plus a set of sealed, self-lubricating tuners - all dipped in a can't-go-wrong black.

Jackson X Series Soloist™ SLX DX Laurel Checkered Past guitare électrique

855 EUR
Built for speed, comfort, and agility, the Jackson X-Series Soloist SLX DX comes loaded with all the tasty hi-tech trimmings that the true modern shredder could ever want. The nyatoh body is lightweight, beautifully balanced and boasts the enhanced resonance and elevated sustain of a seamless neck-through-body construction where the neck has been reinforced with graphite to reduce temperature and humidity sensitivity for maximum stability. The headstock has been bound to the body via a super-strong and invisible scarf joint while the laurel fretboard has been finished with twenty-four jumbo frets and a set of Jackson-hallmark pearloid sharkfin inlay position markers. And, when it comes to playability, the compound fretboard radius graduates from a snug 12 inches at the headstock to a flattened 16 inches at the body to ensure a tight grip when grabbing chords and a fluid feel when weaving licks higher up the neck. Jackson High-Output Humbucking Versatile tone is provided by a pair of active Jackson High-Output humbuckers at the bridge and neck so you're set up with consistent sound that packs the necessary dynamics to voice elegant and expressive work. Tweak and customise the output as needed using the fitted three-way selector switch and single volume and tone pot while the superior stability provided by the Floyd Rose Special double-locking tremolo bridge supports the most extreme dive bombs and keeps the tuning intact. To finish this battle-ready axe, the body comes in a Checkered Past paint-job which has been carried through to the front of the pointed headstock.

Jackson JS Series RR Minion JS1X M Neon Pink

199 EUR
The Jackson JS Series RR Minion JS1X is a 2:3 scale Rhoads model with a 22.5-inch scale length, in other words, a more manageable electric guitar for young beginners. The small, lightweight and resonant poplar body and bolt-on, graphite-reinforced neck also make this axe ideal for more experienced musicians in need of a travel guitar, especially since the maple fretboard, 12-inch radius, twenty-four jumbo frets and black sharkfin inlays fully firm up the already smooth playability. Tonal Flexibility The RR Minion JS1X has been decked out with a pair of Jackson high-output humbuckers that can deliver everything from deep-and-fat basses to clear trebles, while the 3-way pickup switch and volume and tone pots make tweaking the sound to taste as simple as can be. From airy melodies to heavy riffs, this JS Series model has got you covered. Solid Hardware Jackson has finished the RR Minion JS1X with the hardware needed to ensure more than solid sustain, intonation and tuning stability. In fact, you're getting a string-through-body hardtail bridge with block saddles, plus a set of sealed, self-lubricating tuners - all dipped in a can't-go-wrong black.

Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SLA3 EB Gold Bullion guitare électrique avec housse

1245 EUR
Part of the Jackson Pro Plus Series line-up, the SLA3 solid-body doesn't just come gifted with an iconic Soloist shape, but comes fully loaded with every modern feature the progressive guitarist could ever want. The stable core of this six-string is formed by a solid yet mega-resonant neck-through-body construction. The deluxe build of the three-piece neck combines maple with walnut for a sweet dark-to-light contrast, and has even been reinforced with graphite for good measure, while the bonded wings have been carved from chunks of exotic okoume. To polish off the comfort as well as the taste-level of the design, the body has been been finished with elegantly arched contouring and, to really top off the warm yet tight sonic foundation, the fretboard has been made from a slice of high-grade ebony. The Pro Plus Series edition of the Soloist comes pre-wrapped in its very own gig bag. The Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SLA3: Searing, Broad-Range Sound Thanks to a set of HSS-configured Seymour Duncan pups, this Jackson model delivers an unbelievably broad sonic spectrum. At the bridge, we have the modern icon that is the JB humbucker, giving you all the classic Hot Rod style output you could wish for. At the neck and in the middle position, we have two Flat Strat pickups, rounding everything off with some single-coil sparkle courtesy of Alnico V cores and extra winding. This formidable loadout gives this guitar an immediately versatile character, setting it up to take on everything from searing leads to tear-jerking cleans. Navigate everything in full comfort via the 12 inch to 16 inch fretboard radius and pull off the most brutal dive-bombs via the mounted Floyd Rose 1000 Series Recessed Double-Locking tremolo bridge.

Jackson JS Series Concert Bass Minion JS1X Metallic Red

209 EUR
The Jackson JS Series Concert Bass Minion JS1X comes with all the tight and snug playability of a shorter scale length plus the full power of a PJ-style pickup load-out. At just 28.6 inches long, the scale length of this bass is ideal for younger students of the four-string, while the lighter poplar wood body doesn't just improve comfort and manageability but ensures full and resonant acoustic sound. Add on the bolt-on graphite-reinforced maple neck and you have a super-stable machine of an instrument. Broad-Range Sound With a Jackson P-style pickup planted at the neck and a Jackson J-style pickup planted at the bridge, the Concert Bass Minion JS1X wields a broad tonal range. From deep and rich, low-diving output to powerful mid-range bite, this electric bass can be tweaked to back up an array of different genres and playing styles. The stripped back controls hand you a volume pot per pickup plus a master tone pot to dial everything in. Reliable Style The classic body shape is fully set off by the modern Metallic Red paint-job, while the black hardware and matching black pointed headstock polish off the signature Jackson aesthetics. The hardware doesn't just look good, but includes a hardtail bridge and black baseplate that supports improved sustain and intonation, while a set of Jackson-designed machine heads guarantee stable and accurate tuning. All of this combines to complete a solid, reliable and powerful bass guitar, whether you're drilling lines in your bedroom or stomping out riffs on stage.

Jackson X Series Soloist SLX DX Granite Crystal guitare électrique

635 EUR
Built for speed, comfort, and agility, the Jackson X-Series Soloist SLX DX comes loaded with all the tasty hi-tech trimmings that the true modern shredder could ever want. The poplar body is lightweight, beautifully balanced and boasts the enhanced resonance and elevated sustain of a seamless neck-through-body construction where the neck has been reinforced with graphite to reduce temperature and humidity sensitivity for maximum stability. The headstock has been bound to the body via a super-strong and invisible scarf joint while the laurel fretboard has been finished with 24 jumbo frets and a set of Jackson-hallmark pearloid sharkfin inlay position markers. And the compound fretboard radius graduates from a snug 12 inches at the headstock, to a flattened 16 inches at the body to ensure a tight grip when grabbing chords and a fluid feel when weaving licks higher up the neck. The SLX DX: Super-Flexible Passive Humbuckers Versatile tone is provided by a pair of passive Duncan Designed humbuckers at the bridge and neck so you're set up with a range that spans full warmth, brutal leads, and tight rhythms and can be tweaked and customised as needed using the fitted three-way selector switch and single volume and tone pot. The superior stability provided by the Floyd Rose Special double-locking tremolo bridge supports the most extreme dive bombs while keeping the tuning intact, and to finish this battle-ready axe, the body comes coated in a unique camo paint-job which has been carried through to the front of the pointed headstock.

Jackson Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA EB Oxblood guitare électrique avec housse

939 EUR
With this Pro Plus Series model, Jackson take the Dinky DKA to an even higher level. This tight electric guitar features an ebony fretboard with a compound radius and twenty-four stainless steel jumbo frets for top-notch playability. Meanwhile, the 'A' in DKA refer to the arched top, which only further enhances the playing feel and helps do justice to the high-gloss finish. So you can get it to gigs in one piece, this solid riff-machine comes including a matching gig bag. The Jackson Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA: Broad-Range Sound The body of the Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA is made of okoume, a tonewood that's a tad less dense than mahogany and shapes a slightly softer tone. The body has been outfitted with a set of direct-mount Seymour Duncan pickups, namely the JB/'59 combo. Add that to the fitted five-way pickup switch and the Floyd Rose 1000 Series Double-Locking Tremolo bridge, and you're all set to drop brutal dive-bombs in any style.

Jackson Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA Q EB Firestorm guitare électrique avec housse

1159 EUR
With this Pro Plus Series model, Jackson take the Dinky DKA to an even higher level. This tight electric guitar features an ebony fretboard with a compound radius and twenty-four stainless steel jumbo frets for top-notch playability. Meanwhile, the 'A' in DKA refer to the arched top, which only further enhances the playing feel and helps do justice to the high-gloss finish. So you can get it to gigs in one piece, this solid riff-machine comes including a matching gig bag. The Jackson Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA: Broad-Range Sound The body of the Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA is made of okoume, a tonewood that's a tad less dense than mahogany and shapes a slightly softer tone. The body has been outfitted with a set of direct-mount Seymour Duncan pickups, namely the JB/'59 combo. Add that to the fitted five-way pickup switch and the Floyd Rose 1000 Series Double-Locking Tremolo bridge, and you're all set to drop brutal dive-bombs in any style.

Jackson X Series Soloist SLX DX Crackle Bloodshot Crackle

859 EUR
Featuring a special crackle finish, the Jackson X Series Soloist SLX DX Crackle boasts maximum eye-catching potential alongside a superb sound and feel. From the streamlined basswood body to the pointed headstock, this electric guitar bears pure Jackson DNA. It even has a neck-through-body construction for boosted sustain, a graphite-reinforced neck for enhanced stability, and a fretboard with a compound radius for fast leads and smooth chord work alike. High-Output Humbucking Pickups The Soloist SLX DX has been kitted out with high-output humbuckers. Designed by Jackson, these pickups deliver the fat-and-forceful tone needed for aggressive rhythms and stand-out leads, and combine with a 3-way blade switch and a single volume and tone control for the ability to handle all styles of metal. Quality Hardware In terms of hardware, you're looking at a recessed Floyd Rose Special double-locking tremolo, which lends itself to various whammy bar trick-shots without affecting the tuning. Traditional Jackson details like the black finish, dome-shaped pots, pearloid shark fin fretboard inlays and the 6-in-line headstock complete this sharp-looking axe, which is available in Silver Mercury Crackle and Bloodshot Crackle.

Jackson X Series Spectra Bass SBX IV basse électrique Matte Army Drab

492 EUR
The no-nonsense Jackson X-Series Spectra basses already boast an insane level of versatility considering the price tag, and the SBX IV is no exception. This no-nonsense, modern bass piles on the attitude via a stable, boutique-grade neck-through-construction that should definitely cost twice the price. The offset nyatoh body is perfectly balanced while the neck has been reinforced with graphite, enhancing the sustain while reducing sensitivity to temperature and humidity, and the fretboard has been given a fully up-to-date compound radius, so your fret-hand is treated to the rounded grip of 12 inches at the headstock and a flatter, controlled feel closer to the body. Full sonic force is supplied by a pair of Jackson medium-output humbuckers complete with active three-band EQ controls and a Blend pot to tweak the EQ output level; and to dial back to a lighter, passive output, simply bypass the active circuit by toggling the push-pull volume pot.

Jackson JS Series Dinky Minion JS1X M Infinity Blue

199 EUR
The Jackson JS Series Dinky Minion JS1X M has a scale length of just 22.5 inches, making it the perfect guitar for young shredders as well as a solid backup axe for travelling musicians. The lightweight poplar body has even been bolted to a graphite-reinforced maple neck, guaranteeing excellent manageability as well as excellent stability. High-Output Tone Armed with Jackson-designed high-output humbuckers equipped with ceramic magnets, the Dinky Minion JS1X M delivers clear and forceful tone. The sound can be varied via the 3-way pickup switch and single volume and tone pots, and ranges from clean-and-detailed to aggressive crunch. Reliable Performance This slightly downsized Jackson electric guitar has been finished with a 12-inch fretboard radius and twenty-four jumbo frets for a smooth feel across the board. The string-through-body bridge and block saddles ensure enhanced intonation and sustain, while the classic Jackson-style headstock helps ensure equal string tension across all six strings. In other words, the Dinky Minion JS1X is made for serious action.

Jackson JS Series Dinky Minion JS1X Metallic Red

199 EUR
The Jackson JS Series Dinky Minion JS1X has a scale length of just 22.5 inches, making it the perfect guitar for young shredders as well as a solid backup axe for travelling musicians. The lightweight poplar body has even been bolted to a graphite-reinforced maple neck, guaranteeing excellent manageability as well as excellent stability. High-Output Tone Armed with Jackson-designed high-output humbuckers equipped with ceramic magnets, the Dinky Minion JS1X M delivers clear and forceful tone. The sound can be varied via the 3-way pickup switch and single volume and tone pots, and ranges from clean-and-detailed to aggressive crunch. Reliable Performance This slightly downsized Jackson electric guitar has been finished with a 12-inch fretboard radius and twenty-four jumbo frets for a smooth feel across the board. The string-through-body bridge and block saddles ensure enhanced intonation and sustain, while the classic Jackson-style headstock helps ensure equal string tension across all six strings. In other words, the Dinky Minion JS1X is made for serious action.

Jackson Pro Series Signature Josh Smith Soloist SL7 ET EB Aquamarine guitare électrique 7 cordes avec EverTune

1649 EUR
Jackson Guitars are stoked to serve up the Pro Series Signature Josh Smith Soloist SL7 ET: a deeply impressive seven-string electric guitar graced with a long 27-inch scale length and the brand's innovative EverTune F7 bridge. Known as the founder, co-songwriter and rhythm guitarist of Australian metal-core band, Northlane, Smith knew exactly what he wanted out of 'his' Soloist SL7, which is the option to drop it into extra low tunings. As such, the low B-string feels nice-and-tight and all of the strings can be accurately intonated with ease. Not only that, the fitted EverTune F7 bridge keeps tabs on the tuning stability and Jackson include a Foam Core Case to make sure you've got absolutely nothing to worry about on your way to gigs or rehearsals. The Pro Series Signature Josh Smith Soloist SL7: Bare Knuckle Pickups The alder solid-body of the Soloist SL7 ET is home to pair of Smith's signature Bare Knuckle Impulse pickups, where the humbucker at the bridge throws down a big-yet-tight sound that's cut out for lower tunings. That being said, medium-gain rock is no problem for these pickups either, and since the high degree of playing comfort stems from a neck-through-body construction, a compound ebony fretboard and 24 jumbo frets, you're all set to take this 7-string axe to the stage.

Jackson JS Series Dinky JS20 DKQ 2PT Transparent Green Burst guitare électrique

257 EUR
The Jackson Dinky JS20 DKQ 2PT is an excellent choice for beginners who want to kick off their career as a shredder with a tight axe. This JS Series archtop electric guitar features a lightweight poplar body that comes topped with quilted maple and armed with a pair of Jackson High-Output Humbucking pickups for a full-and-forceful core sound. On top of that, you get a two-point tremolo bridge so you can sprinkle your playing with vibrato effects. The JS Series Dinky: Compound Fretboard Radius Jackson's guitars are known for their accommodating playing feel, which is partly thanks to the compound radius of the fretboard. In this case, the radius goes from 12 inches at the headstock to 16 inches near the body, supporting both comfortable chord work at the lower frets and supple leads at the higher frets. The twenty-four jumbo-sized frets only contribute to the fast and flexible feel, while Jackson-style details like the pointed headstock and shark fin position markers aptly polish off the build.

Jackson X Series Soloist SLX DX Crackle Silver Mercury Crackle

999 EUR
Featuring a special crackle finish, the Jackson X Series Soloist SLX DX Crackle boasts maximum eye-catching potential alongside a superb sound and feel. From the streamlined basswood body to the pointed headstock, this electric guitar bears pure Jackson DNA. It even has a neck-through-body construction for boosted sustain, a graphite-reinforced neck for enhanced stability, and a fretboard with a compound radius for fast leads and smooth chord work alike. High-Output Humbucking Pickups The Soloist SLX DX has been kitted out with high-output humbuckers. Designed by Jackson, these pickups deliver the fat-and-forceful tone needed for aggressive rhythms and stand-out leads, and combine with a 3-way blade switch and a single volume and tone control for the ability to handle all styles of metal. Quality Hardware In terms of hardware, you're looking at a recessed Floyd Rose Special double-locking tremolo, which lends itself to various whammy bar trick-shots without affecting the tuning. Traditional Jackson details like the black finish, dome-shaped pots, pearloid shark fin fretboard inlays and the 6-in-line headstock complete this sharp-looking axe, which is available in Silver Mercury Crackle and Bloodshot Crackle.

Jackson Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA Q EB Ghost Burst guitare électrique avec housse

1099 EUR
With this Pro Plus Series model, Jackson take the Dinky DKA to an even higher level. This tight electric guitar features an ebony fretboard with a compound radius and twenty-four stainless steel jumbo frets for top-notch playability. Meanwhile, the 'A' in DKA refer to the arched top, which only further enhances the playing feel and helps do justice to the high-gloss finish. So you can get it to gigs in one piece, this solid riff-machine comes including a matching gig bag. The Jackson Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA: Broad-Range Sound The body of the Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA is made of okoume, a tonewood that's a tad less dense than mahogany and shapes a slightly softer tone. The body has been outfitted with a set of direct-mount Seymour Duncan pickups, namely the JB/'59 combo. Add that to the fitted five-way pickup switch and the Floyd Rose 1000 Series Double-Locking Tremolo bridge, and you're all set to drop brutal dive-bombs in any style.

Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SLA3Q Fuschia Burst EB guitare électrique avec housse

1399 EUR
Part of the Jackson Pro Plus Series line-up, the SLA3Q solid-body doesn't just come gifted with an iconic Soloist shape, but comes fully loaded with every modern feature the progressive guitarist could ever want. The stable core of this six-string is formed by a solid yet mega-resonant neck-through-body construction. The deluxe build of the three-piece neck combines maple with walnut for a sweet dark-to-light contrast, and has even been reinforced with graphite for good measure, while the wings have been carved from chunks of exotic okoume. To polish off the comfort as well as the taste-level of the design, the body has been been finished with elegantly arched contouring and, to really top off the warm yet tight sonic foundation, the fretboard has been made from a slice of high-grade ebony. The Pro Plus Series edition of the Soloist comes pre-wrapped in its very own gig bag. The Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SLA3: Searing, Broad-Range Sound Thanks to a set of HSS-configured Seymour Duncan pups, this Jackson model delivers an unbelievably broad sonic spectrum. At the bridge, we have the modern icon that is the JB humbucker, giving you all the classic Hot Rod style output you could wish for. At the neck and in the middle position, we have two Flat Strat pickups, rounding everything off with some single-coil sparkle courtesy of Alnico V cores and extra winding. This formidable loadout gives this guitar an immediately versatile character, setting it up to take on everything from searing leads to tear-jerking cleans. Navigate everything in full comfort via the 12 inch to 16 inch fretboard radius and pull off the most brutal dive-bombs via the mounted Floyd Rose 1000 Series Recessed Double-Locking tremolo bridge.

Jackson Pro Plus Series Dinky DKAQ Emerald Green EB guitare électrique avec housse

1149 EUR
With this Pro Plus Series model, Jackson take the Dinky DKA to an even higher level. This tight electric guitar features an ebony fretboard with a compound radius and twenty-four stainless steel jumbo frets for top-notch playability. Meanwhile, the 'A' in DKA refer to the arched top, which only further enhances the playing feel and helps do justice to the high-gloss finish. So you can get it to gigs in one piece, this solid riff-machine comes including a matching gig bag. The Jackson Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA: Broad-Range Sound The body of the Pro Plus Series Dinky DKA is made of okoume, a tonewood that's a tad less dense than mahogany and shapes a slightly softer tone. The body has been outfitted with a set of direct-mount Seymour Duncan pickups, namely the JB/'59 combo. Add that to the fitted five-way pickup switch and the Floyd Rose 1000 Series Double-Locking Tremolo bridge, and you're all set to drop brutal dive-bombs in any style.

ferm LIVING Boîte à souvenirs ferm LIVING The Begining of my life

89.1 EUR
ferm LIVING Boîte à souvenirs ferm LIVING The Begining of my life

Jackson JS Series Concert Bass CB JS3P Transparent Black Burst basse électrique

429 EUR
If you're after a comfortably contoured, modern bass that offers the stunning look of a poplar burl art grain top and all the advantages of active electronics, then you can't go wrong with the Jackson JS Series Concert Bass CB JS3P. This relatively lightweight, poplar-bodied model has been equipped with two Covered High-Output humbuckers and 3-band EQ controls for masses of sonic versatility, while the 12-to-16-inch compound fretboard radius and twenty-four jumbo frets ensure a tight feel at the lowest frets and a more supple feel at the highest frets. To finish, Jackson has mounted a black HiMass bridge to guarantee ample stability and extra sustain.

Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SLA3 Walnut EB guitare électrique avec housse

1315 EUR
Part of the Jackson Pro Plus Series line-up, the SLA3 solid-body doesn't just come gifted with an iconic Soloist shape, but comes fully loaded with every modern feature the progressive guitarist could ever want. The stable core of this six-string is formed by a solid yet mega-resonant neck-through-body construction. The deluxe build of the three-piece neck combines maple with walnut for a sweet dark-to-light contrast, and has even been reinforced with graphite for good measure, while the wings have been carved from chunks of exotic okoume. To polish off the comfort as well as the taste-level of the design, the body has been been finished with elegantly arched contouring and, to really top off the warm yet tight sonic foundation, the fretboard has been made from a slice of high-grade ebony. The Pro Plus Series edition of the Soloist comes pre-wrapped in its very own gig bag. The Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SLA3: Searing, Broad-Range Sound Thanks to a set of HSS-configured Seymour Duncan pups, this Jackson model delivers an unbelievably broad sonic spectrum. At the bridge, we have the modern icon that is the JB humbucker, giving you all the classic Hot Rod style output you could wish for. At the neck and in the middle position, we have two Flat Strat pickups, rounding everything off with some single-coil sparkle courtesy of Alnico V cores and extra winding. This formidable loadout gives this guitar an immediately versatile character, setting it up to take on everything from searing leads to tear-jerking cleans. Navigate everything in full comfort via the 12 inch to 16 inch fretboard radius and pull off the most brutal dive-bombs via the mounted Floyd Rose 1000 Series Recessed Double-Locking tremolo bridge.

Jackson Pro Plus XT Monarkh SC T6 Baritone Satin Black guitare électrique baryton avec housse

1129 EUR
Jackson drop the incomparable Pro Plus XT Monarkh SC HT6: a battle-thirsty electric baritone guitar with a mighty 27 inch scale length that supports super-low tunings without any loss of string-tension or intonation. This dark magician of an electric guitar comes finished with a crazy-durable set of stainless steel frets and a classic Jackson 3 Over/3 Under headstock. It also comes with its own form-fitting gig bag. The Jackson Pro Plus XT Monarkh SC: For the Fattest Deep-Diving Riffs The foundation of this electric baritone model is firmed up by a graphite-reinforced three-piece maple neck which runs right down the middle of two nyatoh body wings, completing the super-stable neck-through construction. The dark ebony fretboard doesn't just perfectly match the Satin Black paint-job but polishes off the core sound, completing a balanced natural tone framed by just enough warmth and just enough tightness in the treble-end to support fat and formidable riff work as well as solid melodics. Look closely, and you might even notice the stylish black-on-ebony inlaid shark-fin position markers of the fretboard, while clean note navigation in the dark is assured by a set of Luminlay side dots. Sweet Saturation & Tasty Tonality Solid and contemporary guitar work is fully backed up by a mounted set of passive Seymour Duncan pickups, where a Nazgûl humbucker sits at the bridge and a Sentient humbucker sits at the neck. This combo assures you of satisfyingly tight and saturated down-tuned chugs, filled with rich overtones and framed by excellent dynamics and precise articulation. The 12 to 16 inch compound fretboard radius, meanwhile, gives your fret-hand plenty of grip during rhythms and just as much smooth flexibility during leads and, to guarantee tuning stability, Jackson has given the Pro Plus XT Monarkh a Tune-O-Matic style bridge, an Anchored Tailpiece and a set of closed oil-bed machine heads. To finish off this brutal stomper in style, it comes kitted out with an arcade-style kill-switch that can be hit to spit those necessary stutter effects.

Jackson X Series Soloist SL1A DX Red Cross Daggers Limited Edition guitare électrique

765 EUR
With the Soloist SL1A DX, Jackson satisfy the needs of both rock and metal guitarists. This X Series model boasts a properly balanced body with a neck that's shot through for extra-resonant sound supported by boosted sustain. As befits a bona-fide riff machine, this axe features twenty-four jumbo frets and a compound fretboard radius that graduates from 12 to 16 inches to ease bends at the higher frets and chord-work at the lower frets. The X Series Soloist SL1A DX: High-Output Pickups & Floyd Rose Special Tremolo Jackson have armed the Soloist SL1A DX with two self-developed High Output humbuckers: a full-size version at the bridge and a single-coil-sized version in the neck position. Combined with standard-issue controls, this configuration opens up a fat stack of shred-worthy sounds, especially when you add on the Floyd Rose Special Recessed Double-Locking Tremolo bridge for extra-deep dive-bombs. Finished with black hardware, including a locking nut, the Soloist SL1A DX totally looks and feels the part.

Jackson Concept Series King Kelly KE Satin Black EB Limited Edition guitare électrique avec étui foam core case

1949 EUR
Part of the Concept Series, the big and imposing shape of the Jackson King Kelly bears all the charisma of a Custom Shop creation, but has been built in Korea, bringing the price down a touch. This undeniably cool model comes coated in a light-eating satin-gloss black and features two decorative cut-outs to complete an exclusive look. Meanwhile, the maple neck has been sandwiched between two alder wings to polish off a solid neck-through construction, giving the core sound of this monster plenty of resonance, definition and body. The Jackson Concept Series King Kelly KE: Modern, Flexible Sound Modern sound is 100% assured by a set of two Aftermath humbuckers - both built by the renowned Bare Knuckle. The variant at the bridge delivers fast basses, excellent mid-frequency focus and tight trebles, while the variant at the neck shapes full and powerful output, laying on the sonic cream - especially when coated in distortion. Via the three-way switch and single tone and volume pots, you're invited to scroll through a near-endless array of tonal profiles and, to support extreme tremolo effects and back everything up with solid tuning, a legendary Floyd Rose 1000 Series Double Locking tremolo bridge, as well as a 1000 Series Locking nut polish off the build.

Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SL2 Crackle Bruised Crackle

1699 EUR
The Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SL2 Crackle sports one of the most unique paint jobs ever seen. This intricate crackle finish looks amazing and combines with a fully modern build and quality parts for bang-on tone and maximum playing comfort. The tightly-contoured okoume body and three-piece maple/walnut neck form a neck-through-body construction that's been reinforced with graphite rods and finished with a bound ebony fretboard that features a 12-to-16-inch compound radius for a supple playing feel across all 24 jumbo frets. Reliable Hardware and Electronics Built for all things metal, this Soloist SL2 model has been furnished with Seymour Duncan® Distortion™ humbucking pickups for powerful sound framed by robust punch and exceptional clarity and note definition. The single volume pot, tone control and 5-way pickup switch open up ample tone-chasing directions, and as if that wasn't enough, you're also looking at a recessed and super-stable Floyd Rose® 1000 series double-locking tremolo bridge for dive-bombs and other whammy bar shenanigans. Bruised Crackle Finish The Bruised Crackle paint job is not only bound to draw attention to this striking axe, but combines beautifully with the black hardware, dome-style knobs, classic Jackson details like the pearloid piranha tooth inlays and the pointed, 6-in-line headstock, which has even been paint-matched to boot.

tostadora.fr Tee Shirt Homme Manche Courte Flower Of Life From Chaos XS/S/M/L/XL/XXL/3XL/4XL/5XL

22 EUR
The flower of life awakens from the chaos. Always carry the flower of life with you. The perfect gift to do something good to friends.

Grafika Chuck Pinson - The Colors of Life

15.95 EUR
Chuck Pinson - The Colors of Life

Jackson, Laura Lynne Signs: The Secret Language Of The Universe

14.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Piatkus, Publisher : Piatkus, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2019-06-18, releaseDate : 2019-06-18, authors : Jackson, Laura Lynne, ISBN : 0349424217

Affiche cinéma originale "The Wiz" Michael Jackson 69x104cm 1978 bleu 69x0x104

120 EUR
Affiche de cinema originale americaine (one sheet)Original us movie poster (one sheet)The wiz (1978)Réalisateur: sidney lumet.Acteurs: diana ross, michael jackson.Format: 69x104cm / size: 27x41 inches.Pliée en très bon état.Folded in very good condition.

Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear vernis qui fortifie les ongles teinte 215 Top Of The Frock 11,8 ml

2.97 EUR
Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear, 11,8 ml, Vernis à ongles pour femme, Une manucure comme si vous vous étiez rendue dans un salon ? Avec le vernis à ongles Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear, vous pouvez la faire confortablement depuis chez vous. Il recouvre la surface des ongles d’une couche de couleur intense et longue tenue avec un fini brillant, et contribue à donner aux ongles une apparence élégante et parfaitement soignée. Vous pouvez l’utiliser pour mettre en valeur vos ongles ou pour apporter la touche finale à votre tenue. Quelle couleur choisirez-vous pour faire briller vos ongles ? Le produit : couleur lumineuse et riche garantit une grande brillance renforce et fortifie les ongles s’applique confortablement Mode d’emploi : Appliquez le vernis à l’aide d’un petit pinceau sur les ongles préalablement dégraissés et nettoyés. Pour un meilleur résultat, appliquez deux couches.

Andrew Eastel Michael Jackson - The Life Of An Icon [Special Collector'S Edition] [2 Dvds]

9.99 EUR
AspectRatio : 1.77 : 1, AudienceRating : Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren, Binding : DVD, Label : Universal Pictures Germany GmbH, Publisher : Universal Pictures Germany GmbH, NumberOfDiscs : 2, RegionCode : 2, NumberOfItems : 2, Format : Collector's Edition, Feature : Medium : DVD, medium : DVD, publicationDate : 2011-11-01, releaseDate : 2011-11-03, runningTime : 149 minutes, actors : Michael Jackson, directors : Andrew Eastel

Michael Jackson - The Life Of An Icon [Blu-Ray]

13.99 EUR
AspectRatio : 1.78 : 1, AudienceRating : Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren, Brand : Universal, Binding : Blu-ray, Label : Universal Pictures Germany GmbH, Publisher : Universal Pictures Germany GmbH, Feature : Michael Jackson : The Life Of An, medium : Blu-ray, publicationDate : 2011-11-01, releaseDate : 2011-11-03, runningTime : 156 minutes, actors : Michael Jackson, languages : english, french, german, italian, spanish

Maybelline New York Rouge à Lèvres Superstay Matte Ink Birthday Edition - Life of the Party

12.49 EUR
L'édition anniversaire Super Stay Matte Ink™- Life of the Party de Maybelline New York est un hommage à cinq années d'audace et de style. Ce rouge à lèvres liquide longue tenue est parfait pour les célébrations, offrant jusqu'à 16 heures de tenue impeccable. En plus, les nuances de cette édition limitée sont subtilement parfumées au gâteau d'anniversaire, ajoutant une touche festive à chaque application. Préparez-vous à briller et à faire la fête avec ce produit incontournable.Le rouge à lèvres Super Stay Matte Ink™ de Maybelline New York est conçu pour résister à toutes les épreuves. Que vous changiez de tenue plusieurs fois dans la journée, dégustiez 100 bouchées de gâteau ou 50 gorgées de champagne, ce rouge à lèvres ne bougera pas. Sa formule liquide unique ne se fissure pas et ne sèche pas, garantissant une couleur vibrante et une couvrance totale sans retouches. Grâce à son applicateur en forme de flèche, l'application est précise et rapide, délivrant la quantité parfaite de produit à chaque passage.Faites confiance à Maybelline New York pour un maquillage longue tenue avec le rouge à lèvres Super Stay Matte Ink™. Cette édition anniversaire est spécialement conçue pour ceux qui aiment faire la fête sans compromettre leur style. Sa résistance au transfert et sa formule durable en font le choix idéal pour toute occasion spéciale. Portez-le et laissez-vous séduire par ces nuances exclusives qui marquent une étape importante de la marque.

The Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom Nintendo Switch Nintendo - Le Jeu

51.49 EUR
Faites le grand saut : la suite de l'aventure en monde ouvert acclamée par la critique vous attend ! Après The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild, traversez les cieux et les terres d'Hyrule ravagées par les forces obscures dans The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Incarnez le héros de la légende, Link, et embarquez pour une quête pleine de dangers afin de retrouver la princesse Zelda disparue. Utilisez l'étendue de votre imagination et de ses nouveaux pouvoirs pour créer toutes sortes d'armes, de véhicules, et d'interactions avec l'environnement afin de surmonter les défis qui vous attendent et d'explorer le vaste monde d'Hyrule en proie au chaos. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, disponible le 12 mai en exclusivité sur Nintendo Switch.  Replongez dans un Royaume d'Hyrule, en proie au chaos ! Le monde que vous connaissez a bien changé : de mystérieuses îles sont désormais accessibles dans le ciel, des gigantesques glyphes visibles des hauteurs sont gravés dans les plaines, des nouveaux ennemis ravagentle Royaume... et la princesse Zelda a disparu. IncarnezLink, dépouillé de ses armes et de ses anciens pouvoirs, et repartez explorer le royaume d'Hyrule comme au premier jour pour défendre ses habitants et repousser le terrible Ganondorf !  Link est de retour, dépourvu d'épée mais armé de tout nouveaux pouvoirs :o Rétrospective : ce pouvoir peut être lancé sur desobjets pour les faire revenir à leur état d'origine, comme si vous remontiez son temps. Par exemple, faites remonter un rocher tombé du ciel avecRétrospective pour explorer les îles célestes... o Amalgame : fusionnez deux objets pour en obtenir un nouveau, par exemple une branche assemblée à un rocher vous fera une toute nouvelle arme. Vous pouvez aussi créer des flèches à tête chercheuse en attachant un œil de monstre à une flèche, attacher un champignon à votre bouclier pour diffuser des spores en cas de contre etc... les possibilités sont infinies ! o Emprise : assemblez des matériaux de toute sorte grâce à nouveau pouvoir. Pour franchir une rivière vous pourrez construire votre bateau en utilisant des troncs et des turbines, ou si vous souhaitez attaquer un camp de Bokoblins, assemblez de quoi constituer un char d'assaut ! o Infiltration : pas envie d'escalader ? Sous les plafonds des cavernes, pointez ce pouvoir pour traverser la matière et atteindre le sommet d'une montagne en un clin d'œil.

Ellen Jackson The Tree Of Life: The Wonders Of Evolution

2.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Prometheus Books, Publisher : Prometheus Books, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 41, publicationDate : 2004-11-01, releaseDate : 2004-11-01, authors : Ellen Jackson, languages : english, ISBN : 1591022401

Randall Sullivan Untouchable: The Strange Life And Tragic Death Of Michael Jackson

7.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : Main, Label : Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press, Publisher : Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 800, publicationDate : 2012-11-13, authors : Randall Sullivan, ISBN : 1611856035

Jackson, John Wyse We All Want To Change The World: The Life Of John Lennon (H Books)

12.99 EUR
Brand : Haus Pub., Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : Annotated, Label : HAUS PUB, Publisher : HAUS PUB, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 256, publicationDate : 2005-11-25, authors : Jackson, John Wyse, ISBN : 190495037X

Jonny Jackson The Art Of Hygge: How To Bring Danish Cosiness Into Your Life

7.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Summersdale Publishers, Publisher : Summersdale Publishers, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 140, publicationDate : 2016-09-01, authors : Jonny Jackson, Elias Larsen, languages : english, ISBN : 1849539553

Jonny Jackson The Little Book Of Lagom: How To Balance Your Life The Swedish Way

10.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Summersdale Publishers, Publisher : Summersdale Publishers, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 2017-08-24, authors : Jonny Jackson, Elias Larsen, languages : english, ISBN : 1786852225

Joe Jackson Dead Run: The Shocking Story Of Dennis Stockton And Life On Death Row In America

7.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Walker & Company, Publisher : Walker & Company, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 299, publicationDate : 2000-09-01, authors : Joe Jackson, Burke, William F., Jr., languages : english, ISBN : 0802775993

Rasika Abeysinghe The Architect : Reflections On The Life And Ministry Of Basil Jackson For The Future Of Theological Education In Sri Lanka

1.94 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 67, publicationDate : 2018-07-19, authors : Rasika Abeysinghe, ISBN : 1717834108

Soap & Glory The Scrub Of Your Life body buffer 200 ml

5.9 EUR
The Scrub Of Your Life body buffer

Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree Goty Ps5 Bandai Namco

79.99 EUR
ELDEN RING, lauréat de centaines de distinctions dont celles de 'Jeu de l'année' aux Game Awards et 'Jeu de l'année ultime' aux Golden Joystick Awards, ouvre la porte d'une nouvelle aventure aux Sans-éclat de l'Entre-terre. Le DLC ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree est la plus vaste extension jamais développée par FromSoftware, et l'occasion pour les joueurs de plonger au cœur du mystère qui entoure le monde de ce jeu unanimement salué par la critique. Une nouvelle histoire Guidés par l'Empyréen Miquella, les joueurs se rendront dans le Royaume des ombres, une contrée occultée par l'Arbre-Monde et lieu de la première manifestation de la déesse Marika. Dans cette région inédite et insolite, ils exhumeront de sombres secrets et feront connaissance avec d'autres individus marchant dans les pas de Miquella et animés par leurs propres ambitions. Un monde inconnu à explorer et de nouveaux secrets à découvrir ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree ouvre les frontières de l'Entre-terre et invite les joueurs à explorer le Royaume des ombres. Dans cette région complètement inédite, il sera possible de parcourir de vastes zones aux décors variés contenant des donjons labyrinthiques peuplés d'ennemis redoutables. Une profondeur de jeu inégalée Shadow of the Erdtree ajoute de nouveaux sorts, armes, armures et compétences à ceux présents dans le jeu de base, ainsi que de nouveaux ennemis, des boss inédits et de nouvelles intrigues. Les joueurs affronteront ces dangers grâce aux pouvoirs qu'ils acquerront lors de leur pérégrination.

Gaddis, John Lewis Surprise, Security, And The American Experience (Joanna Jackson Goldman Memorial Lecture On American Civilization)

2.32 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Harvard Univ Pr, Publisher : Harvard Univ Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 160, publicationDate : 2004-04-02, authors : Gaddis, John Lewis, Gaddis, languages : english, ISBN : 0674011740

Gaddis, John Lewis Surprise, Security, And The American Experience (Joanna Jackson Goldman Memorial Lecture On American Civilization)

13.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New Ed, Label : Harvard Univ Pr, Publisher : Harvard Univ Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 150, publicationDate : 2005-10-04, authors : Gaddis, John Lewis, languages : english, ISBN : 0674018362

LHy Day&night Way Of Life inspiration Dolce The Only One Eau De Parfum Pour Femme 100 Ml

18 EUR
Day&night way of life eau de parfum pour femme 100 mlnote de tête: bergamote, violette, orangenote de coeur: iris, café, poire, rose, fleur d'orangernote de base: patchouli, vanille et caramelday & night way of life parfum similaire à dolce the only one eau parfaite parfumée pour les dames élégantes et romantiques qui veulent être séduisantes et en même temps subtiles.la composition délicate de notes florales et de fruits en combinaison avec la vanille et le carameldonne un effet unique.

Jackson Concept Series Soloist SL27 EX Gloss Black EB Limited Edition guitare électrique avec étui foam core case

1889 EUR
With the Concept Series, Jackson bring the Custom Shop vibe at a more affordable price. So, with the South-Korean made Soloist SL27 EX six-string, you're getting deluxe detailing that doesn't actually cost the Earth. Based on the popular Wildcard, this model boasts the same, massive twenty-seven-fret note range plus a slightly higher set of stainless-steel jumbo frets. This is coupled with a neck-through construction, where the stable three-piece maple neck has been sandwiched between two solid alder body wings. The point of this model is clear: build a guitar that matches up with the wet-dreams of any serious metal or rock shredder. Jackson Foam Core Case included. The Jackson Concept Series Soloist SL27 EX: Solid, Hot & Unrestrained At a glance, the Concept Series edition of the Soloist looks like it's been given a simple HS configuration, but the single-coil at the neck is actually a dual-coil, kitting this exclusive beast out with the tight basses and extra-defined trebles of a Seymour Duncan Distortion TB-6 trembucker at the bridge, and the full, powerful and hot output and lashings of mid-rich overtones of a much-loved Seymour Duncan Hot Rails Strat SHR-1N humbucker at the neck. To finish, dive-bomb-grade acrobatics are fully supported by the mounted Floyd Rose 1000 Series Double-Locking Tremolo bridge plus a Floyd Rose 1000 Series Locking nut.

Jeu Vidéo The Last Of Us Part Ii Remastered - Ps5 Sony

49.99 EUR
Cinq ans après leur voyage périlleux à travers une Amérique ravagée par une pandémie, Ellie et Joel ont trouvé refuge à Jackson, dans le Wyoming. Vivre parmi une communauté prospère de survivants leur a permis de trouver paix et stabilité, malgré la menace constante des infectés ainsi que des autres survivants. Lorsqu'un violent évènement vient rompre cette paix, Ellie se lance dans une quête de justice pour enfin tourner la page. Alors qu'elle pourchasse les responsables un par un, elle est confrontée aux répercussions dévastatrices de ses actions aussi bien physiques qu'émotionnelles. Sans retour : un nouveau mode de jeu Rogue-like Survivez aussi longtemps que dans une série de rencontres aléatoires proposant divers objectifs et défis inattendus. Affrontez différents ennemis dans des lieux emblématiques du jeu, le tout ponctué de combats de boss impitoyables. Incarnez divers personnages avec des caractéristiques propres tels que Dina, Jesse, Lev, Tommy et bien plus encore. Débloquez des skins au fur et à mesure de votre progression dans ce mode.

Fruit of the loom T-shirt Homme Col Rond - Keep Life Simple

11 EUR
Notre tee-shirt, disponible en deux couleurs, avec le modèle blanc à 140 grammes et en noir à 145 grammes est conçu pour allier style et durabilité. Chaque pièce est réalisée en jersey de coton 100%, promettant une respirabilité et une douceur exceptionnelles. La construction soignée, caractérisée par une double couture au col, aux manches et à l'ourlet, ainsi qu'une coupe tubulaire, garantit à la fois une résistance accrue et un confort inégalé. Parfaitement adapté pour des impressions de haute résolution grâce à sa maille fine et sa jauge précise, ce tee-shirt est idéal pour mettre en valeur des designs détaillés. Pour en assurer la longévité, un lavage à la main à 40°c est recommandé, préservant ainsi la vivacité des couleurs et la forme originale

Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SL2 Shattered Mirror

1429 EUR
Blending advanced Jackson-grade build and sound with unrivalled comfort, the Jackson Pro Plus Series Soloist SL2 Shattered Mirror has been made for hyper-technical work. The solid okoume body combines with a three-piece maple and walnut neck that doesn't just run through the length of the body, but has been reinforced with graphite rods to complete an insane level of stability and resistance to climate-related warping. The back of the neck has been given an oiled finish, supporting super-fast and smooth playability - especially when combined with the set of twenty-four stainless steel jumbo frets and the 12 inch to 16 inch compound radius of the ebony fretboard. Customisable Hardware & Electronics The unique Shattered Mirror look of this model frames a pair of Seymour Duncan Distortion bridge and neck pickups, which cover the entire rock and metal gambit. Mould the output to shape via the five-way pickup switch and single volume and tone pots to explore a mass of sonic options. Tone swells and expressive divebombs are fully supported by the mounted Floyd Rose 1000 Series double-locking tremolo system which also guarantees ultra-precise intonation and stable tuning, and the design of the whole tremolo bridge even been recessed to provide a comfy spot to rest your playing hand. The Visuals This edition of the Pro Plus SL2 six-string brings some undeniably singular visuals. Beyond the Shattered Mirror top, the body has been outlined in white binding, setting everything off, while the fretboard is easily navigated thanks to the inlaid shark-fin position markers. Even the hardware has been finished in black chrome and the pointed six-in-line headstock has been reversed. What you're getting is maximum style points alongside maximum speed, playability and sound - all touched by some of that Jackson class.

Ubisoft Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown Ps5

49.99 EUR
Plongez dans un jeu de plateforme d'action-aventure élégant et palpitant se déroulant dans un monde mythologique perse où vous manipulerez les frontières du temps et de l'espace. Incarnez Sargon et passez du statut d'épéiste prodige à celui de légende au fur et à mesure que vous maîtrisez les techniques de combat acrobatique et débloquez ainsi de nouveaux pouvoirs temporels et des capacités uniques. LIBÉREZ LE GUERRIER QUI SOMMEILLE EN VOUS Utilisez vos pouvoirs temporels et vos compétences de combat et de plateforme pour effectuer des enchaînements meurtriers et vaincre des créatures mythiques et des ennemis corrompus par le temps. EXPLOREZ CHAQUE RECOIN DU FABULEUX MONT QAF Découvrez un monde maudit inspiré de la mythologie persane qui regorge de lieux plus grands que nature. Explorez différents environnements très détaillés, possédant chacun leur propre identité et regorgeant de merveilles et de dangers. VIVEZ UNE AVENTURE ÉPIQUE Laissez-vous emporter par la mythologie et le fantastique de la culture persane au fil d'une histoire intrigante et originale, et remuez-vous les méninges pour résoudre des énigmes, trouver des trésors cachés et terminer des quêtes qui vous en apprendront plus sur cet endroit corrompu

Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown Nintendo Switch Ubisoft

49.99 EUR
Plongez dans un jeu de plateforme d'action-aventure élégant et palpitant se déroulant dans un monde mythologique perse où vous manipulerez les frontières du temps et de l'espace. Incarnez Sargon et passez du statut d'épéiste prodige à celui de légende au fur et à mesure que vous maîtrisez les techniques de combat acrobatique et débloquez ainsi de nouveaux pouvoirs temporels et des capacités uniques. LIBÉREZ LE GUERRIER QUI SOMMEILLE EN VOUS Utilisez vos pouvoirs temporels et vos compétences de combat et de plateforme pour effectuer des enchaînements meurtriers et vaincre des créatures mythiques et des ennemis corrompus par le temps. EXPLOREZ CHAQUE RECOIN DU FABULEUX MONT QAF Découvrez un monde maudit inspiré de la mythologie persane qui regorge de lieux plus grands que nature. Explorez différents environnements très détaillés, possédant chacun leur propre identité et regorgeant de merveilles et de dangers. VIVEZ UNE AVENTURE ÉPIQUE Laissez-vous emporter par la mythologie et le fantastique de la culture persane au fil d'une histoire intrigante et originale, et remuez-vous les méninges pour résoudre des énigmes, trouver des trésors cachés et terminer des quêtes qui vous en apprendront plus sur cet endroit corrompu

Laura Jackson Jon Bon Jovi: The Biography

15.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Piatkus, Publisher : Piatkus, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2003-10-09, authors : Laura Jackson, ISBN : 0749950064

Laura Jackson Queen: The Definitive Biography

10.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : UK ed., Label : Piatkus, Publisher : Piatkus, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2002-04-25, releaseDate : 2002-04-25, authors : Laura Jackson, ISBN : 0749923172

Laura Jackson Sean Bean: The Biography

16.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Piatkus Books, Publisher : Piatkus Books, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2000-10-01, authors : Laura Jackson, languages : english, ISBN : 0749921501

Laura Jackson Jon Bon Jovi: The Biography

5.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Little, Brown Book Group, Publisher : Little, Brown Book Group, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 233, publicationDate : 2004-09-23, authors : Laura Jackson, languages : english, ISBN : 0749950234

Laura Jackson Brian May: The Definitive Biography

10.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Piatkus Books, Publisher : Piatkus Books, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 246, publicationDate : 2008-08-07, authors : Laura Jackson, languages : english, ISBN : 0749909765

Laura Jackson Bono: The Biography

3.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New Ed, Label : Little Brown Print on Demand, Publisher : Little Brown Print on Demand, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2002-08-29, authors : Laura Jackson, languages : english, ISBN : 0749923792

Laura Jackson Kiefer Sutherland: The Biography

9.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1st ed, Label : Portrait, Publisher : Portrait, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 236, publicationDate : 2006-09-28, authors : Laura Jackson, ISBN : 0749951044

Laura Jackson Steven Tyler: The Biography

8.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Digital original, Label : Piatkus, Publisher : Piatkus, NumberOfItems : 3, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2009-09-03, releaseDate : 2009-09-03, authors : Laura Jackson, ISBN : 0749929545

Bandai Namco Romancing Saga 2 : Revenge Of The Seven Nintendo Switch

59.99 EUR
Le cinquième épisode de la série des SaGa est de retour avec 'Romancing SaGa 2 : Revenge of the Seven', un remake intégralement en 3D du RPG sorti en 1993. Lancez-vous dans une aventure captivante qui plaira autant à ceux et celles qui découvriront la saga qu'aux fans de la franchise, avec des mécaniques typiques des SaGa ainsi que des nouveautés, des cinématiques doublées en anglais et en japonais, des musiques réarrangées et plus encore. Il y a longtemps, des guerriers appelés les Sept Héros luttèrent pour le salut de l'Humanité. Ils finirent par devenir des parias lorsque les autres Anciens commencèrent à craindre leur puissance et les bannirent dans une autre dimension. Leurs exploits perdurèrent au fil du temps sous la forme de légendes annonçant le retour des Héros lorsque le monde aurait besoin d'eux... Fidèles à leur légende, les Héros sont réapparus... Cependant, corrompus par leur long exil, ils cherchent désormais à se venger. Incarnez l'empereur d'Avalon et repoussez les légions de monstres envahissant vos terres sur les ordres des Héros. Défendez votre empire sur plusieurs générations, étendez-le et vainquez chacun des Sept Héros assoiffés de vengeance pour sauver le monde. Personnages et succession impériale Faites équipe avec des personnages variés appartenant à plus de 30 classes différentes, chacune ayant ses armes de prédilection, ses capacités et ses tactiques. Choisissez le prochain empereur ou la prochaine impératrice parmi tous ces candidats. Les connaissances et les compétences des empereurs et impératrices précédents sont transmis aux nouveaux élus grâce à la magie de transmission. Scénario libre Le jeu est doté d'une structure originale qui propose diverses expériences narratives en fonction de vos choix et des objectifs que vous vous fixez en premier, de la façon dont vous étendez votre empire à l'ordre dans lequel vous affrontez les Sept Héros. Vos actions et vos décisions auront un impact sur le parcours de votre protagoniste. Combats Le système de combat au tour par tour a été amélioré et se présente désormais sous la forme d'une chronologie. Retrouvez toutes les mécaniques SaGa classiques, comme les lueurs d'inspiration (Glimmers), qui vous permettent d'acquérir de nouvelles capacités en plein combat, et les formations, qui confèrent des avantages à l'équipe en fonction de sa composition. Le remake introduit également les attaques coordonnées, qui vous permettent d'attaquer en équipe pour renverser le cours du combat. Graphismes Trois niveaux de difficulté Choisissez parmi : Facile, Normal et Difficile (classique). Le niveau Facile propose une expérience axée sur l'histoire mettant moins l'accent sur les combats. Normal est conseillé pour les personnes expérimentées en RPG en quête d'une partie équilibrée. Difficile (classique) est parfait pour les personnes qui recherchent l'expérience exigeante mais gratifiante de la version originale de 1993. Musique et voix Découvrez de nouveaux arrangements par Kenji Ito....

Bandai Namco Romancing Saga 2 : Revenge Of The Seven Ps5

59.99 EUR
Le cinquième épisode de la série des SaGa est de retour avec 'Romancing SaGa 2 : Revenge of the Seven', un remake intégralement en 3D du RPG sorti en 1993. Lancez-vous dans une aventure captivante qui plaira autant à ceux et celles qui découvriront la saga qu'aux fans de la franchise, avec des mécaniques typiques des SaGa ainsi que des nouveautés, des cinématiques doublées en anglais et en japonais, des musiques réarrangées et plus encore. Il y a longtemps, des guerriers appelés les Sept Héros luttèrent pour le salut de l'Humanité. Ils finirent par devenir des parias lorsque les autres Anciens commencèrent à craindre leur puissance et les bannirent dans une autre dimension. Leurs exploits perdurèrent au fil du temps sous la forme de légendes annonçant le retour des Héros lorsque le monde aurait besoin d'eux... Fidèles à leur légende, les Héros sont réapparus... Cependant, corrompus par leur long exil, ils cherchent désormais à se venger. Incarnez l'empereur d'Avalon et repoussez les légions de monstres envahissant vos terres sur les ordres des Héros. Défendez votre empire sur plusieurs générations, étendez-le et vainquez chacun des Sept Héros assoiffés de vengeance pour sauver le monde. Personnages et succession impériale Faites équipe avec des personnages variés appartenant à plus de 30 classes différentes, chacune ayant ses armes de prédilection, ses capacités et ses tactiques. Choisissez le prochain empereur ou la prochaine impératrice parmi tous ces candidats. Les connaissances et les compétences des empereurs et impératrices précédents sont transmis aux nouveaux élus grâce à la magie de transmission. Scénario libre Le jeu est doté d'une structure originale qui propose diverses expériences narratives en fonction de vos choix et des objectifs que vous vous fixez en premier, de la façon dont vous étendez votre empire à l'ordre dans lequel vous affrontez les Sept Héros. Vos actions et vos décisions auront un impact sur le parcours de votre protagoniste. Combats Le système de combat au tour par tour a été amélioré et se présente désormais sous la forme d'une chronologie. Retrouvez toutes les mécaniques SaGa classiques, comme les lueurs d'inspiration (Glimmers), qui vous permettent d'acquérir de nouvelles capacités en plein combat, et les formations, qui confèrent des avantages à l'équipe en fonction de sa composition. Le remake introduit également les attaques coordonnées, qui vous permettent d'attaquer en équipe pour renverser le cours du combat. Graphismes Trois niveaux de difficulté Choisissez parmi : Facile, Normal et Difficile (classique). Le niveau Facile propose une expérience axée sur l'histoire mettant moins l'accent sur les combats. Normal est conseillé pour les personnes expérimentées en RPG en quête d'une partie équilibrée. Difficile (classique) est parfait pour les personnes qui recherchent l'expérience exigeante mais gratifiante de la version originale de 1993. Musique et voix Découvrez de nouveaux arrangements par Kenji Ito....

The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Nintendo Switch Nintendo - Le Jeu Vidéo

51.49 EUR
Oubliez tout ce que vous savez au sujet des jeux de la série The Legend of Zelda. Plongez dans un monde de découvertes, d'exploration et d'aventures dans The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, un nouveau jeu qui brise les conventions de la série acclamée. Traversez des prairies, voyagez à travers des forêts ou atteignez les sommets des montagnes pour découvrir ce qu'est devenu le royaume d'Hyrule dans cette superbe aventure dans un monde ouvert. Maintenant sur la console Nintendo Switch, votre aventure est plus libre et plus ouverte que jamais. Emportez votre console n'importe où, et partez en aventure en tant que Link comme cela vous plaît.

ART Service à café 3 pièces en métal argenté "the Ashberry collection" de Spear and Jackson England argent 0x0x0

71 EUR
Service à café 3 pièces: cafetière, pot à lait et sucrier en métal argenté de spear et jackson:"the ashberry collection".silver plated.england.Ce service n'a jamais été utilisé et mis en vitrine.Très bon état.Hauteur cafetière: 26cm - largeur du socle: 9.5cm.

Brown, H. Jackson The Complete Live And Learn And Pass It On: People Ages 5 To 95 Share What They'Ve Discovered About Life, Love, And Other Good Stuff

18.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Rutledge Hill Press, U.S., Publisher : Rutledge Hill Press, U.S., NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 388, publicationDate : 2007-03-06, releaseDate : 2007-02-06, authors : Brown, H. Jackson, ISBN : 1401603319

Brown, H. Jackson, Jr. The Complete Life'S Little Instruction Book

15.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : Deluxe, Label : Nelson/Word Pub Group, Publisher : Nelson/Word Pub Group, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 1997-03-01, authors : Brown, H. Jackson, Jr., languages : english, ISBN : 1558534903

Ellen Jackson Turning 30: How To Get The Life You Really Want

2.05 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Piatkus, Publisher : Piatkus, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2005-06-09, authors : Ellen Jackson, Sheila Panchal, ISBN : 0749925507

Blatner, Dawn Jackson The Flexitarian Diet: The Mostly Vegetarian Way To Lose Weight, Be Healthier, Prevent Disease, And Add Years To Your Life

2.36 EUR
Brand : McGraw-Hill Education, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : McGraw-Hill, Publisher : McGraw-Hill, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2010-05-10, releaseDate : 2010-05-10, authors : Blatner, Dawn Jackson, ISBN : 0071745793

Jackson Galaxy Cat Daddy: What The World'S Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me About Life, Love, And Coming Cl Ean

10.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : TarcherPerigee, Publisher : TarcherPerigee, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2013-05-02, releaseDate : 2013-05-02, authors : Jackson Galaxy, languages : english, ISBN : 0399163808