Katy Perry Killer Queen Eau de Parfum (Femme) 50 ml

11.25 EUR
Killer Queen de Katy Perry est un parfum qui a été lancé en 2013 et qui appartient à la catégorie des parfums fleuris-fruités gourmands pour femmes. Le parfumeur à l'origine de cette composition audacieuse et téméraire est Laurent Le Guernec, qui a créé un parfum plein de contrastes - doux, sensuel et énergique à la fois, tout comme nous imaginons la reine moderne. Le départ du parfum s'ouvre sur des baies fraîches et fruitées, une prune juteuse et une bergamote légèrement épicée, qui donnent au parfum un départ énergique. Ces notes se développent progressivement vers le cœur du parfum, où la plumeria exotique, le jasmin sambac enivrant et le nevadec délicat se mélangent pour créer une composante florale harmonieuse et sensuelle. Le fond de Killer Queen apporte une combinaison de notes gourmandes, douces et chaleureuses. La praline délicieuse, le patchouli terreux et le cachemire luxueux donnent au parfum sa profondeur caractéristique et sa finale douce et persistante. Killer Queen est un parfum qui célèbre la force et le courage féminins, et est idéal pour les femmes qui veulent laisser une impression distinctive.

Katy Perry Killer Queen Eau de Parfum (Femme) 30 ml

9.2 EUR
Killer Queen de Katy Perry est un parfum qui a été lancé en 2013 et qui appartient à la catégorie des parfums fleuris-fruités gourmands pour femmes. Le parfumeur à l'origine de cette composition audacieuse et téméraire est Laurent Le Guernec, qui a créé un parfum plein de contrastes - doux, sensuel et énergique à la fois, tout comme nous imaginons la reine moderne. Le départ du parfum s'ouvre sur des baies fraîches et fruitées, une prune juteuse et une bergamote légèrement épicée, qui donnent au parfum un départ énergique. Ces notes se développent progressivement vers le cœur du parfum, où la plumeria exotique, le jasmin sambac enivrant et le nevadec délicat se mélangent pour créer une composante florale harmonieuse et sensuelle. Le fond de Killer Queen apporte une combinaison de notes gourmandes, douces et chaleureuses. La praline délicieuse, le patchouli terreux et le cachemire luxueux donnent au parfum sa profondeur caractéristique et sa finale douce et persistante. Killer Queen est un parfum qui célèbre la force et le courage féminins, et est idéal pour les femmes qui veulent laisser une impression distinctive.

Killer Queen - Katy Perry Eau De Parfum Spray 100 ML

42.99 EUR
Elle est puissante et invincible, entêtée et belle, mortellement sompteuse et royalement agitée. La révolution est dans l'air. Il est temps de renverser les conventions. Il y a une nouvelle reine en ville. Killer Queen par Katy Perry, un parfum floriental ensorcelant et enchanteur avec ses accords dignes des plus grandes reines. Notes de tête : Baies Sauvages, Prune, Bergamote Notes de cœur : Fleur Rouge de Velours (Celosia), Jasmin Sambac, Plumeria Arc en Ciel Notes de fond : Cachemire, Patchouli, Praline Liquide Inspiré par le sceptre d'une Reine, le flacon-bijou allie sophistication et luxe.

Killer Queen - Katy Perry Eau De Parfum Spray 50 ML

39.99 EUR
Elle est puissante et invincible, entêtée et belle, mortellement sompteuse et royalement agitée. La révolution est dans l'air. Il est temps de renverser les conventions. Il y a une nouvelle reine en ville. Killer Queen par Katy Perry, un parfum floriental ensorcelant et enchanteur avec ses accords dignes des plus grandes reines. Notes de tête : Baies Sauvages, Prune, Bergamote Notes de cœur : Fleur Rouge de Velours (Celosia), Jasmin Sambac, Plumeria Arc en Ciel Notes de fond : Cachemire, Patchouli, Praline Liquide Inspiré par le sceptre d'une Reine, le flacon-bijou allie sophistication et luxe.

Electronic Arts Die Sims 3: Katy Perry Süße Welt Accessoires (Add-On)

10.49 EUR
Brand : Electronic Arts, Binding : Computerspiel, Edition : Standard, Label : Electronic Arts, Publisher : Electronic Arts, Format : DVD-ROM, medium : Computerspiel, 0 : PC, 0 : Windows 7, 1 : Windows, releaseDate : 2012-06-06

Katy Perry Royal Revolution Eau de Parfum (Femme) 100 ml

23.95 EUR
Royal Revolution de Katy Perry est un parfum floral fruité pour femme qui incarne la force et l'élégance royale. Lancé en 2014, ce parfum est conçu pour les femmes qui n'ont pas peur de se démarquer et d'exprimer leur personnalité unique. Royal Revolution est un mélange de notes fraîches et sensuelles qui s'unissent pour créer un parfum inoubliable et attrayant. Les premières notes du parfum captivent avec une combinaison séduisante de grenade et de freesia rose. Ce départ fruité-floral est frais et énergique, apportant une introduction pétillante et vivante qui capte l'attention dès la première bouffée. Le freesia apporte de la douceur à la fragrance, tandis que la grenade lui confère une douceur juteuse. Le cœur du parfum s'épanouit avec des notes délicates de fleur d'oranger, de bois de santal chaud et de jasmin sensuel. Cette combinaison de fleurs et de bois apporte au parfum une profondeur et une élégance à la fois sophistiquées et féminines. Le bois de santal ajoute une chaleur à la composition qui contraste magnifiquement avec les accords floraux. Les notes de fond du parfum se composent de prunelles mystérieuses, d'une douce orchidée vanillée, d'un cuir souple et d'un musc sensuel. Ce fini est riche et luxueux, laissant une impression durable sur la peau, à la fois douce et sombrement attirante. Royal Revolution est un parfum qui incarne parfaitement l'audace et la féminité, parfait pour les femmes qui veulent laisser une impression mémorable.

Katy Perry Meow Eau de Parfum (Femme) 100 ml

15.75 EUR
Meow de Katy Perry est un parfum qui a été lancé en 2011 et qui appartient à la catégorie des parfums floraux-fruités pour femmes. Ce parfum doux et délicat a été créé par la maison de parfumerie de renommée mondiale Givaudan, et la fragrance est un accessoire ludique et féminin qui plaît aux amateurs de compositions légères et délicieuses. Les notes de tête du parfum apportent une fraîcheur fruitée grâce à l'association de la poire sucrée, de la mandarine juteuse, du gardénia élégant et du jasmin floral, qui se développent doucement en une ouverture délicieusement sucrée. Les notes de cœur poursuivent dans une veine florale avec le chèvrefeuille audacieux, la délicate fleur d'oranger d'Afrique et le romantique muguet qui ajoutent de la féminité et de la douceur au parfum. Le fond de Meow est chaud et riche, dominé par la vanille sucrée, l'ambre chaud, le musc sensuel et le bois de santal crémeux. Ce parfum est le choix idéal pour les femmes qui recherchent une fragrance qui incarne la douceur et la tendresse, et convient aussi bien pour la journée que pour le soir, lorsque vous souhaitez dégager une odeur agréable et invitante.

Katy Perry Purr Eau de Parfum (Femme) 100 ml

15.75 EUR
Purr de Katy Perry est un parfum introduit en 2010, qui appartient à la catégorie des parfums floraux-fruités pour femmes. Inspiré par l'amour de la chanteuse pour les chats, ce parfum est sensuel et ludique ainsi qu'audacieux et doux, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour les femmes qui veulent dégager de la confiance et du charme. La fragrance commence par un cocktail frais et fruité. La pêche, la pomme rouge et le gardénia frais sont délicatement mélangés à une touche exotique de bambou, créant un départ irrésistible et énergique qui attire immédiatement l'attention. Les notes de cœur du parfum s'épanouissent ensuite avec un mélange floral délicat de jasmin, de freesia délicat et de rose classique, qui ajoutent une touche douce et romantique au parfum. Le fond de Purr est riche et séduisant, mélangeant la vanille douce, la noix de coco exotique et l'orchidée. Ces notes sont soutenues par le musc sensuel, l'ambre chaud et le bois de santal crémeux, qui confèrent au parfum profondeur et charme durable. Purr est un parfum qui incarne l'espièglerie féminine tout en soulignant la sensualité et la force.

Parasurtenseur s1 usb neo monoprise fr Infosec 61297

18.82 EUR
Le parasurtenseur S1 USB NEO est la solutionidéale pour protéger un laptop ou même alimenteren toute sécurité tout appareil jusqu'à 16A.Ses 2 chargeurs USB permettent de chargersimultanément les appareils mobiles (smartphonestablettes.).1 prise française protégée2 chargeurs USB (2,1A)Protection enfantVoyant lumineuxGarantie 2 ansAssurance de 15 000

Infosec - Parasurtenseur s5 lan x5 prises fr + rj11/45 + 61271

28.69 EUR
5 prises FR avec protection parafoudre1 prise RJ45 (In/Out)Assurance : 50000 EurosGarantie 2 ansDim (hxlxp) : 370 x 62 x 50 mmPoids : 0,48 kg

Onduleur 600 va Infosec Z1 ZenCube ex 600 - Haute fréquence - 3 prises fr/schuko - 66073

120.67 EUR
Onduleur 600 VA - Technologie Haute Fréquence - 3 prises FR/SCHUKO secourues - Protection Surtension / Court-circuit / Foudre - Jusqu'a 11 mn d'autonomie - Alarmes sonores et led de fonctionnement - Assurance de l'équipement connecté a hauteur de 120000 euros - Garantie du fabricant 2 ans.

Zen Live 800 Onduleur Line Interactive 800 va 4 Prises fr/schuko - 66083 - Infosec

124.43 EUR
INFOSEC Zen Live 800 - Onduleur Line Interactive 800 VA 4 Prises FR/SCHUKO - Garantie 2 ans - La protection essentielle : en cas de coupure d'électricité breve ou prolongée, l'onduleur Zen Live garantit, grâce a ses batteries, l'alimentation des équipements connectés - Une technologie efficace : technologie Line Interactive et systeme de régulation de tension - Economie d'énergie - Conçu pour une utilisation simple.

Infosec - Onduleur 1000 va Z3 ZenBox ex 1000 - Haute fréquence - 8 prises fr/schuko - 66076

225.3 EUR
Onduleur 1000VA - Technologie Haute Fréquence - 4 prises protégées+4 prises avec autonomie+RJ 45(1 IN/1 OUT) - Protection surtension/Court-circuit/Foudre/ligne tel ADSL & Réseaux - Jusqu'a 18 mn d'autonomie - Alarmes sonores et led de fonctionnement - Assurance de l'équipement connecté illimitée - Garantie du fabricant 3 ans.

Katy Perry Katy Perry's Indi Visible Déodorant en verre (Femme) 75 ml

6.4 EUR
Le parfum Indi Visible de Katy Perry est une fragrance florale ambrée pour femme qui allie chaleur et élégance subtile. Lancé en 2018, ce parfum offre une composition riche et sensuelle qui laisse une impression inoubliable. Indi Visible est un parfum pour les femmes qui veulent exprimer leur singularité et leur confiance en elles. Le parfum s'ouvre sur un mélange envoûtant de vanille, de rhum, de prune et de poivre rose. Cet accord de départ est doux, épicé et chaud, créant un début distinctif et attrayant. La douceur de la vanille et la jutosité de la prune se marient à merveille avec la touche épicée du poivre rose et la profondeur du rhum, conférant au parfum complexité et intérêt. Au cœur de la fragrance, des notes crémeuses de noix de coco, de fève tonka sucrée et de gardénia capiteux se développent. Cette combinaison confère au parfum une atmosphère exotique et romantique, à la fois sensuelle et tendre. Les notes florales et crémeuses complètent parfaitement le départ chaud et sucré, donnant au parfum profondeur et harmonie. Les notes de fond sont le musc, le bois de santal et le patchouli, qui laissent une impression durable et sophistiquée. Les notes sensuelles boisées et terreuses confèrent au parfum une note chaude et luxueuse qui reste sur la peau tout au long de la journée. Indi Visible de Katy Perry est un parfum destiné aux femmes qui recherchent un parfum distinctif mais subtil qui met en valeur leur style.

EA GAMES Die Sims 3 Showtime (Add-On) Katy Perry Collector'S Edition

8.49 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren, Brand : EA Games, Binding : Computerspiel, Edition : Katy Perry Collector's Edition, Label : Electronic Arts, Publisher : Electronic Arts, Format : DVD-ROM, medium : Computerspiel, 0 : PC, 0 : Windows 7, 1 : Windows Vista, 2 : Windows XP, releaseDate : 2012-03-08

Chaussures escarpins Katy Perry THE A.W. Noir 37 femmes

97.3 EUR
Chaussures escarpins Katy Perry THE A.W. Noir.

Chaussures escarpins Katy Perry THE CHARMER Rouge 39,40 femmes

111.75 EUR
Chaussures escarpins Katy Perry THE CHARMER Rouge.

Bottines Katy Perry THE SOPHIA Noir 36,37,38,39,40,41 femmes

132.3 EUR
Bottines Katy Perry THE SOPHIA Noir.

Sandales Katy Perry THE GOLDY Noir 37,39,40,41 femmes

83.3 EUR
Sandales Katy Perry THE GOLDY Noir.

Bottines Katy Perry THE DISCO Noir 39 femmes

115.5 EUR
Bottines Katy Perry THE DISCO Noir.

Bottines Katy Perry THE BRIDGETTE Marron 36,39,40 femmes

97.3 EUR
Bottines Katy Perry THE BRIDGETTE Marron.

Mocassins Katy Perry THE TURNER Argenté 36 femmes

69.3 EUR
Mocassins Katy Perry THE TURNER Argenté.

Slip ons Katy Perry THE JEWLS Argenté 38,39,40,41 femmes

89.25 EUR
Slip ons Katy Perry THE JEWLS Argenté.

Onduleur z1 cube 400va Infosec 66072

94.27 EUR
3 prises FR/SCHUKO secourues2 voyantsAssurance : 120 000 EurosGarantie 2 ansDim (hxlxp) : 86,7 x 161 x 166 mmPoids : 2,25 kg

Katy Perry Firework

29.99 EUR
Brand : PERRY, KATY, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal Music), Publisher : Capitol (Universal Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2010-12-02, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection

4.49 EUR
Brand : CAPITOL, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Unknown, Publisher : Unknown, NumberOfDiscs : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Feature : Record Label : Emi, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2012-01-01, releaseDate : 2012-03-23, runningTime : 77 minutes, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Smile (Ltd. Fan Edition)

11.49 EUR
Brand : POLYDOR, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal Music), Publisher : Capitol (Universal Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2020-08-28, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Teenage Dream

3.99 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol Records (EMI), Publisher : Capitol Records (EMI), NumberOfDiscs : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Feature : Ihre Kleinen Music Store. von Italien nach ganz Europa, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2010-08-03, releaseDate : 2010-08-27, runningTime : 47 minutes, artists : Katy Perry

Alice Hudson Katy Perry: Rebel Dreamer - Das Inoffizielle Fanbuch

6.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Publisher : Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 2012-09-01, authors : Alice Hudson, Madeleine Lampe (Übers.), languages : german, ISBN : 3862651754

Katy Perry - The Prismatic World Tour Live

4.19 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Binding : DVD, Label : Universal/Music/DVD, Publisher : Universal/Music/DVD, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : DVD, publicationDate : 2015-10-30, releaseDate : 2015-10-30, runningTime : 145 minutes, theatricalReleaseDate : 2014-01-01, actors : Katy Perry

Dan Cutforth Katy Perry - The Movie: Part Of Me (Omu)

5.49 EUR
AspectRatio : 1.77 : 1, AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Binding : DVD, Label : Paramount Home Entertainment, Publisher : Paramount Home Entertainment, RegionCode : 2, Format : PAL, medium : DVD, publicationDate : 2012-12-13, releaseDate : 2012-12-13, runningTime : 94 minutes, theatricalReleaseDate : 2012-01-01, actors : Katy Perry, Shannon Woodward, Lucas Kerr, directors : Dan Cutforth, Jane Lipsitz, music : Deborah Lurie

Katy Perry Waking Up In Vegas

31.94 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol Re (EMI), Publisher : Capitol Re (EMI), NumberOfDiscs : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Single, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2009-06-19, runningTime : 7 minutes, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Hot N Cold

20.46 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Umg (EMI), Publisher : Umg (EMI), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2008-11-21, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry One Of The Boys

3.49 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal), Publisher : Capitol (Universal), NumberOfDiscs : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Feature : Record Label : Emi, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2008-01-01, releaseDate : 2008-09-12, artists : Katy Perry, languages : german

Katy Perry Witness

10.99 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Virgin, Publisher : Virgin, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Import, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2017-06-09, artists : Katy Perry

Dan Cutforth Katy Perry - Part Of Me (Omu) (+ Br) (+ Dvd) (Inkl. Digital Copy) [3d Blu-Ray]

26.99 EUR
AspectRatio : 1.77 : 1, AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Binding : Blu-ray, Label : Paramount Home Entertainment, Publisher : Paramount Home Entertainment, RegionCode : 2, medium : Blu-ray, publicationDate : 2012-12-13, releaseDate : 2012-12-13, runningTime : 93 minutes, theatricalReleaseDate : 2012-01-01, actors : Katy Perry, directors : Dan Cutforth, Jane Lipsitz

Katy Perry One Of The Boys

8.42 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Mis, Publisher : Mis, NumberOfDiscs : 1, Format : Import, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2008-10-16, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Mtv Unplugged

8.49 EUR
Brand : PERRY, KATY, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal), Publisher : Capitol (Universal), NumberOfDiscs : 2, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : CD+DVD, Feature : Ihre Kleinen Music Store. von Italien nach ganz Europa, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2009-01-01, releaseDate : 2009-11-13, runningTime : 67 minutes, artists : Katy Perry

Perry, Katy Feat. Juicy J Dark Horse (2-Track)

16.94 EUR
Brand : CAPITOL, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal), Publisher : Capitol (Universal), NumberOfDiscs : 1, Format : Single, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2014-02-28, artists : Perry, Katy Feat. Juicy J

Katy Perry I Kissed A Girl [2-Track]

16.49 EUR
Brand : CAPITOL, Binding : Audio CD, Label : F9999, Publisher : F9999, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Import, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2008-08-26, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Thinking Of You

22.49 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal), Publisher : Capitol (Universal), NumberOfDiscs : 1, Format : Single, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2009-02-20, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Prism

3.49 EUR
Brand : CAPITOL, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal), Publisher : Capitol (Universal), NumberOfDiscs : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2013-10-18, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry - Love And Smile

4.99 EUR
AspectRatio : 1.33 : 1, AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Binding : DVD, Label : SPV, Publisher : SPV, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : PAL, medium : DVD, releaseDate : 2015-04-03, runningTime : 43 minutes, actors : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Smile

5.99 EUR
Brand : POLYDOR, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal Music), Publisher : Capitol (Universal Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2020-08-28, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry: Witness (Deluxe) [Cd]

20.36 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Universal Music, Publisher : Universal Music, NumberOfDiscs : 1, medium : Audio CD, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Witness

3.99 EUR
Brand : CAPITOL, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal Music), Publisher : Capitol (Universal Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2017-06-09, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry California Gurls

8.49 EUR
Brand : Capitol Records (emi), Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol Records (EMI), Publisher : Capitol Records (EMI), NumberOfDiscs : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Single, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2010-06-11, runningTime : 8 minutes, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry Teenage Dream

4.99 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Umgd/Capitol, Publisher : Umgd/Capitol, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Import, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2010-08-24, artists : Katy Perry

Katy Perry 143

15 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Capitol (Universal Music), Publisher : Capitol (Universal Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2024-09-20, artists : Katy Perry

Thomas Russell Katy Perry - The Prismatic World Tour Live [Blu-Ray]

38.49 EUR
AspectRatio : 1.77 : 1, AudienceRating : Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung, Binding : Blu-ray, Label : Universal/Music/DVD, Publisher : Universal/Music/DVD, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : PAL, medium : Blu-ray, publicationDate : 2015-11-01, releaseDate : 2015-10-30, runningTime : 147 minutes, theatricalReleaseDate : 2015-10-30, actors : Katy Perry, directors : Thomas Russell

Katy Kate England All About Me And Dad From Day 1: Amazing And Comprehensive Memory Book About You And Your Dad ׀ This Keepsake Book Is Ideal For Any Father Or Grandfather, Even Those With Little Writing Talent

1.28 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Katy Kate England, Publisher : Katy Kate England, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 90, publicationDate : 2021-05-13, authors : Katy Kate England, ISBN : 3817429444

JD Sports Fred Perry Pantalon de jogging Tape Homme - Black, Black

110 EUR
Elevate your off-duty staples with these men's Tape Joggers from Fred Perry. In a Black colourway, these standard-fit joggers are made with soft cotton fabric for lasting comfort. They feature an elastic waistband with a drawstring, and ribbed ankle cuffs to secure the fit. They have side pockets for quick storage, and are finished with tonal branded tape detailing down the sides. Signed off with the iconic Laurel Wreath logo at the thigh. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" and wears a size medium.

Katy Milkman How To Change: The Science Of Getting From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be

14.99 EUR
Brand : Portfolio, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Internationale Ausgabe (US), Label : Portfolio, Publisher : Portfolio, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 272, publicationDate : 2021-05-04, releaseDate : 2021-05-04, authors : Katy Milkman, ISBN : 0593332598

JD Sports Fred Perry Pantalon de jogging Tape Homme - Black, Black

110 EUR
Elevate your off-duty staples with these men's Tape Joggers from Fred Perry. In a Black colourway, these standard-fit joggers are made with soft cotton fabric for lasting comfort. They feature an elastic waistband with a drawstring, and ribbed ankle cuffs to secure the fit. They have side pockets for quick storage, and are finished with tonal branded tape detailing down the sides. Signed off with the iconic Laurel Wreath logo at the thigh. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" and wears a size medium.

JD Sports Fred Perry Pantalon de jogging Tape Homme - Black, Black

110 EUR
Elevate your off-duty staples with these men's Tape Joggers from Fred Perry. In a Black colourway, these standard-fit joggers are made with soft cotton fabric for lasting comfort. They feature an elastic waistband with a drawstring, and ribbed ankle cuffs to secure the fit. They have side pockets for quick storage, and are finished with tonal branded tape detailing down the sides. Signed off with the iconic Laurel Wreath logo at the thigh. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" and wears a size medium.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - White, White

90 EUR
Adapting the original, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry elevates any outfit. Landing in a Snow White colourway, this slightly closer fit has a two-button placket and spread collar as well as short sleeves and ribbed detailing. It's made from supersoft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Finished off with French Blue and Court Green twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - White, White

90 EUR
Adapting the original, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry elevates any outfit. Landing in a Snow White colourway, this slightly closer fit has a two-button placket and spread collar as well as short sleeves and ribbed detailing. It's made from supersoft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Finished off with French Blue and Court Green twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - White, White

90 EUR
Adapting the original, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry elevates any outfit. Landing in a Snow White colourway, this slightly closer fit has a two-button placket and spread collar as well as short sleeves and ribbed detailing. It's made from supersoft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Finished off with French Blue and Court Green twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - White, White

90 EUR
Adapting the original, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry elevates any outfit. Landing in a Snow White colourway, this slightly closer fit has a two-button placket and spread collar as well as short sleeves and ribbed detailing. It's made from supersoft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Finished off with French Blue and Court Green twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - White, White

90 EUR
Adapting the original, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry elevates any outfit. Landing in a Snow White colourway, this slightly closer fit has a two-button placket and spread collar as well as short sleeves and ribbed detailing. It's made from supersoft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Finished off with French Blue and Court Green twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

S8 - Parasurtenseur 8 Prises fr - Garantie 2 ans - Infosec

49.43 EUR
S8 - Parasurtenseur 8 Prises FR - Garantie 2 ans - INFOSEC - INFOSEC - S8 - Parasurtenseur 8 Prises FR - Garantie 2 ans

S8 lan tv : 8 prises fr + rj45 + protection antenne tv Infosec 61273

48.38 EUR
8 prises FR avec protection parafoudre - RJ45 (In/Out)Protection Antenne TV (connecteurs câble coaxial)Assurance : 50 000 - Garantie 2 ansDim (hxlxp) : 360 x 135 x 63 mmPoids : 0,79 kg

S4 Black Line ii - Multiprises parafoudre 4 Prises fr - Garantie 2 ans - Infosec

27.81 EUR
S4 Black Line II - Parasurtenseur 4 Prises FR - Garantie 2 ans

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Black, Black

90 EUR
Upgrade your staple cuts with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry. In a Black colourway, this standard-fit polo shirt is made with soft, lightweight pique cotton for essential comfort. It features a classic two button placket with a sharp, spread collar, and short cuffed sleeves. Finished with contrasting, metallic Lurex Gold twin tips at the collar and cuffs. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 35" chest and wears a size medium.

JD Sports Fred Perry Sweat Zippé Homme - Navy, Navy

110 EUR
Add some premium style to your rotation with this men's 1/2 Zip Sweatshirt from Fred Perry. In a Navy colourway with Caramel accents, this regular fit sweatshirt is cut from jersey cotton for total comfort. It features a funnel neckline and a half zip fastening so you can adjust the coverage, with ribbed trims to the hem and cuffs to hold the shape. Finishing up, it's signed off with an embroidered Laurel Wreath logo to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 38" chest and wears as size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Sweat Zippé Homme - Navy, Navy

110 EUR
Add some premium style to your rotation with this men's 1/2 Zip Sweatshirt from Fred Perry. In a Navy colourway with Caramel accents, this regular fit sweatshirt is cut from jersey cotton for total comfort. It features a funnel neckline and a half zip fastening so you can adjust the coverage, with ribbed trims to the hem and cuffs to hold the shape. Finishing up, it's signed off with an embroidered Laurel Wreath logo to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 38" chest and wears as size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Navy, Navy

90 EUR
A court classic gets a modern update with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry. In a Navy colourway, this slimmer-fitting polo has a simple two-button placket and a spread collar, while the short sleeves have ribbed cuffs for a tailored look and feel. It's made from cotton pique fabric that feels slightly textured for premium comfort. Finished off with Cinnamon twin tipped trims on the collar and cuffs, as well as the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

Infosec - Parasurtenseur s5 black line ii x5 prises fr 61295

24.98 EUR
Nombre de prises : 5Interrupteur ON/OFF : OuiPorts USB : NonAssurance : 2 500 Euros

Parasurtenseur s5 x5 prises fr Infosec 61270

25.64 EUR
5 prises FR avec protection parafoudreGarantie 2 ansDim (hxlxp) : 350 x 55 x 40 mmPoids : 0,44 kgProtection du matériel connecté à hauteur de 50 000 euros.Voir conditions et procédure de souscription surwww.infosec-ups.com (dans les 10 jours suivants l'achat).

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Navy, Navy

90 EUR
A court classic gets a modern update with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry. In a Navy colourway, this slimmer-fitting polo has a simple two-button placket and a spread collar, while the short sleeves have ribbed cuffs for a tailored look and feel. It's made from cotton pique fabric that feels slightly textured for premium comfort. Finished off with Cinnamon twin tipped trims on the collar and cuffs, as well as the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Navy, Navy

90 EUR
A court classic gets a modern update with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry. In a Navy colourway, this slimmer-fitting polo has a simple two-button placket and a spread collar, while the short sleeves have ribbed cuffs for a tailored look and feel. It's made from cotton pique fabric that feels slightly textured for premium comfort. Finished off with Cinnamon twin tipped trims on the collar and cuffs, as well as the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Navy, Navy

90 EUR
A court classic gets a modern update with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry. In a Navy colourway, this slimmer-fitting polo has a simple two-button placket and a spread collar, while the short sleeves have ribbed cuffs for a tailored look and feel. It's made from cotton pique fabric that feels slightly textured for premium comfort. Finished off with Cinnamon twin tipped trims on the collar and cuffs, as well as the signature Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Sweat à Capuche Logo Homme - Stone, Stone

130 EUR
Bag a premium layer men's Logo Overhead Hoodie from Fred Perry. In a Stone colourway, this JD-exclsusive hoodie is cut from soft fleece fabric for total comfort, It features a pullover, adjustable hood for custom coverage, with ribbed trims to hold the shape and a kangaroo pouch for easy storage. Finished with classic Laurel Wreath logo branding to the chest. Machine washable Our model is 6'0" with a 35" chest and wears a size medium.

JD Sports Fred Perry Sweat à Capuche Logo Homme - Stone, Stone

130 EUR
Bag a premium layer men's Logo Overhead Hoodie from Fred Perry. In a Stone colourway, this JD-exclsusive hoodie is cut from soft fleece fabric for total comfort, It features a pullover, adjustable hood for custom coverage, with ribbed trims to hold the shape and a kangaroo pouch for easy storage. Finished with classic Laurel Wreath logo branding to the chest. Machine washable Our model is 6'0" with a 35" chest and wears a size medium.

JD Sports Fred Perry Sweat à Capuche Logo Homme - Stone, Stone

130 EUR
Bag a premium layer men's Logo Overhead Hoodie from Fred Perry. In a Stone colourway, this JD-exclsusive hoodie is cut from soft fleece fabric for total comfort, It features a pullover, adjustable hood for custom coverage, with ribbed trims to hold the shape and a kangaroo pouch for easy storage. Finished with classic Laurel Wreath logo branding to the chest. Machine washable Our model is 6'0" with a 35" chest and wears a size medium.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Adapting a classic, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry offers a slick, terrace-inspired look. Threaded in the brand's heritage, this slimmed down polo has a spread collar, a set-in two-button placket and short sleeves with ribbed cuffs. It's made from slightly textured yet soft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Landing in Label Green, it's finished off with Ecru twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Pull on an exclusive take of Fred Perry heritage with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt. In a Seagrass colourway, this slimmer build polo is made from ultra-soft cotton pique fabric for a premium feel. It features a two-button placket and spread collar for custom coverage as well as short sleeves and ribbed trims. With contrasting tipped detailing to the collar and cuffs, it's finished off with the Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Adapting a classic, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry offers a slick, terrace-inspired look. Threaded in the brand's heritage, this slimmed down polo has a spread collar, a set-in two-button placket and short sleeves with ribbed cuffs. It's made from slightly textured yet soft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Landing in Label Green, it's finished off with Ecru twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Adapting a classic, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry offers a slick, terrace-inspired look. Threaded in the brand's heritage, this slimmed down polo has a spread collar, a set-in two-button placket and short sleeves with ribbed cuffs. It's made from slightly textured yet soft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Landing in Label Green, it's finished off with Ecru twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Pull on an exclusive take of Fred Perry heritage with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt. In a Seagrass colourway, this slimmer build polo is made from ultra-soft cotton pique fabric for a premium feel. It features a two-button placket and spread collar for custom coverage as well as short sleeves and ribbed trims. With contrasting tipped detailing to the collar and cuffs, it's finished off with the Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Adapting a classic, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry offers a slick, terrace-inspired look. Threaded in the brand's heritage, this slimmed down polo has a spread collar, a set-in two-button placket and short sleeves with ribbed cuffs. It's made from slightly textured yet soft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Landing in Label Green, it's finished off with Ecru twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Pull on an exclusive take of Fred Perry heritage with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt. In a Seagrass colourway, this slimmer build polo is made from ultra-soft cotton pique fabric for a premium feel. It features a two-button placket and spread collar for custom coverage as well as short sleeves and ribbed trims. With contrasting tipped detailing to the collar and cuffs, it's finished off with the Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

Perry Miller The England Mind: From Colony To Province

43.1 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Harvard University Press, Publisher : Harvard University Press, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 524, publicationDate : 1983-04-15, authors : Perry Miller, languages : english, ISBN : 0674613015

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Adapting a classic, this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt from Fred Perry offers a slick, terrace-inspired look. Threaded in the brand's heritage, this slimmed down polo has a spread collar, a set-in two-button placket and short sleeves with ribbed cuffs. It's made from slightly textured yet soft cotton pique fabric for premium comfort. Landing in Label Green, it's finished off with Ecru twin tipped trims and the signature Laurel Wreath logo. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Pull on an exclusive take of Fred Perry heritage with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt. In a Seagrass colourway, this slimmer build polo is made from ultra-soft cotton pique fabric for a premium feel. It features a two-button placket and spread collar for custom coverage as well as short sleeves and ribbed trims. With contrasting tipped detailing to the collar and cuffs, it's finished off with the Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry Polo Double Liseré Homme - Green, Green

90 EUR
Pull on an exclusive take of Fred Perry heritage with this men's Twin Tipped Polo Shirt. In a Seagrass colourway, this slimmer build polo is made from ultra-soft cotton pique fabric for a premium feel. It features a two-button placket and spread collar for custom coverage as well as short sleeves and ribbed trims. With contrasting tipped detailing to the collar and cuffs, it's finished off with the Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry T-shirt Ringer Tape Homme - Black, Black

60 EUR
A staple in any Fred Perry rotation, grab this men's Tape Ringer T-Shirt. Landing in a Black colourway, this JD-excluisve top has a crew neckline, short sleeves and ribbed trims for a structured fit. It's made from soft cotton fabric for a premium feel. Finished off with track taped branding down the shoulders and a contrasting Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry T-shirt Ringer Tape Homme - Black, Black

60 EUR
A staple in any Fred Perry rotation, grab this men's Tape Ringer T-Shirt. Landing in a Black colourway, this JD-excluisve top has a crew neckline, short sleeves and ribbed trims for a structured fit. It's made from soft cotton fabric for a premium feel. Finished off with track taped branding down the shoulders and a contrasting Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

JD Sports Fred Perry T-shirt Ringer Tape Homme - Black, Black

60 EUR
A staple in any Fred Perry rotation, grab this men's Tape Ringer T-Shirt. Landing in a Black colourway, this JD-excluisve top has a crew neckline, short sleeves and ribbed trims for a structured fit. It's made from soft cotton fabric for a premium feel. Finished off with track taped branding down the shoulders and a contrasting Laurel Wreath logo embroidered to the chest. Machine washable. Our model is 6'0" with a 40" chest and wears a size M.

Perry, Lee Scratch King Scratch(Musical Masterpieces From The Upsette [Vinyl Lp]

124.99 EUR
Brand : Bmg Rights Management, Binding : Vinyl, Label : Trojan (Warner), Publisher : Trojan (Warner), NumberOfDiscs : 8, NumberOfItems : 8, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Vinyl, releaseDate : 2022-08-26, artists : Perry, Lee Scratch

Perry, Lee Scratch Soundzs From The Hotline

24.99 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Heartbeat (in-akustik), Publisher : Heartbeat (in-akustik), NumberOfDiscs : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2008-12-31, artists : Perry, Lee Scratch

Marvin Perry Sources Of The Western Tradition: From The Scientific Revolution To The Present (002)

1.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 3, Label : Houghton Mifflin, Publisher : Houghton Mifflin, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 2, publicationDate : 1995-06-01, releaseDate : 1995-06-01, authors : Marvin Perry, ISBN : 0395791200

Michael Perry Daily Bible: Selections From The International Version (Oxford Paperbacks)

1.3 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New, Label : Oxford Paperbacks, Publisher : Oxford Paperbacks, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 384, publicationDate : 1986-11-01, releaseDate : 1986-11-01, publishers : Michael Perry, ISBN : 0192830589

Matthew Perry Friends, Lovers And The Big Terrible Thing: The Powerful Memoir From The Beloved Star Of Friends

10.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Headline, Publisher : Headline, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 272, publicationDate : 2024-06-25, releaseDate : 2024-06-25, authors : Matthew Perry, ISBN : 1472295978

Michael Perry Songs From The Psalms

1.36 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Hodder & Stoughton Religious, Publisher : Hodder & Stoughton Religious, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 1990-05-17, authors : Michael Perry, David Peacock, ISBN : 0340529393

Piscione, Deborah Perry Secrets Of Silicon Valley: What Everyone Else Can Learn From The Innovation Capital Of The World

9.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : Palgrave Macmillan, Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 249, publicationDate : 2014-07-15, authors : Piscione, Deborah Perry, languages : english, ISBN : 1137279176

Donny Perry Leading Out Retail: A Creative Look At Bicycle Retail And What All Retailers Can Learn From It

3.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Donny Perry, Publisher : Donny Perry, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 238, publicationDate : 2014-03-25, authors : Donny Perry, languages : english, ISBN : 0996037306