Pull Only Ella Knit - Ecru Beige

36.99 EUR
Pull Only Ella Knit - Ecru Beige Disponible en taille femme. EU S,EU L,EU XL,EU XS. . Femme > Vetements > Pull.

Chaussons Fortuna Ella Mok G Noir

59.95 EUR
Chaussons Fortuna Ella Mok G Noir Disponible en taille femme. 38,39,40,41. . Femme > Chaussures > Chaussons.

Chaussons Fortuna Ella Mok G Noir

59.95 EUR
Chaussons Fortuna Ella Mok G Noir Disponible en taille femme. 36,38,39,40,41,42,43. . Femme > Chaussures > Chaussons.

Ubisoft Les Rebelles De La Foret - Studio De Creation Pc

26.75 EUR
Depuis la nuit des temps, l'homme a toujours régné sur la forêt, mais cette fois, les choses pourraient bien changer ! Découvrez le studio de création du jeu vidéo Les Rebelles de la Forêt et, avec Boog et Elliot, partez faire un tour dans la nature sauvage. Explorez les 5 aires de jeux de la forêt de Timberline et faites équipe avec tous les animaux du film ! Transformez votre ordinateur et votre imprimante en un véritable studio d'impression et en une zone de jeu délirante et sauvage !

Ubisoft Rayman 3 Print Studio Pc

0.9 EUR
Cartes de voeux, stickers, marque pages, calendrier, papier lettre, etc....

Ubisoft Monopoly Madness Standard Multilingua Nintendo Switch

14.99 EUR
Vorresti diventare il nuovo Mr. Monopoly? È il tuo giorno fortunato! Il nostro magnate delle costruzioni preferito vuole prendersi una meritata vacanza ed è in cerca di un sostituto temporaneo. Il suo metodo di selezione? Una gara con in palio fama e fortuna! Stavolta le regole sono un po' diverse: preparati a partecipare a una combattutissima gara in tempo reale per stabilire chi ha le carte in regola per prendere il posto di Mr. Monopoly! MONOPOLY Madness porta l'esperienza MONOPOLY nell'arena per la prima volta in assoluto. Torna il gioco di scambi immobiliari che ami, come non l'hai mai visto. Gareggia per le caotiche strade di Monopoly City, raccogli risorse, acquista e migliora proprietà, ostacola gli avversari ed evita i loro trucchi per vincere la corsa all'arricchimento. È pura follia! Ubisoft Monopoly Madness. Edizione gioco: Standard, Piattaforma: Nintendo Switch, Modalità multiplayer, Classificazione ESRB: E (tutti), Classificazione PEGI: 3, Sviluppatore: Engine Software, Ubisoft, Data di rilascio: 09/12/2021, Tipo di distribuzione: DownloadCaratteristicheEdizione giocoStandardVersione linguaMultilinguaTipo di distribuzioneDownloadPiattaformaNintendo SwitchGenereEducativoSviluppatoreEngine Software, UbisoftData di rilascio09/12/2021Classificazione ESRBE (tutti)Classificazione PEGI3Modalità multiplayerSìNumero massimo di giocatori online6EditoreUbisoftRequisiti di sistemaCasco per Realtà Virtuale (VR) richiestoNo

Ubisoft South Park: The Fractured But Whole Standard Anglais Nintendo Switch

45.32 EUR
Ubisoft South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: Nintendo Switch, Valeur ESRB: M (Mature), PEGI classification: 18, Développeur: Ubisoft San Francisco, South Park Digital Studios, Date de sortie: 17/10/2017

Ubisoft Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Siege Collector Edition

122.99 EUR
Rainbow Six Siege marque le retour de la célèbre franchise FPS dans un tout nouvel opus développé par le studio d?Ubisoft Montréal pour les consoles nouvelle génération et le PC. Inspiré par la réalité des forces spéciales antiterroristes à travers le monde, Rainbow Six Siege invite les joueurs à maîtriser l?art du siège. Confrontations intenses dans des environnements exiguës, tactique, jeu en équipe et actions explosives sont au centre de l?expérience. Le multijoueur de Rainbow Six Siege impose un nouveau standard dans la franchise pour les confrontations armées empreintes de stratégie. Entrez dans la peau d?un opérateur anti-terroriste, spécialisé dans les combats rapprochés, la démolition et l?exécution brutale et précise lors d?assauts coordonnés. Tom Clancy?s Rainbow Six® Siege ? Édition Collector L?Art du Siège est composé de tous les éléments nécessaires pour devenir un fin stratège, et vous donnera un net avantage tactique pour mener vos assauts afin de défendre et sauver les otages.

Ubisoft The Division 2 (Gold Edition)

24.64 EUR
Ubisoft Tom Clancy's : The Division 2 - Edition Gold. Plateforme: Xbox One, Valeur ESRB: M (Mature), PEGI classification: 18, Réalisateur: Massive Studio, Date de sortie: 15-03-2019

Ubisoft South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Xbox One

11.99 EUR
Ubisoft South Park The Fractured But Whole. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: Xbox One, Valeur ESRB: M (Mature), PEGI classification: 18, Réalisateur: Ubisoft Studio SF / South Park Studios, Date de sortie: 01/02/2018

Ubisoft Assassin's Creed: Chronicles (Nordic)

24.46 EUR
Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Chronicles : Trilogy. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: PlayStation 4, Valeur ESRB: T (Teen), PEGI classification: 16, Réalisateur: Climax Studios, Date de sortie: 09-02-2016, Type de distribution: Support physique

Dishonored - Definitive Edition (Aus) (Fr/It/De/Es Only)

Bethesda Dishonored Definitive Edition. Édition de jeu: Définitif, Plateforme: Xbox One, Valeur ESRB: M (Mature), PEGI classification: 18, Réalisateur: Arkane Studios, Date de sortie: 25/08/2015

Bethesda Deathloop - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

67.79 EUR
'DEATHLOOP is a next-gen first person shooter from Arkane Lyon, the award-winning studio behind Dishonored. In DEATHLOOP, two rival assassins are trapped in a mysterious timeloop on the island of Blackreef, doomed to repeat the same day for eternity. As Colt, the only chance for escape is to end the cycle by assassinating eight key targets before the day resets. Learn from each cycle - try new paths, gather intel, and find new weapons and abilities. Do whatever it takes to break the loop. IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED... DIE, DIE AGAIN Every new loop is an opportunity to change things up. Use the knowledge you gain from each attempt to change up your playstyle, stealthily sneaking through levels or barreling into the fight, guns-blazing. In each loop you'll discover new secrets, gather intel on your targets as well as the island of Blackreef, and expand your arsenal. Armed with a host of otherworldly abilities and savage weaponry, you'll utilize every tool at your command to execute takedowns that are as striking as they are devastating. Customize your loadout wisely to survive this deadly game of hunter vs hunted. SINGLE PLAYER GAMEPLAY INJECTED WITH DEADLY MULTIPLAYER Are you the hero or the villain? You'll experience DEATHLOOP's main story as Colt, hunting down targets across the island of Blackreef to break the loop and earn your freedom. All the while, you'll be hunted by your rival Julianna, who can be controlled by another player. So if you're feeling devious, you, too, can step into Julianna's stylish sneakers and invade another player's campaign to kill Colt. The multiplayer experience is completely optional, and players can choose to have Julianna controlled by AI within their campaign. THE ISLAND OF BLACKREEF ? PARADISE OR PRISON Arkane is renowned for magnificently artistic worlds with multiple pathways and emergent gameplay. DEATHLOOP will present a stunning, retro-future, 60s-inspired environment, that feels like a character within itself. While Blackreef may be a stylish wonderland, for Colt it is his prison, a world ruled by decadence where death has no meaning, and delinquents party forever while keeping him captive. ' Xbox One X Callouts: Smart Delivery Windows Requirements Minimum: CPU - AMD: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 CPU - Intel: Intel Core i5-8400 [at] 2.80GHz GPU - AMD: AMD Radeon RX 580 (8GB) GPU - Intel: Nvidia GTX 1060 (6GB) VRAM: 1 GB RAM: 12 GB HDD: 34 GB DirectX: Version 12

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World The Game Switch

50 EUR
Scott Pilgrim contre le Monde, le jeu est un jeu de beat them all, édité par Ubisoft et Universal Studios, développé par Ubisoft Montréal et Ubisoft Chengdu, basé sur le comics canadien Scott Pilgrim ainsi que son adaptation cinématographique Scott Pilgrim.