Ubisoft My Health Coach: Je Gewicht In Balans Incl. Stappenteller - N

21.95 EUR
Ubisoft My Health Coach: Je Gewicht in Balans incl. Stappenteller - Nintendo DS. Plateforme: Nintendo DS, Valeur ESRB: Tout le monde, Réalisateur: Ubisoft

Ubisoft Just Dance 2025 Code In A Box Nintendo Switch

49.99 EUR
Il y en a pour tous les goûts dans Just Dance 2025 Edition. Dansez sur des tubes emblématiques, des incontournables de soirées, des grands classiques, des phénomènes d'Internet et bien plus encore, comme : - « yes, and? » par Ariana Grande - « Unstoppable » par Sia -« Poker Face » par Lady Gaga -« Basket Case » par Green Day - « Calabria 2007 » par Enur Ft. Natasja De facile à intense, choisissez votre difficulté Que vous jouiez avec vos amis ou en famille, il y a des chorégraphies pour tous les goûts, des plus simples aux plus complexes. Certaines chansons vous proposent différents niveaux de difficulté en fonction du coach que vous choisissez. Il y a toujours une raison de danser, peu importe la saison* Participez aux événements saisonniers toute l'année pour danser sur des hits endiablés, avancer dans le suivi de progression et obtenir de nouvelles récompenses. Mode entraînement pour les amateurs de fitness Commencez votre propre routine sportive et dépensez-vous tout en vous amusant avec le mode entraînement. Restez motivé(e) en suivant vos calories brûlées et le temps passé à danser. Une plateforme avec tout le contenu Quelle que soit l'édition en votre possession (Just Dance 2023 Edition, Just Dance 2024 Edition ou Just Dance 2025 Edition), vous et vos ami(e)s êtes connecté(e)s sur la même plateforme. Si vous possédez plusieurs éditions, leur contenu sera réuni au même endroit ! Vous voulez continuer à faire la fête ? Abonnez-vous à Just Dance+ et profitez de centaines de chansons et d'événements spéciaux en jeu.** *Contenu additionnel ajouté régulièrement pour une durée limitée pendant les 12 mois suivant le lancement du jeu ; téléchargement requis. **Just Dance+ est un service à la demande accessible depuis Just Dance 2023 Edition, Just Dance 2024 Edition et Just Dance 2025 Edition, et donne accès à des chansons supplémentaires. Des conditions d'utilisation s'appliquent. Nécessite une connexion à un compte Ubisoft, un compte console, un accès permanent à Internet et le paiement d'un abonnement. Des restrictions d'âge et de territoire peuvent s'appliquer.

Ubisoft Just Dance 2025 Code In A Box Ps5

49.99 EUR
Il y en a pour tous les goûts dans Just Dance 2025 Edition. Dansez sur des tubes emblématiques, des incontournables de soirées, des grands classiques, des phénomènes d'Internet et bien plus encore, comme : - « yes, and? » par Ariana Grande - « Unstoppable » par Sia -« Poker Face » par Lady Gaga -« Basket Case » par Green Day - « Calabria 2007 » par Enur Ft. Natasja De facile à intense, choisissez votre difficulté Que vous jouiez avec vos amis ou en famille, il y a des chorégraphies pour tous les goûts, des plus simples aux plus complexes. Certaines chansons vous proposent différents niveaux de difficulté en fonction du coach que vous choisissez. Il y a toujours une raison de danser, peu importe la saison* Participez aux événements saisonniers toute l'année pour danser sur des hits endiablés, avancer dans le suivi de progression et obtenir de nouvelles récompenses. Mode entraînement pour les amateurs de fitness Commencez votre propre routine sportive et dépensez-vous tout en vous amusant avec le mode entraînement. Restez motivé(e) en suivant vos calories brûlées et le temps passé à danser. Une plateforme avec tout le contenu Quelle que soit l'édition en votre possession (Just Dance 2023 Edition, Just Dance 2024 Edition ou Just Dance 2025 Edition), vous et vos ami(e)s êtes connecté(e)s sur la même plateforme. Si vous possédez plusieurs éditions, leur contenu sera réuni au même endroit ! Vous voulez continuer à faire la fête ? Abonnez-vous à Just Dance+ et profitez de centaines de chansons et d'événements spéciaux en jeu.** *Contenu additionnel ajouté régulièrement pour une durée limitée pendant les 12 mois suivant le lancement du jeu ; téléchargement requis. **Just Dance+ est un service à la demande accessible depuis Just Dance 2023 Edition, Just Dance 2024 Edition et Just Dance 2025 Edition, et donne accès à des chansons supplémentaires. Des conditions d'utilisation s'appliquent. Nécessite une connexion à un compte Ubisoft, un compte console, un accès permanent à Internet et le paiement d'un abonnement. Des restrictions d'âge et de territoire peuvent s'appliquer.

Ubisoft Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Extraction (Guardian Edition) ( Fr/Nl/Multi Xbox Series X

10.33 EUR
Tom Clancy's Rainbow six: Extraction (Guardian Edition) ( FR/NL/Multi in Game)

Ubisoft Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Extraction (Limited Edition) (Fr/Nl/Multi I Ps4

12.99 EUR
Tom Clancy's Rainbow six: Extraction (Limited Edition) (FR/NL/Multi in Game)

Ubisoft Donal Duck Couack Attack - Dreamcast - Pal / Fr

91.78 EUR
Incarnez Donald, le plus ronchon des canards, alors qu'il tente de voler au secours de Daisy, enlevée par le magicien Merlock. Et il faut faire vite car son cousin Gontran est lui aussi parti la chercher, et il ne faut pas qu'il y arrive en premier.

Sonic Mania Plus (Code In Box) (Fr/Multi In Game) Switch

23.39 EUR
Sonic Mania Plus (Code in Box) (FR/Multi in Game)

Ubisoft Brothers In Arms / Hells Highway Xbox 360

9.9 EUR
Incarnez Matt Baker et menez vos hommes aux côtés de Joe Hartsock et le reste de la 101ème division aéroportée au cours de l'opération "Market Garden", l'une des plus dévastatrices de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Combattez et frayez vous un chemin à travers les ponts et les immeubles détruits au coeur de la ville d'Eindhoven en proie aux flammes... des milliers de vies sont entre vos mains, ne les laissez pas tomber!

Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Valhalla : L'aube Du Ragnarök (Code-In-A-Box)

14.99 EUR
Assassin's Creed Valhalla : L?Aube du RagnarökDans Assassin's Creed® Valhalla : L?Aube du Ragnarök, l?extension la plus ambitieuse de l?histoire de la franchise, Eivor devra faire face à son destin sous les traits d?Odin, le dieu nordique de la guerre et de la sagesse, lors d?une quête ultime au travers d?un monde époustouflant. Poursuivez votre saga viking légendaire et sauvez votre fils du destin.Une guerre commence. Un monde se meurt. C'est l?Aube du Ragnarök.CaractéristiquesLES POUVOIRS D'UN DIEU NORDIQUEManipulez des pouvoirs fantastiques, issus d'un autre monde. Absorbez les nouvelles capacités de ceux que vous avez vaincus et utilisez-les pour éliminer tous ceux qui se dressent sur votre chemin. Transformez-vous en corbeau pour accomplir des assassinats spectaculaires ou ressuscitez vos ennemis vaincus pour qu'ils combattent à vos côtés. Protégez-vous en transformant votre peau en magma, en insufflant de la glace à votre arme pour déclencher des coups dévastateurs et bien plus encore.UN VOYAGE AU COEUR DE LA MYTHOLOGIE NORDIQUEFace aux visions d'une nouvelle menace, Eivor doit accepter son destin dans la peau d'Odin en voyageant jusqu?au Svartalfheim, le magnifique royaume mythique des nains, en proie à une invasion. Des forges souterraines aux sommets dorés, plongez dans ce nouveau monde menacé de la mythologie nordique et accomplissez votre destinée de dieu.DE NOUVEAUX ENNEMIS DE GLACE ET DE FEUPréparez-vous à faire face aux Jotnars, des ennemis de glace venus de Jotunheim et aux Muspels, de nouveaux ennemis de feu issus de Muspelheim. Affrontez un large éventail d'archétypes d'ennemis, infiltrez leurs forteresses et utilisez leurs capacités contre eux lors de votre quête. À la tête de cette armée trône Surtr, un géant du feu immortel, le plus grand ennemi qu?Odin ait eu à affronter.DÉCOUVREZ LA SAGA DU DIEU ODINDans la peau d'Odin, entamez une quête désespérée pour sauver votre fils prisonnier, Baldr. Usez de votre sagesse et votre intelligence pour infiltrer ces terres hostiles, rallier des nains à votre cause et vous venger. Le voyage d'Odin l'obligera à affronter son propre destin face à l?arrivée certaine du Ragnarök.LES VALKYRIES VOUS ATTENTENDENT DANS L?ARÈNERelevez le défi des Valkyries et prouvez vos talents dans cette nouvelle arène de combat au travers d?une série d?épreuves audacieuses. Choisissez la difficulté de vos combats pour remporter de meilleures récompenses en faisant face à de nouveaux ennemis tout comme des adversaires familiers.Assassin's Creed® Valhalla L'Aube du Ragnarök comprend :Un code de téléchargement pour l'extension* L'Aube du Ragnarök ? Aucun disque n'est fourniUne enveloppe contenant un ensemble de quatre lithographies d'illustrations d'Assassin's Creed Valhalla L'aube du Ragnarök* Le jeu de base Assassin's Creed Valhalla est requis pour accéder à l'extension L'Aube du Ragnarök.

Ubisoft Child Of Light Ultimate Remaster (Code-In-A-Box)

19 EUR
Rejoignez Aurora dans son voyage pour sauver son père malade et un royaume perdu dans le monde magique de la Lémurie. En chemin, elle découvrira que son destin pourrait être bien plus grand qu'elle ne l'avait rêvé.Des lauréats Patrick Plourde et Jeffrey Yohalem vient Child of Light®. Rencontrez des créatures excentriques, des méchantes sorcières aux méchants serpents de mer, et découvrez le vaste territoire de la Lémurie. Combattez aux côtés de vos alliés pour améliorer vos statistiques, débloquez des capacités uniques et utilisez des gemmes uniques pour améliorer vos compétences. Travaillez avec vos alliés pour résoudre des énigmes et rechercher des mystères. Vivez une histoire soigneusement conçue en vers et en rimes avec une bande originale du compositeur C¿ur de pirate. Jouez n'importe quand et n'importe où. Avec la Nintendo Switch, vous pourrez jouer sur votre téléviseur, en déplacement ou avec des amis en mode sur table.

StarTech.com Câble adaptateur vidéo HDMI vers DVI-D de 20 cm - HDMI mâle vers DVI femelle, 0,2 m, HDMI, DVI-D, Mâle, Mâle, Droit HDDVIMF8IN

13.49 EUR
Blindage du câble : Aluminium mylar foilCertification : REACHCertificats de conformité : RoHSCode du système harmonisé : 84733080

Revlon Professional Soin des cheveux Uniqone All In One Hair Treatment Mental Health Limited Edition

12.17 EUR
Aujourd'hui, notre mode de vie trépidant ne nous laisse souvent plus de temps pour nous-mêmes. Le manque de temps est une cause majeure de stress. Nous nous sentons surmenés et perdons le contact avec nous-mêmes et avec les autres. Uniqone s'est donné pour mission d'accroître la prise de conscience du bien-être mental. You and your mind are one. Avec la nouvelle édition limitée du traitement capillaire UniqOne, qui symbolise notre soutien inlassable au bien-être mental, nous utilisons le pouvoir de la couleur bleue. Le soin sans rinçage pour tous les types de cheveux offre non seulement les avantages particuliers 10 en 1 dans un seul produit de soin capillaire, mais aussi un nouveau parfum relaxant au jasmin et à la vanille qui vous invite à prendre soin de vous et à vous harmoniser mentalement. Ce soin capillaire sans rinçage polyvalent répare immédiatement les cheveux secs et abîmés, les renforce et réduit la casse. Il contrôle les frisottis, soigne et démêle et offre une solution complète aux besoins de vos cheveux. De plus, le soin en spray est végétalien et composé à 93 % d'ingrédients d'origine naturelle.

Ubisoft Watch Dogs: Legion Credits Pack (2500 Credits) (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

21.39 EUR
2 500 crédits pour Watch Dogs®: Legion. Inclut 500 crédits bonus. Utilisez ces crédits pour acheter des objets cosmétiques supplémentaires, de la monnaie en jeu, des agents et bien plus encore ! This content requires the base game Watch Dogs®: Legion on Xbox One or Series SX in order to play. Xbox One X Callouts: 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart Delivery File Size: 10MB

Ubisoft Watch Dogs: Legion Credits Pack (500 Credits) (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

6.84 EUR
500 crédits pour Watch Dogs®: Legion. Utilisez ces crédits pour acheter des objets cosmétiques supplémentaires, de la monnaie en jeu, des agents et bien plus encore ! This content requires the base game Watch Dogs®: Legion on Xbox One or Series SX in order to play. Xbox One X Callouts: 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart Delivery File Size: 10MB

Ubisoft Watch Dogs: Legion Credits Pack (7250 Credits) (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

50.49 EUR
7 250 crédits pour Watch Dogs®: Legion. Inclut 2 250 crédits bonus. Utilisez ces crédits pour acheter des objets cosmétiques supplémentaires, de la monnaie en jeu, des agents et bien plus encore ! This content requires the base game Watch Dogs®: Legion on Xbox One or Series SX in order to play. Xbox One X Callouts: 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart Delivery File Size: 10MB

Ubisoft Watch Dogs: Legion Credits Pack (4555 Credits) (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

35.94 EUR
4 550 crédits pour Watch Dogs®: Legion. Inclut 1 050 crédits bonus. Utilisez ces crédits pour acheter des objets cosmétiques supplémentaires, de la monnaie en jeu, des agents et bien plus encore ! This content requires the base game Watch Dogs®: Legion on Xbox One or Series SX in order to play. Xbox One X Callouts: 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart Delivery File Size: 10MB

Ubisoft Watch Dogs: Legion Credits Pack (1100 Credits) (Extension/Dlc) - Jeu En Téléchargement

11.69 EUR
1 100 crédits pour Watch Dogs®: Legion. Inclut 100 crédits bonus. Utilisez ces crédits pour acheter des objets cosmétiques supplémentaires, de la monnaie en jeu, des agents et bien plus encore ! This content requires the base game Watch Dogs®: Legion on Xbox One or Series SX in order to play. Xbox One X Callouts: 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart Delivery File Size: 10MB

Ubisoft Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition - Xbox One

33.81 EUR
Discover everybodys favorite board games in a brand-new light on your console with the NEW Hasbro Family Fun Pack ¿ Conquest Editionbr br In this new edition, conquest is the buzzword. Take over the city in RISK Urban Assault and MONOPOLY Plus, and the sea in Battleshipbr br Includes four great gamesbr - RISK Urban Assault - Lead your troops to victory and achieve global dominationbr - Battleship - Enjoy the classic game you know and love, or get more tactical with the Clash at Sea rules. Youve never played Battleship this way beforebr - MONOPOLY Plus - Embark on a journey to own it allbr - SCRABBLE - Challenge opponents in person or online, and test your word skills with multiple game modesbr

Finish Powerball Quantum All in One Max Tablettes Lave-vaisselle - Giga Pack 80 doses

48.71 EUR
Anti-calcaire : Oui Plus besoin de pré-lavagesFonctionne à basse température

Good Smile Company Furyu Ghost in the Shell Motoko Kusanagi scale PVC painted finished figure FR95716 SAC_2045 1/7

224.01 EUR
We offer a wide variety of products, and the following precautions apply to some of them. Please note that they are listed for all products. 【Voltage Compatibility】Designed for Japanese voltage (90-110V). Using with a different voltage may cause malfunction. 【Plug Type】Japanese plugs (A or B type). Use a conversion adapter if needed. 【Transformers & Adapters】Transformers adjust voltage; adapters only change plug shape. Using an adapter without a transformer may damage the product. 【Liability】We are not responsible for damages caused by improper use, such as using the product without a transformer. [Carefully sculpted to the shine and wrinkles of the bodysuit] Even the luster and wrinkles of the bodysuit have been realistically sculpted when the Major takes off his jacket. The shading of the pants is colored, and the details such as the boots, holster, and knee pads are carefully finished. The length of his limbs and muscular body, which are emphasized by the bodysuit, give a sense of the Major's outstanding physical ability. [The pedestal is an F:NEX original design] The pedestal, which is based on the world view of Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045 , is an F:NEX original design! The two cords that connect the major to the pedestal are also a highlight. [Mysterious and beautiful from every angle] A mysterious expression and glossy pink lips. Take a look at the feminine curves of the bodysuit, the careful sculpting of the wrinkles and shadows in various places, the 360-degree F:NEX original pedestal, and the appearance of the Major! Motoko Kusanagi, a major who leads a mercenary unit, is on hand. The Major is now a 1/7 scale figure wearing the costume from Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 ! [Mysterious and beautiful expression] His bob hair falling forward, his scarlet eyes, and his mysterious expression are beautiful. The glossy pink lips are also a highlight!

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON Bloc COBI Alfa Romeo Giulia ALFA ROMEO Quadrifoglio 90 pièces compatible avec Lego IN 24604 1/35 [FABRIQUÉ EN UE]

77.01 EUR
COBI est produit dans l'UE par une entreprise polonaise avec plus de 35 ans de tradition. Conforme aux normes de sécurité des produits pour enfants Entièrement compatible avec d’autres marques de blocs de construction Pas d'autocollants, uniquement des impressions durables Instructions claires et intuitives basées sur des schémas et des icônes échelle 1:35 Dimensions du modèle (Longueur x Largeur x Hauteur): 13 cm x 6,5 cm x 4 cm Bloc COBI Alfa Romeo Giulia 1/35 ALFA ROMEO Quadrifoglio 90 Pièces Compatible avec Lego [MADE IN EU] 24604 Bloc COBI Alfa Romeo Giulia 1/35 ALFA ROMEO Quadrifoglio 90 Pièces Compatible avec Lego [MADE IN EU] 24604 L'Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio est une berline sportive unique qui allie style italien, technologie de pointe et performances impressionnantes. Une voiture pour les passionnés qui apprécient non seulement la vitesse et la dynamique de conduite, mais aussi l'élégance et le caractère unique de leur véhicule. Ce magnifique modèle Lego Alfa Romeo rouge est l'ensemble parfait pour les passionnés de voitures. Avec des éléments spécialement conçus qui reproduisent fidèlement la forme de la carrosserie et une impression durable, les véhicules créés par COBI sont d'excellentes miniatures de voitures classiques. Assemblez votre modèle à partir de 90 pièces de haute qualité. Cette voiture est parfaite pour être exposée dans la collection de tout fan de voitures adultes. Grâce à sa construction robuste et à ses roues mobiles avec pneus en caoutchouc spéciaux, ce modèle fonctionne également parfaitement comme jouet. L'Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio a fait ses débuts en 2015 en tant que modèle phare de la série Giulia, visant à concurrencer d'autres berlines sportives haut de gamme telles que la BMW M3 et la Mercedes-AMG C63. Le nom Quadrifoglio (trèfle à quatre feuilles) est un symbole historique d'Alfa Romeo, utilisé sur les modèles les plus sportifs de la marque depuis les années 1920. La Giulia Quadrifoglio est propulsée par un moteur V6 biturbo de 2,9 litres développé en collaboration avec Ferrari. Ce moteur produit une puissance impressionnante de 510 chevaux et 600 Nm de couple. En conséquence, la voiture atteint 100 km/h en environ 3,9 secondes et a une vitesse de pointe d'environ 307 km/h. Ces spécifications placent la Giulia Quadrifoglio comme l'une des meilleures berlines sportives du marché. La Giulia Quadrifoglio se distingue par son design agressif mais élégant. Les caractéristiques distinctives comprennent des passages de roue puissants, des prises d'air sur le capot, de grandes prises d'air à l'avant et une calandre tridimensionnelle distinctive. Les détails aérodynamiques tels qu'un séparateur avant actif améliorent la traction et la stabilité à grande vitesse.

Re-Ment My Hero Academia DesQ Plus Ultra Battle!! Box Product, 6 Types in Total, 6 Pieces

73.41 EUR
The third release of the DesQ series from the TV anime My Hero Academia has been released! Practical figures such as a hanko stand or card stand are perfect for your desk. Place them side by side to recreate the battle scenes of the fierce battle, and complete the BIG3 heroes! Collect them and display them in style. Line up 1. Izhisa Midoriya & Breaking Method (Multi-tray). 2. Sir Night Eye (Hanko Stand). 3. Overhaul (card stand). 4. Millio card stand 5. Ghoul ring (accessory stand). 6. Wave kinking (pen stand). 6 types in total. Product Size (H x W x D): Approx. 3.1 x 5.5 x 2.6 inches (80 x 14

JAPAN ANIME BRIDGE TAKARA TOMY in Puniruns Puni Plus Pastel Mint [Released 2022]

123.53 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Cautions for using electrical products】 When using electrical appliances, please note that the voltage is different from that of Japan, which may cause malfunctions. Since the plug type is Japan type(A or B type), please check the voltage and use a transformer. Please note that a transformer is different from a conversion adapter. We are not responsible for malfunctions caused by use without a transformer. 【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) TOMY/Punirunzu Punijekuto/TV Osaka Uses 3 AAA alkaline batteries (batteries sold separately) *Please use alkaline batteries. Package weight: 0.25 kg Material: Plastic

Good Smile Company Plus Sakura Miku Bloomed in Japan Hot water AnimeJapan2015 [Nendoroid cup]

92.65 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. A teacup with a deformed Sakura Miku drawn on it.

GOALMART THE AMAZING HEROES PLUS IZUKU MIDORIYA SPECIAL Izuku Midoriya Figure My Hero Academia 8cm 1 type in total ver. Approx.

86.22 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximately 8cm Body: PVC/ABS

Pertemba FR - Baby & Kids Funko Transformers Bumblebee Character Figure One Size noir

111.52 EUR
- Height: 7in. - Finish: Hand-Painted. - Material: Vinyl. - Design: Bumblebee. - 100% Officially Licensed. - Characters: Bumblebee. - Packaging: Presentation Box.. - UK size :One Size, FR Size :Taille, ES Size : Talla Única , DE Size: Einheitsgröße, IT size: Taglia unica, US & CA Size: One Size . - Code: UTNS5901

Furyu Journey Elaina Summer One Piece Scale PVC Painted Complete Figure FR95704 Witch's Ver. 1/7

329.41 EUR
[The white one-piece dress is dazzling as it flutters in the wind!] The white one-piece dress has been faithfully sculpted with the sheer texture of the fabric and the way it gently flutters in the wind, and has been painted with a light gradation. Her skin is transparent and beautiful, and her accessories and sandals are also carefully finished. [Beautiful profile staring off into the distance] Her hair blows in the sea breeze, and her expression as she stares off into the distance with the ocean at her back is so beautiful that it will draw you in. [Witch's hat and robe are removable] The witch's hat decorated with colorful flowers and the robe worn over the shoulders are removable. You can enjoy her cool hair and dress. [Beautiful no matter where you look at it] Enjoy Elaina's beautiful expression, hair waving in the sea breeze, dazzling white dress, white skin, etc. No matter where you look at her, Elaina is a beautiful girl. Get the witch Elaina enjoying summer in a summer dress.

PITAKITE Furyu Journey Elaina Summer One Piece Scale PVC Painted Complete Figure FR95704 Witch's Ver. 1/7

328.98 EUR
[The white one-piece dress is dazzling as it flutters in the wind!] The white one-piece dress has been faithfully sculpted with the translucent texture of the fabric and the way it gently flutters in the wind, and has been painted with a light gradation. Her skin is transparent and beautiful, and her accessories and sandals are also carefully finished. [Beautiful profile staring off into the distance] Her hair blows in the sea breeze, and her expression as she stares off into the distance with the ocean at her back is so beautiful that it will draw you in. [Witch's hat and robe are removable] The witch's hat decorated with colorful flowers and the robe worn over the shoulders are removable. You can enjoy her cool hair and dress. [Beautiful no matter where you look at it] Enjoy Elaina's beautiful face, hair waving in the sea breeze, dazzling white dress, white skin, etc. No matter where you look at her, Elaina is a beautiful girl. Get the witch Elaina enjoying summer in a summer dress.

Select Items Norisuke Furyu A Certain Scientific Railgun T Shokuhou Misaki Drawing Live Streaming Scale PVC Painted Complete Figure FR95728 Ver. 1/7

304.56 EUR
Welcome to Select Items Norisuke! I am a seller from Japan. I ship authentic products from Japan. Please enjoy shopping with peace of mind! You will find popular and useful items in Japan! If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. Kiyotaka Haimura's drawing live streaming visual has been made into 3D! [Elegant beauty befitting the Queen of Tokiwadai ] Beautiful flowing blonde hair, an elegant smiling expression, and of course sparkling stars in her eyes is expressed. The sight of her enjoying her tea time is befitting of the ``Queen of Tokiwadai'' and is so cute that you can't help but admire it. [Proportions not typical of a junior high school student] Shokuhou's outstanding style is faithfully expressed, including her cute uniform, chest area not typical of a junior high school student, and beautiful legs with dazzling white knee socks. [Handbags and accessories are also faithfully reproduced] Her beloved pink star handbag, illustrated table, teapot, cup, and other accessories have also been carefully recreated. [Cute from any angle in 360 degrees] Beautiful blond hair, elegant smile, voluptuous proportions, beautiful legs with dazzling white high socks... etc. Please enjoy the graceful and beautiful Shokuhou Soori from any angle in 360 degrees. Get the special Shokuhachi Prayer drawn in the “Drawing Live Stream”

StarTech.com Câble Micro USB 15 cm - A vers Micro B - USB 2.0 - Noir, 0,1524 m, USB A, Micro-USB B, Mâle/Mâle, 0,48 Gbit/s, Noir UUSBHAUB6IN

5.76 EUR
Certification : CE, REACHCertificats de conformité : RoHSCode du système harmonisé : 84733080Connecteur 1 : USB A

StarTech.com Câble USB OTG Micro USB vers Micro USB de 20 cm - M/M, 0,203 m, Micro-USB B, Micro-USB B, Noir UUUSBOTG8IN

5.64 EUR
Blindage du câble : Plaque d'aluminium mylarCertification : CE, REACHCertificats de conformité : RoHSCode du système harmonisé : 84733080

StarTech.com Câble d'extension USB 2.0 de 15cm - Rallonge USB A vers A - M/F, 0,152 m, USB A, USB A, USB 2.0, Mâle/Femelle, Noir USBEXTAA6IN

5.63 EUR
Certification : UL, CE, REACHCertificats de conformité : RoHSCertificats de durabilité : RoHSCode du système harmonisé : 84733080

Mould King 10070 Ship In A Bottle Toy Building Sets, Black Pirate Ship Blocks Kits STEM Project for Adults Boys Kids Aged 8+ 10070S

42.57 EUR
FEATURES: Store: MOULD KING Official Store Brand: MOULD KING CE: Certificate Classification: Assemblage Brick Quantity: 822PCS+ Plastic Block Shape: Self-Locking Bricks Condition: 100% brand new, high quality Material: Eco-friendly ABS plastic. Harmless to Children's health. Block Size: Small building block Remote Control: Yes Barcode: Yes Certification: CE Gender: Unisex Model Number: 10070S Warning: do not eat,keep away from fire Material: Plastic Type: BLOCKS Brand Name: MOULD KING Origin: Mainland China Recommend Age: 12+y,18+,14+y Function 2: Christmas Gift, Birthday present Function 3: Collection Display Toys Function 4: MOULD KING Creative Buiding model Kits Function 5: Remote Control Robot Packing list: 1. Construction manual 2. Building block parts package * Based on the actual packaging of the product

Paris Saint Germain FC Lee Kang In MiniX Figure One Size bleu/rouge

19.26 EUR
- Height: 12cm. - Length: 4cm. - Width: 5cm. - Design: Crest, Player. - 100% Officially Licensed. - Packaging: Display Box.. - UK size :One Size, FR Size :Taille, ES Size : Talla Única , DE Size: Einheitsgröße, IT size: Taglia Unica, US & CA Size: One Size . - Code: UTTA11833

Babytiful LELE 1000 pièces blocs de construction de réservoir 8in1 modèle de char lourd militaire bloc de construction armée jouets pour garçon Helicopter-456Pcs

30.95 EUR
Les blocs de construction permettent aux enfants d’apprendre tout en jouant, idéal comme cadeau pour les enfants 🔹Suit Pour les enfants de 6 ans et plus 🔹Produit SWAT-700Pcs SWAT Police-700Pcs Hélicoptère-456Pcs Robot de la marine-1000Pcs Défense maritime-665Pcs Armée-1000Pcs Missile-713Pcs Camion d’incendie-678Pcs Réservoir-1061Pcs Garde-frontières-723Pcs Réservoir vert-710Pcs Robocop-785Pcs Garde-708Pcs Ingénierie-693Pcs Camions-762Pcs Pionnier-508Pcs Jungle Army-476Pcs 🔹Informations sur le produit Matériel: abdos Taille: 40x20x3cm 🔹Package Sac de couleur(Convient comme cadeau)

Nippon-Mart Revenge of the Merman scale unpainted unassembled plastic model kit X-Plus 1/8

153.31 EUR
We are delivering a 1/8 scale plastic model kit of the creature from the 1955 sci-fi horror movie ``The Merman Strikes Back.'' In this work, which is the second work in the Merman trilogy, we modeled the creature that was captured in the Ocean Harbor Marine Laboratory in Florida, which is the most impressive scene. Product size: Total height: Approx. 22cm (to top of head not including pedestal)/Approx. 28cm (including pedestal and right hand tip) (C) Universal City Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. *This product is an unpainted, unassembled kit that requires assembly and painting. *Adhesive, tools, paint, etc. are required separately for assembly and painting. *Adhesives, tools, paint, etc. are not included with this product.

sold-Japan Alpha Omega Love Nozomi Tojo Pentel Eye Plus Collaboration Completed Figure Megatrea Shop Live! Ver. 1/7 (Premium Bandai, Limited)

499.13 EUR
Made of PVC, ABS Target age 15 years and over 1/7 scale (total height approx. 240mm/including hat) made in china Love Live! Set contents: ・Painted finished figure ・Special pedestal

JO Market - Japan Product select - Sanei Boeki Super Mario Figure Collection Plus Heiho Coin Included FCP-008

60.79 EUR
[Product Infomation] Brand : Sanei Boeki Materials : Plastic [Product Description] ・ Super Mario Figure Collection Plus is an action figure with a height of approximately 10 cm that has many movable parts and can be posed in various poses! Furthermore, each figure also comes with familiar items, so you can enjoy it even more by combining it with figures and other products in the lineup. [FCP-008 Heiho] comes with a coin. Arms, legs, and hips are movable. ・(C) Nintendo Super Mario Figure Collection Plus is an action figure with a height of approximately 10cm that has many moving parts and can be posed in various poses! Furthermore, each figure also comes with familiar items, so you can enjoy it even more by combining it with figures and other products in the lineup. [FCP-008 Heiho] comes with a coin. Arms, legs, and hips are movable. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2. About electrical products [Voltage compatible] When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed according to Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so using them at a different voltage may cause malfunctions. [Plug type] Our products use the Japanese plug type (A type or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. [Important notes regarding transformers and adapters] A transformer adjusts the voltage to suit the requirements of the equipment. Conversion adapters only change the shape of the plug and do not adjust the voltage. Using only the conversion adapter without a transformer may damage the product. [About responsibility] We are not responsible for any failure or damage caused by improper usage, such as operating the product without a transformer. 3. Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website.

Select Items Norisuke HG Macross Plus scale plastic model YF-21 1/100 color-coded

131.36 EUR
Welcome to Select Items Norisuke! I am a seller from Japan. I ship authentic products from Japan. Please enjoy shopping with peace of mind! You will find popular and useful items in Japan! If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. (C)1994 BIGWEST Color-coded plastic model The 4th installment of the HG Macross plastic model series is a three-dimensional version of YF-21 , another main aircraft that competed fiercely with the YF-19 to become the next main aircraft from Macross Plus ! Adopts replacement three-stage transformation (shortcut change) that simplifies the transformation sequence by using some replacement parts. The ease of assembly, wide range of motion, and sophisticated forms unique to the HG series are achieved.

Select Items Norisuke Ichiban Kuji Dragon Ball VS Omnibus Amazing A Prize Son Goku Son Gohan MASTERLISE PLUS &

141.74 EUR
Welcome to Select Items Norisuke! I am a seller from Japan. I ship authentic products from Japan. Please enjoy shopping with peace of mind! You will find popular and useful items in Japan! If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. - Figure Dragon Ball Z - Son Goku & Son Gohan Ichibansho VS Omnibus Amazing - Matiere PVC-

Zen Picks - Japan Product select - Bride of Frankenstein scale unpainted plastic model kit X-Plus 1/8

169.5 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Like Frankenstein's monster, the beautiful bride ``Bride'' who was revived after an experiment in life creation has joined the X-Plus model kit series! The bride played by Elsa Lanchester's beautiful face, distinctive hairstyle, gray hair highlights, and even the tips of her outstretched fingers have been delicately sculpted into three-dimensional figures. Product size: Bride (in dress) approx. 21.5cm, Bride (in bandage) approx. 20.6cm, from pedestal to bed approx. 25cm

MIYAKO GARAGE TOY Gigantic Series Ultraman Leo Height 490mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus approx. Non-scale

448.57 EUR
When the lion's eyes shine... ``Ultraman Leo'' is now available in the Gigantic series, celebrating its 50th anniversary! Mr. Kenji Seki, who has worked on many hero models, has beautifully expressed the complex shape of the mask and the proportions that make you feel the presence of a suit actor. Total height: approx. 49cm (C) TSUBURAYA PROD.

sold-Japan GARAGE TOY Toho Daikaiju Series GODZILLA FROM GODZILLA KONG 2021 Height 260mm Total length 390mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus VS. approx.

464.83 EUR
Godzilla, the god of destruction who fought the ultimate showdown with Kong, finally appears in the Toho Daikaiju series! Reproduce the rough expression and fine details of the whole body. Please enjoy the power of Godzilla as he tries to crush the enemy in front of you! Product size: Total height: approx. 26cm, total length: approx. 39cm. (C) 2021 Legendary. All Rights Reserved. TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. MONSTERVERSE TM & (C) Legendary Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

MIYAKO GARAGE TOY Trauma Gamera Height 120mm PVC painted finished figure X-PLUS Defo-real approx. Non-scale

177.89 EUR
From Gamera 3 Awakening of the Evil God <Iris> (released in 1999), Trauma Gamera is available in the lineup. The sinister-looking Gamera, commonly known as Trauma Gamera , appeared in Ayana Hirasaka's dream. Ayana's sinister appearance, which seems to express her fierce hatred for Gamera, is condensed and reproduced in a deformed balance. Total height approx. 12cm (C) Universal City Studios LLC and Amblin Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

BANDAI SPIRITS HGUC Delta Plus Suit Gundam No.115 1/144 MSN-001A1 (Mobile UC)

100.21 EUR
gunpla assembly kit This is a Gundam plastic model made by Bandai. The photo shows the package or kit assembled and painted. It will take 5 to 7 business days to order and ship. If the supplier is out of stock, we will contact you again. Thank you for your understanding in advance.

MIYAKO GARAGE TOY Large Monster Series Ultraman Mebius Height 245mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus Ver.2 approx. Non-scale

252.44 EUR
Ultraman Mebius appears in the large monster series ULTRA NEW GENERATION as a completely new model version 2! Mr. Nobuyuki Inagami, who has worked on many hero models, has created Ultraman Mebius in a powerful and youthful pose. Total height: approx. 24.5cm (C) TSUBURAYA PROD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

MoRub-Japan TCG DIVINE CROSS 20 pack BOX plus pack set (TCG) ALIA'S CARNIVAL!

176.27 EUR
1 pack contains 6 pieces, 1BOX contains 20 packs, 1 pack is added to 1BOX Normal specifications: N12 types, R8 types, Kira card specifications: SR8 types, UR4 types, SEC2 types, ■1 PR card included in 1BOX (3 types in total) ■1 pack added to 1BOX SEC2 types are cards with serial numbers! Card size: H88 x W63 (mm) Ready to play with 5 booster packs

JO Market - Japan Product select - X-Plus Defo-Real Godzilla (2023) Height approx. 150mm Non-scale PVC painted finished figure

166.52 EUR
Godzilla (2023) will appear in Deporial starting with “Godzilla-1.0” (released in 2023) Overall height: about 15 cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Flex Co., Ltd. Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

sold-Japan GARAGE TOY Large Monster Series Ultraman Mebius Height 245mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus Ver.2 approx. Non-scale

255.71 EUR
Ultraman Mebius appears in the large monster series ULTRA NEW GENERATION as a completely new model version 2! Mr. Nobuyuki Inagami, who has worked on many hero models, has created Ultraman Mebius in a powerful and youthful pose. Total height: approx. 24.5cm (C) TSUBURAYA PROD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

SOLT Japan Market Good Toy 2023 Award Winner Mag Build Slope Plus 100 Pieces Educational Toy Slope Toy Magnetic Block Toy Ball Road

139.36 EUR
In response to the voices of those who have been playing with the extremely popular Magbuild slope set, such as ``I want more slope parts!'' and ``I want to create a bigger course!'', we have created a set of large-capacity slope parts. Perfect for purchasing slope parts for the Magbuild you already have. Of course, you can also have fun playing with this slope plus alone. A Japanese idea book is included and can be enjoyed by boys, girls, children and adults alike. It includes ideas for a variety of courses, from simple courses to challenging masterpiece courses, and you can enjoy making ball coasters of various difficulty levels for a long period of time with 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 5-year-olds, and elementary school students. The safety has been evaluated and the popularity ranking has skyrocketed! Many of our products have been delivered to nursery schools, kindergartens, preschool classrooms, and kids' spaces, and are chosen as presents for birthdays, kindergarten entrance gifts, school entrance gifts, Christmas, and more! A magnetic toy made of ABS material that is safe even if you put it in your mouth. Passed Japanese food inspection. An educational toy that fosters the power of inspiration! Kitwell provides open-ended educational toys. There are no rules, no end, and you can play as many times as you like, depending on your creativity. By combining magnetic blocks and slope parts to repeatedly create a ball path so that the ball rolls well, you can develop spatial awareness skills such as height, width, and height as well as logical thinking skills while playing. “Parents are having more fun!” We have heard from many families who are enjoying Mag Build that the parents and adults are having as much fun with it as the children! It's an educational toy that you can enjoy playing with your children because it's simple and intuitive to assemble without the need for instructions, and adults can't help but get hooked on it because it's simple yet highly expandable. Warning: This item contains small magnets. If a magnet is swallowed, it can stick to the entire intestine, causing severe infection and death. If a magnet is swallowed or inhaled, seek medical attention immediately.

TAKUMIYA KOTOBUKIYA Frame Arms Girl Stiletto Plus Height 175mm scale plastic model Molding color FG149 XF-3 approx. 1/1

124.81 EUR
Manufacturer's suggested retail price: 5,800 yen (excluding tax) (C) KOTOBUKIYA This product is a variation kit that includes Stiletto XF-3 with hair parts in its bare body. You can play by replacing the head with kits such as Sosai Girls' Garden and Arcanadia. The chest comes with parts that allow you to expand the 3mm diameter convex shaft and 3mm diameter hole. Three types of painted face parts with different gazes are included. (Normal face facing left, screaming face facing forward, smug face with closed eyes) need to assemble

Select Items Norisuke Plarail Shinkansen Transformation Robot Shinkalion DXS Shinkalion E5 Hayabusa Movable Plus

175.75 EUR
Welcome to Select Items Norisuke! I am a seller from Japan. I ship authentic products from Japan. Please enjoy shopping with peace of mind! You will find popular and useful items in Japan! If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. (c) TOMY (c) Project Shinkalion/JR-HECWK/Super Evolution Institute/TBS Does not use batteries.

TAMASHII NATIONS DX Chogokin Macross Plus Excalibur Dyson 250mm Painted Movable Figure YF-19 (Isamu Machine) Approx. ABS&PVC&Diecast

405.96 EUR
(C)1994 BIGWEST From Macross Plus , which will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024, YF-19 driven by the main character Isamu Dyson will be commercialized again in DX Chogokin! Painted movable figure Please handle with care as it is made with precision. Color may transfer or scratches may occur. There may be slight variations in appearance. note that.

MIYAKO GARAGE TOY Large Monster Series Daiei Special Effects Edition Iris Height 260mm PVC painted finished figure partially assembled X-PLUS approx.

301.97 EUR
Iris is finally available in the large monster series. The charm of Iris, including its beautiful form and characteristic long tentacles, has been recreated as faithfully as possible. Iris, a monster that remains in the history of special effects movies, please come and experience the beauty of its form. Total height: approx. 25cm (to top of head), approx. 26cm (to tip of shoulder parts) (C) 1999 KADOKAWA TNHN

MoRub-Japan Kotobukiya Zoids Gojulas Plus Plastic Model Kit RBOZ-003 (Marking Ver.)

537.6 EUR
kotobukiya Assembled size: 12.6 x 20.25 x 7.6 . The proportions have been redesigned for a more aggressive appearance in the HMM series. Many joints throughout the model are connected. A fresh decal set inspired by the first Zoids series is included.

sold-Japan Godzilla General distribution version Height 140mm PVC Painted Complete figure X-Plus Defo-Real (1967) approx. Non-scale 411-200064H

194.69 EUR
From the movie The Battle on Monster Island: Godzilla's Son (released in 1967), Godzilla (1967) appears in Defo-Real! Total height: approx. 14cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

Capcom Figure Builder Monster Hunter Standard Model Plus BOX Product Vol.20

171.53 EUR
Figure body size: Total height approx. 100 ~ 150mm Number of products included in the package: 6 Material: PVC/ABS figure

sold-Japan Revenge of the Merman scale unpainted plastic model kit X-Plus 1/8

126.29 EUR
The Half-Merman Strikes Back plastic model kit is now available in the same package size as the legendary classic horror model kit! Total height: approx. 27.5cm (including the pedestal to the right hand tip) (C) Universal City Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved.

MoRub-Japan GARAGE TOY Toho 30cm Series FAVORITE SCULPTORS LINE Baragon Height length 420mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus (1965) approx. 170mm/Total approx.

434.74 EUR
From ``Frankenstein vs. the Underground Monster'' (released in 1965), Baragon appears! The underground monster Baragon, which is a monster from the Mesozoic era reptile, has been commercialized as a finished painted soft vinyl figure with a total length of approximately 42 cm using the masterpiece prototype produced by Inoue Arts. Total height: approx. 17cm, total length: approx. 42cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

sold-Japan GARAGE TOY Toho 30cm Series Godzilla the Ride Height length 600mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus approx. 310mm/Total approx.

751.42 EUR
From Seibuen Amusement Park's popular attraction ``Godzilla the Ride: Battle at the Top of the Giant Monster'', Godzilla appears in the Toho 30cm series! With its powerful pose and impressive modeling, it is a complete piece that allows you to fully feel the charm of Godzilla that appears in the attraction. Please feel free to experience the powerful figure that inflicts irrational fear on humans! Product size: Total height: approx. 31cm, total length: approx. 60cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

MoRub-Japan TAMASHII NATIONS DX Chogokin Macross Plus Gore Bowman 280mm Painted Movable Figure YF-21 (Gard Machine) Approx. PVC&ABS&Diecast

467.25 EUR
(C)1994 BIGWEST Painted movable figure From Macross Plus , the strange prototype variable fighter YF-21 driven by Gard Gore Bowman has finally taken off as DX Chogokin! Please handle with care as it is made with precision. Color may transfer or scratches may occur. There may be slight variations in appearance. note that.

MoRub-Japan GARAGE TOY Toho 30cm Series Godzilla the Ride Height length 600mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus approx. 310mm/Total approx.

795.75 EUR
From Seibuen Amusement Park's popular attraction ``Godzilla the Ride: Battle at the Top of the Giant Monster'', Godzilla appears in the Toho 30cm series! With its powerful pose and impressive modeling, it is a complete piece that allows you to fully feel the charm of Godzilla that appears in the attraction. Please feel free to experience the powerful figure that inflicts irrational fear on humans! Product size: Total height: approx. 31cm, total length: approx. 60cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

sold-Japan GARAGE TOY Toho Daikaiju Series Ultra Seven Emerium Ray Pose General distribution version Height 240mm PVC Painted Completed Figure X-Plus Ver.

390.44 EUR
To commemorate the 55th anniversary of Ultra Seven , Ultra Seven is now available in the Emerium Ray Ver.!The pose of the Emerium Ray, which has not been released in the large monster series until now, is shot with both hands on the forehead, and is now three-dimensional with a completely new model. Total height: approx. 24cm (not including pedestal) (C) TSUBURAYA PROD.

Select Items Norisuke TAMASHII NATIONS DX Chogokin Macross Delta the Movie Absolute Kairos Plus Immelman 260mm ABS Die Cast PVC Painted Movable Figure LIVE!!!!!! VF-31AX

304.99 EUR
Welcome to Select Items Norisuke! I am a seller from Japan. I ship authentic products from Japan. Please enjoy shopping with peace of mind! You will find popular and useful items in Japan! If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. (C)2021 BIGWEST The main character machine VF-31AX Kairos Plus (Hayate Immelman machine) from Macross the Movie △ Absolute LIVE!!! is back as a regular version! *This product is not a limited edition. Please handle with care as it is made with precision. Color may transfer or scratches may occur. There may be slight variations in appearance. note that.

Nippon-Mart Gamera 1999 scale unpainted unassembled plastic model kit X-Plus 1/700

150.74 EUR
From the masterpiece monster movie ``Gamera 3: The Awakening of Iris'' released in 1999, Gamera (1999) appears as a 1/700 scale plastic model. Overall height: approx. 11.5cm (when assembled) (C) KADOKAWA TNHN/1999 *This product is an unpainted, unassembled kit that requires assembly and painting. *Adhesive, tools, paint, etc. are required separately for assembly and painting. *Adhesives, tools, paint, etc. are not included with this product.

Kotobukiya Juya ZOIDS RZ-010 Pteras Bomber Marking Plus Ver. Height approx. 210mm 172 scale plastic model ZD139

92.74 EUR
(C) TOMY ZOIDS is a trademark of TOMY Company, Ltd. and used under license. It is possible to recombine [Pteras Bomber] and [Pteras] by exchanging the knee glove, main wing joint cap, and bomber unit. In addition to clear orange, a colorless clear molded part of the head cockpit was added. You can paint with your favorite clear color. A decal containing a wealth of various emblems and warning marks is attached to the new one, and it is possible to accurately complete it by attaching it as a symbol. Do I need to assemble: Yes Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package. manufacture country: Japan

KOTOBUKIYA ZOIDS EZ-004 Red Horn Marking Plus Ver. Total length approx. 330mm 172 scale plastic model

126.08 EUR
Manufacturer's suggested retail price 8,400 yen (excluding tax) (C) TOMY ZOIDS is a trademark of TOMY Company, Ltd. and used under license. The head cockpit hatch opens and closes, and HMM's unique arrangement has a built-in common cockpit, so you can ride the attached regular pilot figure. The joy-core part built into the fuselage is detachable. A Gunner cockpit (small aircraft for reconnaissance) covered with a canopy is mounted on the back and tail of the and can be separated. Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package. manufacture country: Japan

MIYAKO GARAGE TOY Toho Large Monster Series Godzilla Height length 340mm PVC painted completed figure X-Plus (1974) approx. 230mm/Total approx. Non-scale

242.16 EUR
Godzilla (1974) that appeared in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla joins the Toho Daikaiju series! The features of Godzilla (1974) have been delicately sculpted into three-dimensional form. This Godzilla has a sharp gaze that tilts its head slightly and looks up at Mechagodzilla. Total height: approx. 23cm, total length: approx. 34cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

MoRub-Japan Alpha Omega Love Nozomi Tojo Pentel Eye Plus Collaboration Completed Figure Megatrea Shop Live! Ver. 1/7 (Premium Bandai, Limited)

475.11 EUR
Made of PVC, ABS Target age: 15 years or older 1/7 scale (total height approx. 240mm/including hat) made in china Love Live! Set contents: ・Painted finished figure ・Special pedestal

JO Market - Japan Product select - Sanei Boeki Super Mario Figure Collection Plus Donkey Kong with Banana FCP-009

67.93 EUR
[Product Infomation] Brand : Sanei Boeki Materials : Plastic [Product Description] ・ Super Mario Figure Collection Plus is an action figure with a height of approximately 10 cm that has many movable parts and can be posed in various poses! Furthermore, each figure also comes with familiar items, so you can enjoy it even more by combining it with figures and other products in the lineup. [FCP-009 Donkey Kong] comes with a banana. The head, arms, and legs are movable. ・(C) Nintendo Super Mario Figure Collection Plus is an action figure with a height of approximately 10cm that has many moving parts and can be posed in various poses! Furthermore, each figure also comes with familiar items, so you can enjoy it even more by combining it with figures and other products in the lineup. [FCP-009 Donkey Kong] comes with a banana. The head, arms, and legs are movable. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2. About electrical products [Voltage compatible] When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed according to Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so using them at a different voltage may cause malfunctions. [Plug type] Our products use the Japanese plug type (A type or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. [Important notes regarding transformers and adapters] A transformer adjusts the voltage to suit the requirements of the equipment. Conversion adapters only change the shape of the plug and do not adjust the voltage. Using only the conversion adapter without a transformer may damage the product. [About responsibility] We are not responsible for any failure or damage caused by improper usage, such as operating the product without a transformer. 3. Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website.

X PLUS Vampirella Luminous Scale Plastic Model Kit X-Plus Ver. 1/8

135.17 EUR
The pose from the box art of the Vampirella plastic model previously released by Aurora on 1/13 scale is reproduced on 1/8 scale. The main body and the two bats are made of phosphorescent material, giving them a faint glow in the dark. Overall height: approx. 23cm Product form: Plastic model kit (unassembled, unpainted) *This product is an unpainted, unassembled kit that requires assembly and painting. *Adhesive, tools, paint, etc. are required separately for assembly and painting. *Adhesives, tools, paint, etc. are not included with this product.

TAKUMIYA figma Love Plus Manaka Takamine +

133.68 EUR
Title: Love Plus+ Specifications Painted ABS&PVC movable non-scale figure with stand included. Approximately 135mm in height. Prototype production: Max Factory, Maki Asai Publisher Max Factory Sold by Good Smile Company

sold-Japan Gigantic Series x Godzilla 1954 Height length 390mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus Defo-Real approx. 240mm/Total approx. Non-scale

435.56 EUR
Godzilla (1954) appears in the second installment of the Gigantic series x Defo-real! A completely new model packed with more information and modeling unique to the Gigantic series, arranged as a defo-real. A three-dimensional figure of Godzilla holding a train in his mouth. Total height: approx. 24cm, total length: approx. 39cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd. Domestic distributor: X-Plus Co., Ltd.

Omi Japan Products Plarail Thomas OT-05 chatted Gordon English Plus

67.71 EUR
Renewal of the specifications to be able to play in both Japanese and English ! The existing function of talking while running has been retained, and an English quiz function has been added. 【set content】 Gordon top car (powered car) + sound vehicle (1), open car (1), instruction manual (1) *Rails are not included.

sold-Japan GARAGE TOY Toho Large Monster Series Godzilla Height length 350mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus (2023) approx. 225mm/Total approx. Non-scale

278.07 EUR
From Godzilla -1.0 (released in 2023), Godzilla (2023) appears in the Toho Daikaiju series! Godzilla suddenly appears in Japan, which has become a scorched earth. The figure that overran post-war Japan and pushed people into the depths of despair has been recreated into a three-dimensional figure with a total height of approximately 22.5cm. Total height: approx. 22.5cm, total length: approx. 35cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

Select Items Norisuke Kotobukiya ToHeart2 DX PLUS Tamaki Kousaka Deluxe scale PVC painted finished product 1/4

325.9 EUR
Welcome to Select Items Norisuke! I am a seller from Japan. I ship authentic products from Japan. Please enjoy shopping with peace of mind! You will find popular and useful items in Japan! If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. Body size: Overall height: approx. 270mm (body: approx. 245mm) Target gender: Boys Target age: From 15 years old Main country of manufacture: China (C)2004,2011 AQUAPLUS

Board M Factory Art Box/Plus Fun Molang Nano Block (Pineapple Molang)

33.2 EUR
Please check before purchasing. 1. This is a product that has been purchased from an official seller or has been certified as an official product. 2. All prices are for individual items except for the option name set. 3. In the case of a renewal product, the package before and after renewal will be shipped randomly. The contents (ingredients/capacity) are the same product. 4. When returning, a full unboxing video (no pause, screen change, etc.) is required, and random gift items cannot be returned for any reason. Product name and model name: Molang Nanoblock (Pineapple Molang) Brand: Artbox Manufacturer/Importer: Idea/Idea Certification information [Children's Product Certification] This safety-confirmed item requires the national integrated certification below. Safety confirmation report number CB064R3357-1002

Zen Picks - Japan Product select - Wave Macross Frontier Armored Nightmare Plus Alto Machine Scale Total Length 22cm Plastic Model VF-171EX 1/72 Approx. MC-076 (Airplane)

154.95 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- (C)2007 BIGWEST/MACROSS F PROJECT・MBS A plastic model that requires assembly and painting. Separate tools and paint are required. 1/72 scale unpainted plastic assembly kit Completed size: Total length approx. 22cm In addition to various armored parts, MED particle anti-gravity cannon for anti-Vajra, large anti-ship missile, medium-range anti-aircraft missile Befores AAMM-05D, Sentinel FXA-60A high-speed armor-piercing 6-rocket pod, short-range high-mobility anti-aircraft missile L.A.I/AAMS -02A 3-unit included

JO Market - Japan Product select - Sanei Boeki Super Mario Figure Collection Plus Pack'n Flower with Coin FCP-007

60.07 EUR
[Product Infomation] Brand : Sanei Boeki Materials : Plastic [Product Description] ・ Super Mario Figure Collection Plus is an action figure with a height of approximately 10 cm that has many movable parts and can be posed in various poses! Furthermore, each figure also comes with familiar items, so you can enjoy it even more by combining it with figures and other products in the lineup. [FCP-007 Pack'n Flower] comes with a coin. The base of the flower, mouth, and base of the stem are movable. ・(C) Nintendo Super Mario Figure Collection Plus is an action figure with a height of approximately 10cm that has many moving parts and can be posed in various poses! Furthermore, each figure also comes with familiar items, so you can enjoy it even more by combining it with figures and other products in the lineup. [FCP-007 Pack'n Flower] comes with a coin. The base of the flower, mouth, and base of the stem are movable. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2. About electrical products [Voltage compatible] When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed according to Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so using them at a different voltage may cause malfunctions. [Plug type] Our products use the Japanese plug type (A type or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. [Important notes regarding transformers and adapters] A transformer adjusts the voltage to suit the requirements of the equipment. Conversion adapters only change the shape of the plug and do not adjust the voltage. Using only the conversion adapter without a transformer may damage the product. [About responsibility] We are not responsible for any failure or damage caused by improper usage, such as operating the product without a transformer. 3. Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website.

MIYAKO GARAGE TOY Biollante General Distribution Version Total Length Approximately 220mm PVC Painted Completed Figure X-PLUS Defo-Real

358.77 EUR
Biollante, who appeared in Godzilla VS Biollante (released in 1989), is now available as a default! Total height: approx. 16cm, total length: approx. 22cm Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd. TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD.

MIYAKO Bride of Frankenstein scale unpainted plastic model kit X-Plus 1/8

161.9 EUR
The beautiful bride ``Bride'', who was revived after an experiment in life creation just like ``Frankenstein's monster'', has joined the X-Plus model kit series! The bride played by Elsa Lanchester's beautiful face, distinctive hairstyle, gray hair highlights, and even the tips of her outstretched fingers have been delicately sculpted into three-dimensional figures. Product size: Bride (in dress) approx. 21.5cm, Bride (in bandage) approx. 20.6cm, from pedestal to bed approx. 25cm

MoRub-Japan TCG Memories Off DIVINE CROSS 20 pack BOX Plus Pack Set (TCG)

176.27 EUR
1 pack contains 6 pieces, 1BOX contains 20 packs, 1 pack is added to 1BOX Normal specifications: N12 types, R8 types, Kira card specifications: SR8 types, UR4 types, SEC2 types, ■1 PR card included in 1BOX (3 types in total) ■1 pack added to 1BOX SEC2 types are cards with serial numbers! Card size: H88 x W63 (mm) Ready to play with 5 booster packs

Avocado House 078 Good Toy 2023 Award Mag Build Slope Plus 100 Pieces Educational Toy Slope Toy Magnetic Block Toy Jade Road

146.63 EUR
In response to the voices of those who have been playing with the extremely popular Magbuild slope set, such as ``I want more slope parts!'' and ``I want to create a bigger course!'', we have created a set of large-capacity slope parts. Perfect for purchasing slope parts for the Magbuild you already have. Of course, you can also have fun playing with this slope plus alone. A Japanese idea book is included and can be enjoyed by boys, girls, children and adults alike. It includes ideas for a variety of courses, from simple courses to challenging masterpiece courses, and you can enjoy making ball coasters of various difficulty levels for a long period of time with 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 5-year-olds, and elementary school students. The safety has been evaluated and the popularity ranking has skyrocketed! Many of our products have been delivered to nursery schools, kindergartens, preschool classrooms, and kids' spaces, and are chosen as presents for birthdays, kindergarten entrance celebrations, school entrance celebrations, Christmas, and other occasions! A magnetic toy made of ABS material that is safe even if you put it in your mouth. Passed Japanese food inspection. An educational toy that fosters the power of inspiration! Kitwell provides open-ended educational toys. There are no rules, no end, and you can play as many times as you like, depending on your creativity. By combining magnetic blocks and slope parts to repeatedly create a ball path so that the ball rolls well, you can develop spatial awareness skills such as height, width, and height as well as logical thinking skills while playing. “Parents are having more fun!” We have heard from many families who are enjoying Mag Build that the parents and adults are having as much fun with it as the children! It is an educational toy that you can enjoy playing with your children because it is simple and intuitive to assemble without the need for instructions, and adults can't help but get hooked on it because it is simple yet highly expandable. Warning: This item contains small magnets. If a magnet is swallowed, it can stick to the entire intestine, causing severe infection and death. If a magnet is swallowed or inhaled, seek medical attention immediately.

Board M Factory Art Box/Plus Fun Molang Deform Block (Strawberry)

34.15 EUR
Please check before purchasing. 1. This is a product that has been purchased from an official seller or has been certified as an official product. 2. All prices are for individual items except for the option name set. 3. In the case of a renewal product, the package before and after renewal will be shipped randomly. The contents (ingredients/capacity) are the same product. 4. When returning, a full unboxing video (no pause, screen change, etc.) is required, and random gift items cannot be returned for any reason. Product name and model name: Molang deform block (strawberry) Brand: Artbox Manufacturer/Importer: Idea/Idea Certification information [Children's Product Certification] This safety-confirmed item requires the national integrated certification below. Safety confirmation report number CB064R3357-1002

sold-Japan Revenge of the Merman scale unpainted unassembled plastic model kit X-Plus 1/8

156.31 EUR
We will deliver a 1/8 scale plastic model kit of the creature from the 1955 sci-fi horror movie ``The Merman Strikes Back.'' In this work, the second part of the Merman trilogy, we modeled the creature that was captured in the Ocean Harbor Marine Laboratory in Florida, which is the most impressive scene. Product size: Total height: Approx. 22cm (to top of head not including pedestal)/Approx. 28cm (including pedestal and right hand tip) (C) Universal City Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. *This product is an unpainted, unassembled kit that requires assembly and painting. *Adhesive, tools, paint, etc. are required separately for assembly and painting. *Adhesives, tools, paint, etc. are not included with this product.

Board M Factory [Aga Plus] Baby Plus Mini Animal Block 18-piece Set

86.3 EUR
Please check before purchasing. 1. This is a product that has been purchased from an official seller or has been certified as an official product. 2. All prices are for individual items except for the option name set. 3. In the case of a renewal product, the package before and after renewal will be shipped randomly. The contents (ingredients/capacity) are the same product. 4. When returning, a full unboxing video (no pause, screen change, etc.) is required, and random gift items cannot be returned for any reason. Product number: 1000267967737 Country of manufacture: China Manufacturer/Importer: See detailed description/See detailed description Brand: Certification Information [Children's Product Certification] This safety-confirmed item requires the national integrated certification below. Safety confirmation report number 000

Select Items Norisuke TAMASHII NATIONS DX Chogokin Macross Delta the Movie Absolute Kairos Plus Farina Genus 260mm ABS Die Cast PVC Painted Movable Figure LIVE!!!!!!

326.54 EUR
Welcome to Select Items Norisuke! I am a seller from Japan. I ship authentic products from Japan. Please enjoy shopping with peace of mind! You will find popular and useful items in Japan! If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. Country of origin: China Packing size: 38 x 25 x 12 cm

sold-Japan GARAGE TOY Titanosaurus General Distribution Version Height 170mm PVC Painted Complete Figure X-PLUS Defo-Real approx.

204.07 EUR
From the movie Mechagodzilla Strikes Back (released in 1975), the dinosaur Titanosaurus appears in default! Total height: approx. 17cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

VALLETTA JAPAN Macross Archives “The Super Dimension Fortress Macross” “Macross Plus” “Macross Zero” and other editions

77.23 EUR
The 10th edition of the overwhelming dungeon fantasy presented by Fujino Omori and Suzuhito Yasuda! Bell's encounter with the intelligent monster ``Maverick (Xenos)'' is short-lived, but he is separated from Wiene. Belle is buried in her days of despair, but the evil hand is about to approach Wiene as well. and, “We have confirmed the large movement of armed monsters! The guild is issuing a subjugation mission!” The die was thrown by a runaway ``Maverick (Xenos)''. The trigger was the violent hunters, and the price was a turmoil that engulfed all factions in the city. The boy is forced to make a decision in the turbulent Orario. Aspirations and monsters, reality and ideals, heroes and sinners. Between humans and monsters, Bell... You're really stupid... This is a boy walking, a goddess writing, ──[Story of the Followers (Familia Miis)]──

MIYAKO GARAGE TOY Toho 30cm series Godzilla Cybot version Height length 380mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus (1984) non-scale approx. 340mm/Total approx.

420.76 EUR
From Godzilla (released in 1984), the Cybot Godzilla appears! Total height: approx. 34cm, total length: approx. 38cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

JO Market - Japan Product select - Sanei Boeki Super Mario Figure Collection Plus Yoshi with Yoshi's Egg FCP-003

61.04 EUR
[Product Infomation] Brand : Sanei Boeki Materials : Plastic [Product Description] ・ Super Mario Figure Collection Plus is an action figure with a height of approximately 10 cm that has many movable parts and can be posed in various poses! Furthermore, each figure also comes with familiar items, so you can enjoy it even more by combining it with figures and other products in the lineup. [FCP-003 Yoshi] comes with a Yoshi egg. The head, arms, and legs are movable. ・(C) Nintendo Super Mario Figure Collection Plus is an action figure with a height of approximately 10cm that has many moving parts and can be posed in various poses! Furthermore, each figure also comes with familiar items, so you can enjoy it even more by combining it with figures and other products in the lineup. [FCP-003 Yoshi] comes with a Yoshi egg. The head, arms, and legs are movable. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2. About electrical products [Voltage compatible] When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed according to Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so using them at a different voltage may cause malfunctions. [Plug type] Our products use the Japanese plug type (A type or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. [Important notes regarding transformers and adapters] A transformer adjusts the voltage to suit the requirements of the equipment. Conversion adapters only change the shape of the plug and do not adjust the voltage. Using only the conversion adapter without a transformer may damage the product. [About responsibility] We are not responsible for any failure or damage caused by improper usage, such as operating the product without a transformer. 3. Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website.

PITAKITE figma Love Plus Manaka Takamine +

126.22 EUR
Title: Love Plus+ Specifications Painted ABS&PVC movable non-scale figure with stand included. Approximately 135mm in height. Prototype production: Max Factory, Maki Asai Publisher Max Factory Sold by Good Smile Company

X PLUS GARAGE TOY Large Monster Series Ultraman Mebius Height 245mm PVC painted finished figure X-Plus Ver.2 approx. Non-scale

240.74 EUR
Ultraman Mebius appears in the large monster series ULTRA NEW GENERATION as a completely new model version 2! Mr. Nobuyuki Inagami, who has worked on many hero models, has created Ultraman Mebius in a powerful and youthful pose. Total height: approx. 24.5cm (C) TSUBURAYA PROD. Publisher: Plex Co., Ltd.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie [New Edition] Rebellion Mami Tomoe Maiko Ver. 1/8 Complete Figure (Aniplex Plus Exclusive)

270.99 EUR
I can draw pretty boys, but I can't draw cool old men... This is a manga technique book exclusively for old men that answers the concerns of such girls. Not only how to draw old men of each body type, but also otome game type, warlord type, etc. A large collection of old men divided by genre. There were 73 people! In addition to character portraits, there are also illustrations of various everyday and extraordinary situations. Excellent documentation and useful ★★★! Table of contents Chapter 1 Basics Explains the variations of the face and body of an old man (normal, muscular, thin, obese) and points on how to draw them. Chapter 2 Work/Hobbies Old men working hard on their work and hobbies. ・Various office workers ・Researcher ・Various detectives ・Various military personnel ・Other old men who are often around there Chapter 3 Dream Romance Gray Edition Stylish people who have evolved beyond being old men to become old men. ·grandfather ・Old gentleman ・Butler ・Erotic old man Chapter 4 Otome Game Edition After all, we have to keep this in mind! Beautiful old men. ·writer ・Physical education teacher ・Company boss ・Yakuza Chapter 5 Fantasy/SF/History Old men who don't exist in real life are also attractive. ・Warrior/Swordsman ・God/Magician ・Pirate ・Captain ・Various military commanders Chapter 6 Movies/Foreign Dramas People you often see on cable TV ·gang ・Gunman ・Detective

sold-Japan Cyclops Luminous scale unpainted unassembled plastic model kit X-Plus Ver. 1/35

119.69 EUR
The one-eyed giant Cyclops, a representative creature designed by Ray Harryhausen, is now available in glow-in-the-dark! The upper body is made of luminescent molding, while the lower body and diorama pedestal are made of black molding, following the luminescent models of yesteryear. Delivered according to specifications. Total height: approx. 24.5cm (including pedestal) *This product is an unpainted, unassembled kit that requires assembly and painting. Separate adhesive, tools, paint, etc. are required for assembly and painting.

JO Market - Japan Product select - X-Plus Defo-Real Godzilla (2023) Total height approx. 150mm Non-scale PVC painted completed figure 2nd order

180.61 EUR
Godzilla (2023) will appear in Deporial starting with “Godzilla-1.0” (released in 2023) Overall height: about 15 cm TM & (C) TOHO CO. LTD. Publisher: Flex Co., Ltd. Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

TAKUMIYA TAMASHII NATIONS DX Chogokin Macross F Armored Nightmare Plus EX Saotome Revival 300mm painted movable figure VF-171EX (Alto version) Ver. Approx.

336.36 EUR
(C)2007 BIGWEST/MACROSS F PROJECT・MBS Painted movable figure Please handle with care as it is made with precision. Color may transfer or scratches may occur. There may be slight variations in appearance. note that. From Macross F , another main character machine VF-171EX Nightmare Plus EX (Alto Saotome machine) is revived and commercialized with armored parts! The surface of the fuselage body and armored parts have been given a matte finish to enhance the texture, while markings have been added to the armored parts.