Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Low Fat Chien Sac 12 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

178.92 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal Low FatRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes spécialement conçue pour les chiens ayant des troubles digestifs.Cet aliment ayant une teneur en graisse et fibres beaucoup plus basse, possède toutefois un niveau énergétique modéré, spécialement indiqué pour le traitement nutritionnel de la pancréatite aiguë ou chronique ou d'autres problèmes digestifs canins.Disponible en sacs de 1.5 kg, 6 kg et 12 kg. Disponible aussi en boîtes de conserve de 410 g.Caractéristiques principales:Taux faible en fibres solubles et insolubles pour réduire la fermentation au niveau du côlon, éviter la perte d'énergie et favoriser la sapidité.Équilibre entre fibres solubles et insolubles pour aider à limiter les fermentations et favoriser des excréments de bonne qualité.Taux bas en matières grasses afin d'optimiser la fonction digestive des chiens atteints d'hyperlipidémie ou de pancréatite.Complexe synergique antioxydant breveté. Ce complexe synergique réduit le str...

Royal Canin Pâtée Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie Chat 12x85g - Veterinary Health Nutrition

17 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets - Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie - 12 Sachets Fraicheurs 85gr URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE est un aliment diététique complet pour chats formulé pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à des propriétés permettant une sous saturation des urines et un faible taux de magnesium. Il est ainsi recommandé pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire. Grâce à un apport réduit en calories, il est particulièrement recommandé aux chats ayant tendance à l'embonpoint (stérilisé, embonpoint, faible activité). Les avantages Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie URINE DILUTION Diluer l'urine permet de réduire simultanément les concentrations urinaires de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. De plus, accroître le volume urinaire permet un rinçage régulier de la vessie. STRUVITE DISSOLUTION Permet de dissoudre efficacement les calculs de struvite. LOW RSS Une urine sous-saturée est une urine dans laquelle les cristaux ne peuvent pas accroître. Ainsi le milieu urinaire est défavorable au développement des cristaux de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. MODERATE CALORIE Un apport réduit en calories pour contribuer à maintenir un poids idéal. Informations importantes concernant les produits thérapeutiques : En achetant ce produit, vous reconnaissez que votre animal a été examiné par un vétérinaire qui vous l'a recommandé et qu'une ordonnance a été délivré. Dans le cas où vous utilisez ce produit, il est recommandé de consulter votre vétérinaire au moins une fois tous les 6 mois pour une visite de contrôle. En cas de problème lié à l'utilisation de ce produit, demandez conseil à votre vétérinaire. En ajoutant ce produit à votre panier, vous confirmez que vous avez lu et compris les renseignements ci-dessus Composition protéines de volaille déshydratées, riz, gluten de blé*, farine de maïs, fibres végétales, gluten de maïs, sels minéraux, graisses animales, hydrolysat de protéines animales, huile de poisson, huile de soja, fructo-oligo-saccharides, poudre d'¿ufs, hydrolysat de crustacé (source de glucosamine), extrait de rose d'inde (source de lutéine). Additifs nutritionnels: Additifs nutritionnels : Vitamine A : 22300 UI, Vitamine D3 : 500 UI, E1 (Fer) : 41 mg, E2 (Iode) : 3,2 mg, E4 (Cuivre) : 6 mg, E5 (Manganèse) : 54 mg, E6 (Zinc) : 177 mg, E8 (Sélénium) : 0,07 mg - Conservateurs - Antioxygènes CONSTITUANTS ANALYTIQUES : Protéine : 34 % - Matières grasses brutes : 11 % - Cendres brutes : 9,1 % - Cellulose brute : 7 % - Calcium : 1 % - Phosphore : 0,95 % - Sodium : 1,1 % - Chlorures : 1,89 % - Potassium : 1 % - Magnésium : 0,05 % - Soufre : 0,5 % - Taurine totale : 0,21 % - Substances acidifiant l'urine : Su...

Royal Canin Croquettes Hepatic Chien Sac 1.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

77.65 EUR
Royal Canin HepaticRoyal Canin a développé cette gamme de croquettes savoureuses spécialement pour chiens ayant des problèmes hépatiques.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Cette nourriture en boîte est un aliment diététique complet avec un taux faible en protéines d'origine végétal, pour chiens atteints de problèmes hépatiques.Proposé en sacs de 1,5 , 6 et 12 Kg.Indications:Hépatite chronique.Portosystemic shunt.Encéphalopathie hépatique.Insuffisance hépatique.Pyroplasmose.Jaunisse.Troubles du métabolisme du cuivre.Contrindications:Gestation, lactation, croissance.Pancréatite ou antécédents de pancréatite.Hyperlipidémie.Le type de nourriture que nous offrons à nos animaux de compagnie est déterminante pour l'évolution de l'insuffisance hépatique. Avec l'aliment Royal Canin Hepatic, nous pourrons :Réduire la charge métabolique de travailLimiter l'apport calorifique d'origine protéiques.Prévenir les complications les plus grave de l'insuffisance hépatique.L...

Royal Canin Health Management Chien Neutered Junior Croquettes 3,5kg

33.12 EUR
Royal Canin Health Management Chien Neutered Junior Croquettes 3,5kg est un aliment équilibré spécialement formulé pour les chiots stérilisés de races moyennes. Ces croquettes permettent de garder un poids de forme, tout en apportant toute la satiété souhaitée.

Royal Canin Health Management Chat Neutered Maintenance Aliment Humide 12 x 85g

20.66 EUR
Royal Canin Health Management Chat Neutered Maintenance Aliment Humide 12 x 85g est spécialement formulée pour maintenir un poids idéal chez les chats castrés. Cette pâtée apporte les protéines nécessaires pour préserver la masse musculaire et favorise un environnement urinaire sain. Enrichi en fibres alimentaires, cet aliment favorise le transit et l'élimination des boules de poils. Convient aux chats actifs.

Royal Canin Croquettes Hepatic Chien Sac 12 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

184.13 EUR
Royal Canin HepaticRoyal Canin a développé cette gamme de croquettes savoureuses spécialement pour chiens ayant des problèmes hépatiques.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Cette nourriture en boîte est un aliment diététique complet avec un taux faible en protéines d'origine végétal, pour chiens atteints de problèmes hépatiques.Proposé en sacs de 1,5 , 6 et 12 Kg.Indications:Hépatite chronique.Portosystemic shunt.Encéphalopathie hépatique.Insuffisance hépatique.Pyroplasmose.Jaunisse.Troubles du métabolisme du cuivre.Contrindications:Gestation, lactation, croissance.Pancréatite ou antécédents de pancréatite.Hyperlipidémie.Le type de nourriture que nous offrons à nos animaux de compagnie est déterminante pour l'évolution de l'insuffisance hépatique. Avec l'aliment Royal Canin Hepatic, nous pourrons :Réduire la charge métabolique de travailLimiter l'apport calorifique d'origine protéiques.Prévenir les complications les plus grave de l'insuffisance hépatique.L...

Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition Caniche Nourriture humide pour chiens

34.95 EUR
Contient des acides gras oméga-6 et oméga-3, y compris de l’EPA et du DHA, et une combinaison de vitamines et d’acides aminés pour nourrir la peau et le pelage du caniche. Prend en charge les besoins spécifiques des caniches miniatures et jouets adultes.Formulé avec beaucoup de protéines et de L-carnitine pour aider à maintenir la masse musculaire. Composants inclus: Aliments pour animaux de compagnie

Health in Foods Vigorbooster 120 capsules

32.2 EUR
Vigorbooster fournit la vigueur et l'énergie dont vous avez besoin avec la maca et le ginseng andins, riches en macaenes et ginsenosides. Augmente la construction de la masse musculaire, grâce à sa teneur en zinc, vitamines B et L-arginine. Il renforce le désir sexuel et favorise la fertilité, grâce à ses extraits de plantes, de zinc et de vitamine D3. Améliore le transit sanguin, augmentant votre niveau sportif de compétition. Renforcez vos défenses et maintenez votre système immunitaire fort en fournissant des concentrations élevées de vitamine D3, B6 et de zinc. Il est recommandé si vous le prenez régulièrement, 2 gélules par jour au petit-déjeuner et si vous le prenez rapidement, pendant 7 jours maximum, 4 gélules distribuées au petit-déjeuner et au déjeuner. Produit destiné aux adultes. Les compléments alimentaires ne doivent pas être utilisés comme substitut à une alimentation équilibrée. Ce produit n'est pas conçu pour diagnostiquer, traiter ou prévenir une maladie. Ne dépassez pas la dose journalière expressément recommandée. Tenir hors de la portée des petits enfants

Royal Canin Instinctive in Jelly pour chat en sachet 12x85g

47.96 EUR
Il n’est pas toujours facile de trouver une alimentation appétissante et qui répond également aux besoins nutritionnels de votre chat. Les chats peuvent être difficiles et refusent souvent de manger des aliments qui ne leur plaisent pas, même s'ils sont adaptés à leurs besoins nutritionnels. ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive Jelly (morceaux en gelée) est formulé pour répondre au profil macronutritionnel optimal instinctivement préféré par les chats adultes. Avec des nutriments soigneusement sélectionnés pour une appétence optimale, c'est-à-dire la texture, l'arôme et le goût, ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive Jelly est un repas auquel votre chat ne pourra tout simplement pas résister. Grâce à un ratio optimal de vitamines, de minéraux et d’acides aminés (tous indispensables au maintien de la santé générale), votre chat recevra un aliment hautement digeste et qui répond parfaitement à ses besoins nutritionnels. ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive Jelly a non seulement été développée pour répondre aux préférences instinctives et aux besoins nutritionnels du chat pour une santé optimale mais elle permet également de maintenir le poids idéal de votre chat et de soutenir la bonne santé de son système urinaire. ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive Jelly présente une teneur optimale en graisses pour aider à maintenir le poids de forme. Pour répondre aux préférences individuelles de chaque chat, ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive est également disponible dans une délicieuse sauce. Chez Royal Canin, nous nous engageons à fournir des alimentations adaptées aux besoins de votre animal. Tous nos produits sont soumis à un rigoureux contrôle qualité afin de garantir une qualité optimale de l’alimentation et de répondre aux besoins alimentaires et au mode de vie spécifiques de votre chat. Ainsi, lorsque votre chat mange ROYAL CANIN® Instinctive Jelly, il reçoit une alimentation complète et équilibrée.

Royal Canin Kitten in Jelly pour chats 12x85g

21.59 EUR
À l'âge de 4 mois, bien que la croissance de votre chaton puisse ralentir, son niveau d'activité, lui, ne cesse d'augmenter ! À ce stade, il a besoin d'une nutrition adaptée pour soutenir le développement de ses os, muscles, organes, ainsi que de son système nerveux et immunitaire. De plus, il s'apprête à développer 30 dents définitives. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly (en gelée) a été soigneusement élaboré pour répondre aux besoins nutritionnels spécifiques des chatons pendant leur croissance, notamment entre 4 et 12 mois, une période caractérisée par d'importants changements physiques et comportementaux. Cette formule sur mesure propose des bouchées moelleuses en gelée dont la taille, le goût et la texture sont parfaitement adaptés aux chatons en pleine croissance. Elle contient également des nutriments tels que la vitamine C et E pour soutenir le développement du système immunitaire de votre chaton. Ces antioxydants favorisent une réponse accrue et plus rapide des anticorps après la vaccination. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly est enrichi en acides gras oméga-3 (DHA) pour soutenir le développement du cerveau et favoriser une bonne vision. Grâce à une combinaison de prébiotiques (MOS) et de protéines hautement digestes, ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly contribue également à maintenir l'équilibre de la flore intestinale pour une digestion optimale. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly a été développé pour satisfaire le fin palais des chatons les plus exigeants. Cette alimentation humide offre à votre chaton une expérience sensorielle agréable, soutient une bonne hydratation, et convient parfaitement pour une alimentation mixte avec les croquettes ROYAL CANIN® Kitten. Il est essentiel de noter que les besoins nutritionnels des chatons évoluent rapidement au cours de leur croissance. À l'âge de 12 mois, une transition vers une alimentation adaptée aux besoins nutritionnels d'un chat adulte, telle que la gamme d'aliments pour chats adultes de ROYAL CANIN®, est recommandée. Chez Royal Canin, nous nous engageons à créer un monde meilleur pour les chats et les chiens. Forts de plus de 50 ans de collaboration étroite avec des éleveurs, des vétérinaires et des experts en animaux de compagnie, nous offrons une approche dédiée à des solutions nutritionnelles précises et individualisées. Tous nos produits subissent un processus de contrôle qualité strict pour garantir des aliments de qualité optimale. Nous sélectionnons des nutriments durables, sans ajout de conservateurs, de colorants ni d'arômes artificiels. Ainsi, lorsque votre chaton consomme ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Jelly, il bénéficie d'une alimentation complète et équilibrée.

Royal Canin Kitten in Gravy pour chats 12x85g

22.89 EUR
À l'âge de 4 mois, bien que la croissance de votre chaton puisse ralentir, son niveau d'activité, lui, ne cesse d'augmenter ! À ce stade, il a besoin d'une nutrition adaptée pour soutenir le développement de ses os, muscles, organes, ainsi que de son système nerveux et immunitaire. De plus, il s'apprête à développer 30 dents définitives. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy (en sauce) a été soigneusement élaboré pour répondre aux besoins nutritionnels spécifiques des chatons pendant leur croissance, notamment entre 4 et 12 mois, une période caractérisée par d'importants changements physiques et comportementaux. Cette formule sur mesure propose des bouchées moelleuses en sauce dont la taille, le goût et la texture sont parfaitement adaptés aux chatons en pleine croissance. Elle contient également des nutriments tels que la vitamine C et E pour soutenir le développement du système immunitaire de votre chaton. Ces antioxydants favorisent une réponse accrue et plus rapide des anticorps après la vaccination. ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy est enrichi en acides gras oméga-3 (DHA) pour soutenir le développement du cerveau et promouvoir une vision saine chez le chaton. Grâce à une combinaison de prébiotiques (MOS) et de protéines hautement digestes, ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy contribue également à maintenir l'équilibre de la flore intestinale pour une digestion optimale. Conçu pour satisfaire le fin palais des chatons les plus exigeants, ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy offre une expérience sensorielle agréable, favorise une bonne hydratation, et se marie parfaitement avec une alimentation mixte comprenant les croquettes ROYAL CANIN® Kitten. Il est essentiel de noter que les besoins nutritionnels des chatons évoluent rapidement au cours de leur croissance. À l'âge de 12 mois, une transition vers une alimentation adaptée aux besoins nutritionnels d'un chat adulte, telle que la gamme d'aliments pour chats adultes de ROYAL CANIN®, est recommandée. Chez Royal Canin, nous nous engageons à créer un monde meilleur pour les chats et les chiens. Forts de plus de 50 ans de collaboration étroite avec des éleveurs, des vétérinaires et des experts en animaux de compagnie, nous offrons une approche dédiée à des solutions nutritionnelles précises et individualisées. Tous nos produits subissent un processus de contrôle qualité strict pour garantir des aliments de qualité optimale. Nous sélectionnons des nutriments durables, sans ajout de conservateurs, de colorants ni d'arômes artificiels. Ainsi, lorsque votre chaton consomme ROYAL CANIN® Kitten Gravy, il bénéficie d'une alimentation complète et équilibrée.

Royal Canin Health Management Cat Mature Consult Balance Croquettes 1,5kg

24.75 EUR
Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chat Senior Stage 1 Balance 1,5kg conviennent à l'alimentation des chats à partir de 7 ans. Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chat Senior Stage 1 Balance 1,5kg limitent la formation de la plaque dentaire, renforcent l'immunité, retardent le vieillissement et préservent la masse musculaire.

Royal Canin Croquettes Diabetic Chat Sac 3.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

30 EUR
Royal Canin Diabetic FelineLes croquettes Royal Canin Diabetic Feline sont un aliment diététique complet spécialement conçu comme régime alimentaire thérapeutique pour chats atteints du diabète. Il est également indiqué pour stabiliser le poids des chats qui viennent de terminer un processus d'amincissement.Ce produit est disponible en sacs de 0.4 , 1.5 et 3.5 Kg.

FANCL Royal Jelly Capsules 3 Bag Set Health Supplement 90 Days Supply s2146

110.09 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- FANCL Royal Jelly Capsules 3 Bag Set Health Supplement 90 Days Supply s2146 Royal Jelly Capsules contain over 40 nutrients from fresh royal jelly processed by freeze-drying. Taking 6 capsules a day provides the equivalent of 3,000mg of fresh royal jelly. This supplement is recommended for those who dislike the unique taste of royal jelly. 90 days supply (30 days per bag). Suggested daily intake 6 capsules Key Ingredient / per 6 capsules Royal Jelly equivalent to 3000mg Allergen Milk Ingredients Royal Jelly Powder Lactose Starch Pullulan

Shionogi Healthcare Popon S Plus 200 Tablets Comprehensive vitamins Vitamins & Health Products Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: O 1 set

76.07 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Pharmaceuticals & Quasi-drugs > Vitamin, tonic, and health supplements > Vitamins & Health Products > Comprehensive vitamins > Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: Old age Shionogi Healthcare Popon S Plus 200 Tablets Comprehensive vitamins Vitamins & Health Products Vitamin E supplementation in the following cases: Old age This vitamin-containing health food contains 11 vitamins and 3 minerals that support the maintenance and promotion of good health. (When other preparations containing vitamins, etc. are used at the same time, be careful not to overdose.) Adults (15 years and older) - 2 tablets per dose, 1 time per dayChildren (6 years and older but under 15 years) - 1 tablet per dose, 1 time per dayUnder 6 years - Do not allow the child to take. --- Dosage form/shape: ------ sugar-coated tablets--- (2) Keep out of the reach of children.

FANCL Supplement for Women in Their 50s Nutritional Functional Food 15 to 30 Day Health Supplement Vitamin Mineral Lutein s1336

78.64 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- FANCL Supplement for Women in Their 50s Nutritional Functional Food 15 to 30 Day Health Supplement Vitamin Mineral Lutein s1336 A carefully selected blend of ingredients in one pack, designed for women in their 50s who want to maintain a youthful body through changing times. Perfect for those new to supplements or unsure about how to take them. Each pack contains supplements tailored to different ages and genders, making it easy for anyone to choose the right supplements for their needs. Vitamin B & C Essential vitamins that cannot be stored in the body. Triple Minerals, Probiotics & Carotene Helps replenish nutrients that are often lacking in daily meals. Reduced Coenzyme Q10 Supports energy and antioxidant needs, contributing to youthfulness. Blueberry, Lutein & Astaxanthin Supports daily eye health and vision. Nattokinase, Vitamin E & Long Pepper Promotes healthy circulation. FANCL's unique collagen, focused on absorption. Supports beauty and health for adult women. 15 to 30 day supply (30 packs).

Digestive Enzyme, Super Strength Multi Enzyme, Puritan's Pride (69367005) 60caplets

30.99 EUR
Super Strength Multi Enzyme from Puritan's Pride for improved digestive health! Ensuring the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normal metabolism, adequate digestion of food and getting the maximum benefit from it is the most important task of every person. This minimizes the development of gastroenterological diseases, prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the digestive system, strengthens local immunity and cleanses the circulatory system.. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, Super Strength Multi Enzyme from the American company Puritan's Pride is perfect. (Puritans Pride), which contains a complex of enzymes and microelements. This product activates the absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, eliminates heartburn, colic, abdominal discomfort, is effective for increased gas formation and helps get rid of nausea. It accelerates the removal of toxic substances from the body and the recovery process in case of poisoning, is effective for normalizing intestinal motility, helps with overeating, constipation, and heaviness in the stomach. Its main components accelerate metabolic processes, prevent loose stools, and eliminate bad breath, which often occurs due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.. Thanks to them, a person receives maximum benefit from the nutrients entering the body, their absorption and processing improves, and the removal of their residues is activated. The complex based on them has an anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive system, prevents rotting of food that has entered the gastrointestinal tract, prevents stagnation in the intestines and eliminates spasms in it. It will be a great addition to anyone who is involved in sports and follows special sports nutrition to improve results.. All substances that are necessary for rapid muscle mass gain are fully absorbed and bring excellent results. Super Strength Multi Enzyme from Puritan's Pride is effective for the prevention of gastritis, enteritis, intestinal stenosis, ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis. It eliminates pain and discomfort in the abdominal area, normalizes intestinal motility, and helps relieve vomiting and nausea. It will be useful for everyone, because the well-coordinated work of the digestive system ensures health and excellent well-being! Composition: Ingredients Per Serving - 2 Caplets: Calcium 150 mg Phosphorus 116 mg Betaine hydrochloride 400 mg Amylase 200 mg Papain (Papaya Enzyme) (fruit) 100 mg Bromelain 100 mg Pancreatin 50 mg Lipase 50 mg Peppermint oil extract 50 mg Protease (Papaya Enzyme) (fruit) 30 mg Pepsin 20 mg Cellulase 10 mg Other Ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, vegetable cellulose, vegetable stearic acid, silica. Contains <2%: natural palm leaf glaze, vegetable magnesium stearate. Contains wheat ingredients. How to use: Adults take 2 caplets before or after meals. Warnings: Do...

Chewable Acerola C, Vitamin C, Chewable Acerola C 500, Puritan's Pride (36367224) 60tab Berry

23.61 EUR
Chewable Acerola C 500 Vitamin C by Puritan's Pride - Vitamin C for Immune Health The body's first line of defense, the physical barrier created by the skin, depends on vitamin C.. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, an important type of connective tissue. Collagen creates the structural foundation of the skin to improve skin condition. integrity, helping to effectively keep unwanted substances from entering the body. Vitamin C's important role in immune health goes beyond the skin. In the initial stages of the immune response, the white blood cells of the innate immune system trigger an inflammatory response as one of the means to combat unwanted visitors.. In a state of inflammation, large amounts of free radicals can be produced. Free radicals are unstable compounds that can prevent normal cells from functioning optimally.. Free radicals cannot distinguish your own healthy cells from your immune system's target, so they can damage your own cells. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. It also helps restore other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, to their active state to maintain antioxidant support. In addition to maintaining skin integrity and antioxidant health, vitamin C is essential for optimal white blood cell function.. During the immune response, leukocytes undergo a process of rapid division and reproduction.. Vitamin C supports the production of important B and T cells of the adaptive immune response. It also helps special types of innate immune system cells called phagocytes do their job of engulfing unwanted compounds. Try our vegetarian celery seeds today! Composition: Ingredients Per Serving - 1 Tablet: Calories 10 Total carbohydrates Sugar 2 g Includes 2 g Added Sugars Vitamin C (ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate) 500 mg Sodium 30 mg Acerola (Malpighia glabra) (fruit) 5 mg Citrus Bioflavonoids (Citrus spp.) (Peel) 2 mg Rose hip (Rosa canina) (fruit) 2.4 mg Hesperidin complex (Citrus spp.) (Peel) 2 mg Rutin 2 mg Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) (the seeds) 19 mg Stevia extract (Stevia rebaudiana) (sheet) 9.6 mg Other Ingredients: sucrose, sorbitol, fructose, vegetable cellulose, sodium ascorbate, natural flavors, Contains <2%: blackcurrant powder, carrageenan, citric acid, raspberry puree, silica, vegetable magnesium stearate, vegetable stearic acid. No artificial colors or flavors, no preservatives, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish. How to use: Adults take 1 tablet three times daily, preferably with meals. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Black cohosh, Black Cohosh 540, Puritan's Pride (71367051) 100caps

31.19 EUR
Black Cohosh 540 by Puritan's Pride - Traditional Menopause Health Support, Hot Flashes & Night Sweats, Leading Traditional Herb for Women's Health Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) (root) 540 mg Other Ingredients: gelatin. Contains <2%: silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners, no preservatives, no sugar, no starch, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish, no sodium. How to use: Adults take 1 capsule daily, preferably with a meal. Capsules can be opened and prepared like a tea. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Policosanol, Policosanol 20, Puritan's Pride 60gelcaps (72367032) 60softgels

24.99 EUR
Policosanol 20 from Puritan's Pride for heart and vascular health! To ensure proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is very important to fill the body with useful substances.. This will help to avoid blockage of veins, the appearance of edema, the development of cardiovascular diseases, which are increasingly becoming the cause of death among the population.. To support the heart and strengthen blood vessels, it is necessary to include Policosanol 20 from Puritan's Pride in your daily diet. (Puritans Pride). It contains policosanol, which is derived from rice wax.. This component has tremendous antioxidant properties, actively neutralizes the negative impact of free radicals on cells, slows down their premature aging and helps prolong youth.. This is a quality protection against oxidative stress, which can cause devastating damage to the entire human body.. It is effective in preventing coronary heart disease, venous thrombosis, angina, stroke, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, Parkinson's disease and similar diseases. A product based on it is very important for the health of blood vessels.. It increases the elasticity of their walls, controls their permeability, and helps to avoid the formation of plaques in the veins.. At the same time, it strengthens the heart muscle, helps the heart to work smoothly and correctly.. Even in stressful situations, a person is more protected from its destructive effects, and the cardiovascular system is less injured under the influence of stress. Its active substance is also very important for the immune system.. The body's defense mechanism is less susceptible to the negative influence of viral infections, fungi and bacteria. At the same time, it stimulates the production of killer cells that recognize and destroy cancer cells.. It helps reduce the level of low-density lipoproteins, and the heart receives much less stress.. This product will be very useful for those who suffer from high blood pressure.. It normalizes it and helps to endure temperature changes or weather changes without harm to health.. At the same time, it reduces thrombus formation, thins the blood and prevents platelets from sticking together. Policosanol 20 from Puritan's Pride is very useful for the entire cardiovascular system, while it has a vasoprotective effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. And, among other things, it boosts immunity, improves blood circulation, maintains heart health, is necessary for the proper functioning of the liver and brings enormous benefits to the entire body as a whole! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Policosanol (from rice wax) (Oryza sp.) 20 mg Other Ingredients: soybean oil, gelatin, vegetable glycerin, soy lecithin, yellow beeswax, natural caramel color. How to use: Adults take 1 capsule daily, preferably with a meal. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed the...

Rhodiola Herbal Complex, Puritan's Pride (71367115) 60caps

54.99 EUR
Food supplement Rhodiola Herbal Complex from the American manufacturer Puritan's Pride. - Maintains a calm, relaxed mood. - Helps relieve occasional stress. - For occasional insomnia. Stress is an inevitable part of life. And while this may be normal, stress can sometimes affect your health and well-being.. This is why it is so important to learn how to manage and respond to stress effectively. Adaptogens are natural plant substances that help the body adapt to stress and normalize processes in the body.. For plants to be considered adaptogens, they must have a positive effect on the body and help reduce periodic stress, helping the body adapt. Puritan's Pride® Rhodiola Herbal Complex contains KSM-66® Ashwagandha Extract, an adaptogen that helps support a calm, relaxed mood. Rhodiola naturally contains a wide range of antioxidants. It is considered an adaptogen due to its long history of traditional use to relieve mental fatigue associated with occasional stress. Rhodiola has been traditionally used for various health purposes since the 1700s in Russia and Scandinavia.. Meanwhile, Ashwagandha has a long history of traditional use, dating back to Ayurveda.. It helps the body relieve periodic stress by supporting a healthy cortisol response. For occasional insomnia, this calming adaptogen also helps maintain sleep quality with continued use. What's more, this special formula also includes holy basil, a traditional health herb. Like ashwagandha, holy basil also has a long history of use in healthcare.. Periodic stress affects your well-being, so it is important to maintain a calm mood. Rhodiola Herbal Complex supplement will help you do this and feel better.; KSM-66 Ashwagandha® is a registered trademark of Ixoreal. Composition: Composition per serving - 3 capsules: Ashwagandha Extract KSM-66® (Withania somnifera) (root) (Standardized to contain 5% withanolides) 600 mg Rhodiola extract (Rhodiola rosea) (root) (Standardized to contain 3% rosavins and 1% salidrosides) 200 mg Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum) (sheet) 100 mg Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose. Contains <2%: silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. Contains dairy ingredients. How to use: Adults take 3 capsules daily, preferably with a meal. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Cinnamon Complex with High Potency Chromium, Puritan's Pride (71367094) 60caps

22.29 EUR
Cinnamon with High-Potency Chromium from Puritan's Pride - cinnamon complex with high chromium potential! Supports sugar metabolism in your body Supports fat metabolism Supports heart and circulatory health Cinnamon - a common spice or a valuable tonic? It's hard to believe that an herb that you can now find in your spice cabinet was once worth 15 times more than silver.. Right! When Europeans first discovered cinnamon in the first century, it was so prized that a jar of cinnamon was worth a small fortune.. The recognized health benefits of cinnamon date back to 2800 BCE.. Eh. when the father of traditional Chinese medicine, Shen Nong, first used it. The use of cinnamon as a natural health product, a culinary spice, in religious ceremonies and as a preservative has since spread throughout the world.. Perhaps it was its sweet and spicy taste that made it a favorite spice among many to this day.. Or maybe its staying power is due to one of the highest levels of antioxidants of any spice.. Either way, cinnamon has long been a staple in traditional health practices and is here to stay. Composition: Composition per serving - 2 capsules: Total Carbs <1 g Chromium (as chromium picolinate) 400 mcg Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) (bark) 500 mg Cinnamon extract (Cinnamomum spp.) (bark) (extract 4:1, equivalent to 1500 mg of cinnamon) 375 mg Other Ingredients: gelatin, vegetable cellulose. Contains <2%: silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners, no preservatives, no sugar, no starch, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish, no sodium. How to use: Adults take 2 capsules daily, preferably with a meal. The capsules can be opened and the contents can be added to your favorite drink or food. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Potassium Citrate, Potassium Citrate 99, Puritan's Pride (36367219) 100tab

22.39 EUR
Puritan's Pride Potassium Citrate 99 for cardiovascular health and strong bones! It is very important for the body to receive essential nutrients regularly so that internal processes proceed correctly and fully.. It is important to include them in the diet as part of special products, which include Potassium Citrate 99 from the American company Puritan's Pride. (Puritans Pride). It contains potassium and calcium. These elements improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and protect against the formation of plaques in the veins.. This is an excellent prevention of venous thrombosis, atherosclerosis, angina, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, stroke.. It maintains a constant balance of electrolytes, is responsible for the correct transmission of nerve impulses, and regulates blood clotting. A product based on them restores neural connections, helps neurons perform their functions, and has a beneficial effect on memory and information perception.. It also improves blood microcirculation, ensures sufficient oxygen saturation of cells and thus protects them from oxygen starvation.. At the same time, it strengthens bone tissue, making bones and teeth stronger and more robust.. The elements that make up its composition are especially recommended for those who are actively involved in sports.. During intense training, an athlete loses a large number of nutrients, so it is very important to replenish them in a timely manner.. This will help protect against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other problems in the body.. With their help, the contractile function of muscle tissue is improved, muscle pinching and spasms in the limbs are eliminated.. This complex activates the production of muscle glycogen, thins the blood and is effective in preventing blood clots.. It normalizes the acid-base balance, is important for neuromuscular communication, and is also recommended for the prevention of kidney disease.. It helps to remove swelling and remove excess fluid from the body faster. Potassium Citrate 99 from Puritan's Pride is important for the quality functioning of muscle tissue, and this is especially necessary for those who play sports and regularly attend training. This product will be a great addition, as it is the key to a healthy cardiovascular system, strong bones and full muscle function! Composition: Ingredients Per Serving - 1 Tablet: Calcium (as dicalcium phosphate) 24 mg Potassium (as potassium citrate) 99 mg Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose, vegetable stearic acid. Contains <2%: silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners, no preservatives, no sugar, no starch, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish, no sodium. How to use: Adults take 1 tablet daily,...

Vitamins D3 & K2, Vitamin D3 & K2, Puritan's Pride 60caps (36367258) 60caps

32.39 EUR
Food supplement Vitamin D3 & K2 from the American brand Puritan's Pride! • Supports bone health. • Supports joint health. • Promotes absorption of calcium. • Supports immune system health. Strong bones and healthy joints are incredibly important for an active lifestyle because they work in tandem to create movement.. Contains a beneficial combination of two key ingredients that work together to help support healthy joints and bones. Vitamin K supports joint health, and vitamin D is well known for its bone-healthy properties. But most people in the United States get less than the recommended amount of vitamin D, which is needed to absorb calcium. Vitamin D is also involved in all three levels of immune system support.: It plays a role in skin and barrier function, immune cell function and movement, and the normal functioning of T cells and B cells. Vitamin D3 is the form that is naturally produced in the body when exposed to sunlight.. Vitamin K2 activates enzymes responsible for bone formation, helping to maintain bone mass and strength. Vitamin K is also necessary for the formation of prothrombin, which is essential for normal blood clotting and function. If you're looking for a dietary supplement to support bone and joint health, our Vitamin D3 and K2 are a great choice. Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Vitamin D 25 mcg (as cholecalciferol D3) (1000 IU) Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7) (MenaQ7®) 50 mcg Other Ingredients: di-calcium phosphate, vegetable cellulose, gelatin. Contains <2% rosemary extract, silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. How to use: Adults take 1 capsule daily, preferably with a meal. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Thiamine, Vitamin B-1 250, Puritan's Pride (36367007) 100tab

26.13 EUR
Vitamin B-1 250 from Puritan's Pride will give physical and emotional health to everyone! Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is very important for the proper functioning of the human body. It is involved in almost all internal processes and is an excellent support for the cardiovascular, central nervous and other systems of internal organs.. Based on this, the American company Puritan's Pride developed Vitamin B-1 250, which improves both emotional and physical health. This product normalizes metabolism and activates metabolism. At the same time, it is very useful for the proper functioning of the brain, improves cognitive functions, is important for good memory and perception of information.. It helps to maintain calm, stay balanced even in the most stressful situation, normalizes sleep, eliminates irritability, aggression and nervousness.. Its main component improves mood, accelerates the removal of toxic substances from the body, has hepatoprotective properties and is very useful for the liver, gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder.. At the same time, it helps improve cognitive functions, provides tremendous support to the central nervous system, and is very effective in cases of exhaustion and fatigue.. A product based on it prevents the development of beriberi, a disease that is accompanied by muscle atrophy, weakness and neuritis.. Moreover, it is recommended for strengthening bone tissue, reduces the feeling of hunger and helps not to overeat, provides excellent tone and is recommended for improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.. It increases the elasticity of the vascular walls, controls their permeability, strengthens the heart muscle and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. Thiamine is also essential for improving skin condition and preventing the development of dermatological diseases. This substance accelerates metabolism, activates energy production and will be an excellent support in case of constant stress or fatigue.. Vitamin B-1 250 from Puritan's Pride will be useful for every person, because with its help you can increase your energy potential, improve digestion, become much calmer and more balanced. It is important for the health of the heart and blood vessels, and also has a positive effect on the brain.. Its effect when it enters the body is multifaceted! Composition: Ingredients Per Serving - 1 Tablet: Thiamine (Vitamin B-1) (as thiamine hydrochloride) 250 mg Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose. Contains <2%: natural glaze from palm leaves, silica, magnesium stearate and vegetables, stearic acid and vegetables. How to use: Adults take 1 tablet daily, preferably with a meal. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of...

Quercetin Dihydrate + Bromelain with Vitamin C, Puritan's Pride (70367039) 60caps

43.69 EUR
Food supplement Quercetin Dihydrate + Bromelain with Vitamin C from the American manufacturer Puritan's Pride. - Maintain healthy immune function. - Promotes antioxidant health. - Provides digestive support. Your body is bombarded daily with foreign substances from the outside world.. Virtually everything you touch, from doorknobs to cell phones, is covered in tiny germs.. And although not all microorganisms are bad, there are less favorable ones for us.. The immune system protects your body from external threats and keeps you healthy. This is why it is so important to strengthen your immune system by giving it the energy and nutrients it needs to function optimally. Supplementing with quercetin dihydrate plus bromelain and vitamin C may provide you with immune system support. Quercetin is a natural plant pigment and non-citrus bioflavonoid.. It is found in foods such as green and black tea, onions, apples and other fruits and vegetables.. To support the immune system, this special formula also contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals in cells. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the functioning of white blood cells, which are vital components of the immune system. Meanwhile, bromelain is an enzyme that provides digestive support in the gastrointestinal tract. If you need support for your immune system as well as overall health and wellness, this supplement is the right choice for you. Composition: Composition per serving - 2 capsules: calories 5 Total Carbs <1 g Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 400 mg Quercetin dihydrate 500 mg Bromelain (from pineapple, providing 792 gelatin digestive units (GDU)) 310 mg Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose. Contains <2%: maltodextrin, silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. How to use: Adults take 2 capsules daily, preferably with a meal. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Complexe de ginseng Puritan's Pride, 75 gélules

19.89 EUR
Le supplément Puritan's Pride Ginseng Complex est un adaptogène naturel, qui comprend du concentré de gelée royale, de la vitamine B-12, des extraits de vrai ginseng rouge américain et chinois.. Idéal pour l’automne et l’hiver, il stimule l’endurance physique et la fonction immunitaire, ainsi que la vigilance mentale et le bien-être psychologique. Le concentré de gelée royale redonne de la force, active le système immunitaire, combat les germes, bactéries, virus; soulage l'inflammation; normalise le métabolisme, l'équilibre hormonal; soutient la santé du cœur et des vaisseaux sanguins, ainsi que des systèmes nerveux central et périphérique; recommandé pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement; donne de la vigueur; améliore la mémoire et l'attention; antioxydant puissant. Il normalise également la composition sanguine, la fonction de la moelle osseuse et les niveaux d'oxygène dans les muscles.. Améliore la santé gastro-intestinale, en particulier en cas d'ulcères et de gastrite. Soulage les symptômes des maladies du système respiratoire, en particulier l'asthme. Combat les cellules tumorales; stimule l'équilibre hormonal; soutient la longévité active. La vitamine B-12 maintient la bonne humeur, la résistance au stress et protège le système nerveux. Le complexe d'extraits de ginseng agit comme un adaptogène: il augmente les performances, la résistance au stress et le tonus général du corps. En même temps, il ne provoque pas de surexcitation, mais harmonise le système nerveux, calme les névroses, le stress et la dépression.. En tant que médicament, le ginseng améliore le fonctionnement des poumons, de la vésicule biliaire, du système endocrinien, normalise la glycémie et la tension artérielle en cas d'hypotension. Composition par portion - 2 gélules: Vitamine B-12 (sous forme de cyanocobalamine) - 30 mcg Extrait de ginseng (Panax ginseng) (racine) (standardisé pour contenir 2 % de ginsénosides, 6 mg) - 300 mg Extrait de ginseng américain (Panax quinquefolius) (racine) (standardisé pour contenir 5 % de ginsénosides, 2,5 mg) - 50 mg Ginseng rouge chinois (Panax ginseng) extrait (racine) (standardisé pour contenir 2 % de ginsénosides, 1 mg) - 50 mg Concentré de gelée royale - 2 mg Autres ingrédients: farine de riz, gélatine. Contient <2 %: dioxyde de silicium, stéarate de magnésium végétal. Mode d'application: Prendre deux (2) gélules par jour, de préférence avec les repas.

Calcium Magnesium, Calcium Magnesium, Puritan's Pride (36367211) 100caplets

23.61 EUR
Calcium Magnesium from Puritan's Pride - for proper muscle contraction, will support bone health Composition: Ingredients per serving - 1 caplet: Calcium (in the form of oyster shell, calcium carbonate and calcium gluconate) 500 mg Magnesium (in the form of magnesium oxide and magnesium gluconate) 250 mg Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose. Contains <2% titanium dioxide color, vegetable magnesium stearate. No artificial flavors or sweeteners, no preservatives, no sugar, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish, sodium free. How to use: Adults take 1 caplet per day, preferably with meals. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Extrait standardisé de millepertuis, St. Extrait standardisé de millepertuis 150, Puritan's Pride 100caps (71367108) 100caps

22.35 EUR
Supplément Santé St. Extrait standardisé 150 de millepertuis de Puritan's Pride ! Le millepertuis est utilisé depuis des siècles comme tonique pour favoriser le bien-être mental et une humeur paisible. Le millepertuis aide à maintenir une humeur positive et est idéal pour ceux qui souffrent d'anxiété occasionnelle et de stress quotidien. Composition: Composition par portion - 1 capsule: Extrait de millepertuis (Hypericum perforatum) (au-dessus du sol) (Standardisé pour contenir 0,3 % de dianthrones mesurés en hypéricine lors de tests dans la région UV-visible, 0,45 mg) 150mg Autres ingrédients: maltodextrine, gélatine. Contient <2%: Silicate de magnésium, dioxyde de silicium, stéarate de magnésium végétal. Comment utiliser: Les adultes prennent 1 capsule six fois par jour, de préférence avec les repas. Les capsules peuvent être ouvertes et préparées sous forme de thé. Mises en garde: Ne pas utiliser si vous êtes allergique à l'un des composés. Ne pas dépasser la portion quotidienne recommandée. Consulter un médecin pendant la grossesse ou l'allaitement. Les compléments alimentaires ne doivent pas être utilisés comme substitut d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée.. Garder hors de la portée des enfants. Conserver dans un endroit sec et frais. Protéger des rayons directs du soleil.

Puritan's Pride Puritans Pride - ABC Plus® Senior Multivitamin Multi-Mineral Formula 60 Caplets

20.49 EUR
Multivitamins and minerals 50+ without iron (ABC Plus Senior Multi), Puritan's Pride - a special complex of multivitamins, minerals and nutrients, which was made taking into account the needs of the human body after 50 years. It contains important substances that have a good effect on mood, physical and mental condition, appearance and physical health. Functional action: This is an advanced formula designed to provide the body of women and men after 50 years with a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain vital energy. The product helps to strengthen the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems; improves the general condition of capillaries and blood vessels; ensures the health of the brain, bones and skeletal system; normalizes the hormonal background and restores vision; helps to manage daily stress, supports the health of hair, nails and skin; stabilizes blood pressure and provides antioxidant protection, stimulates natural processes in the body. Food supplement ABC Plus Senior Multi will provide the body after 50 years with vital energy, health, excellent well-being, increase work capacity and improve the quality of life. The food supplement will provide the necessary daily need for vitamins and minerals, preventing their deficiency and increasing them to healthy levels. Application: Take 1 capsule daily with food. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. Component Composition 1 capsule Vitamin A 1250 IU Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 60 mg Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) 500 IU Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol acetate) 22.5 IU Vitamin K 30 mcg Thiamine 1.5 mg Riboflavin 1.7 mg Niacin (niacinamide) 20 mg Vitamin B6 3 mg Folic acid 400 mcg Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 25 mcg Biotin (d-biotin) 30 mcg Pantothenic acid 10 mg Calcium 220 mg Phosphorus 20 mg Iodine 150 mcg Magnesium 50 mg Zinc 11 mg Selenium 55 mcg Copper 0.5 mg Manganese 2.3 mg Chromium 45 mcg Molybdenum 45 mcg Chloride 72 mg Potassium 80 mg Boron 150 μg Silicon 2 mg Vanadium 10 μg Lutein 250 mcg Lycopene 300 mcg Other ingredients: Vegetable cellulose, gelatin. Contains <2%: Crospovidone, FD&C Blue #2, FD&C Red #40, FD&C Yellow #5, Maltodextrin, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Polydextrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate. Does not contain: Artificial flavors and sweeteners, preservatives, sugar, milk, lactose, soy, gluten, wheat, yeast, fish. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Puritan's Pride ONE DAILY Multivitamines pour hommes, 100 comprimés

24.82 EUR
One Daily Men's Multivitamin 100 Comprimés est une formule pour les sportifs et les hommes actifs ! L'outil a un effet positif sur les performances physiques et mentales, augmente la résistance du corps à divers types d'infections, combat la fatigue et la perte de force, augmente les capacités d'adaptation du corps et a un effet antioxydant. La thiamine et le zinc dans la composition contribuent à la récupération rapide et à la croissance des fibres musculaires après l'entraînement. Dans le même temps, One Daily Men's Multivitamin 100 comprimés protège le système cardiovasculaire d'un stress accru, ce qui est important pour les athlètes professionnels. Immédiatement après l'avoir pris, vous ressentirez une poussée de force et d'énergie, votre humeur et votre bien-être général s'amélioreront et votre endurance pendant l'activité physique augmentera. Convient pour le séchage et les régimes hypocaloriques. Principe de fonctionnement démarre le processus de récupération après l'entraînement et favorise la croissance rapide des fibres musculaires; a un effet complexe sur le métabolisme des glucides, des lipides et des graisses; brûle les graisses; a un effet antioxydant; stimule le système immunitaire; régule l'équilibre des hormones sexuelles; augmente la synthèse de collagène et d'élastine, ce qui maintient la santé de la peau, des cheveux et des ongles; abaisse le taux de cholestérol; protège le cœur d'un stress excessif et prévient le développement de maladies du système cardiovasculaire. Avantages dans le cadre des seules vitamines et minéraux utiles nécessaires, qui augmentent qualitativement les résultats après l'entraînement; sans OGM, gluten et composants laitiers. Caractéristiques de composition Vitamine A - est un puissant antioxydant, a un effet positif sur la croissance et le développement de nouvelles cellules épidermiques, stimule l'immunité locale des muqueuses, la synthèse de collagène et d'élastine et a un effet anti-inflammatoire. Vitamine C - renforce considérablement le système immunitaire, améliore l'absorption du fer, joue un rôle important dans la production de collagène, est un puissant antioxydant. Vitamine D - est responsable de la croissance normale des os et des dents, régule le fonctionnement de la glande thyroïde, du système reproducteur et normalise l'équilibre des hormones sexuelles. Vitamine E - arrête les processus de vieillissement prématuré, a un puissant effet anti-inflammatoire, stimule le système immunitaire. Vitamine K - est responsable de l'évolution physiologique du processus de coagulation du sang, augmente l'absorption du calcium, prévient le développement de l'ostéoporose. Thiamine - améliore les capacités cognitives du cerveau, augmente les capacités d'apprentissage, stimule la croissance des os et des muscles. Riboflavine - participe au métabolisme des glucides et des lipides, régule le fonctionnement du système nerveux et du myocarde, maintient la santé de la peau, des cheveux et des ongles,...

Resveratrol, Resveratrol 500, Puritan's Pride (70367020) 30caps

65.19 EUR
Resveratrol 500 from Puritan's Pride for antioxidant protection and improved overall health! Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phytoalexin that has powerful antioxidant properties, enhances immunity, and has cardioprotective and antitumor effects on the human body. Based on it, the American manufacturer Puritan's Pride (Puritans Pride) developed Resveratrol 500, which also has anti-inflammatory properties. This product normalizes blood sugar levels, making it very effective in preventing diabetes.. It protects a person from oncological diseases, and also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, angina, hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.. At the same time, it normalizes blood clotting, thereby thinning it and preventing the formation of plaques in the veins.. Its active substance is a general tonic for the body, very useful for improving the physical health of a person, and also strengthens the defense mechanism that is responsible for neutralizing foreign bodies.. It boosts immunity and helps to actively fight viral infections, fungi and bacteria.. At the same time, it promptly recognizes and destroys its own cancer cells.. If this does not happen, then the tumor begins to actively develop in the body. A product based on it helps in complex therapy to eliminate the inflammatory process, and is used in anti-allergic therapy.. At the same time, it actively fights the negative impact of free radicals on cells, slows down their premature aging, helps to prolong youth and is very beneficial for the skin.. It increases the elasticity of blood vessel walls, prevents blood clots from forming, activates collagen production and reduces histamine synthesis. Resveratrol 500 from Puritan's Pride will provide high-quality and effective support for the body during periods of increased prevalence of flu, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases. Which, with reduced immunity, can not only worsen a person’s general well-being, but also cause harm to many internal organ systems.. Very often, if the immune system is too low, this can have irreversible consequences.. This product is recommended for everyone, because only being healthy can you live a quality and vibrant life! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Resveratrol 500 mg Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose. Contains <2%: silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. No artificial flavor or sweetener, no preservatives, no sugar, no starch, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish, no sodium. Suitable for vegetarians. How to use: Adults take 1 capsule twice daily, preferably with meals. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach...

Puritan's Pride Puritans Pride - Triple Omega 3-6-9 Fish, Flax & Borage Oils 120 Softgels

31.5 EUR
Functional action: Unfortunately, the diet of modern people contains a small amount of polyunsaturated lipids, namely Omega 3-6-9. And in order to fully satisfy our body and improve its well-being, biological supplements were developed. Fatty acids are very necessary for the functioning of our body, and are also necessary for improving health and a comprehensive balanced diet. Specialists have noticed that omega 3 has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps improve the health of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, rheumatism and oncology. It plays an important role in the brain. Omega 6 – provides significant support for allergies, immune dysfunction, gastrointestinal tract, mental and physical stress, arthritis, osteoporosis and dry skin. Recently, scientists found out that Omega 9 is capable of reducing cholesterol levels and the likelihood of developing diabetes, heart and blood vessel diseases. An exceptional combination and correct ratio of Omega 3-6-9 – restores and improves metabolism, eliminates the risk of cardiovascular diseases, increases the overall tone of the body, elasticity of the skin, hair and nails. Application: Adults take 3 capsules a day with food. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. Component Composition 1 serving (3 capsules) Calorie 40 Calories from fat 35 Total fat 3.5 g Polysaturated fats 2 g Saturated fats 0.5 g Monounsaturated fats 1 g Cholesterol 10 mg Protein <1 g The maximum strength of the triple omega 3,6,9 - patented mixture: 3600 mg - Omega 3 1354 mg - Omega 6 296 mg - Omega 9 266 mg Other ingredients: gelatin, vegetable glycerin, mixed natural tocopherols. Contains fish oil (anchovy, mackerel, sardine). Organic linseed oil, Ester-Omega® (Fish oil), Cucumber seed oil. Does not contain: artificial coloring, flavor enhancers or sweeteners, preservatives, sugar, starch, milk, lactose, gluten, wheat, yeast, shellfish and sodium. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Royal Canin Croquettes Diabetic Chien Sac 12 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

182.6 EUR
Aliment pour chiens diabétiques.Aliment complet et équilibré pour l'alimentation quotidienne des chiens diabétiques de toute taille. Cet aliment est conçu pour le contrôle clinique du diabète et peut être utilisé en tant que régime alimentaire permanent pour votre animal. Formulé sous contrôle vétérinaire.Attention : l'utilisation de cet aliment augmente généralement la sensibilité de votre chien face à l'insuline. Il est très important de contrôler les niveaux de glucose et la réaction à l'insuline lorsque vous commencez le régime, afin d'ajuster la dose d'insuline à administrer. Consultez votre vétérinaire avant d'utiliser cet aliment.Contre-indications :Gestation, allaitement et animaux en croissance.Bienfaits observés :Aide à contrôler les niveaux de glucose dans le sang : les régimes pauvres en hydrates de carbone et riches en protéines aident à réduire l'hyperglycémie postprandiale. Les niveaux élevés de protéines aident également à maintenir la masse musculaire.Stabilisation du ...

Royal Canin Croquettes Diabetic Chien Sac 7 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

146.06 EUR
Aliment pour chiens diabétiques.Aliment complet et équilibré pour l'alimentation quotidienne des chiens diabétiques de toute taille. Cet aliment est conçu pour le contrôle clinique du diabète et peut être utilisé en tant que régime alimentaire permanent pour votre animal. Formulé sous contrôle vétérinaire.Attention : l'utilisation de cet aliment augmente généralement la sensibilité de votre chien face à l'insuline. Il est très important de contrôler les niveaux de glucose et la réaction à l'insuline lorsque vous commencez le régime, afin d'ajuster la dose d'insuline à administrer. Consultez votre vétérinaire avant d'utiliser cet aliment.Contre-indications :Gestation, allaitement et animaux en croissance.Bienfaits observés :Aide à contrôler les niveaux de glucose dans le sang : les régimes pauvres en hydrates de carbone et riches en protéines aident à réduire l'hyperglycémie postprandiale. Les niveaux élevés de protéines aident également à maintenir la masse musculaire.Stabilisation du ...

Royal Canin Health Management Chien Mature Consult Petites Races 3,5kg

37.56 EUR
Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chien Senior Consult Mature Small 3,5kg conviennent à l'alimentation des chiens de petites races non-castrés à partir de l'âge de 8 ans. Les croquettes Royal Canin Vet Care Nutrition Chien Senior Consult Mature Small 3,5kg favorisent la digestion aide à contrôler la formation de tartre, renforcent la barrière cutanée et combat le vieillissement des cellules.

Mental Health Academy Das Gesetz Der Anziehung: Durch Visualisierung & Affirmationen Zu Mehr Glück, Gesundheit & Erfolg In Deinem Leben!

4.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 133, publicationDate : 2019-01-06, authors : Mental Health Academy, ISBN : 1792197624

The Health & Beauty KOREA Julie's Choice Evervitamin Inner Booster Shot Multivitamin 7 Bottles

52.14 EUR
✔️ We only sell genuine Korean products. ✔️ 100% certified products©™ ✔️ All products are shipped from Korea ✔️ We promise to deliver as quickly and safely as possible. ✔️ Please visit our store to see more products. # In stock!!! Julie's Choice Evervitamin Inner Booster Shot Multivitamin 7 Bottles #Product Features ✔️ Inner Beauty and Vitality Recharge ✔️ Hyaluronic Acid + High-Concentration Multivitamin ✔️ Contains 120mg of Hyaluronic Acid Derived from Lactobacillus for Skin Moisturization ✔️ Contains Vitamin B Group for Vitality ✔️ 2 Vitamin Tablets for Energy Recharge - Vitamin A/D/E/B1/B2/B6/B12, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Bioti, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Zinc ✔️ Refreshing and Delicious Passion Pineapple Flavored Liquid ✔️ Take 1 bottle once a day ✔️ Shipped from Korea ✅ Notice ✔️ If you receive a damaged product, please contact us before completing your purchase (before pressing the purchase completion button or before the purchase is automatically completed). Exchanges or refunds are not possible after the purchase is completed. ✔️If you have any questions, please contact us via chat anytime~!! I will reply as soon as possible~!!! ✔️Chat business hours 09:00~17:00 (Mon~Fri)# Our shop’s promise to our customers ✔️We only sell genuine Korean products. ✔️100% Certified ©™ ✔️All products are shipped from Korea ✔️We promise to deliver it as quickly and safely as possible. ✔️We will do our best to provide follow-up good service for the Customer's Satisfaction. # Shipping ✔️Handling Time : 3 days. ✔️Your order will arrive at our sorting center in Korea within 3 business days after payment (Monday to Friday). # Customs & Duty ✔️Please Note that Import duties, Taxes, and Unspecified charges are on Buyer's Charge. ✔️Recommended to check it to your Local Custom Office prior to final purchase decision just in case. # Return Policy ✔️If you are not satisfied with your order, you can return it and receive a refund. ✔️Returns are not possible if the product has been opened or used. ✔️Unless the return is due to our mistake, the return cost is borne by the buyer. ✔️We reserve the right to refuse returns/refunds and sales to customers who abuse eBay rules. # CONTACT US & FEEDBACK ✔️If you have any inconveniences, please contact us first for prompt processing. We will contact you within 48 hours. ✔️Your favorable evaluation will help and support us in providing better customer service.

Yvonika Retrubin ULTRA for men's health

37.79 EUR
A powerful herbal complex based on herbal extracts, Retrubin ULTRA is a real treasure for modern men who are looking for a natural way to support their physical and mental health.. All components of the product have been carefully selected by our specialists and contain a wide range of useful substances.. They interact effectively with each other, and also complement and enhance each other’s properties.. Main advantages and properties of the complex Modern men often experience chronic fatigue and have low energy levels due to the fast pace of life, overload, lack of sleep, problems in the family and at work, etc.. Retrubin Ultra is a powerful adaptogen that helps combat psychological stress and increases the body's resistance to the negative effects of stressful situations.. The complex preserves internal energy, normalizes sleep and restores the psycho-emotional state. Retrubin ULTRA is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart and brain health, as well as improve focus and concentration.. The large amount of zinc and magnesium in the complex supports prostate health and normal testosterone levels in the body. And the high content of vitamin C strengthens the immune system, improves mood and overall well-being. The Retrubin Ultra complex also improves a man's sex life. It improves spermatogenesis and sperm motility, normalizes hormonal levels, increases fertility and reproductive activity.. And improved physical endurance and increased energy levels help to significantly prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. Retrubin ULTRA contains: Ginseng Root Extract - Increases the body's resistance to stressful situations and improves overall health, improves sexual performance and enhances erection, increases physical endurance and energy levels, and increases vitality. The extract has a tonic effect on the body.: improves physical and mental performance and improves cognitive functions (memory and concentration). Tribulus Terrestris Herb Extract - Increases testosterone levels in the body, supports prostate health and improves sexual performance, and protects cells from free radical damage. In addition, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.. Ashwagandha root extract - reduces the effects of stress, facilitates the body's adaptation to negative factors and increases physical endurance. It is widely used to support the male reproductive system, as it improves erection, enhances sexual desire and increases testosterone levels.. The extract improves physical and mental performance and maintains high levels of energy and endurance throughout the day. Pumpkin seed extract is a natural source of zinc, a mineral important for prostate health.. It increases testosterone levels in the blood, supports the proper functioning of the prostate gland, and also improves the health of the urinary system.. The extract facilitates...

FANCL Meshimakobu Supplement Health Food s2103

194.19 EUR
FANCL Meshimakobu Supplement Health Food s2103 Product Description FANCL's Meshimakobu is a health food supplement for 10 to 30 days. Made from the rare mushroom Meshimakobu's mycelium (PL2), developed in collaboration with Korea New Drug. It contains highly active ingredients to support health and is offered at an affordable price with FANCL's quality. Daily Dosage 1 to 3 packets Main Ingredients (per packet) Meshimakobu Mycelium (PL2) Extract: 1100mg Methyl-D-Glucoside: 151.8mg (as α-Methyl-D(+)Glucoside) Ingredients Meshimakobu Mycelium (PL2) Extract (Korea-made) Lactose Starch Hydrolyzate

DHC Vitamin D 60 Days 60 Tablets Health DHC Supplement S2052

20.38 EUR
DHC Vitamin D 60 Days 60 Tablets Health DHC Supplement S2052 **Expiration Date** We deliver products with at least 330 days remaining until the expiration date at the time of shipment. **Product Details** Vitamin D is known for its essential role in building a strong foundation for health, as it is produced when the skin is exposed to sunlight (UV rays). Recently, it has also gained attention for its ability to reduce various health risks. This supplement is recommended for those who spend most of their day indoors or are prone to health issues during the winter months. **Product Specifications** **Content** 90g **Ingredients** (Please check the product upon arrival) Maltose (made in Japan) / Cellulose, Sucrose fatty acid ester, Microfine silicon dioxide, Vitamin D3 **Form** Tablet **Nutritional Information** [Per Tablet 150mg] Energy 0.6 kcal, Protein 0.01g, Fat 0.002g, Carbohydrates 0.14g, Sodium equivalent 0.00003g, Vitamin D 25.0μg **Energy** [Per Tablet 150mg] Energy 0.6 kcal **Suggested Daily Intake** 1 tablet per day **Caution** After opening, close the package securely and consume as soon as possible. **Storage Instructions** Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and high humidity. **Product Name** Vitamin D-containing food **Manufacturer** DHC **JAN Code** 4511413407363 **Brand** DHC **Product Number** U222434 *Note: We deliver products with at least 330 days remaining until the expiration date at the time of shipment.*

HOD Health&Home Watches Unisex Men's Women's Rubber Led Watch Date Sports Bracelet Digital Wrist Blue Standard blanc

14.09 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Brand New And High QualityShows Time Digital NumbersDisplay Time In Numbers Indicate The Hour, Minutes And Seconds.Additional White Led Function To Show The Time Clearly In Dark AreasWith Its Elegant And Contemporary Design, It Is Very PopularA Perfect Present For Friends,Families, Lovers Etc SpecificationCustomGeneral People Male Table,Female Table,Children Table Watch Style Led Dial Movement Type Digital Watch Shape Of The Dial Rectangle Display Type Digital Hour Formats 12 Hour Case Material Silicone Dial Size \n2Cm Band Band Material Silicone Clasp Type Double Buckle Band Size 23Cm Function Special Features Luminous Dimensions And Weight Product Weight 0.0220 Kg Package Weight 0.03 The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches Men's Original Luxury Brand Stainless Steel Quartz Watch Blue Standard blanc

38.69 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. SpecificationGeneral Brand Watch Style Fashion,Trends In Outdoor Sports Watches Categories Men Dial Watch Mirror Mineral Glass Case Material Alloy Display Type Analog-Digital Movement Type Quartz + Digital Watch Shape Of The Dial Round Dial Size \n8Cm X \n6Cm Band Band Material Stainless Steel Clasp Type Sheet Folding Clasp Band Size 24Cm X \n2Cm Function Special Features Alarm Clock,Month,Day,Date,Luminous Water Resistance 30 Meters Dimensions And Weight Product Weight 0.1700 Kg Package Weight 0.1800 Kg < The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches 6124 Men's Luminous Waterproof Outdoor Sports Watch Silicone Band Pin Buckle Quartz Wristwatch Blue Standard blanc

33.59 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Built-In Pi970 28Mah Battery SpecificationGeneral Brand Watch Style Business Watches Categories Men Dial Watch Mirror Mineral Glass Case Material Alloy Movement Type Quartz Watch Shape Of The Dial Round Band Band Material Silicone Clasp Type Pin Buckle Dimensions And Weight Product Weight 0.0950 Kg Package Weight 0.1500 Kg Product Size (L X W X H) 26.00 X \n10 X \n40 Cm / \n24 X \n01 X 0.55 Inches Package Size (L X W X H) 15.00 X \n00 X \n50 Cm / \n91 X \n15 X \n38 Inches You Will Receive You Will Receive 1 X Watch The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches Fashion Casual For Men Waterproof Classic Leather Man's Quartz Standard noir

25 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Features Three Small Decorative Sub-Dials Make The Watch More Unique Stainless Steel Case, Sturdy In Structure And Uneasy To Scrape Leather Strap, Comfortable To Wear And Durable To Use Classic Pin Buckle, Convenient To Adjust The Length And Not Easy To Fall Off Specifications Case Material Alloy Case Diameter 51mm Case Thickness 14mm Band Material Leather Band Band Length (include Case) 265mm Band Width 26 mm Product Weight 128g You will receive 1 x Men's watch 1 x Box The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches 8152 Men's Waterproof Matte Genuine Leather Quartz Watch Luminous Wristwatch Unique Timer Dial White Standard blanc

20.69 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Built-In Pi970 28Mah Battery SpecificationGeneral Brand Watch Style Business Watches Categories Men Dial Watch Mirror Mineral Glass Case Material Alloy Movement Type Quartz Watch Shape Of The Dial Round Band Band Material Genuine Leather Clasp Type Pin Buckle Dimensions And Weight Product Weight 0.0900 Kg Package Weight 0.1500 Kg Product Size (L X W X H) 25.50 X \n30 X \n00 Cm / \n04 X \n69 X 0.39 Inches Package Size (L X W X H) 15.00 X \n00 X \n50 Cm / \n91 X \n15 X \n38 Inches You Will Receive You Will Receive 1 X Watch The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

HOD Health&Home Watches Fashion Trend Simple Ultra Thin Men's Belt Quartz Watch Puce Standard

18.79 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Features Two-Pin Design Light And Thin, The Case Thickness Is Only \n5Mm Specifications General Watch Style Casual, Fashion, Trends In Outdoor Sports Watches Categories Men Dial Case Material Stainless Steel Display Type Analog Movement Type Quartz Watch Shape Of The Dial Round Watch Mirror Mineral Glass Band Band Material Leather Clasp Type Pin Buckle Function Special Features Ip Plating Water Resistance 30 Meters Weight And Size Package Size (L X W X H) 26.50 X \n50 X \n00 Cm / \n43 X \n17 X 0.79 Inches Package Weight 0.0450 Kg Product Size (L X W X H) 25.00 X \n00 X 0.65 Cm / \n84 X \n57 X 0.26 Inches Product Weight 0.0380 Kg You will receive 1 x Men's Watch The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Now Foods - L-GLUTAMINE POWDER 170 gr.

30.07 EUR
L-Glutamine Powder), NOW Foods is a pure, essential amino acid in free form and of the highest quality. Regulation of nitrogen metabolism. Ammonia disposal. Gut health. Support of immunity. Support of muscle mass. Vegetarian product. Kosher product. Functional action: L-glutamine is an amino acid that plays a major role in maintaining the immunomodulatory function of the intestine (primarily the colon). L-glutamine is involved in the distribution of blood cells (erythrocytes, lymphocytes, fibroblasts), nitrogen delivery to cells, control of the acid-alkaline balance of the blood. Glutamine protects the intestinal mucosa from the effects of various toxic components entering the body (during chemotherapy). Glutamine transports fuel to organs and tissues, in case of injuries and burns, promotes the growth of muscle tissues. The use of Nau Foods products containing glutamine helps to better cope with stress (especially muscle stress during sports), recovery of strength during sleep. Application: Mix 1 teaspoon of powder with juice, preferably between meals, 1-2 times a day. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. Component Composition 1 tsp. or 5 g L-Glutamine (free form) 5000 mg Other ingredients: No. Does not contain: GMO, sugar, starch, lactose, soy, gluten, wheat, yeast, fish, sodium, artificial colors, preservatives. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Vitamines pour hommes Adam, Adam Caps, Now Foods 90 gélules végétales (36128276) 90vcaps

45.03 EUR
Adam is Now Foods Full Spectrum Men's Health Vitamins & Minerals La composition incroyablement riche en vitamines et minéraux du complexe Adam Caps de la célèbre marque Now Foods est conçue pour soutenir la santé et la longévité active des hommes. Le produit contient des micronutriments essentiels qui soutiennent le système immunitaire, le développement musculaire et la santé sexuelle. Dans des conditions de stress constant et de nutrition déséquilibrée, il est extrêmement difficile de fournir au corps la quantité nécessaire de vitamines et de minéraux. Mais dans la vie d'un homme moderne, ils jouent un rôle très important, surtout s'il mène une vie active et fait du sport.. De plus, nous sommes souvent exposés à des virus nocifs qui causent diverses maladies, comme le rhume et la grippe.. Le complexe Now Foods Adam Caps fournira une protection et un soutien maximum au corps masculin, aidera à restaurer rapidement la force et l'énergie, qui sont si nécessaires à la vie active. En plus des vitamines déjà traditionnelles A, C, D3, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, ainsi que les minéraux calcium, magnésium, zinc, iode, potassium, chrome, sélénium, manganèse, molybdène, ce complexe contient des extraits et des composés uniques. Parmi eux, il convient de souligner: • phytostérols; • extrait de racine d'ortie; • acide alpha-lipoïque; • Bitartrate de choline; • Coenzyme Q10; • inositol; • lutéine. La combinaison d'ingrédients actifs du complexe Adam Caps soutient la santé du système cardiovasculaire, supprime le développement des processus inflammatoires, soutient les fonctions de reproduction, assure le bon fonctionnement de la prostate, normalise la sécrétion d'hormones mâles, aide à lutter contre la dysfonction érectile, abaisse le taux de cholestérol sanguin, accélère la récupération après de fortes charges physiques, neutralise l'action des radicaux libres, ralentit le processus de vieillissement. Ainsi, nous pouvons dire en toute sécurité que le complexe de vitamines et de minéraux Now Foods Adam Caps est un outil indispensable pour chaque homme. Il fournit un soutien complet à tout le corps, a un effet bénéfique sur la fonction sexuelle, renforce les défenses naturelles de l'organisme et soutient la santé cardiaque et vasculaire. Peu importe si vous êtes un athlète ou menez une vie active, Adam Caps vous aidera à rester en bonne santé, plein de force et de vitalité ! Composition: Composition par portion 3 gélules: Vitamine A (75 % sous forme de bêta-carotène et 25 % sous forme de palmitate de rétinyle) 10 000 UI Vitamine C (à partir d'ascorbate de calcium) 250mg Vitamine D (sous forme d'ergacociférol) 1000 UI Vitamine E (sous forme de succinate de d-alpha-tocophéryle) 150 UI Vitamine K (comme Menaquinone K2 et Phytonadione K1) 80 mcg Thiamine (vitamine B-1) (à partir de thiamine HCl) 25mg Riboflavine (vitamine B-2) 25mg Niacine (vitamine B-3) (sous forme de...

Now Foods - L-CARNITINE POWDER, 85 gr.

44.29 EUR
L-Carnitine from Now Foods is a clinically tested, purest, organic formula suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Functional action: This amino acid is suitable not only for athletes, but also for people suffering from fatty liver. In addition, carnitine performs many other functions that contribute to the health of the entire body. Carnitine supports the body during heavy physical exertion and helps quick recovery after training. It helps in the work of the brain, cardiovascular and nervous systems, promotes concentration of attention. Carnitine is an amino acid that is found in high concentrations in the cells of the brain, nerves, heart and liver. L-carnitine is involved in the conversion of fatty acids into energy by mitochondria. Application: Take 1/4 teaspoon once or twice daily with or without food. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. Component Composition: 1/4 tsp. L-Carnitine 635 mg Other ingredients: nothing but the ingredients listed. Does not contain: Wheat, gluten, soy, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish or nuts. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Berberine Glucose Support, Now Foods 90gelcaps (72128066)

60.46 EUR
Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods will strengthen the body and give good health to everyone! Every second a person uses a huge amount of useful substances to ensure normal life activity.. It is very important to replenish them in a timely manner and add them to the diet in the form of special products.. These include Berberine Glucose Support from the American manufacturer Now Foods. (Nau Foods). It contains berberine HCL and MCT oil.. This combination normalizes metabolism, ensures normal functioning of the digestive system, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These components speed up metabolism, help to normalize your weight, remove toxic substances and waste from the body.. Thanks to them, the level of low-density lipoproteins decreases, blood circulation improves, and the elasticity of the vessel walls increases.. It is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.. With their help, you can normalize blood sugar levels, and this protects a person from developing diabetes. A product based on them reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, relieves the burden on the body that occurs with obesity, and also provides support for blood vessels.. With its help, the work of the brain improves, memory becomes much better, and incoming information is perceived more efficiently.. A person gains energy, strength for new achievements, and their vitality increases. The substances included in the composition are effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease. They have antioxidant properties and prevent free radicals from destroying cells.. Moreover, they have an oncoprotective effect, preventing the development of cancer.. These components normalize hormonal levels and have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods has choleretic and antispasmodic properties. It normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents plaque formation in the veins.. With its help, the composition of bile becomes biochemically balanced, the tone of the muscle tissue of the gallbladder decreases.. This product is recommended to everyone, because it can be called universal in its action.. With its help, you can lose weight, reduce body size, ensure the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, get energized and protect yourself from diabetes! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Calories 5 Total fat 0.5 g - saturated fat 0.5 g Berberine HCl (from the bark of Berberis aristata) 400 mg MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) 700 mg - capric acid (C10) (from MCT oil) 238 mg Other Ingredients: soft gelatin capsule (bovine gelatin, glycerin, water, caramel coloring), beeswax and sunflower lecithin. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients.. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these...

Yucca, Yucca 500, Now Foods (71128169) 100caps

22.39 EUR
Herbal supplement for your health Yucca 500 from the American brand Now Foods! Natural saponins. Yucca is a popular herb from a shrub native to the deserts of the southwestern United States.. It has been used by Native American herbalists for hundreds of years.. It is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.. Due to its composition, it cleanses the body and increases blood pressure. Natural color variations may occur in this product. Composition: Composition per serving - 2 capsules: Total Carbohydrates 1g Yucca (Yucca spp.) (root) (concentrate 4:1) 1 g (1000 mg) Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule), magnesium stearate (vegetable source) and stearic acid (vegetable source). Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or tree nuts. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these allergens. How to use: Take 2 capsules 1 to 3 times daily. Store in a cool, dry place after opening. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Vitamin E, Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Vitamin E-200 D-Alpha Tocopheryl, Now Foods 100gelcaps (36128422) 100softgels

27.39 EUR
Now Foods Vitamin E-200 D-Alpha Tocopheryl - Antioxidant Protection Vitamin E is a major fat-soluble antioxidant that is especially important for maintaining cellular health by scavenging free radicals generated during normal metabolic processes as well as from environmental influences.. In addition to antioxidant activity, vitamin E is also vital for normal immune function and the maintenance of a healthy vascular system. This product may naturally change color. Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl acetate) 134 mg Other Ingredients: softgel capsule [bovine gelatin (without BSE), glycerin, water] and organic extra virgin olive oil. Contains soy (vitamin E from non-GMO soy). Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these allergens. How to use: Take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily with meals. Warnings: Do not use if you are allergic to any of the compounds. Do not exceed recommended daily serving. Consult a physician during pregnancy or lactation. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Calcium Magnesium Vitamin D3, Calcium & Magnesium Powder, Now Foods (36128325) 227g

34.95 EUR
Calcium Magnesium D3 - strong bones and teeth, healthy functionality of muscles, heart and central nervous system The well-known American manufacturer of high-quality health products, Now Foods, is pleased to present to all adherents of a healthy and active lifestyle the Calcium &; Magnesium Powder. This product is designed to optimally supply the body with key minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal, circulatory and nervous systems. The presented complex is perfect for athletes, as it saturates the body with essential microelements that ensure normal muscle tissue activity and healthy transmission of nerve impulses.. In addition, the product has a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue, making it elastic, strong, and resistant to intense loads.. So, among the components in this dietary supplement, it is worth highlighting: • magnesium – ensures proper muscle relaxation and prevents the development of cramps, increases the strength and speed of muscle contraction, strengthens the neuromuscular connection, and normalizes the activity of the central nervous system. It also improves blood supply to the heart, is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and energy production, supports healthy protein synthesis in the body, improves training performance, and regulates calcium concentration in the blood.; • calcium is an antagonist of magnesium, which strengthens teeth and bones, and also improves blood clotting, provides direct excitability and contraction of muscle fibers, prevents bone depletion in athletes and the development of osteoporosis, normalizes the menstrual cycle in women, strengthens the immune system; • vitamin D3 – regulates the absorption of calcium from the intestines and promotes proper mineralization of bone tissue, maintains a healthy balance of minerals throughout the body, and normalizes hormone production. Adequate calcium and magnesium intake is critical not only for athletes. People whose activities are not related to sports should also receive a full supply of these minerals if they want to maintain a high level of health of bones, muscles, heart, blood vessels and nervous system.. Taking this into account, the manufacturer created this complex as absolutely universal, suitable for both athletes and all active people who care about their own well-being. The product contains minerals in the bioavailable form of citrates and is produced in powder form, which allows it to be taken simply by diluting it with water or juice.. It combines perfectly with other dietary supplements such as vitamins, amino acids, protein, etc. Take care of the health of your musculoskeletal, circulatory and nervous systems, staying active and full of vitality with Now Foods Calcium &; Magnesium Powder! Composition: Composition per serving - about 5 g (1.5 level teaspoons): Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 5 mcg (200 IU) Calcium (from calcium...

Now Foods Maintenant Aliments, Berberine Glucose Support, 90 Softgels

79.2 EUR
Description soutient le métabolisme du glucose soutient les niveaux de glucose et de lipides déjà dans la plage normale combiné avec l’huile MCT pour une absorption optimale de la berbérine Un complément alimentaire General Health Family Owned Since 1968 GMP Quality AssuredBerberine est un constituant naturel d’herbes telles que l’hydraste du Or, le raisin de l’Oregon, et l’épine-vinette. Des études cliniques ont démontré que la berbérine aide à soutenir le métabolisme déjà normal du glucose et des lipides. Parce que la berbérine est connue pour sa biodisponibilité limitée, ce produit comprend du caprate (C10, un triglycéride à chaîne moyenne) pour favoriser une absorption optimale et le maintien du confort gastro-intestinal pendant la supplémentation en berbérine. Suggested Use Preprenez 1 gélule 3 fois par jour avec de la nourriture. Autres ingrédients La capsule de gel (gélatine bovine, glycérine, eau, couleur caramel), cire d’abeille et lécithine de tournesol. Non fabriqué avec de la levure, du blé, du gluten, du soja, du lait, des œufs, du poisson ou des crustacés. Produit dans une installation BPF qui traite d’autres ingrédients contenant ces allergènes. Warnings Caison: Pour adultes seulement. Ne pas utiliser si vous êtes enceinte, si vous risquez de le devenir ou si vous allaitez. Ce produit peut causer un léger inconfort gastro-intestinal. Si vous prenez des médicaments (en particulier des médicaments antidiabètes) ou si vous avez un problème de santé, consultez votre médecin avant de l’utiliser. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Une variation de couleur naturelle peut se produire dans ce produit. Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec après ouverture.

Aloe Vera Concentrate, Aloe Vera Concentrate, Now Foods 118ml (71128145) 118ml

22.29 EUR
Support for the health of the gastrointestinal tract, protection against inflammation, complex rejuvenation of the whole organism Now Foods presents Aloe Vera Concentrate to its fans and followers of an active and healthy lifestyle.. This product is designed to comprehensively support the work of almost all systems and organs in our body, improve overall well-being and protect the body from various diseases.. The main component of this dietary supplement is a concentrated aloe vera extract, which is an excellent addition to any diet. The value of this plant lies in its unique composition, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids, essential oils, digestive enzymes and other substances. Aloe vera juice is often used in cosmetology, medicine and nutrition, as it has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Now you can take the highly concentrated extract of this herb by mouth to boost your overall health.. So, among the positive effects of taking such a product, it is worth highlighting: • stimulates the protective functions of the body and strengthens the immune system; • normalizes blood circulation; • beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and gallbladder; • supports a healthy metabolism and improves digestion; • effectively fights inflammation; • prevents the risk of developing cancer; • improves the recovery capabilities of the body; • resists the development of bacterial and viral infections; • able to eliminate pain and discomfort in the stomach and intestines; • has mild laxative and diuretic effects; • normalizes the condition of the mucous membranes in the digestive tract; • slows down the aging process and has a rejuvenating effect; • cleanses the blood, removes toxins from the body. Aloe Vera Concentrate is an extremely beneficial addition to a healthy diet. It perfectly helps to increase the biological value of consumed nutrients, normalize the breakdown of food in the stomach and its absorption in the intestines.. Its restorative and protective properties are simply indispensable for seasonal outbreaks of colds, as well as for viral and bacterial infections.. And, of course, this product will be an excellent assistant for you in the fight against early aging of the body.. Stay young, healthy, full of strength and vitality with Nau Foods Aloe Vera Concentrate! Composition: Composition per serving - 0.5 ml (1/8 teaspoon): Calories < 5 Total Fat 0g Total Carbs < 1 g - sugar < 1 g Protein 0 g Other Ingredients: organic aloe vera concentrate (leaves) (40:1) (equivalent to approximately 20 ml of aloe vera juice), potassium sorbate (as a preservative), citric acid, ascorbic acid and sodium benzoate (as a preservative). Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or tree nuts. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain...

Royal Canin Yorkshire Adult pour chien 7,5kg

71.49 EUR
Le Yorkshire Terrier ? ou Yorkie ? est par nature un chien de bonne humeur, actif et intelligent, plein d'énergie et d'enthousiasme. Parce que chaque race est unique, la gamme ROYAL CANIN® Breed Health Nutrition répond aux besoins alimentaires spécifiques des chiens de différentes races pour une santé optimale. ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult est spécialement formulé pour répondre à tous les besoins nutritionnels de votre chien adulte et convient aux Yorkshire Terriers de plus de 10 mois. La frange proéminente du Yorkshire Terrier est sa caractéristique la plus connue. Son pelage, exceptionnellement fin et long, ne cesse jamais de pousser. L'élégante coiffure du Yorkie ne mue pas et nécessite des nutriments particuliers pour rester douce et soyeuse. ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult contribue à préserver et à entretenir la santé du pelage de votre Yorkshire grâce à un apport adapté en acides gras oméga-3 (EPA & DHA), en acides gras oméga-6, en huile de bourrache et en biotine. Les Yorkshire Terriers sont parfois exigeants en ce qui concerne leur nourriture. Par conséquent, il est souvent nécessaire de leur proposer une alimentation particulièrement appétissante. ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult satisfait les appétits les plus difficiles grâce à un mélange de saveurs exceptionnelles auquel votre chien ne pourra résister ! Le Yorkshire Terrier est également connu pour sa longévité. Il peut vivre en moyenne plus de 15 ans, ce qui signifie qu'il subit les effets du vieillissement au cours du dernier tiers de sa vie. C'est pourquoi ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult offre à votre chien une sélection de nutriments spécifiques afin de l'aider à garder une santé optimale. Une bonne hygiène buccodentaire est un facteur important dans le choix de la nourriture de votre chien. ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult ralentit la formation du tartre grâce à l'inclusion parfaitement dosée de chélateurs du calcium dans les croquettes. Pour répondre aux préférences individuelles de chaque chien, ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult est également disponible sous forme de nourriture humide en pain moelleux et savoureux. Si vous envisagez une alimentation mixte, il vous suffit de suivre nos instructions pour vous assurer que votre chien reçoit la quantité d'aliments humides et secs adéquate pour un bénéfice optimal. Chez ROYAL CANIN® , nous nous engageons à fournir des solutions nutritionnelles adaptées aux besoins de votre animal. Tous nos produits sont soumis à un rigoureux contrôle qualité afin de garantir une qualité optimale de la nourriture et de répondre aux besoins alimentaires et au mode de vie spécifiques de votre chien. Ainsi, lorsque votre chien mange des produits ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult, il reçoit une alimentation complète et équilibrée.

Heike Dech Women'S Mental Health: Soziale Ursachen Von Depression In Transkultureller Perspektive (Kultur Und Soziale Praxis)

2.18 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : transcript, Publisher : transcript, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 146, publicationDate : 2005-09-01, authors : Heike Dech, languages : german, ISBN : 3899424352

Fabienne Vailes The Flourishing Student: Every Tutor’s Guide To Promoting Mental Health, Well-Being And Resilience In Higher Education

14.49 EUR
Brand : Practical Inspiration Publishing, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Practical Inspiration Publishing, Publisher : Practical Inspiration Publishing, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 222, publicationDate : 2017-10-12, releaseDate : 2017-10-12, authors : Fabienne Vailes, ISBN : 1910056596

Creativity In Times Of Constraint: A Practitioner'S Companion In Mental Health And Social Care (Systemic Thinking And Practice)

37.77 EUR
Brand : Routledge, Binding : paperback, Edition : 1, Label : Creativity in Times of Constraint : A Practitioner's Companion in Mental Health and Social Care (Systemic Thinking and Practice), PackageQuantity : 1, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 202, publicationDate : 2017-09-05, releaseDate : 2017-09-05, languages : english, ISBN : 1782202013

Mental Health Academy Psychologie Für Anfänger: Psychologie Lernen - Menschen Manipulieren - Visualisieren

5.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 130, publicationDate : 2018-11-16, authors : Mental Health Academy, ISBN : 1731429622

Mental Health Academy Das Gesetz Der Anziehung: Anziehung & Glück, Manifestierung, Die Macht Der Gedanken, Visualisierung

3.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 118, publicationDate : 2018-11-05, authors : Mental Health Academy, ISBN : 1730905439

Mental Health Academy Meditation Für Anfänger: Meditation & Yoga Lernen Für Anfänger & Skeptiker!

3.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 133, publicationDate : 2018-12-03, authors : Mental Health Academy, ISBN : 1790681111

Sechzer, Jeri A. Women And Mental Health (Annals Of The York Academy Of Sciences)

2.99 EUR
Brand : Brand : New York Academy of Sciences, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : New York Academy of Sciences, Publisher : New York Academy of Sciences, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 180, publicationDate : 1996-06-01, releaseDate : 1996-06-01, publishers : Sechzer, Jeri A., Pfafflin, Sheila M., Denmark, Florence L., Anne Griffin, Blumenthal, Susan J., ISBN : 1573310328

ROYAL CANIN Royal Canin - Croquettes pour golden retriever junior - 12 kg (3182550751261)

112.02 EUR
Royal Canin - Croquettes pour golden retriever junior - 12 kg Description du produit For puppies from 2 - 15 months old. . Healthy skin and coat. Golden Retriever Junior helps support the skin’s “barrier” role (exclusive complex) and maintain skin and coat health (EPA & DHA). Enriched with borage oil. Digestive health. This formula contributes to supporting digestive health and promoting a balance in the intestinal flora. Natural defences. This formula helps support the Golden Retriever puppy’s natural defences. Exclusive kibble. The kibble’s shape, size, texture and formula are adapted to the Golden Retriever puppy. Ingrédients Riche en protéines ——— pour Chien Croquette pour Chien nourriture pour Chien

Tim Shaw BSc MSc The Need To Know Guide To Nutrition And Healthy Eating: The Perfect Starter To Eating Well Or How To Eat The Right Foods, Stay In Shape And Stick To A ... Central Ymca Health And Nutrition Guides

4.24 EUR
Brand : CREATESPACE, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2012-12-20, releaseDate : 2012-12-20, authors : Tim Shaw BSc MSc, ISBN : 1481294784

HOD Health&Home Rubbish Bins Cefito Kitchen Swing Out Pull Bin Stainless Steel Garbage Rubbish Can 12L One Size blanc

453.99 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. Create a cleaner and more hygienic environment in your home with the Cefito's smart cabinet swing out bin. Thanks to its auto open lid technology, you don't need to use your hands to open or close the bin. Its thick roof construction prevents your garbage from overflowing and helps maintain an odour-free kitchen. It's indeed a smart way to keep your home safe and smelling fresh all day! You can also remove the inner bin conveniently for easy cleaning and washing. Furthermore, our bins feature solid stainless-steel construction, which makes them sturdy and resistant to rust and stain. Cefito's smart bins are not only practical but also aesthetical. You can keep your home free from food scraps and other waste materials and give your kitchen a modern look. It's time to replace your traditional bins with Cefito's smart cabinet bin. Purchase today. Features Auto open lid Convenient use Removable inner bin Space saver Practical design Stainless steel construction Rust-resistant Stain-resistant Corrosion-resistant Easy to clean Easy installation Specifications Brand Cefito Material Stainless steel and PP plastic Capacity 12L Overall dimensions 29cm x 33cm (D x H) Package Content Cefito Cabinet Dustbin x 1 Lid x 1 Inner Bin x 1 Accessories Set x 1 - 885, 2222, 2449, 2818, 2827, 2829, 2836, 2839, 2874, 2898, 3724, 4477 4490, 4626, 4822, 4871, 4875, 6044, 6209, 6224, 6290, 6442, 6536, 6562 6707, 6713, 6725, 6728, 6743, 6751, 6753, 6754, 7255, 7256, 7258, 7260Please note that if your postcode/suburb is rural, your package will be dropped to your closest pick up location for collection The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Digeronimo, Theresa Foy Living Foods For Optimum Health: Your Complete Guide To The Healing Power Of Raw Foods: Staying Healthy In An Unhealthy World

4.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 1998-08-19, releaseDate : 1998-08-19, authors : Digeronimo, Theresa Foy, Clement, Brian R., languages : english, ISBN : 0761514481

HOD Health&Home Wristwatch Bands Electronic Watch Waterproof Luminous Digital Sports Wristwatch Standard vert

21.39 EUR
Sold by HOD HEALTH and HOME visit us and use Code Joom24 to get 5% off, need more than 1? Get a bulk buy discount up to 20% off. **Please include the model of your device in your order instructions if the Listing/Title does not specify the model this item is designed for** Features The Men's and Women's Fashion Waterproof Quartz Watch is a stylish and functional timepiece that is suitable for both men and women. The watch features a quartz movement, which provides accurate timekeeping and ensures that the watch keeps perfect time. The watch is made from high-quality materials, including a durable stainless steel case and a scratch-resistant mineral glass dial window. The watch is waterproof, making it suitable for swimming, showering, and other water-related activities. The watch features a multi-function design, including a chronograph stopwatch, date display, and 24-hour military time display. The watch features a comfortable and adjustable silicone strap that is soft, flexible, and lightweight, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods. The watch comes in a range of stylish and attractive colors, making it easy to find one that suits your personal style. The watch is versatile and suitable for a wide range of occasions, including casual wear, business wear, and outdoor activities. The watch is easy to set up and use, making it a convenient addition to your daily accessories. The watch is affordable, making it a great value for anyone looking for a high-quality and stylish watch at an affordable price. Specifications General Brand People Unisex Table Watch Style Fashion, Led, Outdoor Sports Dial Shape Of The Dial Square Watch Mirror Acrylic Movement Type Quartz Watch Display Type Analog Case Material Plastic Band Band Material Silicone Clasp Type Pin Buckle Function Water Resistance 30 Meters Special Features Luminous Dimensions And Weight Product Weight 0.0430 Kg Package Weight 0.0450 Kg Product Size (L X W X H) 23.50 X \n40 X \n40 Cm / \n25 X \n73 X 0.55 Inches Package Size (L X W X H) 24.00 X \n00 X \n00 Cm / \n45 X \n97 X 0.79 Inches You will receive 1 x Watch The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Brown, Laurence B. Religion, Personality, And Mental Health: Meetings : 24th International Congress Of Psychology : Revised Papers (Recent Research In Psychology)

17.99 EUR
Brand : Springer, Binding : Hardcover, Edition : 1994, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, medium : Hardcover, numberOfPages : 227, publicationDate : 1994-02-18, releaseDate : 1994-02-18, publishers : Brown, Laurence B., ISBN : 0387977732

Beautler, Larry E. Evidence-Based Practices In Mental Health: Debate And Dialogue On The Fundamental Questions

12.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Amer Psychological Assn, Publisher : Amer Psychological Assn, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 435, publicationDate : 2005-01-01, authors : Beautler, Larry E., publishers : Norcross, John C., Beutler, Larry E., languages : english, ISBN : 1591472903

Witruk Learning Disabilities And Mental Health (Beiträge Zur Pädagogischen Und Rehabilitationspsychologie. Studies In Educational And Rehabilitation Psychology, Band 9)

24.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Peter Lang, Publisher : Peter Lang, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 206, publicationDate : 2021-11-11, releaseDate : 2021-11-01, publishers : Witruk, ISBN : 3631859201

Alison Waterhouse Positive Relationships In School: Supporting Emotional Health And Wellbeing (Mental Health And Wellbeing Teacher Toolkit)

42.99 EUR
Brand : Routledge, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Routledge, Publisher : Routledge, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 230, publicationDate : 2019-08-15, releaseDate : 2019-08-15, authors : Alison Waterhouse, ISBN : 1138370290

Jane Barlow Keeping The Baby In Mind: Infant Mental Health In Practice

2.4 EUR
Brand : Routledge, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Taylor & Francis Ltd, Publisher : Taylor & Francis Ltd, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2009-04-14, releaseDate : 2009-04-14, publishers : Jane Barlow, Svanberg, P. O., ISBN : 0415442974

Whittaker, Sabas Hernan Flores Faith In The Field: A Historical Theological Perspective On Mental Health

11.49 EUR
Brand : Archway Publishing, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Archway Publishing, Publisher : Archway Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 340, publicationDate : 2018-05-03, releaseDate : 2018-05-03, authors : Whittaker, Sabas Hernan Flores, ISBN : 1480862762

Cornish Stepped Care 2.0: A Paradigm Shift In Mental Health

56.99 EUR
Brand : Springer, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1st ed. 2020, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 156, publicationDate : 2020-06-14, releaseDate : 2020-06-14, authors : Cornish, ISBN : 3030480542

Neil Brimblecombe Acute Mental Health Care In The Community Intensive Home Treatment

6.99 EUR
Brand : Wiley, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Wiley, Publisher : Wiley, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 228, publicationDate : 2001-05-14, releaseDate : 2001-05-14, publishers : Neil Brimblecombe, ISBN : 186156189X

Koslow, Diane R. Crossing Cultures In Mental Health

1.47 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Natl Multicultural Inst, Publisher : Natl Multicultural Inst, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 1990-12-01, releaseDate : 1990-12-01, authors : Koslow, Diane R., publishers : Salett, Elizabeth Pathy, ISBN : 0933934157

Stephanie Bauer E-Mental-Health: Neue Medien In Der Psychosozialen Versorgung

9.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2008, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 349, publicationDate : 2008-07-14, publishers : Stephanie Bauer, Hans Kordy, languages : german, ISBN : 354075735X

Gill Hasson Mental Health And Wellbeing In The Workplace: A Practical Guide For Employers And Employees: A Practical Guide For Employers And Employees

9.49 EUR
Brand : Capstone, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1., Label : Capstone, Publisher : Capstone, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 256, publicationDate : 2020-05-07, releaseDate : 2020-05-07, authors : Gill Hasson, Donna Butler, ISBN : 0857088289

Jen Gotch The Upside Of Being Down: How Mental Health Struggles Led To My Greatest Successes In Work And Life

9.49 EUR
Brand : Gallery Books, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Gallery Books, Publisher : Gallery Books, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 2020-03-24, releaseDate : 2020-03-24, authors : Jen Gotch, ISBN : 1982108819

Roberta Apfel Minefields In Their Hearts: The Mental Health Of Children In War And Communal Violence

22.99 EUR
Brand : Yale University Press, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : New, Label : YALE UNIV PR, Publisher : YALE UNIV PR, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 256, publicationDate : 1996-10-01, publishers : Roberta Apfel, Simon Bennett, ISBN : 0300065701

Martin Reed Legal Challenges To Behaviour Modification: Trends In Schools, Correction And Mental Health

2.94 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Research Press Inc., U.S., Publisher : Research Press Inc., U.S., NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 140, publicationDate : 1976-07-01, authors : Martin Reed, ISBN : 0878221581

John Gribbin In Search Of The Edge Of Time: Black Holes, White Holes, Wormholes (Practical Resources For The Mental Health Professionals)

2.09 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reissue, Label : Penguin (Non-Classics), Publisher : Penguin (Non-Classics), NumberOfItems : 2, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 1999-12-01, authors : John Gribbin, languages : english, ISBN : 0140248145

Inspire Ireland You, Me & Everyone We Know: Everyday Adventures In Mental Health

9.99 EUR
Brand : History Press, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : The History Press, Publisher : The History Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 2014-11-03, releaseDate : 2014-11-03, authors : Inspire Ireland, ISBN : 184588809X

Carsten Larsen Mental Health In Elite Sport: Applied Perspectives From Across The Globe (International Perspectives On Key Issues In Sport And Exercise Psychology)

35.12 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Routledge, Publisher : Routledge, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 150, publicationDate : 2021-05-27, releaseDate : 2021-05-27, publishers : Carsten Larsen, Karin Moesch, Natalie Durand-Bush, Kristoffer Henriksen, ISBN : 0367427680

Paula Durlofsky Logged In And Stressed Out: How Social Media Is Affecting Your Mental Health And What You Can Do About It

22.99 EUR
Brand : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Rowman & Littlefield Publ, Publisher : Rowman & Littlefield Publ, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 192, publicationDate : 2020-12-21, releaseDate : 2020-12-21, authors : Paula Durlofsky, ISBN : 1538126672

Mental Health Fight Of The Heroes In Blue

14.21 EUR
Binding : paperback, Label : Mental Health Fight Of The Heroes in Blue, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 138, publicationDate : 2020-04-08, releaseDate : 2020-04-08, languages : english

H. Häfner Mental Health In The Elderly: A Review Of The Present State Of Research

19.55 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 273, publicationDate : 1986-06-01, publishers : H. Häfner, G. Moschel, N. Sartorius, languages : english, ISBN : 3540161821

Mental Health Problems In Old Age

2.36 EUR
ISBN : 0335159052