Fabrice Bonardi (Ss Dir.) En Chemin...: Concours De La Nouvelle George Sand 13ème Édition

1.99 EUR
Brand : L'HARMATTAN, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions L'Harmattan, Publisher : Editions L'Harmattan, Format : Blaues Buch, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 116, publicationDate : 2018-01-05, releaseDate : 2018-01-05, authors : Fabrice Bonardi (Ss Dir.), ISBN : 2343139393

Fabrice Bonardi Le Jour Venait De Se Lever: Concours De La Nouvelle George Sand 16e Édition

13.33 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions L'Harmattan, Publisher : Editions L'Harmattan, Format : Blaues Buch, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 120, publicationDate : 2020-11-12, releaseDate : 2020-11-12, authors : Fabrice Bonardi, ISBN : 2343216827

Fabrice Bonardi La Nouvelle George Sand: Concours Littéraire De Déols En Berry

9.49 EUR
Brand : L'HARMATTAN, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions L'Harmattan, Publisher : Editions L'Harmattan, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 90, publicationDate : 2011-02-01, releaseDate : 2011-02-01, authors : Fabrice Bonardi, ISBN : 2296116787

ART Carafes à liqueur en verre soufflé émaillé XIXè Dit Georges Sand bleu 0x0x0

120 EUR
Carafes antique émaillées en verre soufflé napoléon III dit georges sand.Corps bleu, anse ambrée, joli décor floral émaillé peint à la main, rehaut doré sur le bec et la anse parti sur l'une d'entre elles.Ensemble de 2 carafes, en bon état sans bouchons.Très décoratives, elles se suffisent à elle même.Hauteur: 15 cm.

ART Soucoupes en porcelaine de Limoges « George Sand » 1981-Raynaud et Cie blanc 14x0x0

70 EUR
Soucoupes en porcelaine de limoges collection « george sand » spéciale lave vaisselle, maison raynaud et cie.

ART Pichet verrerie Portieux - modèle George Sand - bleu et ambré transparent 15x14x22

30 EUR
Pichet pansu de portieux (non signé); légèrement ambré, facettes et anse turquoise.22cm hauteur.14cm panse.7cm col.9cm base.15cm col/anse.1100g.

ART Carafe ancienne verre soufflé George Sand collection multicolore 10x0x17

55 EUR
Magnifique et ancienne carafe, george sand une pièce de collection parfaite pour les aficionados et les amateurs de belle verrerie.dimensions: d'une hauteur de 17, 5 cm et d'une largeur de 10cm.je reste à votre disposition pour toutes questions ou photos supplémentaires.

ART Pichet George Sand Portieux jaune 22x15x17

80 EUR
Beau pichet grand format en verre soufflé de portieux collection georges sand.Parfait état.Très joli motif à pois dans le relief du verre et poignées torsadée. 22.5cmx17cmx14.5cm.

ART Set de 5 verres à liqueur george Sand bistrot ancien antiquité France multicolore

49 EUR
6 sur la photo ,mais juste 5 (j'en ai cassé un )8.3 cm de haut et 3,6 cm de diamètreBon état général

ART Ensemble à liqueur Georges Sand Portieux jaune 13x18x20

100 EUR
Ensemble composé d une carafe, bouchon lisse bleu ( urane/ouraline) et anse torsadée bleue ( urane/ouraline), corps godronné jaune et de ses 4 gobelets rond godronnes jaune, anses torsadés bleues ( ouraline/urane)Carafe.Poids 330 gr hauteur 20 cm largeur 13 cm.Verres.Poids 30 gr hauteur 4 cm largeur 4.5 cm.

ART Carafe service George Sand collection multicolore 10x0x20

55 EUR
Magnifique et ancienne carafe, george sand une pièce de collection parfaite pour les aficionados et les amateurs de belle verrerie.dimensions: d'une hauteur de 20 cm et d'une largeur de 10cm.je reste à votre disposition pour toutes questions ou photos supplémentaires.

ART George Sand Verres à Liqueur jaune 3x3x3

45 EUR
4 petits verres à liqueur de forme carrée dits george sand ambre et bleu clair - très bon état.L / d 3, 00 X l 3, 00 X h 3, 50 cm.

ART Rare pichet Georges Sand bleu 16x14x25

150 EUR
Rare pichet george sand, hauteur 25.5 cm, largeur collerette 15 cm, largeur totale 16 5 cm, diamètre du corps 14 cm.Un défaut d'origine dans le verre au niveau de la anse.

Paire de vases verrerie George Sand bleu 7x7x16

79 EUR
2 vases verrerie georges sand de couleur bleu et collerettes jaune orange.Hauteur 16cms, diamètre 7cms, bon état.

Vase tripode verre de cérémonie George Sand portieux bleu 12x12x22

140 EUR
Ancien verre de cérémonie, vase, centre de table, compotier haut tripode.Le gobelet est légèrement facetté.Jolie base tripode, pattes de lion sur une sphère.Probablement une production de portieux vallerysthal.Parfait état d'usage, belle transparence, sans opacité, fêle ou éclat, les couleurs sont contrastées et bien prononcées, voir photo.Hauteur: 21, 2 cm diamètre: 11, 2 cm au col.Un compotier tripode et d'autres pièces de ce service, dans mes autres ventes.

Paire de vases Georges Sand Portieux bleu 13x27x28

330 EUR
Rare paire de vases en cristal modèle georges sand de la maison portieux, col et pieds travaillés à la pince, en bel état circa 1900.Poids 1010 gr/ 1060 gr.

Ancien vide poche Georges Sand marron

15 EUR
Ancien vide poche Georges Sand verre panier fleurs collection déco table.En parfait état.Longueur 10,5 cm.Hauteur 7 cm

ART Chopes à bières georges sand bleu 7x12x12

120 EUR
5 grandes chopes à bière, ambre et bleue, georges sand, circa 1900, en bon état.Poids unitaire 270 gr.7 cm de largeur /12 cm avec la anse.

Bureau de George Sand bois 98x70x134

4000 EUR
En excellent état, un exemplaire en édition limitée du bureau de george sand n° 288/999.Il a deux longs tiroirs, parfait pour une belle étude ou une bibliothèque.

ART Service à liqueur Georges Sand Portieux jaune 13x18x21

120 EUR
Ce service en cristal georges sand de la maison portieux est composé de son plateau jaune de sa carafe jaune et bleue, bouchon pointe de diamant et anse torsadée et de ses 5 gobelets carrés jaune et anses torsadée bleues.Carafe.Poids 420 gr hauteur 21 cm largeur 13 cm.Verres.Poids 37 gr hauteur 4 cm largeur 4 cm.Plateau.Poids 465 g hauteur 2.5 cm largeur 19cm longueur 19 cm.

ART Service à punch Georges Sand Portieux jaune 25x21x22

100 EUR
Cet ensemble est composé d un pichet et 4 chopes en cristal jaune et bleu (urane/ouraline) en bon état circa 1900 de la cristallerie de portieux.Pichet.Poids 880 gr hauteur 22 cm largeur 25 cm.Chopes.Poids 200 gr ( différé de quelques gr d une cope à l autre)Hauteur 12 cm largeur 12 cm.

ART Set 2 flutes "George Sand" verrerie de Portieux fin XIXeme bleu 5x5x16

30 EUR
Set de 2 flutes fin xixeme de la verrerie de portieux suivant le modèle communément appelé "george sand".En effet, george sand possédait ce service dans sa maison de nohan (dans la version pied bleu et contenant ambre).Verre bicolore ambre et turquoise clair.Dimensions: diamètre au buvant 5cm X hauteur 16cm (petites flutes)Bon état, ni éclat ni fêle, usure/rayures d'usage et petites imperfections (bulles) dans le verre liés à la fabrication ancienne artisanale.Envoi soigné.

ART 4 verres dit georges sand multicolore 8x11x12

190 EUR
4 verres ou chopes ambré et bleu clair.Un verre a un défaut (voir photo) sinon en très bon état.Hauteur: 14cm.Diamètre: 6cm.

ART Service à liqueur Portieux / Legras, modèle Georges Sand orange 4x58x60

79 EUR
Ancien et ravissant service à liqueur Portieux composé d’une carafe et de 5 verresModèle Georges Sand, verre de couleur ambre et bleuDimensionsCarafe : hauteur avec bouchon 22 cmVerre : hauteur 4 cm, diamètre 3,5 cmEtat : bel état hormis un petit éclat à signaler sur la partie intérieure du bouchonEnvoi rapide et soigné contre frais de portMerci de votre visite,

ART Flacon Portieux George Sand jaune 6x6x21

35 EUR
Petit flacon en verre de portieux collection george sand.Superbe état.Jolie couleur marine du bouchon. 21.5cmx6.5cm.

Vide poche panier en verre soufflé georges sand multicolore 10x7x8

28 EUR
Petit panier vide poche en verre souffle georges sand en parfait état.Bleu et ambre.

Bureau George Sand merisier massif bois 97x68x134

445 EUR
Bureau george sand au château de nohant.Réédition par grange limitée et numérotée 150/999.Acheté 6400f en solde dans les années 90 (valeur 12400f) facture fournie.J'ai déménagé après le décès de mon mari et ce bureau n'a plus sa place dans mon nouveau logement.Les dernières photos présentent les défauts apparents: des taches sur le plateau dont j'ignore la cause, une fine brulure et une griffure en façade...

ART 7 verres à liqueur en cristal de portieux modèle georges sand aucun fêle ou égrenure jaune 6x6x10

120 EUR
6 verres à liqueur en cristal de portieux.Modèle georges sand.Aucune égrenure ou fêle.

Bureau de Georges Sand bois 98x70x134

3530 EUR
Bureau de georges sand au chateau de rohan.Édité par les meubles grange.Série limitée et numérotée: 331/999.Merisier massif.état neuf.

George Sand Tamaris

50.4 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Association Livres en Seyne, Publisher : Association Livres en Seyne, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2013-03-10, authors : George Sand, ISBN : 2954231610

George Sand Tamaris

6.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Legare Street Press, Publisher : Legare Street Press, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 314, publicationDate : 2022-10-27, authors : George Sand, ISBN : 1015881106

Boisdeffre, Pierre de George Sand À Nohant. Sa Vie, Sa Maison, Ses Voyages, Ses Demeures (Maison D'Ecrivain)

1.34 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions Christian Pirot, Publisher : Editions Christian Pirot, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2000-03-27, authors : Boisdeffre, Pierre de, ISBN : 2868081444

Pierre Pissareff ,lampe à deux lumières , signée , Dlg de Georges Pelletier multicolore 24x24x44

1280 EUR
Très grand pied de lampe émaillé en grès à deux lumières, une au sommet et une a l'intérieur, voir les photos, de pierre pissareff, des années 50/60, dans le gout georges pelletier, poids environ: 4, 030 kg.dimensions environ.Diamètre au plus large environ 24 cm X hauteur environ 44 cm avec la douille, parfait état. livrée sans l'abat -jour .

Régine Deforges Les Plus Beaux Manuscrits De George Sand

7.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Librairie Académique Perrin, Publisher : Librairie Académique Perrin, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, publicationDate : 2004-03-19, authors : Régine Deforges, Ayala, Roselyne de, Jean-Pierre Guéno, ISBN : 2262020647

Colette Cosnier George Sand En Verve

4.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Pierre Horay, Publisher : Pierre Horay, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2004-06-01, authors : Colette Cosnier, ISBN : 2705803718

Affiche originale 1957 Porte des lilas Georges Brassens René Clair multicolore 48x1x65

380 EUR
Affiche originale de 1957.Taille: 48x65 cm.Réalisateur: rené clair.Acteur: georges brassens, pierre brasseur, henri vidal, dany carrel.Imprimeur: sip, 186, fg st-martin, paris-10.État: bon (infimes trous punaises aux coins sans manque)Type impression: photo/offset.Conditionnement: pliée.

Pierre Georges La Boîte À Quiz L'Equipe : 150 Cartes + 1 Livret

1.34 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Marabout, Publisher : Marabout, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2015-09-30, authors : Pierre Georges, Fabrice Jouhaud, languages : french, ISBN : 2501105346

Paire de fauteuils Pumpkin par Pierre Paulin en cuir marron 105x83x69

5500 EUR
Paire de pumpkin par pierre paulin en cuir - coloris brun (5182)  - parfait etat.Fauteuil mythique: première édition publique du salon dessiné en 1971 pour les appartements privés de claude et georges pompidou au palais de l'elysée.

Canapé 2 places Citrouille par Pierre Paulin blanc 178x83x70

2880 EUR
Canapé 2 places citrouille par pierre paulin.Cuir de couleur blanc.Bon état.Dessiné en 1971 pour les appartements privés de claude et georges pompidou au palais de l'elysée.Circa 1980.Provenance: france.Dimensions: l178 cm X h70 cm X p83 cm.

Canapé Pumpkin par Pierre Paulin pour Ligne Roset, France, années 1970. rose 178x83x70

4400 EUR
Le canapé Pumpkin de Pierre Paulin a été créé en 1971. Il a été conçu pour les appartements privés de Claude et Georges Pompidou au Palais de l'Élysée. Son design suit la ligne directrice adoptée par le designer français avec ses courbes douces et organiques. Pour ce modèle, il s'est inspiré de la citrouille, utilisant sa forme pour créer un siège chaleureux et protecteurSa structure est composée d'un assemblage de mousse d'un côté : la base et la ceinture sont en mousse polyéther, tandis que le siège et le dossier sont en mousse polyuréthane moulée renforcée par une plaque de la même mousse. Un revêtement en tissu ou en cuir est ensuite posé sur la surface. Édition post-2000.Très bon état, retapissé, signes d'usage rayures en bas sur la partie basse invisible pendant usage.

Canapé 2 places ABCD par Pierre Paulin pour Artifort, 1960's violet 165x73x65

11900 EUR
Stunning sculptural abcd 2-seat sofa, designed by pierre paulin for artifort in 1968.The sofa is composed of three separate segments, characterized by the lovely wave-shaped curves.They are mounted on metal casters.It has the original wool fabric.The fabric is in used but good condition.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.There is a second same 2-seat sofa available for reupholstery.

Mushroom Armchair and Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960's vert 90x85x67

4690 EUR
Stunning Mushroom set, designed by Pierre Paulin and fabricated by Artifort in the 60’s. The chair and the poof are completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a French Pierre Paulin specialist, they are in perfect condition.The set is reupholstered with a stunning wool fabric. This fabric is original from the 80's and was never used. We bought it from a retired upholsterer, the quality is amazing. The price is for one set (chair with poof), there are 2 sets available. Both sets are in perfect condition. It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.This lovely set is original from the 60's and is a piece of art!Pierre Paulin (1927-2009) was a French furniture designer, influenced by the Scandinavian aesthetic, as well as by American prefabrication design. Important is his background in sculpting and stone carving which is the reason why his designs are often opulent and expressive. With the signature organic curves that features in many of his pieces. In 1954 he started a collaboration with Thonet. In 1958, Artifort’s head of design Kho Liang Le recruited Pierre Paulin – his designs are still produced by Artifort today. Paulin said of his time at the company: “It represented the first full expression of my abilities. I considered the manufacture of chairs to be rather primitive and I was trying to think up new processes.” With his high profile, he went on to redecorate the rooms of the Elysée’s private apartments for Pompidou and furnish the office of François Mitterrand. In November 2009, he was posthumously awarded the distinction of ‘Royal Designer for Industry’.

Mushroom Armchair and Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960's marron 90x85x67

4790 EUR
Stunning mushroom set, designed by pierre paulin and fabricated by artifort in the 60’s.The chair and the poof are completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a french pierre paulin specialist, they are in perfect condition.The set is reupholstered with a stunning wool fabric.This fabric is original from the 80's and was never used.We bought it from a retired upholsterer, the quality is amazing.The set is in perfect condition.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We have the same chairs unrestored on stock.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.This lovely set is original from the 60's and is a piece of art!Pierre paulin (1927-2009) was a french furniture designer, influenced by the scandinavian aesthetic, as well as by american prefabrication design.Important is his background in sculpting and stone carving which is the reason why his designs are often opulent and expressive.With the signature organic curves that features in many of his pieces.In 1954 he started a collaboration with thonet.In 1958, artifort’s head of design kho liang le recruited pierre paulin – his designs are still produced by artifort today.Paulin said of his time at the company: “it represented the first full expression of my abilities. I considered the manufacture of chairs to be rather primitive and I was trying to think up new processes.”With his high profile, he went on to redecorate the rooms of the elysée’s private apartments for pompidou and furnish the office of françois mitterrand.In november 2009, he was posthumously awarded the distinction of ‘royal designer for industry’.

Mushroom Armchair and Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960's beige 90x85x67

4790 EUR
Stunning Mushroom set, designed by Pierre Paulin and fabricated by Artifort in the 60’s. The chair and the pouf are completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a French Pierre Paulin specialist, they are in perfect condition.This very comfortable and cosy set is just reupholstered with high quality Danish wool fabric. This lovely set is original from the 60's and is a piece of art!Both the chair and the poof are marked under the bottom.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want or to order a second chair set with the same fabric. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options. Pierre Paulin (1927-2009) was a French furniture designer, influenced by the Scandinavian aesthetic, as well as by American prefabrication design. Important is his background in sculpting and stone carving which is the reason why his designs are often opulent and expressive. With the signature organic curves that features in many of his pieces. In 1954 he started a collaboration with Thonet. In 1958, Artifort’s head of design Kho Liang Le recruited Pierre Paulin – his designs are still produced by Artifort today. Paulin said of his time at the company: “It represented the first full expression of my abilities. I considered the manufacture of chairs to be rather primitive and I was trying to think up new processes.” With his high profile, he went on to redecorate the rooms of the Elysée’s private apartments for Pompidou and furnish the office of François Mitterrand. In November 2009, he was posthumously awarded the distinction of ‘Royal Designer for Industry’.

Model F598 Groovy Chair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1980 bleu 85x68x63

3790 EUR
Lovely and very comfortable Artifort Groovy chair (or "M" Chair), designed by Pierre Paulin.This F598 model is designed and produced in the 80's.The chair has the original high quality wool fabric, color blue.It is in very good condition!The chair is amazingly comfortable.Originally marked on the foot (see pictures).It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.

Mushroom Armchair and Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort bleu 90x85x67

3590 EUR
Very comfortable and cosy Artifort Mushroom chair with Ottoman, designed by Pierre Paulin in the 60s. This particular set is fabricated in 2021.Covered with the original blue Kvadrat Tonus wool fabric.This set is in very good or perfect condition.Originally marked under the bottom.

Fauteuil Oyster avec ottoman par Pierre Paulin pour Artifort, 1960s marron 89x80x86

5490 EUR
A beautiful set of the famous artifort oyster chair with a ottoman.This very comfortable chair is designed by pierre paulin in the beginning of the 60's.This particular set is also manufactured in the 60's, with nickel metal legs.It is just restored with new fabric and new foam by an artifort specialist, so it is in perfect condition.It is reupholstered with stunning wool fabric.This fabric is original from the 80's and was never used.We bought it from a retired upholsterer, the quality is amazing.The metal feet have the normal using spots.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We have the same chairs unrestored on stock.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.

Ribbon Chair With Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1990's noir 100x72x74

12900 EUR
Amazing Ribbon Chair with Ottoman in a very rare edition.It is designed by the famous Pierre Paulin (France) in the 60's and produced by Artifort (The Netherlands). This iconic piece is produced in the 90's.The chair has the original and stunning black and white Jack Lenor Larsen Momentum fabric.A very beautiful pattern of black and white.This very comfortable chair is in very good condition.Both the chair and the ottoman are marked under the foot.An Iconic design by Pierre Paulin, these are as much pieces of sculpture as furniture. Sexy, playful, exuberant yet comfortable, his furniture is above all supple and lively. Featured in the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, and the MoMa, Museum of Modern Art, in New York.

Mushroom Armchair and Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960's marron 90x85x67

4690 EUR
Stunning mushroom set, designed by pierre paulin and fabricated by artifort in the 60’s.The chair and the poof are completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a french pierre paulin specialist, they are in perfect condition.The set is reupholstered with a stunning wool fabric.This fabric is original from the 80's and was never used.We bought it from a retired upholsterer, the quality is amazing.The set is in perfect condition.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We have the same chairs unrestored on stock.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.This lovely set is original from the 60's and is a piece of art!We work with professional packers and shippers.Pierre paulin (1927-2009) was a french furniture designer, influenced by the scandinavian aesthetic, as well as by american prefabrication design.Important is his background in sculpting and stone carving which is the reason why his designs are often opulent and expressive.With the signature organic curves that features in many of his pieces.In 1954 he started a collaboration with thonet.In 1958, artifort’s head of design kho liang le recruited pierre paulin – his designs are still produced by artifort today.Paulin said of his time at the company: “it represented the first full expression of my abilities. I considered the manufacture of chairs to be rather primitive and I was trying to think up new processes.”With his high profile, he went on to redecorate the rooms of the elysée’s private apartments for pompidou and furnish the office of françois mitterrand.In november 2009, he was posthumously awarded the distinction of ‘royal designer for industry’.

Oyster Chair with Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s marron 89x80x86

5490 EUR
A beautiful set of the famous Artifort Oyster Chair with a Ottoman.This very comfortable chair is designed by Pierre Paulin in the beginning of the 60's.This particular set is also manufactured in the 60's, with nickel metal legs.It is just restored with new fabric and new foam by an Artifort specialist, so it is in perfect condition. It is reupholstered with stunning wool fabric. This fabric is original from the 80's and was never used. We bought it from a retired upholsterer, the quality is amazing. The metal feet have the normal using spots. It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.

Fauteuil Oyster par Pierre Paulin pour Artifort, années 1960 marron 89x80x86

3990 EUR
A beautiful artifort oyster chair.This very comfortable chair is designed by pierre paulin and fabricated by artifort.This particular piece is manufactured in the 60's it has nickel metal legs.It is just restored with new fabric and new foam, so it is in perfect condition.The chair is reupholstered with stunning wool fabric.This fabric is original from the 70's and was never used.We bought it from a retired upholsterer, the quality is amazing.The metal foot has the normal using spots.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We have the same chairs unrestored on stock.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.


3900 EUR
Fauteuil Mushroom et son repose pieds, par Pierre Paulin, 1959, Artifort éditeur.1ère édition.Entièrement réstoré avec un tissu de l'éditeur Gabriel couleur vert.https://www.gabriel.dk/en/fabrics/colourscale/Select/54689/colour/57068Hauteur assise 42 cm et dossier 68 cm Largeur 86 cm Profondeur 80 cmExcellent état.

Polaris chair by Pierre Guariche for Meurop, 1963 rouge 50x55x73

550 EUR
Very cute and comfortable chair, designed by Pierre Guariche for the famous Belgium company Meurop. Shaped like a Tulip with female curves. The chair is reupholstered with high quality Kvadrat wool fabric.

Mushroom Armchair and Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960's blanc 90x85x67

5490 EUR
Stunning Mushroom set, designed by Pierre Paulin and fabricated by Artifort in the 60’s. The chair and the pouf are completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a French Pierre Paulin specialist, they are in perfect condition.This very comfortable and cosy set is just reupholstered with amazing and very expensive Élitis (France) fabric with golden accents.This lovely set is original from the 60's and is a piece of art!It is marked under the bottom.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want or to order a second chair set with the same fabric. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options. We work with professional packers and shippers, we can deliver worldwide within 5 to 10 days.Pierre Paulin (1927-2009) was a French furniture designer, influenced by the Scandinavian aesthetic, as well as by American prefabrication design. Important is his background in sculpting and stone carving which is the reason why his designs are often opulent and expressive. With the signature organic curves that features in many of his pieces. In 1954 he started a collaboration with Thonet. In 1958, Artifort’s head of design Kho Liang Le recruited Pierre Paulin – his designs are still produced by Artifort today. Paulin said of his time at the company: “It represented the first full expression of my abilities. I considered the manufacture of chairs to be rather primitive and I was trying to think up new processes.” With his high profile, he went on to redecorate the rooms of the Elysée’s private apartments for Pompidou and furnish the office of François Mitterrand. In November 2009, he was posthumously awarded the distinction of ‘Royal Designer for Industry’.

Model 303 Chair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1970s noir 80x72x60

2990 EUR
Very nice and comfortable Artifort Model 303 chair, designed by Pierre Paulin.This model is designed and produced in the 70's.Original hard polyurethane moulded shell.Upholstered with high quality wool fabric.It has the normal traces of use, see the pictures.Label present, stamped/moulded in the shell.The upholstered padding can be taken out and the piece can be used outdoors.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.

Mid-Century Tongue Lounge Chair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s rouge 90x90x62

4390 EUR
Amazing and very comfortable Tongue chair, designed by the French designer Pierre Paulin in the 60s and produced by Artifort. This lovely chair has the original high quality Kvadrat Tonus fabric. It is still in very good condition with some traces of use (see the pictures). It is originally marked under the seat.This is a piece of Art! It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options. There is a second and third same chair available for reupholstery.

Model F580 Groovy Chair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1966 marron 80x72x65

7190 EUR
Lovely and very comfortable Artifort Groovy Chair (or "M" Chair), model F580.This model is designed by Pierre Paulin in 1966. These particular chairs are the very first edition with very nice curves, fabricated in the end of the 60's.They are completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a French Pierre Paulin specialist, they are in perfect condition.Both chairs are reupholstered with a stunning wool fabric. This fabric is original from the 80's and was never used. We bought it from a retired upholsterer, the quality is amazing. The price is for one chair, there are 2 chairs available. Both chairs are in perfect condition. It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.Pierre Paulin (1927-2009) was a French furniture designer, influenced by the Scandinavian aesthetic, as well as by American prefabrication design. Important is his background in sculpting and stone carving which is the reason why his designs are often opulent and expressive. With the signature organic curves that features in many of his pieces. In 1954 he started a collaboration with Thonet. In 1958, Artifort’s head of design Kho Liang Le recruited Pierre Paulin – his designs are still produced by Artifort today. Paulin said of his time at the company: “It represented the first full expression of my abilities. I considered the manufacture of chairs to be rather primitive and I was trying to think up new processes.” With his high profile, he went on to redecorate the rooms of the Elysée’s private apartments for Pompidou and furnish the office of François Mitterrand. In November 2009, he was posthumously awarded the distinction of ‘Royal Designer for Industry’.

Model F572 Chair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1967 marron 80x75x75

2990 EUR
Stunning creation of the French designer Pierre Paulin. He designed this model (F572) for Artifort in 1967.It is produced for just a few years, this model is hard to find. This magnificent chair has the original fabric! This fantastic brown wool fabric is still in very good condition. The chair is very comfortable. Originally marked under the bottom (see the picture). It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.

Ribbon Chair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960's vert 100x74x72

9390 EUR
Stunning Ribbon Chair, designed by the French designer Pierre Paulin in the 60's. This original chair is produced in the 60's by Artifort, The Netherlands. The Ribbon Chair is a piece of Art and it is amazingly comfortable. This chair is completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a French Pierre Paulin specialist.Upholstered with stunning Dedar Italy wool fabric, color green.The foot is painted by a professional.This lovely chair is in perfect condition!It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.There are 2 other unrestored Ribbon Chairs on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.

Mushroom de Pierre Paulin pour Artifort, 1980s marron 90x85x67

3690 EUR
Very comfortable and cosy Artifort Mushroom chair, designed by Pierre Paulin in the 60s. These particular chair is fabricated in the 80sCovered with very beautiful Scandinavian wool fabric.The chair is completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a French Pierre Paulin specialist, it is in perfect condition.Originally marked under the bottom.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.

Set of 4 chairs by Pierre Guariche for Meurop 1960 orange 42x42x82

519 EUR
This set of four mid-century vintage bistro dining chairs were designed by Pierre Guariche for Meurop in Belgium circa the 1960s s. They feature black tubular metal frames and the orange leatherette upholstery which has a fabric-like feeling to it .They are trimmed with brass nails button.Good vintage condtion with light wear consist with age and use, Some paint loss on the black paint at the legs. Seat height 47 cm

Mushroom Armchair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960's vert 90x85x67

4990 EUR
Stunning mushroom armchair, designed by pierre paulin and fabricated by artifort in the 60’s.The chair is completely restored with new fabric and new foam by a french pierre paulin specialist, it is in perfect condition.The chair is reupholstered with stunning and high quality fabric.The price is for one chair, but it is also possible to choose one chair with a poof or two chairs with or without a poof.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We have the same chairs unrestored on stock.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.This lovely mushroom is original from the 60's and is a piece of art!Pierre paulin (1927-2009) was a french furniture designer, influenced by the scandinavian aesthetic, as well as by american prefabrication design.Important is his background in sculpting and stone carving which is the reason why his designs are often opulent and expressive.With the signature organic curves that features in many of his pieces.In 1954 he started a collaboration with thonet.In 1958, artifort’s head of design kho liang le recruited pierre paulin – his designs are still produced by artifort today.Paulin said of his time at the company: “it represented the first full expression of my abilities. I considered the manufacture of chairs to be rather primitive and I was trying to think up new processes.”With his high profile, he went on to redecorate the rooms of the elysée’s private apartments for pompidou and furnish the office of françois mitterrand.In november 2009, he was posthumously awarded the distinction of ‘royal designer for industry’.

Orange Slice Chair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1990s orange 84x82x72

1690 EUR
The famous Artifort orange slice chair by Pierre Paulin, designed in the 60s.This original chair is produced in the 90's.It is a cute and very comfortable chair.There are 2 available.Both chairs are just restored with new fabric and new foam.They are reupholstered with very nice wool fabric (color orange).These amazing chairs are in perfect condition.Both chairs are originally marked under the seat.

Ensemble de 2 chaises à languettes par Pierre Paulin pour Artifort, 1960s jaune 90x90x62

12900 EUR
Set amazing and very comfortable tongue chairs, designed by the french designer pierre paulin in the 60's and produced by artifort.These original chairs are completely restored by a french pierre paulin specialist.The foam is renewed and they are reupholstered with the original used kvadrat fabric.This high quality wool fabric is in the color yellow.They are in perfect condition.This is a piece of art!It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.We have other same chairs available for reupholstery.

Big Mushroom" Armchair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort bordeaux 110x101x80

4190 EUR
Comfort at the utmost! This stunning "Big Mushroom" chair is designed by Pierre Paulin in the beginning of the 60's.It is fabricated by Artifort.Covered with very special and high quality velvet fabric, Kvadrat Gentle.Very soft and cosy because the fabric is made with wool.This very comfortable chair is in perfect condition.Originally marked under the bottom.

Mushroom Armchair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1970's noir 90x85x67

2790 EUR
Very comfortable Artifort Mushroom chair, designed by Pierre Paulin in the 60's. This original Mushroom Chair is made in the 70's.It is covered with the original Kvadrat Tonus wool fabric, color black.This high quality fabric is still in very good condition (see the pictures).It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.

Mushroom Poof or Ottoman by Pierre Paulin for Artifort multicolore 46x46x38

1590 EUR
Amazing mushroom poof, designed by pierre paulin for artifort in the 60's.It is covered with the original and stunning momentum fabric by jack lenor larsen in the colors blue and red.This wonderful poof is in very good, nearly new condition!There are 2 available, the price is for one poof.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We have the same poof unrestored on stock.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.

Set of 2 Tongue Chairs by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s blanc 90x90x62

12900 EUR
Set amazing and very comfortable Tongue chairs, designed by the French designer Pierre Paulin in the 60s and produced by Artifort. These original chairs are completely restored by a French Pierre Paulin specialist. The foam is renewed and they are reupholstered with very soft and high quality alpaca wool fabric, color white.They are in perfect condition.This is a piece of Art!It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options. We have the same chair available for reupholstery.

Set of 2 Tongue Chairs by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s blanc 90x90x62

12900 EUR
Set amazing and very comfortable tongue chairs, designed by the french designer pierre paulin in the 60s and produced by artifort.These original chairs are completely restored by a french pierre paulin specialist.The foam is renewed and they are reupholstered with extremely soft and cosy fabric.This high quality alpaca wool fabric (color crème) is fabricated by dedar italy.They are in perfect condition.This is a piece of art!It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.We have other same chairs available for reupholstery.

Set of 2 Tongue Chairs by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s rose 90x90x62

12900 EUR
Set amazing and very comfortable Tongue chairs, designed by the French designer Pierre Paulin in the 60s and produced by Artifort. These original chairs are completely restored by a French Pierre Paulin specialist. The foam is renewed and they are reupholstered with very soft and high quality alpaca wool fabric, color pink.They are in perfect condition.This is a piece of Art!It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options. We have the same chair available for reupholstery.

Set of 2 Tongue Chairs by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s rose 90x90x62

12900 EUR
Set amazing and very comfortable tongue chairs, designed by the french designer pierre paulin in the 60's and produced by artifort.These original chairs are completely restored by a french pierre paulin specialist.The foam is renewed and they are reupholstered with lovely fabric.This high quality wool fabric is in the color pink.They are in perfect condition.This is a piece of art!It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.We have other same chairs available for reupholstery.

Set of 2 Tongue Chairs by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s rose 90x90x62

12900 EUR
Set amazing and very comfortable Tongue chairs, designed by the French designer Pierre Paulin in the 60s and produced by Artifort. These original chairs are completely restored by a French Pierre Paulin specialist. The foam is renewed and they are reupholstered with very soft and high quality alpaca wool fabric, color pink.They are in perfect condition.This is a piece of Art!It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options. We have the same chair available for reupholstery.

Little Tulip Armchair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s rouge 70x57x75

1590 EUR
Cute and very comfortable armchair.This "Little Tulip" is designed by the famous Pierre Paulin in te 60's. It is fabricated by Artifort in the late 60's. The chair has the original red wool fabric. It is fully functional but is in used condition (see the pictures).It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options. It is also possible to let us paint the foot by a professional.

Set of 2 F557 Lounge Chairs by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s marron 87x78x81

7990 EUR
Lovely and very comfortable lounge chair set, designed by Pierre Paulin in 1961.This model F557 is the first edition of the Oyster Chair and is shortly produced (till 1965), that's why this chair is rare. Very solid wooden frame with a pivoting foot. Both chairs are just restored with new fabric and new foam by an Artifort specialist, so they are in perfect condition. They are reupholstered with stunning wool fabric. This fabric is original from the 80's and was never used. We bought it from a retired upholsterer, the quality is amazing. The feet are professionally painted white.Originally marked under both feet.It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We have the same chairs unrestored on stock. We work with professional upholsterers and specialists. Please ask for the options.

FAUTEUIL PUMPKIN FIXE Design Pierre Paulin Ligne Roset bleu 105x83x70

1000 EUR
Première édition publique du salon dessiné en 1971 pour les appartements privés de Claude et Georges Pompidou au Palais de l'Elysée, Pumpkin est caractéristique du style révolutionnaire de Pierre Paulin qu'il a initié dès la fin des années 50. Formellement, Pumpkin évoque une citrouille géante qui offre une coquille protectrice et voluptueuse à son utilisateur. Impossible de résister à son appel !petit trou dans l'assise, cf photo.Tissu 100% laine DIVINA colori bleu Dimensions 700(H)x 1050(l)x(assise370)x83(profondeur)

Little Tulip Armchair with cross base by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1970s rouge 73x62x73

1790 EUR
Cute and very comfortable pivoting armchair.This "little tulip" with cross base is designed by the famous pierre paulin in the 60's.This particular edition is fabricated by artifort in the early 70's.The chair has the original red wool fabric, kvadrat tonus.The fabric is in very good condition, the feet have the normal traces of use (see the pictures).It is also possible to choose the color or fabric you want.We work with professional upholsterers and specialists.Please ask for the options.

Lampadaire George Hansen Lucite Metalarte années 1970 Espagne vert 52x52x168

1300 EUR
Très joli lampadaire classique.Pieds en laiton de style rococo.Montant en métal vert.Livré avec un abat-jour en velours rouge pierre.Très bonne condition.

Pierre-Edouard Bollaert Réanimation - Offre Premium: Le Livre Papier Les Essentiels En Médecine Intensive Et Réanimation + Votre Accès À L'Ebook Du Trait (Hors Collection)

174.99 EUR
Brand : MASSON, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : MASSON, Publisher : MASSON, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 664, publicationDate : 2020-01-29, authors : Pierre-Edouard Bollaert, Alain Mercat, Jean-Paul Mira, René Robert, Fabienne Saulnier, Michel Wolff, Fabrice Zéni, publishers : Georges Offenstadt, ISBN : 2294764986

F555 armchair by Pierre Paulin for Artifort, 1960s vert 84x80x84

2990 EUR
Very rare F555 model, designed by Pierre Paulin for Artifort in the 60's.Just upholstered with new foam and lovely high quality 100% wool fabric. Very comfortable chair!

ART Plat maîtrise de Nimy par Georges Destrebecq circa 1950 multicolore 34x34x6

75 EUR
Plat en céramique par georges destrebecq (1925-1984), milieu du XX ème.La maîtrise de nimy (1943-1950) est un mouvement composé de huit artistes dont georges destrebecq fait partie, ainsi que fernande massart, louis waem, rené lemaigre, pierre monnaie, andré hupet, irène zacq et geneviève noe.Pionniers dans la volonté de placer la céramique au rang d’art, et l’ascension de la pièce unique, en réaction face à l’industrialisation.Décors uniques sur base d’une variation sur un même thème en terme de technique et forme de fond.Un travail de recherche sur la matière, la forme et le décor précurseur des années 50.Modèle de diamètre de 34 cm.Décors réalisés tantôt par une composition de différentes frises volutes de sgraffite (retrait en creux dans la masse) et tantôt par de l’émail appliqué au pinceau.Émaux de couleurs terre, de tons rouges, ainsi que rehauts d’or.Céramique d’argile rouge.Bel état général voir photos.Très peu d’écaillages, aucuns manques.Signé au talon.Hauteur 6 X diamètre 34 pour le grand.

ART Plat maîtrise de Nimy par Georges Destrebecq circa 1950 multicolore 20x20x4

35 EUR
Plat en céramique par georges destrebecq (1925-1984), milieu du XX ème.La maîtrise de nimy (1943-1950) est un mouvement composé de huit artistes dont georges destrebecq fait partie, ainsi que fernande massart, louis waem, rené lemaigre, pierre monnaie, andré hupet, irène zacq et geneviève noe.Pionniers dans la volonté de placer la céramique au rang d’art, et l’ascension de la pièce unique, en réaction face à l’industrialisation.Décors uniques sur base d’une variation sur un même thème en terme de technique et forme de fond.Un travail de recherche sur la matière, la forme et le décor précurseur des années 50.Diamètre 20 cm.Décors réalisés tantôt par une composition de différentes frises volutes de sgraffite (retrait en creux dans la masse) et tantôt par de l’émail appliqué au pinceau.Émaux de couleurs terre, de tons rouges, ainsi que rehauts d’or.Céramique d’argile de terre blanche.Bel état général voir photos.Très peu d’écaillages, aucuns manques.Quelques manques de dorure.Signé au talon.Hauteur 4 X diamètre 20 pour le petit.

ART 6 verres à porto en cristal de Portieux jaune 6x6x12

120 EUR
6 verres à porto en cristal de portieux.Modèle georges sand.Aucun fêle ou ègrenure.

ART Service à liqueur orange 24x32x32

25 EUR
Service à liqueur, en verre soufflé, georges sand.une carafe haut: 31cm avec bouchon d'origine, un plateau 23, 5 X 23, 5 et 4verres.

ART Pichet carafe carré fleurs émaillées jaune 8x0x13

52 EUR
Pichet carafe de forme carré avec un motif de fleurs émaillées en relief, le doré qui relie les fleurs est légèrement effacé par endroit george sand.Taille: 13 cm de hauteur et 8, 5 cm de largeur.N’hésitez pas à regarder toutes mes annonces.Envoi très soigné avec papier bulle.Pour les envois en dehors de la france, me contacter pour le tarif.

Coupelle vide-poche verre bleu, anse torsadée ambrée bleu 6x0x5

15 EUR
George sand coupe vide-poche /panier verre bleu, anse torsadée ambrée/ forme trilobée.H 12cm bon état.

Buffet 4 portes en merisier massif - rené trotel marron 220x56x110

800 EUR
Buffet 4 portes, corps avancé, modèle george sand (meuble rené trotel)Longueur 220 cm.Profondeur 56 cm.Hauteur 110cm.Vente pour cause de déménagement.Vendu avec certificat d’authenticité.À venir chercher à luxembourg ville (gasperich).

Set of 4 Danish dining chairs by Hans J. Frydendal for Boltinge Stolefabrik bois 56x50x92

600 EUR
Set of four armchairs designed by Hans J. Frydendal and edited by Boltinge Stolefabrik. Structure in solid oak with seat covering in sand fabric.Good condition, marks of useSizewidth: 56 cmHeight: 92 cmdepth : 50 cmSeat height: 45 cm

GE 284A high-backed lounge chair by Hans Wegner for Getama bois 67x72x115

750 EUR
Vintage chair designed by Hans. J. Wegner for Getama. It features a varnished solid beech frame with a loose sand fabric padding cushion.Very good conditionSizewidth : 67 cmHeight : 115 cmdepth : 72 cmSeat height: 43 cm

Set of 5 chairs 'Nuela' by Gianfranco Frattini Italy 1970 bois 47x45x73

995 EUR
Set of 5 modern Italian chairs from the 1970s by Gianfranco Frattini, produced by Lema SPA. Varnished maple structure, foam padding with sand fabric coatingGood condition, wear and age-related marks.SizeWidth : 47 cmHeight : 73 cmdepth : 45 cmSeat height: 44 cm

Vase en grès Eugène Lion multicolore 8x8x9

29 EUR
Vase en grès de puisaye par eugène lion.Grès de l école de carriès.Émaillage et forme typique de l artiste.Non signé.Ami de pierre pacton, paul jeanneney, émilie grittel, georges hoentschel.Très belles gouttes volanic blanche.A noter une bulle d email de cuisson.Hauteur 9 cm diamètre 8 cm.

Paire de fauteuils Troïka édités par Airborne, revisités multicolore 75x75x90

990 EUR
Paire de fauteuils modèle "troïka" édité par airborne, revisités entièrement, mousse neuve, tissu de nathalie chapuis fabrics.Donc pièces uniques...Haut assise: 44cm.Fauteuil culte des années 1950, le modèle troïka a été dessiné dans l’atelier de pierre guariche par paul geoffroy en 1958.Édité par airborne il n’a pas fait l’objet de réédition depuis et fait son grand retour sur le marché du design français.Produit iconique de la décennie, le fauteuil troïka est très rare et est l’un des plus recherchés par les collectionneurs.Le tissu imprimé est un design exclusif du studio textile nathalie chapuis.Il fait partie de la collection léopold, qui propose des imprimés décalés avec une touche exubérante.« masterpiece » est un motif qui évoque le mouvement, la spontanéité.Le geste naïf est l’expression authentique et instinctive de l’émotion.Comme un graffiti, il vous entraine dans un tourbillon continu, de l’énergie street art, audacieuse et direct.Les couleurs primaires vives contrastent avec l’aspect brut de la toile de coton au ton naturel, ce qui lui confère un look très contemporain.Le velours vert apaise, il apporte réconfort, calme et douceur.L’équilibre créatif uni/imprimé sublime ces magnifiques fauteuils pour en faire des pièces uniques, intemporelles, à l’identité forte.

ART Aquarelle Senlis première moitié XXème multicolore 31x0x41

55 EUR
Belle aquarelle originale.Senlis l'église saint pierre.Signée barday ( georges dayez 1907-1991 )Georges dayez utilisait le pseudonyme de barday.Peintre, lithographe et graveur de la nouvelle école de paris connu pour ses aquarelles de villages français.Première moitié xxème.Signature et intitulé à l'encre dans la marge.Dimensions sans le cadre: 17 X 26 cm.Dimensions avec le cadre: 31 X 41 cm.Aucun accident - bon état.

Lampe XXL en grès ajouré signée beige 25x25x82

500 EUR
Lampe xxl en grès ajouré années 60/70.Signée, souvent attribuée à georges pelletier ou rené / pierre pissareff.Joli décor dans un camaïeu de beige, abat-jour d’origine (on ne peut + actuel) en bouclette blanche.Double éclairage: douille à baïonnette au dessus du pied et également en dessous, l’éclairage dans une pièce sombre est juste exceptionnel !.

504 lounge chair by Geoffrey Harcourt for Artifort, 1970s blanc 74x74x75

2190 EUR
Very cute and comfortable Lounge Chair designed by Geoffrey Harcourt for Artifort. It has a rotating metal foot. It has just been reupholstered with lovely Pierre Frey linen fabric.

La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne La Petite Bibliothèque Coffret 5 Volumes : La Princesse De Clèves ; Les Liaisons Dangereuses ; Indiana ; Bel-Ami ; Pêcheur D'Islande

1.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Omnibus, Publisher : Omnibus, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, publicationDate : 2005-10-06, authors : La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La V, Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, George Sand, Maupassant, Guy de, Pierre Loti, languages : french, ISBN : 2258068355