Sega Total War: Rome Ii - Rise Of The Republic (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

17.29 EUR
Nous sommes en l'an 399 av. J.-C. et Rome est prête à écrire l'Histoire. Cependant, son existence même ne repose que sur un fragile équilibre. La tribu gauloise des Sénons, dirigée par le chef Brennos, vient de s'installer dans l'est de l'Italie. Ce peuple ambitieux et féroce n'est désormais qu'à un lancer de javelot de la république naissante. Le tyran Denys règne d'une main de fer sur Syracuse. Bien qu'il soit en guerre contre Carthage, son regard est tourné de l'autre côté de la Méditerranée, vers ses futures conquêtes. Sous la baguette du grand philosophe et homme d'État Archytas, Táras, au sud de l'Italie, est à l'apogée de sa gloire et de sa puissance. L'ascension fulgurante de Rome est bien évidemment source d'inquiétude... Peut-être faudrait-il envisager une intervention militaire ? Pendant ce temps, Marcus Furius Camillus convoite le titre et les pouvoirs de Dictateur. Ses projets pour Rome sont certes fabuleux, mais survivront-ils aux manigances des voisins de la toute jeune république ? Un tournant de l'histoire, une période faite de menaces... et d'opportunités. Le temps de la République est arrivé. Total War: ROME II ? Rise of the Republic est un nouveau pack de campagne qui retrace les événements marquants qui ont entouré l'histoire de Rome au cours du IVe siècle av. J.-C. La campagne se déroule sur une carte détaillée d'Italie comprenant la Sicile, la Sardaigne, la Corse et Carthage, et elle y dépeint les événements tumultueux qui ont abouti à la seconde fondation de Rome. Rise of the Republic sortira en même temps que la mise à jour Ancestrale, qui marquera notamment le retour de l'un des aspects préférés des joueurs, l'arbre généalogique, dans Total War: Rome II et dans tous ses autres packs de campagne gratuits et premiums. Au programme de Rise of the Republic: Une campagne entière pour Total War: Rome II se déroulant au IVe siècle av. J.-C. Une toute nouvelle carte de campagne, faisant la part belle au territoire intérieur d'Italie et à ses états voisins. Neuf factions jouables : Rome ? une république en plein essor, vulnérable et entourée d'ennemis. Tarquinia ? le puissant et influent état étrusque. Les Sénons ? une tribu gauloise cisalpine qui ne rêve que de pillages. Les Insubres ? une tribu gauloise passée maître dans l'art de la gestion et la diplomatie. Les Samnites ? un état italique qui représentait une menace pour Rome durant le IVe siècle av. J.-C. Táras ? une cité-État grecque fondée par les Spartiates. Syracuse ? une métropole grecque de Sicile, et le bastion contre les forces de Carthage. Les Ilienses ? une tribu indigène sarde. Les Vénètes ? une tribu italique entourée d'ennemis. Une bataille de campagne épique pour la cité de Rome. Grâce aux nouvelles options d'actions gouvernementales, qui remplacent le système de changement de gouvernement des campagnes de ROME II, les factions de Rise of the Republic proposent une rejouabilité unique. Ces options proposent ainsi de nouveaux bonus, chacune ayant son prix. Voici...

Wild Republic Hug'ems Arctic Fox 7

26.06 EUR
Soft and cuddly, all the stuffed animals in this collection are the perfect size for hugging The Arctic Fox is playful and plush, a terrific bedtime companion. A handshake is fine. A kiss is even better. But sometimes only a giant hug will do. Features Arctic Fox Plush *Simply Huggable *Highly Detailed Color Size Product dimensions 5x3x7 inches Product weight 0.15 pounds

Wild Republic Red Fox Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

45.58 EUR
pWhile a red fox in the wild is typically a solitary creature, the red fox plush by wild Republic is the perfect partner in crime for any stuffed animal lover. At 12 long, this plush toy is the perfect size to take on any adventure. Red foxes live in diverse habitats around the world including forests, grasslands, farms, and suburban areas, and this particular red fox would be right at home in any animal lovers room. Similar to cats, the red Foxs bushy, reddish-brown tail provides balance, but the fox also uses this appendage to wrap itself up and keep warm in cold climates. The plush toy above is crafted with high-quality fabric, meant to stand up to hours of foxtail cuddles and shenanigans. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Mini Fennec Fox

31.08 EUR
Fennec foxes are the smallest species of fox in the world. As adults, these zoo animals weigh an average of 2 pounds. They live in deserts in areas of North Africa, so these creatures are used to the heat and they dig holes in the ground to shield themselves from the sun. These stuffed toys make for excellent baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys as they will spend some time outside with you during hot summer days. Whether you are browsing for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Fennec fox will be the plush toy they adore. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Jumbo Fox

107.84 EUR
This phenomenal fox or red fox to be exact are great at adapting to many situations, one, in particular, is thriving where humans are living. No wonder people consider them cunning and intelligent. This animal is no zoo animal, so to find a red fox wont be easy. This stuffed animal toy will do the trick instead. This giant stuffed animal will not shy away from shenanigan acts with your loved one. This realistic stuffed animal will become a staple at the dinner table and family functions because your child will not want to let go of this fox plush. This jumbo plush like all the wild Republic jumbos is made of high quality fabrics and built to last. Large plush toys can double as an animal pillow as well. Making time to go to the store can be a hassle, getting your child, the right kids toy can be a challenge all by itself. Why not purchase this adorable giant stuffed teddy bear of a fox home with you today? the motto goes bigger the better this huge stuffed animal fits that saying perfectly.p

Wild Republic Arctic Fox Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

39.22 EUR
Who doesnt love the beautiful snow? well, the Arctic fox definitely loves the cold weather and the snow. The Arctic fox is known for its thick beautiful white and warm fur. Believe it or not, the Arctic Foxs fur does not stay white all year long. It turns white in winter and brown in the summer. This Arctic fox animal plush will keep its white fur all year long to make sure of that, it is made of high - quality materials and is surface washable. This plushie makes a wonderful addition to any Arctic themed room. This plush toy is highly detailed creating a lifelike feeling, allowing your child to go on an adventure in the Arctic Tundra from the safety of your home. Cuddlekins come in an array of animals, so start collecting them all today. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

Wild Republic Huggers Red Fox

28.59 EUR
Cet animal en peluche Renard roux est extra . Il suffit d'écarter les ailes grandes ouvertes. Donner une pression sur sa poitrine en le clipant sur son poignet, puis SNAP. . . ses bras s'enroulent instantanément et vous donnent un câlin. Des câlins sur votre poignet, votre sac à dos, votre poussette et bien plus encore.. Dès 3 ans

Wild Republic Mini Red Fox 20 Cm

33.1 EUR
ITEM DESCRIPTIONSINFORMATIONTitle 8 CK Red Fox Plush Stuffed Animal Toy - NewConditonBrand New.DetailsMeasures 8 (Sizes are approximate.)Great item for a gift.Perfect for Collectors.Manufacturers suggested age 3+All items are of high quality.SHIPPING INFORMATIONProcessing TimeOrders are packed and shipped within 24 hours.Standard ShippingMost orders are mailed through first class priority mail.(few exceptions.) and are usually delivered within 2-4 business days.Combine Shipping We do offer combined shipping. Each order using combined shipping will have the highest shipping cost item plus each additional item will be 1.75. For large orders please email or message for combined shipping cost. (As there may be shipping discounts offered.)International Shipping Please Message For Quotes.EXCHANGESRETURNS INFORMATIONAny items being exchangedreturned must be received back in a condition where it can be resold. (Tags attached, ect.)Buyers who would like to return items are responsible for return shipping as well as original shipping cost.We are not held responsible for packages that are lost or returned to sender due to incorrectly typed addresses.All damage claims must be reported with 72 hours of delivery. Features CK Mini Red Fox *Size 8 *Animal Plush Cuddly Soft Toy *Great for children learning about the all different types of wild life *By Wild Republic Color Size Product dimensions 7x6x4 inches Product weight 0.15 pounds

Sega Total War: Three Kingdoms - The Furious Wild (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc-Mac

19.09 EUR
Le pack d'expansion The Furious Wild constitue la toute première extension de la carte de Total War: Three Kingdoms et propose également de nouveaux personnages. Visitez les jungles de la Chine du sud et découvrez les farouches tribus des Nanman. Parviendrez-vous à unifier les tribus du sud ? En plus d'étendre la carte des Trois Royaumes, The Furious Wild propose la toute nouvelle culture Nanman, ajoutant une dose de variété aux factions, aux unités et aux styles de jeu originaux : 4 nouvelles factions jouables, chacune disposant de sa propre mécanique exclusive, avec au total 19 nouvelles factions peuplant la Chine du sud Plus de 25 nouvelles unités, incluant d'extraordinaires unités animales De nouveaux portraits de personnages féroces  Un nouvel arbre des réformes pour les Nanman, comportant des technologies clés qui s'obtiennent en accomplissant des missions Un style de progression de personnage totalement nouveau dont les traits se déverrouillent en fonction des exploits accomplis  Des missions uniques et des événements narratifs liés à la culture Nanman Un objectif : « Unifier les tribus ». Mais comment allez-vous y parvenir ? Via la diplomatie ou la conquête ? Jouable avec une date de départ en 190 ou en 194 Les différences rassemblent autant qu'elles divisent   Dans les luxuriantes jungles de la Chine du sud, des forces jusque-là inconnues s'agitent. Les tribus hétérogènes des Nanman sont divisées depuis des siècles, mais un nouveau chef doit émerger pour les unifier ? par tous les moyens possibles.    Les puissants guerriers Meng Huo, roi Mulu, Dame Zhurong et roi Shamoke proposent des méthodes de combat uniques et nouvelles : des massues enflammées aux sarbacanes, en passant par les divins éléphants et les tigres. Divisés, ils sont vulnérables. Ensemble, il pourrait bien être impossible de les arrêter.   Incarnez l'une des nouvelles factions Nanman pendant les années précédant leur rencontre avec Zhuge Liang et sa célèbre campagne dans le sud. Découvrez la puissance des tribus du sud tout en explorant de nouvelles zones de la carte des Trois Royaumes. Parviendrez-vous à unifier ces guerriers uniques et affronter les puissants Han ou laisserez-vous les guerres dans la jungle écraser ces nouvelles allégeances ? Meng Huo Meng Huo s'est hissé au sein des rangs des tribus Nanman grâce à son caractère opiniâtre et féroce. Loyal envers ses amis et impitoyable avec ses ennemis, sa ténacité lui vaut autant de réussites que de problèmes. Avec un seul objectif en tête ? devenir le roi des Nanman ? Meng Huo doit se tourner vers ses voisins pour l'aider à propager les flammes de son règne. Roi des Rois Lorsque Meng Huo prend le contrôle d'une autre faction Nanman (que ce soit via une alliance ou en la détruisant), il obtient certains bonus temporaires. Ces bonus peuvent être accumulés, créant un élan qui devrait permettre à Meng Huo de monter sur le trône qu'il appelle de ses v¿ux.  Unités uniques :  Champions de Nanzhong : Un cran au-dessus de...

Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball - Sega Master System 1 Et 2

199 EUR
Jeu de Flipper dont la boule n'est autre que Sonic le célèbre Hérisson

Sega Sonic 2 The Hedgehog Master System

10.87 EUR
Sonic 2 The Hedgehog Master System Sonic 2 The Hedgehog Master System Sonic 2 The Hedgehog Master System est un classique intemporel des jeux vidéo d'action, développé par le célèbre éditeur Sega. Sorti pour la première fois le 1er janvier 1992, ce jeu fait partie de l'ère d'or du rétrogaming et reste une référence incontournable pour les amateurs de l'univers de Sonic. Conçu spécialement pour la Sega Master System, ce titre permet aux joueurs de s'immerger dans l'univers palpitant de Sonic, le hérisson bleu le plus rapide du monde. C¿est un chef-d'?uvre de l'époque avec des niveaux richement détaillés et une bande-son captivante qui propulse les joueurs à travers une quête stimulante pour vaincre le Dr. Robotnik. Voici les spécifications principales du jeu : Gamme de Produits : Sega Master System Type de Produit : Jeux Vidéo Quantité fournie : 1 Consoles Compatibles : Sega Master System Titre : Sonic 2 The Hedgehog Master System Marché : Rétrogaming Saga : Sonic Date de Sortie : 01/01/1992 Genre : Action Ce jeu d'action a su captiver les joueurs de tous âges avec son gameplay fluide et ses défis passionnants. Que vous soyez un collectionneur de jeux rétro ou un nouveau fan de Sonic, « Sonic 2 The Hedgehog Master System » est une pièce maîtresse à ajouter à votre collection de jeux vidéo. Évalué avec une moyenne de 4 étoiles sur 5 par les utilisateurs, ce jeu demeure une aventure appréciée pour ses mécaniques de jeu impeccables et son rendu visuel. Ne manquez pas l'opportunité de redécouvrir cette icône du gaming classique.

Spin Master Dc Universe Figurine 30 Cm Batman The Flash

81.26 EUR
DC Comics - Figurine Batman The Flash 30 cm - Des 3 ans Une figurine articulée du super-héros Batman. Sculpture détaillée comme dans les comics. Taille : environ 30 cm. Blister pegboardable. A partir de 3 ans.

Spin Master Figurine Batman Deluxe 30 Cm The Batman Le Film

23.77 EUR
Figurine officielle Batman Wing Suit interactive de The Batman Le Film pour partir en mission et sauver Gotham City du crime organisé. Appuie sur le symbole sur sa poitrine pour déclencher des effets lumineux et active le curseur dans son dos pour déployer sa cape Wing Suit ! Figurine comprenant 7 points d' articulation, avec effets sonores et lumineux. Taille : environ 30 cm. Fonctionne avec 3 piles bouton LR44 fournies. Boîte ouverte avec fonction try-me. À partir de 3 ans.

Spin Master Figurine 30 Cm Batman Wing Suit The Batman Le Film

13.28 EUR
Figurine 30 cm officielle Batman Wing Suit The Batman Le Film pour se recr?er les aventures de l'homme masqu?.. Cape int?gr?e pour affronter les aventures les plus p?rilleuses.. Contenu du pack : 1 figurine The Batman 30 cm avec 11 points d'articulation.. Bo?te blister pegboardable.. A partir de 3 ans.

Spin Master Batman Batmobile Rc 1:20 The Batman Le Film

46.25 EUR
Une superbe Batmobile radiocommand?e The Batman ?chelle 1:20 toutes fonctions pour partir en mission avec ton h?ros masqu?.. Technologie 2,4 Ghz pour une utilisation en int?rieur comme en ext?rieur et port?e d'environ 30 m?tres.. Facile ? piloter gr?ce ? la radiocommande adapt?e aux petites mains : marche avant/arri?re et direction droite/gauche.. Avec curseur pour r?gler la d?rive.. Contenu : une Batmobile et une radiocommande.. Fonctionne avec 5 piles LR03 non fournies (2 pour pour la radiocommande et 3 pour le v?hicule).. Bo?te ouverte.. A partir de 4 ans.

Spin Master Figurine 10 Cm Batman The Batman Le Film

5.7 EUR
FIGURINE 10 CM BATMAN The Batman Le Film Figurine 10 cm The Batman le Film avec 3 accessoires pour partir en mission et une carte de preuves a révéler. Des 3 ans.

Spin Master Figurine 30 Cm Batman The Batman Le Film

25.69 EUR
FIGURINE 30 CM BATMAN The Batman Le Film Figurine 30 cm The Batman le Film avec 11 points d'articulation. Des 3 ans.

Spin Master Dc Universe Figurine 15 Cm Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom

11.99 EUR
Une figurine articulée du super-héros Aquaman 2. Sculpture détaillée comme dans les comics. Taille : environ 15 cm.

Spin Master Batman Figurine 30 Cm Selina Kyle The Batman Le Film

13.8 EUR
FIGURINE 30 CM SELINA KYLE The Batman Le Film Figurine 30 cm Selina Kyle avec 11 points d'articulation. Des 3 ans.

Spin Master Dc Universe Figurine 30 Cm Flash The Flash

38.7 EUR
DC Comics - Figurine The Flash 30 cm - Des 3 ans Une figurine articulée du super-héros The Flash. Sculpture détaillée comme dans les comics. Taille : environ 30 cm. Blister pegboardable. A partir de 3 ans.

Spin Master Dc Universe Figurine 15 Cm The Flash

9.9 EUR
Une figurine articulée du super-héros The Flash. Sculpture détaillée comme dans les comics. Taille : environ 15 cm.

The Zoofamily Paire de Talkie-Walkie Zoo Fox

54.9 EUR
Caractéristiques techniques : - Une paire.- Affichage numérique.- Jusqu'à 3 km de distance selon zone (plein air).- Lampe de poche intégrée.- Toucher doux en silicone.- Fonctionne au moyen de piles AAA (non incluses). Eléments inclus : - 2 talkie-walkie renard.- 1 ensemble d'autocollants.- 1 manuel d'utilisation.- 2 sangles de transport.Conseils d'utilisation :- Recommandée pour les enfants de 5 à 12 ans.Age conseillé : 3 ans et +

Figurine Épée Zelda The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Master Sword Épée De Maître De Légende Jeux Vidéos Avec Boîte 26 Cm

50.49 EUR
Collectionnez la légendaire Master Sword de The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild avec cette figurine de 26 cm. Parfait pour les amateurs de jeux vidéo, il comprend une boîte et met en valeur l'épée emblématique de la franchise bien-aimée.

Sega Arcade Gamer Portable (Sega Master System & Game Gear)

90 EUR
¿Console de jeux vidéo portable¿Ecran LCD de 2,4 pouces¿30 jeux SEGA intégrésJeux inclusAlex Kidd in High Tech WorldAlex Kidd in Miracle WorldAlex Kidd: The Lost StarsAssault CityAstro WarrierAztec AdventureBaku Baku AnimalBomber RaidColumnsDr. Robotnik's Mean Bean MachineDragon CrystalEcco: The Tides of TimeFantasy ZoneFantasy Zone IIGain GroundGlobal DefenseGolden AxeKung Fu KidPenguin LandPutt and PutterQuartletRistar the Shooting StarSnail mazeSonic Drift 2Sonic

Spin Master La Pat' Patrouille Vehicule + Figurine Stella La Super Patrouille - Le Film

34.21 EUR
PAW Patrol PAT PATROUILLE LA SUPER PATROUILLE LE FILM - Véhicule + Figurine Stella La Pat Patrouille The Mighty Movie - Voiture Figurine À Collectionner - Sons Lumières - - Jouet Enfant 3 Ans et +. Type de produit: Aéronef, Thème: PAW Patrol, Age recommandé (min): 3 an(s). Type de batterie: LR44, Nombre de batteries prises en charge: 3. Matériel: Plastique, Couleur du produit: Noir, Gris, Rose VÉHICULE DU FILM PAT'PATROUILLE - Retrouvez l'univers envoûtant de La Super Patrouille Le Film avec le véhicule de Stella qui ressemble dans les moindres détails à l'avion palpitant Pat Patrouille que vous pouvez voir dans La Super Patrouille Le Film EFFETS SONORES ET LUMINEUX - Activez l'éclairage et les sons synchronisés de l'avion de chasse de Stella en clipsant sa figurine amovible dans la cabine de pilotage de sonavion et foncez en mission de sauvetage Pat Patrouille ; 3 piles LR44 incluses FIGURINE ARTICULÉE SUPER-CHIOT STELLA - Vêtue de son uniforme de PAW Patrol : La Super Patrouille Le Film, cette figurine Stella unique et incontournable arbore des éléments translucides qui s'illuminent lorsqu'elle se trouve dans son véhicule CRÉATIVITÉ ET IMAGINATION - Les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination et inventer toutes sortes de missions de sauvetage palpitantes pour leurs chiots préférés Pat Patrouille ; C'est parti pour l'aventure avec Pat Patrouille

Spin Master La Pat' Patrouille Pat' Patrouilleur Pup Squad La Super Patrouille - Le Film

36.99 EUR
Camion Pup Squad et Chase Racer Pat Patrouille Préparez-vous pour une aventure épique avec le Pup Squad Patroller & Chase Racer de PAW Patrol : The Mighty Movie. Ce jouet, fidèle au design et au style du film, ressemble exactement aux véhicules des Mighty Pups dans le film ! Le Pup Squad Patrouiller & Chase Racer offre une expérience de jeu passionnante avec une transformation excitante. Placez Chase sur le toit de la cabine pour déclencher la rampe arrière et les parois pour un rangement supplémentaire du véhicule, avant d'envoyer votre voiture de course sur la rampe de lancement ! Le Pup Squad Patroller & Chase Racer fait partie de la collection de jouets PAW Patrol Mighty Pups. Vous pouvez enrichir votre collection avec les Pup Squad Racers, les adorables figurines Pup Squad et le Pup Squad patrouiller (vendus séparément). Ces jouets éducatifs et d'apprentissage sont parfaits pour les enfants qui aiment le jeu de rôle avec des voitures, des figurines et des playsets. Ils constituent une excellente alternative aux poupées ou aux trains miniatures.

Spin Master Harry Potter Playset Cours De Sortilèges Wizarding World

14.95 EUR
MAGICAL MINIS CHARMS CLASSROOM: Wingardium Leviosa! Pretend to help Hermione cast the Levitation Charm spell in the Charms Classroom! This enchanting playset is perfect for your Wizarding World adventures.

Spin Master La Pat' Patrouille Multipack Figurines La Super Patrouille - Le Film

30.91 EUR
PAW Patrol PAT PATROUILLE LA SUPER PATROUILLE LE FILM - Multipack 6 Figurines À Collectionner La Pat Patrouille The Mighty Movie - Chase Marcus Ruben Stella Rocky Zuma - - Jouet Enfant 3 Ans et +. Age recommandé (min): 3 an(s), Thème: Pat'Patrouille, Couleur du produit: Multicolore FILM PAT PATROUILLE - Retrouvez l'univers envoûtant de La Super Patrouille Le Film avec les figurines officielles du film ; Faites vivre à vos enfants les aventures des chiots Pat' Patrouille grâce à un jouet détaillé tout droit sorti du film d'animation 6 FIGURINES AMOVIBLES CHIOTS PAT PATROUILLE - Découvrez avec ce multipack, 6 superbes figurines amovibles des chiots de la Super Patrouille Le Film comme Chase, Marcus, Stella, Ruben, Zuma et Rocky UNIFORMES DU FILM LA SUPER PATROUILLE - Toutes les figurines portent leur uniforme du film La Super Patrouille The Mighty Movie et sont dotées de détails réalistes afin de ressembler trait pour trait à leurs homologues du grand écran CRÉATIVITÉ ET IMAGINATION - Les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination et inventer toutes sortes de missions de sauvetage palpitantes pour leurs chiots préférés Pat Patrouille ; C'est parti pour l'aventure avec Pat Patrouille

Spin Master Flush Force Series 1 Bizarre Bathroom Collectible, (Colorstyles May Vary), 8-Pack Figures

34.9 EUR
pWhat grimey creatures are moving through the sewers? If you can handle the surprise, flush the new Bizarre Bathroom to find out Two toilets are packed with eight mutant monsters from the grossest gang around To see whos inside, fill each toilets tank with water and shake them up With mutants like these, they may even try to splash you back Just wipe yourself off and peel the toilet cover away to see who lurks within With two toilets to flush, theres even more to reveal The toxic sludge-filled sewer is bursting with 150 characters, including rare and super rare Flushies Will you flush up a Hot Clog, Stink Eye, or a super rare unflushable? Take the plunge and join the movement with the Bizarre Bathroomp

Spin Master Dragons Krokmou Cracheur De Flammes Dragons

149.99 EUR
Features realistic blue 'fire breath' Glow-in-the-dark firing projectiles Wingspan of over 22 inches Poseable wings Featured in DreamWorks hit TV series; Riders of Berk

Spin Master La Pat' Patrouille Vehicule + Figurine Marcus La Super Patrouille - Le Film

18.29 EUR
PAW Patrol PAT PATROUILLE LA SUPER PATROUILLE LE FILM - Véhicule + Figurine Marcus La Pat Patrouille The Mighty Movie - Voiture Figurine À Collectionner - Sons Lumières - - Jouet Enfant 3 Ans et +. Type de produit: Camion de pompier, Thème: PAW Patrol, Age recommandé (min): 3 an(s). Type de batterie: LR44, Nombre de batteries prises en charge: 3. Matériel: Plastique, Couleur du produit: Rouge, Jaune VÉHICULE DU FILM PAT'PATROUILLE - Retrouvez l'univers envoûtant de La Super Patrouille Le Film avec le véhicule de Marcus qui ressemble dans les moindres détails au camion de pompiers Pat Patrouille que vous pouvez voir dans La Super Patrouille Le Film EFFETS SONORES ET LUMINEUX - Activez l'éclairage et les sons synchronisés du camion de pompiers de Marcus en clipsant sa figurine amovible au siège de son incroyable camion et foncez en mission de sauvetage Pat Patrouille ; 3 piles LR44 incluses FIGURINE ARTICULÉE SUPER-CHIOT MARCUS - Vêtue de son uniforme de PAW Patrol : La Super Patrouille Le Film, cette figurine Marcus unique et incontournable arbore des éléments translucides qui s'illuminent lorsqu'elle se trouve dans son véhicule CRÉATIVITÉ ET IMAGINATION - Les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination et inventer toutes sortes de missions de sauvetage palpitantes pour leurs chiots préférés Pat Patrouille ; C'est parti pour l'aventure avec Pat Patrouille

Spin Master La Pat' Patrouille Vehicule + Figurine Rocky La Super Patrouille - Le Film

16.29 EUR
PAW Patrol PAT PATROUILLE LA SUPER PATROUILLE LE FILM - Véhicule + Figurine Rocky La Pat Patrouille The Mighty Movie - Voiture Figurine À Collectionner - Sons Lumières - - Jouet Enfant 3 Ans et +. Type de produit: Camion-poubelle, Thème: PAW Patrol, Age recommandé (min): 3 an(s). Type de batterie: LR44, Nombre de batteries prises en charge: 3. Matériel: Plastique, Couleur du produit: Bleu, Vert, Orange VÉHICULE DU FILM PAT'PATROUILLE - Retrouvez l'univers envoûtant de La Super Patrouille Le Film avec le véhicule Rocky qui est la réplique officielle du camion voiture de recyclage de la Pat Patrouille que vous pouvez voir dans La Super Patrouille Le Film EFFETS SONORES ET LUMINEUX - Activez l'éclairage et les sons synchronisés du camion poubelle de Rocky en clipsant sa figurine amovible au siège de son incroyable camion et foncez en mission de sauvetage Pat Patrouille ; 3 piles LR44 incluses FIGURINE ARTICULÉE SUPER-CHIOT ROCKY - Vêtue de son uniforme de PAW Patrol : La Super Patrouille Le Film, cette figurine Rocky unique et incontournable arbore des éléments translucides qui s'illuminent lorsqu'elle se trouve dans son véhicule CRÉATIVITÉ ET IMAGINATION - Les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination et inventer toutes sortes de missions de sauvetage palpitantes pour leurs chiots préférés Pat Patrouille ; C'est parti pour l'aventure avec Pat Patrouille

Spin Master La Pat' Patrouille Vehicule + Figurine Ruben La Super Patrouille - Le Film

29.9 EUR
PAW Patrol PAT PATROUILLE LA SUPER PATROUILLE LE FILM - Véhicule + Figurine Ruben La Pat Patrouille The Mighty Movie - Voiture Figurine À Collectionner - Sons Lumières - - Jouet Enfant 3 Ans et +. Type de produit: Camion, Thème: PAW Patrol, Age recommandé (min): 3 an(s). Type de batterie: LR44, Nombre de batteries prises en charge: 3. Matériel: Plastique, Couleur du produit: Noir, Gris, Jaune VÉHICULE DU FILM PAT'PATROUILLE - Retrouvez l'univers envoûtant de La Super Patrouille Le Film avec le véhicule de Ruben qui ressemble dans les moindres détails au camion voiture de la Pat Patrouille que vous pouvez voir dans La Super Patrouille Le Film EFFETS SONORES ET LUMINEUX - Activez l'éclairage et les sons synchronisés du camion de chantier de Ruben en clipsant sa figurine amovible au siège de son incroyable camion et foncez en mission de sauvetage Pat Patrouille ; 3 piles LR44 incluses FIGURINE ARTICULÉE SUPER-CHIOT RUBEN - Vêtue de son uniforme de PAW Patrol : La Super Patrouille Le Film, cette figurine Ruben unique et incontournable arbore des éléments translucides qui s'illuminent lorsqu'elle se trouve dans son véhicule CRÉATIVITÉ ET IMAGINATION - Les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination et inventer toutes sortes de missions de sauvetage palpitantes pour leurs chiots préférés Pat Patrouille ; C'est parti pour l'aventure avec Pat Patrouille

Spin Master Gund P.Lushes 20 Cm (Assort) (Barquette)

23.37 EUR
P.Lushes Pets are designer plushies from around the world who love to look their best! You- 39;ll have your own personal catwalk everywhere with P.Lushes Pets! This stylish group of glamorous fashionistas inflicts chic with their bold attitude and plenty of glam. Exclusive, high-quality frics and a glittery, brocade collar accentuate their fashion-inspired look! They are just like that!

Spin Master La Pat' Patrouille Quartier General Marine La Super Patrouille - Le Film

157.48 EUR
PAW Patrol PAT PATROUILLE LA SUPER PATROUILLE LE FILM - Quartier Général Marine La Pat Patrouille The Mighty Movie - Voiture Figurine À Collectionner - Sons Et Lumières - - Jouet Enfant 3 Ans et +. Type de produit: Ensemble de véhicules, Thème: PAW Patrol, Age recommandé (min): 3 an(s). Type de batterie: AAA, Nombre de batteries prises en charge: 3. Matériel: Plastique, Couleur du produit: Multicolore PORTE-AVIONS DU FILM PAT'PATROUILLE - Ce centre de commande La Super Patrouille Le Film de plus de 60 cm de long est doté d'un double lance-véhicules et lance-projectiles ; Compatible avec l'ensemble des véhicules + figurines La Pat Patrouille SONS, LUMIÈRES, TRANSFORMATION - Appuyez sur le QG pour passer en mode sauvetage et faire apparaître la météorite, puis tournez le cadran rouge pour activer lumières, sons et afficher des images sur le projecteur ; Fonctionne avec 3 piles LR03 non fournies VÉHICULE ET FIGURINE SUPER-CHIOT CHASE - Avec des détails fidèles à PAW Patrol : La Super Patrouille Le Film, Chase et sa voiture de police de sauvetage ressemblent trait pour trait à leurs homologues du nouveau film de la Pat Patrouille CRÉATIVITÉ ET IMAGINATION - Les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination et inventer toutes sortes de missions de sauvetage palpitantes pour leurs chiots préférés Pat Patrouille ; C'est parti pour l'aventure avec Pat Patrouille

Spin Master La Pat' Patrouille Vehicule + Figurine Zuma La Super Patrouille - Le Film

18.06 EUR
PAW Patrol PAT PATROUILLE LA SUPER PATROUILLE LE FILM - Véhicule + Figurine Zuma La Pat Patrouille The Mighty Movie - Voiture Figurine À Collectionner - Sons Lumières - - Jouet Enfant 3 Ans et +. Type de produit: Bateau, Thème: PAW Patrol, Age recommandé (min): 3 an(s). Type de batterie: LR44, Nombre de batteries prises en charge: 3. Matériel: Plastique, Couleur du produit: Noir, Orange VÉHICULE DU FILM PAT'PATROUILLE - Retrouvez l'univers envoûtant de La Super Patrouille Le Film avec le véhicule de Zuma qui ressemble dans les moindres détails au bateau de la Pat Patrouille que vous pouvez voir dans La Super Patrouille Le Film EFFETS SONORES ET LUMINEUX - Activez l'éclairage et les sons synchronisés du bateau à propulsion de Zumba en clipsant sa figurine amovible au siège de son incroyable bateau et foncez en mission de sauvetage Pat Patrouille ; 3 piles LR44 incluses FIGURINE ARTICULÉE SUPER-CHIOT ZUMA - Vêtue de son uniforme de PAW Patrol : La Super Patrouille Le Film, cette figurine Zuma unique et incontournable arbore des éléments translucides qui s'illuminent lorsqu'elle se trouve dans son véhicule CRÉATIVITÉ ET IMAGINATION - Les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination et inventer toutes sortes de missions de sauvetage palpitantes pour leurs chiots préférés Pat Patrouille ; C'est parti pour l'aventure avec Pat Patrouille

Wild Republic Mini Walrus

27.33 EUR
pHave you ever wanted to pet a walrus? well, now you can with the Cuddlekins walrus stuffed animal. Walruses have brown skin with tiny hairs all over its body. They also have a lot of bushy hair around their mouth making it look like they have a mustache. Perhaps one of the most well-known features of a walrus is their tusks. They have two white tusks coming from the top of their mouths that are used for defending themselves, pulling themselves onto the ice, and finding food. This stuffed toy looks just like the real animal. The Cuddlekins walrus plush toy is made with high- quality fabric so, its feature looks as realistic as possible. Cuddlekins make great birthdays gifts for teens, bed mates for kids, or anyone who loves aquatic life. These plush toys work great as accessories for an ocean themed room. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hug'ems Elan 7

26.06 EUR
Sadly, Moose live almost their entire life in solitaire after being a baby Calf. Normally, the only time Moose interact with another peer is when they are a Newborn Calf as they spend time with their mother. These realistic stuffed animals are excellent toddler toys, baby toys, and kids toys as your kids will provide the Moose plushie with some much-needed Company. Whether you are searching for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this stuffed animal Moose will be the zoo animal plush that they will not forget. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Mini African Wild Dog 20 Cm

36.36 EUR
Did you know these wild African dogs are nomadic animals? if see the same dog twice you are lucky, these canines do not stay in one place unless its when they are denning. The kids toy pictured above is made of high-quality fabric which is built to withstand many hours of play. Plush toys are a gift that keeps on giving and an excellent part of any kids bedroom decor. Stuffed toys make wonderful birthday gifts for kids or bedroom decor for teens. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Ck Lil's White Tiger

49.42 EUR
pYou will love to cuddle with this soft and adorable Lil Cuddle ins White Tiger. With the softness and details that you have come to expect from the Original Cuddle ins, the White Tiger is made of high quality fabrics. With its ultra-plush stuffing, the White Tiger is so cute and cuddly. Measures approximately 5.p

Wild Republic Mini Sea Turtle

33.04 EUR
pRelax and put yourself in the mindset of a Sea Turtle, take it slow and enjoy life. This plush toy can take you on the ride of a lifetime and show you a world youve never seen before. Sea Turtles are also known as marine turtles can be classified as marine animals, sea creatures, and ocean animals. Although they need water to survive they can also live on land. In fact, Sea Turtles eggs are laid and buried until they hatch on sandy beaches. This plushie may not be born on a sandy beach however, it is still made with lots of love. From the beach, these Turtles make their way to the ocean by following the moonlight. Although your Sea Turtle toy plush cannot really swim in the ocean, you can still experience the ocean through Imaginative play. Cuddlekins sea creature stuffed toys are perfect for a kids toy room as ocean theme dcor. Cuddlekins plushies are made from high- quality fabrics and are built to last. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals. This wonderful sea turtle stuffed animal can help remind you that life is precious and needs to be cherished.p

Wild Republic Bald Eagle Plush Stuffed Animal Plush Toy Gifts For Kids Hugems 7

23.53 EUR
The Bald Eagle has a wingspan of up to 7 feet Take home the smaller version of this majestic creature with our realistic and educational stuffed animal Our version is 7 inches making it the ideal size to have at home or on the go This plush toy is created from high-quality materials giving it a soft and cozy exterior that is surface washable for your convenience This adorable plushie is certain to delight the lucky recipient The perfect gift for children of all ages an Americana enthusiast or yourself Wild Republic takes pride in developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages specializing in realistic stuffed animals since 1979

Wild Republic Mini Orca

33.84 EUR
Have you ever wanted to go on a whale watching tour but never been able to? well, now you can have your very own whale tour every day with the Cuddlekins Orca whale. This 13-inch stuffed animal is just like a real Orca whale only a fraction of the size. Real Orcas range from 16 to 26 feet long. This plush toy Orca whale looks just like the real thing. To ensure that the stuffed animals look as realistic as possible Wild Republic uses high- quality fabric to make all of its cute lifelike stuffed animals. The Orca whale plush is wonderfully soft for the use as a toddler and baby toy. These kids toys make great birthday ts for kids, ts for teens, or anyone who loves sea creatures. This Cuddlekins Orca whale looks great in any ocean themed room or for a childs bedroom decor. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals. Get your ocean animal todayp

Wild Republic Mini Chameleon 20 Cm

62.22 EUR
pContrary to popular belief, chameleons can only change to a specific few colors, and each of these colorful critters has its own palette the rainbow of colors on this adorable chameleon stuffed animal range from vivid yellows to pinks to blues to greens. No need for your chameleon plushie to try to Disguise any stains or messes, this cuddlekin is completely surface washable for easy cleanup. The high-quality, durable fabric of this soft and huggable stuffed animal is made to endure hours of fun and play. From the end of its spade-like nose to the tip of its tightly curled tail, this adorable chameleon plush toy measures 8 inches long. This realistic stuffed animal could pass for the real thing, with its quirky bulbous eyes, the Ridge of protective spines along its back, and the distinct, almost party hat-like, shape of its head. Chameleons spend their days climbing along trees and branches with their strong gripping toes, and once you get your grip on this cuddly creature, youll never want to let go kids, teens, and adults alike will be enchanted by this colorful character. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Snakesss4 Ball Python

39.98 EUR
Did you know a baby Ball Python is called a hatching? just like snowflakes, no two ball pythons have the same pattern. Which you as well be unique having your very own Ball Python stuffed animal. Put together with the finest materials allows this plush to overcome numerous hours of fun and imaginative play. Teddy bears get all the loving other stuffed animals like this Ball Python just want to be loved as well. Consider taking home this soft, adorable, and oh so affectionate mighty snake plush. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Insect Polybag, Kids Gifts, Educational Toy, Party Favors, 10 Pieces

27 EUR
What you will have with this purchase is a Grasshopper, Fly, Butterfly, Ant, Prey Mantis and many different types of Beetles. Need a quick on the go toy to keep your child entertained on a long vacation or maybe need a fast and easy birthday gifts that are easy to hide. The uses are endless with the power of imagination. This product meets or exceeds all us safety requirements f963-96a) and European safety standards (EN71). All the figures are hand painted and Made of Phthalate and lead-free materials. Excellent to make bath time more fun or in need of some travel toys to entertain the kids in the back of the car on a long or short trip. Do not forget the possible STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) implications that can be used at home or in the classroom. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979. Ant 6 x 2 x 3 Grasshopper 6 x 4 x 2.5 prey mantis 6 x 4 x 3 Fly 4 x 3x 1.5 Stag beetle 6.5 x 4.5 x 1 Rhinoceros beetle 6 x 5 x 1.5 Blue Long-horned beetle 5.5 x 4 x 1.5 Stink Bug 5.5 x 4 x1.5 Red Rimmed Beetle 5 x 4 x 1.5

Wild Republic Insect Nature Tube Kids Gifts Educational Toys For Kids Crawler Insect Toy 24-Piece

29.87 EUR
Put the insect repellent away Our lifelike insect toy figures are here to play. Inside this nature tube is twelve types of insect figures duplicates of each fly caterpillar Scorpion Dragon fly Mantis ant cricket spiders centipede red Beetle grasshopper Beetle. These figures are for 3 years and up. Package dimensions is 14a¿ L x 2.5a¿ W x 1.5H which is makes it easy to be used as a stocking stuffer. All the figures are hand painted and made of Phthalate and lead-free materials. Excellent to make bath time more fun or in need of some travel toys to entertain the kids in the back of the car on a long or short trip. Do not forget the possible STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics) implications that can be used at home or in the classroom. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

Wild Republic Hug'ems-Mini Ring Tailed Lemur

26.06 EUR
pPlushies make excellent kids bedroom dcor, a friend to go on adventures with or maybe a sleeping buddy, whatever the reason might be they are there when you need them. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in authentic looking stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hug'ems-Mini Sloth

26.06 EUR
pPlushies make excellent kids bedroom dcor, a friend to go on adventures with or maybe a sleeping buddy, whatever the reason might be they are there when you need them. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in authentic looking stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Panda

44.7 EUR
Who does not like to sit down for a nice meal or indulge a snack? Pandas definitely do, as they spend about 12 hours a day eating and looking for food. All of this hard work allows them to eat 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo per day. Outside of eating, the rest of a Pandas day is spent sleeping or relaxing, making these toddler toys, baby toys, and kids toys a perfect nap partner. If you are searching for a t for teens, holiday ts, or a birthday t for kids, this stuffed animal Panda will be the plush toy that will make them smile. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic T-Rex Plush Dinosaur Stuffed Animal Plush Toy Gifts For Kids Dinosauria 10 Inches

34.83 EUR
Over 65 million years ago the T-Rex ruled all. This amazing dino roamed the U.S. and Canadian regions being known as the lizard king. These creatures were carnivores and had around 50 a¿¿banana-sizeda¿ teeth for hunting their next meal. One thing the T-Rex is physically known for is their tiny arms; looking oddly disproportionate to the rest of their massive body. The iconic dino can now fit comfortably in your arms with this lifelike stuffed animal version. It makes for a great birthday gift for kids or a unique gift for adults. The most famous T-Rex skeleton that is totally intact is named Sue and she now lives in Chicago. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979 with a unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Mini Hawksbill Sea Turtle

32.93 EUR
pDid you know that the hawksbill sea turtle is endangered? you can have your very own and learn all about it with wild republics hawksbill sea turtle plush toy. This turtle is found all over the world. However, it spends the majority of its life not in the ocean but in shallow lagoons and coral reefs. What makes the hawksbill sea turtle very unique is its shell, it slightly changes color depending on the water temperature it is in. Wild republics hawksbill sea turtle stuffed animal looks just like the real thing. It has. Flattened body shape,. protective shell, and four flippers. What makes the hawksbill sea turtle different from other Turtles is its sharp curving beak and saw-like margins of its shell. This toy plush is made from high- quality fabric allowing it to look very realistic. Cuddlekins plushies use. Special print on fabric process to achieve vibrant, life-like colors and designs on Super soft fabrics. Youll love the realism and the softness of this hawksbill sea turtle plush animal. This animal plush makes wonderful toddler toys, baby toys, and toys for kids of all ages. Wild Republic has been developing kids toys and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals. Gift this plushie to an ocean animal or sea creature lover todayp

Wild Republic Panda Plush Stuffed Animal Plush Toy Gifts For Kids Hugaems 7

26.06 EUR
Soft and cuddly all the stuffed animals in this collection are the perfect size for hugging the Panda is playful and plush a terrific bedtime companion A handshake is fine A kiss is even better But sometimes only a giant hug will do

Wild Republic Rhino Baby Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 8 Inches

33.5 EUR
With five species of the Rhino, everyone is sure to fall in love with this amazing creature. They are known for having a great sense of smell to roam around for food, but their eyesight is not the best. Rhinos favorite thing to do is wallow in the mud, so then it dries and protects their skin from the intense sun. The cute plushie makes for a great birthday gift for kids or a unique gift for adults. The combination of high-quality materials and ease of cleaning makes this the best addition in your life. Their horns are believed by certain groups to have magical healing powers, which has made this animal under threat at times for hunting. Bring the spirit of the Rhino Baby into your life with this lifelike stuffed toy. Oxpecker birds often act as a sidekick to the Rhino, hanging close by and communication surroundings. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Mini Suricate20 Cm

31.88 EUR
Did you know that meerkats are part of the Mongoose family? commonly found in South Africa, meerkats dig holes across their territories and live together in groups called mobs. Our Meerkat stuffed animal is ready to join your family for a Lifetime of adventures. Whether you need a new kids toy for your young one or an educational toy for kids in the classroom, this Meerkat plush toy is perfect. Being surface washable means this plushie is ready to take even the worst of lifes messes. Do not miss out, your very own realistic stuffed animal is a few clicks away. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Polar Bear Plush Stuffed Animal Plush Toy Gifts For Kids Hugems 7

26.06 EUR
This cuddly stuffed animal polar bear is hard to resist with its big black eyes and fluffy white fur A little nervous about the white fur and its potential for getting messy Donat be This stuffed animal and all of our plush animals are completely surface washable Polar bears have the thickest fur of any other bearsa and it covers even their feet for warmth and traction Our little zoo animal plush shares this feature What will be kept warm is the child or teen of the warm fuzzy kidsa toy and the heart of the parent or adult who gifted the stuffed animal when they see the joy on the childsa face Our cute plushies including this guy- make for great kids gifts for Christmas or great birthday gifts for kids Whether used for baby toys or toddler toys and whatever the occasion we can guarantee this plush toy will leave you and your child smiling Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979 with a unique speciation in lifelike stuffed animals

Wild Republic S&s; Snake Polka Dot4

34.56 EUR
Throughout the world, there are well over 3, 000 different species of snakes. They are very unique animals as they do not have teeth, but they are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. They have flexible jaws that can expand to great lengths, allowing them to fit larger prey and swallow them whole. These realistic stuffed animals are ideal baby toys, toddler toys, baby toys, and kids toys for them to use as animal pillows when they take a nap after school. Whether you are looking for a gift for teens, Christmas gifts, or a birthday gift for kids, this huge stuffed animal will be one that will make them smile. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Ck Smilodon 30cm

42.32 EUR
pBetter known as the saber-toothed cat, the Smilodon stuffed animal is the unique gift and companion you have been searching for. These extinct creatures lived in North and South America. While strong hunters and carnivorous, the Smilodon was actually smaller than the modern, average Lion. Over 2.5 million years ago, they roamed the Planet and were closer in relation to the Lion and Cheetah versus the Tiger. Their oversized teeth made them easy predators, even though their jaws were extremely weak. Bring the magic of the prehistoric times as the perfect birthday gift for kids or a unique gift for adults. This cute plushie is made of high-quality materials, making it ideal for hours of play and adventures. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Jumbo Rhino

111.93 EUR
Soft, huggable & adorable Our jumbo plush is high quality, very detailed and cuddly Here is the Jumbo Rhino, straight from the great outdoors, and into your home Just wait until you feel this soft plush, you will want them all They make great gifts for babies, toddlers and even adults This cute cuddly stuffed animal is guaranteed to put a smile on your face for many years.p

Wild Republic Ck Jumbo White Tiger

110.93 EUR
pTigers are popular zoo animals that appeal to everyone. Is it the Tigers eyes which memorize us with one glance or is it the distinct stripes? Whatever the reason may be, a fascination with these animals has occurred. Now imagine seeing it without Its recognizable orange fur. Such an animal exists Its called a White Tiger. It is caused by a recessive gene that affects a very small number of tigers. Since Tigers are predators and yes, they are very adorable as a cub, however getting one for a pet is just not realistic or safe. What a prerogative opportunity to purchase this oversized stuffed animal for a loved one instead. Wild Republic lifelike stuffed animals are a splendid toy for kids and ideal for any animal lover in your life. Extra large plush is a gift that keeps on giving and an excellent part of any kids bedroom dcor. Yes, jumbo plush toys might be hard hide around the house as a gift, so be creative where to hide it The one thing you will not be able to hide is the smile on the recipients face when they see it. Animal plush is one of the first gifts that someone will receive, adventures will be had and memories will be made. This Tiger Plush is as gentle as a giant teddy bear. All it wants is a home to prowl around and receive many, many, many hugs.

Wild Republic Mini Peacock 20 Cm

29.87 EUR
You will love to cuddle with this soft and adorable Cuddle ins Mini Peacock. Each highly detailed Cuddle ins Mini Peacock comes with lifelike facial and authentic features. With its ultra-plush stuffing, the Cuddle ins Peacock is so cute and huggable. Measures approximately 8.ulliPerfect for CuddlingliliVibrant FabricsliliRealistic Animal DesignliliMeasures Approx. 8ul

Wild Republic Mini Macaw Parrot 20 Cm

32.4 EUR
'The Macaw Parrot is the largest species of parrots out of over 300, and theyre known for their vibrant coat of feathers and personality. These winged friends are extremely loyal and will never leave your side. They can weight up to four pounds with a wingspan of 60 inches to glide through the air. The Macaw can live to be up to 80 years old, which is truly incredible. These gentle giants have beaks strong enough to break through a coconut shell. Nuts, fruits, and flowers are some of its favorite things to eat. Known for their personalities, the Macaw can be quite clownish and have a prominent presence and our plushie version will be sure to light up the faces of those both young and old. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.'

Wild Republic Mini Cheetah Baby 20 Cm

35.07 EUR
We all know that Cheetahs are recognized for their blazing speed, as they are the fastest animals in the world. How fast do Cheetahs actually run? These zoo animals can sprint about three times faster than the worlds fastest human and they can outrun cars that are driving on the highway Cheetahs love the warm weather, and you will be able to enjoy the sunshine with this stuffed animal. After spending time outdoors, the plush toy is a perfect cuddle partner when you watch a movie or read a book at night. Whether you are browsing for baby toys, toddler toys, kids toys, a gift for teens, Christmas gifts, or a birthday gift for kids, this zoo animal plush will be adored. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Ck Jumbo Tiger

95.48 EUR
pThis popular zoo animal appeals to everyone. Is it the Tigers eyes which memorize us or is it the distinct stripes? Whatever the reason may be, a fascination with these animals has occurred. Since Tigers are predators and yes, they are very adorable as a cub, however getting one for a pet is just not realistic or safe. What a prerogative opportunity to purchase this oversized stuffed animal for a loved one instead. Wild Republic lifelike stuffed animals are a splendid toy for kids and ideal for any animal lover in your life. Extra large plush is a gift that keeps on giving and an excellent part of any kids bedroom dcor. Yes, jumbo plush toys might be hard hide around the house as a gift, so be creative where to hide it The one thing you will not be able to hide is the smile on the recipients face when they see it. Animal plush is one of the first gifts that someone will receive, adventures will be had and memories will be made. This Tiger Plush is as gentle as a giant teddy bear. All it wants is a home to prowl around and receive many, many, many hugs.

Wild Republic Snakesss4 Hooded Cobra

39.98 EUR
Did you know there are 270 different types of cobras? there may be a lot of cobras in the world but this stuffed animal picks you to be its adventure buddy. Our plush snake is harmless and just wants to play and cuddle. These oversized stuffed animals make for excellent baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys, as they will provide your child with a friend to share some laughs with. Whether you are browsing for a t for teens, holiday ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Mini Snow Leopard Baby 20 Cm

34.9 EUR
Snow Leopards are commonly referred to as ghost cats for a couple of reasons. One of them is because of their fur, as their white and grey colors blend into the snow and mountains where they reside. Also, they are unique as they hunt silently and do not roar like many other cat species. Due to their quiet nature, these zoo stuffed animals are excellent baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys as they accompany your loved ones when they take a nap. If you are browsing for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Snow Leopard Baby plushie will be the stuffed animal that they cherish. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Polybag Aquatic, Octopus, Shark, Dolphin, Orca, Crab, Lobster, Blue Whale, Stingray, Squid, Harp Seal, Walrus Toys 11 Piece Set

94.99 EUR
Explore the wonders of aquatic life with our 11-piece aquatic collection. This collection includes an octopus, shark, dolphin, Orca, crab, Lobster, blue whale, Stingray, squid, harp seal and walrus. Each piece is durable, light weight and made from phthalate free plastics. Our high-quality replicas of aquatic life range in size from 4 to 7 inches. Ideal for any school diorama or stocking stuffer. Perfect for bath time entertainment or sand box exploration. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.octopus 4.7 x 4 .8shark 6 x 3 x 2.4dolphin 5.5 x 2.4 x 2.4 orca 5.1 x 2.4 x 2crab 4.7X 6 x 1lobster 4.7 x 4 x 1whale 5 x 2.8 x 2ray 5 x 4 2 squid 5 x 2.8 x 1seal 5 x 3.2 x 1.6walrus 5 x 2.8 x 2

Wild Republic Emperor Penguin Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

43.78 EUR
Aquatic stuffed animals give you the feeling of having an actual sea creature of your own, without the hassle of cleaning up after it. This Emperor Penguin plush toy is 12 inches of pure bliss. With jaw-dropping detail from head to feet, sets this plushie apart from the rest of the colony. Constructed together with high quality materials, allows for a more realistic appearance, softer feel, and more durable stature. This is not just any marine animal plush, it is an essential bedroom dcor item for any aquatic lovers ocean themed room. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Lapin 30cm

36.13 EUR
pYou will love to cuddle with this soft and adorable Cuddlekins Rabbit. Each Cuddlekins Rabbit comes with lifelike facial and authentic baby features. With its ultra-plush stuffing, the Cuddlekins Rabbit is so cute and huggable. Measures approximately 12.p