**Product Size**: Approximately H100 W100 mm **EAN**: 4570121761273 **Material**: Acrylic **Package Dimensions**: 0.1 cm 10.0 cm 12.5 cm This versatile acrylic product is designed for both style and function. It s compact and sleek, perfect for a variety of uses. Whether you're adding to your home d cor or organizing your workspace, this high-quality acrylic piece will meet your needs with its durable and modern look. Ideal for international customers looking for practical yet stylish solutions.
Grâce a sa technologie d'onduleur moderne, il fournit une électricité propre de sorte que meme les appareils sensibles tels que les ordinateurs portables peut etre alimenté sans probleme. Compact, maniable, puissant - le SG2500i est le compagnon idéal en camping ou en van.
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