Michael Kofler Visual Basic 2010: Grundlagen, Ado.Net, Windows Presentation Foundation (Programmer'S Choice)

8.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Addison-Wesley Verlag, Publisher : Addison-Wesley Verlag, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 1280, publicationDate : 2010-12-07, authors : Michael Kofler, Frank Eller, Alexander Beyer, Holger Schwichtenberg, languages : german, ISBN : 3827329426

Michael Kofler Visual Basic 2008. Grundlagen, Ado.Net, Windows Presentation Foundation. Plus Windows Forms Ebook (Programmer'S Choice), M. Cd-Rom U. Dvd-Rom

2.04 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Addison-Wesley Verlag, Publisher : Addison-Wesley Verlag, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 1344, publicationDate : 2008-05-23, authors : Michael Kofler, languages : german, ISBN : 382732646X

WILSON Pro Staff Precision 103 Tennis Racket

110 EUR
For recreational tennis players looking for a lightweight racket that can cover more of the court and is maneuverable around the net, Wilson's Pro Staff Precision 103 is the perfect match. Its matte graphite frame with Perimeter Weighting System improves torsional stability while maintaining optimal flexibility. This lightweight, pre-strung tennis racket has a large sweet spot and an extended length, offering more reach on the court. The Cushion Aire perforated grip helps players maintain a comfortable handle.

WILSON Pro Staff Precision 103 Tennis Racket

110 EUR
For recreational tennis players looking for a lightweight racket that can cover more of the court and is maneuverable around the net, Wilson's Pro Staff Precision 103 is the perfect match. Its matte graphite frame with Perimeter Weighting System improves torsional stability while maintaining optimal flexibility. This lightweight, pre-strung tennis racket has a large sweet spot and an extended length, offering more reach on the court. The Cushion Aire perforated grip helps players maintain a comfortable handle.

WILSON Pro Staff Precision 103 Tennis Racket

110 EUR
For recreational tennis players looking for a lightweight racket that can cover more of the court and is maneuverable around the net, Wilson's Pro Staff Precision 103 is the perfect match. Its matte graphite frame with Perimeter Weighting System improves torsional stability while maintaining optimal flexibility. This lightweight, pre-strung tennis racket has a large sweet spot and an extended length, offering more reach on the court. The Cushion Aire perforated grip helps players maintain a comfortable handle.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

WILSON Parkside Hoodie

57 EUR
Your connection to the net knows no bounds, and the Parkside Hoodie keeps it going even when you're away from the game. A celebration of Wilson's basketball heritage, it mixes classic sport style with casual comfort. Flip up the hood, and go about your day feeling good.

Joan Aiken Simply The Hodder Childrens Books

1.18 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Hodder Children's Books, Publisher : Hodder Children's Books, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 1996-04-08, authors : Joan Aiken, Michael Morpurgo, Robert Swindells, JAQUELINE WILSON, Colin Thompson, Sheila Lavelle, Jan Mark, Jonathan Allen, ISBN : 0340656158

GRAPH ZEPPELIN Le crépuscule des Samouraïs

13 EUR
Sean Michael Wilson, scénariste de BD, et Akiko Shimojima, dessinatrice de manga internationale, s'associent dans une collection racontant l'Histoire du Japon en manga. Japon, 1877. Le gouvernement Meiji, sensible aux «sirènes» de l'Occident (voir Funestes Vaisseaux) décide de quitter son Moyen-Âge pour se lancer dans la Révolution industrielle. C'est sans compter sur les grands perdants de cette révolution culturelle : les seigneurs locaux et leurs samouraïs. Le Crépuscule des Samouraïs conte la résistance héroïque du clan Satsuma et de la défaite des sabres traditionnels face aux fusils et aux armes automatiques d'une armée moderne (épopée reprise dans le film Le dernier samouraï, avec Tom Cruise). Cette défaite face à l'armée impériale met définitivement fin au pouvoir des samouraïs. Un récit en images passionnant qui traduit le drame de cet événement.

GRAPH ZEPPELIN Funestes vaisseaux

13 EUR
Sean Michael Wilson, scénariste de BD, et Akiko Shimojima, dessinatrice de manga internationale, s'associent dans une collection racontant l'Histoire du Japon en manga. Japon, 1853. L'Empire du Soleil levant s'isole politiquement et techniquement depuis des siècles afin de protéger leur spécificité culturelle. Alors que l'Asie est envahie par les colonies européennes (France, Royaume- Uni, Pays-Bas, Espagne, Portugal...) les États-Unis veulent leur part du marché asiatique et envoient une flotte de steamers en ambassade. Une ambassade musclée. Ces « bateaux noirs » (surnommés ainsi par les Japonais parce qu'ils crachaient de la fumée), sous le commandement du Commodore Matthew Perry ont pour mission de forcer le Japon à s'ouvrir au commerce international, particulièrement américain. Ce livre décrit la surprise du peuple japonais engendrée par l'arrivée de ces funestes vaisseaux, la confusion politique, les négociations menant au Traité de Kanagawa mettant fin à l'isolement nippon. Funestes vaisseaux met en images l'atmosphère de menace et de changement qui régnait au Japon durant la période du Bakumatsu (1853-1868) durant laquelle le Japon mit fin à sa politique isolationniste et modernisa le système féodal. Ce livre est aussi une introduction au Crépuscule des Samouraïs, autre volume de la collection.