Théa Nutrof Total 60 Capsules

28.42 EUR
Théa Nutrof Total 60 Capsules est un complément alimentaire complet conçu pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des yeux en nutriments essentiels. Cette formule unique et scientifiquement élaborée associe des antioxydants puissants, des oméga-3, des vitamines et des minéraux pour protéger et soutenir la santé visuelle.Avec le temps, les yeux sont exposés à de nombreux facteurs externes, tels que le stress oxydatif, l'exposition aux écrans, la pollution, ou encore les rayons UV, qui peuvent altérer leur fonctionnement normal. Nutrof Total agit comme un véritable bouclier pour vos yeux, en réduisant les effets des radicaux libres et en soutenant la structure et le fonctionnement des cellules oculaires.Ce complément est particulièrement recommandé pour prévenir les effets du vieillissement oculaire, notamment les troubles liés à la dégénérescence maculaire (DMLA) ou à la sécheresse oculaire. Il est également idéal pour ceux qui souhaitent maintenir une vision claire et en bonne santé au quotidien.Pourquoi choisir Théa Nutrof Total ?1. Une action antioxydante puissante :La lutéine, la zéaxanthine et le resvératrol, combinés aux vitamines C et E, agissent ensemble pour neutraliser les radicaux libres, réduisant ainsi les dommages causés aux cellules oculaires. Cette protection est essentielle pour préserver la santé de la rétine et de la macula.2. Soutien à la macula :La lutéine et la zéaxanthine, deux pigments naturellement présents dans la macula, sont indispensables pour filtrer la lumière bleue nocive et maintenir la vision centrale. Nutrof Total en apporte des quantités optimales pour renforcer ce pigment protecteur.3. Des oméga-3 pour une fonction visuelle optimale :Les acides gras DHA et EPA, issus d'huiles de poissons de haute qualité, soutiennent la structure et la fonction de la rétine. Le DHA, en particulier, contribue au maintien d'une vision normale et joue un rôle clé dans la fluidité des membranes cellulaires.4. Un apport en vitamines et minéraux essentiels :Le zinc : contribue au maintien d'une vision normale et agit comme cofacteur dans de nombreuses réactions enzymatiques.Le cuivre et le sélénium : participent à la protection des cellules contre le stress oxydatif.5. Une formule complète et équilibrée :Nutrof Total offre un apport quotidien complet en micronutriments nécessaires pour préserver la santé oculaire à long terme.Résultats visibles et bienfaits sur le long terme :Avec une utilisation régulière de Nutrof Total :Les cellules de la rétine sont mieux protégées contre les agressions extérieures.La densité du pigment maculaire est renforcée, assurant une vision centrale plus claire.Les signes de fatigue visuelle liés à l'exposition prolongée aux écrans ou à des conditions lumineuses intenses sont atténués.La vision globale reste nette et les troubles liés à l'âge (comme la DMLA) peuvent être ralentis.Une solution adaptée aux besoins modernes :Les modes de vie actuels, marqués par l'omniprésence des écrans, le manque...

Théa Nutrof Total 180 Capsules - Boîte 180 capsules

57.95 EUR
Théa Nutrof Total 180 Capsules est un complément alimentaire à visée oculaire, riche en acides gras et oméga 3.Ce complément alimentaire est à base de vitamines et oligo-éléments antioxydants, d'acides gras essentiels, de lutéine et

Théa Nutrof Total 180 capsules

58.99 EUR
Théa Nutrof Total 180 capsules est un complément alimentaire à visée oculaire du laboratoire Théa Pharma. Sa formule à été conçue pour préserver une vision normale et favoriser le maintien normal du système musculo - squelettique. Dans chaque capsule de Nutrof Total on retrouve: Vitamine D : connues pour son effet bénéfique sur le système immunitaire ainsi que sur les os et les muscles Antioxydants : ils favorisent la protection des cellules et la prévention des maladies. Omega 3 : EPA 132mg, DHA 66mg contribue au maintien d'une vision normale Pigments maculaires : Lutéine et Zéaxanthine Extrait de vitis vinifera : resvératrol Le laboratoire Suisse Théa Pharma se dédie entièrement à l'ophtalmologie, ils proposent une gamme complète qui va de la prévention à la prise en charge des pathologies de l'œil. Informations Nutritionnelles Dose journalière (2 capsules) Vitamines et oligo-éléments : Vitamine C : 180 mg (225% VNR) Vitamine D : 10 µg (200% VNR) Vitamine E : 30 mg Ea-T (250% VNR) Zinc : 15 mg (150% VNR) Cuivre : 1 mg (100% VNR) Acides gras essentiels : Huile de poisson TG : 1030 mg Oméga-3 : 656 mg (DHA : >250 mg) Lutéine et Zéaxanthine Lutéine : 10 mg Zéaxanthine : 2 mg Extrait de Vitis Vinifera : dont Resvératrol : 1 mg

Théa Nutrof Total 60 Capsules - Boîte 60 capsules

26.1 EUR
Théa Nutrof Total 60 Capsules est un complément alimentaire sous forme de capsules à visée oculaire, riche en vitamines et oligo-éléments antioxydants, en acides gras essentiels, en lutéine et zéaxanthine, en extrait de vitis vinifera

Théa Nutrof Total 60 capsules

29.6 EUR
Nutrof Total est un complément alimentaire du laboratoire Théa Pharma à base d'Huile de poisson (oméga 3) et de vitamine C '. La législation ne nous autorisant pas à communiquer sur les propriétés de certaines plantes et de certains actifs, nous vous conseillons de consulter la littérature existante pour plus d'informations. Pour toute demande de conseil, contactez notre service client Atida Santédiscount .

THEA Nutrof total complément alimentaire a visée oculaire 60 capsules

32.28 EUR
Nutrof Total à visée oculaire est un Complément alimentaire contenant des antioxydants (vitamines et oligoéléments), des pigments maculaires (lutéine et zéaxanthine), des acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-3 et des polyphénols (resvératrol).  La formule de Nutrof Total a été élaborée et mise au point par des médecins nutritionnistes et des ophtalmologistes spécialisés dans la rétine. Nutrof Total à visée oculaire est destiné à pallier les déficiences qui peuvent survenir avec l'âge ou lorsque l'alimentation est insuffisante ou déséquilibrée (pas assez variée, trop pauvre en fruits et légumes verts, ou en poisson).   Les antioxydants présents dans le nutrof total à visée oculaire protègent les cellules contre l'agression des radicaux libres qui accélèrent le vieillissement, et la dégénérescence des cellules. La lutéine et la zéaxanthine présents dans le nutrof total sont deux pigments jaunes qui, présents en forte concentration dans la rétine, y jouent un rôle de filtre ; la lutéine contribue ainsi à protéger la rétine de l'oxydation. Les oméga-3 présents dans le nutrof total ont un rôle structurel dans les membranes cellulaires. Le resvératrol présents dans le nutrof total est une molécule susceptible notamment d'inhiber in vitro l'oxydation des LDL, l'agrégation plaquettaire et la synthèse des eicosanoïdes (molécules pro-inflammatoires).

THEA Nutrof Total à Visée Oculaire 180 capsules

74.46 EUR
Nutrof Total à Visée Oculaire 180 capsules est conçu pour complémenter les apports en micronutriments, lutéine, antioxydants et acides gras essentiels nécessaires au maintien d'une bonne acuité visuelle. Complément alimentaire recommandé chez les personnes âgées ou qui souffrent de carences/d'un déséquilibre alimentaire.

Only Robe Courte à Manches Courtes Zally Life Thea Chinois Green / Aop White Leafs XS female

15.99 EUR
- Type de détail : Robe- Tissu : Tissu extensible- Longueur/taille : Au-dessus du genou- Occasion/stylisme : Décontracté et facile à porter toute la journée- Coupe : Coupe régulière- Col : Col en V- Manches : Manches courtes (S/S)

Only Robe à Manches Longues Favorite Thea 7/8 Blue Mirage / Aop Tonal Ditsy XS female

18.49 EUR
Caractéristiques:Longueur/Taille : L'ourlet tombe au-dessus du genouCoupe : Coupe régulièreCol : Col en VManches : Manches 7/8 (7/8)Caractéristiques:Composition : 100% polyester

Only Robe Courte à Manches Courtes Nova Life Vis Thea Lily Pad / Aop 509 Maritime Great Logo M female

17.99 EUR
Soyez au top pour l´école, le travail et les activités quotidiennes avec des styles sympas qui s´accordent facilement avec vos vêtements préférés.La viscose est une matière douce et légère avec un joli drapé et une belle surface aspect soie.- Type de produit :Robe.- Encolure :Col V.- Manches :Manches courtes.- Poignets :Poignets élastiqués.- Longueur/Taille :Courte.- Détails supplémentaires :Volants.- Coupe :Coupe classique.Composition :Tissu principal :100 % viscose LENZING™ ECOVERO™.Entretien :Rétrécissement max. 5 %, laver avec des couleurs similaires, laver avec des couleurs similaires

Only Robe Courte à Manches Courtes Nova Life Vis Thea Lily Pad / Aop 509 Maritime Great Logo XS female

17.99 EUR
Soyez au top pour l´école, le travail et les activités quotidiennes avec des styles sympas qui s´accordent facilement avec vos vêtements préférés.La viscose est une matière douce et légère avec un joli drapé et une belle surface aspect soie.- Type de produit :Robe.- Encolure :Col V.- Manches :Manches courtes.- Poignets :Poignets élastiqués.- Longueur/Taille :Courte.- Détails supplémentaires :Volants.- Coupe :Coupe classique.Composition :Tissu principal :100 % viscose LENZING™ ECOVERO™.Entretien :Rétrécissement max. 5 %, laver avec des couleurs similaires, laver avec des couleurs similaires

Only Robe Courte à Manches Courtes Nova Life Vis Thea Lily Pad / Aop 509 Maritime Great Logo S female

17.99 EUR
Soyez au top pour l´école, le travail et les activités quotidiennes avec des styles sympas qui s´accordent facilement avec vos vêtements préférés.La viscose est une matière douce et légère avec un joli drapé et une belle surface aspect soie.- Type de produit :Robe.- Encolure :Col V.- Manches :Manches courtes.- Poignets :Poignets élastiqués.- Longueur/Taille :Courte.- Détails supplémentaires :Volants.- Coupe :Coupe classique.Composition :Tissu principal :100 % viscose LENZING™ ECOVERO™.Entretien :Rétrécissement max. 5 %, laver avec des couleurs similaires, laver avec des couleurs similaires

Only Robe Courte à Manches Courtes Nova Life Vis Thea Walnut / Aop 509 Maritime Great Logo S female

29.99 EUR
Soyez au top pour l´école, le travail et les activités quotidiennes avec des styles sympas qui s´accordent facilement avec vos vêtements préférés.La viscose est une matière douce et légère avec un joli drapé et une belle surface aspect soie.- Type de produit :Robe.- Encolure :Col V.- Manches :Manches courtes.- Poignets :Poignets élastiqués.- Longueur/Taille :Courte.- Détails supplémentaires :Volants.- Coupe :Coupe classique.Composition :Tissu principal :100 % viscose LENZING™ ECOVERO™.Entretien :Rétrécissement max. 5 %, laver avec des couleurs similaires, laver avec des couleurs similaires

Only Robe Courte à Manches Courtes Nova Life Vis Thea Walnut / Aop 509 Maritime Great Logo M female

29.99 EUR
Soyez au top pour l´école, le travail et les activités quotidiennes avec des styles sympas qui s´accordent facilement avec vos vêtements préférés.La viscose est une matière douce et légère avec un joli drapé et une belle surface aspect soie.- Type de produit :Robe.- Encolure :Col V.- Manches :Manches courtes.- Poignets :Poignets élastiqués.- Longueur/Taille :Courte.- Détails supplémentaires :Volants.- Coupe :Coupe classique.Composition :Tissu principal :100 % viscose LENZING™ ECOVERO™.Entretien :Rétrécissement max. 5 %, laver avec des couleurs similaires, laver avec des couleurs similaires

Only Robe Courte à Manches Courtes Nova Life Vis Thea Walnut / Aop 509 Maritime Great Logo L female

29.99 EUR
Soyez au top pour l´école, le travail et les activités quotidiennes avec des styles sympas qui s´accordent facilement avec vos vêtements préférés.La viscose est une matière douce et légère avec un joli drapé et une belle surface aspect soie.- Type de produit :Robe.- Encolure :Col V.- Manches :Manches courtes.- Poignets :Poignets élastiqués.- Longueur/Taille :Courte.- Détails supplémentaires :Volants.- Coupe :Coupe classique.Composition :Tissu principal :100 % viscose LENZING™ ECOVERO™.Entretien :Rétrécissement max. 5 %, laver avec des couleurs similaires, laver avec des couleurs similaires

Yas Robe Longue Sans Manches Thea Malachite Green S female

42.99 EUR
Préparez votre garde-robe d´été avec notre collection d´été contenant des hauts, des jupes, des robes d´été légères, des shorts et tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour combiner la tenue d´été parfaite.Ce style est fabriqué dans un tissu satiné en polyester, un tissu lourd et amélioré avec une surface soyeuse et un beau drapé.- Type de produit : Robe.- Encolure : Col en U.- Manches : Sans manches.- Coupe : Coupe standard.Composition :58 % polyester recyclé, 39 % polyester, 3 % élasthanne.Instructions d´entretien :Lavage délicat à 30 °C, ne pas blanchir, nettoyage professionnel à sec, ne pas sécher en machine, repasser à basse température, ne pas nettoyer à sec.

Yas Robe Longue Sans Manches Thea Strap Loden Frost M female

45.49 EUR
Préparez votre garde-robe d´été avec notre collection d´été contenant des hauts, des jupes, des robes d´été légères, des shorts et tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour combiner la tenue d´été parfaite.Ce style est fabriqué à partir d´un tissu en satin de polyester, un tissu épais et amélioré avec une surface soyeuse et un beau drapé.- Type de produit :Robe.- Col :Col en U.- Manche :Sans manches.- Coupe :Coupe standard.Composition :Tissu principal :100 % polyester recyclé.Soins de lavage :Max.rétrécissement 5 %, Lavage à l´envers, Lavage avec des couleurs similaires, Lavage avec des couleurs similaires.

Yas Robe Longue à Manches Courtes Thea Malachite Green M female

47.99 EUR
Accueillez la saison du printemps avec les dernières tendances de la mode printanière, telles que des robes, des tricots légers, des pantalons, des jupes, des chemises et des hauts aux couleurs vives et joyeuses.Ce style est fabriqué dans un tissu satiné en polyester, un tissu lourd et amélioré avec une surface soyeuse et un beau drapé.- Type de produit : Robe portefeuille.- Encolure : Col en V.- Manches : Manches 2/4.- Fermeture : Fermeture portefeuille.- Détails supplémentaires : Portefeuille devant.- Coupe : Coupe standard.Composition :58 % polyester recyclé, 39 % polyester, 3 % élasthanne.Conseils d´entretien :Lavage délicat à 30 °C, ne pas blanchir, nettoyage professionnel à sec, ne pas sécher en machine, repasser à basse température, ne pas nettoyer à sec.

Yas Robe Longue à Manches Courtes Thea Malachite Green S female

33.99 EUR
Accueillez la saison du printemps avec les dernières tendances de la mode printanière, telles que des robes, des tricots légers, des pantalons, des jupes, des chemises et des hauts aux couleurs vives et joyeuses.Ce style est fabriqué dans un tissu satiné en polyester, un tissu lourd et amélioré avec une surface soyeuse et un beau drapé.- Type de produit : Robe portefeuille.- Encolure : Col en V.- Manches : Manches 2/4.- Fermeture : Fermeture portefeuille.- Détails supplémentaires : Portefeuille devant.- Coupe : Coupe standard.Composition :58 % polyester recyclé, 39 % polyester, 3 % élasthanne.Conseils d´entretien :Lavage délicat à 30 °C, ne pas blanchir, nettoyage professionnel à sec, ne pas sécher en machine, repasser à basse température, ne pas nettoyer à sec.

Renaissance Renaissance Chemisier de style bustier Thea noir - IT 38

380 EUR
Chemisier en taffetas de polyester. · Encolure en cœur · Panneau ruché à l'avant prolongé jusqu'à l'une des épaules · Pinces à l'avant · Fermeture à glissière à l'une des coutures latérales Couleur du fournisseur: Black

Renaissance Renaissance Chemisier de style bustier Thea noir - IT 34

380 EUR
Chemisier en taffetas de polyester. · Encolure en cœur · Panneau ruché à l'avant prolongé jusqu'à l'une des épaules · Pinces à l'avant · Fermeture à glissière à l'une des coutures latérales Couleur du fournisseur: Black

Renaissance Renaissance Chemisier de style bustier Thea noir - IT 40

380 EUR
Chemisier en taffetas de polyester. · Encolure en cœur · Panneau ruché à l'avant prolongé jusqu'à l'une des épaules · Pinces à l'avant · Fermeture à glissière à l'une des coutures latérales Couleur du fournisseur: Black

Renaissance Renaissance Chemisier de style bustier Thea noir - IT 36

380 EUR
Chemisier en taffetas de polyester. · Encolure en cœur · Panneau ruché à l'avant prolongé jusqu'à l'une des épaules · Pinces à l'avant · Fermeture à glissière à l'une des coutures latérales Couleur du fournisseur: Black

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle52 Bleu 52

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it s up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester, 3% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle34 Vert bouteille 34

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle34 Bleu 34

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it s up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester, 3% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle42 Vert 42

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle44 Vert bouteille 44

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle44 Vert 44

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle38 Bleu 38

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it s up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester, 3% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle36 Vert 36

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle36 Vert 36

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle46 Vert 46

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle46 Vert 46

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle52 Vert 52

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle36 Vert bouteille 36

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle36 Bleu 36

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it s up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester, 3% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle44 Vert 44

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe36 R Bleu 36 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle48 Bleu 48

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it s up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester, 3% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe44 R Noir 44 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle46 Vert bouteille 46

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle48 Vert 48

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe42 R Bleu 42 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe40 R Bleu 40 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe38 R Bleu 38 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle50 Bleu 50

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it s up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester, 3% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle34 Vert 34

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle52 Vert bouteille 52

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle52 Vert 52

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe34 S Noir 34 S

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle42 Vert 42

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle40 Vert 40

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe44 S Noir 44 S

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle38 Vert 38

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe44 R Bleu 44 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe48 R Bleu 48 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe40 R Violet 40 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe42 S Noir 42 S

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle50 Vert 50

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle50 Vert 50

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe40 S Noir 40 S

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle48 Vert 48

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe40 R Bleu 40 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe38 R Noir 38 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle50 Vert bouteille 50

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe40 R Vert 40 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle38 Vert 38

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe36 R Bleu 36 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe44 R Bleu 44 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe40 R Noir 40 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe36 R Noir 36 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Robe de demoiselle d'honneur Monsoon Thea multidirectionnelle48 Vert bouteille 48

161 EUR
One dress, multiple styles. This smooth, silky-feel multiway dress can be tied and twisted in 15 beautiful styles, offering a different look to suit every member of the bridal party. Two long straps and a matching bandeau build the bodice, and then it's up to you whether you wear it halterneck, twisted or backless. Finished with an easy-to-alter hemline and clear instructions for all the ways to tie it. This product runs a little small, we recommend sizing up. Lavable en machine. 97% Polyester,

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe36 R Vert 36 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe34 R Bleu 34 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe42 R Noir 42 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe46 R Bleu 46 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe42 R Bleu 42 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe38 R Bleu 38 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe36 Regular Bleu 36 Regular

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe42 L Bleu 42 L

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe48 R Noir 48 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe46 R Vert 46 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe38 R Violet 38 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe44 R Violet 44 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe46 R Bleu 46 R

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe38 S Noir 38 S

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe36 S Noir 36 S

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe48 L Bleu 48 L

128 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe42 R Violet 42 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe36 R Violet 36 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Monsoon Thea Satin Naud Col Chemisiers

86 EUR
Nothing says chic like a high neckline. Splashed in a rich maroon hue, this blouse brings a classic twist to your look. Finished with contrast embroidery to the ruffle neckline and cuffs, it's finished with a simple bow to the collar and button-through fastening. Lavable en machine. 60% Polyester recyclé, 40% Viscose.

Monsoon Thea Satin Naud Col Chemisiers

86 EUR
Nothing says chic like a high neckline. Splashed in a rich maroon hue, this blouse brings a classic twist to your look. Finished with contrast embroidery to the ruffle neckline and cuffs, it's finished with a simple bow to the collar and button-through fastening. Lavable en machine. 60% Polyester recyclé, 40% Viscose.

Monsoon Thea Satin Naud Col Chemisiers

86 EUR
Nothing says chic like a high neckline. Splashed in a rich maroon hue, this blouse brings a classic twist to your look. Finished with contrast embroidery to the ruffle neckline and cuffs, it's finished with a simple bow to the collar and button-through fastening. Lavable en machine. 60% Polyester recyclé, 40% Viscose.

Boden Thea Manches longues Jersey Robe46 R Violet 46 R

136 EUR
Your favourite Thea dress is ready for the new season. We have added long sleeves to keep you warm on the commute but it still has the waist panel and gently gathered skirt that makes it a dress classic. Lavable en machine. 95% LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose, 5% Elasthanne.

Monsoon Thea Satin Naud Col Chemisiers

86 EUR
Nothing says chic like a high neckline. Splashed in a rich maroon hue, this blouse brings a classic twist to your look. Finished with contrast embroidery to the ruffle neckline and cuffs, it's finished with a simple bow to the collar and button-through fastening. Lavable en machine. 60% Polyester recyclé, 40% Viscose.

Monsoon Thea Satin Naud Col Chemisiers

86 EUR
Nothing says chic like a high neckline. Splashed in a rich maroon hue, this blouse brings a classic twist to your look. Finished with contrast embroidery to the ruffle neckline and cuffs, it's finished with a simple bow to the collar and button-through fastening. Lavable en machine. 60% Polyester recyclé, 40% Viscose.

Monsoon Thea Satin Naud Col Chemisiers

86 EUR
Nothing says chic like a high neckline. Splashed in a rich maroon hue, this blouse brings a classic twist to your look. Finished with contrast embroidery to the ruffle neckline and cuffs, it's finished with a simple bow to the collar and button-through fastening. Lavable en machine. 60% Polyester recyclé, 40% Viscose.

Monsoon Thea Satin Naud Col Chemisiers

86 EUR
Nothing says chic like a high neckline. Splashed in a rich maroon hue, this blouse brings a classic twist to your look. Finished with contrast embroidery to the ruffle neckline and cuffs, it's finished with a simple bow to the collar and button-through fastening. Lavable en machine. 60% Polyester recyclé, 40% Viscose.