Naturalplus Good & Kids Delicious Live Probiotics 30 Packets 3 Boxes (90-Day Supply) / Synbiotics Breast Milk-Derived Probiotics for Bone Health with Vitamin D 3 Months Supply

40.96 EUR
Good & Kids Delicious Live Probiotics 30 Packets 3 Boxes (90-Day Supply) / Synbiotics Breast Milk-Derived Probiotics for Bone Health with Vitamin D Packaging Unit and Quantity: 2g x 30 packets (60g) per box Quantity per Unit: 3 boxes Ingredients and Content: Zinc Oxide 19-Strain Probiotic Blend Powder (E. faecium, L. lactis, L. plantarum, S. thermophilus, B. bifidum, L. acidophilus, L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus, B. longum, B. animalis ssp. lactis, L. casei, B. breve, L. salivarius, L. bulgaricus, L. paracasei, L. gasseri, L. fermentum, L. helveticus, E. faecalis, Dextrin) Sodium Selenite Mixed Preparation (Tricalcium Phosphate, Sodium Selenite) Vitamin D3 Mixed Preparation (Acacia Gum, Sucrose, Corn Starch, Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil, Silicon Dioxide, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E) Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus plantarum Lactococcus lactis Fructooligosaccharides Anhydrous Glucose Isomalt Yogurt Mixed Powder (White Sugar, Yogurt Powder, Skimmed Milk Powder, Glucose, Citric Acid, Yogurt Flavor [Artificial Flavor]) D-Sorbitol MCT Oil Powder Whey Calcium Yogurt Flavor Powder (Artificial Flavor) Chicory Dietary Fiber Indigestible Maltodextrin Enzyme-Treated Stevia Multivitamin Mix Contains Soy and Milk Nutritional Information (Per Serving): Calories: 10 kcal Carbohydrates: 2g (1% DV) Protein: 0g (0% DV) Fat: 0g (0% DV) Sodium: 0mg (0% DV) Zinc: 2.55mg (30% DV) Selenium: 16.5µg (30% DV) Vitamin D: 3µg (30% DV) Probiotics: 100,000,000 (100 million) CFU (Percentage values are based on daily nutritional standards) Functional Information: [Probiotics] May help increase beneficial bacteria, suppress harmful bacteria, aid in smooth bowel movements, and support intestinal health. [Zinc] Necessary for normal immune function and cell division. [Selenium] Helps protect cells from harmful oxygen species. [Vitamin D] Necessary for calcium and phosphorus absorption and utilization, supports bone formation and maintenance, and helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Directions for Use: Take 1 packet per day with water. Country of manufacture: South Korea

Gaia Good Health Multivitamines (60 onglet), Multivitamine, Gaia

17.43 EUR
Multivitamines (Multivitamine) – un remède qui aide à renforcer le système immunitaire. Le complexe de vitamines et de minéraux est conçu pour compenser le manque de micro-éléments nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de l'organisme.. Les vitamines B contenues dans la composition aident à activer le métabolisme et à maintenir l'énergie. Le produit est bénéfique pour assurer une absorption équilibrée des micro-éléments, soulage l'indigestion et normalise l'appétit. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI aide à renforcer le système immunitaire maintient un rapport optimal de vitamines et de minéraux utile pour le bien-être normal contient des vitamines B améliore le métabolisme recommandé en cas de perte de force utilisé comme aide digestive a un effet bénéfique sur le tractus gastro-intestinal optimise l'appétit Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: système immunitaire affaibli carence en vitamines et minéraux dans le corps pour améliorer le bien-être général métabolisme lent manque d'énergie maintenir une digestion normale affections gastro-intestinales perte d'appétit Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Ingrédients actifs: Vitamine B3 sous forme de niacinamide (Vitamine B3 sous forme de niacinamide) – renforce le système immunitaire, aide à normaliser la microflore intestinale, a un effet antioxydant. Vitamine C sous forme d'acide ascorbique (Vitamine C sous forme d'acide ascorbique) – contrôle le métabolisme, augmente la résistance de l’organisme aux infections, participe à la synthèse du collagène. Vitamine B5 sous forme de pantothénate de calcium (Vitamine B5 sous forme de pantothénate de calcium) – augmente l’endurance du corps, stimule les fonctions cérébrales, active les processus d’oxydation et de réduction. Vitamine BI sous forme de mononitrate de thiamine (Vitamine BI sous forme de mononitrate de thiamine) – protège les cellules nerveuses de la destruction, a un effet bénéfique sur le système cardiovasculaire, améliore la mémoire. Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 comprimé par jour après les repas. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque comprimé pelliculé contient: Vitamine B1 sous forme de mononitrate de thiamine (Vitamine B1 sous forme de mononitrate de thiamine) – 10 mg, Vitamine B2 sous forme de riboflavine (Vitamine B2 sous forme de riboflavine) – 10 mg, Vitamine B3 sous forme de niacinamide (Vitamine B3 sous forme de niacinamide) – 100 mg, Vitamine B5 sous forme de pantothénate de calcium (Vitamine B5 sous forme de pantothénate de calcium) – 20 mg, Vitamine B6 sous forme de pyridoxine HCL (Vitamine B6 sous forme de pyridoxine HCL) – 3 mg, Vitamine B12 sous forme de cyanocobalamine (Vitamine B12 sous...

Gaia Good Health Glucosamine (60 gélules, 450 mg), Glucosamine, Gaïa

23.5 EUR
Glucosamine (Glucosamine) – un remède naturel qui aide à restaurer et à maintenir des articulations saines. La Glucosamine aide à activer les fonctions du système squelettique, à assurer le plein développement du cartilage et à prévenir son usure.. Le produit contribue à augmenter la production de liquide synovial, qui lubrifie les articulations et favorise le mouvement naturel.. La capsule de glucosamine stimule une régénération plus rapide des lésions du cartilage, aide à réduire la douleur et l'inflammation. Le produit soulage les douleurs articulaires. La glucosamine est conçue pour améliorer la flexibilité et la mobilité des os, offrant ainsi des avantages pour le maintien d'un mode de vie actif. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI aide à garantir des articulations saines améliore la fonction osseuse favorise une croissance saine du cartilage et prévient l’usure augmente la formation de liquide synovial soutient la lubrification des articulations assure la libre circulation accélère la guérison des lésions du cartilage aide à soulager la douleur normalise le bien-être en cas d'inconfort articulaire augmente la mobilité et la flexibilité des os vous permet de maintenir un mode de vie actif Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: maintenir des articulations saines fonction osseuse améliorée pour une croissance complète et la protection du cartilage lubrification accrue des articulations pour la libre circulation récupération rapide des dommages réduction du syndrome douloureux inconfort articulaire augmentation du tonus osseux pour un mode de vie actif Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 2 gélules 2 fois par jour après les repas. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque gélule contient: L 'hydrochlorure de glucosamine (Glucosamine Hcl) – 450 mg, Chondroïtine (Chondroïtine), Colorants approuvés (Couleurs approuvées). Composants (Ingrédients): Glucosamine (Tête de glucosamine), Chondroïtine (Chondroïtine), Gélatine (enveloppe de capsule) (Coquilles de capsules de gélatine), Phosphate de calcium dibasique (Phosphate de calcium dibasique), Anti-agglomérant (Anti-agglomérant), Conservateur E211 (Conservateur E211). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 100 g contient: Écureuils (protéine) – 30 g, Matières grasses totales (Graisse totale) - traces (Traces), Glucides totaux (Glucides totaux) – 45 g, Valeur énergétique (Énergie) – 318 kcal. Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre, sec et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

Gaia Good Health Aloe vera (60 gélules, 500 mg), Aloe Vera, Gaïa

20.22 EUR
Aloe vera (Aloé vera) – un remède ayurvédique conçu pour favoriser une santé équilibrée. Il contient plus de 20 acides aminés, minéraux précieux, vitamines et autres substances utiles qui contribuent au bon fonctionnement de l'organisme.. Les capsules d'aloe vera sont utilisées pour renforcer les tissus et les cellules, améliorer l'état des muscles et des os.. Le produit apporte nutrition et hydratation à la peau, a un effet bénéfique sur la santé des cheveux et des ongles. L'aloe vera est utilisé comme ressource auxiliaire pour normaliser le système digestif, soulager l'indigestion et les maux d'estomac.. Le remède peut également aider à rétablir la santé intestinale. Informations de base: produit naturel conçu pour soutenir la santé contient plus de 20 acides aminés active les performances du corps participe au renforcement des tissus et des cellules Donne du tonus musculaire et osseux utilisé pour nourrir et hydrater l'épiderme a un effet bénéfique sur les cheveux et les ongles utilisé pour la santé digestive améliore le bien-être en cas d'indigestion et de maux d'estomac utile pour une fonction intestinale optimale Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: renforcement de l'immunité performances accrues pour la santé des tissus et des cellules pour le tonus musculaire et osseux amélioration de l'état de la peau problèmes de cheveux et d'ongles indigestion soulagement de l'indigestion et des maux d'estomac pour une fonction intestinale normale Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque gélule contient: Extrait d'aloe vera (Extrait d'aloe vera) – 500 mg, Colorants approuvés (Couleurs approuvées). Conservateurs utilisés (Conservateurs utilisés): Méthylparabène de sodium et propylparabène de sodium (Méthylparabène sodique et propylparabène sodique). Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre, sec et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

Gaia Good Health Spiruline (60 gélules, 500 mg), Spiruline, Gaïa

17.5 EUR
Spiruline (Spiruline) – un remède ayurvédique qui permet de maintenir la santé, de fournir le niveau d’énergie nécessaire, ainsi que de renforcer et maintenir les performances du corps. Sa teneur élevée en protéines contribue à renforcer le système immunitaire, à soulager l’arthrite et à maintenir la fonction osseuse.. La spiruline a un effet bénéfique sur le cœur, aide à normaliser le cholestérol et à abaisser la tension artérielle.. Le produit est recommandé pour réduire les tensions et éliminer la fatigue oculaire. L'utilisation de la spiruline augmente la résistance au stress et est utilisée dans la pratique du Rasayana.. Le produit est également recommandé pour maintenir un poids corporel et un équilibre hydrique optimaux dans le corps. Informations de base: produit naturel convient aux végétariens et végétaliens favorise un bien-être sain reconstitue l'énergie augmente et maintient l’endurance renforce le système immunitaire indiqué pour l'arthrite maintient la santé des os améliore le fonctionnement du système cardiovasculaire fournit des niveaux de cholestérol acceptables abaisse la tension artérielle soulage l'inconfort après un stress visuel augmente la résistance au stress utilisé dans la pratique du Rasayana maintient un poids santé normalise l'équilibre hydrique dans le corps Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: affections générales prostration faible niveau de rendement système immunitaire affaibli arthrite Rasayana pour une fonction osseuse normale pour la santé cardiovasculaire pour des taux de cholestérol acceptables hypertension artérielle pour le soulagement des yeux la gestion du stress maintenir un poids normal restauration de l'équilibre hydrique dans le corps Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels Si vous prenez d'autres médicaments en même temps, vous devez consulter votre médecin pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement. Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque gélule contient: Spiruline (Spiruline) – 500mg. Conservateurs utilisés (Conservateurs utilisés): Méthylparabène de sodium et propylparabène de sodium (Méthylparabène sodique et propylparabène sodique). Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

Gaia Good Health Protéine au goût de chocolat irlandais (1 kg), Saveur de chocolat irlandais aux protéines de lactosérum, Gaia

156.99 EUR
Protéine au goût de chocolat irlandais (Saveur de chocolat irlandais aux protéines de lactosérum) est un produit conçu pour restaurer les muscles après une activité physique intense. Il contient un complexe d'acides aminés nécessaires au maintien d'un mode de vie actif.. Le potassium régule le métabolisme eau-sel et active les fonctions du système cardiovasculaire, le sodium maintient les os en bonne santé. Manger des protéines permet d’augmenter la masse musculaire et d’améliorer l’endurance. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI convient aux végétariens et végétaliens aide à restaurer les muscles après l'exercice contient des acides aminés essentiels Aide à maintenir un mode de vie actif régule le métabolisme eau-sel renforce les fonctions du système cardiovasculaire soutient la santé des os vous permet d'augmenter la masse musculaire augmente l'endurance du corps Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: pour la récupération musculaire après une activité physique pour le bon rapport d'acides aminés dans le corps maintenir un mode de vie actif pour un métabolisme eau-sel optimal renforcer les fonctions du système cardiovasculaire pour des os sains augmentation de la masse musculaire augmenter l'endurance du corps Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels Mode d'emploi: 1. Mettez 200 à 250 ml d'eau ou de lait écrémé dans un shaker. 2. Ajouter 1 portion de protéine de lactosérum (33 grammes). 3. Battre jusqu'à obtenir une consistance lisse. Prendre 1 à 2 portions par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Concentré de protéines de lactosérum (Concentré de protéines de lactosérum), poudre de cacao (Poudre de cacao), Isolat de protéine de lactosérum (Isolat de protéine de lactosérum), Chlorure de sodium (Chlorure de sodium), Hydrogénophosphate dipotassique (Phosphate dipotassique), Épaississants SIN 407, SIN 466, SIN 415 (Épaississants SIN 407, SIN 466, SIN 415), Glissant INS 551 (Glissant INS 551), Édulcorants INC 955, SIN 950 (Édulcorants INC 955, SIN 950), Digézyme (DigeZyme*), Saveur ajoutée (identique aux arômes naturels du chocolat irlandais) (Saveur ajoutée Substances aromatisantes naturelles identiques au chocolat irlandais), Édulcorants artificiels (Édulcorants artificiels), Un mélange de suclarose et d'acésulfame de potassium (Mélange de Sucralose et d'Acésulfame Potassium). Digezyme* est un complexe multi-enzymatique comprenant de l'alpha-amylase, de la protéase, de la lipase, de la cellulase et de la lactase. (DigeZyme est un complexe multienzymatique comprenant de l'alpha amylase, de la protéase, de la lipase, de la cellulase et de la lactase.). Veuillez noter que le produit contient des allergènes: ingrédients laitiers (Contient des ingrédients laitiers). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 33 g de...

Gaia Good Health Mélange de boisson énergisante au goût d'Orange (200g), Mélange pour boisson énergisante Orange, Gaia

19.51 EUR
Mélange de boisson énergisante au goût d'Orange (Mélange pour boisson énergisante Orange) est un produit conçu pour reconstituer l'énergie et maintenir des performances élevées tout au long de la journée. La teneur en vitamine C dans sa composition contribue à renforcer le système immunitaire. La boisson a un riche arôme d'agrumes et un goût d'orange rafraîchissant.. Il désaltère, donne de la vigueur et améliore l'humeur. L'utilisation du produit contribue à augmenter l'activité cérébrale et à retrouver des forces après une activité physique prolongée. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI convient aux végétariens et végétaliens reconstitue l'énergie maintient des performances élevées tout au long de la journée contient de la vitamine C renforce le système immunitaire a un riche arôme d'agrumes a une saveur d'orange rafraîchissante étanche la soif revigore améliore l'humeur augmente l'activité cérébrale permet de retrouver des forces après une activité physique Indications pour l'utilisation: déficit énergétique pour des performances élevées tout au long de la journée renforcement de l'immunité la soif pour une sensation de vigueur bonne humeur pour la fonction cérébrale active récupération après une activité physique Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels Mode d'emploi: 1. Placez 2 cuillères à soupe. je. mélange dans un récipient à boire. 2. Incorporer l'eau potable froide (volume optimal – 200 ml). 3. Il n'est pas recommandé de boire la boisson à jeun. Aucun sucre ajouté requis. Composition: Dextrose (Dextrose) – 52,86%, Sucre (Sucre) – 42,26%, Régulateur d'acidité INS 330, INS 331 (Régulateur d'acidité INS 330, INS 331 (ii)), Saveur identique au naturel (Orange) (Nature Saveur Identique Orange), Acide L-ascorbique (Acide L-ascorbique), Colorant alimentaire synthétique homologué INS 110 (Colorant alimentaire synthétique autorisé SIN 110), sulfate de zinc (Sulfate de Zinc). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 100 g de produit contient: valeur énergétique (valeur énergétique) – 398,77 kcal, Glucides (Glucides) – 98,86 g, Sucre total (Sucres totaux) – 95,12 g, Sucre ajouté (Sucres ajoutés) – 95,12 g, Matières grasses totales (Graisse totale) – 0,37 g, Protéines (protéine) – 0.00g, Sodium (Sodium) – 378,60 mg, Vitamine C (Vitamine C) – 190,00mg, Zinc (Zinc) – 20,47 mg. Conditions de stockage: A conserver dans un endroit frais et sec, hors de portée des enfants et à l'abri du soleil.

Gaia Good Health Amla (60 gélules, 500 mg), Amla, Gaïa

13.99 EUR
Amla (Amla) – un remède ayurvédique qui aide à entretenir et préserver efficacement la santé du corps. La teneur élevée en vitamine C dans la composition permet de renforcer pleinement le système immunitaire. Amla est utilisé pour restaurer la peau, active les fonctions du système digestif. Le produit est recommandé pour améliorer le bien-être en cas de rhume.. Amla aide à assurer un métabolisme équilibré et peut être bénéfique pour atteindre un poids corporel optimal.. Le produit agit également efficacement contre la chute des cheveux et favorise leur croissance. Informations de base: produit naturel soutient la santé du corps renforce le système immunitaire aide à maintenir la santé de l'épiderme améliore la digestion soulage les rhumes participe à la normalisation du métabolisme utile pour atteindre un poids corporel optimal combat la chute des cheveux stimule la croissance des boucles Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: maintenir la santé du corps pour améliorer l'immunité restauration d'une peau saine indigestion pour améliorer le bien-être en cas de rhume normalisation du métabolisme maintenir un poids optimal pour réduire la chute des cheveux activation de la croissance des boucles Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Extrait de feuille d'Amla (Amla Lf. Ext.) – 500mg. Conservateurs utilisés (Conservateurs utilisés): Méthylparabène de sodium et propylparabène de sodium (Méthylparabène sodique et propylparabène sodique). Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre, sec et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

Gaia Good Health Calcium et vitamine D3 (60 onglet), Calcium et vitamine D3, Gaia

20.67 EUR
Calcium et vitamine D3 (Calcium et vitamine D3) – un remède naturel qui aide à renforcer le système immunitaire et à maintenir des dents et des os sains. Il s'agit d'une combinaison de microéléments qui se complètent et qui contribuent au maintien d'une vie normale.. Le calcium a un effet positif sur le maintien des fonctions du système squelettique et participe à la formation d'un émail dentaire sain.. La vitamine D3 augmente la solidité des os et favorise une meilleure absorption du calcium. Le produit est utilisé pour réduire le risque d'ostéoporose. Le calcium et la vitamine D3 aident à réduire les douleurs musculaires et à soulager les picotements dans les jambes. Le remède peut également soulager la fatigue et les difficultés à bouger. Informations de base: produit naturel Certifié FSSAI convient aux végétariens et végétaliens augmente les défenses de l'organisme garde les os et les dents en bonne santé active le système squelettique renforce l'émail des dents rend les os plus forts assure une absorption normale du calcium réduit le risque d’ostéoporose aide à réduire les douleurs musculaires améliore le bien-être avec des picotements dans les jambes soulage la fatigue Aide à éliminer les difficultés de mouvement Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: renforcement de l'immunité maintenir des os et des dents sains activation des fonctions du système squelettique renforcer l'émail des dents pour la solidité des os pour une absorption optimale du calcium réduire le risque d'ostéoporose soulagement des douleurs musculaires picotements dans les jambes réduction de la fatigue pour la libre circulation Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 comprimé par jour après les repas. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque comprimé pelliculé contient: Carbonate de calcium (équivalent calcium élémentaire 500 mg) – 1250mg, Vitamine D3 (Vitamine D3) – 250 ME. Autres composants (Autres ingrédients): Phosphate de calcium dibasique (Phosphate de calcium dibasique), Fécule de maïs (amidon de maïs), Glycolate d'amidon sodique (Glycolate d'amidon sodé), Silice (Dioxyde de silicone), stéarate de magnésium (Stéarate de magnésium), Hydroxypropylméthylcellulose (Hydroxypropylméthylcellulose), propylène glycol (propylène glycol), Talc (Talc), Le dioxyde de titane (Le dioxyde de titane), Conservateurs E216, E219 (Conservateur E216, E219). La valeur nutritive: Chaque 100 g contient: valeur énergétique (Énergie) – 75,12 kcal, Glucides totaux (Glucides totaux) – 2,75, Matières grasses totales (Graisse totale) – 6.75, Protéines (protéine) – 0,84. Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit...

Gaia Good Health Nîmes (60 gélules, 250 mg), Neem, Gaïa

11.28 EUR
Nîmes (Neem) – un remède ayurvédique qui améliore la santé du corps. Il est fabriqué à partir de poudre naturelle de feuilles de neem. Ses gélules aident à purifier le sang et à augmenter la résistance aux infections. Le produit protège la peau des dommages, apaise les irritations, aide à se débarrasser de l'acné et à garder l'épiderme sain.. Le Neem possède des propriétés antibactériennes et antifongiques, recommandées pour maintenir un taux de cholestérol normal et améliorer le métabolisme de l'organisme.. Le remède est utilisé dans la pratique du Rasayana et peut être bénéfique dans la lutte contre les helminthes. Informations de base: produit naturel améliore l'état général du corps purifie le sang aide à augmenter la résistance aux infections prévient les dommages à l'épiderme restaure la peau après une irritation agit contre l'acné assure un épiderme sain a des effets antibactériens et antifongiques normalise le taux de cholestérol accélère le métabolisme utilisé dans la pratique du Rasayana aide à éliminer les helminthes Complément alimentaire, pas un médicament complément alimentaire ayurvédique Indications pour l'utilisation: affections générales purification du sang renforcer les défenses de l'organisme prévention des dommages cutanés pour restaurer l'épiderme acné amélioration de l'état de la peau pour un taux de cholestérol optimal métabolisme lent Rasayana helminthes Contre-indications: intolérance individuelle aux composants individuels pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, vous devriez consulter un médecin Mode d'emploi: Prendre 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de consulter d'abord votre médecin. Composition: Chaque gélule contient: Extrait de feuille de Neem (Extrait de feuille de neem) – 250mg. Conservateurs utilisés (Conservateurs utilisés): Méthylparabène de sodium et propylparabène de sodium (Méthylparabène sodique et propylparabène sodique). Conditions de stockage: Conserver dans un endroit sombre, sec et frais, hors de portée des enfants.

NaturalPlus Multi Balance Iodine 60 Tablets - 2 Boxes (4-Month Supply) / Thyroid Health Iodine Vitamin Mineral 4 Months Supply

49.92 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- NaturalPlus Multi Balance Iodine 60 Tablets - 2 Boxes (4-Month Supply) / Thyroid Health Iodine Vitamin Mineral Packaging Unit and Quantity: Weight/Volume per Unit: 500 mg x 60 tablets (30 g) Quantity per Unit: 2 boxes Ingredients (including origin as per the Act on the Indication of Origin of Agricultural and Fishery Products ): Zinc Oxide Vitamin D3 Mix (Vitamin D3, Arabic Gum, Sugar, Corn Starch, Medium-Chain Triglycerides, Silicon Dioxide, dl-alpha-Tocopherol) Selenium Mix (Sodium Selenate, Dicalcium Phosphate) Potassium Iodide Vitamin B12 Mix (Vitamin B12, Maltodextrin, Trisodium Citrate, Citric Acid) Vitamin B6 Hydrochloride Vitamin B1 Hydrochloride Vitamin B2 Microcrystalline Cellulose Maltodextrin Calcium Carbonate Mix (Calcium Carbonate, Modified Starch) Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Carboxymethyl Cellulose Calcium Silicon Dioxide Magnesium Stearate Sucrose Fatty Acid Ester Corn Silk Extract Powder Hibiscus Extract Powder Turmeric Extract Powder Hot-Air Dried Turtle Powder Fermented Black Garlic Extract Powder Green Apple Extract Powder Mulberry Leaf Extract Powder Amino Acid Mix Maca Extract Powder Cudrania Tricuspidata Extract Powder Nutritional Information (Per Serving): Serving Size: 1 tablet (500 mg) Per Serving: Calories: 0 kcal Carbohydrates: 0 g (0%) Protein: 0 g (0%) Fat: 0 g (0%) Sodium: 0 mg (0%) Zinc: 8.5 mg (100%) Vitamin D: 25 µg (250%) Selenium: 55 µg (100%) Iodine: 2,400 µg (1,600%) Vitamin B12: 2.4 µg (100%) Vitamin B6: 1.5 mg (100%) Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 kcal diet. Functional Information: Iodine: Necessary for thyroid health. Vitamins and Minerals: Support various bodily functions, including immune support, bone health, and metabolic processes. Intake, Directions for Use, and Precautions: Intake and Directions for Use: Take 1 tablet once daily with water. Country of Manufacture: South Korea

Blood Sugar Health Banaba Leaf Extract 90 Tablets (3-Month Supply) NaturalPlus 3 Months Supply

31.95 EUR
Blood Sugar Health Banaba Leaf Extract 90 Tablets (3-Month Supply) NaturalPlus Packaging Unit and Quantity: 500 mg x 90 tablets (45 g) per box Quantity per Unit: 1 box Ingredients and Content: Banaba Leaf Extract (from India) Dried Yeast (Selenium) (from Canada) Niacinamide Dried Yeast (Chromium) Zinc Oxide Vitamin B12 Mix (Vitamin B12, Maltodextrin, Trisodium Citrate, Citric Acid) Vitamin B6 Hydrochloride Vitamin B1 Hydrochloride Vitamin B2 Crystalline Cellulose Maltodextrin Jerusalem Artichoke Powder (from Korea) Mulberry Leaf Extract Powder [Dextrin, Mulberry Leaf Extract Solids (Mulberry Leaf: from Korea)] Bitter Melon Concentrate Powder [Dextrin, Bitter Melon Extract Concentrate (Bitter Melon: from Korea)] Calcium Carboxymethylcellulose Silicon Dioxide Fruit and Vegetable Mix Powder Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Magnesium Stearate Glycerin Fatty Acid Ester Contains Peach Nutritional Information (Per Serving): Serving Size: 1 tablet (500 mg) Calories: 0 kcal Carbohydrates: 0 g (0%) Protein: 0 g (0%) Fat: 0 g (0%) Sodium: 0 mg (0%) Vitamin B1: 1.2 mg (100%) Vitamin B2: 1.4 mg (100%) Niacin: 15 mg NE (100%) Vitamin B6: 1.5 mg (100%) Vitamin B12: 2.4 µg (100%) Zinc: 8.5 mg (100%) Selenium: 27.5 µg (50%) Chromium: 30 µg (100%) Corosolic Acid: 1.3 mg (Values in parentheses indicate the percentage of the daily nutritional standard.) Functional Information: [Banaba Leaf Extract]: May help in controlling postprandial blood sugar levels. [Vitamin B1]: Necessary for carbohydrate and energy metabolism. [Vitamin B2]: Necessary for energy production in the body. [Niacin]: Necessary for energy production in the body. [Vitamin B6]: Necessary for protein and amino acid utilization and helps maintain normal levels of homocysteine in the blood. [Vitamin B12]: Necessary for normal folate metabolism. [Zinc]: Necessary for normal immune function and cell division. [Selenium]: Necessary for protecting cells from oxidative damage. [Chromium]: Involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Directions for Use: Take 1 tablet once daily with water. Country of manufacture: South Korea

Blood Sugar Care Probiotics 3 Boxes (3 Months Supply) / Banaba Leaf Extract, Sugar-Free, Gut Health, Naturalplus 3 Months Supply

56.59 EUR
Blood Sugar Care Probiotics 3 Boxes (3 Months Supply) / Banaba Leaf Extract, Sugar-Free, Gut Health, Naturalplus Packaging Unit and Quantity: 450 mg x 30 capsules (13.5 g) x 1 Quantity per Unit: 3 boxes Ingredients and Content: Banaba leaf extract (from India), E.faecium, L.plantarum, 17 mixed probiotics (L.plantarum, L.rhamnosus, L.casei, L.acidophilus, L.paracasei, L.salivarius, L.gasseri, B.breve, L.helveticus, S.thermophilus, B.bifidum, B.longum, B.animalis ssp. lactis, Lc.lactis, L.fermentum, L.reuteri, L.delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, potato maltodextrin), L.plantarum, L.reuteri, microcrystalline cellulose, seaweed blend powder (from the UK/seaweed powder, corn starch), resistant maltodextrin [(corn: from foreign countries (Russia, Hungary, Serbia, etc.)], wheat fiber (from France), acacia fiber (from France), silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, Bacillus coagulans, colostrum protein powder Nutritional Information: Serving size: 1 capsule (450 mg) Per serving: Calories: 0 kcal Carbohydrates: 0 g (0%) Protein: 0 g (0%) Fat: 0 g (0%) Sodium: 0 mg (0%) Corosolic acid: 1.3 mg Probiotics count: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) CFU % Daily Value: based on a 2,000 calorie diet Functional Information: [Banaba Leaf Extract] May help inhibit postprandial blood sugar rise [Probiotics] May help with probiotics intake, inhibit harmful bacteria, support smooth bowel movements, and aid in gut health Dosage, How to Consume, and Precautions: [Dosage and How to Consume] Take 1 capsule per day with plenty of water. Country of manufacture: South Korea

Balance De Cuisine Cecotec Compatible Cook Control 10400 Smart Health

24.99 EUR
Balance de cuisine en acier inoxydable que dispose d'un anse pour la suspendre et d'une capacité maximale de 8 kg. Surface en acier inoxydable de longue durée : résistance et durabilité maximales. Facile nettoyage de la surface. Conçue avec une pratique anse pour que vous la suspendez au mur et qu'elle soit toujours à portée de main. Inclut 4 capteurs à la précision maximale. Résultats de mesure plus exacts. Facilité d'utilisation grâce à son indicateur de batterie faible. Précision d'1 g qui permet d'obtenir des mesures d'une extrême précision Capacité maximale de charge jusqu'à 8 kg. Grand écran LCD en verre avec de grands chiffres pour faciliter la visualisation des mesures effectuées. Design extraplat qui la rend parfaite pour toutes les cuisines. Fonction Tare pour déduire facilement le poids du récipient et obtenir ainsi une mesure exacte de manière pratique. Fonction Économie d'énergie grâce à sa fonction de déconnexion automatique, les piles fonctionnent pendant longtemps. Mesure de solides et de liquides immédiate et facile en appuyant simplement sur un bouton. Passez instantanément des grammes aux livres pour adapter les mesures à toutes les recettes. Composition Produit Manuel d'instructions 3x AAA

Gaia Herbs - Black Elderberry Syrup 5.4 oz [Health and Beauty]

699.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- About this item: Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is the dark purple berry from the European elder tree. Ingredients : Elderberry Manufacturer country : india

BeautyGlam Anguk Health Lutein Good for Eyes Special Gift 180 Capsules (6 months supply)

175.42 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- product name : ione lutein plus, good for your eyes name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] cosmax bio co., ltd. / 30 biovalley 3-ro, jecheon-si, chungcheongbuk-do / [seller] anguk health co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : 24 months from the date of manufacture / the manufacture date of this product varies depending on the date of receipt, so it is difficult to provide accurate information. capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : 500mg x 180 capsules (90g) / 1 container function information : [lutein] can help with eye health by maintaining macular pigment density, which can decrease due to aging. [beta-carotene] necessary for visual adaptation in dark places, necessary to form and maintain the function of skin and mucous membranes, necessary for the growth and development of epithelial cells. [zinc] necessary for normal immune function, necessary for normal cell division. [selenium] necessary to protect cells from harmful oxygen, [vitamin e] necessary to protect cells from harmful oxygen. [copper] necessary for transport and use of iron, necessary for protecting cells from harmful oxygen [manganese] necessary for bone formation, necessary for energy use, necessary for protecting cells from harmful oxygen specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea *it may be shipped as a renewed new product, such as a brand label design container. *the gift product may sell out early due to brand circumstances, so only the original product may be shipped. *if a special, limited, or special product is sold out, the original product may be sent as the same regular product. *when sending general products, components other than the main product may be excluded. *example) main product + keyring → only main product sent *example) 2 main products + 1 free 10ml product → only 2 main products are sent

Evellene International ZANDU HEALTH JUICE Zandu Karela Jamun Good for Immunity Purifies Blood Naturally Effective Appetiser No Added Sugar (1000ml)

49.78 EUR
ZANDU HEALTH JUICE Zandu Karela Jamun + 3 Herbs Health Juice Enriched with Herbs known to manage Healthy Sugar Level Good for Immunity Purifies Blood Naturally Effective Appetiser No Added Sugar (1000ml) • Both Karela and Jamun have been identified as natural blood sugar regulators. They have anti-inflammatory properties which are known to reduce cholesterol and helps maintain digestive health. • Along with Karela and Jamun, the juice also contains Methi - known to control diabetes and bacterial, fungal and viral infections, Neem - remedy for cardiovascular diseases and liver problems and Tvak - which is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. • Karela has abundant Vitamin A and C which rejuvenates the skin by fighting acne and blemishes. It also helps in strengthening hair by fighting dandruff. Jamun on the other hand increases hemoglobin and is good for eyes. • Made with more than 100 years of Ayurvedic experience in Zandu. This is a herbal preparation and does not contain any synthetic colour, flavour, or preservatives and has no added sugar. • Dosage - Mix 30ml of juice in a glass of water and consume 1-2 times a day before meals or as directed by physician.

Dabur Aloe Vera Juice - 1L Ayurvedic Health Juice For Good Skin & Hair Health Detoxifies & Rejuvenates Skin & Body Good For Liver

37.89 EUR
About this item It is 100% pure , safe and natural ayurvedic health juice It is a natural immunity booster product and has many health benefits. It helps in relieveing constipation and improves digestive health. It detoxifies and rejuvenates body cells and helps relieve joint pain; its usage is good for skin and hair health; Package Content: 1 Aloe Vera Juice; Quantity: 1 L Is Expiration Dated Product: True; Target Gender: Unisex Ingredients: aloe vera Manufacturer country : india

KOKO Beauty&Health [Natural Plus] Probiotiques pour enfants + zinc à croquer 60ea / Good&Kids 60ea

24.86 EUR
[La description] -Lactobacillus Chewable contient du Lactobacillus, qui vit principalement dans l'intestin grêle, et du Bifidobacterium, qui vit dans le gros intestin, pour protéger la santé intestinale de notre enfant en tenant compte des caractéristiques de la souche et le milieu intestinal. -C'est un produit issu de la recherche et du développement de saveurs que les enfants aiment selon leurs goûts. -Le zinc a été complété pour aider à développer des fonctions immunitaires normales. -Il ne contient pas d'ingrédients chinois ni de HPMC. -Il s'agit d'un nouveau produit biotechnologique qui est un mélange de lactobacilles vivants (probiotiques) et nourrir (prébiotiques) filiale matériaux de lactobacilles. -Les bactéries lactiques recouvertes d'un capuchon Probio ont été utilisées pour accroître la sécurité de la survie des bactéries lactiques. intestin. [Comment prendre] Mâchez un comprimé une fois par jour et prenez-le avec suffisamment d'eau. [Ingrédients] Oxyde de zinc, L.acidophilus, L.plantarum, B.animalis ssp.lactis, B.longum, L.gasseri, L.helvicius, L.reuteri, L.rhamnosus, Lc.lactis, glucose raffiné, isomald, D-consitol , xylitol, cellulose cristalline, fructo-oligosaccharide, lait écrémé en poudre, crème de lait en poudre, dioxyde de silicium, arôme de lait en poudre, acide stéarique magnésium, L-proline, lactobacilles végétaux, poudre fermentée, soja, contenant du lait

BeautyGlam Anguk Health Good for Eyes Lutein Plus Gift 120 Capsules (4 months supply)

104.78 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- product name : ione lutein plus, good for your eyes name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] cosmax bio co., ltd. / 30 biovalley 3-ro, jecheon-si, chungcheongbuk-do [seller] anguk health co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : the manufacturing date of this product varies depending on the date of receipt, so it is difficult to provide accurate information. (2 years from date of manufacture) capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : see detailed page function information : see detailed page specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea *it may be shipped as a renewed new product, such as a brand label design container. *the gift product may sell out early due to brand circumstances, so only the original product may be shipped. *if a special, limited, or special product is sold out, the original product may be sent as the same regular product. *when sending general products, components other than the main product may be excluded. *example) main product + keyring → only main product sent *example) 2 main products + 1 free 10ml product → only 2 main products are sent

The Health & Beauty KOREA VITAL BEAUTIE Good Sleep GABA365 Sleep Aid 60 tablets for 1 month

50.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- ✔️We only sell genuine Korean products. ✔️100% Certified Product©™ ✔️All products are shipped from Korea ✔️We promise to deliver as quickly and safely as possible. ✔️Please visit our store to see more products. # Ready in stock!!! VITAL BEAUTIE Good Sleep GABA365 Sleep Aid 60 tablets for 1 month #Product Features ✔️Safe sleep health functional food recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of Korea ✔️Pill for a healthy sleep pattern ✔️Contains 75.5625mg of L-glutamic acid fermented GABA powder ✔️Contains L-glutamic acid fermented GABA powder to help improve sleep quality ✔️Small tablet that is easy to swallow ✔️Contains 15mg NE of Niacin, which helps generate energy in the body ✔️Contains carefully selected supplementary ingredients (magnesium oxide, tart cherry extract powder, arginine) ✔️No addition of titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, or silicon dioxide ✔️Take 2 tablets once a day with water before going to bed. ✔️Shipped from Korea ✅ Notice ✔️ If you receive a damaged item, please contact us before completing the purchase (pressing the purchase complete button or before the purchase is automatically completed). No exchanges or refunds are possible after the purchase has been completed. ✔️If you have any questions, please contact us via chat at any time~!! We will respond as quickly as possible~!!! ✔️ Chat business hours 09:00~17:00 (Mon~Fri)# Our shop’s promise to our customers ✔️We only sell genuine Korean products. ✔️100% Certified ©™ ✔️All products are shipped from Korea ✔️We promise to deliver it as quickly and safely as possible. ✔️We will do our best to provide follow-up good service for the Customer's Satisfaction. # Shipping ✔️Handling Time : 3 days. ✔️Your order will arrive at our sorting center in Korea within 3 business days after payment (Monday to Friday). # Customs & Duty ✔️Please Note that Import duties, Taxes, and Unspecified charges are on Buyer's Charge. ✔️Recommended to check it to your Local Custom Office prior to final purchase decision just in case. # Return Policy ✔️If you are not satisfied with your order, you can return it and receive a refund. ✔️Returns are not possible if the product has been opened or used. ✔️Unless the return is due to our mistake, the return cost is borne by the buyer. ✔️We reserve the right to refuse returns/refunds and sales to customers who abuse eBay rules. # CONTACT US & FEEDBACK ✔️If you have any inconveniences, please contact us first for prompt processing. We will contact you within 48 hours. ✔️Your favorable evaluation will help and support us in providing better...

Mister Tee T-shirt à Manches Courtes Good For Health Oversize Black Acid Washed M male

17.99 EUR
Bon pour la santé T-shirt oversize à manches courtes et col rond.Caractéristiques:Tissu extérieur 1 : 100 % coton, jersey simple, 240 g/m²

Mister Tee T-shirt à Manches Courtes Good For Health Oversize Black Acid Washed L male

17.99 EUR
Bon pour la santé T-shirt oversize à manches courtes et col rond.Caractéristiques:Tissu extérieur 1 : 100 % coton, jersey simple, 240 g/m²

Mister Tee T-shirt à Manches Courtes Good For Health Oversize Black Acid Washed XL male

17.99 EUR
Bon pour la santé T-shirt oversize à manches courtes et col rond.Caractéristiques:Tissu extérieur 1 : 100 % coton, jersey simple, 240 g/m²

Mister Tee T-shirt à Manches Courtes Good For Health Oversize Black Acid Washed S male

17.99 EUR
Bon pour la santé T-shirt oversize à manches courtes et col rond.Caractéristiques:Tissu extérieur 1 : 100 % coton, jersey simple, 240 g/m²

Vedic India Dabur Chyawanprash - 2kg 3X Immunity Action With 40+ Ayurvedic Herbs Helps Build Strength & Stamina Builds Overall Health

121.94 EUR
About this item Dabur Chyawanprash boosts ability to fight illnesses* 2 spoons of Dabur Chyawanprash daily help to keep your child protected It is 2 spoons of protection with good taste Dabur Chyawanprash is a daily dose for your family to build Strength & Stamina It fights illness* with the power of double immunity - (*Illness refers to common day to day infections and allergies) COMMONLY SEARCHED TOPICS: chyawanprash, dabur chyawanprash, chawanprash, chavanprash, dabur chawanprash, dabur chavanprash, chyawaprash 1kg, chyawanprash sugar free, sugar free chyawanprash, chyawanprash 1_kg, chyawanprash 2kg, dabur chyawanprash 2kg, dabur chyawanprash 1kg Ingredients: Amla, Ashwagandha, Hareetaki, Dashmul, Ghrit and several other herbs and herbal extracts. Manufacturer country : india

Vitamins SALE Fairhaven Health-Peapod, Cal-Mag, 60 Capsules.

39.52 EUR
Description. Pre- and Postpartum Calcium and Magnesium (Cal-Mag Peapod), Fairhaven Health contains calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamin D – three nutrients needed for good health before, during and after pregnancy. The natural formula does not contain artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, and provides calcium and magnesium. Manufacturer: Fairhaven Health, USA Release form: 60 capsules Age: 18+ Composition: Component-Ingredients 1 serving (2 capsules) Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) - 25 IU Calcium (calcium carbonate and calcium citrate) - 500 mg Magnesium (magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate) - 200 mg Other ingredients: Vegetarian capsule (hypromellose), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate (vegetable source), stearic acid. Does not contain: Yeast, wheat, soy, gluten, dairy, artificial flavors or preservatives. Functional action: Pre- and Postpartum Calcium and Magnesium (Cal-Mag Peapod) by Fairhaven Health – This calcium and magnesium formula with vitamin D3 was developed by leading obstetrics and gynecology specialist Amos Grunebaum, MD. The supplement should be used when planning conception, pregnancy and in the postpartum period. After all, it is not a secret for anyone what an important role calcium plays in the formation of the bones of the future child. At the onset of pregnancy, a woman should take additional calcium both for her own health and for good lactation. The magnesium included in this formula helps transport calcium to the bones, and vitamin D improves its absorption. Application: Take 2 capsules daily with a meal. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches Luxury Fashion Leisure Watch Hollow Design Business Mechanical Waterproof For Men 2 Standard blanc

18.79 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. A Stylish Watch As A Gift, A Good Choice. Designed For Yourself, Family, Husband, Brother, Colleague, Friends. Lige Watch Can Be Easily Matched With A Variety Of Clothing, Suitable For All Occasions,Dress,Military Watch Especially For Outdoor Activities Or Cs Games,Fashion,Causal.Features Thickness 18MmTable Buckle Style Needle BuckleDial Diameter 54.9MmDial Shape RoundWaterproof Performance 30MBuckle Material Stainless SteelMovement Model Pc21Type Of Movement ElectronicStrap Material ResinCrown Type Flat Top Conical CrownMirror Material Plastic MirrorDisplay Type Pointer+Number The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Ropes, Cords & Slings Portable Rope Cleaning Brush Lightweight Rock Hiking Caving Ropes Wash Brushes Standard blanc

24.17 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Features Stainless Steel Has High Strength, Good Corrosion Resistance And Durability.Nylon Brush Has High Mechanical Strength, Heat Resistance, Wear Resistance, Good Self-Lubrication.Put It On The Rope And Put It In Clean Water, And Pull The Rope To Clean. Put It In A Ventilated Place To Dry After Washing.Lightweight And Portable, Easy To Operate.Suitable For Rope Diameter Between 8-13Mm / 0.3-0.5In. Available For Ropeway, Mountaineering, Cave Exploration, Energy Rescue, Aerial Work Survey.Brush Only, Other Accessories Demo In The Picture Is Not Included!Specification Type Rope Cleaning BrushMaterial Nylon+Stainless SteelColor As Pictures ShownSize Diameter App.5 Cm/\n97 InQuantity 1 PcYou Will Receive 1 X Brush The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

IKEA Supermarket -up Trash Can Easy To Clean Press Health Dont Dirty Hands High Capacity Garbage Can Split Design Environmental Friendly 7011 Round

42.99 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchases Hign-concerned Chemical : none Style : PRESSING TYPE Type : Rolling Cover Type Shape : Round Material : Plastic Origin : Mainland China The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Toool-Home 1pc Nurse Watch Brooch, Silicone With Pin/Clip, Health Care Nurse Doctor Paramedic Medical Brooch Fob Watch bleu

17.69 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchasesIs Smart Device : no Origin : Mainland China Type : Wall Clocks The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches Big Face Military Tactical Watch Black Mens Outdoor Sport Wrist Large Analog Digital For 3 Standard blanc

17.99 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Features This Watch Is A Sports And Leisure Watch, It Is Suitable For Normal Wear, Versatile Clothing, Business Dress Is Also Very Good, No Sense Of Disobedience. Very Tall, The Real Thing Is Very Beautiful, The Atmosphere Is Very Strong, And It Is Well Plated, And The Metallic Feeling Is Very Strong. Specifications Name Watch Material Stainless Steel Weight 30G Thickness 14.5Mm Dial Diameter 48Mm Mirror Material Mineral Tempered Glass Mirror Waterproof Performance 30M You will receive 1 x Watch The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches Sonsdo Colorful Canvas Band Male Quartz Watch Blue And Red Standard blanc

21.09 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Main Features Canvas Strap Has Good Breathability And Comfortable To Wear. Stainless Steel Case, Sturdy In Structure And Scratch Resistant. Classic Pin Buckle, Not Easy To Fall Off. SpecificationGeneral Brand Sonsdo Watches Categories Male Table Watch Style Fashion Dial Movement Type Quartz Watch Shape Of The Dial Round Display Type Analog Case Material Stainless Steel Band Band Material Canvas Clasp Type Pin Buckle Weight And Size The Dial Thickness 0.5 Cm / 0.2 Inches The Dial Diameter \n0 Cm / \n57 Inches The Band Width \n0 Cm / 0.79 Inches Wearable Length 14 - 21.5 Cm / \n51 - \n46 Inches Product Weight 0.0330 Kg < The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches Big Face Military Tactical Watch Black Mens Outdoor Sport Wrist Large Analog Digital For 2 Standard blanc

19.32 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. This Watch Is A Sports And Leisure Watch, It Is Suitable For Normal Wear, Versatile Clothing, Business Dress Is Also Very Good, No Sense Of Disobedience. Very Tall, The Real Thing Is Very Beautiful, The Atmosphere Is Very Strong, And It Is Well Plated, And The Metallic Feeling Is Very Strong. Features Military/tactical design with a rugged and durable appearance. Analog and digital display for both traditional and modern timekeeping. Water-resistant and shock-resistant to withstand harsh outdoor conditions. Backlight function for low-light visibility. Compass function for navigation. Barometer and altimeter functions for measuring atmospheric pressure and altitude. Thermometer function for monitoring temperature. Tough and durable straps with buckle or hook-and-loop tape closures. Specifications Name Watch Material Stainless Steel Weight 30G Thickness 14.5Mm Dial Diameter 48Mm Mirror Material Mineral Tempered Glass Mirror Waterproof Performance 30M You will receive nbsp; 1 x Men's Watch The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

ESTORE4U Himalaya Guduchi Immunity Wellness Pack of 5

61.06 EUR
About this item MANUFACTURED BY HIMALAYA DRUG COMPANY 100% vegetarian. Free from sugar, artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, and gelatin IT HAS BEEN USED FOR CENTURIES FOR ITS HEALTH BENEFITS Ingredients : ESTORE4U Himalaya Guduchi Immunity Wellness Pack of 5 Manufacturer country : india

Gaia Herbs Black Seed Oil - Cold-Pressed Capsules for Lung, Respiratory, and Antioxidant Support - 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Capsules (30-Day Supply)

428.17 EUR
About this item Antioxidant Support: Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa) helps support lung and respiratory health Cold-Pressed Black Seed Oil: Process maintains herb’s integrity, balance, and spectrum of compounds Easy-Use Capsules: Patented vegan liquid Phyto-capsules supports quality of nigella seed oil Our Commitment to Quality: We source the best ingredients from all over the world for great quality Our Story: Since 1987, our purpose has been to connect people, plants, and planet to create healing Ingredients: Organic Nigella (Nigella sativa) 800mg seed oil, Sunflower lecithin, sunflower oil, and vegan capsule (hypromellose, chlorophyll). Manufacturer country : india

Gaia Flax Oil Capsules - 60s

52.99 EUR
About this item Loaded with Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These capsules are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, supporting overall health and well-being. Source of Protein and Fiber: In addition to Omega-3, the capsules serve as a source of protein and fiber, contributing to a balanced diet. Protection of Cells from Oxidative Stress: The formulation helps protect cells from oxidative stress, promoting cellular health. Maintenance of Normal Blood Cholesterol Levels: Gaia Flaxseed Oil Capsules aid in maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels, supporting cardiovascular health. Maintenance of Cardiovascular Health and Joint Function: Regular consumption contributes to the maintenance of cardiovascular health and joint function. Development of the Brain and Retinal Cells: The Omega-3 fatty acids in these capsules play a crucial role in the development of the brain and retinal cells, making them beneficial for pregnant women and infants. Skin Benefits: The capsules benefits for the skin by providing hydration and smoothness, accelerating the healing of dry and damaged skin. The standardized concentrate of stable Omega-3 fatty acids makes these capsules an excellent alternative to dietary supplements. Including Gaia Flaxseed Oil Capsules in your daily routine can be a convenient and effective way to support various aspects of your health and well-being. Ingredients: Flaxseed Oil (Linseed Oil) 500mg

Sporty Peppers

3.09 EUR
We all know that sport is good for our health, but at Sporty Peppers we know that the first step is sometimes difficult. But we know that intense daily activ...

Gamelle Pour Chat 2 En 1 En Acier Inoxydable, Gamelle Surélevée Pour Chat, Inclinaison À 15°, Gamelle Antibuée Pour Animaux De Compagnie, Stockage Automatique De L'eau, Disponible Pour Chats Et Chiots

17.07 EUR
Prenez bien soin de la santé de votre animal Taille du produit : 32*20*8*9,2 cm Récipient à céréales : 14,2 cm Capacité de la bouteille d'eau : 350 ml Poids : 260 g  Take good care of your pet's health Product size: 32*20*8*9 2cm Cereal container: 14 2 cm Water bottle capacity: 350 ml Weight: 260gLa conception exquise de la sortie d'eau contrôle la hauteur du niveau d'eau pour obtenir l'effet de réapprovisionnement automatique en eau et garantir que vous pouvez boire de l'eau fraîche L'écran de lavabo pour éviter de mouiller le sol difficile à casser, durable Prenez bien soin de la santé de votre animal de compagnie Taille du produit : 32*20*8*9,2 cm Bol de céréales : 14,2 cm Capacité de la bouteille d'eau : 350 ml Poids : 260 gS'il y un problème s'il vous plaît contactez-nous à temps

Bon66 Silicone Souple Épilation Chien Collant Outil D'épilation Fournitures Pour Animaux De Compagnie Portable Chats Brosse De Bain Pour Animaux

22.14 EUR
Features: 100% Brand New and high quality Removes dead hair loose. remove Hair Spill Pets animal. Keeps your pet well-groomed. Hair gentle care of your pet? to accommodate all sizes of dogs and cats. Hair cleaning suitable pet is the key to maintaining vigorous good health of your pet. Can be used to massage your animals pets and pets will start to relax under the movement of the brush. Specifications: Material: Silicone Size: 12.2 * 4.5 * 4.5 cm (L* W*H) Color: Green? Orange Weight: 65g Package Contents: 1 * hair remover of animals Note: Due to the different display and different light? the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Please make sure you do not mind before you bid.

Assiette À Dîner En Silicone S/L, Une Pièce Pour Animaux De Compagnie, Peut Être Équipée D'un Napperon De Bassin En Acier Inoxydable, Mangeoire Noire Avec Anti-Déversement

57.96 EUR
Description:Pets, like humans, eat too fast and too much, which can easily cause a series of health problems.Good eating habits need to be cultivated for a long time. Long-term use of slow food bowls can gradually improve pets? overeating habits, and fundamentally solve pets? digestive tract diseases and loss of appetite.Il est fait de gel de silice de qualité alimentaire, sans BPA, bombe q douce, sûr, sans odeur, sans crainte de déchirure, facile à nettoyer, et désinfection plus approfondie par ébullition à haute température.Anti-choking bowl for cats and dogs for your choice.Specifications:Name: Pet Dinner Plate SeriesColor: gray, blackSize: Small: 400*300*45mm/After folding: 230*300*55mmLarge size: 550*380*58mm/After folding: 270*380*60mmStainless steel bowl capacity: small: 350ml/650ml; large: 650mlWeight: Small: about 360g (without stainless steel basin) / weight including basin: 420gLarge: about 660g (without stainless steel basin) / weight including basin: 750gPacking: single product packing in ordinary OPP bagMaterial: SiliconeHas passed strict FDA/SGS testingProduct scope of application: pet feeding containerPackage Included:pet silicone plate*1By the way, if you like our store, Please add our store to yourFavorite Stores, You can get our New arrival and Discount information in time.

Pokemon 2 Inch Battle Action Figure 2-Pack Includes 2 Pikachu And 2 Popplio

39.99 EUR
Get ready for battle Pikachu naturally stores up electricity in its body and it needs to discharge that energy on a regular basis to maintain good health To take advantage of this some have suggested creating a Pikachu-fueled power plant Popplio uses the water balloons it blows from its nose in battle Itaa?? a hard worker and puts in lots of practice creating and controlling these balloons

Bandeau De Tête Pour Les Coups De Pied, Balle Réflexe De Boxe, Entraînement De Vitesse, Équipement D'entraînement

22.75 EUR
[xlmodel]-[custom]-[51944]Kick Boxing Reflex Ball Head Band Fighting Speed Training Punch Ball Boxing Fight Ball Punching Exercise Equipment AccessoriesDescription100% brand and high qualityfeaturecolor:red ,blackMaterial:pu1,(IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH )- Exercise is good for your body. You build muscles while increasing your stamina. Boxing this reflex ball is a good alternative for a gym. It will influence all muscle groups.Let you enjoy the fun of boxing in your spare time. It can greatly mobilize every muscle in your body and make you energetic in your work and life.2,(LIGHTWEIGHT AND PORTABLE): Easy to carry and can be used in different occasions, you can take this fight ball with you anywhere. Fashionable new training equipment can be used for many sports training, such as boxing,striking,free combat, etc.3,(SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE): Man or woman, teenager or child. it doesnt matter! Everyone can use Box ball either for training purposes or for a fun game that will build your hand-eye coordination and it will nicely compliment, boxing or kickboxing training!4,(IMPROVE REACTION SKILLS): It is time to improve your skills with this magic ball set, this is a great way to improve your fight reflexes for better aim in your bouts! Strengthen your hand to eye coordination, focus, speed, accuracy, timing.5,(Function): 360-degree comprehensive three-dimensional polar hit training, design more caring, hit more accurate.(NOTE): New learner should slow down hitting speed to avoid the ball rebounding to your face when hitting. When you are training, attention should be focused. once the rebound have the trend to your face, grab the rope can change the direction of the ball.Packing includes: Head Band X1 Ball X1 [xlmodel]-[photo]-[0000][xlmodel]-[custom]-[53621]      1  All Products on are guaranteed to be delivered within 60days(80 days to Russia And Brazil).      2  we will offer a full refund or resend a new product if you can not receive it by the promised date      3 Full refund will be offered or resend new one if receive wrong goods or broken goods      4  So Buy it now with confidence now,     Questions:     Q: the products are in stock?     A: All the goods are in stock and can be restocked in 1-3 days, so do not worry.     Q: how long will you take to send the goods after payment    A: We will send package our in 24 hours in normal condition    Q:We accept Wholesale and Dropshipping?   A: For wholesale, we will offer discounts and free shipping usually it will take 3-7days to prepare the goods,        For

Corde À Sauter

15.29 EUR
Adjustable jumper jumper rope with counterSkipping rope is an aerobic exercise that is good for health and is suitable for people of all stages.Soft sponge handle, easy to see and count, non-slip and breathable, the best choice for sports.Electronic counting, no need to count one by one, to avoid mistakes. The sponge handle prevents the slider from falling off, allowing you to play extraordinarily well.Thick and strong skipping rope, strong and wear-resistant.Color: orangeLength: 290 (CM)

Cuillère Doseuse Pour Chien Cuillère De Pesée Avec Écran Lcd Convient Pour Chien Chat Lapin Oiseau Croquettes

14.3 EUR
Good for health / save time / money: the dog food measuring cup will help you measure the exact weight of your pet's food, save time and money and provide yourdog enough nutrients to avoid overeating Affichage numérique LCD : - la cuillère doseuse avec affichage est idéale pour mesurer le poids des aliments et de l'eau Remarque : assurez-vous de tenir horizontalement, car cela peut affecter la lecture Facile à utiliser : - poids maximum jusqu'à 500 g, la cuillère à nourriture pour chien est facile à utiliser après l'installation de la pile bouton CR2032 (pile non incluse) Pelle à nourriture pour animaux amovible pour un nettoyage et un rangement faciles Tasse à mesurer amovible : - Notre tasse à mesurer pour aliments pour animaux de compagnie est fabriquée en PP de haute qualité Sûr et sain, facile à installer et à retirer, facile à nettoyer après utilisation, idéal pour peser les aliments et l'eau pour animaux de compagnie Conception exquise : - Tasse à mesurer pour nourriture pour chien lisse et magnifiquement conçue, la nourriture pour animaux de compagnie n'est pas collante et plus pratique à utiliser

Vitamins SALE NaturesPlus- Ultra Probiotics, 40 Billion, 30 Capsules

56.22 EUR
Description. -40 billion viable cells -Full spectrum, support of the whole organism -Digestive support -Dietary supplement -Vegan product -Gluten free -Good health starts with great digestion… and a great probiotic. That's why you need Ultra Probiotics from NaturesPlus! - Supports the health of the immune system -Contains 300 mg of acai, a prebiotic fiber that promotes the development of probiotics - Supports normal digestion. Recommendations for use Adults take one capsule per day. Other ingredients Microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and purified water. Does not contain artificial colors and preservatives. Nutritional value Serving size: 1 capsule Quantity in 1 portion Concentrate of whole fruits of acai (Euterpe oleracea) - 300 mg. A mixture of probiotics for the overall health of the body (40 billion viable cells at the time of purchase): Bifidobacteria lactis (B. lactis), acidophilic lactobacilli (Lactobacillus acidophilus), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), lactobacilli lactis (Lactococcus lactis), lactobacilli plantarum (Lactococcus lactis ), lactobacillus casei (Lactobacillus casei), lactobacilli sporogen (B. coagulans), lactobacilli brevis (L. brevis), lactobacilli rhamnosus (L. rhamnosus), thermophilic streptococcus (Streptococcus thermophilus), bifidobacteria bifidobacteria (B. bulgarbacillus), lactobacilli. -120 mg. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Asahi Perfect ASTA Collagen Drink 50ml Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

21.78 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > Asahi Perfect ASTA Collagen Drink 50ml Beautiful Skin Contains 5,000 mg of collagen, providing a good supply of collagen in a single bottle. ---Dosage and Administration ---Directions for Use] Please drink one bottle per day, chilled well. Energy: 25kcal, Protein: 3.4g, Fat: 0g, Carbohydrate: 4.4g, Salt equivalent: 0-0.04g, Vitamin C: 60mg, Astaxanthin: 4mg, Caffeine: 0mg, Collagen 2500mg

Cosmetara Charm Co. Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp

51.99 EUR
Introducing Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp - the perfect companion for a restful and peaceful night's sleep. In today's fast-paced and stressful world, a good night's rest is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. This innovative supplement is specially formulated to help relax the mind and body, promoting a deep and rejuvenating sleep. Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp combines a unique blend of natural ingredients, carefully selected for their calming and soothing properties. These ingredients include valerian root, passionflower, chamomile, and melatonin - known for their relaxation and sleep-enhancing benefits. By using this product, you can ensure a smoother transition into sleep, helping you to wake up feeling refreshed and energized the next morning. One of the key advantages of Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp is its non-habit-forming formula. Unlike other sleep aids that may lead to dependency or drowsiness, this product offers a safe and effective solution without any unwanted side effects. It is suitable for individuals of all age groups, ensuring a peaceful night for the whole family. This high-quality supplement is manufactured in compliance with strict quality standards, guaranteeing its potency and purity. Each bottle of Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp contains 60 easy-to-swallow tablets that can be taken before bedtime. With its convenient packaging, you can easily incorporate this supplement into your nightly routine, helping you sleep soundly and wake up feeling recharged. Invest in your well-being today with Eladiet Buenas Noches 60 Comp - your ticket to a good night's sleep. Say goodbye to restless nights and welcome a calm and peaceful slumber that leaves you feeling revitalized and ready to take on the day ahead. Experience the difference this natural sleep aid can make in your life!

Meiji Zavas Four Woman Shape & Beauty Chocolate Flavor 231g ZABAS Protein ZABAS 1 set

49.41 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Protein > ZABAS > Meiji Zavas Four Woman Shape & Beauty Chocolate Flavor 231g ZABAS Protein The formula contains soy protein to help build a toned body and fish collagen 1500mg which is good for beauty, so you can aim for a healthy and beautiful body / Six kinds of B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E to support the body of women who exercise, --- Directions for use and dosage --- [How to drink] Ice> ** Shaker: Dissolve 3 spoons (approx. 21g) in 200ml of water or cold milk. ---Ingredients]Nonfat soy protein (manufactured in Japan), dextrin, fish collagen peptide, cocoa powder, salt, Ca carbonate, Mg carbonate, thickener (pullulan), sweetener (aspartame L-phenylalanine compound, sucralose, acesulfame K), V.C, emulsifier

Cosmetara Charm Co. 100%natura 100 Natura 100 Natura 100 Natura Ip6 Oro Polvo 414g

163.82 EUR
Introducing the 100% Natural IP6 Oro Polvo, a premium health supplement designed to boost your overall well-being. This carefully crafted formula contains 100% pure and natural ingredients that are suitable for all age groups. Ideal for those seeking a natural approach to maintaining good health, this supplement is derived from select organic sources, ensuring its high quality. Each serving contains 414g of this potent powder, making it an excellent addition to your daily routine. One of the main ingredients in this product is IP6, a powerful compound that provides a wide range of benefits. IP6 is known for its antioxidant properties, which help to protect and detoxify the body from harmful free radicals. Furthermore, it supports a healthy immune system, aids in cellular health, and promotes optimal metabolism. The 100% Natural IP6 Oro Polvo is carefully processed to retain its natural composition and effectiveness. It is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and fillers, making it a safe and reliable choice for everyone. Whether you are an active individual, a health-conscious parent, or someone looking to support their immune system, this product is perfect for you. Simply incorporate one scoop of the powder into your favorite beverage or meal, and you're good to go. Invest in your well-being with the 100%natura 100 Natura 100 Natura 100 Natura IP6 Oro Polvo 414g. Experience the natural power of IP6 and unlock your body's true potential.

Kobayashi Equol 30 Day Tablet 1 pack

56.15 EUR
Condition: New Package and volume may change due to product renewal or other reasons. Please understand. Equol is a remarkable ingredient that supports women's health. In addition, hesperidin and theanine are contained in good balance. Recommended for aging women. Starch (manufactured in Japan), barley lactic acid fermentation extract containing GABA, soybean germ extract fermentation product/crystal cellulose, enzyme-treated hesperidin, theanine, hydroxypropyl cellulose, cyclodextrin, calcium stearate, silicon micronized oxide Directions: Take one tablet per day with water or hot water. 1#3030 /3008R6

Berberine Glucose Support, Now Foods 90gelcaps (72128066)

60.46 EUR
Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods will strengthen the body and give good health to everyone! Every second a person uses a huge amount of useful substances to ensure normal life activity.. It is very important to replenish them in a timely manner and add them to the diet in the form of special products.. These include Berberine Glucose Support from the American manufacturer Now Foods. (Nau Foods). It contains berberine HCL and MCT oil.. This combination normalizes metabolism, ensures normal functioning of the digestive system, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These components speed up metabolism, help to normalize your weight, remove toxic substances and waste from the body.. Thanks to them, the level of low-density lipoproteins decreases, blood circulation improves, and the elasticity of the vessel walls increases.. It is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.. With their help, you can normalize blood sugar levels, and this protects a person from developing diabetes. A product based on them reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, relieves the burden on the body that occurs with obesity, and also provides support for blood vessels.. With its help, the work of the brain improves, memory becomes much better, and incoming information is perceived more efficiently.. A person gains energy, strength for new achievements, and their vitality increases. The substances included in the composition are effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease. They have antioxidant properties and prevent free radicals from destroying cells.. Moreover, they have an oncoprotective effect, preventing the development of cancer.. These components normalize hormonal levels and have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods has choleretic and antispasmodic properties. It normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents plaque formation in the veins.. With its help, the composition of bile becomes biochemically balanced, the tone of the muscle tissue of the gallbladder decreases.. This product is recommended to everyone, because it can be called universal in its action.. With its help, you can lose weight, reduce body size, ensure the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, get energized and protect yourself from diabetes! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Calories 5 Total fat 0.5 g - saturated fat 0.5 g Berberine HCl (from the bark of Berberis aristata) 400 mg MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) 700 mg - capric acid (C10) (from MCT oil) 238 mg Other Ingredients: soft gelatin capsule (bovine gelatin, glycerin, water, caramel coloring), beeswax and sunflower lecithin. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients.. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these...

Meiji Zavas Four Woman Shape & Beauty Chocolate Flavor 900g ZABAS Protein ZABAS 1 set

115.55 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Protein > ZABAS > Meiji Zavas Four Woman Shape & Beauty Chocolate Flavor 900g ZABAS Protein The product contains Soy Protein to support a toned body and Fish Collagen 1500mg which is good for beauty, so you can aim for a healthy and beautiful body / Six kinds of B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E to support the body of women who exercise, --- Directions for use and dosage --- [How to drink] Ice> ** Shaker: Dissolve 3 spoons (approx. 21g) in 200ml of water or cold milk.

Haya Labs All Natural Spirulina 500mg - 100 Tabs

32.59 EUR
A high-quality product that is 100% natural spirulina and will help you maintain good health. By taking spirulina daily in addition to your main diet, you will protect yourself from many viruses and diseases. Benefits of Haya Labs 100% All Natural Spirulina: • Helps support the immune system • Powerful antioxidant • Rich in proteins • Help balance cholesterol levels • Rich in vitamin A and iron Recommendations for use: take 6 tablets per day, after meals. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Complex of vitamins after 50 years, Gold-Vit for Senior, Olimp Nutrition (36283134) 30tab

27.69 EUR
Gold-Vit for Senior from Olimp Nutrition to improve the health of people 50+! People over fifty should take good care of their health. They are still as cheerful and full of energy, but the body requires special attention to continue to function correctly.. Gold-Vit for Senior from the Polish brand Olimp Nutrition is ideal for this.. It contains vitamins, minerals, lutein, plant sterols and Korean ginseng extract.. These components help you stay in good shape every day. With their help, people aged 50+ get a boost of energy and can do much more than they planned. The product based on them has enormous antioxidant properties, protects cells from the destructive effects of free radicals, slows down their premature aging and helps prolong youth.. It speeds up metabolism, normalizes metabolism, which often fails with age.. With its help, biological processes are regulated, the condition of the skin, which is the first to show age, is improved.. The skin becomes more elastic and moisturized. This complex helps women to survive menopause without severe symptoms, and in men it improves the functioning of the prostate gland. This is an excellent method to normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system and maintain sexual life.. Thanks to it, bone tissue is strengthened. Bones and teeth, which become fragile over the years, become stronger. This allows you to avoid fractures and frequent visits to the dentist. The active components included in the composition improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. With their help, the elasticity of the vessel walls increases, the heart muscle is strengthened, and blood microcirculation improves.. They have a beneficial effect on brain function and are important for good cognitive abilities.. With their help, memory and perception of information are improved.. This is an excellent prevention of stroke, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, myocardial infarction, venous thrombosis, angina pectoris, and high blood pressure. Gold-Vit for Senior from Olimp Nutrition quickly increases immunity, which is very important in the realities of today's life, especially for people 50+. It is the defense system that wages a relentless fight against viral infections, fungi, and bacteria.. They try to attack the body every second.. High immunity is the key to human health. This complex helps to keep it at a high level, ensures strong physical and psycho-emotional health, as well as a beautiful appearance even after fifty! Composition: Ingredients Per Serving - 1 Tablet: Vitamin A (RE) 800 mcg Vitamin D 10 mcg Vitamin E (α-TE) 18 mg Vitamin C (with PureWay-C®) 100 mg Vitamin B1 1.1 mg Vitamin B2 1.4 mg Niacin (NE) 16 mg Vitamin B6 2.8 mg Folic acid 200 mcg Vitamin B12 5 mcg Biotin 50 mcg Pantothenic acid 6 mg Korean ginseng extract (Korean Panax ginseng) 50 mg Plant sterols 75 mg Lutein (from Tagetes erecta L.) 3 mg Calcium 120 mg Magnesium 75 mg ...

Otsuka Nature Made Super Multi Vitamins & Minerals 120 Day Tablet 1 bottle

69.29 EUR
Condition: New Package and volume may differ due to product renewal, etc., but product contents are the same. 12 vitamins and 7 minerals are concentrated in a single capsule. This is a base supplement to be taken daily as a basis for building good health. Selenium yeast, chromium yeast, coral calcium, cellulose, Mg oxide, V.C, zinc gluconate, sucrose fatty acid ester, niacinamide, iron sulfate, V.E acetate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Ca pantothenate, copper gluconate, V.B6, V.B1, V.B2, beta-carotene ( V.A, folic acid, biotin, V.D, V.B12, β-carotene (including gelatin), V.A, folic acid, biotin, V.D, V.B12. Take one tablet per day with water or hot water before meals. 1#3600/0109R6

iL-Baby Stuff 20pcs Scouring Pad Reusable Household Pump-type Lazy Absorbent Cloth Thickened Kitchen Dishwashing Cloth Microfiber vert

12.89 EUR
Material: microfiber Usage: rag Manufacturing country: China Shelf life: two years Does it contain instructions: Yes Material safety: Choose non-toxic, odorless, and environmentally friendly materials to avoid harm to human health and the environment. Good water absorption: It can quickly absorb water and detergent to improve cleaning efficiency. Moderate friction: It can effectively remove stains without scratching the surface of tableware. Strong durability: not easy to be damaged or deformed, and has a long service life. feature: The fabric is made of microfiber, which has better water absorption and is less likely to leave residue when wiped. It is widely used in various scenarios. Soft and comfortable to touch, large wiping area, and more durable. The fabric is high-density and delicate and does not easily leave water marks when wiped.

SKIN1004 - Duo Double Nettoyage à la Centella de Madagascar - 1...

20.99 EUR
SKIN1004 - Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil - 200mlSKIN1004 - Madagascar Centella Ampoule Foam - 125mlMake-up, dirt, dust and oils; our skin is exposed to so much debris throughout the day that an effective cleansing routine is absolutely vital to maintaining good skin health. So what better than having not one cleanser in your line-up, but two!Centella Light Cleansing Oil (200ml) to gently melt away make-up and other impurities. Once the unwanted particles have been washed away follow up with the Centella Ampoule Foam Cleanser (125ml) to cleanse deep within the pores and rejuvenate skin.