Vase chardon vintage en céramique par Marie Madeleine Jolly violet 18x18x11

89 EUR
Vase chardon en céramique conçu par marie madeleine jolly, dans les années 50.Avec sa forme moderne et sa jolie teinte, cette céramique sera parfaite dans une décoration naturelle, épurée et tout en délicatesse.On l’imagine simplement posé sur une étagère ou un meuble, orné de quelques fleurs séchées ou en collection avec d’autres vases.Bel état, de légères marques du temps mais le vase conserve tout son charme et son authenticité.

Coupelle en céramique Marie Madeleine Jolley Le Triskel bleu 11x11x4

35 EUR
Coupelle en céramique pouvant servir de vide poche par marie madeleine jolly, atelier le triskel.Production des années 50.Émail bleuté texturé et décor d'oiseau.Largeur: 11.5cm.En très bon état, pas de fêle.À noter 3 infimes égrenures sur le bord, peu visibles.Signé sous la base le triskel.

Vase Marie Madeleine Jolly céramique Vallauris vintage multicolore 14x11x15

120 EUR
Vase signé marie madelaine jolly, céramiste de vallauris.Parfait état.Dimensions: hauteur 15, 5 cm, diamètre 14 cm, diamètre de la base 7 cm.

vase céramique Marie-Madeleine Boucraut atelier d'enfer Paris gris 9x9x8

120 EUR
Vase céramique atelier d'enfer paris;Couleur gris.Hauteur 8 cm sur 9 cm de largeur.Mini éclat voir photos.

ART Assiette chardon vintage en céramique par Marie Madeleine Jolly violet 21x21x4

89 EUR
Assiette chardon en céramique conçue par marie madeleine jolly, dans les années 50.Avec sa forme moderne et sa jolie teinte, cette céramique sera parfaite dans une décoration naturelle, épurée et tout en délicatesse.Bel état, quelques marques du temps mais l’assiette conserve tout son charme et son authenticité.Dimensions :Hauteur 3, 5cm X diamètre 20, 5cm.

ART Pichet de Marie-Madeleine Jolly vert aux branches d'olivier vert 10x14x21

120 EUR
Voici un rare pichet en céramique verte pomme / anis à décor de rameaux stylisés en camaïeux de vert olive et vert kaki et un émaillage rouge orange à l'intérieur, signé marie-madeleine jolly, qui a fait ses propres créations ainsi que les céramiques de jean cocteau.Ce broc est en très bon état, juste de petits éclats qui ne fragilisent pas la pièce sur sa base (voir photos).Cette belle pièce vallauris vintage fait 21 cm de haut et pèse 650 grammes.

ART Paire de bols chardon vintage en céramique par Marie Madeleine Jolly bleu 18x14x6

39 EUR
Paire de bols chardon en céramique conçus par marie madeleine jolly, dans les années 50.Avec leur forme moderne et leur jolie teinte, ces céramiques seront parfaites dans une décoration naturelle, épurée et tout en délicatesse.Bel état, quelques marques du temps mais les bols conservent tout leur charme et leur authenticité.

smr Vase de mariée plantes artificielles lavande, 12 pièces, pour la maison, couronne de noël,

6.69 EUR
Vase de mariée plantes artificielles lavande, 12 pièces, pour la maison, couronne de noël,

Ladrôme Extrait de Plante Fraîche Chardon Marie Bio 50ml

9.12 EUR
Ladrôme Extrait de Plante Fraîche Chardon Marie Bio 50ml

Aucun Vase nordique en céramique en forme de cœur, pour cadeau de mariage de la mariée, herbe de Pampa,

21.19 EUR
Vase nordique en céramique en forme de cœur, pour cadeau de mariage de la mariée, herbe de Pampa,

FEIYUE Vase à colonne romaine de style miniature pour mariée, support pour plantes, décoration en résine, décorations de mariage, pilier de fleurs vintage

33.01 EUR
Description Ce beau vase vintage pour arrangement de fleurs sera un joli cadeau pour votre famille ou vos amis qui aiment les plantes ou qui ont besoin de dcorer leur porte et leur balcon. Montrez-leur votre amour et votre proccupation. Dcoration parfaite pour votre balcon, porte, bureau et jardin. Caractristiques : couleur : blanc. Matriau : rsine. Dimensions : 24,5 x 10,5 x 7 cm. Le vase romain pour arrangement de fleurs est fabriqu en rsine durable et stable qui ne rouille pas et ne se dforme pas facilement, vous servant pendant longtemps, qui est galement rutilisable, ce qui vous permet d'conomiser de l'argent. Le pot de fleurs rtro en rsine peut non seulement tre utilis comme pot de fleurs, mais peut galement tre utilis comme dcoration de jardin. Convient pour balcon, jardin, porche, entre, alle, porte, amnagement paysager. Le pot de fleurs est idal pour les plantes vertes et les fleurs l'intrieur et l'extrieur, rendant votre espace plein de vie. Un merveilleux cadeau pour votre

Mixer MOULINEX DDG25110 Marie + 4 access

70.09 EUR
De délicieuses soupes et de savoureux aliments hachés selon vos envies, c'est la garantie de MOULINEX et son mixeur plongeant multifonctions DDG25110 Marie. De savoureux repas au quotidien Avec le mixeur plongeant multifonctions DDG25110 Marie, MOULINEX signe un appareil digne des meilleures cuisines : un moteur puissant de 450 W et des lames ZELKROM solides, pour venir à bout de tous vos ingrédients. Ses deux vitesses vous offrent une efficacitémaximale sur une grande variété d'ingrédients et des préparations onctueuses, sans défaut. La fonction turbo du mixeur plongeant multifonctions DDG25110 Marie s'adapte à toutes vos recettes grâce à de nombreux accessoires : double fouet, presse-purée à 2 grilles, filtre à coulis et verre doseur de 800 ml. Sa poignée ergonomique et texturée signée MOULINEX, quant à elle, vous offre une expérience confortable quelle que soit votre recette. Un design intuitif Conçu pour le quotidien, le mixeur plongeant DDG25110 Marie est pratique et facile d'utilisation. Le design du pied permet d'éviter les éclaboussures et laisse votre cuisine impeccable. Ergonomique, sa manipulation intuitive est facilitée par un large bouton de commande et un coffret dédié pour ranger l'appareil et ses accessoires. Avec le mixeur plongeant DDG25110 Marie, MOULINEX signe un appareil élégant et chic : des finitions brillantes et blanches complètent le look pointu de l'appareil, tandis que ses accessoires sont tous compatibles au lave-vaisselle, pour un entretien simple et sans effort.

Chaussons Semelflex MARIE MADELEINE Bleu

46.9 EUR
Chaussons Semelflex MARIE MADELEINE Bleu Disponible en taille femme. 37,38,39,40,35. . Femme > Chaussures > Chaussons.

LANGRAY Lavande artificielle, plante en plastique bouquet de fleurs artificielles famille mariée mariage bureau fête jardin balcon intérieur et extérieur

8.44 EUR
Fabriqué en plastique écologique, non toxique et inoffensif, n'hésitez pas à l'utiliser. Un peu de poudre blanche peut rendre le bouquet plus vif et plus réaliste. De plus, ils ne se faneront jamais et ne tomberont jamais. Chacun a 5 branches, un total de 25 petites tiges. La longueur est d'environ 14,2 pouces (36 cm). Il n'y a pas de vase. Les bouquets de lavande classiques, romantiques et rustiques apportent élégance et sophistication à votre vie ou à votre mariage. Vous pouvez également les utiliser dans la fabrication de couronnes pour créer une esthétique unique. Convient pour la décoration de la maison, les sols, les jardins, les restaurants, les chambres, les salles de réunion, les salles de conférence, les h?tels, les magasins, les mariages, les fêtes et autres lieux que vous souhaitez décorer avec des fleurs. Fonction: Rappel chaleureux Un peu de poudre blanche rendra le bouquet plus vif et plus réaliste.Si vous ne l'aimez pas, vous pouvez le rincer à l'eau. Lors du

Chardon marie BIO 200 gélules - D.Plantes - Equilibre intestinal

17.99 EUR
Complément alimentaire à base de Chardon Marie bio . Le saviez-vous ? Le chardon marie est une plante bisannuelle aux feuilles épineuses et aux fleurs pourpres réunies en un capitule. Le fruit du chardon marie est  parsemé d'akènes de couleur gris surmonté d’une collerette jaune paille. CHARTE QUALITÉ D.PLANTES   Tous nos produits répondent à un cahier des charges très précis et subissent de nombreux contrôles qualité à chaque étape de fabrication.

Maquettes Bateaux : Volontaire Marie Et Marie Jeanne-Heller

96 EUR
Maquettes Heller : 2 modèles : Volontaire Marie et Marie JeanneNombre de pièces : 2 x 84 pièces.Échelle : 1/200.Dimensions : 34 x 5,8 cm.Note : Peintures et colle non fournies. Age minimum : 15 ans

Disney Grand Doudou Marie 40cm

52.62 EUR
DISNEY Grand Doudou Marie 40cm Disney-Grand Doudou Marie(40cm,Bl)

Doudou Disney Chat Rose Plat - Marie

18 EUR
Vous recherchez ce joli Doudou Disney Chat Rose Plat - Marie de la marque Disney . Il sera le compagnon idéal de bébé pour de doux câlins. Un joli doudou à offrir pour accompagner votre enfant. Calin doudou, c'est un choix immense de doudous à offrir aussi bien pour les naissances que pour des cadeaux. N'oubliez pas, calindoudou reste votre interlocuteur pour tous vos sos doudou et vos recherches de peluches perdu

Doudou Peluche Marie Les Aristochats Disney

16.9 EUR
Doudou peluche chat Marie 28 cm environ, blanc rose. Etat : Tr?s bon ?tat (?tiquette marque coup?e)

Marmite Bain Marie Aluminium 10 L - Vogue

79.29 EUR
Marque: VogueCouvercle inclus10 litresPour faire fondre le chocolat et réussir les sauces délicatesRécipient haut H = 245 mm. Récipient bas H = 240 mm 2 récipients

Marmite bain marie aluminium 4 L - Vogue

58.02 EUR
Pour faire fondre le chocolat et réussir les sauces délicatesMarque: VogueSans bec verseur Capacité 4 litresDimensions 240(Ø)mmMaterial AluminiumCouvercle inclus

Sécateur BAHCO Clarity Stéphane Marie vert

19 EUR
Capacité de coupe : 20mm

Small Foot Bébé Poupée Fille - Marie Avec Accessoires - 11522

72.68 EUR
Marie est un poupon / bébé poupée fille, avec accessoires - Un rêve pour tous les parents de poupées. Cette jolie poupée est un véritable enrichissement pour toute collection de poupées. La poupée est merveilleuse à câliner à cause de son corps souple. - Dimensions : poupée environ 42 x 20 x 11 cm, petit pot environ 9 x 9 x 7 cm - Age recommandé : à partir de 24 mois (cet article est généralement expédié sous 5 à 15 jours)

Playmobil City Life 9227 - Limousine Avec Couple De Mariés

49.7 EUR
La limousine est dotée d'une attache de remorque. Deux figurines (une figurine d'enfant peut être installée sur le siège passager) peuvent prendre place dans la partie avant du véhicule.

Playmobil City Life 4307 - Voiture Des Mariés

55 EUR
Voiture des mariés - 4307 : ce produit appartient à la collection Playmobil : La vie en ville de la marque Playmobil. Il est classé dans la catégorie Univers de jeu, Univers Playmobil, Playmobil, les mariés.

Sweat-shirt Only 15285228 MARIE-NAVY BLAZER Bleu

27.99 EUR
Sweat-shirt Only 15285228 MARIE-NAVY BLAZER Bleu Disponible en taille femme. IT S,IT M. . Femme > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

Sweat-shirt Only 15285228 MARIE-NAVY BLAZER Bleu

27.99 EUR
Sweat-shirt Only 15285228 MARIE-NAVY BLAZER Bleu Disponible en taille femme. IT S,IT M. . Femme > Vetements > Sweat-shirt.

MINISO Robe pull à capuche pour femmes, imprimé chat Disney Marie, manches longues, mode Style de rue,

18.29 EUR
Robe pull à capuche pour femmes, imprimé chat Disney Marie, manches longues, mode Style de rue,

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures70 c Nue 70 c

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Rose

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Bleu

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include an underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women s underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-c

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Blanc

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède Noir

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Blanc

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Ensembles enfant Disney Ensemble bébé Marie Bébé Fille Rose Rose

24.9 EUR
Ensembles enfant Disney Ensemble bébé Marie Bébé Fille Rose Rose Disponible en taille fille. 3 mois. . Enfant > Fille > Vetements > Ensembles enfant.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Bleu

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include an underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women s underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-c

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède Noir

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Bleu

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include an underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women s underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-c

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Blanc

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Blanc

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède Noir

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures70 c Noir 70 c

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède Noir

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss soutien-gorge Amsterdam à armatures Marie de Suède Noir

69 EUR
Adorned with exclusive stretch lace. The well fitted tulip-cut cups provide optimal fit and perfect round shape. Adjustable, padded no-slip comfort straps relieve shoulders. Lavage à la main uniquement. 82% Nylon, 9% Elasthanne, 9% Polyester.

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Nue

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Blanc

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Nue

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women's underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-cup

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Noir

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Soutien-gorge Miss Marie de Suède Stay Fresh à armatures Blanc

76 EUR
Padded comfort straps. Support wing. Elevated front - prevents the under-bust band from folding. Wide and stable back. T-shirt bra with moulded unpadded cups in Keep Fresh material that's specially developed material that keeps you dry and fresh, making it perfect to wear all year round or, for example, when experiencing hot flushes. An extra side wing smoothens the skin by the armpit and together with an unpadded, seamless cup, the bra is very discreet to wear under your clothes. The underwire

Miss Mary of Sweden Miss Soutien-gorge Marie de Suède broderie anglaise sans armatures Bleu

63 EUR
This lush, full-cup bra does not include an underwire but still provides shape and support to your bust along with comfort, unlike traditional bras. Our expertly designed undergarment lift and support also the heavy bust. This is an ideal piece of apparel to be worn as everyday women s underwear. With a high neck and full cups, this bra gives ample coverage. The rubber-lined bodice trim keeps this comfort bra in place, so you can move freely throughout the day SUPPORTIVE: We designed this full-c