Parasanteonline Natural nutrition absolute protein bio 300g

33.65 EUR
NATURAL NUTRITION Absolute Protein 5 Sources Végétales Préparation végétale protéines de courge, chanvre, tournesol, lin et riz Agriculture Biologique 300g Absolute Protein est une association innovante de 5 sources végétales de protéines : courge, chanvre, tournesol, lin, riz. Cette formule synergique, de haute densité nutritionnelle, apporte des protéines végétales complètes, un complexe d'acides aminés (14 g par Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits.

Natural Nutrition EPP Fort 100 60 Gelules

16.81 EUR
Pour préserver les défenses naturelles de l'organisme La plupart des Extraits de Pépins de Pamplemousse disponibles en pharmacies sont des formules simples qui ne contiennent que de l'Extrait de Pépins de Pamplemousse. Ces formules mettent en avant un dosage élevé en bioflavonoïdes, souvent obtenu par une technique d'enrichissement artificiel, la plante ne renfermant pas naturellement autant de substances actives. Les bioflavonoïdes sont des pigments présents dans les végétaux (fruits et légumes). Ils font partie de la famille des polyphénols. Il existerait plus de 8000 variétés de bioflavonoïdes (anthocyanines, quercétine, flavanediols, catéchines...), chacune ayant ses propres effets. Plutôt que de garantir un fort dosage en bioflavonoïdes dans notre EPP, nous avons préféré valoriser la synergie d'action naturelle des bioflavonoïdes apportés par 3 plantes reconnues dans le domaine de l'immunité et de la sphère ORL : le pamplemousse qui contient de la naringine et de l'hespéridine, l'échinacée qui contient des rutosides et le sureau noir qui contient des anthocyanines. Cette complémentarité de bioflavonoïdes offre un large spectre d'antioxydants naturels qui vont chacun jouer leur rôle dans la défense de l'organisme, pour une efficacité optimale.   Les 3 plantes qui composent EPP Forti 100 ont été rigoureusement sélectionnées pour leurs qualités : • Extrait de Pépins de Pamplemousse 100% pépins, sans jus ni pulpe, ni péricarpe (partie blanche qui entoure les pépins), pour n'apporter que la substance la plus active du pamplemousse. Extrait de ratio 4/1. Cette notion de concentration signifie que 100 mg d'extrait sec d'EPP (apport pour 1 gélule) équivalent à 400 mg de poudre de pépins. • Echinacée cultivée en France, récoltée à la main. Nous avons sélectionné un extrait de ratio 5/1 titré en polyphénols, dont des bioflavonoïdes : + de 20% et à + de 1% d'acide cichorique. Cet extrait garantit un apport constant dans les principales substances actives de la plante. Dans la plupart des formules concurrentes, il ne s'agit que d'une simple poudre sans aucune garantie d'apport en substances actives. • Sureau Noir cultivé en Autriche-Hongrie. Poudre de ratio 16/1 avec un apport de polyphénols, dont des bioflavonoïdes : 9% minimum, pour garantir l'efficacité de notre formule. Notre formule est fabriquée dans le Sud de la France selon un processus de fabrication qui préserve la qualité originelle des principes actifs utilisés.

Parasanteonline STC Nutrition Over Blast No Cramp 25 g

10.14 EUR
STC Nutrition Over Blast No Cramp 25 g Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits.

Parasanteonline SID Nutrition Oligo Classics Chrome 30 gélules

14.09 EUR
Chrome 30 gelules - Presentation du complement alimentaire Chrome 30 gelules SID NutritionLe chrome contenu dans le complement alimentaire Chrome est un oligo-element essentie… Voir la présentation Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits.

Natural Nutrition NeOjuv Expert 220 - 30 capsules

24.32 EUR
L'Acide Hyaluronique (AH) est LA référence Anti-âge pour repulper et tonifier la peau, sans passer par les injections. Elle paraît ainsi + fraîche et + rebondie. 2 capsules apportent 220 mg d'Acide Hyaluronique biofermentaire, de bas et de moyen poids moléculaire, pour une absorption en continu de la molécule : immédiate puis progressive. Le Complexe Oxy'Blinde aide la peau à mieux se défendre contre le stress oxydatif, facteur de vieillissement cutané : • Huile de Son de Riz, riche en vitamine E naturelle. • Sélénium + Vitamine B2 qui contribuent à protéger nos cellules des radicaux libres. • Vitamine C qui participe à la formation du collagène, composant structural de la peau. Neojuv Expert 220 répond à la problématique du vieillissement dans sa dimension pluri-factorielle : compensation de la perte naturelle d'acide hyaluronique dans l'organisme mais aussi lutte contre le stress oxydatif.

Natural nutrition Rhinexpert bio 60 gélules

23.23 EUR
Parce que, pour certains d'entre nous, l'arrivée du printemps est souvent associée à un inconfort respiratoire, Natural Nutrition Laboratoire a développé Rhinexpert, un complexe associant : du plantain, plante poussant dans les champs ou au bord des chemins, qui a une influence apaisante sur les voies respiratoires du thym, traditionnellement utilisé pour la sphère respiratoire de la lavande officinale qui contribue à une respiration aisée A utiliser dès les premiers signes d'inconfort ou avant leur apparition.

Natural Nutrition Phyco Defens Bio 24 gélules

20.32 EUR
Élaboré par notre Département Recherche & Développement, Phyco Defens est un complexe innovant, unique sur le marché, apportant 40 % de phycocyanines. Cette protéine colorée, surnommée "l'or bleu", est reconnue comme la substance la + active de la spiruline.Afin de garantir une très haute teneur en phycocyanines, nous avons choisi d'associer de la poudre de spiruline apportant en moyenne 19,5 % de phycocyanines à un extrait concentré à 75 %.Le résultat: 1272 mg de phycocyanines par prise journalière pour accélérer les bénéfices reconnus de la Spiruline : soutien au système immunitaire, amélioration de la résistance de l'organisme, de la vitalité.

Natural nutrition Hyalucaps 30 capsules

30.88 EUR
L'Acide Hyaluronique (AH) est un composant naturel du liquide synovial, qui participe à lubrifier les articulations et à nourrir le cartilage. Notre complexe se compose de : • Acide hyaluronique d'origine biofermentaire : 100 mg par capsule. Notre AH est le seul en pharmacie à se présenter en capsules molles : matrice lipidique d'huile de son de riz pour une biodisponibilité optimale. • Vitamine C qui contribue à la formation de collagène, pour assurer le fonctionnement normal des os et des cartilages. • Sélénium, vitamines E et B2 qui contribuent à protéger les cellules contre le stress oxydatif, cause de vieillissement.

Natural nutrition Maxi tonic 60 gélules

19.1 EUR
Utilisé depuis des millénaires en médecine traditionnelle chinoise où il est surnommé " racine de longue vie ", le Ginseng Panax C.A. Meyer apporte un supplément d'énergie. Il aide à combattre la fatigue et à augmenter les performances physiques. Il favorise aussi les performances cérébrales : concentration, mémorisation, résistance au stress. Un allié en cas de baisse de vitalité ou de surmenage*. 1 capsule apporte 20 mg de ginsénosides. Le Ginseng est ici associé à la Gelée Royale, substance sécrétée et utilisée par les abeilles comme concentré nutritif indispensable à la croissance et à la vitalité de la Reine.

Natural Nutrition Ubi Q10 100mg 30 gélules

20.98 EUR
La coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) est présente dans tout l'organisme, notamment dans la mitochondrie (cœur des cellules), lieu de production d'énergie cellulaire. La présence de coQ10 dans le corps est fondamentale au processus de vie. Les deux rôles fondamentaux et interdépendants que joue la coQ10 dans le corps sont ceux d'antioxydant et de molécule bioénergétique.

Natural nutrition Tensiophyt bio 60 gélules

18.9 EUR
Tensiophyt est un complexe biologique 100% végétal composé de 3 plantes : Ail noir fermenté contenant de la S-allyl-cystéine. Feuilles d'olivier réputées pour aider au maintien d'une pression sanguine normale. Piloselle pour favoriser l'élimination rénale de l'eau, notamment en cas de surconsommation de sel. Formule destinée aux personnes souhaitant contrôler naturellement leur pression sanguine.

Natural Nutrition SOS fringales 60 capsules

17.45 EUR
Stress, changements hormonaux, régimes restrictifs… De nombreux facteurs incitent à grignoter, ce qui peut causer un déséquilibre du taux de sucre sanguin, favoriser la prise de poids et le risque de troubles cardio-vasculaires. Innovation de la recherche Natural Nutrition, la formule inédite de S.O.S Fringales contient : - de l'Huile de Son de Riz qui renferme une multitude de substances nutritives, dont : acide alpha-lipoïque, gammaoryzanol, tocotriénols. Elle est riche en acides gras insaturés, des lipides bénéfiques à l'organisme. - du chrome et de la cannelle pour contribuer au maintien d'une glycémie normale et réguler ainsi les envies soudaines de sucre. Avec S.O.S Fringales, contrôler ses écarts alimentaires devient plus facile.

Natural nutrition Moringa huile bio 30 capsules

18.98 EUR
Moringa Oleifera est un arbre tropical vénéré depuis des millénaires comme un arbre miracle. L'huile extraite de ses graines contient environ 70% d'acide oléique (famille des oméga 9), une référence de la cuisine méditerranéenne. L'acide oléique est naturellement présent au sein du film hydrolipidique qui constitue une barrière de protection et participe à la souplesse de la peau. L'huile de Moringa contient aussi des acides myristique, béhénique, vaccénique (famille des oméga 7) et lignocérique (acide gras rare, présent dans le lait maternel et dans les lipides du cerveau). Notre huile biologique de Moringa est obtenue à partir de graines récoltées et pressées par des techniques traditionnelles, perpétuant ainsi le savoir-faire ancestral des populations locales.

Natural Nutrition Absolute protein bio 300gr

24.27 EUR
Absolute Protein® est une association innovante de 5 sources végétales de protéines : courge, chanvre, tournesol, lin, riz. Cette formule synergique, de haute densité nutritionnelle, apportant 50% de protéines végétales, garantit un apport équilibré en acides aminés, dont tous les acides aminés essentiels. Elle est riche en fibres, fer, magnésium, phosphore, manganèse et zinc. La poudre Absolute Protein® est idéale en cas de : Besoins accrus en protéines : seniors, femmes enceintes, enfants et ados. Régime minceur : encas hyperprotéiné sain et naturel qui permet de garder la forme et le moral (magnésium, tryptophane). Activité physique intense : les protéines contribuent à l'augmentation et au maintien de la masse musculaire, au maintien d'une ossature normale. Alimentation végétarienne ou végétalienne.

Natural Nutrition Silicium 60 Gélules

19.97 EUR
Le complexe synergique Tri-Forticium® apporte du silicium sous une triple forme, minérale, organique et végétale, pour une assimilation optimale. Le silicium est naturellement présent dans l'organisme mais diminue quantitativement avec l'âge. Le bambou, excellente source végétale de silice, favorise un meilleur confort articulaire ainsi que la solidité des os*. La chondroïtine issue de cartilage de requin, la glucosamine issue de crustacés et le collagène marin, sont des composants naturels du cartilage. Cette formule aide à retrouver une plus grande liberté de mouvements, à améliorer la qualité de vie.   Complément alimentaire Fabriqué en France 

Natural Nutrition Purbiotik symbiotique 60 gélules

25.94 EUR
La flore intestinale est un écosystème fragile. Le stress, les médicaments, les intolérances alimentaires peuvent perturber son équilibre et, en conséquence, le bien-être digestif et la perméabilité intestinale. Purbiotik Formule Symbiotique associe : - 3 souches de ferments lactiques (2 lactobacilles et 1 bifidobactérie) naturellement présentes dans notre microbiote intestinal : 22,5 milliards UFC (Unité Formant Colonie) pour une prise de 4 gélules. Technologie dernière génération de double enrobage pour une efficacité optimale : Souches résistant à l'acidité gastrique et aux sels biliaires Souches protégées de la chaleur et de l'humidité permettant une conservation à température ambiante - des fibres solubles (gomme d'acacia standardisée à plus de 90% de fibres et pectine de pomme) qui aident au développement des ferments lactiques dans le tractus digestif et forment un gel protecteur en présence d'eau.

Natural nutrition Calm up 60 gélules

16.09 EUR
Calm Up est une solution naturelle, sans effet d'accoutumance, idéale en cas de stress et de sommeil difficile. La Rhodiola Rosea, plante adaptogène, aide l'organisme à gérer plus sereinement les situations de stress. Extrait titré à 3% de rosavine et 1% de salidroside. Le Magnésium contribue à réduire la fatigue physique (métabolisme énergétique, fonction musculaire) et mentale (fonctionnement normal du système nerveux). Calm Up apporte du magnésium marin + du citrate de magnésium pour une biodisponibilité optimale : + d'entrain, + d'enthousiasme, + de concentration. La Vitamine B6 contribue à réguler l'activité hormonale.

Natural Nutrition Spiruline Phycospir 180 comprimés

17.98 EUR
La spiruline est un complément alimentaires d'origine végétale.

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Plant Collagen Peptides, Natural Flavors, 9.9 oz (280 g)

86.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Adults, mix 1 scoop with 12 oz of liquid. Try it with the following foods: Coffee, smoothie, pancakes, oatmeal, cookies every day Other ingredients included: Natural flavors, Monk fruit extract. Contains: Eggs Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soybeans, wheat, sesame seeds, shellfish and crustaceans, eggs, fish. Manufactured in a facility that processes eggs and fish. This product contains no genetically modified ingredients. and protein-free. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place. Contents are packaged by weight, not volume. The contents may settle. Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, B Complex Gummies, with Vitamin C and Zinc, Natural Strawberry Flavor, 90 Vegetarian Gummies

38.45 EUR
Product Description: Contains vitamins B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), B12 zinc and vitamin C. Natural strawberry flavor. Helps promote overall wellness and maintain healthy energy levels. *Suitable for vegetarians. California Gold Nutrition® B Complex Gummies are fun, delicious gummies in a natural strawberry flavor that contain a variety of B vitamins and no artificial colors or sweeteners. iTested Certified Product usage: Take 2 gummies daily with food or on an empty stomach. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients: Main ingredients Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), niacin (nicotinamide), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl), folate (folic acid 300 mcg), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), biotin (d-biotin), pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate) ), zinc (zinc oxide). Other ingredients: cane sugar, glucose syrup, Purified water, citrus pectin, citric acid, sodium citrate, maltodextrin, natural flavor, black carrot extract, anthocyanin (pigment). This product is not manufactured with milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds, or gluten. It doesn't. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, B Complex Gummies, with Vitamin C and Zinc, Natural Strawberry Flavor, 90 Vegetarian Gummies

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, EarthSweet, Vitamin B-12, 5000 mcg, Natural Raspberry Flavor, 60 Chewable Tablets

53.65 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Directions: As a supplement, take 1 chewable tablet daily or as directed by your doctor. Other ingredients included: Natural Raspberry Flavor, Natural Strawberry Flavor, EarthSweet [Concentrated Juice (wild blueberry, cranberry, pruning, cherry, strawberry, grape, raspberry and bilberry, grape seed, raspberry seed extract) , cane crystals], stearic acid, vegetable cellulose, vegetable magnesium stearate. Does not contain milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or legumes. It's also free from yeast, gluten, barley, rice and sodium. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Close lid tightly and store in a cool, dry place. Bluebonnet Nutrition, EarthSweet, Vitamin B-12, 5000 mcg, Natural Raspberry Flavor, 60 Chewable Tablets

BeautyGlam EVLution Nutrition, Stacked Greens Natural Superfood, Orchard Apple Flavor, 5.7 oz (162 g)

69.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: As a supplement, mix 1 scoop of STACKED GREENS™ with 8-10 oz of cold water (adjust amount according to taste preference). Other Ingredients Contained: Cinnamon, Natural Flavors, Salt, Monk Fruit Extract.Ingredients: Milbon products are manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) registered facility in the United States and contain ingredients from the United States and imported sources. Precautions: Do not take if you have a pre-existing condition, are taking medication, or are under 18 years of age. Keep out of reach of children and pets. EVLution Nutrition, Stacked Greens Natural Superfood, Orchard Apple Flavor, 5.7 oz (162 g)

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, EarthSweet Chewables, Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid, Natural Raspberry Flavor, 180 Chewables

60.69 EUR
Product Description: Raspberry Flavor with Other Natural FlavorsSupplementVegan Kosher Parve CertifiedGluten-FreeBluebonnet's EarthSweet® Chewables Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid Tablets are a delicious raspberry flavor that contains crystalline vitamin B12 and folic acid to support cellular energy production and nervous system health. Made with folic acid. Sweetened with EarthSweet®, a proprietary sweetening blend of fruit powder and sugar cane crystals. Product Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one chew daily, or as directed by your physician. Ingredients: Sugar, natural raspberry flavor, natural strawberry flavor, stearic acid, vegetable cellulose, vegetable magnesium stearate, fruit powder (grape and grape seed extract, wild blueberry and wild blueberry extract, raspberry and raspberry seed concentrate, cranberry, plum) , tart cherry, wild bilberry and wild bilberry extract, and strawberries).Milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish. Free from tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy and sesame seeds. Free from gluten, barley, rice and sodium. Caution: Caution: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Bluebonnet Nutrition, EarthSweet Chewables, Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid, Natural Raspberry Flavor, 180 Chewables

BeautyGlam Zhou Nutrition, Elder-Mune™, Max Strength, Natural Mixed Berry, 60 Gummies

42.99 EUR
Product Description: Quality TestedVeganElderberry 125mgOther Naturally FlavoredSupplementsElderberry Gummies with Vitamin C and ZincGluten-FreeGreatness by Nature™Vitamin C Antioxidant Source3-in-1 Wellness SupportPowerful Elderberry Gummies for Your Needs Contains antioxidant effects. Sambucus elderberry is a powerful antioxidant extract that has been used for centuries to promote immune system health. We combined this with vitamin C and zinc to create a 3-in-1 immunity-boosting formula. These tasty little gummies help your body fight free radicals and help your body function at its best and stay healthy and balanced. Additionally, it does not contain gelatin, making it a vegan product that the whole family (ages 4 and up) can trust. Product usage: Adults and children over 4 years old, chew 2 gummies and take them daily. Take as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Tapioca syrup, cane sugar, purified water, pectin, natural flavoring, citric acid, sodium citrate, coconut oil, sunflower oil, carnauba wax, no natural colorants. Manufactured in the United States with global ingredients. Precautions: Caution: Do not exceed recommended dosage. Consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement, especially if you are pregnant or nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a known medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Zhou Nutrition, Elder-Mune™, Max Strength, Natural Mixed Berry, 60 Gummies

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Calcium, Magnesium Citrate & Vitamin D3, Natural Strawberry, 16 fl oz (472 ml)

60.89 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) daily or as directed by a medical professional. It can also be used as a good source of calcium and magnesium in baking ingredients. Mix well before drinking. Store in the refrigerator after opening. Other ingredients included: filtered water, fructose, citric acid, natural strawberry flavor, xanthan gum, sea vegetable extract. Free of milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy. It's also free from yeast, gluten, barley, rice and sodium. Minerals are expressed by their elemental value. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Turmeric and Ginger Gummies, Natural Tropical Fruit Flavor, 90 Vegan Gummies

41.99 EUR
Product Description: Natural tropical fruit flavorEnhances joint mobility and digestive health*Suitable for vegetariansFree from artificial colors and sweetenersFree from gelatin, gluten, non-GMO and soyCalifornia Gold Nutrition® Turmeric and Ginger Gummies are made with turmeric and ginger extracts Contains a beneficial blend to help strengthen joint mobility and digestive health.*Certified by iTested Product usage: Take 2 gummies daily with a meal. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients: Main ingredients: Curcuma longa extract (rhizome), ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract (rhizome), other ingredients: cane sugar, glucose syrup, purified water, citrus pectin, citric acid, sodium citrate, and natural flavoring. Product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, sesame or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Turmeric and Ginger Gummies, Natural Tropical Fruit Flavor, 90 Vegan Gummies

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops, Natural Citrus Flavor, 5,000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

70.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1 drop daily or as directed by your physician. Other ingredients included: Medium chain triglycerides, orange/lemon essential oils. Free from milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy and sesame. Free from gluten, barley, rice, sodium, and sugar. Made in the USA from imported and American-sourced ingredients. This product does not contain genetically modified ingredients or proteins. Precautions: Caution: This is a highly concentrated formula containing 5000 IU per drop. To prevent overdosing of the recommended dose, dropper technology has been applied to provide a more accurate dosage by distributing medicine droplets slowly. Do not shake the container before administering and do not drop drops directly into your mouth. Keep out of reach of children and do not take more than the dosage recommended in the instructions or given by your doctor. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops, Natural Citrus Flavor, 5,000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

BeautyGlam Doctor's Best, Natural Brain Nutrition with AlphaSize and SerinAid, 60 Veggie Capsules

60.99 EUR
Product Description: Science-Based Nutrition™ SupplementSuitable for Vegans, Non-GMO and Gluten-FreeHelps Improve Memory and AttentionDoctor's Best Natural Brain Improvement Supplements Include Glycerophosphocholine (GPC) from AlphaSize® and Phosphatidyl from SerinAid® Contains serine (PS). Both phospholipid nutrients have been shown in numerous studies to have the ability to enhance a variety of brain functions. These nutrients complement each other due to their natural properties. GPC accumulates in very high concentrations within cells, and PS is a component of cellular structure, particularly important for maintaining the ability of brain cells to generate energy and electrical signals. Several studies have shown that GPC and PS help improve memory, learning, and other cognitive functions. PS helps the body deal with occasional stress. It helps improve attention, learning, memory, and other cognitive functions. Improves the brain and body's ability to cope with stress. Helps maintain cell function and regenerate brain circuits. Product Usage: Adult Dosage: Take 2 capsules daily with food or as recommended by a nutritionally informed physician. It is recommended to take it before 4 PM. Ingredients: Hypromellose (vegetable capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate (vegetable), magnesium silicate, silicon dioxide. Note: This product contains natural ingredients so colors may vary. Store in a cool, dry place. Doctor's Best, Natural Brain Nutrition with AlphaSize and SerinAid, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Havasu Nutrition, Apple Vinegar Gummies, Natural Apple Flavor, 500mg, 60 Gummies

53.01 EUR
Havasu Nutrition, Apple Vinegar Gummies, Natural Apple Flavor, 500mg, 60 Gummies

Natural Vitamin E, Natural Vitamin E, Bluebonnet Nutrition 50gelcaps (36393073) 50softgels

35.19 EUR
Natural Vitamin E 400 from Bluebonnet Nutrition - has antioxidant action, immunomodulatory action, protects against oxidative stress Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Vitamin E (in the form of 400 IU d-alpha-tocopherol) 268 mg Mixed tocopherols (Contains d-gamma-tocopherol, d-delta-tocopherol and b-beta-tocopherol) 5 mg Other Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, purified water, soybean oil. Contains: soya beans Contains no milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts or wheat. Also free of corn, yeast, gluten, barley, rice, sodium and sugar. How to use: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule daily or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Calcium, Magnesium Citrate Plus Vitamin D3, Natural Raspberry Flavor, 16 fl oz (472 ml)

60.89 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) daily or as directed by a physician. Can also be used as a source of calcium and magnesium in oven dishes. Shake well before use. Refrigerate after opening. Other ingredients included: Purified water, fructose, citric acid, natural raspberry flavor, xanthan gum, seaweed extract. Free from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soy. Free from yeast, gluten, barley, rice, and sodium. None.Minerals indicate the amount that can be absorbed. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies, Natural Apple Flavor, 90 Vegan Gummies

43.99 EUR
Product Description: With Apple Cider Vinegar and Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Natural Apple Flavor Promotes overall wellness and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels*Suitable for vegetariansContains no artificial colors, flavors or sweetenersCalifornia Gold Nutrition® Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies are made from apples Vinegar and Ginger in a simple and delicious supplement to help promote wellness. Certified by iTested Product usage: Take 2 gummies daily with food or on an empty stomach. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients: Main ingredients Apple cider vinegar (5% acidity), ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) (root) Other ingredients Cane sugar, glucose syrup, purified water, citrus pectin, citric acid, sodium citrate, natural flavor, added color (black carrot) extract, curcumin, spirulina extract), chili pepper, and maple syrup. This product contains milk, eggs, fish, Not manufactured with shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, sesame or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies, Natural Apple Flavor, 90 Vegan Gummies

Натуральный концентрат сывороточного протеина без вкуса, 100% Natural Whey Concentrate, Olimp Nutrition (29283009) 700g Unflavored

57.31 EUR
100% Natural Whey Concentrate от Olimp Nutrition – высококачественное и эффективное средство для наращивания «сухой» мышечной массы Позволяющее восполнить силы организма после тренировок, а также обогатить его необходимыми полезными веществами. Качественный 85% концентрат сывороточного протеина – крайне важный ресурс пищевых белков для людей, занимающихся спортом, бодибилдингом, и ведущих активный образ жизни – для поддержания хорошей физической формы. Имеет огромную энергетическую ценность для организма. Компания Olimp labs производит множество качественных средств, имеющих большую энергетическую ценность, в частности - продукт 100% Natural Whey Concentr, помогающий спортсменам, а также людям, желающим пребывать в отличной физической форме Кроме основной составляющей 85%-го сывороточного концентрата - белков, жиров и углеводов, содержит также аминокислоты BCAA и глютамин. Преимущества 100% Natural Whey Concentrate: высококонцентрированный белок сывороточного концентрата; имеет высокую растворимость; высокую питательную ценность; анаболическая эффективность; богат аминокислотами и глютомином; повышает энергетические и силовые качества; совместим с диетическим питанием. Состав: Состав на порцию 100 г: Энергетическая ценность 1655 кДж / 391 ккал Жир 7 г - из которых насыщенных жирных кислот 4,2 г Углеводы 6 г - из которых сахара 6 г Волокно 1,2 г Белки 77 г Клетчатка 4,2 г Аминокислоты на порцию - 35 г: 27000 мг в том числе: L-глютаминовая кислота 4614 мг L-лейцин 2834 мг L-аспарагиновой кислоты 2837 мг L-лизина 2512 мг L-пролина 1783 мг L-валин 1540 мг L-изолейцин 1695 мг L-треонин 1864 мг L-аланин 1297 мг L-серина 1405 мг L-фенилаланина 864 мг L-тирозин 837 мг L-аргинин 621 мг L-глицина 486 мг L-метионина 567 мг L-гистидина Ингредиенты: 100% концентрат сывороточного протеина (из молока) (содержит лецитины (из сои)). Изготовлено на производственной площадке, которая использует производные молока, яиц, сои, орехов, арахиса, злаков, содержащих глютен, рыбу, ракообразных, моллюсков. Как принимать: 1 порция (35 г, т. е. 2,7 ложки), растворенная в 150-200 мл холодной кипяченой воды, молока и тщательно перемешать. Рекомендуется использовать миксер или шейкер. Не кипятить. Принимать сразу же после приготовления. Предупреждения: Не использовать, если у вас аллергия на какое-либо из соединений. Не превышать рекомендуемую суточную дозу. Проконсультируйтесь с врачом в период беременности или лактации. Пищевые добавки не должны использоваться вместо разнообразной и сбалансированной диеты. Хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте. Защищать от прямых солнечных лучей. Страна-производитель товара: Польша Предназначение протеина: Протеин для роста мышц Назначение: Для набора мышечной массы Содержание жиров: 7% Процент белка в протеинах: 71 - 80 % Возрастная группа: От 18 лет Виды протеинов: Сывороточный...

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Vitamin B12 gummies, natural raspberry flavor, gelatin-free, 3,000 mcg, 90 gummies (1,500 mcg each)

38.02 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: Take 2 gummies daily with food or on an empty stomach. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Main ingredient Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) Other ingredients Cane sugar, glucose syrup (tapioca extract), purified water, citrus pectin, maltodextrin (coating), citric acid, adipic acid, sodium citrate, natural flavoring , black carrot extract, anthocyanin (pigment). This product contains milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, nuts, peanuts, Not manufactured with wheat, soy, sesame or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if pregnant or lactating women. Do not take with other high-dose vitamin B12 products. Especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have a diagnosed medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult with a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic doctor, or other qualified health professional before taking high doses of vitamin B12 to determine the dosage that is right for you. Please do this. This product is sealed and packaged. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Vitamin B12 gummies, natural raspberry flavor, gelatin-free, 3,000 mcg, 90 gummies (1,500 mcg each)

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate & Vitamin D3, Natural Orange Flavor, 16 fl oz (472 ml)

61.11 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate & Vitamin D3, Natural Orange Flavor, 16 fl oz (472 ml)

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Rainforest Animalz, Vitamin D3, Natural Mixed Berry Flavor, 400 IU, 90 Chewable Tablets

36.79 EUR
Product Description: Made with Non-GMO IngredientsWhole Food Fruit and VegetableSupplementGluten-FreeKosher ParveBluebonnet's Rainforest Animalz® Vitamin D3 400 IU (10 mcg) contains vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which is often found in children's diets. Fills nutrient gaps to support strong, healthy bones and immune function with a foundation of super fruits and vegetables. All this in one delicious chew per serving. Directions for Use: As a dietary supplement suitable for children 3 years of age and older, take one chewable tablet daily or as directed by your health care professional. Ingredients: Natural raspberry flavor, natural strawberry flavor, EarthSweet [juice concentrate (wild blueberry, cranberry, plum, cherry, strawberry, grape, raspberry and bilberry fruit, grape seed, raspberry seed extract), sugar cane crystals], vegetable magnesium stearate , Stearic acid milk, eggs, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy free. Yeast, gluten, barley, rice and sodium. No additives Precautions: Caution: Be sure to chew before taking. Do not swallow whole. Store in a cool, dry place with the lid tightly closed. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Rainforest Animalz, Vitamin D3, Natural Mixed Berry Flavor, 400 IU, 90 Chewable Tablets

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Probiotic Gummies with Inulin, Natural Mixed Berry Flavor, 90 Vegan Gummies

56.99 EUR
Product Description: California Gold Nutrition® Probiotic Gummies with Inulin are a blend of healthy berry extracts, probiotics, and inulin in mixed berry flavored gummies flavored with natural flavors. These delicious gummies are a fun daily supplement and are free from gelatin, gluten, genetically modified ingredients and soy.Berry extract blend, inulin and Bacillus coagulansPromotes digestive health*Suitable for vegetarians and vegansArtificial Free from colors, artificial flavors and artificial sweetenersiTested certified coming soon Product usage: Take 2 gummies daily with food or on an empty stomach. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Ingredients: Main ingredients Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), folic acid, berry mixture (organic strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, tart cherry, elderberry, cranberry extract), organic inulin, Bacillus coagulans Other ingredients glucose syrup, cane sugar, purified water , pectin, natural flavor, citric acid, vegetable juice (color), sodium citrate, Vegetable coating (vegetable oil [coconut], carnauba wax). Contains: nuts (coconut). This product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, shellfish, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds, or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Probiotic Gummies with Inulin, Natural Mixed Berry Flavor, 90 Vegan Gummies

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Extra Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil from Norway, Natural Lemon Flavor, 6.7 fl oz (200 ml)

127.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: Take 1 teaspoon daily with food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Main ingredients: Highly refined omega-3 fish oil concentrate, natural flavor, mixed tocopherol. No other ingredients Contained: Fish (anchovies, sardines, mackerel) and soybeans This product contains milk, eggs, shellfish and crustaceans, and nuts. , Not manufactured with peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic diseases, the elderly, minors under 18 years of age, taking prescription medications (e.g. blood thinners), or those diagnosed with certain medical conditions by a doctor, consult a physician, pharmacist, or naturopathic doctor before taking supplements. , or consult a qualified health care professional.Safety sealed for consumer protection. Do not take if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Keep refrigerated after taking. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Norwegian Omega-3 Fish Oil, Natural Lemon Flavor, 180 Softgels

134.79 EUR
Product Description: Fish Gelatin Softgels (Natural Lemon Flavor)Strengthens heart, immune and cognitive health*1500mg total Omega-3 750mg EPA, 500mg DHA per serving California gold Nutrition® Omega-3 Fish Oil is highly purified/concentrated kd-pür® fish Contains oil in the form of triglycerides. Processed in Norway, gluten-free and non-GMO. Certified by iTested Product usage: Take 2 softgels daily with a meal. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Ingredients: Main ingredients: Highly purified Omega 3 fish oil concentrate, fish gelatin softgel (gelatin [catfish/tilapia extract], vegetable glycerin, purified water), natural flavor, mixed tocopherol. No other ingredients. Contains: Fish (anchovies, sardines, mackerel [fish oil], catfish, tilapia [fish gelatin]), soybean This product contains milk, eggs, shellfish and Not manufactured with shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in a cGMP compliant facility audited by a U.S. Food and Drug Administration registered third party that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients.kd-pür® is a registered trademark of KD Pharma. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic diseases, the elderly, minors under 18 years of age, taking prescription medications (e.g. blood thinners), or those diagnosed with certain medical conditions by a doctor, consult a physician, pharmacist, or naturopathic doctor before taking supplements. , or consult a qualified healthcare professional. Product in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Natural color changes may occur. California Gold Nutrition, Norwegian Omega-3 Fish Oil, Natural Lemon Flavor, 180 Softgels

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Children's Vitamin D3, Gelatin Free, Natural Strawberry Flavor, 60 Vegan Gummies

32.69 EUR
Product Description: California Gold Nutrition® Kids Vitamin D3 Gummies are delicious strawberry-flavored gummies that help children consume vitamin D in an easier and more fun way. No Gelatin, Made with Citrus Pectin, Natural Strawberry Flavor, Free of Gluten, Artificial Colors or Sweeteners, Free of High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Certified by iTested Product usage: Children 4 years and older take 1 gummy every day, with or without food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Have children chew the gummies thoroughly before taking them. Ingredients: Main ingredients: Vitamin D (D3, cholecalciferol), sodium Other ingredients: cane sugar, glucose syrup, purified water, citrus pectin, citric acid, adipic acid, lemon juice, sodium citrate, natural flavor, black carrot extract ( coloring). This product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Children's Vitamin D3, Gelatin Free, Natural Strawberry Flavor, 60 Vegan Gummies

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, EarthSweet Chewables, Methylcobalamin, Natural Raspberry Flavor, 1,000 mcg, 60 Chewables

40.49 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 chewable tablet daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: sugar, stearic acid, natural strawberry flavor, natural strawberry flavor, vegetable magnesium stearate, fruit powder (grape and grape seed extract, wild blueberry and wild blueberry extract, raspberry and raspberry seed concentrate, cranberry, plum) , tart cherry, wild bilberry extract, strawberry). Free from: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy. Free from gluten, barley, rice and sodium. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Bluebonnet Nutrition, EarthSweet Chewables, Methylcobalamin, Natural Raspberry Flavor, 1,000 mcg, 60 Chewables

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate Plus Vitamin D3, Natural Mixed Berry Flavor, 16 fl oz (472 ml)

60.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Directions: Take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) daily as a supplement or as directed by your doctor. Shake well before feeding. Keep refrigerated after opening. Other ingredients included: purified water, fructose, citric acid, natural blueberry, raspberry/strawberry flavor, xanthan gum, potassium sorbate (to maintain freshness), carrageenan, milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, nuts, peanuts, wheat, Free from soy and sesame. Contains no gluten, barley or rice. Minerals are expressed as elemental values. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate Plus Vitamin D3, Natural Mixed Berry Flavor, 16 fl oz (472 ml)

BeautyGlam Doctor's Best, Natural Brain Nutrition with AlphaSize and SerinAid, 60 Veggie Capsules

62.69 EUR
Product Description: Science-Based Nutrition™ SupplementSuitable for Vegans, Non-GMO and Gluten-FreeHelps Improve Memory and AttentionDoctor's Best Natural Brain Improvement Supplements Include Glycerophosphocholine (GPC) from AlphaSize® and Phosphatidyl from SerinAid® Contains serine (PS). Both phospholipid nutrients have been shown in numerous studies to have the ability to enhance a variety of brain functions. These nutrients complement each other due to their natural properties. GPC accumulates in very high concentrations within cells, and PS is a component of cellular structure, particularly important for maintaining the ability of brain cells to generate energy and electrical signals. Several studies have shown that GPC and PS help improve memory, learning, and other cognitive functions. PS helps the body deal with occasional stress. It helps improve attention, learning, memory, and other cognitive functions. Improves the brain and body's ability to cope with stress. Helps maintain cell function and regenerate brain circuits. Product Usage: Adult Dosage: Take 2 capsules daily with food or as recommended by a nutritionally informed physician. It is recommended to take it before 4 PM. Ingredients: Hypromellose (vegetable capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate (vegetable), magnesium silicate, silicon dioxide. Note: This product contains natural ingredients so colors may vary. Store in a cool, dry place. Doctor's Best, Natural Brain Nutrition with AlphaSize and SerinAid, 60 Veggie Capsules

MAV Nutrition, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Triple Strength, Natural Lemon Flavor, 120 Softgels

82.25 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Directions: Take 3 softgels daily with a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: gelatin, glycerin, purified water, natural lemon oil. Contains: fish (anchovies). Precautions: Take only according to the product instructions. If you are trying to conceive, are pregnant or lactating, have a medical condition, or are taking medication, consult your healthcare professional before use. This product is for adults only. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Norwegian Triglycerides, Natural Lemon Flavor, 16.9 fl oz (500 ml)

134.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: Take 1 teaspoon daily with food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Main ingredients: Highly purified omega-3 fish oil concentrate, natural flavors, mixed tocopherols. No other ingredients. Ingredients: Fish (anchovies, sardines, mackerel) and soybeans. This product contains milk, eggs, shellfish and crustaceans, and nuts. , Not manufactured with peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in a cGMP compliant facility audited by a U.S. Food and Drug Administration registered third party that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients.kd-pür® is a registered trademark of KD Pharma. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic diseases, the elderly, minors under 18 years of age, taking prescription medications (e.g. blood thinners), or those diagnosed with certain medical conditions by a doctor, consult a physician, pharmacist, or naturopathic doctor before taking supplements. , or consult a qualified health care professional.Safety sealed for consumer protection. Do not take if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Keep refrigerated after taking. Natural color change may occur. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam Zhou Nutrition, Methyl B-12, Natural Cherry Flavor, 5,000 mcg, 60 Mini Lozenges

42.48 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Place one micro lozenge tablet under the tongue and dissolve or chew slowly. Take once daily or as needed. Be sure to take it only as directed. Other ingredients included: xylitol, organic inulin, citric acid, silica, added natural cherry flavor and other natural flavors, stearic acid. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a known medical condition, consult your physician before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Zhou Nutrition, Methyl B-12, Natural Cherry Flavor, 5,000 mcg, 60 Mini Lozenges

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Fiber Gummies, Natural Blackberry, Peach, and Raspberry Flavors, 90 Vegetarian Gummies

47.99 EUR
Product Description: Natural blackberry, peach and raspberry flavorsMade with citrus pectinFree from gelatin, non-GMO and glutenFree from artificial colors, flavors and sweetenersCalifornia Gold Nutrition® Fiber Gummies are a water-soluble plant-based prebiotic derived from chicory Contains inulin, a fiber. Certified by iTested. Product usage: Take 2 gummies daily with food or on an empty stomach. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients: Main ingredient Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) (extracted from enzyme hydrolyzed chicory root inulin) Other ingredients Cane sugar, purified water, citrus pectin, citric acid, sodium citrate, beta-carotene (color), vegetable juice color (black carrot extract) ), and natural flavors. This product contains milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds, and gluten. Not manufactured. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Fiber Gummies, Natural Blackberry, Peach, and Raspberry Flavors, 90 Vegan Gummies

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Cod Liver Oil, Norwegian Triglycerides, Natural Lemon Flavor, 6.7 fl oz (200 ml)

63.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: Take 1 teaspoon daily with food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Main ingredients: Vitamin A, Vitamin D. Other ingredients: Cod liver oil, natural flavors, and mixed tocopherols. Contains: Fish (cod) and soybeans. kd-pür® is a registered trademark of KD Pharma. This product Not manufactured with milk, eggs, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or lactating, have a chronic medical condition, are elderly, minors under 18 years of age, are taking prescription medications (e.g. blood thinners), or have been diagnosed by a doctor as having a specific medical condition, take supplements before taking this supplement. Consult your physician, pharmacist, naturopathic doctor or other qualified health professional. Product in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Keep refrigerated after taking. Natural color change may occur. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Cranberry and Probiotic Gummies, Natural Cranberry, 90 Vegan Gummies

66.99 EUR
Product Description: Suitable for Vegetarians and VegansFree of gelatin, gluten, non-GMO or soyFree of artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners California Gold Nutrition® Cranberry & Probiotic Gummies are made with a blend of cranberries and Bacillus coagulans. Contains urinary tract, digestive and immune system health. *Verified by iTested ​ Product usage: Take 2 gummies daily with food or on an empty stomach. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Ingredients: Main ingredients cranberry concentrate (natural fruit), fructooligosaccharide (FOS extracted from inulin), Bacillus coagulans Other ingredients tapioca syrup, cane sugar, purified water, pectin, natural flavor, citric acid, vegetable juice (coloring), Sodium citrate, vegetable coating (vegetable oil [coconut], carnauba wax). Contains: Tree Nuts (Coconut): This product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Cranberry and Probiotic Gummies, Natural Cranberry, 90 Vegan Gummies

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Children's Chewable Vitamin D3, Natural Cherry Flavor, 12.5 mcg (500 IU), 90 Vegan Tablets

34.29 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: Children 4 years and older, chew and take 1 tablet daily, regardless of meal. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Have children chew the tablets thoroughly before taking them. Other ingredients included: Main ingredient Vitamin D (vitamin D3, cholecalciferol) Other ingredients Cane sugar, beet juice powder (coloring), stearic acid, citric acid, natural flavor, magnesium stearate, guar gum, fructose, xylitol .This product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, sesame or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health professional before taking any supplements.Safety sealed product. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Children's Chewable Vitamin D3, Natural Cherry Flavor, 12.5 mcg (500 IU), 90 Vegan Tablets

BeautyGlam Doctor's Best, Natural Brain Nutrition with AlphaSize and SerinAid, 60 Veggie Capsules

68.99 EUR
Product Description: Science-Based Nutrition™ SupplementSuitable for Vegans, Non-GMO and Gluten-FreeHelps Improve Memory and AttentionDoctor's Best Natural Brain Improvement Supplements Include Glycerophosphocholine (GPC) from AlphaSize® and Phosphatidyl from SerinAid® Contains serine (PS). Both phospholipid nutrients have been shown in numerous studies to have the ability to enhance a variety of brain functions. These nutrients complement each other due to their natural properties. GPC accumulates in very high concentrations within cells, and PS is a component of cellular structure, particularly important for maintaining the ability of brain cells to generate energy and electrical signals. Several studies have shown that GPC and PS help improve memory, learning, and other cognitive functions. PS helps the body deal with occasional stress. It helps improve attention, learning, memory, and other cognitive functions. Improves the brain and body's ability to cope with stress. Helps maintain cell function and regenerate brain circuits. Product Usage: Adult Dosage: Take 2 capsules daily with food or as recommended by a nutritionally informed physician. It is recommended to take it before 4 PM. Ingredients: Hypromellose (vegetable capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate (vegetable), magnesium silicate, silicon dioxide. Note: This product contains natural ingredients so colors may vary. Store in a cool, dry place. Doctor's Best, Natural Brain Nutrition with AlphaSize and SerinAid, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Children's Vitamin C, Gelatin Free, Natural Orange Flavor, 60 Vegan Gummies

32.76 EUR
Product Description: California Gold Nutrition® Kids Vitamin C Gummies are convenient, delicious, natural orange flavored gummies with vitamin C and rose hips. Suitable for vegetarians. Contains no gelatin, gluten, genetically modified ingredients, or soy. No artificial colors, sweeteners, or sweeteners. High-fructose corn syrup-free iTested certified Product usage: Children 4 years and older take 1 gummy every day, with or without food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Have children chew the gummies thoroughly before taking them. ingredients: Main ingredients Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), rose hip (Rosa canina) extract (fruit) 3:1 Other ingredients: cane sugar, glucose syrup, purified water, citrus pectin, citric acid, sodium citrate, natural flavor, beta-carotene (color) ).This product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, sesame or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Children's Vitamin C, Gelatin Free, Natural Orange Flavor, 60 Vegan Gummies

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Children's Liquid Gold C, Vitamin C, USP Grade, Natural Orange Flavor, 4 fl oz (118 ml)

35.92 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- California Gold Nutrition, Children's Liquid Gold C, Vitamin C, USP Grade, Natural Orange Flavor, 4 fl oz (118 ml)

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops, Natural Citrus Flavor, 2000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

60.69 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1 drop daily or as directed by your physician. Other ingredients included: Medium chain triglycerides, orange and lemon essential oils. Contains no milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or soy. It's also free from yeast, gluten, barley, rice, sodium and sugar. Precautions: Keep out of reach of children and do not take more than the dosage recommended in the instructions or given by your doctor. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops, Natural Citrus Flavor, 2000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Vitamin C gummies, natural orange flavor, gelatin-free, 90 gummies

43.89 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: Take 3 gummies daily with food or on an empty stomach. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Main ingredients Vitamin A (100% beta-carotene), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Other ingredients Cane sugar, tapioca syrup, purified water, pectin (from apples and/or citrus fruits), sodium citrate, natural Fragrance, vegetable coating (vegetable oil [from coconut and/or palm], carnauba wax), citric acid. Contains: Tree Nuts (Coconut): This product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not use if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Vitamin C gummies, natural orange flavor, gelatin-free, 90 gummies

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3 Candy, Natural Citrus Flavor, 1,000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

51.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1 drop daily or as directed by a physician. Other ingredients included: Medium chain triglycerides, orange and lemon essential oils. Does not contain milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or legumes. It's also free from yeast, gluten, barley, rice, sodium and sugar. Precautions: Keep out of reach of children and do not take more than the dosage recommended in the instructions or given by your doctor. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3 Candy, Natural Citrus Flavor, 1,000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Super Earth, Rainforest Animalz, Vitamin C, natural orange flavor, 90 animal-shaped chewables

45.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Product usage: As a supplement suitable for children over 3 years of age, take 2 animal-shaped chewable tablets once a day or as directed by a doctor. Other ingredients included: Natural Orange Flavor, Natural Vanilla Flavor, EarthSweet [Juice Concentrate (wild blueberry, cranberry, plum, cherry, strawberry, grape, raspberry and bilberry fruit, grapeseed raspberry seed extract), cane crystals], botanicals. Magnesium stearate, stearic acid. Free from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish and shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy. Yeast, gluten, barley, rice and sodium. Contain-free. Precautions: Caution: Chew thoroughly before taking. Do not swallow whole. Store in a cool, dry place with the lid tightly closed. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Super Earth, Rainforest Animalz, Vitamin C, natural orange flavor, 90 animal-shaped chewables

Oxyde de magnésium, magnésium extra fort 500, Mason Natural 100 comprimés (36529050) 100tab

23.69 EUR
Complément alimentaire pour la santé Extra Fort Magnésium 500 de la marque américaine Mason Natural ! Le magnésium est au centre de nombreux processus qui nécessitent la contraction et la relaxation des muscles lisses et squelettiques.. Il est essentiel dans le processus d'expiration dans les poumons, de relaxation du muscle cardiaque, d'autorégulation de la pression artérielle par les vaisseaux sanguins et bien sûr de relaxation de vos muscles squelettiques.. Lorsque les tissus musculaires squelettiques et lisses se contractent, les poumons expirent, le cœur expulse le sang de ses cavités et les vaisseaux sanguins se contractent.. Mais ils ne peuvent pas se contracter constamment, ils ont besoin de se détendre et de se détendre, et pour cela ils ont besoin de magnésium.. Tout cela se produit grâce à un processus appelé contraction nerveuse, et cela est nécessaire à la vie.. En plus de ces fonctions essentielles, le magnésium joue un rôle dans plusieurs centaines de processus biochimiques, notamment la transformation hormonale, l’activation des neurotransmetteurs, le passage des minéraux à travers les membranes cellulaires, la synthèse des glucides et des protéines, et bien d’autres. Composition: Ingrédients par portion - 1 comprimé: Magnésium (sous forme d'oxyde de magnésium) 500 mg Autres ingrédients: cellulose microcristalline, malodextrine, croscarmellose sodique, acide stéarique, hydroxypropylcellulose, stéarate de magnésium végétal, silice, dioxyde de titane, triacétate de glycéryle. Convient aux végétariens. Comment utiliser: Les adultes prennent 1 comprimé par jour, de préférence avec de la nourriture, comme complément alimentaire. Mises en garde: Ne pas utiliser si vous êtes allergique à l'un des composés. Ne pas dépasser la portion quotidienne recommandée. Consulter un médecin pendant la grossesse ou l'allaitement. Les compléments alimentaires ne doivent pas être utilisés comme substitut d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée.. Garder hors de la portée des enfants. Conserver dans un endroit sec et frais. Protéger des rayons directs du soleil.

N2 Natural Nutrition Collagène Marin avec Acide Hyaluronique 150 gélules

24.95 EUR
Collagène marin avec acide hyaluronique pour les soins de la peau, des cheveux et des articulations - PEAU : il restaure l'élasticité et l'hydratation de notre peau, qui tend à s'estomper avec l'âge. Il rajeunit le visage et réduit la présence de rides. - ARTICULATIONS : elle maintient les articulations lubrifiées et donc flexibles. - OSSE : il contribue à augmenter la densité minérale osseuse. LE COLLAGÈNE PEPTAN D'ORIGINE MARINE EST DE LA PLUS HAUTE QUALITÉ, ENRICHI EN VITAMINE C, MAGNÉSIUM ET ACIDE HYALURONIQUE. Ce supplément de collagène marin est idéal pour : - Traiter les signes du vieillissement. Le collagène marin Peptan, selon des études cliniques, restaure l'élasticité de la peau et réduit les rides. - Les athlètes : le sport peut endommager les articulations ; la prise de collagène peut prévenir leur détérioration. Le collagène marin Peptan de N2 Natural Nutrition contient : - Un complément alimentaire à base de collagène hydrolysé, de vitamine C et d'acide hyaluronique. - De la vitamine C qui contribue à la formation normale de collagène pour le fonctionnement normal des vaisseaux sanguins, des os, du cartilage, des gencives, de la peau et des dents.

N2 Natural Nutrition Collagène avec et acide hyaluronique 90 gélules

24.95 EUR
Supplément de collagène marin hydrolysé Peptan qui combine les meilleurs ingrédients pour hydrater et prendre soin de la peau en profondeur. - FORMULATION EXCLUSIVE AVEC CERAMIDES, RETINOL ET ACIDE HYALURONIQUE : combinaison des meilleurs ingrédients pour une hydratation supérieure de la peau. - EFFET ANTI-RIDES, ANTI-RELÂCHEMENT ET ANTI-ÂGE : aide à rajeunir notre corps, en renouvelant la peau et en la rendant plus élastique et plus ferme. - AIDE A ENTRETENIR LA PEAU : renforce les propriétés de rétention d'eau de la peau grâce aux céramides et à l'acide hyaluronique. En vieillissant, la peau devient plus fine et plus fragile, perd sa couche protectrice de graisse et la production de collagène diminue. La peau a besoin de soins préventifs avant que les premiers signes comme les rides ou le relâchement cutané n'apparaissent. Ce supplément est idéal pour : - Rajeunir notre corps en renouvelant la peau, en la rendant plus élastique et plus ferme. - Protéger le derme contre les dommages oxydatifs et retenir l'humidité de la peau grâce aux céramides. - Prendre soin de la peau grâce à des ingrédients naturels tels que le collagène marin, le rétinol, la niacine et la vitamine C, qui ont un effet anti-âge, anti-rides et anti-relâchement.

N2 Natural Nutrition Probiotique Symbiotics 150 flore et transit 90 gélules

29.95 EUR
AMÉLIORE LE SYSTÈME DIGESTIF ET RÉGULE LA FLORE INTESTINALE. Le supplément probiotique Symbiotics 150 est un traitement à puissance élevée pour : - ÉQUILIBRER L'ORGANISME : les bactéries bénéfiques aident à réguler l'équilibre du microbiote et de la flore intestinale. En outre, il peut améliorer l'inconfort du côlon irritable et les gaz. - AMÉLIORER LES DÉFENSES : contient du zinc, un puissant antioxydant qui aide à renforcer les défenses du système immunitaire et contribue également à son bon fonctionnement. - RENFORCER LE SYSTÈME DIGESTIF : favorise l'absorption des aliments et aide le système digestif. 150 MILLIARDS DE CFU DE 20 SOUCHES PROBIOTIQUES ET INULINE + ZINC. La présence de probiotiques et prébiotiques intestinaux a un impact décisif sur l'ensemble de l'organisme. Prendre un complément probiotique naturel tous les jours : - Soutient les processus dans lesquels les enzymes digestives et le microbiote sont impliqués. - Améliore la santé intestinale et la digestion. Le complément probiotique Symbiotics 150 de N2 Natural Nutrition constitue un traitement de choc efficace pour réguler rapidement la flore intestinale et le transit intestinal. Contient : - Une haute concentration de bactéries probiotiques, 150 milliards de CFU, pour aider à équilibrer la flore intestinale et le transit. - Un mélange symbiotique de 20 souches probiotiques. - Le zinc, un puissant antioxydant essentiel pour le système cognitif et nerveux et pour la détoxification du foie. Soutient le système immunitaire.

N2 Natural Nutrition Collagène Marin 60 capsules

14.95 EUR
Collagène marin avec acide hyaluronique pour les soins de la peau, des cheveux et des articulations - PEAU : il restaure l'élasticité et l'hydratation de notre peau, qui tend à s'estomper avec l'âge. Il rajeunit le visage et réduit la présence de rides. - ARTICULATIONS : elle maintient les articulations lubrifiées et donc flexibles. - OS : il contribue à augmenter la densité minérale osseuse. LE COLLAGÈNE PEPTAN D'ORIGINE MARINE EST DE LA PLUS HAUTE QUALITÉ, ENRICHI EN VITAMINE C, MAGNÉSIUM ET ACIDE HYALURONIQUE. Ce supplément de collagène marin est idéal pour : - Traiter les signes du vieillissement. Le collagène marin Peptan, selon des études cliniques, restaure l'élasticité de la peau et réduit les rides. - Les athlètes : le sport peut endommager les articulations ; la prise de collagène peut prévenir leur détérioration. Le collagène marin Peptan de N2 Natural Nutrition contient : - Un complément alimentaire à base de collagène hydrolysé, de vitamine C et d'acide hyaluronique. - De la vitamine C qui contribue à la formation normale de collagène pour le fonctionnement normal des vaisseaux sanguins, des os, du cartilage, des gencives, de la peau et des dents.

N2 Natural Nutrition Booster de Testostérone 60 capsules

15.95 EUR
BOOSTER DE TESTOSTÉRONE, REVIGORANT NATUREL, AMÉLIORE LES PERFORMANCES PHYSIQUES - BOOSTER DE TESTOSTERONE : il aide à augmenter les niveaux de testostérone, en augmentant le désir et en améliorant les relations, en plus d'être bénéfique pour la fertilité. - PERFORMANCE PHYSIQUE ET MUSCLE : ses ingrédients naturels tels que la Taurine, la Maca, le Zinc ou le Ginseng aident à améliorer les performances sportives et la récupération musculaire. - AUGMENTE LES NIVEAUX D'ÉNERGIE : La testostérone, en tant que tonifiant, contribue de manière fondamentale à augmenter la vitalité et l'énergie. LE MEILLEUR SUPPLÉMENT DE TESTOSTÉRONE AVEC DES INGRÉDIENTS NATURELS DE LA PLUS HAUTE QUALITÉ À partir de 30 ans, la production naturelle de testostérone diminue, il est donc conseillé de compléter le métabolisme pour pallier d'éventuelles carences. Recommandé pour : - Les hommes qui veulent améliorer leurs relations et leur vigueur. - Pour tous ceux qui pratiquent un sport et qui veulent avoir un surplus d'énergie en soulageant les symptômes d'épuisement et avoir une récupération musculaire optimale. - Ceux qui cherchent à augmenter la masse musculaire et la force physique. Le supplément de testostérone N2 Natural Nutrition contient : - Un supplément à base de plantes (Maca, Fenugrec, Ginseng), de minéraux et de L-Taurine. - Le zinc contribue au maintien d'un niveau normal de testostérone.

BeautyGlam Super Nutrition, Vitamin K2, 60 Veggie Capsules

48.04 EUR
Product Description: Vitamin K2 in Veggie Capsules 45 mcg Vitamin K2 per serving Made with VitaMK7® Bioavailable Vitamin K2 Suitable for Vegetarians Free from Gluten and GMOProduced in a cGMP certified facility Certified by iTested Super Nutrition® Vitamin K2 is made in Italy It is produced through a natural fermentation process with USP grade vitamin K2 (vitaMK7®). A member of the vitamin K family, this fat-soluble compound promotes bone health and enhances antioxidant properties. Vitamin K2 helps maintain strong bones at all ages and is available in a highly bioavailable form (menaquinone-7) in convenient vegetable capsules. iTested certification coming soon Product usage: Take 1 capsule daily with food. ingredients: Main ingredient Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) Other ingredients Microcrystalline cellulose, modified cellulose (hypromellose vegetable capsule), maltodextrin, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide (silica). Ingredients: Soy-free. : Not manufactured with milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in a U.S. Food and Drug Administration registered third party audited, cGMP compliant facility that processes other products containing allergens or ingredients. Made and quality tested in the USA from ingredients sourced from around the world. . Vitamin K2 is an Italian product. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Natural color change may occur in this product. Super Nutrition, Vitamin K2, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Women's Fermented Multi, 60 Capsules

98.11 EUR
Product Description: Made with natural food nutrientsVegan productReal FoodOptimized for absorptionThis natural food supplement is a fermented multivitamin for women that contains vitamins, minerals, and superfood ingredients whose efficacy has been proven over a long period of time to supplement the nutrients lacking in modern people. It was manufactured with Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules per day. Ingredients: Hypromellose, peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soybeans, wheat, sesame seeds, shellfish and crustaceans, fish, eggs. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place. Caution: Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Women's Fermented Multi, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, CholesteRice, 90 Veggie Capsules

130.99 EUR
Product Description: Non-GMO Red Yeast Yeast, CoQ10, Polychosanol, Pantetheine and Plant Sterols Dietary Supplement Healthy Heart Food Vegan Kosher Parve Gluten FreeBluebonnet's CholesteRice Capsules contain red yeast rice, plant sterols, pantetheine and natural trans isomer Coenzyme Q- 10 and sugarcane from which polychosanol is derived. This unique formula helps maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range. Available in easy-to-swallow vegetable capsules for maximum absorption and integration. Product Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a medical professional. Ingredients: Kosher vegetable capsule, calcium phosphate, vegetable cellulose, vegetable magnesium stearate. Contents: Beans. Free from milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts and wheat. It's also free from corn, gluten, barley, sodium and sugar. Precautions: Caution: Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or trying to become pregnant. If you are taking prescription medications, tell your doctor before use. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Cholester Rice, 90 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, SBO Probiotic Trinity, 60 Capsules

127.99 EUR
Product Description: 20 Billion CFU¹ Probiotic + 20 Billion Parabiotic + Prebiotic & Postbiotic Blend Natural Food SupplementSBO (soil microorganisms) are shelf-stable bacteria that thrive in the intestines. SBO Probiotic with prebiotics and postbiotics helps promote digestive and immune system health.¹Based on point of production Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules per day. Ingredients: Hypromellose, organic carnauba (Copernicia cerifera) wax Ingredients: Milk, peanuts, nuts, milk, soybeans, wheat, sesame seeds, shellfish and crustaceans, fish, eggs. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place. Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, SBO Probiotic Trinity, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam EVLution Nutrition, Trans4orm, Energy Delivery and Weight Management, 60 Veggie Capsules

44.99 EUR
Directions for use: As a supplement, take one serving of Trans4orm® per day with a meal. Drink eight glasses of water a day to promote overall health. Other ingredients included: green tea leaf extract, bitter orange peel powder, natural caffeine (coffee bean extract), choline tartrate, l-tyrosine, niacin (niacinamide), hypromellose (veggie capsule), magnesium stearate ( anti-coagulant), silicon dioxide, black pepper (Piper nigrum) fruit extract (BioPerine®), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL), Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), Colors (Titanium Dioxide, Brilliant Blue, and Allura Red AC). This product is manufactured in the United States and distributed in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) registered facility. and is manufactured and contains American and imported raw materials. Precautions: Do not exceed 300mg of caffeine per day. Do not take if under 18 years of age. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Do not consume caffeine from coffee, tea, soda, other supplements or other sources, including but not limited to medications containing phenylephrine or caffeine. Do not take for more than 8 weeks. Consult your doctor before taking if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications, including MAO inhibitors, antidepressants, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or other stimulants. Before taking this product if you have a medical condition including but not limited to heart, liver, kidney, or thyroid disease, mental or epileptic disorder, urinary disorder, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, recurrent headaches, enlarged prostate, or glaucoma. Consult your doctor. Stop taking this medication 2 weeks before surgery or if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache, or shortness of breath. Keep out of reach of children. Allura Red AC may negatively affect activity and attention in children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The expiration date can be found on the bottom of the container. Store in a cool, dry place. High in caffeine (200 mg per serving). Not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. EVLution Nutrition, Trans4orm, Energy Delivery and Weight Management, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Vitamin C and Probiotic, 60 Capsules

63.19 EUR
Product Description: Dr. Ax Formula Daily nutrient standard 900mg (1,000%) Helps maintain healthy immunity Natural food supplement Strengthens immunity Supports digestive function 2 billion CFU * The active ingredients in the carefully selected capsules are used directly in the body to further strengthen immunity. Bacillus subtilis is a soil-based probiotic strain known to withstand heat, bile, and stomach acid while providing benefits such as healthy immune response, immune defense, and promoting a healthy immune system and digestive function. This clinically tested vitamin C supports healthy immune defense and function, antioxidant activity, and skin function. *Based on time of manufacture. Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules per day with 8 oz of water, juice, coffee or tea. Ingredients: Maltodextrin, hypromellose, acacia gum. Precautions: As with any supplement, consult your doctor before taking this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or treating a medical condition. If you are currently receiving HIV treatment, chemotherapy, or allograft treatment, do not take this medication without consulting your doctor. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place.Caution: Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Vitamin C and Probiotic, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam EVLution Nutrition, NiteLean, 45 Veggie Capsules

72.96 EUR
Product Description: Supports Nighttime Weight LossNatural Sleep SupportNight-Time MetabolismFat Burning SupportAppetite Enhancement SupplementProduced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certified FacilityNiteLean® Nighttime Weight Loss Featured Product Statistics: Natural Sleep AidOvernight Fat Burner Improves appetite Gluten-free Product Directions: As a supplement, take one serving of NITELEAN® 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime or as directed by your healthcare professional. Take only as directed, not exceeding 1 serving per day. Ingredients: Hypromellose (veggie capsule), magnesium stearate. This product is produced in the United States, distributed and manufactured in a (GMP) certified facility, and contains American and imported ingredients. Precautions: Take only 1 capsule per day. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking antidepressants or stimulant medications, consult your doctor before taking this product. Do not take if you are under 18 years of age. If you experience adverse reactions to this product, stop taking it and contact your healthcare professional. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Do not drive or operate machinery while taking this product. EVLution Nutrition, NiteLean, 45 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Sleep, Stress & Sleep Support, 60 Capsules

72.79 EUR
Product Description: Maximized Absorption Formula Natural Food Supplement Helping you get the rest you need, this sleep supplement is a time-tested superfood optimized for absorption. Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules once a day. Ingredients: Hypromellose. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place. Caution: Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Sleep, Stress & Sleep Support, 60 Capsules

Aarshaveda Gluco Ease Plus Diabetic Protein Powder Nutrition Health Drink Supplement for Diabetes Care 200 G

31.88 EUR
About this item 100% Natural Daily Diabetic Care Contains High Levels Of Soluble Fibre And Much Lower Levels Carbohydrate & Calories Ingredients : Bajra Millet Flaxseed Kodo millet Sunflower Seed Chia Seed Green Jackfruit Powder Foxtail Millet CLEAN INGREDIENTS – Certified USDA Organic Ingredients, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Vegan Friendly. No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives EASY TO USE - Can be added to any daily meal like bread, porridge or shake. Ingredients : Vegetarian Manufacturer country : india

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Earth Sweet® Chewables, Vitamins B6, B12 and Folic Acid, Raspberry Flavor, 60 Chewable Tablets

54.16 EUR
Product Description: VeganGluten-FreeKosher ParvCellular Energy Production and Nervous System HealthSupplementWith Other Natural FlavorsBluebonnet's EarthSweet® Chewable Vitamin B6, B12 and Folic Acid Tablets provide crystalline vitamin B-6 to support cellular energy production and nervous system health. Formulated in a delicious raspberry flavor with (pyridoxine HCl), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) and folic acid. Sweetened with EarthSweet®, a unique sweetener blended with lychee powder and sugar cane crystals. Product Usage: As a dietary supplement, take one chewable tablet daily or as directed by a physician. Ingredients: Sugar, natural raspberry flavor, natural strawberry flavor, vegetable magnesium stearate, stearic acid, fruit powder (grape and grape seed extract, wild blueberry and wild blueberry extract, raspberry and raspberry seed concentrate, cranberry, plum, tart) Cherry, wild bilberry and wild bilberry extract, strawberry).Free from: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, Free from peanuts, wheat, soy and sesame. Gluten, barley, rice and sodium. Caution: Close the lid tightly and store in a cool, dry place. This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Earth Sweet® Chewables, Vitamins B6, B12 and Folic Acid, Raspberry Flavor, 60 Chewable Tablets

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Fermented Multivitamin for Men, 60 Capsules

106.26 EUR
Product Description: Made with natural food nutrients. Vegan product. Real Food. Optimized for absorption. Natural food supplement. Fermented multivitamin contains vitamins, minerals, and superfood ingredients whose effectiveness has been proven over time to fill the nutrients lacking in the modern diet. It was manufactured with Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules per day. Ingredients: Hypromellose, peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soybeans, wheat, sesame seeds, shellfish and crustaceans, fish, eggs. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place. Caution: Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Fermented Multivitamin for Men, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Helical Mane Mushroom, Improves Clear Mind and Concentration, 30 Tablets

78.6 EUR
Product Description: Optimized for AbsorptionUSDA Organic Natural Food Supplement Certified Organic by CCOFOur Organic Hericium Manis Tablets combine the cognitive-boosting Helical Mandarin Mushroom with multi-beneficial Ashwagandha root and leaf extracts. It promotes clarity of mind and focus, relieves stress and helps maintain healthy energy. Product usage: Adults, take 1 tablet once a day. Ingredients: Organic maltodextrin, organic acacia gum, organic carnauba wax, organic agaveinulin, organic guar gum, organic sunflower lecithin, organic glycerin, organic rice bran concentrate. Precautions: As with any supplement, consult your doctor before taking this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or treating a medical condition. If you are currently receiving HIV treatment, chemotherapy, or allograft treatment, do not take this medication without consulting your doctor. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place. Caution: Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Helical Mane Mushroom, Improves Clear Mind and Concentration, 30 Tablets

Arginine capsules, ArgiPower 1500, Olimp Nutrition (27283008) 120caps

42.79 EUR
ArgiPower 1500 from Olimp Nutrition is a natural, highly effective L-arginine that professional athletes use as a nitric oxide activator. (NO) To improve physical performance and achieve incredible athletic results. How pure pharmaceutical form of L-arginine provides maximum effect and is fully absorbed by the body. Each capsule, thanks to Mega CAPS® technology, contains 1500 mg of pure raw material. Arginine plays an important role in the normal course of many physiological processes. Especially those that are associated with physical exercise or the implementation of metabolic functions. Action of ArgiPower 1500: • Significant increase in endurance and strength; • Increase the intensity and duration of each workout; • Manifestation of a pump effect and increased visibility of veins; • Improvement of intracerebral and intramuscular blood circulation; • Reducing the load on the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract; • Increased mental concentration and mental focus; • Cleansing muscle cells of lactic acid and recycled ammonia; • Increases the synthesis of natural growth hormone and insulin. Additionally, arginine is often used as a transport amino acid for the delivery of other active substances, for example in pre-workout or creatine complexes.. Its ability to enhance the pumping of nutrients allows you to saturate cells with nutrients much faster and increase their efficiency. It has a powerful anabolic effect by stimulating the production of somatotropin and insulin.. Each serving of ArgiPower 1500 allows you to fully cover the body's need for arginine, even taking into account active loads. Benefits of ArgiPower 1500 by Olimp Nutrition: • Increased dosage of concentrated L-arginine; • No extra ingredients; • No contraindications; • Ideal for athletes; • Convenient tablet form of administration. Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: L-arginine - 1500 mg Other Ingredients: L-arginine, filler - microcrystalline cellulose, clumping, caking or caking inhibitor - magnesium stearate; capsule - gelatin. How to use: 1 capsule daily before training and before physical activity. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Sunflower Vitamin E, with Mixed Tocopherols, 400 IU, 90 Veggie Softgels

63.06 EUR
Product Description: Contains mixed tocopherols: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma Natural antioxidants derived from sunflowers Supports protection against free radicals*Suitable for vegetariansCalifornia Gold Nutrition® Sunflower Vitamin E contains the powerful vitamin E molecule extracted from sunflowers. Verified and tested Directions for use: Take 1 softgel daily with food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients : Main ingredients: Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopherol), mixed tocopherols (D-alpha, D-beta, D-gamma, D-delta) Other ingredients: Veggie softgels (non-GMO vegetable starch, vegetable glycerin, carrageenan) , purified water, sorbitol) and sunflower seed oil. Not manufactured with milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, sesame or gluten. It wasn't. Produced in an FDA registered, third party audited and cGMP compliant facility, we can process other products containing these allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic illnesses, the elderly, people under 18 years of age, people taking prescription drugs (e.g. blood thinners), and people with a medical condition diagnosed by a doctor should consult their doctor, pharmacist, or natural medicine doctor before taking dietary supplements. You should consult a therapist or other qualified health professional. Sealed for your protection. Do not use if hermetic seal is missing or broken. Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Sunflower Vitamin E, with Mixed Tocopherols, 400 IU, 90 Veggie Softgels

BeautyGlam Raw Nutrition, Test, 240 Capsules

121.99 EUR
Product Description: Support Male Sexual HealthTestosterone Boosting FormulaSupplementKSM-66 Ashwagandha®Good Manufacturing and Quality Control Practices (GMP) CompliantRaw Nutrition's Test is a powerful natural testosterone booster that helps support muscle growth, improve athletic performance, and overall health Manage . Test can help you improve muscle mass, strength, and endurance by increasing your testosterone levels. Available in convenient, easy-to-swallow capsules, Test is the perfect supplement to help you achieve your fitness goals and promote overall health and wellness. . And its vegan-friendly, non-GMO formula makes it safe to consume. RAW Test is formulated with powerful ingredients such as ByroViron®, KSM-66®, Muira Puama and Rosemary Leaf (standardized with ursolic acid) . How to use the product: It is most effective when taken twice a day, 4 capsules, or once a day, 8 capsules. Ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (veggie capsule), magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Allergenic ingredient information: Contains milk, soybeans, eggs, wheat, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Manufactured in a facility that processes products containing Note: This product is for healthy adults only and is not recommended for people under 18 years of age. Do not take with prescription medications or consult a doctor or pharmacist. Do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of children.California Proposition 65 WARNING: Consumption of this product can expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and reproductive harm. Raw Nutrition, Test, 240 Capsules

BeautyGlam Bio Nutrition, Bee Propolis, 60 Capsules

36.99 EUR
Product Description: Natural Defense Immune Strengthening SupplementBio Nutrition uses only the highest quality propolis. Bee propolis is known to help the body build its own natural defense system. Directions for use: Take two capsules daily with a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Gelatin, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate (vegetable). Free from wheat, yeast, gluten, salt, starch, sugar, lactose, fish, preservatives, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, and most common allergens. Contains. Manufactured in the United States with imported raw materials. Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, be sure to consult a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Tamper-proof packaging. Do not take if outer safety seal is damaged or missing. Bio Nutrition, Bee Propolis, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam EVLution Nutrition, Cleansing Mode, Apple Cider Vinegar, 60 Veggie Capsules

31.47 EUR
Product Description: Natural CleanserPromotes Digestive FunctionSupplementWeight LossStimulant-Free Weight ManagementWhen combined with proper diet and exercise, apple cider vinegar can help: Normal Digestive FunctionCleanse the BodyWeight ManagementGluten-Free/Vegan Product Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule daily with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or as directed by a healthcare professional or licensed nutritionist. Ingredients: Hypromellose (veggie capsule), rice flour. This product is produced in the United States, distributed and manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) registered facility and contains U.S. and imported ingredients. Precautions: Do not take if already taking prescription medication or any type of medication, if you are under 18 years of age, or if you are planning to become pregnant, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of children and pets. EVLution Nutrition, Cleansing Mode, Apple Cider Vinegar, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Vitamin B-12, 30 Capsules

72.9 EUR
Product Description: Methylated B-12Ancient SuperfoodAdaptogen HerbReishi Mushroom ExtractNatural Food SupplementTCM-Inspired ProductContains Ingredients Extracted from Cow SkinVitamin B-12 Supplement Expertly Formulated from Natural Food Sources and Optimized for Absorption This is a product for modern eating habits. Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. Ingredients: Bovine gelatin. Contains: Fish (hake). Manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soybeans, wheat, sesame seeds, shellfish and crustaceans, eggs, and fish. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place. Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Vitamin B-12, 30 Capsules

BeautyGlam Havasu Nutrition, Collagen Gummies, Lemon, 60 Gummies

52.14 EUR
Product Description: + BiotinHelps with hair, skin, and nail healthContains other natural flavorsSupplementManufactured in a GMP registered facilityBased on delicious gummy pectinContains ingredients extracted from cow skinReformed with a sweet lemon scentContains 2,500mcg of biotin that primarily strengthens hair and scalp health We created a new formula for our best-selling collagen gummy gummies. Delicious natural gummies help women achieve shiny, beautiful locks. Some, if not most, people may start to see signs of aging sooner than expected, but don't panic and you'll have thick, shiny hair, strong nails, and resilient hair. It doesn't restore your skin. At Havasu Nutrition, we're committed to helping you feel and look your best, so we strive to find ways to help you achieve that. We've reformulated our Collagen Gummies to boost your skin's health beyond the superficial level. Rich in essential vitamins Women from all walks of life face many forms of stress, which reduces their immunity, skin and hair health. Formulated to help you maintain your youthful glow, our convenient and delicious collagen gummies are packed with vitamins C, E and zinc to help strengthen your immune system. Lemon-flavored gummies based on easy-to-digest pectin. We strive to provide nutrition from the inside out, not just superficial health. ¥Biotin helps support hair, skin, and nail health. Precautions Product Description: Take only as directed. If you are trying to conceive, are pregnant or lactating, have a medical condition, or are taking medication, consult a healthcare professional before use. This product is for adults only. The color darkens over time. There is no effect on product efficacy. Stop taking this medication at least 2 weeks before having a blood test. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Product usage: Take 2 gummies, preferably with a meal. Ingredients: Organic tapioca syrup, organic cane sugar, purified water, pectin, less than 2% carnauba wax, citric acid coconut oil, fruit juice (coloring), natural flavor, sodium citrate. Precautions: Take only according to the product instructions. If you are trying to conceive, are pregnant or lactating, have a medical condition, or are taking medication, consult a healthcare professional before use. This product is for adults only. The color darkens over time. There is no effect on product efficacy. Stop taking this medication at least 2 weeks before having a blood test. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Havasu Nutrition, Collagen Gummies, Lemon, 60 Gummies

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Immune and Respiratory Care, 30 Veggie Capsules

75.99 EUR
Product Description: Seasonal Immunity Booster*A Synergistic BlendCapsule-in-Capsule TechnologyCalifornia Gold Nutrition® Immune and Respiratory Care* contains a blend of Eldermune® black elderberry and African geranium, immune-boosting ingredients known to boost upper respiratory health. Improves the body's natural defenses.*Capsule-in-capsule technology allows the liquid in the outer capsule to be released quickly while the ingredients in the inner capsule are protected and released more slowly. Certified by iTested Product usage: Take 1 capsule daily with food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients: Main ingredients Elderberry juice concentrate powder (Sambucus nigra) (fruit) (standardized to 3.0% polyphenol), African geranium (Pelargonium sidoides) extract (root) Other ingredients MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride), modified cellulose (Hypro Melos Vegetable Capsule), silicon dioxide (silica), Partially hydrolyzed guar gum (carrier of elderberry juice powder), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate. This product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in a U.S. Food and Drug Administration registered third party audited, cGMP compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Manufactured by Eldermune® Eldermune® is produced by Innovative Natural Solutions LLC (INS Sunfiber® is a registered trademark of Taiyo International, Inc. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic diseases, the elderly, minors under 18 years of age, taking prescription medications (e.g. blood thinners), or those diagnosed with certain medical conditions by a doctor, consult a physician, pharmacist, or naturopathic doctor before taking supplements. , or consult a qualified healthcare professional. Product in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Immune and Respiratory Care, 30 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, EarthSweet Chewables, Vita D3, Raspberry, 2,000 IU, 90 Chewables

48.99 EUR
Product Description: Non-GMOGluten-FreeKosher Parv 50 mcg (2,000 IU) Bone and Immune Health SupplementWith Other Natural FlavorsBluebonnet's EarthSweet® Chewables Vitamin D3 50 mcg (2000 IU) Tablets with a delicious raspberry flavor help support strong, healthy bones and bones. Formulated with Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from lanolin to support immune function. Sweetened with EarthSweet, a proprietary sweetening blend of fruit powder and sugar cane crystals. Directions for use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 chewable tablet daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. ingredients: natural raspberry flavor, natural strawberry flavor, EarthSweet [concentrated juice (wild blueberry, cranberry, pruning, cherry, strawberry, grape, raspberry and bilberry, grape seed and lychee seed extract), cane crystals], Vegetable magnesium stearate, vegetable cellulose. Contains no milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or soy. It's also free from yeast, gluten, barley, rice and sodium. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Bluebonnet Nutrition, EarthSweet Chewables, Vita D3, Raspberry, 2,000 IU, 90 Chewables

BeautyGlam Bluebonnet Nutrition, Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D3, 180 Capsules

74.99 EUR
Product Description: Non-GMO High Efficacy Calcium Citrate Dietary Supplement Gluten Free Kosher ParveBluebonnet's Calcium Citrate Plus Vitamin D3 Dragees contain the natural form of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from calcium chelate and lanolin. Available in easy-to-swallow dragees for maximum absorption and integration. Product Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 4 capsules daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose, stearic acid, silica, vegetable magnesium stearate, vegetable glaze. Free of milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy. It's also free from yeast, gluten, barley, rice and sugar. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Bluebonnet Nutrition, Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D3, 180 Capsules

BeautyGlam Zhou Nutrition, Cran-Defense™, 60 Veggie Capsules

51.09 EUR
Product Description: Quality TestedSuitable for VegansNon-GMO Triple-Action Urinary Tract Health FormulaSupplementGluten-FreeGreatness by Nature™Best Formula for Urinary Tract Healthd-Mannose is a natural sugar extracted from berries that helps flush out impurities and lubricate the urinary tract. May help promote lining health. Our D-mannose + cranberry formula contains the antioxidant vitamin C, providing antioxidant support for strong immunity. Our cranberry extract is designed to help keep your bladder walls healthy, so you get all the benefits of cranberry juice without the added calories. Directions for use: Take 2 capsules daily with a meal or with a glass of water. Take only as directed in the product instructions. Ingredients: Veggie cellulose capsule, organic rice bran extract, silica, magnesium hydroxide, tricalcium phosphate, cellulose. Made in the USA with global ingredients. Precautions: Do not exceed recommended dosage. Consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement, especially if you are pregnant or nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a known medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Zhou Nutrition, Cran-Defense™, 60 Veggie Capsules

Liver Complex with Artichoke, Hepa Plus Sport, Olimp Nutrition (71283035) 30caps

20.15 EUR
Hepa Plus Sport by Olimp Nutrition - consists of ingredients that increase bile secretion and accelerate liver regeneration. Carefully selected composition improves the work of our natural filter and protects it from damage. Olimp Hepaplus is especially recommended for people who experience heaviness or nausea after eating.. A dietary supplement designed for adults exposed to harmful substances and free radicals. It contains high doses of active substances that effectively protect your liver from degeneration. Purpose of Olimp Hepa Plus Sport Edition: • supports liver function; • accelerates the removal of waste and toxins from the body; • protects and regenerates liver cells; • has a positive effect on bile production; • improves digestion; • supports digestion of hard-to-digest foods; • replenishes the deficiency of B vitamins. Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus L.) standardized to 5% cynarin 350 mg L-ornithine aspartate 100 mg - of them: L-ornithine 50 mg Thiamine (vitamin B1) 0.55 mg Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.7 mg Niacin (vitamin B3) 8 mg Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 3 mg Vitamin B6 0.7 mg Ingredients: artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus L.), standardized to 5% cynarin, L-ornithine aspartate, B vitamin complex: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6. How to use: Take 1 capsule 2 times daily during meals with plenty of water. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Créatine Monohydrate, Créatine Micronisée 200 mesh, Trec Nutrition (31101006) 120caps

24.79 EUR
Creatine Micronized 200 mesh est un produit qui contient du monohydrate de créatine cristallin La créatine est une substance qui a un fort effet anabolisant et ergogène, favorisant une augmentation de la force et de la masse musculaire, ainsi que la quantité d'énergie nécessaire pendant l'entraînement.. Ce composant régule l'équilibre azoté et ralentit le processus de réduction des protéines, ce qui affecte indirectement le taux de régénération de l'organisme. Composition: Composition par portion - 3 gélules: Créatine monohydratée 4740 mg - leur nego créatine 4166 mg Autres ingrédients: Stéarate de magnésium – antiagglomérant, gélatine – enveloppe de la gélule. Comment utiliser: Il est recommandé de consommer 2 portions par jour avec 300 ml d'eau. Les jours de formation: 1 portion – 30 minutes avant le début de l'entraînement, 2 portions – immédiatement après l'entraînement. Jours sans formation: 1 portion le matin - après le réveil, 2 portions - entre les repas ou avant de se coucher. Mises en garde: Ne pas utiliser si vous êtes allergique à l'un des composés. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d'allaitement. Les compléments alimentaires ne doivent pas être utilisés comme substitut d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée.. Garder hors de la portée des enfants. Conserver dans un endroit sec et frais. Protéger des rayons directs du soleil.

BeautyGlam Orgain, Organic Superfoods + Probiotic Super Nutrition Powder, Berry Flavor, 280g (9.9oz)

77.63 EUR
Product Description: Certified Plant-Based Gluten-Free 50 Superfood Probiotics 1 Billion*USDA Certified Organic Kosher Suitable for Vegans Soy-Free Non-GMO Non-GMO Organic Product Certified Organic by QAI Uses Harmless Ingredients Orgain believes that natural foods can make a real difference, and we continually strive to create more nutritious products without compromising on taste. This passion is the source of our mission to help people live vibrant lives with healthy, harmless nutrition. Wishing you good health, Founder, Food Entrepreneur and Cancer Survivor Andrew Abraham, MD Made with the following clean ingredients: Organic Ancient Grains: Millet, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Quinoa, ChiaOrganic Berries & Fruits: Acai; Apples, cranberries, bananas, mangoes, pineapples, strawberries, tart cherries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries Organic green vegetables & sprouts: wheat grass, barley grass, Oat sprouts, spinach, broccoli, kale, cabbage Organic vegetables & herbs: beets, carrots, tomatoes, parsley leaves, Brussels sprouts, green bell peppers, cucumber, celery, garlic, ginger root, green onions, cauliflower, asparagus, turmeric, cinnamon. Sprouts: Amaranth sprouts, quinoa sprouts, millet sprouts, buckwheat sprouts, chickpea sprouts, lentil sprouts, red bean sprouts, Flax sprout, sunflower sprout, pumpkin sprout, chia sprout, sesame sprout probiotic 1 billion: Effects of Bacillus coagulence superfood. 50 organic superfoods at once? it's possible! This organic nutrient powder packs a punch with great taste, organic ingredients, and a variety of probiotics. You can easily consume clean and good nutrients. *Per serving How to Use: Mix 1 scoop into 8-12 ounces of filtered cold water, organic juice, or your favorite smoothie and enjoy the benefits of 50 superfoods! ingredients: Orgain organic 50 superfoods blend™[millet, amaranth*, buckwheat*, quinoa*, chia*, kale powder, apple pulp*, cinnamon*, organic sprout blend (amaranth sprout*, quinoa sprout*, millet sprout* , buckwheat sprouts, garbanzo bean sprouts*, lentil sprouts*, red bean sprouts*, flax sprouts*, Sunflower sprouts*, pumpkin sprouts*, chia sprouts*, sesame sprouts*), Orgain organic super vegetables, super berries, super grasses & super foods blend™ (acai*, cranberries*, wheat grass*, barley sprouts*, oat grass*, Banana*, Mango*, Beet*, Carrot*,, Spinach*, Broccoli*,, Tomato*, Kale*, Cabbage*, Parsley Leaf*, Brussels Sprouts*, Green bell pepper*, cucumber*, celery*, garlic*, ginger root*, green onion*, cauliflower*, asparagus*, pineapple*, turmeric*, strawberry*, tart cherry*, blackberry*, blueberry*, raspberry* )], acacia*, natural flavor*, natural flavor, guar gum*, xanthan gum, probiotic (Bacillus coagulans).*Certified organic ingredient. Precautions: Store in a cool, dry place. Orgain, Organic Superfoods + Probiotic Super Nutrition Powder, Berry Flavor, 280g (9.9oz)

BeautyGlam Super Nutrition, SimplyOne, Complete Enzymes, 90 Capsules

69.24 EUR
Product Description: Super Nutrition Simply One® Complete Enzyme Full Spectrum Enzymes Supports digestive function and optimizes nutrient absorption*Breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins*Free from gluten and non-GMOScientifically developed supplementEnzymes are the body's natural helpers, helping the body to Produces chemical reactions that allow the necessary processes to be carried out. Super Nutrition Simply One® Complete Enzyme contains full-spectrum enzymes to aid digestion and optimize nutrient absorption.*Benefits of Enzyme Supplements Add enzyme supplements to your diet to promote natural processes in your body and overall immune health. We can help you with this*. Our supplements provide a blend of enzymes specially selected to promote healthy digestive function.* Our unique blend includes bromelain, bovine bile, pancreatin, and papain to help optimize carbohydrate, fat, and protein breakdown. *Super Nutrition Simply One® Complete Enzyme contains a comprehensive enzyme blend in a gelatin capsule. For best results, take one capsule daily with a meal. Certified by iTested Product usage: Take 1 capsule with a meal. ingredients: Main ingredients betaine HCl, bovine bile extract (total cholic acid at least 45%), papaya fruit powder, pancreatin 11 times concentrated, bromelain (extracted from pineapple), acid-resistant protease (aspergillopepsin) (50 SAPU) , Papain (extracted from papaya), cellulase (10 cu), other ingredients microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin (capsule), Magnesium stearate (vegetable source), silicon dioxide (silica). Contains: Not manufactured with sulfite milk, eggs, fish, shellfish or crustaceans, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) certified facility licensed by the FDA to process other products containing these allergens or substances. Caution: This product is for adults only. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if pregnant/nursing women. If you are taking medication or have a medical condition (including allergy to papaya and/or pineapple), consult a qualified healthcare professional. Store in a cool, dry place. Super Nutrition, SimplyOne, Complete Enzymes, 90 Capsules

BeautyGlam EVLution Nutrition, NiteLean, 45 Veggie Capsules

72.99 EUR
Product Description: Supports Nighttime Weight LossNatural Sleep SupportNight-Time MetabolismFat Burning SupportAppetite Enhancement SupplementProduced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certified FacilityNiteLean® Nighttime Weight Loss Featured Product Statistics: Natural Sleep AidOvernight Fat Burner Improves appetite Gluten-free Product Directions: As a supplement, take one serving of NITELEAN® 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime or as directed by your healthcare professional. Take only as directed, not exceeding 1 serving per day. Ingredients: Hypromellose (veggie capsule), magnesium stearate. This product is produced in the United States, distributed and manufactured in a (GMP) certified facility, and contains American and imported ingredients. Precautions: Take only 1 capsule per day. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking antidepressants or stimulant medications, consult your doctor before taking this product. Do not take if you are under 18 years of age. If you experience adverse reactions to this product, stop taking it and contact your healthcare professional. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Do not drive or operate machinery while taking this product. EVLution Nutrition, NiteLean, 45 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Havasu Nutrition, Premium Elderberry Gummies, 60 Count

47.99 EUR
Product Description: Immune Health Boosting Supplement Made in the USA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certified Immune Function Health Boosting Excellent Taste! Natural Flavors Directions for use: Take 2 gummies daily, preferably after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Organic tapioca syrup, unrefined cane sugar, purified water, pectin, sodium citrate, natural flavor, citric acid, coconut oil, carnauba wax. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Take only according to product instructions. If pregnant, nursing, have a serious medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult a physician before use. This product is for adults only. Havasu Nutrition, Premium Elderberry Gummies, 60 Count

L Carnitine Tartrate with Amino Acids, L-Carnitine 500 forte, Olimp Nutrition (02283008) 60caps

36.59 EUR
L-Carnitine forte plus - a natural substance related to B vitamins. In the human body it is present in the tissues of striated muscles and liver. L-carnitine reduces basal metabolism, slows down the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules. Promotes penetration through mitochondrial membranes and breakdown of long-chain fatty acids (palmitic acid, etc.) with the formation of acetyl. Mobilizes fat from fat depots (due to the presence of three labile methyl groups). Competitively displaces glucose, turns on a fatty acid metabolic shunt, the activity of which is not limited by oxygen (unlike aerobic glycolysis). It is a cofactor in metabolic processes that maintain the activity of coenzyme A (CoA). L-carnitine reduces excess body weight and reduces fat content in skeletal muscles. Increases the threshold of resistance to physical activity, reduces the degree of lactic acidosis and restores performance after prolonged physical activity. At the same time, it promotes economical consumption of glycogen and increases its reserves in the liver and muscles.. Ensures the effectiveness of the diet and allows stabilizing a low weight level, limits the production of fat and cholesterol and improves glucose tolerance - prevents obesity, cellulite formation, atherosclerosis and diabetes, increases the efficiency of energy metabolism and regulates mineral balance processes, accelerates and improves aerobic capacity, eliminates free radicals and stabilizes biological membranes, increases the resistance of the immune system and slows down the aging process. PURPOSE: BT vitamin supplements recommended: - persons who are obese or have a tendency to increase body weight are at risk of complications of obesity - diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis; - persons undergoing physical rehabilitation; - athletes with high physical activity, as well as everyone aged 40 or more. L-Carnitine 500 forte - One capsule contains 500 mg of pure L-carnitine. This is the first capsule on the market made from plant-based carbohydrate polymers, providing the highest level of absorption of active ingredients.. Composition: Composition per serving - 2 capsules: L-carnitine tartrate - 1490 mg - of which L-carnitine - 1000 mg L-ornithine -100 mg L-arginine - 60 mg Chromium - 100 mcg Ingredients: L-carnitine tartrate, L-ornithine hydrochloride, L-arginine, chromium picolinate, fillers - microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, shell - gelatin capsule. How to use: Take 2 capsules daily, with meals and plenty of water. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use if pregnant or lactating. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Gut Recovery Probiotic, 60 Capsules

138.99 EUR
Product Description: Certified Renewable Organic® BronzeSBO Probiotic 50 Billion CFU¹USDA Certified OrganicGood Natural SupplementAncient Cultivation*: Contains Ingredients Grown on Ancient FarmsBioBottles®B. Corp. CertifiedCCOF Certified OrganicGenetically Modified Ingredients Contain-free, equal efficacy, supports healthy intestinal function and microflora. The main ingredient is a probiotic that has undergone clinical research, providing elasticity that survives even in harsh intestinal environments. Contains soil-based microorganisms (SBOs). Also contains prebiotics (probiotic fuel) and postbiotics (beneficial by-products). Ingredients Features 10 probiotic strains, including patented Bacillus subtilis AB22*Capsules and probiotic cultures excluded . Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules per day. No need to refrigerate. Ingredients: Organic pullulan, organic apple cider vinegar. Free from: Produced in a facility that also processes gluten, dairy, and soy. Manufactured in a facility that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soybeans, wheat, sesame seeds, shellfish and crustaceans, eggs, and fish. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Caution: Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Gut Recovery Probiotic, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Collagen Peptides, 30 Tablets

60.29 EUR
Product Description: Once a day, natural food supplement that strengthens hair, skin and joint health through clinical research. B corp. CertifiedIGEN Non-GMO Tested Contains ingredients derived from cow skinHave you just started your wellness journey? You've come to the right place. Experience plumping skin, visible wrinkles around the eyes, improved skin tone (and proven support for joints), and more with every tablet. Product usage: Adults, take one tablet per day in 8oz of water. Ingredients: Organic carnauba (Copernicia cerifera) wax, organic acacia gum, organic agaveinulin, organic rice concentrate, organic glycerin, organic sunflower lecithin, organic guar gum. Ingredients: eggs, peanuts, nuts, milk, soybeans, wheat, Manufactured in a facility that also processes sesame seeds, clams and crustaceans, eggs, and fish. Precautions: If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Store in a cool, dry place. Caution: Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Collagen Peptides, 30 Tablets

BeautyGlam Ancient Nutrition, Women's Extra Strength Probiotic, 60 Capsules

138.99 EUR
Product Description: Renewable Certified Organic® BronzeSBO Probiotic 50 Billion CFU¹USDA Certified Organic Natural Food Supplement Ancient Cultivation*: Contains ingredients grown on ancient farmsBioBottles®Certified B. Corp. CCOF Certified OrganicGenetically Modified Ingredients Contain-free, etc. Efficacy: Supports healthy intestinal function and bowel movement. Key Ingredients: A clinically studied probiotic, resilient SBO (soil-based) that survives even in harsh intestinal environments. microorganisms) are included. It also contains prebiotics (probiotic fuel) and postbiotics (beneficial by-products). Ingredient Features 10 probiotic strains, including unique Bacillus subtilis AB22*Capsules and probiotic cultures are excluded. Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules per day. No need to refrigerate. Ingredients: Organic pullulan, organic apple cider vinegar.Free from: Produced in a facility that also processes gluten, dairy, and soy.In a facility that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soybeans, wheat, sesame seeds, clams and crustaceans, eggs, and fish. Manufactured in . Precautions: Store in a cool, dry place. If you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy or medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from product to product. Caution: Take this product only as a supplement. Do not take for weight loss. Ancient Nutrition, Women's Extra Strength Probiotic, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Zhou Nutrition, Cran-Defense™, 60 Veggie Capsules

48.04 EUR
Product Description: Quality TestedSuitable for VegansNon-GMO Triple-Action Urinary Tract Health FormulaSupplementGluten-FreeGreatness by Nature™Best Formula for Urinary Tract Healthd-Mannose is a natural sugar extracted from berries that helps flush out impurities and lubricate the urinary tract. May help promote lining health. Our D-mannose + cranberry formula contains the antioxidant vitamin C, providing antioxidant support for strong immunity. Our cranberry extract is designed to help keep your bladder walls healthy, so you get all the benefits of cranberry juice without the added calories. Directions for use: Take 2 capsules daily with a meal or with a glass of water. Take only as directed in the product instructions. Ingredients: Veggie cellulose capsule, organic rice bran extract, silica, magnesium hydroxide, tricalcium phosphate, cellulose. Made in the USA with global ingredients. Precautions: Do not exceed recommended dosage. Consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement, especially if you are pregnant or nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a known medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Zhou Nutrition, Cran-Defense™, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Havasu Nutrition, Elderberry Immunity Gummies with Vitamin C and Zinc, Children's, Berry, 120 Gummies

77.99 EUR
Product Description: Contains Vitamin C and ZincOther Natural FlavorsSupplement100% VeganGluten-FreeManufactured in a GMP registered facilityThe powerful antioxidants of Vitamin C and zinc and immunity-boosting ingredients extracted from black elderberry are packed into delicious gummies. Strengthens children's immune function.+When consumed consistently throughout the year and combined with a healthy, balanced diet. Product usage: Children aged 2 to 3 years old should chew one gummy jelly with a meal. Children over 4 years of age should chew and consume 2 gummies, preferably with a meal. Ingredients: Organic tapioca syrup, cane sugar, purified water, less than 2% Ingredients: Citric acid, coconut oil, carnauba wax, natural flavor, pectin, sodium citrate. Ingredients: Nuts (coconut). Precautions: Take only as directed and under parental supervision. If you have a medical condition or are taking other medications, consult your child's health care professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Havasu Nutrition, Elderberry Immunity Gummies with Vitamin C and Zinc, Children's, Berry, 120 Gummies

Gélules pré-tren, SAW, Trec Nutrition (11101006) 120caps

38.69 EUR
SCIE. une formule pré-entraînement super concentrée conçue pour les professionnels. Le médicament se caractérise par un fort effet anabolisant et une augmentation extrême du volume des muscles qui travaillent.. SCIE. leur fournit un apport supplémentaire en oxygène, de la nutrition et une impulsion pour une croissance ultérieure. Un complexe unique de bêta-alanine et de neurostimulants actifs augmente l'endurance et la concentration, et augmente également les ressources énergétiques du corps. Le médicament neutralise la fatigue prématurée et « l’acidification » excessive des tissus. SCIE. aide à augmenter la force et la masse musculaire, et améliore également les performances du corps lors d'une activité physique intense. Formule pré-entraînement ultra-concentrée Force, endurance et vascularisation immenses Uniquement les composants les plus puissants et les doses efficaces Vous souhaitez améliorer vos résultats d’entraînement et vous vous demandez comment y parvenir ? N'expérimentez pas sur votre propre corps en utilisant des combinaisons complexes et pas toujours sûres de composants peu connus et peu étudiés.. Laissez les expériences aux scientifiques ! Vous recherchez un bon produit pré-entraînement ? Vérifiez combien d’ingrédients actifs il contient réellement, car ce sont eux qui peuvent augmenter vos capacités de force ! Ne payez pas pour des charges inutiles et des systèmes « de haute technologie » qui transportent de la créatine ou des acides aminés qui s'avèrent en réalité être du sucre ordinaire ! Souviens-toi! C'est le niveau de concentration du produit et le bon choix des principes actifs et de leurs doses correspondantes, et non la taille du conditionnement, qui influencent l'effet final des compléments alimentaires ! Aiguisez vos sens ! Ressentez un regain d'énergie sans précédent et une toute nouvelle sensation sportive. Désormais, votre cerveau aura un contrôle absolu sur le travail de vos muscles ! Vos entraînements se dérouleront au plus haut niveau d’intensité dont vous n’avez jamais rêvé auparavant.. Remplacez votre entraînement régulier La SUPER Caféine stimule le métabolisme et améliore la fonction du système nerveux central, ce qui stimule le corps à travailler plus fort et augmente encore la production d'énergie, et la naringénine vous permet de maintenir cet effet pendant une longue période. Augmentation de créatine Lors d'un entraînement intense, l'intensité des processus métaboliques dans les cellules musculaires augmente fortement.. Pour suivre la production et la transmission de l’énergie nécessaire à la contraction musculaire, une énorme quantité d’ATP est nécessaire. (l'adénosine triphosphate). La créatine est nécessaire pour reconstituer ce carburant cellulaire essentiel.. SCIE. contient une formule efficace de formes de créatine agissant en synergie - monohydrate, ester d'acide malique et ester éthylique. La combinaison de trois formes différentes de cette...