Bethesda Fallout 4 Dlc: Vault-Tec Workshop (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

6.69 EUR
Build a brighter future underground with the all-new Vault-Tec Workshop. Create a massive Vault and attract new Dwellers using pre-war industrial kits complete with retro-nostalgic furniture, lighting, and art. And like every good Overseer, run Vault-Tec approved experiments on your Dwellers to learn what makes an ideal citizen. Vault-Tec has given you the tools, the rest is up to you! © 2016 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda Game Studios, ZeniMax, Pip-Boy, Vault-Tec and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Fallout, Vault Boy and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.

Bethesda Fallout 4 Dlc: Contraptions Workshop (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

6.69 EUR
Machines that sort! Machines that build! Machines that combine! With Fallout 4 Contraptions, use conveyer belts, scaffolding kits, track kits, even logic gates to construct crazy and complex gadgets to improve your Wasteland settlements. The Contraptions Workshop also includes all-new features like elevators, greenhouse kits, warehouse kits, fireworks, armor racks and more! © 2016 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda Game Studios, ZeniMax, Pip-Boy, Vault-Tec and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Fallout, Vault Boy and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.

Bethesda Fallout® 4 Dlc: Wasteland Workshop (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

6.69 EUR
With the Wasteland Workshop, design and set cages to capture live creatures ? from raiders to Deathclaws! Tame them or have them face off in battle, even against your fellow settlers. The Wasteland Workshop also includes a suite of new design options for your settlements like nixie tube lighting, letter kits, taxidermy and more! © 2015 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda Game Studios, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Fallout, Vault Boy, and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks or trade names are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.

Ruth Gresser Kitchen Workshop--Pizza: Hands-On Cooking Lessons For Making Amazing Pizza At Home

1.49 EUR
Brand : Quarry Books, Binding : Flexibler Einband, Label : Quarry Books, Publisher : Quarry Books, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Sonstige Einbände, numberOfPages : 160, publicationDate : 2014-02-01, releaseDate : 2014-02-01, authors : Ruth Gresser

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba Enable Support on a Mobility Controller - 1 annee

15.94 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba Enable Support on a Mobility Controller - Capacity License - 1 borne d'acces - ESD - support telephonique - 1 annee - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

Jeu De Construction Lincoln Logs On The Trail, K'nex, , 00821, 59 Pièces, Véritables Rondins De Bois, Jeu Éducatif Technique Pour Enfants, Convient Aux Enfants À Partir De 3 Ans

67.18 EUR
JEU DE CONSTRUCTION DE CABANE EN RONDINS Créez une scène agréable de cabane en rondins avec ce jeu de construction amusant ! Ce jouet STEM de cabane en rondins contient une porte fonctionnelle, des fenêtres, des figurines de jeu et des accessoires amusants tels qu'un randonneur, un loup, un arbre et un feu de camp ! VÉRITABLES RONDINS DE BOIS Cet ensemble de jeu éducatif pour enfants comprend de véritables rondins de bois méticuleusement façonnés et joliment colorés, fabriqués selon les normes de qualité les plus strictes. JOUET D'ÉVEIL Ce jouet technique qui permet de s'amuser à empiler et à construire, favor le développement de la motricité fine, de la coordination oculo-manuelle et de la dextérité, et permet aux jeunes enfants de faire travailler leur imagination ! CONSTRUCTION FACILE Les rondins LINCOLN LOGS de ce jeu de construction s'empilent facilement les uns sur les autres, et le jeu comprend également des instructions de construction faciles à suivre étape par étape. Vous pouvez également exercer votre liberté créative et util r votre imagination pour concevoir vos propres créations avec ces jouets en bois ! UN CADEAU IDÉAL POUR LES ENFANTS Ce jeu éducatif rétro emblématique est un cadeau d'anniversaire ou de Noël idéal pour les garçons et pour les filles à partir de 3 ans, qui offrira des heures de jeu aux petits constructeurs ! Lincoln Logs est devenu un des jouets emblématiques de lAmérique du National Toy Hall of Fame. Attention Contient un jouet. La surveillance d'un adulte est recommandée Attention Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans. À util r sous la surveillance d'un adulte PCIe USB 3.1 Card, 2x USB C 3.1 Gen 2 10Gbps, PCIe Gen 3 x4, ASM3142 Chipset, USB Type-C PCI Express Card, 2-Port USB 3.2 Gen 2x1 Expansion Add-On Card, Windows, macOS, Linux - Full/Low-Profile - adaptateur USB - PCIe 3.0 x4 - USB-C 3.1 Gen 2

70.2 EUR 2-port 10Gbps USB C PCIe Card Adapter - USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C PCI Express Expansion Add-On Card - Windows, macOS, Linux - Adaptateur USB - PCIe 3.0 x4 profil bas - USB-C 3.1 Gen 2 x 2 - pour P/N: S252BU313R

Bethesda Fallout 4 - Game Of The Year - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

39.59 EUR
NOTE : Un compte Steam et une connexion internet sont nécessaires pour activer, télécharger et utiliser ce produit. Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition inclut le jeu original et toutes ses mises à jour, ainsi que les six extensions : Nuka-World, Vault-Tec Workshop, Contraptions Workshop, Far Harbor, Wasteland Workshop et Automatron. À propos du jeu Le 26 septembre, rendez-vous dans les Terres désolées avec Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition. Regroupant toutes les dernières mises à jour de gameplay (dont le mode Survie), les améliorations graphiques, la possibilité de jouer avec des mods gratuitement sur PC et consoles, ainsi que la totalité des extensions officielles, préparez-vous pour l'expérience ultime de l'aventure post-apocalyptique primée et signée Bethesda Game Studios. Lauréat de plus de 200 récompenses, dont les mentions Jeu de l'année aux BAFTA 2016 et D.I.C.E. 2016, Fallout 4 constitue le titre le plus ambitieux du studio à ce jour. Seul survivant de l'abri 111, vous émergez dans un monde dévasté par une guerre nucléaire. Votre survie sera un combat de tous les instants et vos choix n'appartiendront qu'à vous. Vous seul pouvez reconstruire les Terres désolées et changer leur destin. Caractéristiques Liberté totale ! Jouissez d'une liberté d'action sans précédent dans un monde ouvert offrant des centaines de lieux, de personnages et de quêtes. Rejoignez plusieurs factions dans leur combat pour la suprématie ou forgez votre destinée en loup solitaire, c'est à vous seul de décider. Vous êtes S.P.E.C.I.A.L. ! Incarnez le personnage que vous voulez grâce au système S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Soldat en armure assistée ou baratineur charismatique, choisissez parmi des centaines d'aptitudes et développez votre propre style de jeu. Des pixels de toute beauté ! Un tout nouveau moteur graphique et une gestion des éclairages de nouvelle génération donnent vie au monde de Fallout comme jamais auparavant. Des forêts dévastées du Commonwealth aux ruines de Boston, chaque lieu fourmille de détails dynamiques. Violence et SVAV ! Les combats intenses à la première ou à la troisième personne peuvent aussi être ralentis grâce au nouveau Système de Visée Assistée Vault-Tec (SVAV) dynamique, qui vous permet de choisir vos attaques avant de profiter du carnage comme si vous y étiez. Configuration requise Windows - Minimale OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required) Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz or equivalent RAM: 8 GB RAM Hard disk: 30 GB free HDD space Video card: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent Windows - Recommandée OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required) Processor: Intel Core i7 4790 3.6 GHz/AMD FX-9590 4.7 GHz or equivalent RAM: 8 GB RAM Hard disk: 30 GB free HDD space Video card: NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB/AMD Radeon R9 290X 4GB or equivalent © 2017 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Les marques appartiennent à leurs propriétaires respectifs. Tous droits...

Bethesda Deathloop - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

67.79 EUR
'DEATHLOOP is a next-gen first person shooter from Arkane Lyon, the award-winning studio behind Dishonored. In DEATHLOOP, two rival assassins are trapped in a mysterious timeloop on the island of Blackreef, doomed to repeat the same day for eternity. As Colt, the only chance for escape is to end the cycle by assassinating eight key targets before the day resets. Learn from each cycle - try new paths, gather intel, and find new weapons and abilities. Do whatever it takes to break the loop. IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED... DIE, DIE AGAIN Every new loop is an opportunity to change things up. Use the knowledge you gain from each attempt to change up your playstyle, stealthily sneaking through levels or barreling into the fight, guns-blazing. In each loop you'll discover new secrets, gather intel on your targets as well as the island of Blackreef, and expand your arsenal. Armed with a host of otherworldly abilities and savage weaponry, you'll utilize every tool at your command to execute takedowns that are as striking as they are devastating. Customize your loadout wisely to survive this deadly game of hunter vs hunted. SINGLE PLAYER GAMEPLAY INJECTED WITH DEADLY MULTIPLAYER Are you the hero or the villain? You'll experience DEATHLOOP's main story as Colt, hunting down targets across the island of Blackreef to break the loop and earn your freedom. All the while, you'll be hunted by your rival Julianna, who can be controlled by another player. So if you're feeling devious, you, too, can step into Julianna's stylish sneakers and invade another player's campaign to kill Colt. The multiplayer experience is completely optional, and players can choose to have Julianna controlled by AI within their campaign. THE ISLAND OF BLACKREEF ? PARADISE OR PRISON Arkane is renowned for magnificently artistic worlds with multiple pathways and emergent gameplay. DEATHLOOP will present a stunning, retro-future, 60s-inspired environment, that feels like a character within itself. While Blackreef may be a stylish wonderland, for Colt it is his prison, a world ruled by decadence where death has no meaning, and delinquents party forever while keeping him captive. ' Xbox One X Callouts: Smart Delivery Windows Requirements Minimum: CPU - AMD: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 CPU - Intel: Intel Core i5-8400 [at] 2.80GHz GPU - AMD: AMD Radeon RX 580 (8GB) GPU - Intel: Nvidia GTX 1060 (6GB) VRAM: 1 GB RAM: 12 GB HDD: 34 GB DirectX: Version 12

Bethesda Rage 2: 4500 Rage Coins (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

34.89 EUR
Acheter 4500 DOLLARAGES. Les DOLLARAGES sont une monnaie en jeu que vous pouvez utiliser dans RAGE 2 pour acheter des objets cosmétiques, de l'équipement et du nouveau contenu. Rendez-vous dans la boutique en jeu de RAGE 2 pour voir ce que vous pouvez acheter. This content requires the base game RAGE 2 on Xbox One in order to play.

Bethesda Fallout 4 Season Pass (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

34.89 EUR
Downloadable Content We've always done a lot of DLC for our games. We love making them and you always ask us for more. To reward our most loyal fans, this time we'll be offering a Season Pass that will get you all of the Fallout 4 DLC we ever do for just $30. Since we're still hard at work on the game, we don't know what the actual DLC will be yet, but it will start coming early next year. Based on what we did for Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim, we know that it will be worth at least $40, and if we do more, you'll get it all with the Season Pass. Thanks again to all of you! The support and excitement you've given Fallout 4 has blown us away. It's energized us even more to do everything we can in these final months to make this our best game yet. We absolutely can't wait for you to play it, and share your adventures with us and each other. © 2015 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda Game Studios, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Fallout, Vault Boy, and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks or trade names are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.

Bethesda Fallout 4 Dlc: Far Harbor (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

16.09 EUR
A new case from Valentine's Detective Agency leads you on a search for a young woman and a secret colony of synths. Travel off the coast of Maine to the mysterious island of Far Harbor, where higher levels of radiation have created a more feral world. Navigate through the growing conflict between the synths, the Children of Atom, and the local townspeople. Will you work towards bringing peace to Far Harbor, and at what cost? Far Harbor features the largest landmass for an add-on that we've ever created, filled with new faction quests, settlements, lethal creatures and dungeons. Become more powerful with new, higher-level armor and weapons. The choices are all yours. © 2015 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda Game Studios, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Fallout, Vault Boy, and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks or trade names are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.

Bethesda Rage 2: 2500 Rage Coins (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

20.79 EUR
Acheter 2500 DOLLARAGES. Les DOLLARAGES sont une monnaie en jeu que vous pouvez utiliser dans RAGE 2 pour acheter des objets cosmétiques, de l'équipement et du nouveau contenu. Rendez-vous dans la boutique en jeu de RAGE 2 pour voir ce que vous pouvez acheter. This content requires the base game RAGE 2 on Xbox One in order to play.

Bethesda Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

30.49 EUR
From the award-winning developers at Arkane® Studios comes Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider, the next standalone adventure in the critically-acclaimed Dishonored® series. Be a badass supernatural assassin and take on the role of notorious Billie Lurk as she reunites with her mentor Daud in order to pull off the greatest assassination ever conceived. Building upon Dishonored® 2's signature gameplay and art style, Death of the Outsider features all the series hallmarks, including brutal combat systems, unique level design, and immersive storytelling that responds to your every choice. With compelling characters and exhilarating action, Death of the Outsider is the perfect entry point for those new to the Dishonored series, while delivering a significant expansion of the gameplay and world for longtime fans. STORY: Take on the role of Billie Lurk (aka Megan Foster), once one of Dunwall's most notorious killers-for-hire. Reunited with your old mentor, the legendary assassin Daud, you undertake the greatest assassination ever conceived: killing the Outsider, a god-like figure whom Billie and Daud see as instrumental to some of the Empire's most dishonorable moments. As you venture deep into the grimiest corners of Karnaca to uncover the mystery of the Outsider and his origins, you will face deadly opposition, ancient powers, and difficult decisions that will forever change the world around you. KEY FEATURES: The Ultimate Supernatural Assassin Stay in the shadows or step into the daylight to take on all foes ? the choice is yours. Equipped with a unique set of supernatural abilities, gadgets, and weapons, you can approach each situation in your own way. Use your abilities and skills to sneak through environments unseen or brutally eliminate all opposition in your way. The Greatest Assassination Killing the Outsider won't be easy. You'll have to journey deep into the seedy underbelly of Karnaca, where you'll unravel some the city's lost secrets. Along the way you'll infiltrate underground fight clubs and black magic cults, and retrieve ancient artifacts in a thrilling bank heist mission that sets the table for your greatest mission ever. The Definitive Targets As you hunt down The Outsider, face off against a new cast of enemies along the way. Armed with your weapons, gadgets and abilities, take down deadly foes such as the immortal Envisioned, the relentless Sisters of the Oracular Order and the new Clockwork Soldiers. Up the ante by accepting Contracts to find and eliminate optional targets throughout your mission. Replay Your Way Unleash further potential for creative chaos by replaying with some of the signature powers from Dishonored 2 in the Original Game Plus (OG+) mode. Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA Blackheart EULA Steam account required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bit version) Processor: Intel i5-2400 (4 core)/AMD FX-8320 (8 core) Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVidia GTX...

Bethesda Fallout 76: 500 Atoms (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

6.69 EUR
Achetez 500 Atomes. Les Atomes sont une monnaie en jeu utilisable dans Fallout 76 qui permettent d'obtenir des objets de personnalisation pour votre personnage. Rendez-vous dans la boutique atomique en jeu pour voir les objets disponibles. This content requires the base game Fallout® 76 on Xbox One in order to play File Size: Not expected to exceed 10 MB

Bethesda Rage 2: 1100 Rage Coins (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

11.39 EUR
Acheter 1100 DOLLARAGES. Les DOLLARAGES sont une monnaie en jeu que vous pouvez utiliser dans RAGE 2 pour acheter des objets cosmétiques, de l'équipement et du nouveau contenu. Rendez-vous dans la boutique en jeu de RAGE 2 pour voir ce que vous pouvez acheter. This content requires the base game RAGE 2 on Xbox One in order to play.

Bethesda Fallout 4 Vr - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

58.39 EUR
NOTE : Activation key must be used on a valid Steam account, requires internet connection. This game requires a virtual reality headset HTC Vive. About the game Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ?Best Of' awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home. system requirements Windows - Minimum To be announced Windows - Recommended To be announced Fallout® VR © 2017 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Fallout, Bethesda, Bethesda Game Studios and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.

Bethesda Rage 2: 500 Rage Coins (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

6.69 EUR
Acheter 500 DOLLARAGES. Les DOLLARAGES sont une monnaie en jeu que vous pouvez utiliser dans RAGE 2 pour acheter des objets cosmétiques, de l'équipement et du nouveau contenu. Rendez-vous dans la boutique en jeu de RAGE 2 pour voir ce que vous pouvez acheter. This content requires the base game RAGE 2 on Xbox One in order to play.

Bethesda The Evil Within - The Assignment (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

6.69 EUR
Description: Experience survival horror from a new perspective across a two-part, story driven experience with The Evil Within: The Assignment and The Evil Within: The Consequence. Players take on the role of detective Juli Kidman, Sebastian Castellanos' mysterious partner, in a concurrent story that looks to answer some of the questions surrounding her whereabouts during The Evil Within. Along the way she will encounter disturbing new enemies, discover new mysteries, and uncover new horrors. The Assignment and The Consequence give fans of The Evil Within the perfect opportunity to discover detective Kidman's hidden motivations and her mysterious connection to Mobius, the shadowy group thought to be behind the gruesome events of The Evil Within.   Key Features: Play As Juli Kidman Assume the role of Juli Kidman, Sebastian Castellanos' mysterious partner from The Evil Within. Untangle the secrets of what happened to her and discover the truth behind her connection with Mobius. Unravel the Mystery Learn the secrets behind the STEM system and experience the horrific events from the first game from a new perspective. Finally, players will be able to confront the mysterious organization thought to be behind it all. The Limits of Survival Encounter new threats in the shadows of The Assignment and The Consequence. Players hoping to survive the horrors will have to combine stealth and Juli Kidman's flashlight, work with limited resources, and keep their wits about them at all times to avoid and defeat chilling foes. © 2015 ZeniMax Media Inc. Developed in association with Tango Gameworks. The Evil Within, Tango, Tango Gameworks, the TA logo, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved. MINIMUM: OS: 64-bit Windows 7 SP1/Windows 8.1 Processor: i7 or an equivalent with four plus core processor Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GTX 460 or equivalent 1 GB VRAM card DirectX: Version 11 Hard Drive: 8 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: 64-bit Windows 7 SP1/Windows 8.1 Processor: i7 with four plus cores Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce GTX 670 or equivalent with 4GBs of VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Hard Drive: 8 GB available space

Bethesda Doom 3 Bfg - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

11.39 EUR
DOOM 3 BFG Edition is the ultimate collection of groundbreaking games that defined the first person shooter. DOOM 3 BFG Edition will be available this Fall and features DOOM 3 and the Resurrection of Evil add-on pack, both of which have been re-mastered for the consoles. The package also includes hours of new content ¿ seven new levels entitled `The Lost Mission'. DOOM 3 BFG Edition is slated for release for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PC and PlayStation® 3 ¿ marking the first time any DOOM game has ever been released for the PlayStation® 3. KEY FEATURES Optimized for Consoles Developed by id Software, the original team responsible for the franchise legacy, DOOM 3 BFG Edition features 5.1 surround sound, Xbox 360 Achievements, PS3 trophies, improved rendering and lighting, and a new check point save system allowing for smoother progressoin through the game. id has fine-tuned the controls to bring the intensity of the DOOM single and multiplayer experience to the consoles, and allD OOM 3 games now feature the new armor-mounted flashlight, allowing players to illuminate dark corners and blast enemies at the same time. Stunning 3D Visuals DOOM 3, Resurrection of Evil and the all-new `Lost Mission' have all been optimized in stereoscopic 3D for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, further immersing the player in the demonic world of this terrifying horror masterpiece. The Lost Mission DOOM 3 BFG Edition includes an all-new chapter in the DOOM 3 experience ¿ `The Lost Mission', featuring seven heart-pounding singleplayer levels and a completely new storyline that will have players once again on the edge of their seats. The Ultimate Collection As a special bonus, DOOM BFG Edition will also include the original DOOM and DOOM II games, making it the definitive collection of the revolutionary games developed by id Software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre. Minimum requirements: ¿ OS: Windows Vista / Windows 7 ¿ Processor: 2.0 GHz dual core ¿ Memory: 3 GB system RAM ¿ Hard Disk Space: 11 GB ¿ Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 5500, 512 MB video RAM ¿ Sound: Windows compatible sound card Recommended system requirements: ¿ OS: Windows Vista-64/ Windows 7-64 ¿ Processor: 2.4 GHz dual core ¿ Memory: 3 GB system RAM ¿ Hard Disk Space: 11 GB ¿ Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 5850, 768 MB video RAM ¿ Sound: Windows compatible sound card ¿ 3D Monitor + compatible glasses Other requirements & support: ¿ DOOM 3 BFG Edition has been optimized for the latest Nvidia and AMD video drivers. Please ensure that your system is running the latest WHQL drivers. ¿ Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client, DirectX 9, Microsoft .NET 4 Framework, Visual C++ Redistributable 2005, Visual C++ Redistributable 2008, Visual C++ Redistributable 2010, and AMD CPU Drivers (XP Only...

Bethesda Doom Eternal Year One Pass (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

30.19 EUR
Accès à deux extensions qui sortiront dans l'année suivant la sortie de DOOM Eternal. This content requires the base game Doom Eternal on Xbox One in order to play File Size: 60 GB

Fallout 7 Vault Boy Endurance Bobblehead Figure By Bethesda

25 EUR
Approximately sized 7 tall with baseRaised lettering on base

Zebra Technical and Software Support - support technique - 1 annee

46.36 EUR
Support technique, acces aux mises a jour des logiciels et VIQ OneCare, 1 an, 8x5, 1 a 250 licences. Pour terminaux mobiles.

Zebra Technical and Software Support - support technique - 3 annees

121.63 EUR
Support technique, acces aux mises a jour des logiciels et VIQ OneCare, 3 ans, 8x5, 1 a 250 licences. Pour terminaux mobiles.

Zebra Technical and Software Support - support technique - 5 annees

200.82 EUR
Support technique, acces aux mises a jour des logiciels et VIQ OneCare, 5 ans, 8x5, 1 a 250 licences. Pour terminaux mobiles.

Maçonnerie Grès H0 Noch 0058282 1 Pc(S)-Noch

36.71 EUR
NOCH 0058282 H0 Maçonnerie grès Une maçonnerie réaliste Donnees techniques : Classe d'âge : à partir de 15 ans Données techniques complémentaires : Hauteur de la paroi : 1,9 cm hauteur de la colonne : 2,3 cm longueur totale de la paroi : 104 cm Sujet (modélisme ferroviaire) : grès Échelle : H0

Wonder Workshop - Sketch Kit For Dash Robot For Kids 6+ - Free Programming Stem App - Visualize Your Code Multicolor

88.66 EUR
Sketch kit is the latest accessory for Dash and cue robots from Wonder Workshop Sketch kit with Dash and cue robots enables kids to visualize the results from their code on a large canvas Sketch kit helps kids express their creativity and exercise their critical thinking and spatial reasoning skills as they draw geometric shapes patterns words and more Sketch kit brings the art component to STEM learning in an approachable way for your kid to discover coding with Dash & cue Want more kids can also bring their robots together and sketch collaboratively for hours of fun while learning to communicate in a lively Group setting

Games Workshop Citadel Dry Paint Verminlord Hide

22.99 EUR
pCitadel acrylic paints are water-based, non-toxic, designed for plastic, metal, and resin br Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and br Bottle Size 12mlbr br Color Verminlord Hidebr br Please note Paints labeled, DRY, and TEXTURE will be a more solid than liquid paint. They are to be applied using certain techniques, such as (not limited to) dry-brushing, and impasto.p

Games Workshop Citadel Dry Paint Hoeth Blue

22.99 EUR
pCitadel acrylic paints are water-based, non-toxic, designed for plastic, metal, and resin br Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and br Bottle Size 12mlbr br Color Hoeth Bluebr br Please note Paints labeled, DRY, and TEXTURE will be a more solid than liquid paint. They are to be applied using certain techniques, such as (not limited to) dry-brushing, and impasto.p

Games Workshop Citadel Dry Paint Stormfang

21.99 EUR
pCitadel acrylic paints are water-based, non-toxic, designed for plastic, metal, and resin br Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and br Bottle Size 12mlbr br Color Stormfangbr br Please note Paints labeled, DRY, and TEXTURE will be a more solid than liquid paint. They are to be applied using certain techniques, such as (not limited to) dry-brushing, and impasto.p

Bol À Thé Recouvert De Grès Chinois, Tasse À Thé En Céramique, Poterie Noire Zen, Service À Thé, Tasse À Thé Domestique

65.41 EUR
Origine:CN (Origine);Technique:Pigmentés;Matériau:ceramic;Type de céramique:Poterie;Product category:Tureen;Surface Technology:Colored Glaze;Ceramic classification:Pottery

Ensemble De Sous-Verres - Protection De Table Pour Tout Type De Table, Bois, Granit, Verre, Stéatite, Grès-Bleu

45.95 EUR
Ensemble de sous-verres - protection de table pour tout type de table, bois, granit, verre, stéatite, grès-bleu 1.STOP WORRYING ABOUT SPILLS AND STAINS ON YOUR TABLES OR HOME BAR - Don't let another precious moment slip by because of worries, with these black silicone coasters you will be able to relax and enjoy all the funny moments with your friends and family knowing all your countertops and furniture both indoor and outdoor will be safe from permanent damage. And with these special designed coasters its 100% impossible to stick to your glass, unless you use glue! 2.Imagine walking into your very best friends' birthday party and handing her this stunning decorative gift box. It will be a great ice breaker for people and make an excellent topic of conversation at the party. But what's even better is that your gift will become a large part of her daily life and help her avoid long lasting stains in a elegant way. 3.UNMATCHED SLIDE RESISTANTS - With these coasters youll glass will stay put on the table as the bottom of our coaster is designed with a special high slip resistance surface to ensure a great table grip. So gone are the days where your glass slides from one end of the table to the other! Thats one of the ways we help you protect your precious tables. 4.WHY ONLY USE THEM AS COASTERS WHEN YOU CAN USE THEM FOR SO MUCH MORE - These flexible and water resistant coasters can be used for much more than just saving table tops, alternatively they can be used to protect your drinks from insects when you are outdoors, as a trivet for hot pans replacing the traditional wooden trivets or even as a jar opener. There are so many fun alternative ways to use these modern coasters - what's your alternative use? 5.THE IDEAL COASTER SET FOR THE PERSON WHO WANTS MORE TIME TO RELAX AND ENJOY LIFE - This coaster set is the perfect match for any daily life, they have extremely low maintenance since they are dishwasher safe - You can use them on your dining table, coffee table or even for your favorite cup at the office. Then after you have used them, all you have to do is to throw them into the dishwasher and let it do its thing, thats how simple it is - So Dont Worry, Be Happy!

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - 1 annee

198.86 EUR
Aruba 1Y SW+TechSupp 6100 24G CL4 SVC

Cisco Systems Solution Support - support technique - pour DNA-P-T1-A-3Y - 3 annees

1010.16 EUR

APC Extended Warranty Service Pack - support technique - 1 annee

55.84 EUR
APC Extended Warranty Service Pack - Support technique - support telephonique - 1 annee - 24x7 - pour P/N: BV1000I. BV1000I-MS. BV500I. BV500I-MS. BV650I. BV650I-MS. BV800I-MS. SRT1000XLI

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba Controller Enterprise Bundle - 5 annees

276.8 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba Controller Enterprise Bundle - 1 borne d'acces - ESD - support telephonique - 5 annees - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour HPE Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform - 3 annees

2567.03 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour HPE Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform - 50 n¿uds - ESD - support telephonique - 3 annees - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Access Service - support technique - 3 annees

61.19 EUR
Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Access Service - Support technique - support telephonique - 3 annees - 9x5 - temps de reponse : prochain agent disponible - 250+ sieges

WatchGuard Standard Support - support technique (renouvellement) - pour WatchGuard FireboxV Small - 3 annees

709.96 EUR
WatchGuard Standard Support - Support technique (renouvellement) - pour WatchGuard FireboxV Small - support telephonique - 3 annees - 24x7 - pour FireboxV Small

HP Veeam - assistance technique (supplementaire) - pour Veeam Availability Suite Enterprise Plus - 4 annees

5753.09 EUR
HPE Service/Support - 4 an(s) - Service - 24 x 7 x 1 Heure(s) - Technique - electronique Service

Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Management Service - support technique - 1 annee

51.23 EUR
Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Management Service - Supp ort technique - support telephonique - 1 annee - 9x5 - temps de reponse : prochain agent disponible - 1000+ sieges

Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Access Plus Service - support technique - 4 annees

108.13 EUR
Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Access Plus Service - Support technique - support telephonique - 4 annees - 9x5 - temps de reponse : prochain agent disponible - 1000+ sieges

APC Extended Warranty Service Pack - support technique - 3 annees

146.2 EUR
APC Extended Warranty Service Pack - Support technique - support telephonique - 3 annees - 24x7 - pour P/N: SMX1000C, SMX48RMBP2US, SMX750C, SRT1000RMXLI-NC, SRT48BPJ, SRT72BPJ, SRT72RMBPUS

Netgear ProSupport OnCall 24x7 Category 2 - support technique - 3 annees

365.23 EUR
ProSupport OnCall 24x7 Category 2 Support technique, support telephonique, 3 annees, 24 heures par jour / 7 jours par semaine

HP Thin Client Conversion Solution - support technique - 3 annees

35.57 EUR
HP 3y TC Conversion Solution 1User E-LTU, Customer is responsible for creating back-up CD or hardcopy LTU.HP will not provide any physical product with this eSD.

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba ClearPass Cx000V VM-Based Appliance - 1 annee

413 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba ClearPass Cx000V VM-Based Appliance - ESD - support telephonique - 1 annee - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

Fujitsu Siemens Preventative Maintenance - support technique - 1 annee

468.41 EUR
Fujitsu Preventative Maintenance - Support technique - maintenance preventive - 1 annee - pour fi-6670. 6670A. 6750S. 6770. 6770A

Sophos Central Extended Support for Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Server 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2 - support technique - 1 annee

14121.28 EUR
Central Extended Support for W7/8.1/2008 R2/2012/2012 R2 - 1-499 users - 12 MOS

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba ClearPass New Licensing Access - 1 annee

358.56 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba ClearPass New Licensing Access - 100 points de terminaison simultanes - ESD - support telephonique - 1 annee - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

Sophos Central Extended Support for Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Server 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2 - support technique (renouvellement) - 1 annee

15062.69 EUR
Central Extended Support for W7/8.1/2008 R2/2012/2012 R2 - 1-499 users - 12 MOS - Renewal

Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Access Service - support technique - 1 annee

25.61 EUR
Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Access Service - Support technique - support telephonique - 1 annee - 9x5 - temps de reponse : prochain agent disponible - 250+ sieges

Advantage Premier - support technique (renouvellement) - pour Acronis Backup Advanced Virtual Host

0.01 EUR
Acronis Advantage Premier - Support technique (renouvellement) - pour Acronis Backup Advanced Virtual Host - Co-termination - 1 hôte physique, nombre illimite de machines virtuelles - volume - ESD - support telephonique d'urgence - 24x7 - temps de reponse

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba Policy Enforcement Firewall Controller - 1 annee

15.94 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba Policy Enforcement Firewall Controller - 1 borne d'acces - ESD - support telephonique - 1 annee - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

Netgear ProSupport OnCall 24x7 Category 4 - support technique - 1 annee

488.03 EUR
NETGEAR ProSupport OnCall 24x7 Category 4 - Support technique - support telephonique - 1 annee - 24x7

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - 5 annees

316.07 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - support telephonique - 5 annees - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h - universitaire, pour les particuliers - pour P/N: JL679A, JL679A#ABA, JL679A#ACC, JL679A#ACD, JL679A#ACE, JL679A#B2C, JL679AR

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba AirWave - 1 annee

21.92 EUR
Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba AirWave - 1 peripherique - ESD - support telephonique - 1 annee - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

HPE Pointnext Tech Care Essential Service - support technique - pour HPE Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) Advanced Pack avec 3 ans d'assistance 24x7 - 5 annees

106.24 EUR
HPE Pointnext Tech Care Essential Service - Support technique - pour HPE Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) Advanced Pack avec 3 ans d'assistance 24x7 - support telephonique - 5 annees - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 15 min

AppleCare OS Support Preferred - support technique - pour Apple Mac OS X Server Software - 3 annees

64055.68 EUR
AppleCare OS Support Preferred - Support technique - pour Apple Mac OS X Server Software - academique - support telephonique - 3 annees - 12x7

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba Intelligent Management Center Service Health Manager Software Module - 3 annees

2951.57 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba Intelligent Management Center Service Health Manager Software Module - ESD - support telephonique - 3 annees - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba Enterprise License Bundle - 1 annee

82.33 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba Enterprise License Bundle - 1 borne d'acces - support telephonique - 1 annee - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba AirWave - 3 annees

96.95 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba AirWave - 1 licence - ESD - support telephonique - 3 annees - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

HP Poly Professional Services Custom offer Excludes TandE Use with implementation or Upgrade - support technique

7890.77 EUR
HP Poly Pro Service Consulting Custom Offer Excludes T and E Use with Implement or Upg Consulting Effort and Sched Agreement

Netgear ProSupport OnCall 24x7 Category 4 - support technique

1090.36 EUR
Netgear - 1 an(s) - Service - 24 x 7 - Technique - Sur Site et a Distance Service(Jour ouvrable suivant) - Piece de remplacement

Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Access Plus Service - support technique - 3 annees

82.52 EUR
Electronic HP Care Pack Priority Access Plus Service - Support technique - support telephonique - 3 annees - 9x5 - temps de reponse : prochain agent disponible - 1000+ sieges

HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - support technique - pour Aruba Controller Enterprise Bundle - 3 annees

219.12 EUR
HPE Foundation Care Software Support 24x7 - Support technique - pour Aruba Controller Enterprise Bundle - 1 borne d'acces - ESD - support telephonique - 3 annees - 24x7 - temps de reponse : 2 h

Tasse À Thé En Céramique Japonaise, Tasse À Eau En Grès Rétro Créatif, Tasse À Thé De Cuisine De Restaurant, Vaisselle De Table, Tasse À Café En Céramique

38.3 EUR
Origine:CN (Origine);Type:TASSES À CAFÉ;Matériau:ceramic;Technique:Pigmentés;Quantité:1;Caractéristique:Eco-friendly;Caractéristique:Stockés;Product Category:Coffee cup;structure:monolayer;Function:High temperature resistance;style:Japanese.;capacity:301-400ml

Paris Prix - Coupelle Rectangle "Au Grès Du Temps" 22cm Gris

7.99 EUR
Informations Techniques : Dimensions : L. 22 x l. 10 x H. 2 cm Matières : Céramique & Grès Spécificités : Design & Pratique Coupelle Forme Rectangulaire Chaque pièce est unique et présente des variations de teintes et finitions Couleur : Gris

Paris Prix - Lot De 6 Assiettes À Dessert "Au Grès" 22cm Gris

29.99 EUR
Informations Techniques : Dimensions : L. 22 x l. 2 x H. 18 cm Matières : Céramique & Grès Spécificités : Pratique & Utile Lot de 6 Assiettes à Dessert Forme Galet Facile d'entretien & d'utilisation Couleur : Gris

Paris Prix - Coupelle Rectangle "Au Grès Du Temps" 22cm Bleu

7.99 EUR
Informations Techniques : Dimensions : L. 22 x l. 10 x H. 2 cm Matières : Céramique & Grès Spécificités : Design & Pratique Coupelle Forme Rectangulaire Chaque pièce est unique et présente des variations de teintes et finitions Couleur : Bleu

Google Chrome NonProfit Upgrade - licence + assistance technique de 3 ans - 1 licence

40.26 EUR
Chrome NonProfit Upgrade - Licence + assistance technique de 3 ans - sans but lucratif

Veeam Standard Support - support technique (renouvellement) - pour Veeam Backup Essentials Enterprise Bundle for VMware - 1 annee

484.87 EUR
Veeam Standard Support - Support technique (renouvellement) - pour Veeam Backup Essentials Enterprise Bundle for VMware - 2 connecteurs - support telephonique - 1 annee - 12x5

APC Smart-UPS On-Line Li-Ion 1000VA - onduleur - 900 Watt - 1000 VA

3202.27 EUR
APC Smart-UPS On-Line Li-Ion 1000VA - Onduleur (montable sur rack / externe) - CA 230 V - 900 Watt - 1000 VA - RS-232, USB - connecteurs de sortie : 8 - noir

APC Smart-UPS On-Line Li-Ion 1500VA - onduleur - 1350 Watt - 1500 VA

3786.82 EUR
APC Smart-UPS On-Line Li-Ion 1500VA - Onduleur (montable sur rack / externe) - CA 230 V - 1350 Watt - 1500 VA - RS-232, USB - connecteurs de sortie : 8 - noir

APC Smart-UPS Ultra On-Line - onduleur - 5000 Watt - 5000 VA - Li-Ion

10665.94 EUR
APC Smart-UPS Ultra On-Line - Onduleur (montable sur rack / externe) - AC 220-230 V - 5000 Watt - 5000 VA - Lithium Ion - USB, Ethernet - connecteurs de sortie : 10 - 2U - gris argent

HPE Networking Instant On AP22 - borne d'acces sans fil - Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 6

145.6 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On AP22 - Borne d'acces sans fil - Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 6 - 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz - Tension CC - montable au plafond/mur

HPE Networking Instant On - adaptateur secteur - 50 Watt

41.33 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On - Adaptateur secteur - AC - 50 Watt - pour Networking Instant On AP11D, AP11D (EG), AP11D (IL), AP11D (JP), AP11D (US), AP11D (WW)

Dell Lite-On - adaptateur secteur - 240 Watt

98.88 EUR
Dell ADPT AC 240W LTON 7.4 L6 V2 E4

Dell Lite-On E4 - v2 - adaptateur secteur - 130 Watt

61.44 EUR
Lite-On E4 - V2 - adaptateur secteur - 130 Watt - pour Inspiron 7459 OptiPlex 3050 (tout-en-un), 7050 (micro)

Dell PowerSwitch N2224PX-ON - commutateur - 24 ports - Gere - Montable sur rack - CAMPUS Smart Value

1498.5 EUR
Dell PowerSwitch N2224PX-ON - Commutateur - C3 - Gere - 12 x 10/100/1000/2.5G (PoE+) + 12 x 1/2.5G (PoE++) + 4 x 25 Gigabits SFP28 - flux d'air de l'avant vers l'arriere - Montable sur rack - PoE++ - CAMPUS Smart Value

HPE Networking Instant On 1830 24G 2SFP Switch - commutateur - 24 ports - intelligent - Montable sur rack

172.69 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1830 24G 2SFP Switch - Commutateur - intelligent - 24 x 10/100/1000 + 2 x Gigabit SFP - de bureau, Montable sur rack

HPE Networking Instant On 1830 24G 12p Class4 PoE 2SFP 195W Switch - commutateur - 24 ports - intelligent - Montable sur rack

292.6 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1830 24G 12p Class4 PoE 2SFP 195W Switch - Commutateur - intelligent - 12 x 10/100/1000 + 12 x 10/100/1000 (PoE+) + 2 x Gigabit SFP - de bureau, Montable sur rack - PoE+ (195 W)

HPE Networking Instant On 1930 24G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch - commutateur - 28 ports - Gere - Montable sur rack

306.16 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1930 24G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch - Commutateur - C3 - Gere - 24 x 10/100/1000 + 4 x 1 Gigabit / 10 Gigabit SFP+ - Montable sur rack

HPE Networking Instant On 1930 8G Class4 PoE 2SFP 124W Switch - commutateur - 8 ports - Gere - Montable sur rack

284.68 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1930 8G Class4 PoE 2SFP 124W Switch - Commutateur - C2+ - Gere - 8 x 10/100/1000 (PoE+) + 2 x Gigabit SFP - Montable sur rack - PoE+ (124 W)

HPE Networking Instant On 1960 48G 40p Class4 8p Class6 PoE 2XGT 2SFP+ 600W Switch - commutateur - 48 ports - Gere - Montable sur rack

1456.07 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1960 48G 40p Class4 8p Class6 PoE 2XGT 2SFP+ 600W Switch - Commutateur - Gere - 48 x 10/100/1000 + 2 x 10 Gigabit SFP+ + 2 x 100/1000/10GBase-T - Montable sur rack - PoE (600 W)

HPE Aruba Instant On 1930 48G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch - commutateur - 48 ports - Gere - Montable sur rack

458.68 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1930 48G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch - Commutateur - C2+ - Gere - 48 x 10/100/1000 + 4 x 1 Gigabit / 10 Gigabit SFP+ - Montable sur rack - Localisation Anglais / Europe

HPE Networking Instant On 1960 12XGT 4SFP+ Switch - commutateur - 12 ports - Gere - Montable sur rack

852 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1960 12XGT 4SFP+ Switch - Commutateur - C2+ - intelligent - 12 x 100/1000/10000 + 4 x 10 Gigabit SFP+ - Montable sur rack - BTO

HPE Networking Instant On 1930 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 370W Switch - commutateur - 28 ports - Gere - Montable sur rack

534.22 EUR
HPE Aruba Instant On 1930 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 370W Switch - Commutateur - C3 - Gere - 24 x 10/100/1000 (PoE) + 4 x 1 Gigabit / 10 Gigabit SFP+ - Montable sur rack - PoE (370 W)

HPE Networking Instant On 1430 8G Switch - commutateur - 8 ports - non gere

60 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1430 8G Switch - Commutateur - non gere - 8 x 10/100/1000 - de bureau, fixation murale - BTO

HPE Networking Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP Switch - commutateur - 48 ports - intelligent - Montable sur rack

326.93 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP Switch - Commutateur - intelligent - 48 x 10/100/1000 + 4 x Gigabit SFP - de bureau, Montable sur rack

HPE Aruba Instant On 1930 8G 2SFP Switch - commutateur - 10 ports - Gere

156 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1930 8G 2SFP Switch - Commutateur - C3 - Gere - 8 x 10/100/1000 + 2 x Gigabit SFP - de bureau

HPE Networking Instant On 1960 24G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch - commutateur - 24 ports - Gere - Montable sur rack

620.93 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1960 24G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch - Commutateur - Gere - 24 x 10/100/1000 + 2 x 10 Gigabit SFP+ + 2 x 100/1000/10GBase-T - Montable sur rack - BTO

HPE Networking Instant On 1430 5G Switch - commutateur - 5 ports - non gere

34.8 EUR
HPE Networking Instant On 1430 5G Switch - Commutateur - non gere - 5 x 10/100/1000 - de bureau, fixation murale - BTO