Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Chat Sac 4 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

79.99 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal FélineRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes diététiques spécialement conçue pour chats présentant des troubles digestifs.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Excellente nourriture qui offre un taux énergétique élevé, riche en matières grasses et bonne sapidité, spécialement recommandée pour le régime alimentaire des chats souffrant de problèmes digestifs afin de leur favoriser une récupération rapide ou bien en état de convalescence. Vise également à réduire les troubles aiguës d'absorption intestinale.Disponible en sacs de 0.4 kg, 2 kg et 4 kg. Également disponible en sachets de 100 g.Caractéristiques principales: Très énergétique : répond parfaitement aux besoins en énergie (entretien, convalescence) et permet de réduire la ration alimentaire, évitant ainsi les digestions trop lourdes. Très bonne sapidité : pour assurer une consommation spontanée et un suivi du traitement. Entretien du tractus digestif : les ac...

Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Low Fat Chien Sac 1.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

34.91 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal Low FatRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes spécialement conçue pour les chiens ayant des troubles digestifs.Cet aliment ayant une teneur en graisse et fibres beaucoup plus basse, possède toutefois un niveau énergétique modéré, spécialement indiqué pour le traitement nutritionnel de la pancréatite aiguë ou chronique ou d'autres problèmes digestifs canins.Disponible en sacs de 1.5 kg, 6 kg et 12 kg. Disponible aussi en boîtes de conserve de 410 g.Caractéristiques principales:Taux faible en fibres solubles et insolubles pour réduire la fermentation au niveau du côlon, éviter la perte d'énergie et favoriser la sapidité.Équilibre entre fibres solubles et insolubles pour aider à limiter les fermentations et favoriser des excréments de bonne qualité.Taux bas en matières grasses afin d'optimiser la fonction digestive des chiens atteints d'hyperlipidémie ou de pancréatite.Complexe synergique antioxydant breveté. Ce complexe synergique réduit le str...

Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Chat Sac 2 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

41.6 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal FélineRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes diététiques spécialement conçue pour chats présentant des troubles digestifs.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Excellente nourriture qui offre un taux énergétique élevé, riche en matières grasses et bonne sapidité, spécialement recommandée pour le régime alimentaire des chats souffrant de problèmes digestifs afin de leur favoriser une récupération rapide ou bien en état de convalescence. Vise également à réduire les troubles aiguës d'absorption intestinale.Disponible en sacs de 0.4 kg, 2 kg et 4 kg. Également disponible en sachets de 100 g.Caractéristiques principales: Très énergétique : répond parfaitement aux besoins en énergie (entretien, convalescence) et permet de réduire la ration alimentaire, évitant ainsi les digestions trop lourdes. Très bonne sapidité : pour assurer une consommation spontanée et un suivi du traitement. Entretien du tractus digestif : les ac...

Royal Canin Pâtée Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie Chat 12x85g - Veterinary Health Nutrition

17 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets - Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie - 12 Sachets Fraicheurs 85gr URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE est un aliment diététique complet pour chats formulé pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à des propriétés permettant une sous saturation des urines et un faible taux de magnesium. Il est ainsi recommandé pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire. Grâce à un apport réduit en calories, il est particulièrement recommandé aux chats ayant tendance à l'embonpoint (stérilisé, embonpoint, faible activité). Les avantages Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie URINE DILUTION Diluer l'urine permet de réduire simultanément les concentrations urinaires de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. De plus, accroître le volume urinaire permet un rinçage régulier de la vessie. STRUVITE DISSOLUTION Permet de dissoudre efficacement les calculs de struvite. LOW RSS Une urine sous-saturée est une urine dans laquelle les cristaux ne peuvent pas accroître. Ainsi le milieu urinaire est défavorable au développement des cristaux de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. MODERATE CALORIE Un apport réduit en calories pour contribuer à maintenir un poids idéal. Informations importantes concernant les produits thérapeutiques : En achetant ce produit, vous reconnaissez que votre animal a été examiné par un vétérinaire qui vous l'a recommandé et qu'une ordonnance a été délivré. Dans le cas où vous utilisez ce produit, il est recommandé de consulter votre vétérinaire au moins une fois tous les 6 mois pour une visite de contrôle. En cas de problème lié à l'utilisation de ce produit, demandez conseil à votre vétérinaire. En ajoutant ce produit à votre panier, vous confirmez que vous avez lu et compris les renseignements ci-dessus Composition protéines de volaille déshydratées, riz, gluten de blé*, farine de maïs, fibres végétales, gluten de maïs, sels minéraux, graisses animales, hydrolysat de protéines animales, huile de poisson, huile de soja, fructo-oligo-saccharides, poudre d'¿ufs, hydrolysat de crustacé (source de glucosamine), extrait de rose d'inde (source de lutéine). Additifs nutritionnels: Additifs nutritionnels : Vitamine A : 22300 UI, Vitamine D3 : 500 UI, E1 (Fer) : 41 mg, E2 (Iode) : 3,2 mg, E4 (Cuivre) : 6 mg, E5 (Manganèse) : 54 mg, E6 (Zinc) : 177 mg, E8 (Sélénium) : 0,07 mg - Conservateurs - Antioxygènes CONSTITUANTS ANALYTIQUES : Protéine : 34 % - Matières grasses brutes : 11 % - Cendres brutes : 9,1 % - Cellulose brute : 7 % - Calcium : 1 % - Phosphore : 0,95 % - Sodium : 1,1 % - Chlorures : 1,89 % - Potassium : 1 % - Magnésium : 0,05 % - Soufre : 0,5 % - Taurine totale : 0,21 % - Substances acidifiant l'urine : Su...

Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Chat Sac 400 G - Veterinary Health Nutrition

26.99 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal FélineRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes diététiques spécialement conçue pour chats présentant des troubles digestifs.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Excellente nourriture qui offre un taux énergétique élevé, riche en matières grasses et bonne sapidité, spécialement recommandée pour le régime alimentaire des chats souffrant de problèmes digestifs afin de leur favoriser une récupération rapide ou bien en état de convalescence. Vise également à réduire les troubles aiguës d'absorption intestinale.Disponible en sacs de 0.4 kg, 2 kg et 4 kg. Également disponible en sachets de 100 g.Caractéristiques principales: Très énergétique : répond parfaitement aux besoins en énergie (entretien, convalescence) et permet de réduire la ration alimentaire, évitant ainsi les digestions trop lourdes. Très bonne sapidité : pour assurer une consommation spontanée et un suivi du traitement. Entretien du tractus digestif : les ac...

Royal Canin Croquettes Urinary S/O Chat Sac 1.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

30.59 EUR
Royal Canin Urinary s/o felineCe produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Ces croquettes très efficaces visent à dissoudre les cristaux ou calculs urinaires de struvite tout en empêchant leur formation.Proposé en sacs de 0,4, 1,5, 3,5 et 6 Kg.

Royal Canin Pâtée Renal Special Mousse Chien - Veterinary Health Nutrition

23.98 EUR
L'aliment humide médicalisé Royal Canin Veterinary Diet - Renal Special a été élaboré pour les chiens souffrant d' insuffisance rénale chronique , pour la prévention des calculs d'oxalate de calcium et pour la gestion des récidives d'urolithiase (calculs d'urate et de cystine).Cette formule est plus appétente. Contre indication : gestation, lactation chiots hyperlipidémie Encadrement diététique de la MRCSa formule a été élaborée pour soutenir la fonction rénale lors de MRC. Le taux de phosphore est réduit, et un apport d'antioxydants, d'EPA et de DHA est renforcé.Réduction de la charge de travail du reinAfin d'éviter une crise urémique, l'apport en protéines de haute qualité est adapté afin de soulager les reins.Equilibre métaboliqueCet aliment contient des agents alcalinisants afin de limiter l'acidose métabolique provoquée par la détérioration de la fonction rénale.Appétit stimuléL'appétit de votre chien est stimulé grâce à un profil aromatique qui correspond à ses préférences.AttentionCet aliment est thérapeutique. Suivez l'avis de votre vétérinaire selon l'état de santé de votre chien.IngrédientsViandes et dérivés d'animaux (poulet, porc), céréales, poisson et dérivés de poisson(saumon), huiles et matières grasses, dérivés d'origine végétale, sels minéraux, sucres variés.

Royal Canin Health Management Chien Mature Consult Petites Races 3,5kg

37.56 EUR
Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chien Senior Consult Mature Small 3,5kg conviennent à l'alimentation des chiens de petites races non-castrés à partir de l'âge de 8 ans. Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chien Senior Consult Mature Small 3,5kg favorisent la digestion aide à contrôler la formation de tartre, renforcent la barrière cutanée et combat le vieillissement des cellules.

Royal Canin Health Management Chien Neutered Junior Croquettes 3,5kg

33.12 EUR
Royal Canin Health Management Chien Neutered Junior Croquettes 3,5kg est un aliment équilibré spécialement formulé pour les chiots stérilisés de races moyennes. Ces croquettes permettent de garder un poids de forme, tout en apportant toute la satiété souhaitée.

Royal Canin Croquettes Hepatic Chien Sac 12 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

148.99 EUR
Royal Canin HepaticRoyal Canin a développé cette gamme de croquettes savoureuses spécialement pour chiens ayant des problèmes hépatiques.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Cette nourriture en boîte est un aliment diététique complet avec un taux faible en protéines d'origine végétal, pour chiens atteints de problèmes hépatiques.Proposé en sacs de 1,5 , 6 et 12 Kg.Indications:Hépatite chronique.Portosystemic shunt.Encéphalopathie hépatique.Insuffisance hépatique.Pyroplasmose.Jaunisse.Troubles du métabolisme du cuivre.Contrindications:Gestation, lactation, croissance.Pancréatite ou antécédents de pancréatite.Hyperlipidémie.Le type de nourriture que nous offrons à nos animaux de compagnie est déterminante pour l'évolution de l'insuffisance hépatique. Avec l'aliment Royal Canin Hepatic, nous pourrons :Réduire la charge métabolique de travailLimiter l'apport calorifique d'origine protéiques.Prévenir les complications les plus grave de l'insuffisance hépatique.L...

Royal Canin Health Management Chat Neutered Maintenance Aliment Humide 12 x 85g

20.66 EUR
Royal Canin Health Management Chat Neutered Maintenance Aliment Humide 12 x 85g est spécialement formulée pour maintenir un poids idéal chez les chats castrés. Cette pâtée apporte les protéines nécessaires pour préserver la masse musculaire et favorise un environnement urinaire sain. Enrichi en fibres alimentaires, cet aliment favorise le transit et l'élimination des boules de poils. Convient aux chats actifs.

Royal Canin Health Management Cat Mature Consult Balance Croquettes 1,5kg

24.75 EUR
Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chat Senior Stage 1 Balance 1,5kg conviennent à l'alimentation des chats à partir de 7 ans. Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chat Senior Stage 1 Balance 1,5kg limitent la formation de la plaque dentaire, renforcent l'immunité, retardent le vieillissement et préservent la masse musculaire.

Patrick Jonas Corporate Health Jahrbuch 2013: Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement In Deutschland

3.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Hoehner Research & Consulting Group, Publisher : Hoehner Research & Consulting Group, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2013-04-23, releaseDate : 2013-04-23, authors : Patrick Jonas, Oliver-Timo Henssler, Benjamin Klenke, Juliane Weber, publishers : EuPD Research Sustainable Management, languages : german, ISBN : 3941632140

Royal Canin Croquettes Diabetic Chien Sac 1.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

23.65 EUR
Aliment pour chiens diabétiques.Aliment complet et équilibré pour l'alimentation quotidienne des chiens diabétiques de toute taille. Cet aliment est conçu pour le contrôle clinique du diabète et peut être utilisé en tant que régime alimentaire permanent pour votre animal. Formulé sous contrôle vétérinaire.Attention : l'utilisation de cet aliment augmente généralement la sensibilité de votre chien face à l'insuline. Il est très important de contrôler les niveaux de glucose et la réaction à l'insuline lorsque vous commencez le régime, afin d'ajuster la dose d'insuline à administrer. Consultez votre vétérinaire avant d'utiliser cet aliment.Contre-indications :Gestation, allaitement et animaux en croissance.Bienfaits observés :Aide à contrôler les niveaux de glucose dans le sang : les régimes pauvres en hydrates de carbone et riches en protéines aident à réduire l'hyperglycémie postprandiale. Les niveaux élevés de protéines aident également à maintenir la masse musculaire.Stabilisation du ...

Dolce Bonita Home Jassrug Royal Carpet 50x80 Diamond Gray

28.89 EUR
brand: Jassrug Product Type: Royal Carpet To you: 50x80cm Yarn Type: 100% Polyester Bottom Base: Non-Slip Base Feather Height: 15mm weight: 600 g Packaging: PE Bag We add elegance to your homes with Jassrug Royal Carpets. Since carpets can be used in all seasons, you can continue to use them in winter or summer. Another advantage is that they are light and easy to carry. Jassrug Royal Carpets have a soft texture and do not shed and their color does not fade. It can be easily decorated in every corner of your home. Washing and Usage Information Machine wash gently at 30 C. Do not use bleach. Do not leave it wet after washing. Wash light and dark colors separately. Pay attention to the instructions for use and label information. MADE IN Türkiye 8696734402528

John Gray Practical Miracles For Mars And Venus: Nine Principles For Lasting Love, Increasing Success, And Vibrant Health In The Twenty-First Century

5.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Harper Perennial, Publisher : Harper Perennial, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 272, publicationDate : 2001-07-31, releaseDate : 2001-07-31, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 0060937300

Nutrist.JP Nippon Zoki Pharmaceutical Mastigen BB Jelly Tablets 40 Tablets Vitamin B2 main preparation Vitamins & Health Products In the following cases: phy 1 set

39.5 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Pharmaceuticals & Quasi-drugs > Vitamin, tonic, and health supplements > Vitamins & Health Products > Vitamin B2 main preparation > In the following cases: physical fatigue, during pregnancy and lactation, and in cases of low physical strength during and after illness. Nippon Zoki Pharmaceutical Mastigen BB Jelly Tablets 40 Tablets Vitamin B2 main preparation Vitamins & Health Products In the following cases: physical fatigue, during pregnancy and lactation, and in cases of low physical strength during and after illness. It contains four vitamins that assist in collagen production, etc., and cures rough skin, acne, and mouth ulcers from the inside out. 7 years and older but under 15 years: 1 tablet twice a day (7.5 kcal/day). 15 years and older: 2 tablets twice a day (15 kcal/day), taken by mouth in the morning and evening.

MaryRuth's, 3-in-1 Daily Women's Health, 50 billion CFU, 30 capsules

93.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Adults, take 1 capsule per day or as directed by a doctor or healthcare professional. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Other ingredients included: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose (capsule), magnesium carbonate, bamboo extract. All ingredients are vegan. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. We value every customer. Consult your doctor or healthcare professional before taking any supplements, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have been diagnosed with a medical condition. Stop taking if side effects occur. MaryRuth's, 3-in-1 Daily Women's Health, 50 billion CFU, 30 capsules

MaryRuth's, 3-in-1 Daily Digestive Health, 50 billion CFU, 30 capsules

94.36 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Adults, take 1 capsule per day or as directed by a doctor or healthcare professional. Do not exceed recommended dosage. No refrigeration required. Other ingredients included: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose (capsule), magnesium carbonate, bamboo extract. All ingredients are vegan. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. We value every customer. Consult your doctor or healthcare professional before taking any supplements, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have been diagnosed with a medical condition. Stop taking if side effects occur. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam Anguk Health DIVE IN FIT (28 days worth)

51.08 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- product name : dive in fit name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] bl healthcare co., ltd. factory 2 / 38 yangcheong songdae-gil, ochang-eup, cheongwon-gu, cheongju-si, chungcheongbuk-do [seller] anguk health co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : 24 months from the date of manufacture / store in a cool, low-humidity place, avoiding direct sunlight. keep out of reach of children. to avoid incorrect ingestion and to protect and maintain quality, do not put it in other containers. capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : 21 g (750 mg function information : [green tea extract] can help with antioxidants, reducing body fat, and improving blood cholesterol [vitamin c] necessary for forming connective tissue and maintaining its function. necessary for iron absorption. it is necessary to protect cells from harmful oxygen by acting as an antioxidant. specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea *it may be shipped as a renewed new product, such as a brand label design container. *the gift product may sell out early due to brand circumstances, so only the original product may be shipped. *if a special, limited, or special product is sold out, the original product may be sent as the same regular product. *when sending general products, components other than the main product may be excluded. *example) main product + keyring → only main product sent *example) 2 main products + 1 free 10ml product → only 2 main products are sent

MaryRuth's, Complete Gut Health, 3-in-1, 60 Capsules

99.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Take two capsules daily with food or on an empty stomach, or as directed by your doctor or healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Cellulose, guar gum, rice bran, organic tapioca starch. Precautions: Keep out of reach of children to prevent over-consumption and choking hazard. Pregnant and lactating women, and those over 65 years of age, always consult a doctor or health care professional before taking. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

MaryRuth's, 3-in-1 daily health for women over 40, 30 capsules

96.89 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Adults, take 1 capsule per day or as directed by a doctor or healthcare professional. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Other ingredients included: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose (capsule), magnesium carbonate, bamboo extract. Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. We value every customer. Consult your doctor or healthcare professional before taking any supplements, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have been diagnosed with a medical condition. Stop taking if side effects occur. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

Ahngook Health Dive In Fit (28-day supply)

24.71 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Item and Product Name : Dive In Fit Expiration date and storage method : 24 months after manufacturing date / Store it iin a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Follow the user’s instructions and do not put it in other containers for quality control and safety. Volume (Weight), Quantity : 21g (750mg x 28 Tablets) Effects : [Green Tea Extract] May help reduce body fat and blood cholesterol and serve as an antioxidant [Vitamin C] Necessary for the formation of connective tissues and maintenance of their function, necessary for iron absorption, necessary for protecting cells from harmful oxygen by acting as an antioxidant Disclaimer for Non-Pharmaceutical Products : This product is not a pharmaceutical intended to prevent or treat disease. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

VITAL HEALTH Vital Slim Diet All in One Lactobacillus 10 Sticks (10-day supply)

37.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Item and Product Name : VITAL HEALTH Vital Slim Diet All in One Lactobacillus Expiration date and storage method : 18 months after manufacturing date / The date of manufacture of this product cannot be specified as it varies depending on the date of stock-in. [Cautions for storage] Store in a dry place away from direct sunlight, high temperatures and humidity. Keep out of reach of children. Volume (Weight), Quantity : 40g (4g*10 Sticks) Effects : [Lactobacillus Complex HY7601+KY1032] May help reduce body fat [Probiotics] May help proliferation of lactic acid bacteria and suppression of harmful bacteria, May helps smooth bowel movements, May help intestinal health [Vitamin D] Necessary for absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. Necessary for the formation and maintenance of bones. Helps reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. [Niacin] Needed to produce energy in the body Disclaimer for Non-Pharmaceutical Products : N Country of Manufacture : South Korea

Selex Free & Pro Intestinal Health All-in-One Gift Set (30-day supply) gift set

153.45 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- product name : selex free & pro intestinal health all-in-one gift set name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : manufacturer: taiyo kagaku india pvt. ltd subdivision manufacturer: maeil dairy co., ltd. asan factory - 61-23, yeongin-ro 202beon-gil, yeongin-myeon, asan-si, chungcheongnam-do expiration date and storage method : date of manufacture: within 4 months from the date of order, expiration date: 14 months from the date of manufacture capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : 385g function information : see detailed page specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : not applicable country of manufacture : south korea *it may be shipped as a renewed new product, such as a brand label design container. *the gift product may sell out early due to brand circumstances, so only the original product may be shipped. *if a special, limited, or special product is sold out, the original product may be sent as the same regular product. *when sending general products, components other than the main product may be excluded. *example) main product + keyring → only main product sent *example) 2 main products + 1 free 10ml product → only 2 main products are sent

BeautyGlam Emerald Laboratories, Promotes Bladder Health in Men and Women with Urox Blend, 60 Veggie Capsules

102.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Adults: Take 2 capsules daily with a meal or as directed by a physician. Other ingredients included: Veggie capsule.Free from: corn protein, milk, salt, yeast, soy, added sugars, wheat, artificial flavors and preservatives. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal on cap or printed inner seal is damaged or missing. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, currently taking prescription medications, or have a diagnosed medical condition. Store in a cool, dry place. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

ORIENT Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Warranty WV0011TX Dark Gray [Orient] NEO70's Manufacturer's Men's

233.87 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Quartz (solar powered) Accuracy: Within ±20 seconds per month Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

. Rechel Migration And Health In The European Union (European Observatory On Health Systems And Policies)

4.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Open University Press, Publisher : Open University Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 280, publicationDate : 2011-11-01, authors : . Rechel, languages : english, ISBN : 0335245676

[ORIENT] ORIENT Automatic Watch Field Mechanical Made in Japan Automatic RN-AK0403N Men's Dark Gray

424.3 EUR
Set includes: Main part, box, and certification Drive method: Manual (hand winder+Auto winder) Precision:primary+25 seconds to -15 seconds Drive time: 40 hours Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) materials : glass, nylon Please be sure to review the product details below and the things to keep in order before you make your order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[ORIENT]ORIENT Watch NEO70's SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0011TX Men's Dark Gray

233.92 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Quartz (solar powered) Accuracy: Monthly difference within ±20 seconds Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

ORIENT NEO70's Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0011TX Men's Dark Gray

446.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

[ORIENT] ORIENT Automatic Watch Flight Mechanical Made in Japan Automatic Domestic Manufacturer Warranty RN-AC0H02N Men's Dark Gray

273.8 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Mechanical (hand-wound + automatic winding) Accuracy: +25 seconds to -15 seconds per day Driving time: 40 hours Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

[ORIENT] ORIENT Automatic Watch Field Mechanical Made in Japan Automatic Domestic Manufacturer Warranty RN-AK0403N Men's Dark Gray

317.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Mechanical (hand-wound + automatic winding) Accuracy: +25 seconds to -15 seconds per day Driving time: 40 hours Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

Shionogi Healthcare Popon S Plus 200 Tablets Comprehensive vitamins Vitamins & Health Products Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: O 1 set

76.07 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Pharmaceuticals & Quasi-drugs > Vitamin, tonic, and health supplements > Vitamins & Health Products > Comprehensive vitamins > Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: Old age Shionogi Healthcare Popon S Plus 200 Tablets Comprehensive vitamins Vitamins & Health Products Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: Old age This vitamin-containing health food contains 11 vitamins and 3 minerals that support the maintenance and promotion of good health. (When other preparations containing vitamins, etc. are used at the same time, be careful not to overdose.) Adults (15 years and older) - 2 tablets per dose, 1 time per dayChildren (6 years and older but under 15 years) - 1 tablet per dose, 1 time per dayUnder 6 years - Do not allow the child to take. --- Dosage form/shape: ------ sugar-coated tablets--- (2) Keep out of the reach of children.

[Orient] ORIENT NEO70's Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0021TX Men's Royal Blue

373.05 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: ORIENT Materials: [Product Description] ・Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included ・Drive method: Quartz (solar powered) ・Accuracy: Monthly difference within ±20 seconds ・Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) explanation Brand Description: A casual series that combines the taste of 1970s mechanical watches, which is Orient's DNA, with unique arrangements such as modern design and colors. SOLAR PANDA is now available in the NEO70's series, which is a modern take on the taste of mechanical watches from the 1970s. Utilizing the chronograph design, the three subdials receive sunlight and charge. Does not require battery replacement. The dark gray dial is functional and easy to read, making it easy to match with casual fashion as well as suits. The 70's-style thin indexes create a three-dimensional effect and improve visibility by layering them on the case ring. The band uses a high-quality matte 3-row metal band, which emphasizes the mirror-finished indexes. In addition, the T-shaped push button, which was often used in the 1970s, is not only easy to operate, but also serves as an accent to the design. The essence of the 70's that is typical of the same series is sprinkled throughout the details, enhancing the design, which is modern yet somehow nostalgic. *The manufacturer's suggested retail price will be revised from February 29, 2024. We appreciate your understanding as there may be some products with the old price printed on them after the price revision. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

[Orient] ORIENT Watch NEO70's Neo Seventies SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Manufacturer's Warranty WV0021TX Men's Royal Blue

380.23 EUR
Set includes: Main part, box, and certification drive method: QUARTZ (SOLLER POWERED) Accuracy: Within ±20 seconds of month difference Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Please be sure to check the product details below and the points to be considered when making a sale! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Tokyo-Electronics ELECOM Cleaning Cloth, Ultra Fine Fiber, L Size, Cleaner, Microfiber, Water-based/Oil-based Stain Resistant, Strong, Washable [Made in Japan], Gray KC

18.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

Arkadia Japan ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch M34 F7 Mechanical Moon Phase Mechanical Made in Japan Limited to 300 pieces in Japan domestic manufacturer warranty Gray

2276.39 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty, replacement genuine leather belt Drive method: Mechanical (with automatic winding/hand winding) Time accuracy: +15 seconds to -5 seconds per day Drive time: 50 hours or more (equipped with power reserve indicator) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

NOBU JAPAN ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Modern Skeleton Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Year Domestic Warranty Open Heart Gray [Orient Star] Manufacturer's RK-AV0005N

869.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty card Drive method: Mechanical (manual winding + automatic winding) Accuracy: +25 seconds ~ -15 seconds per day Drive time: 50 hours or more (equipped with power reserve indicator) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case diameter: 41.0mm

Arkadia Japan ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch M34 F7 Mechanical 300 Pieces Made in Japan Comes with a Domestic Warranty Charcoal Gray [Orient Star] Semi-skeleton 2-year

1519.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty, replacement leather belt Drive method: Mechanical (with automatic winding/hand winding) Time accuracy: +15 seconds to -5 seconds per day Drive time: 50 hours or more (equipped with power reserve indicator) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

SOLT Japan Market Azuma Industrial Chilitore Gray Freestanding Broom and Dustpan Easy to Sweep in a Comfortable Black Fern Total Length 86cm Width 26cm BR602 Set,

151.99 EUR
[Long version of the dustpan and broom set Chilitore ] You can clean while holding the dustpan and broom, so you can sweep the garbage into the dustpan each time without having to sweep it up. The regular Chilitore has a total length of about 81cm, but it is longer at about 86cm. It does not cause back pain and is recommended for tall people and men. [Sand and dust can be swept away] The flexible sweeping feeling makes it possible to thoroughly sweep even fine sand and dust. It is a durable ear that is resistant to water. [Perfect storage in corners] A broom can be fixed and stored on the dustpan grip. The broom can be stored in a suspended state, preventing deformation and damage to the broom. The bottom of the dustpan is at a right angle, so it fits perfectly into the corners of the room. It can be stored compactly without taking up much space. Country of origin: Japan A Hoki chili reset set with a long handle that allows you to sweep in a comfortable position.

Premium SPEED ORIENT Neo Seventies Watch Quartz Made in Japan Comes with a Domestic Warranty WV0091TY Dark Gray [Orient] NEO70's Manufacturer's Men's

247.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Target: Men Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included Reinforced waterproof for daily life: 10BAR Country of origin: Japan 1/5 second stopwatch (60 minute measurement)

Arkadia Japan ORIENT Neo Seventies Watch Quartz Made in Japan Comes with a Domestic Warranty WV0091TY Dark Gray [Orient] NEO70's Manufacturer's Men's

240.38 EUR
Target: Men Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included Reinforced waterproof for daily life: 10BAR Country of origin: Japan 1/5 second stopwatch (60 minute measurement)

Arkadia Japan ORIENT Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Warranty WV0011TX Dark Gray [Orient] NEO70's Manufacturer's Men's

224.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Quartz (solar powered) Accuracy: Within ±20 seconds per month Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

hayatospeed RORIOS Women's Watch Cute Starry Sky Analog Glitter Bracelet Style 3D Dial Waterproof Bracelet Alloy Band Made in Japan Quartz Casual Work/School Gray

105.99 EUR
[Stylish Design] The starry sky-like dial sparkles on your wrist every time it catches the light, giving it an outstanding presence no matter where you look at it, giving it a feminine touch. The glass has a diamond-like three-dimensional cut design, and the half-bracelet connecting band gives it a stylish and luxurious look. [High Quality]★The quartz is made in Japan, and the time is accurate. ★Equipped with a high-quality mineral glass surface, it has excellent durability, is difficult to break, has high transparency and excellent safety, and can effectively prevent scratches. ★The band is made of a combination of leather and alloy and is highly durable and breathable, providing a comfortable fit. [A masterpiece that goes well with any outfit] It comes in 5 different colors, so you can choose your favorite color. It goes perfectly with both elegant and casual styles. It's a cute accent to a simple outfit like a blouse or dress for summer outings. [Perfect Gift] With good quality and exquisite leather fabric box, this cute RORIOS watch can be gifted to your family, friends, on Mother's Day, Christmas, birthday, school entrance gift, graduation ceremony, etc. A perfect gift for your lover or someone special. [Service] RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly. ★Features★❥❥Starry sky-like dial: The irregular glass surface, the dial is decorated with small seven-colored powder, which sparkles under the light, making it look like a starry sky. ❥❥Jointed band: Half of the band is made of leather and alloy, and half of it is a bracelet type, brightly complementing all the fashion styles of adult women. ❥❥Waterproof for everyday life: It has a waterproof function for everyday life, so you can use it without worrying about water droplets when washing your face or light rain. ❥❥Length can be freely adjusted: Comes with a belt adjuster, making it easy to adjust the length. ❥❥It has a nice design that can be used not only for everyday use, but also for dates, receptions, parties, and other occasions. We offer highly exquisite leather gift boxes as gifts for special people such as relatives, friends, lovers, etc. ★Service★RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly. ★Package contents★RORIOS watch *1 Exquisite box *1 Japanese and English instruction manual *1 Belt adjuster *1

NOBU JAPAN ORIENT Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Warranty WV0011TX Dark Gray [Orient] NEO70's Manufacturer's Men's

229.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Quartz (solar powered) Accuracy: Within ±20 seconds per month Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

Arkadia Japan ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch Modern Skeleton Mechanical Made in Japan 2 Year Domestic Manufacturer Warranty Open Heart Gray [Orient Star] RK-AV0005N

772.77 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty card Drive method: Mechanical (manual winding + automatic winding) Accuracy: +25 seconds ~ -15 seconds per day Drive time: 50 hours or more (equipped with power reserve indicator) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan) Case diameter: 41.0mm

Premium SPEED ORIENT Neo Seventies Watch SOLAR PANDA Made in Japan Domestic Warranty WV0011TX Dark Gray [Orient] NEO70's Manufacturer's Men's

232.99 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Precautions for Use of Electrical Appliances] 】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which can cause malfunction. The plug type is Japanese type (A or B type), so please check the voltage and use a transformer. The transformer is different from the conversion adapter. A transformer is not required for USB power supply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty included Drive method: Quartz (solar powered) Accuracy: Within ±20 seconds per month Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

Arkadia Japan ORIENT STAR Automatic Watch M34 F7 Mechanical Made in Japan Limited to 200 Domestic Warranty 2 Years Gray Gradient [Orient Star] Semi-skeleton

1579.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, warranty, replacement genuine leather belt Drive method: Mechanical (with automatic winding/hand winding) Time accuracy: +15 seconds to -5 seconds per day Drive time: 50 hours or more (equipped with power reserve indicator) Country of origin: Japan (Made in Japan)

hayatospeed [Innovator] Watch IN-0007-20 Men's Gray

139.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included in instruction manual Waterproof for daily life: 3BAR Country of origin: China

Karniproduction Royal Handicraft Antique Vintage Maritime Victoria London 1920 Pocket Watch in Wooden Box

65.33 EUR
Material: Brass, glass and wood. Size: 5.08 cm. Color: Antique brass finish. Made in: Country: India PERSONALIZED pocket watch will make you more graceful and make you stand out from the crowd, it is a new way to show your personal style, it is easy to match with different suits and suitable for various festive or business occasions. IDEAL GIFT for your love and family or yourself, the best gift for Valentine's Day, an excellent Christmas gift, a birthday gift, a wedding gift, etc. A great souvenir for anyone, even a wonderful decoration for the room. This cool little pocket watch will undoubtedly fit perfectly into everyone's shopping list or wish list. Best quality, 100% customer satisfaction, refund in case of any discrepancy and 24/7 customer support Use for special occasions Graduation gift, Father's Day gift, gift for a special man, anniversary gift, groomsman gift, Valentine's Day gift, Christmas gift, nautical decor, camping gift for man and woman, Promotion Day gift. Karniproduction, we are the third generation creator, specialize in handcrafted items, nautical style and interior design.. Made of brass, copper, iron and wood. All items are handcrafted or created with simple tools.. We are the manufacturer, supplier and exporter of various nautical decorative and other gift items.. They are available in various designs to meet the needs of our customers.. Our goal is to be the unrivaled leader in providing products.. We believe that customer satisfaction is the most important factor. Which determines the access of a company. As a result, to satisfy our customers, we provide high quality products.. What We Do The Royal Handicraft brand was created to meet the need for high quality products at reasonable prices. One purchase from you makes our day brighter. We will be happy to bring a smile to the faces of our clients. Thank you for purchasing from us.

Pertemba FR - Home Groundsman Stiff PVC Broom Head 12in marron

13.39 EUR
- PVC bristles. - Endorsed by The Royal Horticultural Society. - For outdoor use in either wet or dry conditions.. - UK size :12in, FR Size :30,48 cm, ES Size : 12 in , DE Size: 30,48 cm, IT size: 12 in, US & CA Size: 12in . - Code: UTST4027

Pertemba FR - Home Groundsman PVC Broom Head 13in marron

16.29 EUR
- Wooden broom head. - PVC bristles. - Metal fastening for handle.. - UK size :18in, FR Size :45,72 cm, ES Size : 46 cm , DE Size: 45,72 cm, IT size: 18 in, US & CA Size: 18in. - UK size :13in, FR Size :33,02 cm, ES Size : 33 cm , DE Size: 33,02 cm, IT size: 13 in, US & CA Size: 13in . - Code: UTST1880

Pertemba FR - Home Horobin Sweeping Brush 16in noir

18.82 EUR
- Material: Nylon, Plastic. - Suitable for: 0.75in Diameter Rods. - Design: Plain.. - UK size :16in, FR Size :40,64 cm, ES Size : 16 in , DE Size: 40,64 cm, IT size: 16 in, US & CA Size: 16in . - Code: UTST8792

Pertemba FR - Home Vileda Turbo 2 in 1 Mop Head One Size rouge/blanc

16.79 EUR
- Head Material: Microfibre. - Suitable for: Ceramic Tiles, Hard Flooring, Laminate, Linoleum Floors, Vinyl, Wood. - Anti-Bacterial, Reusable. - Design: Contrast. - Packaging: Display Packet, Euro Hook.. - UK size :One Size, FR Size :Taille, ES Size : Talla Única , DE Size: Einheitsgröße, IT size: Taglia Unica, US & CA Size: One Size . - Code: UTST9803

Patrick Bracken Postpsychiatry: Mental Health In A Postmodern World (International Perspectives In Philosophy And Psychiatry)

44.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New, Label : Oxford University Press, U.S.A., Publisher : Oxford University Press, U.S.A., NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 318, publicationDate : 2007-05-17, authors : Patrick Bracken, ISBN : 0198526091

John Ridley Health And Safety In Brief

3.07 EUR
Brand : Routledge, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 4 New edition, Label : Routledge, Publisher : Routledge, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 328, publicationDate : 2008-04-11, releaseDate : 2008-04-11, authors : John Ridley, ISBN : 0750686391

Kerr, John H Workplace Health, Employee Fitness And Exercise (Issues In Occupational Health Series)

17.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Taylor & Francis Ltd, Publisher : Taylor & Francis Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 193, publicationDate : 1996-12-01, publishers : Kerr, John H, Amanda Griffiths, Tom Cox, ISBN : 0748401423

Thie, John F. Touch For Health In Aktion: Grundtechniken Und Neue Dimensionen

10.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 2., Aufl., Label : VAK Verlags GmbH, Publisher : VAK Verlags GmbH, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 203, publicationDate : 2005-08-24, authors : Thie, John F., Matthew Thie, languages : german, ISBN : 3935767218

Carlson, John G. International Perspectives On Self-Regulation And Health (The Springer Series In Behavioral Psychophysiology And Medicine)

2.99 EUR
Brand : Springer, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1991, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 310, publicationDate : 1991-01-31, publishers : Carlson, John G., Seifert, A. Ronald, ISBN : 0306435578

Thie, John F. Touch For Health In Aktion: Grundtechniken Und Neue Dimensionen

16.77 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 3., aktualisierte und leicht überarbeitete Auflage (NED)., Label : Vak-Verlag, Publisher : Vak-Verlag, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 203, publicationDate : 2012-04-01, authors : Thie, John F., Matthew Thie, translators : Rotraud Oechsler, languages : german, ISBN : 3867311099

John Kimberly The Globalization Of Managerial Innovation In Health Care

35.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Cambridge University Press, Publisher : Cambridge University Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 394, publicationDate : 2008-12-18, publishers : John Kimberly, de Pouvourville, Gerard de, Thomas d'Aunno, ISBN : 0521711983

Glaser, John P. The Strategic Application Of Information Technology In Health Care Organizations

7.99 EUR
Brand : Jossey-Bass, Binding : Hardcover, Edition : 3., Label : Jossey-Bass, Publisher : Jossey-Bass, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Hardcover, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 2011-03-18, releaseDate : 2011-03-18, authors : Glaser, John P., Claudia Salzberg, ISBN : 0470639415

Tilden, John H. Food Its Influence In Health And Disease

2.99 EUR
Brand : Kessinger Publishing, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Kessinger Publishing, Publisher : Kessinger Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 72, publicationDate : 2005-12-31, releaseDate : 2005-12-31, authors : Tilden, John H., ISBN : 1425324835

John Meed Functional Skills English In Context Health & Social Care Workbook Entry 3 - Level 2

14.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Workbook, Label : OUP Oxford, Publisher : OUP Oxford, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 2012-09-19, authors : John Meed, ISBN : 1408518325

R.M. Youngson The Royal Society Of Medicine Guide To Health In Later Life: The Complete Medical Reference Library In One Volume

3.05 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 1997-08-21, authors : R.M. Youngson, ISBN : 0747532508

John Skinner The Confession Of Saint Patrick: The Classic Text In Translation

7.99 EUR
Brand : Image, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reissue, Label : Image, Publisher : Image, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 112, publicationDate : 1998-02-17, releaseDate : 1998-02-17, authors : John Skinner, ISBN : 0385491638

John Gray Mars And Venus In Love: Inspiring And Heartfelt Stories Of Relationships That Work

2.29 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Harper, Publisher : Harper, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 192, publicationDate : 1996-06-04, releaseDate : 1996-06-04, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 0060174714

John Gray Women Are From Venus: Understanding The Woman In Your Life

2.35 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Thorsons, Publisher : Thorsons, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 1999-10-18, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 0722539541

John Gray Ph.D. Staying Focused In A Hyper World: Book 1; Natural Solutions For Adhd, Memory And Brain Performance

8.24 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : MarsVenus, Publisher : MarsVenus, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 294, publicationDate : 2014-07-28, authors : John Gray Ph.D., languages : english, ISBN : 0990346803

John Gray Politik Der Apokalypse: Wie Religion Die Welt In Die Krise Stürzt

10.03 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Publisher : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 368, publicationDate : 2012-01-01, authors : John Gray, translators : Christoph Trunk, languages : german, ISBN : 3423346922

Landels, John Gray Die Technik In Der Antiken Welt: Sonderausgabe.

2.4 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : C.H. Beck Verlag, Publisher : C.H. Beck Verlag, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 276, publicationDate : 1998-10-01, authors : Landels, John Gray, ISBN : 3406048722

John Gray User Participation In Building Design And Management: A Generic Approach To Building Evaluation

3.15 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Butterworth Architecture, Publisher : Butterworth Architecture, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, publicationDate : 1992-06-01, authors : John Gray, John Daish, Duncan Joiner, publishers : David Kernohan, ISBN : 0750612967

John Gray Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. How To Get What You Want In Your Relationships

5.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New Ed, Label : Harpercollins UK, Publisher : Harpercollins UK, NumberOfItems : 2, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2002-11-04, authors : John Gray, languages : french, ISBN : 0007152590

John Gray Mars And Venus On A Date: A Guide To Romance: 5 Steps To Success In Love And Romance

3.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New Ed, Label : Vermilion, Publisher : Vermilion, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 384, publicationDate : 2003-01-02, releaseDate : 2003-01-02, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 0091887674

John Gray Mars And Venus In The Bedroom: A Guide To Lasting Romance And Passion

3.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Vermilion, Publisher : Vermilion, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 1996-02-01, releaseDate : 1996-02-01, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 0091809800

John Gray Mars And Venus: A Match Made In Heaven?

2.14 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New edition, Label : Newleaf, Publisher : Newleaf, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 236, publicationDate : 1999-05-31, authors : John Gray, ISBN : 071712889X

John Gray Mars And Venus In The Workplace: A Practical Guide For Improving Communication And Getting Results At Work

13.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1st, Label : Harper, Publisher : Harper, NumberOfItems : 3, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2001-12-24, releaseDate : 2001-12-24, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 006019796X

John Gray Politik Der Apokalypse: Wie Religion Die Welt In Die Krise Stürzt

7.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 3., Aufl., Label : Klett-Cotta, Publisher : Klett-Cotta, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 363, publicationDate : 2010-03-01, authors : John Gray, translators : Christoph Trunk, languages : german, ISBN : 3608941142

John Gray Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: A Practical Guide For Improving Communication And Getting What You Want In Your Relationships

7.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New Ed, Label : Harpercollins UK, Publisher : Harpercollins UK, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 286, publicationDate : 1998-01-01, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 0722538448

John Gray Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: A Practical Guide For Improving Communication And Getting What You Want In Your Relationships

5.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New edition, Label : Thorsons, Publisher : Thorsons, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 286, publicationDate : 1993-05-24, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 072252840X

John Gray Mars And Venus Together Forever: Relationship Skills For Lasting Love In Committed Relationships

4.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Revised., Label : Harper Perennial, Publisher : Harper Perennial, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 2005-03-01, releaseDate : 2005-03-01, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 0060926619

John Gray Mars And Venus In The Bedroom: A Practical Guide For Improving Communication And Getting What You Want In Your Relationships

6.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New edition, Label : Harpertorch, Publisher : Harpertorch, NumberOfItems : 2, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 384, publicationDate : 2002-01-02, authors : John Gray, languages : english, ISBN : 000713746X

Gray, John MacLachlan The Fiend In Human

2.26 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Arrow, Publisher : Arrow, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 432, publicationDate : 2004-04-01, releaseDate : 2004-04-01, authors : Gray, John MacLachlan, ISBN : 0099421453

John Terraine The Right Of The Line: The Royal Air Force In The European War 1939-1945 (Wordsworth Military Library)

4.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New edition, Label : Wordsworth Editions Ltd, Publisher : Wordsworth Editions Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 841, publicationDate : 1998-02-19, authors : John Terraine, ISBN : 1853266833

John Home Agis: A Tragedy. As It Is Acted At The Theatre-Royal, In Drury-Lane. By The Author Of Douglas. To Which Is Prefixed, The Story Of The Tragedy Of Agis. ... The Play, The Performance, And The Reception.

6.49 EUR
Brand : Gale Ecco, Print Editions, Binding : Taschenbuch, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 78, publicationDate : 2010-06-10, authors : John Home, ISBN : 1170795935

ICE-WATCH [Ice watch] Ice watch women's watch 016937 ICE pearl gray small

295.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: ICE-WATCH Materials: glass [Product Description] ・Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included in the instruction manual ・Size: Case diameter 34mm (35.5mm including crown), arm circumference 12.0-16.0cm ・Movement: Miyota GL30, Battery: SR626 used, Battery life: Approximately 2 years ・Waterproofing: Reinforced waterproofing for daily life 10 ATM (10 ATM) Can withstand sweat in daily life, water droplets when washing your face, rain, etc., but cannot be used under conditions where water pressure changes drastically. ・Manufacturer's warranty 2 years (movement only): If the battery runs out within 6 months of delivery, we will replace the battery free of charge. explanation The elegant Ice Pearl is a luxurious dial made of mother-of-pearl that emits a mysterious shine.The dial molds are carefully carved out from real seashells one by one. , all items are one-of-a-kind. By using a silicone rubber strap, it maintains the casual impression of an ice watch while still giving it a luxurious feel, allowing you to wear it casually without worrying. A small, elegant collection with attractive cost performance. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Casio Men's G-SHOCK DW-H5600MB-8JR [G-SHOCK G-SQUAD] Square Watch Gray Digital

419.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. CASIO Men's G-SHOCK DW-H5600MB-8JR [G-SQUAD] Square Watch Gray Digital Condition : NEW Brand : CASIO Model Number : DW-H5600MB-8JR The DW-H5600 series is a colorful addition to G-SHOCK's G-SQUAD sports line for everyday use. Sizing: Case: 51.1*44.5*16.6mm WaterProof: 20 atm waterproof Glass Material: inorganic glass Calendar: yes Case Material: Resin *Biomas/Stainless Steel Movement: USB端子(Type-A) Display: Digital Function: shockproof construction shock resit Band Color: Gray Band Material: Synthetic Biomas Plastic Case: Square

[Casio] Wave Ceptor Watch [Domestic Genuine Product] Radio Solar LWA-M145L-8AJF Women's Gray

141.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: WAVE CEPTOR Materials: glass [Product Description] ・Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included in the instruction manual ・Waterproof specification: Waterproof function for daily life ・Radio solar ・World time GMT/UTC ·alarm explanation The LWA-M145 series of wave ceptor solar radio clocks keep accurate time. In addition to the calendar display function, it is equipped with useful functions such as world time, time alarm, stopwatch, and timer. Available in black, greige, and white resin bands, and blue and taupe leather bands. ・Multi-band 6 that receives standard radio waves from 6 stations around the world (2 stations in Japan, China, America, UK, Germany) and automatically adjusts the time ・Tough solar ・Waterproof for daily life ・LED light ●Tough solar (solar charging system) ●Waterproof for daily life Radio wave reception function: automatic reception (up to 6 times/day) (up to 5 times/day for Chinese radio waves)/manual reception, reception radio waves: JJY, frequency: 40kHz/60kHz (model compatible with both Fukushima/Kyushu stations) Received radio wave: WWVB, Frequency: 60kHz Received radio wave: MSF/DCF77, Frequency: 60kHz/77.5kHz Received radio wave: BPC, Frequency: 68.5kHz ●World Time: Time display in 48 cities around the world (31 time zones, with summer time setting function) + UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) ●Stopwatch (1/100 second, 60 minute meter, with split) ●Timer (set unit: 1 second, maximum set: 60 minutes) ●Time alarm/time signal ●Battery indicator display ●Power saving function (turns off the display after a certain period of time in a dark place to save power) ●Full auto calendar ●12/24 hour display switching ●Operation sound ON/OFF switching function ●LED light (with afterglow function) [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Casio World Time Digital Men's Watch AE-1200 Series Genuine BOX Overseas Model (Silver x Gray Metal Band AE-1200WHD-7AV)

146.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.