47.3 EUR
The second of three volumes of the graphic novel adaptation of Dune, the groundbreaking science fiction classic by Frank Herbert, offering a prescient look into our galactic future-now in a deluxe collector''s editionDUNE: The Graphic Novel, Book 2: Muad''Dib is now available in a deluxe collector''s edition with an increased trim size of 7 1/2" x 11 1/4", printed on high-quality matte art paper, and packaged in a faux-cloth slipcase with foil stamping and tip-on cover.In DUNE: The Graphic Novel, Book 2: Muad''Dib, the second of three volumes adapting Frank Herbert''s Dune, young Paul Atreides and his mother, the lady Jessica, find themselves stranded in the deep desert of Arrakis. Betrayed by one of their own and destroyed by their greatest enemy, Paul and Jessica must find the mysterious Fremen, or perish. This faithful adaptation of the 1965 epic, Dune, by Brian Herbert, son of Frank Herbert, and New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson, continues to explore Paul''s journey as he evolves from boy to mysterious messiah. Illustrated by Raul Allen and Patricia Martin, this spectacular blend of adventure and spirituality, environmentalism, and politics is a groundbreaking look into our universe and is transformed by the graphic novel format into a powerful, fantastical tale for a new generation of readers.


25.4 EUR
UNAPOLOGETICALLY QUEER: Mimosa doesn''t shy away from its LGBTQIA+ subject matter, exploring sexuality, gender, and adulthood in a refreshingly honest way.GROWING MARKET: The market for LGBTQIA+ stories is expanding, moving from a niche selection to a large and inclusive library of graphic novels.MAJOR TALENT: Bongiovanni is the cartoonist behind A Quick and Easy Guide To They/Them Pronouns, which received a starred review from School Library Journal, was a Publishers Weekly Favorite Reads of 2018, a 2018 Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year for Teen Nonfiction, and one of YALSA''s Great Graphic Novels for Teens.


19.8 EUR
A fictionalized account of infamous author, Patricia Highsmith, caught up in the longing and obsession that would inspire her groundbreaking work of queer fiction, The Price of SaltFlung Out of Space is both a love letter to the essential lesbian novel The Price of Salt and an examination of its notorious author, Patricia Highsmith. Veteran comics creators Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer have teamed up to tell this story through Highsmith''s eyes-reimagining the events that inspired her to write the story that would become a foundational piece of queer literature. Flung Out of Space opens with Pat begrudgingly writing low-brow comics. A drinker, a smoker, and a hater of life, Pat knows she can do better. Her brain churns with images of the great novel she could and should be writing, what will eventually be Strangers on a Train, which would later be adapted into a classic film by Alfred Hitchcock in 1951.At the same time, Pat, a lesbian consumed with self-loathing, is in and out of conversion therapy, leaving a trail of sexual conquests and broken hearts in her wake. However, one of those very affairs-and a chance encounter in a department store-give Pat the idea for her soon-to-be beloved tale of homosexual love that was the first of its kind: It gave the lesbian protagonists a happy ending.This is not just the story behind a classic queer book but also of a queer artist who was deeply flawed. It''s a comic about what it was like to write comics in the 1950s, but also about what it means to be a writer at any time in history, struggling to find your voice. Author Grace Ellis contextualizes Patricia Highsmith as both an unintentional queer icon and a figure whose problematic views and noted anti-Semitism have cemented her controversial legacy. Highsmith''s life imitated her art with results as devastating as the plot twists that brought her fame and fortune.


21.3 EUR
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FIRST L'histoire de France pour les nuls en BD tome 10

12 EUR
Deux désastres ravagent la France au XXe siècle : la Grande Guerre (1914 - 1918) qui la prive d'un million et demi de jeunes hommes et la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1939 - 1945) qui engloutit soixante millions d'êtres humains sur la planète. Pauvre France, pauvre monde ! À ces cataclysmes humains s'ajoutent ceux des guerres d'Indochine, d'Algérie, inscrites dans une douloureuse décolonisation. Cependant, tout au long du XXe siècle, les prodigieuses avancées dans le domaine technique, dans celui de la santé, les conquêtes sociales, transforment la France en profondeur, en font un pays moderne qui se maintient au rang de grande puissance ouverte au monde et prête à affronter tous les défis d'un XXIe siècle déjà fertile en rebondissements.

CINEBOOK Scared to death tome 1 - the vampire from the marshes

9.9 EUR
This series showcases the strange adventures of two adolescent friends, Robin and Max. All of the classic fantasy themes are touched on: sorcery, fairies, werewolves, ghosts. a must for fans of suspense and terror. In the first album, while secretly consulting the medical files of his father (a forensic scientist), Robin discovers the photo of a man whose body is pierced by hundreds of holes. Persuaded that this death is the work of a vampire, Robin and his friend Max go after the suspected murderer.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 39 - the man from washington (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Ulysses S. Grant's second term is ending, and the USA must elect a new president. After the many corruption scandals of the previous administration, the Republican Party has selected an upstanding candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes. However, a rich Texas oil tycoon with his eye on the White House has other ideas, and money can buy many votes... or bullets. Luke is called upon to protect Hayes as he tours the wild, wild West... Correspond au tome français Les nouvelles aventures de Lucky Luke t.3 ; l'homme de Washington

AKATA Wombs cradle tome 1

8.05 EUR
Quelque part, dans l'univers... Les first se sont installés sur la planète Jasperia et l'ont terraformée. Ils ont cru pouvoir y vivre en paix. Mais à l'arrivée des second, une terrible guerre est enclenchée. Le docteur Binard habite au sein de la République de Domus, territoire occupé par les second. Et en tant qu'obstétricien, il occupe un métier particulièrement complexe. En effet, depuis quelque temps, des actes terroristes menés par les wombs, des femmes enceintes capables de se téléporter, ont lieu dans la région. Pour ne rien arranger, une figure issue du passé du médecin va refaire surface... Entre secrets et résistance, il va être temps pour lui d'assumer ses responsabilités !

AKATA Wombs tome 1

8.5 EUR
Quelque part, dans l'univers... Les firsts se sont installés sur la planète de Jasperia et l'ont terraformée. Ils ont cru pouvoir y vivre en paix. Mais à l'arrivée des seconds, une terrible guerre est enclenchée.Vingt ans plus tard, et tandis que le conflit n'a pas faibli, Mana Oga est choisie pour intégrer une section spéciale de l'armée : les forces spéciales de transfert . Cette unité d'élite est composée exclusivement de femmes, dont l'utérus a été implanté par des foetus parasites. Ces dernières développent alors une capacité unique, la téléportation, conférant à leur armée un avantage stratégique notable.Enrôlée bien malgré elle, Oga va devoir s'entraîner, se former puis prendre part à une guerre dont elle ignore les véritables enjeux et implications...

TANIBIS dirty panties

16 EUR
Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers.This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end?Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold.Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.

CINEBOOK Green manor tome 2 - en anglais - the inconvenience of being dead

15.25 EUR
A cup of tea? A drop of milk? A spoonful of poison? At first sight, nothing would make the very select club called Green Manor stand out from any other English club. Yet behind its thick walls, sunk into its deep chairs, hides the biggest bunch of con artists, bandits and murderers that Queen Victoria's England has ever seen.

CINEBOOK alone tome 11 - the nailers in the night

9.9 EUR
While trying to escape an avalanche triggered by the killers of the First Families, Ivan drowned. Though this is a less permanent problem that it used to be for the children, Ivan 'returned' far from his friends, in a small village in Brittany where he used to holiday with his parents. There he lives alone, preparing for the long trip back to Neo-Salem. Until the day Camille, now revealed as the Midnight Child, pays him a terrifying visit, and the nightmare begins ...

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 32 - rails on the prairie (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The First Transcontinental Railroad is stopped dead near its starting point, both in the East and in the West. Repeated injunctions from the president of the “Transcontinental Railroad” are having no effect: His workers are constantly prevented from working by agents of a mysterious traitor. But Lucky Luke witnesses one of the acts of sabotage and stops it. Soon, he is in charge of security for the entire westward push—and he will have his work cut out for him!

CINEBOOK Green manor tome 1 - en anglais - assassins and gentlemen

11.75 EUR
A cup of tea? A drop of milk? A spoonful of poison? At first sight, nothing would make the very select club called Green Manor stand out from any other English club. Yet behind its thick walls, sunk into its deep chairs, hides the biggest bunch of con artists, bandits and murderers that Queen Victoria's England has ever seen.

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 35 - the singing wire (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
1861. Abraham Lincoln orders that the First Transcontinental Telegraph line, currently interrupted between Nevada and Nebraska, be completed. Two teams, one heading east from Carson City and the other west from Omaha, will meet up in Salt Lake City. Lucky Luke joins the eastbound team. But when a $100,000 reward is offered to the first team to arrive, there's suddenly more to fear than the natural obstacles of the journey: A saboteur seems to be at work! Correspond au tome 46 français: Le fil qui chante

CINEBOOK Orbital tome 2 - ruptures - en anglais

11.75 EUR
Caleb (a human) and Mezoke (a Sandjarr) are paired up and trained as special agents to keep the intergalactic peace. This is a controversial and historic alliance given their races’ longstanding enmity, and a lot of people are watching them. Their first mission is to keep war from breaking out between humans and Javlodes on the planet Senestam.Caleb acts as a mediator between the warring factions while dealing with an attack by Stilvulls (highly destructive insects)–and he also has to contend with his feelings for charming doctor Kim Vandersel. Mezoke is on the planet Upssal, trying to appease the Javlodes

MANSION PRESS whatever where and why

26 EUR
For several years , Alex Gamsu Jenkins has been delighting us on Instagram with his unique gags. Sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes trashy, always funny, discover for the first time a massive selection of his best pages in a dedicated book.

CINEBOOK Gomer Goof tome 6 : gomer : gofer, loafer

9.9 EUR
The Daltons escape from a Texas jail and head up to Canada. Lucky Luke is called in to get them back to jail. He and Rintincan, his second faithful companion after Jolly Jumper, follow them all the way to Canada, where Captain Winston Pendergast offers his help.

CINEBOOK The chimpanzee complex tome 2 (en anglais)

11.75 EUR
In 2035, a strange space capsule has crashed in the Indian Ocean with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin! Who, then, are the men who came back from the 1969 Apollo XI mission? In the second instalment of the science-fiction trilogy, Helen Friedman sets off for the Moon to look for answers. Due to a Russian message, the mission ends up on Mars. Meanwhile, on planet Earth, Sofia, her daughter is disappointed by her mother's choices. She decides to run away from home. The «Chimpanzee complex»...when you are a test subject in an experiment over which you have no control.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 15 - the daltons in the blizzard (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The Daltons escape from a Texas jail and head over to Canada. Lucky Luke is called in to get them back to jail. He and Rintincan, his second faithful companion after Jolly Jumper, follow them all the way to Canada, where Captain Winston Pendergast offers his help. Correspond au tome 22 français: Les Dalton dans le blizzard

PAQUET Beyond band of brothers (roman)

23 EUR
Mondialement connu depuis la diffusion de la série à succès HBO Band of Borthers produite par Steven Spielberg et Tom Hanks, le Major Dick Winters est un officier de l'US Army et un vétéran de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Durant ce conflit, il commande la Easy Company du 506e régiment d'infanterie parachutée de la 101e division aéroportée, les Screaming Eagles. Cette compagnie sera de tous les coups durs du front d'Europe occidentale, du débarquement de Normandie à la bataille des Ardennes en passant par l'opération Market-Garden aux Pays-Bas et finira la guerre en occupant le Nid d'aigle d'Hitler, Berchtesgaden.En 2006, accompagné par Cole C. Kingseed, il raconte son parcours militaire et livre les clés du succès d'un bon meneur d'homme.

CINEBOOK Buck Danny tome 5 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Managua is on the verge of civil war. Arrested by order of President Sanchez, Buck and his friends have managed to convince the pilots of the Managuean Air Force that their nation’s leader is in the pockets of drug cartels. With the assistance of the unit they’d come to train, Buck escaped to request assistance from US authorities. Meanwhile, Sonny and Tumb will have to help their rebel allies fight back loyalist forces – and Lady X’s mercenaries…

CINEBOOK xiii tome 15 : operation montecristo

9.9 EUR
Arrested by the Costaverdean authorities because of pressure from the US, XIII and his friends are awaiting their extradition. Instead, they're freed by Costaverdean troops in disguise. But they can't afford to stick around, as they're still on the run from the most powerful nation on Earth. Desperate for money, McLane decides to go after Maximilian's gold, as Mullway believes he's found the location of the third silver watch. The problem is that the location is under 150 feet of water... Correspond au tome 16 français: Opération Montecristo

CINEBOOK Buck danny tome 3 - ghost squadron

11.75 EUR
Bosnia, 1995. Serb forces are encircling Sarajevo and defying UN peacekeeping troops, even shooting at patrolling US Navy fighters. International politics keep American hands tied. After Tuckson disobeys orders and attacks a Serb position, he is disciplined by being sent to a secret base, where other pilots from the US military-including Buck-are training for a mysterious mission in unmarked planes. But this Ghost Squadron is not the only unofficial fighting force in the area...

CINEBOOK The chimpanzee complex tome 1 (en anglais)

11.75 EUR
In 2035, the US Navy discovers a strange space capsule that has crashed in the Indian Ocean. Helen Friedman is in charge of interrogating the two survivors, who are none other than Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin! Who, then, are the men who came back from the 1969 Apollo XI mission? A lunar expedition is set up to elucidate this mystery. Friedman is involved in a case that will lead her much further than she ever expected as history is rewritten.

CINEBOOK Spooks tome 3 - el santero

11.75 EUR
Cuba, 1902. Freed from its Spanish masters by US forces four years ago, the island is still occupied by its erstwhile liberators, some of whom aren't all that eager to leave. American businessmen and politicians would like to see Cuba become a full state, while the Cuban people dream only of freedom. When people begin dying... and then come back to life, the SPOOKS are sent to investigate the possible involvement of a Cuban priest and rebel leader-a santero.

CASTERMAN Airborne 44 tome 5 (en anglais)

9.95 EUR
" The stock market crash in '29 and the Dust Bowl left us with nothing, out on the streets, our youth our only asset. We were to reduced to wandering from place to place- no work, no future. What we were yet to realize, was that our only hope of saving our skins would be to risk our lives."