Digital Bards 30-in-1 Game Collection: Volume 2 (Nintendo Switch EU)

5.35 EUR
Six exotic islands filled with games and trophies are waiting for adventurers of all skill levels! Explore the islands solo, invite a group of friends over f...

Plug In Digital Flashback (Nintendo Switch EU)

7.02 EUR
FLASHBACK, the hit action-adventure game with over 2.2 million units sold, is back!

Plug In Digital Indie Gems Bundle - Nonograms edition (Nintendo Switch EU)

1.44 EUR
Piczle Cross Adventure takes the classic nonogram logic-puzzle and turns it into something never before experienced in the genre: a story-driven, RPG-style 2...

Plug In Digital Instant Sports Winter Games (Nintendo Switch EU)

5.06 EUR
Take your suit, your skis and ski poles, on the way to the snowy roads. With INSTANT SPORTS Winter Games, youll be offered an avalanche of extremes and amusi...

Ubisoft Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition, Code In Box, Ita Nintendo Switch

36.2 EUR
Rayman arriverà su Nintendo Switch con Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition, che include nuovi contenuti esclusivi. Rayman, Globox e i Teens vagano in una foresta incantata quando scoprono una tenda misteriosa piena zeppa di splendidi dipinti. Osservandoli più da vicino, notano che ogni quadro sembra raccontare la storia di un mondo fantastico. Mentre si concentrano su un dipinto con uno scenario medievale, all'improvviso vengono risucchiati in quel mondo, dando così inizio alla loro avventura. Il gruppo dovrà correre, saltare e combattere per superare tutti i mondi e scoprire i segreti di ogni dipinto leggendario. In esclusiva su Nintendo Switch, l'esperienza Kung Foot offre ora una modalità in solitario e una modalità torneo che permette a un massimo di otto squadre di affrontarsi tra loro. Puoi anche collegare due console per giocare in co-op locale.CaratteristicheEdizione giocoDefinitivaSerie di giochiRaymanVersione linguaTedesca, DUT, Inglese, ESP, Francese, ITA, Portoghese, RussoTipo di distribuzioneDownloadPiattaformaNintendo SwitchGenereAzione, Avventura, PiattaformaSviluppatoreUbisoft Montpellier, PastagamesData di rilascio12/09/2017Classificazione ESRBE10+ (Tutti 10+)Classificazione PEGI7Modalità multiplayerSìSistema di rilevazione del movimento supportataNoEditoreUbisoftRequisiti di sistemaCasco per Realtà Virtuale (VR) richiestoNo

Ubisoft Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Code In Box, Ita Nintendo Switch

30.89 EUR
MARIO + RABBIDS KINGDOM BATTLE CODE IN BOX ITA SWITCH Scopri l'incredibile storia di un incontro inaspettato tra Mario e gli irriverenti Rabbids. Il Regno dei Funghi è stato scombussolato da un vortice misterioso che ha trasportato i Rabbids in un mondo un tempo pacifico e festoso, dividendolo in più parti. Nel tentativo di riportare l'ordine nel Regno, Mario, Luigi, Yoshi e la Principessa Peach uniranno le proprie forze a quelle dei Rabbids per intraprendere una missione epica attraverso quattro mondi diversi. Unisciti agli otto eroi per esplorare un nuovo mondo alterato dai dispettosi Rabbids, pieno di segreti e richiami ai classici giochi di Mario! Risolvi gli enigmi e supera in astuzia alcuni nemici imprevedibili in una serie di combattimenti a turni dinamici e sfide in cooperativa. Vivi un'avventura di combattimenti moderna e divertente, sviluppata in esclusiva per Nintendo Switch e quindi giocabile dove, quando e con chi vuoi. Caratteristiche principali: UNA MISSIONE EPICA CON OTTO EROI - Intraprendi una missione epica con la tua squadra di eroi per liberare i tuoi amici e riportare l'ordine nel Regno dei Funghi! - Mario, Luigi, Peach e Yoshi uniranno le proprie forze a quelle di quattro eroi Rabbids, ognuno dotato di una propria personalità unica: il vanitoso Rabbid Mario, il timoroso Rabbid Luigi, l'impertinente Rabbid Peach e il folle Rabbid Yoshi. - Esplora quattro diversi mondi pieni di scrigni e segreti, risolvi i vari enigmi e sconfiggi una serie di nemici davvero imprevedibili sul campo di battaglia. UNA FOLLE AVVENTURA TATTICA - Mario e i suoi amici affronteranno i propri avversari con una serie di armi mai viste prima. Grazie a questo arsenale di oltre 250 armi, dotate di caratteristiche e particolarità uniche, i giocatori potranno personalizzare l'equipaggiamento dei propri eroi. - Il gameplay a turni consente di scegliere con calma come posizionare i propri eroi per sfoderare le loro mosse d'attacco migliori. - Gioca sfide in cooperativa aggiuntive con un amico in multigiocatore locale con tre livelli di difficoltà. Condividi un paio di controller Joy-Con o usa i Pro Controller di Nintendo Switch. UNA NUOVA ESPERIENZA DI MARIO - Scopri il Regno dei Funghi come non lo hai mai visto prima... alterato dai dispettosi Rabbids! - Vivi un'avventura divertente e ricca di umorismo, musica epica, animazioni vivaci e una grafica colorata, potenziata dal motore Snowdrop. UN GIOCO SVILUPPATO PER NINTENDO SWITCH - Un gioco utilizzabile sia in modalità portatile che sullo schermo della TV. - Gioca dove e quando vuoi, grazie a brevi sessioni di gioco. - Sblocca nuove caratteristiche di gioco con le statuette degli amiibo. Ubisoft Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Code in Box, ITA Nintendo Switch. Edizione gioco: Standard, Piattaforma: Nintendo Switch, Modalità multiplayer, Classificazione ESRB: E10+ (Tutti 10+), Classificazione PEGI: 7, Sviluppatore: Ubisoft Paris Studios, Data di rilascio: 29/08/2017, Tipo di distribuzione:...

Ubisoft Just Dance 2025 Edition (Code-In-A-Box) - Version Nintendo Switch

43.52 EUR
Just Dance 2025 EditionRassemblez vos amis et votre famille pour vous déhancher tous ensemble sur Just Dance ! Que ce soit pour faire la fête, faire du sport ou passer un bon moment en famille, Just Dance 2025 Edition et ses 40 nouveaux morceaux incroyables a tout ce qu'il vous faut.40 nouveaux titres fun qui plairont à tout le mondeIl y en a pour tous les goûts dans Just Dance 2025 Edition : dansez sur des tubes emblématiques, des incontournables de soirées, des grands classiques, des phénomènes d'Internet et bien plus encore, comme : yes, and? d' Ariana Grande, Unstoppable de Sia, Poker Face de Lady Gaga, Basket Case de Green Day, Calabria 2007 d' Enur feat. Natasja.Le mode entraînementEnvie de faire du sport en vous amusant ? Créez votre propre programme avec le mode entraînement ! Suivez les calories que vous brûlez et le temps que vous passez à danser pour rester motivé·e. Utilisez le mode entraînement pour vous dépenser sur des danses en solo ou avec votre famille et vos amis !Accédez à des centaines de chansons avec Just Dance+Chaque exemplaire de Just Dance 2025 Edition inclut un mois d'essai gratuit au service d'abonnement Just Dance+. Accédez aux centaines de titres qu'il contient (et à ceux ajoutés régulièrement) ainsi qu'à des avantages lors des événements en jeu. Dansez sur les hits légendaires des opus précédents ou sur de nouveaux titres exclusifs !

Ubisoft Assassin's Creed III Remastered (Nintendo Switch EU)

8.68 EUR
Important Notice: Please, make sure that your IP is LOCATED in UNITED STATES during the key activation. After a successful activation, the game will be avail...

Ubisoft OddBallers (Nintendo Switch EU)

15.56 EUR
Use brutally unfair tactics to mess with your opponents in this wacky multiplayer party game!Play a new type of hard-hitting dodgeball Dodge, block, and grab...

Ubisoft Rayman Legends Definitive Edition (Nintendo Switch EU)

12.17 EUR
Rayman, winner of multiple artistic and musical achievements, is coming to Nintendo Switch with Rayman Legends Definitive Edition.Rayman, Globox, and the Tee...

Ubisoft South Park: The Fractured But Whole Standard Anglais Nintendo Switch

51.08 EUR
Ubisoft South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: Nintendo Switch, Valeur ESRB: M (Mature), PEGI classification: 18, Développeur: Ubisoft San Francisco, South Park Digital Studios, Date de sortie: 17/10/2017

Ubisoft Monopoly Madness Standard Multilingua Nintendo Switch

37.25 EUR
Vorresti diventare il nuovo Mr. Monopoly? È il tuo giorno fortunato! Il nostro magnate delle costruzioni preferito vuole prendersi una meritata vacanza ed è in cerca di un sostituto temporaneo. Il suo metodo di selezione? Una gara con in palio fama e fortuna! Stavolta le regole sono un po' diverse: preparati a partecipare a una combattutissima gara in tempo reale per stabilire chi ha le carte in regola per prendere il posto di Mr. Monopoly! MONOPOLY Madness porta l'esperienza MONOPOLY nell'arena per la prima volta in assoluto. Torna il gioco di scambi immobiliari che ami, come non l'hai mai visto. Gareggia per le caotiche strade di Monopoly City, raccogli risorse, acquista e migliora proprietà, ostacola gli avversari ed evita i loro trucchi per vincere la corsa all'arricchimento. È pura follia! Ubisoft Monopoly Madness. Edizione gioco: Standard, Piattaforma: Nintendo Switch, Modalità multiplayer, Classificazione ESRB: E (tutti), Classificazione PEGI: 3, Sviluppatore: Engine Software, Ubisoft, Data di rilascio: 09/12/2021, Tipo di distribuzione: DownloadCaratteristicheEdizione giocoStandardVersione linguaMultilinguaTipo di distribuzioneDownloadPiattaformaNintendo SwitchGenereEducativoSviluppatoreEngine Software, UbisoftData di rilascio09/12/2021Classificazione ESRBE (tutti)Classificazione PEGI3Modalità multiplayerSìNumero massimo di giocatori online6EditoreUbisoftRequisiti di sistemaCasco per Realtà Virtuale (VR) richiestoNo

Ubisoft Nintendo Mario + Rabbids Sparks Of Hope Standard+Componente Aggiuntivo Tedesca, Inglese, Esp, Francese, Ita Nintendo Switch

68.52 EUR
Unisciti a Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rabbid Peach, Rabbid Luigi e ai loro amici in un'avventura galattica per sconfiggere un'entità malvagia e salvare i tuoi alleati, gli Spark. Esplora pianeti viaggiando nella galassia mentre sveli misteriosi segreti e completi avvincenti missioni! Informazioni importanti Questi contenuti sono venduti da Nintendo of Europe GmbH. Il pagamento verrà effettuato con fondi del Nintendo eShop collegati all'account Nintendo usato per finalizzare l'acquisto. Questi contenuti possono essere acquistati da utenti che hanno registrato un account Nintendo e accettato i relativi termini e condizioni. Per acquistare contenuti per Wii U o console della famiglia Nintendo 3DS è richiesto anche un Nintendo Network ID. Inoltre, i fondi dell'account Nintendo devono essere collegati con quelli del Nintendo Network ID. Se i fondi non sono ancora stati collegati, sarà possibile farlo durante l'acquisto. Per avviare l'acquisto è necessario effettuare il login utilizzando l'account Nintendo e il Nintendo Network ID. Una volta effettuato il login sarà possibile visualizzare i dettagli e completare l'acquisto. I dettagli di questa offerta sono validi per gli utenti che effettuano l'accesso con un account Nintendo impostato sullo stesso paese di questo sito. Se l'account Nintendo è impostato su un paese diverso, i dettagli di questa offerta potrebbero variare (per esempio, il prezzo sarà mostrato nella valuta locale). Dopo che il pagamento è andato a buon fine, il contenuto viene scaricato sulla console collegata con il tuo account Nintendo, o con il tuo Nintendo Network ID nel caso in cui tu stia utilizzando una console Wii U o una console della famiglia Nintendo 3DS. La console deve disporre del software di sistema più aggiornato e deve essere collegata a Internet. Inoltre, deve disporre di spazio libero sufficiente e deve essere stata impostata per consentire i download automatici. A seconda del modello di console/hardware che possiedi e di come lo usi, potrebbe essere necessario dello spazio di archiviazione aggiuntivo per scaricare software dal Nintendo eShop. Per maggiori informazioni, visita la sezione Servizio al consumatore. Per i giochi che usano lo streaming tramite cloud, è possibile scaricare solo l'applicazione gratuita di avvio del software. Assicurati che la tua console disponga di abbastanza spazio libero. All'acquisto di questi contenuti si applica l'Accordo per l'account Nintendo. Informazioni sui preordini L'uso di dispositivi o software non autorizzati che apportino modifiche tecniche alla console Nintendo o ai software stessi potrebbe rendere questo software inutilizzabile. Questo prodotto è munito di misure tecniche di protezione. MARIO + RABBIDS SPARKS OF HOPE © 2021 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Rabbids, Sparks of Hope, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Nintendo properties are licensed to Ubisoft Entertainment...

Plug In Digital Alicia Quatermain Secrets Of The Lost Treasures

1.25 EUR
Alicia Quatermain is the granddaughter of famous world traveler Allan Quatermain. She sets out on a long and dangerous journey to find out why her father had...

Plug In Digital Bouncer Story

1.91 EUR
Bouncer Story, a retro-inspired film-noir featuring a protagonist working as a bouncer to pay off a gambling debt to the underground mafia controlling the ci...

Plug In Digital Where the Bees Make Honey

1.39 EUR
Where the Bees Make Honey tells a story about reflecting on different moments from a childhood, which are played and experienced from an adult perspective. A...

Plug In Digital Home Design 3D

1.89 EUR
With Home Design 3D, designing and changing your home has never been so intuitive and quick. Whether you want to redecorate, redesign or create the home of y...

Plug In Digital Galactic Inheritors

1.22 EUR
GALACTIC INHERITORS is a new space 4X game from Crispon Games and published by Argonauts Interactive. The game focuses on the science fiction and strategy.

Plug In Digital MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies

1.5 EUR
Zombies have invaded Gamicademi, and now it's up to Blanc and friends to school them! Take them out with crazy combos in this hack 'n' slash with a tag-team ...

Plug In Digital Esports Life Tycoon

3.46 EUR
Manage your own esports squad, expand your gaming house, and defeat legendary teams to become the best in the world!

Plug In Digital Azur Lane Crosswave

7.93 EUR
Taking place in a world where personified battleships from across the globe duke it out, Azur Lane: Crosswave takes the spirit of the mobile game and uses th...

Plug In Digital Smoots World Cup Tennis

1.14 EUR
Join the Smoots and play all the tournaments in the Tennis World Circuit.

Plug In Digital Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York

1.1 EUR
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York presents the conflict between two vampiric factions: the traditionalist Camarilla and the fiercely independent...

Plug In Digital Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online Deluxe DLC

1.09 EUR
Buff up your party with the Deluxe Pack! Game not included.

Plug In Digital Shantae and the Seven Sirens

2.08 EUR
Shantae is back in an all-new tropical adventure! In her fifth outing, the Half-Genie hero gains new Fusion Magic abilities to explore a vast sunken city, ma...

Plug In Digital ZHED

1.51 EUR
ZHED is an instant classic puzzle game. Based on a simple mechanic it builds onto increasingly complex puzzles that challenge you to a level you would not im...

Plug In Digital Still Heroes

1.13 EUR
Still Heroes is a digital comic with a reading time of approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. It includes interactivity, animation and sound elements.Em...

Plug In Digital Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition

2.29 EUR
The ultimate edition of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero comes with all of the previously released DLC, Modes, and Costumes in one epic collection! Includes an excl...

Plug In Digital Flipon

2.29 EUR
Flipon is a juicy and fun action puzzle game full of surprises!

Plug In Digital SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech

1.77 EUR
Lead a party of aspiring heroes through a beautifully hand-drawn world and intense battles using only your wits and a handful of cards. Take on whatever thre...

Plug In Digital Rugby 22

3.83 EUR
Take control of the biggest clubs and top rugby nations, and enter the most prestigious competitions in single-player and multiplayer modes, local and online...

Plug In Digital The Masked Mage

1.36 EUR
Whatever happened to magic?The Masked Mage is a slow paced, peaceful metroidvania game, focusing on exploration, atmosphere and story. Centuries ago, magic c...

Plug In Digital Fishing: North Atlantic - Scallops DLC

3.99 EUR
Expand your gaming experience with the new official Scallop DLC for Fishing: North Atlantic!Nova Scotia is not only known for it´s rich fish stocks such...

Plug In Digital Ghost of a Tale

1.61 EUR
You are Tilo, a courageous minstrel Mouse on a perilous quest to find his true love. Use stealth and cunning as you explore Dwindling Heights Keep—from...

Plug In Digital White Shadows

11.87 EUR
The wolves are watching! Venture through a captivating but brutal dystopia where our young adventurer Ravengirl will travel through this huge city's brightes...

Plug In Digital Nantucket

3.22 EUR
Chase after Moby Dick, and live through the Golden Age of American whaling in this seafaring strategy game. Set sail around the world, manage your ship and c...

Plug In Digital Gravity Spin

1.2 EUR
Gravity Spin is a metroidvania with a literal spin.When an asteroid hits a base on an even bigger asteroid, severe damage risks the destruction of the entire...

Plug In Digital Trillion: God of Destruction

1.18 EUR
An ancient god consumes your world. Now you must train and build relationships with each of your Overlords in this challenging raising sim/roguelike/SRPG hyb...

Plug In Digital Chronicles of Teddy

1.22 EUR
Tarrant needs help…Finding Teddy 2 is a 2D Adventure / Action game with a Pixel Art Retro finish. Help Tarrant in a quest, in which you will have to fi...

Plug In Digital Trails Of Gold Privateers

2.36 EUR
Trials Of Gold Privateers is a VR game set in the theme of Corsairs.Embark in an adventure to retrieve 30 Gold skulls in fast paced action races & treasures ...

Plug In Digital Galactic Rangers VR

2.32 EUR
Notice: Requires one of the following virtual reality headsets: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, or Windows Mixed Reality.EPISODE 01 is out2 player Co-Op mode coming s...

Plug In Digital KING PONG

5.78 EUR
SIMPLE AND FUN GAMEPLAY Once the player hits the ball, it always reaches the table. The games become incredibly sustained and tactical.Surprise your opponent...

Plug In Digital A Long Way Down

1.31 EUR
A Long way down is a mash-up between an RPG and a deck-building game. Embody Sam and try escaping this maze where a sneaky and evil mastermind reigns. Let yo...

Plug In Digital Airport Firefighters: The Simulation

3.46 EUR
Head out on duty with the entire fire department and take on exciting new missions in "Airport Firefighters: The Simulation"

Plug In Digital Maze Lord

1.06 EUR
Become the part of the legend and save the stolen princess!

Plug In Digital Youtubers Life

2.98 EUR
Become the most successful youtuber on the planet! Create videos, get subscribers, attend events, interact with your fans… and grow your channel. Live ...

Plug In Digital Galaxy Warfighter

1.69 EUR
Prove that you are the best pilot in the galaxy in «Galaxy Warfighter»!Taking its roots from the classic games in the shoot'em up genre, «Gala...

Plug In Digital RPG Maker XP

3.88 EUR
RPG MAKER lets you create an original role-playing game without any prior specialized knowledge or training.

Plug In Digital Dungeon Rushers

1.05 EUR
Dungeon Rushers is a 2D tactical RPG combining dungeon crawler's gameplay and turn based fights. Manage your team, loot dusty dungeons, crush armies of monst...

Plug In Digital Space Pioneer

1.88 EUR
The shooter game to give aliens a taste of space justice throughout the galaxy.

Plug In Digital Vapormaze

1.42 EUR
vapormaze is a roguelite FPS in a vaporwave maze. You are trapped in a maze of lies. To escape...

Plug In Digital Dark Rose Valkyrie

1.79 EUR
Featuring the talents of Tales of series scenario writer Takumi Miyajima and Tales of series character designer Kosuke Fujishima, this JRPG appoints you to l...

Plug In Digital Tandem: A Tale of Shadows

2.26 EUR
Tandem : A Tale of Shadows redefines the puzzle platformer genre with a unique gameplay and exceptional aesthetics. Help Emma and the teddy bear Fenton solve...

Plug In Digital Agatha Knife

1.5 EUR
Embark on a whimsically twisted adventure with Agatha, a child torn between her love for eating meat and her friendships with animals. Join her as she discov...

Plug In Digital Chariot

1.32 EUR
Embark on a journey to give his majesty the ride of his afterlife. Guide a chariot containing the King's remains through underground caves using physics-base...

Plug In Digital My Exotic Farm

1.4 EUR
My Exotic Farm is a farm building simulation game...At the beginning of the game, all you own is an empty field, a few pennies and a single little ostrich......

Plug In Digital Jotun Valhalla Edition

1.25 EUR
Jotun is a hand-drawn action-exploration game set in Norse mythology. In Jotun, you play Thora, a Viking warrior who died an inglorious death and must prove ...

Plug In Digital Lust for Darkness

1.13 EUR
A psychological horror of seeking satisfaction on the border of two intertwining worlds. An intruguing plot with erotic and occult themes guides the player's...

Plug In Digital Subaeria

1.3 EUR
Subaeria is an intense action puzzler with roguelike-elements where pacifist players have to use their environment to defeat enemies. Players use their wits ...

Plug In Digital My Farm

1.13 EUR
Amazing breeding simulation game! You start with just a hen, an empty field and a few pennies. You have to feed your hen, take care of it and improve its liv...

Plug In Digital Nekuia

1.29 EUR
Nekuia is a 2D platformer involving exploration, adventure, speedruns and reflexes.Play this soul in its epic quest searching for answers through an innovati...

Plug In Digital WRC 6 FIA World Rally Championship

1.33 EUR
On a race track, it's the car that makes all the difference. In a rally, it's the driver. WRC 6 puts you to the test: fog, mud, punctures, night racing, engi...

Plug In Digital Sigma Theory Brazil DLC

1.5 EUR
This DLC adds a new playable nation: Brazil.

Plug In Digital Cranked Up

2.05 EUR
Cranked Up is an offbeat and challenging platformer game where you control rocket-powered donuts trying to save the world from an evil pizza. Complete 50 lev...

Plug In Digital Piczle Cross Adventure

1.49 EUR
STORYWhat happens when an Evil genius gets their hands on Professor Matrix's Piczle dust? Bedlam, is what! Piczle-powered metal menace under_SCORE is sent ou...

Plug In Digital Buissons

1.26 EUR
Take control of a bush and challenge your friends in a hide and seek game up to 4 players. Move at night and use the day as an opportunity to observe and bea...

Plug In Digital Blood Bowl II - Official Expansion

2.44 EUR
Extend your Blood Bowl2 gaming experience with the Blood Bowl2: Official Expansion.

Plug In Digital Before I Forget

1.05 EUR
A woman alone in a house. A mystery and a love story. Explore the present to uncover the past, in a short story of love and loss and a life well-lived.A narr...

Plug In Digital Sense - 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story

4.96 EUR
A 2.5D horror game inspired by Clock Tower and Fatal Frame, mixing cyberpunk with traditional Cantonese folklore. With careful attention to pacing, atmospher...

Plug In Digital Mad Tracks

1.06 EUR
Remember these toy car games we used to play for ever? MAD TRACKS is a fun and frantic racing action game inspired by pull-back-and-go racers. You are in con...

Plug In Digital A Planet of Mine

1.3 EUR
A Planet of Mine is a mini procedural 4X. Starting from a single and unique planet, survive, gather and combine resources, develop your technologies and star...

Plug In Digital Blon

1.06 EUR
Blon is a cute pixel-art 2D platformer game. Unlock spells, heroes and weapons, fight monsters and bosses and explore an unknown world in hopes of rescuing y...

Plug In Digital Colonial Conquest

1.13 EUR
Colonial Conquest is a conquest simulation set in the Victorian age of warfare and expansion of the late 1800's and early 1900's. The object of the game is t...

Plug In Digital World War 1 Centennial Edition

2.01 EUR
World War 1 Centennial Edition is the latest and improved edition of 2008's release World War 1, the ambitious game covering all of the Great War 1914 to 191...

Plug In Digital Along the Edge

3.18 EUR
Along the Edge is a visual novel set in the European countryside, where your choices impact the main character's personality and appearance.

Plug In Digital Figment

1.08 EUR
Figment is an action-adventure game that invites you to explore a unique surreal universe filled with music, humor and multi layered narrative. Join Dusty an...

Plug In Digital The Fisherman Fishing Planet

2.82 EUR
The Fisherman - Fishing Planet is for all fans of nature and sport fishing! This simulation, made by and for fishing enthusiasts, recreates all the finer det...

Plug In Digital Warhammer: Chaosbane

3.38 EUR
“Keep your eyes on this one, because it's one quality Action RPG” - Entertainment BuddhaIn a world ravaged by war and dominated by magic, you are...

Plug In Digital Monster Monpiece

1.68 EUR
Train as May Esperio in a world where humans and "monster girls" live an uneasy coexistence, and become a monster girl master in strategic, card-based battle...

Plug In Digital RPG Maker MV

12.89 EUR
POWERFUL enough for a developer SIMPLE enough for a child VERSATILE enough for any platform!

Plug In Digital Furi

6.22 EUR
Fight your way free in this ultra-responsive, fast-paced sword fighting and dual-stick shooting game.

Plug In Digital BioMech

1.4 EUR
BioMech is a classic Metroid-like with carefully structured gameplay. No rogue elements, no random content, everything is handcrafted and deliberately design...

Plug In Digital WRC 7 FIA World Rally Championship

2.4 EUR
Take on the FIA World Rally Championship's 13 rallies and 52 special stages, with their environments faithfully reproduced. Embody the best drivers in the Ch...

Plug In Digital John Mambo

John Mambo is a frenetic Retro Arcade Game with an isometric top down view. A Game with a detailed 2D hand drawn Pixel Art style for Windows.

Plug In Digital Dead Cells

7.26 EUR
Roguelike, Rogue-lite, roguelike-like, rogueschmike! No matter what you call them, the world could always use another!

Plug In Digital Rip Them Off

1.19 EUR
Rip Them Off is a new puzzle game of economic management and tower defense. The Board needs profit, and it's up to you to line the streets with shops the mas...

Plug In Digital Sigma Theory DLC: Nigeria Additional Nation

1.22 EUR
This DLC adds a new playable nation: Nigeria.Content includes:4 new Nigerian agents: Warrior, Peace, Pure and Dealer2 Nigerian scientistsNigerian diplomatExf...

Plug In Digital Jets'n'Guns 2

2.08 EUR
Jets'n'Guns 2 is a side-scrolling space shooter with insane levels of action and destruction. Travel the galaxies and unleash an arsenal of the deadliest wea...

Plug In Digital Synergia

1.83 EUR
Synergia is a yuri thriller visual novel that takes place in a cyberpunk future, wrapped up in a beautifully unique, vibrant neon aesthetic. At the end of th...

Plug In Digital Garfield Kart - Furious Racing

1.44 EUR
Garfield, the famous lasagna-loving cat is back to take on Jon, Odie and company in a no-holds-barred racing game!

Plug In Digital The Bluecoats: North & South

1.78 EUR
Reunite with Sergeant Cornelius M. Chesterfield and Corporal Blutch in this remastered game that combines turn-based strategy and real-time action. This new ...

Plug In Digital Absolute Drift

1.97 EUR
Absolute Drift is a racing game about becoming a master at the art of drifting.

Plug In Digital Paper Beast

1.34 EUR
PLEASE NOTE: This game requires a virtual reality headset. See the "system requirements" section for more info.An adventure and exploration game about wildli...

Plug In Digital Legends Of Persia

1.04 EUR
Legends of Persia is an Action RPG Adventure game in style of Diablo which incorporates bloody battles, Item usage, Character building, and storyline incorpo...

Plug In Digital Wrestledunk Sports

4.88 EUR
Wrestledunk is an explosive, colorful collection of super competitive multiplayer sports games! Face off online or locally with up to 8 players. Get into it!