158 EUR
The hyper-popular fourth-gen KRK Rokit has gone into retirement, ushering in the age of the fifth-gen KRK Rokit 5 G5. Believe the hype: this fan-favourite should never, ever be underestimated. Just like the studio monitors that came before it, this model grants musicians, producers, beat-makers and writers affordable access to the quality of sound demanded by both the production and mixing process. The KRK Rokit 5 G5 Studio Monitor This 5 inch model is ideal for medium-sized spaces, so if you've set up your studio workspace in a large bedroom, this monitor will be perfect. While you might be tempted by the deeper bass of bigger models, more bass demands more space - otherwise you're looking at a warped audio image that creates more issues than it does solutions. So, it's the size as well as the price that makes the 5 inch Rokit such a popular choice. Meanwhile, the 54 Hz to 30 kHz (+/- 3 dB) frequency response has been perfectly calibrated for most popular music, which doesn't do any harm either. High-End Options This monitor comes with three different operating modes: Mix, Focus and Create. The Mix setting is ideal for the mixing phase, which will probably be the most-used mode. The Focus setting, meanwhile is an ultra-valuable yet more specialised mode that emphasises the mid-frequencies, where the more critical instruments in your production are likely to sit, so it's usually the area of your mix that requires the most attention. To finish, the Create setting supports more casual listening, so is perfect for the writing process (the bit before the more critical mixing phase). Another handy feature is the bank of EQ settings which, in earlier times, you wouldn't even touch since neutral sound during mixing used to be considered a must, but because more and more producers are aware of the acoustic colouring of the space they work in, some EQ settings are pretty useful when it comes to compensating for any less-than-optimal acoustics.