Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

30 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

31 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Sandales enfant Geox GIGLIO GBK Blanc

46.13 EUR
Sandales enfant Geox GIGLIO GBK Blanc Disponible en taille fille. 31. . Enfant > Fille > Chaussures > Sandales.

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

31 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Sandales enfant Geox Giglio J82E2B 000BC C4002 Bleu

45.06 EUR
Sandales enfant Geox Giglio J82E2B 000BC C4002 Bleu Disponible en taille fille. 28,29,30. . Enfant > Fille > Chaussures > Sandales.

Sandales enfant Geox Giglio J82E2B 000BC C1000 Blanc

45.06 EUR
Sandales enfant Geox Giglio J82E2B 000BC C1000 Blanc Disponible en taille fille. 29,30,32,33. . Enfant > Fille > Chaussures > Sandales.

Sandales enfant Geox J S.GIGLIO A Blanc

51.99 EUR
Sandales enfant Geox J S.GIGLIO A Blanc Disponible en taille fille. 28,29. . Enfant > Fille > Chaussures > Sandales.

Sandales enfant Geox J S.GIGLIO A Rose

42.24 EUR
Sandales enfant Geox J S.GIGLIO A Rose Disponible en taille fille. 28,30,31,32. . Enfant > Fille > Chaussures > Sandales.

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

30 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

30 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

28.8 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

31 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

31 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

31 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Clinique High Impact™ Shadow Play Fard à paupières

28.8 EUR
Clinique - High Impact™ Shadow Play

Clinique Fard à Paupières Hi Shadow Play Straweberry One Size female

29.99 EUR
Catégorie principale de cosmétiques : Maquillage.Sous-catégorie de cosmétiques : Yeux.Marque : CLINIQUE.Hi Shadow Play Strawberry Eye Shadow.

High Impact Shadow Play - Fards à paupières + Définisseur- CLINIQUE 10 DAY&NIGHT

28 EUR
Un stylo fards à paupières double embout avec un duo de couleurs complémentaires pour créer des looks intenses avec précision.   Découvrez High Impact™ Shadow Play Fards à paupières + Définisseur, un stylo double embout avec deux teintes de fards complémentaires pour habiller votre regard en quelques secondes.   D’un côté, la texture crémeuse du crayon glisse parfaitement sur la paupière. Modulable et facile à appliquer, elle offre une base parfaite au fini satiné. De l'autre côté, le fard à paupières poudré aux pigments intenses apporte profondeur et définition à votre maquillage avec une grande précision grâce à l’applicateur éponge intégré. Mélangez les couleurs facilement et rapidement afin d’obtenir de nouveaux looks intenses grâce à un seul produit.   Le fard à paupières n'a jamais été aussi simple ! Testé par des dermatologues. Soumis à des tests d’allergie. 100 % sans parfum. Testé ophtalmologiquement. Convient aux yeux sensibles. Convient aux porteurs de lentilles de contact.   Bénéfices : Ce fard à paupières résistant à l'eau offre une tenue jusqu'à 12 heures. Sa pigmentation intense ne file pas, ne s'effrite pas et ne donne pas un effet de matière.   Tout type de peau Conseils d'utilisation : Étape 1 : Ombre à paupières texture crème Retirez délicatement le capuchon du stylo. Tournez le tube du crayon pour en libérer la mine. Appliquez le fard crémeux sur toute la paupière. Vous pouvez aussi l’appliquer en muqueuse supérieure et inférieure. Tournez le stylo pour rétracter la mine jusqu’à entendre un clic. Étape 2 : Fard à paupières définisseur Dévissez le capuchon. Utilisez la pointe de l’applicateur éponge pour déposer le fard sur la paupière. Définissez et dessinez votre regard en insistant sur les ras de cils supérieurs et inférieurs ainsi que dans le creux de la paupière. Insérez l’applicateur éponge dans le capuchon pour le recharger. Utilisez une seule couleur ou superposez-les pour créer votre propre look.

Lego Friends - La Clinique Vétérinaire De Heartlake City - 41446

93 EUR
La clinique vétérinaire de Heartlake City (41446) est le cadeau créatif idéal pour les enfants qui aiment jouer des rôles et prendre soin des animaux. Livré avec 8 personnages LEGO Friends, dont des mini-poupées et plusieurs bébés animaux, il permet aux enfants de se mettre dans la peau des personnages de leur choix. De nombreuses fonctionnalités pour des heures de jeu Le modèle comprend un accueil, une écurie pour la jument de Mia, une salle d'examen remplie d'accessoires de vétérinaire et une terrasse d'observation. Le set inclut également une route pour apporter une touche de frisson à ce jouet LEGO Friends. Les enfants peuvent jouer le rôle de Savannah qui amène son chien guide pour un examen, prendre soin des adorables bébés animaux de la clinique ou mettre en scène un sauvetage à cheval. Comme tous les sets Heartlake City, celui-ci permet aux enfants d'explorer leurs centres d'intérêt avec leurs meilleurs amis. - Les enfants peuvent s'adonner à leur passion pour les animaux avec La clinique vétérinaire de Heartlake City (41446). Ils peuvent jouer aux héros ou tout simplement prendre soin des animaux dans le besoin. - Ce set rapide à construire inclut 8 personnages permettant de mettre en scène de nombreuses histoires sur le thème du soin des animaux : 3 mini-poupées, un chien guide, une jument avec une selle, un chaton, un chiot et un bébé tortue. - Les enfants peuvent observer Donna la vétérinaire en train de soigner les bébés animaux à la clinique, aider Savannah à faire entrer son chien guide ou accompagner Mia sur sa jument tandis qu'elle aide le bébé tortue à traverser la route. - Un cadeau pour tous les jours permettant aux garçons et aux filles de 6 ans et plus de prendre soin des animaux. Inclut des instructions claires pour que les enfants, quel que soit leur niveau, puissent commencer à construire vite. - Le set mesure plus de 16 cm de haut et 16 cm de large, les dimensions parfaites pour décorer une chambre, entre deux auscultations d'animaux ! - Nouveautés de janvier 2021 : un chaton et un chien, ainsi que Bella, une jument qui possède une tête mobile pour pouvoir manger la nourriture que Mia a mis dans son écurie. - Les briques LEGO du set se combinent avec tous les autres sets LEGO pour des heures de jeu illimité et de créativité. - Grâce aux sets de jeu Heartlake City, les enfants peuvent s'adonner à leurs passions et cultiver leurs amitiés en compagnie de personnages LEGO Friends auxquels ils peuvent s'identifier. - Les éléments LEGO sont conformes aux normes industrielles les plus exigeantes ils sont compatibles entre eux, s'assemblent et se séparent à la perfection, et cela depuis 1958. - Les briques et les éléments LEGO sont soumis à des tests rigoureux pour s'assurer qu'ils sont conformes aux normes de sécurité les plus élevées au monde.

Lego Duplo - La Visite À La Clinique Vétérinaire - 10438

35.99 EUR
Vous connaissez un tout-petit qui adore les animaux ? Offrez-lui le set LEGO DUPLO Ma ville La visite à la clinique vétérinaire (10438). Ce jouet 2+ encourage l'empathie envers les animaux et aide les enfants d'âge préscolaire à développer des compétences sociales et émotionnelles. La clinique comprend 2 animaux LEGO DUPLO (chien et chat) ainsi qu'une figurine de vétérinaire. Les enfants accueillent les animaux souffrants dans la clinique et jouent au vétérinaire pour les soigner. Ils pèsent les animaux sur la balance, écoutent leur coeur, puis les lavent et les toilettent soigneusement. Les enfants d'âge préscolaire exercent leur motricité fine en assemblant les briques colorées pour construire le modèle LEGO, en prenant soin des animaux à l'aide des instruments de vétérinaire et en les endormant dans le berceau. Avec leurs scènes et fonctions réalistes, les sets LEGO DUPLO Ma ville aident les tout-petits à mieux comprendre le monde qui les entoure à travers des jeux de rôle de la vie réelle. - Jouet de jeux de rôle de soin des animaux pour les enfants dès 2 ans - Faites plaisir aux tout-petits passionnés d'animaux et encouragez-les à veiller sur eux avec le set LEGO DUPLO Ma ville La visite à la clinique vétérinaire - Set d'apprentissage social et émotionnel sur le thème du vétérinaire - Ce jouet d'apprentissage pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire développe leur empathie pour les animaux tandis qu'ils s'imaginent vétérinaire et soignent le chien et le chat - Des détails créatifs pour d'amusants jeux de rôle - Les tout-petits utilisent le stéthoscope, pèsent les animaux sur la balance, les brossent et leur donnent une douche, puis les glissent dans le berceau pour les endormir - Jouet de construction aux fonctions attrayantes pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire - Ce set de jeu de vétérinaire comprend un berceau, une agréable couverture en tissu et des fenêtres qui s'ouvrent pour exercer la motricité fine des petits doigts - Idée de cadeau pour les petits passionnés d'animaux -Constitue un amusant cadeau d'anniversaire pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire qui s'intéressent aux animaux, pour de précieux moments à partager avec eux tandis qu'ils explorent leurs passions - Un produit de qualité - Les briques et les pièces de ce set LEGO DUPLO ont été soumises à des tests de chute, de chaleur, d'écrasement et de torsion, puis analysées afin de s'assurer qu'elles satisfont aux normes de sécurité les plus exigeantes - Des jouets inspirés du monde réel - Avec des scènes, des modèles, des fonctions, des figurines et des animaux auxquels s'identifier, les sets LEGO DUPLO Ma ville aident les tout-petits à mieux comprendre le monde qui les entoure - De grands moments de jeu pour les petites mains - Ce set de 28 pièces sur le thème des animaux mesure plus de 15 cm de haut, 26 cm de large et 14 cm de profondeur

Lego Duplo - La Clinique Vétérinaire - 6158

295.25 EUR
Amenez les bébés animaux à la clinique vétérinaire LEGO DUPLO et soignez-les avec les vétérinaires et les nombreux accessoires ! Soignez tous les animaux à la clinique vétérinaire ! À la clinique pour animaux, les vétérinaires soignent les animaux malades. Ils ont toujours beaucoup à faire : poser un bandage autour du cou de la girafe ou nourrir les bébés animaux avec du bon lait chaud. Inclut 5 animaux LEGO DUPLO et 2 figurines de vétérinaires DUPLO. - Inclut 2 figurines de vétérinaires LEGO DUPLO - Comprend une salle de soin, des zones et un biberon pour nourrir les animaux, un bandage, une couverture et des briques DUPLO décorées assorties - Inclut 5 animaux : une tortue, une girafe, un singe, un zèbre et un ourson - Donnez du lait aux bébés animaux avec le biberon ! - Posez des bandages sur les animaux ! - Le thème des animaux contribue à développer l'imagination des enfants - Les produits DUPLO sont amusants et adaptés aux mains des jeunes enfants - La clinique vétérinaire mesure plus de 50 cm de long, 30 cm de large et 18 cm de haut Figurine LEGO DUPLO : - Vétérinaire homme (47394PB143) - Employée du zoo (47394PB144)

Lego Friends - L'ambulance De La Clinique Vétérinaire - 41694

4.6 EUR
Aidez les enfants dès 4 ans à développer leurs talents de construction tout en jouant aux héros avec le set L'ambulance de la clinique vétérinaire LEGO Friends (41694). Les enfants viennent à la rescousse du pauvre chien et découvrent que les amis sont toujours là les uns pour les autres. Ils vont adorer conduire l'ambulance dotée de portes à charnières, d'une civière et d'accessoires pour soigner les animaux. Modèles amusants pour jeunes enfants Les sets créatifs 4+ riches en fonctions offrent une formidable expérience de jeu aux enfants, qui peuvent utiliser les briques de démarrage robustes pour se lancer dans la construction. Grâce aux jouets collector 4+, les adultes peuvent partager le plaisir de créer avec leurs enfants. Pour ceux qui débutent dans la construction LEGO, pas d'inquiétude : ce set figure dans le guide numérique interactif disponible dans l'appli gratuite Instructions de montage LEGO, qui fait de la construction un jeu d'enfants. - Construire, jouer et prendre soin des autres ? Le set L'ambulance de la clinique vétérinaire LEGO Friends (41694) initie les enfants dès 4 ans à la construction et leur permet d'exprimer leur amour pour les animaux en prenant soin d'un chiot - Accessoires imaginatifs ? Ce set facile à construire inclut Stéphanie et Ethan de LEGO Friends, un chien et une ambulance le jouet parfait pour les enfants qui aiment s'amuser avec des animaux - Jouer les héros ? Ce set est conçu pour cultiver la bienveillance des enfants, qui peuvent aller chercher le chien blessé en ambulance, le soigner avec les accessoires de vétérinaire et le monter dans le véhicule sur la civière - À offrir en toute occasion aux enfants dès 4 ans ? Un cadeau à offrir pour un anniversaire ou toute autre occasion à un jeune héros ou à un enfant créatif aimant venir au secours des animaux - Un jouet compact ? Mesurant plus de 6 cm de haut et 9 cm de long, l'ambulance est suffisamment petite pour permettre aux enfants de la garder à portée à main pour les moments où ils veulent libérer le héros qui est en eux - Apprendre en jouant ? Les sets 4+ sont conçus pour initier les plus jeunes à la construction la brique de démarrage pratique offre aux enfants une base robuste sur laquelle ils peuvent construire leur modèle - Construction interactive amusante ? Grâce au guide numérique de l'application gratuite Instructions de montage LEGO, la construction est un véritable jeu d'enfants, même pour les plus jeunes - Une communauté bienveillante ? Ce set est compatible avec La clinique vétérinaire LEGO Friends (41695) pour multiplier les opportunités de jeu et créer un univers dans lequel les amis travaillent ensemble pour prendre soin des animaux - Une qualité constante ? Depuis 1958, les jouets LEGO respectent les normes industrielles les plus élevées, ce qui garantit qu'ils sont compatibles entre eux et peuvent être assemblés et démontés encore et encore - Jouer en toute confiance ? Les briques et les éléments de ce set LEGO Friends sont soumis à...

Lego Friends - La Clinique Vétérinaire Des Animaux De La Ferme - 42632

27.34 EUR
Invitez les enfants dès 4 ans à s'occuper des animaux avec La clinique vétérinaire des animaux de la ferme LEGO Friends (42632). Ce set initie les enfants à la construction et inclut une clinique vétérinaire, 2 mini-poupées, 3 animaux et des accessoires de vétérinaire. Cette clinique vétérinaire est une belle idée de cadeau à offrir à des enfants qui aiment jouer au docteur. Ils peuvent imaginer Autumn aidant la vétérinaire Gabriela à s'occuper du chevreau, à transporter les animaux dans la remorque ou à les ausculter sur la table avec les balances, l'ordinateur et la lumière. Ils peuvent ensuite aider Autumn à faire leur toilette et à leur donner de délicieuses friandises. Les jouets LEGO 4+ incluent des briques de démarrage qui permettent aux plus jeunes de se lancer rapidement dans la construction. Les enfants plongent dans la construction intuitive avec l'appli LEGO Builder : ils peuvent zoomer, faire pivoter les modèles en 3D, sauvegarder leurs sets et suivre leur progression. - La clinique vétérinaire des animaux de la ferme LEGO Friends - Le set inclut 2 mini-poupées, 3 animaux et de nombreux accessoires pour les filles et les garçons dès 4 ans qui aiment jouer à s'occuper d'animaux - Conçu pour les jeunes constructeurs - Les apprentis constructeurs se lancent dans le jeu et aident Autumn et Gabriela à prendre soin de la chèvre qui vient de mettre bas - Transporter les chèvres dans la remorque - Le set inclut une remorque à construire qui invite les enfants à traverser l'arche de l'entrée pour se rendre à la clinique vétérinaire avec la jeune mère et son petit - 2 mini-poupées et 3 animaux - Avec les personnages LEGO Friends d'Autumn et de Gabriela, une chèvre et un chevreau ainsi qu'un lapin, le jeu créatif peut commencer sans attendre - De nombreux accessoires - Le set comprend des accessoires dont des équipements de vétérinaire, des cerises, une fraise, une abeille, des biscuits, une carotte, une tasse et un flacon de shampoing - Une belle idée de cadeau pour enfants - Ce set LEGO Friends pour les filles et les garçons est un beau cadeau à offrir pour les fêtes à de jeunes passionnés des animaux de la ferme - Encore plus de jeu et d'action - Découvrez les autres sets LEGO Friends (vendus séparément) conçus pour inspirer les jeunes constructeurs - Dimensions - Un set de 161 pièces avec une clinique vétérinaire à construire qui mesure plus de 10 cm de haut, 30 cm de large et 7 cm de profondeur

Lego Juniors - La Clinique Vétérinaire De Mia - 10728

153.16 EUR
Sauve les animaux et sauve le monde ! Rejoins Olivia et Mia qui travaillent pour soigner les animaux blessés et malades dans la clinique vétérinaire LEGO Juniors ! Ouvre la clinique avec Mia et prépare-toi pour les patients de la journée. Dis à Olivia qu'il faut aller chercher un animal dans l'ambulance puis rencontre-la quand elle arrive. Amène l'animal à la clinique afin que Mia puisse le traiter. Soigne les animaux jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tous guéris ! - Inclut des mini-poupées de Mia et Olivia, plus un lapin, un bébé lapin, un chat, une tortue et un hérisson. - Comprend la clinique vétérinaire de Mia, une ambulance, une civière avec des roues et un clapier à lapins. - La clinique vétérinaire comprend des fournitures vétérinaires, une table pour placer les animaux et une civière à roulettes. - L'ambulance comprend une porte qui s'ouvre à l'arrière et des roulettes. - Les accessoires incluent un stéthoscope, un otoscope, un thermomètre, des biberons, une cuillère pour médicaments, un bloc-notes et un crayon, un pack de glace, une seringue et de la nourriture pour animaux. - Cet ensemble comprend des pièces plus grandes adaptées aux petites mains et des instructions de montage faciles à comprendre. - Les pièces sont emballées dans des sachets numérotés pour faciliter le processus de construction. - Cet ensemble offre une expérience de construction adaptée aux enfants de 4 à 7 ans. - L'ambulance mesure plus de 6 cm de haut, 10 cm de long et 4 cm de large. - La clinique vétérinaire mesure plus de 12 cm de haut, 11 cm de large et 16 cm de profondeur. Minifigurines : - Mia - Olivia

Lego Friends - L'hélicoptère De Sauvetage De La Clinique Vétérinaire - 41692

29.9 EUR
L'hélicoptère de sauvetage de la clinique vétérinaire LEGO Friends (41692) est parfait pour les passionnés d'animaux de compagnie qui pourront jouer pendant des heures à mettre en scène de formidables sauvetages de lapin. Le plein d'action Ce set sur le thème des animaux est livré avec un joli embarcadère sur le lac, une scène de pique-nique et une île en forme de c¿ur sur laquelle le lapin reste coincé. Les enfants qui aiment les engins fascinants vont adorer l'hélicoptère coloré qui se pose sur le lac pour sauver le lapin. Le modèle inclut une civière, un biberon pour le lapereau, une seringue et des rotors rotatifs. Des jouets qui ont du c¿ur Les sets LEGO Friends sont livrés avec des personnages auxquels il est facile de s'identifier et de jolis bébés animaux, qui permettent aux amoureux des animaux de cultiver leur instinct de protection. Les enfants découvrent le monde bienveillant de Heartlake City, un endroit fait de missions passionnantes et de héros du quotidien. - Les jeunes héros vont être ravis de recevoir L'hélicoptère de sauvetage de la clinique vétérinaire LEGO Friends (41692). Ils vont pouvoir inventer d'innombrables scénarios de sauvetage d'animaux et partir à la rescousse d'un lapin en détresse. - Ce set d'animaux colorés pour enfants inclut les mini-poupées de Stéphanie et Mia de LEGO Friends, un lapin, un lapereau, un hélicoptère avec des rotors qui tournent, une trousse de vétérinaire et une soute articulée. - Les enfants peuvent jouer à faire un pique-nique avec leur lapin, se précipiter sur une île pour sauver le lapin, le transporter sur une civière pour le mettre en lieu sûr et prendre soin de lui une fois qu'il a été libéré des pinces du crabe. - Ce jouet sur le thème des bébés animaux constitue un formidable cadeau d'anniversaire ou de Noël pour les enfants de 6 ans et plus qui aiment les jeux de sauvetage créatifs. - L'hélicoptère mesure plus de 10 cm de haut, 19 cm de long et 5 cm de large. Il est donc suffisamment petit pour être gardé à portée de main, prêt pour des opérations de sauvetage d'animaux LEGO Friends partout dans la chambre ! - Compatible avec Le buggy de sauvetage de la clinique vétérinaire (41442), L'ambulance de la clinique vétérinaire (41445) et La clinique vétérinaire de Heartlake City (41446) pour créer tout un univers de bienveillance dans l'univers LEGO Friends. - Les enfants découvrent Heartlake City, un lieu où tout est possible grâce à l'aide de ses amis. - Les éléments de ce nouveau jouet LEGO sont conformes aux normes industrielles les plus strictes ils sont compatibles entre eux, s'assemblent et se séparent facilement, et cela depuis 1958. - Les briques et les éléments LEGO sont soumis à des tests rigoureux pour s'assurer qu'ils sont conformes aux normes de sécurité les plus élevées au monde.

Lego Friends - La Clinique Vétérinaire Pour Chevaux Et Animaux De Compagnie - 42651

42.96 EUR
Invitez les jeunes passionnés d'animaux dès 7 ans à s'amuser avec La clinique vétérinaire pour chevaux et animaux de compagnie LEGO Friends (42651), qui inclut 3 mini-poupées LEGO Friends, un cheval, 3 chiens et un chat. Les jeunes constructeurs imaginent qu'ils s'occupent d'animaux avec ce set qui compte une table d'examen, de la nourriture pour animaux, du matériel de vétérinaire et une balance. Dans l'écurie, il y a du foin, une fourche, une brosse, une selle et un tableau avec la radio du cheval. Les enfants peuvent mettre en scène des histoires avec Olly et son chat, mais aussi Autumn et son cheval chez la vétérinaire. Celle-ci a aussi des animaux : un chien et deux chiots. Après avoir ausculté les animaux, Eniko monte les escaliers pour se rendre dans la chambre et la salle de bain. C'est un beau cadeau à offrir pour un anniversaire ou en toute occasion aux jeunes amoureux des animaux. Découvrez les autres sets de l'univers LEGO Friends (vendus séparément). - Le plein de jeu de rôle pour les passionnés d'animaux - La clinique vétérinaire pour chevaux et animaux de compagnie, pour les filles et les garçons passionnés d'animaux dès 7 ans, inclut 3 mini-poupées LEGO Friends, un cheval, 3 chiens et un chat - Cheval et écurie - Racontez des histoires amusantes avec Thunder le cheval qui peut se reposer dans l'écurie et est accompagné d'accessoires, tels qu'une bombe d'équitation, une selle, une fourche, une brosse, du foin et une radiographie - 3 mini-poupées et 5 figurines d'animaux - Ce jouet favorisant la sociabilité offre une foule de possibilités créatives aux enfants, qui peuvent imaginer Olly et Autumn à la clinique vétérinaire avec leurs animaux - Accessoires de vétérinaires - Ce set de jeu avec des animaux inclut de nombreux accessoires, comme une caisse enregistreuse, des tournesols, de la nourriture pour animaux, un calot de vétérinaire, une crotte, du shampoing et du savon - Cadeau pour les enfants - Ce set d'animaux est un beau cadeau à offrir aux enfants qui aiment les animaux et les histoires créatives, pour leur anniversaire ou toute autre occasion - Série en ligne - Stimulez l'imagination des enfants avec d'autres sets (vendus séparément) et la série en ligne LEGO Friends: Un Nouveau Chapitre, dans laquelle les enfants font connaissance avec les personnages de Heartlake City - Dimensions - Le modèle principal de ce set de 428 pièces mesure plus de 15 cm de haut, 20 cm de large et 9 cm de profondeur

Lego Friends - La Clinique Vétérinaire - 41085

9.89 EUR
Dirige la clinique vétérinaire et aide Mia à soigner tous les animaux malades ! Aide les animaux blessés avec Mia à la clinique vétérinaire ! Elle soigne aujourd'hui un chat et un chien. Aide-la à examiner le chien sur la table et vérifie son c¿ur et ses poumons avec ses instruments médicaux. Puis emmène-le se faire peser sur la balance : il a besoin de plus d'exercice dans le terrain de jeux pour animaux de la clinique vétérinaire. Emmène ensuite le chat sur le chariot médical pour lui faire passer une radio de la patte. Il devra rester à la clinique pendant un moment, alors aide à le nettoyer, à le nourrir et à le cajoler pour qu'il se sente mieux. Il faut ensuite répondre au téléphone et vérifier les dossiers sur l'ordinateur : une nouvelle journée bien remplie à la clinique vétérinaire ! À combiner avec l'ambulance vétérinaire (41086) pour un service d'urgence complet pour les animaux. Inclut une minipoupée de Mia et un chien et un chat. - Comprend une clinique vétérinaire, un terrain de jeux pour animaux et un chariot qui roule - La clinique vétérinaire comprend une porte qui s'ouvre, un appareil de radiographie coulissant, une lampe d'auscultation qui tourne, une table d'auscultation, une balance, un présentoir d'aliments pour animaux et un bureau de réception - Le terrain de jeux comprend un manège qui tourne et un stand de beauté - Les accessoires incluent un ordinateur,un téléphone, un chapeau d'infirmière, un pack de glace, un thermomètre, une seringue, un biberon, une cuillère, un stylo, un dossier, une brosse, du shampoing, un ballon, des fleurs et un panneau de vétérinaire - Utilise les instruments médicaux et la lampe pour examiner les animaux sur la table d'auscultation - Cherche les os cassés avec l'appareil de radiographie coulissant - Fais faire de l'exercice aux animaux dehors sur le manège qui tourne avant de leur faire un shampoing et de les bros ser - Vends des aliments pour animaux de qualité supérieure et prends des rendez-vous au comptoir - La clinique vétérinaire mesure plus de 8 cm de haut, 12 cm de large et 12 cm de profondeur - Le terrain de jeux mesure plus de 5 cm de large, 5 cm de profondeur et moins de 1 cm de haut. - À combiner avec l'ambulance vétérinaire (41086) pour un service de soins complet pour les animaux. Minifigurine : - Mia (FRND098)

Lego Friends - La Clinique Vétérinaire - 41695

17.95 EUR
Les enfants de 4 ans et plus expriment leur passion pour les animaux et jouent ? soigner un chat bless? dans La clinique v?t?rinaire LEGO? Friends (41695). Ce b?timent color? de 2 niveaux inclut un scanner, un salon de toilettage et un grattoir. L'?tage sup?rieur est amovible pour acc?der facilement aux fonctions du rez-de-chauss?e, telles que la caisse et le cabinet tout ?quip?.. Les adultes aussi peuvent jouer. Avec les jouets 4+ ? collectionner, les adultes et les enfants d?couvrent ensemble l'univers cr?atif de LEGO. Le jeu commence imm?diatement puisque chaque sachet de briques inclut un personnage ou un animal ainsi qu'une construction miniature. Les enfants n'ont pas besoin de beaucoup d'aide pour construire : cette clinique v?t?rinaire s'accompagne d'instructions illustr?es simples qui facilitent la construction, m?me pour les lecteurs d?butants. Faites d?couvrir les sets LEGO Friends aux plus jeunes et laissez-les explorer leurs passions aux c?t?s de leurs amis.

Lego Friends - L'ambulance De La Clinique Vétérinaire - 41445

39.9 EUR
Les passionnés d'animaux domestiques vont jouer pendant des heures avec L'ambulance de la clinique vétérinaire (41445). Ce set LEGO Friends sur le thème du sauvetage d'animaux inclut de nombreuses fonctionnalités et 2 mini-poupées. Une formidable petite surprise à offrir aux garçons et aux filles. Set de jeu pratique Doté de nombreux accessoires, ce set est idéal au quotidien. Les enfants peuvent explorer la cabane des chats ou partir à la rescousse du chaton lorsqu'il tombe dans la rivière. Un engrenage permet de faire tourbillonner l'eau pour ajouter une pointe de frisson. Les enfants peuvent faire descendre un seau pour y placer le chaton et sauver la situation ! Nombreux détails réalistes L'ambulance possède un panneau à charnières permettant d'accéder facilement à l'intérieur. Grâce aux jolis accessoires, les enfants peuvent prendre soin des animaux. En plongeant dans l'univers LEGO Friends, les enfants apprennent à travailler en équipe pour accomplir leurs missions. - Le set L'ambulance de la clinique vétérinaire (41445) inclut une jolie cabane dans un arbre et un véhicule de sauvetage qui encouragent les enfants à inventer des histoires de sauvetage d'animaux et stimulent le jeu collaboratif. - Ce jouet LEGO Friends sur le thème du sauvetage d'animaux comprend 2 mini-poupées, un chat, un chaton et un lapin, ainsi que de nombreux accessoires de vétérinaire amusants pour une expérience de jeu immersive. - Ce set idéal pour de courtes séances de jeu au quotidien inclut un seau pour sortir le chaton des rapides, une ambulance remplie d'accessoires de vétérinaire et une cabane dans un arbre que les enfants peuvent explorer avec les animaux. - Ce set ludique constitue une superbe petite surprise pour les garçons et les filles de 6 ans et plus méritant une récompense. Pas besoin de savoir construire : les jouets LEGO Friends sont livrés avec des instructions étape par étape très claires. - Avec plus de 8 cm de haut et 12 cm de long, l'ambulance possède la taille parfaite pour jouer au sauvetage d'animaux chez soi ou ailleurs ! Elle est également compatible avec les autres sets LEGO pour un jeu encore plus créatif. - L'ambulance présente un panneau latéral à charnières pour permettre aux petites mains de jouer à l'intérieur. Elle contient de nombreux accessoires de vétérinaire, tels qu'un stéthoscope, un appareil de radiographies, de la glace et un otoscope. - Le seau qui s'enroule et la fonction qui fait tourbillonner l'eau apportent une dimension palpitante à ce jouet sur le thème du sauvetage d'animaux, et contribuent à faire de ce set un excellent cadeau de Noël ou d'anniversaire. - L'ambulance de la clinique vétérinaire est compatible avec Le buggy de sauvetage de la clinique vétérinaire (41442) et La clinique vétérinaire de Heartlake City (41446), pour créer tout un univers de soins aux animaux LEGO Friends. - Les sets de jeu LEGO sont conformes aux normes industrielles les plus exigeantes ils sont compatibles entre eux, s'assemblent et se...

Lego Friends - Le Buggy De Sauvetage De La Clinique Vétérinaire - 41442

14.99 EUR
Le buggy de sauvetage de la clinique vétérinaire (41442) est le cadeau créatif idéal pour les passionnés d'animaux. Il promet des heures de jeu LEGO Friends aux enfants qui aiment passer à l'action ! Plein de détails pour s'amuser Ce petit jouet présente d'incroyables accessoires pour stimuler le jeu créatif. Il inclut un joli décor de bord de rivière où Stéphanie de LEGO Friends et son chien peuvent pique-niquer. L'arbre étant articulé, il peut « piéger » le chien pour stimuler le jeu. Lequad est équipé d'une chaîne pour soulever l'arbre et inclut d'adorables accessoires pour soigner le chiot. Héros miniatures Ce set de vétérinaire rapide à construire est le cadeau idéal pour les enfants qui aiment jouer les héros. Grâce à Instructions PLUS, l'assemblage ne nécessite pas d'efforts héroïques. Disponible dans l'appli LEGO Instructions de montage, ce guide numérique inclut des outils de zoom et rotation ainsi qu'un mode fantôme pour faciliter la construction. - Le buggy de sauvetage de la clinique vétérinaire (41442) est un set compact sur le thème des animaux en danger. Les enfants peuvent s'amuser à partir à la rescousse d'un animal et le dégager d'un arbre tombé à terre à l'aide d'un puissant quad. - Ce jouet de sauvetage comprend 2 mini-poupées LEGO Friends, un chiot (nouveauté de janvier 2021), une jolie scène de pique-nique à la campagne et un quad. - Les enfants peuvent jouer à pique-niquer avec le chiot ou pimenter le jeu en faisant tomber l'arbre pour piéger l'animal. Ils peuvent utiliser le quad pour soulever l'arbre, libérer le pauvre toutou et sauver la situation ! - Les enfants vont adorer les accessoires inclus dans ce set LEGO Friends, notamment un biberon et un os pour le chien, un talkie-walkie, une chaîne pour soulever l'arbre, une tuile pique-nique, un sandwich et une tasse. - Un cadeau d'anniversaire ou de Noël pratique pour les garçons et les filles de 6 ans et plus méritant une petite surprise. Ce set créatif, qui permet de jouer au sauvetage pendant des heures, est idéal pour récompenser les efforts d'un enfant. - Mesurant chacun plus de 6 cm, la cascade et le quad sont suffisamment petits pour permettre aux enfants de créer des scènes de sauvetage amusantes partout et à tout moment. - Pour les jeunes constructeurs qui souhaitent profiter d'une expérience de construction encore plus ludique, le guide numérique Instructions PLUS facilite la construction grâce aux modes Zoom, Rotation, Fantôme et Enregistrement. - Le buggy de sauvetage de la clinique vétérinaire est compatible avec L'ambulance de la clinique vétérinaire (41445) et La clinique vétérinaire de Heartlake City (41446), pour créer tout un univers de soins aux animaux LEGO® Friends. - Les éléments LEGO sont conformes aux normes industrielles les plus exigeantes ils sont compatibles entre eux, s'assemblent et se séparent à la perfection, et cela depuis 1958. - Les briques et les éléments LEGO sont soumis à des tests rigoureux pour s'assurer qu'ils sont conformes aux...

Clinique Fard à Paupières Hi Shadow Play Flame One Size female

29.99 EUR
Catégorie : Maquillage.Sous-catégorie : Yeux.Marque :Clinique.Salut Shadow Play Flame.

Clinique Fard à Paupières Hi Shadow Play Champagne One Size female

29.99 EUR
Catégorie : Maquillage.Sous-catégorie : Yeux.Marque :Clinique.Fard à paupières Hi Shadow Play Champagne.

Clinique Fard à Paupières Hi Shadow Play Mixed Green One Size female

29.99 EUR
Catégorie principale de cosmétiques : Maquillage.Sous-catégorie de cosmétiques : Yeux.Marque : CLINIQUE.Hi Shadow Play Mixed Green Eye Shadow.

Marvel Venomized Groot Transformable Toy, LEGO 76249, Play and Display

73.39 EUR
Marvel Venomized Groot Transformable Toy, LEGO 76249, Play and Display

Lego Super Heroes Marvel King Throne Room 76213 Toy Block Present Superhero American Comic Pretend Play Boys Ages 7 and Up Namor's

91.99 EUR
``Black Panther'' Submarine – Build the Lego Marvel King Namor's Throne Room (76213) and set off on an underwater exploration Marvel Characters – Assemble the submarine and throne room, then start your adventure with 3 minifigures (Shuri, Attuma, and King Namor), seaweed and fish accessories Various ways to play – Enjoy pretend adventures set in submarines and temples For Marvel Fans – Perfect birthday or Christmas gift for superhero fans (Ages 7+) Easy to carry – Compact size (approximately) height 4cm x length 13cm x width 4cm so you can play anytime and anywhere Recommended toys for boys and girls ages 7 and older who like superheroes, American comics, and pretend play.

Lego Serious Play - Kit De Démarrage - 2000414

38.99 EUR
Inclut : - Une sélection de briques LEGO standard combinée à quelques éléments DUPLO  - Une sélection d'éléments spéciaux tels que des roues, des pneus, des fenêtres, des arbres, des éléments de figurine, des tubes, des sphères et de petites plaques de base  - Un livret Imaginopedia avec des instructions de construction LEGO simples - Âges:6+ - Nb de Pièces:219   Remarque : le kit de démarrage n'est accompagné d'aucun manuel destiné à l'animateur. La formation sur la façon de concevoir et d'animer des ateliers LEGO SERIOUS PLAY avec le kit de démarrage est disponible par le biais de la communauté LEGO SERIOUS PLAY. Il existe d'autre possibilités proposés par Lego pour permettre aux plus jeunes de s'initier à la construction de briques mais également à la programmation dès 7 ans. Découvrez entre autres la nouveauté Lego Boost composée de 840 pièces et de 5 robots Lego à construire et à programmer pour leur octroyer plus d'interactivité. 

Lego Friends Dog Pet Salon Car Toy Present Birthday Block Educational Christmas Boys Girls Children 4 Years Old 5 Years Old 6 Years Pretend Play House

54.26 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For kids ages 4 and up – enjoy pretend play with 2 mini-doll figures, 2 dog figures, salon car, pool, and pet care accessories For the builders of tomorrow – learn the basics of assembly while playing with dogs Paisley and Nova Mini-doll figures and animal figures – Enjoy dream-filled pretend play with LEGO Friends Paisley and Nova, and pet dogs Pickles and Juno. Pet Salon Car and Accessories – This set includes a pet salon car with wheels, a pool, pet care accessories (brushes, shampoo, etc.), and a fire hydrant. For children who love dogs – Children who are always pretending to take care of their pets will be very happy if you give this as a gift. Lego Friends Series – In addition to this, there are other assembly sets that allow you to imagine going to various places and play various characters through pretend adventures that are common in everyday life (each set sold separately). Size – (approx.) Height 4cm x Length 9cm x Width 5cm/Number of pieces: 60 Educational toys for boys and girls aged 4, 5 and 6 who like animals and cars

Lego Dreams Cat Bike Toy Present Birthday Block Christmas Girls Boys Children 7 Years Old 8 Years Old 9 Years Old Elementary School Pretend Play House

89.43 EUR
Let's go to Dream World - Riding a cat bike, your child's dreams will travel around Dream World (target age: 7 years old and up) Your child is the star of the adventure – rearrange the models to create any adventure you want. Enjoy rearranging – a cat bike with wheels and a speed cat with a turbo booster will speed through your child's dream world Zoe and Dooper – Characters from the animated series are featured Zoe rides a cat bike and comes with a bow and arrow accessory Enter the world of fantasy – The LEGO Dreams series supports the free thinking of children who are obsessed with anime and vehicle toys. Lego Dreams Series – We have a variety of dream-filled sets that can be used in Dream World with characters from the animated series (each set sold separately). Your child is the star of the play – this set comes with story-based building instructions and is also compatible with the LEGO Builder app. Size – Bike: (approx.) Height 11cm x Length 22cm x Width 6cm/Number of Pieces: 226 Toys for 6 year olds, 7 year olds, 8 year olds, 9 year olds, elementary school students, educational boys, and girls who like animals, bikes, and cars.

Lego Friends Dog Rescue Center 41727 Toy Block Present Animal Pretend Play Girls Ages 7+

154.28 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For children aged 7 and up – LEGO Friends Dog Rescue Center (41727) lets you play while imagining volunteering at an animal shelter. MINI-DOLL AND ANIMAL FIGURES – 3 mini-doll figures (Autumn and Zack from LEGO Friends and Ms. Gabriella) and 3 animal figures (Pickle, Dash, and Grace) each come with accessories. Layout changes are possible – At the rescue center, you can change the layout of the reception area, examination room, shampoo station, obstacle course, and dog kennel. Pet care accessories – Create your own rescue center using accessories such as pet toys, scales, medicine, pet food, water, magnifying glasses, beds, brushes, and more. For children who love animals - Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, but also as a reward for children who love playing animal shelters. (Target age: 7 years old or older) Easy-to-play size – Dog rescue center size: (approx.) Height 18cm x Width 26cm x Depth 20cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Using the zoom and rotation functions, you can check the 3D model while building and save as you work, helping you learn new life skills. Masu. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 7 and up who like animals and pretend play.

Lego Friends Roller Disco Arcade 41708 Toy Block Present House Pretend Play Girls Ages 7+

128.31 EUR
Fun and feature-packed playsets – unleash your child's creativity and teach them the importance of friendship with the LEGO Friends series. Open the Roller Disco Arcade (41708) to enjoy three play areas: a roller disco, a bowling alley, and an arcade. Realistic details – vending machine, roller skates, bowling pins, smartphone, bowling bag, ball and pins, sandwich, microphone, arcade game, air hockey table and dance game add to the pretend play experience Lifelike – Open the arcade and join Andrea on stage to sing, play air hockey, and play bowling. Featured Display – Dimensions when the arcade is open: (approx.) 14cm high x 38cm wide x 17cm deep. A colorful display model that brightens up your child's room. For kids ages 7 and up – A perfect birthday or holiday gift for kids who love going out with friends

R.C. Lego Play & Display Case Iconic Red 40700001

73.77 EUR
R.C. LEGO Play & Display Case Iconic red 40700001

Lego Dollhouse Fun Pastry Chef Play Toy Present Birthday Block Educational Christmas Boys Girls Children 4 Years Old 5 Years Old 6 Years Old Pretend

69.96 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gabby's Dollhouse becomes an assembly set - Lego Fun Pastry Chef Play (10785) for Nyan to try making cakes (for ages 4 and up) Characters - Gabby minifigure and cake figure, a kitchen with mixer and ingredients, a large cake with a rotating top, and decorations. Creative pastry making – Mix the ingredients, bake in the Neko Chef oven, decorate the cake and enjoy playing pastry chef in your cute kitchen. A meow-tastic gift – the LEGO 4+ collection comes with large building blocks and easy-to-follow building instructions that are easy to assemble, even for ages 4 and up. Children can acquire various skills through assembly play. Easy to carry - Cake size: (approx.) Height 6cm x Width 6.5cm x Depth 6.5cm. You can store accessories inside the cake. Fun building experience – Comes with an illustrated assembly manual that explains the building steps in an easy-to-understand manner, but you can also use the LEGO Builder app to zoom and rotate the 3D model while building. Collect and play more – The LEGO 4+ Collection features familiar characters from TV and movies, as well as real-life heroes. Toys for boys and girls aged 4 and up who like pretend play

Lego Friends Room 41754 Toy Block Present Pretend Play House Home Girls Ages 6 and Up Leo's

69.13 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For children 6 years and older – Enjoy pretend play while imagining Leo's room (41754) with a view of Harmony Beach. 2 mini-doll figures – Includes LEGO Friends Leo and Olly, as well as a Churros cat figure. Dream Beach Life - Leo's home on Heartlake City's Harmony Beach is filled with beach-themed decor. Gifts for children aged 6 and up – The LEGO Friends range is perfect for birthdays, special occasions, and even just a little treat. Your child's world of creativity will expand. Lego Friends toys – Size: (approx.) Height 7cm x Width 14cm x Depth 10cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Use the zoom and rotation functions to check the 3D model as you build, save as you go, and learn new life skills. . A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and up who like pretend play and being at home.

Lego Friends Paisley House 41724 Toy Block Present Pretend Play House Home Girls Ages 4+

93.59 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For children aged 4 and over – LEGO Friends Paisley's House (41724) can be played with by removing the second floor. This playset conveys the fun of assembly and pretend play. Comes with mini-dolls - Paisley, Ella, and Jonathan mini-dolls, as well as a pet rabbit and hutch, and various accessories (brush, guitar, tableware, food, etc.). A place where friendships grow – The two-story home includes a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, outdoor dining area, and Paisley’s favorite spot in the garden. Great for a little treat - Perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, or any creative child. (Target age: 4 years old and above) Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 16cm x Width 13cm x Depth 12cm Understand the assembly steps at a glance – Using the zoom and rotation functions in the LEGO Builder app, you can check the 3D model while building, and save your work as you go. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls ages 4 and up who like pretend play and being at home.

Lego Friends Winter Igloo Play 41760 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Girls 8 Years Old ~

119.87 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fun of Creation – LEGO Friends Winter Igloo Play (41760) is perfect for children ages 8 and up who love playing in the snow, glamping, and telling stories. Includes 3 figures with accessories – Lego Friends Arya, Paisley and Ella, plus 2 dogs pulling the sled and various accessories. Inspire play – accessories include a camera, snowshoes, cookie bowl, lava lamp, 2 mugs, and firewood Gifts for kids – A building set that expands the imagination of kids who love playing in the snow, glamping, and pretend play. Perfect for not only birthdays and Christmas, but also as a small treat. Size – (approx.) Height 10cm x Width 14cm x Depth 13cm A reliable helper – the LEGO Builder app helps your child learn new life skills with step-by-step instructions. You can assemble the 3D displayed model while zooming and rotating it, and save the work in progress. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, the LEGO Friends series will expand the world of pretend play with the addition of new story settings and characters. Toys for boys and girls ages 8 and up who like pretend play

Lego Super Heroes Marvel King Throne Room 76213 Toy Block Present Superhero American Comic Pretend Play Boys Ages 7 and Up Namor's

84.91 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. ``Black Panther'' Submarine – Build the Lego Marvel King Namor's Throne Room (76213) and set off on an underwater exploration Marvel Characters – Assemble the submarine and throne room, then start your adventure with 3 minifigures (Shuri, Attuma, and King Namor), seaweed and fish accessories Various ways to play – Enjoy pretend adventures set in submarines and temples For Marvel Fans – Perfect birthday or Christmas gift for superhero fans (Ages 7+) Easy to carry – Compact size (approximately) height 4cm x length 13cm x width 4cm so you can play anytime and anywhere Recommended toys for boys and girls ages 7 and older who like superheroes, American comics, and pretend play.

Lego Duplo Base Board Toy Birthday Present Block Educational Boys Girls Children 1 and a Half Years Old 2 Years Old 3 Years Old Toddler Pretend Play

63.15 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. Canvas of Creation - Lego Duplo Base Board (green) provides solid support for your child's wonderful creations (for ages 1 and a half and up) Excellent versatility and durability – The 24x24 base plate with neatly arranged potches is the perfect base for creating works. Encourages creative play – Blocks can be held securely even when upside down, and can be easily removed Assembly play that teaches life skills – Learn tenacity while assembling blocks on the base board, and develop dexterity skills by repeatedly assembling and rearranging blocks. Gift for toddlers - A basic board that allows you to bring out all the possibilities of play with your own hands is recommended as a small gift for children over 18 months old. Safety you can trust – LEGO DUPLO bricks and parts undergo rigorous quality testing to ensure they meet the highest international safety standards Learning through play - The Lego Duplo series, specially developed with the growth of small children in mind, emphasizes the development of social skills and sensitivity, supporting children's big steps. Size – Lego Duplo base plate (green) measures 25cm each in length and width. It is useful not only for assembly but also for transporting and displaying the model.

Lego Friends Paisley Room Toys Birthday Present Blocks Educational Girls Boys Children 6 Years Old 7 Years Old 8 Years Old 9 Years Old Pretend Play

75.8 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. Let's play in the room – Let's have fun playing with the theme of friendship. This is an assembly set recommended for children who love pretend play and arts and crafts (target age: 6 years old and above). Comes with 2 characters – Paisley and Lian mini-doll figures, a rabbit animal figure, special stuffed animal parts, and various items useful for pretend play. Imaginative play – Color the dolls, sing with the guitar and microphone, and enjoy Paisley and Leanne's favorite activities together. Full of gimmicks – There are many gimmicks and items that will inspire pretend play, such as the tools for feeding and watering the rabbits and the bed drawer where Paisley's diary is kept. For children who are artists - Recommended as a gift for children who like arts and crafts and pretend play where they create things on their own. Animated Series – The LEGO Friends series includes a range of other creative options (each set sold separately). Also, please take a look at the anime Lego Friends A Wonderful Story with Friends Begins where you can meet the friends of Heartlake City. Size – (approx.) Height 7cm x Width 14cm x Depth 9cm / Number of pieces: 199

Lego Creator Town Ramen Shop 31131 Toy Block Present House Pretend Play Boys Girls 8 Years Old and Over

178.67 EUR
3in1 playset – Lego Creator 3in1 Ramen Shop in the City (31131) can be rearranged into a ramen shop with a rooftop garden, a bicycle shop with a shop and art studio, and a game center with 3 game consoles. Endless play possibilities – Rearrange the three models to have fun at a ramen shop, apartment, art studio, bicycle shop, or game center. Opening up possibilities for play – Open the back of the building and you’ll find plenty of inspiration for play inside too. Packed with accessories – a ticket machine from a ramen shop, an ice cream shop on a bicycle, a bonsai tree from a bicycle shop, a dog from an arcade, and more to spice up pretend play. Minifigures – Includes 2 minifigures to enhance pretend play Recommended toys for boys and girls aged 8 and up who like pretend play.

Lego DUPLO Creative Play Large Building Block Toys for Toddlers All-in-One-Box-of-Fun 10572, Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten

263.06 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. Unleash your imagination with this colorful collection of LEGO DUPLO elements in a convenient storage case Includes one DUPLO boys figure and dog shape attached to the server LEGO DUPLO DOC brick building toys and all other LEGO DUPLO construction sets of ingenious buildings compatible The house is approximately 7 inches high by 4 inches and 3 inches deep. Wagon size is 1 tall, 3 long and 2 wide. Dog is 1 tall. Stands OVER 1 tall. 65 pieces Perfect for boys and girls between 1.5 years old and 5 years old The LEGO(R) Duplo(R) all-in-one box of Duplo bricks is a fun set for everyone to enjoy building and rebuilding for creative play. The difference really is that Heart is a buildable wagon based on curved edges and wheels. This comprehensive set includes 2 openings, a cute dog is waving window elements, and counting bricks to help your child decorate the corresponding bricks to develop skills. Some people have left over Classic Duplo Bricks for more creativity and fun. Includes Boy Duplo figure.

Lego DUPLO Creative Play Large Building Block Toys for Toddlers All-in-One-Box-of-Fun 10572, Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten

252.54 EUR
Unleash your imagination with this colorful collection of LEGO DUPLO elements in a convenient storage case Includes one DUPLO boys figure and dog shape attached to the server LEGO DUPLO DOC brick building toys and all other LEGO DUPLO construction sets of ingenious buildings compatible The house is approximately 7 inches high by 4 inches and 3 inches deep. Wagon size is 1 tall, 3 long and 2 wide. Dog is 1 tall. Stands OVER 1 tall. 65 pieces Perfect for boys and girls between 1.5 years old and 5 years old LEGO(R) Duplo(R) all-in-one box with loads of Duplo bricks is a fun set for everyone to enjoy building and rebuilding for creative play. The difference really is that Heart is a buildable wagon based on curved edges and wheels. This comprehensive set includes 2 openings, a cute dog is waving window elements, and counting bricks to help your child decorate the corresponding bricks to develop skills. Some people have left over Classic Duplo Bricks for more creativity and fun. Includes a Boy Duplo figure.

Lego Friends Donut Shop 41723 Toy Block Present Pretend Play for Girls Ages 4 and Up

78.92 EUR
For children aged 4 and up – LEGO Friends Donut Shop (41723) introduces the joy of building and pretend play. Comes with mini-dolls – LEGO Friends Lian and Leo mini-dolls, as well as a drive-through pick-up window and various accessories (scooter, bird, donut, juice, money, table and 2 chairs). Pretend play that enriches your imagination – You can learn a lot by pretending to be a shopkeeper, arranging products (3 donuts) in a shop and interacting with customers. Great for a little treat - Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, or as a surprise gift for creative children. (Target age: 4 years old and above) Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 8cm x Width 8cm x Depth 8cm Convenient foundation blocks included - LEGO 4+ building sets come with larger foundation blocks so even beginners can build with confidence. Understand the assembly steps at a glance – Using the zoom and rotation functions in the LEGO Builder app, you can check the 3D model while building, and save your work as you go. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 4 and up who like pretend play.

Lego Friends Dog Rescue Center 41727 Toy Block Present Animal Pretend Play Girls Ages 7+

161.11 EUR
For children aged 7 and up – LEGO Friends Dog Rescue Center (41727) lets you play and imagine volunteering at an animal shelter. MINI-DOLL AND ANIMAL FIGURES – 3 mini-doll figures (Autumn and Zack from LEGO Friends and Ms. Gabriella) and 3 animal figures (Pickle, Dash, and Grace) each come with accessories. Layout changes possible – At the rescue center, you can change the layout of the reception area, examination room, shampoo station, obstacle course, and dog kennel. Pet care accessories – Create your own rescue center using accessories such as pet toys, scales, medicine, pet food, water, magnifying glasses, beds, brushes, and more. For children who love animals - Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, but also as a reward for children who love playing animal shelters. (Target age: 7 years old or older) Easy-to-play size – Dog rescue center size: (approx.) Height 18cm x Width 26cm x Depth 20cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Using the zoom and rotation functions, you can check the 3D model as you build, save as you go, and learn new life skills. Masu. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 7 and up who like animals and pretend play.

Lego Friends Mia and Puppy Play Park 41396

89.12 EUR
Mia and Puppy Play Park (41396) is a colorful and easy-to-play set that can be enjoyed by children aged 4 and up. Comes with an easy-to-assemble puppy slide and mini-doll, so you can easily enjoy pretend play such as assembling and caring for puppies. Kids can have fun at Heartlake City Play Park with Mia mini-dolls as they ride puppies Cookie and Coco down the slide on skateboards and on the merry-go-round. Accessories such as Mia's sunglasses, puppy brush, bowl, dog biscuit, 2 bones, and 2 ribbons expand the creative fun. If you combine it with other sets, the range of play will expand. This easy-to-assemble 57-piece model with Mia and a cute puppy is perfect for birthdays and Christmas, as well as a gift for children who love pretend play and animals (targeted for ages 4 and up). The puppy slide (height approx. 11cm x length approx. 9cm x width approx. 5cm) is compact enough to fit in a bag. With a wide range of fun accessories, you can play anytime and anywhere. No batteries required. Your child's imagination is their energy. Battery-free toys develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills and provide a sense of do-it-yourself satisfaction. You can hone your story-writing skills while enjoying lots of creative play. Get even more fun with your puppy playset with Instructions PLUS in the free LEGO Life app. You can zoom, rotate, and visualize your digital model while building the physical model. The 4+ set is fun for ages 4 and up, and the starter blocks make assembly even easier and build confidence in your child. Available in various Lego themes (City, Ninjago, Star Wars, Friends, Disney, etc.). Since 1958, LEGO toys have met industry standards, are of consistent quality, and are easy to assemble and dismantle when combined with other sets. In addition to meeting global quality standards, the LEGO Group has carried out careful quality tests on LEGO bricks and parts including drop, compression, torsion, heating, bending, scratching and tensile testing.

Lego Friends Maritime Rescue Center 41736 Toy Block Present Rescue Pretend Play Girls 7 years old ~

124.49 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescue team for children aged 7 and over – LEGO Friends Maritime Rescue Center (41736), which fosters a love for living things 3 mini-doll figures with accessories – Play with Autumn, Leo, and Kayla mini-doll figures, plus 2 sea otter, seahorse, and sea turtle figures A gentle feeling of admiring living things – Rescue and care for injured sea otters at a rescue center with a water bike, slide and rehabilitation area, and at sea. Includes various accessories to enhance pretend play – life jacket, brush, baby bottle, walkie-talkie, treasure chest, camera, microscope, syringe, x-ray equipment, etc. For children who love living things – A wonderful gift for children who are curious about marine life and can immerse themselves in their favorite things (target age: 7 years old and above) Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 23cm x Width 20cm x Depth 19cm A reliable helper – the LEGO Builder app helps your child learn new life skills with step-by-step instructions. It is very convenient because you can assemble the 3D displayed model while zooming and rotating it, save the work in progress, and restart it at any time. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, the LEGO Friends series will expand the world of pretend play with the addition of new story settings and characters. Toys for boys and girls aged 7 to 7 who like rescue and pretend play

Lego Friends Autumn House 41730 Toy Block Christmas Present Present Pretend Play House Home Girls Ages 7+

171.33 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Always full of friends – Lego Friends Autumn House (41730) is full of inspiration for making precious memories with your friends. (Target age: 7 years old or older) MINI-DOLL FIGURES AND ACCESSORIES – Comes with LEGO Friends mini-doll figures (Autumn, Leo, Arya, Mama Mia) and animal figures (Daisy the dog, foal), as well as tons of accessories. Support what you love – Comes with accessories needed to support your friends' interests, including a telescope, notebook and binoculars, pie ingredients, pumpkins, apples, cups, pet food, a sheepdog, and more. Explore the house – Build Autumn's house and explore the kitchen, lounge, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, and balcony. For children who love to play house – Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, or as a reward for children who love playing in the LEGO Friends house. (Target age: 7 years old or older) Size – (approx.) Height 23cm x Width 30cm x Depth 9cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Using the zoom and rotation functions, you can check the 3D model while building and save as you work, helping you learn new life skills. Masu. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 7 and up who like pretend play and being at home.

Lego Friends Autumn House 41730 Toy Block Christmas Present Present Pretend Play House Home Girls Ages 7+

178.48 EUR
Always full of friends – LEGO Friends Autumn's House (41730) is full of inspiration for making precious memories with your friends. (Target age: 7 years old or older) MINI-DOLL FIGURES AND ACCESSORIES – Includes LEGO Friends mini-doll figures (Autumn, Leo, Arya, Mama Mia) and animal figures (Daisy the dog, foal), plus tons of accessories. Support what you love – Comes with accessories needed to support your friends' interests, including a telescope, notebook and binoculars, pie ingredients, pumpkins, apples, cups, pet food, a sheepdog, and more. Explore the house – Build Autumn's house and explore the kitchen, lounge, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, and balcony. For children who love to play house – Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, or as a reward for children who love playing in LEGO Friends houses. (Target age: 7 years old or older) Size – (approx.) Height 23cm x Width 30cm x Depth 9cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Using the zoom and rotation functions, you can check the 3D model as you build, save as you go, and learn new life skills. Masu. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 7 and up who like pretend play and being at home.

Lego Friends Ranch Animal Clinic Toys Present Blocks Boys Girls Children 4 Years Old 5 Years Old 6 Years Old Animals Pretend Play Car Mini Car 42632

85.61 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lego Friends Farm Animal Clinic – Comes with 2 mini-doll figures, 3 animal figures, and various accessories, so you can enjoy pretending to be a veterinarian. For little builders – learn the basics of building while caring for baby goats with Autumn and Gabriella Transporting goats in a trailer – Load the goat family into the trailer you built yourself and take them to the clinic through the arched gate of the farm. 2 mini-doll figures, 3 animal figures – Pretend play begins the moment you meet LEGO Friends Autumn and Gabriella and the animal figures (parent and baby goat and rabbit) Comes with various accessories – medical equipment, cherries, strawberries, bees, cookies, carrots, mugs, shampoo bottles, etc. Gifts for kids – Perfect gifts for kids who are interested in animals on the farm. Enjoy pretend play – The LEGO Friends series includes other building sets that allow for creative storytelling (each set sold separately) Size – Pet clinic: (approx.) Height 10cm x Width 30cm x Depth 7cm/Number of pieces: 161 Toys for boys and girls aged 4, 5, and 6 who like animals, pretend play, and miniature cars.

Lego Duplo Ariel and Cafe Toy Present Birthday Block Educational Christmas Boys Girls Children 1 and a half 2 and 4 years old Toddler Pretend Play

80.82 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A building set that Little Mermaid fans over the age of 2 will enjoy – Lego Duplo Disney Ariel and Flounder's Cafe lets you play shop using fruits and drinks 2 characters – You can recreate the world of Disney Junior’s “Ariel” with Duplo special figures Ariel and Flounder. Educational toys for toddlers – order smoothies with your friends and learn fruit names at a colorful underwater cafe Develops manual dexterity skills – By repeatedly assembling and rearranging using easy-to-handle blocks, children develop manual dexterity skills, improving hand-eye coordination and learning to color code. A great gift for little Disney fans – A perfect treat for children ages 2 and up who love the Disney Junior animated series “Ariel” Educational toys for young children – toys from the Lego Duplo range help children develop their sensitivity and learning skills through fun and creative play. Cafe size – (approx.) Height 13cm x Width 16cm x Depth 9cm/Number of pieces: 24 Fantasy, Pretend Play Toys for 2 year olds, 3 year olds, 4 year olds, toddlers, educational boys, and girls who like pretend play.

15 Pièces Kit Vétérinaire Malette Veterinaire Jeu D'imitation Role Play Pour Clinique Vétérinaire Jouets Docteur Chien Accessoires Cage Pour Enfants Âgés De 2 Ans Et +

98.73 EUR
[Salon de Beauté pour Animaux de Compagnie]: 1PC Dog Playset, 1PC Portable Dog Cage, 1PC Peigne, 1PC Pet Shampoo, 1PC Hair Dryer, 1PC Collar, 2PC Bandage, 1PC Stéthoscope, 1PC Otoscope, 1PC Thermomètre, 1PC Seringue, 1PC Dog Bowl, 1PC Pet Ball, 1PC Baby Bottle. [Facile à Ranger]: Le panier peut également être utilisé comme conteneur de stockage pour garder les jouets ensemble lorsqu'ils ne sont pas utilisés, et vous pouvez prendre soin de votre animal à tout moment, n'importe où. Il est très approprié pour les fêtes et à l'extérieur, gardant la maison propre et facile à voyager. [Un Chiot en Mouvement]: Le joli corgi gallois marche, aboie, s'étire et remue la queue comme un vrai chiot. Veuillez insérer 2 piles AA dans l'estomac du chiot. (Taille: 7,85 * 6,7 in) Fournissez aux enfants divers outils de beauté et médicaux pour apprendre à prendre soin et à traiter les animaux et à développer la patience et l'imagination. [Early educational]: Les enfants peuvent faire semblant de baigner le chien, de vérifier et de soigner votre animal en peluche. Lorsque les enfants apprennent à comprendre le monde qui les entoure, des jeux de rôle appropriés stimuleront leur imagination et les rendront plus habiles et autonomes dans leur vie quotidienne. [Matériaux durables et sûrs]: Notre ensemble de jeu pour animaux de compagnie en plastique de haute qualité, non toxique. Les bords de tous les jouets de la mallette du médecin sont lisses et arrondis, sans angles vifs ni bavures pour protéger les enfants. Le chien jouet est doux et lisse.

Jouet Veterinaire Enfant,Clinique Vétérinaire Outils Malette Docteur La Peluche Jeu D'imitation Jouets De Dos Rôle Play Pour Nourrir Et Soigner Le Chien Cadeau Pour Garçons Filles 3 À 7 Ans

69.1 EUR
Jeu de rôle innovant : Ce kit vétérinaire pour les enfants est livré avec 16 pièces de jouets vétérinaires, dont un chien en peluche, un porte-animaux, des friandises pour chien, un bol de nourriture, des ciseaux en plastique, un sèche-cheveux, une brosse et un produit de lavage pour le corps de l'animal. Grâce à ce kit vétérinaire complet, les enfants peuvent s'amuser à posséder un animal de compagnie Expérience significative de possession d'un animal de compagnie : Avec ce jeu de 16 pièces pour vétérinaires, les enfants pourront faire l'expérience de diverses activités avec leurs animaux de compagnie ! Soins quotidiens, soins aux malades, alimentation, bain, etc. Il est bénéfique pour développer la patience et l'amour chez les enfants qui ont l'intention d'avoir des animaux de compagnie à l'avenir Développer les capacités des enfants : Les jeux de rôle sur les animaux de compagnie peuvent aider les enfants à développer de l'empathie et à apprendre la responsabilité tout en augmentant le plaisir de jouer. En s'occupant d'un ami chiot, les enfants peuvent s'entraîner à prendre soin des autres et aussi développer des aptitudes sociales tout en jouant. Améliorer l'imagination et les compétences des enfants grâce à l'utilisation de multiples outils Une qualité sûre et supérieure : Fabriqué à partir de matériaux ABS de première qualité, ce set vétérinaire est durable et sûr. La cage de transport pour animaux est conçue avec des bords lisses et le chien en peluche est lisse et doux au toucher. Il s'agit d'un jouet vétérinaire suffisamment sûr pour que les enfants et les jeunes amoureux des animaux puissent jouer avec Cadeau parfait : Notre jeu de rôle de vétérinaire pour les enfants pour un jeu de simulation vivant, permettant aux enfants de prendre soin du chiot sous tous les aspects. Les enfants adoreront. De plus, il y a deux façons d'utiliser cette valise sac à dos, style sac à dos et à main, pratique pour ranger et transporter les accessoires de soins pour animaux, afin que les enfants puissent prendre soin de leur chiot adoré à tout moment et en tout lieu Attention:Contient un jouet. La surveillance d'un adulte est recommandée Attention:Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans. À utiliser sous la surveillance d'un adulte Attention:À utiliser sous la surveillance d¿un adulte

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON LEGO Friends La clinique vétérinaire de Heartlake City 41446

140.53 EUR
Votre enfant développera un esprit de bien-être animal tout en aidant les animaux à la clinique vétérinaire de Heartlake City (41446). Vous pouvez profiter d'un jeu de réflexion libre avec 8 personnages (3 mini-poupées, un chien-guide, un cheval avec une selle, un chaton, un chiot et un bébé tortue). La figurine du cheval Bella peut bouger sa tête et recevoir de la nourriture de Mia. Rejoignez la vétérinaire Donna pour prendre soin des bébés animaux, aider Savannah et son chien-guide et aider Mia à utiliser son cheval pour sauver un bébé perdu sur la route. Un cadeau qui nourrira un cœur qui valorise les animaux. Même si vous n'avez pas de compétences avancées en matière d'assemblage, vous pouvez commencer à jouer immédiatement en suivant les instructions d'assemblage faciles à comprendre.. (Âge cible: 6 ans ou plus) En raison de sa taille compacte (hauteur 16cm x largeur 16cm), il ne prend pas beaucoup de place, vous pouvez donc le laisser exposé et jouer avec quand vous en avez envie. Combinez-le avec d'autres ensembles LEGO pour élargir davantage vos horizons créatifs.

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends La voiture de la clinique vétérinaire 41360 Jouet en blocs Fille Emma

84.48 EUR
Facile à assembler avec de grandes pièces, c'est l'ensemble parfait pour vos premiers LEGO Friends. Il est facile à assembler par vous-même et vous pouvez commencer à jouer à faire semblant immédiatement après l'assemblage.. Cet ensemble comprend une mini-poupée Emma, le chien Toffee, une table d'examen, un biberon et une assiette, des os de chien et une lampe. La taille de la voiture de la clinique vétérinaire est d'environ 4 cm de haut x 9 cm de long x 5 cm de large. Environ 50 pièces. Pour les 4 ans et plus. Le LEGO Friends « Emma's Animal Clinic Car » 41360 peut être combiné avec d'autres blocs LEGO et personnalisé.

Lego Classic Idea Parts Parts Toys Present Birthday Blocks Educational Christmas Girls Boys Children 4 Years Old 5 Years Old 6 Years Old Pretend Play

113.25 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Build 8 models using transparent blocks and traditional LEGO Classic blocks, parts, eyes and wheels. Inside the box, you'll find the parts you need to build a bird, lion, turtle, robot, unicorn, pink bird, wizard, reef fish, and more. In addition to the models introduced in the assembly instructions, this set allows you to use your free thinking and creativity to create works of art. This set is perfect for your child's birthday or Christmas present, or as a small treat. (Target age: 4 years old and above) A set of 500 parts including transparent blocks. You can enjoy it by combining it with your existing Lego block set. Recommended toys for boys and girls aged 4 and up who like jewelry crafts.

Clinique Fard à Paupières Hi Shadow Play Rum And Cola One Size female

29.99 EUR
Catégorie principale de cosmétiques : Maquillage.Sous-catégorie de cosmétiques : Yeux.Marque : CLINIQUE.Hi Shadow Play Rum And Cola Eye Shadow.

Lego Friends Room Toys Present Birthday Blocks Educational Christmas Girls Boys Children 6 Years Old 7 Years Old 8 Years Old 9 Years Old Pretend Play

75.23 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【JOOM Approved! Sold & Shipped by Trusted Japanese Sellers】 🔹 Operated by Verified Japanese Sellers – Approved by JOOM, our experienced Japanese sellers provide reliable service. 🔹 Direct Shipping from Japan – Carefully packed and promptly shipped straight from Japan. 🔹 Japanese-Standard Quality Control – Strict inspections ensure only high-quality products reach you. 🔹 About Included Manuals – If a manual is included, it will primarily be in Japanese. We recommend using image translation apps if needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A dream-filled children's room – Lego Friends Aliya's Room (41740) will help your child's creativity flow. (Target age: 6 years old and above) 2 mini-doll figures – Includes LEGO Friends Arya and Paisley, as well as a puppy Ayla figure. Supporting rich ideas – An endless number of stories are born between the hard-working Alya and the slightly shy Paisley. Complete with accessories – includes a swivel chair, desk, projection screen, 2 beds, test answer sheets, dog toys, laptop, books, phone, lamp, trophy and more. Gifts for kids – The LEGO Friends series is the perfect gift for kids who love creating stories. Fun pretend play – (approx.) Height 8cm x Width 13cm x Depth 10cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Use the zoom and rotation functions to check the 3D model as you build, save as you go, and learn new life skills. . A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and up who like pretend play and being at home.

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Friends Donut Shop 41723 Toy Block Present Pretend Play for Girls Ages 4 and Up

70.74 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] ・For children aged 4 and up – LEGO Friends Donut Shop (41723) introduces the joy of building and pretend play. - Comes with mini-dolls – Lego Friends mini-dolls Lian and Leo, as well as a drive-through pick-up window and various accessories (scooter, bird, donut, juice, money, table and 2 chairs). ・Pretend play that enriches your imagination – You can learn a lot by pretending to be a shopkeeper, arranging products (3 donuts) in a shop and interacting with customers. - Great as a small reward - Not only a birthday or Christmas present, but also a perfect surprise gift for creative children. (Target age: 4 years old and above) ・Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 8cm x Width 8cm x Depth 8cm ・Convenient basic blocks included – The LEGO 4+ building set comes with large basic blocks, so even beginners can build with confidence. ・You can see the assembly steps at a glance – Using the zoom and rotation functions of the LEGO Builder app, you can proceed with assembly while checking the 3D displayed model, and save the work in progress. ・New Generation Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. ・Toys for boys and girls aged 4 and up who like pretend play Product introduction Let's work part-time at a donut shop with Rian during summer vacation. The colorful donuts made by Leanne are very popular. Leo also came to try new flavors. Decorate your store beautifully and sell lots of delicious donuts, drinks, and fruits. I hope there's some left for you at the end of the day. safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under 4 years old to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Skate Park 41751 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls 6 Years Old and Up

131.63 EUR
For children aged 6 and up – LEGO Friends Skate Park (41751) is perfect for children who love active outdoor play. MINI-DOLL FIGURES AND ACCESSORIES – Includes 3 LEGO Friends mini-doll figures (Leanne, Zack, and Luna), as well as a skateboard ramp and rail, inline skates, skateboard, scooter, Luna's wheelchair, and 3 helmets. Explore the building – After skateboarding practice, check out the workshops, elevators, and rest area in the park’s buildings. Accessories for realistic pretend play – Includes skateboard ramp, rail, inline skates, skateboard, scooter, and gumball machine. For kids who love skateboarding - Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, or as a reward for kids who love playing at the skate park. (Target age: 6 years old and above) Size – (approx.) Height 11cm x Width 32cm x Depth 16cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Using the zoom and rotation functions, you can check the 3D model while building and save as you work, helping you learn new life skills. Masu. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and up who like pretend play and city building.

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Heartlake City Hair Salon 41743 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls Ages 6+

123.66 EUR
For children aged 6 and up – LEGO Friends Heartlake City Hair Salon (41743) introduces the joy of building and pretend play. MINI-DOLL FIGURES - Realistic interior and exterior saloon comes with 3 LEGO Friends mini-doll figures (Paisley, Olly and Nadia), plus Olly's scooter and bench. Hair Salon Supplies - Includes plants, hair products, money, gumball machine, sign, heat lamp, broom and other accessories. Paisley's Makeover - Paisley's hair and face can be swapped for dramatic before and after looks. Gifts for children - Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, or as a reward for children who love playing hair salon. (Target age: 6 years old and above) Size – (approx.) Height 14cm x Width 25cm x Depth 9cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Using the zoom and rotation functions, you can check the 3D model while building and save as you work, helping you learn new life skills. Masu. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and up who like pretend play and city building.

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Friends Tapiocati Stand 41733 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls 6 Years Old and Over

63.03 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] ・For children aged 6 and over – LEGO Friends Tapiocati Stand (41733) introduces the fun of building and pretend play. - Comes with mini-dolls – LEGO Friends Nova and Matilda mini-dolls, whipped cream, 2 bubble tea containers, cash register, table, and menu holder mascots are included. ・New Generation Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. ・Idea-filled pretend play – connect the bubble tea stand to a scooter and treat people all over Heartlake City to bubble tea. ・Enjoys repeated play – Perfect not only as a birthday or Christmas present, but also as a reward for children who love pretend cafes. (Target age: 6 years old and above) ・Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 6cm x Length 12cm x Width 6cm ・Reliable helper – Using the zoom and rotation functions of the LEGO Builder app, which allows you to see the steps at a glance, you can proceed with assembly while checking the 3D model, and save it as you work. ・Pretend play that reflects daily life – The LEGO Friends series deepens children's interests and connections with society by recreating everyday events with friendly characters. ・Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and over who like pretend play and city building Product introduction Try the new drinks in Heartlake City. Matilda's bubble tea stand has so many flavors that it's hard to decide which one to go for. After school, go to the store with Nova and create your own original flavor using strawberries, whipped cream, and toppings. Connect your bubble tea stand to your scooter and let people all over Heartlake City enjoy bubble tea. safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under 4 years old to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and...

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON LEGO Friends Skate Park 41751 Toy Blocks Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls Ages 6 and Up

127.39 EUR
For children aged 6 and up – LEGO Friends Skate Park (41751) is perfect for children who love active outdoor play. MINI-DOLL FIGURES AND ACCESSORIES - Includes 3 LEGO Friends mini-doll figures (Lian, Zack, and Luna), plus a skateboard ramp and rail, inline skates, skateboard, scooter, Luna's wheelchair, and 3 helmets. Explore the building – After skateboarding practice, check out the workshops, elevators, and rest area in the park’s buildings. Accessories for realistic pretend play – Includes skateboard ramp, rail, inline skates, skateboard, scooter, and gumball machine. For kids who love skateboarding - Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, or as a reward for kids who love playing at the skate park. (Target age: 6 years old or older) Size – (approx.) Height 11cm x Width 32cm x Depth 16cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Using the zoom and rotation functions, you can check the 3D model while building and save as you work, helping you learn new life skills. Masu. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and up who like pretend play and city building.

TAKUMIYA LEGO Super Heroes Marvel King Throne Room 76213 Toy Block Present Superhero American Comic Pretend Play Boys Ages 7 and Up Namor's

88.57 EUR
``Black Panther'' Submarine – Build the Lego Marvel King Namor's Throne Room (76213) and set off on an underwater exploration Marvel Characters – Assemble the submarine and throne room, then start your adventure with 3 minifigures (Shuri, Attuma, and King Namor), seaweed and fish accessories Various ways to play – Enjoy pretend adventures set in submarines and temples For Marvel Fans – Perfect birthday or Christmas gift for superhero fans (Ages 7+) Easy to carry – Compact size (approximately) height 4cm x length 13cm x width 4cm so you can play anytime and anywhere Recommended toys for boys and girls aged 7 and up who like superheroes, American comics, and pretend play.

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Friends Heartlake City International School 41731 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls 8 Years Old and Over

235.51 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] - Even 8-year-olds can be high school students – have an adventure with LEGO Friends Heartlake City International School (41731). ・Learn while playing – Classrooms, outdoor areas, cafeteria, entrances and exits with lockers, restrooms, basketball hoops, and more. - 5 mini-doll figures – In addition to LEGO Friends mini-doll figures Arya, Ollie, Autumn, Professor Mal Hale, and Nico, the hamster Bunsen and various accessories are included. ・Play that expands creativity – Classrooms are equipped with video cameras, laptops, microscopes, art supplies, etc. ・For creative children – Perfect for children over 8 years old who love pretend play. ・Modular assembly set – Completed size: Height 21cm x Width 35cm x Depth 25cm ・Reliable helper – Using the zoom and rotation functions of the LEGO Builder app, which shows the steps at a glance, you can proceed with assembly while checking the 3D model, save the work midway through, and learn new life skills. Masu. ・New Generation Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. ・Toys for boys and girls over 8 years old who like pretend play and city building. Product introduction Heartlake City International School is full of new discoveries! The first class was Autumn's favorite subject, science. Aliya and Autumn are the caretakers of Bunsen the hamster. Olly and Nico are chatting in the cafeteria. There is an outdoor resting area at the top of the rainbow staircase. Now, it's time for art. Use your creativity and create wonderful works. During recess, enjoy skateboarding or playing basketball in the schoolyard with your friends. safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under 4 years old to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details....

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Yacht Adventure 41716 Toy Block Present Boat Pretend Play Girls Ages Stephanie's 7+

114.25 EUR
Ride the Big Waves – LEGO Friends Stephanie's Yacht Adventure (41716) is an action-packed playset for kids who love the ocean (ages 7+) Set includes – Realistic race boat with moving sails, finish line, 3 LEGO Friends mini-doll figures, and more Fun pretend play – Assemble the yacht and join Captain Maxine’s crew on the adventure of the century as they break world records Accessories to help you get creative – a tablet to keep in touch with your family, a walkie-talkie, binoculars, a drone and controller, and three life jackets. For children aged 7 and up – Children who love action-packed play and vehicles with toy sailboats will love this LEGO Friends series of playsets. Recommended toys for boys and girls aged 7 and up who like boats and pretend play.

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Fun Surfer Beach 41710 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Sea Girls Ages 6+

90.32 EUR
Let's go to the beach – For children who love summer beaches, we recommend LEGO Friends Fun Surfer Beach (41710) (target age: 6 years old and up) Lots of things to try – lifeguard watchtower, unicorn float, windsurfing, surf school, showers, rental shop and LEGO Friends characters (Stephanie, Koa and Maya) included Play as you like – There are endless play scenarios, such as lifeguarding from a watchtower to protect the safety of the ocean, playing on a float, practicing windsurfing, taking lessons at a surf school, or part-time at a rental shop. Toys that encourage creativity – accessories for summer play, including flippers, snorkels, life buoys, and snorkel helmets. A gift that fosters creativity – LEGO Friends playsets that let you imagine the excitement of summer and are perfect gifts for birthdays and the holiday season (for ages 6 and up)

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Roller Disco Arcade 41708 Toy Block Present House Home Pretend Play Girls Ages 7+

126.06 EUR
Fun and feature-packed playsets – unleash your child's creativity and teach them the importance of friendship with the LEGO Friends series. Open the Roller Disco Arcade (41708) to enjoy three play areas: a roller disco, a bowling alley, and an arcade. Realistic details – vending machine, roller skates, bowling pins, smartphone, bowling bag, ball and pins, sandwich, microphone, arcade games, air hockey table and dance game add to the pretend play experience Lifelike – Open the arcade and join Andrea on stage to sing, play air hockey, and play bowling. Featured Display – Dimensions when the arcade is open: (approx.) 14cm high x 38cm wide x 17cm deep. A colorful display model that brightens up your child's room. For kids ages 7 and up – A perfect birthday or holiday gift for kids who love going out with friends

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Heartlake City International School 41731 Toy Block Present Pretend Play City Building Girls 8 Years Old and Over

208.56 EUR
Even 8-year-olds can be high school students – have an adventure with LEGO Friends Heartlake City International School (41731). Learn while you play – classrooms, outdoor areas, cafeteria, locker lockers, restrooms, basketball hoops, and more. 5 mini-doll figures – Includes mini-doll figures from LEGO Friends: Arya, Ollie, Autumn, Professor Mal Hale, and Nico, plus Bunsen the hamster and various accessories. Play that expands creativity – Classrooms are equipped with video cameras, laptops, microscopes, art supplies, and more. For creative kids – Perfect for kids ages 8 and up who love pretend play. Modular assembly set – completed size: 21cm high x 35cm wide x 25cm deep A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Use the zoom and rotation functions to check the 3D model as you build, save as you go, and learn new life skills. . A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 8 and up who like pretend play and city building.

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Duplo Peppa Pig Supermarket Treats Toys Blocks Educational Girls 1 and a Half 2 4 Toddler Pretend Play House 10434

171.54 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] ・Fun shopping experience – Let’s go shopping with anime characters (target age: 2 years old and up) ・Includes 4 figures – George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, and the familiar red car from the anime can be used for various pretend plays. ・Realistic building set – Lego Duplo series supermarkets come with a freezer with opening door, movable shopping cart, self-checkout, food items and more - Manual dexterity skills – Develop manual dexterity skills through manual tasks such as opening and closing self-checkout drawers and freezers, and placing selected items in shopping carts. ・For preschool children – Perfect gift for Peppa Pig fans (target age: 2 years old and above) ・Toys for toddlers – The Lego Duplo series develops logical thinking and expressive skills in preschool children through play. ・Size – (approx.) Height 21cm x Width 57cm x Depth 22cm/Number of pieces: 70 ・Toys for 2 year olds, 3 year olds, 4 year olds, toddlers, educational boys, and girls who like pretend play. Product introduction To collect the ingredients for the cake, Peppa Pig and her family go shopping in a red car to the supermarket. Take George Pig's place as you push the shopping cart and find the items on the shopping list that Daddy Pig reads out loud. At the self-checkout counter, Mummy Pig scans the items. Buy Peppa Pig and George Pig ice cream as a reward for being good kids. safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under 4 years old to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website.

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON LEGO Friends Maritime Rescue Center 41736 Toy Block Present Rescue Pretend Play Girls 7 years old ~

128.42 EUR
Rescue team for children aged 7 and over – LEGO Friends Maritime Rescue Center (41736), which fosters a love for living things 3 mini-doll figures with accessories – Play with Autumn, Leo, and Kayla mini-doll figures, plus 2 sea otter, seahorse, and sea turtle figures A gentle feeling of admiring living creatures – Rescue and care for injured sea otters at a rescue center with a water bike, slide and rehabilitation area, and at sea. Includes various accessories to enhance pretend play – life jacket, brush, baby bottle, walkie-talkie, treasure chest, camera, microscope, syringe, x-ray equipment, etc. For children who love living things – A wonderful gift for children who are curious about marine life and can immerse themselves in their favorite things (target age: 7 years old and above) Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 23cm x Width 20cm x Depth 19cm A reliable helper – the LEGO Builder app helps your child learn new life skills with step-by-step instructions. It is very convenient because you can assemble the 3D displayed model while zooming and rotating it, save the work in progress, and restart it at any time. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, the LEGO Friends series will expand the world of pretend play with the addition of new story settings and characters. Toys for boys and girls aged 7 to 7 who like rescue and pretend play

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Winter Igloo Play 41760 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Girls 8 Years Old ~

132.26 EUR
The Fun of Creation – LEGO Friends Winter Igloo Play (41760) is perfect for children ages 8 and up who love playing in the snow, glamping, and telling stories. Includes 3 figures with accessories – Lego Friends Arya, Paisley and Ella, plus 2 dogs pulling the sled and various accessories. Inspire play – accessories include a camera, snowshoes, cookie bowl, lava lamp, two mugs, and firewood Gifts for kids – A building set that expands the imagination of kids who love playing in the snow, glamping, and pretend play. Perfect for not only birthdays and Christmas, but also as a small treat. Size – (approx.) Height 10cm x Width 14cm x Depth 13cm A reliable helper – the LEGO Builder app helps your child learn new life skills with step-by-step instructions. You can assemble the 3D displayed model while zooming and rotating it, and save the work in progress. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, the LEGO Friends series will expand the world of pretend play with the addition of new story settings and characters. Toys for boys and girls aged 8 and up who like pretend play

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Art School 41711 Toy Block Present Art Painting Pretend Play Girls Ages Emma's 8+

173.62 EUR
A gift that shines with your artistic sense – LEGO Friends Emma's Art School (41711) where you can express your individuality in 4 art studios Set Contents – 844-piece set to build a 3-story art school with classrooms and art studios, play with colorful accessories and 3 LEGO Friends characters Supporting your child's creativity – Enjoy creating works and taking photos while imagining an art school class Accessories to spark inspiration – poseable mannequins, cameras, spools of thread, oil canvases, paintbrushes, paint spray cans, and more A gift to encourage creativity – the perfect birthday or holiday gift for kids ages 8 and up Recommended toys for boys and girls ages 8 and up who like art, painting, and pretend play.

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Dreams Cooper's Robot C-Rex Toy Block Girls 9 10 11 Elementary School Pretend Play House 71484

195.36 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] ・Let's jump into the dream world – An assembly set that unleashes the free imagination of children (target age: 9 years old and above) ・2in1 set – Dream craft a T-Rex or Pterodactylus from Cooper's junkyard. ・Movable dinosaur figures – Both dinosaur models can be played by moving their heads, mouths, and tails to create cool poses. ・Includes 4 minifigures – dream chasers Zoe and Cooper, their villain versions Doey and Dooper minifigures, and a Sneak figure to enliven pretend play. ・Lego gifts for children – A creative gift perfect for children who love the animated series “Lego Dreams” and dinosaurs. ・Children are the main players in the play – This set comes with a story-based assembly manual, but you can also use the LEGO Builder app to enlarge and rotate the 3D model to see how it's assembled as you work. can ・A world where any dream can become a reality – The LEGO Dreams series, which includes a wide variety of dream creature and vehicle models, supports the free thinking of adventurous children. ・Size – T-Rex height approx. 18cm/Number of pieces: 917 ・Toys for 8 year olds, 9 year olds, 10 year olds, 11 year olds, elementary school students, educational boys and girls who like dinosaurs Product introduction Build a cool dinosaur robot and take back Sandman's tower trapped in a bottle! The T-Rex, which Cooper dreamcrafted in a junkyard, wags its tail and goes wild. You can also make a pterodactyl that spreads its wings and flies in the sky. Now, which dinosaur will you build? safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under the age of 4 to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website.

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Drama School 41714 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Art Painting Girls Ages Andrea's 8+

161.19 EUR
Fully booked – Lego Friends Andrea's Drama School (41714) where you can take on various roles and repeat famous performances as many times as you like Packed with fun features - Open the building to reveal a theater with an orchestra, balcony seats, two types of backdrops, a dressing room, a prop room, lighting equipment, and more, and comes with 4 mini-doll figures Theater is all about creativity – you can enjoy pretend play by creating various roles such as a drama school student practicing for a role, a prop worker, a lighting worker, a make-up artist, etc. A realistic theater – The theater is built in a building reminiscent of London's West End and is equipped with stage curtains, props, and props, so the possibilities for play are endless depending on your child's creativity. A GREAT GIFT – A 1,154-piece set that's perfect for birthdays and special events, for kids who love acting and LEGO Friends Andrea. Recommended toys for boys and girls ages 8 and up who like pretend play, art, and painting.

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Friends Maritime Rescue Center 41736 Toy Block Present Rescue Pretend Play Girls 7 years old ~

125.65 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] ・Children's rescue team for ages 7 and older – LEGO Friends Maritime Rescue Center (41736), which fosters a love for living things ・3 mini-doll figures with accessories – Play with Autumn, Leo, and Kayla mini-doll figures, as well as 2 sea otter, seahorse, and sea turtle figures. ・A gentle feeling of admiring living creatures – Rescue and care for injured sea otters at a rescue center with water bikes, slides, and rehabilitation areas, and at sea. ・Various accessories to enhance pretend play – Includes life jacket, brush, baby bottle, walkie-talkie, treasure chest, camera, microscope, syringe, X-ray equipment, etc. ・For children who love living things – A wonderful gift that allows children who are curious about marine life to get absorbed in their favorite things (target age: 7 years old and above) ・Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 23cm x Width 20cm x Depth 19cm ・A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app helps children learn new life skills with step-by-step instructions. It is very convenient because you can assemble the 3D displayed model while zooming and rotating it, save the work in progress, and restart it at any time. ・New Generation Heartlake City – In 2023, the LEGO Friends series will expand the world of pretend play with the addition of new story settings and characters. ・Toys for boys and girls aged 7 ~ who like rescue and pretend play Product introduction LEGO® Friends Maritime Rescue Center (41736) is recommended for children aged 7 and over who are curious about living things. Includes 3 mini-doll figures, 2 sea otters, a seahorse, a sea turtle, and various accessories to enhance pretend play. Once you arrive at the pier on your personal watercraft, the sea otters will be cleaned inside the center, X-rayed and fed, and then sent to the rehabilitation area. This is a heartwarming story of how a sea otter recovers and returns to the sea. Life jackets, baby bottles, walkie-talkies, treasure chests, cameras, computers, microscopes, syringes, X-ray equipment, and more make pretend play a reality. POWER THE FUN The LEGO Builder app is your child's trusted companion in their adventures. You can see the assembly procedure at a glance, zoom and rotate the 3D model as you assemble it, save it in progress, and resume it at any time. Welcome to the next generation of Heartlake City! A new and diverse cast of characters joins the world of LEGO Friends! This is a series that supports children's interests through pretend play. safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under 4 years old to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety...

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Friends Heartlake City Hair Salon 41743 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls Ages 6+

118.4 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] - For children 6 years and older – LEGO Friends Heartlake City Hair Salon (41743) introduces the joy of building and pretend play. ・Mini-doll figures – The realistic interior and exterior salon comes with 3 LEGO Friends mini-doll figures (Paisley, Olly, and Nadia), as well as Olly's scooter and bench. Hair Salon Supplies – Includes plants, hair products, money, gumball machine, sign, heat lamp, broom and other accessories. - Paisley's makeover – Paisley's hair and face can be swapped, allowing you to enjoy a dramatic before and after look. ・Gift for children – Perfect as a gift for birthdays or Christmas, but also as a reward for children who love pretending to be a beauty salon. (Target age: 6 years old and above) ・Size – (approx.) Height 14cm x Width 25cm x Depth 9cm ・Reliable helper – Using the zoom and rotation functions of the LEGO Builder app, you can see the steps at a glance, you can proceed with assembly while checking the 3D model, and save the work midway through, helping you learn new life skills. Helpful. ・New Generation Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. ・Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and over who like pretend play and city building Product introduction Today is haircut day. I'm a little nervous about what kind of hairstyle Paisley will have. So my good friend Ollie decided to come with me as a fashion advisor. At the hair salon, the owner, Nadia, will welcome you. After shampooing, it's time for styling. Now, what kind of hairstyle will Paisley have? Don't forget to check out the gumball machines in the store. safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under 4 years old to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair...

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Heartlake City Flower Shop and Design Studio 41732 Toy Blocks Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls Ages 12 and Up

405.87 EUR
Featured Display – Lego Friends Heartlake City Flower Shop and Design Studio (41732) lets kids unleash their creativity through building and customization. LEGO Friends characters – Includes 9 characters, including Addy, who just moved in, and Fiona, a florist who sells flowers grown on the rooftop. Customization and Decoration – Modular construction set that allows you to freely change the layout of your store and apartment. You can add furniture to Addy's newly moved apartment and make it look stylish. Comes with accessories – Includes furniture, paint cans and rollers, apartment keys, watering can, saxophone and more for realistic pretend play. Fun to play over and over again – Playsets that you can assemble and decorate yourself are perfect not only for birthdays and Christmas, but also as a small reward. (Target age: 12 years old or older) LEGO Friends toys – Size: (approx.) Height 34cm x Width 51cm x Depth 19cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Use the zoom and rotation functions to check the 3D model as you build, save as you go, and learn new life skills. . A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls ages 12 and older who like pretend play and city building.

TAKUMIYA LEGO Creator Beach Camper Van Building Kit Transforms Camper into Ice Cream Shop and Beach House Great Gift for Surfer Boys and Girls Pretend Play

191.26 EUR
Kids ages 8 and up can go to the beach at the campsite, summerhouse, or ice cream shop with this LEGO Creator 3 in 1 building toy set. This toy camper has a kitchen, bedroom, removable roof, opening side door, rotating wheels, beach cabin, palm tree, and deck chairs. This set can be reassembled into a two-story summerhouse with fun details and an ice cream shop with terrace, table and beach buggy. Includes LEGO male and female minifigures to create a summer story. You can drive a van, live in a summer house and enjoy treats at the shop. This LEGO summer holiday set also has a lot of accessories: 2 surfboards, a shop ice cream, a Radica box and an albatross. Kids can enjoy hours of imaginative play while building 3 amazing scenes. The perfect gift for kids ages 8 and up who love summer vacation. The size of the beach camper van is over 10cm (3.5 inches). Height 7cm (2.5 inches). Length 18cm (7 inches). wide. Contains 556 pieces.

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Friends Heartlake City Community Kitchen 41747 Toy Block Present Town Building Pretend Play Girls 8 years old ~

218.4 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] ・For cooking enthusiasts aged 8 and up – LEGO Friends Heartlake City Community Kitchen (41747) where you can enjoy assembling and playing house while thinking about delicious dishes. ・5 characters with accessories – Lego friends Leo and Alba, Abuelita (grandma), cat Churro, customer Matilda, and various accessories included ・Kitchen accessories – Includes a fully stocked pantry and refrigerator, sink, stove, cooking utensils, and outdoor table seating. ・Fun assembly – When combined with the separately sold LEGO Friends Heartlake City Community Center (41748), the possibilities for pretend play themed around local activities expand even further. ・Gifts for children – An assembly set that expands the imagination of children who love playing house is recommended not only for birthdays and Christmas, but also as a small reward. ・Size – (approx.) Height 22cm x Width 22cm x Depth 17cm ・A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app helps children learn new life skills with step-by-step instructions. It is very convenient because you can assemble the 3D displayed model while zooming and rotating it, save the work in progress, and restart it at any time. ・New Generation Heartlake City – In 2023, the LEGO Friends series will expand the world of pretend play with the addition of new story settings and characters. ・Toys for boys and girls from 8 years old who like town building and pretend play Product introduction LEGO® Friends Heartlake City Community Kitchen (41747) is recommended for cooking enthusiasts aged 8 and up. This is a fun playset where you can imagine the day of brother and sister Leo and Alba, who came to visit their grandmother who works in the community kitchen. Leo, who loves cooking, can use the included accessories and ingredients in the kitchen, which is fully equipped with everything from the pantry to the refrigerator, sink, stove, frying pan, and tortilla press. What is everyone doing at the outdoor tables and rooftops? When combined with the separately sold LEGO (R) Friends Heartlake City Community Center (41748), the possibilities for pretend play with the theme of local activities expand even further. POWER THE FUN The LEGO Builder app is your child's trusted companion in their adventures. You can see the assembly procedure at a glance, zoom and rotate the 3D model as you assemble it, save it in progress, and resume it at any time. Welcome to the next generation of Heartlake City! The LEGO Friends series offers children the real-life fun of meeting new friends and exploring new places. safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under 4 years old to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation...

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Maritime Rescue Center 41736 Toy Block Present Rescue Pretend Play Girls 7 years old ~

133.14 EUR
Rescue team for children aged 7 and over – LEGO Friends Maritime Rescue Center (41736), which fosters a love for living things 3 mini-doll figures with accessories – Play with Autumn, Leo, and Kayla mini-doll figures, plus 2 sea otter, seahorse, and sea turtle figures A gentle feeling of admiring living things – Rescue and care for injured sea otters at a rescue center with a water bike, slide and rehabilitation area, and at sea. Includes various accessories to enhance pretend play – life jacket, brush, baby bottle, walkie-talkie, treasure chest, camera, microscope, syringe, x-ray equipment, etc. For children who love living things – A wonderful gift for children who are curious about marine life and can immerse themselves in their favorite things (target age: 7 years old and above) Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 23cm x Width 20cm x Depth 19cm A reliable helper – the LEGO Builder app helps your child learn new life skills with step-by-step instructions. It is very convenient because you can assemble the 3D displayed model while zooming and rotating it, save the work in progress, and restart it at any time. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, the LEGO Friends series will expand the world of pretend play with the addition of new story settings and characters. Toys for boys and girls aged 7 ~ who like rescue and pretend play

TAKUMIYA LEGO Friends Mia and Puppy Play Park 41396

84.9 EUR
Mia and Puppy Play Park (41396) is a colorful and easy-to-play set that can be enjoyed by children aged 4 and up. Comes with an easy-to-assemble puppy slide and mini-doll, so you can easily enjoy pretend play such as assembling and caring for puppies. Kids can have fun at Heartlake City Play Park with Mia mini-dolls as they ride puppies Cookie and Coco on skateboards, down slides and on merry-go-rounds. Accessories such as Mia's sunglasses, puppy brush, bowl, dog biscuit, 2 bones, and 2 ribbons expand the creative fun. If you combine it with other sets, the range of play will expand. This easy-to-assemble 57-piece model with Mia and a cute puppy is perfect for birthdays and Christmas, as well as a gift for children who love pretend play and animals (targeted for ages 4 and up). The puppy slide (height approx. 11cm x length approx. 9cm x width approx. 5cm) is compact enough to fit in a bag. There are also a variety of fun accessories, so you can play anytime and anywhere. No batteries required. Your child's imagination is their energy. Battery-free toys develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills and provide a sense of do-it-yourself satisfaction. You can hone your story-writing skills while enjoying lots of creative play. Get even more fun with your puppy playset with Instructions PLUS in the free LEGO Life app. You can zoom, rotate, and visualize your digital model while building the physical model. The 4+ set is fun for ages 4 and up, and the starter blocks make assembly even easier and build confidence in your child. Available in various Lego themes (City, Ninjago, Star Wars, Friends, Disney, etc.). Since 1958, LEGO toys have met industry standards, are of consistent quality, and are easy to assemble and disassemble when combined with other sets. In addition to meeting global quality standards, the LEGO Group has carried out careful quality tests on LEGO bricks and parts including drop, compression, torsion, heating, bending, scratching and tensile tests.

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON LEGO Friends Heartlake City Hair Salon 41743 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls Ages 6+

117.75 EUR
For children aged 6 and up – LEGO Friends Heartlake City Hair Salon (41743) introduces the joy of building and pretend play. MINI-DOLL FIGURES - Realistic interior and exterior saloon comes with 3 LEGO Friends mini-doll figures (Paisley, Olly and Nadia), plus Olly's scooter and bench. Hair Salon Supplies - Includes plants, hair products, money, gumball machine, sign, heat lamp, broom and other accessories. Paisley's Makeover – Paisley's hair and face can be swapped for dramatic before and after looks. Gifts for children - Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, or as a reward for children who love playing hair salon. (Target age: 6 years old and above) Size – (approx.) Height 14cm x Width 25cm x Depth 9cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Using the zoom and rotation functions, you can check the 3D model as you build, save as you go, and learn new life skills. Masu. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and up who like pretend play and city building.

JO Market - Japan Product select - LEGO Friends Dog Rescue Center 41727 Toy Block Present Animal Pretend Play Girls Ages 7+

151.52 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: LEGO Materials: Plastic [Product Description] ・For children 7 years and older – LEGO Friends Dog Rescue Center (41727) allows children to play while imagining volunteering at an animal shelter. ・Mini-doll and animal figures – 3 mini-doll figures (Autumn and Zack from LEGO Friends, Ms. Gabriella) and 3 animal figures (Pickle, Dash, Grace) each come with accessories. ・Layout can be changed – At the rescue center, you can change the layout of the reception desk, examination room, shampoo station, obstacle course, and dog kennel. ・Pet care accessories – You can freely create a rescue center using accessories such as pet toys, scales, medicines, pet food, water, magnifying glasses, beds, brushes, etc. ・For children who love animals – Perfect as a birthday or Christmas present, but also as a reward for children who love playing animal shelters. (Target age: 7 years old or older) ・Easy to play size – Dog rescue center size: (approx.) Height 18cm x Width 26cm x Depth 20cm ・Reliable helper – Using the zoom and rotation functions of the LEGO Builder app, you can see the steps at a glance, you can proceed with assembly while checking the 3D model, and save the work midway through, helping you learn new life skills. Helpful. ・New Generation Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. ・Toys for boys and girls aged 7 and over who like animals and pretend play. Product introduction Gabriella's Dog Rescue Center is currently looking for foster parents for Pickles, Dash, and Grace. Help volunteers Autumn and Zach clean them all so they can find good homes. Next is Dr. Gabriella's health check. What is that? Mischievous Dash has started digging! Help Dash play with the obstacle course and slide so he doesn't get covered in potholes. Dog rescue centers are always fun to visit. safety warning Products other than Lego Duplo contain small parts. Please do not allow children under 4 years old to play with this product as there is a risk of accidentally swallowing it. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can...

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON LEGO Friends Organic Farm 41721 Toy Block Present Doll Pretend Play Girls Ages 7+

195.6 EUR
Fun Farm – An organic farm full of possibilities for fun pretend play, such as caring for injured people and livestock (41721) For animal lovers – includes a horse, chicken, farmer, tractor with trailer, chicken coop and 4 LEGO Friends mini-doll figures Get excited about farm work – There's plenty to do on the farm, including harvesting crops, repairing roofs, collecting eggs, selling apples, and cooking delicious meals. A gift to inspire creativity – the perfect birthday present for children aged 7 and up who are starting to develop an interest in environmental protection and organic food. Full of fun gimmicks – a chicken coop that rolls eggs when you turn the handle, a mechanism that allows you to lift buckets of water to the second floor, etc.

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON LEGO Friends Hot Dog Kitchen Car Toy Present Birthday Block Educational Christmas Boys Girls Children 4 Years Old 5 Years Old 6 Years Old Pretend Play

86.83 EUR
Hot Dog Kitchen Car – Set includes a kitchen car assembly model, 2 mini-doll figures, 1 cat animal figure, and various accessories including food (for ages 4 and up) 4+ Building Sets – Learn the basics of building with the 4+ series of sets, perfect for children aged 4 and up. 3 mini-doll figures – Pretend play begins the moment you meet LEGO Friends Leo, Kaya, and Churro the cat animal figures. Accessories – Includes ovens, frying pans, cash registers, grills, refrigerators, hot dog ingredients, and more for pretend play The gift of creativity – A toy set that teaches social skills while playing with characters and accessories is the perfect gift for children aged 4 and up. Lego Friends Series – In addition to this, there is a lineup that allows you to enjoy a wide range of themed play (each set sold separately) Size – Track: (approx.) Height 9cm x Length 18cm x Width 7cm/Number of Pieces: 100 Toys for 4-, 5-, and 6-year-old boys and girls who like playing house, cars, miniature cars, and pretend play.

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON LEGO Friends Heartlake City Flower Shop and Design Studio 41732 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls 12 years old and up

365.01 EUR
Featured Display – Lego Friends Heartlake City Flower Shop and Design Studio (41732) lets kids unleash their creativity through building and customization. LEGO Friends characters – Includes 9 characters, including Addie, who just moved in, and Fiona, a florist who sells flowers grown on the rooftop. Customization and Decoration – Modular construction set that allows you to freely change the layout of your store and apartment. You can add furniture to Addy's newly moved apartment and make it look stylish. Comes with accessories – Includes furniture, paint cans and rollers, apartment keys, watering can, saxophone and more for realistic pretend play. Fun to play over and over again – Playsets that you can assemble and decorate yourself are perfect not only for birthdays and Christmas, but also as a small reward. (Target age: 12 years old or older) LEGO Friends toys – Size: (approx.) Height 34cm x Width 51cm x Depth 19cm A reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions at a glance.Use the zoom and rotation functions to check the 3D model as you build, save as you go, and learn new life skills. . A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, further expanding the world of pretend play. Toys for boys and girls ages 12 and older who like pretend play and city building.

TAKUMIYA LEGO DUPLOR Learning Play Fairy Tales

86.25 EUR
We will order the product from the United States, so it will usually be shipped within 2 to 3 weeks. Also, please note that there may be some damage to the box due to purchasing and shipping from overseas.

DOKI DOKI MARKET form NIPPON LEGO Friends Tapiocati Stand 41733 Toy Block Present Pretend Play Town Building Girls 6 Years Old and Over

69.19 EUR
For children aged 6 and up – LEGO Friends Tapiocati Stand (41733) introduces the fun of building and pretend play. Comes with mini-dolls – LEGO Friends Nova and Matilda mini-dolls, whipped cream, 2 bubble tea containers, cash register, table and menu holder mascots. A new generation of Heartlake City – In 2023, new story settings and characters will be added to the LEGO Friends series, expanding the world of pretend play. Incredible pretend play – connect the bubble tea stand to your scooter and treat people all over Heartlake City to bubble tea. Fun to play over and over again - Perfect as a gift for birthdays or Christmas, but also as a reward for children who love pretend cafes. (Target age: 6 years old and above) Easy to play size – (approx.) Height 6cm x Length 12cm x Width 6cm Your reliable helper – The LEGO Builder app provides step-by-step instructions with zoom and rotation functions, allowing you to check the 3D model as you build and save as you go. Pretend play that reflects daily life – The LEGO Friends series deepens children's interests and connections with society by recreating everyday events with friendly characters. Toys for boys and girls aged 6 and up who like pretend play and city building.