Santra Life Formule multi-collagène en poudre multi-vitamines, 5 types de collagène, vitamines, supplément de santé et de beauté

83.99 EUR
Soutien corporel puissant avec 4 sources de collagène différentes: Complexe polyvalent de collagène et de vitamines, premier en Turquie: Une formule efficace et polyvalente contenant 4 sources de collagène (Poisson, Bœuf, Poulet, Oeuf Membrane), efficace dans tout le corps. Pouvoir intensif de collagène: Formule enrichie de 10 000 mg de collagène et de biotine, de zinc, de cuivre, de sélénium, d'acide hyaluronique et de vitamine C par portion. digestion facile: Avec un poids moléculaire de 1 000 à 3 000 daltons, il offre une absorption rapide et un bénéfice optimal. Naturel et pur: Ne contient pas de sucre ajouté, d'édulcorants, de conservateurs et d'arômes. Sous forme de poudre sans saveur: Il peut être facilement consommé en le mélangeant avec de l’eau ou du jus de fruit. cure de 30 jours: Une période de cure idéale pour favoriser la santé de la peau, des cheveux, des ongles, des os et des articulations. - Pommeau de Douche, Pommeau de Douche de Forme Carrée Plate G1/2, Pulvérisateur de Douche Entièrement en Cuivre à Main, Puissant Jet de Douche Contre l'eau à Basse Pression(Or brossé)

17.13 EUR
【Haute pression】 Pommeau de douche haute pression, forte pression de douche, rincez le shampooing des cheveux épais. 【Large gamme】 Il a un large éventail d'applications, qu'il s'agisse de cheveux humains ou d'animaux de compagnie bien-aimés. Convient pour】 G1/2 à usage général, adapté à la plupart des tuyaux de douche, visser le tuyau selon les spécifications de filetage. Économisez de l'eau】 Comparé aux pommes de douche standard, le débit par minute peut économiser 20% de la consommation d'eau. 【Matériaux】 Les matériaux de haute qualité sont sûrs à utiliser, très durables et n'ont pas à se soucier des problèmes de sécurité des matériaux. Fonctionnalité : 1. Pommeau de douche à haute pression, forte pression de douche, rincez le shampooing des cheveux épais. 2. Il a un large éventail d'applications, qu'il s'agisse de cheveux humains ou d'animaux de compagnie bien-aimés. 3. G1/2 à usage général, adapté à la plupart des tuyaux de douche, vissez le tuyau conformément aux spécifications - Pommeau de Douche, Pommeau de Douche de Forme Carrée Plate G1/2, Pulvérisateur de Douche Entièrement en Cuivre à Main, Puissant Jet de

17.13 EUR
【Haute pression】 Pommeau de douche haute pression, forte pression de douche, rincez le shampooing des cheveux épais. 【Large gamme】 Il a un large éventail d'applications, qu'il s'agisse de cheveux humains ou d'animaux de compagnie bien-aimés. Convient pour】 G1/2 à usage général, adapté à la plupart des tuyaux de douche, visser le tuyau selon les spécifications de filetage. Économisez de l'eau】 Comparé aux pommes de douche standard, le débit par minute peut économiser 20% de la consommation d'eau. 【Matériaux】 Les matériaux de haute qualité sont sûrs à utiliser, très durables et n'ont pas à se soucier des problèmes de sécurité des matériaux. Fonctionnalité : 1. Pommeau de douche à haute pression, forte pression de douche, rincez le shampooing des cheveux épais. 2. Il a un large éventail d'applications, qu'il s'agisse de cheveux humains ou d'animaux de compagnie bien-aimés. 3. G1/2 à usage général, adapté à la plupart des tuyaux de douche, vissez le tuyau conformément aux spécifications - Siphon de sol salle de bain anti-odeur carré siphon de sol en acier inoxydable cuivre douche drain

25.29 EUR
1. Robuste et durable : ce siphon de sol est fabriqué en acier inoxydable et cuivre de qualité supérieure, assurance qualité, robuste et durable, longue durée de vie. 2. Style antique : ce siphon de sol de salle de bain est conu dans un style antique, le couvercle du siphon de sol adopte une forme de gravure à motifs, qui est belle et pratique. 3. Fonctions principales : cette crépine de sol de douche est facile à vider, à déboucher et à nettoyer, gardant les mauvaises odeurs, les insectes et les souris hors de la maison. 4. Kit de vidange : le kit de vidange de sol comprend un couvercle amovible et un filtre à cheveux que vous pouvez facilement soulever pour le nettoyage, pratique et pratique. 5. Larges applications : largement utilisé dans les cuisines, les salles de bains, les garages, les sous-sols, les toilettes et les balcons, etc., peut être utilisé en toute confiance. Spécification: Type d'article : siphon de sol. Matériel: Acier Inoxydable, Cuivre Poids brut: 381g / 13,4oz - Siphon de sol salle de bain anti-odeur carré siphon de sol en acier inoxydable cuivre douche drain

25.29 EUR
1. Robuste et durable : ce siphon de sol est fabriqué en acier inoxydable et cuivre de qualité supérieure, assurance qualité, robuste et durable, longue durée de vie. 2. Style antique : ce siphon de sol de salle de bain est conu dans un style antique, le couvercle du siphon de sol adopte une forme de gravure à motifs, qui est belle et pratique. 3. Fonctions principales : cette crépine de sol de douche est facile à vider, à déboucher et à nettoyer, gardant les mauvaises odeurs, les insectes et les souris hors de la maison. 4. Kit de vidange : le kit de vidange de sol comprend un couvercle amovible et un filtre à cheveux que vous pouvez facilement soulever pour le nettoyage, pratique et pratique. 5. Larges applications : largement utilisé dans les cuisines, les salles de bains, les garages, les sous-sols, les toilettes et les balcons, etc., peut être utilisé en toute confiance. Spécification: Type d'article : siphon de sol. Matériel: Acier Inoxydable, Cuivre Poids brut: 381g / 13,4oz

Lot de 6 Forets à bois trou carré Bédanes Creux en Acier Outils Set pour travail du bois Foret a trou carre Foret Trou de Perçage Mortaiser Burin 6,4/8/9,5/12,7/14/16mm Mèches Trou Carré -

31.86 EUR
【Excellente qualité】 Cette perceuse carrée est en acier rapide, robuste et pratique, à haut rendement. Bord tranchant traité thermiquement, dureté élevée, lame continue, coupes rapides. 【Conception de haute qualité】 La conception du guide-mèche de la fraise offre une protection efficace contre les déchirures au début de l'utilisation. Pas de décalage, la lame de scie est automatiquement déchargée du haut du trou des deux côtés, le foret n'est pas bloqué. 【Économie de main-d'œuvre et précision】Réduit l'intensité de travail des travailleurs de la construction, accélère la vitesse de construction, réduit les coûts de construction pour la construction, l'installation, la rénovation, la décoration. 【Large gamme d'utilisations】 Idéal pour percer des trous carrés dans le bois avec une mortaiseuse ou un accessoire de mortaisage. Les forets à trou carré sont principalement utilisés pour le travail du bois. Cette perceuse ne peut pas être utilisée pour une perceuse électrique ou une perceuse

EJ.LIFE Adaptateur de Foret à Trou carré, Fixation de Mortaisage en Alliage D'aluminium pour Perceuse à Main/perceuse à Colonne, Forets à Trou carré de 38 à

37.85 EUR
1. Excellent matériau en alliage d'aluminium : cet adaptateur de foret à trou carré est fabriqué dans un excellent matériau en alliage d'aluminium, robuste et durable, avec une dureté élevée, difficile à endommager et a une longue durée de vie. 2. Facile à installer : ce support de montage pour perceuse à trou carré est facile à installer et à retirer, vous pouvez l'installer ou le retirer rapidement par vous-même, ce qui est rapide et pratique. 3. Bonne compatibilité : cet accessoire de mortaisage pour perceuse à colonne est bien adapté aux machines à mortaiser avec une largeur de pièce d'environ 20 mm et un diamètre de pièce exposée de 38 à 43 mm. 4. Efficace et précis : cet accessoire de mortaisage pour foret à trou carré peut rendre le perçage très précis et efficace, rendant le perçage plus lisse et plus stable. 5. Large application : ce support de fixation pour perceuse à trou carré a une large gamme d'applications et est parfait pour le travail du bois et la fabrication de

EJ.LIFE Pommeau de Douche Inox - Tete de Douche Pluie , Pommeau de Douche Carré 20CM, Douche Economie d'Eau Universelle Filetage 1/2 Pouce, Facile à

13.56 EUR
1. Style pluie : offre une bonne couverture pour tremper tout votre corps, offrant une expérience de douche relaxante. 2. Ajouter de la beauté à la salle de bain : look fantaisie en forme de rectangle carré de 20,3 cm, poli, unibody, ultra fin. 3. Matériau plus solide : fabriqué entièrement en acier inoxydable, pas de pièces en plastique fragiles. 4. Nettoyage facile : presser les mamelons en caoutchouc pour enlever la chaux ou les sédiments. Très facile à déboucher 5. Finition chrome poli Spécification: Caractéristique : style pluie : offrant une bonne couverture pour tremper tout votre corps, offrant une expérience de douche relaxante. Ajouter de la beauté à la salle de bain : look fantaisie en forme de rectangle carré de 20,3 cm, poli, unibody, ultra fin. Matériau plus solide : fabriqué entièrement en acier inoxydable, pas de pièces en plastique fragiles. Nettoyage facile : presser les mamelons en caoutchouc pour enlever la chaux ou les sédiments. Très facile à déboucher. Finition

Adaptateur de Foret à Trou carré, Fixation de Mortaisage en Alliage D'aluminium pour Perceuse à Main/perceuse à Colonne, Forets à Trou carré de 38 à 43 Mm de Diamètre pour le -

37.85 EUR
1. Excellent matériau en alliage d'aluminium : cet adaptateur de foret à trou carré est fabriqué dans un excellent matériau en alliage d'aluminium, robuste et durable, avec une dureté élevée, difficile à endommager et a une longue durée de vie. 2. Facile à installer : ce support de montage pour perceuse à trou carré est facile à installer et à retirer, vous pouvez l'installer ou le retirer rapidement par vous-même, ce qui est rapide et pratique. 3. Bonne compatibilité : cet accessoire de mortaisage pour perceuse à colonne est bien adapté aux machines à mortaiser avec une largeur de pièce d'environ 20 mm et un diamètre de pièce exposée de 38 à 43 mm. 4. Efficace et précis : cet accessoire de mortaisage pour foret à trou carré peut rendre le perçage très précis et efficace, rendant le perçage plus lisse et plus stable. 5. Large application : ce support de fixation pour perceuse à trou carré a une large gamme d'applications et est parfait pour le travail du bois et la fabrication de

EJ.LIFE Kit de Forets Carrés pour le Travail du Bois 7 Pièces 1/4in 5/16in 3/8in 2/5in 1/2in 9/16in 5/8in hss Mortaisage Ciseau Foret Ensemble Scie Cloche à

65.65 EUR
Spécification : Type d'article : forets carrés pour le travail du bois Matériau : HSS Taille de perçage du trou : 6,4 mm (1/4 pouce) 8,0 mm (5/16 pouce) 9,5 mm ( 3/8 pouces) 10 mm (2/5 pouces) 12,7 mm (1/2 pouces) 14 mm (9/16 pouces) 16 mm (5/8 pouces) Liste des colis : 7 x forets carrés pour le travail du bois 7 x boîte de rangement ["SHARPLY CHISEL: Ces forets sont équipés de ciseaux bien carrés pour améliorer l'efficacité de votre travail.","MATÉRIAU HSS: Fabriqués à partir d'un matériau en acier rapide, traité thermiquement, ces forets carrés ont une dureté élevée et une longue durée de vie.","TAILLE PRÉCISE: Ces forets à trous carrés sont bien fabriqués, avec une taille précise, pourraient parfaitement correspondre à la machine électrique.","Lot de 7 pièces : un total de 7 forets avec des spécifications de 1/4 5/16 3/8 2/5 1/2 9/16 5/8 pour votre utilisation pour répondre à différents besoins.","LARGEMENT UTILISÉ: Les forets carrés sont très appropriés pour percer des trous - 300W 7 Pouces led Phare de Voiture en Aluminium Shell Carré Lampe Avant led Phare de Voiture Convient pour J-e-e-p W-Rangler, yj 1987-1995, Cherokee xj 1984-2001, MR2, Celica, Tacoma

29.82 EUR
Fonctionnalités: 1. Importer la perle de la lampe a une super luminosité et une lumière plus douce pour éviter les reflets. 2. Haute performance, a / nti-scintillement, économie d'énergie et protection de l'environnement. 3. Les lampes LED avancées ont une durée de vie plus longue que les ampoules ordinaires, la durée de vie est de plus de 50 000 heures. 4. Coque en aluminium moulé sous pression avec une conception précise pour être étanche, anti-poussière et anti-buée, la lumière peut être utilisée dans un environnement extrêmement difficile. 5. Pince de montage amovible conviviale et support réglable, faciles à installer et à utiliser. 6. La coque est équipée d'un capuchon respirant pour éviter le brouillard d'eau et améliorer la dissipation thermique. 7. Fiche H4, avec câble de connecteur H13, plug and play. Spécification: Condition: 100% tout neuf Type d'élément: phare Puce LED: LUMINUS Tension: 9-30 V Puissance: 300 W Température de couleur: 4300K à 6000K Lumen: 30000 Lm Taille - Abat-jour de sauna, abat-jour carré en bois, accessoire de sauna, lampe de sauna, housse de lampe de sauna, kit d'éclairage pour sauna,

32.29 EUR
1. Il est conu pour être utilisé dans des saunas à haute température. 2. L'abat-jour est utilisé pour protéger la lampe antidéflagrante dans le sauna. 3. Sain et respectueux de l'environnement, c'est un accessoire pratique utilisé dans le sauna. 4. Fabriqué en bois de haute qualité, il est solide et durable, résistant à l'usure et peut être utilisé pendant une longue période. 5. Polissage lisse des bords, beau et pratique, bon effet de transmission de la lumière. 6. La méthode d'installation est simple et peut remplacer directement l'abat-jour endommagé. Spécification: tat : 100 % neuf Type d'article : abat-jour de sauna. Matériel: Bois Couleur: comme indiqué sur l'image Taille : environ 27 x 28 cm/10,6 x 11 pouces Poids : environ 794 g/28 oz Liste des packages: 1 x abat-jour de sauna Note: 1. Veuillez permettre une erreur de 1 à 2 cm en raison de la mesure manuelle. Merci pour votre compréhension.2. Les moniteurs ne sont pas calibrés de la même manière, la couleur de l'élément

Jeu de 6 bédanes Forets à trou carré, bédanes creux en acier Outils de menuiserie Set (6,4/8/9,5/12,7/14/16mm) Mèches Trou Carré -

46.96 EUR
【Excellente qualité】 Cette perceuse carrée est en acier rapide, robuste et pratique, à haut rendement. Bord tranchant traité thermiquement, dureté élevée, lame continue, coupes rapides. 【Conception de haute qualité】 La conception du guide-mèche de la fraise offre une protection efficace contre les déchirures au début de l'utilisation. Pas de décalage, la lame de scie est automatiquement déchargée du haut du trou des deux côtés, le foret n'est pas bloqué. 【Économie de main-d'œuvre et précision】Réduit l'intensité de travail des travailleurs de la construction, accélère la vitesse de construction, réduit les coûts de construction pour la construction, l'installation, la rénovation, la décoration. 【Large gamme d'utilisations】 Idéal pour percer des trous carrés dans le bois avec une mortaiseuse ou un accessoire de mortaisage. Les forets à trou carré sont principalement utilisés pour le travail du bois. Cette perceuse ne peut pas être utilisée pour une perceuse électrique ou une perceuse

EJ.LIFE Lot de 6 Forets à bois trou carré Bédanes Creux en Acier Outils Set pour travail du bois Foret a trou carre Foret Trou de Perçage Mortaiser Burin

31.86 EUR
【Excellente qualité】 Cette perceuse carrée est en acier rapide, robuste et pratique, à haut rendement. Bord tranchant traité thermiquement, dureté élevée, lame continue, coupes rapides. 【Conception de haute qualité】 La conception du guide-mèche de la fraise offre une protection efficace contre les déchirures au début de l'utilisation. Pas de décalage, la lame de scie est automatiquement déchargée du haut du trou des deux côtés, le foret n'est pas bloqué. 【Économie de main-d'œuvre et précision】Réduit l'intensité de travail des travailleurs de la construction, accélère la vitesse de construction, réduit les coûts de construction pour la construction, l'installation, la rénovation, la décoration. 【Large gamme d'utilisations】 Idéal pour percer des trous carrés dans le bois avec une mortaiseuse ou un accessoire de mortaisage. Les forets à trou carré sont principalement utilisés pour le travail du bois. Cette perceuse ne peut pas être utilisée pour une perceuse électrique ou une perceuse - 300W 7 Pouces led Phare de Voiture en Aluminium Shell Carré Lampe Avant led Phare de Voiture Convient pour J-e-e-p W-Rangler, yj 1987-1995,

29.82 EUR
Fonctionnalités: 1. Importer la perle de la lampe a une super luminosité et une lumière plus douce pour éviter les reflets. 2. Haute performance, a / nti-scintillement, économie d'énergie et protection de l'environnement. 3. Les lampes LED avancées ont une durée de vie plus longue que les ampoules ordinaires, la durée de vie est de plus de 50 000 heures. 4. Coque en aluminium moulé sous pression avec une conception précise pour être étanche, anti-poussière et anti-buée, la lumière peut être utilisée dans un environnement extrêmement difficile. 5. Pince de montage amovible conviviale et support réglable, faciles à installer et à utiliser. 6. La coque est équipée d'un capuchon respirant pour éviter le brouillard d'eau et améliorer la dissipation thermique. 7. Fiche H4, avec câble de connecteur H13, plug and play. Spécification: Condition: 100% tout neuf Type d'élément: phare Puce LED: LUMINUS Tension: 9-30 V Puissance: 300 W Température de couleur: 4300K à 6000K Lumen: 30000 Lm Taille - Abat-jour de sauna, abat-jour carré en bois, accessoire de sauna, lampe de sauna, housse de lampe de sauna, kit d'éclairage pour sauna, chambre à vapeur

32.29 EUR
1. Il est conu pour être utilisé dans des saunas à haute température. 2. L'abat-jour est utilisé pour protéger la lampe antidéflagrante dans le sauna. 3. Sain et respectueux de l'environnement, c'est un accessoire pratique utilisé dans le sauna. 4. Fabriqué en bois de haute qualité, il est solide et durable, résistant à l'usure et peut être utilisé pendant une longue période. 5. Polissage lisse des bords, beau et pratique, bon effet de transmission de la lumière. 6. La méthode d'installation est simple et peut remplacer directement l'abat-jour endommagé. Spécification: tat : 100 % neuf Type d'article : abat-jour de sauna. Matériel: Bois Couleur: comme indiqué sur l'image Taille : environ 27 x 28 cm/10,6 x 11 pouces Poids : environ 794 g/28 oz Liste des packages: 1 x abat-jour de sauna Note: 1. Veuillez permettre une erreur de 1 à 2 cm en raison de la mesure manuelle. Merci pour votre compréhension.2. Les moniteurs ne sont pas calibrés de la même manière, la couleur de l'élément

EJ.LIFE Clé à cliquet sans Fil, clé à cliquet pneumatique Professionnelle 22N.M Mini pour la réparation pour l'entretien(Tête carrée 1/4')

36.42 EUR
Fonctionnalité : 1. Mini design, petite taille et poids léger, adapté à une utilisation dans de petits espaces. 2. Avec un nouveau boîtier en acier plastique, haute dureté, plus durable. 3. Très faible vibration, adapté pour de longues heures de travail. 4. Échappement arrière à plusieurs côtés, pas facile à soulever la poussière. 5. Prise en charge de la rotation avant et arrière, tête carrée en marbre, douille stable fixe et pas facile à tomber. Spécification : État : 100 % tout neuf Type d'article : clé à cliquet pneumatique Structure d'impact à la main : trois vitesses Spécifications facultatives : 3/8 pouce, 1/4 pouce< /a>Vitesse : 250 tr/min Consommation d'air : 2,8 cfm Torsion : 22 N.M Connecteur fileté : 1/4 pouce Pression de travail : 6,2 bar Mode d'échappement : échappement arrière Tour : prise en charge de la rotation avant et arrière Longueur : env. 15cm / 5.9in Poids : 0.55 kg / 1.2 lb(approx.) .w-e-text table td,.w-e-text table th,;.w-e-text table, Liste des colis : 1 x

Receveur de douche Ideal Standard Ultra Flat S T5229FS 80 x 80 x 3,2 cm, gris quartz, carré

224.64 EUR
Receveur de douche Ideal Standard Ultra Flat S T5229FS avec couvercle de vidange en Ideal Solid fabriqué selon DIN EN 14527 Noyau en fonte minérale polymère avec couche de gelcoat coloré avec structure en pierre naturelle Surface antidérapante selon DIN EN 51097/16165 classe C vidange 90 mm adapté au montage et à l'installation dans des zones au sol

DODO Oreiller Carré 60 x 60 cm KIT MY EASY LIFE

40.19 EUR
Conforama : Lot ou unitaire : 1 .. Disponibilité pièces détachées : na. Composition 2 : 100 %. Composition 1 : 100 %. Poids total : 500 g. Marque et label : dodo. Couleur : blanc. Matière textile 1 : coton. Coloris : blanc. Origine de fabrication : france. Matiere textile 2 : polyester. Description enveloppe : 100% coton. Lot ou unitaire : a l'unité. Garantie : non garanti. Nom de série : kit my easy life. Taille : carré 60 x 60 cm. Confort : mi-ferme et ferme. Description garnissage : 100% polyester suprelle® flex control fibre creuse siliconnée. Plus produit : pack économique et hygiénique (1 oreiller + sa protection d'oreiller) -

Santra Life Ocean Biotin 5000 Mcg 60 Capsules

46.99 EUR
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin called vitamin H or vitamin B7. Vitamin biotin cannot be synthesized in the body and must be taken externally. When too much biotin is taken into the body, the excess is excreted in the urine. Ocean Biotin contains 5000 mcg biotin in each capsule and Vcaps is in herbal capsules. Vcaps capsule provides ease of use. Contained in Ocean Biotin: Biotin contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.* Biotin contributes to normal metabolism of macronutrients.* Biotin contributes to the maintenance of normal hair.* Biotin contributes to the maintenance of normal mucosa.* Biotin contributes to the maintenance of normal skin.*

Santra Life 3 Pieces Of 30 Tablets Vitamin Mineral Coenzyme Q10

98.99 EUR
Medigard 30 Tablets Summary Information: Medigard 30 Tablet is a food supplement containing coenzyme Q10, minerals and multivitamins. The product, which is sold in packages of 30 tablets, is intended for use by adults and is recommended to be used 1 tablet a day with meals. By using the product, many vitamins needed daily can be taken with the help of film-coated tablets. In addition to vitamins, the product contains many beneficial substances, including iron, zinc, manganese and folic acid.. brand: Medigard Skin Type: Adults who want to take food supplements Product Weight: 30 tablets Medigard Vitamin Mineral Complex Coq10 30Tablets Features of the Product The product consists of film-coated tablets in which hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose is used as a brightener. Medigard30 Tablet, produced as a food supplement, contains 30 mg coenzyme Q10. This corresponds to 2.71 percent of the product. Additionally, the product contains various minerals and multivitamins. With 1 tablet, many vitamins ranging from calcium carbonate to magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D and E are taken. The product contains riboflavin, titanium dioxide, carmine and ammonium sulphite caramel as coloring matter. In addition to vitamins, the tablets contain ferrous fumarate, zinc gluconate, manganese gluconate, potassium gluconate, sodium selenate, iodine, chromium and folic acid.. The tablets are supplemented with fatty acids, bee pollen powder, ginseng root extract and garlic powder. How to Use the Product: The product is designed as a food supplement and contains various minerals and vitamins. By using the product, it is possible to obtain many substances that the body needs. However, it is not right to use the product as a substitute for normal nutrition. It is recommended to take the product 1 tablet daily with meals, and it would be appropriate not to exceed this dose. Additionally, since the product is suitable for adult use, it should be kept out of reach of children. SKT: 05.2024

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Cookies Dream 1 Caramel Latte 1 Shaker Gift

124.99 EUR
If you buy x1 Cookies Dream and x1 Caramel Latte, the shaker will be given as a gift from us!

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Smooth Vanilla 1 Caramel Latte 1 Shaker Gift

131.99 EUR
If you buy x1 Smooth Vanilla and x1 Caramel Latte, the shaker will be given as a gift from us!

Santra Life B12 Sublingual Spray, 15 Ml Food Supplement Containing Vitamin B12 3 Pieces

122.99 EUR
BEXOL B12 SUBlingual SPRAY FOOD SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING VITAMIN B12 Bexol B12 Sublingual Spray is a Mono B12 Vitamin supplement that can be used by adults aged 11 and over. It is applied by spraying sublingually twice a day and is thus quickly absorbed. It does not contain gluten, lactose or animal derived ingredients. HOW DOES BEXOL B12 ACT? Bexol B12 is applied by spraying under the tongue and is quickly absorbed by the body, providing practical use. Vitamin B12 Normal energy production metabolism, Normal functioning of the nervous system, Normal metabolism to homocysteine, Normal red blood cell formation, Contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND CONSUMPTION RECOMMENDED DAILY USE DOSE (PORTION AMOUNT): 1 spray of 0.2 ml is equivalent to 500 mcg B12. It is applied by spraying sublingually twice a day. You can use the product before or after meals. Vitamin 2 Value for Spray %BRD* Vitamin B12 1000 g 40000% Shake the bottle well before use. Spray the product under your tongue for faster absorption. HOW TO USE BEXOL B12? 1. Shake the bottle well before use. 2. Spray the product under your tongue to ensure faster absorption. 3. One spray is equivalent to 500 mcg of vitamin B12. It can be applied under the tongue twice a day.

Santra Life Beauty Formula - 30 Capsules

61.99 EUR
Beauty Formula It will be your greatest support with its complex formula. It is also enriched with ingredients such as Alpha Lipoic Acid, PABA, Krk Kilit Herb Extract, as well as vitamins and minerals. Biotin in Beauty Formula contributes to normal homocysteine, energy formation, macronutrient metabolism, and maintenance of normal hair, mucosa and skin.. Zinc in Beauty Formula contributes to normal acid-base, carbohydrate and macronutrient metabolism, normal DNA synthesis, normal metabolism of fatty acids and vitamin A, normal protein synthesis, maintenance of normal bones, hair, nails, skin and vision, normal function of the immune system. is available. Vitamin D in Beauty Formula contributes to the normal absorption/use of calcium and phosphorus, normal blood calcium level, maintenance of normal bones and teeth, maintenance of normal muscle function, normal function of the immune system. Vitamin B6 in Beauty Formula contributes to normal energy production, protein, glycogen and homocysteine metabolism, normal cysteine synthesis, normal red blood cell formation, normal function of the immune system, and reduction of fatigue and fatigue.

Santra Life Picozinc Zinc 30 Tablets

46.59 EUR
This item will be shipped by Y2K. A product can be sold by more than one seller. The seller with the highest score, determined according to price advantage, delivery speed, return rates and general service quality, taking into account consumer satisfaction on the product list and detail pages, becomes the visible seller. Other sellers are listed as alternatives on the product detail page.

Santra Life Chocolate Flavored Protein Powder 36 Servings 864g(whey Protein) Creatine 250gr 50 Servings

209.99 EUR
Whey protein powder chocolate flavored-36 servings-864g Whey protein is the most practical way for athletes to meet their protein needs. As Mysupplement, our aim is to provide you with a protein powder that will be your first choice with its quality and taste. The first thing you should look at when choosing protein powder is the quality of the raw materials. mysupplement protein powders are produced with imported 100% whey concentrate. Each serving contains 18 grams of protein. You can see the quality of the raw material by looking at its amino acid content. Highlights: - 18 grams of protein per serving - 4.1 grams of BCAA per serving - 3.4 grams of glutamine precursors per serving - high quality of raw materials - How should you use it? The ideal time to take protein powder is immediately after training. Therefore, our recommendation is to drink 1 scoop within 30 minutes after training. If your training pace is high and your protein deficit is high, you can take 1 more scoop of wheyprotein before your workout or during snacks (a total of 2 scoops during the day). Creatine monohydrate 250 gr 50 servings amino acid Creatine contains creatine monohydrate in its pure form. It is in powder form and does not contain flavoring. 1 scoop contains 5 grams of pure creatine. Since it does not contain flavor, you can add it to your favorite supplement (protein powder, BCAA, etc.) or to your fruit juice and drink it. The main function of creatine is to provide energy to the muscles during short-term and intense physical activities. It is especially effective for developing explosive power. During short-term intense exercises, the body converts creatine into ATP, the main energy source. Creatine also helps muscle cells expand. Thanks to this feature, it is one of the most frequently used supplements by athletes who want to gain volume. How should you use it? You can use 1 scoop (5gr) of the product after training by mixing it with 250 ml of water or another drink of your choice. Active ingredients: whey protein, Bcaa, Vitamin B6 - Creatine - Amino Acid Target: Muscle development, Protein Support - Power - Strength Whey Protein PowderChocolate Flavor 1020g 30 Servings * MySupplement Whey protein provides 80% high quality whey protein. It is produced with 100% whey concentrate. 24 grams per serving contains protein. * How Should You Use It? * You can take 1 scoop immediately after training. If your training pace If your protein deficit is high and your protein deficit is high, you can use it before or during training. You can also take 1 more scoop (2 scoops in total) with meals. * Highlights * 24g protein per serving * 5.4 g BCAA in 1 serving * 4.2 g glutamine precursors in 1 serving * High raw material quality * Creatine Monohydrate 250 Gr 50 servings Amino Acid MySupplement creatine contains creatine monohydrate in pure form. It is in powder form and It does not contain aroma. 1 scoop contains...

Santra Life Drsupplement Whey 900 Gram 25 Servings Chocolate Flavor

150.99 EUR
WHAT IS GOLD CHOCOLATE WHEY PROTEIN? Whey protein is a protein source obtained from whey and can be quickly digested by the body. It contains essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Whey protein can be found in concentrated, isolate and hydrolyzed forms. CONTENT INFORMATION Whey protein concentrate (WPC), L-Glutamine, BCAAs (Leuscine, Isoleucine, Valine) Flavoring (chocolate) Thickener (guar gum) Sweetener (sucralose) Anti-caking agent (Tri Calcium Phosphate) Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Benefits : Whey protein is an excellent source of protein to increase muscle mass and strength. It accelerates muscle recovery after training, increases protein synthesis and reduces muscle breakdown. It also contains bioactive ingredients such as lactoferrin and immunoglobulins that support the immune system. Usage Recommendations: Whey protein can be used immediately after training, in the morning or between meals. It is recommended to consume it by mixing a portion of water or milk with herbal milk. Alternatively, it is ideal for consuming protein in a practical and delicious way at any time of the day. Consume 1 portion (1 scoop, 35 g) by mixing it with 200 -250 ml of water. You can adjust the intensity according to your taste. You can consume your foods and drinks more deliciously and increase their protein value by adding them to your pancakes, cakes, cookies and coffees. Storage Conditions: Store tightly closed in a cool and dry place, protected from high temperatures, humidity and sunlight. Allergen Warning: Produced in facilities that process soy lecithin, dairy products, mustard, gluten and eggs.

Santra Life Swiss Whey Platinum 85 Creamy Butter Cookie 1020g / 34 Servings

188.99 EUR
SWISS WHEY PLATINUM 85 is a high protein content in one serving, high quality To meet your protein needs with its raw materials and delicious flavors. It is a candidate to be your indispensable supplement. Its special formula and the digestive enzyme it contains With its mixture, you can easily consume it without any digestive problems.High Protein RateSpecial Digestive Enzyme FormulaNew Delicious FlavorsQuick and Easy Mixing PORTION AMOUNT: 1 SCALE (30G) NUMBER OF PORTIONS: 34NET QUANTITY: 1020 G30 grams Each serving contains: * * 25.5 grams of Protein * * 5.7 grams of BCAAs * * 4.6 grams of Glutamine * * Contains 30 mg Digestive Enzyme. PURPOSE OF USE: As a high protein sports food for intense physical activity It is consumed to maintain protein balance during activity periods. CONSUMPTION INSTRUCTIONS: 1 scoop (30g), 200-300 1 hour before or after training. It can be consumed by mixing with ml cold water or preferred liquid. ALLERGEN WARNING: Contains dairy products. PHENYLALANINE, Source of Whey Protein STORAGE CONDITIONS: In its original packaging, tightly closed, in a dry and cool place. Store in the ground, protected from high temperatures, moisture and sunlight.WARNING: This food should be consumed in conjunction with an adequate and balanced diet. It does not meet all nutritional needs on its own. children under 15 years of age and Pregnant women can consume it only under the supervision of a physician or dietician. this Products should be used according to the recommendations of physicians and dietitians. It is not a medicine, It is not used in the treatment of diseases. Keep away from children. With Vitamin B6 INGREDIENTS: Whey Protein Concentrate and Isolate (Whey Protein, (MILK), Flavors (Biscuit Flavor, Cream Flavor, Vanilla Flavor), sweetener (Sucralose), thickener (Xanthan Gum), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Ascorbic Acid, Enzyme mixture (Protease, Lactase, Cellulase, Amylase, Lipase, Papain).

Santra Life Vitamin C 1000 Mg 30 Tablets 3 Pieces

75.99 EUR
ALL OUR PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE IN OUR STOCKS, AND YOUR ORDERS BEFORE 15:00 WILL BE SHIPPED ON THE SAME DAY. Usage of Ocean Vitamin C 1000 mg It is recommended to consume 1 tablet a day, preferably after meals, on a full stomach. It is not a medicine. There is no prospectus included with the product. It is not used for the prevention or treatment of diseases.

Santra Life B12 Sublingual Spray, 15 Ml Food Supplement Containing Vitamin B12 2 Pieces

84.25 EUR
BEXOL B12 SUBlingual SPRAY FOOD SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING VITAMIN B12 Bexol B12 Sublingual Spray is a Mono B12 Vitamin supplement that can be used by adults aged 11 and over. It is applied by spraying sublingually twice a day and is thus quickly absorbed. It does not contain gluten, lactose or animal derived ingredients. HOW DOES BEXOL B12 ACT? Bexol B12 is applied by spraying under the tongue and is quickly absorbed by the body, providing practical use. Vitamin B12 Normal energy production metabolism, Normal functioning of the nervous system, Normal metabolism to homocysteine, Normal red blood cell formation, Contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND CONSUMPTION RECOMMENDED DAILY USE DOSE (PORTION AMOUNT): 1 spray of 0.2 ml is equivalent to 500 mcg B12. It is applied by spraying sublingually twice a day. You can use the product before or after meals. Vitamin 2 Value for Spray %BRD* Vitamin B12 1000 g 40000% Shake the bottle well before use. Spray the product under your tongue for faster absorption. HOW TO USE BEXOL B12? 1. Shake the bottle well before use. 2. Spray the product under your tongue to ensure faster absorption. 3. One spray is equivalent to 500 mcg of vitamin B12. It can be applied under the tongue twice a day.

Santra Life Saw Palmetto 60 Capsules

45.77 EUR
Description of Dwarf Palmetto 60 Pieces What is One Up Saw Palmetto Extract? Saw Palmetto is a type of plant that grows in the Southeastern regions of North America. Extract is obtained from the large-seeded, dark-colored fruits of this tree, also known as Serenoa Repens. This fruit of the Saw Palmetto tree can be eaten directly or consumed by making tea or dried. Additionally, its extract form can be used as a supplement product. What is the active ingredient in One Up Saw Palmetto Extract? Dwarf palm fruit has been used by Native Americans for a variety of purposes for many years. One Up Saw Palmetto product, which can be easily consumed thanks to its capsule form, contains 300 mg of dwarf palm fruit extract in a single capsule. What is the One Up Saw Palmetto Extract Product Quality? Dwarf Palm Fruit Extract is produced in ISO 9001, 22000, GMP and halal certified facilities. The country of origin of the One Up Saw Palmetto product is Turkey (The country of origin of the main ingredient of the food is different from the country of origin of the food). How Should One Up Saw Palmetto Extract Be Consumed? The recommended amount for Dwarf Palm Fruit Extract is 1 capsule per day for adults. This product should be used at the recommended daily dose and not taken more. Dwarf Palm Fruit Extract is a food supplement and does not replace normal nutrition. Dwarf Palm Fruit Extract should be stored in cool and dry places. Care should be taken not to exceed the expiration date on the product packaging. Beginner Level: It is recommended to consume 1 capsule per day for adults. One Up Saw Palmetto 60 Capsule Positive Comments: Herbal capsule suitable for vegan and vegetarian use, produced in facilities with high standards. One Up Saw Palmetto 60 Capsule Does Not Contain Aspartame, Pork Additive, Meat Product, GMO, Gluten, Preservative, Lactose, Coloring Dye Age Range: Between 21-39, Over 40 Gender: Male, Female Ingredient Type: Capsule Active Ingredients: Saw Palmetto

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Strawberry Cake 1 Caramel Latte 1 Shaker Gift!

131.99 EUR
If you buy x1 Strawberry Cake and x1 Caramel Latte, shaker will be a gift from us!

Santra Life New Whey Protein Chocolate 864 Gr 36 Servings - Creatine (creatine) Bcaa Orange 360g 5g Bcaa 5g Creatine

214.99 EUR
Whey protein is the most practical way for athletes to meet their protein needs. As Mysupplement, our aim is to provide you with a protein powder that will be your first choice with its quality and taste. The first thing you should look at when choosing protein powder is the quality of the raw materials. Mysupplement protein powders are produced with imported 100% whey concentrate. Each serving contains 18 grams of protein. You can see the quality of the raw material by looking at its amino acid content. Highlights: - 18 g protein per serving - 4.1 g BCAA in 1 serving - 3.4 g glutamine precursors in 1 serving - High raw material quality - How Should You Use It? The ideal time to take protein powder is right after a workout. Therefore, our recommendation is to drink 1 scoop within 30 minutes after training. If your training pace is high and your protein deficit is high, you can take 1 more scoop of whey protein before your workout or during snacks (a total of 2 scoops during the day). BCAA CREATINE is a mixture of BCAA and creatine in powder form. It contains 5000mg 4:1:1 BCAA and 5000mg creatine in each serving. BCAAs consist of 3 amino acids that have different properties among the essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids are the most important amino acids that initiate protein synthesis, promote growth, and prevent your muscles from breaking down. Research shows that muscle repair is accelerated and new muscle formation is increased in people taking BCAA supplements. Unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are metabolized in the muscles rather than the liver. In this way, it acts quickly and provides a significant increase in energy (in the form of ATP) during training. What Does Creatine Do? Creatine is a supplement whose main function is to provide energy to the muscles during short-term and intense physical activities. It is especially effective for developing explosive power. During short-term intense exercises, the body converts creatine into ATP, the main energy source. Creatine also helps muscle cells expand. Thanks to this feature, creatine is one of the most frequently used supplements by athletes who want to gain volume. What is the creatine mesh size? Contains 200 mesh fine micronized creatine. Creatine mesh size refers to the size of creatine particles. The gold standard in this regard in the world is 200 mesh creatine. 200 mesh creatine mixes easily and quickly in water. It is rapidly absorbed in the body and has high bioavailability.

Santra Life Selenium 200 Mcg 60 Capsules

37.99 EUR
Description of Selenium 200 Mcg 60 Pieces What is One Up Selenium Capsule? One Up Selenium Capsule is a supplementary product that provides support for the mineral selenium, which is important for the processes in both men's and women's bodies. One Up Selenium Capsule is not a medicine. It cannot be used to prevent or treat diseases. The origin of the One Up Selenium Capsule product is Turkey (The country of origin of the main ingredient of the food is different from the country of origin of the food). One Up Selenium Capsule Content Selenium is an essential mineral for the body found in the skin and skeletal muscles. Selenium mineral, which is found abundantly in meat and seafood, can also be taken into the body through supplements other than nutrition. The amount of active ingredient per capsule of One Up Selenium is 200 mcg selenium. One Up Selenium Capsule Product Quality One Up Selenium Capsule is produced in ISO 9001, 22000, GMP and halal certified facilities. How should One Up Selenium Capsule be consumed? The recommended amount for One Up Selenium Capsule is 1 capsule per day for adults. It should be used at the recommended daily dose and not more. One Up Selenium Capsule is a food supplement. It does not replace normal nutrition. One Up Selenium Capsule should be stored in cool dry places It should not be stored in humid environments. The expiry date on the One Up Selenium Capsule product packaging should not be exceeded. Beginner Level: It is recommended to consume 1 capsule per day for adults. One Up Selenium 200 Mcg 60 Capsule Positive CommentsFormula containing intense selenium, Halal certifiedOne Up Selenium 200 Mcg 60 Capsule Does Not Contain Aspartame, Pork Additive, Meat Product, GMO, Gluten, Preservative, Lactose, Coloring Dye Expiration Date: 30.09.2026 Age Range :Under 21, Between 21-39, Over 40 Gender:Male,Female Content Type:capsule

Santra Life Magnesium Complex Tablet Food Supplement 1000mg

53.99 EUR
Tablet Food Supplement Containing Magnesium This product will be sent by Yossun Prime.

Santra Life Drsupplement Cookie Flavored 900 Gram 25 Serves

150.99 EUR
WHAT IS GOLD COOKIE WHEY PROTEIN? Whey protein is a protein source obtained from whey and can be quickly digested by the body. It contains essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Whey protein can be found in concentrated, isolate and hydrolyzed forms. CONTENT INFORMATION Whey protein concentrate (WPC), L-Glutamine, BCAAs (Leuscine, Isoleucine, Valine) Flavoring (chocolate) Thickener (guar gum) Sweetener (sucralose) Anti-caking agent (Tri Calcium Phosphate) Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Benefits : Whey protein is an excellent source of protein to increase muscle mass and strength. It accelerates muscle recovery after training, increases protein synthesis and reduces muscle breakdown. It also contains bioactive ingredients such as lactoferrin and immunoglobulins that support the immune system. Usage Recommendations: Whey protein can be used immediately after training, in the morning or between meals. It is recommended to consume it by mixing a portion of water or milk with herbal milk. Alternatively, it is ideal for consuming protein in a practical and delicious way at any time of the day. Consume 1 portion (1 scoop, 35 g) by mixing it with 200 -250 ml of water. You can adjust the intensity according to your taste. You can consume your foods and drinks more deliciously and increase their protein value by adding them to your pancakes, cakes, cookies and coffees. Storage Conditions: Store tightly closed in a cool and dry place, protected from high temperatures, humidity and sunlight. Allergen Warning: Produced in facilities that process soy lecithin, dairy products, mustard, gluten and eggs.

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Smooth Vanilla 1 Strawberry Cake 1 Shaker Gift

132.99 EUR
If you buy x1 Smooth Vanilla and x1 Strawberry Cake, shaker will be a gift from us!

Santra Life Swiss Whey Platinum 85 Chocolate Fudge Cake 1020g / 34 Servings

178.99 EUR
SWISS NUTRITION PLATINUM 85 SWISS WHEY PLATINUM 85 is a high protein content in one serving, high quality To meet your protein needs with its raw materials and delicious flavors. It is a candidate to be your indispensable supplement. Its special formula and the digestive enzyme it contains With its mixture, you can easily consume it without any digestive problems. Each service includes: 25.5 grams of protein 5.7 grams of BCAAs 4.6 grams of Glutamine Contains 30 mg Digestive Enzyme.

Santra Life Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg 100 Tablets

53.99 EUR
What is Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg 100 Tablets? Dynavit Vitamin B12 is a food supplement containing 1000 mcg B12 in one tablet. Vitamin B12 is a vitamin that can be found in milk and especially meat products. Vitamin B12 - Contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, - Normal function of the immune system, - Reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. Features of Dynavit Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg 100 Tablets - 10 Sublingual tablets in a glass bottle - Does not contain preservatives - 1000 mcg B12 supplement in 1 tablet - With the assurance of Eczacba - Origin: Turkey (The origin of the main component is different from the country of origin of the product) DYNAVT B12 (100 TABLETS)

Santra Life Whey Protein 748g (22 Servings) - Aids In Muscle Building (Banana Flavor)

98.99 EUR
MONSFIT Whey Protein High protein content Work anabolically - help build pure muscle mass Work anti-catabolically - prevent muscle breakdown Accelerate the body's regeneration. Suitable for all kinds of sports. Especially recommended during the muscle mass building period. It can be used as an addition to your daily diet. USE: 1 portion (2 scoops / 34 g.) 300 ml. You can consume it by mixing it with water or low-fat milk. 30 minutes before and/or within 30 minutes after training to support your muscle and strength development. You can consume it several times a day, regardless of training, to meet your protein needs.

Santra Life New Whey Protein With Chocolate 864gr 36 Servings-bcaa Glutamine 360gr Watermelon Bcaa Glutamine

215.99 EUR
Whey protein is the most practical way for athletes to meet their protein needs. Our aim is to provide you with a protein powder that will be your first choice with its quality and taste. The first thing you should look at when choosing protein powder is the quality of the raw materials. Protein powders are produced with imported 100% whey concentrate. Each serving contains 18 grams of protein. You can see the quality of the raw material by looking at its amino acid content. Highlights: - 18 g protein per serving - 4.1 g BCAA in 1 serving - 3.4 g glutamine precursors in 1 serving - High raw material quality - How Should You Use It? The ideal time to take protein powder is immediately after training. Therefore, our recommendation is to drink 1 scoop within 30 minutes after training. If your training pace is high and your protein deficit is high, you can take 1 more scoop of wheyprotein before your workout or during snacks (a total of 2 scoops during the day). MYSUPPLEMENT BCAA GLUTAMINE contains 5000mg of 100% pure glutamine and BCAA in each serving. The product has a unique taste with watermelon aroma. How Should You Use It? You can mix 1 scoop (12gr) of the product with 300ml of water and consume it before, during and after training.

Santra Life Winter Preparation Set

83.1 EUR
- Set of 2, specially formulated for adults, meeting your daily vitamin C needs. - In tablet form, it offers easy consumption and practical use. - Each package contains 1 vitamin C supplement, it can be easily integrated into your daily routine. - Enriched with orange flavor, it provides a delicious and refreshing consumption experience. - It stands out as an ideal supporter to strengthen your immune system during winter months. - Let's meet in happier and healthier days against the undesirable effects of the winter months. - 2 different vitamin supplements are in this set. - The originality of the products is registered.

Santra Life Swiss Whey Platinum 85 Strawberry Dream Cake 1020g / 34 Servings

189.99 EUR
SWISS WHEY PLATINUM 85 is a high protein content in one serving, high quality To meet your protein needs with its raw materials and delicious flavors. It is a candidate to be your indispensable supplement. Its special formula and the digestive enzyme it contains With its mixture, you can easily consume it without any digestive problems. * High Protein Rate * Special Digestive Enzyme Formula * New Delicious Flavors * Quick and Easy Mixing PORTION AMOUNT: 1 SCALE (30G) NUMBER OF PORTIONS: 34NET QUANTITY: 1020 G 30 grams Each serving contains: * 25.5 grams of Protein * 5.7 grams of BCAAs * 4.6 grams of Glutamine * Contains 30 mg Digestive Enzyme. PURPOSE OF USE: As a sports food containing high protein for intense physical activity. It is consumed to maintain protein balance during activity periods. CONSUMPTION INSTRUCTIONS: 1 scoop (30g), 1 hour before or after training. It can be consumed by mixing with 200-300 ml of cold water or preferred liquid. ALLERGEN WARNING: Contains dairy products. PHENYLALANINE, Source of Whey Protein STORAGE CONDITIONS: In its original packaging, tightly closed, in a dry and cool place. Store in the ground, protected from high temperatures, moisture and sunlight.WARNING: This food should be consumed with an adequate and balanced diet. It does not meet all nutritional needs on its own. children under 15 years of age and Pregnant women can consume it only under the supervision of a physician or dietician. This Products should be used according to the recommendations of physicians and dietitians. It is not a medicine, It is not used in the treatment of diseases. Keep away from children. With Vitamin B6 INGREDIENTS: Whey Protein concentrate and Isolate (Whey Protein, (MILK), Flavors (Strawberry Flavor, Cream Flavor, Vanilla Flavor), Sweetener (Sucralose), Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Ascorbic Acid, Enzyme mixture (Protease, Lactase, Cellulase, Amylase, Lipase, Papain), Colorant (Beet Root Red).

Santra Life Citicoline 150 Ml Omega 3 B12 B6 Multivitamin Food Supplements Vitamin Supplement For Children And Adults

69.44 EUR
What Age Range Can It Be Used In? - Ages 4 and Above On an empty stomach or on a full stomach? - On a full stomach How Many Scales Should Be Taken? - 1 scoop in the morning and evening How Many Times a Day to Use? - Morning Evening Does it affect weight? - Impossible How to Preserve? - At room temperature Do People with Blood Pressure Diseases Like Diabetes Have Problems? - Impossible How Not to Consume? - On a full stomach Food Supplement Containing Phosphotidylserine, Phosphotidylcholine, Citicoline, N-Acetyl Carnitine, L-Theanine, Omega3, Uridine Monophosphate, Vitamin B6, B12, Methylfolate Phosphatidylserine helps transmit electrical impulses in the brain. That is, it facilitates communication between neurons (cells responsible for communication in the brain). In this way, it improves memory, concentration and thinking ability. Sixty percent of our brain is fat. Most of this sixty percent consists of DHA. DHA supports your memory and intelligence by nourishing your brain. The interesting thing is that the body cannot produce DHA, which is a very important need of the brain, and it must be obtained from external sources. DHA, which is the primary form of omega-3 fat that the body can use directly, is found in fish and fish oils.. However, not every fish and fish oil contains the same amount of DHA. In this sense, fish oil or fish with a high DHA content is one of the substances that support memory and intelligence. CogniFIT is effective in cognitive functions with its high DHA content. It is the active form of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency is generally caused by absorption problems in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, you may not benefit enough from the vitamin B12 you take as a supplement. The absorption of methylcobalamin B12 begins while chewing. It is absorbed under the tongue and mixes directly into the blood without any change. User Group: For ages 11 and above. Daily Intake Dose: It is recommended to use 1 scoop (5ml) per day. Shake before use. In this way, you can get all the B12 you need by using CogniFIT.

Santra Life Vitamin C 1000 Mg 60 Tablets

47.66 EUR
Description of Vitamin C 1000 Mg 60 Pieces What is One Up Vitamin C? One Up Vitamin C contains 1000 mg of vitamin C. Unlike animals, the human body cannot produce vitamin C on its own and obtains it from external sources. In order to get regular amounts of vitamin C daily, support can be taken from food supplements as well as a balanced and healthy diet. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is found in some foods and is absorbed by the body by dissolving in water. Vitamin C is involved in many different processes in the body and is also effective in completing some functions of the body. The content of One Up Vitamin C food supplement product has a rich structure and is supported by citrus bioflavonoids (100mg). What are the Important Features of One Up Vitamin C Product? Does not contain sweeteners Does not contain gluten Production in ISO 9001, 22000, GMP and Halal certified facilities 1000 mg vitamin C and 100 mg citrus bioflavonoids in a single tablet 60 tablets One Up Quality Standards One Up Vitamin C tablet product is produced in GMP, ISO 9001, 22000 and Halal certified facilities. How to Use One-Up Vitamin C? One Up vitamin C is a product in tablet form. Since vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, care should be taken to ensure hydration of the body. Adults should use One Up Vitamin C product as 1 tablet a day. Beginner Level: It is recommended to consume 1 tablet per day for adults. One Up Vitamin C 1000 Mg 60 Tablets Positive CommentsHigh vitamin C content, with the addition of citrus bioflavonoidsOne Up Vitamin C 1000 Mg 60 Tablets Does Not Contain Aspartame, Pork Additive, Meat Product, GMO, Gluten, Preservative, Lactose, Coloring Dye. Expiry Date: 30.08. 2026 Age Range: Under 21, Between 21-39, Over 40 Gender: Male, Female Content Type: capsule

Santra Life B12 Sublingual Spray, 15 Ml Food Supplement Containing Vitamin B12

47.99 EUR
BEXOL B12 SUBlingual SPRAY FOOD SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING VITAMIN B12 Bexol B12 Sublingual Spray is a Mono B12 Vitamin supplement that can be used by adults aged 11 and over. It is applied by spraying sublingually twice a day and is thus quickly absorbed. It does not contain gluten, lactose or animal derived ingredients. HOW DOES BEXOL B12 ACT? Bexol B12 is applied by spraying under the tongue and is quickly absorbed by the body, providing practical use. Vitamin B12 Normal energy production metabolism, Normal functioning of the nervous system, Normal metabolism to homocysteine, Normal red blood cell formation, Contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND CONSUMPTION RECOMMENDED DAILY USE DOSE (PORTION AMOUNT): 1 spray of 0.2 ml is equivalent to 500 mcg B12. It is applied by spraying sublingually twice a day. You can use the product before or after meals. Vitamin 2 Value for Spray %BRD* Vitamin B12 1000 g 40000% Shake the bottle well before use. Spray the product under your tongue for faster absorption. HOW TO USE BEXOL B12? 1. Shake the bottle well before use. 2. Spray the product under your tongue to ensure faster absorption. 3. One spray is equivalent to 500 mcg of vitamin B12. It can be applied under the tongue twice a day. BEXOL B12 SUBLANGUAGE SPRAY FOOD SUPPLEMENTS CONTAINING VITAMIN B12 Bexol B12 Sublingual Spray, Mono B12 that can be used by adults aged 11 and over It is a vitamin supplement. It is applied by spraying sublingually twice a day and this Thus, it is absorbed quickly.It does not contain gluten, lactose or animal derived ingredients. HOW DOES BEXOL B12 ACT? Bexol B12 is administered by spraying under the tongue and quickly absorbed into the body. It is absorbed by the body and provides practical use. Vitamin B12; * Normal energy production metabolism, * Normal functioning of the nervous system, * Normal metabolism to homocysteine, * Normal red blood cell formation, * Contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND RECOMMENDED DAILY USE DOSAGE (PORTION) AMOUNT): 1 spray of 0.2 ml is equivalent to 500 mcg B12. 2 times a day It is applied by sublingual spraying. Take the product before meals or You can use it later. Vitamin Value for 2 Sprays %BRD* Vitamin B12 1000 g 40000% Shake the bottle well before use. To ensure faster absorption Spray the product under your tongue. HOW TO USE BEXOL B12? 1. Shake the bottle well before use. 2. Spray the product under your tongue to ensure faster absorption. 3. One spray is equivalent to 500 mcg of vitamin B12. Under the tongue twice a day applicable.

Santra Life Drsupplement L Carnitine With Lime Flavor 30portions 1000 Ml

83.99 EUR
WHAT IS L-CARNITINE? L-Carnitine is an amino acid derivative that helps transport fatty acids to the mitochondria and convert them into energy. L-carnitine can be found in different forms such as L-carnitine tartrate and acetyl-L-carnitine. Benefits: L-Carnitine increases fat burning, increases energy levels and supports muscle recovery. Additionally, it improves exercise performance and reduces muscle fatigue. L-Carnitine may help protect heart health and reduce cell damage with its antioxidant properties. Usage Recommendations: It is recommended to consume one portion by mixing it with water before exercise or in the morning. During intense training periods, the daily dosage can be taken as 2000-3000 mg.

Santra Life Zeus Nutrition Cream Of Rice 1000g-india-flavored

71.29 EUR
20,12,2027 It is a practical, delicious and healthy carbohydrate source. Thanks to its micronized structure, it mixes, cooks and thickens easily. Portions can be easily adjusted thanks to the scale inside. It is obtained by crushing fresh and high quality rice. Cream of Rice is an easy-to-digest complex carbohydrate made from white rice flour. It is gluten-free and a great option for your bodybuilding diet. Additionally, it is your source of extra calories during your snacks or meals throughout the day. carbohydrates It contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and normal muscle functions after high-intensity and/or long-term physical exercise, which reduces glycogen stores in skeletal muscles and causes muscle fatigue. Practical and fast carbohydrate source It contains 38g of carbohydrates per serving. You can use it alone or by adding it to your recipes. Coconut Flavored: Micronized Rice Flour, Flavoring, Sweetener: Sucralose. Put 1 scoop (about 50g) of the product in a pan or pot, cook over low heat with 200ml of water or milk until it thickens. You can use it whenever you want during the day, according to your own schedule.

Santra Life Miner's Syrup 250ml Advantageous Size Vitamin Support

49.99 EUR
miner's syrup 250ml advantageous size vitamin support marshmallow cinnamon licorice turmeric echinacea carob drink half a tea glass in the morning and evening. It can be used hungry and full.

Santra Life Ester-c 500 Mg Vitamin C 60 Capsules

61.89 EUR
Description of Nature's Supreme Ester C 500 Mg 60 Pieces What is Nature's Supreme Ester-C 500 Mg? Nature's Supreme Ester C 500 Mg is a stomach-friendly and patented formula that provides vitamin C support for up to 24 hours. Nature's Supreme Ester C 500 Mg is not acidic, therefore it is stomach-friendly and can be used easily every day. Why Ester-C? It was discovered in the early 1980s during the search for stomach-friendly vitamin C. In the production of Ester-C, no chemical solvents were used to neutralize the pH. For this reason, it is easily absorbed without disturbing your stomach. You can use Nature's Supreme Ester C 500 Mg every day. The bioavailability of Ester-C, which remains in the human body for up to 24 hours, is higher than normal vitamin C. This is because the molecules in Ester-C's carefully prepared formula can remain in circulation for up to 24 hours after reaching white blood cells.. Synergistic Formula: Nature's Supreme Ester-C formula is also supported with citrus bioflavonoids, acerola, routine and rosehip extracts from natural vitamin C sources. This mixture, which offers a synergistic effect with vitamin C, maintains bioavailability for 24 hours. Highlights of Nature's Supreme Ester-C: Intense formula offering 500 mg of vitamin C in a single capsule High bioavailability providing support for up to 24 hours Non-acidic stomach-friendly Vitamin C Patented Ester-C raw material originating from America Bioflavonoid Complex content Acerola and rosehip extract added Herbal capsule Suitable for vegan and vegetarian use. Production in facilities with Halal, GMP, 22000 and ISO 9001 certificates. What Does the Bandrol on Nature's Supreme EsterC Product Mean? The quality label on the product indicates that the product has successfully passed the microbiological analysis and tests. A quality banderol is given in the light of the analysis results confirming that the content of the product is as declared. Nature's Supreme has the quality and accuracy of the content it states tested in independent laboratories with TRKAK Accreditation certificate. These laboratories are among the leading centers for microbiological analysis in Europe. Analyzes are carried out in these advanced laboratories. Nature's Supreme brand continues this practice in all its product options and has all necessary analyzes performed. Quality Approval Report: Beginner LevelIt is recommended to consume 1-2 capsules per day for adults.Intermediate LevelIt is recommended to consume 1-2 capsules per day for adults.Advanced LevelIt is recommended to consume 1-2 capsules per day for adults.Nature's Supreme Ester-C 500 Mg Vitamin C 60 Capsule Positive Comments: Highly absorbable vitamin C, Patented Ester-C formula with an effect lasting up to 24 hours, Form that does not disturb the stomach, Herbal DRcaps in capsules. Nature's Supreme Ester-C 500 Mg Vitamin C 60 Capsules Does Not Contain Aspartame, Pork Additive, Meat Product, GMO, Gluten, Preservatives Substance, Lactose,...

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Double Choco 1 Caramel Latte 1 Shaker Gift!

127.99 EUR
Buy x1 double choco and x1 caramel latte, shaker

Santra Life Vitamin C With Propolis Beta Glucan Zinc Walnut Multivitamin And Mineral Vitamin Syrup 150 Ml 2 Pack

43.99 EUR
Forest Fruits Flavored Syrup containing Propolis Walnuts, Vitamin C, Zinc, Beta Glucan and Echinacea 150 ml - 2 Pieces. Multivitamins and Minerals. Liquid Food Supplement. Suitable for use by children and adults. In a glass bottle. GMP, HACCP Certified. The recommended daily intake is 1 scoop (5ml) per day for children aged 4-10, and 2 scoops (10ml) per day for adults aged 11 and over.

Santra Life Herbalife Rb Promax Nourriture pour sportifs enrichie en protéines de chocolat 1000gr

199.06 EUR
Rb Promax aromatisé au chocolat 1000 G Détails du produit, nourriture d'athlète riche en protéines au chocolat Promax C'est un aliment sportif enrichi en protéines pour le soutien et le développement de la masse musculaire après des exercices anaérobies et un entraînement intensif avec poids. Sa teneur en fer est très élevée. Une portion contient 6,3 mg de fer. Il n'y a ni colorant ni édulcorant. C'est au goût de chocolat. Contient un arôme naturel. Il y a 20 portions dans la boîte. Pour plus de détails sur l'utilisation, assurez-vous d'obtenir l'assistance d'un membre indépendant Herbalife Nutrition. Préparation de 250 ml. Mettez 4 cuillères à soupe (50 grammes) de poudre RB Promax dans de l'eau, agiter et boire dans les 30 premières minutes après un exercice anaérobie. Une portion équivaut à 190 calories. 25g par portion. Il contient des protéines de lait. Des tests ont été effectués pour détecter les substances interdites dans le sport et aucune substance dépassant la limite de détection n'a été trouvée. Nutrition RB Promax est conçu pour être utilisé en combinaison avec d'autres aliments, une vie active, du sport et un apport hydrique adéquat. Vous pouvez consulter le tableau des valeurs nutritionnelles sur l'étiquette. La nourriture pour sportifs riche en protéines au chocolat Promax ne contient pas de porc ni de produits dérivés du porc.

Santra Life Mélatonine 60 Passiflore Vitamineb6 Et Citronnelle Melatoninn Comprimé

51.45 EUR
3 mg de mélatonine, hormone du sommeil, somnifère, comprimé à croquer

Santra Life Food Supplement Containing D3k2 And Pumpkin Seed Oil

58 EUR
Food Supplement Containing D3K2 and Pumpkin Seed Oil For the first time in the world, D3K2 vitamins met with pumpkin seed oil! Content: INGREDIENT AMOUNT / 1 DROP Pumpkin Seed Oil: 41.5 mg Vitamin D3: 25 mcg / 1000 IU Vitamin K2: 11.25 mcg Pumpkin seed oil is obtained by cold pressing method while preserving its beneficial components. It does not contain preservatives, sweeteners and trans fat. Description: How to use vitamin D3K2? It is suitable for use by individuals aged 11 and over. Recommended use: It is recommended to use 1 drop, preferably after a fatty meal. What are the properties of vitamin D3K2? The food supplement containing Vitafenix D3K2 and pumpkin seed oil contains vitamins D3 and K2 together. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone. It is important to take vitamin D3 together with vitamin K2. Because vitamin K2 prevents the calcium carried by vitamin D from accumulating in the arteries and allowing it to be stored in bones and teeth.

Santra Life Collagen Hyaluronic Acid 90 Tablets

51.39 EUR
Description of Collagen Hyaluronic Acid 90 Pieces What is One Up Collagen Hyaluronic Acid? Formula type 1

Santra Life Unicomplex Plus - Multivitamin

64.09 EUR
Food Supplement Containing Vitamins and Minerals POTASSIUM, ZINC, VITAMIN D, MAGNESIUM AND ANTIOXIDANTS SUPPORT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. Net Quantity: 30 Sachets Recommended Daily Intake Dose: Adults are recommended to consume 1-2 sachets per day by dissolving it in 200 ml of water. Ingredients: potassium citrate (potassium), acidity regulator: citric acid, calcium carbonate (Calcium), flavoring (orange), magnesium oxide (magnesium), maltodextrin, L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), ferrous sulfate (Iron), DL-alpha tocopheryl acetate (Vitamin E), sweetener: sucralose, zinc citrate (chain), nicotinamide (Vitamin B3), D-pantothenate calcium (Vitamin B5), manganese sulfate (manganese), retinyl acetate (Vitamin A), cyanacobalamin (Vitamin B12), copper sulphate (copper), cholecalciferol (Vitamin D), pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), riboflavin (Vitamin B2), thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), potassium iodide (iodine), chromium picolinate (Chromium), pteroylmonoglutamic acid ( folic acid), sodium molybdate (molybdenum), sodium selenite (selenium), phylloquinone (Vitamin K), D-biotin (Biotin). warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. Food supplements cannot replace normal nutrition. Keep out of reach of children. It is not a medicine. It is not used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. Consult your doctor in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, illness or medication use. origin: Turkey (The origin of the main components is different from the country of origin of the product.) Storage Conditions: Store in a cool and dry place. food operator: Sdm Food Products Marketing and Trade Limited Company

Santra Life Collagen Peptides / Food Supplement Containing Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid And Vitamin C

69.79 EUR
Collagen Peptides / Food Supplement Containing Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid And Vitamin C

Santra Life Paquet de 2 gommes Vitago Kids Vitamine C D3 Calcium

57.59 EUR
4 gommes contiennent 90 mg de vitamine C ! C'est un complément alimentaire à croquer destiné aux enfants. La vitamine C augmente l’absorption du fer ! Soutenez l’alimentation ! Soutenez le système immunitaire ! Forme à croquer à l'arôme naturel de fruit ! C'est un complément alimentaire à croquer destiné aux enfants. Forme à croquer à l'arôme naturel de fruit ! Soutenez la protection des os et des dents ! La vitamine D contribue à l'absorption du calcium et du phosphore. Soutenez l’alimentation ! Soutenez le système immunitaire !

Santra Life Vitamin C With Propolis Beta Glucan Zinc Walnut Multivitamin And Mineral Vitamin Syrup 150 Ml 3 Packs

58.99 EUR
Forest Fruits Flavored Syrup containing Propolis Walnuts, Vitamin C, Zinc, Beta Glucan and Echinacea 150 ml - 2 Pieces. Multivitamins and Minerals. Liquid Food Supplement. Suitable for use by children and adults. In a glass bottle. GMP, HACCP Certified. The recommended daily intake is 1 scoop (5ml) per day for children aged 4-10, and 2 scoops (10ml) per day for adults aged 11 and over.

Santra Life Whey Protein Blueberries 1400gr 50 Servings

199.99 EUR
MuscleBalance Whey Protein 20 grams of whey protein concentrate provides 4.2 grams of BCAA and 3.5 grams of glutamine per serving. It is easy to digest and is suitable for use in the morning, between meals and especially after your workout. It leaves a delicious taste on your palate with its renewed delicious Coconut, Blueberry, Chocolate Chip Brownie and Vanilla flavors! It contains a high-quality whey protein source that supports muscle repair and growth necessary after training. It has a higher digestibility rate and faster absorption compared to other protein sources. It supports the increase of lean muscle mass. It has a high Amino Acid profile. With its delicious aroma, it mixes easily in Shaker or Blender.

Santra Life Herbalife Heartwell 226 Gr.

98.34 EUR
Puits de cœur 226g. Le vendeur détermine le prix de vente du produit que vous avez examiné. Heartwell est une boisson nutritionnelle en poudre contenant du bêta-glucane d'avoine comme ingrédient principal. Le bêta-glucane d’avoine abaisse le cholestérol sanguin.* Les bêta-glucanes contribuent au maintien d’un taux de cholestérol sanguin normal.** C'est sans sucre. Il ne contient pas d'édulcorants artificiels. Il est riche en fibres. (1 mesure contient 3 g de fibres.) C'est une source de protéines. 1 cuillère équivaut à 25 kcal. *Le bêta-glucane d’avoine abaisse le cholestérol sanguin. Un taux de cholestérol élevé est un facteur de risque de développement de maladies coronariennes. L’effet bénéfique est visible lorsqu’au moins 3 g de bêta-glucane d’avoine sont consommés par jour. Les maladies coronariennes comportent de multiples facteurs de risque, et la modification de l’un de ces facteurs de risque peut avoir ou non un effet bénéfique. **les bêta-glucanes contribuent au maintien d'un taux de cholestérol sanguin normal. Son effet bénéfique se manifeste lorsqu'au moins 3 g de bêta-glucane sont consommés par jour. 229g * Retours gratuits sous 15 jours. Cliquez pour des informations détaillées * Le prix de vente du produit que vous avez examiné est déterminé par le vendeur. * Heartwell est une boisson nutritionnelle contenant du bêta-glucane d'avoine comme ingrédient principal C'est de la poudre. * Le bêta-glucane d'avoine abaisse le cholestérol sanguin.* * Les bêta-glucanes contribuent au maintien d'un taux de cholestérol sanguin normal sont disponibles.** * Il est sans sucre. * Ne contient pas d'édulcorants artificiels. * Il est riche en fibres. * (1 mesure contient 3 g de fibres.) C'est une source de protéines. * 1 cuillère équivaut à 25 kcal. * *le bêta-glucane d'avoine abaisse le cholestérol sanguin. * Un taux de cholestérol élevé constitue un risque de développement de maladies coronariennes facteur * L'effet bénéfique est visible lorsqu'au moins 3 g de bêta-glucane d'avoine sont consommés par jour. * Les maladies coronariennes comportent de multiples facteurs de risque et ce risque changer l’un des facteurs peut avoir un effet bénéfique, ou Ce n’est peut-être pas le cas. * **les bêta-glucanes contribuent au maintien d'un taux de cholestérol sanguin normal On les retrouve. * L'effet bénéfique est visible lorsqu'au moins 3 g de bêta-glucane sont consommés par jour. *229g * Plus de 50 actions sont proposées à la vente au prix de la campagne.

Santra Life Multivitamines à base de plantes.

87.99 EUR
Il s'agit d'un complément alimentaire à base de plantes de 30 capsules contenant 19 vitamines et minéraux destiné aux hommes et aux femmes.. Formulaire de présentation commerciale: Il est proposé à la vente sous forme de 30 gélules sous blister jetable dans une boîte en carton.. Les caractéristiques remarquables de Presal sont sa formule unique riche et dense contenant des ingrédients actifs. Nos produits sont fabriqués sous blister jetable et une oxydation se produit donc lorsque vous ouvrez le bouchon, comme dans d'autres formes de bouteilles en plastique.. Et après 5 ou 10 jours, vous ne rencontrerez plus le problème d'une odeur ou d'un goût désagréable.. Tant que vous utilisez les produits Biosal, vous pouvez les utiliser en toute sécurité avec la même pureté et la même fraîcheur jusqu'à la fin de la date de péremption, car vous consommez chaque comprimé dans son emballage blister unique.. Il y a un prospectus turc et anglais dans la boîte. Date de consommation recommandée (tETT) et les numéros de lots sont sur l'emballage. Nos produits sont agréés comme compléments alimentaires par le ministère de l'Agriculture de la République de Turquie et sont fabriqués dans des installations certifiées ISO 22000. (HACCP), Certification ISO 9001 et certification Bonnes pratiques de fabrication GMP, dans une installation de production complète approuvée par le ministère de l'Agriculture de la République de Turquie. Les gélules et comprimés utilisés dans nos produits contiennent de la gélatine végétale. Nous avons des certificats halal et casher. Tous nos produits sont végétaliens. mises en garde: Nos produits ne sont pas des médicaments et ne sont pas utilisés pour prévenir ou traiter des maladies. Les compléments alimentaires ne remplacent pas une alimentation normale. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée. Il doit être utilisé avec l'avis d'un professionnel de santé pendant la grossesse, l'allaitement et lors de la prise de médicaments sur ordonnance.

Santra Life Bromelain Food Supplement 60 Capsules

50.39 EUR
Bromelain Food Supplement 60 Capsules PRODUCT FEATURES: 08/2026 Venatura Bromelain Food Supplement 60 Capsules It is recommended to take 1 capsule a day. Ingredients: Bromelain, Capsule shell (Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose) Manufacturer Company: Vefa la San. And Trade. Inch.

Santra Life Multivitamin Containing Omega 3, Epa - Dha, Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamin B, C, D, E, Zinc, Iodine

88.99 EUR
Nisvit daily multivitamin and omega-3 support! Our special formula containing multivitamins and omega-3, which brings together the basic nutrients you may need in your daily life, helps you for a healthy life.. The contents of each 2 softgels are as follows: fish oil (500mg) epa (50mg) dha (250mg) iron (17mg) vitamin c (40mg) chain (10mg) vitamin e (12mg) vitamin b6 (1.4mg) vitamin b1 (1.1mg) vitamin d3 (15mcg - 600 iu) folic acid (400mcg) iodine (150mcg) selenium (45mcg) vitamin b12 (2.5mcg) usage: It is recommended to take 2 softgels a day on a full stomach with 200 ml of water. This special formula is designed to help you maintain your energy in your daily life, strengthen your system and contribute to your overall health.. Choose this unique multivitamin and omega-3 combination to support and strengthen your health!

Santra Life Bromelain 60 Capsules

69.99 EUR
Food Supplement Containing Bromelain Product Description: Mia Herba Food Supplement Containing Bromelain is specially formulated to support your health and quality of life. This powerful formula is packed with natural and effective ingredients: Bromelain 2400 GDU/g: Derived from the pineapple plant, this enzyme supports digestion and may help reduce inflammation. Bromelain facilitates the breakdown of proteins, allowing the digestive system to work more efficiently. Chromium Picolinate: Helps regulate blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity. This can help keep your energy levels balanced and reduce cravings.. Horse Chestnut Extract: It is especially effective against circulation problems in the legs. . Horsetail Extract: Rich in silica (silicon dioxide), this plant supports bone, hair, skin and nail health. . Ingredients: Volume Booster Microcrystalline Cellulose (E460(NS)), Bromelain, Herbal Capsule (emulsifier Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (E 464), colorant Iron Oxide, Yellow (E 172(iii)), Horsetail Extract, Horse Chestnut Extract, Anti-caking Silicon Dioxide (E 551), anti-caking Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids (E 470b), Chromium Picolinate. Usage Recommendation: It is recommended to consume 2 Capsules a Day for Adults 11 Years and Over. Storage Conditions: Store in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight. warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. Food supplements cannot replace normal nutrition. Keep out of reach of children. It is not a medicine. It is not used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. Consult your doctor in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, illness or medication use. origin: Turkey. (The country of the main components of the food is different from the country of origin.) Benefits: Digestion Supporter: Thanks to bromelain, it facilitates digestion and reduces stomach disorders. Regulates Blood Sugar: It helps balance blood sugar with Chromium Picolinate. Supports Circulation: It is effective against circulation problems with Horse Chestnut Extract. Supports Hair and Skin Health: Improves hair, skin and nail health with Horsetail Extract. Anti-inflammatory Effect: Thanks to bromelain's anti-inflammatory properties, it relieves joint and muscle pain. Effects in Regular Use: Mia Herba Food Supplement Containing Bromelain helps your digestive system work healthier with regular use and supports your blood sugar levels to remain balanced.. It relieves circulation problems in your legs and improves your overall quality of life. Additionally, it supports your hair and skin health, allowing you to achieve a more vibrant and healthy appearance.

Santra Life Whey Protein Powder 30 Sachets 1350 G Protein Powder To Help Build Muscle (strawberry-chocolate Flavor)

154.99 EUR
Whey Protein Powder 30 Sachets 1350 G Protein Powder To Help Build Muscle (strawberry-chocolate Flavor)

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Sweet Peach 1 Cookies Dream 1 Shaker Gift!

131.99 EUR
Sweet peach meal powder 600g - Cookies dream meal powder 600g - Complete shaker

Santra Life Protéine de lactosérum

125.99 EUR
Protéine de lactosérum

Santra Life Complexe multivitaminé multiminéral 30 gélules Complément alimentaire contenant 19 vitamines et minéraux différents

91.99 EUR
Complexe multivitaminé multiminéral 30 gélules Complément alimentaire contenant 19 ingrédients différents de vitamines et de minéraux: 1 gélule Quantité Magnésium 150 mg, Vitamine E 20 mg, Vitamine C 70 mg, Fer 17 mg, Zinc 15 mg, Iode 140 g, Vitamine B3 (niacine) 20mg, Vitamine B6 (pyridoxine) 10mg, Vitamine B5 (acide pantothénique) 6 mg, Vitamine D 10 g, Cuivre 1 mg, Vitamine B2 (Riboflavine) 2 mg, Vitamine K 70 g, Vitamine B12 (cobalamine) 6g, Vitamine B1 (Thiamine) 3 mg, Acide folique 400 g, Sélénium, 30 g, Biotine 150 g Nos produits sont autorisés comme complément alimentaire par le ministère de l'Agriculture de la République de Turquie, dans une installation de production complète approuvée par le ministère de l'Agriculture de la République de Turquie. Turquie, certificat ISO 22000 (HACCP) Certificat ISO 9001, les bonnes pratiques de production sont produites dans des installations certifiées GMP. Les gélules et comprimés utilisés dans nos produits contiennent de la gélatine végétale. Nous avons des certificats halal et casher. Tous nos produits sont végétaliens. mises en garde: Nos produits ne sont PAS DES MÉDICAMENTS. Ils ne sont pas utilisés pour prévenir ou traiter des maladies. Les compléments alimentaires ne remplacent pas une alimentation normale. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée. Il doit être utilisé avec l'avis d'un professionnel de santé pendant la grossesse, l'allaitement et lors de la prise de médicaments sur ordonnance.. Numéro d'approbation TEG: 004506-19.07.2018

Santra Life Multivitamines originales en 30 comprimés

57.86 EUR
Nous vous souhaitons un bon shopping. ATTENTION: Puisqu’il est interdit aux publicités et annonces concernant les produits vendus sur Internet de contenir des informations trompeuses pour les utilisateurs, incomplètes et nocives pour la santé publique. Il n'y a aucune déclaration sur les produits vendus sur notre site, notamment s'ils préviennent, traitent ou aident au traitement de maladies qui doivent être traitées et/ou s'il s'agit de médicaments.. Les compléments alimentaires vendus via Aloanne sont des compléments alimentaires à base de plantes et ne peuvent être recommandés ou utilisés à la place de médicaments.. Les articles du site et/ou les détails des produits sont uniquement à titre informatif. Pour vos problèmes de santé et vos traitements, vous devez consulter un professionnel.

Santra Life Vitamin A Palmitate 60 Capsules

38.43 EUR
Vitamin A Palmitate 60 Capsules

Santra Life Fitness Pack S - Biscuit Whey And Bcaa Watermelon

144.99 EUR
MuscleFood Fitness Pack Small - Biscuit Whey and BCAA Watermelon

Santra Life Magnodef Magnesium Bisglycinate (glycinate) 30 Tablets (magnesium Bisglycinate)

52.99 EUR
It is recommended to use 1 tablet a day as a food supplement. Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. Food supplements do not replace normal nutrition. user group: Suitable for use by ages 11 and above. It is not a medicine. It is not used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period. Consult your doctor in case of illness or medication use. Country of Origin: Turkey (The country of origin of the main ingredient of the food is different from the country of origin of the food.) Contains 125 mg Magnesium active ingredient. Ingredients: Magnesium Bisglycinate (magnesium), Microcrystalline Cellulose (Volume Enhancer), Polyvinylpyrrolidone - vinyl acetate copolymer (Brightener), Tablet Film Coating Material [Hydroxy Propyl Cellulose (Brightener), Talc (anti-caking), Calcium Carbonate (colorant), quinoline yellow ( Colourant), Silicon Dioxide (anti-caking), Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids (anti-caking) *The coating material does not contain titanium dioxide. Usage Recommendation: It is recommended to use 1 Magnodef tablet per day as a food supplement.

Santra Life Vitamin C Effervescent 20 Tablets - 4 Pieces

147.99 EUR
NEWVT VITAMIN C EFERVENSIVE TABLET CONTAINING ZINC FOOD SUPPLEMENT RC FARMA COMPANY PRODUCT INFORMATION 20 tablets CONTENT Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid) 1.000 mg Zinc 5 mg DIRECTIONS OF USE For adults over 11 years of age, 1 effervescent tablet per day, preferably outside of mealtime, at room temperature. Dissolve it in a glass (200 ml) of water and drink it. Newvit Vitamin C is intended for adult use. FOOD SUPPLEMENT APPROVAL NUMBER 005100-10.12.2018 PRODUCT OWNER Newvit la Kimya San. and Tic. LLC. SALES MARKETING RC Farma la Kimya San. and Tic. Ltd.. Ltd.. MANUFACTURER Triapharma la San. trade. Inch. Turkey SHELF LIFE 2 years (24 months) from the date of production.

Santra Life Thermogenic L-carnitine 1000 Ml 3000 Mg Blackberry Flavor

95.99 EUR
PRODUCT OVERVIEW Muscle Balance Thermogenic L-Carnitine contains 3000 mg carnitine tartrate, 100 mg caffeine, 100 mg taurine and 50 mg green tea extract per serving. Muscle Balance L-Carnitine has all the properties of carnitine in a highly absorbable liquid form. Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid that helps maintain overall health by facilitating the transport of fatty acid groups across the mitochondrial membrane for cellular energy production. It is found naturally in red meat and other animal-derived foods, but supplementation is often necessary to achieve optimal levels of carnitine. This product may naturally change color. This liquid product may have natural color variation. PRODUCT BENEFITS THERMOGENIC LIQUID FORM LOW CALORIES SUPPORTS FAT BURNING INCREASE METABOLISM RATE CONTAINS SUGAR Muscle Balance Thermogenic L-Carnitine has a synergistic combination of carnitine green tea extract caffeine, which helps the body burn fat for energy and promotes fat oxidation more than L-Carnitine alone.. . Muscle Balance liquid L-Carnitine also provides an energy boost with 100mg of caffeine and 50mg of green tea extract for a serious boost of energy and focus per serving. SUPPORTS YOUR GOALS Muscle Balance Thermogenic L-Carnitine helps support your goals by giving you an energy boost throughout your workouts or work day. It also kickstarts the fat burning process to get you closer to achieving those goals. HOW TO USE: You can use Muscle Balance Thermogenic L-Carnitine as 1 serving (30cc) 20-30 minutes before training. ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS All products produced in our facilities are halal certified. It is monitored and produced by GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management System), which is the system created by the international standardization organization.

Santra Life Acide folique 400 Mcg 120 comprimés

91.99 EUR
Dans sa formule unique riche et dense contenant l'ingrédient actif acide folique, la quantité de 1 comprimé est de 400 mcg (Microgramme) Acide folique (Vitamine B9). Il s'agit d'un complément alimentaire agréé par le ministère de l'Agriculture, proposé à la vente sous forme de 120 comprimés dans un mini emballage hygiénique jetable.. Folikosal fabrique des produits de la plus haute qualité avec les méthodes les plus fiables dans des installations certifiées ISO 22000 et ISO 9001 et certifiées Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication GMP dans son installation de production complète approuvée par le ministère de l'Agriculture, structurée selon les normes européennes, et les propose au consommateur.. Présentation commerciale: Il est proposé à la vente sous forme de 120 comprimés en emballages jetables dans une boîte en carton.. Les gélules et comprimés utilisés dans nos produits contiennent de la gélatine végétale. Nous avons des certificats halal et casher. Tous nos produits sont végétaliens. mises en garde: Nos produits ne sont PAS DES MÉDICAMENTS. Ils ne sont pas utilisés pour prévenir ou traiter des maladies. Les compléments alimentaires ne remplacent pas une alimentation normale. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée. Entreprise du fabricant: TR-37-K-005037 Numéro d'approbation TEG: 004558-03.08.2018 Questions fréquemment posées À quoi sert la vitamine acide folique ? L'acide folique aide à former des cellules sanguines saines qui fournissent de l'oxygène au corps. Quels aliments contiennent de l'acide folique ? légumes à feuilles vert foncé Épinards, laitue, asperges, brocoli, chou, choux de Bruxelles, gombo, betteraves, chou-fleur, avocat, jus de tomate, par exemple 2 bols d'épinards contiennent environ 218 mcg d'acide folique. Quelle est la meilleure pilule d’acide folique ? Une carence en acide folique peut vous amener à rechercher le meilleur acide folique. Si vous présentez une carence grave en acide folique, vous devez prendre le médicament à base d'acide folique recommandé par votre médecin.. Quelle vitamine B est l’acide folique ? L'acide folique est une forme synthétique de vitamine B9, également connue sous le nom d'acide ptérylmonoglutamique.. Quel acide folique faut-il utiliser pour tomber enceinte ? En particulier, les femmes chez qui une carence en acide folique a déjà été diagnostiquée ou qui ont donné naissance à un bébé présentant une anomalie du tube neural devraient commencer à prendre quotidiennement de l'acide folique, connu sous le nom de vitamine B9, au moins 3 mois avant la date de leur naissance. avez l'intention de devenir enceinte. L'acide folique recommandé par les médecins ? La dose adéquate recommandée est de 400 microgrammes d'acide folique par jour pour toutes les femmes en âge de procréer.. L'acide folique peut être pris seul ou sous forme de suppléments multivitaminés spécialement préparés pour la grossesse.. Il suffit de regarder le contenu de votre vitamine et de constater qu'elle contient au moins 400...

Santra Life Whey Protein Powder 540 Gr 18 Servings Hazelnut Chocolate

120.29 EUR
1 Shaker, 1 BCAA Sachet and 1 L-Glutamine Sachet are given as gifts with the product. Whey Protein Powder 540 grams 18 Serves Each serving of the product contains 22000mg Protein, 5300mg BCAA, 2900mg Glutamine Precursor, 2050mg Creatine Monohydrate and Vitamin B6. How to use: Mix 1 serving (1 scoop, 30g) with 200ml of water or low-fat milk before or after training and use 1-2 servings (30g-60g) per day. For Vanilla-Caramel Flavored Product, Whey Protein Concentrate, Creatine Monohydrate, BCAA 4:1:1, Vanilla Flavoring, Caramel Flavoring, Anti-caking agents (Silicon Dioxide E551, Tri Calcium Phosphate E341 (iii)), Sweetener (Sucralose E955), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride). Allergens: Contains dairy products. It may contain sulfites and gluten from aroma. It contains phenylalanine, a source of whey protein.

Santra Life Vimex B12 Vitamine B12 Dilution Spray 10 Ml

49.04 EUR
Vimex B12 Spray de dilatation Vitamine B12 10 ML Marque: Nom du produit MSL Vimex: MSL Vimex B12 Vitamine B12 Spray de dilatation Contenu 10 ML: Ingrédient actif Vitamine B12 (Méthylcobalamine) 1000 g dans 1 Puff

Santra Life Calsio-d 90 Tablet / Food Supplement Containing Calcium Magnesium Zinc L-lysine Bromelain Vitamin

108.99 EUR
FOOD SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, MANGANESE, COPPER, VITAMIN D 3, VITAMIN K2, L-LYSINE, VITAMIN C, BROMELAIN, BORON, FISH OIL, METHYL SULFONYL METHANE AND TURMERIC EXTRACT Ingredient Quality Quantity (1 Tablet) Daily Quantity (3 Tablets) CALCIUM 300.32 mg (1 Tablet) 900.96 mg (3 Tablets) METHYL SULPHONYL METHANE 100 mg (1 Tablet) 300mg (3 Tablets) MAGNESIUM 70 mg (1 Tablet) 210mg (3 Tablets) L-LYSINE 25 mg (1 Tablet) 75mg (3 Tablets) TURMERIC EXTRACT 20 mg (1 Tablet) 60mg (3 Tablets) VITAMIN C 20 mg (1 Tablet) 60mg (3 Tablets) BROMELAIN 10 mg (1 Tablet) 30mg (3 Tablets) ) FISH OIL 10 mg (1 Tablet) 30mg (3 Tablets) ZINC 3 mg (1 Tablet) 9 mg (3 Tablets) BORON 2 mg (1 Tablet) 6mg (3 Tablets) MANGANESE 0.25 mg (1 Tablet) 0.75mg (3 Tablets) COPPER 200 mcg (1 Tablet) 600mcg (3 Tablets) VITAMIN K2 20mcg (1 Tablet) 60mcg (3 Tablets) VITAMIN D3 8mcg (1 Tablet) 24mcg (3 Tablets)

Santra Life B-one Formule 90 Gélule

35.99 EUR
B-One Formule 90 Capsule

Santra Life Supra Vitamin C Zinc- Prebiotic Inulin Added Powder Effervescent Sachet - 28 Days Cure

43.59 EUR
Meet Supra vitamin c zinc. Supra quality vitamin C and zinc are now available in powder effervescent form with a delicious orange flavor. Supra Vitamin C Zinc is a dietary supplement in powder effervescent form, enriched with inulin, a natural fiber, that provides 500 mg of vitamin C and 10 mg of zinc in each serving.. Supra vitamin c zinc is ready to support your body anytime, anywhere with 28 single packages. Meet Supra Vitamin C Zinc While it contributes to your body's natural collagen formation, it also strengthens your immunity. support. Vitamin C and Zinc with Supra quality are now in powder effervescent form, Here it is with its delicious orange flavor.Supra Vitamin C Zinc provides 500 mg Vitamin C and 10 mg Zinc in each serving. A food in powder effervescent form enriched with Inulin, a natural fiber It is a supplement. Supra Vitamin C Zinc nourishes your body with 28 single packs. Ready to support anytime, anywhere. Highlights 500 mg Vitamin C 10 mg Zinc per serving Powder effervescent formula enriched with inulin No added sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives Orange flavored Always with you in single packages 28-day cureHealth Declarations Vitamin C for skin, cartilage, bones, blood vessels and gums It contributes to normal collagen formation, which is necessary for its normal function. Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, hair, bones and nails. is available. Vitamin C and Zinc contribute to the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin C contributes to the reduction of fatigue and fatigue. Usage Recommendation For adults over 11 years of age. 1 sachet of powder product (3200mg) 200 ml (1) per day It is recommended to consume it by dissolving it in water (glass). *Mixed with 1 scoop of Supra Protein Beef Collagen per day. can be consumed.Highly Compatible with Beef Collagen Enhances the effect of Supra Protein Beef Collagen with Vitamin C and Zinc. It is now easier to carry, more practical, more delicious! Content Values Ingredients: Inulin, Acidity regulators (Citric acid, Sodium bicarbonate, Tartaric acid (L( )-), L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Orange flavoring, Acidity regulator: Sodium carbonate, Zinc gluconate, Sweetener: Steviol Glycosides (stevia), colorant: Sunset Yellow FCF net quantity: 28 Sachets (89.6g)FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What does Supra Vitamin C Zinc contain? Supra Vitamin C Zinc provides 500 mg Vitamin C and 10 mg Zinc in each serving. A food in powder effervescent form enriched with Inulin, a natural fiber It is a supplement. What is the inulin contained in Supra Vitamin C Zinc? Inulin is a prebiotic fiber that is easily soluble in water. Prebiotics provide food for probiotics, the beneficial bacteria in the gut. They are the source. How to use Supra Vitamin C Zinc? 1 sachet (3200mg) per day, at any time of the day, on an empty or full stomach, 1 Safely by mixing it into a glass of water or a favorite beverage. is consumed. *Mixed with 1 scoop of Supra Protein Beef Collagen per day....

Santra Life Complexe Minéral Multivitaminé 60 Comprimés Pour Femme

39.99 EUR
complexe minéral multivitaminé 60 comprimés spécial femme

Santra Life Skin Vitamin Leukotomos Fern, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, Glutathione, Q10

61.65 EUR
About this product FOR SKIN HEALTH: Vitlife Skin Vitamin provides powerful antioxidants with vitamins C, E and Glutathione and protects the skin from free radicals. SPOT PREVENTION: Leukotomos fern Protection Against Sun Rays, thanks to vitamin C, balances melanin production and helps fade existing spots. LIGHTENING EFFECT: You get a more unique appearance by equalizing skin tone with glutathione and vitamin C. MOISTURE STORAGE: Vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid protect the moisture balance of the skin and prevent the formation of dryness and cracks. EASY TO USE: It offers practical use in capsule form. It is enough to take 1 capsule daily.

Santra Life Spray de méthyle B12

50.19 EUR
Orzax Océan Méthyle B12 10 ml 1000mdc 01.2024 Ocean Méthyl B12 10 ml Spray Sublingual / 66 dosesOcean Méthyl B12 est un complément alimentaire contenant de la vitamine B12 active sous forme de méthylcobalamine. Il présente des avantages grâce à sa forme de pulvérisation et à son utilisation rapide et facile.. NOM QUANTITÉ *BRD Vitamine B12 (Méthylcobalamine, Mecobalactive) 1000 g 40000% *BRD: Valeur Nutritionnelle de Référence *Mecobalactive est une source active de B12 appartenant à la société Ferrer. Recommandation d'utilisation: Il est recommandé aux adultes de le consommer en spray sublingual une fois par jour.. Les doses quotidiennes peuvent être augmentées par le professionnel de santé si nécessaire. Déclaration de santé: Vitamine B12 contenue dans le produit Il contribue à la formation normale des globules rouges. Contribue au métabolisme énergétique normal. Il contribue au métabolisme normal de l'homocystéine. Il contribue au fonctionnement normal du système immunitaire. Il contribue à la réduction de la fatigue et de l'épuisement. Il joue un rôle dans la division cellulaire.

Santra Life Health Power Whey Portein Powder 1080 Gr 30 Pieces

215.02 EUR
It does not contain any additives, preservatives, colorants, sweeteners, and is completely NATURAL. DOES NOT CONTAIN sweeteners, additives, preservatives or added sugar. CONTAINS 100% NATURAL FARMING CERTIFIED CAROB FLOUR

Santra Life Bigjoy Bigwhey Whey Protein Classic 30 portions protéine en poudre saveur banane

189.99 EUR
Bigjoy Bigwhey Whey Protein Classic 30 portions protéine en poudre saveur banane date de péremption:banane12/2021Profitez au maximum des protéines que vous buvezBigjoy Bigwhey Classic est un produit inégalé fabriqué à partir de matières premières de haute qualité. C'est un ingrédient protéique du lactosérum. Il contient 24 grammes de protéines dans chaque portion (1 boule).Chocolat, fraise, banane et Il propose 4 saveurs différentes, dont le cappuccino. 5,5 grammes de BCAA et 4,2 grammes issus de la structure naturelle des protéines de lactosérum dans 1 portion Contient des précurseurs de glutamine. Plus d'efficacité avec les enzymes digestives;Ils agissent comme des catalyseurs dans le corps. métabolique, comme la digestion Ils permettent d’effectuer des transactions plus rapidement et plus efficacement. Par example Les protéines ou les glucides que vous consommez peuvent être utilisés pour le développement musculaire Il sécrète les enzymes précédemment stockées dans l'organisme depuis le système digestif vers doit. Bigwhey Classics contient de la papaïne et des enzymes prothétiques dans sa formule, ce qui aide les protéines que vous buvez. Il contribue à une digestion et un traitement ultérieur plus efficaces. De cette façon, le sport plus d'acides aminés disponibles pour développer les muscles endommagés par la suite Il contribue à fournir de l'acidité. Qualité des matières premières La matière première des poudres de protéines Bigwhey est produite depuis 1993 par la plus grande entreprise européenne. Aminolabs, un des fabricants de matières premières de nutrition sportive Il provient de l'entreprise et est la plus compétente et la plus GMP dans son domaine en Turquie. Il est conditionné dans des installations certifiées ISO. Aminolabs, Muscletech, Dymatize, Entreprises américaines populaires de nutrition sportive telles que Scivation est le point de production. Le centre de production principal certifié GMP est en Belgique et Grâce aux centres R&D situés dans 3 villes différentes en Europe, nous proposons toujours le meilleur Il garantit des matières premières de haute qualité et pureté.Arômes: L'un des domaines où BigWhey s'affirme le plus est celui de ses arômes. Chocolat, Fraise, Il est extrêmement délicieux avec des options de saveurs de banane et de cappuccino. Il ne mousse pas en mélangeant et ne provoque pas de ballonnements d'estomac après avoir bu. de la formation Vous pouvez facilement le consommer avant ou après.Comment l'utiliser: Vous pouvez utiliser 1 cuillère avant et après l'entraînement. formation avancée Les athlètes qui font de l'exercice peuvent également utiliser 1 mesure entre les repas. En raison de la densité des compagnies de fret ces derniers temps, les compagnies de fret ont augmenté leurs quotas. Il a été mis en pratique. Les commandes passées avant 12h00 seront expédiées le jour même. heures Les commandes passées après 12h00 seront expédiées le lendemain. Si quota S'il n'y a pas de problème, il sera expédié le...

Santra Life Magnesium Bisglycinate Malate Taurate Gluconate 60 Tablets

51.97 EUR
VITAMIN MAGNESIUM ELEMENTAL COMPLEX 400 MG 60 TABLETS FOOD SUPPLEMENT FOOD APPROVAL NUMBER 008409 To you: 90 Tablets Serving Quantity: 1 Tablet Product Content Magnesium Bisglycinate in 1 Tablet......100 Mg Magnesium Taurate.............100 Mg Magnesium Malate........ ......100 Mg Magnesium Gluconate.........100 Mg Products are Approved by the Ministry of Agriculture after Compliance Controls with the Food Supplements Communiqu. Official Institutions Where Our Company is Registered TR. Ministry of Finance and Treasury TR. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce TR. Ministry of Trade and Customs TR. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Documents Found in Our Production Facilities Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Food Supplements Production Certificate (FQC) Registration Certificate for Food Production Food Supplement Packaging Certificate (TGS) As FLX Nutritional Supplements, we do not sell any unlicensed products.

Santra Life spirulina

132.99 EUR
Spirulina does not contain GMO products. It does not contain heavy metals. It does not contain potential allergens such as gluten, wheat products, yeast, soy and dairy products. No colorants, artificial flavours, sweeteners or preservatives are used. It does not contain sugar, salt and starch. capsule: Our capsule is the Vcaps capsule, produced by Capsugel company, which prevents oxidation. It is a completely herbal capsule. It does not contain beef or pork gelatin. Our capsule has Halal Certificate , Vegetarian Certificate and Kosher Certificate . Each capsule 464 mg. Contains (82.86%) patented spirulina extract. (560mg) Dr.. mit Akta Spirulina is a patented spirulina extract. Our product is 150 capsules. It is recommended to use 3 capsules a day for adults. Suitable for use by ages 11 and above. Consult your doctor in case of illness or medication use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This product is a food supplement and is for adult use. Our product is licensed by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of the Republic of Turkey, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Turkey. Food Supplement Approval Number: 00566-24.03.2016 Spirulina is a single-celled microorganism from blue-green algae that forms by photosynthesis in water. Spirulina is a microscopic algae that has been consumed for centuries because it has high nutritional value and is beneficial.. It is a type of cyanobacteria called Blue-green Algae, it is not a plant. Growing spirulin requires a tropical climate, strong sunlight, a pure water source and an unpolluted environment. Spirulina cannot be grown in cold and sun-hidden climates. Spirulina requires constant sun, strong sun rays enable Spirulina to produce more nutrients. Spirulina, which is specially grown in clean water, is ideally dried with a special technology after it is collected. It also contains high amounts of chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Santra Life Herbalife Cr7 Sports Drink Poudre Cr7 Drive Aai Aromatisé Aai 540g 078

128.57 EUR
Informations sur le produit Boisson pour sportifs en poudre Ne contient pas d'édulcorants. Contient des glucides et des électrolytes pour une endurance et des performances à long terme.* Il a un léger arôme. Des tests de substances interdites ont été effectués.** Une boîte contient 20 portions. C'est 97 kcal.* *Cette boisson sportive contenant des glucides et des électrolytes, obtenue en mélangeant 2 cuillères doseuses (27g) du produit avec 500 ml d'eau, contribue au maintien des performances dans les exercices d'endurance de longue durée et augmente l'absorption d'eau pendant l'exercice physique. **Comme tous les produits Herbalife de la série 24, CR7 Drive a été testé pour les substances interdites par Informed Sports.

Santra Life Sirop de zinc pour enfants 100 ml

35.79 EUR
Sirop de zinc pour enfants 100 ml

Santra Life Drkalan Memory Plus Saffron Paste (210 ml)

159.99 EUR
Memory Plus Saffron Paste: Brain and Body Strengthener Memory Plus Saffron Paste is a carefully prepared formulation to strengthen brain functions and support general body health.. This paste, created by combining powerful ingredients such as saffron, whitefish, ginseng and royal jelly, has been preserved in a natural and healthy way by mixing it with honey.. No chemicals or shelf life extenders have been used, thus ensuring the naturalness and effectiveness of our product. Why Memory Plus Saffron Paste? Memory and Focus: The powerful ingredients it contains help strengthen memory and increase focus. Brain Energy: It supports mental performance by keeping brain energy high throughout the day. Sexual Health and Strength: It opens the doors to a healthy life by supporting both physical and sexual power. Fit and Energetic: It helps to wake up early in the morning and be energetic throughout the day. General Body Health: Its powerful content improves general health by supporting body functions. Benefits of Memory Plus Saffron Paste: This special mixture, which supports brain and body health, provides nutrition to brain neurons by increasing blood circulation.. . It helps you stay fit and focused throughout the day and increase your physical and sexual performance. Natural and Reliable Formulation Memory Plus Saffron Paste is prepared with natural ingredients and prioritizes your health. It improves your quality of life by supporting your memory, focus, sexual health and general body performance with its powerful ingredients. Step into a healthy life and maximize your mental performance with Memory Plus Saffron Paste! INGREDIENTS: Organic Honey, Frankincense, Gum, Rosehip, Saffron, Ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, Organic royal jelly, Organic pollen, Ginger, Turmeric, Ceylon cinnamon, Black pepper, Red pepper, lavender, Rose, Tragacanth, Coconut, Carob, Galangal, Clove, Organic honey, propolis, Coconut oil, Sesame oil. USE: You can consume a teaspoon of Memory Plus Paste with water every day in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. Timing: Use as soon as you wake up in the morning and before going to bed in the evening. This is the best time for your body to absorb the ingredients and show its effects. Regularity: Regular use is important. Taking the paste at the same times every day will help you get the best results. Recommendations: You can increase the effect by using it together with a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet and regular exercise complement the benefits of Memory Plus.

Santra Life Vimex Vime Mag 60 Tablets

47.69 EUR
Vimex Vime Mag 60 Tablet Brand: MSL Vimex Product name: MSL Vimex Vime Mag 60 Tablet Content: Active ingredient Magnesium in 2 Tablets (100 mg of Magnesium Citrate, 50 mg of Magnesium Malate, 50 mg of Magnesium Bisglycinate) 200 mg Vitamin B6 (P5P) ) 5mg

Santra Life Active B Complex 30 Capsules

103.17 EUR
First in Turkey! Active Forms, Superior Absorption! Vitafenix Active B Complex combines superior absorption and quality by offering the highly absorbable benfotiamine form of vitamin B1 and other active forms of vitamin B for the first time in Turkey. Vitafenix Active B Complex is a revolutionary food supplement designed to support your health and energy naturally. It is enriched with the benfotiamine form of fat-soluble vitamin B1, used for the first time in Turkey. This special form offers much higher absorption than standard water-based vitamins B1, thus providing the energy and vitality your body needs. Vitafenix Active B Complex contains active forms of all essential B vitamins, including vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12, as well as vitamin B1.

Santra Life Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 Mg 30 Capsules

105.56 EUR
Alpha Lipoic AcidOcean Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg 30 CapsulesContent: For each 1 capsule R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg Usage Recommendation: For adults, 1 capsule on an empty stomach or preferably before meals. It is not a drug. Not for use to prevent or treat diseases