Levi´s ® Jean 501™ Original Marlon 34 male

64.99 EUR
Les jeans Levi`s 501 ont résisté à l`épreuve du temps en tant que pièce incontournable de la mode, réputée pour son style classique et sa qualité durable. Depuis leur création à la fin du XIXe siècle, ces jeans sont devenus synonymes du terme denim . Leur statut emblématique est attribué à un mélange parfait de savoir-faire, de polyvalence et d`impact culturel.Le jean Levi`s 501 est né en 1873 lorsque Levi Strauss et Jacob Davis ont breveté le premier pantalon de travail en denim riveté. Conçu à l`origine pour les mineurs et les cow-boys, ce jean est devenu au fil des décennies un symbole universel du style décontracté. Son charme intemporel en a fait un incontournable de la garde-robe pour des générations, s`adaptant parfaitement aux tendances de la mode de chaque époque.Ce qui distingue les jeans Levi`s 501, c`est leur savoir-faire exceptionnel. Fabriqués en denim de haute qualité, ces jeans sont conçus pour résister aux rigueurs d`un usage quotidien tout en offrant un confort inégalé. Le tissu est connu pour sa durabilité, ce qui garantit que chaque paire de jeans Levi`s peut durer des années. La fermeture à braguette boutonnée emblématique ajoute une touche de nostalgie, préservant le design original qui a captivé les amateurs de denim depuis plus d`un siècle.L`une des caractéristiques les plus remarquables des jeans Levi`s 501 est leur polyvalence. Que vous vous habilliez pour une soirée ou que vous restiez décontracté pour un brunch le week-end, ces jeans complètent sans effort n`importe quelle tenue. La coupe droite de la jambe offre une silhouette flatteuse qui convient à un large éventail de morphologies. Disponible dans une variété de délavages et de finitions, la collection de jeans 501 répond à diverses préférences de style, ce qui permet de trouver facilement la coupe parfaite pour chaque occasion.Les jeans Levi`s 501 ont laissé une empreinte indélébile dans la culture populaire. Ils ont été adoptés par des célébrités, des musiciens et des icônes de la mode, consolidant encore davantage leur statut de symbole d`expression personnelle et d`individualité. Du charme rebelle de James Dean à la décontraction décontractée de Steve Jobs, ces jeans ont été une toile de fond pour le style personnel, transcendant les générations et les normes sociales.Pour assurer la longévité de votre jean Levi`s 501, un entretien approprié est essentiel. Il est recommandé de le laver avec parcimonie pour préserver l`intégrité et la couleur du tissu. Lors du lavage, retournez le jean et utilisez de l`eau froide. Le séchage à l`air libre est préférable pour préserver la qualité et la coupe du denim. En suivant ces conseils d`entretien simples, votre jean Levi`s continuera d`être un élément fiable et élégant de votre garde-robe.En conclusion, les jeans Levi`s 501 restent un classique intemporel dans le monde de la mode. Leur riche histoire, leur savoir-faire supérieur et leur style polyvalent en font un incontournable pour tous ceux qui cherchent à investir...

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW28 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi´s ® Jean 725 High Rise Bootcut Lapis Speed 32 female

57.99 EUR
Le jean Levis 725 High Rise Bootcut est conçu pour mettre en valeur votre silhouette avec des chemisiers ou des crop tops car sa taille haute et la technologie Levi´s® Stellar Stretch favorisent la mise en valeur de vos courbes et une silhouette plus raffinée, que vous pouvez porter lors d`occasions décontractées.Ce jean skinny est fabriqué avec une combinaison de matériaux, tels que 85 % coton, 7 % Tencel Lyocell, 6 % élastomultiester et 2 % élasthanne , il offre donc une grande résistance à l`usure, de l`élasticité, de la respirabilité et une douceur. Son design comprend un bouton avec fermeture éclair, des passants de ceinture, 5 poches, une taille haute et une coupe skinny qui s`adapte à votre corps sans limiter vos mouvements. Noyau - Slim au niveau des hanches et des cuisses - Une taille ultra-haute rencontre une jambe bootcut moderne. Nous avons conçu ce jean facile à porter avec une taille haute avant-gardiste, une jambe fine et une coupe évasée subtile à l'ourlet pour une silhouette flatteuse.Caractéristiques:- Coupe slim- Teneur en tissu : 62 % CTN/28 % VISC/8 % ELAMUL/2 % ELAS- Poids du tissu : 9,56 oz- Ouverture de jambe : Boot Cut- Taille/Taille : Taille/Taille haute- Ouverture braguette avant : braguette zippée

Levi´s ® Jean 725 High Rise Bootcut Blue Wave Dark 30 female

75.99 EUR
Une taille ultra-haute rencontre une jambe bootcut moderne.Nous avons conçu ces jeans 725 High Rise Bootcut faciles à porter avec une taille avant-gardiste, une jambe fuselée et une bootcut subtile à l´ourlet pour une silhouette flatteuse.Oh, et la meilleure partie ? Ces jeans ont été fabriqués avec Levi´s® Stellar Stretch :grâce à une excellente récupération intégrée, ils mettent en valeur vos courbes et bougent avec vous, sans s´affaisser ou se froisser, partout et à chaque fois.Une silhouette bootcut classique qui allonge les jambes.Conçu pour vous donner des jambes pour des jours.Ajustement ajusté à la hanche et à la cuisse avec une taille haute qui vous maintient.Nous avons fabriqué ce vêtement avec TENCEL™ Lyocell, une fibre douce provenant de bois récolté de manière durable.Caractère authentique du denim amélioré avec un stretch super doux.Pour des jeans qui vous laisseront des yeux étoilés.C´est Levi´s® Stellar Stretch.Grâce à une excellente récupération intégrée, ils mettent en valeur vos courbes et bougent avec vous, sans s´affaisser ou se froisser, partout et à chaque fois.85% coton, 7% lyocell (Tencel®), 6% elastomultiester, 2% élasthanne (Lycra®), Stellar Stretch, Stretch, Zip fly, 5 poches, TENCEL™ est une marque déposée de Lenzing AG, Fabriqué en Turquie, Laver à l´envers avec des couleurs similaires, laver en machine à froid, ne pas blanchir, sécher au sèche-linge à basse température, repasser à chaud si nécessaire.

Levi´s ® Jean 501™ Crop Medium Indigo 27 female

70.49 EUR
Levi's 501 Crop est un pantalon sportif et confortable conçu pour tous ceux qui aiment les trajets quotidiens ou les voyages d'été en ville. Ce pantalon polyvalent offre une extensibilité parfaite et une fonctionnalité extérieure technique en toutes saisons.Fabriqué avec 100% coton qui est super léger, respirant, durable . Les fibres naturelles de ce pantalon offrent une élasticité maximale pour les mouvements du corps lorsque vous êtes en déplacement. L'entrejambe à soufflet et les genoux articulés offrent une liberté ergonomique maximale . La coupe droite de ce pantalon est conçue pour l'aventure quotidienne et les terrains urbains. Les deux poches avant et les doubles poches passepoilées offrent une capacité de rangement suffisante pour vos petits objets essentiels. Tandis que la braguette avant avec fermeture éclair et bouton le rend plus facile à porter et à ajuster .Sans aucun doute, le Levi's 501 Crop est un pantalon idéal pour le style de vie urbain, les vêtements décontractés et les voyages de tous les jours. ¡Alors, achetez-le sans réfléchir ! Ferme tes yeux.Pensez ´´jeans.Ouvert.C'étaient des 501®, non ? Ils sont littéralement le modèle de chaque paire de jeans existants - gravés dans le cortex collectif du monde depuis que Levi Strauss (l'homme lui-même !) les a inventés en 1873.À ce jour, ils ne se sont jamais démodés.Et ils ne le feront jamais.Le jean bleu original depuis 1873.Une toile vierge pour l'expression de soi.Coupe droite emblématique et braguette boutonnée signature.Coupe courte pour un style moderne.Coupe ajustée au niveau des hanches et des cuisses, Jambe droite, Taille haute, Entrejambe :26´´, Mesures basées sur une taille de taille 27.

Levi's - Jupe colonne en jean longueur cheville avec fente à l'avant - Blanc Blanc W26 female

71.46 EUR
Jupes par Levi's *émoji caur dans les yeux* Taille haute Passants pour ceinture Cinq poches Fente sur le devant Étiquette griffée à l'arrière Coupe classique

Levi's - Jupe colonne en jean longueur cheville avec fente à l'avant - Blanc Blanc W29 female

71.46 EUR
Jupes par Levi's *émoji caur dans les yeux* Taille haute Passants pour ceinture Cinq poches Fente sur le devant Étiquette griffée à l'arrière Coupe classique

Levi's - Jupe mi-longue en jean boutonnée à l'avant avec écussons - Bleu moyen Bleu W25 female

62.96 EUR
Jupes par Levi's Risque de compliments Motif patchwork Taille haute Patte de boutonnage sur toute la longueur Passants pour ceinture Cinq poches Étiquette griffée à l'arrière Coupe classique

Levi's - Jupe colonne en jean longueur cheville avec fente à l'avant - Blanc Blanc W28 female

71.46 EUR
Jupes par Levi's *émoji caur dans les yeux* Taille haute Passants pour ceinture Cinq poches Fente sur le devant Étiquette griffée à l'arrière Coupe classique

Levi's - Jupe colonne en jean longueur cheville avec fente à l'avant - Blanc Blanc W27 female

71.46 EUR
Jupes par Levi's *émoji caur dans les yeux* Taille haute Passants pour ceinture Cinq poches Fente sur le devant Étiquette griffée à l'arrière Coupe classique

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW32 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi´s ® Short En Jean 501™ Original Athens 25 female

37.99 EUR
Levi's 501 Original est un short déperlant et coupe-vent conçu pour offrir une protection contre les intempéries et une liberté de mouvement maximale pendant que vous vous amusez sur des routes sales ou accidentées. Ce short en jean s'adapte parfaitement à votre taille offrant un maximum de confort et un tissu renforcé qui augmente la durabilité.Fabriqué avec une membrane 100% coton imperméable, respirante, durable et résistante à l'abrasion qui vous protège des conditions météorologiques extérieures et vous garde au chaud. Le tissu extérieur offre une imperméabilité et une gestion de l'humidité supplémentaires, car la vapeur d'humidité s'échappe pour un confort maximal. Grâce à la fibre élasthanne qui augmente l'extensibilité, la mobilité et la liberté de mouvement. L'entrejambe ergonomique et les genoux préformés offrent un maximum de confort et de mobilité . En outre, le style à 5 poches offre une grande capacité de stockage pour vos appareils et autres articles essentiels.Donc, sans aucun doute, Levi's 501 Original est un short en jean idéal pour les activités aérobies de haute intensité dans les environnements de montagne froids et hivernaux. Alors, achetez-le sans réfléchir. Short original Levi´s® 501®.Une icône culturelle.Le tout premier short en jean.Taille définissant la taille haute.Patch en cuir emblématique à l'arrière de la taille.Finition détruite.Ourlet mâché.Fonctionnalités:Taille haute / taille.Braguette boutonnée.Style à 5 poches.Ouverture des jambes:N'est pas applicable.Composition:100% Coton.

Levi´s ® Jean 712™ Slim Welt Pocket Blue Wave Dark 32 female

76.99 EUR
Nos jeans 712 Slim Fit à poches passepoilées sont conçus pour épouser votre silhouette avec une taille haute qui définit la taille et une coupe slim intemporelle.Qu´est-ce qui les rend si géniaux ? Ils sont fabriqués avec des poches passepoilées pour une touche d´inspiration vintage.Faisant partie de notre coupe signature Lot 700 , ces jeans sont conçus pour flatter - toute la journée, tous les jours.

Levi´s ® Jean 501™ Original Stonewash 34 male

64.99 EUR
Les jeans Levi`s 501 ont résisté à l`épreuve du temps en tant que pièce incontournable de la mode, réputée pour son style classique et sa qualité durable. Depuis leur création à la fin du XIXe siècle, ces jeans sont devenus synonymes du terme denim . Leur statut emblématique est attribué à un mélange parfait de savoir-faire, de polyvalence et d`impact culturel.Le jean Levi`s 501 est né en 1873 lorsque Levi Strauss et Jacob Davis ont breveté le premier pantalon de travail en denim riveté. Conçu à l`origine pour les mineurs et les cow-boys, ce jean est devenu au fil des décennies un symbole universel du style décontracté. Son charme intemporel en a fait un incontournable de la garde-robe pour des générations, s`adaptant parfaitement aux tendances de la mode de chaque époque.Ce qui distingue les jeans Levi`s 501, c`est leur savoir-faire exceptionnel. Fabriqués en denim de haute qualité, ces jeans sont conçus pour résister aux rigueurs d`un usage quotidien tout en offrant un confort inégalé. Le tissu est connu pour sa durabilité, ce qui garantit que chaque paire de jeans Levi`s peut durer des années. La fermeture à braguette boutonnée emblématique ajoute une touche de nostalgie, préservant le design original qui a captivé les amateurs de denim depuis plus d`un siècle.L`une des caractéristiques les plus remarquables des jeans Levi`s 501 est leur polyvalence. Que vous vous habilliez pour une soirée ou que vous restiez décontracté pour un brunch le week-end, ces jeans complètent sans effort n`importe quelle tenue. La coupe droite de la jambe offre une silhouette flatteuse qui convient à un large éventail de morphologies. Disponible dans une variété de délavages et de finitions, la collection de jeans 501 répond à diverses préférences de style, ce qui permet de trouver facilement la coupe parfaite pour chaque occasion.Les jeans Levi`s 501 ont laissé une empreinte indélébile dans la culture populaire. Ils ont été adoptés par des célébrités, des musiciens et des icônes de la mode, consolidant encore davantage leur statut de symbole d`expression personnelle et d`individualité. Du charme rebelle de James Dean à la décontraction décontractée de Steve Jobs, ces jeans ont été une toile de fond pour le style personnel, transcendant les générations et les normes sociales.Pour assurer la longévité de votre jean Levi`s 501, un entretien approprié est essentiel. Il est recommandé de le laver avec parcimonie pour préserver l`intégrité et la couleur du tissu. Lors du lavage, retournez le jean et utilisez de l`eau froide. Le séchage à l`air libre est préférable pour préserver la qualité et la coupe du denim. En suivant ces conseils d`entretien simples, votre jean Levi`s continuera d`être un élément fiable et élégant de votre garde-robe.En conclusion, les jeans Levi`s 501 restent un classique intemporel dans le monde de la mode. Leur riche histoire, leur savoir-faire supérieur et leur style polyvalent en font un incontournable pour tous ceux qui cherchent à investir...

Levi´s ® Jean 314™ Shaping Straight Dark Indigo - Worn In 19631-0203 28 female

57.99 EUR
Levi´s® 314 Shaping Straight Jeans.Affine le ventre et souligne les courbes.Doté d´un panneau innovant amincissant le ventre.Rehausse les fesses et allonge les jambes.La fabrication Levi´s® sculpt avec 4-way stretch est un tissu extensible haute performance conçu pour bouger dans toutes les directions.Écusson en cuir emblématique à la taille arrière.Caractéristiques :Très extensible.Met en valeur les hanches et les cuisses.Jambe droite.Taille mi-haute.Fermeture éclair.Composition :60 % coton, 17 % lyocell, 16 % viscose, 7 % élasthanne.Twill.

Levi´s ® Combinaison Courte 001wm Rom Com S female

71.49 EUR
Nous adorons cette combinaison barboteuse pour sa coupe ultra-flatteuse, son haut boutonné et ses détails Levi´s® immédiatement reconnaissables, comme ses boutons de marque et ses surpiqûres.Caractéristiques :Une combinaison barboteuse ultra-flatteuse.Coupe standard.Avec des boutons métalliques de marque Levi´s®.Extensibilité du tissu : non extensible.100 % coton.Instructions de lavage :Laver en machine à l´eau froide.Ne pas utiliser d´eau de Javel.Sécher par culbutage à température moyenne.Repasser à fer chaud si besoin.Nettoyage à sec possible.Laver à l´envers avec des couleurs similaires.

Levi´s ® Combinaison Courte 001wm Rom Com XS female

71.49 EUR
Nous adorons cette combinaison barboteuse pour sa coupe ultra-flatteuse, son haut boutonné et ses détails Levi´s® immédiatement reconnaissables, comme ses boutons de marque et ses surpiqûres.Caractéristiques :Une combinaison barboteuse ultra-flatteuse.Coupe standard.Avec des boutons métalliques de marque Levi´s®.Extensibilité du tissu : non extensible.100 % coton.Instructions de lavage :Laver en machine à l´eau froide.Ne pas utiliser d´eau de Javel.Sécher par culbutage à température moyenne.Repasser à fer chaud si besoin.Nettoyage à sec possible.Laver à l´envers avec des couleurs similaires.

Levi´s ® Combinaison Courte 001wm Rom Com L female

71.49 EUR
Nous adorons cette combinaison barboteuse pour sa coupe ultra-flatteuse, son haut boutonné et ses détails Levi´s® immédiatement reconnaissables, comme ses boutons de marque et ses surpiqûres.Caractéristiques :Une combinaison barboteuse ultra-flatteuse.Coupe standard.Avec des boutons métalliques de marque Levi´s®.Extensibilité du tissu : non extensible.100 % coton.Instructions de lavage :Laver en machine à l´eau froide.Ne pas utiliser d´eau de Javel.Sécher par culbutage à température moyenne.Repasser à fer chaud si besoin.Nettoyage à sec possible.Laver à l´envers avec des couleurs similaires.

Levi´s ® Combinaison Courte 001wm Rom Com M female

71.49 EUR
Nous adorons cette combinaison barboteuse pour sa coupe ultra-flatteuse, son haut boutonné et ses détails Levi´s® immédiatement reconnaissables, comme ses boutons de marque et ses surpiqûres.Caractéristiques :Une combinaison barboteuse ultra-flatteuse.Coupe standard.Avec des boutons métalliques de marque Levi´s®.Extensibilité du tissu : non extensible.100 % coton.Instructions de lavage :Laver en machine à l´eau froide.Ne pas utiliser d´eau de Javel.Sécher par culbutage à température moyenne.Repasser à fer chaud si besoin.Nettoyage à sec possible.Laver à l´envers avec des couleurs similaires.

Levi´s ® Salopette Vintage Overall Z6765 Light Indigo M female

81.99 EUR
Fabriqué à partir d´un tissu durable en coton, ces salopettes d´inspiration vintage ont toutes les caractéristiques familières que vous aimez, créant un look authentique de haut en bas.Meilleur avec l´âge et l´usure, cet essentiel de travail classique est déjà devenu notre pièce maîtresse pour passer d´une saison à l´autre.Salopettes d´inspiration vintage.Bretelles réglables.Plusieurs poches pour le rangement.100% coton, sergé, autre fermeture, style à 5 poches, fabriqué en Chine, lavage en machine à froid - cycle normal.Laver à l´envers avec des couleurs similaires, ne pas utiliser d´eau de Javel, sécher en machine à température moyenne, repasser à chaud, nettoyage à sec possible.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW28 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW32 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L28

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW30 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 310 Jean super skinny moulantW28 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supersoft 310 Shaping Super Skinny jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a built-in front panel that smooths and supports. Super-comfortable jeans with a sleek super-skinny leg. Built to lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your form. Designed with a built-in front panel that smooths and supports 65% Coton, 33% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Jean droit Levi's Ribcage longueur chevilleW26 L29

147 EUR
Levi's® highest high rise yet. The Ribcage Jean with its soaring 12-inch rise has become a hip-slimming, waist-defining, leg-lengthening obsession. This fit will show off your figure and make you feel as amazing as you look. 98% Coton, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW32 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW32 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW32 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 97% Coton, 3% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW32 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 97% Coton, 3% Elasthanne.

Jean Levi's Shaping Slim 312W26 L30

139 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 312 Shaping Slim jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a built-in front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 23% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's chemise emblématique en jean westernMédium Bleu Médium

110 EUR
Airy. Breathable. Light. This garment was made with Linen+ Denim, a blend of linen and denim to keep you looking good and feeling comfortable. Western style is a fundamental part of our heritage-and you should make it part of yours, too. Designed with the famed pointed pocket and yolk detailing, our hardworking Iconic Western Shirt is here to stay and only gets better with age. 91% Cotton, 9% Linen.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW32 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW28 L32

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Jean droit Levi's Ribcage longueur chevilleW30 L29

147 EUR
Levi's® highest high rise yet. The Ribcage Jean with its soaring 12-inch rise has become a hip-slimming, waist-defining, leg-lengthening obsession. This fit will show off your figure and make you feel as amazing as you look. 98% Coton, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L28

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW28 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 70% Coton, 20% Polyester, 8% Viscose, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW26 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 97% Coton, 3% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW28 L30

139 EUR
It's all in the name. Our 311 Shaping Skinny jeans are made with supportive, soft denim that sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It s a win-win! 60% Coton, 23% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW32 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW30 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW28 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant44 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant22 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant46 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant44 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant20 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW26 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW28 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's chemise emblématique en jean westernlarge Bleu large

110 EUR
Airy. Breathable. Light. This garment was made with Linen+ Denim, a blend of linen and denim to keep you looking good and feeling comfortable. Western style is a fundamental part of our heritage-and you should make it part of yours, too. Designed with the famed pointed pocket and yolk detailing, our hardworking Iconic Western Shirt is here to stay and only gets better with age. 91% Cotton, 9% Linen.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 74% Coton, 24% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Jean Levi's Shaping Slim 312W28 L30

139 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 312 Shaping Slim jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a built-in front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 23% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's chemise emblématique en jean westernxsmall Bleu xsmall

110 EUR
Airy. Breathable. Light. This garment was made with Linen+ Denim, a blend of linen and denim to keep you looking good and feeling comfortable. Western style is a fundamental part of our heritage-and you should make it part of yours, too. Designed with the famed pointed pocket and yolk detailing, our hardworking Iconic Western Shirt is here to stay and only gets better with age. 91% Cotton, 9% Linen.

Levi's XL Jean droit 100% cotonW28 L31

161 EUR
We took an oversized baggy cut, a wider straight leg and an adjustable rise and rolled it into these XL Straight Pants. Then, we topped it off with an adjustable tie waistband for added versatility. 100% de coton.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant14S (L28)

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant16S (L28)

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant18S (L28)

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant20S (L28)

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 725 Jean bootcut à taille hauteW28 L30

147 EUR
A high rise meets a modern bootcut leg. We designed these easy-to-wear 725 High-Rise Bootcut jeans with a high rise, slim leg and subtle bootcut at the hem for a flattering silhouette. Part of our signature ‘Lot 700' fits, these jeans are designed to flatter all day, every day. 85% Coton, 7% Lyocell, 6% Elastomultiester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 725 Jean bootcut à taille hauteW28 L30

147 EUR
A high rise meets a modern bootcut leg. We designed these easy-to-wear 725 High-Rise Bootcut jeans with a high rise, slim leg and subtle bootcut at the hem for a flattering silhouette. Part of our signature ‘Lot 700' fits, these jeans are designed to flatter all day, every day. 85 % coton, 8 % élasthanne, 7 % lyocell.

Levi's 725 Jean bootcut à taille hauteW30 L30

147 EUR
A high rise meets a modern bootcut leg. We designed these easy-to-wear 725 High-Rise Bootcut jeans with a high rise, slim leg and subtle bootcut at the hem for a flattering silhouette. Part of our signature ‘Lot 700' fits, these jeans are designed to flatter all day, every day. 85 % coton, 8 % élasthanne, 7 % lyocell.

Jean Levi's Shaping Slim 312W30 L30

139 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 312 Shaping Slim jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a built-in front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 23% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW26 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW26 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW26 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 70% Coton, 20% Polyester, 8% Viscose, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW26 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW28 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 97% Coton, 3% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW26 L30

139 EUR
It's all in the name. Our 311 Shaping Skinny jeans are made with supportive, soft denim that sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It s a win-win! 60% Coton, 23% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 721 Jean skinny à taille hauteW32 L30

147 EUR
Like our 720 High-Rise Super Skinny, but a little less skinny at the leg. Our 721 High-Rise Skinny jeans have the same form-flattering fit you love with a figure-hugging 10-inch rise. Part of our signature Lot 700 fits, these jeans are designed to flatter all day, every day. 85% Cotton, 7% Lyocell, 6% Elastomultiester, 2% Elastane.

Levi's 721 Jean skinny à taille hauteW28 L30

147 EUR
Like our 720 High-Rise Super Skinny, but a little less skinny at the leg. Our 721 High-Rise Skinny jeans have the same form-flattering fit you love with a figure-hugging 10-inch rise. Part of our signature Lot 700 fits, these jeans are designed to flatter all day, every day. 85% Cotton, 7% Lyocell, 6% Elastomultiester, 2% Elastane.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW32 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant44 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW32 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW32 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 70% Coton, 20% Polyester, 8% Viscose, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant20 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW28 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant46 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant44 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW30 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW32 L30

139 EUR
It's all in the name. Our 311 Shaping Skinny jeans are made with supportive, soft denim that sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It s a win-win! 60% Coton, 23% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 311 Jean skinny moulantW28 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft denim sculpts and lifts to celebrate your features. Plus, they're made with an innovative tummy-slimming panel and a skinny cut that makes your legs look longer. It's a win-win. 70% Coton, 20% Polyester, 8% Viscose, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's jean boyfriend taille mi-hauteW29 L30

139 EUR
When it comes to being comfortable, no jean has your back quite like our Boyfriend Jeans. Loose, slouchy and infused with the perfect touch of masculinity, this pair works whether you want to keep things ultra-laidback or all dressed up. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 60% Coton, 22% Viscose, 16% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's jean boyfriend taille mi-hauteW30 L30

139 EUR
When it comes to being comfortable, no jean has your back quite like our Boyfriend Jeans. Loose, slouchy and infused with the perfect touch of masculinity, this pair works whether you want to keep things ultra-laidback or all dressed up. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 70% Coton, 20% Polyester, 8% Viscose, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant46 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW30 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 70% Coton, 20% Polyester, 8% Viscose, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant20 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant46 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant20 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW30 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW26 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 81% Coton, 17% Polyester, 2% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulant22 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 80% Coton, 19% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.

Levi's 314 Jean droit moulantW26 L30

117 EUR
It's all in the name. Our supportive, soft 314 Shaping Straight jeans lengthen your legs, hug your curves and celebrate your features. Plus, they're designed with a lightweight yet compressive front panel that smooths and supports. ADDITIONAL INFO: - Made with Performance Technology that cools, absorbs sweat and protects from the sun, this jeans keeps you comfortable no matter what you get up to. 78% Coton, 21% Polyester, 1% Elasthanne.