Коричный комплекс с высоким потенциалом хрома, Cinnamon Complex with High Potency Chromium, Puritan's Pride (71367094)

35.26 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Cinnamon with High-Potency Chromium от компании Puritan's Pride - коричный комплекс с высоким потенциалом хрома! Поддерживает метаболизм сахара в вашем теле Поддерживает жировой обмен Поддерживает здоровье сердца и кровообращения Корица - обычная специя или ценный тоник? Трудно поверить, что трава, которую сейчас можно найти в шкафу для специй, когда-то стоила в 15 раз дороже серебра. Верно! Когда европейцы впервые обнаружили корицу в первом веке, она была настолько ценимой, что банка корицы стоила небольшое состояние. Признанная польза корицы для здоровья восходит к 2800 году до н. Э. когда отец традиционной китайской медицины Шен Нонг впервые применил ее. Использование корицы в качестве натурального оздоровительного продукта, кулинарной специи, в религиозных церемониях и в качестве консерванта с тех пор распространилось по всему миру. Возможно, именно его сладко-пряный вкус сделал его любимой специей среди многих и по сей день. Или, может быть, ее стойкость связана с одним из самых высоких уровней антиоксидантов среди всех специй. В любом случае, корица уже давно является одним из основных продуктов в традиционной практике здоровья и никуда не денется. Состав: Состав на порцию - 2 капсулы: Всего углеводов <1 г Хром (в виде пиколината хрома) 400 мкг Корица (Cinnamomum burmannii) (кора) 500 мг Экстракт корицы (Cinnamomum spp.) (кора) (экстракт 4:1, эквивалентный 1500 мг корицы) 375 мг Другие ингредиенты: желатин, растительная целлюлоза. Содержит <2%: диоксид кремния, растительный стеарат магния. Без искусственных красителей, ароматизаторов и подсластителей, без консервантов, без сахара, без крахмала, без молока, без лактозы, без сои, без глютена, без пшеницы, без дрожжей, без рыбы, без натрия. Как принимать: Взрослым принимать по 2 капсулы в день, желательно во время еды. Капсулы можно открыть и добавить содержимое в свой любимый напиток или еду. Предупреждения: Не использовать, если у вас аллергия на какое-либо из соединений. Не превышать рекомендуемую суточную порцию. Проконсультируйтесь с врачом в период беременности или лактации. Пищевые добавки не должны использоваться вместо разнообразной и сбалансированной диеты. Хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте. Защищать от прямых солнечных лучей. Страна-производитель товара: США Без сои: Да Без цукру: Так Без сої: Так Природные экстракты: Корица Назначение: Для нормализации сахара в крови Возрастная группа: Взрослые Без лактозы: Да Компоненты по полу и возрасту: Для взрослых Без...

Extrait de Ginkgo Biloba, extrait standardisé de Ginkgo Biloba 60 onglets, Puritan's Pride 120 onglets (71367009)

27.7 EUR
L'extrait standardisé de Ginko Biloba de Puritans Pride apporte d'énormes bienfaits au cerveau ! Le Ginkgo biloba sous forme d'extrait est utilisé comme plante médicinale, qui a trouvé son utilisation non seulement dans la médecine populaire, mais également dans la médecine traditionnelle. Son action s'étend à presque tous les systèmes d'organes internes, mais il est particulièrement utile pour améliorer le fonctionnement du cerveau.. Sur cette base, la société américaine Puritan's Pride a développé l'extrait standardisé de Ginkgo Biloba, riche en glycosides de flavone.. Ce produit est recommandé pour améliorer la circulation sanguine, il réduit le risque de privation d'oxygène des cellules cérébrales.. Avec son inclusion dans l'alimentation quotidienne, une personne améliore la mémoire et la perception des informations, il lui est beaucoup plus facile de mémoriser de nouvelles connaissances et de les utiliser au quotidien. Le Ginkgo biloba est un stabilisateur naturel de l'ensemble du système nerveux central. Il procure une clarté mentale et une concentration normale.. De plus, il prévient le développement de l'athérosclérose, des accidents vasculaires cérébraux, de l'infarctus du myocarde, de la maladie de Parkinson et de la maladie d'Alzheimer, ce qui entraîne une perte de mémoire partielle ou complète.. Il devient difficile, voire presque impossible, pour une personne d'effectuer les activités quotidiennes les plus courantes qu'elle effectuait auparavant sans réfléchir. Un produit basé sur celui-ci sera utile comme pré-entraînement pour activer la concentration mentale, assurant la clarté d'esprit des athlètes pendant une période de stress accru.. Il améliore également la microcirculation sanguine, soutient les cellules cérébrales, améliore leur nutrition et leur oxygénation, prévient leur destruction et a un effet positif sur les fonctions cognitives.. C'est une excellente prévention de l'athérosclérose, des troubles mentaux et de la démence. L'extrait standardisé de Ginkgo Biloba de Puritan's Pride est très efficace pour prévenir la distraction, les troubles de la mémoire et la perception de l'information. Il améliore les performances et vous aide à obtenir des résultats optimaux.. De plus, il aide à se débarrasser de la fatigue chronique, normalise le sommeil, contrôle le métabolisme et normalise la pression interne.. Avec son aide, vous pouvez rapidement améliorer le fonctionnement du système nerveux central, le travail du cœur et des vaisseaux sanguins, ainsi que fournir un soutien puissant au cerveau.. Ce produit est recommandé pour tout le monde, car seul le travail à part entière du système nerveux central garantit le succès de chaque journée passée ! Composition: Ingrédients par portion - 1 comprimé: Extrait de Ginkgo biloba (drap) (standardisé pour contenir 24 % (glycosides de flavone de ginkgo, 14,4 mg) 60mg Autres ingrédients: cellulose végétale, phosphate dicalcique. Contient ≪2%: silice, stéarate...

BAILLEUL-BIORGA Bailleul Biorga Femilyane Women´s Health Harmolya 30uds

14.99 EUR
Dragées au lactobacillus pour les femmes

Rubin, Jordan S. The Maker'S Diet: The 40-Day Health Experience That Will Change Your Life Forever

3.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint., Label : Creation House, Publisher : Creation House, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 336, publicationDate : 2005-10-01, authors : Rubin, Jordan S., languages : english, ISBN : 1591857147

Dr Gillian Mckeith'S Ultimate Health Plan: The Diet Programme That Will Keep You Slim For Life

1.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Michael Joseph, Publisher : Michael Joseph, NumberOfItems : 2, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2006-01-04, authors : Gillian McKeith, languages : english, ISBN : 0718148916

James Gormley User'S Guide To Brain-Boosting Supplements: Learn About The Vitamins And Other Nutrients That Can Boost Your Memory And End Mental Fuzziness (Basic Health Publications User'S Guide)

1.31 EUR
Brand : Basic Health Publications, Inc., Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Basic Health Publications, Inc., Publisher : Basic Health Publications, Inc., NumberOfItems : 2, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 92, publicationDate : 2004-01-01, authors : James Gormley, Lieberman Ph.D. C.N.S. F.A.C.N., Dr. Shari, publishers : Jack Challem, ISBN : 1591200903

Willcox, Bradley J. The Okinawa Program: How The World'S Longest-Lived People Achieve Everlasting Health--And How You Can Too

8.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Pbk., Label : Harmony, Publisher : Harmony, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 496, publicationDate : 2002-03-12, releaseDate : 2002-03-12, authors : Willcox, Bradley J., Willcox, D. Craig, Makoto Suzuki, languages : english, ISBN : 0609807501

Maggie Spilner Prevention'S Complete Book Of Walking: Everything You Need To Know To Walk Your Way To Better Health

1.34 EUR
Brand : Rodale Books, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Harmony/Rodale, Publisher : Harmony/Rodale, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 308, publicationDate : 2000-09-16, releaseDate : 2000-09-16, publishers : Maggie Spilner, ISBN : 1579542360

Santra Life Nemaska printed Stand-up Collar Zippered Oversize Unisex Sweatshirt S de l’alabama crimson

49.87 EUR
Our prints are digital and transfer prints and will not fade or deteriorate as long as you follow the washing instructions. Our fabrics are 100% cotton. They are produced from high quality fabric, keeping your comfort and health in mind. Washing instructions: Wash upside down in 30 degrees warm water. Our products are produced with the TRENDGAR difference.

Berberine Glucose Support, Now Foods 90gelcaps (72128066)

60.46 EUR
Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods will strengthen the body and give good health to everyone! Every second a person uses a huge amount of useful substances to ensure normal life activity.. It is very important to replenish them in a timely manner and add them to the diet in the form of special products.. These include Berberine Glucose Support from the American manufacturer Now Foods. (Nau Foods). It contains berberine HCL and MCT oil.. This combination normalizes metabolism, ensures normal functioning of the digestive system, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These components speed up metabolism, help to normalize your weight, remove toxic substances and waste from the body.. Thanks to them, the level of low-density lipoproteins decreases, blood circulation improves, and the elasticity of the vessel walls increases.. It is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.. With their help, you can normalize blood sugar levels, and this protects a person from developing diabetes. A product based on them reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, relieves the burden on the body that occurs with obesity, and also provides support for blood vessels.. With its help, the work of the brain improves, memory becomes much better, and incoming information is perceived more efficiently.. A person gains energy, strength for new achievements, and their vitality increases. The substances included in the composition are effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease. They have antioxidant properties and prevent free radicals from destroying cells.. Moreover, they have an oncoprotective effect, preventing the development of cancer.. These components normalize hormonal levels and have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Berberine Glucose Support from Now Foods has choleretic and antispasmodic properties. It normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents plaque formation in the veins.. With its help, the composition of bile becomes biochemically balanced, the tone of the muscle tissue of the gallbladder decreases.. This product is recommended to everyone, because it can be called universal in its action.. With its help, you can lose weight, reduce body size, ensure the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, get energized and protect yourself from diabetes! Composition: Composition per serving - 1 capsule: Calories 5 Total fat 0.5 g - saturated fat 0.5 g Berberine HCl (from the bark of Berberis aristata) 400 mg MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) 700 mg - capric acid (C10) (from MCT oil) 238 mg Other Ingredients: soft gelatin capsule (bovine gelatin, glycerin, water, caramel coloring), beeswax and sunflower lecithin. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish or shellfish ingredients.. Manufactured in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients that contain these...

MIYAKO LeLante Dog Small Dogs Dog Nano Oral to Gums Dogs and Colorful Set of 4 Toothbrush, [10,000 Ultra-Fine Bristles] Toothbrush, Pet, Cat, Toothbrush,

61.08 EUR
[Reason for choosing us] LeLante dog toothbrush is now officially on sale. A dog toothbrush is useful for keeping your dog's mouth healthy. Brushing your dog's teeth not only protects your dog's oral health, but also helps the dog and owner communicate with each other. [Applicable targets] For dogs (especially ultra-small to medium-sized dogs) and cats [Special Features] Each bottle is kneaded with soft ultra-fine nanoparticles, and the outside is also coated to have antibacterial, antiviral, and deodorizing effects. Some pets don't like touching their mouth area, but the LeLante Dog Toothbrush for Small Dogs has 10,000 soft 0.01mm ultra-fine bristles that wrap around the teeth and gums. It can significantly reduce damage to teeth, reduce tooth sensitivity pain, and clean teeth efficiently. The small head fits small dogs' mouths, making it easy to brush their back teeth. [Colorful and great value 4-color set] With 4 colors: blue, pink, yellow, and purple, you can tell at a glance when it's time for your dog to brush their teeth. With a colorful toothbrush, even dogs who hate brushing their teeth can have fun doing it. We also recommend replacing your dog's toothbrush every 1 to 2 months. With the great value LeLante dog toothbrush set of 4, you can replace each toothbrush regularly, so you can always maintain your health with a clean toothbrush! [Non-slip handle] Finger cot type dog toothbrushes and sheet type dog toothbrushes have a high risk of slipping out of your fingers, so from a safety standpoint, we recommend stick type dog toothbrushes. LeLante Dog Toothbrush Small Dog has a length of 13.8cm, and the toothbrush handle is ergonomically designed to feel more comfortable and fit the curve of your hand. The toothbrush handle has anti-slip silicone to prevent the toothbrush from slipping. It's safer because there's no risk of swallowing it! [Product specifications] [Handle material] Non-toxic, tasteless high-quality polypropylene [Bristle material] Non-toxic, tasteless high-quality PVT material [Color] Blue, pink, yellow, purple [Size] 138mm x 23mm [Brush part size]8mm×14mm This is an extra-fine mesh toothbrush for dogs.

LatestBuy Toy Box The Mandalorian Transport Trooper 1:6 12 Action Figure

537.4 EUR
Are you seriously shooting a blaster near rhydonium? If the pirates don't get you first then the highly volatile and explosive rhydonium will. Being a Transport Trooper might have sounded like a cruisy career idea back at the academy, but in reality it's a job riddled with workplace health and safety issues if the Empire ever cared about such trivial things. Based on the action-packed episode of Star Wars: The Mandalorian, in which Mando and his team undergo a dangerous mission on the planet of Morak to attain the coordinates for Moff Gideon's ship from the Imperial refinery, the Transport Trooper 1/6th Scale Hot Toys Action Figure has been skilfully crafted with screen-accurate details and a newly developed helmeted head sculpt. Standing approximately 12.2 tall, the Transport Trooper features over 30 points of articulation and comes dressed in finely crafted body armour with a tailored undersuit, and complete with interchangeable hands and a blast One (1) Transport Trooper 1/6th Scale Hot Toys Action Figure Six (6) pieces of interchangeable black gloved hands including: One (1) pair of fists One (1) pair of relaxed hands One (1) pair of hands for holding pistol

Tamagotchi Original Memphis Style - Virtual Pet

29.57 EUR
The Original Tamagotchi pet is back! Feed it, turn lights on/off, play with it, give it medicine, flush after it's used the bathroom, check it's health and dicipline your tamagotchi if he bothers you when he's happy, fed, and all cleaned up. Includes character game where you have to guess which was the Tamagotchi will move next. Raise your Tamagotchi from egg to child to adult. How you take care of it will decide which of the 7 adults you get. Comes with 1 Tamagotchi on a chain to take with you everywhere. The funniest virtual pet of all time comes back Take care of your Tamagotchi: you can feed it, bathe, clean it, heal it when sick, play with it and of course, watch it grow Keeps its classic egg design and LCD display You can take it anywhere thanks to its built-in chain Includes a CR2032 battery

Tapis De Gazon Artificiel Pour Intérieur Et Extérieur, 2 Pièces, 30cm X 30cm, Gazon Vert Synthétique, Décoration De La Maison

41.7 EUR
environmentally friendly and safe for health.Washable: Wash with cold water, it will never tarnish.Looks like real turf: a clear and very natural appearance, soft and lush.Wide range of applications: the synthetic grass is perfect for a doll's house, a child's room, a balcony, a terrace, a decoration of house, a kindergarten and of dog, etc; it makes the places natural and healthy.Adapts exactly to your needs: you can connect several pieces of our lawns to make a large area of artificial lawn so that children can play.Perfect for landscaping and small gardening, it can also be a beautiful aquarium decoration that fish will love.Our artificial lawn is perfect for DIY small landscaping, gardening accessory, you can also put it in the house, in a kindergarten or a doll's house.And by connecting several pieces of lawn, you can get a large lawn area for children to play.washable, the colors never fade, and it is safe for health. Use it safely.Condition: new and of superior quality.Color: GreenMaterial: Non-woven fabric, PVCSize: 30 * 30cmPackage Content:2 x artificial turfOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. Sur le numéro de suivi mise à jour:SiVotre numéro de suivi n'est pas une information logistique, comme des milliers deColis envoyés à l'étranger, les sociétés de logistique n'ont pas mis à jourInformations logistiques, veuillez nous contacter dans un premier temps, s'il vous plaîtN'ouvrez pas directement le litige. C'est la première fois que vous allezRésoudre!Délai de livraison:TousProduit que nous pouvons expédier dans les 5 ~ 8 jours de semaine, habituellement nous sommesSelon le délai d'emballage et d'expédition des commandes du client, nous devonsVérifiez soigneusement la qualité des marchandises avant l'expédition, alors prenez-enTemps de.Délai de livraison:En raison deÀ des facteurs de force majeure: ouragans, tempêtes de pluie affectent les vols. LeaderÀ la logistique. Nous sommes des vendeurs honnêtes, nous ne vous laisserons pas tomberPerte. Veuillez donner un peu de temps de traitement à la société de logistique, nousAttendez que le colis arrive à vos côtés.Si vos informations logistiques arrivent au bureau de poste local:SiLe bureau de poste local ne vous a pas contacté, veuillez contacter votreBureau de poste local dès que possible pour recevoir votre colis. Sinon,Les heures supplémentaires de réception des colis, le bureau de poste local renverra votreColis, les conséquences de l'auto-responsabilité.Le temps de Protection est épuisé:QuandNous avons terminé le délai d'expédition, si la période de protection du produitÉpuisé, veuillez prolonger la période de protection du produit par vous-même ouContactez-nous, veuillez ne pas ouvrir le litige directement.Droits à l'importation:Lorsque vous recevez la marchandise, en cas de problème,...