Nourriture pour chat care cat kitten choice poulet 85 g S9133979 - Brit

19.49 EUR

Nourriture pour chat care cat kitten choice saumon 85 g S9133980 - Brit

19.49 EUR

Care cat tender turkey & crevettes in jelly dinde crevettes 85 g - Brit

19.49 EUR
Brit Care Cat Tender Turkey & Crevettes in Jelly Dinde Crevettes 85 g Le palais du chat a tendance à être plus exigeant que ce royal. Pour lui donner un moment de plaisir enfermé dans un petit sachet, il vaut la peine d'atteindre une ligne unique de filets en gelée de Brit Care. Il s''agit d''un aliment humide pour chats adultes qui peut servir de source de nourriture et de nutriments j modique ou pour compléter et diversifier le régime félin. Brit Care Cat Fillets in Jelly Tender Turquie & Crevettes a une formule sans céréales, une délicieuse saveur de dinde aux crevetteset des additifs uniques comme les carottes et le romarin pour une meilleure digestion. Les principaux avantages du produit: Sans addition de céréales Jusqu'à 85% de viande dans des filets dans une délicieuse gelée Aliment complet avec un goût attrayant Extrait de romarin étant un antioxydant naturel

Brit Care Cat Croquettes Chat - Brit Care Grain Free kitten Healthy Growth and Development - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: dinde déshydratée (30 %), viande de poulet fraîche (26 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 12 %), pois jaunes (12 %), pois chiches (8 %), huile de saumon (3 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), graines de lin (2 %), pommes sèches (2 %), levure de bière (1 %), colostrum (0,5 %), camomille sèche (0,5 %), minéraux, argousier sec (0, 3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,025 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,02 %), yucca schidigera (0,01%), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivé (15x10 9 cellules/kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 38,0 %, matières grasses brutes 18,0 %, cellulose brute 1,5 %, cendres brutes 7,2 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,5 %, oméga-6 2, 2 %, calcium 1,2 %, phosphore 0,9 %, sodium 0,5 %, magnésium 0,1 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes Chat - Brit Care Grain Free Indoor Anti-stress - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: poulet frais (26 %), pois jaunes (25 %), poulet déshydraté (20 %), pommes sèches (8 %), potiron (6 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 4 %), huile de saumon ( 2 %), graines et cosses de psyllium (2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), graines de lin (1 %), léonure sec (0,5 %), camomille sèche (0,5%) %), minéraux, argousier sec (0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivés (15x10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 30,0 %, matières grasses brutes 13,0 %, fibres brutes 4,0 %, cendres brutes 6,8 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,3 %, oméga-6 1, 5 %, calcium 1,0 %, phosphore 0,7 %, sodium 0,4 %, magnésium 0,07 %.

Croquettes chat - Brit Care cat Grain-Free Senior Weight Control - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: poulet déshydraté (27 %), poulet frais (26 %), pois jaunes (22 %), pommes sèches (9 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 4 %), levure de bière (3 %), graines et cosses de psyllium (2 %), huile de saumon (2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), graines de lin (1 %), capucine sèche (0,5 %), camomille sèche(0,5 %), minéraux, argousier sec(0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %),mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivé (15x10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 34,0 %, matières grasses brutes 15,0 %, fibres brutes 4,0 %, cendres brutes 9,5 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,4 %, oméga-6 1, 2 %, calcium 1,0 %, phosphore 0,8 %, sodium 0,8 %, magnésium 0,05 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes Chat - Brit Care Grain Free Haircare healthy and shiny coat - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: viande de saumon fraîche (26 %), poulet déshydraté (26 %), pois jaunes (14 %), pois chiches (8 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols s, 6 %), pommes sèches (6 %), huile de saumon ( 3 %), graines et cosses de psyllium (2 %), graines de lin (2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), algues sèches (1,5%, Schizochytrium limacinum), camomille sèche ( 0,5 %), minéraux, argousier sec (0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA-122 inactivé (15 x 10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 31,0 %, matières grasses brutes 16,0 %, fibres brutes 4,0 %, cendres brutes 8,5 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 1,2 %, oméga-6 2 %, calcium 1,1 %, phosphore 0,9 %, sodium 0,9 %, magnésium 0,1 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes chat - Brit Sensitive Digestion & Taste - 7kg

61.99 EUR
Composition: viande de dinde fraîche (26 %), saumon déshydraté (26 %), pois jaunes (16 %), pois chiches (11 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 8 %), racine de chicorée sèche (2,5 %), pommes sèches (2 %) , huile de saumon (2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), graines de lin (1 %), camomille sèche (0,5 %), minéraux, argousier sec ( 0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivé (15x10 9 cellules / kg ). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 32,0 %, matières grasses brutes 16,0 %, cellulose brute 1,5 %, cendres brutes 7,5 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,5 %, oméga-6 2, 0 %, calcium 1,2 %, phosphore 0,9 %, sodium 0,5 %, magnésium 0,08 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes Chat - Brit Care Grain Free Sterilized sensitive - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: viande de lapin fraîche (26 %), lapin déshydraté (26 %), pois jaunes (16 %), pois chiches (10 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 6 %), pommes sèches (6 %), huile de saumon ( 2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), graines et cosses de psyllium (1 %), graines de lin (1 %), capucines sèches (0,5 %), camomille sèche(0,5%) %), minéraux, argousier sec (0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivés (15x10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 31,0 %, matières grasses brutes 13,0 %, cellulose brute 3,0 %, cendres brutes 8,8 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,4 %, oméga-6 1, 2 %, calcium 0,8 %, phosphore 0,7%, sodium 1,0 %, magnésium 0,04 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes Chat - Brit Care Grain Free Sterilized and Weight control - 7kg

62.99 EUR
Composition: viande de canard fraîche (26 %), dinde déshydratée (26 %), pois jaunes (16 %), pois chiches (10 %), pommes sèches (7 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 4 %), huile de saumon ( 2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), graines et cosses de psyllium (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), graines de lin (1 %), capucine sèche (0,5 %), camomille sèche (0,5%) %), minéraux, argousier sec (0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivés (15x10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 32,0 %, matières grasses brutes 12,0 %, fibres brutes 4,0 %, cendres brutes 9,0 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,3 %, oméga-6 1, 6 %, calcium 0,9 %, phosphore 0,7 %, sodium 1,0 %, magnésium 0,04 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes Chat - Brit Care Grain Free Sterilized Urinary health - 7kg

62.99 EUR
Composition: poulet frais (26 %), poulet déshydraté (26 %), pois jaunes (18 %), pois chiches (8 %), pommes sèches (7 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 5 %), huile de saumon ( 2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), graines et cosses de psyllium (1 %), graines de lin (1 %), capucine sèche (0,5 %), camomille sèche (0,5%) %), minéraux, argousier sec (0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides 0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivés (15x10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 32,0 %, matières grasses brutes 13,0 %, fibres brutes 3,5 %, cendres brutes 9,0 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,3 %, oméga-6 1, 5 %, calcium 0,8 %, phosphore 0,7 %, sodium 1,0 %, magnésium 0,04 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes Chat - Brit Care Grain Free Sterilized Urinary health - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: poulet frais (26 %), poulet déshydraté (26 %), pois jaunes (18 %), pois chiches (8 %), pommes sèches (7 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 5 %), huile de saumon ( 2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), graines et cosses de psyllium (1 %), graines de lin (1 %), capucine sèche (0,5 %), camomille sèche (0,5%) %), minéraux, argousier sec (0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides 0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivés (15x10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 32,0 %, matières grasses brutes 13,0 %, fibres brutes 3,5 %, cendres brutes 9,0 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,3 %, oméga-6 1, 5 %, calcium 0,8 %, phosphore 0,7 %, sodium 1,0 %, magnésium 0,04 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes chat - Brit Sensitive Digestion & Taste - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: viande de dinde fraîche (26 %), saumon déshydraté (26 %), pois jaunes (16 %), pois chiches (11 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 8 %), racine de chicorée sèche (2,5 %), pommes sèches (2 %) , huile de saumon (2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), graines de lin (1 %), camomille sèche (0,5 %), minéraux, argousier sec ( 0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivé (15x10 9 cellules / kg ). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 32,0 %, matières grasses brutes 16,0 %, cellulose brute 1,5 %, cendres brutes 7,5 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,5 %, oméga-6 2, 0 %, calcium 1,2 %, phosphore 0,9 %, sodium 0,5 %, magnésium 0,08 %.

Brit Care Cat Croquettes Chat - Brit Care Grain Free Sterilized and Weight control - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: viande de canard fraîche (26 %), dinde déshydratée (26 %), pois jaunes (16 %), pois chiches (10 %), pommes sèches (7 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 4 %), huile de saumon ( 2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), graines et cosses de psyllium (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), graines de lin (1 %), capucine sèche (0,5 %), camomille sèche (0,5%) %), minéraux, argousier sec (0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivés (15x10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 32,0 %, matières grasses brutes 12,0 %, fibres brutes 4,0 %, cendres brutes 9,0 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,3 %, oméga-6 1, 6 %, calcium 0,9 %, phosphore 0,7 %, sodium 1,0 %, magnésium 0,04 %.

Croquettes chat - Brit Care Cat Grain Free Adulte Activity Support - 2kg

20.99 EUR
Composition: dindon déshydraté (28 %), poulet frais (26 %), pois jaunes (16 %), graisse de volaille (conservée avec des tocophérols, 13 %), pois chiches (6 %), huile de saumon (2 %), foie de poulet hydrolysé (2 %), levure de bière (2 %), pommes sèches (2 %), graines de lin (1,5 %), camomille sèche (0,5 %), minéraux, argousier sec (0,3 %), canneberges sèches (0,2 %), glucosamine (0,025 %), sulfate de chondroïtine (0,018 %), fructo-oligosaccharides (0,015 %), mannane oligo-saccharides (0,015 %), yucca schidigera (0,008 %), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA - 122 inactivé ( 15x10 9 cellules / kg). Composants analytiques: protéines brutes 34,0 %, matières grasses brutes 18,0 %, fibres brutes 1,0 %, cendres brutes 7,2 %, humidité 10,0 %, oméga-3 0,3 %, oméga-6 2, 0 %, calcium 1,2 %, phosphore 0,9 %, sodium 0,4 %, magnésium 0,08 %.

Dorcel Plug Anal Métal Diamant Noir S Bronze

19.99 EUR
Le Plug Anal Métal ( Noir S de Dorcel ( entrer une touche d'audace dans vos moments coquins! Les débutants seront particuliàrement comblés par sa petite taille parfaite pour la découverte du plaisir anal. Mais ne le sous-estimez pas, car il recàle une multitude de délices: les plus expérimentés apprécieront particuliàrement sa matiàre métallique lisse qui peut aussi bien se chauffer que se refroidir et qui permet une utilisation sous l'eau, pour une grande variété de plaisirs! Ce petit bijou de plaisir au design soigné et profilé vous donne une touche supplémentaire de glamour et vous assure une insertion facile. Doté d'une base plate ornée d'un strass façon pierre précieuse noire, ce joyau de plaisir garantit des jeux coquins en toute élégance et en toute sécurité! Retrouvez-le aussi en version medium ( large ( (! Dimensions : * Longueur totale : 7,1 cm * Longueur insérable : 4,1 cm * Diamàtre : 2,7 cm Pour plus de plaisir, utilisez unlubrifiant à  base d'eau tel que le SexyGlide ( Pour un nettoyage de votre sextoy rapide et sans rinçage, SexyAvenue vous conseille leSpray Nettoyant SexyCare (à  utiliser avant et apràs chaque utilisation.

Dorcel Plug Anal Best Plug S Noir

24.99 EUR
Découvrez lePlug Anal ( Plug S de la marque Dorcel (, le sextoy parfait pour débuter le sexe anal. Sa petite taillepermet une insertionfacile dans l'anus, ce qui le rend idéal pour les débutants. Tràs doux au toucher, il est donc agréable à  porter. Sa forme ergonomique permet une prise en main facile lors de son utilisation. Incroyablement flexible, vous prendrez plaisir à  découvrir l'anal avec ce plug ! Fabriqué en silicone doux 100% hypoallergénique, votre jouet sexuel est waterproof afin de l'utiliser même dans votre bain. Existe égalementen Taille M. ( Pour plus de plaisir, utilisez un lubrifiant à  base d'eau tel que le SexyGlide ( Pour un nettoyage de votre sextoy rapide et sans rinçage, SexyAvenue vous conseille leSpray Nettoyant SexyCare ( à  utiliser avant et apràs chaque utilisation.

Litière végétale chat - Cat's Best Universal - 22kg

27.99 EUR
Si vous recherchez une litière entièrement naturelle et efficace, tournez-vous vers Cat’s Best. Cette marque a conçu différentes litières alliant nature et technologie. Les petites granules sont composées de matières issues de l’industrie du bois, certifiées PEFC. Aucun arbre n’est abattu pour la fabrication. De plus, les circuits courts sont privilégiés, que ce soit en matière de ressources ou de transport. Cette litière est biodégradable et compostable, et présente l’avantage de dégager très peu de poussière. Les fibres végétales, améliorées par une technologie propre à Cat’s Best, absorbent instantanément les liquides (jusqu’à 7 fois leur poids), et neutralisent les odeurs. L’expérience devient beaucoup plus agréable pour votre animal, et se rapproche de ce qu’il peut trouver dans la nature. Le modèle Universal est une litière non agglomérante, idéale pour les chats, les oiseaux et les petits mammifères. Elle est particulièrement adaptée si vous avez différentes espèces qui partagent le même espace. Elle peut être utilisée telle quelle ou mélangée à une autre litière de votre choix. Étant donné son haut pouvoir absorbant, vous pouvez vous en servir en milieu très humide (autour d’un abreuvoir par exemple). Pour une litière 100 % naturelle, renouvelable, et redoutablement efficace, optez pour Universal de Cat’s Best, vos petits compagnons vous remercieront !

Dorcel Vibromasseur Or Golden Boy Or

16.99 EUR
Découvrez leVibromasseur Or Golden Boyde la marqueDorcel (, un sextoy vibrant élégant et minimaliste ! Succombez au charme decevibromasseur (à  la texture lisse et doréeet au diamàtre mini,idéal pour débutant(e)s.Ce jouet sexuel possàde unmoteur puissant et silencieux, qui vous offre des vibrations intenses et délicieuses. Utilisez lamoletteà  la base du sextoypour régler l'intensitéde vibration selon vos envies et la sensibilité de vos parties intimes.LeGolden Boyest parfait pourtitiller votre clitoris, mais aussi pourlastimulationvaginale. Il est fabriqué enABS hypoallergéniqueet il est100% waterproof! Si vous voulez ressentir des nouvelles sensations, vous pouvez aussi profiter de moments de plaisir solitaire ou à  deux sous la douche... Ce vibromasseur fonctionne avec2 piles AA (non fournies). Si vous préférez la couleur argentée, découvrez également leVibromasseur Silver Star ( Pour plus de plaisir, utilisez unlubrifiant à  base d'eau tel que le SexyGlide ( Pour un nettoyage de votre sextoy rapide et sans rinçage, SexyAvenue vous conseille leSpray Nettoyant SexyCare (à  utiliser avant et apràs chaque utilisation.

Dorcel Anneau Vibrant Power Clit Plus Gris

29.99 EUR
L'Anneau Vibrant ( Clit Plus de la marque Dorcel ('enfile à  la base du pénis. Il permet de renforcer l'érection et de retarder l'éjaculation. Le cockring Power Clit Plus possàde une petite languette qui viendra titiller le clitoris de Madame à  chaque mouvement de pénétration. Ainsi, les deux partenaires prennent du plaisir en même temps ! Le Power Clit Plus offre 3 vitesses différentes contrôlable directement sur le sextoy. Il est rechargeable, plus besoin de piles (cà¢ble USB fourni). Matiàre silicone extensible sans phtalates et 100% hypoallergénique. Pour plus de plaisir, utilisez un lubrifiant à  base d'eau tel que leSexyGlide ( Pour un nettoyage de votre sextoy rapide et sans rinçage, SexyAvenue vous conseille leSpray Nettoyant SexyCare (à  utiliser avant et apràs chaque utilisation.

vhbw Buse sol pour aspirateurs compatible avec Miele TOTAL CARE 5000 S5781, TURBO 700 S762, Vitality Cat & Dog S5361 - noir mat 26,7 cm

18.59 EUR
Les bons accessoires rendent vos tâches ménagères plus rapides et plus agréables Avec cette buse d'aspirateur de haute qualité, votre sol redevient propre sans effort. - neuf à 100% et emballé - Remplacement idéal pour votre buse originale - Vous trouverez toutes les compatibilités et caractéristiques techniques ci-dessous. La buse est réversible et convient donc à différents revêtements de sol. Grâce aux deux lève-fil, même les plus petites particules sont relevées et aspirées de manière fiable. La semelle glissante intégrée en métal assure une bonne stabilité. La brosse glisse sans effort sur votre sol. L'articulation pivotante spéciale permet de fixer facilement le tuyau d'aspiration et est idéale pour les coins et les angles. La tête de brosse en fibres synthétiques robustes et de qualité supérieure nettoie en douceur et convient donc également aux sols durs sensibles. L'embout est particulièrement adapté au nettoyage en profondeur des sols durs tels que le parquet, la pierre, le carrelage, le PVC ou le stratifié. Accessoire vhbw ne provenant pas du fabricant original CONTENU DE LIVRAISON : - 1x Buse sols CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES : - Largeur : 26,7cm - Couleur : noir-mat - Poids : 392g - Diamètre intérieur du raccord : 3,56mm (conique) - Avec système d'encliquetage/de rangement - Articulation inclinable COMPATIBLE AVEC : - Miele TOTAL CARE 5000 S5781, TURBO 700 S762, Vitality Cat & Dog S5361 Nous vous proposons également des accessoires et pièces détachées pour votre aspirateur ou robot-aspirateur.

vhbw buse de sol compatible avec Miele Care S6210, CAT & DOG 2200 S5360, CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS S5361 aspirateur - noir-mat 26,7cm

18.59 EUR
Les bons accessoires rendent vos travaux ménagers plus rapides et plus agréables Avec cette buse d'aspirateur, votre sol redevient propre sans effort. - 100% neuf, emballage d'origine - Remplacement idéal de votre buse d'origine - Vous trouverez ci-dessous toutes les compatibilités et les détails techniques La buse est interchangeable et convient donc pour différents revêtements de sol. Grâce aux 2 ramasses-fil, même les plus petites particules sont collectées et aspirées de manière fiable. La semelle coulissante métallique intégrée assure une bonne stabilité. La brosse glisse sans effort sur votre sol. L'articulation spéciale oscillo-battante assure une fixation aisée du tuyau d'aspiration et est idéal pour les coins et les angles. Le rebord de la brosse en fibres synthétiques robustes nettoie en douceur et convient donc également aux sols durs sensibles. La buse est parfaitement adaptée pour le nettoyage en profondeur de les sols durs comme le parquet, le carrelage ou Laminat. Article non fourni par le fournisseur d'origine - accessoire compatible de vhbw. Contenu de la livraison : - 1x buse de sol Données techniques : - Largeur : 26,7 cm - Couleur : noir-mat - Poids : 392g - Diamètre intérieur (connexion) : 3,56 mm (trajectoire conique) - Avec dispositif de stationnement-cliquetage - Joint basculant Compatible avec les modèles d'appareils suivants ayant un embout rond de 35mm de diamètre équipés d'un bouton de déclenchement et d'une fixation : - Miele Care S6210 - Miele CAT & DOG 2200 S5360 - Miele CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS S5361 Remplace les accessoires d'origine suivants : - Miele SBD 285-2, SBD 285-3, SBD 650-3, SDB 265-3

Routeur Asus 4G-AX56 AX1800 Cat. 6 Modem intégré: UMTS, LTE 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz 1201 MBit/s

214.99 EUR
Routeur LTE ASUS 4G-AX56 AX1800 (Cat.6 300 Mbit/s, double bande, WiFi 6 AX1800, portail captif, Aiprotection Classic, Sécurité réseau, sécurité enfant) Ce texte a été traduit par une machine....

uvex 2112101 hi-com Bouchons doreille 24 dB réutilisable EN 352-2 100 paire(s)

75.99 EUR
La nouvelle forme du casque uvex hi-com réduit les bruits de l'oreille interne qui se sont généralement produits lors du port de protections auditives. Les cavalités intégrées créent une surface plus...

Casio G-SHOCK G-Shock FOGGY FOREST Watch Men's Ana-Digi Carbon Green GA-2100FR-3A [Item]

169.69 EUR
Movement: Quartz Ana-Digi Waterproofing: 20 ATM water resistant Body size: Length x Width x Thickness (excluding lugs and crown): Approx. 41 x 45 x 12mm Weight: Approx. 50g

BeautyGlam Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Daily Probiotic + Prebiotic, Daily Care, 35 Billion CFU, 30 Delayed Release Capsules

67.99 EUR
Product Description: Contains probiotics preferred by doctors in terms of regular bowel movements††35 billion active probiotic cultures per capsule, 15 types of probiotic strains, plant-based prebiotic mix, digestive system, balanced immunity, health efficacy guaranteed, probiotic Tic Supplement Gluten-Free CertifiedProject CertifiedNo Genetically Modified IngredientsHOWARU® - Probiotic Strain Verified by Quality Research for Probiotics You Can Feel Gluten-FreeArtificial Fortify® Optima® is specially formulated with a unique probiotic blend that contains no dyes and is a powerful probiotic that supports digestive and immune health. HN019™, HN001™ have been research-proven to promote daily digestive and immune health. , BL-04®, and Bi-07® demonstrate a strong synergy effect. Lactobacillus culture to support small intestine healthBifidus culture supports colon health15 probiotic strains + prebiotic formulaFortify Optima Daily 35 billion CFU formula includes 15 probiotics designed to support gut diversity and plant-based prebiotics Contains tick strains. This unique prebiotic blend contains chicory root and acacia gum fiber, a source of good bacteria. Live culture potency is calculated in colony forming units (CFU). Guaranteed 35 billion active cultures! Innovative container technology allows this product to deliver 35 billion active probiotic cultures by expiration date without needing to be refrigerated, helping to balance the intestinal tract and promote immune health. Targeted Delivery Each capsule is manufactured to withstand stomach acid and delivers active cultures where needed, such as the small and large intestines. More Benefits in One Capsule By taking Fortify® Optima® daily, you can enjoy the following health benefits: Healthy Gut MicrobiomeDigestive BalanceHealthy Immune Response††Based on an IQVIA ProVoice survey of primary care physicians. Doctors Prefer HOWARU® Bifidobacterium Lactis HN019™ over Other Strains from Popular Probiotic Brands for Regular Bowel Activity, Based on MULO Sales for the 52 Weeks Ending October 3, 2021; November 2021. Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it at any time, with or without food. No refrigeration is required. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silica Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. This product is safely sealed with an internal seal. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store tightly sealed. Can be stored at room temperature or refrigerated. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or excessive heat. Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Daily Probiotic + Prebiotic, Daily Care, 35 Billion CFU, 30 Delayed Release Capsules

BeautyGlam Flora, women's care probiotic, 87 billion CFU, 30 veggie capsules

71.92 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Flora, women's care probiotic, 87 billion CFU, 30 veggie capsules

Healty Home Improvement 2 Pairs Reusable Nitrile Gloves - Extra Thick, Long Sleeve, for Dishwashing, Gardening, Pet Care, Chemical & Latex Free S

24.99 EUR
Model Number : J711 Classification : Acid Alkali Resistant Gloves Material : RUBBER Certification : CE Ideal for almost any application including lab work, dishwashing, hair coloring, tattooing, food preparation, painting, kitchen / household cleaning, pet care,gardening, home improvement, hobbies, arts and crafts,mechanic repairing. Latex rubber free and odor resistant flock lining 15 mils perfect thickness make work flexibly and accurately. High-end nitrile possess excellent chemical-resistance and puncture-resistant providing a higher level of protection against liquids, gases and sharp objects Label: Yes

Keep Health Care Poubelle pratique à imprimé d'élan, résistante aux chiens, 9L/12L, couvercle supérieur à pression, accessoires de salle de bains S bleu

17.89 EUR
Merci d'être venu à notre boutique, j'espère que c'est à votre satisfaction Nom de l'article: Panier des ordures Matériel: Plastique Caractéristiques: Grande capacité, couvercle supérieur pressant, facile à nettoyer Capacité: 9L/12L Détails de taille: S, L: 22cm, L: 16cm, H: 33cm L, L: 25,5 cm, L: 17,5 cm, H: 34.5cm Caractéristiques: Cette poubelle peut être facilement nettoyée avec un chiffon humide. Et sa grande capacité peut répondre à vos besoins quotidiens d’élimination. Cette poubelle avec un joint hermétique peut aider à bloquer fermement l’odeur. Et son couvercle supérieur peut empêcher efficacement les animaux de compagnie de retourner les ordures. Il est construit en matière plastique. Vous avez le choix entre 2 tailles. Parfait pour une utilisation dans la cuisine, le bureau, la salle de bain ou n’importe où ailleurs. Veuillez rappeler: En raison de la lumière et de l'affichage, il peut y avoir de légères différences entre l'image et la couleur réelle du produit. La couleur est soumise aux marchandises reçues. De plus, veuillez permettre une légère différence de taille en raison de la mesure manuelle. Haute qualité, le choix assuré est garanti Le forfait comprend: 1 x panier à ordures

BeautyGlam Nature's Way, Optima® Probiotic, Fortify® Women's Advanced Care Probiotic, 50 Billion, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

83.99 EUR
Product Description: 50 billion live probiotic cultures7 different probiotic strainsDigestion and immunity boostProbiotic supplementGluten- and dairy-freeFree from soy and artificial colorsHowaru®Guaranteed efficacyTargeted delivery50 billion by shelf life Marie's Active Probiotic Culture Guarantee Formulated with 7 different probiotic strains Plant-based delayed-release capsules survive stomach acid and produce active cultures in areas where they are most needed, such as the intestines and colon It survives. No refrigeration requiredAdvanced care formula for women with 50 billion active cultures and 7 probiotic strains Contains more Lactobacillus to support women's health.Clinically studied B. lactis Bi-07® and B. Boost immune health with Lactis BL-04®. Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it at any time, with or without food. You can keep it refrigerated. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silica. Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. This product is safely sealed in a foil pouch. Do not take if there are holes in the foil or plastic. Store at room temperature. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or excessive heat. Nature's Way, Optima® Probiotic, Fortify® Women's Advanced Care Probiotic, 50 Billion, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

BeautyGlam Nature's Way, Fortify, Probiotic + Prebiotic for Women, Daily Care, 30 Billion, 30 Delayed Release Capsules

60.99 EUR
Product Description: 4 clinically studied probiotic strains Enhances quality healthContains plant-based prebiotic fiberContains the probiotic preferred by doctors for regular bowel movements††Promotes regular bowel movements and relieves occasional constipationProbiotic supplement Gluten Certified free from Howaru® Probiotic quality you can feel for yourself Non-genetically modified ingredients Project certified IFF manufactured Contains probiotic strains Wellness that starts from a healthy intestine Promotes beneficial intestinal bacteria Guarantees 30 billion active probiotic cultures until the expiration date Formula containing 10 different probiotic strains Plant-based delayed-release capsules survive stomach acid and deliver active cultures to places where they are needed most, such as the intestines and colon Food for beneficial bacteria Contains plant-based prebiotic fiberA powerful probiotic for women's digestive and vaginal healthClinically studied probiotic strains L. acidophilus La-14® and L. rhamnosus Contains HN001™ to improve vaginal healthContains clinically studied probiotic strains B. lactis HN019™ and B. lactis BL-04®Improves digestive balance and immunityRelieves occasional gas and indigestionRegular Probiotics preferred by doctors for bowel movements†††† Results from an IQVIA ProVoice survey of primary care physicians. HOWARU® B. lactis HN019™ appears to be the physician-preferred probiotic strain for regular bowel movements compared to strains from other leading probiotic brands (based on MULO sales for 52 weeks through August 13, 2023) , announced in August 2023). Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it at any time, with or without food. No need to refrigerate. Can be stored at room temperature or refrigerated. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silica, soybeans, dairy products, and artificial colors free. Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. This product is safely sealed with an internal seal. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store tightly sealed. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or excessive heat. Nature's Way, Fortify, Probiotic + Prebiotic for Women, Daily Care, 30 Billion, 30 Delayed Release Capsules

Vitamins SALE Nature's Way- Fortify, Women's Probiotic + Prebiotics, Everyday Care, 30 Billion, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

39.17 EUR
Description . Fortify Daily probiotic Wome`s 30 billion CFU 30 capsules Fortify Daily probiotic Wome`s is a daily dietary supplement to improve intestinal function, support digestion, the immune system and vaginal microflora. Manufacturer: Nature's Way, USA Form of release: 30 capsules Age: 18+ Ingredients: Component composition of 1 capsule Proprietary probiotic blend-520 mg Bifidobacteria blend-4 billion CFU Lactobacillus blend-26 billion CFU Chicory (root)-50 mg Property probiotic blend: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus casei Lc-11, HOWARU Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14, Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc rhamnosus Lr-32, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Bifidobacterium lactis BL-04, HOWARU Bifidobacterium lactis HN019. Other ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Does not contain: gluten, GMO, soy, dairy products, artificial dyes. Functional action: Probiotics are special bacteria in the human intestinal environment. These are beneficial microorganisms that help the digestive organs cope with various diseases and the consequences of unfriendly interventions, for example, the results of taking antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all microbes, including beneficial ones, and also destroy beneficial trace elements in the intestines. Taking this drug will help recover after such a global destruction of useful things in the intestines. Probiotics are also responsible for strengthening the immune system. In case of poisoning with useful substances, probiotics will help eliminate toxins as quickly as possible, preventing their negative impact on the digestive organs. These beneficial microorganisms also help the body produce vitamin B, which is responsible for proper metabolism and a healthy nervous system. Probiotics in this formula support yeast balance, vaginal pH, urinary tract health, and resistance to infections. Chicory fiber as a prebiotic is important as a food source for good bacteria. Fortify is a good active aid to the body in digesting various foods and improving the functioning of the small and large intestines. 80% of your immune system is in your intestines. Directions: Take 1 capsule daily. Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

BeautyGlam Forest Leaf, women's care, probiotic + natural prebiotic containing digestive enzymes, 30 veggie capsules

67.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Directions: As a supplement, take one capsule daily with or without food, or as directed by your healthcare professional. No need to refrigerate. Other ingredients included: EMBO CAPS®AP (acid-resistant hypromellose capsules), rice flour. Made in the USA from ingredients sourced from around the world. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription medications, consult your doctor before taking this product. Store in a cool, dry place. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

Happy Home Mall 100Pack Housework Strong Black Disposable Nitrile Gloves PVC Latex Free AntiStatic Garden Pet Care Tattoo Work Oil-proof Gloves S

24.29 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchasesHign-concerned Chemical : None Usage : Cleaning Weight : >140g Outer Material : Nitrile Material : PVC Thickness : Medium Origin : Mainland China CN : Zhejiang The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

BeautyGlam Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, 50+ Probiotic + Prebiotic, Advanced Care, 90 Billion CFU, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

99.45 EUR
Product Description: Contains probiotics preferred by doctors in terms of regular bowel movements††90 billion active probiotic cultures per capsule, 15 types of probiotic strains, plant-based prebiotic, mixed colon health, digestive system, balanced immunity, health probiotic Tick ​​SupplementGluten-Free CertifiedGMO-Free Project CertifiedProbiotic Strain ResearchGluten-FreeNo Soy, Dairy or Artificial ColorsYou Can Feel It Howaru® Probiotic QualityPowerful Probiotic for Daily Digestive and Immune Health in Adults 50+ Formulated specifically for adults 50+ with a unique probiotic blend, Fortify® Optima® helps support daily colon health. Contains probiotic strains HN001™, NCFM®, HN019, Bi-07®, and BL-04® that have been proven through research to demonstrate powerful effects. , helps with digestion and immune health. Bifidobacteria strains replenish the natural decline with age. Lactobacillus culture that supports small intestine health Bifidus culture supports colon health 15 types of probiotic strains + prebiotic formulaFortify Optima 90 billion CFU for ages 50 and older Formula includes 15 types of probiotics designed to support a diverse intestinal microbial environment Contains tick strains and plant-based prebiotics. This unique prebiotic blend contains acacia gum and chicory root fiber, which are a food source for beneficial bacteria. The efficacy of live cultures is calculated in colony forming units (CFU). 90 billion active cultures guaranteed! Innovative container technology delivers 90 billion active probiotic cultures throughout the product's shelf life to balance the intestinal tract and promote immune health. Reach the target Each capsule is formulated to withstand stomach acid and delivers active cultures where needed, such as the small and large intestines. Multiple benefits in one capsule By taking Fortify® Optima® Advanced Care for Ages 50+ daily, you can enjoy the following health benefits: Healthy Gut MicrobiomeColon Health Digestive BalanceHealthy Immune Response ††Based on an IQVIA ProVoice survey of primary care physicians. Doctors Prefer HOWARU® Bifidobacterium Lactis HN019™ over Other Strains from Popular Probiotic Brands for Regular Bowel Activity, Based on MULO Sales for the 52 Weeks Ending October 3, 2021; November 2021. Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it at any time, with or without food. Keep refrigerated to maintain maximum effectiveness. Ingredients: Potato maltodextrin, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, consult your doctor before consuming this product. Keep out of reach of children. This product is safely sealed with an internal seal. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store tightly sealed. Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Probiotic + Prebiotic for Ages 50+, Advanced Care, 90 Billion CFU, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

KOKO Beauty&Health [Sorbus] Inner Will Women's Care Probiotiques 27,9 milliards d'UFC 30EA / collagène

29.19 EUR
✔️ Avantages du probiotique Inner Will Women's Care ✔️ Santé vaginale ✔️ Santé des voies urinaires ✔️ Santé intestinale Pourquoi les probiotiques Inner Will Women's Care ? ✔️ 27,9 milliards de probiotiques CFU utilisés ✔️ Au moins 5 milliards d'UFC garantis pendant la durée de conservation ✔️ Équilibre les bactéries vaginales ✔️ Maintenir une flore vaginale saine ✔️ Flacon CSP pour une meilleure durée de conservation ✔️ Capsule végétale 1 gélule par jour avec de l'eau. De préférence à jeun le matin

Комплекс для поддержки уровня глюкозы в крови, Premium Glucose Care with Nopal Extract, Earth's Creation 60капс (71604016) 60caps

39.99 EUR
Пищевая добавка для здоровья и спорта Premium Glucose Care with Nopal Extract от производителя Earth's Creation. Glucose Care богат растворимыми и нерастворимыми пищевыми волокнами, необходимыми витаминами, минералами и 18 аминокислотами. Он может помочь снизить уровень глюкозы, стабилизировать и регулировать уровень сахара в крови, одновременно помогая повысить уровень и чувствительность к инсулину. Он может помочь предотвратить повреждение стенок кровеносных сосудов. Основные причины для приема добавки Glucose Support от Earth's Creation Помогает контролировать здоровый уровень сахара в крови. Помогает поддерживать здоровую функцию инсулина. Поддерживает общее благополучие. Состав: Состав на порцию - 2 капсулы: Пиколинат хрома 280 мкг Экстракт нопала 800 мг Другие ингредиенты: желатин. Как принимать: Взрослым принимать по 1 капсуле утром перед завтраком и по 1 капсуле вечером перед ужином. Тем, у кого уровень сахара в крови выше 200, принимать по 2 капсулы утром перед завтраком и по 2 капсулы вечером перед ужином. Предупреждения: Не использовать, если у вас аллергия на какое-либо из соединений. Не превышать рекомендуемую суточную порцию. Проконсультируйтесь с врачом в период беременности или лактации. Пищевые добавки не должны использоваться вместо разнообразной и сбалансированной диеты. Хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте. Защищать от прямых солнечных лучей.

Santra Life Miner's Syrup Vita Care 150 Ml With Hologram Invoice

39.59 EUR
Thanks to the plant enzymes in Vitacare miner's syrup, it is suitable for use by adults and children over the age of 12. It is recommended to consume twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. It is not a medicine, it is a food supplement.

BeautyGlam Renew Life, Women's Care Probiotic, 5 billion CFU, 60 veggie capsules

182.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: For best results, take one capsule daily with a meal or on an empty stomach. Other ingredients included: microcrystalline cellulose, capsules (hypromellose, gellan gum), and medium chain triglyceride powder. Precautions: Store below 25°C (77°F). Keep refrigerated to maintain optimal condition. Guaranteed efficacy, quality and purity within expiration date. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this or any other product. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam Nature's Way, CranRx, women's care, containing probiotics, 60 capsules

74.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Nature's Way, CranRx, women's care, containing probiotics, 60 capsules

BeautyGlam Renew Life, Women's Care Probiotic, 25 billion CFU, 30 veggie capsules

77.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: For best results, take 1 capsule per day with or without food. Other ingredients included: microcrystalline cellulose, capsules (hypromellose, gellan gum), medium chain triglycerides. Precautions: Store below 25°C (77°F). We guarantee efficacy, quality, and purity within the expiration date. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product. Tamper-evident packaging: Do not use if safety seal on container is damaged or missing. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

Comfort Homeware 100/50/20PCS Red Nitrile Gloves Waterproof Gloves Household Cleaning Kitchen Dishwashing Tools For Pet Care Latex Free S

31.99 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchasesHign-concerned Chemical : None Material : Smooth Lining Latex Origin : Mainland China CN : Zhejiang Nitrile Gloves Color : Red Nitrile Gloves Nitrile Gloves Size : S/M/L/XL Nitrile Gloves Feature : Latex Free The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

MaryRuth's, eye care gummies, strawberry, 90 gummies

60.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- MaryRuth's, eye care gummies, strawberry, 90 gummies

BeautyGlam Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Women's Probiotic + Prebiotic, Advanced Care, 90 Billion, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

90.99 EUR
Product Description: Contains probiotics preferred by doctors in terms of regular bowel movements††1 capsule, raw probiotic culture, 15 types of probiotic strains, vegetable prebiotic blend, women's health, digestive system balance, immune health, probiotic supplement, gluten Certified Free from Genetically Modified Ingredients Project Verified Howaru® Probiotic Quality You Can Feel Gluten FreeNo Soy, Dairy or Artificial ColorsResearch-proven Probiotic Guaranteed Strain Potency Powerful Probiotic for Women's Everyday Digestive and Immune HealthContaining a unique probiotic blend specifically formulated for women, Fortify® Optima® has been research-proven to support daily digestion, immunity and women's health. A powerful supplement with proven probiotic strains HN019™ BL-04®, LA-14®, and HN001™. Lactobacillus strains support vaginal health and promote flora health. Lactobacillus cultures support small intestine healthBifidus cultures support colon health15 probiotic strains + prebiotic formulaFortify Optima Women's 90 Billion CFU Formula contains 15 probiotic strains designed to support a diverse gut microbial environment Contains plant-based prebiotics. This unique prebiotic blend contains acacia gum and chicory root fiber, which are a food source for beneficial bacteria. The efficacy of live cultures is calculated in colony forming units (CFU). 90 billion active cultures guaranteed! Innovative new container technology delivers 90 billion active probiotic cultures to help balance your intestinal tract and promote immune health by its expiration date. Targeted Delivery Each capsule is manufactured to withstand stomach acid and delivers active cultures where needed, such as the small and large intestines. Multiple Benefits in One Capsule By taking Fortify® Optima® Advanced Care for Women daily, you can enjoy the following health benefits: Promotes gut and vaginal microbiome health! Vaginal health and flora Digestive balance Healthy immune response††Based on an IQVIA ProVoice survey of primary care physicians. Doctors appear to prefer HOWARUR B. lactis HN019™ over other strains from popular probiotic brands for regular bowel movements (based on MULO sales for 52 weeks ending October 3, 2021), November 2021 . Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it at any time, with or without food. Keep refrigerated to maintain maximum effectiveness. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silica Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. This product is safely sealed with an internal seal. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store tightly sealed. Keep refrigerated to maintain maximum effectiveness. Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Women's Probiotic + Prebiotic, Advanced Care, 90 Billion, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

BeautyGlam Renew Life, Women's Care Travel Size, Ultimate Flora Probiotic, 15 Billion Probiotics, 30 Veggie Capsules

74.99 EUR
Product Description: #1 Most Researched Strain†Helps Maintain Healthy Vaginal Acidity & Yeast Levels Supports Urinary Tract, Digestive & Immune Health 12 Probiotic Strains Probiotic Supplement Non-GMO Project Verified Women's Gut and Vaginal Micro Biomes are very different. To meet consumer needs, we created products that support both. We've enhanced Renew Life® probiotics using world-class strains to support your natural circadian rhythm. It has the following features: Vaginal, Digestive and Immune Support #1 Most Researched Probiotic Strain† Non-GMO Project Verified Formula Smaller, Easy-to-Swallow Capsules Renew Life has been a pioneer in gut health for over 20 years. We insist on only the best quality. Our customers trust us with their health, and we take that seriously. That's why Renew Life® Women's Care probiotics guarantee: Strains proven in 25 years of clinical studies in women More clinically tested on women than leading brands‡ Effective throughout shelf life 12 strains to support digestive and vaginal health Strain Blend Delayed-release capsules help probiotics reach the intestines alive Gluten-, dairy- and soy-free formula †L Rhamnosus GG strain ‡Tested against strains Product usage: For best results, take 1 capsule daily, regardless of meal. No refrigeration required. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, capsules (hypromellose, gellan gum), and medium chain triglycerides. Precautions: Store below 25°C (77°F). Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a physician before taking this product. Do it. Safety seal: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Renew Life, Women's Care Travel Size, Ultimate Flora Probiotic, 15 Billion Probiotics, 30 Veggie Capsules

hayatospeed BERING Women's Watch Charity Model Quartz Blue Stainless Steel Mesh Strap Time to Care 18132-charity1 Genuine Imported Product 3 Year Internal

292.73 EUR
Features: Charity model to save polar bears Dial: Anti-scratch sapphire glass Belt: Stainless steel mesh belt with good ventilation Waterproof: Water resistant for daily life (3 ATM) Warranty: 3 years Regular warranty (sapphire glass 5 year warranty) Included: Dedicated box, instruction manual (Japanese regular warranty)

Nature's Truth, Woman's Care, Raw Flora™ Probiotic-18, 33 Veggie Capsules

107.99 EUR
Product Description: Doctor-designed formula 50 billion CFU * 18 types of live strains * + Cranberry and D-mannose No. 1 strain in research ▴ No refrigeration required 1 tablet per day Probiotic supplement Non-genetically modified ingredients Project certified Vegan formula Soy-free Free from Artificial Colors and FlavorsHigh Quality Gluten-FreeFree from Dairy ProductsFree from Sweeteners and PreservativesRaw Flora™Restorative Made by Doctors Probiotics provide intensive support for digestive and vaginal health and are trusted by women for their gentle and effective efficacy. Contains 50 billion CFU and 18 active probiotic strains to support a healthy microflora balance*Natural proanthocyanins ( Highly concentrated premium cranberry with PAC). Supports the body's natural defenses when women need them most. Provides the correct balance of energizing probiotics and prebiotics to promote digestive wellness. Dark colored glass bottles protect probiotics from light and moisture! The Story Behind Raw Flora® Women's Care Raw Flora™ is synergized to provide physicians with a trusted source to support women's unique needs. A premium probiotic blend formulated by doctors to provide ingredients that work. This powerful combination delivers 50 billion colony-forming units (CFU) of restorative probiotics to provide targeted support for digestive and vaginal health, making it a gentle yet effective formula that women can truly trust.* Made with only targeted ingredients. This combination, created by a doctor, contains 18 live probiotic strains using prebiotic inulin extracted from Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Jerusalem artichoke, the most studied species. Contains.*▴Inulin is a type of plant fiber that acts as a probiotic food. Stomach This formula also contains the simple sugar d-mannose and a concentrated form of the antioxidant superfruit cranberry. Each capsule contains 60 mg of a 50:1 concentrate equivalent to 3,000 mg of fresh cranberries.*Women's Care Raw Flora™ Probiotic -18 contains 50 billion CFU at the time of manufacture. ▴Based on the number of scientific and clinical studies on the various efficacy of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG as of January 2022. Product usage: For adults, take 1 veggie capsule per day, preferably before/after meals. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule, cellulose (vegetable), vegetable magnesium stearate, silica. Precautions: Do not take if under 18 years of age. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product. If side effects occur, stop taking immediately and consult a doctor. Do not take if safety seal under cap is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Nature's Truth, Woman's Care, Raw Flora™ Probiotic-18, 33 Veggie Capsules

Nature's Truth, Women's Care, RAW Flora™ Probiotic-18, 33 Veggie Capsules

81.99 EUR
Product Description: Doctor-designed formula30 billion CFU18 types of live strains+Cranberry and D-Mannose No. 1 strain in research^1 tablet per dayProbiotic supplementNo genetically modified ingredients Project certifiedVegan formulaNo soybeansArtificial colors and flavors FreeGMP Quality ProductGluten FreeFree from Dairy ProductsFree from Sweeteners and Preservatives100% Quality AssuranceDoctor Formulated Restorative Probiotic It intensively supports vaginal health and is trusted by women for its gentle and effective efficacy. Highly concentrated premium cranberry containing 30 billion CFU and 18 types of probiotic active strains that maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms and natural proanthocyanin (PAC). Supports the body's natural defenses when women need them most. Precise balance of energizing probiotics and prebiotics to promote digestive wellness. Dark colored glass protects probiotics from light and moisture. Bottle!The Story Behind Raw Flora™Women's Care Raw Flora™ is a premium probiotic formulated by doctors to provide synergistic ingredients to provide a doctor-trusted source to support women's unique needs. It's a mixture. This powerful combination provides a restorative probiotic with 30 billion colony-forming units (CFU) to provide targeted support for digestive and vaginal health, making it women's true trust for its gentle yet effective efficacy. Doctor-targeted ingredients This formulated combination includes 18 probiotic strains using Lactobacillus rhamnosus, the #1 most studied species, and the prebiotic inulin^ from Jerusalem artichoke. there is. Inulin is a type of plant-based dietary fiber that acts as a food for probiotics in the intestines. This formula also contains the simple sugar d-mannose and a concentrated form of the antioxidant superfruit cranberry. Each capsule contains 60 mg of 50:1 concentrate, equivalent to 3,000 mg of fresh cranberries. *Women's Care Raw Flora™ Probiotic-18 contains 30 billion CFU at the time of manufacture.^Based on the number of scientific and clinical studies on the various benefits of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG as of January 2022 Product usage: For adults, take 1 veggie capsule per day, preferably before/after meals. Ingredients: Cellulose (vegetable), vegetable capsule, vegetable magnesium stearate, silica. Gluten-free, no wheat, yeast, milk, lactose, soy, artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Precautions: Do not take if under 18 years of age. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product. If side effects occur, stop taking immediately and consult a doctor. Do not take if safety seal under cap is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Nature's Truth, Women's Care, RAW Flora™ Probiotic-18, 33 Veggie Capsules

Nature's Life, Lutein I Care, 30 capsules

34.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- How to use the product: Be sure to consume only as instructed. Take 1 capsule per day with food. Other ingredients included: gelatin capsule, magnesium stearate, silica gel, cellulose. Precautions: Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. If you take this product, please notify a licensed health care professional. Store in a cool, dry place. Country of Manufacture : South Korea Korea Life BB LAB INTENSIVE Low Molecular Collagen S 2g*30ea 1can (30stick)

47.32 EUR
[Description] -Main product of the BB LAB Intensive Collagen Line-up Gain vitality and lively skin in your daily life with Collagen S Care -Special Formula SF3X-7: Uses 7 carefully selected special formulas(L-Arginine, L-Glutamic acid Red grape - concentrate powder, Hematococcus -extract powder,Star Anise powder,Ginger powder,Aloe Gel) -Low molecular collagen 1200mg: Use of low molecular collagen through enzymatic hydrolysis. -Contains 30mg of vitamin C from the UK: Contains vitamin C that helps connective tissue formation, function maintenance, and antioxidant action. -Soft texture: Silk powder formulation that melts softly and quickly in the mouth. [How to take] -Take 1 stick a day: Take it every day and create your own daily routine. Ingredients: Low molecular fish collagen, isomalt, anhydrous crystalline glucose, glycine, and 7-berry concentrated powder [Sevenberry concentrate [Blackberry concentrate (Germany), Blackcurrant concentrate (Germany)], DL-apple acid, beet red, mixed preparation 1 (blueberry flavored powder/minutes, flavoring), vitamin C, mixed fruit concentrated powder [tropical mixed fruit concentrate (Israel), L-proline, citric acid (anhydrous), mixed preparation 2 (strawberry flavored cotton/dextrin, lactose, flavoring, pectin, propylene glycol), enzyme treatment stevia, silicon dioxide, elastin hydrolysate powder (US), BB LAB complex (SF3X-7), nicotinic acid amide, hyaluronic acid mixed preparation (dextrin, hyaluronic acid), puppy fruit extract powder, yellow lacquer concentrated powder, sucralose (sweetening), vitamin A mixed preparation (glucose syrup powder, corn starch, Arabian gum, powder vitamin A, vitamin E), 17 other agricultural products (Dracobel New), dry yeast lactobacillus, dry yeast, dry yeastc

BeautyGlam Renew Life, women's wellness, women's care probiotic, 90 billion CFU, 30 veggie capsules

143.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: For best results, take one capsule daily with a meal or on an empty stomach. Other ingredients included: microcrystalline cellulose, capsules (hypromellose, gellan gum), and medium chain triglycerides. Made in the USA with global ingredients. Precautions: Store below 25°C (77°F). Keep refrigerated to maintain optimal condition. We guarantee efficacy, quality, and purity within the expiration date. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product. Tamper-evident packaging: Do not take if container safety seal is damaged or missing. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

Sèche-cheveux Profi-Care PC-HT 3017 330170 noir 1 pc(s)

28.99 EUR
Sèche-cheveux professionnel AC avec 2200 watts max. Puissant moteur AC-Profi, même pour les exigences de salon : durée de vie jusqu'à 70 % plus longue, flux d'air particulièrement puissant pour un...

Profi-Care PC-LB 3077 Humidificateur à ultrasons 1 pc(s) blanc

91.99 EUR
Pour un meilleur sommeil, des voies respiratoires libres, moins de toux, des sinus sains et une peau douce. Avec le PC-LB 3077 de ProfiCare avec technologie d'ultrasons, vous obtenez un humidificateur...

Patée pour chat - CAT'S LOVE pack 12 sachets fraicheur

22.9 EUR
Pack de 12 sachets repas CAT’S LOVE pour chat contenant 6 recettes au choix : •Bœuf pur. •Poulet pur. •Saumon pur. •Dinde pur. •Veau et dinde. •Saumon et poulet.

Litière végétale chat - Cat's Best Original - 17,2kg

36.99 EUR
Cat’s Best Original est une litière agglomérante qui utilise la force des fibres de bois actives traitées pour absorber efficacement les liquides et les odeurs et les encapsuler en profondeur à l’intérieur, avec une capacité d’absorption allant jusqu'à 7 fois leur poids.Les odeurs sont ainsi retenues de façon durable et naturelle, de sorte que la litière peut rester en place jusqu’à 7 semaines.  Cat’s Best Original peut être utilisée de façon optimale en éliminant simplement régulièrement les amas solides dans les conteneurs bio ou les toilettes*, à l’aide d'une pelle à litière Cat’s Best Original avec un maillage adapté à la taille des granulés.Cela vous permet de gagner du temps et de l’argent et de garantir un grand confort en matière d’hygiène pour votre chat. Cat’s Best Original est fabriquée uniquement à partir de matières premières renouvelables et est donc durable et biodégradable.

YuTao bag 015 Household Storage Bucket Desktop Trash Can Without Cover Cat Shape Large Capacity Garbage Storage Pen Holder Living Room Bedroom S noir

13.03 EUR
Model Number : None Feature : Stocked Material: Plastic Use : Sundries Function: Storage bucket Opening and closing method: uncovered Origin : Mainland China Color:Black,White Size:S,L

Vitamins SALE Nature's Way- Cat's Claw Bark, 485 mg, 100 Capsules

26.92 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Description. Cat's Claw Bark 1455 mg 100 capsules Cat's Claw Bark, Natures Way is a natural immunomodulator, broad-spectrum antibiotic, oncoprotector. Vegetarian product. Manufacturer: Natures Way, USA Form of release: 100 capsules Age: 18+ Ingredients: Component-Composition 1 serving (3 capsules) Calories- 5 kcal Total carbohydrates-2 g Dietary fiber-1 g Cat's claw (bark)-1455 mg Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule (modified fiber), cellulose, magnesium stearate. Does not contain: GMOs, gluten, sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, corn, soy, dairy products, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Functional action: Cat's claw is a type of woody vine, the bark and roots of which were used by Peruvians as a medicine to improve health, for joint pain, stomach attacks, and the treatment of tumors. In modern medicine, Cat's claw is used as the most powerful immunomodulator of plant origin. Cat's claw also contains polyphenols, triterpenes, plant steroids, proanthocyanidins, which have antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Has an immunomodulatory effect, activates phagocytosis; It is a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic, has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal activity; Cat's claw is a strong natural antioxidant; -Has anti-inflammatory effect; -Cat's claw has oncoprotective properties; -Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood; -Cat's claw has a detoxifying effect; -Exhibits anthelmintic activity; -Has antiallergic effect; -Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents platelet aggregation; -Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, peristalsis and intestinal microflora. Application: Take 3 capsules 2-3 times a day. Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Lucky Black Cat Lot de 100 gants en nitrile noir épais et durables pour le nettoyage de la maison, la vaisselle, le jardin, la teinture des cheveux, les tatouages S-100pcs noir

19.99 EUR
Bienvenue dans ma boutique, j’espère qu’elle vous plaira ! Multifonctionnel: Peut être utilisé pour la cuisine, le tatouage, le nettoyage ménager, la vaisselle, la teinture des cheveux, la réparation automobile et la préparation des aliments. Disponible en différentes quantités: Choisissez 100 pièces. Imperméable: Protège vos mains de l'humidité pendant le lavage ou le nettoyage. Jetable: Facile à utiliser et à jeter après utilisation. Couleur noire: Aspect élégant et professionnel tout en cachant les taches et la saleté. Convient aux peaux sensibles: Fabriqués dans un matériau non irritant, ces gants sont doux pour les peaux sensibles. Usage : Lavage de vaisselle Matériau extérieur : CAOUTCHOUC Matériel : silicone Épaisseur : Moyen Remarquer 1. En raison des différences de réglage de la lumière et de l’écran, la couleur de l’élément peut être légèrement différente de l’image. 2. En raison de la mesure manuelle, veuillez prévoir un écart de mesure de 0,1 à 0,3 cm. C’est un grand honneur d’avoir votre visite. J’espère que vous avez apprécié vos achats! Étiquette: Oui

EPlaganek 4Pcs Household Fiber Towel Cat's Claw Dishwashing Sponge Dishwashing Towel Dust Wipe Cleaning Rag 4Pcs/Set

11.81 EUR
Label:Yes Double-sided cleaning, oil stains can be easily washed away without. Printing and dyeing patterns are washed with water, and the color will not fade after long-term brushing. The sponge drains quickly, keeping it clean and hygienic. It dries quickly to reduce odor. Suitable for cleaning kitchen utensils and utensils, handling non stick pans, range hoods, shoe polishing, and floor cleaning. It does not hurt hands and utensils, and cleaning is more comfortable and easier. Specifications: Main Material: Non-woven Sponge Cleaning Cloth Size: 14X7X3CM Color: Blue, Green, Pink Package Includes: 4Pcs * Dishwashing Sponge

JO Market - Japan Product select - [Fieldwork] Watch Analog Gut Cat Leather Strap ST162-3 Women's Red

66.39 EUR
Case size: (approx.) 30.0 mm in diameter x 7.0 mm thick (without crown) Body weight: (approx.) 22g Please be sure to take a look at the product's full list below and the points to note when making a product before you make your order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

hayatospeed [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat Pink Dial WW19012A-95 Women's Red

60.59 EUR
Case size: (approx.) Diameter 30.0 x Thickness 8.0mm Body weight: (approx.) 20g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproof: Waterproof for daily life

hayatospeed [Follow] Watch catmint Rolling Cat Belt C08216A-1 BE Women's Beige

69.19 EUR
Case width: 25mm Arm circumference: 140-190mm Splash-proof specification

hayatospeed [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial WW20026A-161 Women's Brown

60.99 EUR
Case size: (approx.) diameter 28.0 x thickness 8.0mm Body weight: (approx.) 22g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproofing: Waterproof for daily life

ALIAS [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial WW20026A-161 Women's Brown

53.79 EUR
Case size: (approx.) diameter 28.0 x thickness 8.0mm Body weight: (approx.) 22g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproofing: Waterproof for daily life

Premium SPEED Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial Red [Arias] WW20025A-153 Women's

54.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Case size: (approx.) diameter 29.0 x thickness 8.0 mm Body weight: (approx.) 26g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproof: Waterproof for daily life

Watches Japan [Follow] Pocket watch IWAWP catmint Piano cat strap watch N04123A-0 IV Women's

66.99 EUR
Case size: 35mm x 35mm (length x width/excluding crown) Total length: 258mm Waterproof for daily life

hayatospeed [Fieldwork] Watch Analog Gut Cat Leather Strap ST162-3 Women's Red

68.99 EUR
Case size: (approx.) Diameter 30.0 x Thickness 7.0mm (excluding crown) Body weight: (approx.) 22g

Premium SPEED Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial Black [Arias] WW20025A-152 Women's

53.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Case size: (approx.) diameter 29.0 x thickness 8.0 mm Body weight: (approx.) 26g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproof: Waterproof for daily life

hayatospeed [Fieldwork] Women's Watch Analog Keychain Watch Cat Black Anifre GY072-5

57.29 EUR
Cute animal motif key chain watch Large hook can be attached to various places such as bags and pouches Case size: (approx.) Diameter 30.0 x Thickness 8.0 mm (excluding crown) Main item Weight: (approx.) 26g Movement: Made in Japan

JO Market - Japan Product select - [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial WW20026A-160 Women's Red

47.99 EUR
Case size: (approx.) diameter 28.0 x thickness 8.0 mm Body weight:(approx.) 22 g Case Material: Alloy+Belt Material: Artificial leather Water-Proof: Water-Proof for your day to day Please be sure to take a look at the product instructions below and the points to note when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

hayatospeed [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial WW20022A-156 Women's Black

60.67 EUR
Case size: (approx.) diameter 28.0 x thickness 8.0mm Body weight: (approx.) 20g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproofing: Waterproof for daily life

hayatospeed [Fieldwork] Women's Watch Analog Leather Strap Animal Motif Cat Red Curle RJ001-4

65.99 EUR
The sparkling animal silhouette is not too sweet and is perfect for adults Case size: (approx.) diameter 28.0 x thickness 8mm (excluding crown) Body weight: (approx.) 20.0g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Movement: Made in Japan

hayatospeed [Follow] Watch catmint Cat Pearl Watch H01421S-1 RD Women's Red

74.86 EUR
Case width: 24mm Arm circumference: 140-190mm Splash-proof specification

hayatospeed [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial WW20022A-158 Women's Brown

60.59 EUR
Case size: (approx.) diameter 28.0 x thickness 8.0mm Body weight: (approx.) 20g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproofing: Waterproof for daily life

Watches Japan [Follow] Watch catmint Rolling Cat Belt C08216A-1 BR Women's Brown

62.09 EUR
Case width: 25mm Arm circumference: 140-190mm Splash-proof specification

hayatospeed [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial WW20025A-154 Women's Brown

60.59 EUR
Case size: (approx.) diameter 29.0 x thickness 8.0mm Body weight: (approx.) 26g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproofing: Waterproof for daily life

hayatospeed [Pierre Lannier] Pierre Lannier Watch Klaus Haapaniemi Collaboration Watch Cat Pippa Leather Belt White P473B659 Women's [Regular Imported Product]

304.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit (with belt), exclusive BOX, manufacturer's warranty Size (belt): (belt width) 18 mm (inner circumference) approximately 13.5 cm to 18.5 cm Size (case): Diameter 33 mm Thickness 8 mm Weight: Approx. 34 grams Materials: Case: Stainless steel, Windshield: Crystal glass Dial: White pearl shell Back: Stainless steel Band: Cowhide (crocodile embossed/Presto pin bar processed) Quartz movement Waterproof 3ATM for daily life Monthly difference of about ±15 seconds Country of origin: Made in France

hayatospeed Women's Watch Seiko Japanese Movement Cat Analog Watch Women's Watch Women's Leather Band Belt Waterproof Cat Casual Daily Commuting to School

73.99 EUR
[Size] Arm circumference up to 180mm Case width diameter 26mm Case height 9mm Strap width 12mm The inside of the watch uses a Japanese movement [PC21] sold by SEIKO to the general public. uses SR626SW. When replacing it, we use a pry-open type so that it can be opened with a simple watch tool. Waterproofing is 3 ATM, making it resistant to rainwater, showers, etc.

JO Market - Japan Product select - [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat Black Dial WW20025A-155 Women's White

47.9 EUR
Case size: (approx.) 29.0 in diameter x 8.0 mm in thickness Body weight:(approx.) 26 g Case Material: Alloy+Belt Material: Artificial leather waterproof: waterproof for every day use Please be sure to take a look at the product instructions below and the points to note when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Cosmetara Charm Co. Solgar Cat's Claw 90 Tablets

142.99 EUR
Solgar Cat's Claw 90 Tablets

hayatospeed [Fieldwork] Pocket Watch Analog Flower Cat Bag Charm Clock with Loupe LW037-1 Women's

69.78 EUR
Case size: (approx.) Diameter 36.0 x Thickness 11.0 mm (excluding crown), Strap total length: (approx.) 17.0 cm Loupe magnification: Approx. 3x

hayatospeed [Fieldwork] Pocket Watch Women's Keychain Watch Analog Cat Brown Pink Catomi JN030-5

66.44 EUR
Keychain watch with cute cat-shaped hook Case size: (approx.) diameter 35.0 x thickness 9mm (excluding crown) Body weight: (approx.) 27.8g Case material: Alloy Carabiner material: Alloy Movement: Made in Japan

Field work [Fieldwork] Watch Analog Cat Piano Bag Charm Watch with Loupe LW038-1 Women's Brown

63.99 EUR
Size/Main body: W5.8 x H5.2cm, Strap: 17cm Lens magnification: Approx. 3.00x Usage: SR626S button x 1 Non-waterproof This product requires

hayatospeed [Fieldwork] Watch Analog Cat Piano Bag Charm Watch with Loupe LW038-1 Women's Brown

68.47 EUR
Size/Main body: W5.8 x H5.2cm, Strap: 17cm Lens magnification: Approx. 3.00x Usage: SR626S button x 1 Non-waterproof This product requires

888 Auto Parts Town Leisure Minimalist Versatile Watch Personalized Cute Cartoon Cat Non Luminous Pointer for Student Women's Watch

15.39 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchasesHign-concerned Chemical : None Display Type : Arabic numeral markers Band Material Type : STAINLESS STEEL Style : Fashion & Casual Water Resistance Depth : No Waterproof Clasp Type : Buckle Case Material : Alloy Movement : Quartz Brand Name : DUTRIEUX Origin : Mainland China The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

hayatospeed [Follow] Watch catmint Rolling Cat Belt C08216A-1 RD Women's Red

69.99 EUR
Case width: 25mm Arm circumference: 140-190mm Splash-proof specification

JO Market - Japan Product select - [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat Blue Dial WW19012A-96 Women's White

47.9 EUR
Case size: (approx.) 30.0 in diameter x 8.0 mm in thickness Body weight:(approx.) 20 g Case Material: Alloy+Belt Material: Artificial leather Watertight: Watertight for your day to day Please be sure to take a look at the product specifications below and the points to note when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

hayatospeed [Follow] Pocket watch catmint Cat Carabiner Watch H00924S-0 BK Women's

69.36 EUR
Case width: 34mm You can use the carabiner as a stand and use it as a table clock. Daily life waterproofing

JO Market - Japan Product select - [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial WW20025A-154 Women's Brown

47.89 EUR
Case size: (approx.) 29.0 in diameter x 8.0 mm in thickness Body weight:(approx.) 26 g Case Material: Alloy+Belt Material: Artificial leather waterproof: waterproof for every day use Please be sure to take a look at the product instructions below and the points to note when purchasing before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

hayatospeed [Follow] Watch catmint Rolling Cat Belt C08216A-1 BK Women's Black

68.99 EUR
Case width: 25mm Arm circumference: 140-190mm Splash-proof specification

Field work [Fieldwork] Pocket Watch Analog Flower Cat Bag Charm Clock with Loupe LW037-1 Women's

64.45 EUR
Case size: (approx.) Diameter 36.0 x Thickness 11.0 mm (excluding crown) Strap total length: (approx.) 17.0 cm Loupe magnification: Approx. 3x

hayatospeed [Arias] Analog Amalfidia Waterproof Leather Strap Cat White Dial WW20026A-160 Women's Red

58.99 EUR
Case size: (approx.) diameter 28.0 x thickness 8.0mm Body weight: (approx.) 22g Case material: Alloy, belt material: Synthetic leather Waterproofing: Waterproof for daily life

hayatospeed [Follow] Watch catmint Night Cat Watch H03822A-1 NV Men's Blue

79.99 EUR
Case width: 32mm Arm circumference: 140-190mm Daily life waterproof

hayatospeed [Follow] Pocket watch catmint Cat carabiner watch H00924S-0 BE Women's

75.99 EUR
Case width: 34mm You can use the carabiner as a stand and use it as a table clock. Daily life waterproofing