DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 41 male

171.49 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 40 male

175.99 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

Boots Dr. Martens VEGAN 2976 QUAD BLACK FELIX RUB OFF Noir

230 EUR
Boots Dr. Martens VEGAN 2976 QUAD BLACK FELIX RUB OFF Noir Disponible en taille femme. 36,41. . Femme > Chaussures > Boots.

Boots Dr. Martens VEGAN 1460 BLACK FELIX RUB OFF Noir

159.2 EUR
Boots Dr. Martens VEGAN 1460 BLACK FELIX RUB OFF Noir Disponible en taille femme. 36,37,38,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,48. Modèle vegan Synthétique 'Felix Rub off'. Femme > Chaussures > Boots.

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 45 male

171.49 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 42 male

171.49 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 43 male

171.49 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 44 male

171.49 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

Tissi Tour d'apprentissage Felix Natural

124.9 EUR
Encouragez l'autonomie de votre enfant avec la Tour d'apprentissage Felix Natural de Tissi ! Grâce à cette tour d'apprentissage évolutive, votre enfant participe activement aux activités du quotidien tout en étant en sécurité. Idéale pour cuisiner, pâtisser ou se laver les mains à hauteur des adultes, elle favorise l'apprentissage et l'indépendance dès le plus jeune âge. Pourquoi vous allez l'adorer : - Encourage l'autonomie : Permet à l'enfant de participer aux tâches du quotidien en toute sécurité. - Hauteur réglable sur 3 niveaux : S'adapte à toutes les surfaces comme un plan de travail ou un lavabo. - Ultra robuste : Supporte jusqu'à 250 kg pour une durabilité exceptionnelle. Un meuble éducatif pour toute la famille : Avec la Tour d'apprentissage Felix Natural de Tissi, offrez à votre enfant un espace d'exploration et d'apprentissage tout en partageant des moments ensemble !- Réglable en hauteur (3 positions).- Permet de placer l'enfant à la position idéale.- Conçue pour rapprocher l'enfant du plan de travail ou de la table.- Facile à monter.- Système anti basculement sur tous les côtés.- Ergonomique.- Dimensions montée : 45 x 40 x 91 cm.- Fabriquée en bois de hêtre.- Poids maximal : 250 kg.- A partir de 1 an jusqu'à 6 ans environ.- Livré à plat.- A monter soi-même.- Lire la notice d'utilisation.- Ne jamais laisser l'enfant sans surveillance.- Les couleurs peuvent être altérées par une exposition excessive au soleil.- Nettoyer avec un chiffon doux et humide.- Ne pas utiliser de produits abrasifs.Age conseillé : 1-6 ans

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 39 male

171.49 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 36 male

116.99 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 38 male

175.99 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

Tissi Tour d'apprentissage et d'observation Felix Montessori Multicolore 89x89x40cm

135.99 EUR
La tour d'apprentissage "FELIX" de tiSsi permet à votre enfant de participer activement aux tâches quotidiennes tout en restant à hauteur des yeux. Inspirée de la méthode Montessori, elle encourage l'autonomie et le développement de votre enfant en toute sécurité. Fabriquée en bois de hêtre et chêne massif, elle est stable, durable, et respectueuse de l'environnement. Équipée de 3 niveaux de réglage en hauteur, cette tour évolutive s'adapte de 1 à 4 ans. Dimensions : 40 x 89 x 40 cm. Disponible en plusieurs coloris pour s'adapter à votre intérieur. AVERTISSEMENT : Ne jamais laisser l'enfant sans surveillance.

Tissi Tour d'apprentissage et d'observation Felix Montessori Rose 89x89x40cm

135.99 EUR
La tour d'apprentissage "FELIX" de tiSsi permet à votre enfant de participer activement aux tâches quotidiennes tout en restant à hauteur des yeux. Inspirée de la méthode Montessori, elle encourage l'autonomie et le développement de votre enfant en toute sécurité. Fabriquée en bois de hêtre et chêne massif, elle est stable, durable, et respectueuse de l'environnement. Équipée de 3 niveaux de réglage en hauteur, cette tour évolutive s'adapte de 1 à 4 ans. Dimensions : 40 x 89 x 40 cm. Disponible en plusieurs coloris pour s'adapter à votre intérieur. AVERTISSEMENT : Ne jamais laisser l'enfant sans surveillance.

Tissi Tour D'apprentissage Felix Chêne

194.07 EUR
La tour d'apprentissage Felix en couleur de bois de chêne de la marque tiSsi élève votre enfant dans la position optimale. Elle a été conçue pour rapprocher votre enfant de vous dans la cuisine ou à table, afin que les interactions sociales soient perçues et apprises de vous très tôt. Lorsque votre enfant vous aide à cuisiner, il peut développer un lien plus fort et de meilleures compétences linguistiques et sociales. La tour de découverte pour bébé de la marque tiSsi est une aide pratique pour la vie quotidienne avec les enfants, offrant une plate-forme particulièrement sûre pour se tenir debout et une liberté de mouvement suffisante. La tour d'apprentissage tiSsi s'adapte parfaitement à la taille de votre enfant en quelques pas simples. Avec une capacité de charge allant jusqu'à 250 kg, votre enfant pourra continuer à l'utiliser en grandissant. La sécurité est la plus importante et, par conséquent, elle est extrêmement résistante à l'inclinaison. Tout est tellement plus facile à pratiquer avec la tour d'apprentissage tiSsi : que ce soit pour faire des gâteaux, préparer de la soupe ou se laver les mains et se brosser les dents. Votre enfant est maintenant toujours avec vous au niveau des yeux. Couleur : Chêne Matériau : bois de chêne Dimensions (monté) : 40 x 39 x 81 cm (l x P x H) Poids : 9 kg Grandit avec l'enfant Plaque de pied et repose-pied réglables en hauteur Extrêmement résistant à l'inclinaison sur tous les côtés Bois de hêtre massif Développé de manière ergonomique Capacité de charge : max. 250 kg Facile à assembler Age recommandé : 1 - 4 ans

Tissi Tour d'apprentissage Felix Oak Natural

219.9 EUR
- Réglable en hauteur (3 positions).- Permet de placer l'enfant à la position idéale.- Conçue pour rapprocher l'enfant du plan de travail ou de la table.- Facile à monter.- Système anti basculement sur tous les côtés.- Ergonomique.- Dimensions montée : 45 x 40 x 91 cm.- Fabriquée en bois de chêne.- Poids maximal : 250 kg.- A partir de 1 an jusqu'à 6 ans environ.- Livré à plat.- A monter soi-même.- Lire la notice d'utilisation.- Ne jamais laisser l'enfant sans surveillance.- Les couleurs peuvent être altérées par une exposition excessive au soleil.- Nettoyer avec un chiffon doux et humide.- Ne pas utiliser de produits abrasifs.Age conseillé : 1-6 ans

Tissi Tour d'apprentissage Felix Grey

124.9 EUR
- Réglable en hauteur (3 positions).- Permet de placer l'enfant à la position idéale.- Conçue pour rapprocher l'enfant du plan de travail ou de la table.- Facile à monter.- Système anti basculement sur tous les côtés.- Ergonomique.- Dimensions montée : 45 x 40 x 91 cm.- Fabriquée en bois de hêtre.- Poids maximal : 250 kg.- A partir de 1 an jusqu'à 6 ans environ.- Livré à plat.- A monter soi-même.- Lire la notice d'utilisation.- Ne jamais laisser l'enfant sans surveillance.- Les couleurs peuvent être altérées par une exposition excessive au soleil.- Nettoyer avec un chiffon doux et humide.- Ne pas utiliser de produits abrasifs.Age conseillé : 1-6 ans

Tissi Tour d'apprentissage Felix Stormy Sun Flower Yellow

169.9 EUR
- Réglable en hauteur (3 positions).- Permet de placer l'enfant à la position idéale.- Conçue pour rapprocher l'enfant du plan de travail ou de la table.- Facile à monter.- Système anti basculement sur tous les côtés.- Ergonomique.- Dimensions montée : 45 x 40 x 91 cm.- Fabriquée en bois de hêtre.- Poids maximal : 250 kg.- A partir de 1 an jusqu'à 6 ans environ.- Livré à plat.- A monter soi-même.- Lire la notice d'utilisation.- Ne jamais laisser l'enfant sans surveillance.- Les couleurs peuvent être altérées par une exposition excessive au soleil.- Nettoyer avec un chiffon doux et humide.- Ne pas utiliser de produits abrasifs.Age conseillé : 1-6 ans

Tissi Tour d'apprentissage Felix White

169.9 EUR
- Réglable en hauteur (3 positions).- Permet de placer l'enfant à la position idéale.- Conçue pour rapprocher l'enfant du plan de travail ou de la table.- Facile à monter.- Système anti basculement sur tous les côtés.- Ergonomique.- Dimensions montée : 45 x 40 x 91 cm.- Fabriquée en bois de hêtre.- Poids maximal : 250 kg.- A partir de 1 an jusqu'à 6 ans environ.- Livré à plat.- A monter soi-même.- Lire la notice d'utilisation.- Ne jamais laisser l'enfant sans surveillance.- Les couleurs peuvent être altérées par une exposition excessive au soleil.- Nettoyer avec un chiffon doux et humide.- Ne pas utiliser de produits abrasifs.Age conseillé : 1-6 ans

DR MARTENS Bottes Vegan 1460 Bex Mono Black Felix Rub Off EU 36 male

127.99 EUR
Aucun compromis. Notre semelle Bex est à mi-chemin entre notre semelle classique à coussin d´air et nos plates-formes Quad épaisses. Elle vous donne juste assez de hauteur pour défier le quotidien. Ici, elle met en valeur nos chaussures originales 1461, iconiques depuis 60 ans, remixées en version végétalienne. Elles comportent 8 œillets, des surpiqûres noires monochromes et une languette de talon AirWair.

DR MARTENS Bottes 1460 Vegan Felix Rub Off Black EU 37 male

116.99 EUR
Notre cuir Felix à effet déteint noir est un matériau synthétique ultra-brillant au toucher de qualité supérieure, discrètement bicolore. Mais ces bottes conservent le pur esprit des Docs, avec les rainures sur les côtés, la surpiqûre jaune et notre emblématique semelle à coussin d'air, résistante à l´huile et à la graisse, anti-usure et antidérapante. Et surtout, la semelle de ces bottes est fixée à l´aide d´une des meilleures méthodes de construction : le cousu Goodyear.Specifications:- Matière: Felix Rub Off - Cuir Vegan Matière synthétique souple et douce avec une finition double-ton

DR MARTENS 1460 Smooth Lace Up Unisex Bootseu47uk12 Noir eu47uk12

249 EUR
The 1460 boot. The Original. Born 1st April 1960, and named after the date. Our unmistakable 8-eye boot started out life? at the feet of workers and soon became a cultural icon. It's instantly recognisable by its yellow welt stitching, scripted heel loop, unique sole tread, and other distinctly DM's features. The wide, rounded toe shape and grooved, air-cushioned sole keep you bouncing even on your longest days. And the durable Smooth leather shapes itself around you - more yours with every wear

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu355 Noir eu355

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS 1460 Smooth Lace Up Unisex Bootseu42 Noir eu42

249 EUR
The 1460 boot. The Original. Born 1st April 1960, and named after the date. Our unmistakable 8-eye boot started out life? at the feet of workers and soon became a cultural icon. It's instantly recognisable by its yellow welt stitching, scripted heel loop, unique sole tread, and other distinctly DM's features. The wide, rounded toe shape and grooved, air-cushioned sole keep you bouncing even on your longest days. And the durable Smooth leather shapes itself around you - more yours with every wear

DR MARTENS 1460 Smooth Lace Up Unisex Bootseu45uk11 Noir eu45uk11

249 EUR
The 1460 boot. The Original. Born 1st April 1960, and named after the date. Our unmistakable 8-eye boot started out life? at the feet of workers and soon became a cultural icon. It's instantly recognisable by its yellow welt stitching, scripted heel loop, unique sole tread, and other distinctly DM's features. The wide, rounded toe shape and grooved, air-cushioned sole keep you bouncing even on your longest days. And the durable Smooth leather shapes itself around you - more yours with every wear

DR MARTENS Unisex 1460 Smooth Shoeseu47uk12 Noir eu47uk12

205 EUR
Timeless since 1961. The 1461 shoe marched off the production line a year after our Original 1460 boot - and it's never missed a beat. Classic and versatile, the shoe is built from Smooth leather, which looks great polished to a shine or scuffed and well-worn. Our bouncing sole is secured with distinctive yellow welt stitching, and the wide, rounded toe ensures all-day comfort - whatever you're up to. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Martens Raine Slide Athena Sandaleseu39 Noir eu39

147 EUR
Slide into summer. Our new Raine Slide sandal combines a slider's easy on/off convenience with our lightweight EVA Zebrilus sole and a comfortable SoftWair footbed. The upper has 3 adjustable Ripstop straps to help you find the perfect fit. The sole is marked with grooving and secured with DM's yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu37 Brun eu37

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu41 Brun eu41

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Voss Ii Athena Sandalseu37 Noir eu37

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu355 Rose eu355

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu38 Rose eu38

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu37 Rose eu37

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu37 Noir eu37

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu355 Argent eu355

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 100% Textile. Chaussette - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu42 Noir eu42

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu38 Noir eu38

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu39 Noir eu39

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu38 Noir eu38

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Martens Raine Slide Athena Sandaleseu41 Noir eu41

147 EUR
Slide into summer. Our new Raine Slide sandal combines a slider's easy on/off convenience with our lightweight EVA Zebrilus sole and a comfortable SoftWair footbed. The upper has 3 adjustable Ripstop straps to help you find the perfect fit. The sole is marked with grooving and secured with DM's yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu39 Brun eu39

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu37 Brun eu37

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu39 Brun eu39

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu355 Brun eu355

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu42 Brun eu42

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS 1460 Smooth Lace Up Unisex Bootseu41 Noir eu41

249 EUR
The 1460 boot. The Original. Born 1st April 1960, and named after the date. Our unmistakable 8-eye boot started out life? at the feet of workers and soon became a cultural icon. It's instantly recognisable by its yellow welt stitching, scripted heel loop, unique sole tread, and other distinctly DM's features. The wide, rounded toe shape and grooved, air-cushioned sole keep you bouncing even on your longest days. And the durable Smooth leather shapes itself around you - more yours with every wear

DR MARTENS 1460 Smooth Lace Up Unisex Bootseu37 Noir eu37

249 EUR
The 1460 boot. The Original. Born 1st April 1960, and named after the date. Our unmistakable 8-eye boot started out life? at the feet of workers and soon became a cultural icon. It's instantly recognisable by its yellow welt stitching, scripted heel loop, unique sole tread, and other distinctly DM's features. The wide, rounded toe shape and grooved, air-cushioned sole keep you bouncing even on your longest days. And the durable Smooth leather shapes itself around you - more yours with every wear

DR MARTENS Unisex 1460 Smooth Shoeseu39 Noir eu39

205 EUR
Timeless since 1961. The 1461 shoe marched off the production line a year after our Original 1460 boot - and it's never missed a beat. Classic and versatile, the shoe is built from Smooth leather, which looks great polished to a shine or scuffed and well-worn. Our bouncing sole is secured with distinctive yellow welt stitching, and the wide, rounded toe ensures all-day comfort - whatever you're up to. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Voss Ii Athena Sandalseu39 Noir eu39

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Martens Voss Ii Athena Sandaleseu41 Vert eu41

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Martens Voss Ii Athena Sandaleseu39 Vert eu39

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Martens Voss Ii Athena Sandaleseu355 Vert eu355

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Martens Voss Ii Athena Sandaleseu42 Vert eu42

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu37 Rose eu37

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu42 Rose eu42

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Martens Raine Slide Athena Sandaleseu38 Noir eu38

147 EUR
Slide into summer. Our new Raine Slide sandal combines a slider's easy on/off convenience with our lightweight EVA Zebrilus sole and a comfortable SoftWair footbed. The upper has 3 adjustable Ripstop straps to help you find the perfect fit. The sole is marked with grooving and secured with DM's yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Martens Raine Slide Athena Sandaleseu37 Noir eu37

147 EUR
Slide into summer. Our new Raine Slide sandal combines a slider's easy on/off convenience with our lightweight EVA Zebrilus sole and a comfortable SoftWair footbed. The upper has 3 adjustable Ripstop straps to help you find the perfect fit. The sole is marked with grooving and secured with DM's yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Martens Raine Slide Athena Sandaleseu42 Noir eu42

147 EUR
Slide into summer. Our new Raine Slide sandal combines a slider's easy on/off convenience with our lightweight EVA Zebrilus sole and a comfortable SoftWair footbed. The upper has 3 adjustable Ripstop straps to help you find the perfect fit. The sole is marked with grooving and secured with DM's yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Unisex 1460 Smooth Shoeseu355 Noir eu355

205 EUR
Timeless since 1961. The 1461 shoe marched off the production line a year after our Original 1460 boot - and it's never missed a beat. Classic and versatile, the shoe is built from Smooth leather, which looks great polished to a shine or scuffed and well-worn. Our bouncing sole is secured with distinctive yellow welt stitching, and the wide, rounded toe ensures all-day comfort - whatever you're up to. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS 1460 Smooth Lace Up Unisex Bootseu355 Noir eu355

249 EUR
The 1460 boot. The Original. Born 1st April 1960, and named after the date. Our unmistakable 8-eye boot started out life? at the feet of workers and soon became a cultural icon. It's instantly recognisable by its yellow welt stitching, scripted heel loop, unique sole tread, and other distinctly DM's features. The wide, rounded toe shape and grooved, air-cushioned sole keep you bouncing even on your longest days. And the durable Smooth leather shapes itself around you - more yours with every wear

DR MARTENS Unisex 1460 Smooth Shoeseu42 Noir eu42

205 EUR
Timeless since 1961. The 1461 shoe marched off the production line a year after our Original 1460 boot - and it's never missed a beat. Classic and versatile, the shoe is built from Smooth leather, which looks great polished to a shine or scuffed and well-worn. Our bouncing sole is secured with distinctive yellow welt stitching, and the wide, rounded toe ensures all-day comfort - whatever you're up to. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Martens Sinclair Milled Nappa Botteseu37 Noir eu37

293 EUR
Lace up. Zip up. Boot up. The Sinclair boot is made from tough-yet-soft Milled Nappa leather. You can wear it with or without its statement front zip for maximum versatility or a customised look. Stacked on our chunky Quad platform sole and marked with yellow welt stitching and a DM's heel loop. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% cuir, 40% textile. première de propreté - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu355 Noir eu355

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu41 Noir eu41

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu37 Argent eu37

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 100% Textile. Chaussette - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu39 Argent eu39

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 100% Textile. Chaussette - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu38 Brun eu38

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu38 Brun eu38

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu41 Noir eu41

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Wrenlie Grizzly Fisherman Sandalseu355 Noir eu355

220 EUR
Dial up summer. Our new Fisherman sandal revives summer-infused nostalgia with the attitude, timelessness and versatility of our 90s fisherman. This new edition is stacked on a stacked Quad Shore sole to stand out as much as we always have. Detailed with an antique gold branded buckle and DM's rivets, they have yellow welt stitching to reinforce your DM's DNA. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Voss Ii Athena Sandalseu42 Noir eu42

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Voss Ii Athena Sandalseu41 Noir eu41

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Unisex 3989 Smooth Brogue Shoeseu39 Noir eu39

220 EUR
First made in the mid-60s, the unisex 3989 Brogue shoe features a unique combo of wingtip style with AirWair Bouncing Soles - a rebellious union of proper menswear and counterculture attitude. Part of our Lost Archives collection, this unisex shoe is made with the classic Dr. Martens Smooth leather, a lightly textured, highly durable leather with a soft sheen. The 3989 serves up tons of signature Doc's DNA, like our iconic yellow stitch, air-cushioned soles - and tons of style. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Unisex 3989 Smooth Brogue Shoeseu47uk12 Noir eu47uk12

220 EUR
First made in the mid-60s, the unisex 3989 Brogue shoe features a unique combo of wingtip style with AirWair Bouncing Soles - a rebellious union of proper menswear and counterculture attitude. Part of our Lost Archives collection, this unisex shoe is made with the classic Dr. Martens Smooth leather, a lightly textured, highly durable leather with a soft sheen. The 3989 serves up tons of signature Doc's DNA, like our iconic yellow stitch, air-cushioned soles - and tons of style. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Unisex 3989 Smooth Brogue Shoeseu45uk11 Noir eu45uk11

220 EUR
First made in the mid-60s, the unisex 3989 Brogue shoe features a unique combo of wingtip style with AirWair Bouncing Soles - a rebellious union of proper menswear and counterculture attitude. Part of our Lost Archives collection, this unisex shoe is made with the classic Dr. Martens Smooth leather, a lightly textured, highly durable leather with a soft sheen. The 3989 serves up tons of signature Doc's DNA, like our iconic yellow stitch, air-cushioned soles - and tons of style. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu37 Noir eu37

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu41 Noir eu41

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Martens Raine Slide Athena Sandaleseu355 Noir eu355

147 EUR
Slide into summer. Our new Raine Slide sandal combines a slider's easy on/off convenience with our lightweight EVA Zebrilus sole and a comfortable SoftWair footbed. The upper has 3 adjustable Ripstop straps to help you find the perfect fit. The sole is marked with grooving and secured with DM's yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Martens Voss Ii Athena Sandaleseu37 Vert eu37

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Martens Voss Ii Athena Sandaleseu38 Vert eu38

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu39 Rose eu39

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu355 Brun eu355

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu41 Brun eu41

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu42 Brun eu42

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Blaire Athena Sandalseu39 Noir eu39

147 EUR
Bare your sole. The Blaire sandal is made with smooth Athena leather. Built for all-day, all-summer comfort with a SoftWair memory foam footbed and a lightweight EVA platform sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching, and the adjustable ankle strap is tagged with a black and yellow heel loop. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu42 Argent eu42

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 100% Textile. Chaussette - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu41 Crème eu41

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. Matière principale - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 60% Cuir, 40% Textile.

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu42 Crème eu42

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. Matière principale - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 60% Cuir, 40% Textile.

DR MARTENS Martens Josef Bronx Suede Sandaleseu42 Crème eu42

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 60% Cuir, 40% Textile.

DR MARTENS Martens Josef Bronx Suede Sandaleseu39 Crème eu39

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 60% Cuir, 40% Textile.

DR MARTENS Voss Ii Athena Sandalseu355 Noir eu355

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Voss Ii Athena Sandalseu38 Noir eu38

147 EUR
Keep summer easy. The Voss II sandal is lightweight and versatile for a summer on the move. The cross-strap design is secured with two adjustable ankle straps. Built for comfort on long days, it has a SoftWair memory foam footbed and our super-light EVA Zebrilus sole. The serrated sole is grooved and secured with our unmistakable yellow welt stitching. Tige - 100% Cuir, Doublure. et Chaussette - 100% de polyester. Semelle - 100 % EVA.

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu39 Noir eu39

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. 100% Cuir.

DR MARTENS Josef Bronx Suede Sandalseu41 Rose eu41

176 EUR
A statement slider. The Josef sandals is reimagined in standout, soft silver leather. Matched with silver buckles and contrasted against the all-black footbed, welt stitch, and Shore outsole. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS 1460 Smooth Lace Up Unisex Bootseu43 Noir eu43

249 EUR
The 1460 boot. The Original. Born 1st April 1960, and named after the date. Our unmistakable 8-eye boot started out life? at the feet of workers and soon became a cultural icon. It's instantly recognisable by its yellow welt stitching, scripted heel loop, unique sole tread, and other distinctly DM's features. The wide, rounded toe shape and grooved, air-cushioned sole keep you bouncing even on your longest days. And the durable Smooth leather shapes itself around you - more yours with every wear

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu41 Rose eu41

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.

DR MARTENS Gryphon Quad Pisa Sandalseu38 Rose eu38

205 EUR
Not recommended for the mosh pit. The latest version of our Gryphon Quad sandal is made with soft, supple Milled Nubuck leather in powder pink with antique gold adjustable buckles. Soft leather and our air-cushioned platform sole are paired with a suede-covered foam footbed for enhanced, box-fresh comfort. The sandal is finished with our signature black and yellow heel loop and yellow welt stitching. Matière principale - 100% Cuir. Doublure - 60% Leather, 40% Textile. Sock - 100% PVC.