SEGA Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (Xbox One & Xbox Series X S) United States

19.99 EUR
Important Notice: Please, make sure that your IP is LOCATED in UNITED STATES during the key activation. After a successful activation, the game will be avail...

Tasse Army Air Force U.S. Air Force Tasse À Café Vaisselle Drôle Poterie Noire Gobelet Thé Tasse De Petit Déjeuner Tasse Cadeau D'anniversaire De Mode Cadeau De Couple Tasse Créative 330 Ml

24.99 EUR
Produit : Mug bicolore. Materiau : Ceramique. Dimensions : 8,4 cm x 9,5 cm. 330 ml. Caracteristiques - 1. La bouche de cette tasse coloree est ronde et lisse, le fond de la tasse est lisse et brillant, la courbe du corps de la tasse est lisse et le revetement est ferme et ne se decolore pas. 2. Resistance aux hautes temperatures. Haute qualite, durable et facile d'entretien. Le cafe peut etre facilement nettoye. Scenarios applicables : adaptes aux maisons, bureaux et divers restaurants, beaux et pratiques. C'est egalement un bon choix comme cadeau d'anniversaire, de Noel et d'Halloween pour les autres. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter et nous vous repondrons dans les 24 heures.

Sega Company Of Heroes 2: The British Forces - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

13.69 EUR
The latest entry in the Company of Heroes 2 series features this iconic Allied army from WWII. Experience a unique tech-tree that challenges the player to balance the constant trade-off between mobility and defense. Surprise opponents with your development choices and an open end game configuration. Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces is the new standalone multiplayer release in this esteemed World War II RTS franchise. It is the perfect entry point into the vibrant Company of Heroes 2 community. Play as the unconquerable Britons and their motley-crew of soldiers! A force remarkable for its diversity, including Englishmen, Scotsmen, Welshmen, Irishmen ¿ representing everyone from the working classes to  the upper class elite of the United Kingdom. Under the leadership of the fiery Sir Winston Churchill, this assorted mix put aside their differences and became the only remaining Western European nation to escape the grip of Axis-dominated Europe, before leading the final offensive with the other Allied Forces. New players will also have access to all pre-existing Company of Heroes 2 maps via auto-match as well as the ability to battle against all other existing factions. The British Army features a brand new set of distinctive tactical gameplay options articulated around a new tech tree including new infantry, team weapons, vehicles, upgrades, commanders with unique abilities and a total of eight new multiplayer maps portraying historic battlefield locations. Battles reach an unprecedented level of authenticity with the addition of motion-captured data for the most common animation sets, which will also enhance all the previously released Company of Heroes 2 armies. By introducing a new faction with a unique playstyle, The British Forces further reinforces Company of Heroes 2 as the most comprehensive World War II platform for RTS fans. Features: UNIQUE PLAYSTYLE: Experience a unique tech-tree that challenges the player to balance the constant trade-off between mobility and defense ¿ basically giving you two factions for the price of one. Surprise your opponents with your development choices and an open end game configuration. DISTINCTIVE UNITS & ABILITIES: From the Churchill Crocodile flamethrower tank to the RAF glider, this new faction introduces new gameplay mechanics with a range of 15 one-of-a-kind units. Meanwhile, the new commanders' abilities revolve around impressive staged events making the most of air raids and artillery. ARMY WITH CHARACTER: An international cast of actors from England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and New-Zealand bring the units to life, with accents ranging from the posh elite to the working class. The writing of the units' audio cues was also given special attention in order to ensure the various regional differences ¿ and rivalries ¿ among the British subjects stand out. IMPROVED MO-CAPPED ANIMATIONS: The battlefield comes to life like never before thanks to motion-captured data for the most common animation set...

Sega Total War: Warhammer Ii - Curse Of The Vampire Coast (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

19.09 EUR
NOTICE: Nécessite le jeu original Total War: Warhammer II pour fonctionner. Total War: WARHAMMER II ? Curse of the Vampire Coast La nuit tombe sur la Lustrie. Debout sur le port, observant la mer à travers la brume qui se rassemble, votre ouïe décerne un son étrange. Les bruits de la jungle s'amenuisent et cèdent leur place à un bruit sourd et moite, semblable à celui d'un gréement pourri tapant sur un mât putride. Le son devient plus assourdissant, et il est maintenant accompagné par un millier de voix haletantes. Un vacarme dans lequel se croisent chants de marin et chants funèbres. D'épouvantables proues percent l'obscurité devant vous et les formes révèlent leurs effroyables natures. Portés par les vents assoiffés, les navires en décomposition et difformes de la Côte Vampire s'apprêtent à jeter l'ancre ! Fuyez. Et ne vous arrêtez pas. Car seul le désespoir vous attend. L'immortel Luthor Harkon est responsable de la conquête d'une partie de la côte orientale de Lustrie. Depuis, c'est un lieu où les morts ont renoncé à leur repos, lançant des expéditions dans la jungle intérieure ou voguant sur Le Grand Océan pour y commettre des actes pirates décomplexée. Mais Harkon, le Grand Amiral fou, n'est pas le seul amiral mort-vivant à avoir fait de la mer son terrain de jeu, employant un équipage de zombies armés de pistolets, des gardes des profondeurs, de sirènes et de mournguls... D'autres seigneurs pirates fendent les vagues à la tête de leurs propres flottes maudites, remplies jusqu'aux plats-bords par des équipages forcés à servir pour l'éternité. Ces tyrans naviguent sur les mers pour piller les richesses et faire couler le sang. Mais maintenant que le vortex d'Ulthuan faiblit, les capitaines commencent à chercher bien plus que de simples trésors... comme le Harpon de métal stellaire enfoui dans les profondeurs, une arme assez puissante pour faire obéir le plus puissant des Wyrms des Mers ! Ce pack de campagne contient : 4 nouveaux Seigneurs légendaires Une nouvelle école de magie : Le Domaine des Profondeurs Un ensemble de nouveaux mécanismes de campagne Un navire unique pouvant être amélioré pour chaque Seigneur légendaire Huit nouveaux Régiments de Renom Un arbre des technologies unique qui déverrouille quatre Seigneurs distincts pour la Côte Vampire Des nouveaux Rôles de Gestion de Flotte à attribuer à vos amiraux morts-vivants pour récompenser leur loyauté Des nouvelles unités : partez à la bataille en commandant d'immenses amalgames, d'effroyables monstres marins aux pinces acérées, des horreurs macabres et des hordes de zombies pirates armés de mousquets ! Les factions de la Côte Vampire sont jouables dans les campagnes L'¿il du Vortex et Empires mortels. Elles ne sont cependant pas concernées par la course au Grand Vortex. Elles ont leurs propres ambitions? Nouveaux éléments et mécanismes de campagne Objectifs Almanar, le tout puissant Wyrm des Mers, a été tiré de son sommeil par les fluctuations du Grand Vortex. Il terrorise les...

Sega Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

19.99 EUR
Dans Yakuza 6, Kazuma Kiryu découvre que l'humain est prêt à tout sacrifier pour sa famille, qu'il s'agisse de liens de sang ou d'une famille choisie, alors qu'il enquête sur une série d'événements nébuleux impliquant la personne la plus chère à son c¿ur. Tout juste sorti d'une peine de trois ans en prison, un Kiryu vieilli et las apprend qu'Haruka, qu'il considère comme sa fille, a disparu de l'orphelinat dont il est le bienfaiteur. La piste le mène à ses anciens quartiers de Kamurocho, où il découvre qu'elle a été happée par une voiture et se trouve depuis plongée dans le coma. Pire, Kiryu apprend qu'Haruka a maintenant un fils dont il doit s'occuper. Poupon en mains, Kiryu se rend au village portuaire d'Onomichi, à Hiroshima, pour faire la lumière sur la situation d'Haruka et de son fils et sur un sinistre secret des yakuzas d'Hiroshima. Du réalisme inégalé du nouvel environnement d'Onomichi, un joli et paisible village portuaire de la préfecture d'Hiroshima, à la plus récente évolution de Kamurocho, le plus grand quartier chaud de Tokyo, Yakuza 6 est l'ultime itération de ce jeu qui mélange une histoire criminelle intense, des combats ultra-explosifs et tous les vices et les distractions qu'on peut trouver dans ces régions. Découvrez le « Dragon Engine » ? Explorez le monde de Yakuza comme jamais. Yakuza 6 est le premier jeu Yakuza de la génération actuelle développé entièrement pour les systèmes modernes; il présente le milieu criminel japonais avec des graphiques détaillés, des animations réalistes, un nouveau moteur physique, des commerces interactifs et des transitions fluides. Explorez la renaissance de Kamurocho et les paysages pittoresques d'Onomichi ? Les lumières hypnotiques, les habitants opportunistes et les distractions hédonistes de Kamurocho sont plus éclatants que jamais. Les mini-jeux repensés, comme le karaoké, les cages d'exercice au bâton, les fléchettes, les hôtesses et l'arcade SEGA, ont été simplifiés pour un plaisir optimal, et les nouveaux divertissements comme le gym RIZAP, le café aux chats et le créateur de clan seront des distractions idéales après une longue nuit à enfoncer des crânes! Mais c'est aussi le moment de laisser de côté l'agitation de la vie urbaine et de jouer aux touristes dans le charmant village d'Onomichi. La paisible communauté côtière propose son lot d'activités locales comme les sorties au bar, la pêche au harpon (imaginez un jeu de tir sur rail bourré d'action... avec des poissons) et bien d'autres! Faites-les tomber comme des mouches ? Le Kiryu de Yakuza 6 est un dur à cuire comme on en n'en fait plus, un vétéran de l'art du combat de rue. Même s'il se concentre sur un seul style de combat dans cet opus, vous pouvez être certain que Kiryu n'épargne rien sur son passage. Les combos dévastateurs et les « Heat Actions » sont de retour, mais cette fois, le Dragon de Dojima peut remplir une jauge afin de passer en mode Extreme Heat. Kiryu adopte alors une aura bleutée et fait déferler des combos...

Sega Total War: Rome Ii - Rise Of The Republic (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

17.29 EUR
Nous sommes en l'an 399 av. J.-C. et Rome est prête à écrire l'Histoire. Cependant, son existence même ne repose que sur un fragile équilibre. La tribu gauloise des Sénons, dirigée par le chef Brennos, vient de s'installer dans l'est de l'Italie. Ce peuple ambitieux et féroce n'est désormais qu'à un lancer de javelot de la république naissante. Le tyran Denys règne d'une main de fer sur Syracuse. Bien qu'il soit en guerre contre Carthage, son regard est tourné de l'autre côté de la Méditerranée, vers ses futures conquêtes. Sous la baguette du grand philosophe et homme d'État Archytas, Táras, au sud de l'Italie, est à l'apogée de sa gloire et de sa puissance. L'ascension fulgurante de Rome est bien évidemment source d'inquiétude... Peut-être faudrait-il envisager une intervention militaire ? Pendant ce temps, Marcus Furius Camillus convoite le titre et les pouvoirs de Dictateur. Ses projets pour Rome sont certes fabuleux, mais survivront-ils aux manigances des voisins de la toute jeune république ? Un tournant de l'histoire, une période faite de menaces... et d'opportunités. Le temps de la République est arrivé. Total War: ROME II ? Rise of the Republic est un nouveau pack de campagne qui retrace les événements marquants qui ont entouré l'histoire de Rome au cours du IVe siècle av. J.-C. La campagne se déroule sur une carte détaillée d'Italie comprenant la Sicile, la Sardaigne, la Corse et Carthage, et elle y dépeint les événements tumultueux qui ont abouti à la seconde fondation de Rome. Rise of the Republic sortira en même temps que la mise à jour Ancestrale, qui marquera notamment le retour de l'un des aspects préférés des joueurs, l'arbre généalogique, dans Total War: Rome II et dans tous ses autres packs de campagne gratuits et premiums. Au programme de Rise of the Republic: Une campagne entière pour Total War: Rome II se déroulant au IVe siècle av. J.-C. Une toute nouvelle carte de campagne, faisant la part belle au territoire intérieur d'Italie et à ses états voisins. Neuf factions jouables : Rome ? une république en plein essor, vulnérable et entourée d'ennemis. Tarquinia ? le puissant et influent état étrusque. Les Sénons ? une tribu gauloise cisalpine qui ne rêve que de pillages. Les Insubres ? une tribu gauloise passée maître dans l'art de la gestion et la diplomatie. Les Samnites ? un état italique qui représentait une menace pour Rome durant le IVe siècle av. J.-C. Táras ? une cité-État grecque fondée par les Spartiates. Syracuse ? une métropole grecque de Sicile, et le bastion contre les forces de Carthage. Les Ilienses ? une tribu indigène sarde. Les Vénètes ? une tribu italique entourée d'ennemis. Une bataille de campagne épique pour la cité de Rome. Grâce aux nouvelles options d'actions gouvernementales, qui remplacent le système de changement de gouvernement des campagnes de ROME II, les factions de Rise of the Republic proposent une rejouabilité unique. Ces options proposent ainsi de nouveaux bonus, chacune ayant son prix. Voici...

Sega Hokuto Ga Gotoku - Ken Le Survivant - Fist Of The North Star Ps4

44.08 EUR
Expédié du Japon (pas de frais suplémentaires, ni de droit de douane). Envoi sécurisé en Suivi dans une enveloppe à bulle. Titre: Hokuto ga Gotoku. Version: japonaise. Console: PlayStation 4. Langue(s) disponible(s): japonaise

U S Dept of the Army U.S. Army Guerrilla Warfare Handbook

15.44 EUR
Brand : SnugPak, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Skyhorse Publishing, Publisher : Skyhorse Publishing, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 264, publicationDate : 2009-01-05, authors : U S Dept of the Army, U. S. Department Of The Army, Department Of The Army, languages : english, ISBN : 1602393745

U S Dept of the Army U.S. Army Special Forces Handbook

18.29 EUR
Brand : Libri in inglese, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Skyhorse Publishing, Publisher : Skyhorse Publishing, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 210, publicationDate : 2008-06-01, authors : U S Dept of the Army, languages : english, ISBN : 1602391262

Master Box Models Alice U.S. Army - Pin-Up Series Kit 3 (124 Scale)

8.79 EUR
This kit is part of new a series in 124 scale which is new for Master Box. The choice of scale for this Pin-up style series is because there is an enormous number of models in 124 scale on the market, but a deficiency of figures in this scale. The series is offered with the aim of making up this deficiency. The kit consists of one sprue with parts that allow creating one figure of a woman. The pose of the woman allows using the figure with any number of models or of creating an independent and very expressive vignette. The figure is performed on a high artistic level and will be a pleasure to assemble. The figure has personal name - Alice.

Ubisoft Chessmaster - The Art Of Learning - Import U.K. Psp

15.46 EUR
Jeu d'échec en Anglais< / b> The world's best program for beginners and advanced players.

Mike Tidwell Bayou Farewell: The Rich Life And Tragic Death Of Louisiana'S Cajun Coast

26.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Pantheon, Publisher : Pantheon, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 368, publicationDate : 2003-03-04, releaseDate : 2003-03-04, authors : Mike Tidwell, ISBN : 0375420762

Kinguin R.U.S.E - The Pack of The Rising Sun DLC Steam CD Key

231.52 EUR
Le Pack of The Rising Sun vous donne l'opportunité de commander l'armée japonaise en modes solo et multijoueur. Vous profiterez également de 28 nouvelles unités et usines dans 3 opérations exclusives dédiées à l'armée impériale japonaise (Gold for the Brave, Ostfriesland et For Honor).

Kinguin R.U.S.E - The Pack of The Rising Sun DLC PC Steam CD Key

227.5 EUR
Le Pack of The Rising Sun vous donne l'opportunité de commander l'armée japonaise en modes solo et multijoueur. Vous profiterez également de 28 nouvelles unités et usines dans 3 opérations exclusives dédiées à l'armée impériale japonaise (Gold for the Brave, Ostfriesland et For Honor).

SEGA Company of Heroes 2 Platinum Edition

3.72 EUR
In the world's darkest hour you are a commander of the Soviet Red Army, entrenched in brutal frontline warfare to free Mother Russia from the Nazi invaders.

SEGA Company of Heroes 2 All Out War Edition

5.62 EUR
In the world's darkest hour you are a commander of the Soviet Red Army, entrenched in brutal frontline warfare to free Mother Russia from the Nazi invaders.

Kinguin Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2 PC Steam CD Key

0.5 EUR
Les anciens dieux sont froids. Calculateur. Toujours en attente. Toujours patient. Endormi vers ce jour où l'apocalypse cosmique fait signe. Et puis quelqu'un doit juste tirer un Leroy Jenkins et commencer à s'amuser tôt. Perry Hollycraft a été appelé hors de "retraite" (c'est-à-dire l'avion de la mort connu sous le nom de Dreamlands) afin de comprendre ce que l'Ancien Dieu a fait quoi, quand et pourquoi. Le reste du panthéon n'est pas trop content que l'apocalypse ait été annoncée tôt. Avec ...

Kinguin Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2 Steam CD Key

0.46 EUR
Les anciens dieux sont froids. Calculateur. Toujours en attente. Toujours patient. Endormi vers ce jour où l'apocalypse cosmique fait signe. Et puis quelqu'un doit juste tirer un Leroy Jenkins et commencer à s'amuser tôt. Perry Hollycraft a été appelé hors de "retraite" (c'est-à-dire l'avion de la mort connu sous le nom de Dreamlands) afin de comprendre ce que l'Ancien Dieu a fait quoi, quand et pourquoi. Le reste du panthéon n'est pas trop content que l'apocalypse ait été annoncée tôt. Avec ...

Sega Company Of Heroes 2 - Victory At Stalingrad (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

10.99 EUR
In the winter of 1942, the Red Army fought valiantly to hold the capital of Stalingrad against a seemingly unstoppable German advance. At great cost and against all odds, the Soviets managed to stop the fascist advance and began their counter attack with Operations Uranus and Little Saturn. The success of this campaign trapped the Wehrmacht's Sixth Army in Stalingrad and won the Red Army a victory that helped turn the tide of the entire war. Take command of the Red Army in a series of scenarios, challenges and battles based on this historic victory. Your strategic decisions will lead the Soviets from the jaws of defeat to a crushing victory. Included in this DLC: Co-Op Scenario: Kalach Pincer KALACH, RUSSIA, USSR. November 1942, Operation Uranus is in full swing. Now, the massive pincer prepares to close on the sleepy hamlet of Kalach-on-the-Don, some 70 kilometers west of Stalingrad.The Soviet 26th Tank Corps attacks from the north, and the 4th Mechanized Corps approaches from the south. Soviet forces must move rapidly to secure key locations and resources about the town before mounting the final attack on the vital bridge across the River Don. Solo Challenge: Tatsinskaya Raid TATSINSKAYA AIRFIELD, RUSSIA, USSR. December 1942, Operation Little Saturn is under way to crush the encircled German forces holding out in Stalingrad, but Luftwaffe air support is keeping the trapped German Sixth Army well supplied.The Red Army's 24th Tank Corps is headed deep into enemy territory. They must take the German airfield at Tatsinskaya and destroy the aircraft there. Solo Challenge: Bridge Defense DON RIVER, RUSSIA, USSR. November 1942, Forced to wait for air units to be ready, the Red Army has had to delay Operation Uranus at the last minute. Irregular and Partisan forces have already moved to secure a key bridge across the Don River and must now hold out against determined German attacks. The Red Army is on its way, but for now the defenders are on their own. AI Battle: Winter Storm NEAR STALINGRAD, RUSSIA, USSR. December 1942, The Wehrmacht has launched Operation Winter Storm in an attempt to relieve their Sixth Army in Stalingrad. Soviet forces must block this attack to prevent the fascists from escaping the city. AI Battle: Stalingrad Resistance STALINGRAD, RUSSIA, USSR. October 1942, War has raged through the city of Stalingrad for over a month now, reducing the city to blown out buildings and smoking ruins. The Soviets defend the city inch by inch, all the while looking to the skies as the German Luftwaffe drops bombs on any target they can find. Co-Op AI Battle: Stalingrad Encirclement STALINGRAD, RUSSIA, USSR. December 1942, Months of bloody close-quarter fighting have led to a decisive turning point for control of Stalingrad. The recently launched Operation Uranus has cut off most of the German 6th Army and left them surrounded in the city. With the German forces now running dangerously low on supplies, the Red Army must repulse a breakout attempt by...

Sega Company Of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

6.49 EUR
During the Spring Rasputitsa in early 1943, the Red Army launched a series of counteroffensives against German lines in the southwest. While initially successful, the Germans regrouped and managed to regain the momentum to recapture Kharkov. Take command of both factions in a series of challenges and battles that feature new environmental conditions; thick mud that impacts vehicle movement and exposes new vulnerabilities. AI Battle: General Mud SOUTHWEST OF KHARKOV, UKRAINE, USSR March 7, 1943, The Germans had been driven back to the Dnieper River, and were forced to regroup and reorganize. However, with the Red Army vastly overextended, the Wehrmacht seized the opportunity to launch a counterattack and regain the upper hand. With the return of Panzergrenadier Division Großdeutschland, push north through Soviet territory towards Kharkov. Challenge: Spring Rasputitsa DONBAS REGION, UKRAINE, USSR February 25, 1943, The spring rasputitsa season has caught the German army off guard. They are poorly equipped to deal with the deep mud and are having trouble mobilizing. Lead an ambush on the German Panzer Division caught up in the mud, and destroy them before the support infantry can free them and they escape. AI Battle: Breaking Lines WEST DONBAS REGION, UKRAINE, USSR February 19, 1943, The Red Army is pushing westwards with Operation Gallop. The German defenders, crippled after their losses at Stalingrad, are retreating to the Dnieper river. On the 19th of February, the Red Army broke through German lines and pushed towards Zaporizhia. With much of the territory under their control, Soviet forces must swiftly search out the remaining pockets of German defenders and destroy them. AI Battle: Retreat to the Donets DONETS RIVER, UKRAINE, USSR March 16, 1943, After Operations Star and Gallop succeeded in pushing the Germans back to the Dnieper River, the Soviets found their advantage quickly collapsing as they again lost the cities of Kharkov and Belgorod. On the back foot, the Red Army retreated to the Donets River. The Soviets must hold the bank of the Donets River against invading German forces on the ground and Luftwaffe attacks from the air. AI Battle: Kharkov Divide NORTH OF KHARKOV, UKRAINE, USSR March, 1943, In their advance towards Kharkov, German forces are ordered towards the north in an attempt to eliminate the remaining pockets of Soviet resistance.The Wehrmacht has deployed their heavy armor to break through the Red Army's defenses in an effort to complete their encirclement. AI Battle: Heavy Rain WEST OF KHARKOV, UKRAINE, USSR March, 1943, After being halted in a bloody battle against the Red Army's defenders, German forces have regrouped and prepare to use the cover of night to break through the enemies defenses and continue their assault into Kharkov. AI Battle: No Retreat, No Surrender SOUTHWEST OF KHARKOV, UKRAINE, USSR March 7, 1943, The Soviets have suddenly found themselves on the defensive, with a reorganized German Army pushing back...

Sega Company Of Heroes: Opposing Fronts (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

19.99 EUR
The next chapter in the #1 rated RTS franchise thrusts players into a hellish war torn landscape to command two battle-hardened armies in relentless campaigns for honor and country. Players lead the tenacious British 2nd Army during the heroic World War II liberation of Caen, France, and command the German Panzer Elite as they struggle to repel the largest airborne invasion in history. Features: Two New Armies: Play as the British 2nd Army or German Panzer Elite, each with devastating command trees options and unit upgrades. Two Full Campaigns: Command the British 2nd Army to liberate the key strategic position of Caen, France. Control the German Panzer Elite to repel the Allied airborne invasion in Operation Market Garden. Real War, Real Battlefields, Real War Enhanced: Mission Persistence, Dynamic Weather Effects, Enhanced Vehicle Tactics and more deliver a new level of realism and all new battlefield tactics. All new Multiplayer Options: Combine Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts with the original Company of Heroes for a total of four playable armies online. Join British artillery with American armor to dominate the 3rd Reich or utilize Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite blitzkrieg tactics to annihilate the Allied invasion. DirectX 10 Support provides the most realistic RTS experience available with enhanced lighting and incredible terrain detail. SEGA. Developed by Relic Entertainment Inc. SEGA, the SEGA logo, Relic Entertainment and Company of Heroes are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

The Secret Life Of Pets Mike Coffee Cups Travel Mug Warmer Tumbler Cup, Customize Art Water Bottle Coffee Cups With Lids 350ml

16.99 EUR
Qu'est-ce qui rend notre tasse à café réutilisable si incroyable?? La tasse à café réutilisable n'est pas seulement écologique, mais elle est également s?re, car elle ne contient aucune trace de BPA, de BPS, de phtalates ou de tout autre produit chimique et toxique que vous pourriez trouver dans les tasses à café en plastique à emporter Quelques autres caractéristiques étonnantes de notre tasse de voyage écologique : 1 Qualité supérieure, durable et facile d'entretien, vous pouvez même laver la tasse à café au lave-vaisselle. 2 Portable, avec un couvercle en silicone de qualité alimentaire et un manchon de protection confortable résistant à la chaleur pour que vous puissiez le transporter partout où vous allez sans vous soucier des accidents ou des déversements. 3 Design cool, la tasse de voyage présente différentes formes géométriques colorées. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter immédiatement et nous vous répondrons dans les 24 heures.

Sega Tembo The Badass Elephant - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

13.69 EUR
Shell City is plunged into a state of emergency after coming under attack from the devastating forces of PHANTOM. Terrifying war machines, emblazoned with skulls, tear through the city leaving a trail of destruction in their wake! As the National Army struggle to contain PHANTOM, General Krenman sees the mammoth task at hand and calls upon the only thing that stands between Shell City's obliteration and its salvation; the peanut chompin', villain stompin', PHANTOM romping BADASS Elephantidae¿  TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT! Aided by his faithful avian companion Picolo, it's up to TEMBO to jump, smash, punch, swing,  and butt stomp his way through the PHANTOM hordes as he aims to bring about the end of their tyrannical onslaught. Featuring 17 cleverly designed 2D side-scrolling levels, a whole host of deadly enemies and a unique comic book style art, TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT is the heaviest action adventure of the year¿weighing in at about seven and a half tons of fun. ©Game Freak Inc. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

SEGA Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition (Xbox One & Xbox Series X S) Argentina

10.05 EUR
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition includes all of the bonus DLC plus the full game.

Disney's Planes: The Videogame Wii U

14.99 EUR
From above the world of 'Cars,' 'Disney's Planes' video game takes players on a high-flying, action-packed, fun-filled adventure with Dusty, a big-hearted, speed-loving crop duster who is voiced by actor and comedian Dane Cook. Players will take to the skies with Dusty and other characters, including Ishani, voiced by actress Priyanka Chopra; Echo, voiced by actor Anthony Edwards; and Bravo, voiced by actor Val Kilmer, as they embark on global missions, air races and grand adventures around the world. In 'Disney's Planes' video game, players travel through breathtaking environments and play as one of 10 cast of characters on console and one of 6 cast of characters on handheld in either single-player, on all platforms or race against one another in two-player drop-in and drop-out gameplay on console. Players will roll, turn and loop their way through mission-based objectives in exciting modes of play including a narrative-based Story mode and a score-based mini-game that challenges the players' precision flying skills called Balloon Pop. The exploratory Free Flight mode and racing-based Air Rallies mode are exclusive to the consoles and the objective-achieving Challenge mode is only offered via the handheld platforms.

Ambrose, Stephen E. Citizen Soldiers: The U S Army From The Normandy Beaches To The Bulge To The Surrender Of Germany: U.S.Army From The Normandy Beaches To The Bulge, To ... Of Germany, June 7, 1944 To May 7, 1945

11.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Touchstone., Label : Simon & Schuster, Publisher : Simon & Schuster, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 528, publicationDate : 1998-09-24, authors : Ambrose, Stephen E., languages : english, ISBN : 0684848015

Prushankin, Jeffrey S. The Civil War In The Trans-Mississippi Theater 1861-1865 (The U.S. Army Campaigns Of The Civil War, Band 1)

10.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : St. John's Press, Publisher : St. John's Press, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 60, publicationDate : 2016-02-06, releaseDate : 2016-02-06, authors : Prushankin, Jeffrey S., ISBN : 1944961038

Logan, Professor William Koki Hirota, Petitioner, V. General Of The Army Douglas Macarthur Et Al. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript Of Record With Supporting Pleadings

3.06 EUR
Brand : Gale, U.S. Supreme Court Records, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Gale, U.S. Supreme Court Records, Publisher : Gale, U.S. Supreme Court Records, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 344, publicationDate : 2011-10-28, releaseDate : 2011-10-28, authors : Logan, Professor William, Additional Contributors, ISBN : 1270362003

Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. War In The Information Age: Challenges For U.S. Security Policy (Association Of The United States Army S.)

2.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Brassey's Inc, Publisher : Brassey's Inc, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 375, publicationDate : 1997-08-01, releaseDate : 1997-08-01, publishers : Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., Shultz, Richard H., ISBN : 1574881183

Essin, Emmet M. Shavetails And Bell Sharps: The History Of The U.S. Army Mule

22.49 EUR
Brand : University of Nebraska Press, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Revised ed., Label : University of Nebraska Press, Publisher : University of Nebraska Press, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 259, publicationDate : 2000-10-01, releaseDate : 2000-10-01, authors : Essin, Emmet M., ISBN : 0803267401

Department Of The Army U.S. Army Tactics Field Manual

18.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : G05, Publisher : G05, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 488, publicationDate : 2013-01-15, releaseDate : 2013-01-15, authors : Department Of The Army, ISBN : 076278198X

Mike Chappell The British Army In The 1980s (Elite, Band 14)

14.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Osprey Publishing, Publisher : Osprey Publishing, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 1988-02-25, releaseDate : 1988-02-25, authors : Mike Chappell, languages : english, ISBN : 0850457963

U. S. War Dept Dictionary Of Spoken Russian (Dover Language Guides Russian)

9.49 EUR
Brand : Dover Publications, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : English and Russian Language, Label : DOVER PUBN INC, Publisher : DOVER PUBN INC, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 592, publicationDate : 1958-06-01, authors : U. S. War Dept, ISBN : 0486204960

Kinguin MANOS: The Hands of Fate - Director's Cut PC Steam CD Key

1.85 EUR
MANOS: The Hands of Fate - Director's Cut Clé Steam Plateforme: Steam Date de sortie: 30 juillet 2015 À propos du jeu Dans le pur style des jeux Nes, Manos : The Hands of Fate est un jeu de plate-forme dans lequel vous incarnez Mike, un père de famille. L'aventure débute alors que vous êtes perdu sur le chemin des vacances, vous êtes dans un désert et chercher à vous réfugier. Vous trouvez une maison hantée gérée par un certain Torgo qui prend soin des lieux pendant que "le maître est absent....

Kinguin MANOS: The Hands of Fate - Director's Cut Steam CD Key

1.25 EUR
MANOS: The Hands of Fate - Director's Cut Clé Steam Plateforme: Steam Date de sortie: 30 juillet 2015 À propos du jeu Dans le pur style des jeux Nes, Manos : The Hands of Fate est un jeu de plate-forme dans lequel vous incarnez Mike, un père de famille. L'aventure débute alors que vous êtes perdu sur le chemin des vacances, vous êtes dans un désert et chercher à vous réfugier. Vous trouvez une maison hantée gérée par un certain Torgo qui prend soin des lieux pendant que "le maître est absent....

Tasse Army Air Force U.S. Air Force Dessin Animé Animation Tasse À Café Tasse À Thé En Céramique Tasse À Cacao Grande Capacité Unisexe Cadeau Créatif Personnalisé 330 Ml

20.99 EUR
Produit : Mug bicolore. Materiau : Ceramique. Dimensions : 8,4 cm x 9,5 cm. 330 ml. Caracteristiques - 1. La bouche de cette tasse coloree est ronde et lisse, le fond de la tasse est lisse et brillant, la courbe du corps de la tasse est lisse et le revetement est ferme et ne se decolore pas. 2. Resistance aux hautes temperatures. Haute qualite, durable et facile d'entretien. Le cafe peut etre facilement nettoye. Scenarios applicables : adaptes aux maisons, bureaux et divers restaurants, beaux et pratiques. C'est egalement un bon choix comme cadeau d'anniversaire, de Noel et d'Halloween pour les autres. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter et nous vous repondrons dans les 24 heures.

Kinguin Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic Collector's Edition Ubisoft Connect CD Key

11.99 EUR
Comprend: Jeu de base Trois célèbres U-Boats historiques non jouables: U-99 (type VIIB) - sous-marin de l'as sous-marin Otto Kretschmer U-30 (type VIIA) - sous-marin de U-boat ace Fritz Lemp U-552 (type VIIC) - sous-marin de U-boat ace Erich Topp Quatre célèbres navires alliés : HMS Duke of York (classe de cuirassé King George V) - le navire responsable du naufrage du croiseur de guerre allemand Scharnhorst et du transport de Churchill en Amérique en une seule occasion. HMS Walker (V&W destro...

Kinguin Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic Collector's Edition PC Ubisoft Connect CD Key

379.98 EUR
Comprend: Jeu de base Trois célèbres U-Boats historiques non jouables: U-99 (type VIIB) - sous-marin de l'as sous-marin Otto Kretschmer U-30 (type VIIA) - sous-marin de U-boat ace Fritz Lemp U-552 (type VIIC) - sous-marin de U-boat ace Erich Topp Quatre célèbres navires alliés : HMS Duke of York (classe de cuirassé King George V) - le navire responsable du naufrage du croiseur de guerre allemand Scharnhorst et du transport de Churchill en Amérique en une seule occasion. HMS Walker (V&W destro...

Kinguin SEGA's Ultimate Warhammer 40,000 Collection Steam CD Key

42.1 EUR
Comprend 41 éléments : Dawn of War II : Retribution – The Last Stand, Warhammer 40,000 : Dawn of War II - Retribution Chaos Space Marines Race Pack, Warhammer 40,000 : Dawn of War II - Retribution Eldar Race Pack, Warhammer 40,000 : Dawn of War II - Pack de course Retribution Imperial Guard, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Pack de course Retribution Ork, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Pack de course Retribution Space Marines, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Pack de course Retributio...

Kinguin SEGA's Ultimate Warhammer 40,000 Collection PC Steam CD Key

57.47 EUR
Comprend 41 éléments : Dawn of War II : Retribution – The Last Stand, Warhammer 40,000 : Dawn of War II - Retribution Chaos Space Marines Race Pack, Warhammer 40,000 : Dawn of War II - Retribution Eldar Race Pack, Warhammer 40,000 : Dawn of War II - Pack de course Retribution Imperial Guard, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Pack de course Retribution Ork, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Pack de course Retribution Space Marines, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Pack de course Retributio...

Kinguin SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics XBOX One / Xbox Series X S Account

8.02 EUR
Comprend : Galaxy Force II, Kid Chameleon, Ristar, Super Thunder Blade, Alien Storm, Bio-Hazard Battle, Columns III, Decap Attack, Ecco™: The Tides of Time, ESWAT, Flicky Golden Axe II, Sword of Vermillion, Eternal Champions, Ecco Jr., Colonnes, Bonanza Bros, Alex Kidd dans le château enchanté, Virtua Fighter 2, Alien Soldier, Gunstar Heroes, Landstalker, Light Crusader, Shining Force, Shining Force 2, Shining in the Darkness, Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2 , Toejam et Earl, Toejam et Ear...

The Evolution Of A Tidewater Settlement System: All Hallow'S Parish, Maryland, 1650-1783 (Research Paper - University Of Chicago, Dept. Of Geography ; No. 170)

37.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : University of Chicago, Dept. of Geography, Publisher : University of Chicago, Dept. of Geography, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, ISBN : 0890650772

Ubisoft Assasssin's Creed Iii 3 Wii U

26.13 EUR
Join us and ignite the American Revolution! you'll find an authentic Assassin?s medallion, George Washington's diary, and you'll get access to extra content with additional missions, skills, skins.... 18th Century North America. After more than 20 years of conflict, the 13 American colonies and the British Crown are on the brink of all out war. Battle lines are drawn. Bloodshed is inevitable. Out of the embers of his burning village, a new assassin will rise. Born of Mohawk and British descent, his fight for freedom and justice will be forged in the flames of revolution. ? Eliminate your foes with an expanded arsenal of weaponry including Bows, Pistols, the Tomahawk and the signature blade of the Assassin's Order. ? Explore densely populated cities, situated along the vast wilderness of a dangerous frontier, abundant with wildlife. ? An all new game engine delivers the brutality and beauty of a nation caught in an epic war for independence..

SEGA Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition

4.77 EUR
Take command of your army and expand your reign in Total War: MEDIEVAL II - the fourth instalment of the award-winning Total War series of strategy games. Di...

SEGA Total War : Attila

5.44 EUR
Against a darkening background of famine, disease and war, a new power is rising in the great steppes of the East. With a million horsemen at his back, the u...

SEGA Sonic Forces (Nintendo Switch EU)

13.61 EUR
The fate of Sonic the Hedgehog's world is in your hands - Join the Uprising.

SEGA Aliens vs. Predator Collection

4.99 EUR
AvP Full GameBringing the legendary war between two of science-fiction's most popular characters to FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player ca...

SEGA Yakuza: Like a Dragon - Hero Edition

11.64 EUR
Yakuza: Like a Dragon's Hero Edition includes a selection of the game's DLC, including the Legends Costume Set, Job Set, and Management Mode Set.

SEGA Total War Rome II Caesar in Gaul

1.94 EUR
Caesar in Gaul is a standalone campaign pack for Total War: ROME II covering Julius Caesar's war of expansion against the Gaulish tribes. Players can choose ...

SEGA Aliens vs Predator

4.44 EUR
Bringing the legendary war between two of science-fiction's most popular characters to FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and...

SEGA Two Point Hospital: Close Encounters

4.94 EUR
Down in the town of Goldpan, rumours persist of an out of this world encounter. A fireball, witnessed streaking above the sandy climes of Two Point County's ...

Mike Green The Whole Truth About The U.S. War On Terror: Answers To Every Question You Never K To Ask

2.4 EUR
Brand : Brand : AIL Newmedia Publishing, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Newmedia Publishing, Publisher : Newmedia Publishing, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 385, publicationDate : 2002-12-15, releaseDate : 2005-12-11, authors : Mike Green, ISBN : 1893798445

Brown, Jerold E. Where Eagles Land: Planning And Development Of U.S. Army Airfields, 1910-1941 (Contributions In Military Studies)

67.99 EUR
Brand : Praeger, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Greenwood Press, Publisher : Greenwood Press, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 236, publicationDate : 1990-05-01, releaseDate : 1990-05-01, authors : Brown, Jerold E., ISBN : 0313268002

SEGA Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Mega Mix+

15.61 EUR
Take center stage in Hatsune Miku's premier rhythm game starring the world's #1 virtual pop star! From a stunner setlist of songs to an enormous wardrobe to ...

SEGA Motorsport Manager - Endurance Series DLC

3.28 EUR
It's time to return to the podium. Strap in and enjoy 12 thrilling new gameplay challenges inspired by events and ideas from the history of motorsport.Each o...

SEGA Two Point Hospital: Retro Items Pack

2.35 EUR
Turn back the clock with this delightful collection of 26 new retro and vintage items to place in your hospitals.Here's just a selection of some of the items...

SEGA Total War: Napoleon - Definitive Edition

5.79 EUR
Complete your Total War collection with this Definitive Edition of Total War: NAPOLEON, which includes all DLC and feature updates since the game's release

SEGA Motorsport Manager - Challenge Pack

2.65 EUR
It's time to return to the podium. Strap in and enjoy 12 thrilling new gameplay challenges inspired by events and ideas from the history of motorsport.Each o...

SEGA Sonic Frontiers - Digital Deluxe

21.47 EUR
Worlds are colliding in Sonic the Hedgehog's newest high-speed adventure! In search of the missing Chaos emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an ancient islan...

SEGA Valkyria Chronicles

3.96 EUR
Set in a fictitious continent reminiscent of 1930s, Valkyria Chronicles depicts Europe divided in two and ruled by two super powers: the Empire and the Feder...

SEGA Sonic Frontiers

18.89 EUR
Worlds are colliding in Sonic the Hedgehog's newest high-speed adventure! In search of the missing Chaos emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an ancient islan...

Miraldi, Paul W. Uniforms And Equipment Of U.S Army Infantry, Lrrps, And Rangers In Vietnam 1965-1971 (Schiffer Military History)

61.42 EUR
Brand : SCHIFFER MILITARY, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Schiffer Publishing Ltd, Publisher : Schiffer Publishing Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 176, publicationDate : 1999-10-01, releaseDate : 1999-10-01, authors : Miraldi, Paul W., ISBN : 0764309587

SEGA Sonic Frontiers (Nintendo Switch EU)

18.11 EUR
Worlds are colliding in Sonic the Hedgehog's newest high-speed adventure! In search of the missing Chaos emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an ancient islan...

United States Army The U.S. Army Stability Operations Field Manual: U.S. Army Field Manual No. 3-07

42.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Univ of Michigan Pr, Publisher : Univ of Michigan Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 352, publicationDate : 2009-02-24, authors : United States Army, languages : english, ISBN : 0472033905

Olga Oliker Faultlines Conflict Central Asia & The South Caucasus: Implications For The U.S. Army

6.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Rand Corp, Publisher : Rand Corp, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 2006-07-01, authors : Olga Oliker, Gingerich, Barbara Stover, Szayna, Thomas S., languages : english, ISBN : 0833032607

Nicholas Kralev America'S Other Army: The U.S. Foreign Service And 21st-Century Diplomacy (Second Updated Edition)

19.49 EUR
Brand : CREATESPACE, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2nd, Label : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 250, publicationDate : 2015-09-29, releaseDate : 2015-09-29, authors : Nicholas Kralev, ISBN : 1517254515

Larrabee, F. Stephen The Ukrainian Crisis And European Security: Implications For The United States And U.S. Army

9.99 EUR
Brand : RAND Corporation, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : RAND Corporation, Publisher : RAND Corporation, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 66, publicationDate : 2015-09-24, releaseDate : 2015-09-24, authors : Larrabee, F. Stephen, ISBN : 0833088343

Lynn Davis The U.S. Army And The National Security Strategy: How Should The Army Transform To Meet The Strategic Challenges?

11.99 EUR
Brand : RAND Corporation, Binding : Paperback, Edition : Illustrated, Label : RAND Corporation, Publisher : RAND Corporation, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Paperback, numberOfPages : 332, publicationDate : 2003-06-23, releaseDate : 2003-06-23, authors : Lynn Davis, ISBN : 0833033476

Barber, Brace E. No Excuse Leadership: Lessons From The U.S. Army'S Elite Rangers

17.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : John Wiley & Sons Inc, Publisher : John Wiley & Sons Inc, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 2004-01-05, authors : Barber, Brace E., languages : english, ISBN : 0471488038

Pelletier, Pierre A. The U.S. Navy Seal Guide To Nutrition (Us Army Survival)

21.99 EUR
Brand : Skyhorse, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Skyhorse, Publisher : Skyhorse, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 2013-05-22, releaseDate : 2013-05-22, publishers : Pelletier, Pierre A., Deuster, Patricia A., Anita Singh, ISBN : 1620878836

Mike Berry Don'T You Think It'S Time - R&r; Hits Of The 60s And 70s

16.99 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Sanctuary (rough trade), Publisher : Sanctuary (rough trade), NumberOfDiscs : 2, Format : Doppel-CD, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2003-10-20, artists : Mike Berry

Mike Blake Humorous Quotations: The Wit And Wisdom Of The World'S Funniest People

3.08 EUR
Brand : Boxer, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Arcturus Publishing Ltd, Publisher : Arcturus Publishing Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 384, publicationDate : 2013-09-15, authors : Mike Blake, ISBN : 1782124497

Ross, Mr Mike 100 Guitar Licks Of The 1950s: Discover The Techniques & Language Of The 20 Greatest 1950s Guitarists (Learn How To Play Rock Guitar)

16.13 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label :, Publisher :, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 72, publicationDate : 2022-02-10, releaseDate : 2022-02-10, authors : Ross, Mr Mike, Alexander, Mr Joseph, publishers : Pettingale, Mr Tim, ISBN : 1789333806

Beth Ginsberg The Taste For Living World Cookbook: More Of Mike Milken'S Favorite Recipes For Fighting Cancer And Heart Disease

2.58 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Cap Cure, Publisher : Cap Cure, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 130, publicationDate : 1999-10-01, authors : Beth Ginsberg, Michael Milken, ISBN : 0967365503

Mike Dash Satan'S Circus: Murder, Vice, Police Corruption, And York'S Trial Of The Century

11.99 EUR
Brand : Broadway Books, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : Crown, Publisher : Crown, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 464, publicationDate : 2008-08-26, releaseDate : 2008-08-26, authors : Mike Dash, ISBN : 1400054729

Mike Maden Tom Clancy'S Point Of Contact: Inspiration For The Thrilling Amazon Prime Series Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan Jr)

Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Penguin, Publisher : Penguin, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 528, publicationDate : 2018-04-03, authors : Mike Maden, ISBN : 1405933313

Mike Haskins Who'S The Daddy? Joke Book: Jokes, Stories And All Sorts Of Funny Stuff To Do With Dads

2.92 EUR
Brand : Prion, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : PRION, Publisher : PRION, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 256, publicationDate : 2008-05-12, releaseDate : 2008-05-12, authors : Mike Haskins, ISBN : 1853756555

Mike Silva Would You Like Fries With That?: 101 Ways To Picture The Good s Of Jesus Christ

2.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Nelson Bibles, Publisher : Nelson Bibles, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 2006-01-01, releaseDate : 2006-01-01, authors : Mike Silva, ISBN : 052912081X

Mike Brown The 1960s Look: Recreating The Fashions Of The Sixties

15.44 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Sabrestorm Publishing, Publisher : Sabrestorm Publishing, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 2016-09-30, authors : Mike Brown, ISBN : 1781220077

Mike Dash Tulipomania: The Story Of The World'S Most Coveted Flower & The Extraordinary Passions It Aroused

12.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Broadway Books, Publisher : Broadway Books, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 288, publicationDate : 2001-01-30, releaseDate : 2001-01-30, authors : Mike Dash, languages : english, ISBN : 060980765X

Mike Tanner Flat-Out Rock: Ten Great Bands Of The 60s

2.34 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Annick Pr, Publisher : Annick Pr, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 158, publicationDate : 2006-07-25, releaseDate : 2006-07-25, authors : Mike Tanner, ISBN : 1554510368

Mike Carson The Manager: Inside The Minds Of Football'S Leaders

4.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Bloomsbury UK, Publisher : Bloomsbury UK, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2014-05-08, authors : Mike Carson, languages : english, ISBN : 1408843501

Mike Bickle The Pleasure Of Loving God: A Call To Accept God'S All-Encompassing Love For You

2.94 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : CREATION HOUSE, Publisher : CREATION HOUSE, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 232, publicationDate : 2000-10-11, authors : Mike Bickle, ISBN : 0884196623

Mike Carson The Manager: Inside The Minds Of Football'S Leaders

4.99 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Bloomsbury Publishing, Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2013-08-29, releaseDate : 2013-08-29, authors : Mike Carson, ISBN : 1408158825

Sega Valkyria Chronicles - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

19.99 EUR
The critically acclaimed RPG Valkyria Chronicles is now available on PC! Set in a fictitious continent reminiscent of 1930s, Valkyria Chronicles depicts Europe divided in two and ruled by two super powers: the Empire and the Federation. The Empire has set its sights on invading a small neutral country called Gallia, situated in the middle of the two superpowers territories, in an attempt to secure invaluable natural resources. Within this struggle a hero named Welkin, and his fellow soldiers of the Federation's 7th Platoon, are fighting back against the invasion and the Empires attempts to unify the continent under its power. During the ensuing war the Federation discovers that the Empire possesses a secret weapon, known as the 'Valkyria' - an ancient race with special powers thought to exist only in legends. With this new discovery the fate of the Federation's ability to turn the tide of the war, and the hope for a better future, hang in the balance. 'CANVAS¿ graphics engine: A unique engine that produces breath taking images that look like watercolour paintings in motion. 'BLiTZ¿ tactical battle system: Experience strategic manoeuvring of units combined with conventional RPG gameplay, all layered on top of the moment to moment action afforded by real-time controls as players command each squad member and tank in battle. Epic storyline: Players will immerse themselves in the epic struggle for freedom, as the fate of the world lies in the hands of Welkin and the members of the 7th platoon. Customisation: Over 100 customisable characters allow players to create a variety of platoons to suit each battle's needs. Beautifully rendered battlefields: Players explore 30 different environments, using unique terrain features to gain advantages in battle. Additionally this brand new PC digital version comes bundled with all previously released DLC, including: Hard EX Mode (harder versions of skirmish missions in the main game) Edy's Mission 'Enter the Edy Detachment¿ (a side story campaign) Selveria's Mission 'Behind Her Blue Flame¿ (a side story campaign) Challenge of the Edy Detachment (six challenge missions)

Sega Alien: Isolation - Last Survivor (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

5.59 EUR
As Ellen Ripley, it is down to you to complete the last mission on board the Nostromo. The rest of the crew are dead. In a desperate bid to survive you must set the ship's self-destruct and attempt to reach the escape shuttle. Alien: Isolation is a first-person survival horror game capturing the fear and tension evoked by Ridley Scott's 1979 classic film. Players find themselves in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger as an unpredictable, ruthless Xenomorph is stalking and killing deep in the shadows. Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive. Alien: Isolation, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 TM & 2014 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Twentieth Century Fox, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and their associated logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Alien: Isolation game software, excluding Twentieth Century Fox elements SEGA. Developed by The Creative Assembly Limited. Creative Assembly and the Creative Assembly logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Creative Assembly Limited. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation. All rights reserved.

Sega Sonic Lost World (Row) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

28.99 EUR
Rise Against the Deadly Six! When the Deadly Six threaten to destroy his world, Sonic's new moves & power-ups are the only way to defeat them before it's too late! In his latest plot to defeat Sonic and rule the world, Dr. Eggman has harnessed the power of menacing creatures known as the Deadly Six. However, when the Deadly Six rise up against their new master, Sonic must unite with his arch nemesis Eggman and explore the mystical Lost Hex in order to take them on head-to-head. Use Sonic's amazing new moves & incredible Colour Powers to speed across a variety of unique terrains, racing inside, outside & upside down in every level. NEW MOVES Sonic moves like never before. Vault over obstacles, free run up & along walls & sky dive between islands at lightning speed. Plus the Spin Dash is back! COLOUR POWERS New & improved Colour Powers. Sonic can now fly through the air, tear up levels & explode into enemies. He's more powerful than ever! NEW WORLD Speed through a variety of exhilarating levels. Explore massive mind-bending courses, vast underground tunnels & colossal structures in the sky as you run inside, outside & upside down. BOSS BATTLES Save the world one fight at a time. Take on each of the devious Deadly Six in dynamic boss battles which test all of Sonic's moves & power-ups. PLUS - New PC Features: 60 FPS gameplay Full HD resolution support © SEGA. SEGA, the SEGA logo, Sonic Lost World and Sonic the Hedgehog are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Sega Arcade Gamer Portable (Sega Master System & Game Gear)

74.95 EUR
¿Console de jeux vidéo portable¿Ecran LCD de 2,4 pouces¿30 jeux SEGA intégrésJeux inclusAlex Kidd in High Tech WorldAlex Kidd in Miracle WorldAlex Kidd: The Lost StarsAssault CityAstro WarrierAztec AdventureBaku Baku AnimalBomber RaidColumnsDr. Robotnik's Mean Bean MachineDragon CrystalEcco: The Tides of TimeFantasy ZoneFantasy Zone IIGain GroundGlobal DefenseGolden AxeKung Fu KidPenguin LandPutt and PutterQuartletRistar the Shooting StarSnail mazeSonic Drift 2Sonic

Sega Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

64.99 EUR
Pre-Purchase includes Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Game, Hero's Booster Pack, and Special Job Set. EPIC EMOTIONAL DRAMA Two larger-than-life heroes brought together by the hand of fate, or perhaps something more sinister? Ichiban Kasuga, an unstoppable underdog who's no stranger to crawling up from rock bottom, and Kazuma Kiryu, a broken man facing down a battle of his last days of life. BEST-IN-CLASS RPG ACTION Experience one-of-a-kind combat with dynamic, fast-paced RPG battles where the battlefield becomes your weapon, and anything goes. Adapt your party's skills to the situation with outlandish jobs and customizations to strategically subdue enemies with over-the-top moves. INFINITE ADVENTURE Live it up in Japan and explore all that Hawaii has to offer in an adventure so big it spans the Pacific. Unforgettable moments await at every step of the journey with a unique mix of quests and activities to enjoy at your leisure. By using this product, you agree to this EULA: Windows Requirements Minimum: CPU - AMD: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 CPU - Intel: Intel Core i5-3470 GPU - AMD: AMD Radeon RX 460 GPU - Intel: Intel Arc A380, VRAM: 4 RAM: 8 HDD: 82 DirectX: Version 12 Recommended: CPU - AMD: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 CPU - Intel: Intel Core i5-3470 GPU - AMD: AMD Radeon RX 460 GPU - Intel: Intel Arc A380, VRAM: 4 RAM: 8 HDD: 82 DirectX: Version 12 File Size: 70

Sega Total War: Rome Ii - Caesar In Gaul Campaign Pack (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

17.29 EUR
Caesar in Gaul is a standalone campaign pack for Total War: ROME II covering Julius Caesar's war of expansion against the Gaulish tribes. Players can choose from four playable factions in this conflict: the Gallic Arverni, the Germanic Suebi, the Belgic Nervii and Rome, in a campaign inspired by Caesar's Commentarii de bello Gallico (Commentaries on the Gallic war). Offering a tighter scope in terms of time and geography than Rome II (58-51BC), the Caesar in Gaul Campaign Map is an expanded, more detailed vision of Gaul and the south coast of Britannia. Compared with ROME II's map of Gaul, Caesar in Gaul contains more regions and provinces, more factions (both playable and non-playable), and a series of famous generals and statesmen from history which the player will employ or fight against depending on their chosen faction. A war of great profit and glory for Caesar, this conflict made him extremely popular with the people of Rome¿ though less so with the senators, who saw him gathering power to himself in a series of events that ultimately lead to his ascension to Dictator. Caesar in Gaul differs from the core ROME II experience in a number of important ways: New Campaign Map: The Caesar in Gaul campaign map is an enhanced, more detailed representation of Gaul, with players able to expand across 18 provinces dotted with resources, new settlements and new provincial capitals. Greater focus on characters: Many factions employ great generals and statesmen from history (for example, Rome fields Gaius Julius Caesar himself, Mark Anthony and others). Each of the four playable factions also has a faction leader who acts as the player's avatar during the campaign. 24 turns per year: As Caesar in Gaul deals with a considerably shorter time-span (58-51BC) than the grand sweep of the ROME II campaign, each turn represents two weeks rather than a year. This means seasons make a return. The gameplay effects of these aren't always predictable however, and may vary from province to province. A late autumn may bring a good harvest for example, but a long, dry summer may damage your food production. Compact, focussed multiplayer campaign: For those generals looking for a more rapid MP campaign game, Caesar in Gaul presents a series of interesting options. Due to the geographic scope and the opposing 48 factions, co-op or competitive 2-player campaigns are tighter, more focussed, and less time-consuming than a full Campaign. New mid-game challenge mechanics: For those players making it through to the mid-game, there will be new challenges to face as a more suitable replacement for the Civil Wars of ROME II. As a Gallic tribe, you'll feel the mailed fist of Rome respond with heavy intervention forces, and as Rome, you'll see the Gallic tribes rebelling and forming alliances against you. New historical battle: Caesar in Gaul adds the Battle of Alesia as a playable historical battle. Alesia marked the turning point of Caesar's Gallic War, and resulted in the...

Sega Motorsport Manager - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

19.99 EUR
The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport. Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals. Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car's performance. Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers. Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre. Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team? Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You'll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing. Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure. Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team. BUILD THE TEAM The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder? Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team... Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times. MASTER THE TECH The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine. Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season's car. Get it right, and you'll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing. Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team's recommendations. WIN THE RACE The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race ? and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments. Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals. Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible? Steam account required for game activation and installation PC System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit) Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 [at] 2.5 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: nVIDIA GT 335M, 512MB or AMD Radeon HD 4670, 512MB or Intel HD 4000 series DirectX: Version 10.1 Hard Drive: 16 GB available space Mac System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Mac OSX 10.10 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 [at] 2.5 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M or AMD Radeon HD 4670, 512MB or Intel HD 4000 series Hard Drive: 16 GB available space Linux System Requirements...

Rostislav Aliev The Siege Of Brest 1941: The Red Army'S Stand Against The Germans During Operation Barbarossa (Stackpole Military History)

12.99 EUR
Brand : Stackpole Books, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : STACKPOLE CO, Publisher : STACKPOLE CO, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 272, publicationDate : 2015-03-01, releaseDate : 2015-03-01, authors : Rostislav Aliev, ISBN : 0811715523

Gregory Fremont-Barnes Waterloo 1815: The British Army'S Day Of Destiny

14.49 EUR
Brand : The History Press, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : The History Press Ltd, Publisher : The History Press Ltd, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 440, publicationDate : 2015-02-01, releaseDate : 2015-02-01, authors : Gregory Fremont-Barnes, ISBN : 0752462113

Collins, John M. Military Geography: For Professionals And The Public (Association Of The United States Army S)

19.49 EUR
Brand : Brand : Potomac Books Inc., Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : POTOMAC BOOKS INC, Publisher : POTOMAC BOOKS INC, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 462, publicationDate : 1998-08-01, authors : Collins, John M., ISBN : 1574881809

John Parker Inside The Foreign Legion: The Sensational Story Of The World'S Toughest Army: The Sensational Expose Of The World'S Toughest Army

11.01 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New edition, Label : Piatkus Books, Publisher : Piatkus Books, NumberOfItems : 2, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 1999-04-22, authors : John Parker, languages : english, ISBN : 0749919922

Lang Srey The Smell Of Water: A Twelve-Year-Old Soldier'S Escape From The Khmer Rouge Army - And His Determination To Stay Alive

9.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 2014-08-14, releaseDate : 2014-08-14, authors : Lang Srey, Srey, Cornelia Bagg, ISBN : 1500133787

Peter Martin China'S Civilian Army: The Making Of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy

22.49 EUR
Brand : Oxford University Press, USA, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Oxford University Press Inc, Publisher : Oxford University Press Inc, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 298, publicationDate : 2021-06-10, releaseDate : 2021-06-01, authors : Peter Martin, ISBN : 0197513700