Clementoni Il Était Une Fois - Les Classiques Disney

35.78 EUR
Une histoire à sélectionner parmi les plus célèbres : Le Roi Lion, Pinocchio, Blanche-Neige, Les Aristochats, Peter Pan et bien d'autres. Après avoir tourné le sélecteur et choisi l'histoire à écouter, l'aventure commence avec les personnages des dessins animés Disney préférés des enfants. Fonctionne avec 3 piles LR06 fournies.

Clementoni Disney Gala

64.95 EUR
Disney Gala 6000 Pi�ces Clementoni

Clementoni Orchestre Disney

109.95 EUR
Orchestre Disney 13200 Pi�ces Clementoni

Clementoni Le Livre Magique - Disney Baby

20.2 EUR
Mon Premier Livre de Bain Baby Mickey Découvrez le livre de bain flottant Mon Premier Livre Baby Mickey, un livre magique de Disney conçu pour stimuler la vue et l'imagination de votre bébé. Avec ses pages colorées qui changent de couleur au contact de l'eau, ce livre ravira les tout-petits. Un Livre qui Change de Couleur Le livre change de couleur lorsque ses pages entrent en contact avec l'eau, captivant et amusant votre enfant durant son bain. Conception Pratique et Durable Fabriqué en plastique souple, ce livre est à la fois facile à nettoyer et résistant à l'eau, ce qui le rend parfait pour accompagner votre enfant dans ses activités quotidiennes, que ce soit pendant les repas, les jeux ou le bain. Développement de l'Imagination Ce livre contribue à stimuler la relation de cause à effet ainsi que l'imagination de votre bébé.

Clementoni Disney Baby Roi Lion - Peluche Premières Activités

43.35 EUR
Une jolie poupée Roi Lion avec des activités de base Conçue spécialement pour les jeunes enfants, avec des couleurs vives pour stimuler leur intérêt et leur vue. Avec des oreilles douces et moelleuses, un hochet et un couinement de ventre, cette jolie poupée aidera les enfants à développer leurs compétences sensorielles. Les accessoires du Roi Lion sont en plastique et grâce à l'anneau pratique Il peut être facilement accroché à une poussette!

Clementoni Disney Baby Baby Minnie Prime Storie

53.98 EUR
Baby Minnie diventa un'amica inseparabile. Il morbido peluche raccontastorie accompagnerà il bambino in ogni momento. I quattro libricini inclusi descrivono ognuno un momento diverso della giornata. Premendo i pulsanti sulla pancia del peluche, i bambino potrà ascoltare le storie, seguendo la narrazione attraverso le semplici illustrazioni presenti sui libricini. Il modulo elettronico sfoderabile rende il plush perfettamente lavabile in lavatrice. Ideato, progettato e sviluppato in Italia. Clementoni Disney Baby Baby Minnie Prime Storie. Tipo batteria: Mini Stilo AAA. Colore del prodotto: MulticoloreCaratteristicheColore del prodottoMulticoloreTemaDisneyTipo di animaleMouseEtà consigliata (min)1 anno/iGenere consigliatoBambino/BambinaEtà suggeritaBambinoTipo di controlloPulsantiEffetti audio supportatiSìLavabileSìPaese di origineItaliaBatteriaBatterie richiesteSìNumero di batterie2Tipo batteriaMini Stilo AAADati su imballaggioLarghezza imballo305 mmProfondità imballo320 mmAltezza imballo175 mmPeso dell'imballo780 gTipo di imballoScatola apertaQuantità per pacco1 pz

Clementoni Disney Baby Ma Première Tablette - Baby Mickey

87.12 EUR
Jeu d'éveil Clementoni Ma première Tablette Baby Mickey - Jeu d'éveil. Achat et vente de jouets, jeux de société, produits de puériculture. Découvrez les Univers Playmobil, Légo, FisherPrice, Vtech ainsi que les grandes marques de puériculture : , , Mac Laren, ...

Clementoni Disney Baby Baby Mickey

50.84 EUR
Un simpatico computer con i personaggi Disney Baby, per far volare la fantasia. La tastiera touch è ricca di contenuti educativi per imparare le lettere, i numeri, le forme e i colori. Il computerino è dotato di uno schermo led dove il bambino potrà veder comparire le immagini corrispondenti a quelle selezionate sulla tastiera per catturare l'attenzione dei più piccoli, affiancando ai contenuti audio un feedback visivo. Il laptop Disney Baby favorisce il gioco imitativo, stimola la relazione causa effetto e lo sviluppo cognitivo. Ideato, progettato e sviluppato in Italia. Clementoni Disney Baby Baby Mickey. Età consigliata (max): 3 anno/i, Numero minimo di giocatori: 1. Batterie richieste, Tipo batteria: Stilo AA. Colore del prodotto: MulticoloreCaratteristicheColore del prodottoMulticoloreEtà suggeritaPrescolareGenere consigliatoBambino/BambinaEtà consigliata (max)3 anno/iNumero minimo di giocatori1Paese di origineItaliaCapacità di apprendimento e di allenamentoCapacità di apprendimento e addestramentoApprendimento dei colori, Apprendimento delle lettere, Apprendimento dei numeri, Apprendimento delle formeGestione energeticaTipologia alimentazioneBatteriaBatterie richiesteSìTipo batteriaStilo AANumero di batterie3Dati su imballaggioLarghezza imballo265 mmProfondità imballo300 mmAltezza imballo60 mmPeso dell'imballo504 gTipo di imballoScatolaQuantità per pacco1 pz

Clementoni Disney Baby Smartphone - Baby Minnie

42.25 EUR
Cet amusant téléphone est un véritable centre d'activités, avec 6 touches interactives qui s'illuminent. Le gros bouton pop-up crée un effet de surprise et active la fonction d'appel. L'effet "écran tactile" et les effets lumineux et sonores rendent l'expérience de jeu riche en stimuli. Stimule les compétences manuelles, la perception visuelle et la compréhension de la relation de cause à effet.

Clementoni Disney Baby Peluche Montessori - Baby Minnie

47.46 EUR
Clemen Baby Minnie - dress me up 17860

Clementoni Disney Baby Ma Première Tablette - Baby Minnie

120.34 EUR
Une tablette électronique parlante pour les tout-petits à l'effigie de l'adorable Baby Minnie. Une jolie tablette imitant celles des adultes, avec des chansons et des effets sonores et lumineux amusants pour Bébé. Grâce aux 9 boutons lumineux, votre enfant découvrira les premiers chiffres, les premières lettres, les formes, les couleurs et même quelques mots d'anglais. Ce jouet stimule la perception visuelle et audio et aide à développer le langage. Le jouet est conçu pour être facilement transportable et capter l'attention et l'imagination de votre enfant.

Clementoni Peluche Disney Baby Minnie

38.91 EUR
Un jouet en peluche Baby Minnie avec de nombreuses activités pour stimuler les compétences manuelles des jeunes enfants.La peluche est riche en boutons, boucles et fermetures éclair pour ouvrir et fermer, a un couinement dans une main, le miroir dans une poche et l'autre cache un joli ami qui crée un effet pétillant.Les activités en peluche Baby Minnie aident les enfants à développer leurs compétences manuelles et sensorielles, ainsi qu'à comprendre la relation entre cause et effet.

Clementoni Disney Baby Dumbo - Peluche Premières Activités

39.98 EUR
CLEMENTONI Disney Baby - Peluche Premieres activites Dumbo - Jeu d'eveil Une adorable peluche Dumbo avec des activités basiques spécialement conçues pour les jeunes enfants, avec des couleurs vives pour la rendre attractive et stimuler la vue.

Clementoni Coffret Disney Classic Clemmy

21.06 EUR
Clemen Disney Cla. Spiel-Set 17817

Clementoni C'era Una Volta I Classici Disney

54.04 EUR
Ogni favola comincia con un ""C'era una volta..."" e queste parole danno inizio a una magia. La magia delle fiabe e dei cartoni animati Disney ora è racchiusa in un raccontastorie da portare con sé! Ad ogni ascolto una storia diversa e un mondo di favole in cui immergersi scegliendo tra le più famose: Il Re Leone, Pinocchio, Biancaneve, Gli Aristogatti, Peter Pan e tante altre ancora. Il raccontastorie accompagnerà il tuo bambino in un'esperienza di gioco coinvolgente, ripercorrendo le favole tradizionali più conosciute. Per condividere insieme ai genitori dei momenti magici. Basta girare il selettore e scegliere quale storia si vuole ascoltare, per partire all'avventura con i personaggi dei cartoni animati Disney più amati dai bambini! Un gioco ideale per stimolare la capacità di immaginazione dei più piccoli, l'ascolto e l'attenzione. Clementoni C'era una volta i classici Disney. Tipo di prodotto: Giocattolo musicale, Età consigliata (min): 3 anno/i, Età consigliata (max): 5 anno/i. Peso: 600 g. Colore del prodotto: MulticoloreCaratteristicheTipo di prodottoGiocattolo musicaleEtà consigliata (min)3 anno/iEtà consigliata (max)5 anno/iGenere consigliatoBambino/BambinaColore del prodottoMulticoloreMaterialiPlasticaPaese di origineCinaGestione energeticaTipologia alimentazioneBatteriaDimensioni e pesoLarghezza280 mmProfondità60 mmAltezza250 mmPeso600 gDati su imballaggioQuantità per pacco1 pz

Clementoni Disney Baby Minnie - Ma Poupée À Cajoler

69.99 EUR
CLEMENTONI Disney Baby - Ma poupee a cajoler Minnie - Jeu d'eveil - Une poupée qui encourage les petites filles a prendre soin de Minnie. Des accessoires sont inclus : une tétine pour calmer Minnie quand elle pleure (elle détecte la présence de la tétine dans la bouche), une ...

Clementoni Disney Baby Peluche Veilleuse - Baby Mickey

31.75 EUR
Une peluche interactive douce et sophistiquée Disney Baby Mickey qui deviendra bientôt le meilleur ami de votre enfant.Disney Baby Mickey reproduit des mélodies douces spécialement composées pour aider les enfants à se détendre en les calmant et en les rassurant.Les lumières sur le ventre de Disney Baby Mickey accompagneront votre enfant à l'heure du coucher et lui donneront une agréable sensation de sécurité tout au long de la nuit.Les nombreux matériaux en peluche différents stimulent le dé

Clementoni Loto Pocket - Princesses Disney

Loto Princesses (A) : ce produit (Référence : 12480) Disney Princesse appartient à la collection Jeux de Loto, Mémo, Domino de la marque Clementoni. Il est classé dans la catégorie Jeux éducatifs, scientifiques, Jeux d'association, mémo, domino, loto, Lotos enfants.

Clementoni Disney Baby Projecteur Mickey

28.4 EUR
Un joli projecteur interactif Disney Baby Mickey qui utilise différentes couleurs pour aider les enfants à se détendre et à s'endormir. Le projecteur reproduit jusqu'à 30 minutes de sons blancs et de musique classique pour détendre les enfants et les entourer de douceur à l'heure du coucher. Ses douces mélodies sont conçues pour accompagner votre enfant dans le développement d'émotions positives telles que le calme.La jolie peluche Disney Baby Mickey stimule l'affection et est parfaite pour ra

Clementoni Peluche Minnie Mouse Parlante De Bébé Disney

46.18 EUR
La douce peluche Baby Minnie en tissu doux deviendra le meilleur ami de toutes les petites filles. Grâce aux 3 boutons interactifs sur les mains et le ventre, la peluche chantera des comptines amusantes avec la voix originale de Baby Minnie. Les douces mélodies conduiront l'enfant à apprendre les premières lettres des nombres premiers et des couleurs, accompagnés de l'une des gg les plus aimées de Disney .

Clementoni Disney Baby Smartphone - Baby Mickey

37.9 EUR
Cet amusant téléphone est un véritable centre d'activités, avec 6 touches interactives qui s'illuminent. Le gros bouton pop-up crée un effet de surprise et active la fonction d'appel. L'effet "écran tactile" et les effets lumineux et sonores rendent l'expérience de jeu riche en stimuli. Stimule les compétences manuelles, la perception visuelle et la compréhension de la relation de cause à effet.

Clementoni Disney Baby Peluche Montessori - Baby Mickey

33.07 EUR
Clemen Baby Mickey - dress me up 17859

Clementoni Disney Baby Baby Pluto Te Suit Partout

39.62 EUR
No existe decripción para el producto: PLUTO

Clementoni Disney Baby Projecteur Minnie

36.62 EUR
Un joli projecteur interactif Disney Baby Minnie qui utilise différentes couleurs pour aider les enfants à se détendre et à s'endormir. Le projecteur reproduit jusqu'à 30 minutes de sons blancs et de musique classique pour détendre les enfants et les entourer de douceur à l'heure du coucher. Ses douces mélodies sont conçues pour accompagner votre enfant dans le développement d'émotions positives telles que le calme. La jolie peluche Disney Baby Minnie stimule l'affection et est parfaite pour ras

Disney Tsum Tsum Stitch From Lilo And Stitch Stuffed Animal Plush 3.5

15 EUR
pCosmic cutieDisneys cutest characters are cuter than ever with our Mini Tsum Tsum Plush Collection. Already a hit in Japan, now you can collect little alien Stitch and his soft, stackable friends in North America, each sold separately.Originally from Japan, these Tsum Tsum stackable plush come in all your favorite Disney characters. Collect them all to build a tower of cute and cuddly friends.- Mini Tsum Tsum plush- Embroidered features- Soft, squeezable fill with beans in belly- Fuzzy plush texturing- Stitch is plussed with soft ears, tuft, and tailp

Clementoni Disney Baby Ma Première Tablette Baby Minnie

11 EUR
Minnie et ses amis accompagneront votre enfant dans ses premiers apprentissages grâce à cette tablette interactive ! Avec ce jouet, votre enfant pourra apprendre les premières lettres, les chiffres de 1 à 5, les formes et les couleurs. Il sera également possible de simplement lui faire écouter de la musique pour éveiller son sens de l'ouïe et du rythme. Il existe deux fonctions, qui sont jouer et apprendre, et deux langues, qui sont le français et l'allemand. Tout est réuni pour favoriser le développement de compétences importantes chez votre enfant. La tablette comprend : - 1 bouton sélecteur jouer ou apprendre - 1 bouton sélecteur langue française ou allemande - 1 touche musique - 9 touches lumineuses : - Touche Baby Donald - Touche Baby Pluto - Touche e-mail - Touche jour et nuit - Touche ABC - Touche couleurs - Touche photo - Touche formes - Touche chiffres Ce jouet est conseillé pour des enfants de plus de 9 mois. Cette tablette existe aussi en version Mickey avec la référence Clementoni-62496 sur notre site. Nécessite avec 3 piles 1.5 V AAA/LR03 incluses à titre démonstratif.

THQ Rush: A Disney ? Pixar Adventure - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

17.11 EUR
Rush: A Disney?Pixar Adventure invites families and fans of all ages to experience the worlds of six beloved Disney?Pixar films like never before. Team up with characters from The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Up, Cars, Toy Story, and Finding Dory to solve puzzles and uncover hidden secrets. You and your favorite Pixar character can interact on screen and play cooperatively to solve challenges. Move from fast-paced puzzle-solving to moments of pulse-pounding agility and speed. Features: Save the day in your own fast-paced adventure. Invite your whole family to join Woody, Lightning McQueen and others in this one-of-a-kind Pixar experience Join forces with Pixar characters to help you through each challenge or play on the same screen through split-screen couch co-op at home with a friend. Explore and discover the sights and sounds of each Pixar world as you solve puzzles and search hidden secrets Steam account required for game activation and installation. MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7 or higher Processor: Intel Core i3-3210 [at] 3.2 GHz AMD FX-4150 [at] 4 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GT GTX 650 AMD R7 260 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 24 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 7 or higher Processor: Intel Core i5 3330 [at] 3.0 GHz AMD FX-6130 [at] 3.6 GHz Memory: 6 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 660 Ti AMD R7 370 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 24 GB available space

THQ Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

58.99 EUR
Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed redonne vie à la magie de Disney dans un resplendissant jeu de plateformes en 3D. Dans ce magnifique remake, Mickey Mouse accomplit une traversée épique du monde de la désolation, un royaume empli de personnages oubliés de Disney. Dans le rôle de Mickey, vous vous immergerez dans un monde fantastique et, armé de peinture et de diluant, vous créerez votre aventure et le destin de ce monde alternatif. Chaque coup de pinceau magique est important ! Utilisez la peinture pour restaurer la beauté et l'harmonie, ou utilisez le diluant pour modifier votre environnement et révéler des secrets cachés. Vos choix influencent la destinée de Mickey et changent l'issue de cette odyssée artistique. Deviendrez-vous le héros épique dont le monde de la désolation a tant besoin ? Faites la rencontre de différents personnages emblématiques, comme Oswald le lapin chanceux, la toute première création de Walt Disney, pendant que vous parcourez les terres du monde de la désolation. Collectionnez des pin's virtuels Disney, relevez des défis créatifs et révélez des secrets tout en explorant les niveaux classiques d'un jeu de plateformes, inspirés de films d'animation et de courts métrages. Imaginé à l'origine par Warren Spector, puis réimaginé par Purple Lamp, Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed affiche des graphismes de pointe et propose des commandes améliorées afin de redonner vie à un classique bien-aimé. Découvrez de nouvelles compétences de déplacement pour Mickey, telles que le bond, le marteau-pilon et le sprint. Au travers de son histoire captivante, ce jeu propose une aventure inoubliable pour les fans de longue date comme pour les nouveaux joueurs. Rejoignez Mickey Mouse et percez les mystères du monde de la désolation dans cet hommage à la grande histoire de Disney. Explorez un monde de la désolation réimaginé, habité par les personnages et histoires intemporels de Disney. Brandissez le pinceau magique : appliquez de la peinture pour créer ou du dissolvant pour transformer. Chaque choix détermine votre histoire ! Faites la connaissance d'Oswald le lapin chanceux, la star originale de Disney, dans un monde riche et narratif. Découvrez un gameplay avancé, avec de nouvelles compétences et des graphismes améliorés dans un décor classique. Mickey dispose de nouveaux mouvements tels que le bond, le marteau-pilon et le sprint. Une rejouabilité élevée et une multitude de fins basées sur votre style de jeu unique et vos décisions. Steam account is required for game activation and installation. Windows Requirements Minimale : Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Processeur : AMD FX - 4300 / Intel Core i3 - 4130 Mémoire vive : 8 GB de mémoire Graphiques : GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon R9 380 DirectX : Version 11 Espace disque : 28 GB d'espace disque disponible Recommandée : Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Processeur : AMD FX - 8300 x8 /...

THQ Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed - Costume Pack (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

6.74 EUR
Le pack Epic Mickey: Rebrushed Costume Pack officiel de Disney : 3 costumes nostalgiques de Mickey Mouse pour vivre l'aventure dans le fantastique monde de la désolation ! Inclus dans le Costume Pack : Steamboat Willie Le Brave Petit Tailleur Football Steam account is required for game activation and installation. Ce contenu nécessite le jeu de base Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed sur Steam pour fonctionner. Windows Requirements Minimale : Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Processeur : AMD FX - 4300 / Intel Core i3 - 4130 Mémoire vive : 8 GB de mémoire Graphiques : GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon R9 380 DirectX : Version 11 Espace disque : 28 GB d'espace disque disponible Recommandée : Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Processeur : AMD FX - 8300 x8 / Intel Core i5 - 3570K Mémoire vive : 8 GB de mémoire Graphiques : Radeon RX 570 / GeForce GTX 1050Ti DirectX : Version 11 Espace disque : 28 GB d'espace disque disponible

Lego 43217 Disney House from Up Building Kit avec Toy House et figurines, livré avec Carl

75.39 EUR
LEGO 43217 Disney House from Up Building Kit avec Toy House et figurines, livré avec Carl

Sweat-shirt enfant Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc

28.7 EUR
Sweat-shirt enfant Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc Disponible en taille fille. 12 ans,5 / 6 ans,7 / 8 ans,9 / 10 ans. . Enfant > Fille > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

Sweat-shirt enfant Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir

29.95 EUR
Sweat-shirt enfant Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir Disponible en taille fille. 12 ans,5 / 6 ans,7 / 8 ans,9 / 10 ans. . Enfant > Fille > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir

20.45 EUR
T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir Disponible en taille femme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL. . Femme > Vetements > T-shirt.

Sweat-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc

31.2 EUR
Sweat-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc Disponible en taille femme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL. . Femme > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir

21.45 EUR
T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir Disponible en taille femme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL,EU 3XL,EU 4XL,EU 5XL. . Femme > Vetements > T-shirt.

T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc

18.7 EUR
T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc Disponible en taille femme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL. . Femme > Vetements > T-shirt.

Sweat-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir

32.45 EUR
Sweat-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir Disponible en taille femme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL. . Femme > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc

19.7 EUR
T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc Disponible en taille femme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL,EU 3XL,EU 4XL,EU 5XL. . Femme > Vetements > T-shirt.

Disney Womens/Ladies The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Sweatshirt XXL blanc

30.74 EUR
- Material: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester. - Fabric: Single Jersey. - Design: Printed. - 153gsm. - Fabric Technology: Heavyweight. - Hem: Ribbed. - Back Neck Tape. - Neckline: Crew Neck, Ribbed. - Sleeve-Type: Long-Sleeved. - Cuff: Ribbed. - Fastening: Pull Over. - 100% Officially Licensed.. - UK size :L, FR Size :L, ES Size : L , DE Size: L, IT size: L, US & CA Size: L. - UK size :XXL, FR Size :2XL, ES Size : XXL , DE Size: XXL, IT size: XXL, US & CA Size: XXL. - UK size :M, FR Size :M, ES Size : M , DE Size: M, IT size: M, US & CA Size: M. - UK size :S, FR Size :S, ES Size : S , DE Size: S, IT size: S, US & CA Size: S. - UK size :XL, FR Size :XL, ES Size : XL , DE Size: XL, IT size: XL, US & CA Size: XL . - Code: UTBI32998

Sweat-shirt enfant Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir

30.45 EUR
Sweat-shirt enfant Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir Disponible en taille garcon. 12 ans,5 / 6 ans,7 / 8 ans,9 / 10 ans. . Enfant > Garcon > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

Clementoni 17335 Clementoni-17335-Disney Mickey Lantern-Interactive, Educational And Sound Toy For Baby From 6 Months And Older-Batteries Included

31.66 EUR
L'amusante lanterne Disney Baby Mickey pour jouer et illuminer les jours des petits enfants Comprend des lumières multicolores pour découvrir les différents effets sonores. En appuyant sur le bouton interactif, la lanterne sonne et divertit l'enfant avec beaucoup de mélodies et d'effets sonores (2 modes de jeu pour sélectionner les mélodies ou les sons de la nature). Sûr et certifié, la lanterne est fabriquée dans un matériau de haute qualité, avec des éléments en plastique pour soutenir le déve

T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir

21.45 EUR
T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir Disponible en taille homme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL,EU 3XL,EU 4XL,EU 5XL. . Homme > Vetements > T-shirt.

Sweat-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir

35.2 EUR
Sweat-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Noir Disponible en taille homme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL,EU 3XL,EU 4XL,EU 5XL. . Homme > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc

19.7 EUR
T-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc Disponible en taille homme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL,EU 3XL,EU 4XL,EU 5XL. . Homme > Vetements > T-shirt.

Sweat-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc

33.45 EUR
Sweat-shirt Disney The Little Mermaid Greetings From Atlantica Blanc Disponible en taille homme. EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL,EU 3XL,EU 4XL,EU 5XL. . Homme > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

THQ Baja: Edge Of Control Hd - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

28.99 EUR
Baja: Edge of Control HD is the carefully remastered version of the original off-road racer from 2008 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. This truly unique game contains more than 1,000 miles of the toughest terrain Mother Nature has to offer, including the steepest mountains, thickest mud and deepest canyons known to man. Only the HD version features much crisper and more detailed visuals running at super smooth framerates in up to 4K screen resolution. With more than 160 sponsored vehicles in eight classes , including Trophy Trucks, 4x4s and buggies, Baja: Edge of Control HD features a full array of upgradeable options with hundreds of authentic parts that affect each vehicle's performance. Players will put their off-road machines to the test in near-vertical Hill Climb challenges, head-to-head Open Class races, circuit races and the ultimate off-road endurance challenge: the Baja! Baja: Edge of Control HD contains more than 100 tracks across all landscapes in races that can last up to four hours. The game's revolutionary vehicle physics deliver unprecedented life-like handling, and a support management system that allows gamers to monitor and repair realistic vehicle damage as fenders fly, tires are blown, suspension is stressed and engines overheat. 4 player split screen and 16 player online multiplayer More than 160 vehicles to choose from Monitor and repair vehicle damage via truck and helicopter teams Revolutionary vehicle physics respond to every bump and rut you drive over 200 authentic vehicle parts to help fine-tune the performance of your off-road machine More than 100 tracks, nine open worlds and 1000 miles of drive-to-horizon landscape Lots of different events, including Hill Climb, Baja Endurance Races, Circuit Track Races and more Free roaming gameplay: drive as far as you want and find hidden tracks, jumps and more off-road madness HD Features: Greater immersion via various graphical improvements including better textures, higher framerate and increased details More authentic racing by improved rendering techniques for shadows, lighting and dust effects More accessible gameplay due to improved controls, user interface and an easier career start Steam account required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (32 or 64 bit) Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad (2.84 GHz) or AMD equivalent Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: DirectX 11 compatible like GeForce GT 730 1GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 5 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (32 or 64 bit) Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad (2.84 GHz) or AMD equivalent Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: DirectX11 compatible like GeForce GTX 750 2GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 5 GB available space

THQ Monster Jam Steel Titans 2 - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

28.99 EUR
More Trucks! New Worlds! Monster Jam Steel Titans 2! Monster Jam Steel Titans 2 features more fan-favorite trucks in brand new Monster Jam worlds! Brand new online multiplayer modes, 38 trucks to choose from and five new outdoor worlds! Drivers train at Camp Crushmore and compete in authentic stadiums to become the ultimate champion! More Trucks! Truck roster features 38 of the greatest trucks in Monster Jam history, including Higher Education, Sparkle Smash and Grave Digger! New Worlds! Five all-new Monster Jam Worlds that expand the Monster Jam universe! Explore and uncover Monster Jam secrets. Competition! Compete just like the pros in 12 authentic stadiums and game modes inspired by the real-world shows! Perform your favorite stunts! Bicycles, Stoppies, Moonwalks, Walk Its, Cyclones, Pogos, Power Outs and Back-Flips! Improved Gameplay! Enjoy a range of improvements in physics, career and exploration! Steam account is required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit Processor: AMD / Intel Dual Core with 3.0 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Geforce GTX 460 or Radeon HD 7770 with 2 GB of VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 20 GB available space RECOMMENDED: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 64-bit Processor: AMD / Intel Quad Core with 3.0 GHz Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: Geforce GTX 960 or Radeon R9 380 with 4 GB of VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 20 GB available space

THQ Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

17.11 EUR
The wildly popular Zoo Tycoon series gets set to crank up the excitement, challenge, and fun of building the ultimate zoo. Let your imagination run wild with Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection! Choose from almost 200 visually stunning animals and the largest, most detailed selection of environments ever, then build, manage, and maintain your dream zoo alone or with up to four players. This zoo simulation will charm animal lovers of all ages. Get up close and personal with nearly 200 visually stunning animals from around the globe Create the Zoo of your dreams with the biggest, most detailed environments ever utilizing intuitive yet powerful controls designed for Zoo Tycoon fans of all ages It's your zoo ? design and manage your ideal zoo from intuitive road construction to the ability to adjust the enclosures and decorate them. The choice is yours! Extended Campaign Mode lets you become the ultimate zoo tycoon by completing 30 exciting scenarios all around the world! Specialized Challenge Mode features 20 specialized zoos. Collect all the species and transfer animals from one of your zoos to another! But beware of the crises that can strike at any time! Build and share your Zoo with up to four people Steam account required for game activation and installation. MINIMUM: OS: Window 7 or higher Processor: Intel Core i3-3210 [at] 3.2 GHz AMD FX-4150 [at] 4 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GT GTX 650 AMD R7 260 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 10 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Window 7 or higher Processor: Intel Core i5 3330 [at] 3.0 GHz AMD FX-6130 [at] 3.6 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 660 Ti AMD R7 370 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 10 GB available space

THQ Recore: Definitive - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

17.11 EUR
From legendary creator Keiji Inafune and the makers of Metroid Prime comes the ReCore: Definitive Edition, an action-adventure masterfully crafted for a new generation. You are Joule Adams, one of the last remaining humans on the planet Far Eden, a mysterious and dangerous world controlled by robotic foes bent on your destruction. To survive you must forge friendships with a courageous group of Corebot companions, each with unique abilities and powers. ReCore: Definitive Edition includes the new Eye of Obsidian adventure. Join the plucky Corebot, Violet, and journey into the permanent midnight of the Starving Sea, a previously unexplored region of Far Eden where ancient enemies plot their revenge?on Joule and all humankind! Features: Eye of Obsidian expanded adventure T8 NK (or ?Tank?) Corebot frame to cross quicksand and explore Far Eden with new power and speed 10 new dungeons and 2 new overworld areas 3 new weapon modes for Joule's Energy Rifle Dozens of additional Corebot gear pieces Increased level caps and gameplay tuning Upscaled to higher resolutions with HDR skies and lighting All new Achievements Decreased loading times and other improvements Steam account required for game activation and installation. MINIMUM: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 Version 14393.98 or higher required Processor: Intel Core i5 3550 [at] 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-6300 Memory: 8 MB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon R7 370 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660/570 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 18 GB available space RECOMMENDED: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 Version 14393.98 or higher required Processor: Intel Core i5 4570 [at] 3.2 GHz or AMD FX - 8350 Memory: 16 MB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 290X or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 18 GB available space

THQ Sunset Overdrive - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

19.99 EUR
Don't miss the single-player campaign from the game that IGN awarded Best Xbox One Game of 2014, the game that Polygon rated 9 out of 10, and the game that Eurogamer calls ?a breath of fresh air.? In Sunset Overdrive, the year is 2027 and Sunset City is under siege. A contaminated energy drink has transformed most of the population into toxic mutants. For many it's the end of the world, but for you it's a dream come true. Your old boss? Dead. Your boring job? Gone. Transform the open-world into your tactical playground by grinding, vaulting and wall-running across the city while using a devastating, unconventional arsenal. With hyper-agility, unique weapons, and customizable special abilities, Sunset Overdrive rewrites the rules of traditional shooters and delivers an explosive, irreverent, stylish, and totally unique adventure. Embrace the chaos of Sunset City through a hyper-colorful, post-apocalyptic single-player campaign and two bonus expansions, Mystery of Mooil Rig and Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines. Outgun crazed mutants, homicidal robots, and villainous thugs on your journeys with the included Weapons Pack. Features: An Open World with No Rules - Leap off buildings, run along walls, and grind power lines and rails to destroy your foes from every angle. Over-the-top Weapons - Collect and upgrade an arsenal of unconventional weapons that use items like dynamite, fireworks, harpoons, and acid to destroy your enemies. Steam account required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS Version - Windows 7 SP1 or higher Processor - Intel Core i5 3470 [at] 3.0hz AMD-FX-6300 Memory ? 8 GB Graphics - Geforce 750 Ti AMD Radeon R7 260X Disk Space ? 30 GB Recommended System Specs OS Version - Windows 10 Processor - Intel Core i5 4690 [at] 3.5hz AMD-FX-8350 Memory ? 8 GB Graphics - Geforce 970 or Geforce GTX 1060 AMD Radeon R9 290x or Radeon RX 480 Disk Space ? 30 GB

THQ Super Luckys Tale - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

27.19 EUR
Welcome to Adventure! Super Lucky's Tale is a delightful, playground platformer for all ages that follows Lucky, the ever-optimistic, energetic, and lovable hero, on his quest to find his inner strength and help his sister rescue the Book of Ages from Jinx. Jinx is the scheming and mysterious villain trying to reshape the world, but for what reason? Along the way, encounter a hilarious supporting cast of friends and adversaries. Lucky must confront the nefarious Kitty Litter, Jinx's mischievous kids - self-taught villains who might not be getting Jinx's plans quite right. Lucky meets friends and allies along the way too. He meets misplaced Yetis, Kookie Spookies, a village of farming worms, and other colorful friends inhabiting the Book of Ages. Test your skills with puzzles and nerve-wracking obstacle courses. Explore hidden secrets of new worlds with Lucky's signature burrow move. Dive into unpredictable foxholes, or try devilish side scrolling challenge levels to unlock additional rewards. Head back to the era of classic platformers with challenges players of all skill levels and all ages can enjoy. Steam account required for game activation and installation. MINIMUM: OS: Windows 10 Version 14393.98 or higher required Processor: Intel Core i5 3550 [at] 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-6300 Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon R7 370 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660/570 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 11 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 10 Version 14393.98 or higher required Processor: Intel Core i5 4570 [at] 3.2 GHz or AMD FX - 8350 Memory: 16 GB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 290X or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 11 GB available space

THQ Kingdoms Of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

37.99 EUR
The hit RPG returns! From the minds of the bestselling author R.A. Salvatore, Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion lead designer Ken Rolston, comes Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. Remastered with stunning visuals and refined gameplay Re-Reckoning delivers intense, customizable RPG combat inside a sprawling game world. Uncover the secrets of Amalur, from the vibrant city of Rathir to the vast region of Dalentarth to the grim dungeons of the Brigand Hall Caverns. Rescue a world torn apart by a vicious war and control the keys to immortality as the first warrior ever to be resurrected from the grips of death. Build the ideal character for the most intense combat, choosing from a countless combinations of skills, abilities, weapons and pieces of armor. The revolutionary Destiny system allows you to continuously evolve your character class to your style of play. Seamlessly integrate magical and melee attacks as you take on scores of enemies in grand fight sequences and finish them off with brutal Fateshift kills. Extend your experience in Amalur with all DLC from the original release, from Teeth of Naros to Legend of Dead Kel and more! Hundreds of hours of RPG play await! Travel from the vibrant city of Rathir, to the vast region of Dalentarth, and the grim dungeons of the Brigand Hall Caverns as you uncover the secrets of Amalur! Explore deep levels of lore in a universe steeped in 10,000 years of fiction created by New York Times bestselling author R.A. Salvatore. Rescue a world torn apart by a vicious war and control the keys to immortality as the first warrior ever to be resurrected from the grips of death. Explore a sprawling game world hailed as having 'more content than any single-player game deserves!' Enjoy countless side quests rich in political intrigue, romance, sinister magic, and even whimsy - all central to the primary mission. Improved graphical fidelity in Re-Reckoning. Steam account is required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7, Windows, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit) Processor: Intel or AMD Dual Core CPU 2.5 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: DirectX 10 Feature Level AMD or NVIDIA Card with 1 GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 40 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 7, Windows, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit) Processor: Intel or AMD Quad Core CPU 3 GHz Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: DirectX 11 Feature Level AMD or NVIDIA Card with 2 GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 40 GB available space

THQ Imperium Galactica Ii - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc-Mac

10.99 EUR
Relive the golden age of gaming! Take the Imperium in your hands now! Reintroducing a classic from the golden era of gaming, the original empire building space RTS, Imperium Galactica 2 is back and looking better than ever with new high-res textures and vivid colors. Imperium Galactica 2 features an expansive and unique Sci-fi universe with multiple playable species. Take your empire in your hands and guide it into the future. Use intrigue and spying to weaken your enemies and strengthen yourself or research and build the most powerful military force in the universe to crush whoever would oppose you. Massive battles, universe spanning empires, 3 playable campaigns and countless possibilities through custom scenarios insure you always have something to come back to. Take control, conquer the universe, and lead your species to ultimate domination? for the Imperium. Remastered features: Updated rendering engine to support arbitrary screen resolutions and aspect ratios Updated, higher resolution user interface textures Updated lighting and shadowing quality on planet surfaces Updated planet view mode Added server browser for multiplayer mode Key features: Deep Real-time strategy at its best Award winning game One of the original genre defining 4x games Explore the galaxies Expand your empire through colonization or conquest Exploit other species Exterminate all opposition Huge space armadas Battles in both space and on ground Deep economy and population management Tons of researchable upgrades Customizable ships and tanks Challenging scenarios Galactic alliances Spy on your enemies and steal what you need 3 unique campaigns Steam account required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (32 or 64bit) Processor: Intel 1.4 GHz Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible gpu Storage: 700 MB available space Sound Card: DirectX compatible Mac System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: OSX: 10.7 Lion Processor: Intel 1.4 GHz Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible gpu Storage: 700 MB available space Linux System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Ubuntu and SteamOS Processor: Intel 1.4 GHz Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible gpu Storage: 700 MB available space

THQ Sacred 3 Gold - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

19.99 EUR
Sacred 3 is an arcade Hack ?n' Slash game for up to four players, set in the war for Ancaria. Choose from legendary heroes and fight together against the rise of evil. You will face hordes of grimmocs, brute beasts, legions of mercenaries and undead wizards. Develop your character's skills and abilities and band together to use powerful co-op abilities and tactics. Victory Is Ours. Glory Is Mine. Features: Play as 1 of 4 legendary heroes, each with unique skills and weapons Master special attacks and quickly decimate hoards of enemies Perform powerful co-op combat arts to defeat epic bosses together Level up and customize your hero, outshine your fellow warriors Equip dynamic weapon spirits to empower your journey This edition includes all available DLC! Steam account required for game activation and installation MINIMUM: ? OS: Windows Vista SP2 / 7 / 8 ? CPU: Intel Pentium D 945 (Dual Core 3400 MHz) / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (Dual Core 3000 MHz) ? GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 610 (1024MB) / ATI Radeon 4770 (512MB) ? Memory: 2GB ? Hard Drive: 25 GB available ? Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible Recommended System Requirements ? OS: Windows Vista SP2 / 7 / 8 ? CPU: Intel Core i5-4430 (Quad Core 3000 MHz) / AMD Phenom 9500 (Quad Core 2200 MHz) ? GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 640 (2048MB) / ATI Radeon HD 5570 (1024MB) ? Memory: 4GB ? Hard Drive: 25 GB available ? Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible

THQ Frère Des Ours Game Boy Advance

8.83 EUR
Frêre des ours c'est le futur dessin animé Disney qui sort l'année prochaine (Mars ?) voit déjà une adaptation console. C'était à prévoir évidemment. Voici une floppée d'image GBA...

THQ Psychonauts - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

10.99 EUR
A Psychic Odyssey Through the Minds of Misfits, Monsters, and Madmen. This classic action/adventure platformer from acclaimed developers Double Fine Productions follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin. In his quest to join the Psychonauts--an elite group of international psychic secret agents--he breaks into their secret training facility: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. But this is no average psychic summer camp! A mysterious villain has kidnapped Raz's fellow campers and stolen their brains. Now he must use his psychic powers of Telekinesis, Levitation, and most of all his ability to project himself into the minds of others--to find the loose noodles and keep them from falling into the wrong hands. Fight mental demons! Uncover hidden memories! Sort emotional baggage! Explore the fantastic realm of the inner mind! Join the Psychonauts! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Steam account required for game activation and installation. PC System Requirements MINIMUM:  OS: Windows 98 SE/2000/XP Processor: 1.0 GHz Pentium(R) III and AMD Athlon(tm) Memory: 256 MB of RAM Graphics: 64 MB GeForce (tm) 3 or higher or ATI(R) Radeon 8500 or higher (except GeForce 4 MX and Go series) DirectX®: version 9.0 or higher (included with game) Hard Drive: 3.75 GB minimum hard drive space Sound: DirectX® 9.0 or higher compatible sound card Controls: Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse RECCOMENDED: OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: 2.0 GHz Pentium(R) IV and AMD Athlon(tm) Memory: 512 MB of RAM Graphics: , 128 MB GeForce FX 5600 or higher or ATI(R) Radeon 9600 or higher DirectX®: version 9.0 or higher (included with game) Hard Drive: 6.0 GB minimum hard drive space Sound: DirectX® 9.0 or higher and Sound Blaster Audigy 2 series sound card Controls: Game Pad (optional) Mac System Requirements MINIMUM:  OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.8, or later. Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor  Memory: 2 GB of RAM  Graphics: ATI X1600 / NVIDIA 8600GT / Intel HD3000 or better card with at least 128 MB VRAM Hard Drive: 4GB minimum hard drive space Controls: Keyboard and Mouse Leopard is not supported RECCOMENDED: OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.8, or later. Processor: Intel Core i Series Processor  Memory: 4 GB RAM  Graphics: ATI HD 3870 / Nvidia 8800GT or better with at least 512 MB VRAM Hard Drive: 4GB minimum hard drive space Controls: Game Pad (optional) Leopard is not supported Language Support: Interface: English, French, German

THQ Deblob 2 - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

19.99 EUR
In de Blob 2 Comrade Black and the Inkies are back with a whole new plot to rid the world of color. With all-new help from Papa Blanc and his flock of followers the Blancs, Blob and his friends will have their work cut out for them bringing color back to the citizens of Prisma City. Set off on an action-packed color adventure where custom paints, patterns and music bring the world to life. De Blob 2 is a creative evolution driven by your imagination. Imagine: Set off on an action packed color adventure with 12 new single player story levels where custom paints, patterns and music bring the world to life any way you want Laugh: Only the colorful prankster Blob can foil Papa Blanc's evil hypno plot to steal all the color from Prisma City Power: Speed smash through walls, jet jump over skyscrapers and slam squash Inkies with all new power-ups that turn you into a super Blob Explore: Paint your way past icy outposts, tropical bio domes and distant space stations to free the fair citizens of Prisma City Transform: Inside, outside, above the Earth and below it, Blob embarks on mini missions and epic boss battles to restore color and music back to this rich universe Share: Recruit your friends to join the color evolution in all new co-operative multiplayer modes. Game Features: Upscaled videos Added FXAA Anti Aliasing Added Resolution and graphic quality optionKeyboard & mouse and Gamepad (360/ps4) support and UI adaptation, also added remap feature Unofficial Wiimote support Steam account required for game activation and installation. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7 (32 or 64bit), Windows 8, Windows 10 Processor: Dual-Core CPU 3.0GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce 440 with 1 GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 12 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 7 (32 or 64bit), Windows 8, Windows 10 Processor: Quad-Core CPU 3.0GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce 760 with 2 GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 12 GB available space

THQ The Guild Gold - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

10.99 EUR
It's the year 1400- the late Middle Ages. Europe sees the dawn of the golden age of the new departures and the free spirit. Under the rule of the bourgeoisie and businessmen, more and more towns are emerging from the clutches of the aristocracy and are achieving independence, power and wealth. New businesses are flourishing, bringing financial strength and political influence to a growing economy. However, life in the narrow, overpopulated alleyways and streets of the towns also has its downsides: epidemics and diseases are spreading, and thieves and highwaymen lie in wait to get their piece of the wealth. Now you can try your hand in these exciting times of change. Will you head down the path of an honest craftsman or a dubious priest? It's your choice. The Story: At the age of 13, you leave your parents, go to the city to learn a job and aiming to build your own trade empire at the time of real commercial and though exchanges expansion. You choose the city, each one has its difficulty level, you choose your parents, whose respective jobs predispose you to have specific qualities, and you choose your business among the old fashionned Middle Age jobs. Run your own business, manage your workers properly as to be the more productive you can, and hire guards to protect your goods... Because even if you get better than the competitors, they can destroy your work and your goods... That's the difficult world of business affairs! Game Features: Includes the original game plus its expansion pack Blackmail, kidnap, sabotage or buy your way into a higher position in the government Choose your job according to your qualities, your city and the local religion, hire workers and protect them, and protect your goods from bandits and competitors One of the best Middle Age commercial simulation Don't be stopped by your avatar's death : manage your commercial empire through generations! A great history revision of this wonderful period : trade expansion, land discoveries, the different religions finally work together Steam account required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/7/8 Processor: AMD Athlon/Intel Pentium III 500 MHz Memory: 128 MB RAM Graphics: DirectX compatible graphic card with 32 MB DirectX: Version 9.0 Storage: 1 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX compatible Sound card RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/7/8 Processor: 1 GHz Processor (AMD/Intel) Memory: 512 MB RAM Graphics: DirectX compatible graphic card with 64 MB DirectX: Version 9.0 Storage: 1 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX compatible Sound card

THQ Rebel Cops - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc-Mac

10.99 EUR
Rebel Cops is a spin-off game from  This Is the Police, which exclusively focuses on the series' turned-based tactical operations. Lead a ragtag squad of cops in rebellion against their town's new criminal power to see how long you can hold out when you're constantly short on supplies and a single shot can cost a cop their life. You're not exactly the police, but you're the only ones on the side of justice Viktor Zuev, a sadistic crime boss new on the scene, has quickly taken the town of Ripton by the throat. The community's leaders and local police have surrendered to his will. A master of intimidation and blackmail, Zuev has seized every major business in town, all of which he now controls as his own private fiefdom. An outlaw band of renegade cops refuses to bow, however. With little hope of success, they fight on ? for justice, and the soul of their town. Gunfights are thrilling, but stealth is key You're fighting a guerilla war, out-manned and out-gunned. Use concealment and cover, approach the enemy quietly, and take them down before they can raise the alarm. You have at your disposal an arsenal of non-lethal weapons and equipment, as well as special tactical perks which you can unlock as you upgrade your rebels. True, sometimes violence seems inevitable, but when the time comes, don't hesitate: neither you nor the criminals have health bars. When someone is shot, they'll bleed out quickly, and getting a bullet in the head means instant death. Explore, scavenge, and watch your back Rebel Cops features not only compact operations where you need to fight for every inch of ground, but also large, open locations to explore ? the sandbox levels. Search each room, crack open safes and vaults, try to get into inaccessible areas ? and, above all, grab everything that looks useful. Stay together and proceed with caution, or accept the risks, fan-out, and try to explore every corner. Take the high road, or the low road Zuev's mercilessness is the key to his power. Can you defeat him without playing by his rules? Will you answer the needs of the desperate townspeople, even if it means putting the whole operation at risk? Will you spare civilian guards who are only doing their jobs? Some say that in war, you have to do whatever it takes to survive, but remember: reputation is more valuable than money. Bad blood on the streets can easily put your good name in the mud. Merchants will refuse to do business with you, and even some of your own people might turn their backs on you. Steam account required for game activation and installation  PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7 64-bit or higher Processor:  Dual Core CPU Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Intel UHD 620, GeForce GT 930MX, AMD R7 240 or equivalent DirectX: Version 10 Storage: 2 GB available space Sound Card:  DirectX compatible RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 10 64-bit  Processor: Quad Core CPU Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce 1050 or higher, AMD Radeon RX 560 or higher DirectX: Version 11 Storage:...

THQ Alone In The Dark: The New Nightmare - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

8.29 EUR
From the moment Edward Carnby and Aline Cedrac set foot on Shadow Island, they are confronted by mysterious, evil creatures intent on thwarting their progress to recover 3 ancient tablets believed to hold the secret key to some incredible menacing phenomena. Danger threatens from every corner. The slightest shadow could be hiding deep secrets, or concealing worse nightmares... Can you see beyond your fear? Edward Carnby, the supernatural detective is back! And this time it's for revenge. Carnby's best friend, Charles Fiske has been found dead off a mysterious island off the coast of Maine, Shadow Island. Carnby's investigation quickly leads him to Fred Johnson who informs him of Fiske's search for the three ancient tablets which, when placed in a specific location, will unlock an incredible and dangerous power. Johnson pleads with Carnby to pick up where Fiske left off and reopen the investigation in order to recover the tablets. Carnby accepts the mission to find and destroy the murderer of Fiske and avenge his death. The original survival horror franchise continues with a pure blend of intense action and suspenseful adventure. Alone in the Dark immerses the player into a dark and strange atmosphere where conventional rules do not apply. The player must overcome his natural fear of the dark unknown and control Edward Carnby through a deep and highly detailed storyline. Armed with a flashlight and a pistol, Carnby must find the necessary items to survive as well as the clues which will help him escape his ultimate nightmare. Features The original survival terror franchise is reborn Incredibly detailed and realistic environments Dark atmosphere playing with obscurity and light - use your flashlight as a weapon against creatures from the dark Influenced by H.P. Lovecraft A gripping script that goes beyond your imagination. Over 20 characters, in a chilling atmosphere, deep in cinematographical production and realism. 2 totally different, but equally terrifying adventures, combined in one: Will you be Edward Carnby or Aline Cedrac? Steam account required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows® 98 SE/Me/2000 Pro/XP Processor: Intel Pentium® II 300 MHz Memory: 64 MB RAM DirectX: Version 9.0c Storage: 400 MB available space

THQ Sacred 3 - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

15.49 EUR
Sacred 3 is an arcade Hack ?n' Slash game for up to four players, set in the war for Ancaria. Choose from legendary heroes and fight together against the rise of evil. You will face hordes of grimmocs, brute beasts, legions of mercenaries and undead wizards. Develop your character's skills and abilities and band together to use powerful co-op abilities and tactics. Victory Is Ours. Glory Is Mine. Play as 1 of 5 legendary heroes, each with unique skills and weapons Master special attacks and quickly decimate hoards of enemies Perform powerful co-op combat arts to defeat epic bosses together Level up and customize your hero, outshine your fellow warriors Equip dynamic weapon spirits to empower your journey Minimum System Requirements ? OS: Windows Vista SP2 / 7 / 8 ? CPU: Intel Pentium D 945 (Dual Core 3400 MHz) / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (Dual Core 3000 MHz) ? GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 610 (1024MB) / ATI Radeon 4770 (512MB) ? Memory: 2GB ? Hard Drive: 25 GB available ? Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible Recommended System Requirements ? OS: Windows Vista SP2 / 7 / 8 ? CPU: Intel Core i5-4430 (Quad Core 3000 MHz) / AMD Phenom 9500 (Quad Core 2200 MHz) ? GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 640 (2048MB) / ATI Radeon HD 5570 (1024MB) ? Memory: 4GB ? Hard Drive: 25 GB available ? Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible