Lando in Smuggler Outfit is clad in an outfit from Han Solos drobe, and is armed with a blaster pistol. Prior to becoming the ruler of Cloud City, Lando won the Millenium Falcon in a game of Sabacc and then lost the Millenium Falcon (to fellow smuggler Han Solo) in another game of Sabacc. Eventually Lando joined Solo in a proposed venture by Bria Tharen of the Red Hand Squadron to plunder the Hutts coffers and to liberate the slaves on the world of Ylesia. Solo was doublecrossed by Bria Tharen and subsequently villified as a turncoat, causing Lando to develop a grudge against Solo. Later, in The Empire Strikes Back, Lando had become the ruler of Bespin, first welcoming the fugitive Solo and then betraying him to Darth Vader.p