Royal Canin Pâtée Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie Chat 12x85g - Veterinary Health Nutrition

17 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets - Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie - 12 Sachets Fraicheurs 85gr URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE est un aliment diététique complet pour chats formulé pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à des propriétés permettant une sous saturation des urines et un faible taux de magnesium. Il est ainsi recommandé pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire. Grâce à un apport réduit en calories, il est particulièrement recommandé aux chats ayant tendance à l'embonpoint (stérilisé, embonpoint, faible activité). Les avantages Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie URINE DILUTION Diluer l'urine permet de réduire simultanément les concentrations urinaires de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. De plus, accroître le volume urinaire permet un rinçage régulier de la vessie. STRUVITE DISSOLUTION Permet de dissoudre efficacement les calculs de struvite. LOW RSS Une urine sous-saturée est une urine dans laquelle les cristaux ne peuvent pas accroître. Ainsi le milieu urinaire est défavorable au développement des cristaux de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. MODERATE CALORIE Un apport réduit en calories pour contribuer à maintenir un poids idéal. Informations importantes concernant les produits thérapeutiques : En achetant ce produit, vous reconnaissez que votre animal a été examiné par un vétérinaire qui vous l'a recommandé et qu'une ordonnance a été délivré. Dans le cas où vous utilisez ce produit, il est recommandé de consulter votre vétérinaire au moins une fois tous les 6 mois pour une visite de contrôle. En cas de problème lié à l'utilisation de ce produit, demandez conseil à votre vétérinaire. En ajoutant ce produit à votre panier, vous confirmez que vous avez lu et compris les renseignements ci-dessus Composition protéines de volaille déshydratées, riz, gluten de blé*, farine de maïs, fibres végétales, gluten de maïs, sels minéraux, graisses animales, hydrolysat de protéines animales, huile de poisson, huile de soja, fructo-oligo-saccharides, poudre d'¿ufs, hydrolysat de crustacé (source de glucosamine), extrait de rose d'inde (source de lutéine). Additifs nutritionnels: Additifs nutritionnels : Vitamine A : 22300 UI, Vitamine D3 : 500 UI, E1 (Fer) : 41 mg, E2 (Iode) : 3,2 mg, E4 (Cuivre) : 6 mg, E5 (Manganèse) : 54 mg, E6 (Zinc) : 177 mg, E8 (Sélénium) : 0,07 mg - Conservateurs - Antioxygènes CONSTITUANTS ANALYTIQUES : Protéine : 34 % - Matières grasses brutes : 11 % - Cendres brutes : 9,1 % - Cellulose brute : 7 % - Calcium : 1 % - Phosphore : 0,95 % - Sodium : 1,1 % - Chlorures : 1,89 % - Potassium : 1 % - Magnésium : 0,05 % - Soufre : 0,5 % - Taurine totale : 0,21 % - Substances acidifiant l'urine : Su...

Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Chat Sac 400 G - Veterinary Health Nutrition

11.71 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal FélineRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes diététiques spécialement conçue pour chats présentant des troubles digestifs.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Excellente nourriture qui offre un taux énergétique élevé, riche en matières grasses et bonne sapidité, spécialement recommandée pour le régime alimentaire des chats souffrant de problèmes digestifs afin de leur favoriser une récupération rapide ou bien en état de convalescence. Vise également à réduire les troubles aiguës d'absorption intestinale.Disponible en sacs de 0.4 kg, 2 kg et 4 kg. Également disponible en sachets de 100 g.Caractéristiques principales: Très énergétique : répond parfaitement aux besoins en énergie (entretien, convalescence) et permet de réduire la ration alimentaire, évitant ainsi les digestions trop lourdes. Très bonne sapidité : pour assurer une consommation spontanée et un suivi du traitement. Entretien du tractus digestif : les ac...

Roderick Floud The Changing Body: Health, Nutrition, And Human Development In The Western World Since 1700 ( Approaches To Economic And Social History)

14.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Cambridge University Press, Publisher : Cambridge University Press, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 458, publicationDate : 2011-03-31, authors : Roderick Floud, languages : english, ISBN : 0521705614

Isolat de protéine, Pure Whey Isolate 95, Olimp Nutrition (29283003) 600g Strawberry

67.39 EUR
Olimp Nutrition Pure Whey Isolate 95 – une source complète de protéines de haute qualité pour les athlètes Olimp Nutrition propose à tous les amateurs de sports de fer, les amateurs actifs de fitness et de disciplines de force un complément alimentaire incroyablement efficace - Pure Whey Isolate 95. Ce produit protéiné hautement concentré vous aidera à augmenter rapidement votre masse musculaire maigre, à accélérer la récupération après l'entraînement et à améliorer votre force physique et votre endurance. Olimp Nutrition Pure Whey Isolate 95 ravira tous les athlètes avec un profil impressionnant d'acides aminés qui comprend la leucine, l'isoleucine et la valine, connues sous le nom de BCAA, ainsi que l'acide glutamique, l'arginine et de nombreux autres acides aminés.. De plus, le produit est enrichi de vitamines C, D, E, B1, B2, B12 et d'autres microéléments essentiels nécessaires au métabolisme normal des protéines et au maintien d'un niveau élevé de santé physique pour l'athlète. Parmi les principaux effets positifs de la prise de Pure Whey Isolate 95 d'Olimp Nutrition, il convient de souligner: • stimule la synthèse des protéines musculaires; • accélère la croissance de la masse musculaire maigre; • favorise une récupération musculaire efficace lors d'une activité physique intense; • protège les muscles du catabolisme pendant et après l'entraînement; • maintient un potentiel énergétique élevé dans des conditions de déficit calorique; • aide à augmenter la rigidité, la densité et le soulagement des muscles; • maintient l'état anabolique des muscles; • renforce le système immunitaire; • augmente la force et les performances. La valeur de la protéine de lactosérum réside dans sa biodisponibilité la plus élevée. C'est pourquoi ce type de protéine est à juste titre considéré comme le meilleur pour augmenter la masse musculaire. Cependant, en outre, l'isolat de protéine de lactosérum peut être utilisé avec succès par les athlètes qui se préparent à des compétitions et adhèrent à un régime strict, car il protège parfaitement les muscles de la destruction qui se produit en cas de manque de calories et d'entraînements réguliers et épuisants. Construisez le corps parfait de vos rêves avec Olimp Nutrition Pure Whey Isolate 95 ! Composition: Composition par portion - 30 g: Calories 440,1 kJ / 105,3 kcal Protéines 25,8 g Glucides 0,3 g - dont sucres 0,3 g Graisse 0,1 g - dont saturé 0,1 g Fibres alimentaires 0 g Sodium <0,1 g Acides aminés totaux pour 30 g: Acide L-glutamique 4496 mg L-leucine 2 783 mg Acide L-aspartique 2 705 mg L-lysine 2 966 mg L-proline 1405 mg L-valine 1431 mg L-isoleucine 1 587 mg L-thréonine 1639 mg L-alanine 1327 mg L-sérine 1119 mg L-phénylalanine 780 mg L-tyrosine 754 mg L-arginine 598 mg L-glycine 442 mg L-méthionine 572 mg L-histidine 442 mg L-cystéine 650 mg L-tryptophane 312 mg Ingrédients: isolat de protéine de...

Poudre de malate de citrulline, Malate de citrulline, Olimp Nutrition (27283021) 200g Lemonade

41.49 EUR
Pompe musculaire exceptionnelle, performances et endurance accrues pendant l'entraînement Peut-être que tous les amateurs de sports de fer et de musculation rêvent d'une puissante sensation de pompage musculaire tout en effectuant des exercices.. Et les athlètes sont bien aidés en cela par ces donneurs d'oxyde nitrique populaires, dont la citrulline.. En plus de l'effet de pompage prononcé, cette substance a également un effet bénéfique sur le fonctionnement du système cardiovasculaire et améliore l'apport de substances utiles aux tissus musculaires. La célèbre marque européenne de nutrition sportive, la société Olymp Nutrition présente sur le marché le Citrulline Malate. Ce produit est une source de citrulline de haute qualité sous forme de malate.. Elle se distingue de la forme L traditionnelle par l'ajout d'acide malique, qui stimule une production d'énergie plus active dans le corps, réduit la fatigue et accélère la récupération.. Ainsi, parmi les ingrédients clés du complément alimentaire présenté, il convient de souligner: • malate de citrulline – augmente la concentration d'oxyde nitrique dans le sang, dilate les vaisseaux sanguins, améliore le transport de l'oxygène et des nutriments essentiels vers les tissus musculaires, accélère l'élimination des produits cataboliques des muscles, tels que l'acide lactique et l'ammoniac. Il augmente également l’endurance, les performances, les performances physiques et favorise une récupération plus rapide et plus efficace après l’entraînement. Et bien sûr, cela donne une pompe puissante, augmentant le volume des groupes musculaires cibles pendant les exercices.; • vitamine B6 – accélère le métabolisme, améliore le métabolisme des graisses, des protéines, des glucides et des acides aminés, stimule la production d'énergie dans le corps, a un effet bénéfique sur le fonctionnement des systèmes cardiovasculaire et nerveux, améliore les processus de récupération et maintient l'état anabolique de le corps. Le complexe présenté est absolument universel. Il ne contient que des ingrédients éprouvés et véritablement efficaces. Le produit est idéal pour une utilisation par les athlètes professionnels et amateurs, quel que soit leur âge, leur sexe ou leur niveau d'entraînement. Si vous souhaitez augmenter de manière significative les performances d'entraînement et l'endurance physique, augmenter l'efficacité de vos entraînements en salle de sport, obtenir un pompage impressionnant et augmenter le volume musculaire, alors la meilleure solution serait de compléter votre alimentation avec du malate de citrulline d'Olimp Nutrition ! Composition: Composition par portion - 9 g: Malate de citrulline 8,1 g - dont L-citrulline 4,6 g Vitamine B6 2,46mg Comment utiliser: Prendre 30 minutes avant l'entraînement ou pendant le processus d'entraînement. Mises en garde: Ne pas utiliser si vous êtes allergique à l'un des composés. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière...

G.J. Ebrahim Mtchm;Nutrition/child Health Pr

2.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Macmillan Education, Publisher : Macmillan Education, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 209, publicationDate : 1983-04-28, releaseDate : 1983-04-28, authors : G.J. Ebrahim, John Grant, ISBN : 0333269667

G.J. Ebrahim Maternal/child Health In Pract

2.09 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Macmillan Education, Publisher : Macmillan Education, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 1988-11-24, releaseDate : 1988-11-24, authors : G.J. Ebrahim, ISBN : 0333472187

G.J. Ebrahim Care Of The born In Developing Countries (Macmillan Tropical Community Health Manuals)

2.07 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New, Label : Palgrave, Publisher : Palgrave, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 1978-12-01, releaseDate : 1978-12-01, authors : G.J. Ebrahim, ISBN : 0333253620

Fish Oil, Omega 3, Gold Omega 3, Olimp Nutrition (67283003) 60softgels

32.69 EUR
Olimp Nutrition Gold Omega 3 – health of the brain, nervous and circulatory systems Healthy omega-3 fats are an extremely important product that should be present in the diet of a modern person who wants to maintain a high level of health throughout the body.. Research shows that regular intake of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids improves the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, the brain, and other organs. That is why, taking care of its fans, the Olimp Nutrition company presents the Gold Omega 3 complex, containing the optimal dosage of these substances, on the modern market of health products. This product is universal and is designed for use by athletes, active people, and people not at all associated with sports, but who seriously care about their own health.. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, the complex includes vitamin E, which increases its effectiveness and provides powerful antioxidant protection.. Among the positive effects of taking Olimp Nutrition Gold Omega 3 it is worth highlighting: • increases the overall energy potential; • maintains good mood, motivation, high vitality; • protects the cardiovascular system; • improves brain activity, enhancing concentration and memory; • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and vision organs; • participates in the production of hormones, including anabolic; • Helps maintain a healthy body fat percentage; • improves the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles; • has a general strengthening effect. It is also worth mentioning the increased concentration of nutrients in the complex, because the share of fatty acids in Gold Omega 3 from Olimp Nutrition is a record 65%. In addition, this product is characterized by the highest bioavailability, as it is created in the form of easily digestible softgel capsules. Take care of the health of your brain, heart, blood vessels, and nervous system and strengthen your body with the help of a super-effective complex based on high-quality cold-water fish oil Olimp Nutrition Gold Omega 3! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Fat (fish fat) 1000 mg of which: Eicosapentanoic acid 33% EPA 330 mg Docosahexanoic acid 22% DHA 220 mg 10% other omega-3 acids 100 mg Vitamin E 12 mg How to use: Take 1 capsule 1-2 times a day, preferably with meals. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

HEALTH HELPER Max Cut Diet Fit 3.1 (14 Sticks)

49.99 EUR
Item and Product Name : HEALH HELPER Max Cut Diet Fit 3.1 (14 Sticks) Expiration date and storage method : [Manufacturer] Hanmi Natural Nutrition Ltd. Seonyu Plant / 100, Donyu 2-ro, Paju-eup, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do [Manufacturer] Next Player Co., Ltd. Volume (Weight), Quantity : 10g*14 Sticks Effects : Ingredient: L-Carnitine Tartrate helps to reduce body fat and relieve fatigue from exercise. Fructooligosaccharides may support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and bowel movements. Feature: Watermix formula, turning emerald green when mixed with water, lemonade flavor Disclaimer for Non-Pharmaceutical Products : N Country of Manufacture : South Korea

Müller, Manfred J. Gesundheit Und Ernährung - Public Health Nutrition (Uni-Taschenbücher M)

10.99 EUR
Binding : Broschiert, Edition : 1., Aufl., Label : Utb, Publisher : Utb, medium : Broschiert, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2005-09-01, authors : Müller, Manfred J., Trautwein, Elke A., languages : german, ISBN : 3825226670

Carcache de Blanco, Esperanza J Nutrition: An Approach To Good Health And Disease Management

3.15 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Bentham Science Publishers, Publisher : Bentham Science Publishers, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 363, publicationDate : 2017-11-29, authors : Carcache de Blanco, Esperanza J, Jay Mirtallo, ISBN : 1681081091

The Dalmatian: A Guide To Selection, Care, Nutrition, Upbringing, Training, Health, Breeding, Sports And Play

2.22 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Kingdom Books, Havant, Publisher : Kingdom Books, Havant, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2003-10-31, authors : unbekannt, ISBN : 1852791888

Muth, Natalie Digate, M.D. Sports Nutrition For Health Professionals

8.99 EUR
Brand : F. A. Davis Company, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : F.A. Davis Company, Publisher : F.A. Davis Company, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 395, publicationDate : 2014-11-07, releaseDate : 2014-11-07, authors : Muth, Natalie Digate, M.D., ISBN : 0803629559

John Ivy Performance Zone: Your Nutrition Action Plan For Greater Endurance & Sports Performance (Teen Health Series)

9.55 EUR
Brand : Basic Health Publications, Inc., Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Basic Health Publications, Inc., Publisher : Basic Health Publications, Inc., NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 132, publicationDate : 2004-12-15, releaseDate : 2004-12-15, authors : John Ivy, Robert Portman

Crook, William G. The Yeast Connection Cookbook: A Guide To Good Nutrition And Better Health

8.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Revised, Label : HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 379, publicationDate : 1989-08-01, authors : Crook, William G., Jones, Marjorie Hurt, languages : english, ISBN : 093347816X

BeautyGlam Dr. Emil Nutrition, Multi Collagen Peptides, with Hyaluronic Acid, Unflavored, 633g

132.99 EUR
Product Description: Hyaluronic Acid 20g Collagen Per Serving GO® Fat Olive Oil Supplement for Skin, Hair, Nail and Joint Health Dairy-Free, Non-GMO, Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free Paleo Certified Skin Firming Skin Moisturizing Healthy Bones Healthy Bones and joints. Take with warm or cold drinks. Contains ingredients extracted from bovine bark. Revitalizes the skin from within - Contains 20g of multi-collagen hydrolysate peptide with high bioavailability. Provides optimal benefits including anti-aging, joint health, hair, skin and nail strengthening.Easy to mix - Our formula dissolves easily in hot or cold beverages and contains GoFat® Olive Oil Powder, a keto-friendly healthy fat. It ensures a smooth texture without clumping, making it suitable for coffee and smoothies. Vibrant appearance - Dr. Emil Nutrition Collagen Powder contains 90mg of hyaluronic acid per serving to promote a youthful appearance, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin hydration and elasticity. Clean, high-quality formula - Dr. Emil's Collagen Powder is Paleo and Keto friendly and contains no sugar, gluten, dairy, or GMOs. Product Usage: As a supplement, mix 2 scoops of Multi Collagen + Hyaluronic Acid in 8 oz of water, coffee or beverage of your choice. Mix and enjoy. Ingredients: Contains fish (tilapia) This product is manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) registered facility. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not take if you are pregnant or nursing, children under 18 years of age, or have a medical condition. Consult your healthcare professional before taking this product or any other supplement. Dr. Emil Nutrition, Multi Collagen Peptides, with Hyaluronic Acid, Unflavored, 633g

Sophie Bertrand Forking Wellness: Your No-Nonsense Guide To Health And Nutrition

2.52 EUR
Brand : Meyer + Meyer Fachverlag, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd., Publisher : Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd., medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 2021-01-01, releaseDate : 2021-01-01, authors : Sophie Bertrand, Bari Stricoff, ISBN : 178255209X

Sporter L - Glutamine - 300 g.

24.69 EUR
L-Glutamine Sporter is a high-quality supplement designed specifically to support your body during intense physical activity. Glutamine is one of the most common amino acids in our body and plays a key role in muscle regeneration processes, strengthening the immune system and maintaining overall health. Key features and benefits of L-Glutamine Sporter: Muscle recovery: Glutamine is an essential component of muscle tissue. During intense training, its level in the body decreases, which can lead to fatigue and decreased performance. Using L-Glutamine Sporter helps to restore muscles faster after training, reducing recovery time and increasing overall training effectiveness. Immune system support: Intense physical activity can weaken the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infections and diseases. Glutamine helps maintain and strengthen the immune system, helping the body fight disease and recover from intense training. Improved digestion: Glutamine plays an important role in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It promotes the regeneration of intestinal mucosal cells, which ensures the normal functioning of the digestive system. This is especially important for athletes who often experience digestive problems due to intense training and specific diets. Reduces catabolism: Catabolism is the breakdown of muscle tissue that can occur due to insufficient nutrient intake or excessive exercise. Taking Glutamine helps reduce catabolic processes, preserving muscle mass and promoting its growth. Supports overall health: Glutamine has many other beneficial properties for the body. It promotes detoxification, maintains the health of the nervous system and improves brain function. This makes L-Glutamine Sporter useful not only for athletes, but also for anyone who wants to maintain their health at a high level. Directions for use: dissolve one 5g serving (1 measuring spoon) in 150-200 ml of water. Use 2 times a day. On training days: one serving in the morning after waking up, the second serving immediately after training. On non-training days: one serving in the morning after waking up, the second serving before bed. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the product components. Not intended for use during pregnancy, lactation and by persons under 18 years of age. Before taking the product, consult a doctor. Storage conditions: keep the container tightly closed, in a dry, cool place away from heating elements, avoid direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Expiry date: indicated on the package. The appearance of the package may be changed by the manufacturer without notice. L-Glutamine Sporter is an indispensable supplement for those who strive to achieve high results in sports and maintain their health at an optimal level. With its many beneficial properties, this product will help you recover faster after training, strengthen your immune system and improve your overall physical condition. Choose L-Glutamine Sporter - and...

BeautyGlam EVLution Nutrition, HMB + Vitamin D3, 90 Veggie Capsules

44.69 EUR
Product Description: 1,000 mg of HMB Per ServingSupports Strength and RecoverySupports Lean Muscle MassDietary SupplementNon-GMOOur mission is to be your most trusted nutrition partner to achieve your fitness goals. We're built on a passion for nutrition, health and sport, and committed to constantly evolving our products to ensure they are the most innovative, highest quality and effective nutritional supplements available. Product usage: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules daily, preferably with a meal or as recommended by a physician. Ingredients: Hypromellose (veggie capsule), rice flour, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. This product is made in the USA, has been distributed and manufactured by a (GMP) registered facility and contains ingredients of domestic and international origin. Caution: Not for use by those under the age of 18. Do not use if you are nursing or pregnant. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Store product at room temperature. Do not expose to excessive heat or moisture. EVLution Nutrition, HMB + Vitamin D3, 90 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam EVLution Nutrition, RelaxMode, 45 Veggie Capsules

30.39 EUR
Product Description: Relax + Promote SleepNatural Sleep SupportStress Management BenefitsVegan/Non-GMOSupplementsOur mission is to be your most trusted nutritional partner to achieve your fitness goals. We were founded on a passion for nutrition, health and sports, and we strive to continually develop our products to bring you the most innovative, effective and high-quality nutritional supplements. Directions for Use: As a supplement, take one serving of RelaxMode 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Do not exceed 1 serving per day and take only as directed. Ingredients: Hypromellose (veggie capsule), silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. This product is made in the United States, distributed and manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) registered facility and contains American and imported ingredients. Precautions: Do not take if you have a pre-existing condition, are taking other medications, are under 18 years of age, are considering becoming pregnant, are pregnant, or lactating. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Supplements are no substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Store in a cool, dry place. EVLution Nutrition, RelaxMode, 45 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam EVLution Nutrition, HMB + Vitamin D3, 90 Veggie Capsules

41.99 EUR
Product Description: 1,000 mg of HMB Per ServingSupports Strength and RecoverySupports Lean Muscle MassDietary SupplementNon-GMOOur mission is to be your most trusted nutrition partner to achieve your fitness goals. We're built on a passion for nutrition, health and sport, and committed to constantly evolving our products to ensure they are the most innovative, highest quality and effective nutritional supplements available. Product usage: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules daily, preferably with a meal or as recommended by a physician. Ingredients: Hypromellose (veggie capsule), rice flour, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. This product is made in the USA, has been distributed and manufactured by a (GMP) registered facility and contains ingredients of domestic and international origin. Caution: Not for use by those under the age of 18. Do not use if you are nursing or pregnant. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Store product at room temperature. Do not expose to excessive heat or moisture. EVLution Nutrition, HMB + Vitamin D3, 90 Veggie Capsules

Pump Xplode Powder - Fruit Punch 300g

23.99 EUR
Pump Xplode Powder de Olimp Sport Nutrition est un pre workout sans stimulant comme la caféine. Il contient des acides aminés populaires dans ce type de produit : L-Arginine, L-Citrulline et bêta-alanine. Pump Xplode Powder ne contient pas de créatine.

Bcaa Xplode Powder - Xplosive Cola 500g

30.99 EUR
BCAA Xplode Powder de Olimp Sport Nutrition est une formule de BCAA en poudre.

Dextrex Juice - Apple 1000g

12.9 EUR
Dextrex Juice de Olimp Sport Nutrition est une formule de dextrose en poudre.

R-Weiler Focus - Cranberry 300g

30.99 EUR
R-Weiler Focus de Olimp Sport Nutrition est un pre-workout composé d'acides aminés (bêta-alanine, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, taurine), d'extraits de plantes, de caféine, de créatine et de N-acétyl L-tyrosine.

R-Weiler Focus - Cola 300g

30.99 EUR
R-Weiler Focus de Olimp Sport Nutrition est un pre-workout composé d'acides aminés (bêta-alanine, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, taurine), d'extraits de plantes, de caféine, de créatine et de N-acétyl L-tyrosine.

Meiji Zavas Advanced Whey Protein 100 Cocoa Flavor 280g ZABAS ZABAS 1 set

68.99 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Protein > ZABAS > Meiji Zavas Advanced Whey Protein 100 Cocoa Flavor 280g ZABAS Contains whey protein that is easily absorbed. ---how to---[ - ** , ( ) . Nutrition Facts (per 30g serving)] Energy 105kcal Protein 20g Fat 0.9g Carbohydrate 4.1g Salt equivalent 0.16-0.68g

Nutrist.JP Tominaga Boeki Manuka Honey & Propolis Candy 30g Immunity Propolis 1 set

25.03 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Immunity > Propolis > Tominaga Boeki Manuka Honey & Propolis Candy 30g Immunity Throat lozenges made by Manuka Health, the No.1 Manuka Honey brand. ---how to---[ - . ---Ingredients: Sugar, glucose, honey, propolis/vitamin C, flavoring [Nutrition Facts] per 4.5g capsule (energy - 17kcal protein - 0g fat - 0g carbohydrate - 4g salt equivalent - 0.005g This is a guide only.

Meiji Zavas Junior Protein Cocoa Flavor 15 Servings 210g ZABAS ZABAS 1 set

41.99 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Protein > ZABAS > Meiji Zavas Junior Protein Cocoa Flavor 15 Servings 210g ZABAS This delicious cocoa-flavored protein is an ideal supplement for whey protein and nutrients that sports juniors tend to lack, and can support body building during growth. ---Dosage and Administration ---Directions: Dissolve 2 spoons (about 14g) in 150ml of milk or water. ---Ingredients]Whey protein (manufactured in the U.S.A.), dextrin, cocoa powder, vegetable oils and fats, salt / Ca carbonate, Mg carbonate, emulsifier, VC, flavor, ferric pyrophosphate, sweetener (aspartame L-phenylalanine compound, sucralose,

Meiji Zavas Aqua Protein 100 Lemon Flavor 40 Servings 800g ZABAS ZABAS 1 set

150.45 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Protein > ZABAS > Meiji Zavas Aqua Protein 100 Lemon Flavor 40 Servings 800g ZABAS This lemon-flavored protein is designed to be easy to drink, so it can be drunk like a sports drink. In addition to use during exercise, it can also be drunk as a hydration supplement in various everyday situations to support ideal body building. ---Dosage and Administration ---Directions: Dissolve 3 spoons (approx. 21 g) in 300-500 ml of water and consume.

Meiji Zavas Junior Protein Cocoa Flavor 60 Servings 840g ZABAS ZABAS 1 set

93.68 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Protein > ZABAS > Meiji Zavas Junior Protein Cocoa Flavor 60 Servings 840g ZABAS This delicious cocoa-flavored protein is an ideal supplement for whey protein and nutrients that sports juniors tend to lack, and can support body building during growth. ---Dosage and Administration ---Directions: Dissolve 2 spoons (about 14g) in 150ml of milk or water. ---Ingredients]Whey protein (manufactured in the U.S.A.), dextrin, cocoa powder, vegetable oils and fats, salt / Ca carbonate, Mg carbonate, emulsifier, VC, flavor, ferric pyrophosphate, sweetener (aspartame L-phenylalanine compound, sucralose,

Meiji Zavas Junior Protein Muscat Flavor 50 Servings 700G ZABAS ZABAS 1 set

90.44 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Protein > ZABAS > Meiji Zavas Junior Protein Muscat Flavor 50 Servings 700G ZABAS Ideal supplement for whey protein and nutrients that sports juniors tend to lack, this refreshing muscat flavor protein can support body building during the growth period. ---Dosage and Administration ---Directions: Dissolve 2 spoons (about 14g) in 150-200ml of water and drink.

Haya Labs Glycine powder, Glycine, Haya 200g (27405018) 200g

24.99 EUR
Food supplement for health and sports Glycine from the manufacturer Haya! It replaces the amino acid in the form of a supplement that will help you increase muscle gain and lose weight during exercise. Advantages: - It supports memory and concentration. - Restores the skin's well-being. - Strong antioxidant activity. - High quality formula. Glycine is a nonessential amino acid that is the most abundant of all amino acids, allowing it to be easily incorporated into protein chains, resulting in increased absorption of the usually larger amino acids. This nature of his gives him important fields for stimulating specific processes in the body.. Glycine is also a common peat that is used to lose DHA and PHK. Glycine supports glycogen storage, resulting in increased glucose available for energy production. Composition: Composition per serving - 3.3 g (1/2 scoop): Glycine 3300 mg Other Ingredients: There is not. How to use: Mix one serving (3.3 g) with 150 ml of water and take once a day. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Pump Xplode Powder - Cola 300g

23.99 EUR
Pump Xplode Powder de Olimp Sport Nutrition est un pre workout sans stimulant comme la caféine. Il contient des acides aminés populaires dans ce type de produit : L-Arginine, L-Citrulline et bêta-alanine. Pump Xplode Powder ne contient pas de créatine.

Meiji Verm Athlete Granule Pineapple Flavor 4.7gx10 Powder Amino Acid Powder 1 set

62.69 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Amino Acid > Powder > Meiji Verm Athlete Granule Pineapple Flavor 4.7gx10 Powder Amino Acid Contains 3000 mg of ARF amino acids, the same as the Smart Fit series of functional foods. ---how to---[ - , . Color (V.B2) [Main Nutrition Facts (per 3.3g bag)] Energy 9kcal, Protein 1.8g, Fat 0g, Carbohydrate 1.4g, Salt equivalent 0g (375mg alanine, 375mg arginine, 750mg phenylalanine)