Caractéristiques:Gilet long matelasséCouleur unieCapuche à l'arrièreFermeture à l'avant2 poches avantCaractéristiques:Matériau : 100 % polyesterRembourrage : 100 % polyesterDoublure : 100 % polyesterSe soucier:Lavage en machine, demi-charge, essorage court à 30°CNe pas javelliserNe pas sécher en machineBasse temp. le fer. Température la plus élevée. 100°CNettoyage à sec (pas de trichloroéthylène)
Lego Star s 8028 MINI TIE Fighter was a standard Imperial starfighter. TIE stood for Twin Ion Engine these engines were so precisely manufactured, they had no moving parts and were low maintenence. A TIE fighters only s were its powerful laser cannons, which could destroy a medium starfighter if well placed. Even so, TIEs were designed to attack in large numbers and overwhelm the enemy.p