48.8 EUR
Feature: 1. Vehicle Fitment: Replacement for A3 1.9 TDI (8L) 110115130150HP; Replacement for Seat Alhambra Leon Ibiza 1.9 TDI; Replacement for Bora 1.9 TDI; Replacement for Galaxy 1.9 TDI, etc. 2. OEM Number: 038253019D, 038253019DX, 038253019DV, 038253019N, 038253019NX, 038253019NV, 03G253014E, 1121159, YM219G438BA, 1135819, YM219G438AA, 038253019EX, 038253019C, 038253019CX, 038253019CV, 038253019A, 038253019AX, 038253019AV, 03G253O14R, 03G253O14K. 3. Function: A wastegate actuator controls the boost output of your turbo, diverting excess exhaust gases away from the turbine wheel. it features a spring and a diaphragm. The spring holds the wastegate shut until the boost pressure reaches a set level, and then opens, allowing the gas to escape and reducing the boost pressure. 4. High Performance: The actuator controls the speed of the turbo, preventing it from overspeeding, and regulates the speed of the compressor. Helps protect the turbocharger from unnecessary wear and tear by limiting the turbocharger s maximum boost pressure to a safe level. 5. Ideal Replacement: Over time, pressure and heat will begin to take their toll, which can weaken the spring and cause the wastegate to open prematurely, reducing turbo boost pressure and performance. The diaphragm may also fail, meaning the valve will no longer open, causing damage to the engine. Specification: Item Type: Turbo Wastegate Actuator Material: Metal + ABS Turbo Model: GT1749V Turbo Part Number: 713672 5002S, 713672 5006S, 713673 5006S, 713673 5005S, 713673 0001 713673 0003, 713673 0004, 454232 0002, 454232 0006 454232 5011S, 768329 5001S, 713672 5005S, 713673 0002 713672 0002, 768329 5001S, 454232 0001, 454232 0003 454232 0004, 454232 0005, 768331 0001, 768331 0002 720855 5006S, 720855 9006S, 720855 0005, 720855 0004 720855 0003, 720855 00012, 716216 0001, 712078 0001 712968 5006S, 712968 5005S, 712968 0005, 712968 0004 712968 0003, 712968 0002, 712968 0001, 716213 0001 716419 5002S, 716419 0002, 716860 5004S, 716860 0003 716860 0002, 716860 0001, 721021 5006S, 721021 9006S 721021 0005, 721021 0004, 721021 0003, 721021 0002 721021 0001, 722730 5003S, 722730 0001 OEM Number: 038253019D , 038253019DX , 038253019DV , 038253019N 038253019NX , 038253019NV , 03G253014E , 1121159 YM219G438BA , 1135819 , YM219G438AA , 038253019EX 038253019C , 038253019CX , 038253019CV , 038253019A 038253019AX , 038253019AV , 03G253O14R , 03G253O14K 03G253016N , 038253016F , 038253016FX , 038253016FV 038253019F, 038253019L , 03G253016P , 038253016D 038253016DX , 038253016DV , 038253019Q , 038253016E 038253016EX , 038253016EV , 038253016G , 038253016GX 038253016GV , 03G253016R , 038253016H , 038253016HX 038253016HV, 038253010H , 038253016N Fitment: Replacement for A3 1.9 TDI (8L) 110115130150HP AUYAJM;AHF;ASV;ASZ;ARL Replacement for Galaxy 1.9 TDI 115HP AUYAJM 200020006 Replacement for Seat Leon 1.9 TDI 1M1 110115130150HP AHF;ASV;AUYAJM;ASZ;ARL Replacement for Seat Alhambra 1.9 TDI 115HP AUYAJM Replacement for...