Keep Health Care Épurateur électrique portatif étanche, baignoire, évier, salle de bains, cuisine, carrelage, brosses de nettoyage, outil de lavage, perceuse, ensemble de brosses 1 pcs

22.99 EUR
Imperméable à l’eau électrique à main Laveur Baignoire Lavabo Salle de bain Cuisine Carrelage Brosses propres Outil de lavage Perceuse Brosse Set avec 5 têtes Caractéristique: Le motoréducteur améliore la puissance, 5 têtes de brosse répondent à 9% des besoins de nettoyage quotidiens Utilisation dans différents scénarios: cuisine, salle de bain augmenter le prix unitaire client et le taux de rachat Retenue sans fil, corps entier imperméable, facile à utiliser spécification: Couleur du produit: blanc Courant de charge: 0,5-1A Interface de charge: USB Capacité de la batterie: 800mAh Temps de charge: 2 heures Utiliser le temps: 70 minutes Taille: 28 * 15.5 * 10.5cm / 11.02 * 6.1 * 4.13inch Remarquer: En raison du moniteur différent et de l’effet de lumière, la couleur réelle de l’article peut être légèrement différente de la couleur montrée sur les images. Merci! Veuillez permettre un écart de mesure de 1 à 2 cm en raison de la mesure manuelle. Type de produit: Nettoyer les pinceaux

Keep Health Care Serpillière rétractable pour nettoyage ménager, sans lavage, essorage automatique, lavage à la main, vadrouille plate 32 cm with 1 cloth

21.26 EUR
CARACTÉRISTIQUES DU PRODUIT Matériel: alliage d’aluminium/PP/microfibre Type de plancher: sec/humide CARACTÉRISTIQUES DU PRODUIT 1. Mains libres Auto-Presser, presser la vadrouille plate peut garder vos mains de la saleté, le système de lavage droit innovant rend le lavage et la compression plus faciles. 2. Microfibre Mop Facile à nettoyer, Flat mop est fait de tissu entrelacé en microfibre blanche et grise, avec une sensation super douce et peut être utilisé pour le nettoyage des sols secs et humides, qui est utilisé pour le nettoyage ménager. 3. La poignée de vadrouille est un design ergonomique. La rotation à 4,360 ° rend le nettoyage plus flexible, cette vadrouille plate est conçue avec une tête pivotante polyvalente. La conception incurvée est plus appropriée pour le nettoyage de la surface du mur, Avec une barre de rotation à 360 °, éliminez facilement la poussière de fissure. 5.Convient pour tout nettoyage de sol, utilisez la vadrouille de sol ou comme vadrouille à poussière pour nettoyer la saleté, le chien, le chat et d’autres poils d’animaux ou utilisez comme une vadrouille humide pour nettoyer le bois dur, le vinyle, le linoléum, le ciment, le bois de carrelage, la cuisine, la salle de bain de bureau, sous le canapé, les planchers, pour l’épilation, sur les voitures, les camions, les voitures. QUE RECEVREZ-VOUS 1 * mop Type de produit: Vadrouilles

Keep Health Care Poubelle pratique à imprimé d'élan, résistante aux chiens, 9L/12L, couvercle supérieur à pression, accessoires de salle de bains S bleu

17.89 EUR
Merci d'être venu à notre boutique, j'espère que c'est à votre satisfaction Nom de l'article: Panier des ordures Matériel: Plastique Caractéristiques: Grande capacité, couvercle supérieur pressant, facile à nettoyer Capacité: 9L/12L Détails de taille: S, L: 22cm, L: 16cm, H: 33cm L, L: 25,5 cm, L: 17,5 cm, H: 34.5cm Caractéristiques: Cette poubelle peut être facilement nettoyée avec un chiffon humide. Et sa grande capacité peut répondre à vos besoins quotidiens d’élimination. Cette poubelle avec un joint hermétique peut aider à bloquer fermement l’odeur. Et son couvercle supérieur peut empêcher efficacement les animaux de compagnie de retourner les ordures. Il est construit en matière plastique. Vous avez le choix entre 2 tailles. Parfait pour une utilisation dans la cuisine, le bureau, la salle de bain ou n’importe où ailleurs. Veuillez rappeler: En raison de la lumière et de l'affichage, il peut y avoir de légères différences entre l'image et la couleur réelle du produit. La couleur est soumise aux marchandises reçues. De plus, veuillez permettre une légère différence de taille en raison de la mesure manuelle. Haute qualité, le choix assuré est garanti Le forfait comprend: 1 x panier à ordures

Keep Health Care 1 ensemble, ensemble balai et pelle à poussière pour la maison, ensemble balai et pelle à poussière pour le nettoyage des sols à long manche, balai et pelle à poussière rotatifs avec dents de peigne 2Pcs jaune

21.67 EUR
Joom: Le vendeur garantit qu'il respecte toutes les lois applicables dans la région, notamment en vendant uniquement des produits conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois de l'UE en matière de sécurité et de conformité des produits. ----- NETTOYAGE EFFICACE: L'ensemble combiné pelle à poussière et balai vertical est parfait pour enlever les poils d'animaux, la poussière et les débris des maisons, des bureaux, des cuisines et des planchers en bois. Ensemble deux pièces: Cet ensemble comprend un balai et une pelle à poussière, ce qui facilite le nettoyage des dégâts en une seule fois. LONGUEUR RÉGLABLE: La longueur du balai peut être ajustée en fonction de votre taille et de vos besoins de nettoyage. MATÉRIAUX DURABLES: Cet ensemble est composé de matériaux de haute qualité suffisamment durables pour résister à une utilisation quotidienne. CADEAU PARFAIT: Cet ensemble de produits de nettoyage constitue un excellent cadeau de pendaison de crémaillère pour les amis et la famille qui emménagent dans une nouvelle maison ou un nouvel appartement.

Keep Health Care Boîte de rangement en tissu, sac pliable, armoire de rangement pour linge, couverture, oreiller, bac de grande capacité, organisateur de vêtements 22L(40*30*20cm) bleu

19.43 EUR
Marque: Origine:Chine continentale Utilisation:Vêtements Matériel: Matériel: Technique:Brillant Type:Boîtes de rangement & bacs Forme:Rectangle Caractéristique:Respectueux de la nature Caractéristique:Pliant Caractéristique:Ensemencés Style:Style moderne Produit:Organisateur de vêtements

Keep Health Care Brosse de nettoyage électrique portative 5 en 1, chargement USB, pour baignoire, évier, sol, brosse de lavage rotative multifonctionnelle, outils de nettoyage de cuisine et de salle de bains 1 pcs

21.46 EUR
Laveuse à pression imperméable à l’eau pour baignoire, évier, salle de bain, cuisine, brosses propres, outil de lavage, ensemble de brosses de forage avec 5 têtes. Caractéristiques: 1. Le motoréducteur améliore la puissance, 5 têtes de brosse répondent à 99% des besoins de nettoyage quotidiens. 2. Utilisation dans différentes situations: cuisine, salle de bain, augmenter le prix unitaire du client et le taux de rachat, restriction sans fil, tout le corps imperméable à l’eau, facile à utiliser. Caractéristiques: Couleur du produit: blanc Courant de charge: 0,5-1A Interface de charge: USB Capacité de la batterie: 800mAh Temps de charge: 2 heures Temps d'utilisation: 70 minutes Taille: 28 * 15.5 * 15.5 * 10.5cm / 11.02 * 6.1 * 4.13in. Le forfait comprend: 1X mainframe 1 X Charging cable 1X tampon de récurage en flanelle 1X Tête de brosse à billes en acier 1X tête de brosse en nylon 1X tête de brosse éponge 1 X éponge Remarquer: En raison de la différence entre l’effet de moniteur et de lumière, la couleur réelle de l’élément peut être légèrement différente de la couleur affichée dans les images. Merci! Veuillez prévoir un écart de mesure de 1 à 2 cm en raison de la mesure manuelle.

Keep Health Care Poubelle intelligente ménage chambre Net rouge poubelle avec couvercle salle de bain déodorant chambre salon fissuré poubelle 9 L

53.99 EUR
Poubelle intelligente ménage chambre net poubelle rouge avec couvercle salle de bain déodorant chambre salon poubelle fissurée poubelle Classement des couleurs: Mise à niveau du modèle de charge blanc orange blanc grisâtre Mise à niveau du modèle de charge blanc orange blanc gris Méthode d'ouverture et de fermeture: type d’induction Matériau de la coque: Plastique Astuce de fonctionnement de charge Une fonction: induction + presse à main + coup de pied Remarquer: Il s’agit d’une charge USB avec batterie Capacité de la corbeille: 9 L 1. Veuillez utiliser une prise 5V pour terminer la charge. Lorsque l’alimentation est branchée, le voyant rouge s’affiche et le voyant vert est modifié pour terminer la charge. 2. Puissance: Appuyez longuement sur le bouton de montagne, relâchez-le lorsque le voyant vert clignote. 3. Ouvrez le couvercle à la main: appuyez une fois sur le bouton cent pour ouvrir le couvercle, puis appuyez à nouveau dessus pour fermer le couvercle. Appuyez à la main pour ouvrir, appuyez à la main pour fermer. 4. Induction infrarouge: placez votre main à environ 10 cm à 20 cm au-dessus de la zone d’induction. Le couvercle s’ouvre automatiquement et se ferme automatiquement après 5 secondes. 5. Fonction Kick: coupez le canon une fois, le couvercle s’ouvrira automatiquement et se fermera automatiquement après 5 secondes. 6. Coupez l’alimentation: Appuyez longuement sur Shaoqiye et relâchez lorsque la lumière rouge clignote. le forfait comprend 1 pcs Smart Trash Can et 1 pcs ligne USB

Keep Health Care Poubelle intelligente sans fil capteur automatique poubelle sans contact poubelle salle de bain toilette poubelle cuisine ménage poubelle Battery blanc

43.09 EUR
Ouverture rapide de 0,3 s: après une induction de 0,4 m, il ouvrira automatiquement le couvercle et agitera l’induction de flexion de la main / du genou deux modes, et il se fermera automatiquement après être parti pendant 5 secondes. Ne vous inquiétez pas de l’environnement humide: Peu importe que ce soit dans les toilettes ou le sol humide, cela n’affectera pas le travail, mais ne trempez pas la surface avec de l’eau et essuyez-la avec un chiffon humide Détection automatique normalement ouverte à une touche: Lorsque vous devez l’utiliser pendant une longue période, appuyez sur le bouton [OPE] du panneau pour le garder allumé, appuyez sur le bouton [FERMER] du panneau pour fermer le couvercle Lumière intégrée: lumière LED intégrée, plus peur de voir si elle est allumée la nuit Indicateur de charge intelligent: Lorsque la batterie rechargeable est en charge, un voyant vert indique qu’elle est en charge, si le voyant vert est éteint, cela signifie qu’elle est complètement chargée Deux versions sont disponibles: version rechargeable/version batterie Version batterie: 4 piles AA (environ 4-5 semaines d’utilisation) Version rechargeable: La batterie au lithium est complètement chargée une fois (environ 2-3 mois d’utilisation) spécification: Nom: Poubelle à capteur intelligent Matériel: PP polypropylène + composants électroniques Couleur: blanc, gris Taille: environ 30 * 21,5 * 20,5 cm / 11,8 * 8,4 * 8,0 pouces Poids: environ 1200g Capacité: 14 litres Méthodes d’ouverture et de fermeture: induction, vibration Source de courant: Batterie: 4 piles AA (non inclus dans ce produit) Modèle de charge USB: 1200mAh Câble de données: Micro USB liste de colisage: 1 * poubelle 1 * câble de données micro USB (rechargeable) Type de produit: Des poubelles Type de produit: Des poubelles

Keep Health Care Épurateur électrique brosse à vaisselle brosse de nettoyage sans fil épurateur rotatif pour salle de bain cuisine maison 1 pcs

18.29 EUR
Bon shopping! Matériel: abdos Puissance: 3W, 3.7V Capacité de la batterie: 1200mAh Temps de charge: 2 heures Temps de travail: 70 minutes Comprendre: Épurateur électrique*1 Tête de brosse en nylon*1 Laine d’acier*1 Tête de brosse éponge*1 Tissu en peluche*1 Chiffon de nettoyage Sponege*1 Câble USB*1 Manuel d'utilisation * 1 1) Puissant épurateur de spin:L’épurateur de spin portable rend le produit durable et puissant. Le moteur entraîne la rotation de l’épurateur électrique, qui peut être utilisé avec du détergent pour nettoyer efficacement et rapidement les taches tenaces, ce qui permet d’économiser beaucoup de temps et d’efforts et de donner à votre maison un nouveau look. 2) Des accessoires riches pour plus de scénarios d’utilisation:Brosse de nettoyage sans fil avec cinq têtes de brosse amovibles et remplaçables pour différents scénarios. 3) IPX7 étanche :Tout ce que vous avez à faire est d’appuyer une fois sur le bouton ON / OFF. La brosse est très scellée pour éviter les dommages causés par l’eau, vous pouvez la laver directement sous le robinet. Avis: il ne peut pas être utilisé sous l’eau. 4) Charge rapide :Vous n’avez jamais à vous soucier de manquer de puissance.l’épurateur électrique avec 1200mAh peut fournir 70 minutes de travail à long terme après seulement 2 heures de charge rapide. 5) Allégeant:La brosse automatique permet d’économiser du temps et de l’énergie. Appuyez simplement sur un bouton et maintenez le corps de la brosse enfoncé, puis un endroit propre apparaît. Merci d’être venu dans notre magasin Type de produit: Brosses de nettoyage

Keep Health Care Balai magique brosse de balayage vadrouille en Silicone, raclette de nettoyage de sol domestique, essuie-glace, balai anti-poussière de poils d'animaux, outils de nettoyage ménager

11.26 EUR
Origine : Chine continentale Matériel: plastique, silicone, acier inoxydable Caractéristiques: conception simple et rangement pratique Une fonction: Nettoyage à la maison Méthode d'installation: auto-assemblage Le forfait comprend: 1 * balai en silicone Type de produit: Raclettes Balai magique, il est plus pratique de nettoyer le sol, vous pouvez l’utiliser dans la cuisine, la salle de bain et le salon. Vous pouvez également nettoyer la piscine et votre terrasse.

Keep Health Care Brosse de nettoyage électrique 5 en 1, brosse multifonctionnelle sans fil pour vitres, salle de bain, baignoire, toilettes, outil de nettoyage de cuisine 1 pcs

22.88 EUR
Bon shopping! Matériel: abdos Puissance: 3W, 3.7V Capacité de la batterie: 1200mAh Temps de charge: 2 heures Temps de travail: 70 minutes Comprendre: Épurateur électrique*1 Tête de brosse en nylon*1 Laine d’acier*1 Tête de brosse éponge*1 Tissu en peluche*1 Chiffon de nettoyage Sponege*1 Câble USB*1 Manuel d'utilisation * 1 1) Puissant épurateur de spin:L’épurateur de spin portable rend le produit durable et puissant. Le moteur entraîne la rotation de l’épurateur électrique, qui peut être utilisé avec du détergent pour nettoyer efficacement et rapidement les taches tenaces, ce qui permet d’économiser beaucoup de temps et d’efforts et de donner à votre maison un nouveau look. 2) Des accessoires riches pour plus de scénarios d’utilisation:Brosse de nettoyage sans fil avec cinq têtes de brosse amovibles et remplaçables pour différents scénarios. 3) IPX7 étanche :Tout ce que vous avez à faire est d’appuyer une fois sur le bouton ON / OFF. La brosse est très scellée pour éviter les dommages causés par l’eau, vous pouvez la laver directement sous le robinet. Avis: il ne peut pas être utilisé sous l’eau. 4) Charge rapide :Vous n’avez jamais à vous soucier de manquer de puissance.l’épurateur électrique avec 1200mAh peut fournir 70 minutes de travail à long terme après seulement 2 heures de charge rapide. 5) Allégeant:La brosse automatique permet d’économiser du temps et de l’énergie. Appuyez simplement sur un bouton et maintenez le corps de la brosse enfoncé, puis un endroit propre apparaît. Merci d’être venu dans notre magasin Type de produit: Brosses de nettoyage

Keep Health Care Poubelle à capteur intelligent, poubelle électronique automatique, étanche, salle de bains, eau de toilette, poubelle à couture étroite 9 L

25.64 EUR
Poubelle intelligente ménage chambre net poubelle rouge avec couvercle salle de bain déodorant chambre salon poubelle fissurée poubelle Classement des couleurs: Mise à niveau du modèle de charge blanc orange blanc grisâtre Mise à niveau du modèle de charge blanc orange blanc gris Méthode d'ouverture et de fermeture: type d’induction Matériau de la coque: Plastique Astuce de fonctionnement de charge Une fonction: induction + presse à main + coup de pied Remarquer: Il s’agit d’une charge USB avec batterie Capacité de la corbeille: 9 L 1. Veuillez utiliser une prise 5V pour terminer la charge. Lorsque l’alimentation est branchée, le voyant rouge s’affiche et le voyant vert est modifié pour terminer la charge. 2. Puissance: Appuyez longuement sur le bouton de montagne, relâchez-le lorsque le voyant vert clignote. 3. Ouvrez le couvercle à la main: appuyez une fois sur le bouton cent pour ouvrir le couvercle, puis appuyez à nouveau dessus pour fermer le couvercle. Appuyez à la main pour ouvrir, appuyez à la main pour fermer. 4. Induction infrarouge: placez votre main à environ 10 cm à 20 cm au-dessus de la zone d’induction. Le couvercle s’ouvre automatiquement et se ferme automatiquement après 5 secondes. 5. Fonction Kick: coupez le canon une fois, le couvercle s’ouvrira automatiquement et se fermera automatiquement après 5 secondes. 6. Coupez l’alimentation: Appuyez longuement sur Shaoqiye et relâchez lorsque la lumière rouge clignote. le forfait comprend 1 pcs Smart Trash Can et 1 pcs ligne USB

Keep Health Care Ensemble balai et pelle à poussière domestique, ensemble combiné pelle à poussière verticale et balai, nettoyage de bureau, cuisine, plancher en bois, poils d'animaux 2Pcs jaune

21.91 EUR
Joom: Le vendeur garantit qu'il respecte toutes les lois applicables dans la région, notamment en vendant uniquement des produits conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois de l'UE en matière de sécurité et de conformité des produits. ----- NETTOYAGE EFFICACE: L'ensemble combiné pelle à poussière et balai vertical est parfait pour enlever les poils d'animaux, la poussière et les débris des maisons, des bureaux, des cuisines et des planchers en bois. Ensemble deux pièces: Cet ensemble comprend un balai et une pelle à poussière, ce qui facilite le nettoyage des dégâts en une seule fois. LONGUEUR RÉGLABLE: La longueur du balai peut être ajustée en fonction de votre taille et de vos besoins de nettoyage. MATÉRIAUX DURABLES: Cet ensemble est composé de matériaux de haute qualité suffisamment durables pour résister à une utilisation quotidienne. CADEAU PARFAIT: Cet ensemble de produits de nettoyage constitue un excellent cadeau de pendaison de crémaillère pour les amis et la famille qui emménagent dans une nouvelle maison ou un nouvel appartement.

Keep Health Care Poubelle intelligente, poubelle domestique, seau à ordures à Induction, capteur de charge électrique USB automatique pour cuisine et salle de bains gris

40.99 EUR
1. Génération de bulles d’induction infrarouge en champ proche en 0,25 seconde, pas besoin d’appuyer pour éviter de toucher le germe, génération de bulles entièrement améliorée et automatique, pratique et rapide 2. Chargez une fois, utilisez jusqu’à 10800 fois, 2000mAh batterie au lithium de grande capacité, long temps de veille jusqu’à 3-6 mois 3. Charge intelligente, pratique et respectueuse de l’environnement, pas besoin de démonter, réduisant les deuxièmes dommages à la vie du corps 4. Rechargeable, économique Matériel:ABS + PP Taille: 230x158x320mm Couleur:Blanc,Gris Capacité: 7-8L L'emballage comprend:1 x poubelle

Keep Health Care Montre étanche pour femmes, montre à Quartz de luxe en acier inoxydable, horloge de Sport décontractée, accessoires de mode

12.49 EUR
Sélectionnez une police: Aiguille Épaisseur: 8 mm Diamètre du cadran: 35mm Longueur de ceinture: 200 mm Matériau miroir: Miroir saphir haute résistance Alliage de cuivre + alliage de zinc + cristal Matériau de la boucle: acier inoxydable Matériau du bracelet de montre: acier inoxydable matériau de pierre: zircon Forme du cadran: circulaire support : 1 PCS Matériau du cadran: alliage d'aluminium support: 1 PCS Korea Life GRN+ Carb Cut Pink Pocket 14pack/30.8g (Fat CUT/ Health care/ Slimming/ Vitamin/ HCA/ Catechin/ Aloe/ Supplement/ Biotin) 1box

20.69 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Package Quantity: 1000mg x 2 tablets x 14 packets Benefits: Easy-to-take diet supplement that helps cut down excess absorption of carbohydrates and replenish body with multi-vitamins. Infused with Garcinia Cambogia Extract which contains HCA that helps repress carbohydrates from converting to fat in body. Enriched with 9 types of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, B2, and Zinc to replenish nutrients essential to proper function of body. Main ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA): Might improve weight loss by preventing fat storage by repressing carbohydrates from converting to fat and controlling appetite. How to take: Take once a day, 1 packet each time before eating with water. Ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia Extract, L-Ascorbic Acid, Nicotinamide, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin A Concoction (Vitamin A Acetate, Glucose Syrup Powder, Corn Starch, Arabic Gum, dl-α-Tocopherol), Sodium Selenite Concoction (Sodium Selenite, Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic), Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Cellulose, Microcrystalline, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose, Calcium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Stearic Acid, Glycerin Esters of Fatty Acids) Weight Management Supplement Functions: Slimming Country of Origin: Korea Expiry Date: 1766847600

Alan Aragon Flexible Dieting: A Science-Based, Reality-Tested Method For Achieving And Maintaining Your Optima L Physique, Performance & Health

22.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Victory Belt Publishing, Publisher : Victory Belt Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 2022-06-07, releaseDate : 2022-06-07, authors : Alan Aragon, ISBN : 162860137X

KOKO Beauty&Health [Sorbus] Inner Will Women's Care Probiotiques 27,9 milliards d'UFC 30EA / collagène

29.19 EUR
✔️ Avantages du probiotique Inner Will Women's Care ✔️ Santé vaginale ✔️ Santé des voies urinaires ✔️ Santé intestinale Pourquoi les probiotiques Inner Will Women's Care ? ✔️ 27,9 milliards de probiotiques CFU utilisés ✔️ Au moins 5 milliards d'UFC garantis pendant la durée de conservation ✔️ Équilibre les bactéries vaginales ✔️ Maintenir une flore vaginale saine ✔️ Flacon CSP pour une meilleure durée de conservation ✔️ Capsule végétale 1 gélule par jour avec de l'eau. De préférence à jeun le matin

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Skin Care Powder 100 gm Powder

24.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Ingredients: Hemidesmas indicus (100mg) Cassythafiliformis (50mg) Curcumalonga (50mg) Azadirachta india (100mg) Sulphar (pure) (50mg) Sankhbhasma (150mg) Excipients - q.s. Warning : Sabates Skin Care Powder is a specially formulated product designed to help address the impact of environmental factors such as air pollution, vehicle chemicals, smoke, and more on the skin. These factors can lead to various skin issues including dryness, dullness, dark spots, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and fine lines. The powder aims to provide a solution for healthier and more radiant skin. Additionally, Sabates Skin Care Powder offers anti-ageing benefits, countering the effects of photoaging, which is caused by repeated exposure to UV light from the sun. UV rays generate free radicals that can damage skin cells and accelerate the ageing process. This powder is designed to combat these effects and promote overall skin health, with no known side effects. Dosage : Take 1tsp (5gm) mixed in warm water/hot milk twice a day or as directed by the healthcare professional Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Aarshaveda Gluco Ease Plus Diabetic Protein Powder Nutrition Health Drink Supplement for Diabetes Care 200 G

31.88 EUR
About this item 100% Natural Daily Diabetic Care Contains High Levels Of Soluble Fibre And Much Lower Levels Carbohydrate & Calories Ingredients : Bajra Millet Flaxseed Kodo millet Sunflower Seed Chia Seed Green Jackfruit Powder Foxtail Millet CLEAN INGREDIENTS – Certified USDA Organic Ingredients, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Vegan Friendly. No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives EASY TO USE - Can be added to any daily meal like bread, porridge or shake. Ingredients : Vegetarian Manufacturer country : india

BeautyGlam American Health, Daily Care Probiotic Complex, 20 billion CFU, 30 veggie capsules

70.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- American Health, Daily Care Probiotic Complex, 20 billion CFU, 30 veggie capsules

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Liver Care Powder 100 gm Powder

25.16 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Ingredients: Tephrosia Purpurea (150mg) Phyllanthus Nirurui (120mg) Eclipta alba (60mg) Andrographis paniculata (60mg) Picrorrhiza kurroa (60mg) Solanum nigrum (20mg) Piper longum (10mg) Warning : Sabates Liver Care Powder is responsible for multiple metabolic functions and physiological processes such as bile production and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. It is vulnerable to toxic attack as varieties of substances reach the liver directly following their absorption. It helps in liver protection, liver detoxification and fat metabolism. Dosage: Take 1tsp (5gm) Mixed in warm water/hot milk twice a day or as directed by the healthcare professional Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Skin Care Capsule 30 capsules

26.49 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Ingredients: Hemidesmas indicus (100mg), Cassythafiliformis (50mg), curcumalonga (50mg), Azadirachta india (100mg), Sulphar (pure) (50mg), Sankhbhasma (150mg); Excipients - q.s.) Warning: Sabates Skin Care Capsule Air pollution, vehicle chemicals, smoke, etc. can cause dry and dull skin, dark spots, uneven skin tone, wrinkles and fine lines along with environmental factors. Sabates Skin Care Capsule has another great skin benefit and protects from ageing lines. Photoageing is the most common cause of skin ageing. Photoaging occurs due to repeated exposure to UV light from the sun. UV rays produce a substance called free radicals that damage our skin cells and cause ageing quickly. This capsule eliminates all the diseases of the skin and prevents all the causes which cause damage to the skin. There is no risk of its side effects. Dosage: Take 2 capsules in a day with lukewarm water. Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Ovabless Women Care Suppléments Comprimé 10 comprimés

25.59 EUR
Ingrédients: Vitamine A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, poudre de thé vert, iode, inositol, gattilier Avertissement: Ovabless Tablet est un complément nutritionnel enrichi de baies chastes et d'une forte concentration de minéraux, de multivitamines et d'antioxydants pour aider à maintenir l'équilibre hormonal. La tablette Ovabless aide à maintenir le court (moins de 27 jours) et plus longtemps (plus de 32 Jours) cycles menstruels Dosage: Prendre un comprimé par jour. Pays de fabrication: Inde Avertissement légal: Les déclarations concernant les compléments alimentaires n'ont pas été évaluées par les organismes médicaux gouvernementaux et ne sont pas destinées à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie ou un état de santé.

Blood Sugar Care Probiotics 3 Boxes (3 Months Supply) / Banaba Leaf Extract, Sugar-Free, Gut Health, Naturalplus 3 Months Supply

56.56 EUR
Blood Sugar Care Probiotics 3 Boxes (3 Months Supply) / Banaba Leaf Extract, Sugar-Free, Gut Health, Naturalplus Packaging Unit and Quantity: 450 mg x 30 capsules (13.5 g) x 1 Quantity per Unit: 3 boxes Ingredients and Content: Banaba leaf extract (from India), E.faecium, L.plantarum, 17 mixed probiotics (L.plantarum, L.rhamnosus, L.casei, L.acidophilus, L.paracasei, L.salivarius, L.gasseri, B.breve, L.helveticus, S.thermophilus, B.bifidum, B.longum, B.animalis ssp. lactis, Lc.lactis, L.fermentum, L.reuteri, L.delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, potato maltodextrin), L.plantarum, L.reuteri, microcrystalline cellulose, seaweed blend powder (from the UK/seaweed powder, corn starch), resistant maltodextrin [(corn: from foreign countries (Russia, Hungary, Serbia, etc.)], wheat fiber (from France), acacia fiber (from France), silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, Bacillus coagulans, colostrum protein powder Nutritional Information: Serving size: 1 capsule (450 mg) Per serving: Calories: 0 kcal Carbohydrates: 0 g (0%) Protein: 0 g (0%) Fat: 0 g (0%) Sodium: 0 mg (0%) Corosolic acid: 1.3 mg Probiotics count: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) CFU % Daily Value: based on a 2,000 calorie diet Functional Information: [Banaba Leaf Extract] May help inhibit postprandial blood sugar rise [Probiotics] May help with probiotics intake, inhibit harmful bacteria, support smooth bowel movements, and aid in gut health Dosage, How to Consume, and Precautions: [Dosage and How to Consume] Take 1 capsule per day with plenty of water. Country of manufacture: South Korea

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Joint Care Capsule 30 capsules

26.46 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Ingredients:Amaltas (Cassia Fistula) 100mg Harad (Terminalia Chebula) 75mg Baheda (Terminalia bellirica) 50mg Amla (Emblica officinalis) 75mg Madar Bhasm 200mg Excipients - q.s. Warning :Sabates Joint Care Capsule is an ayurvedic formulation which consists of different herbs widely utilized to get relief from joint pain from Vedic times. It is purely based on safe and harmless Ayurvedic theory and the active ingredients help in the stimulation of blood circulation, stiff muscles and limbs, body aches, muscular pains, severe joint pain or swelling, joint aches and pain. It has good spread ability and quick absorption over the affected area which ensures relief from pain even in chronic conditions. It is a natural way to benefit from various pain conditions with long-lasting effects. Joint care capsules are the most advanced joint care formulation for relieving joint discomfort and improving joint mobility. Dosage:Take 2 capsules in a day with lukewarm water Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Toool-Home 1pc Nurse Watch Brooch, Silicone With Pin/Clip, Health Care Nurse Doctor Paramedic Medical Brooch Fob Watch bleu

17.49 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchasesIs Smart Device : no Origin : Mainland China Type : Wall Clocks The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Manwill Shilajit/Shilajeet Résine 20 g pure et naturelle, améliore les performances, l'endurance et l'endurance pour hommes et femmes

28.89 EUR
Ingrédients: shilajit Avertissement: UNE PUISSANCE D'AVANTAGES: Shilajit est connu pour offrir de nombreux avantages pour le bien-être des hommes, augmentant l'endurance et l'endurance, améliorant la puissance et la force et améliorant les niveaux d'énergie.. RICHE EN ACIDE FULVIQUE: Notre résine Shilajit est remplie d'acide fulvique, qui améliore l'absorption des nutriments et la détoxification pour une santé optimale.. TESTÉ EN LABORATOIRE Pur et Authentique: Notre Shilajit est testé en laboratoire pour sa pureté et son authenticité, garantissant que vous recevez un produit de la plus haute qualité.. ÉNERGIE & VITALITÉ: Faites l'expérience d'une énergie et d'une vitalité accrues avec une utilisation régulière. Shilajit est connu pour ses propriétés rajeunissantes. FORME PURE DE SHILAJIT NATUREL: Shilajit sous forme liquide (semi liquide)/Résine douce Shilajit sous la forme la plus naturelle/pure de Shudh Shilajeet extrait. Il contribue ainsi à améliorer les performances et à créer naturellement un corps sain, ce qui en fait une excellente alternative à la récupération post-entraînement. Dosage: La consommation régulière de cette résine Shilajit contribue à améliorer les niveaux d'énergie, à réduire les niveaux de stress et contribue également à renforcer l'immunité. Pays de fabrication: Inde Avertissement légal: Les déclarations concernant les produits n'ont pas été évaluées par les organismes médicaux gouvernementaux et ne sont pas destinées à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie ou un état de santé.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Power of Big Male Performance 30Capsule

25.12 EUR
Ingredients:Shilajit Kesar Ashwagandha Swarnabhasm Safed musli Warning: Sabates Power of Big Male Performance Capsule is a supplement that helps to increase strength and power in men. It is also said to increase blood flow to the muscles. It helps in dealing with reproductive health-related problems and increases the energy of the body. It improves overall health and keeps you active. Dosage: Take 1 or 2 capsules twice a day Or as advised by your healthcare practitioner Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Active Power for Male Performance 10 Capsule

25.05 EUR
Ingredients: Withania Somnifara (200mg), Foenieulum Vulgare (100mg), Vang Bhasms (50mg), Exparagus Adscenns (100mg), Dhatriloha (50mg); Excipients (Q.S.). Warning: Sabates Active Power for Male Performance Capsule is a powerful formula that is composed of natural and ayurvedic ingredients. This formula helps strengthen the wellness of the male reproductive system. It helps increase blood circulation in the private area. This formula helps enhance libido, strength, and stamina. This formula helps maintain the balance of male hormones. Dosage: Take 2 capsules in a day with lukewarm water. Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Man Extreme Male Performance Capsule 30 capsules

25 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Ingredients: Withania somnifara Foenieulum vulgare Vang bhasms Exparagus adscenns Dhatriloha Excipients Warning : Sabates Capsule Man Extreme Male Performance helps to regain strength, durability, and stamina by replacing lost or low energy. It is a natural supplement that helps increase energy levels. It is formulated with a proprietor blend which helps boost strength, stamina, vigor & vitality. It also helps to sharpen focus and brain functionality. It supports overall male performance. Dosage: Take 2 Capsules in a day with lukewarm water direct by the physician Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Greeniche Résine Shilajit de l'Himalaya pour la performance Force, puissance et endurance 10g

26.45 EUR
Ingrédients: shilajit Avertissement: Qualité supérieure: La résine Greeniche Shilajit est fabriquée à partir de shilajit himalayen de haute qualité, riche en minéraux, nutriments et antioxydants. Naturel et sûr: Ce supplément est 100 % naturel et sûr à utiliser, sans produits chimiques ni additifs nocifs. Augmente l'énergie et l'endurance: Ce supplément est un exhausteur d’énergie naturel qui peut aider à augmenter l’endurance et à améliorer les performances physiques. Soutient la santé du système immunitaire. Dosage: Lire l'étiquette avant utilisation. Pays de fabrication: Inde Avertissement légal: Les déclarations concernant les produits n'ont pas été évaluées par les organismes médicaux gouvernementaux et ne sont pas destinées à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie ou un état de santé.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Active Power for Male Performance Capsule 15 cap

24.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Ingredients: Withania Somnifara (200mg), Foenieulum Vulgare (100mg), Vang Bhasms (50mg), Exparagus Adscenns (100mg), Dhatriloha (50mg); Excipients (Q.S.). Warning: Sabates Active Power for Male Performance Capsule is a powerful formula that is composed of natural and ayurvedic ingredients. This formula helps strengthen the wellness of the male reproductive system. It helps increase blood circulation in the private area. This formula helps enhance libido, strength, and stamina. This formula helps maintain the balance of male hormones. Dosage: Take 2 capsules in a day with lukewarm water. Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Men's Tru Performance Capsule 10 capsules

23.66 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Ingredients: Withania Somnifara (200mg) Foenieulum Vulgare (100mg) Vang Bhasms (50mg) Exparagus Adscenns (100mg) Dhatriloha (50mg); Excipients (Q.S.) Warning: Sabates Men's Tru Performance Capsule is a natural supplement which improves strength, stamina, vigour and vitality. It sharpens focus and brain functionality, and also stimulates libido and motivates. Dosage: Take two capsules twice a day with lukewarm milk. Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Panchamrit Shilajit effervescent de l'Himalaya Aide à augmenter l'endurance et les performances, améliore la récupération musculaire 15 comprimés

29.19 EUR
Ingrédients: Kaunch Beej, Safed Musli, Ashwagandha, Shilajit Avertissement: FACILE À CONSOMMER ET DÉLICIEUX: Améliorez votre expérience Shilajit avec les effervescents Panchamrit Himalayan Shilajit, une alternative supérieure aux formats traditionnels.. Emballé avec 600 mg de Shudh Shilajit dans des comprimés effervescents parfaitement dosés, c'est une option délicieuse et non salissante. (Saveur Orange Masala). Intégrez-le facilement à votre style de vie en le laissant simplement tomber, en le dissolvant et en le buvant. FORCE ET ENDURANCE ACCRUES: Découvrez le pouvoir de la nature avec nos comprimés effervescents Himalayan Shilajit - un puissant mélange d'ingrédients naturels comprenant Shudh Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Kaunch Beej, Safed Musli et Gokshur.. Il est cliniquement prouvé que cette formule unique améliore l'endurance, la force et la performance globale en seulement 6 à 8 semaines. RÉDUIT LES NIVEAUX DE STRESS ET AMÉLIORE LA PERFORMANCE: Le Panchamrit Himalayan Shilajit est riche en acide fulvique, offrant des propriétés antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires.. L'Ashwagandha, un adaptogène, réduit le stress, favorise un sommeil réparateur et réduit l'inflammation, contribuant ainsi au bien-être général. Safed Musli et Gokshur travaillent ensemble pour revitaliser le corps, améliorer les performances et profiter d'une vie et de jeux plus dynamiques et plus vibrants. AMÉLIOREZ VOTRE VIE ET ​​VOTRE JEU: Shudh Shilajit, provenant de 18 000 pieds. de l'Himalaya, est riche en antioxydants et en acide fulvique. Les ingrédients naturels des effervescents Panchamrit Himalayan Shilajit revitalisent le corps et vous aident à retrouver votre force intérieure.. Faites l'expérience de performances amplifiées dans la vie et dans le jeu Dosage: L'AYURVEDA POUR TOUS, AU QUOTIDIEN: Nos comprimés effervescents de Shilajit de l'Himalaya sont conçus pour une utilisation quotidienne par les personnes de plus de 16 ans, en mettant l'accent sur les personnes âgées de 30 à 35 ans. Pays de fabrication: Inde Avertissement légal: Les déclarations concernant les produits n'ont pas été évaluées par les organismes médicaux gouvernementaux et ne sont pas destinées à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie ou un état de santé.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Max Feel Male Performance Capsule 30 capsules

26.59 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Ingredients: Withania Somnifara (200mg), Foenieulum Vulgare (100mg), Vang Bhasms (50mg), Exparagus Adscenns (100mg), Dhatriloha (50mg); Excipients (Q.S.) Warning: Sabates Max Feel Male Performance Capsule is formulated to naturally enhance the size of the male organ and improve strength, enabling deeper and firmer penetration. The unique blend of potent herbs in the capsule works to expand the erectile tissue chambers, enhancing both length and width by enabling them to accommodate a greater volume of blood. Dosage: Take 2 capsules in a day with lukewarm water or as directed by a healthcare professional. Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

ESTORE4U Himalaya Guduchi Immunity Wellness Pack of 5

61.06 EUR
About this item MANUFACTURED BY HIMALAYA DRUG COMPANY 100% vegetarian. Free from sugar, artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, and gelatin IT HAS BEEN USED FOR CENTURIES FOR ITS HEALTH BENEFITS Ingredients : ESTORE4U Himalaya Guduchi Immunity Wellness Pack of 5 Manufacturer country : india

BABY-G [Casio] Baby Gee Watch BGD-565U-4JF Women's Pink Beige

121.99 EUR
Introducing a model with the popular square design from BABY-G, a casual watch for active women. [Shockproof structure] Adopts a shockproof structure that is resistant to shock and vibration. [10 ATM Water Resistant] Waterproof performance is 10 ATM water resistant. [Stopwatch] (1/100 seconds (less than 1 hour)/1 second (more than 1 hour), 24 hour meter, with split) [Other product specifications] Please check the description column.

Pmart India Health & Beauty Soin Lipidique Bio Inde 60 Cap

29.69 EUR
Ingrédients: Terminalia arjuna, Cissus quadrirangularis Avertissement: Les capsules Lipid Care aident à maintenir des fonctions cardiovasculaires saines et un taux de cholestérol normal.. C'est un immunomodulateur actif et riche en antioxydants. Il est composé d'herbes contrôlant les lipides bien connues et sûres, utiles dans la prévention et le traitement des taux de lipides élevés et de leurs complications. Dosage: selon les directives du médecin Pays de fabrication: Inde Avertissement légal: Les déclarations concernant les compléments alimentaires n'ont pas été évaluées par les organismes médicaux gouvernementaux et ne sont pas destinées à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie ou un état de santé.

BeautyGlam BioGaia, Prodentis®, Oral Health Probiotic, Apple, 30 Lozenges

71.99 EUR
Product Description: Clinically proven productGum and teeth healthProbiotic supplementGluten-freeLactose-freeMilk protein-freeCountry of origin: SwedenEasy oral care Prodentis® makes it easy to take care of your oral health by leveraging over 30 years of probiotic research. Helps maintain the natural balance of the oral microbiome with the patented probiotic L. reuteri Prodentis®. Maintains the natural balance of the oral microbiome Gum and teeth health Promotes and prevents common dental problems The secret to maintaining oral health starts with a healthy, balanced oral microbiome. BioGaia takes the trouble out of it. Product usage: Take 1-2 tablets daily. Dissolve a candy tablet in your mouth after brushing and flossing to help strengthen and maintain the balance of your oral microbiome. Ingredients: Isomalt, xylitol, apple flavor, citric acid, mint flavor, fresh fruit flavor. Precautions: Store at room temperature in a dry place. Keep out of reach of children. BioGaia, Prodentis®, Oral Health Probiotic, Apple, 30 Lozenges

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, FloraMyces™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

171.99 EUR
Product Description: 500 mg Saccharomyces Boulardii Per ServingDietary SupplementGastrointestinal Health 10 billion viable cells per serving at time of manufacture. Product usage: Take two capsules per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose (capsule), vegetable stearate. Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy or GMOs.Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA. Note: Color, size or shape may appear different between lots. Store at room temperature. No refrigeration necessary. Keep out of reach of children. For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, FloraMyces™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

DHC DHC Health Foods Collagen Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

47.87 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > DHC DHC Health Foods Collagen Beautiful Skin High quality and low price for daily health Enhanced formula *Collagen peptide 2050mg, vitamins B *Per daily dosage Want to keep young and fresh Want to maintain youthfulness Want to keep fit and healthy *Easily absorbed by the body *High concentration of collagen peptides *Collagen peptide is used in the formula *Collagen peptide is used in the formula *Collagen peptide is used in the formula ---how to---<1 >1 6 . Glucosamine (derived from shrimp and crab), flavor, V.B1, V.B6, sweetener (acesulfame K, sucralose), V.B12 Energy: 27Kcal, protein: 5.5g, fat: 0.022g, carbohydrate: 1.5g, -sugar: 0.87g,

KOKO Beauty&Health [Monstre vert] Régime de soin de la glycémie One Day Cut 28 capsules (1 mois) / Catéchine du thé vert 28 capsule

29.09 EUR
* Description du produit - Maintenez une glycémie équilibrée et une alimentation saine avec Green Monster Blood Sugar Care Diet One Day Cut. Ce supplément pratique combine la puissance des catéchines du thé vert avec des ingrédients naturels conçus pour soutenir le métabolisme et la stabilité de la glycémie, ce qui en fait un excellent compagnon pour votre parcours de bien-être. - Principales caractéristiques: 1. Équilibre de la glycémie: Conçu pour aider à gérer les pics de glycémie après les repas, favorisant des niveaux d'énergie stables et réduisant les fringales tout au long de la journée. 2. Stimulation du métabolisme: Les catéchines du thé vert aident à augmenter le métabolisme, soutenant la capacité de votre corps à brûler efficacement les graisses. 3. Utilisation quotidienne facile: Un approvisionnement d'un mois de 28 gélules, facilitant l'intégration dans un mode de vie équilibré pour un soutien constant. - Comment utiliser: Prendre une capsule par jour avec de l'eau, de préférence après un repas, pour de meilleurs résultats. - Ingrédients clés:Catéchines du thé vert 1. Catéchines du thé vert: Connues pour leurs propriétés stimulantes du métabolisme et brûle-graisses, les catéchines du thé vert sont des antioxydants naturels qui aident également à la détoxification. 2. Extrait de feuille de mûrier: Connu pour favoriser le contrôle de la glycémie, l'extrait de feuille de mûrier aide à réduire l'absorption du sucre et à réguler les niveaux de glucose. 3. Extrait de feuille de Banaba: Contient de l’acide corosolique, qui aide à gérer la glycémie et à soutenir la santé métabolique.

DHC DHC Health Foods Collagen Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

31.92 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > DHC DHC Health Foods Collagen Beautiful Skin High quality and low price for daily health Enhanced formula *Collagen peptide 2050mg, vitamins B *Per daily dosage Want to keep young and fresh Want to maintain youthfulness Want to keep fit and healthy *Easily absorbed by the body *High concentration of collagen peptides *Collagen peptide is used in the formula *Collagen peptide is used in the formula *Collagen peptide is used in the formula ---how to---< > . - , . Ingredients --- Ingredients --- Collagen peptide (derived from fish), cellulose, Ca stearate, silicon dioxide, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, (some ingredients contain gelatin) per day: 6 capsules 2100mg calories --- 7.8kcal protein --- 1.88g

TruBiotics, Children's, Digestive + Immune Health Chewables, Strawberry Flavor, 30 Chewables

57.99 EUR
Product Description: A daily probiotic supplement. Naturally improves digestive system activity in children. Relieves mild upper respiratory pain. Convenient, portable product to help keep children healthy. Delicious strawberry flavor. Contains two of the most clinically studied probiotic strains in the world. Sugar-free TruBiotics children's chewables with a delicious strawberry flavor that kids will love! This chewable for children contains two of the most clinically studied probiotic strains in the world. It is a powerful blend of beneficial bacteria that has been clinically proven to facilitate children's digestive system activity, relieve mild upper respiratory tract pain, and help maintain children's health and develop the immune system. Taking TruBiotics Children's Chewable Tablets daily can replenish the microbiome and reliably improve your child's digestive and immune system health. How to use the product: Dosage for infants and children over 2 years of age: Chew one tablet daily with food or on an empty stomach. Chew the tablet thoroughly before swallowing. Do not swallow it all at once. Ingredients: Xylitol, tricalcium phosphate, maltodextrin, natural flavor, citric acid, magnesium stearate, silica, guar gum, beet juice powder, stevia, dairy free, processed in a facility that handles eggs, gluten, peanuts, soybeans, and tree nuts. It is done. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Close the cap tightly after taking. TruBiotics, Children's, Digestive + Immune Health Chewables, Strawberry Flavor, 30 Chewables

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health, Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps, 180 Tablets

179.99 EUR
Product Description: Stress ReliefTaken DailyHerbal SupplementsWhen Life Calls You Balancing FormulaTake this formula when you're stressed to strengthen your adrenal glands and keep them healthy.The adrenal glands influence the stress response. Supporting your adrenal glands can help your body through tough times. Contains Rhodiola, Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, and Schisandra chinensis. The synergistic blend of adaptogens and nervine herbs helps maintain healthy energy and stress levels. Traditionally taken to cope with stress in a healthy way.Formula to maintain energy and vitality. Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules in the morning. For additional benefits, take 2 capsules in the afternoon. Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, purified water, vegetable capsule (hypromellose), and olive oil. Precautions: Do not take during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before taking. People with bipolar disorder should not take rhodiola. Keep out of reach of children. Be sure to take it according to the directions on the label. This is a safety sealed product. Always keep the lid tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place. Natural separation may occur but will not affect product quality. Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health, Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps, 180 Tablets

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Complete Lactation Support, 30 Capsules

97.99 EUR
Product description: Postpartum fenugreek-free, healthy breastfeeding and lactation enhancement supplement, 1 month supply, vegan and non-GMO product Precautions: Store sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Be sure to take according to the product description: instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Product Usage: Take 1 capsule per day or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (cellulose), ascorbyl palmitate, silica. Free from: gluten, dairy products, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, soybeans, sesame seeds, eggs, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, unnecessary additives. Does not contain. Precautions: Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Be sure to take it according to the product instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Fairhaven Health, Complete Lactation Support, 30 Capsules

Pmart India Health & Beauty Comprimés Himalaya Tentex Forte 10

19.99 EUR
Ingrédients: Haricot Velours, Shilajeet Avertissement: Bien lire l'étiquette. Rajeunissez et améliorez vos performances. Himalaya Tentex Forte aide à augmenter la force, améliore la puissance et l'endurance Dosage: 1-2 comprimés deux fois par jour ou selon les directives du médecin Pays de fabrication: Inde Avertissement légal: Les déclarations concernant les compléments alimentaires n'ont pas été évaluées par les organismes médicaux gouvernementaux et ne sont pas destinées à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie ou un état de santé.

BeautyGlam BioGaia, Prodentis®, Oral Health Probiotic, Apple, 30 Lozenges

77.12 EUR
Product Description: Clinically Proven Gum and Teeth HealthProbiotic SupplementGluten-FreeLactose-FreeMilk Protein-FreeCountry of Origin: SwedenEasy Oral Care Prodentis® makes it easy to take care of your oral health by leveraging over 30 years of probiotic research. Helps maintain the natural balance of the oral microbiome with the patented probiotic L. reuteri Prodentis®. Maintains the natural balance of the oral microbiome Gum and teeth health Promotes and prevents common dental problems The secret to maintaining oral health starts with a healthy, balanced oral microbiome. BioGaia takes the trouble out of it. Product usage: Take 1-2 tablets daily. Dissolve a candy tablet in your mouth after brushing and flossing to help strengthen and maintain the balance of your oral microbiome. Ingredients: Isomalt, xylitol, apple flavor, citric acid, mint flavor, fresh fruit flavor. Precautions: Store at room temperature in a dry place. Keep out of reach of children. BioGaia, Prodentis®, Oral Health Probiotic, Apple, 30 Lozenges

BeautyGlam BioGaia, Prodentis® Oral Health Probiotic, Gum & Teeth Health, Mint, 30 Lozenges

75.79 EUR
Product Description: Clinically ProvenProbiotic SupplementGluten-FreeLactose-FreeMilk Protein-FreeCountry of Origin: SwedenEasy Oral Care Prodentis® leverages over 30 years of probiotic research to help you take care of your oral health with ease. Prodentis®, a patented probiotic, helps maintain the natural balance of the oral microbiome. Maintains balance in the oral microbiome Promotes gum and tooth health Prevents common dental problems The secret to maintaining good oral health is It starts with a balanced oral microbiome. BioGaia takes the trouble out of it. Product usage: Take 1-2 tablets daily. Dissolve a candy tablet in your mouth after brushing and flossing to help strengthen and maintain the balance of your oral microbiome. Ingredients: Isomalt, xylitol, natural peppermint flavor, natural menthol flavor, calcium stearate. Precautions: Store at room temperature in a dry place. Keep out of reach of children. BioGaia, Prodentis® Oral Health Probiotic, Gum & Teeth Health, Mint, 30 Lozenges

BeautyGlam Kyolic, Omeg.A.G.E, Omega 3 and AGE, D3, K2, E and B6, 9, 12, Promotes Heart, Bone and Immune System Health, 90 Softgels

117.99 EUR
Product Description: Unflavored Fish Oil Supplement Aged Garlic Extract Friend of the Sea Certified GMP Certified Kyolic® Omeg-AGE is a unique blend of nutrients created for full-body health care. Aged Garlic Extract and Omega-3's are scientifically proven to support cardiovascular benefits. EPAX® Omega-3's are made from high-quality, sustainable and traceable Norwegian fish oil. Vitamin K2 helps the body absorb Vitamin D3, helping bones and joint health. The powerful combination of the antioxidant protection of vitamin E and the metabolism-boosting benefits of B vitamins provides a strong foundation for a balanced immune system. Product usage: Adults, take 3 softgels daily with meals. Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, lecithin (soybean), mixed tocopherol, purified water, yellow beeswax, caramel. Ingredients: Soy-free. Ingredients: Dairy products, sugar, preservatives, artificial flavoring. Caution: Do not use if safety band or internal safety seal is broken or missing. Store in a cool, dry place with the lid tightly closed. Keep out of reach of children. Kyolic, Omeg.A.G.E, Omega 3 and AGE, D3, K2, E and B6, 9, 12, Promotes Heart, Bone and Immune System Health, 90 Softgels

NatureWise, Oral Health Probiotics, Children and Adults, Mint, 50 Chewable Tablets

89.99 EUR
Product Description: WiseBiotics®Enhanced Protection for Teeth & Gums + Improved Breathing Improved Upper Airway & Immune Strength Supplements for Ears, Nose & Throat Health Gluten-FreeAdvanced Oral Care NatureWise Oral Health Probiotics support the overall health of your ears, nose, and throat. Intelligently formulated with 12 probiotic strains, including BLIS K12 and BLIS M18, which have been studied for their potential benefits in helping teeth and upper respiratory tract. Wellness. How to Use: Chew or inhale 1 tablet 1 to 2 times daily after brushing your teeth or mouthwash, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.∝∝NatureWise Oral Health Probiotic should always be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet. . Ingredients: Isomalt, inulin, behenoyl polyoxyl-8 glyceride, dicalcium phosphate, natural peppermint flavor, stevia leaf extract. Does not contain: wheat, gluten, soy, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish/shellfish. Contains trace amounts of milk protein from the fermentation process. Precautions: As with any supplement, you should consult a healthcare professional before taking, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, are taking medications, or have known side effects or allergies.Except under adult supervision. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. NatureWise, Oral Health Probiotics, Children and Adults, Mint, 50 Chewable Tablets

New Chapter, Holistic Nervous System Health, 30 Capsules

72.19 EUR
Product Description: 3-In-1 Nerve Care100% Veggie CapsuleMade with Organic HerbsWhere Food Comes From OrganicNon-GMO Project VerifiedNSF Gluten-Free CertifiedKosher Formula to Assist Supplement AbsorptionB-Corp CertifiedIn Vermont Expressing GratitudeNutrient Benefits: Nourishes the nervous system, strengthens nervous system communication, forms nerve separation Magical ingredients in the product: Fermented vitamins B1, B6 and B12, a holistic nervous system health blend containing Helicoptera mushroom, strengthens and nourishes nerve function. Fermented vitamin B1 (thiamine) strengthens healthy nerves and promotes nerve activity, supporting healthy nerve transmission and function. Strengthens nervous system transmission. Supports transmission from healthy nerves to nerves through fermented vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), a nutrient that produces neurotransmitters for transmission. Nerve and separation membrane formation Surrounds and protects nerves with fermented vitamin B12 Helps maintain myelin sheath. Optimized doses of B12 are formulated to ensure absorption even during aging. We fine-tune the content of each high-quality vitamin, select the type that best suits your body, and ferment it with probiotics and natural foods. Super Food HerbInspired by tradition and based on science, we use premium organic botanicals with turmeric, ginger, and Helicoptera mushrooms. Product usage: Adults, take one capsule daily. ingredients: Fermentation medium (organic soybean powder, organic beer yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), lactic acid bacteria [l. acidophilus, former rhamnosus, b. bifidum], bromelain [inactive], papain [inactive]) , organic rice extract, organic acacia gum, organic sunflower oil and capsules (aureobasidium pullulans), Carrageenine, purified water and potassium chloride).Ingredients: Fermented soybeans.No artificial flavors/colorings. Caution: As with any supplement, if you have a medical condition or are taking medications, consult your healthcare professional about taking this product. If you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant, consult your healthcare professional before taking this product. If side effects or allergic reactions occur, discontinue use and contact a healthcare professional. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Keep out of reach of children. New Chapter, Holistic Nervous System Health, 30 Capsules

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sri Sri TATTVA shuddhta ka naam Shakti Drops - Booster d'immunité ayurvédique 10 ML

25.56 EUR
Ingrédients: amla, ashwagandha, brahmi, bringaraj Avertissement: Rendez-vous plus fort de l’intérieur avec Shakti Drops. Fabriquées à partir d'un mélange de 8 herbes ayurvédiques, nos gouttes booster d'immunité pour enfants et adultes aident à développer l'endurance et à améliorer les performances.. Notre formule ayurvédique est fabriquée à partir d'herbes brutes sans rien ajouté ni retiré. Dosage: Ajoutez 5 à 6 gouttes du supplément oral dans l'eau, mélangez bien et buvez-le.. Prenez-le deux fois par jour ou selon les directives d'un médecin Pays de fabrication: Inde Avertissement légal: Les déclarations concernant les compléments alimentaires n'ont pas été évaluées par les organismes médicaux gouvernementaux et ne sont pas destinées à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie ou un état de santé.

Gaia Good Health Mélange de boisson énergisante au goût d'Orange (200g), Mélange pour boisson énergisante Orange, Gaia

18.99 EUR
Mélange de boisson énergisante au goût d'Orange (Mélange pour boisson énergisante Orange) est un produit conçu pour reconstituer l'énergie et maintenir des performances élevées tout au long de la journée. La teneur en vitamine C dans sa composition contribue à renforcer le système immunitaire. La boisson a un riche arôme d'agrumes et un goût d'orange rafraîchissant.. Il désaltère, donne de la vigueur et améliore l'humeur. L'utilisation du produit contribue à augmenter l'activité cérébrale et à retrouver des forces après une activité physique prolongée. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI convient aux végétariens et végétaliens reconstitue l'énergie maintient des performances élevées tout au long de la journée contient de la vitamine C renforce le système immunitaire a un riche arôme d'agrumes a une saveur d'orange rafraîchissante étanche la soif revigore améliore l'humeur augmente l'activité cérébrale permet de retrouver des forces après une activité physique Indications pour l'utilisation: déficit énergétique pour des performances élevées tout au long de la journée renforcement de l'immunité la soif pour une sensation de vigueur bonne humeur pour la fonction cérébrale active récupération après une activité physique Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels Mode d'emploi: 1. Placez 2 cuillères à soupe. je. mélange dans un récipient à boire. 2. Incorporer l'eau potable froide (volume optimal – 200 ml). 3. Il n'est pas recommandé de boire la boisson à jeun. Aucun sucre ajouté requis. Composition: Dextrose (Dextrose) – 52,86%, Sucre (Sucre) – 42,26%, Régulateur d'acidité INS 330, INS 331 (Régulateur d'acidité INS 330, INS 331 (ii)), Saveur identique au naturel (Orange) (Nature Saveur Identique Orange), Acide L-ascorbique (Acide L-ascorbique), Colorant alimentaire synthétique homologué INS 110 (Colorant alimentaire synthétique autorisé SIN 110), sulfate de zinc (Sulfate de Zinc). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 100 g de produit contient: valeur énergétique (valeur énergétique) – 398,77 kcal, Glucides (Glucides) – 98,86 g, Sucre total (Sucres totaux) – 95,12 g, Sucre ajouté (Sucres ajoutés) – 95,12 g, Matières grasses totales (Graisse totale) – 0,37 g, Protéines (protéine) – 0.00g, Sodium (Sodium) – 378,60 mg, Vitamine C (Vitamine C) – 190,00mg, Zinc (Zinc) – 20,47 mg. Conditions de stockage: A conserver dans un endroit frais et sec, hors de portée des enfants et à l'abri du soleil.

Vitamins SALE Zenwise Health, Gummies brûleurs de graisse, pomme, 60 gummies

46.99 EUR
Les Fat Burner Gummies sont un complément alimentaire sous forme de bonbons à croquer au goût de pomme pour brûler les graisses. Favorise la correction du poids, le métabolisme et l'augmentation des niveaux d'énergie, augmentant les performances grâce à la teneur en 260 mg de thé vert, source d'EGCG et d'antioxydants. Action fonctionnelle: Le supplément comprend de l'extrait de thé vert, riche en gallate d'épigallocatéchine. Ce composé aux puissantes propriétés antioxydantes aide à augmenter le niveau d'énergie, à améliorer le processus de thermogenèse et le métabolisme normal. La composition contient également de l'extrait de fruit de garcinia, qui est capable de réduire et de contrôler l'appétit, et assurera le maintien d'un poids santé. Les cétones de framboise et le café vert apporteront des résultats supplémentaires en matière de perte de poids. La formule Fat Burner aide à réduire les calories, les dépôts de graisse, la gestion saine du poids et à augmenter l'endurance physique du corps. De plus, la prise du supplément contribue au maintien des fonctions cognitives normales et à la santé du système cardiovasculaire. En combinaison avec une activité physique régulière et un programme nutritionnel équilibré, le résultat ne sera pas retardé, mais accéléré. Application: Prendre 2 bonbons à mâcher 1 à 2 fois par jour. Contre-indication: Intolérance individuelle des composants. Réservation: Si vous êtes enceinte, allaitez, prenez des médicaments ou avez des maladies, vous devriez consulter un médecin avant d'utiliser des compléments alimentaires. En cas d'effets indésirables, arrêtez l'utilisation et consultez un médecin. Garder hors de la portée des enfants. Ne pas utiliser si la membrane protectrice extérieure est manquante ou endommagée. Composition des composants de 2 bonbons à mâcher Calories 15 kcal Glucides totaux 5 g Sodium 4 mg Feuilles de thé vert (Camélia sinensis) 260 mg Fruits de garcinia cambogia (Garcinia cambogia) 250 mg Cétone de framboise 250 mg Grains de café arabica (Café arabica) 250 mg Caféine (22% d'extrait de graines de guarana) 10 mg Autres ingrédients: Maltite, isomalt, pectine, acide citrique, citrate de sodium, arôme naturel Pomme , huile (contient de la cire de carnauba), poudre d'épinards. Action fonctionnelle: Le supplément comprend de l'extrait de thé vert, riche en gallate d'épigallocatéchine. Ce composé aux puissantes propriétés antioxydantes aide à augmenter le niveau d'énergie, à améliorer le processus de thermogenèse et le métabolisme normal. La composition contient également de l'extrait de fruit de garcinia, qui est capable de réduire et de contrôler l'appétit, et assurera le maintien d'un poids santé. Les cétones de framboise et le café vert apporteront des résultats supplémentaires en matière de perte de poids. La formule Fat Burner aide à réduire les calories, les dépôts de graisse, la gestion saine du poids et à augmenter l'endurance physique du corps. De plus, la prise du supplément contribue...

Gaia Good Health Spiruline (60 gélules, 500 mg), Spiruline, Gaïa

17.55 EUR
Spiruline (Spiruline) – un remède ayurvédique qui permet de maintenir la santé, de fournir le niveau d’énergie nécessaire, ainsi que de renforcer et maintenir les performances du corps. Sa teneur élevée en protéines contribue à renforcer le système immunitaire, à soulager l’arthrite et à maintenir la fonction osseuse.. La spiruline a un effet bénéfique sur le cœur, aide à normaliser le cholestérol et à abaisser la tension artérielle.. Le produit est recommandé pour réduire les tensions et éliminer la fatigue oculaire. L'utilisation de la spiruline augmente la résistance au stress et est utilisée dans la pratique du Rasayana.. Le produit est également recommandé pour maintenir un poids corporel et un équilibre hydrique optimaux dans le corps. Informations de base: produit naturel convient aux végétariens et végétaliens favorise un bien-être sain reconstitue l'énergie augmente et maintient l’endurance renforce le système immunitaire indiqué pour l'arthrite maintient la santé des os améliore le fonctionnement du système cardiovasculaire fournit des niveaux de cholestérol acceptables abaisse la tension artérielle soulage l'inconfort après un stress visuel augmente la résistance au stress utilisé dans la pratique du Rasayana maintient un poids santé normalise l'équilibre hydrique dans le corps Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: affections générales prostration faible niveau de rendement système immunitaire affaibli arthrite Rasayana pour une fonction osseuse normale pour la santé cardiovasculaire pour des taux de cholestérol acceptables hypertension artérielle pour le soulagement des yeux la gestion du stress maintenir un poids normal restauration de l'équilibre hydrique dans le corps Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels Si vous prenez d'autres médicaments en même temps, vous devez consulter votre médecin pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement. Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque gélule contient: Spiruline (Spiruline) – 500mg. Conservateurs utilisés (Conservateurs utilisés): Méthylparabène de sodium et propylparabène de sodium (Méthylparabène sodique et propylparabène sodique). Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

HOD Health&Home Watches Luxury Dial Ladies Bracelet Watch Shining Trend Quartz Waterproof

23.45 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Features Name Quartz WatchLength 19CmSpecial Function DecorationDisplay Type PointerApplicable People FemaleStyle LeisureWaterproof YesWaterproof Performance 30MMovement Type QuartzThickness 8MmDial Diameter 26MmCrown Type Spiral CrownTable Bottom Type OrdinaryMirror Material Hardened GlassClasp Style; Jewelry ClaspBuckle Material Stainless SteelStrap Material BraceletDial Shape RoundCase Material Alloy The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Immune and Respiratory Care, 30 Veggie Capsules

75.99 EUR
Product Description: Seasonal Immunity Booster*A Synergistic BlendCapsule-in-Capsule TechnologyCalifornia Gold Nutrition® Immune and Respiratory Care* contains a blend of Eldermune® black elderberry and African geranium, immune-boosting ingredients known to boost upper respiratory health. Improves the body's natural defenses.*Capsule-in-capsule technology allows the liquid in the outer capsule to be released quickly while the ingredients in the inner capsule are protected and released more slowly. Certified by iTested Product usage: Take 1 capsule daily with food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients: Main ingredients Elderberry juice concentrate powder (Sambucus nigra) (fruit) (standardized to 3.0% polyphenol), African geranium (Pelargonium sidoides) extract (root) Other ingredients MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride), modified cellulose (Hypro Melos Vegetable Capsule), silicon dioxide (silica), Partially hydrolyzed guar gum (carrier of elderberry juice powder), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate. This product is not manufactured from milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in a U.S. Food and Drug Administration registered third party audited, cGMP compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Manufactured by Eldermune® Eldermune® is produced by Innovative Natural Solutions LLC (INS Sunfiber® is a registered trademark of Taiyo International, Inc. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic diseases, the elderly, minors under 18 years of age, taking prescription medications (e.g. blood thinners), or those diagnosed with certain medical conditions by a doctor, consult a physician, pharmacist, or naturopathic doctor before taking supplements. , or consult a qualified healthcare professional. Product in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. California Gold Nutrition, Immune and Respiratory Care, 30 Veggie Capsules

Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Daily Probiotic + Prebiotic, Daily Care, 35 Billion CFU, 30 Delayed Release Capsules

67.99 EUR
Product Description: Contains probiotics preferred by doctors in terms of regular bowel movements††35 billion active probiotic cultures per capsule, 15 types of probiotic strains, plant-based prebiotic mix, digestive system, balanced immunity, health efficacy guaranteed, probiotic Tic Supplement Gluten-Free CertifiedProject CertifiedNo Genetically Modified IngredientsHOWARU® - Probiotic Strain Verified by Quality Research for Probiotics You Can Feel Gluten-FreeArtificial Fortify® Optima® is specially formulated with a unique probiotic blend that contains no dyes and is a powerful probiotic that supports digestive and immune health. HN019™, HN001™ have been research-proven to promote daily digestive and immune health. , BL-04®, and Bi-07® demonstrate a strong synergy effect. Lactobacillus culture to support small intestine healthBifidus culture supports colon health15 probiotic strains + prebiotic formulaFortify Optima Daily 35 billion CFU formula includes 15 probiotics designed to support gut diversity and plant-based prebiotics Contains tick strains. This unique prebiotic blend contains chicory root and acacia gum fiber, a source of good bacteria. Live culture potency is calculated in colony forming units (CFU). Guaranteed 35 billion active cultures! Innovative container technology allows this product to deliver 35 billion active probiotic cultures by expiration date without needing to be refrigerated, helping to balance the intestinal tract and promote immune health. Targeted Delivery Each capsule is manufactured to withstand stomach acid and delivers active cultures where needed, such as the small and large intestines. More Benefits in One Capsule By taking Fortify® Optima® daily, you can enjoy the following health benefits: Healthy Gut MicrobiomeDigestive BalanceHealthy Immune Response††Based on an IQVIA ProVoice survey of primary care physicians. Doctors Prefer HOWARU® Bifidobacterium Lactis HN019™ over Other Strains from Popular Probiotic Brands for Regular Bowel Activity, Based on MULO Sales for the 52 Weeks Ending October 3, 2021; November 2021. Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it at any time, with or without food. No refrigeration is required. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silica Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. This product is safely sealed with an internal seal. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store tightly sealed. Can be stored at room temperature or refrigerated. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or excessive heat. Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Daily Probiotic + Prebiotic, Daily Care, 35 Billion CFU, 30 Delayed Release Capsules

Terry Naturally, Thyroid Care Plus, 60 Capsules

55.48 EUR
Product Description: Contains Selenium, Iodine and L-Tyrosine Supports thyroid and perfect metabolic function Provides daily energy Shiny hair MetabolismHealthy weight management† Wholesome productsSupplementsKosherGMO-Free Purity & Quality Tested Rejuvenate the thyroid gland Give!Thyroid health affects many areas of your life, including energy, metabolism, hair, skin, mood, and weight maintenance. Thyroid Care™ Plus contains three key thyroid nutrients to promote optimal thyroid function and health. Three essential nutrients for the thyroid gland! It provides iodine necessary for thyroid hormone synthesis, including potassium iodide, sodium iodide, and iodine molecules, supporting smooth metabolism, shiny hair, and hormonal balance. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid necessary for the synthesis of the thyroid hormone tyrosine, which supports emotional health and daily energy. Selenium is a key mineral that converts T4 into T3, the active thyroid hormone. It works together with iodine and L-tyrosine to protect the thyroid gland from risks such as oxidative stress and damage, and may also reduce the risk of certain cancers. Some scientific evidence suggests that consuming selenium may reduce the risk of developing certain forms of cancer. However, the FDA noted that this evidence is limited and inconclusive. Nutrients Needed by the ThyroidThe thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that produces the hormones needed to stay healthy. However, age, environmental factors, and family history can affect thyroid function. Thyroid Care™ Plus provides the nutrients your thyroid needs to: Daily Energy ProviderRobust MetabolismGlossy HairHormonal BalanceHealthy Weight ManagementImmunity Health † Combine a healthy diet with an exercise regimen. Product usage: Take 1-2 capsules every morning on an empty stomach. Consult your doctor for long-term use. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (vegetable cellulose capsule), vegetable magnesium stearate, silica, no sugar, salt, wheat, gluten, corn, soybeans, dairy products, artificial colors, artificial flavors, or artificial preservatives. Terry Naturally brand products contain natural ingredients and other premium ingredients. Made in a Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility. Precautions: Do not take if you are trying to conceive or are pregnant or lactating. Terry Naturally, Thyroid Care Plus, 60 Capsules

Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, 50+ Probiotic + Prebiotic, Advanced Care, 90 Billion CFU, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

99.45 EUR
Product Description: Contains probiotics preferred by doctors in terms of regular bowel movements††90 billion active probiotic cultures per capsule, 15 types of probiotic strains, plant-based prebiotic, mixed colon health, digestive system, balanced immunity, health probiotic Tick ​​SupplementGluten-Free CertifiedGMO-Free Project CertifiedProbiotic Strain ResearchGluten-FreeNo Soy, Dairy or Artificial ColorsYou Can Feel It Howaru® Probiotic QualityPowerful Probiotic for Daily Digestive and Immune Health in Adults 50+ Formulated specifically for adults 50+ with a unique probiotic blend, Fortify® Optima® helps support daily colon health. Contains probiotic strains HN001™, NCFM®, HN019, Bi-07®, and BL-04® that have been proven through research to demonstrate powerful effects. , helps with digestion and immune health. Bifidobacteria strains replenish the natural decline with age. Lactobacillus culture that supports small intestine health Bifidus culture supports colon health 15 types of probiotic strains + prebiotic formulaFortify Optima 90 billion CFU for ages 50 and older Formula includes 15 types of probiotics designed to support a diverse intestinal microbial environment Contains tick strains and plant-based prebiotics. This unique prebiotic blend contains acacia gum and chicory root fiber, which are a food source for beneficial bacteria. The efficacy of live cultures is calculated in colony forming units (CFU). 90 billion active cultures guaranteed! Innovative container technology delivers 90 billion active probiotic cultures throughout the product's shelf life to balance the intestinal tract and promote immune health. Reach the target Each capsule is formulated to withstand stomach acid and delivers active cultures where needed, such as the small and large intestines. Multiple benefits in one capsule By taking Fortify® Optima® Advanced Care for Ages 50+ daily, you can enjoy the following health benefits: Healthy Gut MicrobiomeColon Health Digestive BalanceHealthy Immune Response ††Based on an IQVIA ProVoice survey of primary care physicians. Doctors Prefer HOWARU® Bifidobacterium Lactis HN019™ over Other Strains from Popular Probiotic Brands for Regular Bowel Activity, Based on MULO Sales for the 52 Weeks Ending October 3, 2021; November 2021. Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it at any time, with or without food. Keep refrigerated to maintain maximum effectiveness. Ingredients: Potato maltodextrin, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, consult your doctor before consuming this product. Keep out of reach of children. This product is safely sealed with an internal seal. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store tightly sealed. Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Probiotic + Prebiotic for Ages 50+, Advanced Care, 90 Billion CFU, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

BeautyGlam Garden of Life, RAW Probiotics, Vaginal Care, 30 Veggie Capsules

109.99 EUR
Product Description: KRW 50 billion guaranteed! Once a day, 38 types of probiotic strains, vaginal flora balance and urinary tract health arrive alive! Benefits Promise Natural Food Supplement NSF Certified Gluten-Free To promote overall well-being, you need to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your digestive system. B corp. Certification: Accredited by the non-profit B Lab to meet rigorous standards for social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency.Raw Probiotics Vaginal Care is a high-potency, natural food probiotic specifically designed to promote healthy yeast balance and vaginal and urinary tract health. It is a biotic formula. Vaginal Health Care Blend - Contains 8 clinically tested probiotic strains Digestive and Immune Health - 50 Billion CFU with 38 clinically studied probiotic strains plus Eastern European Wild Kefir Culture Enzymes - Digestive Enzymes - Breaks down yeast cell walls with cellulases, hemicellulases, and lysozymes. Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it with food or on an empty stomach. The capsule can be opened. The contents can be consumed directly with water or juice. Do not take to children. Ingredients: Veggie cellulose (capsule), organic brown rice.Contains: Milk, egg, carriers, fillers, artificial colors or preservatives.Free from: Not manufactured with dairy or soy ingredients, peanuts, tree nuts or shellfish ingredients. It wasn't. Manufactured in a facility that also processes soybeans, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish and shellfish. Precautions: Caution: As with any supplement, consult your doctor before taking this product, especially if you are pregnant or nursing, giving the product to children, scheduled for surgery, taking regular medications, or being treated for any other medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Garden of Life, RAW Probiotics, Vaginal Care, 30 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Garden of Life, RAW Probiotics Vaginal Care, 30 Veggie Capsules

101.99 EUR
Product Description: 38 probiotic strains Vaginal flora balance & urinary tract health Lacto- and bifido probiotics to support vaginal health Once-daily natural food supplementRAW Probiotics Vaginal Care Promise of Effectiveness We promise what you get on the label . 50 billion live probiotic cultures per convenient, once-a-day serving.¹Maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in your digestive system is essential to promoting overall well-being. B.corp. Certification - Certified by the non-profit organization B Lab to meet rigorous standards for social and environmental performance, responsibility and transparency. Certified Gluten Free - NSF Certified Gluten Free Shelf Shelf¹ - New technology with a desiccant built into the bottle for shelf stable probiotics. Raw Probiotics Vaginal Care is a high-potency, whole-food probiotic formula specifically designed to promote healthy yeast balance and vaginal and urinary tract health. Vaginal Health Care Blend - Contains 8 clinically tested probiotic strains. Digestive & Immune Health - 50 Billion CFU with 38 clinically studied probiotic strains plus Eastern European Wild Kefir Culture 30 Veggie Capsules Enzymes - Break down yeast cell walls with cellulase, hemicellulase and lysozyme. ¹ Until expiration date if stored under recommended storage conditions. Product usage: No refrigeration required. Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it with food or on an empty stomach. The capsule can be opened. The contents can be consumed directly with water or juice. Do not take to children. Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (capsule), organic rice (bran). Contains: Milk, Eggs. Contains no binders, fillers, carriers, artificial colors or preservatives. Precautions: Store in a cool, dry place. ^Represents a strain commonly found in Eastern European wild kefir cultures. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. As with any supplement, consult your doctor before taking this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, scheduled for surgery, taking regular medication, or otherwise under medical supervision. Consult an expert. Garden of Life, RAW Probiotics Vaginal Care, 30 Veggie Capsules

Cosmetara Charm Co. Care Agua De Mar Intensidad Normal 125ml

32.52 EUR
Introducing Care Agua De Mar Intensidad Normal, a refreshing and natural product that brings the benefits of seawater to your daily skincare routine. This 125ml bottle is designed to enhance your skin's health and appearance, suitable for all age groups. Care Agua De Mar Intensidad Normal is formulated with the highest quality seawater, known for its richness in minerals and trace elements. This unique composition nourishes and revitalizes your skin, helping to restore its natural balance and radiance. Regular use of this product helps to combat dryness, signs of aging, and environmental damage, leaving your skin looking and feeling rejuvenated. Whether you have sensitive, oily, or normal skin, this gentle formula works seamlessly to cleanse, tone, and moisturize, suitable for both men and women. Its intense hydrating properties help to retain moisture, resulting in a softer and smoother complexion. With its light and non-greasy texture, it absorbs quickly, allowing for easy application and immediate absorption. The Care Agua De Mar Intensidad Normal comes in a convenient 125ml size, making it perfect for home use or travel. The compact packaging ensures you can effortlessly incorporate this product into your daily skincare routine, keeping your skin revitalized and healthy wherever you go. Experience the benefits of Care Agua De Mar Intensidad Normal and embrace the power of nature in a bottle. Say goodbye to dull and dehydrated skin, and say hello to a youthful glow that will captivate people of all ages. Try Care Agua De Mar Intensidad Normal today and feel the invigorating effects of seawater on your skin. Your skin deserves it!

BeautyGlam NatureWise, Max Care Probiotic, WiseBiotics Delayed Release, 60 Capsules

103.99 EUR
Directions for use: For adults, take one capsule daily with a meal or as recommended by your healthcare professional.**NatureWise Maximum Care Probiotic should always be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.​Keep refrigerated. It's best. Other ingredients included: Microcrystalline cellulose, Capsugel® DRcaps® capsules (gellan gum, hypromellose), bamboo extract, silicon dioxide. Free from: wheat, gluten, soy, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, Shellfish and crustaceans. May contain traces of milk proteins from the fermentation process. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. As with any supplement, you should consult a healthcare professional before taking it, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, are taking medications, or have known side effects or allergies. NatureWise, Max Care Probiotic, WiseBiotics Delayed Release, 60 Capsules

Yerba Prima, Prebiotic Colon Care, 180 Capsules

50.39 EUR
Product Description: Supports Culture of Beneficial Bacteria Gluten-Free Non-GMO Tested Premium Dietary Fiber Supplement Take daily to promote colon health! Helps excrete toxins and waste! A concentrated source of fiber from all five types of fiber!Colon Care promotes colon health with fiber, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and FOS. These nutrients act as dietary supplements to help the colon function normally and healthily. Colon care helps eliminate toxins and waste, promotes the growth of green bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus, and supports proper digestion. . Product usage: Adults and children over 12 years old: Take 4 capsules 1-3 times a day with food. Children 6 to 12 years of age: Do not take capsules; we recommend colon care products in easy-to-eat powder form. Start by taking one serving daily. If necessary, gradually increase the dosage up to 3 times daily. Swallow one capsule at a time. Take one serving with 1 cup (8 oz) of water or another beverage. Drinking additional fluids may help. If you experience some gas or bloating, reduce your dose until your body adjusts. It is best taken daily. Ingredients: Psyllium Husk, Calcium Carbonate, FOS Probiotic Complex, Magnesium Oxide, Gum Acacia, Non-GMO Soy Fiber, Gluten-Free Oat Bran, Apple Fiber, Selenium Amino Acid Chelate, USP Kosher Gelatin Capsule. No preservatives, artificial flavors or artificial colors added. No added sugar, binders or fillers. Precautions: Seal: Do not use if plastic strip surrounding lid or seal under lid is damaged or missing.For California residents only: Proposition 65 WARNING: This product contains a substance known to the State of California to cause birth defects and reproductive harm. there is. As with other fiber supplements, do not take this product within 1 to 2 hours of taking prescription medications. If you are taking medication or under medical care, consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Store at room temperature. Cover tightly to prevent moisture.Note: All psyllium products and most agricultural products may contain chemicals that the plant has absorbed from the ground. Yerba Prima, Prebiotic Colon Care, 180 Capsules

Renew Life, Women's Care Travel Size, Ultimate Flora Probiotic, 15 Billion Probiotics, 30 Veggie Capsules

74.99 EUR
Product Description: #1 Most Researched Strain†Helps Maintain Healthy Vaginal Acidity & Yeast Levels Supports Urinary Tract, Digestive & Immune Health 12 Probiotic Strains Probiotic Supplement Non-GMO Project Verified Women's Gut and Vaginal Micro Biomes are very different. To meet consumer needs, we created products that support both. We've enhanced Renew Life® probiotics using world-class strains to support your natural circadian rhythm. It has the following features: Vaginal, Digestive and Immune Support #1 Most Researched Probiotic Strain† Non-GMO Project Verified Formula Smaller, Easy-to-Swallow Capsules Renew Life has been a pioneer in gut health for over 20 years. We insist on only the best quality. Our customers trust us with their health, and we take that seriously. That's why Renew Life® Women's Care probiotics guarantee: Strains proven in 25 years of clinical studies in women More clinically tested on women than leading brands‡ Effective throughout shelf life 12 strains to support digestive and vaginal health Strain Blend Delayed-release capsules help probiotics reach the intestines alive Gluten-, dairy- and soy-free formula †L Rhamnosus GG strain ‡Tested against strains Product usage: For best results, take 1 capsule daily, regardless of meal. No refrigeration required. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, capsules (hypromellose, gellan gum), and medium chain triglycerides. Precautions: Store below 25°C (77°F). Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a physician before taking this product. Do it. Safety seal: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Renew Life, Women's Care Travel Size, Ultimate Flora Probiotic, 15 Billion Probiotics, 30 Veggie Capsules

Cosmetara Charm Co. Care+ Toallitas Oftalmicas Esteriles 30 Unidades

36.09 EUR
Introducing Care+ Sterile Ophthalmic Wipes, the perfect solution for maintaining excellent eye hygiene and promoting optimal eye health. Each pack contains 30 individually wrapped and sterile wipes, providing convenience and peace of mind. Care+ Sterile Ophthalmic Wipes are specially formulated to gently cleanse the delicate eye area, removing dirt, debris, and other impurities that can accumulate throughout the day. Whether you wear contact lenses or not, these wipes are ideal for daily use, offering a quick and effective way to refresh your eyes. Designed to be highly gentle, these wipes are suitable for all age groups and can be used on both adults and children alike. With a hypoallergenic formula, they are safe and non-irritating to sensitive eyes, ensuring a comfortable experience with every use. These ophthalmic wipes are not only useful for personal eye care but can also be helpful for various professions and activities such as healthcare workers, makeup artists, and sports enthusiasts. They are convenient to carry in your purse, bag, or pocket, making them easily accessible whenever and wherever you need them. Dermatologically tested, Care+ Sterile Ophthalmic Wipes are free from harsh chemicals and fragrance, minimizing the risk of irritation and allergies. Their sterile packaging guarantees the integrity and safety of each wipe, ensuring maximum hygiene and preventing the spread of bacteria. Take proper care of your eyes with Care+ Sterile Ophthalmic Wipes. Achieve clean, refreshed, and healthy eyes with the convenience and reliability of these easy-to-use wipes. Try them today and discover the difference they can make in your eye care routine!

Vital beauty [VITAL BEAUTIE] Omega Care 30Day Worth

62.89 EUR
[Product Name] [VITAL BEAUTIE] Omega Care 30Day Worth Capacity : 30Day Worth Shelf life : 20 months from the date of manufacture Manufacture country : South Korea [Product Description] Nourish Your Body with Vitalbeauty Omega Care Discover the ultimate in health and wellness with Vitalbeauty Omega Care, a premium omega-3 supplement designed to support your heart, brain, and overall vitality. Our high-quality formula delivers the essential nutrients you need to thrive every day. Why Choose Vitalbeauty Omega Care? -Premium Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Rich in EPA and DHA, essential fatty acids known for their powerful health benefits. -Heart Health: Supports cardiovascular health by helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and promoting overall heart function. -Brain Function: Enhances cognitive performance and supports brain health, aiding in memory, focus, and mental clarity. -Joint Support: Alleviates joint discomfort and promotes flexibility and mobility for an active lifestyle. -Overall Wellness: Boosts your overall well-being with a comprehensive approach to health, providing the nutrients your body needs to function at its best. Experience the Benefits With Vitalbeauty Omega Care, you can enjoy: -Enhanced Heart Health: Keep your heart in top condition with essential omega-3 fatty acids. -Improved Brain Function: Stay sharp and focused with nutrients that support cognitive health. -Better Joint Mobility: Move with ease and comfort, thanks to joint-supporting properties. -Optimal Wellness: Achieve a balanced, healthy lifestyle with a supplement designed to support your body’s key functions. Perfect for Daily Use Ideal for anyone looking to enhance their health, Vitalbeauty Omega Care fits seamlessly into your daily routine. It’s perfect for busy professionals, athletes, and anyone committed to maintaining their well-being. Easy to Take Simply take the recommended dosage daily with water. Incorporate it into your morning or evening routine for optimal results. Invest in Your Health with Vitalbeauty Omega Care Take a proactive approach to your health with Vitalbeauty Omega Care. Experience the comprehensive benefits of high-quality omega-3 fatty acids and support your heart, brain, and joints with one powerful supplement. Order now and embark on a journey to a healthier, more vibrant you! ✅[How to take it] -Take 4 capsules once a day for adults, once a day with water. -For a more comfortable intake, we recommend taking it after meals. Ingredients : Refined fish oil (refined fish oil, D-tocopherol) (Chileic acid), wheat lead, blackcurrant seed oil (made in the Netherlands), berry mixed concentrate [Billberry concentrate (made in Austria), blueberry concentrate (made in the United States), blackcurrant concentrate], green tea seed oil, lemon oil (natural fragrance), D-α-tocopherol

Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Women's Probiotic + Prebiotic, Advanced Care, 90 Billion, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

90.99 EUR
Product Description: Contains probiotics preferred by doctors in terms of regular bowel movements††1 capsule, raw probiotic culture, 15 types of probiotic strains, vegetable prebiotic blend, women's health, digestive system balance, immune health, probiotic supplement, gluten Certified Free from Genetically Modified Ingredients Project Verified Howaru® Probiotic Quality You Can Feel Gluten FreeNo Soy, Dairy or Artificial ColorsResearch-proven Probiotic Guaranteed Strain Potency Powerful Probiotic for Women's Everyday Digestive and Immune HealthContaining a unique probiotic blend specifically formulated for women, Fortify® Optima® has been research-proven to support daily digestion, immunity and women's health. A powerful supplement with proven probiotic strains HN019™ BL-04®, LA-14®, and HN001™. Lactobacillus strains support vaginal health and promote flora health. Lactobacillus cultures support small intestine healthBifidus cultures support colon health15 probiotic strains + prebiotic formulaFortify Optima Women's 90 Billion CFU Formula contains 15 probiotic strains designed to support a diverse gut microbial environment Contains plant-based prebiotics. This unique prebiotic blend contains acacia gum and chicory root fiber, which are a food source for beneficial bacteria. The efficacy of live cultures is calculated in colony forming units (CFU). 90 billion active cultures guaranteed! Innovative new container technology delivers 90 billion active probiotic cultures to help balance your intestinal tract and promote immune health by its expiration date. Targeted Delivery Each capsule is manufactured to withstand stomach acid and delivers active cultures where needed, such as the small and large intestines. Multiple Benefits in One Capsule By taking Fortify® Optima® Advanced Care for Women daily, you can enjoy the following health benefits: Promotes gut and vaginal microbiome health! Vaginal health and flora Digestive balance Healthy immune response††Based on an IQVIA ProVoice survey of primary care physicians. Doctors appear to prefer HOWARUR B. lactis HN019™ over other strains from popular probiotic brands for regular bowel movements (based on MULO sales for 52 weeks ending October 3, 2021), November 2021 . Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule daily. You can take it at any time, with or without food. Keep refrigerated to maintain maximum effectiveness. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, silica Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. This product is safely sealed with an internal seal. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store tightly sealed. Keep refrigerated to maintain maximum effectiveness. Nature's Way, Fortify Optima, Women's Probiotic + Prebiotic, Advanced Care, 90 Billion, 30 Delayed-Release Capsules

Cyprinoid Wood Handle Record Brush Cleanings Brush for Record Care Antistatic Record Dust Remover for Improved Sound Quality

17.08 EUR
Features: Keep your record clean with this efficient cleanings brush. Its soft bristles effectively remove dirt and debris, ensuring comfort listen experience. Craft from quality materials, this long lasts cleanings brush is to protect your record and maintain their quality over time. Enjoy clearly sound when you play your favorite record. Suitable for music enthusiasts, this cleanings brush is a accessory for anyone who values proper record maintenance. This cleanings brush is specially for record. Specifications: Item Type:Record Cleanings Brush Material:Wood+Nylon Size:Approx.114x12x47mm/4.49x0.47x1.85in Note: Please allow 1-2cm errors due to manual measurement,please make sure that you donot mind befores you order. Due to the differences between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual item color. Package includes: 1xRecord Cleanings Brush

Closet of Beauty 3x Snowboard Wax Brush Set Ski Brushes Care Tool Tuning Cleaning, Skiing Board Kit

61.99 EUR
Description: - 【Product】: This Snowboard Waxing and Maintenance Brush Set is designed for sports and snowboarding enthusiasts. It's an essential tool for the upkeep of your snowboard, ensuring optimal performance on the slopes - 【Nylon Brush】: Made from sturdy wood, the nylon brush is great for scraping off excess wax after waxing your board. It helps to smooth out the base of your board, reducing friction with the snow - 【Horsehair Brush】: The horsehair brush has anti static properties and is used after the nylon brush to polish the base of your board. By brushing 5-6 times, it enhances board performance by polishing the wax on the base and creating drainage grooves - 【Copper Wire Brush】: The copper wire brush is soft yet effective in removing old wax before a new application without damaging your board's base. Its strong bristles easily remove wax flakes and texture - 【Size】: These brushes size with dimensions of 12cmx7cm/4.72inchx2.76inch each. The package includes a set of three brushes to cater to all your snowboard maintenance needs Specification: - Material: Wood, Brass Wire, Nylon Wire, Horsehair Wire Size Chart: 12cmx7cm/4.72inchx2.76inch Package Includes: 1 Brass Brush 1 Nylon Brush 1 Horsehair Brush Note: Please allow slightly errors due to manual measurement and different monitors.

Practical Household Yousheng 15Pcs Kitchen Rag Scratch-Free Cleaning Absorbent Easy to Care Reusable Washable Quick-drying Microfiber Clothes 15 pcs

11.79 EUR
Excellent Durability and Reusability: Wash and reuse these microfiber dusting clothes hundreds of times without shrinking or losing cleaning ability. Designed for long-term use, they resist falling off, ensuring lasting performance. Soft Lint-Free Cloth: Experience an ultra-soft, abrasion-free cleaning with these microfiber towels. Safely clean surfaces, paint, glass, and coatings without worrying about scratches. Enjoy a gentle touch that maintains the integrity of delicate materials. Superior Absorbency: Quickly absorb moisture to keep surfaces dry and spotless. These clothes are ideal for efficiently removing dirt, grime, and liquids while ensuring a thorough and safe cleaning experience. Enhance your cleaning routine with their exceptional absorbent capabilities. Easy to Care and Use: Simplify your cleaning tasks with these microfiber clothes available in five distinct colors for easy task identification. Crafted from premium fabric to prevent scratches, they offer convenience and efficiency in maintaining a clean environment. Multi-Purpose Cleaning Essential: Harness the power of water alone with these versatile clothes suitable for kitchen, bathroom, and dusting tasks. Experience effective cleaning without the need for harsh elements, making them an indispensable tool in any cleaning regimen. Description: Introducing our kitchen rag, a must-have cleaning essential for your home! Crafted from ultra-durable microfiber, these dusting clothes are designed for long-lasting use. You can wash and reuse them hundreds of times without worrying about shrinking or losing cleaning ability. The soft lint-free cloth ensures a scratch-free cleaning experience on various surfaces such as paint, glass, and coatings. With superior absorbency, these towels quickly soak up moisture to keep you dry while effectively removing dirt, grime, and liquids. Kitchen rag is easy to care for and use, available in five different colors for convenient color coding of cleaning tasks. Made with premium fabric to prevent scratches, this versatile tool is effective with just water. Perfect for the kitchen, bathroom, and dusting needs, it's an essential addition to any cleaning routine. Upgrade your cleaning experience with our kitchen rag today! Item Name: Kitchen Rag Material: Cotton Yarn Features: Soft Lint-Free Cloth, Excellent Durability, Reusability Size Details: L: 25cm, W: 25cm (Approx.) Notes: Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. Package Includes: 15 x Kitchen Rags

Schiff, Neuriva Brain Performance, Original, 30 Capsules

121.1 EUR
Product Description: Clinically proven product Natural ingredients‡Established in 1936 Anti-theft package Strengthening 5 indicators of brain function Concentration Memory Learning ability Accuracy Concentration 1 capsule per day Information supplement RB - Health - Hygiene - Home Strengthening 5 indicators of brain function Attention - improves attention and reduces distractionMemory - better records and recalls stored informationLearning - retains information and integrates new informationAccuracy - reacts faster and more preciselyConcentration - Improve your focus at workImprove your brain health with Neurova®We study the brain. We want to help every brain feel its best. We didn't stop at amazing supplements, we went one step further. Our holistic brain health regimen includes tips, tools, and exercises for brain development.If you can boost your brain, there's nothing to fear.Made by nature, proven by science, and kids love it.Our natural, raw ingredients Non-GMO and clinically proven to support brain function. Disclaimer: Neuriva® won't make you a genius, but it might make others feel that way.NEUROFACTOR™ (Coffee Berries)Made from nutrient-rich coffee cherries, this natural fruit extract boosts levels of BDNF, an important neuroprotein that strengthens connections between brain cells. This is a decaffeinated product that has been clinically proven to be effective in increasing body weight. Sharp PS™ (phosphatidylserine), a plant-based product. 60% of the weight of our brain is lipid. Lipids are essential for normal brain function, and our plant-based Sharp PS™ is a phospholipid clinically proven to improve memory and learning.Neuriva features: DecaffeinatedNon-GMOSuitable for VegetariansGluten-Free‡ Coffee Cherry and Vegetable Sharp PS™ Product usage: Adults (18 years or older) take 1 capsule daily. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, capsule (hypromellose, carrageenan, titanium dioxide, pectin), rice bran, silicon dioxide, soybeans. Precautions: Consult your physician before use if pregnant, nursing, taking prescription medications, or have a known medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. This is a safety sealed product. Do not take if safety seal under cap is broken or missing. Close the lid tightly and store in a cool, dry place away from light. Schiff, Neuriva Brain Performance, Original, 30 Capsules

MANADA - HomeCare Vileda Ultramax Premium Mop Head Refill – Enhanced Cleaning Performance – Pack of 2

14.29 EUR
Vileda Ultramax Premium Mop Head Refill – Enhanced Cleaning Performance – Pack of 2 Manufacture: Vileda EAN:4023103201262 Introducing the Vileda Ultramax Mop Refill, 1 Piece. Keep your floors sparkling clean with this high-quality refill designed for the Vileda Ultramax Mop. Crafted for efficient cleaning and superb absorption, this refill ensures a thorough and convenient mopping experience. Replace your worn-out mop head with this durable and reliable refill, suitable for various floor types. Upgrade your cleaning routine with the Vileda Ultramax Mop Refill and enjoy a spotless home every time.

Thorne, Brain Health Supplement, 30 Capsules

143.99 EUR
Product Description: Coffee fruit extract and niacinamide ribose supplement Healthy aging Brain/NerveGluten-free Thorne exclusive product Promotes BDNF, a substance produced in the body that promotes the growth of brain and nerve cells, and NAD+, which enhances cellular energy production Keep your brain healthy with Brain Factors, designed to optimize brain health by increasing Directions for use: Take one capsule daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Hypromellose (extracted from cellulose) capsule, MCT oil. Precautions: Tamper-evident packaging: Take only if container is sealed. Keep sealed in a cool, dry place. If pregnant, consult your doctor before taking this product. Thorne, Brain Health Supplement, 30 Capsules

Santra Sports Wear Cleanse

94.99 EUR
Cleanse We all know how important the liver is to our overall health and well-being, but very few of us actually do anything to take care of this vital organ.. That's where liver cleanse comes in. This powerful blend of vitamins and minerals offers nutritional support for a healthy liver, and can help keep this vital organ functioning properly for years to come.. So if you're looking to add an extra level of protection for your liver, or just want to be proactive about taking care of this important organ, cleanse is the perfect solution.. Food supplement approval number: 018749-07.11.2023 90 vegetable capsules

Solgar, Natural Gelatin Calcium Carbonate, 250 Capsules

63.99 EUR
Product Description: Established in 1947 Dietary Supplement Gluten Free Product Usage: As a dietary supplement for adults, take 3 capsules per day, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a health care practitioner. Ingredients: Vegetable magnesium stearate, vegetable stearic acid, vegetable cellulose. Free from: gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast, sugar, sodium, artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives and colors. Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplement. If side effects occur, discontinue use and consult a doctor. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if container seal is missing, torn, or broken. Solgar, Natural Gelatin Calcium Carbonate, 250 Capsules

BeautyGlam Force Factor, Apigenin, 50mg, 60 Veggie Capsules

48.09 EUR
Product Description: Prostate Health SupportPremium QualityVeganGelatin-FreeNon-GMOSupplementsUNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL® Healthy nutrition improves quality of life. If you want to improve your mind, body, and athletic performance, we have a formula to help you do it. Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Product Description: Take only as directed. If pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or taking prescription medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Product usage: Take one capsule per day, preferably with a meal. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, vegetable magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.Allergy risk warning: Processing products containing milk, eggs, soybeans, wheat, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, peanuts and sesame seeds. Manufactured in our facility. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Take only according to the product instructions. If pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or taking prescription medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Force Factor, Apigenin, 50mg, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Force Factor, B Complex, 60 Veggie Capsules

29.99 EUR
Product Description: Promotes energy metabolism and heart health8 essential B vitaminsVegan productGelatin-freeNon-GMOSupplementsUnleash Your Potential®Eating healthy nutrients improves quality of life. If you want to improve your mind, body, or athletic performance, this formula is for you. Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Product Description: Take only as directed. If pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or taking prescription medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Product usage: Take 1 capsule daily, preferably with food. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. Allergy Risk Warning: Manufactured in a facility that processes products containing milk, eggs, soy, wheat, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Take only according to the product instructions. If pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or taking prescription medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Force Factor, B Complex, 60 Veggie Capsules

Nature's Way, Primadophilus® Bifidus Probiotic, 5 Billion CFU, 180 Capsules

116.69 EUR
Product Description: Once a day, delayed-release probiotic supplement to enhance digestive flora health. Formulated with 4 strains, providing 5 billion CFU per serving. Contains Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli strains. True Potency™ Guaranteed until expiration date. Delayed release that resists stomach acid. Keep capsules refrigerated to maintain maximum potency. Product usage: Adults, take 1 capsule per day. Keep refrigerated to maintain maximum effectiveness. Ingredients: Potato starch, vegetable capsule (hypromellose, gellan gum), magnesium stearate, ascorbic acid (preservative to maintain freshness). Contains milk and soybeans. Precautions: If pregnant, nursing, or taking other medications, consult your healthcare professional before taking. Keep out of reach of children. Safety sealed with printed internal seal. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Keep tightly sealed. Nature's Way, Primadophilus® Bifidus Probiotic, 5 Billion CFU, 180 Capsules

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Kids Daily Gummies, Black Elderberry, 40 Vegan Gummies

52.99 EUR
Product Description: USDA Organic Certified Made with Real FruitImmune StrengthHerbal SupplementOregon Tilth Certified OrganicBoosts Immunity to Keep Your Child in Top ConditionBlack Elderberry has been used for centuries to support the body's natural defense system and promote overall health. Here it is. 1 gummy jelly = equivalent to 3.8g of fresh elderberries. Each gummy jelly contains 429mg of elderberry extract and concentrate, which can give children confidence in their daily lives. Yes. We use natural fruits, no artificial fruits, for a flavor that kids will love. Our gelatin-free, certified organic plant-based gummies are a great choice for vegans and vegetarians. Product usage: Ages 4-11: Chew and eat 1 gummy every day. Chew well and then swallow. To further boost your immunity, chew one gummy twice a day. Ingredients: Organic apple juice concentrate, organic apple puree concentrate, organic pomegranate juice concentrate, organic acai puree, organic goji juice, organic rice flour, pectin (apple/orange extract), organic lemon juice concentrate, organic sunflower oil and organic canna. Uva wax. Precautions: For children with a medical condition or taking medication, consult a doctor before use. This is a safety sealed product. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Coated with organic rice flour to prevent sticking. Gaia Herbs, Kids Daily Gummies, Black Elderberry, 40 Vegan Gummies

Cosmetara Charm Co. Visufarma Coqun Os 60 Capsulas

56.89 EUR
Introducing Visufarma Coqun Os 60 Capsules ?the perfect supplement to keep your bones and eyes healthy! Specially formulated for all age groups, this unique dietary supplement contains a powerful blend of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Omega-3 fatty acids to support optimal bone and eye health. CoQ10 is a natural antioxidant that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall wellness. It helps to neutralize harmful free radicals, protect cells from damage, and boost energy production within the body. By including CoQ10 in our formula, Visufarma Coqun Os supports optimal bone health, ensuring strong bones and teeth for a lifetime. In addition to CoQ10, our capsules are also enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the proper functioning of the eyes. These fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the risk of eye diseases such as macular degeneration and dry eyes. Furthermore, Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to improved vision and promote retina health. Visufarma Coqun Os 60 Capsules are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Simply take one capsule per day with a meal, and reap the benefits of this powerful combination of CoQ10 and Omega-3 fatty acids. Our product is manufactured with the highest quality standards, ensuring purity, potency, and efficacy. Don't compromise on your bone and eye health ?choose Visufarma Coqun Os 60 Capsules and experience the difference it can make in your overall wellbeing. Strengthen your bones and improve your vision with this comprehensive supplement. Order your bottle today and invest in a healthier future.

NatureWise, Women's Probiotic, WiseBiotics Delayed Release, 60 Capsules

85.99 EUR
Product Description: Improved Formula Made for Survival Contains 18 Probiotic Strains, Probiotic Strain Supplement for Vaginal, Urinary, Digestive, and Immune Health Plant-Based Gluten-Free Manufactured in a GMP Certified Facility LactoSpore® Balances Women's Menstrual Cycle It helps keep your emotions in check and your brain healthy. Delayed-release probiotic for womenPatented delayed-release capsules for maximum absorption, formulated to withstand harsh stomach acid 18 highly effective probiotic strains and prebiotics to support women's vaginal health. Cranberry extract and chestnut tree berry for improving mood and skin during a woman's menstrual cycle. Directions for Use: Adults: Take one tablet daily with a meal or as recommended by your healthcare professional.**NatureWise Women's Care Probiotics should always be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, capsugel® drcaps® capsules (gellan gum, hypromellose), silicon dioxide, bamboo extract. Free from: wheat, gluten, dairy products, corn, soybeans, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, Shellfish and crustaceans. May contain traces of milk proteins from the fermentation process. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. As with any supplement, you should consult a healthcare professional before taking, especially if you are pregnant, lactating, have a medical condition, are taking medications, or have known side effects or allergies. NatureWise, Women's Probiotic, WiseBiotics Delayed Release, 60 Capsules

NatureWise, Women's Probiotic, WiseBiotics Delayed Release, 60 Capsules

95.99 EUR
Product Description: Improved Formula Made for Survival Contains 18 Probiotic Strains, Probiotic Strain Supplement for Vaginal, Urinary, Digestive, and Immune Health Plant-Based Gluten-Free Manufactured in a GMP Certified Facility LactoSpore® Balances Women's Menstrual Cycle It helps keep your emotions in check and your brain healthy. Delayed-release probiotic for womenPatented delayed-release capsules for maximum absorption, formulated to withstand harsh stomach acid 18 highly effective probiotic strains and prebiotics to support women's vaginal health. Cranberry extract and chestnut tree berry for improving mood and skin during a woman's menstrual cycle. Directions for Use: Adults: Take one tablet daily with a meal or as recommended by your healthcare professional.**NatureWise Women's Care Probiotics should always be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, capsugel® drcaps® capsules (gellan gum, hypromellose), silicon dioxide, bamboo extract. Free from: wheat, gluten, dairy products, corn, soybeans, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, Shellfish and crustaceans. May contain traces of milk proteins from the fermentation process. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. As with any supplement, you should consult a healthcare professional before taking, especially if you are pregnant, lactating, have a medical condition, are taking medications, or have known side effects or allergies. NatureWise, Women's Probiotic, WiseBiotics Delayed Release, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Kroeger Herb Co, Sinus Blend, 100 Veggie Capsules

40.99 EUR
Product Description: Herbal Supplement for Immune System and Nasal Health 16 Day Servings A special herb and vitamin C formula that can be used all year round, but is most popular during the fall and winter seasons. Keep your hair clean with Wasabi's sharp bite bite! Product usage: Take 2 capsules 3 times a day between meals. Ingredients: Veggie Capsules Contains no yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, rice or preservatives. Caution: Do not purchase if safety seal is damaged. Keep out of reach of children. Kroeger Herb Co, Sinus Blend, 100 Veggie Capsules

ZuiyouJewelry1 Stainless Steel Cast Iron Cleaner 316 Chain Mail Scrubber for Pre Seasoned Pan Ovens Waffle Pans Scr

28.59 EUR
Feature: 1. STRONG WASHING: Made of quality stainless steel 316 material, this cleaner has a strong dirties washing ability, easily remove oil and rusty pots and pans, and keep cookware tidy 2. SAFE AND HEALTH: Stainless steel cast iron cleaner does not use harmful chemicals in the production process. So you can use with peace of mind without worrying about your health 3. VERSATILE USE: This washing hammer can not only wash iron pots, but also suitable for washing condiment pots, ovens, and even cooking utensils such as waffles 4. UNIQUE DESIGN: The chain mail design of the cleaner allow to adapt to all shapes and sizes of pots, whether is a pan, or a curved, angled pot, can be effectively cleaned 5. STRONG DURABILITY: Due to the use of stainless steel 316 material, making this cleaner is very long lasting, even if used for a long time, can maintain good washing function and service life Specification: Item Type: Stainless Steel Cast Iron Cleaner Size: Approx. 17.8cm / 7in Material: Stainless steel 316 Weight: Approx. 133.00g / 4.69oz Package List: 1 x Stainless Steel Cast Iron Cleaner

xinpinban2022 Jue-Fish Powerful Drain Cleaners, Wash Basin, Pipe Dredging Agent, Cleaning Powder, Kitchen Water Sewer, Toilet Cleaning Deodorant 200g

20.09 EUR
Description: Quickly decompose all kinds of kitchen waste and help clear the pipeline. It only takes three seconds to complete the cleanup. No pollution, no smell, harmless to the body. Pipe Dredge Deodorant is no harm to your health. This all-natural cleaning solution will change the way you clean your house and keep things tidy.

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Kids Daily Gummies, Black Elderberry, 40 Vegan Gummies

52.47 EUR
Product Description: USDA Organic Certified Made with Real FruitImmune StrengthHerbal SupplementOregon Tilth Certified OrganicBoosts Immunity to Keep Your Child in Top ConditionBlack Elderberry has been used for centuries to support the body's natural defense system and promote overall health. Here it is. 1 gummy jelly = equivalent to 3.8g of fresh elderberries. Each gummy jelly contains 429mg of elderberry extract and concentrate, which can give children confidence in their daily lives. Yes. We use natural fruits, no artificial fruits, for a flavor that kids will love. Our gelatin-free, certified organic plant-based gummies are a great choice for vegans and vegetarians. Product usage: Ages 4-11: Chew and eat 1 gummy every day. Chew well and then swallow. To further boost your immunity, chew one gummy twice a day. Ingredients: Organic apple juice concentrate, organic apple puree concentrate, organic pomegranate juice concentrate, organic acai puree, organic goji juice, organic rice flour, pectin (apple/orange extract), organic lemon juice concentrate, organic sunflower oil and organic canna. Uva wax. Precautions: For children with a medical condition or taking medication, consult a doctor before use. This is a safety sealed product. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Coated with organic rice flour to prevent sticking. Gaia Herbs, Kids Daily Gummies, Black Elderberry, 40 Vegan Gummies

Nature's Craft, Ceylon Cinnamon, 60 Tablets

42.39 EUR
Product Description: Contains Antioxidant PropertiesSupports Heart HealthVegan and Non-GMOSupplementMade in a GMP Certified FacilityThird-Party Tested Ground Cinnamon Supplement Tablets to lower LDL and heart health vitamins to keep blood vessels clean and flowing naturally Ceylon cinnamon tablets contain high levels of manganese, which can also be used as a brain supplement in a natural aging brain booster that promotes focus, memory, mental clarity and energy. Our Super Antioxidant supplement is a powerful antioxidant with immune-boosting properties. cast It is an ideal polyphenol supplement for strengthening immunity. Directions for use: Take 2 tablets daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Organic acacia gum, silicon dioxide, organic silica concentrate, organic rice extract mixture (organic rice extract, organic rice bran, organic gum arabic, organic sunflower oil). This product contains milk, soybeans, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, Manufactured and packaged in facilities that can also process fish and crustaceans. Made in the United States from ingredients sourced from around the world. Precautions: Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a known medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Nature's Craft, Ceylon Cinnamon, 60 Tablets

Cosmetara Charm Co. Pharmex Phenomax Defense Vitamin C Zinc Propolis 20U

29.09 EUR
Introducing the Pharmex Phenomax Defense, a powerful combination of Vitamin C, Zinc, and Propolis to boost your immune system and protect your overall health. This exceptional supplement is formulated to enhance your body's natural defense mechanisms and keep you feeling your best. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system by supporting the production of white blood cells. It aids in protecting against common infections and can even reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in immune function. It assists in the development of immune cells and helps regulate their activity, promoting a strong and resilient immune system. Propolis, a natural substance collected by bees, has been used for centuries to fight off bacteria, viruses, and inflammation. Its powerful antimicrobial properties contribute to the overall strength of the immune system, protecting against various infections. These potent ingredients work together harmoniously in Pharmex Phenomax Defense to provide comprehensive immune support. By supplementing your diet with this high-quality blend, you can fortify your body's natural defenses and reduce the risk of falling prey to seasonal illnesses. Pharmex Phenomax Defense is suitable for individuals of all ages seeking to maintain a healthy immune system. Each bottle contains 20 units of this superior supplement, ensuring you have a sufficient supply to support your immunity throughout the year. Don't compromise on your health. Boost your immune system and provide it with the necessary support it needs with Pharmex Phenomax Defense. Start your journey towards optimal health and well-being today!

BeautyGlam Dr. Mercola, Fermented Chlorella, 450 Tablets

62.43 EUR
Product Description: Dietary SupplementDr. Mercola has been providing quality products since 2001. Product usage: As a health supplement, adults should take 5 tablets at a time on an empty stomach. Can be taken 1-3 times daily Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is broken. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product. Dr. Mercola, Fermented Chlorella, 450 Tablets

Cosmetara Charm Co. Bluecube Vitamina C Zinc 60 Capsulas

36.01 EUR
Introducing Bluecube Vitamina C Zinc 60 Capsulas, the ideal supplement for boosting your immune system and promoting overall health. With its exceptional blend of Vitamin C and Zinc, this product is designed to keep you feeling your best and ready to conquer any challenges that come your way. The powerful combination of Vitamin C and Zinc offers immense benefits. Vitamin C is well-known for its ability to strengthen the immune system, fighting off harmful pathogens and helping to prevent illnesses such as common colds. It is also a potent antioxidant that helps protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Zinc, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system. It aids in the production of immune cells, which are vital for fighting infections and maintaining optimal health. Additionally, Zinc is essential for wound healing and supports the proper functioning of taste and smell senses. These Bluecube Vitamina C Zinc capsules are carefully formulated to deliver the optimal dosage of each nutrient, ensuring maximum effectiveness. The convenient capsule form makes them easy to incorporate into your daily routine, suitable for individuals of all ages. Don't let a weakened immune system hold you back. With Bluecube Vitamina C Zinc 60 Capsulas, you can give your body the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. Boost your immune system, support overall health, and feel your best every day. Try Bluecube Vitamina C Zinc capsules and step up your wellness game today!

Protocol for Life Balance, Bifido Digest, 60 Veggie Capsules

68.31 EUR
Product Description: Gastrointestinal HealthPositive Effects on Gastrointestinal Transit TimeNon-GMOSupplementSuitable for Vegetarians/VegansStrain VerifiedMode of Action: Gut bacteria process and absorb nutrients and keep the mucous membrane healthy, causing gastrointestinal (GI) ) Helps with health and digestion. Maintaining a balanced gut ecology is very important for immune system health. Bifido Digest™ contains 9 probiotic strains carefully selected to support gastrointestinal health. The featured probiotic strain in this formula is B. lactis HN019™, which has been clinically evaluated to help ease stomach upset, promote regular bowel movements, and relieve bloating. How to use the product: Take 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day or as directed by a doctor. Can be stored at room temperature. After opening, store in the refrigerator to prolong efficacy. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose (cellulose capsule), silicon dioxide. Not manufactured with wheat, gluten, soybeans, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish or crustaceans or tree nuts. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens. This product is formulated to deliver 20 billion CFU (per 2 capsules) by expiration date. Note: Some individuals may experience temporary, mild gastrointestinal discomfort when taking probiotics for the first time. Consult your doctor before taking this product if you are taking prescription drugs such as immunosuppressants, have a medical condition related to immune deficiency, or are pregnant or lactating. The probiotic strains in this product have been identified and verified using DNA fingerprinting technology. Protocol for Life Balance, Bifido Digest, 60 Veggie Capsules

Vital Proteins, Women's Comprehensive Gummies, Raspberry, 90 Gummies

61.64 EUR
Product Description: Health Care BlendsOther Naturally Flavored SupplementsEasy Health Care with Multiple BenefitsPraise yourself and improve your health with 2 gummies every day. Contains 100% of the daily nutritional value of Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid per servingImmune System Health Strengthens bone health. Contains 200% of the daily nutrient standard of vitamin D. Improves metabolism. Improves daily energy levels. Product usage: Take 2 gummies per serving. Do not consume more than 4 gummies per day. Ingredients: Glucose syrup, sugar (extracted from sugar beets), purified water, gelatin, orange juice concentrate, natural flavor, citric acid, color (extracted from carrots and blackcurrants), pectin (extracted from apples and/or citrus fruits), vegetable oil ( Coconut, Canola), Kaunaba Leaf Wax (to prevent adhesion).This product is manufactured in a facility that processes dairy, eggs, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and soybeans. Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition, consult a doctor before taking. Storage method: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Vital Proteins, Women's Comprehensive Gummies, Raspberry, 90 Gummies

BeautyGlam Jarrow Formulas, Vegan Methyl B-12 & Methyl Folic Acid, Extra Strength, Lemon Flavor, 100 Chewable Tablets

56.89 EUR
Directions for Use: Dissolve in the mouth, chew and take 1 tablet daily, or as directed by a qualified health care professional. Other ingredients included: xylitol, cellulose, stearic acid (vegetable source), natural lemon flavor, citric acid, magnesium stearate (vegetable source), silicon dioxide and leviana (stevia extract). Free from: wheat, gluten, soy. , dairy products, eggs, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, peanuts and tree nuts. Precautions: Consult your health care professional before taking this product if you have a medical condition, are pregnant, lactating, trying to become pregnant, under 18 years of age, or taking medications. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Jarrow Formulas, Vegan Methyl B-12 & Methyl Folic Acid, Extra Strength, Lemon Flavor, 100 Chewable Tablets

Accesoralia Hogar Box of 100 disposable gloves, blue vinyl, powder-free, size 8, juba

25.77 EUR

Cosmetara Charm Co. Bioserum Reguven 250ml

56.93 EUR
Introducing the Bioserum Reguven 250ml, a breakthrough product designed to rejuvenate and revitalize your body like never before. This exceptional serum is created to address a wide range of health concerns, ensuring a comprehensive wellness experience for users of all age groups. Formulated with utmost care and using premium natural ingredients, Bioserum Reguven offers a powerful blend of nutrients that work synergistically to support your overall well-being. With regular use, this exceptional serum can help boost your energy levels, enhance mental clarity, and fortify your immune system. Derived from the finest botanical extracts, Bioserum Reguven is a reliable solution to combat the effects of aging. It promotes healthy and youthful-looking skin, while also helping to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Restore your skin's radiance and feel confident in your own skin, at any age. Moreover, Bioserum Reguven aids in regulating healthy digestion, promoting a harmonious balance within your body. Say goodbye to discomfort and embrace a renewed sense of vitality with this unique formulation. Additionally, its high antioxidant content helps neutralize harmful free radicals, protecting your body against oxidative stress and supporting your overall health. With its user-friendly packaging and convenient application method, Bioserum Reguven guarantees a hassle-free experience. Feel the difference from within and experience the transformation firsthand. Take a step towards a healthier and happier lifestyle with Bioserum Reguven 250ml.