Kamelot I Am The Empire-Live From The 013 (Cd)

24.05 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren, Brand : NAPALM RECORDS, Binding : Audio CD, Edition : Live, Label : Napalm Records (Universal Music), Publisher : Napalm Records (Universal Music), NumberOfDiscs : 3, NumberOfItems : 3, Format : Box-Set, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2020-08-14, artists : Kamelot

Keeley Vintage Phaser Chromalux 2K24 Custom Shop Edition

217 EUR
La Keeley Vintage Phaser Chromalux 2K24 Custom Shop Edition vous offre les trois modulations de phaser les plus courantes dans une pédale compacte. Après tout, les phasers à deux, quatre ou six étages ou étapes produisent le son le plus musical. L'oscillateur basse fréquence de cette pédale d'effet crée un son de type vague où le ton change de façon rythmique. Le réglage de l'effet phaser est facile et rapide grâce aux boutons rotatifs Rate et Depth qui permettent de régler la vitesse de l'oscillateur et de déterminer la profondeur de l'effet. Le bouton FDBK renvoie une partie du signal à l'entrée, ce qui permet d'obtenir une résonance.

Alexandre Astier Kamelot Livre 1 Première Partie Le Texte Intégral De La Série

3.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : J'ai lu, Publisher : J'ai lu, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2013-01-01, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2277008222

Keeley Eccos Delay / Looper delay stéréo de qualité studio avec modulation Tape Flanged

251 EUR
Avec la Eccos Delay / Looper, Keeley propose une pédale de delay stéréo de qualité studio. Très complète, elle propose un delay de style Tape Flanged que vous pouvez régler en répétitions à l'infini, grâce au looper intégré. En mode delay, les footswitchs situés sur cette pédale peuvent être utilisés pour régler le bypass, la fonction Tap Tempo et l'effet de feedback infini. En mode looper, ces footswitchs servent à gérer les fonctions d'enregistrement, de lecture, de lecture à demi-vitesse et de « play-once ». Notez qu'il vous est possible de sauvegarder jusqu'à trois presets que vous pouvez rappeler à tout moment. Eccos : qualité et simplicité d'utilisation Cette pédale embarque un processeur DSP 24/56 bits Quad Dream que les ingénieurs de Keeley ont mis quatre ans à développer. En résulte une qualité audio inégalée. La Keeley Eccos offre d'ailleurs de nombreuses possibilités de connexion vous permettant de l'intégrer sans aucun problème au sein de votre configuration de home studio ou sur scène. Vous pouvez même brancher une pédale switch externe pour contrôler la fonction Tap Tempo et le type de bypass à distance.

Keeley Halo Andy Timmons Dual Echo pédale de delay pour guitare

333 EUR
La Halo Andy Timmons Dual Echo est une pédale d'effet très polyvalente truffée de plusieurs types de delays contrôlés par DSP, dont le mystérieux "Halo Delay", ainsi que de la fonction Tap Tempo. Cette pédale de delay stéréo vous permet de créer facilement les paysages sonores les plus uniques. Multi-delay polyvalent Grâce au processeur DSP très puissant de cette pédale, vous disposez de 5 types de delay différents : Quarter Note, Dotted Eighth, Halo, Bucket Brigade et Multi-Tap Tape Delay. Chacun des 5 potentiomètres de la Halo Andy Timmons peut être utilisé pour régler deux aspects différents de l'effet. Vous pouvez donc créer rapidement un son de delay unique. La pédale d'effet Keeley Halo Andy Timmons fonctionne comme deux pédales de delay, ce qui vous permet de créer et de sauvegarder vos presets à la fois sur le canal A et le canal B. Vous pouvez alors facilement passer de l'un à l'autre grâce aux deux footswitches intégrés à la pédale. Ainsi, vous pouvez par exemple modifier le temps de retard et le type de delay en plein milieu d'une chanson. Les footswitches donnent également accès aux fonctions Tap Tempo et Hold/Freeze. De nombreuses connexions La pédale d'effet Keeley Halo Andy Timmons peut être utilisée entièrement en stéréo et dispose donc de deux entrées et sorties jack 6,35 mm. Les possibilités ne s'arrêtent pas là, car vous disposez de deux entrées footswitch séparées pour les canaux A et B, ainsi que d'une sortie pour une pédale d'expression externe. Il est donc également possible de transmettre le signal de la pédale à deux amplis/baffles différents pour obtenir un son énorme.

Keeley Compressor Mini Black Neon pédale d'effet Compressor / Sustainer / Boost

137 EUR
Avec le Mini Compressor de Keeley, améliorer la jouabilité sans sacrifier votre son ou la dynamique de votre jeu ne pourrait être plus simple et plus efficace. Cette pédale au format micro ne prend pas de place sur le pédalier (ou dans la tête de l'ampli) et maintient un mixage parfait, que vous produisiez des sons clairs ou distordus, grâce à sa compression à la Manhattan. De plus, il s'agit d'une pédale true-bypass, ce qui signifie qu'elle n'affectera pas votre son si elle est désactivée. Le Compressor Mini : L'aboutissement ultime de la compression pour différents styles Fruit de plus de deux décennies d'expérience, le Compressor Mini peut être considéré comme l'aboutissement ultime de Robert Keeley en matière de compression. Conçue avec soin, cette unité permet aux guitaristes de tous les styles de disposer d'un kit très adaptable qui comprend même un circuit de récupération automatique de la tonalité pour une étincelle maximale dans les aigus avec des réglages de compression plus élevés. De plus, cette pédale d'effets est compatible avec les simples bobines comme avec les humbuckers puisque le temps de relâchement transitoire du mini-compresseur s'adapte au son du micro de votre guitare. Enfin, Keeley a équipé la pédale d'un préampli intégré afin que vous puissiez composer un son serré, naturel et puissant dans n'importe quelle configuration.

Keeley Hydra Stereo Reverb / Tremolo pédale d'effet

262 EUR
Avec la Hydra, Keeley combine la qualité studio et les réverbes stéréo true bypass, les trémolos et même un réglage de vibrato de bon goût dans un boîtier robuste. Les effets sonores sublimes de cette pédale proviennent du Quad 24/56-bit du Dream DSP qui équipe la magnifique pédale Eccos. Cela vous donne la possibilité de faire toutes sortes de combinaisons spatiales des 3 réglages de réverbe et des 3 réglages de trémolo. Vous pouvez activer et désactiver les deux effets indépendamment et également déterminer le tempo de la modulation. Vous avez trouvé votre son préféré ? Alors enregistrez ce son d'ambiance monstrueux sous l'un des 3 presets. Hydra : 3 réverbes spatiales, 3 modulations Pour rendre le son de votre guitare, de votre basse ou de votre clavier plus spacieux, vous pouvez choisir parmi 3 réverbes classiques : spring, plate et room. En plus d'un trémolo sinusoïdal, vous pouvez également choisir une variante harmonique ou un vibrato à utiliser séparément ou avec une des réverbes. En appuyant sur le bouton Hold, vous pouvez choisir si vous souhaitez ajuster les paramètres de la réverbe ou de la section trémolo de la Keeley Hydra. En plus des commandes habituelles, vous disposez d'un bouton Mixer pour la réverbe qui vous permet de régler la réverbération du trémolo.

Keeley Dark Side pédale multi-effets

309 EUR
You don't know the power of the Dark Side ! Cette pédale multi-effets inclut les effets Epic Big Fuzz, Multi Head Tape Delay, Rotary/Flanger et U-Vibe/Phaser.

Keeley Memphis Sun Lo-Fi Reverb / Echo / Double-Tracker

219 EUR
La Keeley Memphis Sun vous fait revivre l'époque des années 50. Cette pédale d'effet polyvalente fournit toute une variété d'effets allant de Small Room Reverb à Slapback Echo en passant par l'effet futuriste Double Tracking.

Keeley Fuzz Bender pédale

164 EUR
Robert Keeley présente fièrement la Fuzz Bender! Fournie avec un son de qualité Keeley et habillée dans un boîtier qui l'est tout autant, cette pédale de fuzz peut être utilisée pour n'importe quel style. Tournez le potentiomètre Fuzz jusqu'au bout et vous ouvrirez la voie à un blues déchirant. Montez les potentiomètres Bass et Bias et vous vous retrouverez englouti dans un rock stoner puissamment gras. Transistor au germanium La Fuzz Bender est logée dans un boîtier métallique légèrement plus grand que la plupart des autres pédales Keeley sans pour autant être démesurément grande. Construite autour d'un transistor japonais au germanium, les sons fuzz dont est capable cette pédale abritent une puissance considérable. En utilisant le contrôle Bias, l'attaque et la décroissance du son peuvent être ajustées facilement et avec précision, faisant du Fuzz Bender un excellent nouveau venu dans le monde granuleux de la fuzz.

Keeley Realizer Reverberator pédale d'effet

235 EUR
La Realizer Reverb Pedal de Keeley est une pédale de réverbération avec trois types de réverbération différents, à savoir Soft Focus, Reverse et Hall. Vous pouvez ajuster ces différents modes selon votre goût en utilisant les boutons rotatifs pour la chaleur, la profondeur, le déclin et le mélange. Une simple pression sur le pédalier permet d'activer ou de désactiver l'effet. Le voyant lumineux situé sur le dessus indique si la pédale est activée ou désactivée. Comme vous pouvez le constater, cette pédale d'effet est basée sur le côté gauche de la pédale multi-effet Loomer. Le corps métallique du Realizer Reverberator est orné d'un motif en diamant et de boutons et interrupteurs chromés. Il a été fabriqué aux États-Unis.

Keeley Noble Screamer pédale d'overdrive

229 EUR
La Keeley Noble Screamer vous permet de combiner les propriétés sonores des meilleures pédales d'overdrive et de boost. Les commandes Tone et Drive sont soutenues par un mini-switch qui permet de basculer entre le mode OD et le mode TS, en d'autres termes, la modélisation de la pédale d'effets est soutenue par un circuit entièrement analogique. Les options offertes vont de l'overdrive traditionnelle et chaleureuse aux sons hybrides modernes, tandis que, grâce à la disposition claire des commandes, les spécificités peuvent être réglées de manière simple mais efficace. Vous pouvez même choisir entre un vrai bypass et un bypass tamponné. Fabriquée avec amour aux Etats-Unis, cette création de Keeley est un must-have.

Keeley Angry Orange pédale de distorsion / fuzz

218 EUR
De plus, le puissant Angry Orange du maître de la pédale Keeley réunit deux effets emblématiques dans une pédale de qualité, avec une approche analogique et old-school. En termes de distorsion, vous avez accès à la distorsion légendaire de cette pédale d'effets orange très connue de la fin des années 70. De plus, vous trouverez dans cette pédale de guitare la fuzz classique du début des années 90 avec un design de style guerre civile sur le boîtier. En plus des contrôles de tonalité, de drive et de niveau pour la tonalité, l'overdrive et le niveau de volume respectivement, vous avez également 2 mini-commutateurs qui vous permettent de faire réagir le caractère de la tonalité et du drive indépendamment comme les boutons sur l'une des deux pédales de guitare emblématiques. Vous avez donc tout ce qu'il faut à bord pour créer diverses distorsions fuzz uniques. D'ailleurs, vous pouvez basculer rapidement et simplement entre le true bypass et le buffered bypass pour obtenir un son clean bypass.

Keeley Compressor Plus pédale d'effet

164 EUR
Après avoir conquis de nombreux guitaristes avec sa pédale Compressor, voilà que Keeley la fait évoluer dans une version Plus toujours plus efficace. On retrouve la patte de Keeley dans ce compresseur de qualité studio dont l'utilisation simple va de pair avec une sonorité de haute volée. Une pédale que l'on devrait retrouver dans tous les pedalboards ! Micro simple et humbucker Parce que chaque micro est différent et que vous ne voulez pas perdre de temps à retoucher aux réglages de votre pédale lorsque vous changez de guitare, Keeley a prévu un sélecteur permettant de choisir entre micro à simple bobinage et humbucker. Pour rehausser certaines fréquences qui ont tendance à disparaître lors de la compression, cette Compressor Plus propose un réglage de tonalité. Et pour garder un son transparent, il est possible, grâce au contrôle Blend, de mélanger le son brut de l'instrument branché en entrée de la pédale avec celui traité par l'effet. Compresseur et sustainer En plus de jouer le rôle de compresseur, cette pédale peut également servir de sustainer. Pour ce faire, un contrôle nommé Sustain a été ajouté. Il est également possible de booster plus ou moins le son grâce au potentiomètre de volume. En bref tout est là pour faire de cette pédale le compresseur idéal, de sorte à ce qu'il soit bien difficile de s'en passer !

Alexandre Astier Asterix Und Das Geheimnis Des Zaubertranks [Blu-Ray]

4.15 EUR
AspectRatio : 2.40 : 1, AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Brand : Universum Film, Binding : Blu-ray, Label : Universum Film GmbH, Publisher : Universum Film GmbH, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Breitbild, medium : Blu-ray, publicationDate : 2019-08-01, releaseDate : 2019-07-26, runningTime : 85 minutes, theatricalReleaseDate : 2018-01-01, directors : Alexandre Astier, Louis Clichy

Alexandre Astier Asterix Im Land Der Götter

5.49 EUR
AspectRatio : 1.77 : 1, AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Brand : universum film, Binding : DVD, Label : Universum Film GmbH, Publisher : Universum Film GmbH, RegionCode : 2, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Dolby, medium : DVD, publicationDate : 2015-08-21, releaseDate : 2015-08-21, runningTime : 83 minutes, theatricalReleaseDate : 2014-01-01, writers : René Goscinny, actors : Milan Peschel, Charly Hübner, Roger Carel, Natalie Altmann, Alexandre Astier, Soline Guyonneau, Thomas Valentin, Nicolas Trout, Raphaël Seydoux, Philippe Bony, directors : Alexandre Astier, Louis Clichy, music : Philippe Rombi

Alexandre Astier Kaamelott: Premier Volet (2lp+cd) [Vinyl Lp]

25.08 EUR
Binding : Vinyl, Label : Universal France, Publisher : Universal France, NumberOfDiscs : 3, NumberOfItems : 3, medium : Vinyl, releaseDate : 2021-07-23, artists : Alexandre Astier

Alexandre Astier Kaamelott, Livre 2, Deuxième Pa : Episodes 51 À 100

4.09 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : J'ai lu, Publisher : J'ai lu, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2012-06-09, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2290034819

Alexandre Astier Kaamelott, Livre 3, Première Pa : Episodes 1 À 50

5.5 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : J'ai lu, Publisher : J'ai lu, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2013-04-05, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2290069876

Astier, Alexandre; Dupre, Steven Kaamelott T.6 ; Le Duel Des Mages

10.99 EUR
Binding : Pappbilderbuch, Label : CASTERMAN, Publisher : CASTERMAN, medium : Sonstige Einbände, publicationDate : 2011-11-27, authors : Astier, Alexandre; Dupre, Steven, ISBN : 2203038276

Alexandre Astier Kaamelott, Livre 3, Deuxième Pa : Episodes 51 À 100

4.98 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : J'ai lu, Publisher : J'ai lu, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2013-04-05, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2290069884

Astier, Alexandre; Dupre, Steven Kaamelott T.5 ; Le Serpent Géant Du Lac De L'Ombre

11.99 EUR
Binding : Album, Label : CASTERMAN, Publisher : CASTERMAN, medium : Sonstige Einbände, publicationDate : 2010-11-20, authors : Astier, Alexandre; Dupre, Steven, ISBN : 2203034874

Alexandre Astier Histoire De L'Inde

4.67 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Eyrolles, Publisher : Eyrolles, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2010-10-28, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2212547692

Alexandre Astier Kaamelott, Livre 2, Première Pa : Episodes 1 À 50

5.5 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : J'ai lu, Publisher : J'ai lu, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2012-06-13, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2290034800

Keeley Super Rodent pédale overdrive & distorsion

237 EUR
La Keeley's Super Rodent n'est pas une simple pédale d'effets, dans laquelle vous trouverez une overdrive et une distorsion. Dans cette pédale solide et élégante, vous trouverez non seulement l'excellente icône de drive jaune du Japon, mais aussi la pédale de guitare noire de la fin des années 70 de l'État américain du Michigan, avec cette distorsion de style rongeur. Pour régler correctement le son, le volume de l'effet et la quantité d'overdrive, vous pouvez évidemment compter sur les boutons rotatifs nommés tone, level et drive. Pour créer des combinaisons uniques entre ces deux pédales légendaires en plus du son familier, il suffit de tirer les 2 commutateurs SD / RT dans différentes combinaisons pour mélanger et assortir les tonalités et les drive caractéristiques des pédales vintage comme vous le souhaitez. Avec ce Keeley Super Rodent, vous pouvez également basculer entre un vrai bypass propre et un bypass tamponné sans bruit en un rien de temps.

Alexandre Astier Kaamelot Livre 1 Deuxieme Partie

4.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions 84, Publisher : Editions 84, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2012-04-11, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2290034797

Alexandre Astier Kaamelot Livre 1 1ere Partie

3.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions 84, Publisher : Editions 84, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2012-04-11, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2290034789

Alexandre Astier Les Maîtres Spirituels De L'Hindouisme: Découvrir Les Différents Courants

16.11 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : EYROLLES, Publisher : EYROLLES, Format : Blaues Buch, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 214, publicationDate : 2021-11-11, authors : Alexandre Astier, ISBN : 241600428X

Astier, Alexandre; Dupre, Steven Kaamelott T.1 ; L'Armée Du Nécromant

4.42 EUR
Binding : Album, Label : CASTERMAN, Publisher : CASTERMAN, medium : Sonstige Einbände, publicationDate : 2006-11-15, authors : Astier, Alexandre; Dupre, Steven, languages : french, ISBN : 2203370157

Alexandre Astier Citations Hindoues Expliquées

7.67 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Eyrolles, Publisher : Eyrolles, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2013-01-10, authors : Alexandre Astier, ISBN : 2212555393

Alexandre Astier Kaamelott: Livre V 1 (5)

Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : J'AI LU, Publisher : J'AI LU, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2021-11-10, authors : Alexandre Astier, ISBN : 2290261645

Alexandre Astier L'Hindouisme

9.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Eyrolles, Publisher : Eyrolles, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2014-02-27, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2212558988

Alexandre Astier Kaamelott: Livre V 2 (5)

Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : J'AI LU, Publisher : J'AI LU, Format : Blaues Buch, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2021-11-10, authors : Alexandre Astier, ISBN : 2290261653

Alexandre Astier Comprendre L'Hindouisme

Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Eyrolles, Publisher : Eyrolles, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2006-11-30, authors : Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2708137204

James Keeley Understanding Environmental Policy Processes: Cases From Africa

2.99 EUR
Brand : Routledge, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Taylor & Francis Ltd, Publisher : Taylor & Francis Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 240, publicationDate : 2003-06-01, releaseDate : 2003-06-01, authors : James Keeley, ISBN : 1853839752

Keeley 30ms Automatic Double Tracker avec réverbe

215 EUR
La Keeley 30ms Automatic Double Tracker est une pédale d'effet stéréo avec un effet Doubling de style studio. Ce dernier vous permet d'obtenir un son particulièrement riche. De plus, la pédale inclut un effet de réverbe qui simule la fameuse chambre réverbérante du Studio Two. Vous pouvez relier la Keeley Double Tracker à votre guitare, basse ou clavier et elle peut même être utilisée pour le chant.

Keeley Mk3 Driver Andy Timmons Full Range Overdrive pédale d'effet

243 EUR
La pédale Keeley Mk3 Driver Andy Timmons Full Range Overdrive offre une gamme complète de sons, du boost à la fuzz, ce qui en fait une station de travail pour l'overdrive. Sculptez tout, d'un boost propre à des sons de drive encadrés par des aigus étincelants, ou de l'overdrive d'un amplificateur à lampes cristallin à une fuzz au germanium de style onde carrée - et plus encore. Cette overdrive met à vos pieds un circuit de pilote de blues de haute qualité et vous offre plus d'options que vous ne pourriez en rêver au bout de vos doigts. Cette pédale dispose même d'un mode true bypass sélectionnable ainsi que d'un mode de bypass tamponné sans bruit. La Keeley Mk3 Driver Andy Timmons Full Range Overdrive : Niveau suivant La section de contrôle commence par un ensemble classique de potards Tone, Level et Drive pour façonner la sortie, équilibrer le volume de l'effet avec votre signal sec et dicter le niveau de distorsion. Mais ce sont les deux mini-commutateurs montés juste en dessous qui recèlent le véritable potentiel sonore. En mode RK Drive, deux diodes au germanium sont activées pour délivrer un drive compressé plus doux et plus léger ; en mode AT Drive, le drive est plus brillant et plus clair, avec plus d'articulation. Pour peaufiner votre overdrive sur mesure et obtenir un son de guitare de niveau supérieur, il vous suffit de passer au mode Tone.

Lazarow, Alexandre Alex Out-Innovate: How Global Entrepreneurs ― From Delhi To Detroit ― Are Rewriting The Rules Of Silicon Valley

3.03 EUR
Brand : Harvard Business Review Press, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW PR, Publisher : HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW PR, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2020-04-07, releaseDate : 2020-04-07, authors : Lazarow, Alexandre Alex, ISBN : 1633697584

Keeley Katana Clean Boost Throwback White Edition pédale d'effet

236 EUR
La Katana Clean Boost Throwback White Edition de Keeley est de retour dans cette belle édition et avec un bouton dragon en aluminium sur le côté. Cette pédale d'effet compacte peut augmenter votre volume jusqu'à 30 dB. Utilisant les JFETs originaux qui ont rendu l'original si spécial, cette Katana vous donne un son plus robuste offrant des notes de basse claires. Vous pouvez également opter pour une amplification plus riche en harmoniques en tirant sur le bouton de volume. Les pédales d'effet Keeley sont fabriquées aux États-Unis avec des composants de première qualité et dans un boîtier métallique robuste. Cette overdrive deviendra rapidement un élément incontournable de votre pédalier.

Alexandre Poussin Africa Trek I, 14,000 Kilometers In The Footsteps Of Mankind: From The Cape Of Good Hope To Mount Kilimanjaro

9.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Inkwater Pr, Publisher : Inkwater Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 458, publicationDate : 2008-08-12, authors : Alexandre Poussin, Sonia Poussin, ISBN : 1592993575

Keeley Blues Disorder pédale overdrive & distorsion

239 EUR
Dans cette pédale de qualité Blues Disorder de Keeley, vous trouverez deux effets particulièrement appréciés. Il y a ce son d'overdrive Bluesy Breaker, doux, à cliquetis, tiré du légendaire album Beano, qui permet d'effectuer tous les travaux de guitare lente des années soixante. De plus, vous pouvez exploiter la distorsion plus pleine et plus dure du style OC. Naturellement, les cadrans portant les noms familiers de tone, drive et level sont présents sur cette pédale d'effet pour ajuster méticuleusement la tonalité, la quantité de distorsion et le volume de l'effet, respectivement. Cependant, les deux mini-interrupteurs présents pour le drive et le tone rendent cette pédale d'effet Keeley encore plus inspirante. Vous pouvez faire réagir ces potentiomètres comme sur une pédale de guitare de type BB ou OC. Vous disposez ainsi non pas de 2 mais de 4 types de distorsion ou d'overdrive différents. En outre, vous pouvez également choisir entre un vrai bypass et un bypass tampon sans bruit, lorsque vous éteignez le Blues Disorder.

Noel Alexandre The Unknown Modigliani: Drawings From The Collection Of Paul Alexandre (Hors Diffusion)

62.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1. Auflage, Label : Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publisher : Harry N. Abrams, Inc., NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 480, publicationDate : 1993-10-01, authors : Noel Alexandre, Paul Alexandre, languages : english, ISBN : 0810936429

Keeley Vibe-O-Verb pédale d'effet

193 EUR
Combiner une réverbération classique avec la modulation de votre choix ? Pourquoi pas ? Keeley y parvient au moins avec la pédale Vibe-O-Verb où vous pouvez jouer votre son de réverbération avec le Tremolo harmonique, le Vibrato ou le Phaser pour obtenir un son unique de votre guitare. Cette fonction rend la Keeley Vibe-O-Verb parfaite si vous voulez jouer un peu différemment de la modulation standard. Des maths plus élevées Pour les réglages du délai de la Vibe-O-Verb, Keeley s'est inspiré de la série mathématique de Fibonacci. Cela signifie que vous pouvez régler le ratio du délai de la manière suivante : 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 C'est une façon unique de considérer une pédale d'effets, mais c'est une démarche délibérée de la part de Keeley. Vous pouvez combiner la réverbération avec le trémolo dans la réverbération harmonique, ce qui vous donne un son merveilleusement rêveur et aqueux. Vibrato Reverb pour un son allant d'un léger chorus à un son spatial et trippant, et enfin le chaser. Ce mode est un peu plus doux que celui d'une pédale de chaser standard, mais combiné à la réverbération, vous pouvez jouer un son avec votre guitare qui crée la chair de poule de la bonne manière.

Supro 1970RK Keeley Custom 10 Blue Rhino Hide combo guitare 1x 10 pouces 25 W

1173 EUR
Le Supro 1970RK Keeley Custom 10 a été développé en collaboration avec Robert Keeley, il n'est donc pas surprenant que ce combo à lampes serve de plateforme parfaite pour toutes vos pédales. Soutenue par un égaliseur 2 bandes, la section préamplificatrice à lampes a été spécialement conçue pour que vous puissiez placer une pédale d'overdrive en amont de votre chaîne de signal, sans perdre la présence et la réactivité des médiums de Supro. En même temps, vous pouvez placer vos effets de modulation et d'ambiance dans la boucle FX transparente, car le trajet du signal entièrement analogique garantit un son optimal. Logé dans un coffret en peuplier recouvert de peau de rhinocéros bleu, le Supro Keeley Custom 10 délivre une puissance de 25 watts à travers un seul haut-parleur CR-10 de 10 pouces.

Keeley Compressor GC-2 Limiting Amplifier Chromalux 2K24 Custom Shop Edition

261 EUR
L'amplificateur limiteur Compressor GC-2 de Keeley utilise le That Corporation 4320, offrant une qualité studio de haut niveau avec un contrôle précis de votre son. Il s'agit du Chromalux 2K24 Custom Shop Edition. Utilisez la molette de réglage du seuil pour détecter les pics dans votre signal et limiter la distorsion de votre ampli ou les dommages éventuels causés à vos enceintes. Le voyant lumineux vous aide à le faire. Réglez ensuite le niveau de compression à l'aide de la molette Compression et utilisez la molette Gain pour amplifier le signal. Avec cette pédale d'effet de qualité, vous n'avez pas à vous soucier du bruit ou du bourdonnement. Les pédales d'effet Keeley sont fabriquées aux Etats-Unis et sont extrêmement durables et solides.

Keeley Mini Katana 35dB Clean Boost

134 EUR
La Keeley Mini Katana, comme son nom le laisse deviner, est la version compacte de l'une des plus fameuses pédales d'effet de la marque. Cette pédale clean boost peut augmenter votre volume jusqu'à 35 dB ! Grâce aux deux mini switches internes, elle fournit un son particulièrement polyvalent.

Keeley Bassist Compressor Limiting Amplifier Chromalux 2K24 Custom Shop Edition

255 EUR
Le Bassist Compressor Limiting Amplifier de Keeley est un compresseur abordable de qualité studio au format stompbox, construit autour du fiable That Corporation 4320. Il s'agit du Chromalux 2K24 Custom Shop Edition. Utilisant des amplificateurs contrôlés par tension de haute qualité, un détecteur true-RMS intégré et des amplificateurs opérationnels, ce compresseur vous offre un contrôle précis. Ce compresseur musical et transparent peut gérer des signaux importants, ce qui le rend particulièrement adapté aux guitares basses. Lorsque vous utilisez ce compresseur, vos haut-parleurs sont mieux protégés contre l'écrêtage et la distorsion. Les boutons rotatifs pour la compression, le seuil et le gain sont fournis pour que vous puissiez les ajuster à votre convenance. Cette pédale d'effet de qualité ne produit pratiquement aucun bruit et constitue un investissement solide pour tout guitariste de basse qui se respecte.

Yamaha CLP-835 B piano numérique noir

2195 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-835 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. More expansive than the CLP-825 in both presence and functionality, this model comes with a roomy selection of sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The wider polyphony, bigger bank of effects and increased recording options also more-than-justify the bigger investment.

Yamaha CLP-835 WH piano numérique blanc

2195 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-835 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. More expansive than the CLP-825 in both presence and functionality, this model comes with a roomy selection of sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The wider polyphony, bigger bank of effects and increased recording options also more-than-justify the bigger investment.

Yamaha CLP-835 R piano numérique palissandre

2195 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-835 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. More expansive than the CLP-825 in both presence and functionality, this model comes with a roomy selection of sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The wider polyphony, bigger bank of effects and increased recording options also more-than-justify the bigger investment.

Yamaha CLP-825 B piano numérique noir

1689 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-825 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. This model comes with a selection of ten different sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples taken from the Yamaha CFX are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The 256-voice polyphony is another welcome feature, giving you plenty of space to play.

Yamaha CLP-825 PE piano numérique noir brillant

2059 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-825 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. This model comes with a selection of ten different sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples taken from the Yamaha CFX are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The 256-voice polyphony is another welcome feature, giving you plenty of space to play.

Yamaha CLP-845 PE piano numérique noir brillant

2829 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-845 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. This model is a further development of the CLP-825 and 835 pianos, so while it's still part of the CLP-800 Series family, it comes with some remarkable features, including white keys made from real wood and an expanded speaker system. From there, the CLP-845 boasts the excellent sound that Yamaha is so well known for, especially the two piano sounds, which are based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. Other sounds have been included for the more experimental of pianists, alongside a roomy 256-voice polyphony, more than enough effects, recording options and more. In short, this refined digital piano has been designed to provide years on years of playing joy.

Yamaha CLP-845 B piano numérique noir

2529 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-845 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. This model is a further development of the CLP-825 and 835 pianos, so while it's still part of the CLP-800 Series family, it comes with some remarkable features, including white keys made from real wood and an expanded speaker system. From there, the CLP-845 boasts the excellent sound that Yamaha is so well known for, especially the two piano sounds, which are based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. Other sounds have been included for the more experimental of pianists, alongside a roomy 256-voice polyphony, more than enough effects, recording options and more. In short, this refined digital piano has been designed to provide years on years of playing joy.

Yamaha CLP-845 R piano numérique palissandre

2529 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-845 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. This model is a further development of the CLP-825 and 835 pianos, so while it's still part of the CLP-800 Series family, it comes with some remarkable features, including white keys made from real wood and an expanded speaker system. From there, the CLP-845 boasts the excellent sound that Yamaha is so well known for, especially the two piano sounds, which are based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. Other sounds have been included for the more experimental of pianists, alongside a roomy 256-voice polyphony, more than enough effects, recording options and more. In short, this refined digital piano has been designed to provide years on years of playing joy.

Yamaha CLP-825 R piano numérique palissandre

1689 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-825 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. This model comes with a selection of ten different sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples taken from the Yamaha CFX are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The 256-voice polyphony is another welcome feature, giving you plenty of space to play.

Yamaha CLP-835 PE piano numérique noir brillant

2685 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-835 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. More expansive than the CLP-825 in both presence and functionality, this model comes with a roomy selection of sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The wider polyphony, bigger bank of effects and increased recording options also more-than-justify the bigger investment.

Yamaha CLP-835 WB piano numérique blanc bouleau

2195 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-835 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. More expansive than the CLP-825 in both presence and functionality, this model comes with a roomy selection of sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The wider polyphony, bigger bank of effects and increased recording options also more-than-justify the bigger investment.

Yamaha CLP-825 WH piano numérique blanc

1699 EUR
Finished with the handsome, traditional look of an acoustic upright, the Yamaha CLP-825 Digital Piano is a welcome addition to any living room. From the natural feel of the keys to the three pedals, this piano offers a realistic playing experience. This model comes with a selection of ten different sounds, including two piano sounds based on real samples of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand and a Yamaha CFX concert piano. The samples taken from the Yamaha CFX are also binaural, meaning that when wearing headphones, you're treated to a spacious and enveloping 3D experience. The 256-voice polyphony is another welcome feature, giving you plenty of space to play.

Yamaha FGDP-50 Finger Drum Pads - pads de percussion

289 EUR
A more deluxe edition of the FGDP-30, the Yamaha FGDP-50 drum machine has been expanded by an extra eight RGB pads, a clear display screen and even more functionality. With this meatier version, more instruments or phrases can be imported from a USB stick and your performance can even be recorded and saved to a USB stick. Session Creator has been added, so you can now drum along to backing tracks that span various different genres, and that's alongside Note Repeat, which basically serves as a sort of drum arpeggiator - able to repeat notes and vary both the tempo and interval. The Most Compact. The Most Mobile Any armchair drummer or in-the-box producer's dream, the Yamaha FGDP-50 Finger Drum Pads literally put a full kit beneath your fingertips. Thanks to a built-in rechargeable battery and integrated speaker, this tight unit can be played everywhere and anywhere without the need for a power socket, meanwhile, the optimised layout of the control panel supports intuitive drumming - the kind of finger-tapping drumming you've been doing all your life. The Ultimate Finger Drum Pads The Yamaha FGDP-50 comes pre-loaded with a set of 48 presets that can be scrolled through and selected with ease, as well as a massive bank of 1500 samples that can be used to build your own custom drum kit from the ground up. Hook up this desktop-friendly hardware to a computer via USB and use it as a USB-MIDI controller for your own drum sounds and, so you can play through tracks and drum along, an AUX input has even been fitted. To fatten up the sound, the FGDP-50 can also be plugged into an active speaker, bypassing the built-in speaker or, for more private sessions, a headphone output has also been provided.

Gretsch Nick 13 Outlaw Heart Grand Concert RW Black guitare électro-acoustique folk

444 EUR
A modified version of a classic Gretsch guitar from Nick 13's personal collection, the Gretsch Nick 13 Outlaw Heart combines vintage charm with modern specifications and unique flair. This versatile six-string supports the Tiger Army singer's gigs with his band as well as his solo shows and effortlessly takes on everything from roots to punk. Features The mahogany body and solid spruce soundboard give rise to balanced acoustic sound, with the perfect mix of warmth and clarity. The mahogany neck and rosewood fretboard add tonal richness and pile on the resonance, while Grand Concert body shape and 25.25" scale length guarantee accurate intonation as well as a relaxed playing feel. Spade fretboard inlays and the n13 logo on the headstock set this signature guitar apart visually. Fishman Electronics Gretsch and Nick 13 haven't skimped on hardware and electronics either. Done up with open-gear tuners, a Fishman PRESYS VT pickup system, a real bone nut and a compensated bridge, the 'Outlaw Heart' delivers clean amplified sound supported by impressive tuning stability.

JB systems LED PAR12-6in1 projecteur LED

366 EUR
The JB Systems LED PAR12-6in1 serves a thousand-and-one purposes, from club lighting to rental. A great addition to any portable set-up, this PAR64-style LED light effect comes equipped with twelve 20W RGBLA + UV LEDs, making it powerful, versatile and colourful. Wireless Control This professional LED projector can be controlled in various ways. There's a standalone mode that offers automatic and beat-synchronised programs with colour presets that can be simply selected using the included IR remote; a master-slave mode for more complex multi-fixture set-ups; and standard DMX as well as wireless DMX control (in combination with the non-included WTR-DMX dongle) via various channel models for the most in-depth control over your light shows. Other Features The JB systems LED PAR12-6in1 also features an OLED display for smooth menu navigation, a built-in strobe effect with 0-to-100% dimming, and an integrated mounting bracket that doubles as a floor stand, completing a versatile bit of kit for DJs, event planners, rental companies and other users.

Ayra Vision Case 4 pour 2x Vision 1940 PixZ-Bee

322 EUR
Made-to-measure for a set of two touring Vision 1940 PixZ-Bee RING moving heads, the Vision Case 4 features a pre-divided interior plus an extra compartment for connecting cables and accessories. The Vision Case 4: Durable Construction The walls have been made from robust, 9mm-thick plywood and the whole case comes mounted on a set of four 100mm castor wheels for maximum loading ease. Every edge and corner is reinforced by 1.5mm thick aluminium profiles and the hinged lid is sealed via secure butterfly latches and features stops while, inside the two moving heads can be safely packed in a suspended position, with the head pointing down so they can be prepared for action in minimal time, whether you're using brackets or not. The top of the case has also been fitted with wheel dishes, so other cases with the same dimensions can be securely stacked on top, and side-mounted handles support easy positioning.

Yamaha Red Label FG5 Gloss guitare folk entièrement massive avec étui

1439 EUR
The Yamaha Red Label FG5 harks back to Yamaha's FG models from the 1960s. This modern dreadnought has an all-solid construction, where the soundboard is made from Sitka spruce and the body has been constructed from mahogany for a stunning mix of forceful basses and rich mid-range frequencies. Crafted in Japan, the whole thing is coated in gloss lacquer and comes wrapped up inside a matching guitar case. The FG5: Acoustic Resonance Enhancement Yamaha's exclusive Acoustic Resonance Enhancement process uses warmth, humidity and atmospheric pressure to speed up the natural ageing process of the wood. Treating the wood this way results in richer sound, like the guitar has been played for years already. All Red Label Series models also feature a special bracing structure that helps pull out warmer sound that suits today's folk musicians and singer-songwriters.

Odyssey VURMX1000 flight case pour Pioneer DJ RMX-1000

64 EUR
This rugged-looking case has been specifically designed for the Pioneer DJ RMX-1000. Made from injection-moulded polymer, this impact-resistant touring solution is watertight and dust-proof. Not only that, Odyssey has lined the lid with soft egg-crate foam and polished off the case with a pressure-release valve and padlock holes - all to guarantee that your gear makes it to the venue in one piece.

Decksaver Ashun Sound Machines Hydrasynth Desktop Cover capot de protection

53 EUR
Hermetically seal your ASM Hydrasynth inside the custom-moulded and near-indestructible Decksaver dust cover. Made from high-grade polycarbonate, this transparent protective bubble counters dust, dirt and even moisture.

Devine Aco Studio Trap Green bass trap 1200x600x260 mm

1235 EUR
Clean up the lower-frequency response of the space you're working in with the Devine Aco Studio Trap. This efficient bass trap features a specialised diaphragm that takes care of the sub-frequencies, while a layer of felt made from recycled PET absorbs the more invasive mid and treble frequencies. Whether installed in the live room or the control room, this bass trap makes kick drums, bass guitars and bass-synths sound even more defined, giving recordings a more full and natural sound and, during the mixing and mastering phases, helps you to perfectly tune those crucial lower frequencies with enhanced precision. For optimum results, place a few Devine Aco Studio Traps in the corners of the space. Mounting hardware included.

Electro Harmonix Pico 360+ Pédale looper

149 EUR
Based on the simplicity of the Nano Looper 360, Electro Harmonix presents the Pico 360+. This teeny-tiny looper pedal supplies 6 whole minutes of recording time so you can do anything from jamming along to your own riffs to backing your own live playing, and from trying out new ideas to laying down thick carpets of ambient textures. On top of those 6 minutes, you also get unlimited overdubs, 11 loop memory banks and, to support high-precision performance, the volume of any previously recording loops can be balanced with your overdubs via the designated Overdub control pot. Via the on-board undo/redo function, you can quickly wipe away the last dub to change up the dynamics or to quickly get rid of any mistakes. Even the order of the overdub and playback can be set, so you can determine the mode the looper ends up in after recording the first loop. An adjustable 1-to-10 second fade-out can be applied to give your loops a more natural finish and, to ensure optimal balance, both the dry and loop levels can be manually set.

Devine Aco Studio Trap Grey bass trap 1200x600x260 mm

1235 EUR
Clean up the lower-frequency response of the space you're working in with the Devine Aco Studio Trap. This efficient bass trap features a specialised diaphragm that takes care of the sub-frequencies, while a layer of felt made from recycled PET absorbs the more invasive mid and treble frequencies. Whether installed in the live room or the control room, this bass trap makes kick drums, bass guitars and bass-synths sound even more defined, giving recordings a more full and natural sound and, during the mixing and mastering phases, helps you to perfectly tune those crucial lower frequencies with enhanced precision. For optimum results, place a few Devine Aco Studio Traps in the corners of the space. Mounting hardware included.

Seymour Duncan APH-2s Slash Alnico II Pro Humbucker Set Nickel Cover micro guitare (la paire)

364 EUR
Since the icon himself had a hand in the design, this set of two Seymour Duncan APH-2s Slash Alnico II Humbuckers might have been based on the APH-1 dual-coils from Slash's favourite guitar, but they bring a bit more output to give the tone some sweet and tasty crunch. These pups feature increased winding compared to the original APH-1, boosting the sound of any average single-cut model with some lush sustain and boosted aggression. In short, this set can kit out your guitar with the same signature Slash sound that's been around since 1986. The Seymour Duncan APH-2S Alnico II Pro Slash Set: Vintage Warmth, Deep Basses & Sugar-Coated Trebles Just like the APH-1 Alnico II Pro, these humbuckers have been equipped with Alnico II magnets, so you're guaranteed classic and warm, vintage-style sound framed by deep basses and sugar-coated trebles. The construction also sticks to tradition, where the baseplate has been fitted with longer legs, a wooden spacer and a single-core braided wire. Both pickups have also been finished with nickel covers while the underside has been stamped with Slash's Skull & Tophat logo for some extra-special flair.

Devine Aco Studio Trap Blue bass trap 1200x600x260 mm

1235 EUR
Clean up the lower-frequency response of the space you're working in with the Devine Aco Studio Trap. This efficient bass trap features a specialised diaphragm that takes care of the sub-frequencies, while a layer of felt made from recycled PET absorbs the more invasive mid and treble frequencies. Whether installed in the live room or the control room, this bass trap makes kick drums, bass guitars and bass-synths sound even more defined, giving recordings a more full and natural sound and, during the mixing and mastering phases, helps you to perfectly tune those crucial lower frequencies with enhanced precision. For optimum results, place a few Devine Aco Studio Traps in the corners of the space. Mounting hardware included.

Devine Aco Studio Panel Green Deep absorbeur 1200x600x150 mm

639 EUR
Designed from the ground up to optimise the acoustics in professional studio and control spaces, the Devine Aco Studio Panel Deep is a good 15cm thick, so can help absorb a large amount of sonic reflection, limiting the natural reverb in the room and resulting in better sound and improved definition. In the live room, this panel can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. Thicker than your average absorber panel and made for medium-sized to large spaces, this edition of the Aco Studio Panel doesn't just absorb the treble and mid frequencies, but the low-end as well, leaving balanced sound behind.

Mooer MSC20 Pro Black Burst guitare électrique avec housse

289 EUR
The quality of electric guitars aimed at beginners has had an uptick in recent years, and the Mooer MSC20 Pro is a clear example of this welcome development. This model has a poplar body furnished with an eye-catching top made from specially selected ash, and also features a paint-matched headstock - something you don't see often with guitars in more accessible price ranges. This axe also comes complete with a Mooer gig bag. The MSC20 Pro: Versatile Setup Mooer has fitted the MSC20 Pro out with an HSS pickup configuration, which means you're looking at a humbucker in the bridge pickup for more full-and-forceful sound, and single-coil pickups in the middle and neck position for tight cleans and warm leads. You even get a mini-switch that can be flipped to split the coils of the humbucker and access extra tonal options, resulting in an electric guitar that can take on a broad spectrum of styles. An Eye for Detail Other noteworthy specifications include the neck, which has been carved out of roasted maple and comes finished with a classic C profile and a satin-gloss coating, just like the body. The jatoba fretboard, meanwhile, has a modern 12-inch radius and a bone nut, enhancing both the stability and the playability. Last but not least, the MCS20 Pro has been equipped with a vintage-style tremolo so you can inject subtle vibrato effects into your licks.

Polyend Synth groovebox

469 EUR
Grooveboxes aren't just ideal for writers and producers because they're hands-on, but because they manage to blend vanilla task-management with the pure fun that's involved in messing around with sound engines and sequencers. New groovebox models don't come out every day, so when they come from experienced groovebox-builders like Polyend, it's worth paying attention. With the Medusa synth and the Play+ and Tracker sequencer models under their belt already, Polyend now present the Synth: a continuance of the Play+ that might be smaller and might be cheaper, but still brings a mountain of potential. The Polyend Synth Inside the Polyend Synth lie no-less-than eight synthesizer engines, three of which can be used at the same time. Every engine can be tweaked in every which way, so we're not just talking about quick and dirty, lightly tweakable engines here, but real, fully-fledged synths. And, when it comes to playing this extensive instrument, you get a tactile army of performance pads that aren't just velocity sensitive but come polished off with polyphonic aftertouch - plenty of expressive potential right there. The heart of all of the fun, though, definitely lies in the on-board arpeggiator and sequencer and the chorus, delay and reverb effects that come built in. In short, this tight unit comes with more than enough to sink your teeth into.

Devine Aco Studio Panel Red Deep absorbeur 1200x600x150 mm

619 EUR
Designed from the ground up to optimise the acoustics in professional studio and control spaces, the Devine Aco Studio Panel Deep is a good 15cm thick, so can help absorb a large amount of sonic reflection, limiting the natural reverb in the room and resulting in better sound and improved definition. In the live room, this panel can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. Thicker than your average absorber panel and made for medium-sized to large spaces, this edition of the Aco Studio Panel doesn't just absorb the treble and mid frequencies, but the low-end as well, leaving balanced sound behind.

Devine Aco Studio Cloud Green absorbeur 1200x600x70 mm

579 EUR
Specifically designed to be suspended from the ceiling of professional studio and control rooms, the Devine Aco Studio Cloud helps limit the warping acoustic effects of the space you're working in, leaving tight and focussed sound. In the live room, this ceiling absorber can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. The absorbing material of the Cloud has also been made from recycled PET that includes no fibreglass or rock wool. It also features a clean and minimal design, enhancing the aesthetics and optimising the acoustics in one go.

Devine Aco Studio Trap Red bass trap 1200x600x260 mm

1235 EUR
Clean up the lower-frequency response of the space you're working in with the Devine Aco Studio Trap. This efficient bass trap features a specialised diaphragm that takes care of the sub-frequencies, while a layer of felt made from recycled PET absorbs the more invasive mid and treble frequencies. Whether installed in the live room or the control room, this bass trap makes kick drums, bass guitars and bass-synths sound even more defined, giving recordings a more full and natural sound and, during the mixing and mastering phases, helps you to perfectly tune those crucial lower frequencies with enhanced precision. For optimum results, place a few Devine Aco Studio Traps in the corners of the space. Mounting hardware included.

Devine Aco Studio Cloud Red absorbeur 1200x600x70 mm

579 EUR
Specifically designed to be suspended from the ceiling of professional studio and control rooms, the Devine Aco Studio Cloud helps limit the warping acoustic effects of the space you're working in, leaving tight and focussed sound. In the live room, this ceiling absorber can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. The absorbing material of the Cloud has also been made from recycled PET that includes no fibreglass or rock wool. It also features a clean and minimal design, enhancing the aesthetics and optimising the acoustics in one go.

Devine Aco Studio Panel Grey Deep absorbeur 1200x600x150 mm

639 EUR
Designed from the ground up to optimise the acoustics in professional studio and control spaces, the Devine Aco Studio Panel Deep is a good 15cm thick, so can help absorb a large amount of sonic reflection, limiting the natural reverb in the room and resulting in better sound and improved definition. In the live room, this panel can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. Thicker than your average absorber panel and made for medium-sized to large spaces, this edition of the Aco Studio Panel doesn't just absorb the treble and mid frequencies, but the low-end as well, leaving balanced sound behind.

Mooer MSC20 Pro Ocean Blue guitare électrique avec housse

289 EUR
The quality of electric guitars aimed at beginners has had an uptick in recent years, and the Mooer MSC20 Pro is a clear example of this welcome development. This model has a poplar body furnished with an eye-catching top made from specially selected ash, and also features a paint-matched headstock - something you don't see often with guitars in more accessible price ranges. This axe also comes complete with a Mooer gig bag. The MSC20 Pro: Versatile Setup Mooer has fitted the MSC20 Pro out with an HSS pickup configuration, which means you're looking at a humbucker in the bridge pickup for more full-and-forceful sound, and single-coil pickups in the middle and neck position for tight cleans and warm leads. You even get a mini-switch that can be flipped to split the coils of the humbucker and access extra tonal options, resulting in an electric guitar that can take on a broad spectrum of styles. An Eye for Detail Other noteworthy specifications include the neck, which has been carved out of roasted maple and comes finished with a classic C profile and a satin-gloss coating, just like the body. The jatoba fretboard, meanwhile, has a modern 12-inch radius and a bone nut, enhancing both the stability and the playability. Last but not least, the MCS20 Pro has been equipped with a vintage-style tremolo so you can inject subtle vibrato effects into your licks.

D'Addario D'Addario John Lennon Rooftop Jacquard Strap sangle guitare

35 EUR
The D'Addario John Lennon Rooftop Jacquard Strap is a replica of the strap John used in combination with his Epiphone Casino during the Beatles' legendary rooftop performance atop the London Apple Corps building in 1969, towards the end of the Get Back album sessions. This 5cm-wide strap is made from woven nylon and features leather ends.

Devine Aco Studio Panel Blue Deep absorbeur 1200x600x150 mm

639 EUR
Designed from the ground up to optimise the acoustics in professional studio and control spaces, the Devine Aco Studio Panel Deep is a good 15cm thick, so can help absorb a large amount of sonic reflection, limiting the natural reverb in the room and resulting in better sound and improved definition. In the live room, this panel can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. Thicker than your average absorber panel and made for medium-sized to large spaces, this edition of the Aco Studio Panel doesn't just absorb the treble and mid frequencies, but the low-end as well, leaving balanced sound behind.

Epiphone Sheraton Figured Iced Tea guitare hollow body avec housse premium

965 EUR
Often considered a deluxe version of the Gibson 335, the Sheraton thinline arch-top is one of Epiphone's enduring legends. Among others, this irresistibly handsome semi-acoustic guitar has been played by the blues master himself: Mr. John Lee Hooker and, as well as blues, has voiced an array of genres, all the way from soul to classic rock and indie. Setting this model apart from their more standard semi-acoustics, Epiphone have finished the Sheraton in sumptuous, traditional style - complete with gilded hardware. The Epiphone Original Collection Sheraton: High-Def Double-Coil Sound Besides a classic and familiar Frequensator Split Trapeze tailpiece, the Original Collection edition of the Sheraton features a stable LockTone Tune-O-Matic bridge and a set of six Wilkinson machine heads. The slightly thinner-than-average body has also been loaded with two Epiphone-designed ProBucker mini-humbuckers which, combined with the three-way switch, two volume pots and two tone pots, wield a stunning spectrum of lightly biting dual-coil sounds. Meanwhile, the laminated maple body and set-in mahogany neck lay down a tight and defined foundation with a fast attack capped with softly rounded trebles.

Devine Aco Studio Square Red Deep absorbeur 600x600x150 mm

446 EUR
Designed from the ground up to optimise the acoustics in professional studio and control spaces, the Devine Aco Studio Square is a good 15cm thick, so can help absorb a large amount of sonic reflection, limiting the natural reverb in the room and resulting in better sound and improved definition. In the live room, this panel can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. Thicker than your average absorber panel and made for small to medium-sized spaces, this edition of the Aco Studio Square doesn't just absorb the treble and mid frequencies, but the low-end as well, leaving balanced sound behind.

Devine Aco Studio Square Green Deep absorbeur 600x600x150 mm

445 EUR
Designed from the ground up to optimise the acoustics in professional studio and control spaces, the Devine Aco Studio Square is a good 15cm thick, so can help absorb a large amount of sonic reflection, limiting the natural reverb in the room and resulting in better sound and improved definition. In the live room, this panel can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. Thicker than your average absorber panel and made for small to medium-sized spaces, this edition of the Aco Studio Square doesn't just absorb the treble and mid frequencies, but the low-end as well, leaving balanced sound behind.

Devine Aco Studio Cloud Grey absorbeur 1200x600x70 mm

579 EUR
Specifically designed to be suspended from the ceiling of professional studio and control rooms, the Devine Aco Studio Cloud helps limit the warping acoustic effects of the space you're working in, leaving tight and focussed sound. In the live room, this ceiling absorber can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. The absorbing material of the Cloud has also been made from recycled PET that includes no fibreglass or rock wool. It also features a clean and minimal design, enhancing the aesthetics and optimising the acoustics in one go.

Devine Aco Studio Cloud Blue absorbeur 1200x600x70 mm

575 EUR
Specifically designed to be suspended from the ceiling of professional studio and control rooms, the Devine Aco Studio Cloud helps limit the warping acoustic effects of the space you're working in, leaving tight and focussed sound. In the live room, this ceiling absorber can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. The absorbing material of the Cloud has also been made from recycled PET that includes no fibreglass or rock wool. It also features a clean and minimal design, enhancing the aesthetics and optimising the acoustics in one go.

Alfreds Music Publishing - Harry Potter - The Complete Series The Complete Film Series

40 EUR
Proposé par Alfred Music Publishing et Warner Bros. Entertainment, le livre présenté ici contient pas moins de 36 morceaux de la série de films Harry Potter, tous arrangés pour les pianistes de niveau intermédiaire. Les morceaux sont composés par John Williams, Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Hooper et Alexandre Desplat. Écrit en anglais, il comprend non seulement des chansons, mais également huit pages de belles images issues des films. Bref, ce livre sera une idée cadeau originale pour les pianistes de niveau intermédiaire et confirmés. Harry Potter - The Complete Film Series ce livre contient les morceaux suivants : * Diagon Alley * Family Portrait * Harry's Wondrous World * Hedwig's Theme * Leaving Hogwarts * Nimbus 2000 * Voldemort * The Chamber of Secrets * Fawkes the Phoenix * Buckbeak's flight * Double Trouble * Hagrid the Professor * Harry in winter * Hogwarts March * Potter Waltz * This is the night * Dumbledore's Army * Fireworks * Loved ones and leaving * Professor Umbridge * Dumbledore's Farewell * Harry and Hermione * In Noctem * When Ginny kissed Harry * Farewell to Dobby * Godric's Hollow Graveyard * Harry and Ginny * Obliviate * Ron leaves * Snape to Malfoy Manor * Courtyard Apocalypse * Harry's Sacrifice * Lily's lullaby * Lily's theme * Severus and Lily * Statues

Mooer MSC20 Pro Prune Purple guitare électrique avec housse

289 EUR
The quality of electric guitars aimed at beginners has had an uptick in recent years, and the Mooer MSC20 Pro is a clear example of this welcome development. This model has a poplar body furnished with an eye-catching top made from specially selected ash, and also features a paint-matched headstock - something you don't see often with guitars in more accessible price ranges. This axe also comes complete with a Mooer gig bag. The MSC20 Pro: Versatile Setup Mooer has fitted the MSC20 Pro out with an HSS pickup configuration, which means you're looking at a humbucker in the bridge pickup for more full-and-forceful sound, and single-coil pickups in the middle and neck position for tight cleans and warm leads. You even get a mini-switch that can be flipped to split the coils of the humbucker and access extra tonal options, resulting in an electric guitar that can take on a broad spectrum of styles. An Eye for Detail Other noteworthy specifications include the neck, which has been carved out of roasted maple and comes finished with a classic C profile and a satin-gloss coating, just like the body. The jatoba fretboard, meanwhile, has a modern 12-inch radius and a bone nut, enhancing both the stability and the playability. Last but not least, the MCS20 Pro has been equipped with a vintage-style tremolo so you can inject subtle vibrato effects into your licks.

Odyssey FZFSM65W flight case à roulettes pour écran plat 60-65 pouces

619 EUR
Since large flat screens don't exactly come cheap, a proper flight case is always the way to go. This ultra-protective case from Odyssey can take a 60-to-65-inch flat screen and features a velvet-lined foam interior complete with adjustable foam blocks so you're assured of a perfectly snug fit. No less than fourteen spring-loaded handles help ensure secure handling, while four 3.5-inch casters - two of which feature a built-in brake - make rolling the whole thing from A to B as easy as can be. The Odyssey FZFSM65W comes finished with heavy-duty ball corners and recessed hardware.

Devine Aco Studio Square Blue Deep absorbeur 600x600x150 mm

449 EUR
Designed from the ground up to optimise the acoustics in professional studio and control spaces, the Devine Aco Studio Square is a good 15cm thick, so can help absorb a large amount of sonic reflection, limiting the natural reverb in the room and resulting in better sound and improved definition. In the live room, this panel can help acoustic instruments to sound more full and natural and in the control room, this panel can aid the mixing and mastering phases by ensuring that the performance of your studio monitors is left uncoloured by the room. Thicker than your average absorber panel and made for small to medium-sized spaces, this edition of the Aco Studio Square doesn't just absorb the treble and mid frequencies, but the low-end as well, leaving balanced sound behind.

Bruce Benamran Prenez Le Temps D'E-Penser - Tome 1

3.59 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : MARABOUT, Publisher : MARABOUT, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 384, publicationDate : 2015-11-04, authors : Bruce Benamran, Préface Alexandre Astier, languages : french, ISBN : 2501104927

François Rollin Suis-Je Bête !: L'Héroïque Professeur Rollin Foudroie La Bêtise Avec Ruse Et Modestie

10.8 EUR
Brand : PUF, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : PUF, Publisher : PUF, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 152, publicationDate : 2020-10-14, authors : François Rollin, Daniel Goossens (ill.), Alexandre Astier (pref.), ISBN : 2130824048

Professional Collection Falcon Hollow Body EB White avec étui Gretsch G6242L Deluxe

3859 EUR
The Gretsch Falcon is one of the most coveted and loved guitars in music history. This Professional Collection example is one of the highest-quality models on the market right now. From the rich aesthetic to the deep, lush sound and player-focussed features, this superb, stage-ready semi-acoustic helps bring you to the next phase in your career, featuring a beautifully bound maple body, Arc-Tone bracing, a string-thru Bigsby B6GP tailpiece, and an ebony fretboard finished with rounded edges and Luminlay side dots. Carefully crafted in Japan, the Gretsch Professional Collection Falcon Hollow Body comes complete with a deluxe guitar case. Filter'Tron Pickups The Falcon has been loaded with a duo of PRO-FT Filter'Tron pickups that deliver that immediately familiar Gretsch character and tone. Filter'Trons blend the clarity, brightness and articulation of a single-coil with the warmth and power of a humbucker, giving this guitar the very best of both worlds and kitting it out for every style going, whether it's rockabilly or country, jazz or rock. The master volume pot is also supported by a treble-bleed circuit that retains the full frequency spectrum, even at lower volume levels, and the tone pot has a no-load design, so when you open it all the way up to 10, the tone pot is removed from the switching circuit and more of the higher frequencies are pulled out.

SPL P8 ADC préampli à 8 canaux avec ADC

2089 EUR
The SPL P8 ADC has every essential function per channel. Besides phantom power and polarity inversion, this high-end, 8-channel preamp sets you up with a PAD for attenuating loud input signals and a high pass filter. As you'd expect from an SPL unit, the sound of the preamps is clean and detailed. Round the back, you'll find a D-SUB connector for analogue output and double ADAT ports for digital output. The outputs can be used the same time, giving you the option to use the analogue output for parallel processing or personal monitor mixes.