Gaia Good Health Mélange de boisson énergisante au goût d'Orange (200g), Mélange pour boisson énergisante Orange, Gaia

18.99 EUR
Mélange de boisson énergisante au goût d'Orange (Mélange pour boisson énergisante Orange) est un produit conçu pour reconstituer l'énergie et maintenir des performances élevées tout au long de la journée. La teneur en vitamine C dans sa composition contribue à renforcer le système immunitaire. La boisson a un riche arôme d'agrumes et un goût d'orange rafraîchissant.. Il désaltère, donne de la vigueur et améliore l'humeur. L'utilisation du produit contribue à augmenter l'activité cérébrale et à retrouver des forces après une activité physique prolongée. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI convient aux végétariens et végétaliens reconstitue l'énergie maintient des performances élevées tout au long de la journée contient de la vitamine C renforce le système immunitaire a un riche arôme d'agrumes a une saveur d'orange rafraîchissante étanche la soif revigore améliore l'humeur augmente l'activité cérébrale permet de retrouver des forces après une activité physique Indications pour l'utilisation: déficit énergétique pour des performances élevées tout au long de la journée renforcement de l'immunité la soif pour une sensation de vigueur bonne humeur pour la fonction cérébrale active récupération après une activité physique Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels Mode d'emploi: 1. Placez 2 cuillères à soupe. je. mélange dans un récipient à boire. 2. Incorporer l'eau potable froide (volume optimal – 200 ml). 3. Il n'est pas recommandé de boire la boisson à jeun. Aucun sucre ajouté requis. Composition: Dextrose (Dextrose) – 52,86%, Sucre (Sucre) – 42,26%, Régulateur d'acidité INS 330, INS 331 (Régulateur d'acidité INS 330, INS 331 (ii)), Saveur identique au naturel (Orange) (Nature Saveur Identique Orange), Acide L-ascorbique (Acide L-ascorbique), Colorant alimentaire synthétique homologué INS 110 (Colorant alimentaire synthétique autorisé SIN 110), sulfate de zinc (Sulfate de Zinc). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 100 g de produit contient: valeur énergétique (valeur énergétique) – 398,77 kcal, Glucides (Glucides) – 98,86 g, Sucre total (Sucres totaux) – 95,12 g, Sucre ajouté (Sucres ajoutés) – 95,12 g, Matières grasses totales (Graisse totale) – 0,37 g, Protéines (protéine) – 0.00g, Sodium (Sodium) – 378,60 mg, Vitamine C (Vitamine C) – 190,00mg, Zinc (Zinc) – 20,47 mg. Conditions de stockage: A conserver dans un endroit frais et sec, hors de portée des enfants et à l'abri du soleil.

Gaia Good Health Spiruline (60 gélules, 500 mg), Spiruline, Gaïa

17.55 EUR
Spiruline (Spiruline) – un remède ayurvédique qui permet de maintenir la santé, de fournir le niveau d’énergie nécessaire, ainsi que de renforcer et maintenir les performances du corps. Sa teneur élevée en protéines contribue à renforcer le système immunitaire, à soulager l’arthrite et à maintenir la fonction osseuse.. La spiruline a un effet bénéfique sur le cœur, aide à normaliser le cholestérol et à abaisser la tension artérielle.. Le produit est recommandé pour réduire les tensions et éliminer la fatigue oculaire. L'utilisation de la spiruline augmente la résistance au stress et est utilisée dans la pratique du Rasayana.. Le produit est également recommandé pour maintenir un poids corporel et un équilibre hydrique optimaux dans le corps. Informations de base: produit naturel convient aux végétariens et végétaliens favorise un bien-être sain reconstitue l'énergie augmente et maintient l’endurance renforce le système immunitaire indiqué pour l'arthrite maintient la santé des os améliore le fonctionnement du système cardiovasculaire fournit des niveaux de cholestérol acceptables abaisse la tension artérielle soulage l'inconfort après un stress visuel augmente la résistance au stress utilisé dans la pratique du Rasayana maintient un poids santé normalise l'équilibre hydrique dans le corps Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: affections générales prostration faible niveau de rendement système immunitaire affaibli arthrite Rasayana pour une fonction osseuse normale pour la santé cardiovasculaire pour des taux de cholestérol acceptables hypertension artérielle pour le soulagement des yeux la gestion du stress maintenir un poids normal restauration de l'équilibre hydrique dans le corps Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels Si vous prenez d'autres médicaments en même temps, vous devez consulter votre médecin pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement. Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque gélule contient: Spiruline (Spiruline) – 500mg. Conservateurs utilisés (Conservateurs utilisés): Méthylparabène de sodium et propylparabène de sodium (Méthylparabène sodique et propylparabène sodique). Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

Gaia Good Health Calcium et vitamine D3 (60 onglet), Calcium et vitamine D3, Gaia

19.59 EUR
Calcium et vitamine D3 (Calcium et vitamine D3) – un remède naturel qui aide à renforcer le système immunitaire et à maintenir des dents et des os sains. Il s'agit d'une combinaison de microéléments qui se complètent et qui contribuent au maintien d'une vie normale.. Le calcium a un effet positif sur le maintien des fonctions du système squelettique et participe à la formation d'un émail dentaire sain.. La vitamine D3 augmente la solidité des os et favorise une meilleure absorption du calcium. Le produit est utilisé pour réduire le risque d'ostéoporose. Le calcium et la vitamine D3 aident à réduire les douleurs musculaires et à soulager les picotements dans les jambes. Le remède peut également soulager la fatigue et les difficultés à bouger. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI convient aux végétariens et végétaliens augmente les défenses de l'organisme garde les os et les dents en bonne santé active le système squelettique renforce l'émail des dents rend les os plus forts assure une absorption normale du calcium réduit le risque d’ostéoporose aide à réduire les douleurs musculaires améliore le bien-être avec des picotements dans les jambes soulage la fatigue Aide à éliminer les difficultés de mouvement Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: renforcement de l'immunité maintenir des os et des dents sains activation des fonctions du système squelettique renforcer l'émail des dents pour la solidité des os pour une absorption optimale du calcium réduire le risque d'ostéoporose soulagement des douleurs musculaires picotements dans les jambes réduction de la fatigue pour la libre circulation Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 comprimé par jour après les repas. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque comprimé pelliculé contient: Carbonate de calcium (équivalent calcium élémentaire 500 mg) – 1250mg, Vitamine D3 (Vitamine D3) – 250 ME. Autres composants (Autres ingrédients): Phosphate de calcium dibasique (Phosphate de calcium dibasique), Fécule de maïs (amidon de maïs), Glycolate d'amidon sodique (Glycolate d'amidon sodé), Silice (Dioxyde de silicone), stéarate de magnésium (Stéarate de magnésium), Hydroxypropylméthylcellulose (Hydroxypropylméthylcellulose), propylène glycol (propylène glycol), Talc (Talc), Le dioxyde de titane (Le dioxyde de titane), Conservateurs E216, E219 (Conservateur E216, E219). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 100 g contient: valeur énergétique (Énergie) – 75,12 kcal, Glucides totaux (Glucides totaux) – 2,75, Matières grasses totales (Graisse totale) – 6.75, Protéines (protéine) – 0,84. Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit...

Gaia Good Health Amla (60 gélules, 500 mg), Amla, Gaïa

13.99 EUR
Amla (Amla) – un remède ayurvédique qui aide à entretenir et préserver efficacement la santé du corps. La teneur élevée en vitamine C dans la composition permet de renforcer pleinement le système immunitaire. Amla est utilisé pour restaurer la peau, active les fonctions du système digestif. Le produit est recommandé pour améliorer le bien-être en cas de rhume.. Amla aide à assurer un métabolisme équilibré et peut être bénéfique pour atteindre un poids corporel optimal.. Le produit agit également efficacement contre la chute des cheveux et favorise leur croissance. Informations de base: produit naturel soutient la santé du corps renforce le système immunitaire aide à maintenir la santé de l'épiderme améliore la digestion soulage les rhumes participe à la normalisation du métabolisme utile pour atteindre un poids corporel optimal combat la chute des cheveux stimule la croissance des boucles Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: maintenir la santé du corps pour améliorer l'immunité restauration d'une peau saine indigestion pour améliorer le bien-être en cas de rhume normalisation du métabolisme maintenir un poids optimal pour réduire la chute des cheveux activation de la croissance des boucles Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Extrait de feuille d'Amla (Amla Lf. Ext.) – 500mg. Conservateurs utilisés (Conservateurs utilisés): Méthylparabène de sodium et propylparabène de sodium (Méthylparabène sodique et propylparabène sodique). Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre, sec et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

Gaia Good Health Aloe vera (60 gélules, 500 mg), Aloe Vera, Gaïa

20.29 EUR
Aloe vera (Aloé vera) – un remède ayurvédique conçu pour favoriser une santé équilibrée. Il contient plus de 20 acides aminés, minéraux précieux, vitamines et autres substances utiles qui contribuent au bon fonctionnement de l'organisme.. Les capsules d'aloe vera sont utilisées pour renforcer les tissus et les cellules, améliorer l'état des muscles et des os.. Le produit apporte nutrition et hydratation à la peau, a un effet bénéfique sur la santé des cheveux et des ongles. L'aloe vera est utilisé comme ressource auxiliaire pour normaliser le système digestif, soulager l'indigestion et les maux d'estomac.. Le remède peut également aider à rétablir la santé intestinale. Informations de base: produit naturel conçu pour soutenir la santé contient plus de 20 acides aminés active les performances du corps participe au renforcement des tissus et des cellules Donne du tonus musculaire et osseux utilisé pour nourrir et hydrater l'épiderme a un effet bénéfique sur les cheveux et les ongles utilisé pour la santé digestive améliore le bien-être en cas d'indigestion et de maux d'estomac utile pour une fonction intestinale optimale Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: renforcement de l'immunité performances accrues pour la santé des tissus et des cellules pour le tonus musculaire et osseux amélioration de l'état de la peau problèmes de cheveux et d'ongles indigestion soulagement de l'indigestion et des maux d'estomac pour une fonction intestinale normale Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque gélule contient: Extrait d'aloe vera (Extrait d'aloe vera) – 500 mg, Colorants approuvés (Couleurs approuvées). Conservateurs utilisés (Conservateurs utilisés): Méthylparabène de sodium et propylparabène de sodium (Méthylparabène sodique et propylparabène sodique). Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre, sec et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

Gaia Good Health Protéine au goût de chocolat irlandais (1 kg), Saveur de chocolat irlandais aux protéines de lactosérum, Gaia

157.99 EUR
Protéine au goût de chocolat irlandais (Saveur de chocolat irlandais aux protéines de lactosérum) est un produit conçu pour restaurer les muscles après une activité physique intense. Il contient un complexe d'acides aminés nécessaires au maintien d'un mode de vie actif.. Le potassium régule le métabolisme eau-sel et active les fonctions du système cardiovasculaire, le sodium maintient les os en bonne santé. Manger des protéines permet d’augmenter la masse musculaire et d’améliorer l’endurance. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI convient aux végétariens et végétaliens aide à restaurer les muscles après l'exercice contient des acides aminés essentiels Aide à maintenir un mode de vie actif régule le métabolisme eau-sel renforce les fonctions du système cardiovasculaire soutient la santé des os vous permet d'augmenter la masse musculaire augmente l'endurance du corps Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: pour la récupération musculaire après une activité physique pour le bon rapport d'acides aminés dans le corps maintenir un mode de vie actif pour un métabolisme eau-sel optimal renforcer les fonctions du système cardiovasculaire pour des os sains augmentation de la masse musculaire augmenter l'endurance du corps Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels Mode d'emploi: 1. Mettez 200 à 250 ml d'eau ou de lait écrémé dans un shaker. 2. Ajouter 1 portion de protéine de lactosérum (33 grammes). 3. Battre jusqu'à obtenir une consistance lisse. Prendre 1 à 2 portions par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Concentré de protéines de lactosérum (Concentré de protéines de lactosérum), poudre de cacao (Poudre de cacao), Isolat de protéine de lactosérum (Isolat de protéine de lactosérum), Chlorure de sodium (Chlorure de sodium), Hydrogénophosphate dipotassique (Phosphate dipotassique), Épaississants SIN 407, SIN 466, SIN 415 (Épaississants SIN 407, SIN 466, SIN 415), Glissant INS 551 (Glissant INS 551), Édulcorants INC 955, SIN 950 (Édulcorants INC 955, SIN 950), Digézyme (DigeZyme*), Saveur ajoutée (identique aux arômes naturels du chocolat irlandais) (Saveur ajoutée Substances aromatisantes naturelles identiques au chocolat irlandais), Édulcorants artificiels (Édulcorants artificiels), Un mélange de suclarose et d'acésulfame de potassium (Mélange de Sucralose et d'Acésulfame Potassium). Digezyme* est un complexe multi-enzymatique comprenant de l'alpha-amylase, de la protéase, de la lipase, de la cellulase et de la lactase. (DigeZyme est un complexe multienzymatique comprenant de l'alpha amylase, de la protéase, de la lipase, de la cellulase et de la lactase.). Veuillez noter que le produit contient des allergènes: ingrédients laitiers (Contient des ingrédients laitiers). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 33 g de...

Gaia Good Health Multivitamines (60 onglet), Multivitamine, Gaia

17.39 EUR
Multivitamines (Multivitamine) – un remède qui aide à renforcer le système immunitaire. Le complexe de vitamines et de minéraux est conçu pour compenser le manque de micro-éléments nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de l'organisme.. Les vitamines B contenues dans la composition aident à activer le métabolisme et à maintenir l'énergie. Le produit est bénéfique pour assurer une absorption équilibrée des micro-éléments, soulage l'indigestion et normalise l'appétit. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI aide à renforcer le système immunitaire maintient un rapport optimal de vitamines et de minéraux utile pour le bien-être normal contient des vitamines B améliore le métabolisme recommandé en cas de perte de force utilisé comme aide digestive a un effet bénéfique sur le tractus gastro-intestinal optimise l'appétit Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: système immunitaire affaibli carence en vitamines et minéraux dans le corps pour améliorer le bien-être général métabolisme lent manque d'énergie maintenir une digestion normale affections gastro-intestinales perte d'appétit Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Ingrédients actifs: Vitamine B3 sous forme de niacinamide (Vitamine B3 sous forme de niacinamide) – renforce le système immunitaire, aide à normaliser la microflore intestinale, a un effet antioxydant. Vitamine C sous forme d'acide ascorbique (Vitamine C sous forme d'acide ascorbique) – contrôle le métabolisme, augmente la résistance de l’organisme aux infections, participe à la synthèse du collagène. Vitamine B5 sous forme de pantothénate de calcium (Vitamine B5 sous forme de pantothénate de calcium) – augmente l’endurance du corps, stimule les fonctions cérébrales, active les processus d’oxydation et de réduction. Vitamine BI sous forme de mononitrate de thiamine (Vitamine BI sous forme de mononitrate de thiamine) – protège les cellules nerveuses de la destruction, a un effet bénéfique sur le système cardiovasculaire, améliore la mémoire. Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 comprimé par jour après les repas. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque comprimé pelliculé contient: Vitamine B1 sous forme de mononitrate de thiamine (Vitamine B1 sous forme de mononitrate de thiamine) – 10 mg, Vitamine B2 sous forme de riboflavine (Vitamine B2 sous forme de riboflavine) – 10 mg, Vitamine B3 sous forme de niacinamide (Vitamine B3 sous forme de niacinamide) – 100 mg, Vitamine B5 sous forme de pantothénate de calcium (Vitamine B5 sous forme de pantothénate de calcium) – 20 mg, Vitamine B6 sous forme de pyridoxine HCL (Vitamine B6 sous forme de pyridoxine HCL) – 3 mg, Vitamine B12 sous forme de cyanocobalamine (Vitamine B12 sous...

Gaia Good Health Glucosamine (60 gélules, 450 mg), Glucosamine, Gaïa

23.54 EUR
Glucosamine (Glucosamine) – un remède naturel qui aide à restaurer et à maintenir des articulations saines. La Glucosamine aide à activer les fonctions du système squelettique, à assurer le plein développement du cartilage et à prévenir son usure.. Le produit contribue à augmenter la production de liquide synovial, qui lubrifie les articulations et favorise le mouvement naturel.. La capsule de glucosamine stimule une régénération plus rapide des lésions du cartilage, aide à réduire la douleur et l'inflammation. Le produit soulage les douleurs articulaires. La glucosamine est conçue pour améliorer la flexibilité et la mobilité des os, offrant ainsi des avantages pour le maintien d'un mode de vie actif. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI aide à garantir des articulations saines améliore la fonction osseuse favorise une croissance saine du cartilage et prévient l’usure augmente la formation de liquide synovial soutient la lubrification des articulations assure la libre circulation accélère la guérison des lésions du cartilage aide à soulager la douleur normalise le bien-être en cas d'inconfort articulaire augmente la mobilité et la flexibilité des os vous permet de maintenir un mode de vie actif Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: maintenir des articulations saines fonction osseuse améliorée pour une croissance complète et la protection du cartilage lubrification accrue des articulations pour la libre circulation récupération rapide des dommages réduction du syndrome douloureux inconfort articulaire augmentation du tonus osseux pour un mode de vie actif Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 2 gélules 2 fois par jour après les repas. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque gélule contient: L 'hydrochlorure de glucosamine (Glucosamine Hcl) – 450 mg, Chondroïtine (Chondroïtine), Colorants approuvés (Couleurs approuvées). Composants (Ingrédients): Glucosamine (Tête de glucosamine), Chondroïtine (Chondroïtine), Gélatine (enveloppe de capsule) (Coquilles de capsules de gélatine), Phosphate de calcium dibasique (Phosphate de calcium dibasique), Anti-agglomérant (Anti-agglomérant), Conservateur E211 (Conservateur E211). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 100 g contient: Écureuils (protéine) – 30 g, Matières grasses totales (Graisse totale) - traces (Traces), Glucides totaux (Glucides totaux) – 45 g, Valeur énergétique (Énergie) – 318 kcal. Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre, sec et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

DHC DHC Health Foods Vitamin C (hard capsule) 120 capsules Vitamin C preparations Vitamins Vitamin C preparations 1 set

30.29 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Health Food > Supplements > Vitamins > Vitamin C preparations > DHC DHC Health Foods Vitamin C (hard capsule) 120 capsules Vitamin C preparations Vitamins High quality and low price for daily healthEquivalent to about 33 lemons* of vitamin C in one tablet*Converted as 15 mg of vitamin C contained in the juice of one lemon. ---Dosage and Administration --- Take 2 capsules per day. Protein - 0.01g Fat - 0g Carbohydrate - 1.97g Sodium - 0mg Vitamin B2 - 0.6mg Vitamin C - 1200mg

Neovital Health Sirop pour enfants - vitamine C+, 150 ml

9.99 EUR

Système immunitaire - défense naturelle innée du corps.


Le système immunitaire d'un enfant est différent de celui d'un adulte, car les enfants sont encore en train de se développer et de grandir, de sorte que leur corps a des besoins différents. Le fonctionnement du système immunitaire est affecté par : l'alimentation, le sommeil/repos, l'hygiène, les déplacements à l'air frais…

Sirop pour enfants - vitamine C+ est fabriqué à base de sirop de fruits et associe les principes actifs de la vitamine C et du zinc. En plus du sirop de fruits frais, une saveur d'orange est ajoutée à la formule, ce qui procure un excellent goût qui fera que même les plus jeunes apprécieront le sirop. 


Sirop pour enfants - vitamine C+ est le meilleur choix pour renforcer l'immunité de vos enfants.


Quand est-il particulièrement recommandé de consommer du Sirop pour enfants - vitamine C+ ?

  • Pendant l'hiver, quand nous passons plus de temps à l'intérieur.
  • Pendant les mois les plus froids.
  • En période de changement de saisons.


La vitamine C et le zinc - antioxydants qui soutiennent le fonctionnement du système immunitaire.


Le sirop pour enfants de la marque Neovital Health est une excellente combinaison de l'une des vitamines les plus importantes - la vitamine C et le zinc - un minéral qui participe à de nombreuses fonctions de notre corps.

La vitamine C et le zinc jouent un rôle dans le fonctionnement du système immunitaire et la protection des cellules contre le stress oxydatif (ce sont des antioxydants). De plus, la vitamine C contribue :

  • au fonctionnement normal du système nerveux
  • à réduire la fatigue et l´épuisement
  • à des fonctions psychologiques normales, 
  • à la formation normale de collagène pour assurer la fonction normale des vaisseaux sanguins, des os, des cartilages, des gencives, de la peau et des dents.


Le zinc joue également un rôle dans les fonctions cognitives, contribue au maintien de la santé des os, des cheveux, des ongles et de la peau et joue un rôle dans le maintien de la vision.

Dabur Aloe Vera Juice - 1L Ayurvedic Health Juice For Good Skin & Hair Health Detoxifies & Rejuvenates Skin & Body Good For Liver

37.89 EUR
About this item It is 100% pure , safe and natural ayurvedic health juice It is a natural immunity booster product and has many health benefits. It helps in relieveing constipation and improves digestive health. It detoxifies and rejuvenates body cells and helps relieve joint pain; its usage is good for skin and hair health; Package Content: 1 Aloe Vera Juice; Quantity: 1 L Is Expiration Dated Product: True; Target Gender: Unisex Ingredients: aloe vera Manufacturer country : india

KOKO Beauty&Health [Natural Plus] Probiotiques pour enfants + zinc à croquer 60ea / Good&Kids 60ea

24.99 EUR
[La description] -Lactobacillus Chewable contient du Lactobacillus, qui vit principalement dans l'intestin grêle, et du Bifidobacterium, qui vit dans le gros intestin, pour protéger la santé intestinale de notre enfant en tenant compte des caractéristiques de la souche et le milieu intestinal. -C'est un produit issu de la recherche et du développement de saveurs que les enfants aiment selon leurs goûts. -Le zinc a été complété pour aider à développer des fonctions immunitaires normales. -Il ne contient pas d'ingrédients chinois ni de HPMC. -Il s'agit d'un nouveau produit biotechnologique qui est un mélange de lactobacilles vivants (probiotiques) et nourrir (prébiotiques) filiale matériaux de lactobacilles. -Les bactéries lactiques recouvertes d'un capuchon Probio ont été utilisées pour accroître la sécurité de la survie des bactéries lactiques. intestin. [Comment prendre] Mâchez un comprimé une fois par jour et prenez-le avec suffisamment d'eau. [Ingrédients] Oxyde de zinc, L.acidophilus, L.plantarum, B.animalis ssp.lactis, B.longum, L.gasseri, L.helvicius, L.reuteri, L.rhamnosus, Lc.lactis, glucose raffiné, isomald, D-consitol , xylitol, cellulose cristalline, fructo-oligosaccharide, lait écrémé en poudre, crème de lait en poudre, dioxyde de silicium, arôme de lait en poudre, acide stéarique magnésium, L-proline, lactobacilles végétaux, poudre fermentée, soja, contenant du lait

Rosen, James C. Prevention In Health Psychology (Primary Prevention Of Psychopathology)

2.45 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : University Press of New England, Publisher : University Press of New England, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 1985-08-01, authors : Rosen, James C., ISBN : 0874513448

Neovital Health Glucomannane bonbons, 36 bonbons

14.49 EUR

Glucomannane bonbons - un excellent soutien à la perte de poids*. 


Le glucomannane est une fibre végétale obtenue à partir du tubercule de la plante de konjac (Amorphophallus konjac). C'est une "super" fibre soluble dans l'eau qui lie de grandes quantités d'eau, ce qui la fait gonfler et prend de la place dans l'estomac - elle procure une sensation de satiété


La consommation de glucomannane est donc particulièrement recommandée pour tous ceux qui :

  • veulent perdre du poids, 
  • sont impliqués dans des programmes de perte de poids / de régime, 
  • veulent un soutien supplémentaire dans le maintien du poids, 
  • combattent avec un appétit accru et, par conséquent, ils consomment des quantités excessives de nourriture.


*Le glucomannane aide à réduire le poids corporel avec un régime hypocalorique. L'effet bénéfique est obtenu avec un apport quotidien de 3 g de glucomannane (12 bonbons) en trois doses de 1 g chacune (4 bonbons), avec 1 à 2 verres d'eau avant les repas et avec un régime hypocalorique.


Bonbons à la fraise efficaces pour se faire plaisir sans mauvaise.  


Les avantages des Glucomannane bonbons de la marque Neovital Health :

  • une formule unique destinée à toute personne souhaitant perdre des kilos superflus,
  • sans sucre, lactose et gluten, 
  • les  bonbons gélifiés le rendent facile à utiliser et à doser,
  • un excellent goût, assuré par l'édulcorant maltitol et l'arôme de fraise.

Jane Clarke Body Foods For Women: Eat Your Way To Good Health

2.5 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : W&N,; Publisher : W&N,; PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 256, publicationDate : 1997-01-13, releaseDate : 1997-01-13, authors : Jane Clarke, ISBN : 0297836269

Jane Clarke Body Foods For Women: Eat Your Way To Good Health

2.54 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New, Label : Weidenfeld Nicolson Illustrated, Publisher : Weidenfeld Nicolson Illustrated, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 192, publicationDate : 2000-07-27, authors : Jane Clarke, ISBN : 1841881074

Whorton, James C. Inner Hygiene: Constipation And The Pursuit Of Health In Modern Society

16.99 EUR
Brand : Oxford University Press, USA, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Oxford University Press Inc, Publisher : Oxford University Press Inc, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 338, publicationDate : 2000-07-20, releaseDate : 2000-07-20, authors : Whorton, James C., ISBN : 0195135814

John Mcdougall The Starch Solution: Eat The Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, And Lose The Weight For Good!

11.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : Rodale Pr, Publisher : Rodale Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 368, publicationDate : 2013-07-29, authors : John Mcdougall, Mary McDougall, languages : english, ISBN : 1623360277

McDougall, John A. The Starch Solution: Eat The Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, And Lose The Weight For Good!

22.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Rodale Pr, Publisher : Rodale Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 348, publicationDate : 2012-05-08, authors : McDougall, John A., Mary McDougall, languages : english, ISBN : 1609613937

Thomasma, David C. For The Patient'S Good: The Restoration Of Beneficence In Health Care

73.49 EUR
Brand : Oxford University Press, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Oxford University Press Inc, Publisher : Oxford University Press Inc, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 256, publicationDate : 1988-05-12, releaseDate : 1988-05-12, authors : Thomasma, David C., Pellegrino, Edmund D., ISBN : 0195043197

Santra Life Astaxanthin, Food Supplement, Vitamin, Antioxidant, Collagen, Health

89.99 EUR
Storage conditions of Astavitin, food supplements containing astaxanthin, should be stored at room temperature below 25C, in a dry place and in its packaging. Its commercial presentation and packaging contents are in amber glass bottles with 30 softgel capsules. It is not a medicine. *natural astaxanthin is a carotenoid with high antioxidant properties. *Since large living creatures cannot synthesize carotenoids, they must be taken from outside through their diet. Astavitin is a food supplement containing astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid obtained from the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world. Astavitin contains only astaxanthin dissolved in natural lithographed olive oil. The outside is coated with halal veal gelatin. It is completely natural and does not contain any food additives, conditioners or shelf life extenders. According to national and international scientific clinical studies Astaxanthin supports immunity, supports daily energy level, positively affects eye health, positively affects brain health, supports joints, tendons and muscles, supports cardiovascular health, positively affects skin and beauty, supports athletic performance, supports fertility and sperm quality, is anti-aging and It has been reported that it positively affects cell health.

Sri Sri Tattva Raw Noni Juice - Holistic Health, 1L

78.99 EUR
About this item High in Nutrients - Rich in Vitamin C, Biotin and Minerals, helps support your immune system. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant as it includes Beta Carotene, Iridoids and Vitamin C. Supports better Immunity. Vitamin C in Noni supports your immune system by protecting your cells from free radical damage. Supports Circulation. Enhances endurance, decreases fatigue and increases sense of well being. Helps stimulate Digestion. Beneficial in supporting Liver function, helping support a healthy gut. Ingredients : Vegetarian Manufacturer country : india

Keep Health Care Poubelle pratique à imprimé d'élan, résistante aux chiens, 9L/12L, couvercle supérieur à pression, accessoires de salle de bains S bleu

17.89 EUR
Merci d'être venu à notre boutique, j'espère que c'est à votre satisfaction Nom de l'article: Panier des ordures Matériel: Plastique Caractéristiques: Grande capacité, couvercle supérieur pressant, facile à nettoyer Capacité: 9L/12L Détails de taille: S, L: 22cm, L: 16cm, H: 33cm L, L: 25,5 cm, L: 17,5 cm, H: 34.5cm Caractéristiques: Cette poubelle peut être facilement nettoyée avec un chiffon humide. Et sa grande capacité peut répondre à vos besoins quotidiens d’élimination. Cette poubelle avec un joint hermétique peut aider à bloquer fermement l’odeur. Et son couvercle supérieur peut empêcher efficacement les animaux de compagnie de retourner les ordures. Il est construit en matière plastique. Vous avez le choix entre 2 tailles. Parfait pour une utilisation dans la cuisine, le bureau, la salle de bain ou n’importe où ailleurs. Veuillez rappeler: En raison de la lumière et de l'affichage, il peut y avoir de légères différences entre l'image et la couleur réelle du produit. La couleur est soumise aux marchandises reçues. De plus, veuillez permettre une légère différence de taille en raison de la mesure manuelle. Haute qualité, le choix assuré est garanti Le forfait comprend: 1 x panier à ordures

DiNicolantonio, Dr James Superfuel: Ketogenic Keys To Unlock The Secrets Of Good Fats, Bad Fats, And Great Health

13.99 EUR
Brand : Hay House Inc, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Hay House Inc., Publisher : Hay House Inc., NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 272, publicationDate : 2018-11-13, releaseDate : 2018-11-13, authors : DiNicolantonio, Dr James, Mercola, Dr. Joseph, ISBN : 1401956351

Tim Shaw BSc MSc The Need To Know Guide To Nutrition And Healthy Eating: The Perfect Starter To Eating Well Or How To Eat The Right Foods, Stay In Shape And Stick To A ... Central Ymca Health And Nutrition Guides

3.99 EUR
Brand : CREATESPACE, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2012-12-20, releaseDate : 2012-12-20, authors : Tim Shaw BSc MSc, ISBN : 1481294784

Digeronimo, Theresa Foy Living Foods For Optimum Health: Your Complete Guide To The Healing Power Of Raw Foods: Staying Healthy In An Unhealthy World

8.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 1998-08-19, releaseDate : 1998-08-19, authors : Digeronimo, Theresa Foy, Clement, Brian R., languages : english, ISBN : 0761514481

Andreas Holzinger H.C.I. And Usability For Medicine And Health Care: Third Symposium Of The Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction And Usability Engineering Of The ... (Lecture Notes In Computer Science)

4.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2007, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, NumberOfItems : 5, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 476, publicationDate : 2007-11-12, publishers : Andreas Holzinger, languages : english, ISBN : 3540768041

DiNicolantonio, Dr James The Collagen Cure: The Forgotten Role Of Glycine And Collagen In Optimal Health And Longevity

30.65 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 177, publicationDate : 2022-12-19, releaseDate : 2022-12-19, authors : DiNicolantonio, Dr James, Siim Land

Gay, James R. The Technology Explosion In Medical Science: Implications For The Health Care Industry And The Public (1981-2001) (Monographs In Health Care Administration, 2, Band 2)

3.99 EUR
Brand : Springer, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 172, publicationDate : 1983-04-01, releaseDate : 1983-04-01, authors : Gay, James R., Sax Jacobs, Barbara J., ISBN : 0893351814

Bakhru, Dr. H.K. Herbs That Heal: Natural Remedies For Good Health

2.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Orient Paperbacks, Publisher : Orient Paperbacks, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 1998-09-30, authors : Bakhru, Dr. H.K., languages : english, ISBN : 8122201334

Roybal, Beth Ann Petro Hepatitis C: A Personal Guide To Good Health

2.37 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Ulysses Press, Publisher : Ulysses Press, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 152, publicationDate : 1997-10-01, authors : Roybal, Beth Ann Petro, ISBN : 1569750912

Atkins, Robert C. Atkins For Life: The Next Level: Permanent Weight Loss & Good Health

2.31 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Unabridged, Label : Pan, Publisher : Pan, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Ungekürzte Ausgabe, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 480, publicationDate : 2003-12-27, releaseDate : 2003-12-27, authors : Atkins, Robert C., ISBN : 0330418467

Neovital Health Urineo Forte - cultures microbiologiques avec D-mannose, 8 flacons

12.99 EUR

Urineo Forte - une excellente combinaison de cultures microbiologiques et de D-mannose.


Urineo Forte - cultures microbiologiques avec D-mannose contient une combinaison unique de D-mannose, d'extrait de canneberge, de vitamine C et de cultures microbiologiques. Il est conditionné dans des flacons pratiques que vous pouvez toujours emporter avec vous.


Petits flacons pratiques contenant du D-mannose, de l'extrait de canneberge et de la vitamine C.


Les flacons contiennent une variété d'ingrédients qui contribuent chacun à leur manière à un bon fonctionnement des voies urinaires :

  • D-mannose - un monosaccharide naturel simple qui lie les bactéries à lui-même, les empêchant de s'accrocher à la paroi des voies urinaires,
  • des cultures microbiennes de Lactobacillus rhamnosus et Lactobacillus acidophilus, qui contribuent au maintien de l'équilibre en faisant partie des "bonnes" bactéries du système urinaire,
  • L'extrait de canneberge américaine, apprécié notamment pour la proanthocyanidine (PAC) qu'il contient (il s'agit d'un composé végétal secondaire entièrement naturel),
  • la vitamine C, qui joue un rôle/contribue à un métabolisme énergétique normal, à protéger les cellules contre le stress oxydatif et à réduire la fatigue.


Avec la vitamine C, un antioxydant qui contribue à protéger les cellules contre le stress oxydatif.


Le produit est un complément alimentaire.

Rossi, Ernest L. Twenty Minute Break C: Reduce Stress, Maximize Performance, Improve Health And Emotional Well-Being Using The Science Of Ultradian Rhythms

13.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : Reprint, Label : Zeig Tucker & Theisen Inc, Publisher : Zeig Tucker & Theisen Inc, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 210, publicationDate : 1991-03-30, authors : Rossi, Ernest L., languages : english, ISBN : 087477585X

J.J. Pindborg Histological Typing Of Cancer And Precancer Of The Oral Mucosa: In Collaboration With L.H.Sobin And Pathologists In 9 Countries (Who. World Health ... Histological Classification Of Tumours)

12.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2nd ed., Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 87, publicationDate : 1997-05-16, authors : J.J. Pindborg, P.A. Reichart, Smith, J. C., Waal, I. van der, languages : english, ISBN : 3540618481

F.K. Mostofi Histological Typing Of Kidney Tumours: In Collaboration With L. H. Sobin And Pathologists In 6 Countries (Who. World Health Organization. International Histological Classification Of Tumours)

28.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2nd ed., Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 117, publicationDate : 1997-11-18, authors : F.K. Mostofi, C.J.Jr. Davis, languages : english, ISBN : 3540631992

Peters, David H. Improving Health Service Delivery In Developing Countries: From Evidence To Action (Directions In Development)

13.99 EUR
Brand : World Bank Publications, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : World Bank Publications, Publisher : World Bank Publications, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 338, publicationDate : 2009-05-08, releaseDate : 2009-05-08, publishers : Peters, David H., Sameh El-saharty, Banafsheh Siadat, Katja Janovsky, Marko Vujicic, ISBN : 0821378880

Kerr, John H Workplace Health, Employee Fitness And Exercise (Issues In Occupational Health Series)

19.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Taylor & Francis Ltd, Publisher : Taylor & Francis Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 193, publicationDate : 1996-12-01, publishers : Kerr, John H, Amanda Griffiths, Tom Cox, ISBN : 0748401423

Hafez, H Mohammed Turkey Production: Toward Better Welfare And Health: Proceedings Of The 5th International Symposium On Turkey Production - Meeting Of The Working ... Held In Berlin, Germany 28th – 30th May 2009

14.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Mensch & Buch, Publisher : Mensch & Buch, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 326, publicationDate : 2009-11-01, publishers : Hafez, H Mohammed, ISBN : 3866647018

Hadler, Nortin M. Worried Sick: A Prescription For Health In An Overtreated America (H. Eugene And Lillian Youngs Lehman)

24.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : New edition, Label : Univ of North Carolina Pr, Publisher : Univ of North Carolina Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 376, publicationDate : 2008-06-02, authors : Hadler, Nortin M., ISBN : 0807831875

H. Häfner Mental Health In The Elderly: A Review Of The Present State Of Research

19.55 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 273, publicationDate : 1986-06-01, publishers : H. Häfner, G. Moschel, N. Sartorius, languages : english, ISBN : 3540161821

Tilden, John H. Food Its Influence In Health And Disease

2.26 EUR
Brand : Kessinger Publishing, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Kessinger Publishing, Publisher : Kessinger Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 72, publicationDate : 2005-12-31, releaseDate : 2005-12-31, authors : Tilden, John H., ISBN : 1425324835

Coovadia, H. M. Paediatrics And Child Health: A Manual For Health Professionals In Developing Countries: A Manual For Health Professional In Developing Countries

2.69 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Fifth., Label : Oxford Univ Pr, Publisher : Oxford Univ Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 768, publicationDate : 2004-03-04, authors : Coovadia, H. M., Wittenberg, D. F., ISBN : 0195784057

Stearns, Stephen C. Evolution In Health And Disease

31.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 0002, Label : Oxford University Press, USA, Publisher : Oxford University Press, USA, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 396, publicationDate : 2008-01-10, authors : Stearns, Stephen C., languages : english, ISBN : 0199207461

Bandar Al Knawy MD FRCPC Health Care-Associated Transmission Of Hepatitis B And C Viruses, An Issue Of Clinics In Liver Disease (Volume 14-1) (The Clinics: Internal Medicine, Volume 14-1)

54.99 EUR
Brand : Saunders, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Saunders, Publisher : Saunders, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 183, publicationDate : 2010-03-03, releaseDate : 2010-03-03, authors : Bandar Al Knawy MD FRCPC, ISBN : 1437719155

Harrington, H. James The Creativity Toolkit: Provoking Creativity In Individuals & Organizations With Cdrom: Provoking Creativity In Individuals And Organizations (H. James Harrington Performance Improvement)

22.49 EUR
Binding : CD-ROM, Edition : Har/Cdr, Label : McGraw-Hill Inc., US, Publisher : McGraw-Hill Inc., US, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : CD-ROM, publicationDate : 1998-07-01, authors : Harrington, H. James, Reid, Robert P., Hoffherr, Glen D., languages : english, ISBN : 007913730X

James Gormley User'S Guide To Brain-Boosting Supplements: Learn About The Vitamins And Other Nutrients That Can Boost Your Memory And End Mental Fuzziness (Basic Health Publications User'S Guide)

2.31 EUR
Brand : Basic Health Publications, Inc., Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Basic Health Publications, Inc., Publisher : Basic Health Publications, Inc., NumberOfItems : 2, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 92, publicationDate : 2004-01-01, authors : James Gormley, Lieberman Ph.D. C.N.S. F.A.C.N., Dr. Shari, publishers : Jack Challem, ISBN : 1591200903

Genie James MMsC From Hormone Hell To Hormone Well: Straight Talk Women (And Men) Need To Know To Save Their Sanity, Health, And―quite Possibly―their Lives

25.08 EUR
Brand : Health Communications, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Health Communications Inc, Publisher : Health Communications Inc, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 264, publicationDate : 2009-01-14, authors : Genie James MMsC, Randolph Jr MD, Dr. C. W., ISBN : 0757313906

Occasion Hasselblad H5D-50c

1149 EUR
This item is sold as seen for spares or repair. Please read the description in full before purchasing. Spares and repairs items do not come with a warranty but do represent potentially excellent value. All faults or issues are fully described. Cosmetically this item would be placed within our Good condition rating. Please Note: This item is partially functional. The item works for the most part as expected, however, the sensor board is faulty and this will often corrupt files. This presents itself as pictues that appear glitched. This makes normal use of the item impossible. For this reason the item is being sold as spares and repairs.

Grace-Marie Turner Why Obamacare Is Wrong For America: How The Health Care Law Drives Up Costs, Puts Government In Charge Of Your Decisions, And Threatens Your Constitutional Rights

11.99 EUR
Brand : Broadside Books, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Broadside Books, Publisher : Broadside Books, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 272, publicationDate : 2011-03-22, releaseDate : 2011-03-22, authors : Grace-Marie Turner, Capretta, James C., Miller, Thomas P, Moffit, Robert E, ISBN : 0062076019

Peter Zweifel Health Economics Worldwide (Developments In Health Economics And Public Policy)

10.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1992, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 365, publicationDate : 1991-12-31, publishers : Peter Zweifel, Frech, H. E., languages : english, ISBN : 0792312198

Kuhn, Klaus A. Medinfo 2007: Proceedings Of The 12th World Congress On Health Medical Informatics: Building Sustainable Health Systems (Studies In Health Technology And Informatics, Band 129)

11.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : IOS Press, US, Publisher : IOS Press, US, NumberOfItems : 2, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 1499, publicationDate : 2007-09-15, publishers : Kuhn, Klaus A., Warren, James R, Tze-Yun Leong, ISBN : 1586037749

Epidemiology In Health Care: Epidem Health Care _p3

23.99 EUR
Brand : Pearson, Binding : paperback, Edition : 3 ed, Label : Epidemiology in Health Care : EPIDEM HEALTH CARE _p3, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Feature : Used Book in Good Condition, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 448, publicationDate : 1998-08-01, releaseDate : 1998-08-01, languages : english, ISBN : 0838522270

Gold, Siegel Russell Cost-Effectiveness In Health And Medicine

7.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Oxford Univ Pr, Publisher : Oxford Univ Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 456, publicationDate : 1996-09-19, authors : Gold, Siegel Russell, publishers : Gold, Marthe R., Weinstein, Milton C., languages : english, ISBN : 0195108248

Beautler, Larry E. Evidence-Based Practices In Mental Health: Debate And Dialogue On The Fundamental Questions

11.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Amer Psychological Assn, Publisher : Amer Psychological Assn, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 435, publicationDate : 2005-01-01, authors : Beautler, Larry E., publishers : Norcross, John C., Beutler, Larry E., languages : english, ISBN : 1591472903

Pièces De Jouets Télécommandées Jjr/C Kh47 001, Novice, Emballage Fragile, Kit De Pièces Pour Drone Quadcopter Jjr/C H47 Rc, Pièces 1-Générique

34.42 EUR
Description:100% brand new and high quality.Light weight and portable.High-quality and durable in performance.Suitable for JJR/C H47 RC Quadcopter.Specifications:Type: Novice Parts KitColor: Blue chassis, gold chassisSuitable for: JJR/C H47 RC QuadcopterPackage Include:1 x Upper chassis1 x down chassis1 set blades1 x battery1 set QR Motor parts1 set QL Motor parts1 set HR Motor parts1 set HL Motor parts2 x Cone ComponentsNote:1. Due to the light and screen difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.2. Please allow 1-3cm differences due to manual measurement. Note: 1.Due to the difference between different monitors,the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. We guarantee the style is the same as shown in the pictures,,but not the same performance on different bodies as on the model. 2.Compare the detail sizes with yours,please allow 2-4cm differs due to manual measurement for the clothes, thanks All measurement in cm and please note 1cm=0.39inch 1) We accept Alipay, West Union, TT.All major credit cards are accepted through secure payment processor ESCROW. 2 If you can't checkout immediately after auction close, please wait for a few minutes and retry Payments must be completed within 3 days. 1) WORLDWIDE SHIPPING. (Except some countries and APO/FPO) DHL UPS TNT FEDEX takes 3-7 days,EMS takes 8-12 days.Post air mail need 2-8 weeks.But all of them are dependent on the country delivered to.2) SERVICE TRANSIT TIME is provided by the carrier and excludes weekends and holidays. Transit times may vary, particularly during the holiday season. 1) Buyer's early confirmation will be highly appreciated after receiving the items.2) Since your feedback is very important to our business's development, we sincerely invite you to leave positive feedback for us if you are satisfied with our product and service.3) Please contact us before leaving any negative or neutral feedback. We will work with you to solve any problems.Thank you for your understanding!

Berberine Glucose Support, Now Foods 90gelcaps (72128066)

60.46 EUR
Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods will strengthen the body and give good health to everyone! Every second a person uses a huge amount of useful substances to ensure normal life activity.. It is very important to replenish them in a timely manner and add them to the diet in the form of special products.. These include Berberine Glucose Support from the American manufacturer Now Foods. (Nau Foods). It contains berberine HCL and MCT oil.. This combination normalizes metabolism, ensures normal functioning of the digestive system, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These components speed up metabolism, help to normalize your weight, remove toxic substances and waste from the body.. Thanks to them, the level of low-density lipoproteins decreases, blood circulation improves, and the elasticity of the vessel walls increases.. It is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.. With their help, you can normalize blood sugar levels, and this protects a person from developing diabetes. A product based on them reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, relieves the burden on the body that occurs with obesity, and also provides support for blood vessels.. With its help, the work of the brain improves, memory becomes much better, and incoming information is perceived more efficiently.. A person gains energy, strength for new achievements, and their vitality increases. The substances included in the composition are effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease. They have antioxidant properties and prevent free radicals from destroying cells.. Moreover, they have an oncoprotective effect, preventing the development of cancer.. These components normalize hormonal levels and have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods has choleretic and antispasmodic properties. It normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents plaque formation in the veins.. With its help, the composition of bile becomes biochemically balanced, the tone of the muscle tissue of the gallbladder decreases.. This product is recommended to everyone, because it can be called universal in its action.. With its help, you can lose weight, reduce body size, ensure the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, get energized and protect yourself from diabetes! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Calories 5 Total fat 0.5 g - saturated fat 0.5 g Berberine HCl (from the bark of Berberis aristata) 400 mg MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) 700 mg - capric acid (C10) (from MCT oil) 238 mg Other Ingredients: soft gelatin capsule (bovine gelatin, glycerin, water, caramel coloring), beeswax and sunflower lecithin. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients.. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these...

Now Foods - L-GLUTAMINE POWDER 170 gr.

30.07 EUR
L-Glutamine Powder), NOW Foods is a pure, essential amino acid in free form and of the highest quality. Regulation of nitrogen metabolism. Ammonia disposal. Gut health. Support of immunity. Support of muscle mass. Vegetarian product. Kosher product. Functional action: L-glutamine is an amino acid that plays a major role in maintaining the immunomodulatory function of the intestine (primarily the colon). L-glutamine is involved in the distribution of blood cells (erythrocytes, lymphocytes, fibroblasts), nitrogen delivery to cells, control of the acid-alkaline balance of the blood. Glutamine protects the intestinal mucosa from the effects of various toxic components entering the body (during chemotherapy). Glutamine transports fuel to organs and tissues, in case of injuries and burns, promotes the growth of muscle tissues. The use of Nau Foods products containing glutamine helps to better cope with stress (especially muscle stress during sports), recovery of strength during sleep. Application: Mix 1 teaspoon of powder with juice, preferably between meals, 1-2 times a day. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. Component Composition 1 tsp. or 5 g L-Glutamine (free form) 5000 mg Other ingredients: No. Does not contain: GMO, sugar, starch, lactose, soy, gluten, wheat, yeast, fish, sodium, artificial colors, preservatives. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Now Foods - L-CARNITINE POWDER, 85 gr.

44.29 EUR
L-Carnitine from Now Foods is a clinically tested, purest, organic formula suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Functional action: This amino acid is suitable not only for athletes, but also for people suffering from fatty liver. In addition, carnitine performs many other functions that contribute to the health of the entire body. Carnitine supports the body during heavy physical exertion and helps quick recovery after training. It helps in the work of the brain, cardiovascular and nervous systems, promotes concentration of attention. Carnitine is an amino acid that is found in high concentrations in the cells of the brain, nerves, heart and liver. L-carnitine is involved in the conversion of fatty acids into energy by mitochondria. Application: Take 1/4 teaspoon once or twice daily with or without food. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. Component Composition: 1/4 tsp. L-Carnitine 635 mg Other ingredients: nothing but the ingredients listed. Does not contain: Wheat, gluten, soy, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish or nuts. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Vitamin E, Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Vitamin E-200 D-Alpha Tocopheryl, Now Foods 100gelcaps (36128422) 100softgels

27.39 EUR
Now Foods Vitamin E-200 D-Alpha Tocopheryl - Antioxidant Protection Vitamin E is a major fat-soluble antioxidant that is especially important for maintaining cellular health by scavenging free radicals generated during normal metabolic processes as well as from environmental influences.. In addition to antioxidant activity, vitamin E is also vital for normal immune function and the maintenance of a healthy vascular system. This product may naturally change color. Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl acetate) 134 mg Other Ingredients: softgel capsule [bovine gelatin (without BSE), glycerin, water] and organic extra virgin olive oil. Contains soy (vitamin E from non-GMO soy). Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these allergens. How to use: Take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily with meals. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Gaia Flax Oil Capsules - 60s

72.99 EUR
About this item Loaded with Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These capsules are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, supporting overall health and well-being. Source of Protein and Fiber: In addition to Omega-3, the capsules serve as a source of protein and fiber, contributing to a balanced diet. Protection of Cells from Oxidative Stress: The formulation helps protect cells from oxidative stress, promoting cellular health. Maintenance of Normal Blood Cholesterol Levels: Gaia Flaxseed Oil Capsules aid in maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels, supporting cardiovascular health. Maintenance of Cardiovascular Health and Joint Function: Regular consumption contributes to the maintenance of cardiovascular health and joint function. Development of the Brain and Retinal Cells: The Omega-3 fatty acids in these capsules play a crucial role in the development of the brain and retinal cells, making them beneficial for pregnant women and infants. Skin Benefits: The capsules benefits for the skin by providing hydration and smoothness, accelerating the healing of dry and damaged skin. The standardized concentrate of stable Omega-3 fatty acids makes these capsules an excellent alternative to dietary supplements. Including Gaia Flaxseed Oil Capsules in your daily routine can be a convenient and effective way to support various aspects of your health and well-being. Ingredients: Flaxseed Oil (Linseed Oil) 500mg

Women And Health

149.99 EUR
Brand : Academic Press, Binding : hardcover, Edition : 2, Label : Women and Health, NumberOfItems : 1, Feature : Used Book in Good Condition, medium : hardcover, numberOfPages : 1632, publicationDate : 2013-01-31, releaseDate : 2013-01-31, languages : english, ISBN : 0123849780

Directory Of Schools For Alternative And Complementary Health Care

39.99 EUR
Brand : Brand : Oryx Press, Binding : paperback, Label : Directory of Schools for Alternative and Complementary Health Care, Feature : Used Book in Good Condition, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 272, publicationDate : 1998-01-21, releaseDate : 1998-01-21, languages : english, ISBN : 157356110X

Practice Of Aromatherapy: Holistic Health And The Essential Oils Of Flowers And Herbs

14.99 EUR
Brand : Inner Traditions, Binding : paperback, Label : Practice of Aromatherapy : Holistic Health and the Essential Oils of Flowers and Herbs, NumberOfItems : 4, Feature : Used Book in Good Condition, medium : paperback, publicationDate : 2024-11-26, languages : english, ISBN : 0892810262

Mental Health: From Policy To Practice

12.99 EUR
Brand : Churchill Livingstone, Binding : paperback, Edition : 1, Label : Mental Health : From Policy To Practice, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Feature : Used Book in Good Condition, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 344, publicationDate : 2008-09-19, releaseDate : 2008-09-19, languages : english, ISBN : 0443103836

Talbott, John A. Year Book Of Psychiatry And Applied Mental Health (Year Books)

2.52 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : Revised, Label : Mosby, Publisher : Mosby, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 575, publicationDate : 1999-12-10, releaseDate : 1999-12-10, publishers : Talbott, John A., Ballenger, James C., Frances, Richard J., Meltzer, Herbert Y., Peter Jensen, George Simpson, Markowitz, John C., ISBN : 0815197349

Meschino, James P. Wrinkle-Free Zone: Your Guide To Perfect Skin In 30 Days

2.17 EUR
Brand : Basic Health Publications, Inc., Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Basic Health Publications, Inc., Publisher : Basic Health Publications, Inc., NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2004-01-01, authors : Meschino, James P., ISBN : 1591201241

Reed, Terence James Mehr Licht In Deutschland: Eine Kleine Geschichte Der Aufklärung

12.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : C.H.Beck, Publisher : C.H.Beck, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 235, publicationDate : 2009-09-16, authors : Reed, Terence James, languages : german, ISBN : 3406593046

Harold James Familienunternehmen In Europa: Haniel, Wendel Und Falck

12.91 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : C.H.Beck, Publisher : C.H.Beck, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 2005-09-23, authors : Harold James, translators : Thorsten Schmidt, languages : german, ISBN : 3406535100

James Agee Ein Todesfall In Der Familie: Roman

5.95 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : C.H.Beck, Publisher : C.H.Beck, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 399, publicationDate : 2009-02-17, authors : James Agee, translators : Uslar, Gerda von, Ingo Herzke, languages : german, ISBN : 3406583881

Nutrist.JP Ido Japanese Suppon Power-in Gold 50ml Maca Tonic Maca 1 set

27.29 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Tonic > Maca > Ido Japanese Suppon Power-in Gold 50ml Maca Tonic Full of confidence and vitalityDomestic Suppon extract 350mg (per bottle)Pit viper, reindeer horn, pork testicles, oyster meat, egg white hydrolysate, royal jelly, arginine, zinc yeastSuppon power to get you laid! ---Dosage and Administration --- As a soft drink, take one bottle per day, shaking it well before drinking.

Meyer, Stephanie H. Written In The Dirt: Fiction By Teens (Teen Ink Series)

2.4 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS, Publisher : HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 393, publicationDate : 2004-03-01, releaseDate : 2004-03-01, authors : Meyer, Stephanie H., John Meyer, ISBN : 0757300502

Smith, Christopher C. Slow Church: Cultivating Community In The Patient Way Of Jesus

7.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : InterVarsity Press, Publisher : InterVarsity Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 247, publicationDate : 2014-07-18, authors : Smith, Christopher C., Pattison, Dr John (UK Department of Health), ISBN : 0830841148

Cosmetara Charm Co. Vitamin C 1g 60 Tablets Natures Plus

53.59 EUR
Introducing Nature's Plus Vitamin C 1g Tablets, an essential daily supplement to boost your immune system and maintain overall health. Packed with the power of Vitamin C, each tablet provides a whopping 1000mg of this vital nutrient. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in supporting various bodily functions. Known for its immune-boosting properties, it helps protect against harmful pathogens and strengthens your body's natural defense system. With Nature's Plus Vitamin C, you can keep those pesky cold and flu bugs at bay, especially during the winter months. Not only does Vitamin C fortify your immune system, but it also promotes the production of collagen, a protein responsible for maintaining healthy skin, joints, and tissues. By taking these tablets daily, you can enjoy the benefits of radiant skin and enhanced joint flexibility. Nature's Plus Vitamin C is carefully crafted using premium ingredients, ensuring maximum potency and effectiveness. These easy-to-swallow tablets are suitable for people of all ages and can be seamlessly integrated into your everyday routine. With a total of 60 tablets in each bottle, you'll have a two-month supply, allowing you to stay consistent with your immune-boosting regimen. Don't let a weakened immune system hinder your overall well-being. Embrace the power of Nature's Plus Vitamin C 1g Tablets and experience the wonders of a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and improved joint mobility. Take control of your health today!

Cosmetara Charm Co. Be Energifique Vitamin C 10U

63.79 EUR
Introducing our groundbreaking product, Be Energifique Vitamin C 10U! Designed to boost your immune system and enhance overall health, our vitamin C supplement is a must-have in every household. With its potent formulation and numerous benefits, it is suitable for all age groups. Our Vitamin C 10U is a carefully crafted blend of high-quality ingredients, ensuring maximum absorption and effectiveness. Each capsule contains 10 units of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that plays a vital role in maintaining a strong immune system. From fighting off common colds to reducing the risk of chronic diseases, this supplement is your go-to solution for staying healthy year-round. One of the standout features of Be Energifique Vitamin C 10U is its ability to promote collagen synthesis. This essential protein is responsible for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails, resulting in a youthful appearance. With regular use, you'll notice a visible improvement in your skin's texture, reduced wrinkles, and stronger nails. In addition to its immune-boosting and anti-aging properties, our supplement also aids in maintaining cardiovascular health. Vitamin C helps improve blood vessel function, reducing the risk of heart diseases and supporting a healthy heart. With Be Energifique Vitamin C 10U, you can be confident in its safety and quality. Our product is manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility, following strict quality control procedures to ensure purity and accuracy of dosage. Don't let your immune system suffer any longer. Invest in Be Energifique Vitamin C 10U and experience the numerous benefits packed into each capsule. Stay energized, youthful, and healthy with our powerful vitamin C supplement!

Cosmetara Charm Co. Leotron Vitamin C 36 18 Effervescent Tablets

40.09 EUR
Introducing Leotron Vitamin C 36, a powerful and convenient way to boost your immune system and support your overall health. With 18 effervescent tablets, this formula is designed to provide you with an optimal daily dosage of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in supporting your body's immune system. It helps to strengthen and protect your immune cells, making it easier for your body to fight off illnesses and infections. Additionally, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to neutralize harmful free radicals in your body, reducing oxidative stress and promoting better overall health. What sets Leotron Vitamin C 36 apart from the rest is its unique effervescent formula. Simply drop a tablet into a glass of water and watch as it dissolves, creating a refreshing and delicious drink that is easy to consume. Effervescent tablets are not only a convenient way to take your daily dose of Vitamin C but also ensure optimal absorption, allowing your body to quickly and effectively utilize this essential nutrient. Leotron Vitamin C 36 is carefully formulated to be suitable for all age groups, ensuring that everyone in your family can benefit from its immune-boosting properties. This product is free from any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, making it a safe and pure choice for daily supplementation. Support your immune system and promote overall health with Leotron Vitamin C 36. Start your journey towards a healthier, stronger body today!

Cosmetara Charm Co. Pharma Nord Activecomplex Vit C 60comp Calcium Ascorbate

36.99 EUR
Introducing Pharma Nord Activecomplex Vit C 60comp Calcium Ascorbate, a powerful and essential dietary supplement designed to boost your overall health and well-being. Packed with the goodness of Vitamin C and Calcium Ascorbate, this product is formulated to provide you with numerous health benefits in a convenient and easy-to-take tablet. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a crucial nutrient that plays a vital role in supporting the immune system, promoting collagen production for healthy skin, and protecting against oxidative stress caused by harmful free radicals. It is known to potentially reduce the risk of developing certain chronic diseases, aid in wound healing, and support cardiovascular health. The addition of Calcium Ascorbate in this formulation further enhances the benefits of Vitamin C, as it helps to neutralize stomach acid and makes it gentler on the digestive system. Calcium Ascorbate is also known for its role in maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and cartilage. Pharma Nord Activecomplex Vit C 60comp Calcium Ascorbate offers a convenient way to ensure you meet the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C and Calcium Ascorbate in a single tablet. Made with high-quality ingredients, this product undergoes rigorous quality control to ensure purity, potency, and safety. Whether you are looking to boost your immune system, support your skin health, or simply maintain overall well-being, Pharma Nord Activecomplex Vit C 60comp Calcium Ascorbate is the perfect choice for everyone in all age groups. Experience the benefits of this exceptional dietary supplement and take a step towards a healthier and happier lifestyle today!

Santra Life Vitamin C 1000 Mg 30 Tablets

42.69 EUR
Vitamin C 1000 Mg 30 Tablets Ocean Vitamin C 1000 mg Usage: It is recommended to consume 1 tablet a day, preferably after meals, on a full stomach. Vitamin C is very important for human health and protects against many diseases. It takes part in collagen production and contributes to the formation of a healthy and vibrant skin. It balances high blood pressure. It prevents iron deficiency. It helps tissue repair. NAME AMOUNT *BRD Vitamin C 1000 mg 1250% Citrus Bioflavonoids 100 mg Rutin 7.5 mg Hesperidin 7.5 mg Not a drug. There is no prospectus included with the product. It is not used for the prevention or treatment of diseases.

Cosmetara Charm Co. Artesania Infoligo C 20 Amp X 5ml

53.99 EUR
Introducing the Artesania Infoligo C 20 Amp X 5ml, a revolutionary product designed to boost overall health and immunity. This incredible supplement is a real game-changer in the wellness industry, suitable for individuals of all ages. Crafted with utmost care and precision, Artesania Infoligo C contains a potent blend of essential vitamins and nutrients, specially formulated to strengthen your immune system. With 20 Amp X 5ml, each serving offers enhanced protection against harmful pathogens, keeping you healthy and confident year-round. This cutting-edge formula harnesses the power of vitamin C, known for its remarkable immune-boosting properties. It aids in the production of white blood cells, which are crucial for fighting off infections and viruses. Additionally, vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis, leading to improved skin health and a youthful appearance. Artesania Infoligo C goes beyond traditional supplements by incorporating advanced bioavailability technology, ensuring maximum absorption of nutrients by the body. This means you can reap the full benefits of its powerful ingredients, resulting in improved overall wellness. Not only does Artesania Infoligo C offer exceptional immunity support, but it also provides a natural energy boost. Experience increased vitality and stamina to conquer your daily tasks effortlessly. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to a vibrant, energized life. Designed to be convenient and easy to use, each vial of Artesania Infoligo C is compact and portable, allowing you to take it anywhere with you. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or a parent on-the-go, this supplement fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Invest in your health today with Artesania Infoligo C 20 Amp X 5ml. Embrace vitality, strengthen your immune system, and experience the transformative benefits of this remarkable formula. Order now and embark on a journey towards optimal health and well-being.

Santra Life Bromelain Pineapple Quercetin Zinc Coq-10 Vitamin C Super Bromelain Formula

49.59 EUR
Each ingredient in Bromelain Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C, CoQ-10, Vitamin B5 has been carefully selected to ensure your body functions at its best. Optimize your health and well-being with your daily supplement. Bromelain - 500 mg BRD ** Vitamin C - 75 mg - BRD 93.75% Parsley Extract 50 mg BRD ** (Petroselinum sp.) Green Tea Extract 50 mg BRD ** (Camellia sinensis) Lemongrass Extract 50 mg BRD ** ( Lippia citriodora) Quercetin 14 mg BRD ** Buckthorn / Buckthorn Extract 10 mg ** (Rhamnus catharticus) Zinc 2.5 mg BRD 25% Coenzyme Q 10 - 3mg BRD ** Vitamin B5 - 1 mg BRD 16.67% Chromium - 60 mcg BRD 150% Selenium - 60 mcg 109.1% No GMOs, toxic substances and gluten. Produced in a halal certified facility. Registered with FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) Registered with the Ministry of Agriculture. Not a drug. Each ingredient in Bromelain Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C, CoQ-10, Vitamin B5 has been carefully selected to ensure your body functions at its best. Optimize your health and well-being with your daily supplement. It is recommended to use 1 tablet per day, preferably after meals.

Genie James From Belly Fat To Belly Flat: How Your Hormones Are Adding Inches To Your Waist And Subtracting Years From Your Life -- The Medically Proven Way To: ... And Subtracting Years From Your Life

11.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Health Communications, Publisher : Health Communications, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 284, publicationDate : 2007-11-27, authors : Genie James, Randolph, C. W., languages : english, ISBN : 0757306780

Günter Brakelmann Helmuth James Von Moltke: 1907-1945: 1907-1945. Eine Biographie

9.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1. Auflage (in der Beck'schen Reihe), Label : C.H.Beck, Publisher : C.H.Beck, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 432, publicationDate : 2009-08-25, authors : Günter Brakelmann, languages : german, ISBN : 3406590519

Moltke, Helmuth James von Abschiedsbriefe Gefängnis Tegel: September 1944 - Januar 1945 (Beck Paperback)

21.29 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1., durchgesehene Auflage in C.H.Beck Paperback, Label : C.H.Beck, Publisher : C.H.Beck, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 608, publicationDate : 2024-07-11, releaseDate : 2024-07-11, authors : Moltke, Helmuth James von, Moltke, Freya von, publishers : Moltke, Helmuth Caspar von, Moltke, Ulrike von, ISBN : 3406822681

Vitamin C from Rose Hips, Ostrovit (36250035) 60tab

18.57 EUR
OstroVit Vitamin C From Rose Hips – the power of rose hips for your health The highly effective Vitamin C From Rose Hips product from OstroVit was created to supplement the daily diet of a modern person with essential microelements and nutrients, one of which is ascorbic acid.. In combination with the active bioflavonoids of rose hip extract, which also contains carotene and B vitamins, the complex has a lot of positive effects on the health of your body. The main value of the product is vitamin C, while its content in rose hips is 50 times higher than that in lemon fruits. The importance of ascorbic acid for a person can hardly be overestimated, especially if his activity is associated with active physical work. Among the main properties of OstroVit Vitamin C From Rose Hips it is worth highlighting: • provides powerful antioxidant protection; • has a general strengthening effect; • normalizes metabolism; • enhances immunity; • lowers blood sugar levels; • stimulates the formation of red blood cells; • regulates cholesterol levels; • participates in the formation of collagen; • accelerates tissue regeneration, including muscle; • improves the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems; • strengthens bones, teeth, gums; • improves skin condition; • slows down the aging process. The uniqueness of the Vitamin C From Rose Hips complex from OstroVit lies precisely in the combination of vitamin C with bioflavonoids from rose hip extract, which enhance the effect of ascorbic acid. In addition, the form of the product in extended-release tablets ensures gradual release of the main component and its maximum absorption by the body. If you want to maintain a high level of health and physical activity, remain young for a long time, full of strength and vitality, effectively resist physical and mental stress, and receive powerful protection against various diseases, then the OstroVit Vitamin C From Rose Hips complex may well become an ideal assistant and best addition to your diet. Composition: Ingredients Per Serving - 1 Tablet: Rose hip extract 1000 mg - including. natural vitamin C 700 mg Other Ingredients: Rosehip extract standardized to 70% vitamin C, fillers: microcrystalline cellulose, starch. Anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide. The product may contain milk, soy, wheat, eggs, celery, mustard. How to use: Take 1 tablet daily. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Kathleen Graham-lomax Contemporary Diagnosis And Management Of H Pylori-Associated Gastrointestinal Diseases

3.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Handbooks in Health Care, Publisher : Handbooks in Health Care, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 180, publicationDate : 2002-12-01, releaseDate : 2002-12-01, authors : Kathleen Graham-lomax, Graham, David Y., ISBN : 1931981051

Asahi Perfect ASTA Collagen Drink 50ml Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

21.78 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > Asahi Perfect ASTA Collagen Drink 50ml Beautiful Skin Contains 5,000 mg of collagen, providing a good supply of collagen in a single bottle. ---Dosage and Administration ---Directions for Use] Please drink one bottle per day, chilled well. Energy: 25kcal, Protein: 3.4g, Fat: 0g, Carbohydrate: 4.4g, Salt equivalent: 0-0.04g, Vitamin C: 60mg, Astaxanthin: 4mg, Caffeine: 0mg, Collagen 2500mg

Meiji Verm Athlete Powder 10.5gx12 Amino Acid Powder 1 set

62.47 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Amino Acid > Powder > Meiji Verm Athlete Powder 10.5gx12 Amino Acid Contains 3000 mg of ARF amino acids, the same as the Smart Fit series of functional foods. ---how to---[ - ( ) . ---Ingredients: Sugar (manufactured in Japan), L-carnitine tartrate, coenzyme Q10 powder, phenylalanine, acidifier, alanine, arginine, sweetener (sucralose, stevia), thickener (pullulan), flavor, emulsifier, color (V.B2)

Vitamins SALE Nature's Plus- Biotin & Folic Acid, 30 Tablets

28.56 EUR
Description. Folic acid is considered the most useful vitamin for health. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. Foods naturally rich in folic acid include leafy greens (eg spinach, broccoli, lettuce), asparagus, fruit (eg bananas, melons, lemons), beans, yeast, mushrooms, meat (eg beef liver), orange and tomato juices. Manufacturer: Nature's Plus, USA Release form: 30 tablets Age: 18+ Composition: Component-Composition 1 tablet Folate (in the form of calcium-L-5 methyltetrahydrofolate)-800 μg Biotin-2500 mcg. Other ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, rice bran, riboflavin and pharmaceutical glaze. Does not contain: Artificial dyes and preservatives, well-known allergens, gluten. Vegan product. Functional action: Folic acid is used to prevent and treat low levels of folic acid in the blood (folic acid deficiency) and its complications: blood aging (anemia) and the inability of the intestines to absorb nutrients properly. Folic acid is also used for other conditions commonly associated with folic acid deficiency, including ulcerative colitis, liver disease, alcoholism, and kidney dialysis. Women need to take folic acid during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. It is also used for heart disease, stroke, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, hearing loss, osteoporosis, sleep problems, depression, muscle pain. Folic acid is essential for preventing heart disease and stroke, and for lowering blood levels of a chemical called homocysteine. A high level of homocysteine ​​can lead to the development of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. Folic acid is often used in combination with other vitamins. Biotin is a vitamin sometimes called vitamin H or vitamin B7. It is one of the eight B vitamins. Vitamins, in general, help build a healthy nervous system, skin, eyes, hair, liver, and oral mucosa. A balanced diet contains foods that supply more than enough biotin to support a healthy body. Biotin is naturally present in many foods, such as meat, seafood, cooked egg yolks, milk, poultry, legumes, whole grains, and brewer's yeast. Sometimes the biotin content of food is reduced when the food is cooked or frozen. The best way to prepare biotin-rich foods is to steam them. Application: Take 1 tablet per day. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Nutrist.JP Collagen LAB Powder SP 201g Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

63.39 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > Collagen LAB Powder SP 201g Beautiful Skin A product containing 10 different ingredients that dissolves quickly and easily in cold foods without clumping, and can be used in all seasons, dissolving in anything. ---how to---[ - . Ingredients --- Ingredients --- Collagen

Meiji Amino Collagen Premium 196g Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

92.99 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > Meiji Amino Collagen Premium 196g Beautiful Skin Luxurious premium ingredient blendCoenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, ceramide, glucosamine, amino acids (arginine), vitamin C*Daily guideline5000 mg of collagenThis premium collagen powder is a luxurious blend of carefully selected beauty ingredients for a moist daily life. ---Dosage and Administration---[Directions for Use] - Dissolve and consume approximately 1.5 tablespoons (approximately 7g) per day. ---Ingredients]Fish collagen peptide (manufactured in Japan), maltodextrin, vegetable oil and fat, coenzyme Q10, rice germ extract (containing ceramide), trehalose, glucosamine, V.C., arginine, thickener (gum arabic), hyaluronic acid, emulsifier, flavor, sweetener (sucralose).

Meiji Amino Collagen Premium 14-Day Supply 98g Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

50.89 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > Meiji Amino Collagen Premium 14-Day Supply 98g Beautiful Skin Luxurious premium ingredients (coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, ceramide, glucosamine, amino acids (arginine), vitamin C) - This premium collagen powder is an easy-to-try 14-day supply that contains carefully selected beauty ingredients for a moisturizing daily experience. ---how to---[ - ** / ( ) , . Ingredients --- Ingredients --- Fish collagen peptide (gelatin), maltodextrin, vegetable oils and fats, coenzyme Q10, rice germ extract (containing ceramide), trehalose, vitamin C, glucosamine, arginine, flavor, hyaluronic acid, emulsifier (including soybean), thickener (gum Arabic)

Pokemon 2 Inch Battle Action Figure 2-Pack Includes 2 Pikachu And 2 Popplio

39.99 EUR
Get ready for battle Pikachu naturally stores up electricity in its body and it needs to discharge that energy on a regular basis to maintain good health To take advantage of this some have suggested creating a Pikachu-fueled power plant Popplio uses the water balloons it blows from its nose in battle Itaa?? a hard worker and puts in lots of practice creating and controlling these balloons

Cosmetara Charm Co. Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp

51.99 EUR
Introducing Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp - the perfect companion for a restful and peaceful night's sleep. In today's fast-paced and stressful world, a good night's rest is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. This innovative supplement is specially formulated to help relax the mind and body, promoting a deep and rejuvenating sleep. Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp combines a unique blend of natural ingredients, carefully selected for their calming and soothing properties. These ingredients include valerian root, passionflower, chamomile, and melatonin - known for their relaxation and sleep-enhancing benefits. By using this product, you can ensure a smoother transition into sleep, helping you to wake up feeling refreshed and energized the next morning. One of the key advantages of Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp is its non-habit-forming formula. Unlike other sleep aids that may lead to dependency or drowsiness, this product offers a safe and effective solution without any unwanted side effects. It is suitable for individuals of all age groups, ensuring a peaceful night for the whole family. This high-quality supplement is manufactured in compliance with strict quality standards, guaranteeing its potency and purity. Each bottle of Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp contains 60 easy-to-swallow tablets that can be taken before bedtime. With its convenient packaging, you can easily incorporate this supplement into your nightly routine, helping you sleep soundly and wake up feeling recharged. Invest in your well-being today with Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp - your ticket to a good night's sleep. Say goodbye to restless nights and welcome a calm and peaceful slumber that leaves you feeling revitalized and ready to take on the day ahead. Experience the difference this natural sleep aid can make in your life!

Kobayashi Equol 30 Day Tablet 1 pack

53.1 EUR
Condition: New Package and volume may change due to product renewal or other reasons. Please understand. Equol is a remarkable ingredient that supports women's health. In addition, hesperidin and theanine are contained in good balance. Recommended for aging women. Starch (manufactured in Japan), barley lactic acid fermentation extract containing GABA, soybean germ extract fermentation product/crystal cellulose, enzyme-treated hesperidin, theanine, hydroxypropyl cellulose, cyclodextrin, calcium stearate, silicon micronized oxide Directions: Take one tablet per day with water or hot water. 1#3030 /3008R6

Otsuka Nature Made Super Multi Vitamins & Minerals 120 Day Tablet 1 bottle

65.99 EUR
Condition: New Package and volume may differ due to product renewal, etc., but product contents are the same. 12 vitamins and 7 minerals are concentrated in a single capsule. This is a base supplement to be taken daily as a basis for building good health. Selenium yeast, chromium yeast, coral calcium, cellulose, Mg oxide, V.C, zinc gluconate, sucrose fatty acid ester, niacinamide, iron sulfate, V.E acetate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Ca pantothenate, copper gluconate, V.B6, V.B1, V.B2, beta-carotene ( V.A, folic acid, biotin, V.D, V.B12, β-carotene (including gelatin), V.A, folic acid, biotin, V.D, V.B12. Take one tablet per day with water or hot water before meals. 1#3600/0109R6

Haya Labs All Natural Spirulina 500mg - 100 Tabs

32.59 EUR
A high-quality product that is 100% natural spirulina and will help you maintain good health. By taking spirulina daily in addition to your main diet, you will protect yourself from many viruses and diseases. Benefits of Haya Labs 100% All Natural Spirulina: • Helps support the immune system • Powerful antioxidant • Rich in proteins • Help balance cholesterol levels • Rich in vitamin A and iron Recommendations for use: take 6 tablets per day, after meals. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Occasion Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD (IF) Macro - Monture Sony A

319 EUR
As a super performance (SP) lens, this lens belongs to the best macro lenses in the world. It has very good resolution ability, strongly decreased light fall-off up to the edges, minimised chromatic aberration and excellent stray light behaviour making this lens the first choice for digital APS-C and full frame cameras. This lens was constructed for macro functionality; however, it also makes an excellent figure with medium-tele shots and shines with its extremely sharp, high contrast and high brilliant results. This lens stands in the tradition of the legendary 90 mm 1:1 macro.

Cosmetara Charm Co. Gsn Aceite Lecitina 1200 Mg 80 Per

36.86 EUR
Introducing GSN Aceite Lecitina 1200 Mg 80 Per, a natural dietary supplement that provides numerous health benefits for individuals of all age groups. With a carefully formulated blend of lecithin, this product aims to enhance your overall well-being and boost your body's performance in a safe and effective manner. Derived from soybeans, lecithin is a substance that supports various bodily functions. It helps to improve brain function, memory, and concentration, making it suitable for students, professionals, and individuals who want to enhance their cognitive abilities. Additionally, GSN Aceite Lecitina 1200 Mg 80 Per aids in maintaining heart health by helping to regulate cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. But that's not all! This incredible supplement also promotes liver health by aiding in the breakdown and metabolism of fats, preventing the accumulation of harmful substances. It supports digestive functions and helps to improve nutrient absorption, contributing to a healthier digestive system overall. Taking GSN Aceite Lecitina 1200 Mg 80 Per is incredibly easy and convenient. Each bottle contains 80 softgel capsules, providing you with a sufficient supply for your daily needs. Simply take the recommended dosage with water, and enjoy the benefits of this natural health enhancer. Try GSN Aceite Lecitina 1200 Mg 80 Per today and see the positive impact it can have on your overall health. With its natural and safe formula, this supplement is suitable for individuals of all ages. Boost your brain function, support heart and liver health, and enjoy a healthier life with GSN Aceite Lecitina 1200 Mg 80 Per!

Cosmetara Charm Co. Cito-Oral Sport 10 Bolsas

32.04 EUR
Introducing Cito-Oral Sport 10 Bolsas, the ultimate companion for those engaged in sports activities! With its unique and innovative formula, this product is designed to enhance your performance and support your oral health needs. Cito-Oral Sport 10 Bolsas is specifically crafted to provide a refreshing and revitalizing experience during intense physical activities. Each bag contains a powerful blend of essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy oral cavity. These nutrients work together to promote strong teeth and gums, ensuring a confident smile both on and off the field. Not only does Cito-Oral Sport 10 Bolsas assist in maintaining oral hygiene, but it also aims to improve overall endurance and stamina. Packed with energizing ingredients, this product helps to combat fatigue and keep you going for longer, regardless of your sport of choice. Stay focused and maximize your performance potential with Cito-Oral Sport 10 Bolsas by your side. Suitable for individuals of all ages, this product offers a pleasant taste that will be enjoyed by everyone. Conveniently packaged in individual bags, it is easy to carry, allowing you to have them readily available whenever you need a boost. Simply tear open a bag, pour the contents into your mouth, and experience an instant burst of freshness. Invest in Cito-Oral Sport 10 Bolsas and unlock the power of optimal oral health and enhanced athletic performance. Order yours today and start your journey towards a healthier and more dynamic lifestyle. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to the joy of achieving your goals effortlessly, both on and off the field.