Space Siege - Pc, 2008 - Sega Rpg Games Windows/ 10/M2

1.99 EUR
Space Siege - PC, 2008 - Sega RPG Games Windows

Sega Hatsune Miku - Figurine Chibirin Kagamine 10 Cm

46.01 EUR
Figurine Hatsune Miku, modèle ChibiRin Kagamine 10 cm. Figurine Hatsune Miku, modèle ChibiRin Kagamine 10 cm. Figurine de la série animée Hatsune Miku. La figurine mesure 10 cm.

Bluecaps Jelly Fish Lampe À Lave Pour Aquarium Lampe Sensorielle Pour Tous Les Âges Télécommande Usb[Lam062997]

59.15 EUR
Lampe méduse au design apaisant la lampe méduse améliorée a des méduses plus réalistes et un moteur sans balais plus durable. La sortie d'eau et le fond en acrylique empêchent les méduses de se coincer Changement de couleur avec télécommande changez votre monde sous-marin avec la télécommande sans fil de 10 m incluse. Cette lampe méduse cool peut basculer entre 17 options de couleur, 4 modes clignotants et 3 niveaux de luminosité pour des effets personnalisables Lumière méduse rechargeable alimentez l' avec le câble de charge USB pratique ou le fonctionnement à piles (piles non fournies). Placez cette lampe méduse portable n'importe où ¿ parfaite pour les chambres d'enfants ou les salons Ensemble de lumières d' méduses le lot complet comprend 2 méduses, un câble USB, une télécommande et des instructions (français non garanti). Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour des effets d'éclairage fascinants que les enfants et les adultes vont adorer Bruit initial lors de la première utilisation, l'air passant à travers la pompe à eau provoquera un bruit silencieux. Cela passera dans la première semaine d'utilisation et restera ensuite silencieux Les produits internationaux ont des conditions de vente distinctes, sont vendus depuis l'étranger et peuvent différer des produits locaux, y compris la taille, la classe d'âge, et la langue du produit, de l'étiquetage ou des notices. En savoir plus sur GlobalStore.

Predator Lam. Pointe 14mm Moyen

30.16 EUR
La pommerance Predator est faite en cuir de porc et est produite de manière authentique. Chaque couche de la pomerance est soigneusement sélectionnée et fendue. Parmi ces couches fractionnées, seules les 10 meilleures et les plus durables sont choisies. Avec sa construction multicouche, ces pomerances sont vraiment haut de gamme. Faites vous-même l'expérience de la différence et contrôlez chaque coup à la perfection.

Sega Humankind - Cultures Of Africa (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

10.09 EUR
HUMANKIND? - Cultures d'Afrique Précommandez pour bénéficier de -10 %. Disponible uniquement jusqu'au 24 janvier à 18 h UTC ! Prolongez votre expérience HUMANKIND avec le DLC Cultures d'Afrique ! Découvrez des millénaires d'histoire riche du deuxième plus grand continent du monde, qui abrite plus d'un milliard de personnes et 1 500 langues. Cultures d'Afrique contient 6 nouvelles cultures, de nouvelles merveilles naturelles et construites, de nouvelles peuplades et plus de 15 nouveaux événements narratifs. SIX NOUVELLES CULTURES Ère 1 ? Bantou (Expansionniste) L'expansion bantoue est une série de migrations d'un groupe de langue Ntu, partant d'Afrique Centrale de l'ouest et se diffusant dans la majorité de l'Afrique subsaharienne. Choisissez cette culture pour coloniser beaucoup de territoires rapidement ! Ère 2 ? Garamantes (Agraire) Les Garamantes sont devenus une puissance régionale majeure au milieu du second siècle avant notre ère. Leur développement et leur expansion reposaient sur un système complexe d'irrigation qanat (appelé foggaras en berbère), pour une forte économie agricole et une vaste population. Choisissez cette culture pour obtenir de la nourriture des territoires arides ! Ère 3 ? Swahili (Marchand) La montée des villes-états côtières des Swahilis peut être attribuée à la participation importante de la région dans le réseau commercial couvrant l'océan Indien. Choisissez cette culture pour exploiter vos côtes ! Ère 4 ? Maasai (Agraire) Une population pastorale de langue nilotique (plutôt que bantoue ou swahili).Pour atteindre le statut de guerrier, il fallait tuer un lion seul, avec une lance.Choisissez cette culture pour optimiser votre croissance !? Ère 5 ? Éthiopiens (Militariste)Pendant le Partage de l'Afrique, l'Éthiopie et le Liberia ont été les deux seules nations à préserver leur souveraineté d'une longue colonisation européenne. Téwodros II a aussi centralisé l'armée en créant une armée professionnelle permanente à partir de la tendance historique à engager des armées régionales temporaires pour créer une armée nationale. En utilisant les falaises dans la création de forteresses, l'Éthiopie a pu repousser la majorité des forces coloniales.Choisissez cette culture pour progresser rapidement en arts militaires et en science ! Ère 6 ? Nigérians (Agraire) Le Nigéria rassemble une vaste variété de cultures en un seul État. S'il est bâti autour des trois pôles linguistiques majeurs (Hausa, Yoruba et Igbo), le pays compte des locuteurs de plus de 450 langues. La variété des terrains et l'abondance de ressources hydrauliques offrent d'importantes capacités agricoles et en font l'un des premiers producteurs d'Afrique de l'Ouest.Choisissez cette culture pour augmenter vos dépôts de pétrole ! 5 NOUVELLES MERVEILLES Mont Kilimanjaro Chutes Victoria Zuma Rock Lac Natron Grande Mosquée de Djenné PLUS 7 PEUPLADES ET 15 ÉVÉNEMENTS NARRATIFS Steam account is required for game activation and installation This content requires the base...

Sega Two Point Campus: School Spirits (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc-Mac

7.39 EUR
Précommandez dès maintenant avec 10 % de remise ! Bienvenue au domaine Lifeless, où le silence inquiétant habituel a été interrompu par les signes de vie des non-morts.  Les nouveaux résidents sont des esprits agités qui adorent gémir et qui sont généreux avec les ectoplasmes. De nos jours, les gens ne savent plus mourir avec goût. Où est donc passée la subtilité ? Tels sont les dangers de se lancer dans tout et n'importe quoi, même la mort, sans instruction. Hanté par des esprits morts-vivants indésirables, le domaine a besoin de votre aide pour un nouveau bail dans l'au-delà. IL Y A QUOI AU PROGRAMME ? Un nouvel emplacement de campus 2 nouvelles formations 2 nouvelles salles de classe entièrement animées 2 nouveaux archétypes d'étudiants Un nouveau mode Défi Et un tas de nouveaux objets NOUVEL EMPLACEMENT Domaine Lifeless Le gazon manque d'éclat et les surfaces sont étrangement gluantes, mais tous les problèmes reviennent aux fantômes. On peut dire que la possession est le principal motif de ses défauts. Voilà, je l'ai dit. La dernière héritière du domaine, lady Lifeless espérait y passer son trépas à rattraper son retard de lecture et flotter avec classe dans le jardin. Au lieu de ça, son repos est quotidiennement gâché par des esprits grossiers qui manquent terriblement de bonnes manières. Affrontez ce problème de nuisibles paranormaux, découvrez la réalité de la mort et aidez le domaine à retrouver sa tranquillité. NOUVELLES FORMATIONS Détection paranormale On a longtemps débattu à Two Point County sur l'existence des fantômes. Grâce à la science, ce débat est désormais clos : les fantômes sont bien réels, et ce sont de véritables casse-pieds. Impossible d'ignorer les regrets et la rancune des esprits vengeurs, mas vous pouvez désormais les réprimer? un peu comme eux... Esprits scolaires La mort, ce n'est pas aussi facile que ça en a l'air. Difficile de reposer en paix quand on a encore tout un tas de questions sans réponse en tête. « Où suis-je ? », « Pourquoi j'ai dit ça quand j'avais 24 ans ? », « J'ai éteint le four ? »... ce genre de choses... Fort heureusement, ici à Two Point County, vous pouvez apprendre tout et n'importe quoi, même à vivre dans la mort. SANS OUBLIER Cérémonies de renvoi - Invitez vos étudiants à purifier une nouvelle zone du campus à construire grâce à une cérémonie de bannissement pour chasser l'esprit indésirable qui y réside. Apparitions - Certains fantômes peuvent hanter une salle spécifique, provoquant la souffrance inutile de vos étudiants. Envoyez vos agents de maintenance de confiance se charger purifier la salle et capturer le fantôme.  Un nouveau mode Défi - Formez des concierges et purifiez des salles pour capturer autant de fantômes que possible au cours d'une année de lutte contre les morts. Steam account is required for game activation and installation This content requires the base game Two Point Campus on Steam in order to play Windows Requirements Minimum: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating...

Sega Alien Isolation, Ps3 Standard Anglais Playstation 3

28.14 EUR
SEGA Alien Isolation, PS3. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: PlayStation 3, Valeur ESRB: M (Mature), PEGI classification: 18, Réalisateur: Creative Assembly, Date de sortie: 7,10,2014

Sega Two Point Campus: Space Academy (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc-Mac

10.99 EUR
Précommandez dès maintenant à -10 % ! Bienvenue à bord, cadets de l'espace ! Venez découvrir l'académie spatiale de Two Point County ! Le programme spatial de Two Point est à des années-lumière de ses jours de gloire, à l'époque où les fusées faisaient la Une et les astronautes étaient presque célèbres, un peu comme des acteurs de seconde zone dont plus personne ne se souvient. Et voilà que Two Point County a ouvert les portes de sa nouvelle académie spatiale, nécessitant votre aide sur le front de la défense galactique et de la diplomatie interdimensionnelle. via la promotion de l'industrie spatiale et la préparation du pays pour la vie extraterrestre. Les extraterrestres débarquent : faites semblant d'être occupés. Nous avons également découvert un groupe de roches spatiales fromagères dans l'orbite de Two Point County. Vous allez devoir monter le premier campus de Two Point County hors du comté, recevoir des étudiants extraterrestres de toute la galaxie et leur enseigner tout ce que l'on sait de nous. Les conditions peuvent y être difficiles, mais on a là un sacré filon. Alors dépoussiérez vos bottillons, réglez les phaseurs sur divertissement, avant de plonger vos étudiants dans les étoiles? et vos mains dans leurs poches. IL Y A QUOI AU PROGRAMME ? 3 nouveaux emplacements de campus 6 nouvelles formations avec des salles de classe entièrement animées 6 nouveaux archétypes d'étudiants 3 nouveaux événements 1 nouveau club Et un tas de nouveaux objets NOUVEAUX EMPLACEMENTS DE CAMPUS Univers-cité : revitalisez l'intérêt de Two Point County pour l'espace, un petit pas après l'autre. Cap Canne-à-vérale : prenez le contrôle de la nouvelle académie spatiale de Two Point County et préparez-vous au premier contact avec les extraterrestres. Bloc de Raclette Intersidéral : attirez des étudiants de toute la galaxie pour étudier sur la surface d'une gigantesque roche spatiale. NOUVELLES FORMATIONS Astrologie : un domaine qui ne s'embarrasse ni de la gravité, ni du bon sens. Expansion cosmique : utilisez les dernières avancées aéronautiques pour construire des voitures spatiales pointues. Académie spatiale : devenez incollable sur l'espace sans quitter le confort de votre planète. École de chevalerie spatiale : une ramification nomade de la chevalerie traditionnelle (terrestre). Études fromalunaires : personne ne veut savoir comment le fromage est préparé. Humanités : les étudiants extraterrestres sont fatigués des rumeurs... ils veulent des actes d'humanité sans filtre, avec le même manque d'enthousiasme. SANS OUBLIER : Club de tourisme temporel : la dernière invention du capitaine Hier offre aux étudiants tout le divertissement d'un voyage scolaire en un clin d'¿il. De nouveaux événements y compris des conventions de science-fiction, des combats spatiaux et un concert de folie. Steam account is required for game activation and installation This content requires the base game Two Point Campus on Steam in order to play Windows Requirements Minimum: Requires...

Sega 3d Classics Collection - 3ds

37.28 EUR
SEGA 3D Classics Collection. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: Nintendo 3DS, Valeur ESRB: Tout le monde de plus de 10 ans, PEGI classification: 7, Réalisateur: Sega, Date de sortie: 26-04-2016, Type de distribution: Support physique

Sega Yakuza Kiwami - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

19.99 EUR
« Kiwami » signifie extrême. 1995, Kamurocho? Kazuma Kiryu, le Dragon de Dojima, accepte de porter le chapeau pour le meurtre d'un chef gangster afin de protéger son frère d'arme, Akira Nishikiyama, ainsi que son amie d'enfance, Yumi. 2005? Akira Nishikiyama est un nouvel homme. Yumi est introuvable. 10 milliards de yen ont disparu des coffres du Clan Tojo, poussant l'organisation au bord de la guerre civile. Et Kazuma Kiryu est libéré de prison dans un monde qu'il ne reconnait plus. Avec son gameplay amélioré, des séquences cinématiques rallongées, le retour des styles de combat de Yakuza 0, encore plus de lieux nocturnes à découvrir, ainsi qu'une bande-son réenregistrée par les acteurs d'origine, Yakuza Kiwami est la version ultime et plus « extrême » du titre original de la série, désormais optimisé pour PC avec résolution 4K, un taux de rafraîchissement illimité, des commandes personnalisables ainsi qu'une compatibilité pour écran ultra-large. Steam account required for game activation and installation MINIMUM: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 64Bit Processor: Intel Core i5-3470 AMD FX-6300 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 AMD Radeon HD 6870 Additional Notes: PU with a gpumark of : 2600 to 3100, CPU with a cpumark of 4500 to 6300 RECOMMENDED: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

Sega Catherine Full Body Jpn & Uk (Voice) - Uk Text

29.99 EUR
Intel Core i5-4570S 2,90GHz - Mémoire vive: 4Go DDR3L - Disque SSD: 128Go Syst�me d'exploitation: Windows 10 Famille 64bits Processeur: IntelCore i5-4570S Mémoire vive (RAM): 4 Capacité de stockage: SSD: 128Go - HDD: Taille d'écran: Chipset graphique: IntelHD Graphics 4600

Sega Sonic Frontiers Switch

31.01 EUR
Deep Silver Sonic Frontiers. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: Nintendo Switch, Valeur ESRB: Tout le monde de plus de 10 ans, PEGI classification: 7, Réalisateur: Sonic Team, Date de sortie: 08/11/2022

Various White Christmas (Dean Martin, The Three Degrees, Bing Crosby, Baccara, Louis Armstrong, A.M.O.)

1.9 EUR
Brand : Euro Trend (mcp Sound Und Media), Binding : Audio CD, Label : Euro Trend (MCP Sound & Media), Publisher : Euro Trend (MCP Sound & Media), NumberOfDiscs : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2010-10-22, artists : Various

Various White Christmas; 40 Greatest Songs Of Christmas; Elvis Presley; Frank Sinatra; Harry Belafonte; Dean Martin; Louis Armstrong; Bing Crosby; Of Christmas; Weihnacht

12.45 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Tyrostar (Tyrolis), Publisher : Tyrostar (Tyrolis), NumberOfDiscs : 2, NumberOfItems : 2, Format : Doppel-CD, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2016-10-25, artists : Various

Various Teckno.Com 10

10.49 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Universal, Publisher : Universal, NumberOfDiscs : 1, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Import, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2003-11-20, artists : Various

Various Derek Dahlarge Presents Fsuk

6.49 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Open (EFA), Publisher : Open (EFA), NumberOfDiscs : 2, Format : Doppel-CD, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 1997-10-24, artists : Various

Sega Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz Hd, Ps4 Standard Playstation 4

16.58 EUR
SEGA Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD, PS4. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: PlayStation 4, Mode Multiplayer, Valeur ESRB: Tout le monde de plus de 10 ans, PEGI classification: 3, Réalisateur: Sega, Date de sortie: 29,10,2019

Sega Sonic Forces Xbox One

25.78 EUR
SEGA Sonic Forces. Valeur ESRB: Tout le monde de plus de 10 ans, PEGI classification: 7, Réalisateur: Sonic Team, Date de sortie: 07-11-2017

Sega Sonic Frontiers Standard Anglais Nintendo Switch

31.01 EUR
SEGA Sonic Frontiers. Édition de jeu: Standard, Plateforme: Nintendo Switch, Valeur ESRB: Tout le monde de plus de 10 ans, PEGI classification: 7, Réalisateur: Sonic Team, Date de sortie: 08/11/2022, Type de distribution: Support physique

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing W. Banjo & Kazooie (Classics)

25 EUR
SEGA Sonic All-Stars Racing, Xbox 360. Plateforme: Xbox 360, Mode Multiplayer, Valeur ESRB: Tout le monde de plus de 10 ans, PEGI classification: 7, Réalisateur: Sumo Digital, Date de sortie: 23,02,2010


74.41 EUR
In December 2004, the Slam Dunk 100 Million Book Appreciation Commemoration Final Event was held for three days at the former Kanagawa Prefectural Misaki High School. This is a photo book that completely contains the 23 blackboard comics 10 days after that that were drawn there. In the summer of the same year, after Slam Dunk sold over 100 million copies (cumulative domestically), a series of activities began with author Takehiko Inoue's attempt to convey a message of thank you to each and every reader. It also includes many newspaper advertisements and website visuals leading up to the final event. At the time, it had been eight years since the serialization ended, and it was only released for three days, making this work a legend among fans. In response to numerous requests, we will deliver the book in a large book style that can be enjoyed as a manga along with the venue scenery.

Zen Picks - Japan Product select - Sega TV anime Chokonose premium figure total length 10 x 15 cm NieRAutomataVer1.1a 9S, approx.

95.51 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Body: PVC/ABS Total length approx. 10 x 15 cm

Sega Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo Nagisa Kaworu Premium Figure Moonlight

47.99 EUR
Outer box size ( approximately) 13cm E10cm E24cm body size ( approximately) 21cm with all one pedestal (C) color


84.48 EUR
Lisse avec gravure, en polystyrEne haute densite. Resistant A l humidite, A la lumiEre, aux chocs et A l abrasion. Collable et

Hollyb Pet Waste Bags Thickened 1.5 Wire With Dispenser Biodegradable Pet Poop Pickup Bags Thick Doggy Waste Bag Refill Rolls 10Pcs

17.72 EUR
Description: Size: 23*33cm, 15pcs in a roll Thickness: 0.015mm Material: EPI,PE Color: Green Multiple combinations: there are 10/16/24 rolls with dispenser set combinations to choose from, to meet different your various needs. FIT SIZE: 9 inches wide x 13 inches long with flat bottom, our thickened poop bag is very sturdy, unbreakable and very easy to remove. It can also easily isolate poop odors without having to touch them. EASY TO CARRY: The dispenser has a metal hook that can be secured anywhere. For example, hang it on your dog's carrier or pants for easy carrying. EARTH-FRIENDLY: Our dog poop bags are made with EPI eco-friendly and biodegradable technology, which allows for photo-oxidation and microbial degradation of the bags into the soil, thus providing a more environmentally friendly way of disposing of dog feces. The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom's policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

TOMTOP JMS 10MM‑28MM Watch Strap Spring Bars 1.3MM Strap Link Steel Watchmaker Watch Repair Tool Sets

17.3 EUR
Feature: 1. Made of high quality steel material of the spring bar, durable and long service life. 2. Professional watch spring bar, specially designed for watch repair and manufacturing. 3. The size is various, can meet the different use demand. Essential tools for watchmakers and watchmakers alike. 4. Can be used as a professional tool for maintenance staff, or it can be used at home to save on maintenance costs. 5. Professional watch repair accessories, give you a satisfactory experience. Specification: Condition: Brand New Item Type: Watch Spring Bar Material: Steel Size: Approx. 10mm / 0.39in 12mm / 0.47in 14mm / 0.55in 16mm / 0.63in 18mm / 0.71in 20mm / 0.79in 22mm / 0.87in 24mm / 0.94in 26mm / 1.02in 28mm / 1.1in . Package List: 10 x Silver Spring Bar 10mm 10 x Silver Spring Bar 12mm 10 x Silver Spring Bar 14mm 10 x Silver Spring Bar 16mm 10 x Silver Spring Bar 18mm 10 x Silver Spring Bar 20mm 10 x Silver Spring Bar 22mm10 x Silver Spring Bar 24mm 10 x Silver Spring Bar 26mm 10 x Silver Spring Bar 28mm 10 x Gold Spring Bar 10mm 10 x Gold Spring Bar 12mm 10 x Gold Spring Bar 14mm 10 x Gold Spring Bar 16mm 10 x Gold Spring Bar 18mm 10 x Gold Spring Bar 20mm 10 x Gold Spring Bar 22mm10 x Gold Spring Bar 24mm 10 x Gold Spring Bar 26mm10 x Gold Spring Bar 28mm

Nippon-Mart ZHONGDONG ZD TOYS Iron Man MK4 Repair Stand Model Movable Action Figure Genuine Set [AC] 1/10 &

180.58 EUR
❤MK4 main body + repair stand Cannot emit light ♥Material: PVC & ABS ♥Many joints can be moved, allowing you to enjoy various poses ♥If there is an initial defect with the product, please contact us and we will take responsibility for exchanging or returning the product. ♥Depending on the manufacturer's agreement, the actual release date of pre-order items may be moved forward or postponed. Thank you for your understanding. ACFUN-JP agent sales, new series action figure supplies. With its lovely design and exquisite craftsmanship, it is one of the best in the world of figure supplies.

Sega Drive Console Chargeur Sans Fil Compatible Avec Apple Iphone 11/11 Pro, Samsung S21

38.44 EUR
Vous cherchez un accessoire de téléphone qui vous fera revenir aux bons vieux jours de jeu rétro Obtenez ce tapis de chargement sans fil et montrez votre statut de joueur rétro élite, avec un design inspiré de la console classique SEGA Drive Chargeur rapide sans fil Qi 10 W et protection intégrée contre les surcharges et les surchauffes. Chargez instantanément votre téléphone ou vos écouteurs en les plaçant au centre du tapis de chargement. Plus besoin de brancher et de débrancher les câbles de charge. Compatible avec iPhone, Samsung et autres appareils équipés d'un chargeur sans fil Qi. Produit SEGA - Conçu et fabriqué par Numskull.

Lampe Led Pour Plantes À Spectre Complet Pour Le Démarrage Des Graines, 108 Led Pour Plantes D'intérieur, Lampe De Croissance Avec Minuterie 3/9/12h, 10 Types De Luminosité [Classe Énergétique F]

25.05 EUR
🌙Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights:High quality ultra bright LED grow lights, spectrum 380nm - 780nm, similar to natural sunlight, have a significant impact on plant germination, flowering, fruiting and chlorophyll synthesis to promote photosynthesis, very suitable for all stages Various plants such as orchids, salads, tomatoes, lemon trees, succulents, seed germination and aquarium plants such as algae ⭐Lampe de culture à monter soi-même La lampe de culture à LED à monter soi-même est dotée d'un panneau ultra fin Flexible pour des structures de différentes longueurs ou largeurs Vous pouvez utiliser les serre-câbles pratiques pour accrocher les panneaux lumineux de culture ou utiliser un dispositif adhésif double face 3M pour les cacher sous l'étagère/l'armoire afin de gagner de la place La lampe de culture suspendue peut grandement améliorer la couverture lumineuse et l'efficacité des plantes 🌞Fonction de minuterie de cycle de 24 heures : la fonction de minuterie 3H/9H/12H ne doit être appuyée qu'une seule fois, et le lendemain, elle bascule automatiquement pour éclairer les plantes, la lumière de la plante a une prise CC (avec une alimentation), la plante La lumière est pratique à utiliser et a une fonction de cycle analogique de 24 heures de lumière quotidienne du soleil, donc lors d'une entreprise, vous êtes en voyage ou en vacances, vous n'avez pas à vous soucier des problèmes de croissance des plantes 🥰Économie d'énergie PPFD élevée : 1 panneau lumineux de croissance ultra-mince mesurant 11,81 x 3,9 x 0,04 pouces, avec plaque arrière en aluminium, faible génération de chaleur La lampe de croissance intérieure dispose de 108 LED et ne consomme que 15 W, ce qui permet d'économiser jusqu'à 50 % d'énergie par rapport aux autres lampes LED encastrées 😉Service client sans soucis : les lampes de culture offrent une garantie de 12 mois, une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours ou un remplacement sans donner de raisons Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter Nous sommes là pour vous 24h/24 et 7j/7 Lampes de croissance LED à spectre complet : lampes de croissance LED ultra lumineuses de haute qualité, spectre 380 nm - 780 nm, similaires à la lumière naturelle du soleil, ont un impact significatif sur la germination des plantes, la floraison, la fructification et la synthèse de la chlorophylle pour favoriser la photosynthèse, très adaptées à toutes les étapes. Diverses plantes telles que les orchidées, les salades, les tomates, les citronniers, les plantes succulentes, la germination des graines et les plantes d'aquarium telles que les algues. Lampe de croissance DIY La lampe de croissance LED DIY dispose d'un panneau ultra fin. Flexible pour les structures de différentes longueurs ou largeurs. Vous pouvez utiliser les serre-câbles pratiques pour accrocher les panneaux lumineux de croissance, ou utiliser un dispositif adhésif double face 3M pour les cacher sous l'étagère/l'armoire pour économiser de l'espace. La lampe de croissance...

Squishy Mains Collantes, 10 Pièces, Jouets De Faveur De Fête, Nouveauté, Prix, Cadeau D'anniversaire, Gadgets Antistress Nostalgiques, Jouets Extensibles

32.99 EUR
10PCS Squishy Sticky Hands Palm Party Favor Toys Novelty Prizes Birthday Gift Antistress Nostalgic Funny Gadgets Stretch Toysdescribe :Brand new and high quality, very suitable for children's partiesThese are great helpers for parties-kids love it! The various colors in the packaging, but not necessarily a uniform mixture of each color. Not suitable for children under 3 years oldColor: random color sentMaterial: soft rubberTile size: 22*5.5cm (retractable)Weight: 6g/PCSPackage Included:10 *Mini toys

Cretacolor Aqua Brique Watercolor Set Of 10,Multi

47.3 EUR
This 10 color set of Aqua Brique solid water-soluble blocks by Cretacolor can be applied on various surfaces including paper, cardboard, canvas and wood. Each pocket sized set includes 10 special pigmented color blocks that provide excellent color and an expanding sponge for application. Aqua Brique can be applied wet or dry and can be used in a variety of techniques such as drawing, painting, mixed-media, watercolor, blending and monoprints.

TOMTOP JMS 10pcs Identification ID Collars Bands Cow Cattle Marking Ring Supplies for Farm LivestockYellow jaune

22.09 EUR
Feature: 1. Premium plastic materials, safe and non?toxic, will not harm animals. 2. Strong durability , highly corrosive, and can be recycled many times. 3. Small and light weight, will not increase the burden on the feet of the cow. 4. Practical animal identification equipment, applicable to various animal. 5. There are 4 colors for you to choose from, which can meet different needs. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Cow Identification Bands Material: Plastic. Package List: 10 x Cow Identification Bands Note: Please note that the new type and old type of this product will be sent randomly, and make sure you will not mind before ordering.

Vis à pouce moletées en alliage d'aluminium M3, 1/5/10 pièces, boulons de poignée L = 5/8/10/12/15mm

40.76 EUR
Knurled Thumb Screws Aluminium Alloy M4 Hand Grip Bolts L=5-15mm Various ColoursFeatures--Material: Stainless steel + aluminium alloy--Thread diameter?M4--Thread length?5/8/10/12/15mm--Pitch? 0.7 mm--Colour?Royal blue / Green / Golden / Dark Red / Black / Silver / Purple / Rose Red / Sky blue / OrangePackage included: according to your choice. Select your requirements from the drop down menu above.

Various The Greatest Hits Of The 50'S

62.49 EUR
Brand : DOCUMENTS, Binding : Audio CD, Label : Documents (Membran), Publisher : Documents (Membran), NumberOfDiscs : 10, Format : Box-Set, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2013-10-25, artists : Various, Baez, Crosby, Presley, Anka

Various Die 40 Schönsten Weihnachts-Hits; We Wish You A Merry Christmas

11.99 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Tyrostar (Tyrolis), Publisher : Tyrostar (Tyrolis), NumberOfDiscs : 2, NumberOfItems : 2, Format : Doppel-CD, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2021-10-29, artists : Various, Dean Martin; Frank Sinatra; Elvis Presley; Bing Crosby; Harry Belafonte

Various 100 % Christmas Vol. 4

6.99 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Hundert Prozent, Publisher : Hundert Prozent, NumberOfDiscs : 1, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2008-10-09, artists : Various, Bing Crosby, The Pretenders, John Mellencamp, Dean Martin, Madonna, Bon Jovi, Bob Seeger, Sting, Stevie Nicks

Appât Dur Bionique Artificiel Pour La Pêche, Faux Appât Pour Attraper Des Poissons, Peint, 10cm, 15.5g, Pièces Pièce

31.42 EUR
Description:Product features:High simulation spray painting, vivid swimming posture.Slow-sinking fish can attack various water layers, and swim gracefully and flexibly!1. There are steel balls with center of gravity transfer in the body, which can move to the tail during throwing, thus increasing the throwing distance. The air posture is stable and smooth, and it is not easy to spin, which is good for throwing.2. It can reflect external light from all angles, has the effect of attracting fish by light, and is suitable for different water conditions.3. There are several small steel balls in the body, which will make a sound when dragging, which strongly attracts the attention of fish.4. It is made of ABS plastic material, which is sturdy and resistant to beating and knocking. The steel balls used inside have been tested by precision instruments to ensure the swimming posture of each bait.Operation method:1. For the fish with low flexibility or hidden around obstacles, the operating water depth is 30-50cm. At this time, the temptation of small-scale operation is strong. There are two operating methods, one is pulling the bait: pulling the fishing line hard to make Luya bait float up after diving, and using Luya's action from water surface to water bottom and the aroused water waves to attract the attention of the fish. The second type is the vibrating rod: the fishing rod is vibrated lightly irregularly and intermittently to drive Luya to swim in the water.2. Bait-drawing method: Compared with the bait-pulling method, the bait-drawing method has larger rod-drawing range, stronger force, longer moving distance and faster moving speed, and properly grasps the strength. Do not give the fish a chance to breathe, so that they immediately bite the bait like conditioned reflex, which is very tempting.3. It should be noted that fierce baiting can make Luya's swimming stroke play a very good role, and even the fish hiding in the waters with 3-3.5 meters of dense aquatic plants or rock roots will be lured to bite the hook.Specifications:Product name: multi-section painted bionic baitMeasure inch: 10cmWeight: about 15.61GMaterial: ABS hard baitColor: 8 colorsHook size: 6# hookPackaging: blister packagingGreat fishing accessories for fishing lovers. Ideal for fishing squid, stingray, grouper, spear, musk, squid, squid and more. Welcome new and old customers to buyPackage Included:1* bait

Various Mozart Edition, Vol. 4: Klavierkonzerte / Piano Concertos

4.52 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Brilliant (Foreign Media Group Germany), Publisher : Brilliant (Foreign Media Group Germany), NumberOfDiscs : 11, Format : Box-Set, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2005-01-01, releaseDate : 2005-10-11, artists : Various, Derek Han, Paul Freeman, Pol, composers : Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, languages : german

Accessoires de scie circulaire, brosse en carbone, outil électrique, installation facile, moteur en cuivre, perceuse électrique, réparation universelle Portable 10 pièces

25.96 EUR
Description:Durable, multifunctional, practical, power tool.Designed with wire leads and ring terminal.10 pcs replacement carbon brush for you easy replace the spoiled one.Worn brushes are often the cause of a poorly running motor.Used widely for various of power tools and electric motors, such as rotary drill, circular saw, cut-off saw and angle grinder.Specifications:Product name: Carbon BrushesColor: Black GrayMaterial: Carbon,MetalSize: About 15 x 8 x 5mmPackage Included:10Pcs x Carbon BrushesNote:Transition: 1cm=10mm=0.39inch1. Due to the light and screen difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.2. Please allow 0.5-2 cm differences due to manual measurement. Customer service online time?Beijing time 9:00-18:00 (except weekends and statutory holidays)If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We will reply to you as soon as we see it.

Various Eric Clapton Unplugged Guitar Signature Licks Tab Book/cd

26.99 EUR
Brand : MailOrderMusic, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Pap/Com, Label : Music Sales Ltd, Publisher : Music Sales Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 72, publicationDate : 1998-12-10, authors : Various, languages : english, ISBN : 0793587921

Zen Picks - Japan Product select - SEGA Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Arcade Future Tone Super Premium Figure Miku White “Hatsune - Dress”

103.82 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Description ■A white dress figure accented with a heart-shaped ribbon on the waist is now available. Also pay attention to her unusual up-do hairstyle. [Product Details] Size: Approx. 23 x 10cm *This product is an amusement exclusive prize.

Various Piano Play-Along Volume 7 Love Songs Pvg Pf Book/cd (Piano Playalong S)

19.38 EUR
Brand : HAL LEONARD, Binding : Musiknoten, Edition : Pap/Com, Label : Hal Leonard Music Publishing, Publisher : Hal Leonard Music Publishing, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Musiknoten, numberOfPages : 36, publicationDate : 2005-05-10, releaseDate : 2004-06-01, authors : Various, ISBN : 0634069071

Various 30 Easy Spanish Guitar Solos Gtr Book/cd

20.5 EUR
Brand : Cherry Lane Music, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Pap/Com, Label : Cherry Lane, Publisher : Cherry Lane, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2008-10-24, authors : Various, languages : english, ISBN : 1603780599

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-01-10m

21.54 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-01-30m

25.79 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-01-5m

20.21 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-04-10m

21.54 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-04-30m

25.79 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-04-5m

20.21 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-12-30m

25.79 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-12-15m

23.27 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-12-10m

21.54 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

TOMTOP JMS 10in Knife Sharpener Stick Professional Honing Blade Sharpening Rod Stick for Home Business Black

16.03 EUR
Feature: 1. Delicate Club Head: Black knife sharpener stick club head is not sharp , so as to prevent accidental damage, which is convenient and safe for you. 2. Applicable To: Professional knife sharpener rod is mainly designed for household kitchen knives and various stainless steel knives to sharpen them. 3. Ergonomics Design: Knife sharpener rod is anti slip and ergonomically designed, easy to operate, suitable for all hand types, it is beautiful and practical. 4. Hanging Design: Blade sharpening rod stick tool has a lightweight design, which saves space and is able to be hung for easier storage, suitable for fruit knife. 5. Carbon Steel: Knife sharpener stick is made of carbon steel, which is not easy to rust, tarnish and corrode, and is able to be used for a long period of time. Specification: Item Type: Knife sharpener stick Material: PP plastic handle, carbon steel core, electroplated emery. Rod: Approx. 25.4 x 1.2cm / 10 x 0.5in Handle Length: Approx. 11.6cm / 4.6in Applicable: Bone cutting knife, slicing knife, fruit knife Characteristics: Sharpening bar file head has no sharp point, ring hanging hole design, segmented fixing design. Weight: Approx. 282g / 9.9oz. Package List: 1 x Knife Sharpener Stick

TOMTOP JMS 10cm Round Floor Drain Kit Stainless Steel Odor Prevention Shower Drain Bathroom Hair Strainer

19.38 EUR
Feature: 1. Size Specification: 10cm round floor drain kit, suitable for 50‑75mm pipes, with simple structure, easy to disassemble, which is convenient and fast. 2. Stainless Steel: This bathroom shower drain is made of excellent stainless steel, rust and corrosion resistance, can be used in various environments. 3. Rapid Drainage: This floor drain hair strainer has a large displacement, ensuring smoother water flow and easy handling of various drainage issues. 4. Non Slip Effect: With brushed processing, this stainless steel floor drain has a delicate texture, increasing friction and effectively preventing slipping. 5. Convenient Use: This floor drain has multi layer protective structure, which is easy to clean and replace, suitable for home bathroom, balcony, hotel, etc. Specification: Item Type: Round Floor Drain Product Diameter: Approx. 10cm / 3.9oz Applicable Pipe Range: For 50-75mm Pipes Applicable Places: Bathroom, Balcony, Hotel, etc. Material: Stainless Steel, Silicone Weight: Approx. 225g / 7.9oz. Package List: 5 x Floor Drain Accessories 1 x Connector

TOMTOP JMS 10pcs Fishing Lures Topwater Soft Hard Spinnerbait Set Lifelike Bass Spoon Baits Lures

15.27 EUR
Feature: 1. Combining vibrations and flashes of rotatable bright blades with lifelike models aroused bite of huge fish. 2. Excellent spinning action makes them excellent fish catchers. 3. With different colors and shapes, very suitable for various fishing conditions. 4. Suitable for ocean boat fishing, ocean beach fishing, lakes, rivers, etc. 5. The packaging box makes it easier to use and re?storage. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Fishing Lures Quantity: 10pcs/Box Use: Suitable for ocean boat fishing, ocean beach fishing, lakes, rivers, etc. Package List: 10 x Fishing Lures

TOMTOP JMS 6pcs Screw Tap Drill Bits Kit 6542 High Speed Steel M10 M8 M6 M5 M4 M3 Tapping ToolsShort Type

21.32 EUR
Feature: 1. 6542 high?speed steel material, higher hardness and more durable, can even be used for drilling 2mm 304 steel plates. 2. With titanium coating, anti?rust and anti?corrsion, ensures long service life, reliable to use. 3. Total 6pcs of taps in different sizes of M10M8M6M5M4M3, can be used for tapping various threads. 4. Use an electric drill to complete drilling, tapping and deburringreaming in one operation, saving labor and time. 5. Suitable for drilling certain types of carbon steel and ordinary steel, copper and aluminummagnesium alloys. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Screw Tap Material: 6542 High Speed Steel Color: As picture shownSpecification: M10M8M6M5M4M3. Package List: 6 x Screw Tap6542 high?speed steel material, higher hardness and more durable, can even be used for drilling 2mm 304 steel plates. With titanium coating, anti?rust and anti?corrsion, ensures long service life, reliable to use. Total 6pcs of taps in different sizes of M10M8M6M5M4M3, can be used for tapping various threads. Use an electric drill to complete drilling, tapping and deburringreaming in one operation, saving labor and time. Suitable for drilling certain types of carbon steel and ordinary steel, copper and aluminummagnesium alloys.

TOMTOP JMS 105Pcs T Nut Tee Nuts M4?M10 Galvanized Carbon Steel Assortment Set Kit for Maintenance

20.74 EUR
Feature: 1. Various Sizes: Including 20pcs M4 T nut, 20pcs M5 T nut, 30pcs M6 T nut, 30pcs M8 T nut, and 5pcs M10 T nut. 2. Firmer Fixing: 4 pronged tips along with clear thread ensures firm fixing without slipping, very reliable. 3. Broad Utility: Allows for flexible application in repair, construction, sheet metal, woodworking and so on. 4. Good Material: Galvanized carbon steel has great durability against corrosion, oxidation and long term use. 5. Easy to Carry: Comes with light weight and compact size, the tee nut assortment is very convenient to carry. Specification: Item Type: T Nut Product Model: M4, M5, M6, M8, M10. Material: Carbon Steel T Nut Model M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 Thread Diameter (Approx.) 3mm 0.12in 4mm 0.16in 5mm 0.2in 6mm 0.24in 8mm 0.31in 10mm 0.39in Height (Approx.) 6.1mm 0.24in 6.9mm 0.27in 7.8mm 0.31in 8mm 0.31in 8.2mm 0.32in 11mm 0.43in Total Length (Approx.) 12mm 0.47in 14.8mm 0.58in 15.3mm 0.6in 16.2mm 0.64in 18.1mm 0.71in 22.8mm 0.9in . Package List: 20 x M4 T Nut20 x M5 T Nut30 x M6 T Nut30 x M8 T Nut5 x M10 T NutVarious Sizes: Including 20pcs M4 T nut, 20pcs M5 T nut, 30pcs M6 T nut, 30pcs M8 T nut, and 5pcs M10 T nut. Firmer Fixing: 4 pronged tips along with clear thread ensures firm fixing without slipping, very reliable. Broad Utility: Allows for flexible application in repair, construction, sheet metal, woodworking and so on. Good Material: Galvanized carbon steel has great durability against corrosion, oxidation and long term use. Easy to Carry: Comes with light weight and compact size, the tee nut assortment is very convenient to carry.

TOMTOP JMS 660Pcs Flat Washer 304 Stainless Steel M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 Assortment Accessory Set Kit

20.27 EUR
Feature: 1. Various Sizes: Has 660pcs flat washers in M3, M4, M5, M6, M8 and M10 sizes, meeting your various work needs. 2. Good Material: Adopting 304 stainless steel material, very durable with wearing, corrosion and long term use. 3. Broad Utility: Suits perfectly for indoor decoration, outdoor construction, electrical maintenance and so on. 4. Simple Storage: The storage box will store all the washers in an orderly way, thus no worrying about losing. 5. Easy Carrying: Comes with light weight and compact size, the carrying is very convenient for your daily work. Specification: Item Type: Flat Washer Material: Stainless Steel Specification and Model: Model M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 Quantity 300 150 80 70 30 30 . Package List: 660 x Flat Washer Note: Keep away from children, and match the appropriate size before use. Various Sizes: Has 660pcs flat washers in M3, M4, M5, M6, M8 and M10 sizes, meeting your various work needs. Good Material: Adopting 304 stainless steel material, very durable with wearing, corrosion and long term use. Broad Utility: Suits perfectly for indoor decoration, outdoor construction, electrical maintenance and so on. Simple Storage: The storage box will store all the washers in an orderly way, thus no worrying about losing. Easy Carrying: Comes with light weight and compact size, the carrying is very convenient for your daily work.

TOMTOP JMS 10 Pcs Guitar Files Kit Multi Purpose Metal Guitar Nut Fret Needle File Luthier Musician Repair

17.73 EUR
Feature: 1. 10 PCS SET: This set comes in 10 different shapes of repair needle files, which can meet various requirements for guitar parts. 2. MULTI PURPOSE: Guitar needle file Set is designed to file and shape various guitar parts, such as nuts, saddles, pickups, etc. 3. METAL MADE: These guitar nut fret files are made of metal material, which is sturdy and has long lasting performance. 4. ERGONOMIC DESIGN: The files have anti slip handle, providing a comfortable grip, reducing fatigue, and allowing for long term work. 5. COMPACT SIZE: The guitar files are compact, lightweight, and easy to carry and use, making them ideal for luthiers and musicians for repair work. Specification: Item Type: Guitar Files Kit Material: Metal. Package List: 10 x Guitar Files10 PCS SET: This set comes in 10 different shapes of repair needle files, which can meet various requirements for guitar parts. MULTI PURPOSE: Guitar needle file Set is designed to file and shape various guitar parts, such as nuts, saddles, pickups, etc. METAL MADE: These guitar nut fret files are made of metal material, which is sturdy and has long lasting performance. ERGONOMIC DESIGN: The files have anti slip handle, providing a comfortable grip, reducing fatigue, and allowing for long term work. COMPACT SIZE: The guitar files are compact, lightweight, and easy to carry and use, making them ideal for luthiers and musicians for repair work.

TOMTOP JMS 10Pcs Luminous Three Eyes Thread Tent Peg Nails Outdoor Camping Board Screw Plastic Tip

19.6 EUR
Feature: 1. With luminous effect, safe to use at night, and not easy to trip over the tent rope at night. 2. There are three holes in the hook heads that can be used in various places. 3. Very convenient to use on the ground in various situations. 4. Luminous products receive sunlight or light before they emit light. The strong the light, the brighter it is in the dark. It can be recycled. 5. Environmentally friendly materials, safe to use. 6. Lightweight and mini size, it is convenient to carry outsides. Specification: Condition: 100percent brand newItem type: Luminous Three Eyes Threaded NailMaterial: Luminous plastic heads + stainless steelColor: As picture shownSize: Approx. 65x55x30mm/2.6x2.2x1.2inWeight: Approx. 91g . Package List: 10 x Luminous Three Eyes Threaded Nail

TOMTOP JMS 8Pcs Wood Plug Cutter Tapered Claw Drill Bit Carpentry 6mm 10mm 13mm 16mm Cutting Tool

16.92 EUR
Feature: 1. The set includes 4 standard plug punches and 4 four?tooth chamfer punches to meet your various needs. 2. Four?tooth chamfered hole punches make tapered plugs to fill countersinks, while standard hole punches are used to eliminate defects in wood. 3. It is made of high carbon steel material, which is sturdy and durable, not easy to wear and has a long service life. 4. Suitable for bench drills and electric drills, more suitable for bench drills, better positioning your needs. 5. Small, and light in weight, maks it easy to carry, and brings you more convenience. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand NewItem Type: Wood Plug Cutter .Material: HighCarbon Steel Color: As the Picture ShownHandle: Round Handle Shank Diameter: Approx. 10mm0.4in Drill Bit Specifications: Approx. 6mm, 10mm, 13mm, 16mm (14, 38, 12, 58in) Applicable: Suitable for bench drill and electric drill, recommended bench drill, easy to center Package List: 8 x Wood Plug Cutter Note: Speed should not be too fast, otherwise easy to produce smoke, blackened and other conditions.The set includes 4 standard plug punches and 4 four?tooth chamfer punches to meet your various needs. Four?tooth chamfered hole punches make tapered plugs to fill countersinks, while standard hole punches are used to eliminate defects in wood. It is made of high carbon steel material, which is sturdy and durable, not easy to wear and has a long service life. Suitable for bench drills and electric drills, more suitable for bench drills, better positioning your needs. Small, and light in weight, maks it easy to carry, and brings you more convenience.

TOMTOP JMS 10 Pcs Drill Bit Screw Extractor Set Left Hand Titanium Plated Drill Bit Alloy Steel Screw

20.86 EUR
Feature: 1. Easy to use, it can meet the needs of various sizes of cobalt drill bits. 2. High strength and hardness,resistant to aging. 3. With metal case for easy carrying,very portable. 4. Screw extractor are ideal for removing damaged or damaged bolts, screws, fittings, etc. 5. For the manual removal of hex head bolts, studs and internal hex head screws in machines and equipment. Specification: Item Type:Screw Extractor Drill Bit Size:564in 764in 532in 14in 1964in Screw Extractor:#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Package List: 5 x Drill Bit5 x Screw Extractor Note: When using, choose a drill with appropriate specifications, drill a small hole in the center of the bolt cross section, then insert the puller into the small hole, and then use the tap wrench or adjustable wrench on the square end of the puller, and Rotate counterclockwise to remove the bolts that are damaged in the machine and equipment.Please note that the new type and old type of this product will be sent randomly, and make sure you will not mind before ordering.Easy to use, it can meet the needs of various sizes of cobalt drill bits. High strength and hardness,resistant to aging. With metal case for easy carrying,very portable. Screw extractor are ideal for removing damaged or damaged bolts, screws, fittings, etc. For the manual removal of hex head bolts, studs and internal hex head screws in machines and equipment.

TOMTOP JMS 10Pcs CNC Lathe Turning Insert Indexable Solid Carbide Blade Cutting Tool MGMN300?M LDA

32.88 EUR
Feature: 1. Made of carbide, it has the characteristics of accuracy manufacturing and durability. 2. The performance of this insert is 30percent higher than that of the same type under the same cutting parts. 3. This product is suitable for processing various steel and heat?resistant alloy materials. 4. The blade lengthis approx. 2cm,and the thickness:is approx. 0.3cm, usually used for turning and finishing on a wide range of materials, 5. Small and light, easy to carry and use, bring you more convenience, and the quantity will meet your needs. Specification: Item Type: CNC Lathe Turning InsertModel: MGMN300M LDA Work: Metal cutting Material: Carbide Type: Turning insert Blade Length: Approx. 2cm 0.8in Thickness: Approx. 0.3cm 0.1in. Package List: 10 x CNC Lathe Turning InsertMade of carbide, it has the characteristics of accuracy manufacturing and durability. The performance of this insert is 30percent higher than that of the same type under the same cutting parts. This product is suitable for processing various steel and heat?resistant alloy materials. The blade lengthis approx. 2cm,and the thickness:is approx. 0.3cm, usually used for turning and finishing on a wide range of materials, Small and light, easy to carry and use, bring you more convenience, and the quantity will meet your needs.

TOMTOP JMS Trolleys Wheel Hardware Parts 304 Stainless Steel Bracket M10 2 Inch Dark Gray Wear Resistant

26.76 EUR
Feature: 1. To promote laborsaving and keep silent sliding, such chair wheel can be nonslip and wearresistant. 2. Good quality stainless steel bracket keeps high hardness, which can also supports high practicality. 3. Used with confidence, such rod wheel is fit for various occasions, depends on its guaranteed quality. 4. Caster wheel can be applicable to the pallet wheels, trolleys, logistics trolleys, etc. 5. Impact resistance wheel is manufactured by polypropylene material, which supports weight resistance, acid and alkali resistance and fatigue resistance, etc. Specification: Item Type: Trolleys wheel Wheel Diameter: Approx. 50mm 2inch Thickness: Approx. 25mm 1in Installation Height: Approx. 110mm 4.3in Installation Hole Distance: Approx. 52 x 36mm 2 x 1.4in Aperture: Approx. 7mm 0.3in Single Bearing Weight: 50kg Weight: Approx. 250 g 8.8 oz Color: Dark gray Scope of Application: Pallet wheels, trolleys, logistics trolleys, etc. . Package List: 1 x Trolleys WheelTo promote laborsaving and keep silent sliding, such chair wheel can be nonslip and wearresistant. Good quality stainless steel bracket keeps high hardness, which can also supports high practicality. Used with confidence, such rod wheel is fit for various occasions, depends on its guaranteed quality. Caster wheel can be applicable to the pallet wheels, trolleys, logistics trolleys, etc. Impact resistance wheel is manufactured by polypropylene material, which supports weight resistance, acid and alkali resistance and fatigue resistance, etc.

TOMTOP JMS 10Pcs Hex Socket Set with Strong Magnetic Chrome Vanadium Steel Accessories 10mm

17.85 EUR
Feature: 1. The product has a high degree of occlusion, reduces the degree of screw damage, and is not easy to fall off. 2. Overall high temperature quenching heat treatment, large torsion, wearresistant and durable, with high hardness. 3. High hardness and long service life, suitable for various places such as maintenance and installation. 4. With magnetism, is mainly used to install or remove hex screws and hex nuts. 5. An essential tool for DIY, auto repair industry, construction and decoration, etc. Specification: Item Type: Hex SocketMaterial: Chrome vanadium steel Shank Diameter: Approx. 6.35mm 0.3in Inner Diameter: Approx. 10mm 0.4in Length: Approx. 65mm 2.6in. Package List: 10 x Hex SocketThe product has a high degree of occlusion, reduces the degree of screw damage, and is not easy to fall off. Overall high temperature quenching heat treatment, large torsion, wearresistant and durable, with high hardness. High hardness and long service life, suitable for various places such as maintenance and installation. With magnetism, is mainly used to install or remove hex screws and hex nuts. An essential tool for DIY, auto repair industry, construction and decoration, etc.

TOMTOP JMS 10pcs Set Professional Hair Styling Combs Salon Barber Combs for Different Functions

15.28 EUR
Features: Made of topquality material, antistatic, heat resistant, anticorrosion, antiacid and alkali. 10 pcs set: Various combs for different hairstyles. Make hair smooth and protect hair from pulling. They can be used on any type of hairs regardless thin or thick hair. They have a good grip to ensure no slippery while working with wet hair or while coloring hair. Easy to clean and comfortable to use. Perfect for professional salon use. Specification: Item Type: Professional Hair Comb Material: Plastic Item Color: As Pictures Shown Package Weight: Approx. 145 g Package Include: 10 * Professional Hair Combs Made of topquality material, antistatic, heat resistant, anticorrosion, antiacid and alkali 10 pcs set: Various combs for different hairstyles. Make hair smooth and protect hair from pulling They can be used on any type of hairs regardless thin or thick hair They have a good grip to ensure no slippery while working with wet hair or while coloring hair Easy to clean and comfortable to use. Perfect for professional salon use

TOMTOP JMS Boat Deck Access Hatch TransparentCover White Round ABS Plate for RV Marine Yacht(4in10.16cm )

17.76 EUR
Feature: 1. It is ideal for accessing various storage areas on board and checks fuel pipes, electrical, indicator cables and controls and access to the engine. 2. Its opening is easy, because you only need to open 90 degrees to the left, and it automatically ejected due to its special design thread. 3. Produced by ABS materials, anti?aging, corrosion, and ultraviolet. Used to increase resistance to sunlight, water and salt. 4. Rugged design with surface with pre?countersunk holes (excluding screws). Tighten the rubber O?ring creates tight sealing to prevent water leakage. 5. A separate cover plate and chassis, has a surface that allows horizontal and vertical mounting, easy to install. 6. Transparent cover, internal conditions can be directly observed to make adjustments. Specification: Item Type: Boat Deck Access Hatch Material: ABS Color: White + Transparent Function: Provide a great solution to easily access, transparent cover, easy to disassemble, directly observe internal conditions, Compatible: Used for marine yacht access hatch. Package List: 1 x Boat Deck Access HatchIt is ideal for accessing various storage areas on board and checks fuel pipes, electrical, indicator cables and controls and access to the engine. Its opening is easy, because you only need to open 90 degrees to the left, and it automatically ejected due to its special design thread. Produced by ABS materials, anti?aging, corrosion, and ultraviolet. Used to increase resistance to sunlight, water and salt. Rugged design with surface with pre?countersunk holes (excluding screws). Tighten the rubber O?ring creates tight sealing to prevent water leakage. A separate cover plate and chassis, has a surface that allows horizontal and vertical mounting, easy to install.

TOMTOP JMS 10Pcs Mini Musical Eggs Colorful Hand Plastic Egg Shakers Percussion Musical Instrument Toy

18.44 EUR
Feature: 1. [10PCS IN 1 SET] Including 10pcs musical eggs, with various different colors, exquisite and interesting. 2. [PLASTIC MATERIAL] Made of excellent plastic materials, light weight, wear resistant, and long service life. 3. [RHYTHM TRAINING] Can emit a soft and full voice, can cultivate children sense of rhythm and early education talent. 4. [COMPACT SIZES] These plastic egg shakers are compact in size, convenient for children to hold and use. 5. [GLOSSY SURFACE] These musical eggs have glossy appearance without cracks and will not hurt hands when used. Specification: Item Type: Musical Eggs Material: Plastic. Package List: 10 x Musical Eggs

Vis à pouce moletées en alliage d'aluminium M3, 1/5/10 pièces, boulons de poignée L = 5/8/10/12/15mm

48.96 EUR
M4 Knurled Thumb Screws Hand Grip Knob Bolts Aluminium Alloy Various ColoursFeatures--Material: Stainless steel + aluminium alloy--Thread diameter?M4--Thread length?40/45/50/55/60mm--Pitch? 0.7 mm--Colour?Royal blue / Green / Golden / Dark Red / Black / Silver / Purple / Rose Red / Sky blue / OrangePackage included: according to your choice. Select your requirements from the drop down menu above.

TOMTOP JMS 150pcs Zinc Alloy Rivet Nut Insert Nut Set M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 Hardware Accessories

22.08 EUR
Feature: 1. Galvanized surface treatment, prevent damage and fade, good anti?oxidation function. 2. 6 different types of nut meet your different needs. 3. The nut is exquisite in workmanship and clear in threads. 4. Suitable for the fastening field of various metal plates and pipes and other manufacturing industries. 5. It is widely used in the assembly of electromechanical and light industrial products such as automobiles, elevators, switches, instruments, furniture, and decoration. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Rivet Nut Product Model: M3456810 Material: Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Color: As Pictures Shown Weight: Approx. 410.0g. Package List: 40 x M3 Rivet Nut40 x M4 Rivet Nut30 x M5 Rivet Nut20 x M6 Rivet Nut15 x M8 Rivet Nut5 x M10 Rivet Nut Note: 1. Please allow 13cm error due to manual measurement. Thanks for your understanding.2. Monitors are not calibrated same, item color displayed in photos may be showing slightly different from the real object. Please take the real one as standard.Galvanized surface treatment, prevent damage and fade, good anti?oxidation function. 6 different types of nut meet your different needs. The nut is exquisite in workmanship and clear in threads. Suitable for the fastening field of various metal plates and pipes and other manufacturing industries. It is widely used in the assembly of electromechanical and light industrial products such as automobiles, elevators, switches, instruments, furniture, and decoration.

TOMTOP JMS 175pcs Box Aluminum Rivet Nut Insert Nut Accessory Set M3 4 5 6 8 10 12

24.62 EUR
Feature: 1. Various specifications of aluminum nuts to meet various needs. 2. It is widely used in the assembly of electromechanical and light industrial products such as automobiles, elevators, switches, instruments, furniture, and decoration. 3. Made of high quality aluminum material, safe and eco?friendly, firm and durable. 4. The nut is exquisite in workmanship and clear in threads. 5. Equipped with a box for storage, easy to carry when going out. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Rivet Nut Material: Aluminum Model: M345681012. Package List: 25 x M12 Rivet Nut25 x M10 Rivet Nut25 x M8 Rivet Nut25 x M6 Rivet Nut25 x M5 Rivet Nut25 x M4 Rivet Nut25 x M3 Rivet NutVarious specifications of aluminum nuts to meet various needs. It is widely used in the assembly of electromechanical and light industrial products such as automobiles, elevators, switches, instruments, furniture, and decoration. Made of high quality aluminum material, safe and eco?friendly, firm and durable. The nut is exquisite in workmanship and clear in threads. Equipped with a box for storage, easy to carry when going out.

TOMTOP JMS 10Pcs 1.6mm Machine Reamer High Speed Steel Straight Shank Chucking Reamer Tool Accessories

27.38 EUR
Feature: 1. Made of high?speed steel, sturdy and durable, not easy to damage, long service life 2. It is suitable for a variety of equipment processing with a wide range of applications. 3. The product has strong hardness and is suitable for various drilling processes. 4. Easy to install and use, you can directly replace old or damaged parts with new ones. 5. The upper limit of the hole tolerance that the machine reamer can up to H7(mm). Specification: Item Type: Reamer Material: HSS Product Diameter: Approx. 1.6mm0.06in Achievable Hole Tolerance Upper Limit (mm): H7 Series: Machine Reamers Whether Coated: NonCoated . Package List: 10 x ReamerMade of high?speed steel, sturdy and durable, not easy to damage, long service life It is suitable for a variety of equipment processing with a wide range of applications. The product has strong hardness and is suitable for various drilling processes. Easy to install and use, you can directly replace old or damaged parts with new ones. The upper limit of the hole tolerance that the machine reamer can up to H7(mm).

TOMTOP JMS 200Pcs for Metric Flattop Vertical Grain Pull Riveting Nut M3?M10 Galvanized Rivet Nut Set

21.64 EUR
Feature: 1. The surface is galvanized to prevent surface damage and fading, and anti?oxidation. 2. Suitable for the fastening field of various metal plates, pipes and other manufacturing industries. 3. Widely used in the assembly of electromechanical and light industrial products such as automobiles, elevators, switches, meters, furniture, decorations, etc. 4. Professional manufacturing, stable performance and high reliability. 5. With 6 different types, meet your different needs. Specification: Condition: 100percent brand newItem type: Rivet NutMaterial: Galvanized carbon steelColor: As picture shownWeight: Approx. 450g Product model: M3456810 . Package List: 65 x Pull riveting vertical grain nut M355 x Pull riveting vertical grain nut for M435 x Pull riveting vertical grain nut for M525 x Pull riveting vertical grain nut M615 x Pull riveting vertical grain nut M85 x Pull riveting vertical grain nut M10The surface is galvanized to prevent surface damage and fading, and anti?oxidation. Suitable for the fastening field of various metal plates, pipes and other manufacturing industries. Widely used in the assembly of electromechanical and light industrial products such as automobiles, elevators, switches, meters, furniture, decorations, etc. Professional manufacturing, stable performance and high reliability. With 6 different types, meet your different needs.

TOMTOP JMS 10PCS Flocking Hanger Clips Non Slip Velvet A Clip for Pants Skirt Business Suit Socks(Black )

18.09 EUR
Feature: 1. Multiple uses, you can use these flocking clips to hold your pants, skirts, ties, scarves, etc. 2. These flocking clips will protect your clothes and will not be damaged. Adjust the clip spacing to suit various sizes and styles of clothes. 3. These clips are made of flocking material, the surface is covered with velvet material, environmental protection. 4. The sturdy non?slip teeth hold your clothes firmly, never deform or rust, durable and can withstand daily use. 5. It is very suitable for your wardrobe, and the packing quantity is 10pcs, which can meet the needs of most families. Specification: Item Type: Hanger Clips Material: Flocking+Velvet Color: Black Weight: Approx. 159g / 5.6oz . Package List: 10 x Hanger Clips Note: 1. Because there is resistance between velvet and velvet, please do not move the flocking clip frequently, so as not to damage the velvet on the velvet hanger. If you want to change the position of the clips on the hanger, just take out the clips and connect them to another location.2. Monitors are not calibrated same, item color displayed in photos may be showing slightly different from the real object. Please take the real one as standard.

TOMTOP JMS Desktop Storage Basket Transparent Green Acrylic Storage Bin for Skincare Products Cosmetics M M (23x16x10.2cm/9.06x6.30x4.02in)

27.89 EUR
Feature: 1. [Ample Capacity] This desktop storage basket offers ample storage space for various items, allowing you to keep your desktop tidy and organized effortlessly. 2. [Versatile Design] Ideal for organizing and storing skincare products, cosmetics, and more, this acrylic storage basket provides a practical solution for your storage needs. 3. [Transparent Appearance] With its transparent design, this storage bin allows for clear visibility of the contents, making it easy to locate and access items quickly. 4. [Sturdy Acrylic Material] Crafted from acrylic material, this desktop organizer boasts a lightweight yet luxurious design, adding a touch of elegance to your work or living space. 5. [Convenient Handle] Designed with convenient handling holes at both ends, this storage basket is easy to grip and move around, can be placed anywhere. Specification: Item Type: Desktop Storage Basket Material: Acrylic Color: Clear Green Weight: Approx. 500.00g / 17.64oz. Package List: 1 x Desktop Storage Basket

Vis à pouce moletées en alliage d'aluminium M3, 1/5/10 pièces, boulons de poignée L = 5/8/10/12/15mm

53.16 EUR
Knurled Thumb Screws M4 Aluminium Alloy Hand Grip Knob Bolts Various ColoursFeatures--Material: Stainless steel + aluminium alloy--Thread diameter?M4--Thread length?65/70/75/80/85mm--Pitch? 0.7 mm--Colour?Royal blue / Green / Golden / Dark Red / Black / Silver / Purple / Rose Red / Sky blue / OrangePackage included: according to your choice. Select your requirements from the drop down menu above.

TOMTOP JMS 10Pcs CNC Insert Lathe Turning Tool Blade Cemented Carbide KNUX160405R?11 LF6018

49.37 EUR
Feature: 1. Made of high quality cemented carbide material with accurate manufacturing, strong and durable 2. 30percent higher performance is improved than the same type under the same cutting conditions 3. Very suitable for processing various steel and heat?resistant alloy materials 4. CNC insert turning blade come with high hardness, which is specially designed for metal cutting 5. The lathe turning blade possess superior performance, improve work efficiency, save time and labor Specification: Item Type: CNC Insert Model: KNUX160405R11 LF6018 Work: Metal cutting Material: Cemented carbide Type: Turning insert Blade Length: Approx. 2.6cm 1in Thickness: Approx. 0.5cm 0.2in. Package List: 10 x CNC InsertMade of high quality cemented carbide material with accurate manufacturing, strong and durable 30percent higher performance is improved than the same type under the same cutting conditions Very suitable for processing various steel and heat?resistant alloy materials CNC insert turning blade come with high hardness, which is specially designed for metal cutting The lathe turning blade possess superior performance, improve work efficiency, save time and labor

TOMTOP JMS MTB2 ER25 MT2 Taper Shank Collet Chuck CNC Milling Cutter Tool Holder M10 Thread

23.97 EUR
Feature: 1. High quality MTB2 ER25(M10) collet chuck. 2. Made of 45# steel material, strong and durable, stable and reliable. 3. Metric M10 connection thread, applicable for various milling machines. 4. Hardened and precision ground for increased machining accuracy. 5. Long shank fits for deep processing, resolve the needs of extending the depth of processing. Specification: Item Type: Collet ChuckSpecification: MTB2 ER25(M10) Material: 45# SteelConnection Rod: MT2Nut: ER25Thread: M10 . Package List: 1 x Collet ChuckHigh quality MTB2 ER25(M10) collet chuck. Made of 45# steel material, strong and durable, stable and reliable. Metric M10 connection thread, applicable for various milling machines. Hardened and precision ground for increased machining accuracy. Long shank fits for deep processing, resolve the needs of extending the depth of processing.

TOMTOP JMS 10in Swimming Pool Skimmer Cover Replacement Skimmer Lid Plastic Skimmer Accessories for PENTAIR

20.56 EUR
Feature: 1. [Durable Material] Made of high quality plastic materials, which is durable, wear resistant, and can be used for a long time. 2. [Simple To Install] The pool skimmer lid is easy to install and can directly replace old and damaged ones, to meet your various need. 3. [High Reliability] With high reliability and exquisite workmanship, it is a practical accessory for swimming pool, so you can use it with confidence. 4. [With Two Screw Holes] There are two screw holes on the swimming pool skimmer cover side for easy fixation (screws are not included). 5. [Fitment] This cover is suitable for PENTAIR, which is the ideal choice for swimming pool skimmer, and perfectly compatible. Specification: Item Type: Skimmer Basket Cover Material: Plastic Application: Swimming pool Applicable Machine: Fit for PENTAIR Product Diameter: Approx. 25cm / 10in Weight: Approx. 282g / 9.9oz. Package List: 1 x Skimmer Basket Cover

Roulement Max 6900v Llu 10x22x6 Cb435 Cb-435

17.21 EUR
Applications: Frame (suspension pivot): Various brands

TOMTOP JMS 3D Printer Extruder Kit All Metal High Concentricity 9.5:1 Gear Ratio Extruder Kit for CR10 Ender 3

36.35 EUR
Feature: 1. COMPATIBILITY WITH VARIOUS FILAMENTS: Prints PLA, ABS, PETG, TPU, PP, PC, Nylon, PEEK, PEI and other 1.75mm filaments. Ideal for a wide range of printing materials. 2. ENHANCED PRINTING QUALITY: Powerful 9.5:1 gear ratio provides quick strong driving force, exceeding 60N extrusion force. Accurate gear ratio reduces slippage and wear, supporting up to 180mms printing speed for stable output. 3. VERSATILE FILAMENT COMPATIBILITY: Easily switch between long and short distance printing with this extruder kit, meeting diverse printing needs. 4. IMPROVED TORSION AND ACCURACY: Larger gear ratio for higher torsion, exceptional concentricity, all metal CNC machined parts ensure superior accuracy and longevity. 5. COMPATIBLE WITH VARIOUS 3D PRINTERS: Designed for easy installation on popular models like for CR10, for End 3, for CR6, for Voron, enabling seamless smart manufacturing. Specification: Item Type: Extruder Kit Material: Aluminum Alloy Transmission Ratio: 9.54647:1 Advance Value: 25.12 Pulse: 562 Driving Gear Teeth: 10 Reduction Gear Teeth: 44 Extrusion Gear Teeth: 37 Mounting Hole: 2 to Diameter 3.1, center distance 43.5 Support Filament Spec: Diameter Approx. 1.75mm 0.07in. Package List: 1 x Extruder KitCOMPATIBILITY WITH VARIOUS FILAMENTS: Prints PLA, ABS, PETG, TPU, PP, PC, Nylon, PEEK, PEI and other 1.75mm filaments. Ideal for a wide range of printing materials. ENHANCED PRINTING QUALITY: Powerful 9.5:1 gear ratio provides quick strong driving force, exceeding 60N extrusion force. Accurate gear ratio reduces slippage and wear, supporting up to 180mms printing speed for stable output. VERSATILE FILAMENT COMPATIBILITY: Easily switch between long and short distance printing with this extruder kit, meeting diverse printing needs. IMPROVED TORSION AND ACCURACY: Larger gear ratio for higher torsion, exceptional concentricity, all metal CNC machined parts ensure superior accuracy and longevity. COMPATIBLE WITH VARIOUS 3D PRINTERS: Designed for easy installation on popular models like for CR10, for End 3, for CR6, for Voron, enabling seamless smart manufacturing.

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-04-15m

23.27 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

Roulement 6201 2rs 12x32x10 Cb078 Cb-078

15.6 EUR
Applications: Hub / wheel: Various brands Frame (suspension pivot): Various brands

Roulement Mr16100 2rs 10x28x8 Cb066 Cb-066

16.28 EUR
Applications: Hub / wheel: DT Swiss and various other brands

Paracorde À 7 Sante,Ulde Parachute,Lanière,Canadisme,Camping,Survie,5m,10m,15m,30m,550 - Type Z-01-15m

23.27 EUR
La livraison effective est soumise au la première image prévaudra; En raison de trop de styles,Les autres photos sont pour référence seulement,Si vous spécifiez les spécifications et les couleurs, Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également nous contacter.·Origine:CN (Origine);·color:Various colors available;

TOMTOP JMS 10Pcs CNC Insert Lathe Turning Blade Tool Cemented Carbide TCMT16T308 LF6018 Industrial Supplies

40.04 EUR
Feature: 1. Using high quality cemented carbide material with accurate manufacturing, strong and durable 2. 30percent higher cutting performance is improved than the same type under the same conditions 3. The product is used for processing various steel and heat?resistant alloy materials 4. CNC insert turning blade is specially designed for metal cutting with high hardness 5. Superior performance lathe turning blade improves work efficiency, save time and labor Specification: Item Type: CNC Insert Model: TCMT16T308 LF6018 Work: Metal cutting Material: Cemented carbide Type: Turning insert Blade Length: Approx. 1.5cm 0.6in Thickness: Approx. 0.4cm 0.2in. Package List: 10 x CNC InsertUsing high quality cemented carbide material with accurate manufacturing, strong and durable 30percent higher cutting performance is improved than the same type under the same conditions The product is used for processing various steel and heat?resistant alloy materials CNC insert turning blade is specially designed for metal cutting with high hardness Superior performance lathe turning blade improves work efficiency, save time and labor

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 10 - the law of the dollar - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Accused of murder and hated by an entire nation, Largo is hiding in Canada and feeling very much alone. But his friendships are stronger than his circumstances, and soon he's able to counterattack against the various factions that are trying to bring him down. Greedy lawyers, crooked CEOs, murderous accountants, all pitted against the orphan turned billionaire... In the end, only the smartest and strongest will prevail-for such is the Law of the Dollar. Correspond au tome 14 français: La loi du dollar

TOMTOP JMS Gear Motor 12mm Single Shaft Self Locking Reversible Worm Gear Motor with Fixing Base DC24V 10RPM

21.92 EUR
Feature: 1. [12mm Single Shaft] This DC gear motor features a single 12mm shaft, vertically arranged, suitable for various applications. 2. [CW CCW Reversible] The motor is equipped with micro turbine worm, the rotation direction can be changed by changing the wiring connection. 3. [Self Locking Function] The output shaft can be fixed when the power is disconnected, ensuring safety, preventing unintended movement. 4. [Zinc Alloy Casing] The sturdy and long lasting zinc alloy casing ensures reliable protection for the gear motor. 5. [Versatile Applications] Perfectly suited for label printers, remote controlled curtains, automatic stabilizers, BBQ grills, ovens, washing machines and so on. Specification: Item Type: Gear Motor Material: Zinc Alloy Shell Model: JGY 370 Rated Voltage: 24V Bearing: Shaft length approx. 12mm0.47in Output Torsion: Package List: 1 x Gear Motor1 x Fixing Base4 x Screw[12mm Single Shaft] This DC gear motor features a single 12mm shaft, vertically arranged, suitable for various applications. [CW CCW Reversible] The motor is equipped with micro turbine worm, the rotation direction can be changed by changing the wiring connection. [Self Locking Function] The output shaft can be fixed when the power is disconnected, ensuring safety, preventing unintended movement. [Zinc Alloy Casing] The sturdy and long lasting zinc alloy casing ensures reliable protection for the gear motor. [Versatile Applications] Perfectly suited for label printers, remote controlled curtains, automatic stabilizers, BBQ grills, ovens, washing machines and so on.

TOMTOP JMS Android 14 Tablet 10.1 HighClear Screen OctaCore Processor Dual Camera 8GB+256GB Tablet -6004

58.09 EUR
With a highresolution display, our tablet offers crystalclear visuals and vibrant colors. Builtin WiFi and BT support, you can easily connect to the internet, and stay in communication with friends and family, no matter where you are. From the ability to download and use various apps, and access a wide scope of entertainment options, to the convenience of multitasking, our tablet caters to all your needs, whether it s for work or playing.? Features: HighPerformance: The tablet is powered by an OctaCore processor and Android 14 for stable performance in both daily use and high computing tasks such as gaming or graphic drawing. Large Storage Capacity: The tablet is equipped with 8GB + 256GB of storage space, and supports expandable memory to reach 256GB, meeting your daily storage needs for files and applications. Clear Display: The 10.1inch large screen with 1920*1200 highresolution provides a comfortable visual experience for work, study, or entertainment. Supports BTWIFI enabling fast connections. LongLasting: The 8000mAh highcapacity battery provides extended usage time, so you no longer have to worry about running out of power. Stereo speakers offer an immersive sound experience. Multifunctional Configuration: The Android tablets with a lightweight and slim design, feature 5G technology for faster data transfer. Equipped with a clear 800W front camera and 1600W rear camera. Specifications: Color: Blue, Gray (Optional) Adapters: EUUSUKAU Type (Optional) Processor: Snapdragon 888, OctaCore Memory: 8GB+256GB Battery: 8000mAh Camera: Front 800W; Rear 1600W Item Size: 23.5 * 15.8 * 0.8cm9.25 * 6.22 * 0.31in Item Weight: 500g17.64oz Package Size: 29 * 20 * 5.3cm11.42 * 7.87 * 2.09in Package Weight: 850g29.98oz Packing List: 1*Tablet 1*Charging Cable 1*Manual 1*Adapters

Sega Drive Chargeur Sans Fil Pour Apple Iphone 11/11 Pro, Samsung S21

21.29 EUR
Vous cherchez un accessoire de téléphone qui vous fera revenir aux bons vieux jours de jeu rétro Obtenez ce tapis de chargement sans fil et montrez votre statut de joueur rétro d'élite avec un design inspiré du contrôleur classique SEGA Drive Chargeur rapide sans fil Qi 10 W et protection intégrée contre les surcharges et les surchauffes. Chargez instantanément votre téléphone ou vos écouteurs en les plaçant au centre du tapis de chargement. Plus besoin de brancher et de débrancher les câbles de charge. Compatible avec iPhone, Samsung et autres appareils équipés d'un chargeur sans fil Qi. Produit SEGA - Conçu et fabriqué par Numskull.