HBM Professional Metal Bend with 7 Jigs From 10 to 25 mm

169.99 EUR
Les tôles ou les barres métalliques doivent être pliées de temps en temps. L'industrie professionnelle de la métallurgie dispose de machines très spéciales pour cela. Cela implique souvent des dimensions importantes. Mais si vous êtes un amateur, cela ne vous sera pas d'une grande utilité. Le modélisme est un passe-temps très populaire et, là aussi, le métal doit être plié régulièrement. Heureusement, vous pouvez compter sur la cintreuse de métaux professionnelle de HBM avec 7 matrices de 10 à 25 mm.

CINEBOOK Yakari Tome 21 : Fury from the Skies

11.5 EUR
Les aventures enchantées et enchanteresses d'un jeune Sioux qui parle le langage des animaux. Le 21ème volume d'une série magique pour les enfants ! C'est l'été sur la prairie, un été étouffant qui met les nerfs de la tribu à rude épreuve. Alors que la famille de Yakari, pressée de retrouver les bisons qu'elle traque, s'est éloignée des autres Sioux, la nature se déchaine soudain contre le camp - une tornade balaie tout sur son passage. Tipis dévastés, provisions éparpillées, tout le monde se met au travail pour rebâtir ... mais il manque plusieurs membres de la tribu, peut-être blessés, ou piégés loin du camp. Yakari part à leur recherche ...

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 39 - the man from washington (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Ulysses S. Grant's second term is ending, and the USA must elect a new president. After the many corruption scandals of the previous administration, the Republican Party has selected an upstanding candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes. However, a rich Texas oil tycoon with his eye on the White House has other ideas, and money can buy many votes... or bullets. Luke is called upon to protect Hayes as he tours the wild, wild West... Correspond au tome français Les nouvelles aventures de Lucky Luke t.3 ; l'homme de Washington

CINEBOOK Scared to death tome 1 - the vampire from the marshes

9.9 EUR
This series showcases the strange adventures of two adolescent friends, Robin and Max. All of the classic fantasy themes are touched on: sorcery, fairies, werewolves, ghosts. a must for fans of suspense and terror. In the first album, while secretly consulting the medical files of his father (a forensic scientist), Robin discovers the photo of a man whose body is pierced by hundreds of holes. Persuaded that this death is the work of a vampire, Robin and his friend Max go after the suspected murderer.

PANINI From the red fog tome 2

8.29 EUR
Ruwanda vient d'intégrer le Syndicat du crime. Sa rencontre avec May, un autre membre de l'organisation, le déconcerte au plus haut point. Il n'arrive pas à comprendre la relation fusionnelle qui la lie avec son fils Kevin. Un amour maternel qu'il n'a jamais connu... Mosae Nohara, le dessinateur du manga BEM, exprime tout son talent pour le genre horrifique dans From the Red Fog, un manga aussi angoissant que captivant. Il nous transporte dans l'Angleterre du XIXe siècle via le jeune Ruwanda. Le mangaka met en scène une relation toxique entre une mère et son fils. Tiraillé entre l'amour et la haine, ce garçon se transforme peu à peu en une figure inquiétante, et même terrifiante. Ignorant tout du monde qui l'entoure, cet enfant, n'ayant connu que l'enfermement, commet des actes atroces quand il arrive dans le monde des vivants. Sans doute parce qu'il ne connaît que la mort, la noirceur et la solitude.

PANINI From 5 to 9 tome 2

8.29 EUR
« Je m'appelle Momoe Yamabuchi, j'ai vingt-huit ans et je suis professeure d'anglais à temps partiel. Au travail, j'ai la réputation d'être une beauté glaciale. En fait, c'est juste que je ne sais pas quoi dire ! Et s'il semble que je ne m'intéresse pas aux histoires d'amour, c'est parce que je n'ai jamais eu de petit ami !! Je suis une fan de manga BL, et pourtant, voilà que je me retrouve à sortir avec un coureur de jupons ! ».

PANINI From the red fog tome 5

8.29 EUR
Quand Miranda a disparu sans qu'il ne puisse lui faire ses adieux, Ruwanda a perdu l'unique personne qu'il aimait en ce monde. L'assassin qui sommeillait en lui s'est alors éteint en même temps que sa mère, ne laissant qu'une coquille vide, menant dès lors une vie dénuée de sens.Des années plus tard, une série de meurtres secoue Londres. En apprenant la nouvelle, Ruwanda sent quelque chose se réveiller en lui...Mosae Nohara, le dessinateur du manga BEM, exprime tout son talent pour le genre horrifique dans From the Red Fog, un manga aussi angoissant que captivant. Il nous transporte dans l'Angleterre du XIXe siècle au travers du jeune Ruwanda. Le mangaka met en scène une relation toxique entre une mère et son fils. Tiraillé entre l'amour et la haine, ce garçon se transforme peu à peu en une figure inquiétante, et même terrifiante. Ignorant tout du monde qui l'entoure, cet enfant, n'ayant connu que l'enfermement, commet des actes atroces quand il arrive dans le monde des vivants. Sans doute parce qu'il ne connaît que la mort, la noirceur et la solitude.

PANINI From the red fog - coffret intégrale

41.45 EUR
Dans l'Angleterre du XIXe siècle - déchirée entre ordre et chaos, entre richesse et misère - vit un jeune garçon nommé Ruwanda. Fils d'une terrible tueuse, il passe son existence enfermé dans le sous-sol de sa demeure. Le jour où il parvient à se libérer, il découvre le monde, les mains couvertes de sang. Quel sort le destin réservera-t-il à cet orphelin qui ne connaît que la mort et la souffrance ?Ce coffret est le cadeau idéal pour tous les passionnés de manga : non seulement il permet de découvrir une nouvelle série, mais en plus pas besoin d'attendre pour avoir la suite ! Les heureux élus dévoreront les cinq tomes de ce manga sombre et horrifique qui nous transporte au coeur de l'Angleterre de Jack L'Eventreur !Mosae Nohara, le dessinateur du manga BEM, exprime tout son talent pour le genre horrifique dans From the Red Fog, un manga aussi angoissant que captivant. Il nous transporte dans l'Angleterre du XIXe siècle au travers du jeune Ruwanda. Le mangaka met en scène une relation toxique entre une mère et son fils. Tiraillé entre l'amour et la haine, ce garçon se transforme peu à peu en une figure inquiétante, et même terrifiante. Ignorant tout du monde qui l'entoure, cet enfant, n'ayant connu que l'enfermement, commet des actes atroces quand il arrive dans le monde des vivants. Sans doute parce qu'il ne connaît que la mort, la noirceur et la solitude.

PANINI From the red fog tome 1

8.29 EUR
Angleterre, XIXe siècle. Ruwanda est un jeune garçon né dans un monde déchiré entre l'ordre et le chaos, la richesse et la misère. Libéré de l'emprise de sa mère, il sort des ténèbres, les mains couvertes du sang de nombreux innocents.Quel avenir la vie réserve-t-elle à un orphelin qui ne connaît que la mort et la souffrance ? La solitude et la noirceur ? Mosae Nohara, le dessinateur du manga BEM, exprime tout son talent pour le genre horrifique dans From the Red Fog, un manga aussi angoissant que captivant.Il nous transporte dans l'Angleterre du XIXe siècle au travers du jeune Ruwanda. Le mangaka met en scène une relation toxique entre une mère et son fils. Tiraillé entre l'amour et la haine, ce garçon se transforme peu à peu en une figure inquiétante, et même terrifiante. Ignorant tout du monde qui l'entoure, cet enfant, n'ayant connu que l'enfermement, commet des actes atroces quand il arrive dans le monde des vivants. Sans doute parce qu'il ne connaît que la mort, la noirceur et la solitude.

PANINI From 5 to 9 tome 1

8.29 EUR
« Je m'appelle Junko et je suis professeure d'anglais. Depuis toute petite, c'est une langue que j'adore. J'ai d'ailleurs toujours rêvé de vivre comme dans les feuilletons américains. Mais voilà, le temps passe et je viens d'avoir vingt-sept ans. Tradition japonaise de l'Omiai oblige, je dois me rendre à un rendez-vous en vue d'un mariage arrangé ! Pour couronner le tout, le prétendant en question est un moine bouddhiste psychorigide... Mon avenir s'annonce bien éloigné de ce que j'espérais... ».Miki Aihara est un nom bien connu de tous les amateurs de romance et de tranche de vie. Elle a débuté sa carrière en 1991, et nous a offert de nombreuses oeuvres dont les sympathiques Hot Gimmick et Honey Hunt, elles aussi dans le catalogue de Panini Manga. Aujourd'hui, c'est avec un grand enthousiasme que nous remettons cette artiste sur le devant de la scène avec l'un de ses titres phares : From 5 to 9. L'histoire est amusante, rythmée par le contraste entre les deux personnages principaux. D'un côté, une demoiselle à l'aise dans sa génération, qui rêve de vivre comme dans les séries américaines, de l'autre un moine particulièrement ancré dans les traditions. Un choc qui nous fait souvent rire mais qui montre aussi la difficulté des relations amoureuses au Japon. Suite à son succès, le manga a aussi eu droit à une adaptation en drama en 2015, et plus récemment à un spin-off qui est toujours en cours de publication.

PANINI From the red fog tome 3

8.29 EUR
Ruwanda est en mission pour le Syndicat des assassins, aux côtés de son compagnon de route Ivan. Ce dernier cache un lourd passé puisqu'il a été trahi par son propre père, rendu à moitié fou par la pauvreté. Et dans ce Syndicat où pourtant seule plane l'odeur de la mort, Ivan espère retrouver la chaleur d'un foyer. De son côté, Ruwanda tente d'assassiner May, seulement parce qu'il ne l'apprécie pas. Cependant, sa main va être retenue par un étrange sentiment qu'il ne comprend pas. Mosae Nohara, le dessinateur de BEM, exprime tout son talent pour le genre horrifique dans From the Red Fog, un manga aussi angoissant que captivant.

PANINI From the red fog tome 4

8.29 EUR
Dans une pièce secrète de l'hôpital, Midwinter dirige de sinistres expérimentations sur des cobayes humains. Horrifié par cette découverte, Ivan tente de quitter les lieux et rencontre alors Macalo qui l'aide à s'enfuir. De son côté, Ruwanda fait une découverte bouleversante en fouillant le bureau de Midwinter. Il s'agit d'une lettre écrite par sa mère Miranda, dans laquelle elle exprime sa volonté de récupérer son fils.Mosae Nohara, le dessinateur de BEM, exprime tout son talent pour le genre horrifique dans From the Red Fog, un manga aussi angoissant que captivant.

CINEBOOK Green manor tome 2 - en anglais - the inconvenience of being dead

15.25 EUR
A cup of tea? A drop of milk? A spoonful of poison? At first sight, nothing would make the very select club called Green Manor stand out from any other English club. Yet behind its thick walls, sunk into its deep chairs, hides the biggest bunch of con artists, bandits and murderers that Queen Victoria's England has ever seen.

CINEBOOK Alone tome 5

9.9 EUR
It's a sad day for the Campton kids: they've just discovered Dodzi's lifeless body at the bottom of a building, shot once in the chest. Convinced that whoever killed him must have come from the red zone - the no man's land marked out by the monkeys' cairns - Leila and Ivan decide to send an expedition there. But none of the children could possibly imagine what expects them inside the zone, no more than what will happen back at the camp.

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 14 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
Captured and then abandoned by Olrik, Mortimer is now lost at sea with no provisions. Fortunately, he can always count on Blake. Once reunited, and with the help of some old friends, the two British gentlemen continue their dangerous mission to stop Von Stahl from resurrecting the Third Reich using the evil power of the 30 pieces of silver. a mission that will take them throughout Greece and into the very Kingdom of Hades!Correspond au tome 19 français: La malédictions des trente deniers t.2

CINEBOOK XIII tome 7 - the night of August third - en anglais

9.9 EUR
XIII and Jones are on the run. Hunted by local authorities, they’re suspected of three murders, including that of The Mongoose’s hired killer. The sheriff of Green Falls, henchman to the town’s biggest landowner, is all too happy to accuse the fugitives: The two men don’t want certain details from the past to surface. XIII is going to have to survive long enough to dig up the truth about what really happened on the night of August 3rd long ago…

CINEBOOK Orbital tome 2 - ruptures - en anglais

11.75 EUR
Caleb (a human) and Mezoke (a Sandjarr) are paired up and trained as special agents to keep the intergalactic peace. This is a controversial and historic alliance given their races’ longstanding enmity, and a lot of people are watching them. Their first mission is to keep war from breaking out between humans and Javlodes on the planet Senestam.Caleb acts as a mediator between the warring factions while dealing with an attack by Stilvulls (highly destructive insects)–and he also has to contend with his feelings for charming doctor Kim Vandersel. Mezoke is on the planet Upssal, trying to appease the Javlodes

CINEBOOK Antares tome 3 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Bad luck, shoddy equipment and hostile fauna have stranded Kim and her companions thousands of miles from the Antares expedition's base camp. Abandoned to their fate by the fanatical leaders who cannot abide Kim's independent streak, wracked by internal

CINEBOOK Alpha tome 2 - wolves'wages (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The fall of the Berlin Wall and the dismantling of the Soviet empire changed the world, engendered new rivalries and started a new kind of Cold War. From Paris to Moscow, from Berlin to The Hague and New York, mafia hotshots, ex-members of the Nomenklatura, powerful financial and industrial organisations, and spies from all sides are involved in a political and economic war - and the stakes are high. Alpha, a CIA agent, has taken it on himself to fight this endemic greed and corruption - even when he has to fight his own bosses.

CINEBOOK Papyrus tome 1 - the rameses'revenge - en anglais

9.9 EUR
A young peasant in ancient Egypt, Papyrus is a mischievous boy, crafty and courageous. Protected by a magic sword, he saves the princess Theti-Cheri, whose protector and confidant he becomes. He will be extremely busy protecting his friend from the plots woven by the priests of Amon or by cheating princes trying to make her disappear... On the way to Abou-Simbel, Theti-Cheri and Papyrus will have to face two bands of plunderers who want to seize a treasure that is guarded by the four colossi of the temple of Ramses.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 15 - the daltons in the blizzard (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The Daltons escape from a Texas jail and head over to Canada. Lucky Luke is called in to get them back to jail. He and Rintincan, his second faithful companion after Jolly Jumper, follow them all the way to Canada, where Captain Winston Pendergast offers his help. Correspond au tome 22 français: Les Dalton dans le blizzard

CINEBOOK Wisher tome 2 - The Faeriehood (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Nigel’s life has been turned upside down. People close to him have died, he’s on the run from a shadowy government organisation that uses fairies to hunt magical creatures, and he is … the last of the genies! Waking up in the sanctuary created by none other than Merlin, he finds himself the last chance of a dying people, their last hope for survival and freedom. Is he ready to shoulder such a heavy burden, though?

CINEBOOK The marquis of Anaon tome 1 - The isle of brac

9.9 EUR
Jean-Baptiste Poulain has been hired by the Baron of Brac to tutor his son. When the young teacher arrives on the island off the coast of Brittany, he's immediately struck by how much the population seems to both hate and fear their lord. Which doesn't stop the locals from going after the aristocrat's people. Jean-Baptiste is brutally attacked - just after Nolwenn, the baron's son, is found beaten to death...

CINEBOOK Spooks tome 3 - el santero

11.75 EUR
Cuba, 1902. Freed from its Spanish masters by US forces four years ago, the island is still occupied by its erstwhile liberators, some of whom aren't all that eager to leave. American businessmen and politicians would like to see Cuba become a full state, while the Cuban people dream only of freedom. When people begin dying... and then come back to life, the SPOOKS are sent to investigate the possible involvement of a Cuban priest and rebel leader-a santero.

CINEBOOK XIII tome 8 - thirteen to one - en anglais

9.9 EUR
XIII survived the trip back to his childhood home. The Mongoose has finally been caught and is in a high-security jail. But there is still one piece of the puzzle missing, and when President Sheridan asks him to discover who the Number I is, the man now known as Jason McLane doesn’t hesitate for long. His best chance: finding Kim Rowland wherever she may be hiding. But the Mongoose has powerful allies and won’t stay locked up forever…

CINEBOOK Amazonia Tome 2

9.9 EUR
Kathy Austin travaille pour les services secrets britanniques de l'après-guerre, et parcours le monde pour enquêter sur des phénomènes inexplicables - car les extra-terrestres sont parmi nous ! Après Kenya et Namibia, le deuxième tome de cette troisième saison.Sur les traces de l'étrange créature qui l'a amenée au Brésil, Kathy Austin est arrivée à la mission isolée où est mort l'homme qui en avait pris une photo. Mais la piste continue vers le coeur de l'Amazonie et le territoire d'Indiens hostiles... Continuer la route sera difficile et dangereux ! D'autant plus qu'elle semble être suivie par un certain nombre d'individus, dont deux allemands à l'air suspect ... et la marine brésilienne !

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 13 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
In Pennsylvania, Olrik escapes a federal prison by helicopter after a bloody attack. With Blake forced to cut short his holidays at the news, a disappointed Mortimer turns his attention to Greece, where an earthquake has uncovered an ancient chapel. Before long, people are trying to kill Mortimer over a mysterious Roman silver coin. Could the long-lost relic be one of the 30 denarii paid to Judas for his betrayal of Jesus? And who exactly covets it so much?Correspond au tome19 français: La malédiction des 30 deniers t.1

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 12 - the rivals of painful gul (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Two rival families live in Painful Gulch: the O'Timmins clan, who have big noses, and the O'Haras, who have big ears. They've been fighting for decades. Lucky Luke is appointed mayor in order to bring peace back to the town. But the men and their thick-headed sense of honour will wreck Lucky Luke's plans for reconciliation. Correspond au tome 19 français: Les rivaux de Painful Gulch

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 31 - versus the pinkertons (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
It’s the start of the 1860s, and the Old West is changing—a change that comes as a shock to the Daltons when they’re arrested not by Lucky Luke, but by… Allan Pinkerton! The man is determined to turn bandit-hunting into a modern, rational business—even at the cost of the American people’s personal freedom. It’ll be up to Lucky Luke to ensure that the USA is protected against all evil-doers, rascals and lawmen alike…

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 4 - the archers - en anglais

15.25 EUR
Jolan has become a robust kid who is interested in everything. The strange signs he draws without knowing their meaning thoroughly intrigue his parents. During one escapade, he makes friends with a boy his age. The child seems to be lost and is terrified of adults. Along with being deaf and mute, he cannot answer questions raised by his mysterious presence.Surprised by a storm, Thorgal has been taken in by an old couple. Without boat or money, he can’t return to his village. Perhaps an archery competition will allow him to buy a new boat. Of all the competitors, the beautiful Kriss de Valnor is without any doubt the most formidable...

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 29 (anglais)

13.25 EUR
Printemps 1963. Dans l'Oural, au coeur de l'Empire soviétique, une mission archéologique découvre sept cercueils. À l'intérieur, des cadavres dont la peau du visage a été arrachée. Au même moment, à Berlin, un homme se fait tirer dessus alors qu'il franchit le Mur coupant la ville en deux. Avant de succomber, il réussit à prononcer un mot étrange : Doppelgänger. A priori, aucun rapport entre ces deux événements. Mais en réalité, il existe bien un lien entre la macabre découverte et le transfuge abattu. Ce lien porte un nom : Julius Kranz, un chirurgien est-allemand spécialiste des manipulations électro-chirurgicales sur le cerveau humain. L'un après l'autre, Mortimer et Blake vont croiser la route de ce scientifique machiavélique. Ils auront la désagréable surprise de retrouver à ses côtés un aventurier sans scrupules, qui prépare la plus grande mystification de l'histoire de l'humanité... Antoine Aubin met son trait éminemment « jacobsien » au service du scénario original de José-Louis Bocquet et Jean-Luc Fromental, qui conjugue la grande aventure, les brouillards de l'espionnage, les dérives de la science et les ressorts cachés de l'Histoire.

CINEBOOK The scorpion tome 4 - the treasure of the tem - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Poursuivi par la police Ottomane, laissé pour mort par Rochnan, le Scorpion est contraint à des alliances déplaisantes afin de poursuivre sa quête. Sur le chemin P de la Terre Sainte, l'aventurier dénoue petit à petit les secrets des Templiers. Mais tandis que les loyautés changent ou se créent, une confrontation se dessine, et ce sera dans l'ombre d'une croix inversée qu'une vérité oubliée refera surface,capable de détruire le pouvoir de Trebaldi

CINEBOOK Yoko Tsuno tome 6 - the morning of the world (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
There is a volcano in Bali, the Agung, called «The Morning of the World» by the locals. And that's where Yoko meets up with her cousin Monya-who couldn't resist the temptation to use her time machine again. Her meddling with the past has caused a sacred dancer to be sentenced to death. To save the young woman and make things right, Yoko will have to travel back to 1350 AD and face the terrifying flying demons of the Agung... Correspond au tome 17 français: Le matin du monde

CINEBOOK XIII tome 9 - for Maria - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Jason McLane is on holidays with Jones at some friends’ in Central America, when a peculiar priest offers him startling news: He may very well be a married man! And because nothing is ever simple in XIII’s life, his apparent wife is none other than the leader of the democratic guerrillas in neighbouring Costa Verde, Maria De Los Santos—currently awaiting execution in a maximum security fortress. Time for the amnesiac to put his skills to good use again— for Maria.

CINEBOOK Mélusine tome 2 - halloween

9.9 EUR
Melusine is a sorcerer's apprentice, funny and dynamic, who does everything possible to become a powerful witch. Unfortunately, she's not always successful, and very often her tricks turn against her and her friends... But tremble, poor mortals, for it's the return of Halloween, the day of witches and the walking dead! This festival of demons must be celebrated with dignity, with great smashing of pumpkins and rotten tricks. The opportunity rises for Melusine and her friends to show what they can do... And then to start a new storm of gags and catastrophes!

CINEBOOK Betelgeuse tome 3 - the other (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The continuing adventures of our Aldebaran heroes In this conclusion to the second cycle, Kim, Inge, Mai Lan and Hector have been camping for weeks in the wilds of Betelgeuse's canyons, waiting for Hector's ankle to heal. As they get ready to head back to the settlement, unaware that Alexa and Mark have finally reached the planet and made contact with the colonists, the mantris sends Kim an invitation! What follows is an extraordinary encounter that will decide the future of Betelgeuse and change the course of Kim's life forever.

CINEBOOK Cedric tome 4 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Being a kid can be confusing. The grown ups parents and especially grandparents get up to the craziest antics. School can be counted on to complicate one's life. And then there are the mysteries of love... Trying to court Chen is a constant struggle for Cedric, who has to contend with shyness, misunderstandings, his own jealousy, poachers... Still. Confusing or not, it's so much simpler when you're nine! At least, that's something his grandad would say...

CINEBOOK Orbital tome 5 - justice en anglais

11.75 EUR
Following the Kuala Lumpur incidents, which almost prevented the Human-Sandjarr reconciliation ceremony from being held, the situation on Earth is increasingly tense. The mood has turned ugly, resulting in attacks against aliens and assassinations of isolationist personalities. Meanwhile, the circles of Confederate powers are afire with political manoeuvring, and Mezoke is on trial for high treason, a convenient scapegoat. But when the judges request that Caleb be brought out of his regenerative coma to testify, the Sandjarr agent's loyalty is put to the test...

CINEBOOK Ir$ tome 3 irs - sicilia, inc. (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Larry B. Max is an unusual specialist from a little-known branch of the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), the all-powerful tax-collecting agency of the United States, which has every technological method at its disposal to investigate possible links between high finance and high crime. Max investigates two seemingly-unconnected murders. The former president of an Asian country, who was accused of embezzlement, is bumped off in France. Meanwhile, the right-hand man of a corrupt US mayor meets a grizzly end in the Californian desert. Max finds a strange message stating «Silicia, 10 am, Ocean Drive» and tries to figure out what it all means. Meanwhile, a mysterious young lady seems to be one step ahead of him and erasing one clue after the other.

CINEBOOK Buck Danny tome 5 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Managua is on the verge of civil war. Arrested by order of President Sanchez, Buck and his friends have managed to convince the pilots of the Managuean Air Force that their nation’s leader is in the pockets of drug cartels. With the assistance of the unit they’d come to train, Buck escaped to request assistance from US authorities. Meanwhile, Sonny and Tumb will have to help their rebel allies fight back loyalist forces – and Lady X’s mercenaries…

CINEBOOK Buck danny tome 3 - ghost squadron

11.75 EUR
Bosnia, 1995. Serb forces are encircling Sarajevo and defying UN peacekeeping troops, even shooting at patrolling US Navy fighters. International politics keep American hands tied. After Tuckson disobeys orders and attacks a Serb position, he is disciplined by being sent to a secret base, where other pilots from the US military-including Buck-are training for a mysterious mission in unmarked planes. But this Ghost Squadron is not the only unofficial fighting force in the area...

CINEBOOK Scared to death tome 2 - malevolence and mandrake

9.9 EUR
It's Halloween and Thomas, Robin's and Max's friend disappears. Then a new girl starts in their class and Max is more than happy to keep her company! But who is she? Where does she come from? Where is Thomas? Surrounded by pumpkins, bats and witches, Emma the newcomer has all the students entranced. Luckily, the ever-watchful Sophie feels something is wrong and investigates.

CINEBOOK Yoko tsuno tome 2 - the time spiral (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Back in Borneo, where she grew up, Yoko Tsuno visits some favorite temple ruins and sees a strange machine materialise nearby. Out climbs a young girl with a startling message: She is from the 39th century and has come on a mission to save humanity from destruction ... Correspond au tome 11 français: La spirale du temps

CINEBOOK Alone tome 4 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The five children, now accompanied by several dissidents from the Clan of the Shark, have returned to Campton, where Ivan found some clues about the night of the Vanishing. One evening, as they are discussing the organisation of their new camp, the Master of Knives comes to ask for their help ... and collapses, gravely injured. Searching the city for what attacked him, the children are stunned to discover huge piles of objects covered in red paint…

CINEBOOK Valerian tome 1 - the city of shifting water

9.9 EUR
Galaxity, capital of the Terran Empire in the 28th century. Valerian and Laureline are agents who protect mankind from rogue time travellers. Now they are sent to New York in 1986 to intercept Galaxity's worst megalomaniac, Xombul-except that in 1986, the world is in ruins and New York is about to be swallowed by the ocean. The two agents must navigate the shifting waters of the past to make sure that the future will exist.

CINEBOOK XIII tome 16 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
XIII and his friends, still in hiding from the NSA, now have the riddle from all three silver watches. and Maximilian's gold is within their reach. But the treasure is well hidden. Not to mention that $15 million is enough to attract a lot of unwanted attention. Meanwhile, in Washington, an increasingly desperate Frank Giordino can feel the noose tightening around his neck-and men are at their most dangerous when desperate. All he needs is someone to bring him the right information...Correspond au tome 17 français: L'or de Maximilien

CINEBOOK Long John Silver tome 1 - lady Vivian Hastin - en anglais

11.75 EUR
Twenty years after the events of Treasure Island, Lady Vivian Hastings knocks on Dr Livesey's door. Her hated husband has sent word from the Amazon: He has found the fabled city of Guiana-Capac, and his brother is to sell the entire domain to pay for an expedition, dispossessing Vivian in the process. So the lady has come to seek the one man who can help her: Long John Silver.

CINEBOOK Yakari tome 10 - the river of forgetfulness (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
While trying to save a bear cub from drowning, Yakari falls into the river and hits his head on a rock. By the time he washes ashore and is found by a distraught bear mother, he has forgotten who he is. The she-bear is convinced that he is her son, turned into a human by the Bear Spirit, and begins to train him for his new life. Can Yakari's friends find him before he disappears into his new world for good?

CINEBOOK XIII tome 22 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Jason has managed to give his captors the slip, but he was forced to leave Betty behind, severely injured. After a short but tense episode dealing with the north-eastern mafia, he's off to the next step in his quest: Leiden, Holland, from where half of the Mayflower expedition left, and where his godfather appears to live. But his enemies haven't given up, and the young local guide he's picked brings her own heap of troubles...

CINEBOOK xiii tome 15 : operation montecristo

9.9 EUR
Arrested by the Costaverdean authorities because of pressure from the US, XIII and his friends are awaiting their extradition. Instead, they're freed by Costaverdean troops in disguise. But they can't afford to stick around, as they're still on the run from the most powerful nation on Earth. Desperate for money, McLane decides to go after Maximilian's gold, as Mullway believes he's found the location of the third silver watch. The problem is that the location is under 150 feet of water... Correspond au tome 16 français: Opération Montecristo

CINEBOOK Iznogoud tome 10 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
In Baghdad the Magnificent, everything is for sale. You can buy goods from all around the world, as well as charms, spells and enchanted items. If you have the gold, you can find anything-even what you need to become Caliph instead of the Caliph. Of course, buying it doesn't mean you know how to use it properly, as the despicable grand vizier Iznogoud finds out again and again... Correspond au tome 10 français: L'acharné

CINEBOOK Yakari tome 13 - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Yakari wakes up one morning to find a series of arrows forming a trail. Following it, he soon finds himself the exasperated victim of pranks, mockeries and other vexing tomfoolery by an unknown bear cub. The young joker’s hideout is a massive burrow, with multiple galleries and entrances. It’s all very innocent and tame, but even the most harmless of pranks can turn dangerous when bad luck strikes...

CINEBOOK SAM tome 1 - After Man

9.9 EUR
In a post-apocalyptic world where killer robots hunt humans, a group of children tries to survive.In the grim future of our world, Earth has been ravaged by sentient machines, the human race all but exterminated. Only scattered groups of children have survived by hiding in tunnels to escape the murderous robots that still scour the surface. One day, a scavenging party for one such group happens upon a massive humanoid robot bearing the letters SAM on its armour. Caught by surprise, young Ian is about to be vaporised … but the machine doesn’t shoot…

CINEBOOK Buck Danny Classics Vol. 8 - The Eagle's Nest

11.5 EUR
De nouveaux albums des aventures aériennes de Buck Danny, mais qui revisitent des moments marquants de l'histoire - deuxième guerre mondiale, Corée, guerre froide ... Huitième tome de cette nouvelle collection.L'opération lancée pour retrouver Tumb et l'extraire des griffes des Nazis cachés en Argentine a viré à la catastrophe, et Sonny est fait prisonnier lui aussi. C'est donc à Buck et Beata, l'agente du Mossad, de continuer les recherches pour localiser tant leurs amis que la base secrète des Nazis. Une mission qui devient de plus en plus urgente, car ces derniers préparent, grâce aux dernières armes secrètes du Troisième Reich, une opération d'envergure ...

CINEBOOK Emilie's Inheritance vol. 2 Maeve

11.5 EUR
Une jeune française sans le sou hérite d'un manoir en Irlande - et y découvre des secrets qui l'emmèneront au-delà de l'espace et du temps. Tome deux sur cinq.Apres une nuit agitée passée dans un camp de bateleurs, Emilie pénètre enfin dans le domaine dont elle a hérité. Là, elle fait bientôt la connaissance des occupants - mi-gardiens des lieux, mi-parasites, et tous extrêmement étranges. Par ses conversations avec les membres de ce groupe bigarré, et ses propres promenades exploratoires, la jeune femme commence à découvrir l'étonnante histoire de son ancêtre Hatcliff et du domaine qui porte son nom - et la magie apparemment bien réelle qui imprègne celui-ci.

CINEBOOK I.R.S tome 5 - Corporate America

9.9 EUR
Dans le passé de Larry Max, il y a le douloureux souvenir d'individus puissants et spécialistes des magouilles de haut vol qui lui ont échappé - et l'ont humilié. Et voila qu'aujourd'hui, leurs noms réapparaissent dans des affaires d'infractions boursières pourtant mineures. Mais quand Larry commence à enquêter, du Texas à l'Azerbaïdjan, ce qu'il découvre n'a rien de mineur : un secret qui pourrait rendre une poignée d'hommes immensément riches - et mettre le monde à feu et à sang.

CINEBOOK Spirou & Fantasio Vol. 21 - The Prisoner of the Buddha - Tome 21

15.9 EUR
Les légendaires aventures des reporters Spirou et Fantasio, de leur écureuil Spip et du Marsupilami de Franquin - 75 ans d'histoire de la bande dessinée ! Le 21ème titre d'une série aussi fondatrice que Tintin traduit en anglais.Spirou et Fantasio, en visite chez le Comte de Champignac, découvrent que celui-ci cache un imposant visiteur : un colosse russe, scientifique de génie, créateur d'un rayon antigravité. Hélas ... Non seulement le KGB est sur les traces de l'inventeur, qui voudrait garder sa découverte secrète de tous les gouvernements du monde, mais son ancien associé, qui en connait presque autant que lui sur le rayon, a été arrêté par les autorités chinoises. Spirou décide de faire évader le prisonnier ...

CINEBOOK Clifton tome 2 - elementary, my dear Clifton

9.9 EUR
Un banal accident de voiture, et Clifton s'évanouit suite à un choc à la tête. Cela peut arriver à tout le monde, mais quand il se réveille il constate que sa passagère, Jade, a disparu ! Quand un mystérieux docteur se présente chez lui le lendemain pour lui raconter une histoire rocambolesque, c'est un Clifton très sceptique qui est entraîné dans une enquête fort inhabituelle. Oh, le nom du docteur ? Watson.

CINEBOOK The fascinating madame tussaud

15.25 EUR
Paris, 1793. Marie Crossholz manages the wax museum set up by her father. In exchange for bribes, some executioners allow her to mould the faces of guillotined aristocrats... After the French Revolution, Marie Crossholz becomes Mrs Tussaud. Disappointed by the marriage, she leaves for London with the ambition to create a wax museum there. New fights and other tumultuous adventures await her... Thirty years later, in 1835, she inaugurates the famous Tussaud Museum of Baker Street in London, which today continues to grow with new celebrities and attracts millions of visitors!

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 40 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
In Bottleneck Gulch, there’s a saloon where the owner is a crook of the worst order. When a second saloon opens, our crook isn’t happy that someone’s selling proper whisky cheaper than his own rotgut. To get rid of the competition, he calls upon an oversized gunman for hire, Phil Wire. But the killer runs afoul of Lucky Luke, who decides to take his place in order to clean up the town—only, not the way his employer expected!

CINEBOOK Western (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
Fort Laramie, 1868. Ambrosius Van Deer est venu rencontrer Jess Chisum, un jeune homme qui prétend avoir trouvé son neveu disparu, Eddie. Dix ans auparavant, Edwin Van Deer a disparu après la mort de sa famille dans un raid Lakota. Preuve de son identité : une montre en argent contenant le portrait de ses parents. Mais le destin a d'autres projets qu'une émouvante réunion de famille, et les événements de cette journée vont provoquer, 15 ans plus tard, une inévitable tragédie...

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 53 - Nitroglycerin

9.9 EUR
Two companies are competing to build the intercontinental railway. When one sends saboteurs to intercept the powder needed to pierce tunnels through the mountains, the other calls upon Lucky Luke to protect a last chance convoy. The problem is, it’s not powder that gets loaded onto the train this time – it’s nitroglycerin! And as if that wasn’t enough, the saboteurs are still around ... and the Daltons are convinced the train is full of gold !

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 7 - Golden Gate - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Simon—Largo’s friend—has been cast as the lead in a new TV series, “Golden Gate.” It’s produced in part by one of Group W’s subsidiaries. When the investigator sent by Dwight Cochrane to examine irregularities in the funding of the series disappears, Largo takes matters into his own hands and heads to the city by the Bay. But what will he find? An innocuous example of bad television? A case of tax evasion? Or… worse?

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 10 - the sun sword - en anglais

9.9 EUR
A wandering Thorgal is captured and enslaved by Orgoff, a cruel man who appointed himself the local lord after defeating the old one. Orgoff wields the dreadful power of the Sun Sword, which the peasants say makes him invulnerable. Thorgal, of course, is not convinced. Escaping, he encounters the last of the rebels against the new order—and an old enemy. Together, they will have to defeat Orgoff and his allies and recover the Sun Sword.

CINEBOOK The bluecoats tome 4 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Blutch et Chesterfield parviennent à s'éloigner du 22ème de cavalerie, et vont passer leur permission à. Fort Bow, leur ancienne garnison en territoire indien. C'est là que vit celle dont Chesterfield est amoureux : Amelia, la fille du Colonel Appleton. Mais à leur arrivée, ils trouvent la demoiselle au bal avec un fringant jeune lieutenant. Quand un garçon de la tribu locale s'y retrouve mêlé par hasard, il ne faut pas longtemps avant que la situation ne tourne au désastre.

CINEBOOK Alone tome 2 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Les enfants se sont organisés, s'adaptant à leur nouvelle existence dans une cité abandonnée. Tandis qu'ils préparent une expédition vers les villes voisines pour se rendre compte de l'étendue du phénomène qui a fait disparaître tout le monde, ils rencontrent et font face aux nombreux problèmes que pose la vie sans adultes. Mais quand un jour une grande silhouette bardée de couteaux leur apparaît, leur rêve de ne plus être seuls tourne au cauchemar.

CINEBOOK Berezina tome 1 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
1812. Apres une attaque foudroyante comme il en a le secret, Napoléon s'est enfoncé au coeur de la Russie avec une Grande Armée colossale. Mais les russes n'entendent pas le laisser faire, et plusieurs batailles ont eu lieu, sanglantes et peu concluantes. On est loin d'Austerlitz. Aussi, quand les français arrivent enfin en vue de Moscou, ils sont épuisés, affamés, diminués, et espèrent bien pouvoir se reposer - voir accepter la reddition du Tsar après la chute de sa capitale...


9.9 EUR
Rin Tin Can, possibly the stupidest dog ever, is left in charge of watching the jail. Obviously, the Daltons escape and steal horses and guns. Lucky Luke refuses to get involved, but when he witnesses the prison guards' incompetence and Rin Tan Can's lack of brains, he has no choice but to set out on the Daltons' trail of holdups and burglaries. Correspond au tome 17 français: Sur la piste des Dalton

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 3 - beyond the shadow - en anglais

15.25 EUR
Taken aback by Aaricia’s disappearance, Thorgal is only a shadow of his former self. Eaten away by remorse, the young Shania accompanies him and protects him, begging his pardon… Approached by two strangers, Worgan and Galathorn, they discover that Aaricia is still alive but held captive in the court of Brek Zarith. Ready to do anything to keep himself in power, the illegitimate master of this kingdom, Sharder, uses and abuses his evil sorcerer powers. Despite all this, Thorgal will try, alone, to penetrate the impregnable fortress of Brek Zarith to save his wife and his son, Jolan.

CINEBOOK Spirou and Fantasio tome 5 - the Marsupilami thieves

12.75 EUR
The Marsupilami, a mysterious animal that Spirou and Fantasio discovered in the jungle of Palombia, now resides in their local zoo. When he seems to drop dead suddenly, the reporters storm into the park demanding explanations. Much to everyone's surprise, though, the body has disappeared-stolen! The two adventurers lose the thief after a night-time chase, but they will not abandon their friend, no matter where their loyalty may take them! Correspond au tome 5 français: Les voleurs du Marsupilami

CINEBOOK Clifton tome 3 - en anglais - seven days to die

9.9 EUR
A supercomputer, recently acquired by the Intelligence Service, is able to choose people to eliminate, supply all the information about the target and it even sends out the killers! But it is only a machine and, through the clumsiness of a tech expert, Colonel Clifton is targeted as the next victim for the killers! Death is at his door and he has to come up with an ingenious plan to save his skin.

CINEBOOK Clifton tome 4 - en anglais - black moon

9.9 EUR
Ordid crime or a settling of scores? The British Secret Service has just learned that North Korean authorities wonder about the murder-with no apparent motive-of a British citizen who was passing through their capital. The news is all the more embarrassing because the victim is none other than Sir Harold Wilberforce Clifton, one of Her Majesty's most famous agents! The colonel had been given a mission to bring back to Great Britain the nephew of a highly placed personality, the young man having been indoctrinated by the followers of a sect named "the Black Moon."

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 15 (en anglais)

15.9 EUR
In a past almost, but not entirely, like ours, the world lives in dread of a new power, an empire centred in Tibet and led by a megalomaniac. When the inevitable attack comes, it destroys all opposition, and capital cities across the planet are left burning. But, in Great Britain, Professor Mortimer, inventor of a mysterious weapon named the Swordfish, and his friend and protector Captain Blake, have escaped the destruction, and must make their way to a secret base...Correspond au tome 1 français: Le secret de l'Espadon t.1

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 11 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
A proposed deal between one of Winch's companies and a Chinese group would require that the young billionaire come sign the contract himself in Hong Kong. But there is a problem: In his youth, Largo tangled with Chinese justice in occupied Tibet. He escaped from prison with the help of a Chinese arms smuggler, whose triad later helped rescue Simon from a Burma prison. But that help came with a price, and the triad will one day call in their favour... Correspond au tome 15 français: Les trois yeux des gardiens du Tao

CINEBOOK Thorgal tome 13 - Ogotai's crown (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Three years ago, Thorgal lost his memory. Kriss of Valnor convinced him that he was her husband Shaigan, a merciless pirate, and they have been terrorising everyone-even the Vikings-ever since. Aaricia and Wolf Cub, exiled when Thorgal was recognised by one of the men from the northern village, have been captured and brought to Shaigan's lair. In the end, it's up to young Jolan to rescue his family with the help of a very special traveller... from the future! Correspond au tome 21 français: La couronne d'Ogotaï

CINEBOOK Insiders tome 2 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Najah Cruz has infiltrated the entourage of Sam Nachez, head of the international organised-crime ring known as the High Council. She's an insider, working directly for the White House. And she's been cut off from her bosses. While corrupt forces in Washington are trying to identify her and kill Project Insiders, Najah goes to Pakistan with Nachez to arrange the sale of French cruise missiles to the Pakistani Air Force. But not everyone in Nachez's inner circle is convinced of her loyalty, and Pakistan is a troubled country in its own right.

CINEBOOK Valerian and Laureline - ambassador of the shadows

9.9 EUR
Point Central is a multicultural space station that serves as a sort of United Nations to the galaxy. Tasked with protecting the new ambassador from Earth, Valerian is kidnapped alongside his charge in a lightning commando attack. It's up to Laureline to do all the heavy lifting and slog through the seedy bowels of the station as she tries to locate and rescue them-and figure out who kidnapped them and why.

CINEBOOK Lucky Luke tome 35 - the singing wire (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
1861. Abraham Lincoln orders that the First Transcontinental Telegraph line, currently interrupted between Nevada and Nebraska, be completed. Two teams, one heading east from Carson City and the other west from Omaha, will meet up in Salt Lake City. Lucky Luke joins the eastbound team. But when a $100,000 reward is offered to the first team to arrive, there's suddenly more to fear than the natural obstacles of the journey: A saboteur seems to be at work! Correspond au tome 46 français: Le fil qui chante

CINEBOOK Valerian tome 9 - Châtelet station, destination Cassiopeia (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
A difficult investigation across space and time. Our two spatio-temporal agents are on a new mission, but this time the duo is split up. While Laureline flies solo from planet to planet, on the trail of arms dealers and forbidden technologies, Valerian is on 20th century Earth, teamed up with the eccentric Mr Albert. And he, too, is hunting down technologies incompatible with the era. What is the link between the two cases, separated as they are by centuries and light-years?

CINEBOOK XIII Mystery Tome 1 - The Mongoose (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
He was XIII's most dogged enemy from the start, but who really was the Mongoose, that mysterious assassin-for-hire who nearly killed the amnesiac hero so many times? During an encounter between him and Kim Rowland - an event that took place just before the start of the XIII series - the merciless hitman tells the story of his childhood and how he became a contract killer. 'Anyone would have in my circumstances', he claims. But would they? You be the judge.

CINEBOOK Lucky luke tome 11 - western circus (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Mulligan's Western circus - his troop, lion and elephant - arrive in town under the escort of Lucky Luke. Zilch, a rich businessman and organizer of the annual grand rodeo, thinks the circus is going to compete with his business and does everything to prevent it from putting on a show. He even engages killer-for-hire Rattlesnake Joe. Correspond au tome 36 français: Western circus

CINEBOOK Lady S. tome 5 - Portuguese Medley (anglais)

9.9 EUR
Work, family, international politics, global terrorism. Another day in the life of Lady S! Shania, back in Europe after being expelled from the United States, has resumed her work with Orion and his shadowy organisation. Undercover as an interpreter at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, she is tasked with getting close to an extremist suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. The whole mission spirals out of control when she rushes to Portugal, after the CIA contacts her to tell her they've found a man who calls himself Abel Rivkas. her father!

CINEBOOK Yoko Tsuno tome 8 - the devil's organ (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Travelling down the Rhine, Yoko and her friends save a young stranger from drowning. Sensing foul play, the young Japanese girl decides to stay with her new friend Ingrid and investigate the unusual circumstances. There, amidst the beautiful castles of the Rhine Valley, she will face a danger straight out of the Renaissance and battle the devil himself to the sound of his own monstrous pipe organ. Correspond au tome 2 français: L'orgue du diable

CINEBOOK Barracuda tome 2 (en anglais)

12.75 EUR
Three years have passed in Puerto Blanco, and there has been no news of the Barracuda. Emilio, still passing himself off as a woman, has been learning the art of fencing from Mr Flynn. Maria, now married to the slave merchant Ferrango, makes her husband’s existence a living hell. As for Raffy, being left behind by his pirate father has hit him hard. But when an old enemy of Flynn’s sails into the harbour, their lives are turned upside down again.

CINEBOOK Alone tome 3 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
The five Campton children are travelling to neighbouring cities by bus, desperately looking for other living humans. All they find are deserted settlements, burned forests and packs of feral dogs... Until one day they discover an amusement park filled with kids, all found and gathered by Saul, the owner’s son. A strange, authoritarian child who worships the park’s great white shark, and whose arbitrary rules are not at all to the taste of the newcomers…

CINEBOOK Before Blake and Mortimer - The fiery arrow

13.9 EUR
Avant Blake et Mortimer, Edgar P. Jacobs a imaginé une première bande dessinée devenue mythique - Le Rayon U. En voici enfin la suite, par le légendaire Jean Van Hamme lui-même.L'expédition Marduk est rentrée victorieuse en Norlandia, avec un précieux échantillon d'Uradium. Il ne reste plus au professeur qu'à tester son révolutionnaire Rayon U en conjonction avec le minerai miracle. Mais en Austradie, l'ennemi héréditaire, on ne l'entend pas de cette oreille. Le vil capitaine Dagon n'est pas parvenu à empêcher Marduk de trouver le gisement d'Uradium ? Qu'à cela ne tienne - l'armée impériale Austradienne n'a qu'à en prendre possession militairement - et tant pis si le peuple du prince Nazca vit dessus!

CINEBOOK Iznogoud tome 4 - and the magic computer

9.9 EUR
In Baghdad, the Caliph's Grand Vizier Iznogoud has one aim in life: to become Caliph instead of the Caliph. The benign ruler, Haroun al Plassid is blind to his vizier's scheming to get rid of him and generally had rather take a nap. Iznogoud is faithfully seconded by Wa'at Alahf in trying to put his fiendish designs into action. Never one to give up, Iznogoud buys himself a supercomputer to help him become Caliph instead of the Caliph... Correspond au tome 6 français: Iznogoud et l'ordinateur magique

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 2 (en anglais)

15.9 EUR
Professor Philip Mortimer has decided to spend his holidays in Cairo with his trusty servant, Nasir. There he plans to meet his old friend, Professor Ahmed Rassim Bey, who offers him the fantastic opportunity of satisfying his passion for Egyptology. Professor Bey has invited him to take part in deciphering his latest discoveries-in this case, some papyrus coming from mummies of the Ptolemaic age. Mortimer and Bey soon realize that one of the fragments deals with the «Chamber of Horus,» a fabled crypt that could contain priceless treasures...Correspond au tome 4 français: Le mystère de la grande pyramide t.1

CINEBOOK Iznogoud tome 11 - Iznogoud and the jigsaw turk

9.9 EUR
Imagine a puzzle. A magic puzzle. It features the head of a Turk, it's big and complicated, and when you finish assembling it, the person you think about at that moment is smashed into a thousand pieces! Now, imagine how many ways things can go wrong if Iznogoud of all people tries to use that puzzle, hmm? Sirens, shrinking potions, magic calendars... All fantastic opportunities for disasters to occur - and hilarity to ensue! Correspond au tome 11 français: La tête de turc d'Iznogoud

CINEBOOK Black Mary Tome 2 : Passage to the Hereafter

11.5 EUR
Un aristocrate assoiffé d'aventures rencontre une capitaine pirate de légende qui semble mêlée à une vague d'apparitions fantomatiques. Deuxième partie et fin de l'aventure.Lord James, l'aristocrate libertin en quête d'aventures recueilli en mer par Black Mary, est sous le charme de la féroce pirate - assez même pour combattre à ses côtés quand elle s'attaque à un vaisseau de guerre du royaume. Mais l'abordage a fait beaucoup de dégâts, et Mary ramène son navire vers sa base secrète, une île qui n'apparait sur aucune carte. Et pour cause : les habitants de l'île sont ... les hommes et femmes morts en mer, qui attendant là de continuer leur voyage vers l'au-delà...

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 3 - dutch connection - en anglais

15.25 EUR
H : Largo Winch gives a cocktail party to launch his foundation for war orphans when a waiter brings out one of his colleagues’ severed head on a tray. He has been murdered by the drugs traffickers Largo is after. In a matter of hours, the billionaire’s life is turned upside down.Dutch Connection : Two policemen are shot down as they arrest Largo Winch and he is charged with the murders. On top of that, he is accused of being part of the international heroin trade. Largo flees to Paris and ends up in the homeless community, with little hope of escaping the dire fate that awaits him : a lifelong jail sentence…This two-volume book includes “H”.

CINEBOOK Blake and Mortimer tome 12 (en anglais)

13.25 EUR
Deep under Sao Miguel island, rumoured to be the last emerging part of Atlantis, Professor Mortimer has discovered samples of a mysterious radioactive metal. Could it be the Atlanteans’ legendary orichalcum? When he and his friend Blake set out on an expedition into the depths to find out, sabotage occurs in the form of their old opponent Olrik. And soon, all three will be embroiled in a power struggle far bigger in scope than they could have imagined.